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A Daily Declaration Brings Us Closer to


Internet Edition

Formerly A Confession a Day Keeps the Devil Away

Introduction JANUARY ~ The Word FEBRUARY ~ Faith MARCH ~ Prosperity APRI ~ The Name Of es!s MAY ~ $lessin%s JUNE ~ &ove JU Y ~ Freedom From Fear AU$U%& ~ 'eneral %EP&EMBER ~ (ealin% )C&)BER ~ (oly )pirit N)+EMBER ~ Praise * Than+s%ivin% -ECEMBER ~ )alvation 1 4 21 38 "# !4 "2 1#" 12' 14( 1*4 1!, 1"*

Anyone who wants to follow me m!st p!t aside his own desires and ,onvenien,es and ,arry his ,ross with him every day and K--P C&O)- TO .-/ 0&!+e 1233 T&$45 When he arrived and saw the wonderf!l thin%s 'od was doin% he was filled with e6,itement and 7oy8 and en,o!ra%ed the 9elievers to stay C&O)- TO T(- &O:D8 whatever the ,ost 0A,ts ;;233 T&$45 And when yo! draw ,lose to 'od8 'od will draw ,lose to yo!5 5 5 let yo!r hearts 9e filled with 'od alone to ma+e them p!re and tr!e to him 0 ames <28 T&$45 In.ide o/ e0ery 1orn 232in 1elie0er4 t5ere i. 2n in.2ti21le 5un3er to dr26 clo.e 2nd t5en to $od7 &5ere i. only one 62y to 2ccom8li.5 t5i. 5e20enly de.ire 6it5in u.4 2nd t52t i. to re2d t5e 9ord o/ $od4 medit2te on it4 2nd t5en .8e2: it 2t 2ll time.; &5ere i. 2 con.t2nt need 6it5in e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ our o6n li0e. to 5e2r 2nd .8e2: t5e 9ord o/ $od 2nd 520e our /2it5 rene6ed 1y di.co0erin3 2/re.5 2nd 2ne6 Hi. 6onder/ul 8romi.e. /or e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ u.7 95ere do you .t2rt4 2nd 65ere do you end< 9e=0e c5o.en di//erent .u1>ect. to con/e.. e2c5 mont5 ? &HE 9)R-@ FAI&H@ PR)%PERI&Y@ &HE NAME )F JE%U%@ B E%%IN$%@ )+E@ FREE-)M FR)M FEAR@ $ENERA @ HEA IN$@ H) Y %PIRI&@ PRAI%E@ AN%A +A&I)N; 952t do you do 65en it=. t5e mont5 o/ M2rc5 65ere 6e con/e.. 8ro.8erity4 2nd your need i. to 1e deli0ered /rom /e2r< Jum8 o0er to t5e .cri8ture. 2nd con/e..ion. on /e2r4 2nd don=t 6orry 21out 3ettin3 outAo/Ad2te or outAo/A order; Put t5i. 1oo: 65ere you c2n .ee it 2t 2ll time. 2nd re2d o0er .ome o/ t5e.e d2ily de0otion. more t52n once4 2nd .ee 1

652t 5288en. to you7 Re2d e2c5 d2y=. de0otion .e0er2l time. durin3 t5e d2y until t5e 9ord o/ $od .tic:. to your ri1.4 or 3et. into your 5e2rt; 95en you m2:e your de0otion /or t5e d2y4 re2d t5e .cri8ture /ir.t e2c5 time7 Re2d it out loud .o you c2n 5e2r itB )o then faith ,omes 9y hearin%8 and hearin% 9y the word of 'od 0:omans ;=2;>45 You mi35t e0en 62nt to 3et your Bi1le out 2nd re2d .e0er2l 0er.e. 1e/ore 2nd 2/ter .o t52t t5e 65ole me2nin3 o/ t5e .cri8ture 2nd t5e re.ultin3 de0otion 6ill come 2li0e in your .8irit; )n tri8.4 2. 6e ride 2lon3 1et6een citie.4 in 2 c2r or on 8l2ne.4 one o/ u. re2d. t5e .cri8ture4 /ollo6ed 1y t5e d2ily de0otion7 A/ter t52t 6e it4 2nd it=. 2m2Cin3 t5e li35t 6e recei0e >u.t 1y t5i. .im8le 8roce..7 &ry it; Un.20ed m2te. 520e 1een :no6n to 1e re2c5ed t5rou35 t5i. .im8le me..23e 2. t5ey 320e t5eir eD8l2n2tion o/ 652t t5ey t5ou35t t5e 9ord .2id; %ome mont5. 6e e0en re2d A t5e de0otion. e0ery d2y; It=. 2n eDtr2 1le..in3 to .ee /2mily unity .tren3t5ened 1y con/e..in3 2nd re2din3 $od=. 9ord to3et5er7 Fu..in34 com8l2inin3 2nd 2r3uin3 turn. to 8r2i.in3 2nd lo0in3 $od4 2nd e2c5 ot5er4 IN JE%U%= NAME; &5i. i. one o/ t5e mo.t 8o6er/ul t5in3. 65ic5 52. e0er 5288ened in our li0e. ? let it 5288en in your.; It t2:e. time to re2d t5e .cri8ture. 2nd memoriCe t5em4 1ut t5e time you .8end 6ill 1e t5e mo.t 02lu21le time you 520e e0er .8ent; )pe,ial Note From Charles (!nter2 As ? ,aref!lly re@read this daily ,onfession 9oo+8 my spirit soared 9e,a!se the amaAin% love of 'od ,ame forth with s!,h power and tr!th5 $y readin% the entire 9oo+ thro!%h as a B9oo+C instead of a daily ,onfession8 the +een desire in my heart to BDraw Closer to 'od and to es!sC 9e,ame a reality5 This ,an happen to yo!8 too/ Fran,es has 2

done s!,h a marvelo!s 7o9 of sele,tin% 7!st the ri%ht s,ript!res to inspire yo! into a hi%her plane of love for 'od and es!s8 and her ,onfessions ma+e them so real yo! feel that yo! have 7!st wal+ed thro!%h the veil split 9y 'od as es!s made a way to %o dire,tly into the throne room and 9e in the very presen,e of 'od5 Try readin% the whole 9oo+ thro!%hD then as the )pirit E!i,+ens yo!8 read a whole month at one sittin%D 9!t donFt fail to read the daily ,onfessions/ Charles


In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). God took nothing and from nothing He created the universe. How did He create it? From Hebrews 11:3 we get the important c ue which can un ock the entire !ib e to "ou in a tota " new and different wa": By faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that the things which are seen were not made of things which are visible. !" the #$%& of God. 'ot b" the hands of God. 'ot b" the feet of God. 'ot b" the mind of God. 'ot b" the (ower of God) but !* +HE #$%& $F G$&. #e can create a who e new wor d for ourse ves b" speaking the #$%& of God for our ives, It-s one thing to read the #ord of God) it-s another thing to memori.e the #ord of God) but when "ou possess it) what "ou-re sa"ing is) it-s mine) it-s mine) it-s mine, I take it for m"se f, /an. 1 For the word of 'od is livin% and powerf!l8 and sharper than any two@ed%ed sword8 pier,in% even to the division of so!l and spirit8 and of 7oints and marrow8 and is a dis,erner of the tho!%hts and intents of the heart5 (e9rews <2;3 $lory4 F2t5er4 not5in3 c2n 6it5.t2nd t5e .6ord o/ your 9ord4 65ic5 i. mi35tier 2nd more /orce/ul t52n 2ll t5e nucle2r 8o6er in t5i. 6orld; 9it5 t52t .6ord in my 52nd e2c5 2nd e0ery d2y4 t5ere=. not5in3 I c2n=t o0ercome; I=m 2 6inner4 not 2 lo.er4 1ec2u.e your 9ord 52. m2de it .o7 I 4

deli35t 2nd re0el in t5e 8o6er o/ your 6onder/ul 9ord4 65ic5 cle2n.e. my 5e2rt4 li/t. my t5ou35t. 5e20en62rd 2nd i. li:e 2n in0inci1le t6oAed3ed .6ord 8re82rin3 t5e 62y 1e /or It=. Euic:4 too4 1ec2u.e it doe.n=t t2:e lon3 to 5it t5e t2r3et; /an 0 For FWho has +nown the mind of the &ord that he may instr!,t (imGH $!t we have the mind of Christ5 ? Corinthians 32;# F2t5er4 652t 2 8ri0ile3e to :no6 t52t I=m not o8er2tin3 6it5 2 n2tur2l mind7 I 8r2i.e you t52t my t5ou35t. 2re 5e20enly 1ec2u.e I 520e t5e mind o/ C5ri.t; I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out t5o.e .illy t5in3. t52t come into my mind e0ery once in 2 65ile4 1ec2u.e 65en t5ey .t2rt4 I c2n >u.t rel2D 2nd re2liCe t52t I 520e t5e mind o/ C5ri.t7 I don=t 520e to 52n3 onto t5e 32r123e 2nd 6orrie. o/ t5e 6orld4 1ut in .te2d I=m concentr2tin3 on my etern2l de.tin2tion4 2nd I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or t52t; /an. 3 )o shall .y word 9e that %oes forth from .y mo!thD it shall not ret!rn to .e void8 9!t it shall a,,omplish what ? please8 and it shall prosper in the thin% for whi,h ? sent it5 ?saiah ""2;; F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t your 9ord doe. e0eryt5in34 2nd 2ll t52t you .2y it 6ill do7 I t52n: you t52t it 2ccom8li.5e. eD2ctly 652t you .2y4 6it5out 2ny Fi/=4G F2nd=.G or F1ut=.7G I t52n: you /or t5e :no6led3e t52t not5in3 your 9ord .2y. .52ll e0er /2ll 1y t5e 62y.ide 2nd die7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you=0e .2id it ne0er return. to you 0oid7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 3ro6.4 multi8lie.4 t5ri0e.4 /louri.5e.4 2nd *

1loom. 65ere0er 2nd 65ene0er you .end it7 I 8r2i.e you t52t it ne0er die. on t5e 0ine4 1ut i. con.t2ntly 3ro6in3 2nd multi8lyin3; /an. 1 $lessed are those who hear the word of 'od and +eep it/ &!+e ;;238 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e I 2m 1le..ed; I 520e 5e2rd your 9ord 2nd I :ee8 it 5idden in my 5e2rt t52t I mi35t not .in 232in.t you7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I :ee8 your 9ord4 I 2m 1le..ed in e0eryt5in3 I do7 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e I 520e 52d t5e o88ortunity to 5e2r your 9ord7 F2t5er4 I 2m 1le..ed 2mon3 2ll t5e 8eo8le o/ e0ery n2tion in t5e 6orld 1ec2u.e I 520e t5e o8enin3 2t 2ll time. to 5e2r your 9ord7 I t52n: you /or 2 9ord 65ic5 8erme2te. my entire 1ein34 2nd 1le..e. me 2. I re2d it4 memoriCe it4 2nd con/e.. it; F2t5er4 I 2m :ee8in3 it in my 5e2rt /ore0er4 2nd I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 your 9ord; /an. 2 All ),ript!re is %iven 9y inspiration of 'od8 and is profita9le for do,trine8 for reproof8 for ,orre,tion8 for instr!,tion in ri%hteo!sness5 ?? Timothy 32;# F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5ere i. no 3ue..6or: 6it5 .cri8ture7 I t52n: you /or t5e :no6led3e t52t e0ery .in3le 6ord 52. 1een 3i0en 1y in.8ir2tion o/ $od7 I t52n: you t52t you 52d m2ny 8ur8o.e. in in.8irin3 t5o.e men o/ old to 6rite do6n your t5ou35t.4 1ec2u.e it e.t21li.5e. doctrine4 creed 2nd do3m2 /or u.7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 52. 8o6er to re1u:e4 2dmoni.5 2nd cen.ure u.7 I 1le.. you t52t 65en I 3et out o/ line4 your 9ord i. ri35t t5ere to correct me 2nd 3et me .tr2i35tened out 232in4 '

1ut mo.t o/ 2ll4 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you /or 3i0in3 me in.truction. on 5o6 to li0e in t5e 1e2uty o/ your; $lory4 I=m 62l:in3 in; /an. 3 (eaven and earth will pass away8 9!t .y words will 9y no means pass away5 .ar+ ;323; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e t5e t5in3. o/ t5i. 6orld 2re tr2n.ient ? /riend. 2re tr2n.ient4 8o..e..ion. 2re .u1>ect to c52n3e4 1ut your 9ord i. not; I 1le.. you t52t e0en t5ou35 e0eryt5in3 el.e 3oe. do6n t5e dr2in4 your 6ord. .52ll rem2in /ore0er 2nd /ore0er7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e come into t5i. 6orld in 2 8eri.521le cont2iner 65ic5 6e :no6 6on=t l2.t /ore0er4 1ut you 520e 3i0en u. .omet5in3 to 8ut into t52t tem8or2ry 5ou.in3 t52t 6ill l2.t etern2lly4 2nd t52t i. your 9ord; Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t e0en 65en t5e .torm. o/ li/e 2re t5underin3 2ll 2round u. 2nd it loo:. 2. t5ou35 e0eryt5in3 m2y /2ll 282rt4 t52t I c2n .t2nd on t5e .ecure :no6led3e t52t your 6ord. .52ll ne0er 82.. 262y; /an. 4 $!t es!s answered him8 sayin%8 F?t is written8 .an shall not live 9y 9read alone8 9!t 9y every word of 'od5F &!+e <2< I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e .8iritu2l 12nEuet you=0e 3i0en me in your 9ord7 I /e2.t e0ery d2y on m2nn24 2nd t5i. 1ody o/ mine t5ri0e. on t5e 5e20enly 0it2 min you 8ro0ide7 I t52n: you t52t I do not 520e to li0e 1y t5e 85y.ic2l t5in3. 2lone4 1ut t52t I c2n /ind .8iritu2l 5e2lt5 in your 9ord 65ic5 2..ure. me o/ 2 5e2lt5y 1ody4 2 .ound mind4 2nd 2n endle.. .u88ly o/ ent5u.i2.m /or t2c:lin3 t5e t2.:. you 8ut 1e/ore me e2c5 d2y7 !

F2t5er4 t52n: you /or not 62.tin3 one .in3le 6ord4 1ut /or m2:in3 e2c5 2nd e0ery 6ord count in my li/e7 I lo0e you /or t52t; /an. 5 ?f yo! a9ide in .e8 and .y words a9ide in yo!8 yo! will as+ what yo! desire8 and it shall 9e done for yo!5 ohn ;"2> F2t5er4 I lo0e t52t 6ord F21ide7G I 8r2i.e you t52t 2. lon3 2. I d6ell4 re.ide4 li0e4 .t2y in 2nd .u1mit to you4 2nd let your 6ord. .nu33le do6n dee8 in.ide o/ me4 t52t you 520e 3i0en me t5e 26e.ome 8ri0ile3e o/ 2.:in3 652te0er I 6ill4 2nd t5en re.tin3 .2/e 2nd .ecure in t5e :no6led3e t52t it 6ill 1e done /or me7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you .im8ly 320e me t5o.e t6o little condition.4 t52t I 52d to 21ide in you4 2nd let your 6ord. 21ide in me4 /or t5o.e 1le..in3. o/ A1r252m to o0ert2:e 2nd o0ercome me7 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 /or not 1ein3 2 .tin3y $od 2nd 8romi.in3 u. only one t5in3 /or 21idin3 in you4 1ut /or 8romi.in3 u. e0eryt5in3; 555? am ready to perform .y word5 er5 ;2;3 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t you lo.e no time 8er/ormin3 your 9ord7 I c2n .ee you in my mind .8eedin3 u8 2nd eD8editin3 2ll t5e t5in3. you=0e 8romi.ed4 1ec2u.e you 2re not 2 $od 65o .it. 12c: 2nd doe. not5in3 1ut you 2re 2 $od o/ 2ction; I t52n: you t52t you m2:e .5ort 6or: o/ t5o.e t5in3. 65ic5 .t2nd in t5e 62y o/ t5e 8er/orm2nce o/ your 9ord7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you don=t u.e del2yin3 t2ctic. li:e t5e de0il doe.4 1ut t52t you 2re 8rom8t 2nd ri35t on .c5edule 2t 2ll time. in /ull /illin3 your 9ord; ,

/an. 6

/an. 17

Io!r word ? have hidden in my heart8 that ? mi%ht not sin a%ainst yo!D Forever8 = &ord8 yo!r word is settled in heaven5 Psalm ;;12;;8 81 F2t5er4 t52n: you /or lettin3 me 5ide your 6onder/ul4 1rilli2nt4 re.8lendent4 d2CClin34 3loriou. 6ord. in my 5e2rt /or t5e 8ur8o.e o/ 520in3 t5em t5ere to remind me not to .in7 Your 6ord. 2re .o .52r8 2nd 8enetr2tin34 t5ey c2n 3o t5rou35 t5e 3re2te.t tem8t2tion t52t mi35t e0er come my 62y4 to 8rotect me /rom t5e /iery d2rt. o/ t5e de0il 5im.el/7 I 8r2i.e you /or t52t 6e28on 6it5 65ic5 to 8rotect my.el/ 2t 2ll time. /rom .in7 And 5o6 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e 520e no 2r3uin3 2nd de12tin3 21out your 9ord4 1ec2u.e it 52. 1een .ettled in 5e20en /or 2ll time.; Not do6n 5ere on e2rt54 F2t5er4 1ut ri35t u8 in 5e20en 6it5 you; Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t I li0e 1y 5e20enAm2de rule. 2nd don=t 520e to de8end on t5e 8eculi2ritie. o/ men to li0e 1y;

/an. 11

Io!r word is a lamp to my feet and a li%ht to my path5 Psalm ;;12;=" F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t I=m not .tum1lin3 2round in t5e d2r: 6onderin3 65ic5 62y to 3o7 Ble.. you t52t you 520e 8ut your 9ord unto my /eet .o t52t I m2y recei0e under.t2ndin3 2nd enli35tenment to my mind4 my 5e2rt 2nd my .oul; F2t5er4 I lo0e your l26 2nd I medit2te in it d2y 2nd ni35t 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 3loriou. li35t it .5ed. 21ro2d7 I t52n: you t52t t5e 82t5 on 65ic5 I 62l: i. one 65ere I 520e no /e2r t52t I mi35t /2ll do6n in t5e d2r:ne..4 1ec2u.e it i. /looded 6it5 li35t 6it5 no 5idin3 8l2ce. /or .in to lur: 2nd 3et me7 &52n: you t52t your li35t i. 1ri35ter "

t52n 2ny li35t m2n 52. e0er de0elo8ed4 2nd t52t it=. turned ri35t onto my 82t5; /an. 10 The entran,e of yo!r words %ives li%htD it %ives !nderstandin% to the simple5 Psalm ;;12;3= F2t5er4 5o6 I t52n: you t52t your 9ord 1ro:e t5rou35 t5e cold4 .tony 5e2rt I once 52d7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en one .in3le 6ord .ne2:ed t5rou35 t52t cre0ice in my .in/ul 2rmor4 it 1e32n to 3i0e li35t to my li/e7 &52n: you t52t t5e un/oldin3 o/ your 9ord 320e me under.t2ndin34 di.cernment 2nd com8re5en.ion e0en t5ou35 my mind 62. .im8le7 Ho6 I lon3ed /or your 6ord. to 3i0e me more 2nd more li35t4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. you 6ere merci/ul to me 2nd .5o6ed me your /20or4 2nd 520e e.t21li.5ed my .te8. 2nd directed t5em 1y me2n. o/ your 9ord; I lo0e your 9ord4 .o I=ll :ee8 on 5e2rin34 recei0in34 lo0in3 2nd o1eyin3; /an. 13 The law of yo!r mo!th is 9etter to me than tho! sand of she+els of %old and silver5 Psalm ;;12>3 F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you t52t t5e 6orld c2n 520e it. .il0er 2nd 3old4 6it5 it. /luctu2tin3 8rice.4 1ut your 9ord .t2nd. 21o0e 2ll o/ t5e tre2.ure. o/ t5i. 6orld 2nd ne0er c52n3e.7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e your 8romi.e .ur82.. 2nyt5in3 t5i. 6orld 52. to o//er7 &52n: you t52t it i. 1etter t52n .il0er 2nd 3old4 5ou.e. 2nd l2nd.4 or 2ny ot5er :ind o/ m2teri2l 8o..e..ion.7 I t52n: you t52t t5e entr2nce o/ your 9ord illumine. my entire li/e 2nd t52t you te2c5 me 3ood >ud3ment4 6i.e 2nd ri35t di.cernment 2nd :no6led3e4 2nd t52t t5e e2rt5 i. /ull o/ your lo0in3 :indne.. 2nd mercy7 1#

/an. 11

Therefore whoever hears these sayin%s of .ine8 and does them8 ? will li+en him to a wise man who 9!ilt his ho!se on the ro,+2 and the rain des,ended8 the floods ,ame8 and the winds 9lew and 9eat on that ho!seD and it did not fall8 for it was fo!nded on the ro,+5 .att5 >23<83" F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t my 5ou.e i. 1uilt u8on 2 roc: 1ec2u.e I 520e 5e2rd your 9ord4 2nd 2m 2 doer o/ t5e 9ord4 2nd not >u.t 2 5e2rer7 I 1le.. you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. you 520e c2lled me 2 6i.e 2nd 8roducti0e 8er.on4 65o i. 8r2ctic2l in 5i. 62y.7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e 8romi.e o/ your 9ord 65ic5 .2y. t52t 65en t5e r2in. /ell 2nd t5e /lood. o0er/lo6ed4 2nd e0en 65en t5e 6ind. 1ec2me 5urric2ne /orce 2nd 1e2t u8on my 5ou.e4 it didn=t /2ll 1ec2u.e it 62. /ounded on 2 roc:7 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t your 9ord didn=t 2llo6 me to 1e /ooli.5 2nd 1uild my 5ou.e u8on t5e .2nd4 .o t52t 65en t5e 6ind. c2me4 my 5ou.e 1le6 do6n; I 8r2i.e you t52t my 5ou.e i. .t2ndin3 on t52t .olid roc:;

/an. 12

?t is the )pirit who %ives lifeD the flesh profits nothin%5 The words that ? spea+ to yo! are spirit8 and they are life5 ohn #2#3 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e %8irit Euic:en. your 9ord7 I t52n: you t52t t5e %8irit i. t5e i/eA 3i0er@ 1ec2u.e t5ere i. no 8ro/it in t5e /le.57 I t52n: you t52t t5e 6ord. 65ic5 you 520e .8o:en 2nd recorded in your 9ord 3i0e me .8irit 2nd li/e7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2m not de2d in t5e tre.82..e. o/ .in 2nd di.2.ter4 1ut t52t I 2m 2li0e 1ec2u.e my .8irit 52. 1een Euic:ened4 ener3iCed 2nd m2de 2li0e 1y your 9ord.; 11

/an. 13

Io! are of 'od8 little ,hildren8 and have over,ome them8 9e,a!se (e who is in yo! is %reater than he who is in the world5 ? ohn <2< F2t5er4 5o6 I 288l2ud 2nd 3lori/y your 9ord7 I t52n: you /or t5e m23ni/icent 8romi.e. in your 9ord7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your %on4 Je.u. C5ri.t4 li0e. 1i3 in me 2nd 5e i. 3re2ter 2nd mi35tier t52n t5e de0il 2nd 2ll 5i. doin3.7 I don=t 520e to .u1mit to 5i. torment 2ny lon3er4 1ec2u.e I :no6 t52t I :no6 t52t I :no6 t52t 652t your 9ord tell. me i. true7 You 520e .2id t52t t5ere i. 2 3re2ter one li0in3 in me t52n i. li0in3 in t5e 6orld4 2nd I 1elie0e it4 recei0e it4 con/e.. it 2nd 8o..e.. t5i. 8romi.e /or my.el/; I t52n: you t52t re32rdle.. o/ 5o6 1i3 t5e de0il mi35t loo: to me in cert2in .itu2tion.4 t52t I c2n .t2nd t2ll 2nd loo: do6n on 5im4 :no6in3 t52t I 520e /2r more 8o6er t52n 5e doe.;

/an. 14

This $oo+ of the &aw shall not depart from yo!r mo!th8 9!t yo! shall meditate in it day and ni%ht8 that yo! may o9serve to do a,,ordin% to all that is written in it5 For then yo! will ma+e yo!r way prospero!s8 and then yo! will have %ood s!,,ess5 osh!a ;28 Your 9ord i. in my mout54 F2t5er4 2nd I=m not t2:in3 it out; For too m2ny ye2r. I 52d t5e /ilt5 o/ t5e de0il comin3 out4 2nd I li:e 652t you=0e 3i0en me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m m2de ri35teou. 2nd 520e ri35t .t2ndin3 6it5 you 1ec2u.e o/ your .20in3 3r2ce7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I 2m doin3 e0eryt5in3 2ccord in to 652t i. 6ritten in your l264 I 2m 8ro.8erin34 2nd 520in3 3ood .ucce..7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 12

de8end on t5e 6orld /or in.truction. on 5o6 to 1e .ucce../ul4 1ut t52t I c2n de8end on your 9ord4 1ec2u.e you don=t m2:e 8ro0i.ion /or /2ilure4 you only m2:e 8ro0i.ion /or .ucce..; I=m 8ro.8erin3 I=m .ucce../ul; I=m 1le..ed;B 1ec2u.e you .2id .o; /an. 15 There is therefore now no ,ondemnation to those who are in Christ es!s8 who do not wal+ a,,ordin% to the flesh8 9!t a,,ordin% to the )pirit5 :omans 82; F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I 62l: in 0ictory tod2y 2nd E+ERY d2y 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een redeemed 1y t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m17 I=m 62.5ed cle2n in.ide 2nd out4 1ec2u.e t5e 1e.t deter3ent in t5e 65ole 6orld i. t52t 8reciou. 1lood7 &5ere/ore4 I 520e no condemn2tion or 3uilt in my li/e 1ec2u.e my .in. 2re 62.5ed 262y F)RE+ER; F2t5er4 I=m not intere.ted in 62l:in3 2/ter t5e /le.54 1ec2u.e t52t le2d. to de2t54 1ut I=m 62l: in 2/ter t5e l26 o/ t5e %8irit o/ li/e4 65ic5 i. t5e l26 o/ my ne6 1ein34 2nd it 52. /reed me /rom t5e l26 o/ .in 2nd de2t57 H2llelu>25; I=m not only 62l:in34 1ut I=m d2ncin3 in t5e ne6ne.. o/ li/e; /an. 16 What then shall we say to these thin%sG ?f 'od is for !s8 who ,an 9e a%ainst !s :omans 8: 1 &5ere=. 2not5er one o/ your 6onder/ul 8romi.e.4 F2t5er 2nd I 8r2i.e 2nd 3lori/y you 1ec2u.e Y)U ARE F)R ME; &o3et5er4 you 2nd I m2:e 2 m2>ority4 2nd not5in3 2nd no one c2n .t2nd 232in.t u.7 F2t5er4 1y my.el/4 I mi35t not 1e .o .u8er4 1ut 6it5 you I=m 2 m2>ority 2t 2ll time.7 I 1le.. you t52t I don=t 520e to rely on my o6n 1(

.tren3t54 1ut I=m 62l:in3 in your 8o6er 2nd mi35t4 2nd to3et5er 6e c2n mo0e mount2in. H2llelu>25; I=m 0ictoriou. 1ec2u.e you=re on my .ide7 &5e de0il c2n=t 6in 232in.t me4 5i. 2n3el. c2n=t 6in 232in.t me4 .o t5ere i. no 62y t5ey c2n .ucce../ully 1e 232in.t me; You could m2:e it 6it5 out me4 1ut I .ure c2n=t do it 6it5out you; /an. 07 Therefore8 anyone is in Christ8 he is a new ,reation old thin%s have passed awayD 9ehold8 all thin%s have 9e,ome new5 ?? Corinthians "2;> F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m in C5ri.t 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een 1orn 232in o/ t5e incorru8ti1le .eed t52t c2n=t 1e cont2min2ted4 .8oiled or t2inted; I t52n: you t52t I 2m 2 NE9 cre2ture7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e indi0idu2l 65o 62. me 2 /e6 .5ort ye2r. 23o4 no lon3er eDi.t.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 2ll o/ t5e t5in3. o/ my old n2ture 520e 82..ed 262y4 2nd t52t I=m 2 1r2nd ne6 cre2ture in C5ri.t7 I 8r2i.e you t52t e0eryt5in3 21out me 52. c52n3ed 2nd t52t 2ll t5in3. 2re NE9; I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e mont5 o/ J2nu2ry 2l 62y u.5er. in 2 ne6 ye2r4 2nd it remind. me o/ t5e ne6ne.. o/ li/e in C5ri.t Je.u.7 I 8r2i.e you /or m2:in3 me 2nd :ee8in3 me NE9; /an. 01 Do not lie to one another8 sin,e yo! have p!t off the old man with his deeds8 and have p!t on the new man who is renewed in +nowled%e a,,ordin% to the ima%e of (im who ,reated him5 Colossians 3218;= $lory to $od4 I=m 2 ne6 m2n; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or m2:in3 t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e .o .im8le4 1ec2u.e you .o 1e2uti/ully tell u. 652t to do 2nd 652t not to do7 &52n: you t52t I 520e 8ut o// t5e 14

old m2n 6it5 2ll my e0il4 2nd 520e 8ut on t5e ne6 m2n7 I li:e t5e ne6 FmeG 1etter; I t52n: you t52t my mind i. rene6ed 2nd i. no lon3er con/ormed to t5i. 6orld4 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een cre2ted in your 1e2uti/ul im23e7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 2nd 8r2i.e you /or lo0in3 me .o muc5 t52t you 8ut 2ll t5e.e 1e2uti/ul 8romi.e. in your 9ord; /an. 00 555$ehold8 the days are ,omin%8 says the &ord8 when ? will ma+e a N-W ,ovenant with the ho!se of ?srael and with the ho!se of !dah5 5 5For this is the ,ovenant ? will ma+e with the ho!se of ?srael2 After those days8 says the &ord8 ? will p!t .y laws in their mind and write them on their heartsD and ? will 9e their 'od8 and they shall 9e .y people5 (e9rews 8288;= F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you /or t5e NE9 co0en2nt 65ic5 you 520e 3i0en to u.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I c2nnot cl2im i3nor2nce o/ your co0en2nt 1ec2u.e you 520e 6ritten 2nd im8rinted your l26. u8on my innermo.t t5ou35t. 2nd under.t2ndin34 2nd you 520e /ore0er en3r20ed t5em in my 5e2rt7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e 62y you 520e in.cri1ed 2ll o/ t5e.e l26. 8erm2nently u8on my 5e2rt4 .o t52t 65ere0er I 3o4 I c2n ne0er 3et 262y /rom you7 H2llelu>25; I=m 2 co0en2nt 8er.on; /an. 03 And now ? plead with yo!8 lady8 not as tho!%h ? wrote a new ,ommandment to you, 9!t that whi,h we have had from the 9e%innin%2 that we love one another5 ?? ohn !


F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you in.truct u. to li0e t5e lo0eAli/e 2nd 62l: t5e lo0eAli/e7 I=m 3oin3 to 62l: 2nd t2l: t5e lo0eAli/e 2t 2ll time. 2nd lo0e t5e unlo0ely7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e 8o6er you 3i0e me to 62l: t5i. lo0eA 62l: 2nd /or t5e in.truction. you 3i0e me7 F2t5er4 let t5i. ye2r 1e t5e mo.t lo0in3 o/ my li/e7 I 8r2i.e you /or 3i0in3 me 2 .8eci2l in/illin3 o/ your 8reciou. lo0e7 /an. 01 (e who has an ear8 let him hear what the )pirit says to the ,h!r,hes5 To him who over,omes ? will %ive some of the hidden manna to eat5 And ? will %ive him a white stone8 and on the stone a new name written whi,h no one +nows e6,ept him who re,eives it5 :ev5 32;> F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or my e2r. t52t 5e2r t5e %8irit7 I t52n: you /or lettin3 me 1e 2n o0erA comer in 2ll t5in3. t5rou35 C5ri.t 65o .tren3t5en. me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t .ome d2y .oon I 6ill e2t o/ t5e 5idden m2nn24 2nd 6ill 520e 2 1r2nd ne6 n2me 6ritten in t5e .tone4 2 n2me 65ic5 i. >u.t /or me7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or your 3oodne.. to me7 I lo0e you 1ec2u.e I don=t 520e to loo: 2t t5e t5in3. 65ic5 2re tem8or2l 1ec2u.e t5ey 2re .u1>ect to c52n3e4 1ut I loo: 2t t5e t5in3. 65ic5 2re etern2l 2nd l2.tin37 H2llelu>25; My e2r. 2re 5e2rin3 2nd I=m o0ercomin37 /an. 02 Then (e who sat on the throne said8 F$ehold8 ? ma+e all thin%s new5 FAnd (e said to me8 FWrite8 for these words are tr!e and faithf!l5 FAnd (e said to me8 F?t is done/ ? am the Alpha and the Ome%a8 the $e%innin% and the -nd5 ? will %ive of the fo!ntain of the water of life freely to him who 1'

thirsts5 (e who over,omes shall inherit all thin%s8 and ? will 9e his 'od and he shall 9e .y son5 :ev5 3;2"@> Je.u.4 you 2re t5e 1e3innin3 2nd t5e end; Your 6ord. 2re true 2nd /2it5/ul; You m2:e 2ll t5in3.4 includin3 me4 1r2nd ne6; I 8r2i.e you l20i.5ly 1ec2u.e 65en I 62. t5ir.ty4 you 320e to me o/ t5e 62ter o/ li/e /reely7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 8o6er o/ t5e Holy %8irit I 2m 2n o0erA comer 2t 2ll time. 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. I .52ll in5erit 2ll t5in3.7 $od4 you 2re my $od4 2nd Je.u.4 your redem8ti0e 6or: 2t C2l02ry m2de me $od=. .on7 H2llelu>25; /an. 03 Knowin% this8 that o!r old man was ,r!,ified with (im8 that the 9ody of sin mi%ht 9e done away with8 that we sho!ld no lon%er 9e slaves of sin5 For he who has died has 9een freed from sin5 :omans #2#8> F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you t52t 6it5 t5i. NE9 ye2r4 1ec2u.e o/ my NE9 li/e4 my ) - m2n i. cruci/ied4 li/ele.. 2nd in2nim2te4 2nd I don=t 520e to 62l: under .in=. 8o6er 2nd dominion 2ny lon3er7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e old unre3ener2te4 unArene6ed m2n i. -EA-4 -EA-4 -EA-; &5ere/ore I don=t 520e to .er0e .in 2ny lon3er7 %in i. no lon3er my m2.ter7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en I le2rned to die to .el/4 you /reed me /rom .in4 6ic:edne..4 im8urity4 iniEuity 2nd error7 I 2m no6 2 .er02nt to 2 ne6 m2.ter 65o 52. re0it2liCed me in t5e ne6ne.. o/ C5ri.t;


/an. 04

es!s answered8 F.ost ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 !nless one is 9orn of water and the )pirit8 he ,annot enter the +in%dom of 'od5 That whi,h is 9orn of the flesh is flesh8 and that whi,h is 9orn of the )pirit is spirit5 ohn 32"8# F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m li0in3 in t5e NE9NE%% o/ li/e 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een 1orn 232in 1y your 8reciou. %8irit7 I t52n: you t52t I 2m no lon3er 2 /le.5ly cre2ture4 .u1>ect to t5e t5in3. o/ t5i. 6orld4 1ut 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een 1orn 232in4 I 2m 2 .8iritA1ein3 under your control7 I 8r2i.e you t52t you 8ro0ided .uc5 2 1e2uti/ul 2nd .im8le 62y /or me to 520e etern2l li/e; I=m 62l:in3 to62rd t5e :in3dom o/ $od 6it5 2 ne6 lilt in my 62l:4 1ec2u.e I=m 2 ne6 cre2tion;

/an. 05

And do not 9e ,onformed to this world8 9!t 9e transformed 9y the renewin% of yo!r mind8 that yo! may prove what is that %ood and a,,epta9le and perfe,t will of 'od5 :omans ;323 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t in my NE9 li/e I do not 520e to 1e con/ormed to t5i. 6orld7 I don=t 520e to dre.. t5e 62y t5ey do4 I don=t 520e to 2ct t5e 62y t5e 6orld 2ct.4 2nd I don=t 520e to t2l: t5e 62y t5e 6orld doe.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t my ne6 li/e 3i0e. me /reedom to li0e t5e 62y you 62nt me to7 I t52n: you t52t my mind i. rene6ed4 6it5 ne6 ide2. 2nd ide2l. 2nd ne6 2ttitude.7 I 1le.. you /or t5i.7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 520e 8re.ented my 1ody 2nd 2ll its mem1er. to you 2. 2 li0in3 .2cri/ice4 1ec2u.e it i. my re2.on21le 2nd intelli3ent .er0ice to you7 I 8r2i.e you 2nd 1,

t52n: you /or your 3r2ce 65ic5 m2de t5i. 2ll 8o..i1le7 F2t5er4 I .52ll 3lory in you /ore0er; Ho6 8er/ect 2re your 62y.; &5ey 2re /2ultle..4 .8otle.. 2nd un1lemi.5ed; /an. 06 $ein% ,onfident of this very thin%8 that (e who has 9e%!n a %ood wor+ in yo! will ,omplete it !ntil the day of es!s Christ5 Philippians ;2# F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or con/idence in my NE9 li/e7 I 1le.. you t52t e0en t5ou35 I c2n=t 2l62y. .ee t5e end 2nd 8er/ection o/ 652t you 520e 8l2nned /or me4 I 520e t5e com8lete :no6led3e 2nd /2it5 t52t you 6ill :ee8 6or:in3 in me until t5e d2y o/ Je.u. C5ri.t7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 1ec2u.e you 520e 8romi.ed it in your 9ord; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you=re .till 6or:in3 in me 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. I=m 2n o0erAcomer4 con/ident t52t 652te0er i. 1orn o/ you o0ercome. t5e 65ole 6orld7 %o I=m 3o in to .5out it /rom t5e 5ou.eto8.4 I=M AN )+ER C)MER I=M AN )+ERAC)MER 1ec2u.e $od i. 6or:in3 in me; /an. 37 (e has done this thro!%h the death on the ,ross of his own h!man 9ody8 and now as a res!lt Christ has 9ro!%ht yo! into the very presen,e of 'od8 and yo! are standin% there 9efore him with nothin% left a%ainst yo!@@nothin% left that he ,o!ld even ,hide yo! forD the only ,ondition is that yo! f!lly 9elieve the Tr!th8 stand in it steadfast and firm8 stron% in the &ord8 ,onvin,e of the 'ood News that es!s died for yo!8 and never shiftin% from tr!stin% him to save yo!5 This is the wonderf!l news that ,ame to ea,h of yo! and is now spreadin% all over the world5 1"

And ?8 Pa!l8 have the 7oy of tellin% it to others5 Col5 ;233833 T&$ F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5i. NE9 cre2ture .t2nd. 1e/ore you 6it5 not5in3 le/t /or you to c5ide me /or4 1ec2u.e you 520e 1uried my .in. in t5e dee8e.t .e2 ne0er to 1e remem1ered 232in; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you /or t5i.7 You .2id t5e only condition 62. t52t I /ully 1elie0e t5e &rut5 2nd .t2nd in it /irmly7 F2t5er4 I -)4 I -)4 I -); I=m .t2ndin3 t2ll 2nd .tr2i35t 2nd c2n loo: t5e 6orld .tr2i35t in t5e eye4 1ec2u.e my .in. 2re 3one4 3one4 $)NE; /an. 31 And we +now that all thin%s wor+ to%ether for %ood to those who love 'od8 to those who are the ,alled a,,ordin% to (is p!rpose5 :omans 8238 $lory4 F2t5er4 /or t5e /2ct t52t e0eryt5in34 e0ery t5in3 E+ERY&HIN$ t52t 5288en. to me 6or:. to3et5er /or my o6n 3ood7 I t52n: you t52t you c2n t2:e t5e 1i33e.t me.. 2nd turn e0eryt5in3 in it 2round .o t52t it turn. out /or my 3ood7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t re32rdle.. o/ 5o6 d2r: 2nd 3loomy t5in3. loo:4 I :no6 1eyond 2 .52do6 o/ dou1t t52t it=. 6or:in3 /or my 3ood7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en I c2ll /or 5el84 t5e 0ery tide o/ t5e 12ttle turn. 2nd my enemie. /lee4 2ll 1ec2u.e o/ you; &52n: you t52t you t2:e 2ny old me.. 2nd m2:e 2 mir2cle out o/ it; &52n: you4 F2t5er /or 2 mont5 o/ tot2l 0ictory 1ec2u.e I 520e .tood on your 8romi.e.7 &52n: you /or t5e eDtr2 8ro.8erity t52t 52. come into my 5ou.e@ t52n: you /or t5e 5e2lt5 you 520e 3i0en me@ t52n: you /or .5o6in3 me t52t mir2cle. 2nd 6onder. .till 2#

5288en t5e.e d2y.7 &52n: you /or t5e m2r0elou. 0ictory you 520e 3i0en me .im8ly 1y con/e..in3 your 8romi.e.;

&5e C5ri.ti2n li/e i. .o .im8le 1ec2u.e 6e only 520e to do t6o t5in3.; 17 -o 652t $od tell. u. to do7 27 %to8 doin3 652t He tell. u. not to do; &52t=. 2ll t5ere i. to it4 2nd i/ you do it4 you=0e 3ot it m2de; And 5o6 do 6e do 652t $od 62nt. u. to do< &5e P.2lmi.t tell. u.4 Io!r word ? have hidden in my heart8 that ? mi%ht not sin a%ainst yo!555 0;;15;;4 9e,a!se Forever8 = &ord8 Io!r word is settled in heaven5 0;;12814 )nce you e.t21li.5 in your o6n mind t52t e0ery .in3le 6ord t52t i. 8rinted on t5e 823e. o/ t5e Bi1le i. t5e 2ctu2l .8o:en 9ord o/ $od4 2nd 6ritten do6n /or 8o.terity4 your /2it5 c2n 1e3in t52t u862rd clim1 2. you re2d t5e 9ord4 con/e.. it4 memoriCe it4 2nd 5ide it in your 5e2rt7 Ho6 do you incre2.e your /2it5< FFaith ,omes 9y hearin%8 and hearin% 9y the word of 'od 0:omans ;=2;>45 9e need to HEAR t5e 9ord o/ $od7 Ho6 c2n 6e 5e2r t5e 9ord o/ $od< By re2din3 t5e Bi1le7 &5e Bi1le i. $od=. 8er.on2l lo0e letter to you4 2nd i/ you 6ill >u.t re2d it .ee:in3 $od4 1elie0e it4 con/e.. it4 2nd li0e it4 t5en e0ery 8romi.e in t5e 9ord i. your.; Feb. 1 Now faith is the s!9stan,e of thin%s hoped for8 the eviden,e of thin%s not seen5 (e9rews ;;2; 21

Feb. 0

&52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t /2it5 i. t5e 8led3e 2nd t5e con/irm2tion o/ t5e t5in3. 6e lon3 2nd 5o8e /or4 1ut 65ic5 6e c2n=t .ee 2t t5e moment7 9e 1le.. you 1ec2u.e e0en t5ou35 6e do not .ee .ome t5in3. 6it5 our n2tur2l eye.4 in our .8irit 6e c2n .ee t5em 2. 2 re2lity4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i.4 6e c2n .ee 652t i. not re0e2led to our .en.e.7 F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or No254 65o 52d ne0er 5e2rd o/ r2in4 2nd 1ec2u.e 5e 62. 8rom8ted 1y /2it54 5e dili3ently con.tructed 2nd 8re 82re 2n 2r: t5rou35 t5e eye. o/ /2it57 I t52n: you t52t in t5e 2#t5 century I c2n 2l.o loo: 6it5 my eye. o/ /2it5 2nd .ee t5in3. come to 82.. 65ic5 6ere >u.t 2 5o8e in t5e 82.t; H2llelu>25; $!t witho!t faith it is impossi9le to please (im8 for he who ,omes to 'od m!st 9elieve that (e is8 and that (e is a rewarder of those who dili%ently see+ (im5 (e9rews ;;2# F2t5er4 t52n: you /or m2:in3 it .o 8l2in t52t i/ I don=t u.e t5e /2it5 you=0e 3i0en me4 t5ere i. no 62y I c2n 8le2.e you7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 6or: u8 .omet5in3 on my o6n4 1ec2u.e your /2it5 i. 2 3i/t7 I 1elie0e in you4 2nd I 1elie0e t52t you 2re t5e $od o/ 2ll 3od.; I t52n: you t52t you eD8ect me to 1elie0e t52t you 2re 2 re62rder o/ t5em t52t dili3ently .ee: you7 I 2m 2nd 6ill continue to dili3ently .ee: you4 2nd I t52n: you /or re62rdin3 my /2it57 I 1le.. you t52t you=0e m2de your 8romi.e. .o e2.y /or me to 2cce8t t5rou35 /2it5; I=m recei0in3 t5o.e re62rd. ri35t no6;

Feb. 3

A9ove all8 ta+in% the shield o faith8 with whi,h yo! will 9e a9le to E!en,h all the fiery darts of the wi,+ed one5 -phesians #2;# 22

&52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .urroundin3 me 6it5 your .5ield o/ /2it5 .o t52t I 2m com8letely 8rotected /rom e0ery :ind o/ 6ic:edne..7 Any :ind o/ 6ic:ed tem8t2tion rem2r:4 in.ult4 2ccu.2tion or 2tt2c: i. Euenc5ed 2nd conEuered 1y t5e .5ield o/ /2it5 t52t I 6e2r con.t2ntly 2nd not e0en t5e de0il 5im.el/ c2n 3et t5rou35 it; I 62l: in t5e 6orld 2nd I 2m not 2/r2id7 Not5in3 c2n 52rm me7 I 62l: in /2it5; I t2l: in /2it5; I 8r2y in /2it5 2nd I re>oice in /2it5; F2t5er4 you 2re my .tren3t5 2nd my /ortre..4 2nd I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 6it5 my .5ield o/ /2it5 I li0e in 0ictory e0ery minute o/ t5e d2y4 e0ery d2y o/ t5e ye2r; Feb. 1 For ? say8 thro!%h the %ra,e %iven to me8 to everyone who is amon% yo!8 not to thin+ of himself more hi%hly than he o!%ht to thin+8 9!t to thin+ so9erly8 as 'od has dealt to ea,h one a meas!re of faith5 :omans ;323 F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t you 520e 3i0en to me &HE me2.ure o/ /2it5 I need to 1e eD2ctly t5e :ind o/ 8er.on you 62nt me to 1e4 2nd to do A t5e t5in3. you 62nt me to do; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 6e 2re 2ll di//erent 2nd di.tinct indi0idu2l. 2nd yet you 520e 3i0en to e2c5 o/ u. &HE .2me me2.ure o/ /2it5 2. e0eryone el.e4 .o t52t I c2n t2:e on t5e uniEue t2.:. t52t /it in your 8er/ect 8l2n /or me7 I t52n: you t52t you 520e 3i0en me >u.t 2. muc5 /2it5 2. 2nyone el.e in t5e 6orld 1ec2u.e 2ll your c5ildren 2re 8reciou. to you7 I=m u.in3 2nd de0elo8in3 my me2.ure o/ /2it5 d2ily4 ri35t u8 to t5e 5ilt; Feb. 2 That the sharin% of yo!r faith may 9e,ome effe,tive 9y the a,+nowled%ment of every %ood 2(

thin% whi,h is in yo! in Christ es!s5 Philemon # My /2it5 8roduce. 3ood /ruit in me; $lory; It 8ro duce 2nd 8romote. /ull reco3nition4 288reci2tion4 under.t2ndin3 2nd 8reci.e :no6led3e o/ t5e /2ct t52t 65en 6e identi/y our.el0e. 6it5 t5e e0erA trut5/ul $od 65o c2nnot decei0e4 our /2it5 3ro6. 2nd multi8lie. 2nd 21ound.; I 8r2i.e you /or 2 .ound mind@ /or t5e .2l02tion o/ my /2mily@ /or 5e2lt54 6e2lt5 2nd 5288ine.. /or >oy4 lo0e 2nd 8e2ce@ /or 8ro.8erity 2nd 21und2nce I 8r2i.e you /or e0ery 3ood t5in3; $lory; Feb. 3 ?f ,an do all thin%s thro!%h Christ who stren%thens me5 Philippians <2;3 &52n: you /or t5e /2it5 to :no6 t52t I 2m em8o6ered t5rou35 Je.u. C5ri.t to do A &HIN$%; I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you t52t I c2n 52ndle 2ny .itu2tion 1ec2u.e Je.u. .tren3t5en. 2nd eEui8. me to .ucceed in e0en t5e mo.t di//icult .itu2tion. 2nd 8ro1lem. 65ic5 come 1e/ore me7 &5rou35 Christ8 e0ery o1.t2cle 52. 1ecome 2 .te88in3 .tone /or me4 e0ery 8ro1lem 2n o88ortunity7 &5rou35 C5ri.t4 I 520e t5e 6ill 8o6er to o0ercome 2ny 2nd 2ll o/ my 12d 521it.4 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e your 9ord doe.n=t .2y I c2n only do %)ME &HIN$% t5rou35 C5ri.t 65ic5 .tren3t5 en me4 1ut it .2y. I CAN -) A &HIN$%; H2llelu>25 t52t=. 8o6er; I t52n: you t52t I c2n li0e in di0ine 5e2lt5; I t52n: you t52t I c2n li0e in 8ro.8erity I t52n: you t52t I c2n li0e in tot2l 0ictory; Feb. 4 Now the 7!st shall live 9y faithD 9!t if anyone draws 9a,+8 .y so!l has no pleas!re in him5 (e9rews ;=238 24

$lory to $od4 I=m li0in3 1y /2it5; I 8r2i.e you t52t your ri35teou. .er02nt. .52ll li0e 1y t5e con/ident con0iction. 6e 520e re32rdin3 m2n=. rel2tion.5i8 to you 2nd di0ine t5in3.7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e c2n 1elie0e in you4 cle20e to you 2nd tru.t in you 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. 6e c2n rely 65olly 2nd continu2lly on you t5rou35 Je.u. C5ri.t; I 1le.. you /or t5e 62rnin3 t52t i/ 6e dr26 12c:4 you 6ill 520e no 8le2.ure in u.7 F2t5er4 I=m li0in3 in /2it54 62l:in3 in /2it54 t2l:in3 in /2it5 2nd runnin3 in /2it5 1ec2u.e I 62nt to 8le2.e you; Feb. 5 For 9y %ra,e yo! have 9een saved thro!%h faith8 and that not of yo!rselvesD it is the %ift of 'od5 -phesians 328 I didn=t 520e to .20e my.el/; H2llelu>25; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I didn=t do 2 t5in3 to de.er0e your Unmerited /20or4 1ut 1ec2u.e o/ your /ree 3r2ce I 520e 1een deli0ered /rom >ud3ment 2nd m2de 2 82rt2:er o/ C5ri.t=. .2l02tion7 I t52n: you t52t it 62. 2 1e2uti/ul 3i/t t52t you >u.t 320e to me4 not .omet5in3 t52t I 2ccom8li.5ed 1y my 6or:. or .tri0in3@ 1ut .2l02tion i. mine 1ec2u.e you lo0ed me .o muc5 t52t you .ent your %on to .20e me /rom 8eri.5in3 in t5e d2r:ne.. o/ .in 2nd de2t57 I t52n: you /or t52t e0erl2.tin3 li/e I 520e in C5ri.t7 Bec2u.e you 520e .5o6n me t5e /ullne.. o/ your lo0e4 I )+E Y)U4 FA&HER; I )+E Y)UR %)N4 JE%U% CHRI%&; I )+E &HE NE9 IFE Y)U HA+E $I+EN ME &HR)U$H Y)UR BE )+E- %)N; Feb. 5 For 9y %ra,e yo! have 9een saved thro!%h faith8 and that not of yo!rselvesD it is the %ift of 'od5 2*

-phesians 328 I didn=t 520e to .20e my.el/; H2llelu>25; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I didn=t do 2 t5in3 to de.er0e your Unmerited /20or4 1ut 1ec2u.e o/ your /ree 3r2ce I 520e 1een deli0ered /rom >ud3ment 2nd m2de 2 82rt2:er o/ C5ri.t=. .2l02tion7 I t52n: you t52t it 62. 2 1e2uti/ul 3i/t t52t you >u.t 320e to me4 not .omet5in3 t52t I 2ccom8li.5ed 1y my 6or:. or .tri0in3@ 1ut .2l02tion i. mine 1ec2u.e you lo0ed me .o muc5 t52t you .ent your %on to .20e me /rom 8eri.5in3 in t5e d2r:ne.. o/ .in 2nd de2t57 I t52n: you /or t52t e0erl2.tin3 li/e I 520e in C5ri.t7 Bec2u.e you 520e .5o6n me t5e /ullne.. o/ your lo0e4 I )+E Y)U4 FA&HER; I )+E Y)UR %)N4 JE%U% CHRI%&; I )+E &HE NE9 IFE Y)U HA+E $I+EN ME &HR)U$H Y)UR BE )+E- %)N; Feb. 6 'ivin% than+s to the Father who has E!alified !s to 9e parta+ers of the inheritan,e of the saints in the li%ht5 (e has delivered !s from the power of dar+ness and translated !s into the +in%dom of the )on of (is love5 Colossians ;2;38;3 I 6ill t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you /ore0er4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I AM -E I+ERE-; I=0e 1een t2:en out o/ t5e control 2nd t5e dominion o/ d2r:ne..4 c52n3ed .o t52t I 2m Eu2li/ied to .52re t5e in5erit2nce o/ t5e .2int.4 2nd tr2n.l2ted into t5e :in3dom o/ li35t; $loriou. F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0in3 :indne.. 2nd mercy I 520e 1een m2de 2 82rt2:er o/ t5e in5erit2nce o/ 2ll t5e .2int.; $lory4 I=0e 1een deli0ered /rom 12d 521it.4 e0il t5ou35t.4 2nd deli0ered /rom t5e 0ery 8o6er o/ t5e de0il; I 2'

62nt to .2y &HANH Y)U4 &HANH Y)U4 &HANH Y)U 1ec2u.e you 520e re2c5ed in.ide o/ me 2nd turned me into 2 1r2nd ne6 8er.on4 2nd you 520e .ent me .tr2i35t into t5e :in3dom o/ your 1elo0ed %on4 Je.u. C5ri.t; Feb. 17 :e7oi,e in the &ord always5 A%ain ? will say8 re7oi,e/ Philippians <2< Ho6 c2n I t52n: you enou35 /or 2ll t5e 6onder/ul re2.on. I 520e to re>oice in you4 F2t5er< I re>oice in your Pre.ence in my li/e; I re>oice in e2c5 ne6 d2y you 3i0e me to li0e4 to lo0e4 to en>oy 2nd to 5el8 ot5er.; I re>oice t52t I 2m your c5ild 2nd t52t you lo0e me more t52n I lo0e my.el/7 I re>oice in your 9ord4 in your 8o6er4 in your 3lory; I re>oice in t5e 1le..in3. you .5o6er u8on me d2y 2/ter d2y ? 1le..in3. o/ >oy4 o/ 5e2lt54 o/ 8ro.8erity4 o/ /2mily 2nd o/ /riend.; I re>oice in t5e 6or: you 3i0e me to do 2nd in t5e Euiet time. in my d2y 65en I come to you 2nd 6or.5i8 you7 I re>oice 65en I=m tired4 I re>oice in you e0en 65en I 2m 2tt2c:ed 1y t5e de0il7 I deli35t in you e0en 65en my 1ody i. not u8 to 82r7 I re>oice 2t ni35t7 I re>oice durin3 t5e d2y; $od4 you 2re re2lly /21ulou.; Feb. 11 -ven the ri%hteo!sness of 'od whi,h is thro!%h faith in es!s Christ to all and on all who 9elieve5 For there is no differen,eD :omans 3233 $lory to $od; I 520e t5e RI$H&E)U%NE%% )F $)- in me 1ec2u.e I 520e /2it5 2nd 8er.on2l tru.t in Je.u. C5ri.t; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t your i. 202il21le to e0eryone 65o 1elie0e. in 2nd con/idently relie. on Je.u.4 1ec2u.e t52t me2n. I=m con/ormed to your 9ord 2!

2nd your 8romi.e; I=m re>oicin3 RI$H& N)9 t52t I 2m m2rc5in3 in 2ccord2nce 6it5 your 8l2n; &52n: you /or /illin3 me 6it5 your 1ec2u.e I=m u.in3 t52t lo0in3 6it5 my /2mily4 my /riend. 2nd t5e 8eo8le I 6or: 6it5 e0ery d2y7 F2t5er4 I lo0e your; Feb. 10 For ? am pers!aded that neither death nor life8 nor an%els nor prin,ipalities nor powers8 nor thin%s present nor thin%s to ,ome8 nor hei%ht nor depth8 nor any other ,reated thin%8 shall 9e a9le to separate !s from the love of 'od whi,h is in Christ es!s o!r &ord5 :omans 8238831 F2t5er4 my /2it5 i. ri.in3 to ne6 5ei35t.; I t52n: you t52t I 2m in your lo0e 2nd t52t not5in34 AB%) U&E Y N)&HIN$4 CAN E+ER %EPARA&E ME FR)M Y)UR )+E; I=m o0er65elmed t52t your 9ord 52. m2de it .o cle2r4 .o 8o6er/ully 8l2in 2nd 8o.iti0e t52t I c2n ne0er 1e mo0ed /rom your lo0e 65ic5 i. in C5ri.t Je.u. our ord7 Ri35t t5i. 0ery .econd I re>oice t52t your 8o6er 3u2r2ntee. me your etern2l lo0e4 no m2tter 652t t5e de0il or 2ny o/ 5i. demon. try to 8ull4 2ny time or 2ny 8l2ce7 I=m li0in3 in your di0ine lo0e4 re32rdle.. o/ 2ny 2nd 2ll circum.t2nce.; Feb. 13 ; have 9een ,r!,ified with ChristD it is no lon%er ? who live8 9!t Christ lives in meD and the life whi,h ? now live in the flesh ? live 9y faith in the )on of 'od8 who loved me and %ave (imself for me5 'al5 323= $lory to $od7 I=m de2d 2nd 2li0e 2t t5e .2me time; &52n: you4 8reciou. F2t5er4 t52t I=m li0in3 2,

2 li/e t52t i. re2lly Je.u. C5ri.t li0in3 in me; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e my 6orldly 62y. 2nd .in. 6ere cruci/ied on t5e cro.. 6it5 Je.u.4 65o lo0ed me 2nd 320e 5im.el/ /or me7 &5e old me i. de2d ? dou1t.4 t5ou35t.4 521it.4 5urt. 2nd memorie. ? 2nd I=m 2 com8letely ne6 8er.on4 to8 to 1ottom4 in.ide 2nd out7 &5e 1ody li/e I li0e i. no6 ruled 1y Je.u.4 2nd I li0e in t5i. 1ody o/ /le.5 2nd 1one 1y my /2it5 in 5im7 Bec2u.e o/ t5i.4 I=m 2 ne6 8er.on 6it5 not5in3 to 5old me 12c:; F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t my ne6 li/e 3lori/ie. you; Feb. 11 For 'od so loved the world that (e %ave (is only 9e%otten )on8 that whoever 9elieves in (im sho!ld not perish 9!t have everlastin% life5 ohn 32;# F2t5er4 t5i. i. t5e d2y t5e 6orld .2y. i. t5e d2y /or lo0er.4 1ut I don=t 520e to de8end on >u.t one d2y 2 ye2r4 1ec2u.e I=m li0in3 in your lo0e e0ery .in3le d2y o/ t5e ye2r7 &52n: you t52t your lo0e encom82..e. t5e entire 6orld4 2nd yet i. 8er.on2l >u.t /or me7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e my Bi1le 52. my n2me in it4 2nd not >u.t t5e 6ord. Ft5e 6orld7G It 2ctu2lly 52. my n2me in it7 F2t5er4 you .2id i/ I 6ould .im8ly 1elie0e in you4 I 6ould not 8eri.54 1ut 520e e0erl2.tin3 li/e7 I BE IE+E4 I BE IE+E4 I BE IE+E; &52n: you /or t5e /2it5 t52t let. me 1elie0e; Fe95 ;" ?f anyone spea+s8 let him spea+ as the ora,les of 'od5 ?f anyone ministers8 let him do it as with the a9ility whi,h 'od s!pplies8 that in all thin%s 'od may 9e %lorified thro!%h es!s Christ8 to whom 9elon% the %lory and the 2"

dominion forever and ever5 Amen5 ? Peter <2;; F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t 2. I .8e2:4 I .8e2: 2. 2 8ro85et o/ $od4 1ec2u.e my mout5 .52ll .8e2: your 6ord.7 I t52n: you t52t 8le2.2nt 6ord. 2re 2. 2n 5oneycom14 .6eet to t5e .oul 2nd 5e2lt5 to t5e 1one.7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I 520e 2 65ole.ome ton3ue 65ic5 i. 2 tree o/ li/eI I 1le.. you t52t my mout5 i. 2l.o 2. 2 6ell o/ li/e7 I 3u2rd my ton3ue .o t52t I 2m not .n2red 6it5 t5e 6ord. o/ my mout57 My 5e2rt ret2in. your 6ord.4 2nd out o/ t5e 21und2nce o/ my 5e2rt4 /illed 6it5 your 6ord.4 .52ll I .8e2:; $lory; Feb. 13 Castin% all yo!r ,are !pon (im8 for (e ,ares for yo!5 ? Peter "2> Here 2re my c2re.4 F2t5er; &5i. me2n. A o/ my 6orrie.4 2nDietie. 2nd concern7 I=m 3i0in3 t5em 2ll to you4 once 2nd /or 2ll; Your lo0e o0er65elm. me; I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you /or t2:in3 2ll o/ my 6orrie. 2nd c2re. 262y 1ec2u.e you lo0e me .o muc5 you don=t 62nt me to 1e 1urdened7 My 2nDietie. 2re 3one; I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e your 9ord 6or:.; Ju.t 2. in t5e .tory o/ t5e 8rodi32l .on4 you don=t c2re 652t I=0e done or 652t I=0e 1een4 you lo0e me 2nd c2re /or me7 F2t5er4 I=m .o 3l2d to 1e 5ome 2t l2.t 6it5 you7 I re>oice 1ec2u.e I=m your c5ild4 /or3i0en4 re.tored 1y your mercy 2nd lo0in3 :indne.. to my in5erit2nce in your :in3dom7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t my 62y. 520e 1een c52n3ed 1ec2u.e you c2re /or me; $lory; I don=t 520e 2ny more 6orrie.; Feb. 14 ? will %ive yo! a new heart and p!t a new spirit within yo!D ? will ta+e the heart of stone o!t of (#

yo!r flesh and %ive yo! a heart of flesh5 -Ae+iel 3#23# F2t5er4 I=m .o t52n:/ul t52t I 520e 2 ne6 5e2rt 2nd 2 ne6 .8irit 6it5in me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you=0e t2:en my .tony 5e2rt out 2nd re8l2ced it 6it5 2 5e2rt /illed to t5e 1rim 6it5 lo0e; I lo0e you; I lo0e my /riend.; I lo0e my /2mily; I e0en lo0e my enemie. 1ec2u.e o/ 652t you 520e done /or me; I ne0er 520e to 6orry 21out runnin3 out o/ lo0e 1ec2u.e you :ee8 /illin3 me u8 6it5 more4 more4 more; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I c2n lo0e you 6it5 2ll o/ t5i. ne6 5e2rt you=0e 3i0en me4 2nd I t52n: you t52t 6it5 my ne6 .8irit I no6 li0e ri35teou.ly7 Feb. 15 Then es!s spo+e to them a%ain8 sayin%8 F? am the li%ht of the world5 (e who follows .e shall not wal+ in dar+ness8 9!t have the li%ht of life5 ohn 82;3 It=. /un 62l:in3 in t5e li35t4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e Je.u. i. t5e li35t o/ t5e 6orld; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e li35t you 320e me t5rou35 your %on4 Je.u.4 1ec2u.e 1y 5i. 6onder/ul4 1rilli2nt li35t I 62l:ed out o/ t5e 3loom o/ d2r:ne.. 2nd le/t it 1e5ind /ore0er; No6 I c2n .ee t5e 62y4 1ec2u.e t5e 82t5 o/ ne6 li/e in Je.u. .5ine. 6it5 Hi. 6onder/ul li35t; I 8r2i.e 2nd 3lori/y you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 u. t5e li35t o/ t5e 6orld; -2r:ne.. 5old. no more /e2r /or me 1ec2u.e it=. 3one /rom my li/e 2nd I 2m 62l:in3 2nd le28in3 2nd 8r2i.in3 $od in t5e i35t; I 3lory in t5e li35t o/ Je.u. 2nd I /ollo6 65ere He le2d. me7 In Hi. li35t I 2m 5288y4 I 2m 5e2lt5y4 I 2m 8ro.8erou.; In Hi. li35t I 2m /ul/illed 2nd 0ictoriou.; Hi. (1

li35t I% my li/e; Feb. 16 ?f any of yo! la,+s wisdom8 let him as+ of 'od8 who %ives to all li9erally and witho!t reproa,h8 and it will 9e %iven to him5 ames ;2" I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I 520e 6i.dom; I 520e 2ll t5e 6i.dom I need to 8re02il o0er 2ny c52llen3e4 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y. i/ I don=t 520e it4 2ll I 520e to do i. 2.: 2nd it 6ill 1e 3i0en to me 1y you4 li1er2lly 2nd un3rud3in3ly7 I t52n: you /or 3i0in3 me t5e :ind o/ 6i.dom t52t trium85. o0er 6orldly :no6led3e e0ery time4 1ec2u.e 6orldly :no6led3e c2n=t 5old 2 c2ndle to your 6i.dom7 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 3i0in3 $od4 .o I 520e 2ll t5e 6i.dom I need to li0e 2nd 6or: 2nd m2:e deci.ion. 2nd 0ictoriou.ly7 I 520e 6i.dom in 2ll my de2lin3. 6it5 my /ello6 m2n 2nd I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you /or it; Feb. 07 &et yo!r ,ond!,t 9e witho!t ,oveto!sness8 and 9e ,ontent with s!,h thin%s as yo! have5 For (e (imself has said8 ? will never leave yo! nor forsa+e yo!5 )o we may 9oldly say2 The &ord is my helperD ? will not fear5 What ,an man do to meG (e9rews ;32"8# I 2m .2ti./ied4 F2t5er4 in t5e o0er/lo6in3 21und2nce o/ di0ine 1le..in3. you 520e .5o6ered u8on my li/e; I 2m content in your lo0e; I 8r2i.e you t52t t5ere >u.t i.n=t 2ny room le/t in me /or 3reed or /or en0y o/ 652t my nei351or. 520e4 1ec2u.e your con.t2nt 8re.ence in my li/e i. 6e2lt5 /2r 21o0e t5e m2teri2l t5in3. (2

o/ t5i. 6orld7 I=m not 2/r2id o/ 652t 2ny1ody c2n do to me 1ec2u.e you=0e 2..ured me t52t you 2re my 5el8er4 2nd 65o could 8o..i1ly 8re02il o0er my 2llA8o6er/ul $od< F2t5er4 I don=t 520e to rely on 6orldly .ecurity4 1ec2u.e Y)U ARE E+ERY&HIN$ I NEE-; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you ne0er rel2D your 5old on me7 You ne0er let me 3o; $lory; Feb. 01 For ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 whoever says to this mo!ntain8 F$e removed and 9e ,ast into the sea8 Fand does not do!9t in his heart8 9!t 9elieves that those thin%s he says will ,ome to pass8 he will have what eve he says5 .ar+ ;;233 Je.u.4 I 1elie0e4 I 1elie0e4 I 1elie0e; Bec2u.e I o1ey you4 I 1elie0e /rom t5e 1ottom o/ my 5e2rt t52t your 9ord 2nd your 8romi.e em8o6er me to 520e 2ny t5in I de.ire 65en I 8r2y7 952t I .2y .52ll t2:e 8l2ce7 &5ere/ore4 I .2y I 520e 6i.dom; I 520e 5e2lt5; I 520e 5288ine..; I 520e 8ro.8erity; I 520e 2n 21und2nce; I 520e >oy; I 520e lo0e; F2t5er4 I .2y to t52t mount2in in my li/e4 F3et lo.t 2nd /2ll into t5e .e24G 1ec2u.e I 1elie0e your 8romi.e t52t I c2n 520e 652t.oe0er I .2y7 JMo0e your mount2in ri35t no6;K Feb. 00 Therefore ? say to yo!8 whatever thin%s yo! as+ when yo! pray8 9elieve that yo! re,eive them8 and yo! will have them5 .ar+ ;;23< F2t5er4 I 1elie0e RI$H& N)9; I=0e 8r2yed4 2nd t5e minute t5e 6ord. c2me out o/ my mout57 I BE IE+E-; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you didn=t tell me to 62it until I 1uilt u8 enou35 /2it5 to 1elie0e4 1ut to 1elie0e t5e 0ery in.t2nt I 8r2yed4 .o t52t I could 520e t5e t5in3. t52t I de.ired7 I ((

8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e I t2:e deli35t in you4 you 3i0e me t5e de.ire. o/ my 5e2rt4 2nd t52t=. 65y I :no6 t52t I :no6 t52t I HN)9 t52t you=re 3oin3 to /ul/ill t5e de.ire. t52t you your.el/ 520e 8l2ced t5ere; $lory4 F2t5er4 t52n: you /or t5e /2it5 you=0e 3i0en to me; Feb. 03 555?f anyone is thirsty8 let him ,ome to me and drin+5 For the ),ript!res de,lare that rivers of livin% water shall flow from the inmost 9ein% of anyone who 9elieves in me5 ohn >23>838 T&$ F2t5er4 I=m t5ir.ty4 t5ir.ty4 t5ir.ty; I=m drin:in3 2t your .tre2m. o/ li0in3 62ter dee8er 2nd dee8er 2ll t5e time7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e t52t .2me ri0er o/ li0in3 62ter t52t I=m drin:in3 no6 1le..e. me 2nd 1le..e. e0eryone 2round me 2. it /lo6. /rom my innermo.t 1ein37 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or 3i0in3 to u. 2 ri0er o/ li0in3 62ter t52t ne0er run. dry4 1ut :ee8. /lo6in3 2nd /lo6in37 &52n: you /or t52t re/illin3 .t2tion you=0e 3i0en me to u.e d2y 2nd ni35t7 &52n: you 1ec2u.e it i. o8en 24 5our. 2 d2y7 F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or t52t; Feb. 01 Io! ,an 9e very s!re that the evil man will not %o !np!nished forever5 And yo! ,an also 9e very s!re 'od will res,!e the ,hildren of the %odly5 Prover9s ;;23; T&$ F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or .uc5 2 8romi.e7 My /2it5 i. in you4 2nd not in 652t I .ee4 1ec2u.e 2. I loo: 2t my c5ildren4 .ometime. I /eel li:e 3i0in3 u84 1ut you=0e 8romi.ed t52t you 6ill re.cue my c5ildren4 2nd 5o6 I lo0e you /or t52t7 &52n: you t52t my /2mily i. on your /20ored li.t4 1ec2u.e you 520e 8romi.ed t52t my 5ou.e5old (4

6ill 1e .20ed; I=m re>oicin3 in t52t7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e the wi,+ed are overthrown8 and are no more8 9!t the ho!se of the ri%hteo!s will stand8 JPro0er1. 12I!K .o my 5ou.e i. .t2ndin3 on t5e 8romi.e. o/ your 9ord7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m 3odly only 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een 1orn 232in o/ incorru8ti1le .eed7 H2llelu>25; Feb. 02 For this reason we also8 sin,e the day we heard it8 do not ,ease to pray for yo!8 and to as+ that yo! may 9e filled with the +nowled%e of (is will in all wisdom and spirit!al !nderstandin%D that yo! may have a wal+ worthy of the &ord8 f!lly pleasin% (im8 9ein% fr!itf!l in every %ood wor+ and in,reasin% in the +nowled%e of 'od5 Colossians ;218;= F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m 1ein3 /illed 6it5 t5e :no6led3e o/ your 6ill in 2ll 6i.dom 2nd .8iritu2l under.t2ndin37 I t52n: you t52t I 2m con.t2ntly le2rnin3 your 62y. 2nd 8ur8o.e. 2nd t52t you 2re 3i0in3 me di.cernment o/ .8iritu2l t5in3.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 1ec2u.e you 520e 3i0en me t5e.e 1le..in3.4 I 2m 62l:in3 6ort5y o/ you ord4 1ein3 /ruit/ul in e0ery 3ood 6or: 2nd .te2dily 3ro6in3 2nd incre2.in3 in my :no6led3e o/ you7 I t52n: you t52t 2ll my deci.ion. 2re ordered 1y you; $lory; Feb. 03 And now lam ,omin% to yo!5 ? have told them many thin%s while ? was with them so that they wo!ld 9e filled with my 7oy5 ohn ;>2;3 T&$ F2t5er4 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e I 2m /illed 6it5 >oy; &5e >oy o/ t5e ord i. my .tren3t54 .o I=m .tron3 1ec2u.e my cu8 i. /illed to t5e to8 2nd o0er/lo6in3 6it5 >oy7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you (*

520e 2nointed me 6it5 t5e oil o/ 3l2dne..7 I .in3 2nd .5out 6it5 >oy 1ec2u.e I 520e /20or 6it5 $od 2nd m2n4 .o I=m 2l62y. 2 6inner7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e my >oy i. cont23iou. 2nd /lo6. o0er to re2c5 ot5er.4 2nd tod2y I=m .8e2:in3 lo0e4 >oy 2nd 8e2ce to e0eryone I meet7 &52n: you /or tellin3 me t5e t5in3. 65ic5 520e 8ut >oy in my 5e2rt; $lory4 I=m 1u11lin34 1u11lin34 1u11lin3 o0er; Feb. 04 (avin% 9een 9orn a%ain8 not of ,orr!pti9le seed 9!t in,orr!pti9le8 thro!%h the word of 'od whi,h lives and a9ides forever5 ? Peter ;233 I=m 1orn 232in o/ incorru8ti1le .eed; F2t5er4 I c2n=t t52n: 2nd 8r2i.e you enou35 /or li/tin3 me out o/ t5e d2r:ne.. 2nd .in o/ t5e 6orld4 65ere mort2l li/e le2d. only to de2t57 By your 9ord4 I 2m m2de ne64 re3ener2ted4 re1orn to etern2l li/e in your :in3dom7 I 2m in t5i. 6orld o/ corru8tion 2nd dec2y4 1ut I 2m not o/ it 1ec2u.e t5e 8er/ect .eed o/ your 9ord 52. m2de me into 2n entirely ne6 8er.on7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t your 9ord li0e. 2nd 21ide. /ore0er; Bec2u.e o/ t5i.4 I .52ll li0e /ore0er4 too; $lory; Feb. 05 The )pirit (imself 9ears witness with o!r spirit that we are ,hildren of 'od8 and f ,hildren8 then heirs J heirs of 'od and 7oint heirs with Christ8 f indeed we s!ffer with (im8 that we may also 9e %lorified to%ether5 :omans 82;#8; > F2t5er4 5o6 I t52n: you /or lettin3 me :no6 in no uncert2in term. t52t I c2n ne0er 1e lo.t or 2lone 1ec2u.e t5e Holy %8irit .2y. t52t I AM your c5ild; I :no6 65ere I 1elon37 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2m 2 >ointA5eir 6it5 Je.u.4 2nd you ('

320e e0eryt5in3 you 52d to Him4 .o I .52re /ully in t5e entire in5erit2nce7 F2t5er4 I=m .o ric5 1ec2u.e o/ your 8romi.e.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 1ec2u.e I 2m 2 >ointA5eir 6it5 Je.u.4 I 2m your tem8le4 1ec2u.e your %8irit d6ell. in me; I t52n: you t52t I 520e 8o6er to o0ercome 2ll o1.t2cle. in t5i. 6orld7 You 2re my $od4 I 2m your c5ild4 2nd I cl2im your 8romi.e t52t 2ll t5in3. in 5e20en 2nd e2rt5 1elon3 to me; Feb. 06 Therefore ? say to yo!8 do not worry a9o!t yo!r life8 what yo! will eat or what yo! will drin+D nor a9o!t yo!r 9ody8 what yo! will p!t on5 ?s not life more than food and the 9ody more than ,lothin%G .atthew #23" &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 2not5er 1e2uti/ul mont57 A mont5 65ere I 52d t5e o88ortunity to lo0e you more t52n e0er 1e/ore@ 2 mont5 65ere I 52d t5e o88ortunity to .tudy 2nd 3ro6 in your 9ord7 F2t5er4 your 9ord4 your 8romi.e.4 520e 1ecome re2l in my li/e in 62y. t52t m2:e me lo0e you more 2nd more7 I t52n: you t52t your 9ord endure. /ore0er 2nd t52t I 520e 0ictory7 I don=t 520e to t2:e t5ou35t /or my li/e 1ec2u.e my li/e i. in you4 F2t5er4 2nd you .u88ly E+ERY&HIN$ I t52n: you t52t t5e :in3dom o/ $od i. not me2t 2nd drin:4 1ut 2nd 8e2ce 2nd >oy in t5e Holy $5o.t7 I 520e 5e2lt5; I 520e 8ro.8erity I 520e >oy; I 520e 8e2ce; I 520e Je.u.;


8ar. 1 $eloved8 ? pray that yo! may prosper in all thin%s and 9e in health8 7!st as yo!r so!l prospers5 ??? ohn 3 My .oul i. 8ro.8erin3; F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t t5e 6i.5 you 520e /or me4 5i35 21o0e 2ll ot5er.4 i. 8ro.8erity 2nd 5e2lt5 /or 1ot5 my 1ody 2nd my .oul; $lory4 5o6 I t52n: you /or 1ein3 .uc5 2 6onder/ul 2nd lo0in3 F2t5er4 65o t2:e. c2re o/ me in .uc5 /ull 2nd o0er/lo6in3 me2.ure7 &52n: you /or t5e .ecret o/ 8ro.8erity 65ic5 lie. in 3i0in3 to you .o t52t you c2n multi8ly it 12c: to me7 I=m not 3oin3 to 5old ti35t to 652t I 520e4 F2t5er4 1ut in.te2d I=m :ee8in3 my 52nd. em8ty 2nd o8en .o you c2n :ee8 /illin3 t5em u8 6it5 more; And4 I=m 8l2cin3 t5e .2me tru.t in you /or my 5e2lt54 F2t5er4 :no6in3 5o6 you 8ro0ide7 &52n: you /or t5e 1le..in3 o/ 6onder/ul 2nd di0ine 5e2lt5 t52t I li0e in 2ll t5i. ye2r7 Your 9ord i. my li/e4 .o my .oul i. 8ro.8erin3; 8ar. 0 $rin% the whole tithe into the storeho!se8 that there may 9e food in my ho!se5 Test me in this8 says the &ord Almi%hty8 and see f ? will not throw open the flood %ate of heaven and po!r o!t so m!,h 9lessin% that yo! will not have room eno!%h for it5 .ala,hi 32;= N?K Here it i.4 F2t5er4 my 65ole tit5e7 I=m 3i0in3 it (,

to you; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 1ein3 t5e 1e.t /in2nci2l 2d0i.or I could 8o..i1ly 520e; I=m 3i0in3 into your .tore5ou.e4 Almi35ty F2t5er4 1ec2u.e it 8le2.e. you to Ft5ro6 o8en t5e /lood32te. o/ 5e20enG 2nd to let t5e 1le..in3. 3u.5 out in 21und2nce u8on u.7 I 2m m2de in your im23e4 .o I :no6 you 62nt me to 1e 3enerou. e0en 2. you 2re 3enerou. in 3i0in3 to me until I 520e no room /or more; I recei0e t5e 3i/t o/ your 1le..ed 21und2nce 6it5 t52n:. 2nd 8r2i.e4 2nd I=m 3i0in3 to you4 F2t5er4 /ully tru.tin3 in your 8romi.e o/ return7 I=m eD82ndin3 my mind 2nd my 21ility to recei0e your 1le..in3. to m2:e more room /or t52t /lood t52t i. 8ourin3 out o/ t5o.e /lood32te.7 8ar. 3 To the man who pleases him8 'od %ives wisdom8 +nowled%e and happiness8 9!t to the sinner he %ives the tas+ of %atherin% and storin% !p wealth to hand it over to the one who pleases 'od5 -,,5 323# N?K &5e .inner i. my .l20e; E0en i/ 5e o6n. 2 den o/ iniEuity4 5e i. 6or:in3 to 32t5er 2nd .tore u8 money to 3i0e to t5e ri35teou. 65o 2re in ri35t .t2ndin3 6it5 you7 $lory; I t52n: you t52t you 520e 3i0en me 6i.dom4 :no6led3e 2nd 5288ine.. to :no6 t5i.; I re>oice 1ec2u.e you te2c5 u. t52t 2nd 3reed 2re me2nin3le..4 /or you t2:e t5e 6e2lt5 .inner 520e 32ined 2nd 3i0e it to t5o.e 65o 8le2.e you4 /or your 62y i. I recei0e t52t .inner=. money ri35t no6; I=m 1le..ed 1y your m2r0elou. 3enero.ity F2t5er7 Hee8 t52t .inner 6or:in3 .o I c2n 520e more to 3i0e to you; ("

8ar. 1

Cast yo!r 9read !pon the waters8 for yo! will find it after many days5 -,,lesiastes ;;2; He20enly F2t5er4 I lo0e to c2.t my 1re2d u8on your 62ter. 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or t5e 62y you multi8ly it 2nd .end 12c: m2ny time. o0er 652t I 3i0e; &52n:. /or .5o6in3 me t52t t5e re2l .ecret o/ recei0in3 i. to 3i0e 6it5 2 lo0in3 5e2rt4 1ec2u.e 65en I 8ut my 65ole tru.t in you4 e0eryt5in3 2l62y. come. 12c: m23ni/ied F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I 2m 21le to 3i0e lo0e4 :indne..4 2 5el8in3 52nd4 time4 money4 2nd 3i/t. 65ene0er you tell me to 1ec2u.e it=. your 3ood 8le2.ure to re8l2ce it to me /rom your o6n unlimited .tore 5ou.e I=0e c2.t my 1re2d u8on t5e 62ter4 F2t5er4 2nd I t52n: you /or t5e cinn2mon 1un. t52t 2re corn in 12c:7 &52n: you /or t5e -2ni.57 &52n: you /or t5e dou35nut.7 &52n: you t52t t5e 65ole 12:ery i. comin3 12c: to me;

8ar. 2

$!t see+ first the +in%dom of 'od and (is ri%hteo!s ness and all these thin%s shall 9e added to yo!5 .atthew #233 A &HIN$%< F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you /or t5e trut5 o/ t5e 8romi.e. in your 9ord; You .2id A &HIN$% .52ll 1e 2dded to me4 2nd I 1elie0e e0ery 6ord o/ it; I 2m cr20in3 2nd e2rne.tly .ee:in3 e0eryt5in3 in t5e :in3dom o/ $od7 You ne0er /2il me4 /or you 520e 32t5ered me into your :in3dom 2nd your 2nd 5ere I 2m4 >u1il2ntly re>oice in 1ec2u.e o/ it; You 3i0e me e0eryt5in3 I need4 not 1ec2u.e o/ 652t I do or don=t do4 1ut 1ec2u.e I=m 2 4#

mem1er o/ your 0ery o6n /2mily4 lo0ed 2nd c2red /or4 /rom no6 t5rou35 eternity7 I 5old out my 52nd. to you4 F2t5er4 2nd cl2im your 8romi.e t52t A t5in3. 2re 2dded to me7 I 520e lo0e4 >oy4 8e2ce o/ mind4 5e2lt5 2nd 8ro.8erity7 I 520e A t5in3.; F2t5er you=re .o 3ood to me t52t I c2n=t 3lori/y you enou35; 8ar. 3 For the &ord 'od is a s!n and shieldD the &ord will %ive %ra,e and %loryD no %ood thin% will (e withhold from those who wal+ !pri%htly5 Psalm 8<2;; I don=t need .un3l2..e.4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 2re my .5ield; I lo0e you /or 8romi.in3 t52t you 6ill not 6it55old one .in3le 3ood t5in3 /rom me7 I re>oice to 62l: u8ri35tly in your li35t 1ec2u.e in your li35t I c2n 2l62y. :no6 5o6 to 52ndle 2ny .itu2tion7 Your .5ield 8rotect. me /rom t5e de0il=. 12r1.4 5i. lie.4 5i. deceit.4 2nd I re>oice t52t 5e run. 2t 1re2:nec: .8eed 262y /rom your li35t; Protected 1y your .5ield4 illumined 1y your li35t4 my li/e i. 1le..ed 1y 2n 21und2nce o/ your 3i/t.4 /or you 2re 2 $od o/ 3r2ce 2nd 3lory; I 3lori/y your n2me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you .u8 8l 2ll my need. 2nd more; &52n: you /or t5e 5e20enly 1li.. 2nd /20or you 1e.to6 on me7 I con/idently commit 2ll I 2m 2nd 2ll I 520e to you; 8ar. 4 'ive8 and it will 9e %iven to yo!2 %ood meas!re8 pressed down8 sha+en to%ether8 and r!nnin% over will 9e p!t into yo!r 9osom5 For with the same meas!re that yo! !se8 it will 9e meas!red 9a,+ to yo!5 &!+e #238 F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you /or your moneyA12c: 41

3u2r2ntee 65ic5 3u2r2ntee. t52t 65en I 3i0e to you4 it .52ll 1e 3i0en 12c: to me7 95en I 3i0e lo0e4 you 3i0e me 2n eDceedin3 21und2nce o/ lo0e7 95en I 3i0e time4 you return t52t time to me o0er 2nd o0er 232in7 95en I 3i0e money4 you 3i0e it 12c: to me in /ull 2nd o0er/lo6in3 2nd 8lenteou. 2mount.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t you u.e 652t I 3i0e 2. 2 me2.urin3 .8oon to di.5 out 652t you 3i0e to me4 .o I don=t e0er need to 1e limited 1y 2nyt5in3 eDce8t 652t I 2m 6illin3 to 3i0e7 F2t5er4 I=m 3i0in3 my 2ll 2nd e0eryt5in3 I 2m 2nd 2ll my 8o..e..ion. to you4 2nd I t52n: you t52t I 2m 62l:in3 in 2 .u8er 21und2nt .u88ly; 8ar. 5 $!t remem9er this J f yo! %ive little8 yo! will %et little5 A farmer who plants 7!st a few seeds will %et only a small ,rop8 9!t f he plants m!,h8 he will reap m!,h5 ?? Corinthians 12# T&$ Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e 6onder/ul 52r0e.t you 2re 1rin3in3 /ort5 in my 32rden; &52n: you /or te2c5in3 me 5o6 to 1e 2 .ucce../ul /2rmer7 &52n: you /or te2c5in3 me to .o6 2nd >oy/ully in 3re2t 21und2nce .o you c2n 1le.. it 2nd return it to me multi8lied 1eyond my 6ilde.t dre2m.; &52n: you /or t5e 52r0e.t you 520e 8re82red /or me7 &52n: you /or te2c5in3 me not to 1e .tin3y in 2ny 2re2 o/ my li/e4 65et5er it=. in lo0e4 5e2lt54 >oy4 or /in2nce.7 I 8l2nt in /2it54 ? 2nd you o8en t5e /loodA 32te. o/ 5e20en to 8our 1le..in3. on me; I t52n: 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e eD8lodin3 21und2nce o/ 2ll t5in3. you 1rin3 21out /rom t5e .eed. o/ my 3i0in3; 42

8ar. 6

Do not %ather and heap !p and store for yo!rselves treas!res on earth8 where moth and r!st and worm ,ons!me and destroy8 and where thieves 9rea+ thro!%h and stealD $!t %ather and heap !p and store for yo!rselves treas!res in heaven8 where neither moth nor r!st nor worm ,ons!me and destroy8 and where thieves do not 9rea+ thro!%h and stealD For where yo!r treas!re is8 there will yo!r heart 9e also5 .olt5 #2;1@3; Amp5 No t52n:.4 I don=t need 2ny mot512ll. tod2y; I=m not .torin3 my tre2.ure. u8 5ere on t5e e2rt54 1ut I=m .torin3 t5em u8 in 5e20en 6it5 you4 F2t5er4 65ere I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out mot5. 2nd ru.t or e0en t5ie0e. 65o 1re2: t5rou35 2nd .te2l7 F2t5er4 I=m 12n:in3 my tre2.ure 6it5 you 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e mo.t reli21le tru.t com82ny in t5e entire 6orld7 You 2re 2 li0in3 ri0er o/ 1le..in3.4 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or t2:in3 c2re o/ your c5ildren 6it5 lo0in3 intere.t; My tre2.ure i. in 5e20en 6it5 you4 2nd my 5e2rt i. ri35t u8 t5ere4 too;

8ar. 17

And my 'od shall s!pply all yo!r need a,,ordin% to (is ri,hes in %lory 9y Christ es!s5 Philippians <2;1 My need. 2re 2nd li1er2lly .u88lied; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 Je.u. to die on t5e cro.. 2. 2 /or my .in. 1ec2u.e t5rou35 Him I 520e 21und2nt ne6 li/e; I 8r2i.e you not only /or 82yin3 2ll my 1ill.4 1ut 2l.o /or t2:in3 c2re o/ me in countle.. in0i.i1le 62y. ? 8ro0idin3 lo0e 65en I need it4 li/tin3 my .8irit4 4(

.endin3 2 /riend 65en I need 2 5el8in3 52nd4 directin3 your 2n3el. to 3u2rd my /2mily7 )0er 2nd o0er4 you .ur8ri.e me 6it5 your mir2culou. timin3 in 8ro0idin3 2n.6er. to e0en un.8o:en 8r2yer. o/ mine; F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t my need. 2re /2it5/ully 2nd con.t2ntly /ul/illed /rom your 6onder/ul 2nd ineD52u.ti1le ric5e. in 3lory 1y C5ri.t Je.u.; 8ar. 11 The 9in of flo!r was not !sed !p8 nor did the 7ar of oil nm dry8 a,,ordin% to the word of the &ard whi,h (e spo+e 9y -li7ah5 ? Kin%s ;>2;# My cru.e o/ oil .52ll ne0er /2il4 1ec2u.e I .52ll ne0er e2t my .eed; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 65en t5e 6ido6 62. 6illin3 to li.ten to your 8ro85et 2nd .52re 652t .5e 52d in.te2d o/ e2tin3 it 2ll 6it5 5er .on4 t52t you :e8t /illin3 t5e 12rrel o/ me2l 2nd 8ourin3 oil into t5e cru.e7 F2t5er4 5o6 6e 1le.. you /or 3i0in3 u. in.truction. on 5o6 to 520e .u//icient 2t 2ll time.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t e0en t5ou35 t5e .u88ly loo:. lo6 2t time.4 I c2n re.t 2..ured t52t you=re 2l62y. t5ere to 8ut in 652t I need; 8ar. 10 ; love those who love me8 and those who see+ me dili%ently will find me5 :i,hes and honor are with me8 end!rin% ri,hes and ri%hteo!sness5 .y fr!it is 9etter than %old8 yes8 than fine %old8 and my reven!e than ,hoi,e silver5 ? traverse the way of ri%hteo!sness8 in the midst of the paths of 7!sti,e8 that ? may ,a!se those who love me to inherit wealth8 that ? may fill their treas!ries5 Prover9s 82;>@3; F2t5er4 5o6 I lo0e your 9ord 2nd 2ll t5e 8romi.e. you 520e /or me7 I t52n: you t52t 44

endurin3 6e2lt5 2nd u8ri35tne.. in e0ery 2re2 2nd rel2tion.5i84 2nd ri35t .t2ndin3 6it5 you i. mine; I t52n: you t52t you e0en 2llo6 me to in5erit .u1.t2nce4 o/ten /rom .ource. I ne0er :ne6 21out4 2nd t52t you /ill my tre2.ure. 2nd t52t I 2m indeed 6e2lt5y4 1ec2u.e my ric5e. 2re 5e20enly 2nd di0ine7 &52n: you t52t you 520e t2:en c52r3e o/ my e2rt5ly 12n: 2ccount 2nd /illed it 6it5 di0ine; $lory; 8ar. 13 The ,!rse of the &ord is on the ho!se of the wi,+ed8 9!t (e 9lesses the ha9itation of the 7!st5 Prov5 3233 F2t5er4 my 5ou.e i. 1le..ed; I re>oice t52t you 2re 2 $od o/ >u.tice4 t52t no t5ou35t or 2ct e.c28e. your notice4 t52t you :no6 65ic5 2re t5e 5ou.e. o/ t5e 6ic:ed 2nd 65ic5 2re t5e 5ou.e. o/ t5e ri35teou.7 You .ee t5rou35 2ll t5e dece8tion. o/ t5e 6ic:ed@ t5ere i. no 62y t5ey c2n 5ide /rom your cur.e7 But I 8r2i.e you4 t52t you 2l.o .ee directly into t5e 5e2rt. 2nd mind. o/ t5e ri35teou. 2nd you ne0er /or3et to 1le.. 2nd re62rd your c5ildren 65o .er0e you /2it5/ully7 oo: into my 5e2rt 2nd my mind4 de2r F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I re>oice in 8r2i.in3 you; I 3lory in your 6onder/ul 1le..in3.; 8ar. 11 The 9lessin% of the &ord ma+es one ri,h8 and (e adds no sorrow with it5 Prover9s ;=233 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or /illin3 my li/e 6it5 t5e tre2.ure o/ your 1le..in34 65ic5 m2:e. me re>oice d2y 2/ter d2y7 I 2m ric5 in you; I 2m ric5 in your endle.. lo0e4 65ic5 /eed. me li:e m2nn2 /rom 5e20en; You 8ut t5e /ood on my t21le4 t5e clot5e. on my 12c:4 t5e .mile. on my 4*

c5ildren=. /2ce.; $lory4 F2t5er4 5o6 c2n I t52n: you enou35< You 3i0e me 5e2lt54 5288ine.. 2nd 8ro.8erity; You 3u2rd me /rom tem8t2tion 2nd te2c5 me 6it5 t5e 6i.dom o/ your 9ord; You rene6 2nd re/re.5 my .8irit .o I c2n /2ce e2c5 d2y 6it5 >oy; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or not 2ddin3 .orro6 to my li/e4 1ec2u.e 6it5 2ll your 1le..in3.4 t5ere >u.t i.n=t room /or it; 8ar. 12 And ? say to yo!8 as+8 and it will 9e %iven to yo!D see+8 and yo! will findD +no,+8 and it will 9e opened to yo!5 For everyone who as+s re,eives8 and he who see+s finds8 and to him who +no,+s it will 9e opened5 &!+e ;;D18 ;= $lory4 52llelu>254 F2t5er4 I=m 2n 2.:er4 2 .ee:er 2nd 2 :noc:er4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i.4 I=m 2 recei0er7 &52n: you t52t your 9ord .2y. i/ I 2.: it .52ll 1e 3i0en to me; &52n: you t52t you didn=t .2y %)ME 6ill recei0e 1ut you .2id E+ERY )NE4 2nd t52t include. me; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 65en I 2.:4 Y)U 3i0e to me@ 65en I :noc:4 Y)U o8en t5e door@ 65en I .ee:4 Y)U 3uide me .2/ely to my de.tin2tion7 I=m 2.:in34 F2t5er4 2nd t5ere/ore I 520e 652t I 2.: /or7 I 520e lo0e; I 520e >oy; I 520e 5e2lt5; I 520e 8ro.8erity; &52n: you /or 1ein3 .uc5 2 lo0in3 2nd 3enerou. F2t5er to me; 8ar. 13 (e has %iven food to those who fear (im2 (e will ever 9e mindf!l of (is ,ovenant5 Psalm ;;;2" )54 3loriou. F2t5er4 you 2re t5e ri0er o/ li/e4 t5e 8ro0ider o/ 2ll my 6ellA1ein3; I re>oice e0ery d2y 1ec2u.e you remem1er me 6it5out /2il7 You not only 8ut t5e me2t on my t21le 1ut you 4'

nouri.5 my .oul 2nd 8rotect me /rom 2ll 85y.ic2l 52rm4 1ec2u.e I 2m your c5ild4 2nd you lo0e me7 I e2t t5e me2t you 3i0e me 6it5 2 5e2rty 288etite4 deli35tin3 in e2c5 1ite 1ec2u.e I :no6 65o 52. 8ro0ided it 2nd 65o 6ill 2l62y. 8ro0ide it7 F2t5er4 I 2m t52n:/ul /or e0eryt5in3 you 3i0e me4 /or it 2ll 1elon3. to you4 2nd I 2m 1le..ed 1y your c2rin34 .52rin34 lo0in34 6onder/ul /2it5/ulne.. to me; H2llelu>25; I 8r2i.e you t52t your co0en2nt i. /ore0er im8rinted on your mind .o t52t you 6ill remem1er it t5rou35out 2ll o/ eternity7 8ar. 14 The &ord is my shepherdD ? shall not want5 Ps5 332; I .52ll not 62nt /or 5e2lt5; I .52ll not 62nt /or /in2nce. F2t5er4 do you :no6 652t 3et. me .o eDcited 21out your 8romi.e.< &5ey 2re m23ni/icent4 BI$ 8romi.e.; You >u.t don=t 3i0e out .m2ll4 .tin3y 8romi.e to your c5ildren4 1ec2u.e your )+E F)R U% I% %) $REA& &HA& Y)U 9AN& U% &) HA+E &HE 9H) E 9)RH%; I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 5e20enly F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you .2y 8l2inly 2nd cle2rly t52t I .52ll not 62nt; You 2re my $od4 2nd I 2m your c5ild; You 2re my .5e85erd4 2nd I /ollo6 65ere you le2d; I re>oice 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e :ind o/ F2t5er 65o 62nt. me to 8er.on2lly 8ro.8er in t5i. li/e 2nd to .52re your etern2l 3lory in t5e neDt; F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed 1eyond 6ord.; I .52ll not 62nt /or >oy; I .52ll not 62nt /or 5288ine..; $lory; 8ar. 15 $lessed 9e the &ord8 who daily loads !s with 9enefits the 'od of o!r salvation/ )elah Psalm 4!

#82;1 I=m lo2ded4 1ut not 6it5 8ro1lem.4 F2t5er; I t52n: you /or lo2din3 me 6it5 t5e 3ood t5in3. o/ li/e e0ery d2y; I don=t 520e to li0e on ye.terd2y=. 1le..in3. or 62it /or tomorro6=. 1le..in3.4 1ec2u.e you .end /re.5 ne6 1le..in3. e2c5 d2y7 I=m .in3in3 2nd .5outin3 my 8r2i.e. u8 to you 1ec2u.e you 3i0e me 2 t2.te o/ 5e20en ri35t on t5i. e2rt5; You 2re t5e $od o/ my .2l02tion4 2nd 2ll 3lory 1elon3. to you7 E0ery moment o/ t5i. d2y i. .8eci2l to me 1ec2u.e you 2re 2l62y. ri35t 5ere 6it5 me4 2nd you :no6 652t 1ene/it. I need muc5 1etter t52n I do; I lo0e you4 8r2i.e you 2nd 1le.. your n2me4 F2t5er4 /or 2ll I=m recei0in3 tod2y7 It=. 2ll .o 3ood4 you c2n >u.t :ee8 lo2din3 me do6n; &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 520e mont5ly or 6ee:ly 1le..in3.4 1ut t52t you .u88ly t5em on 2 d2ily 12.i.; H2llelu>25; 8ar. 16 Ies8 the &ord will %ive what is %oodD and o!r land will yield its in,rease5 Psalm 8"2;3 I c2n=t 5el8 8r2i.in3 you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you :no6 5o6 to 3i0e 3ood 3i/t.7 You 520e 3i0en me li/e 2nd you 520e remo0ed t5e cur.e o/ .in /rom my li/e t5rou35 t5e .2cri/ice o/ your only 1e3otten %on on t5e cro..7 I t52n: you /or my ne6 li/e 2nd my .2l02tion7 I t52n: you /or Je.u. C5ri.t7 I t52n: you /or t5e Holy %8irit7 Ye.4 F2t5er4 you 3i0e 652t i. 3ood4 2nd my 5e2rt re>oice.4 my 2rm. o8en 6ide4 to recei0e your 3i/t.; I lo0e you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 2ll my .oul4 2ll my mind 2nd 2ll my .tren3t57 Bec2u.e o/ your 3oodne..4 F2t5er4 our l2nd i. 1le..ed 6it5 4,

2 ric5 52r0e.t4 2nd I 2m 8ro.8ered7 8ar. 07 And all these 9lessin%s shall ,ome !pon yo! and overta+e yo!8 yo! heed the voi,e of the &ord yo!r 'od5 De!teronomy 3823 Amp5 I=m re2dy4 F2t5er4 to 1e o0ercome 2nd o0ert2:en 6it5 1le..in3.; I=0e li.tened to t5e de0il too lon34 1ut /rom no6 on I=m li.tenin3 to your 0oice only7 I=0e cle2ned out my e2r. 2nd I=m 5e2rin3 e0en t5e tinie.t little 6ord you .2y to me7 I=m .in3in3 your 8r2i.e. 2nd re>oicin3 1ec2u.e you=0e 8romi.ed t52t your 1le..in3 6ill c2tc5 u8 6it5 me 2nd .im8ly o0er65elm me7 I c2n 52rdly 62it; I 62nt to 8ee: o0er my .5oulder 2nd 62tc5 t5em 2rri0e4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I=0e in5erited e0en t5e 1le..in3. you 320e to A1r252m4 1ec2u.e Je.u. too: my .in. 262y .o t52t I mi35t 1e re.tored to your /20or7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e 21idin3 lo0e you 520e /or your 8eo8le 65ic5 52. /lo6ed do6n t5rou35 t5e centurie. to re2c5 me7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e I li0e under your 1le..in3.7 I 5e2rd t5e condition to your 1le..in3.4 too4 F2t5er4 .o I=m doin3 my 82rt 2nd /ollo6in3 your in.truction. com8letely; 8ar. 01 $lessed shall yo! 9e in the ,ity8 and 9lessed shall yo! 9e in the field5 De!teronomy 3823 Amp5 He20enly F2t5er4 you :no6 652t our citie. 2re li:e 2nd You :no6 652t it=. li:e to 1e 2 /2rmer t5e.e d2y.4 .o I re>oice t52t your 1le..in3 /ollo6. me 65ere0er I 3o; I t52n: you t52t you 2re my .5ield 2nd 8rotection /rom e0il in t5e city; I t52n: you t52t you 2re my .tren3t5 2nd my re.t in t5e /ield; You 2re 6it5 me 65ere0er I 4"

3o4 .o t52t my 62y i. 1le..ed 2nd 8ro.8erou.4 my 6or: 3oe. 6ell4 2nd my li/e 1e2r. /ruit t52t 8le2.e. you7 Bec2u.e you lo0e 2nd 1le.. me I 2m not .62llo6ed u8 in t5e con/u.ion 2nd d2r:ne.. o/ t5e 6orld7 I re>oice4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 2re 6it5 me; 8ar. 00 $lessed shall 9e yo!r 9as+et and yo!r +neadin% tro!%h5 De!teronomy 382" Amp5 Ho6 I re>oice4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out in/l2tion4 t5e 8rice o/ /ood 2nd .5o88in37 I 8r2i.e you t52t com8leD economic 8olicie.4 t5e ri.e 2nd /2ll o/ t5e .toc: m2r:et 2nd 1u.ine.. red t28e don=t 520e 2ny e//ect on your 1le..in3.7 He20enly F2t5er4 65en you .2y my 12.:et i. 1le..ed4 I& I% B E%%E-; My :ne2din3 trou354 or my 1re2d4 i. 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I=m /e2.tin3 on Je.u.4 t5e 1re2d o/ li/e; Your 1le..in3. come 2. 8romi.e.4 IN P)9ER AN- IN &RU&H; You 2re my $od4 2nd n2tion. ri.e 2nd dec2y under your 52nd4 1ut your 1le..in3. rem2in 6it5 me t5rou35 t5ic: 2nd t5in; F2t5er4 I=0e /or3otten 5o6 to 6orry 1ec2u.e I=m too 1u.y 8r2i.in3 2nd t52n:in3 you to 520e time /or it; 8ar. 03 $lessed shall yo! 9e when yo! ,ome in8 and 9lessed shall yo! 9e when yo! %o o!t5 De!t5 382# Amp5 I=m 1le..ed comin3 in4 2nd I=m 1le..ed 3oin3 out; $lory4 F2t5er4 65en I :noc: on t5e door4 you o8en it .o I c2n come in 2nd I 2m 1le..ed; 95en I 3o out to .ee:4 you 5el8 me to /ind 652t I=m .ee:in34 2nd 232in I=m 1le..ed; F2t5er4 only t5rou35 you 2m I 2..ured o/ 3ettin3 1le..ed 65et5er I=m comin3 or 3oin3; I 8r2i.e *#

you4 5e20enly F2t5er4 F)R -IREC&IN$ MY 9AY4 1ec2u.e in your 3loriou. 6i.dom4 I 2m 3uided to t5e door o/ o88ortunitie. t52t 1le.. me4 2nd I 2m 3uided out t5e door to 1etter o88ortunitie. t52t 1le.. me 232in7 I re>oice 2nd t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you c2re /or me enou35 to 2l62y. 1le.. my comin3 in 2nd 3oin3 out7 8ar. 01 The &ord shall ,a!se yo!r enemies who rise !p a%ainst yo! to 9e defeated 9efore yo!r fa,eD they shall ,ome o!t a%ainst yo! one way8 and flee 9efore yo! seven ways5 De!teronomy 382> Amp5 Enemie.4 3et re2dy to 3o; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5o.e 65o come 232in.t me 6it5 e0il in t5eir 5e2rt. 6ill ne0er /ind me 2lone4 1ut 2l62y. 6it5 you7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e in your 2nd 8o6er4 you de/e2t my enemie. 2nd .tri:e con/u.ion into t5eir r2n:.4 .o t52t t5ey run 1e/ore me .e0en di//erent 62y.; F2t5er4 e0en 65en I 2m under 2tt2c:4 I=m .till 1le..ed A 1ec2u.e I .t2nd /irm 2nd 3lori/y you 1e/ore t5e 6orld /or c2u.in3 t5e de/e2t o/ &52n: you4 5e20enly F2t5er4 /or 1le..in3 me under 2ll condition.; I c2n=t lo.e 6it5 you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I=m 1le..ed 65en t5ey 2tt2c: me4 2nd I=m 1le..ed 65en t5ey le20e me 2lone; 8ar. 02 The &ord shall ,ommand the 9lessin% !pon yo! in yo!r storeho!se8 and in all that yo! !nderta+eD and (e will 9less yo! in the land whi,h the &ord yo!r 'od %ives yo!5 De!teronomy 3828 Amp5 E0eryt5in3 I undert2:e i. 1le..ed ? 652t 2 *1

8romi.e; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 65en you comm2nd .omet5in3 to 1e done4 I& I% -)NE; &52n: you /or comm2ndin3 2 1le..in3 u8on me4 8er.on2lly4 /or t5e 8ro>ect. I=0e 2lre2dy .t2rted4 2nd t5e t5in3. I=m 3oin3 to do in t5e /uture7 F2t5er4 I 6or: 6it5 your 8r2i.e. u8on my li8.4 1ec2u.e you 1le.. 2nd re62rd t5o.e 65o 2re /2it5/ul to you7 I don=t 6orry 21out my .20in3.4 1ec2u.e your 1le..in3 8rotect. 652t i. mine 1etter t52n 2ny 12n: 02ult7 I=m not 2nDiou. 21out t5e .ucce.. o/ 2nyt5in3 I t2c:le4 1ec2u.e under your 1le..in3 my 6or: 8ro.8er.; F2t5er4 you 520e 1le..ed me in e0eryt5in3 you 520e 3i0en me4 2nd I 2m 3r2te/ul to you= H2llelu>25; 8ar. 03 And the &ord shall ma+e yo! have a s!rpl!s of prosperity8 thro!%h the fr!it of yo!r 9ody8 of yo!r livesto,+8 and of yo!r %ro!nd8 in the land whi,h the &ord swore to yo!r fathers to %ive yo!5 De!t5 382;; Amp5 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 8romi.e. more t52n 12re .u//iciency4 your 9ord 8romi.e. P EN&E)U% $))-%; I re>oice 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e your 8l2n /or me i. 2 li/e o/ 21und2nce4 not >u.t .cr28in3 1y d2yAtod2y7 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e e0eryt5in3 I do multi8lie. 2nd 1e2r. /ruit in t5e 8o6er o/ your 3enerou. 2nd lo0in3 1le..in3 u8on me 2nd u8on my l2nd7 F2t5er4 you 2re 2 /ount2in o/ 1le..in3. to me4 2nd I 3lori/y your n2me; I 520e more t52n enou35 2nd I 6ill 2l62y. 520e 2n eDce..4 2n o0er.u88ly 2nd 2 12l2nce le/t o0er to 3i0e to ot5er. in need; H2llelu>25; The &ord shall open to yo! (is %ood treas!ry555 De!5 382;3 Amp5 *2

8ar. 04

F2t5er4 65en I t5in: t52t you o8en to me your 3ood tre2.ury4 t52t me2n. e0eryt5in3 you=0e 3ot i. o8en 2nd 202il21le to me7 I /eel li:e 2 c5ild4 /ull o/ eDcitement4 .tic:in3 my 52nd in 2 3r21 123 o/ 3oodie.; %ome t5in3. in 2 3r21 123 2re di.288ointin34 1ut F2t5er4 A o/ t5e t5in3. in your tre2.ury 2re 3ood; I re>oice 1ec2u.e it i. truly your 8le2.ure to 3i0e me t5e :in3dom7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e 65en you o8en .omet5in3 u84 you don=t o8en >u.t 2 little cr2c: or 2 little c5in:4 1ut you o8en t5e 65ole t5in3 u87 I t52n: you 2nd re>oice t52t you 2re t5e one 65o=. doin3 it4 F2t5er4 2nd t52t you don=t m2:e me try to c5i.el my 62y in.ide o/ .omet5in3 di//icult to 3et in.ide o/4 1ut you >u.t o8en it u8 to me4 /ree o/ c52r3e7 Ho6 I lo0e you /or your 3enero.ity; 8ar. 05 A %ood man leaves an inheritan,e Lof moral sta9ility and %oodnessM to his ,hildrenFs ,hildren8 and the wealth of the sinner Lfinds its way event!allyM into the hands of the ri%hteo!s8 for whom it was laid !p5 Prover9s ;3233 Amp5 He20enly F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I 2m le20in3 2n in5erit2nce o/ mor2l 02lue. 2nd 3ood 1e520ior to my c5ildren 2nd my c5ildren=. c5ildren4 1ot5 t5rou35 t5e eD2m8le I .et /or t5em 2nd t5rou35 te2c5in3 t5em your 9ord7 I 3lori/y you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you don=t 2llo6 t5e .inner=. 62y. to 3o un8uni.5ed4 /or you t2:e t5e .inner=. money 2nd 82.. it into t5e 52nd. o/ t5o.e 65o lo0e you7 You 2re 2 $od o/ >u.tice 2nd 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y.4 *(

Ft5e 623e. o/ .in i. de2t54G 2nd you 1rin3 t5e .inner=. in5erit2nce to not5in37 F2t5er4 I li/t my 52nd. u8 ri35t no6 to 1e 2 /unnel /or you to 8our t5e .inner=. 6e2lt5 into me4 2nd I recei0e your 8ro.8erity7 8ar. 06 :oll yo!r wor+s !pon the &ord J ,ommit and tr!st them wholly to (imD L(e will ,a!se yo!r tho!%hts to 9e,ome a%reea9le to (is will8 andM so shall yo!r plans 9e esta9lished and s!,,eed5 Prover9s ;#23 Amp5 My 8l2n. 2re e.t21li.5ed 2nd .ucceedin3; 952t 2 8romi.e; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e 65en I 1rin3 my intention. 2nd 8l2n. 2nd ide2. to you 1e/ore I .t2rt on 2ny 8ro>ect4 you con/orm my t5ou35t. toy 6ill .o t52t e0eryt5in3 I do .ucceed. 6onder/ully7 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e e0en i/ I come to you 6it5 6ron3 ide2.4 2nd roll t5em 2ll u8on you4 t6i.tin3 2nd committin3 t5em to your 8reciou. c2re4 you >u.t turn my t5ou35t. 2round .o t52t I t5in: in t5e ri35t direction7 I=m lettin3 2ll o/ my t5ou35t. 3o ri35t .tr2i35t to you 1ec2u.e 6it5out you4 my t5ou35t. could 3o o// on 2ll :ind. o/ t2n3ent. 2nd 3et me into trou1le4 1ut 6it5 you my 8l2n. 2re e.t21li.5ed 2nd .ucceedin3 H2llelu>25; 8ar. 37 No weapon formed a%ainst yo! shall prosper8 and every ton%!e whi,h rises a%ainst yo! in 7!d%ment yo! shall ,ondemn5 This is the herita%e of the servants of the &ord8 and their ri%hteo!sness is from .e8 says the &ord5 ?saiah "<2;> F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t my 5erit23e in you 8rotect. me /rom t5e 6e28on. o/ enemie. 2nd t5e *4

ton3ue. o/ t5e 6ic:ed or mi.t2:en 8eo8le 65o .8e2: 232in.t me7 My i. in you4 .o I 520e not5in3 to /e2r7 &5e de0il 2nd 5i. dece8tion. 2re turned 262y /rom me 2nd 2re 1rou35t to not5in3 1y your 8o6er 1ec2u.e my /2it5 i. in you4 2nd you 2re my .5ield 2nd my 1uc:ler7 &52n: you /or 6r288in3 your .5ield o/ /2it5 2round me .o t52t I c2n con/idently /2ce t5e 6orld 2nd :no6 t52t no 6e28on o/ 2ny :ind t52t i. /ormed 232in.t me c2n 8ro.8er in 2ny 62y 1ec2u.e o/ your 9ord; $lory; 8ar. 31 )o shall .y word 9e that %oes forth from .y mo!thD it shall not ret!rn to .e void 0empty8 witho!t fr!it48 9!t it shall a,,omplish what ? please8 and it shall prosper in the thin% for whi,h ? sent it5 ?saiah ""2;; $lory4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 3oe. /ort5 6it5 P)9ER4 AN- -)E% 9HA& Y)U IN&EN- I& &) -); I t52n: you 1ec2u.e your 8romi.e. 2nd your 1le..in3. 8ro.8er me 2nd my 6or:.4 eD2ctly 2. you 62nt t5em to7 I t52n: you /or your lo0in3 :indne..4 /or t5e m2ny 1le..in3. you 520e 8oured out u8on me t5i. mont5 2nd /or your con.t2nt 8re.ence in my li/e7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 $od o/ 8o6er 2nd 3lory 2nd 2nd 1ec2u.e t5e 9ord t52t 3oe. /ort5 /rom your mout5 6it5 .uc5 6onder/ul 2ut5ority 1rin3. me >oy4 8e2ce4 lo0e4 5288ine..4 /riend.5i84 5e2lt5 2nd 8ro.8erity 2. I let t5o.e .2me 6ord. /lo6 t5rou35 my mout5;



Con/e.. t5i. e0ery d2y t5i. mont54 2lon3 6it5 t5e one /or e2c5 82rticul2r d2y4 to /irmly e.t21li.5 in your mind t52t HE I% RI%ENI F&52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e c2n .2y HE I% RI%EN 1ec2u.e 65en t5ey 6ent to t5e tom14 He 62. not t5ere; It 62. EMP&Y; &52n: you t52t in .8ite o/ t5e /2ct t52t He died on t5e cro.. 2nd too: A o/ t5e .in. 2nd /ilt5 o/ m2n:ind u8on Him.el/4 He e.t21li.5ed /ore0er t52t t5e NAME )F JE%U% 62. 21o0e 2ll ot5er n2me. 65en He 2ro.e out o/ t5e 1ond. o/ 5ell 2nd o0er t5e 8o6er o/ %2t2n7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e re.urrection 8o6er t52t m2de .2l02tion 8o..i1le7G E2c5 d2y 2. you m2:e your con/e..ion4 65et5er you 2re 2lone or 6it5 .omeone4 .2y it out loud4 2nd .2y it 6it5 2ut5ority until t5e con/e..ion t52t i. 6ritten 1ecome. Y)UR con/e..ion; 9pr. 1 Therefore 'od also has hi%hly e6alted (im and %iven (im the name whi,h is a9ove every name8 that at the name of es!s every +nee sho!ld 9ow8 of those in heaven8 and of those on earth8 and of those !nder the earth8 and that every ton%!e sho!ld ,onfess that es!s Christ is &ord8 to the %lory of 'od the Father5 Philippians 321@;; Je.u.4 Je.u.4 Je.u.7 Ho6 I lo0e t52t n2me; I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 your %on .uc5 2 1e2uti/ul n2me7 &52n: you /or your 8o6er in t52t n2me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e n2me o/ Je.u. i. o0er 2nd 21o0e .ic:ne..4 di.e2.e4 8o0erty4 *'

9pr. 1

demon.4 2nd e0eryt5in3 el.e t5e de0il trie. to 3i0e me7 I t2:e t5e n2me o/ Je.u. o0er 2ny 8l23ue t52t trie. to come ne2r my d6ellin34 1ec2u.e t52t n2me i. 21o0e 2ll t5in3. in.ide 2nd out7 My ton3ue con/e..e. d2ily t52t Je.u. C5ri.t i. ord7 Je.u. i. ord; JE%U% I% )R-; Therefore 'od also has hi%hly e6alted (im and %iven (im the name whi,h is a9ove every name8 that at the name of es!s every +nee sho!ld 9ow8 of those in heaven8 and of those on earth8 and of those !nder the earth8 and that every ton%!e sho!ld ,onfess that es!s Christ is &ord8 to the %lory of 'od the Father5 Philippians 321@;; Je.u.4 Je.u.4 Je.u.7 Ho6 I lo0e t52t n2me; I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 your %on .uc5 2 1e2uti/ul n2me7 &52n: you /or your 8o6er in t52t n2me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e n2me o/ Je.u. i. o0er 2nd 21o0e .ic:ne..4 di.e2.e4 8o0erty4 demon.4 2nd e0eryt5in3 el.e t5e de0il trie. to 3i0e me7 I t2:e t5e n2me o/ Je.u. o0er 2ny 8l23ue t52t trie. to come ne2r my d6ellin34 1ec2u.e t52t n2me i. 21o0e 2ll t5in3. in.ide 2nd out7 My ton3ue con/e..e. d2ily t52t Je.u. C5ri.t i. ord7 Je.u. i. ord; JE%U% I% )R-;

9pr. 0

Then (e arose and re9!+ed the wind8 and said to the sea8 FPea,e8 9e still/H And the wind ,eased and there was a %reat ,alm5 .ar+ <231 F2t5er4 5o6 6e 1le.. you t52t 2t t5e n2me o/ Je.u.4 t5e 6ilde.t .torm t52t m2y 1e 1lo6in3 2round u. 52. to 1e .till 2nd Euiet7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en t52t old enemy come. in li:e 2 /lood4 t5e n2me o/ Je.u. muCCle. 652te0er t5e de0il i. tryin3 to do7 My 5e2rt .52ll 520e 8e2ce 2ll d2y *!

tod2y 1ec2u.e 65ene0er t5e 6ind .t2rt. to 1lo6 232in4 I .52ll t2:e t5e n2me o/ Je.u. on my li8.7 &52n: you /or t5e 8e2ce t52t 82..e. 2ll under.t2ndin3 t52t re.t. in my 5e2rt 1ec2u.e o/ 652t you=0e 3i0en to u. in t5e NAME o/ Je.u.; 9pr. 3 That the name of o!r &ord es!s Christ may 9e %lorified in yo!8 and yo! in (im8 a,,ordin% to the %ra,e of o!r 'od and the &ord es!s Christ5 ?? Thess5 ;2;3 F2t5er4 it 52. 1een ne2rly 24### ye2r. .ince you .ent your %on to 62l: on t5i. e2rt57 I=m 1u11lin3 o0er 2nd .till c2n=t .to8 t2l:in3 21out Hi. 6onder/ul mir2culou. li/e 2nd I .till c2n=t t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you enou35 /or .endin3 Him7 I t52n: 2nd 8r2i.e you /or 3i0in3 me t5e o88ortunity to 520e Je.u. 3lori/ied in me 1y t5e 62y I li0e my li/e 1e/ore 2ll t5e 6orld4 2nd to 1e 3lori/ied e0en my.el/ 1ec2u.e I li0e in Him7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5i. c2n only 5288en 1y your 3r2ce 2nd t52t o/ our ord Je.u. C5ri.t7 &52n: you /or t52t 1e2uti/ul n2me 21o0e 2ll n2me.4 t5e n2me o/ Je.u.; I t2:e it u8on my li8. d2ily in t52n:.3i0in3 /or 652t you 520e done /or me7 9pr. 1 And the whole m!ltit!de so!%ht to to!,h (im8 for power went o!t from (im and healed them all5 &!+e #2;1 HE HEA E- &HEM A ; 952t 2 .t2tement4 2nd 652t 2 trut5; I 8r2i.e you 2nd eD2lt t5e n2me o/ Je.u.4 1ec2u.e Je.u. 2nd Hi. n2me 2re one4 F2t5er; &5ere 62. .o muc5 8o6er in Hi. 0ery 1ein34 Hi. Pre.ence4 t52t t5e e0erA8re.ent 0irtue /lo6ed out o/ Him4 5e2l in e0ery 8er.on7 I *,

1le.. you 1ec2u.e you 520e 3i0en me t5e .2me 8o6er 2nd t5e 2ut5ority to u.e t5e n2me o/ Je.u. to let 5e2lin3 0irtue /lo6 out o/ me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t Je.u. 62. 0ictoriou. in 2ll circum.t2nce. 2nd 2t 2ll time.4 t5ere/ore 1ec2u.e I 2m 2 >ointA5eir 6it5 Him4 I 2m 0ictoriou. 2nd trium852nt 2t 2ll time. 1ec2u.e o/ t52t n2me; JE%U%; N2me 21o0e 2ll n2me.; .2y it out loud; 9pr. 2 And in that day yo! will as+ .e nothin%5 .ost ass!redly ? say to yo!8 whatever yo! as+ the Father in .y name (e will %ive yo!5 Nntil now yo! have as+ed nothin% in .y name5 As+8 and yo! will re,eive8 that yo!r 7oy may 9e f!ll5 ohn ; #23383< Your 3oodne.. i. 2lmo.t im8o..i1le to 1elie0e; My >oy i. /ull 2nd runnin3 2ll o0er t5e 8l2ce; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. .2id 9HA&E+ER I 2.: in Hi. NAME4 you 6ill 3i0e to me7 I re>oice 2nd 3i0e t52n:. t52t t5e n2me Je.u. 52. .uc5 8o6er 2nd 2ut5ority7 I=m 1le..ed to 2.: in t5e n2me o/ Je.u. 1ec2u.e o/ t5e lo0e t52t /ill. my 5e2rt 65en Hi. n2me i. on my li8. 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5e .6eet eD8ect2tion o/ recei0in3 652t I 2.: /rom you4 F2t5er7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 .o 1ounti/ul in my li/e t52t my >oy i. runnin3 o0er; Io! did not ,hoose .e8 9!t ? ,hose yo! and appointed yo! that yo! sho!ld %o and 9ear fr!it8 and that yo!r fr!it sho!ld remain8 that whatever yo! as+ the Father in .y name (e may %ive yo!5 ohn ;"2;# You c5o.e me; You ord2ined me; You 8ic:ed *"

9pr. 3

me out 1ec2u.e you 62nted to; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2m c5o.en 2nd ord2ined t5rou35 Je.u. C5ri.t to 1e2r /ruit in my li/e /rom t5e lo0e 2nd trut5 He eD8re..e. in me7 &52n: you t52t I li0e .o t52t 8eo8le c2n .ee t5e lo0e o/ Je.u. in me 2nd t52t I c2n re2c5 out to tell t5e $ood Ne6. to ot5er.7 &52n: you t52t I 2m 288ointed to 1rin3 /ort5 /ruit 2nd t52t my /ruit 6ill rem2in 2. your 9ord .2y.4 .o t52t I c2n 2.: /or 2nyt5in3 in Je.u.= n2me 2nd you 6ill 3i0e it to me; 9pr. " .ost ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 he who 9elieves in .e8 the wor+s that ? do he will do alsoD and %reater wor+s than these he will do8 9e,a!se ? %o to .y Father5 And whatever yo! as+ in .y name8 that ? will do8 that the Father may 9e %lorified in the )on5 ?f yo! as+ any thin in .y name8 ; will do it5 ohn ;<2;3@;< I 1elie0e in you4 I do 1elie0e on you; I 3et .o eDcited 65en I re2d t52t I c2n do e0en 3re2ter t5in3. t52n Je.u. did7 My mind c2n=t com8re5end 2ll t5e t5in3. you=0e 8romi.ed4 1ut F2t5er4 I 1elie0e t5em 1ec2u.e you 520e .2id .o in your 9ord7 I 1le.. you t52t your 9ord m2:e. .uc5 2 com8lete 2nd tot2l .t2tement 65en you 8ic:ed t5e 6ord F652t.oe0erG I 2.:ed in t5e n2me o/ Je.u. 6ould 1e done; I 62nt to 3lori/y your %on Je.u. in 2ll t52t I do; I=m 62l:in3 in 8o6er 1ec2u.e you .2id .o; 9pr. 5 Then Peter said to them8 F:epent8 and let every one of yo! 9e 9aptiAed in the name of es!s Christ for the remission of sinsD and yo! shall re,eive the %ift of the (oly )pirit5 FA,ts 3238 '#

F2t5er4 I re>oice 2nd t52n: you /or t5e 8o6er t52t=. in t5e n2me o/ Je.u.; I t52n: you t52t 2t t52t n2me t5e l2me .52ll 62l:4 t5e 1lind .52ll .ee4 2nd 5e2lin3. .52ll t2:e 8l2ce tod2y >u.t 2. t5ey did in t5e d2y. 65en t5e di.ci8le. 62l:ed on t5i. e2rt57 I t52n: you /or t5e 1le..in3. t52t t5e n2me o/ Je.u. 1rin3.7 I t52n: you /or t5e 3i/t o/ t5e Holy %8irit7 &52n: you /or t5e 8o6er t52t come. 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit7 &52n: you /or t5e >oy t52t come. 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 3i0e A o/ your 1le..in3. to A o/ your c5ildren7 I=m not 3oin3 to mi.. 2 .in3le one; 9pr. 6 And these si%ns will follow those who 9elieve2 ?n .y name they will ,ast o!t demonsD they will spea+ with new ton%!es5 .ar+ ;#2;> $loriou. F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you t52t in t5e NAME o/ Je.u. I 520e 8o6er o0er de0il.7 &5ey 2ll :no6 65o He i.4 2nd I don=t 520e to /e2r t5em one 1it 1ec2u.e t5e de0il 5im.el/ trem1le. 2t t5e 0ery n2me o/ Je.u.; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 2ll t5e 8o6er. o/ d2r:ne.. 2re 2/r2id 2nd run 262y 2t t5e mention o/ Je.u.4 1ec2u.e t5rou35 Him4 t5ey 2nd t5eir dece8tion. 2nd .ne2:y4 e0il 8l2n. 2re de/e2ted7 952t 2 1le..in3 you 3i0e to u. Je.u.4 65en 6e .8e2: 6it5 ne6 ton3ue.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e l2n3u23e o/ lo0e you 3i0e u. 6it5 65ic5 to 8r2i.e you 2nd lo0e you7 &52n: you t52t t5i. i. /or 2ll 1elie0er.4 2nd t52t include. ME; &52n: you /or t5e.e t6o .i3n.; '1

9pr. 17

5 5 5 they will ta+e !p serpentsD and f they drin+ anythin% deadly8 it will 9y no means h!rt them8 they will lay hands on the si,+8 and they will re,over5 .ar+ ;#2;8 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 2. I loo: 2t my 52nd. I don=t .ee 2nyt5in3 8o6er/ul7 I don=t .ee 2nyt5in3 unu.u2l4 I don=t .ee muc5 o/ 2nyt5in3 eDce8t /in3er. on e2c5 52nd7 But your 9ord .2y. t52t in t5e NAME o/ Je.u.4 t5e.e ordin2ry 52nd. c2n 1e l2id on .ic: 8eo8le 2nd &HEY 9I REC)+ER; I 8r2i.e you /or not .2yin3 m2y1e4 or t52t only .ome 6ould 1e u.ed4 1ut you >u.t .im8ly .2id t52t t5e 52nd. o/ 1elie0er. 6ould 1e u.ed; I=m 2 1elie0er4 F2t5er4 2nd e0en t5ou35 I mi35t not 1e 21le to /eel 8o6er /lo6in3 t5rou35 my 52nd. 2t 2ll time.4 1y /2it5 in your 9ord4 I :no6 it=. t5ere4 2nd I :no6 t52t t5e .ic: 6ill reco0er 65en my 52nd. 2re l2id u8on t5em; &52n: you t52t my /2mily i. m2de 65ole 1y t5e u.e o/ my 52nd.;

9pr. 11

And they ,alled them and ,ommanded them not to spea+ at all nor tea,h in the name of es!s55 5sayin%8 FDid we not stri,tly ,ommand yo! not to tea,h in this nameG And loo+8 yo! have filled er!salem with yo!r do,trine8 and intend to 9rin% this .anHs 9lood on !s/H Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said2 FWe o!%ht to o9ey 'od rather than men5H A,ts <2;88 A,ts "238831 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e NAME o/ Je.u. 52. .o muc5 8o6er t52t t5e de0il 2nd 5i. co5ort. /lee 2t t5e 0ery mention o/ Hi. n2me7 I t52n: '2

you t52t t5e %2dducee. 6ere .o 2/r2id o/ t5e 8o6er 2t t5e mention o/ t5e n2me o/ Je.u. t52t t5ey /or12de Peter 2nd Jo5n to e0er .8e2: o/ Hi. n2me7 &52n: you /or t5eir 1oldne.. in .2yin34 F9e ou35t to o1ey $od r2t5er t52n men7G I 8r2i.e you t52t I c2n u.e t52t .2me 1oldne.. tod2y 2nd .2y t5e eD2ct .2me 6ord. t52t I=m 2 $odA 2nd not 2 8eo8leA8le2.er7 Ble.. you /or t5e 8o6er in t52t n2me7 9pr. 10 Then those who went 9efore and those who followed ,ried o!t8 sayin%2 F(osanna/ $lessed is (e who ,omes in the name of the &ord/ .ar+ ;;21 F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I come in t5e n2me o/ t5e ord4 1ec2u.e I 2m 2 c5ild o/ $od4 redeemed 1y t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m14 t5e .2cri/ice o/ Je.u. C5ri.t on t5e cro..4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 6ord o/ my te.timony7 I re>oice 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e I come in Hi. NAME4 I 2m 1le..ed7 &52n: you /or .endin3 your %on4 Je.u.4 to 8re82re t5e 62y /or u. to /ollo6 Him7 Ho.2nn24 I=m .in3in3 2nd .5outin3 Hi. 8r2i.e. 1ec2u.e I come in Hi. N2me; 9pr. 13 (eaven and earth will pass away8 9!t .y words will 9y no means pass away5 .atthew 3<23" F2t5er4 it i. 1eyond my com8re5en.ion t52t t5i. e2rt5 6ill .ome d2y 82.. 262y4 2nd t52t t5e .un4 moon 2nd .t2r. t52t I=0e .een 2nd 1een u.ed to 2ll my li/e4 6ill 82.. 262y4 1ut I 1elie0e it 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y. .o; I re>oice t52t t5e t5in3. o/ your etern2l :in3dom .52ll not 82.. 262y4 2nd t52t you 520e c5o.en me to .8end '(

eternity in your 3loriou. :in3dom 1ec2u.e o/ my .2l02tion in Je.u. C5ri.t; Ho6 I t52n: you /or .endin3 your %on to u. 2nd 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or3i0e in me your 9ord to .t2nd on 2ll t5e d2y. o/ my li/e7 It li/t. my .8irit u8 to t5e 5e20enly 8l2ce. 65en I t5in: o/ t5e.e 6onder/ul 8romi.e.; 9pr. 11 $ehold8 ? %ive yo! the a!thority to trample on serpents and s,orpions8 and over all the power of the enemy8 and nothin% shall 9y any means h!rt yo!5 &!+e ;=2;1 &52t i. re2l 8o6er4 F2t5er; I t52n: you 1ec2u.e Je.u. unre.er0edly 320e u. t5e 8o6er to 62l: on .n2:e. 2nd .cor8ion. 6it5out 52rm7 I t52n: you t52t t5i. 8o6er 62. m23ni/ied to 3i0e u. 8o6er o0er 2ll t5e enemy4 6it5out 8o..i1ility o/ ret2li2tion u8on u.4 1ec2u.e Je.u. 3u2r2nteed t52t not5in3 6ould 1e 21le 1y 2ny me2n. to 5urt u.7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e Je.u. didn=t limit our 8o6er to 82rticul2r condition.4 2nd didn=t .2y 6e only 52d 8o6er o0er 82rt o/ t5e enemy 1ut o0er A t5e enemy=. 8o6er; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t not5in3 i. 3oin3 to 5urt u. 1ec2u.e Je.u. 320e u. t52t 8o6er in Hi. n2me; 9pr. 12 Ass!redly8 ; say to yo!8 whoever does not re,eive the +in%dom of 'od as a little ,hild will 9y no means enter it5 &!+e ;82;> $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m .o t52n:/ul 1ec2u.e 3ettin3 into your :in3dom i. .o .im8le t52t I=m 3oin3 to .5out out your 8r2i.e.; 952t 2 1le..in3 t52t I 2m not reEuired to 520e 2 colle3e de3ree7 I don=t e0en 520e to .8e2: $ree: or He1re64 2nd I don=t 520e to 1elon3 to 2 cert2in clu1 or 1e 2n '4

eD8ert in 2nyt5in37 I=m .o 3l2d t52t you let me >oin your .8eci2l clu1 >u.t 1y .im8le /2it5 in t5e 1lood o/ Je.u.7 I didn=t come in 1y intellect or medit2tion or mu.cle.7 &5ere 62.n=t 2nyt5in3 to /i3ure out4 I didn=t 520e to 1uy 2 tic:et4 2nd t5ere 62. no red t28e7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you .ent Je.u. to .5o6 me t5e 62y; 9pr. 13 $!t (e said8 FThe thin%s whi,h are impossi9le with men are possi9le with 'od5H &!+e ;823> &52t=. t5e e8itome o/ 2n im8o..i1le .t2tement4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e m2ny time. 6e=re limited 1y 652t .cience .2y.7 9e=0e 1een t2u35t t52t i/ .cience c2n=t .ol0e 2 8ro1lem or 5e2l 2 di.e2.e4 it c2n=t 1e done; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5ere i. 2n in/initely 3re2ter 5o8e4 2n in/initely 3re2ter 8o6er t52n .cience Bec2u.e Je.u. .2id it4 it=. .o; &5o.e 0ery t5in3. 65ic5 2re im8o..i1le 6it5 men 2re 8o..i1le 6it5 you7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5rou35 you I c2n eD8ect t5e im8o..i1le 2nd t5e mir2culou. to 5288en; You 2re t5e c52n3ele.. $od; You 2re t5e .2me $od o/ mir2cle. tod2y 2. you 6ere 24### ye2r. 23o4 or in Mo.e.= time4 or 2t t5e cre2tion; Ble.. you t52t you 2re MY F2t5er; 9pr. 14 5 5 5for the )on of .an has ,ome to see+ and to save that whi,h was lost5 &!+e ;12;= He .e2rc5ed /or me4 He 5unted me4 He 8ur.ued me4 He .ou35t me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 your 0ery o6n %on4 Je.u.4 to re.cue me 65en I 62. lo.t in t5e d2r:ne.. o/ .in7 I t52n: you t52t you lo0ed me .o muc54 you let your o6n %on 1e2r my .in. u8on t5e cro..4 .o t52t I '*

mi35t 1e cle2n.ed 2nd .20ed /rom etern2l d2mn2tion7 I 62. lo.t4 1ut He /ound me 2nd .20ed me .o I could 1ecome 82rt o/ your :in3dom; I re>oice t52t Je.u. .5ined Hi. li35t on t5e 82t5 t52t led me ri35t to your 32te; F2t5er4 I 6ill 8r2i.e you 2nd 3lori/y your n2me /ore0er t52t your %on 62. .2cri/ice .o I could 520e etern2l li/e; &52n: you4 F2t5er; 9pr. 15 5 5 5For the 7oy of the &ord is yo!r stren%th5 Neh5 82;= Je.u. 3i0e. >oy; $lory to $od4 5o6 I .in3 5o.2nn2 to t5e 5i35e.t 1ec2u.e o/ t5e >oy 65ic5 o0er/lo6. in my 5e2rt7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e redeemed o/ t5e ord .52ll return 2nd come 6it5 .in3in3 unto LionI 2nd e0er l2.tin3 >oy .52ll 1e u8on t5eir 5e2d.7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5ey .52ll o1t2in 3l2dne.. 2nd >oy4 2nd .orro6 2nd .i35in3 .52ll /lee 262y7 I c2n re>oice 1ec2u.e my n2me i. 6ritten in 5e20en7 F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or t5e 1e2uti/ul 6ord. o/ t5e 2n3el 65en 5e .2id4 FBe5old4 I 1rin3 you 3ood tidin3. o/ 3re2t >oy;G &52n: you t52t t5e $ood Ne6. 62. Je.u. 2nd t5e 3ood tidin3. .till 1rin3 >oy tod2y7 F2t5er4 I=m 62l:in3 2nd le28in3 2nd 8r2i.in3 you 1ec2u.e o/ t5e o0er21und2nce o/ >oy in my 5e2rt; 9pr. 16 Therefore f the )on ma+es yo! free8 yo! shall 9e free indeed5 ohn 823# .ost ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 Of anyone +eeps .y word he shall never see death5 ohn 82"; I=m /ree4 I=m /ree4 I=m /ree4 /or 65om t5e %on .et. /ree i. /ree indeed; I 2m li1er2ted4 I 2m ''

uncondition2lly .et /ree; I 2m unEue.tion21ly .et /ree; $lory4 F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or t5e /reedom I 520e in t5i. 1e2uti/ul country o/ our.4 1ut I t52n: you muc5 more /or t5e /reedom Je.u. c2me to 1rin3 me; &52n: you t52t you .ent Je.u. to /ree me /rom 1ond23e to .in 2nd to /ree me /rom de2t54 65ic5 your 9ord .2y. i. t5e 623e. o/ .in7 I re>oice 2nd 8r2i.e your n2me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e no6 I .52ll ne0er .ee .8iritu2l de2t5; I 520e 2 3loriou. etern2l li/e 25e2d o/ me4 2nd I=m en>oyin3 it ri35t t5i. 0ery minute; &52n: you4 F2t5er; H2llelu>25; 9pr. 07 The thief does not ,ome e6,ept to steal8 and to +ill8 and to destroy5 ? have ,ome that they may have life8 and that they may have it more a9!ndantly5 ohn ;=2;= I 52te t5e de0il; He=. 2 ro11er4 2 croo:4 2 8ir2te4 2 1ur3l2r4 2nd 3ood /or not5in3; He .te2l.4 5e ro1.4 5e 8lunder.4 5e 5i>2c:.4 5e .6indle.4 5e 1l2c:m2il.4 5e c5e2t.4 2nd 5e trie. to de.troy e0eryt5in3 t52t come. 5i. 62y; F2t5er4 5o6 I lo0e you t52t Je.u. c2me to 3i0e me t5e 21und2nt li/e 1y re.torin3 me to your lo0e4 t5e .ource o/ 2ll 21und2nce; I t52n: you t52t t5e de0il 65o come. 2. 2 t5ie/4 i. 8o6erle.. to .te2l t5e ne6 li/e I 520e in you4 1ec2u.e 5e 52. to run /rom t5e 0ery n2me o/ Je.u.; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or my ne6 li/e o/ 21und2nce ? lo0e4 >oy4 5e2lt54 8ro.8erity4 2nd E&ERNA IFE IN Y)UR HIN$-)M; H2llelu>25; 9pr. 01 .ost ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 !nless a %rain of wheat falls into the %ro!nd and dies8 it remains aloneD 9!t if it dies8 it prod!,es m!,+ %rain5 '!

ohn ;323< I .ee 2 65ole 65e2t /ield4 F2t5er4 .62yin3 in t5e 1reeCe o/ t5e Holy %8irit7 Ho6 I t52n: you t52t Je.u. died on t5e cro.. 2nd ro.e 232in t5e t5ird d2y4 to 1rin3 /ort5 t5e /ruit o/ .2l02tion in u. .o 6e mi35t 520e etern2l li/e in your :in3dom; I t52n: you t52t I=m 82rt o/ t52t /ruit cro8; I/ t52t one :ernel 52d not died4 F2t5er4 t5ere 6ould 520e ne0er 1een 2 62y /or me to 520e etern2l li/e7 My .in. 6ere 62.5ed 262y in t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m1 you .ent 2. 2 li0in3 .2cri/ice /or me; I re>oice 1ec2u.e I=m 2 ne6 8er.on li0in3 2 NE9 li/e in your lo0e4 2nd 2ll o/ t5i. 62. m2de 8o..i1le t5rou35 one 8reciou. :ernel ? your lo0ely %on Je.u.; 9pr. 00 And s!,h were some of yo!5 $!t yo! were washed8 9!t yo! were san,tified8 9!t yo! were 7!st wed in the name of the &ord es!s and 9y the )pirit of o!r 'od5 ? Corinthians #2;; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 520e 1een 62.5ed 21.olutely cle2n 2nd .8otle.. 2nd 8uri/ied 1y 2 com8lete 2tonement /or .in 2nd m2de /ree /rom t5e 3uilt o/ .in4 t52t I 2m .et 282rt4 con.ecr2ted4 8uri/ied4 .2nctioned 2nd 2ut5oriCed in t52t n2me t52t i. 21o0e 2ll n2me.; I 8r2i.e you t52t I 520e 1een 8ronounced ri35teou.4 2nd t52t 2ll t5e t5in3. 65ic5 you 5eld 232in.t me 1e/ore I 62. .20ed4 2re no6 >u.t 2. i/ t5ey 52d ne0er 5288ened7 I t2:e t52t 6onder/ul n2me u8on my li8. 2t 2ll time. 2nd tell t5e 6orld 21out t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. t52t 5288en in t52t N2me; 9pr. 03 Pea,e ? leave with yo!8 .y pea,e ? %ive to yo!D ',

not as the world %ives do ? %ive to yo!5 &et not yo!r heart 9e tro!9led8 neither let it 9e afraid5 ohn ;<23 > It cert2inly i. di//erent /rom t5e 6orld4 F2t5er; I re>oice 2nd t52n: you /or t52t 0ery .8eci2l :ind o/ 8e2ce t52t Je.u. 320e me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e 23it2ted 2nd di.tur1ed 1y 5288enin3. in t5e 6orld4 1ec2u.e t52t=. not t5e :ind o/ 8e2ce you 3i0e7 &52t .8eci2l 8e2ce i. 2 di0ine 8e2ce t52t c2lm. my 5e2rt 2nd mind in eD2ctly t5e .2me m2nner Je.u. did 65en He once comm2nded 2 .torm to ce2.e 65en Hi. di.ci8le. in t5e 1o2t 1ec2me 2/r2id7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t not5in3 2nd no one c2n e0er trou1le my 5e2rt or t2:e 262y t5e 8e2ce t52t Je.u. 320e me4 1ec2u.e it=. di0ine4 2nd it=. mine; 9pr. 01 ?f yo! a9ide in .e8 and .y words a9ide in yo!8 yo! will as+ what yo! desire8 and it shall 9e done for yo!5 ohn ;"2> Je.u.4 I=m 21idin3 in you; I=m 0it2lly united to you t5rou35 your 9ord4 2nd I=m lettin3 your 6ord. .ettle do6n dee8 in.ide o/ me4 into 2ll t5e d2r: corner. o/ my li/e .o t52t t5ey 6ill 8erm2nently d6ell4 re.ide4 li0e 2nd .t2y 6it5in me 2t 2ll time.7 I=m .8e2:in3 your 6ord.4 I=m .2yin3 your 6ord.4 I=m li0in3 your 6ord.4 I=m lo0in3 your 6ord.; I=m 1le..ed 2nd t52n:/ul to 1e 2l62y. 6it5 you 2nd your 21idin3 lo0e4 to 1e 21le to 2.: ANY&HIN$ o/ you 2nd :no6 t52t it 6ill 1e done7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 2nd 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you 2re 2l62y. t5ere to 8ro0ide 2n.6er. to my 8ro1lem.4 to lo0e me 2nd nouri.5 me 2nd li/t me u8; I=m .o2rin3 5i35er 2ll t5e '"

time 1ec2u.e I=m 21idin3 in you 2nd you=re 21idin3 in me; 9pr. 02 To them 'od willed to ma+e +nown what are the ri,hes of the %lory of this mystery amon% the 'entiles2 whi,h is Christ in yo!8 the hope of %lory5 Col5 ;23> &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e m2de :no6n to me 652t 62. once 2 my.tery to t5e $entile.4 1ec2u.e t5e my.tery i. .im8ly t52t Je.u. C5ri.t li0e. ri35t in.ide me; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 6it5 Je.u. in.ide me4 I 520e t5e ric5e. o/ 3lory4 t5e 8o6er to li0e in t5i. 6orld 2nd t5e 5o8e o/ etern2l li/e in your :in3dom; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t it 8le2.e. you to m2:e t5i. my.tery :no6n to me4 .o I c2n li0e 1y /2it5 in your 3r2ce t5rou35 Je.u. C5ri.t4 2nd let my li35t .5ine 1e/ore m2n:ind; I don=t :no6 5o6 He doe. it4 F2t5er4 2nd t52t=. not im8ort2nt; &5e im8ort2nt t5in3 i. t52t He doe.; 9pr. 03 555and have p!t on the new man who is renewed in +nowled%e a,,ordin% to the ima%e of (im who ,reated him555 Therefore8 as the ele,t of 'od8 holy and 9eloved8 p!t on tender mer,ies8 +indness8 h!m9leness of mind8 mee+ness8 lon%s!fferin%D Col5 32;=8;3 I=m .82r:lin34 I=m cle2n4 I=m .5iny 2nd I=m ne6; F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t I 2m 2 ne6 8er.on in C5ri.t4 6it5 2 ne6 .8iritu2l .el/ 65ic5 i. continu2lly rene6ed 2nd 8er/ected in :no6led3e4 2/ter t5e im23e o/ my Cre2tor7 &52n: you t52t I=m 1ein3 .2ncti/ied 2nd m2de !#

5oly 2. one o/ your elect4 1ec2u.e to do your 6or:. I=0e 1een 3i0en your c52r2cteri.tic. ? mercy4 :indne..4 5umility4 mee:ne..4 82tience4 2nd 6illin3ne.. to endure 652te0er come. 1e/ore me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or your lo0e4 1ec2u.e t5e.e t5in3. 6ould ne0er 1e mine in t5e /le.54 1ut t5ey 2re mine 1ec2u.e o/ you7 9pr. 04 For 'od did not ,all !s to !n,leanness8 9!t in holiness5 ? Thessalonians <2> I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or your 9ord 65ic5 .8e2:. loud 2nd cle2r4 t52t my c2llin3 i. not >u.t 2 82rtAtime >o14 65ere I c2n do your 5oly 6or: 82rt o/ t5e time 2nd /ool 2round 6it5 .in 2t ot5er time.7 &52n: you t52t Y)U 9AN& A )F ME A &HE &IME; I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e uncle2n de.ire. 2nd t5ou35t.4 1ec2u.e you 8rotect 2nd .5ield me /rom t5e /ilt5 t52t t5e de0il t5ro6. 2t me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 2. I /ollo6 Je.u. C5ri.t 2nd 21ide in Him4 t5e 8o6er o/ no6 /lo6. t5rou35 me4 2nd I 2m 0ictoriou. in C5ri.t; 9pr. 05 ?f any of yo! is defi,ient in wisdom8 let him as+ of the %ivin% 'od LWho %ivesM to everyone li9erally and !n%r!d%in%ly8 witho!t reproa,h@ in% or fa!ltfindin%8 and it will 9e %iven him5 Only it m!st 9e in faith that he as+s8 with no waverin% J no hesitatin%8 no do!9tin%5 For the one who wavers 0hesitates8 do!9ts4 is li+e the 9illowin% s!r%e o!t at sea8 that is 9lown hither and thither and tossed 9y the wind5 ames ;2"8# Amp5 F2t5er4 I >u.t t52n: you /or 2ll t5e t5in3. I c2n 2.: in t5e NAME o/ Je.u.7 &52n: you /or !1

tellin3 me t52t i/ I l2c: 6i.dom4 2ll I 520e to do i. 2.: 2nd it i. mine4 3i0en li1er2lly 6it5out Eue.tion7 I re>oice in t5e .tren3t5 o/ /2it5 I 520e to 2.: 2nd recei0e /rom you4 2nd I t52n: you t52t I=m not 1lo6n t5i. 62y 2nd t52t 62y li:e 2 6e2t5er02ne7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t my /2it5 i. .te2dy 2nd con.t2nt7 I re2lly 288reci2te t5e /2ct t52t e0en t5ou35 I mi35t 1e 0ery de/icient in n2tur2l 6i.dom4 1ec2u.e I 520e 2.:ed4 I 520e recei0ed di0ine 6i.dom 1ec2u.e I 520e t5e mind o/ C5ri.t; 9pr. 06 Therefore s!9mit to 'od5 :esist the devil and he will flee from yo!5 Draw near to 'od and (e will draw near to yo!5 Cleanse yo!r hands8 yo! sinnersD and p!rify yo!r hearts8 yo! do!9le@ minded5 ames <2>88 -e0il4 I=m re.i.tin3 you4 .o you c2n=t come clo.e to me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I c2n come 1e/ore you 6it5 cle2n 52nd. 2nd 2 8ure 5e2rt7 I .u1mit my.el/ com8letely to you4 3i0in3 t52n:. t52t 2. I dr26 ne2r to you4 you come 2nd to me7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 520e 8o6er not only to re.i.t t5e de0il4 1ut to c52.e 5im 262y com8letely7 He 52. to /lee 1e/ore your 8o6er7 No lon3er 6ill I 1e dou1le minded 6it5 620erin3 2nd di0ided intere.t.4 1ut I .52ll 1e .in3leAminded4 de.irin3 only to .er0e 2nd lo0e you; &5e de0il c2n=t touc5 me; 9pr. 37 For f yo! remain ,ompletely silent at this time8 relief and deliveran,e will arise for the ews from another pla,e8 9!t yo! and yo!r fatherHs ho!se will perish5 Iet who +nows whether yo! have ,ome to the +in%dom for s!,h a time as !2

thisG -sther <2;< F2t5er4 5o6 6e 1le.. you t52t Je.u. c2me to t5e 6orld /or .uc5 2 time 2. t5i.7 &52n: you t52t your timin3 i. 8er/ect in 2ll t5in3.7 9e 2re eDcited 21out t52t d2y 65en your 8er/ect timin3 6ill clo.e t5e 6orld 2. 6e :no6 it tod2y4 2nd t5e 1oo: 6ill 1e com8leted4 1ec2u.e 6e :no6 it 6ill 1e >u.t ri35t; In t5e mid.t o/ t5e 6orld=. /2ilin3 economy .y.tem4 t52n: you t52t 6e .t2nd on t52t .olid roc: o/ Je.u.; 9e 3lory in your 8er/ect timin3;


Ma BLESSIN!S God Want" You to B# B$#""#d

$od lo0e. u. .o muc5 t52t Hi. 5e2rt crie. 65en 6e don=t 202il our.el0e. o/ 2ll t5e 1le..in3. He 62nt. to 3i0e u.7 oo: 5o6 e2.y He m2:e. it /or u.I FChrist has redeemed !s from the ,!rse of the law8 havin% 9e,ome a ,!rse for !s 0for it is written8 FC!rsed is everyone who han%s on a treeH48 that the 9lessin% of A9raham mi%ht ,ome !pon the 'entiles in Christ es!s8 that we mi%ht re,eive the promise of the )pirit thro!%h faith555 And if yo! are ChristHs8 then yo! are A9rahamHs seed8 and heirs a,,ordin% to the promiseC 'alatians 32;38;<8315 E0ery 1le..in3 t52t 1elon3ed to A1r252m 1elon3. to you 2nd to me7 H2llelu>25; 8a" 1 $lessed is the man who wal+s not in the ,o!nsel of the !n%odly8 nor stands in the path of sinners8 nor sits in the seat of the s,ornf!lD 9!t his deli%ht is in the law of the &ord8 and in (is law he meditates day and ni%ht5 (e shall 9e li+e a tree planted 9y the rivers of water8 that 9rin%s forth its fr!it in its season8 whose leaf also shall not witherD and whatever he does shall prosper5 Psalm ;2;@3 F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed4 1le..ed4 1le..ed; I=m 5288y4 /ortun2te4 2nd 8ro.8erou. 1ec2u.e I don=t /ollo6 t5e 2d0ice4 8l2n. or 8ur8o.e. o/ t5e un3odly7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I=m not in2cti0e 65ere t5e .inner. 2re concerned7 Ju.t le2d me to t5em 2nd !4

I=ll .52re t5e $ood Ne6.7 I cert2inly 2m not 3oin3 to .it do6n 6it5 t5e .co//er. 2nd moc:er.4 1ut I con.t2ntly medit2te in your l26. 2nd your 6ord.7 I 1le.. you t52t your 8romi.e. 2re mu.ic to my e2r. 2nd .6eet 2. 5oney in my mout57 I t52n: you t52t e0eryt5in3 I do in you 8ro.8er. in 2 m2r0elou. 62y 1ec2u.e my >oy i. in your l267 8a" 0 The &ord is my shepherd8 ? shall not want5 (e ma+es me to lie down in %reen past!resD he leads me 9eside the still waters5 (e restores my so!lD he leads me in the paths of ri%hteo!sness for (is nameHs sa+e5 Ps5 332;@3 I l2c: not5in3 in my li/e4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you le2d me to 1e2uti/ul 8l2ce. 65ere I 2m nouri.5ed 2nd 2t 8e2ce4 1ot5 85y.ic2lly 2nd .8iritu2lly7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you /or t52t4 1ec2u.e you 2re my .5e85erd4 my li35t 2nd my 5o8e7 You /eed 2nd clot5e me 2nd re.tore my .oul 65en I=m 6e2ry4 1ec2u.e you lo0e me 2. 2 .5e85erd lo0e. 5i. /loc:7 I t52n: you t52t 65ene0er I=m ru.5in3 2round too muc54 you le2d me 1e.ide t5e .till 62ter.4 out o/ t5e turmoil o/ li/e7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 8rotectin3 me /rom t5e 6ol0e. o/ t5e 6orld 2nd /or le2din3 me in t5e 82t5. o/ 8a" 3 Iea8 tho!%h ? wal+ thro!%h the valley of the shadow of death8 ? will fear no evilD for yo! are with meD yo!r rod and yo!r staff they ,omfort me5 Io! prepare a ta9le 9efore me in the presen,e of my enemiesD Ps5 332<@" F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t I don=t 62l: into t5e 02lley o/ t5e .52do6 o/ de2t5 2nd .it do6n7 No4 you=0e .2id t52t I 62l: &HR)U$H t5e dee84 !*

.unle.. 02lley o/ t5e .52do6 o/ de2t57 H2llelu>254 I=m 62l:in3 ri35t out o/ t52t 02lley 65et5er it 1e .ic:ne..4 8o0erty or de8re..ion4 2nd I /e2r or dre2d no e0il 1ec2u.e Y)U 8rotect me7 &52n: you /or 8re82rin3 2 .8iritu2l /e2.t /or me ri35t in /ront o/ my enemie.; I don=t e0en 520e to 2.: t5em to .it do6n 1ec2u.e t5ey don=t 520e 2ny ri35t to di.tur1 me; &5ey turn t5eir 12c: on .8iritu2l /ood 2ny62y4 1ut 52llelu>25 it cure. my indi3e.tion; 8a" # 555Io! anoint my head with oilD my ,!p r!ns over5 )!rely %oodness and mer,y shall follow me all the days of my life8 and ? will dwell in the ho!se of the &ord forever5 Ps5 332"@# Ho6 I re>oice4 F2t5er4 t52t I=m .o 1le..ed4 1ec2u.e you 2noint my 5e2d 6it5 .o muc5 o/ t5e oil o/ t5e Holy %8irit t52t my cu8 run. o0er7 You didn=t 3i0e me >u.t 2 little tric:le4 you 320e me 2 cu8 t52t run. 2nd run. 2nd run. o0er; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t6o t5in3. 2re 3oin3 to /ollo6 me 2ll t5e d2y. o/ my li/e 2nd t5o.e 2re 3oodne.. 2nd mercy; Not .orro6 2nd .2dne..4 1ut 3oodne.. 2nd mercy4 2nd I t52n: you 1ec2u.e I=m 1le..ed to 1e 21le to d6ell in t5e 5ou.e o/ t5e ord /ore0er; 8a" 2 $lessed is he whose trans%ression is for%iven8 whose sin is ,overed5 Psalm 332; I=m 1le..ed; I=m 5288y; I=m /ortun2te; I=m to 1e en0ied; All 1ec2u.e my .in. 2re /or3i0en; My .in. 2re co0ered 1y t52t 8reciou. 1lood in .uc5 2 62y t52t you c2n=t e0en .ee t5em7 I=m 62l:in3 on 2ir 1ec2u.e 2 5u3e 1urden 52. 1een li/ted /rom my .5oulder. 2nd re8l2ced 1y t52t !'

6onder/ul 1le..in3 1ec2u.e A my .in. 2re 3one7 I=m 62l:in3 on 2ir; Ho6 I 1le.. you t52t t5e 1lood o/ Je.u. 62. .u//icient to co0er t5e .in. o/ t5e 65ole 6orld4 includin3 mine4 2nd I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en you /or3i0e .in. you 2l.o /or3et t5em4 .o t52t I=m 2 1r2nd ne6 8er.on to you7 Ho6 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e o/ t5e tremendou. 2nd unendin3 .u88ly o/ lo0e you=0e 8oured out on me; 8a" 3 Deli%ht yo!rself also in the &ord8 and (e shall %ive yo! the desires of yo!r heart5 Commit yo!r way to the &ord8 tr!st also in (im8 and (e shall 9rin% it to pass5 Psalm 3>2<@" I deli35ted in you 2nd 6it5 you4 ord4 2nd my 5e2rt i. o0er/lo6in3 6it5 3ood me2.ure7 You .ee dee8 2nd directly into my 5e2rt 2nd you 3i0e me t5e de.ire. o/ my 5e2rt /ir.t o/ 2ll4 1ec2u.e you 520e t2:en out t5o.e c2rn2l de.ire. o/ t5e /le.5 I once 52d4 2nd you 520e re8l2ced t5em 6it5 your di0ine de.ire.7 You e0en 3r2nt t5o.e .ecret reEue.t. t52t no one :no6. 21out eDce8t you 2nd me7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e .ince I=0e committed my li/e to you 2nd tru.t you com8letely you 6ill 3i0e me 652t I de.ire4 t5e re2l $r2de FAG t5in3.4 2nd no $r2de FBG .u1.titute. or 8l2.tic imit2tion.7 No one 52. 2 1etter /2t5er t52n I do4 1ec2u.e Y)U 2re my F2t5er4 2nd your 8romi.e. .t233er my 6ilde.t im23in2tion7 H2llelu>25; I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e you=re 1rin3in3 t5in3. to 82..; $lory; 8a" 4 Re2d t5e entire 1('t5 P.2lm 1e/ore m2:in3 t5e /ollo6in3 con/e..ion7 He20enly F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 3ood $od 2nd your !!

mercy endure. /ore0er7 I=0e committed .in. t52t .eemed to 1e un/or3i021le4 1ut in your mercy you 520e /or3i0en t5em7 You=0e 3i0en me 2 1e2uti/ul 6orld in 65ic5 to li0e 1ec2u.e o/ your mercy7 You 520e 3i0en me /riend. 65o deli35t my 5e2rt 2nd you=0e :e8t my enemie. o// my 12c:4 1ec2u.e o/ your mercy7 ord4 you didn=t 520e to do 2ny o/ t5e.e t5in3. /or me ? 1ut you did4 1ec2u.e o/ your mercy7 &52n: you4 F2t5er /or your lo0in3 :indne.. 2nd mercy 65ic5 2re not tem8or2ry t5in3.4 1ut etern2l4 e0erl2.tin3 1le..in3. 1ec2u.e t5ey continue unce2.in3ly 2nd etern2lly; &5ey ne0er 6e2r out4 or 3o .our4 1ut l2.t /ore0er 2nd /ore0er; 8a" 5 Io! have hed%ed me 9ehind and 9efore8 and laid Io!r hand !pon me5 )!,h +nowled%e is too wonderf!l for meD it is hi%h8 ? ,annot attain it5 Where ,an ? %o from yo!r )piritG Or where ,an ? flee from Io!r presen,eG ?f ; as,end into heaven8 Io! are thereD f ? ma+e my 9ed in hell8 9ehold8 Io! are there5 ?f ? ta+e the win%s of the mornin%8 and dwell in the !ttermost parts of the sea8 even there Io!r hand shall lead me8 and Io!r ri%ht hand shall hold me5 Psalm ;312"@;= F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed 1y your 3loriou. 8re.ence 65ere0er I 3o@ 65et5er I=m in Ar:2n.2.4 Ne6 Yor:4 L2m1i24 or C5in27 I/ I 62. 2n 2.tron2ut4 F2t5er4 I=d /ind you in outer .82ce7 I re>oice in t5e 1le..in3 o/ your 8re.ence /rom 65ic5 I ne0er 62nt to de82rt4 /or it=. your 52nd t52t 3uide. me 2lon3 t5e .tr2i35t 2nd n2rro6 82t57 &52n: you4 ord4 /or your 8re.ence in my li/e7 &52n: you t52t I c2n ne0er 1e lo.t to your .i35t; !,

8a" $

$lessed 9e the &ord my :o,+8 who trains my hands for war8 and my fin%ers for 9attle J my lovin% +indness and my fortress8 my hi%h tower and my deliverer8 my shield and the One in whom ? ta+e ref!%e8 who s!9d!es my people !nder me5 Psalm ;<<2;83 F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e your :een .tren3t5 2nd .u8reme 8o6er 8rotect me under 2ll ,onditions8 no m2tter 5o6 di//icult t5ey loo:7 I=m 1le..ed too4 1ec2u.e your .tren3t5 m2:e. me 2 .8iritu2l 62rrior4 2rmed 6it5 t5e r2CorA.52r8 .6ord o/ your .o t52t I 2cti0ely t2:e 82rt in t5e 62r 232in.t d2r:ne..7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e you ne0er le20e me nor /or.2:e me 2nd your .te2d/2.t lo0e .urround. me 2t 2ll time.7 You 2re my 5i35 to6er o/ .2/ety4 my deli0erer4 2nd my .5ield to 8rotect me /rom t5e d2rt. o/ t5e de0il 2t 2ll time.4 2nd you .u1due t5o.e enemie. 65o try to 2tt2c: me; I 3lory in .uc5 2 3loriou. $od;

8a" 17

$lessed 9e the 'od and Father of o!r &ord es!s Christ8 who has 9lessed !s with every spirit!al 9lessin% in the heavenly pla,es in Christ5 -phesians ;23 All .8iritu2l 1le..in3. in 5e20enly 8l2ce. 2re mine; I 3i0e you 8r2i.e4 l2ud2tion 2nd eulo3y 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e F2t5er o/ our ord Je.u. C5ri.t4 t5e Me..i257 I re>oice t52t Je.u. i. 6it5 you in 5e20en 2nd i. 8re82rin3 2 8l2ce /or me t5ere4 1ec2u.e I=m re2dy /or t52t 6onder/ul d2y 65en He 6ill come to 3et me 2nd t2:e me 5ome to you7 In t5e me2ntime4 I=m 3oin3 to en>oy 2ll !"

t5o.e HolyA%8iritA3i0en 1le..in3. in 5e20en 2nd e2rt5 65ic5 you=0e 82..ed on to u. t5rou35 your 6onder/ul %on; $lory; 8a" 11 Christ as redeemed !s from the ,!rse of the law8 havin% 9e,ome a ,!rse for !s 0for it is written8 FC!rsed is everyone who han%s on a treeH48 that the 9lessin% of A9raham mi%ht ,ome !pon the 'entiles in Christ es!s8 that we mi%ht re,eive the promise of the )pirit thro!%h faith5 And f yo! are ChristHs8 then yo! are A9rahamHs seed8 and heirs a,,ordin% to the promise 'alatians 32;38;<831 I=m redeemed 1y t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m1; I=m /ree /rom t5e cur.e; F2t5er4 I=m .o 1le..ed t52t I=0e 1een redeemed /rom t5e cur.e o/ t5e l26 1ec2u.e Je.u. C5ri.t 62. m2de 2 cur.e /or me .o t52t t5e 1le..in3. o/ A1r252m mi35t come to me7 I t52n: you /or .end m t5e ord Je.u. to 62.5 my .in. 262y 2nd remo0e t5e cur.e t52t 52d .e82r2ted me /rom you 2nd your lo0e4 /or your lo0e li/t. 2nd 1le..e. me con.t2ntly7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or your endle.. 1le..in3.; Ble.. you /or m2:in3 me 2n 5eir to 2ll t5e 8romi.e. o/ A1r252m 1ec2u.e I 2m Hi. .eed; 8a" 10 Do not 9e de,eived8 'od is not mo,+edD for what eve a man sows8 that he will also reap5 For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap ,orr!ption8 9!t he who sows to the )pirit will of the )pirit reap ever lastin% life5 'alatians #2>88 I=m o0ercome 6it5 1le..in3. tod2y4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you=0e 8romi.ed t52t 652te0er 6e .o64 6e .52ll re287 I=m .o6in3 2 1um8er cro8 o/ lo0e4 >oy 2nd 8e2ce tod2y4 F2t5er7 I=m not 8l2ntin3 my ,#

.eed in t5e in/ertile .oil o/ t5e /le.5 1ec2u.e I don=t 62nt to re28 corru8tion 1ut I=m .o6in3 to t5e .8irit to 1e 21le to re28 li/e e0erl2.tin3; I 8r2i.e you t52t my li/e i. not do6n 5ere4 1ut my re2l li/e i. in 5e20en 6it5 you 2nd Je.u.; I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e you m2:e t5i. 2ll 8o..i1le /or me 8er.on2lly4 2nd 5o6 I lo0e you /or t52t; 8a" 13 555 and raised !s !p to%ether8 and made !s sit to%ether in the heavenly pla,es in Christ es!s8 that in the a%es to ,ome (e mi%ht show the e6,eedin% ri,hes of (is %ra,e in (is +indness toward !s in Christ es!s5 For 9y %ra,e yo! have 9een saved thro!%h faith8 and that not of yo!rselvesD it is the %ift of 'od8 not of wor+s8 lest anyone sho!ld 9oast5 -phesians 32#@1 $lory to $od4 you=0e r2i.ed me u84 2nd I=m .ittin3 in 5e20enly 8l2ce. in C5ri.t Je.u.7 I lo0e you /or t52t7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t my .2l02tion i. not de8endent u8on my 3ood 6or:.4 1ut i. entirely de8endent u8on your 3r2ce4 1ec2u.e you .o .im8ly .2id i/ I 6ould 1elie0e in Je.u. C5ri.t4 Hi. 6or: 2t C2l02ry4 Hi. 1lood4 2nd 6ould con/e.. it 6it5 my mout54 t52t I 6ould 1e .20ed7 H2llelu>254 F2t5er4 I=m .20ed 2nd /illed 6it5 your lo0e; I c2n=t 1o2.t 21out it4 eit5er4 1ec2u.e you did it 2ll; 8a" 11 555that Christ may dwell in yo!r hearts thro!%h faithD that yo!8 9ein% rooted and %ro!nded in love8 may 9e a9le to ,omprehend with all the saints what is the width and len%th and depth and hei%ht J to +now the love of Christ whi,h passes +nowled%eD that yo! may 9e filled with all the f!llness of 'od5 -ph5 32;>@;1 ,1

&52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 1le..in3 me 6it5 t5e :no6led3e t52t C5ri.t li0e. in my 5e2rt 1ec2u.e I tru.t in Him7 I t52n: you /or 1le..in3 me .o muc5 6it5 t52t tremendou. lo0e 65ic5 i. .o lon34 .o 6ide4 .o 5i35 2nd .o dee8 t52t I 6ill ne0er re2lly 1e 21le to under.t2nd t5e 3re2tne.. o/ t5i. lo0e /or me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e :no6led3e t52t .ome 1e2uti/ul d2y I 6ill 1e /illed 2ll t5e 62y u8 to t5e to8 6it5 you; 952t 2 8romi.e; I don=t de.er0e it4 1ut I recei0e it; 8a" 12 Finally8 my 9rethren8 9e stron% in the &ord and in the power of (is mi%ht5 P!t on the whole armor of 'od8 that yo! may 9e a9le to stand a%ainst the wiles of the devil5 -ph5 #2;=8;; J read also -ph5 #2;3@;> I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 1le..in3 me 6it5 your .tren3t54 2nd t5e 8o6er o/ your mi35t; Bec2u.e you 8ro0ided my 65ole 2rmor4 it i. in0inci1le4 unconEuer21le4 unyieldin3 2nd indomit21le; I 2m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e e0en t5ou35 I don=t 6re.tle 232in.t /le.5 2nd 1lood4 1ut 232in.t 8rinci82litie.4 232in.t 8o6er.4 232in.t t5e ruler. o/ t5e d2r:ne.. o/ t5i. 6orld4 2nd 232in.t .8iritu2l 6ic:edne.. in 5i35 8l2ce.4 you 520e 3i0en me your 65ole 2rmor to 6e2r /or 8rotection7 9it5 t5e 8o6er o/ your mi35t 3oin3 1e/ore me4 F2t5er I 6ill 2l62y. 1e 0ictoriou.; 8a" 13 $lessed 9e the &ord8 who has %iven rest to (is people ?srael5 a,,ordin% to all that (e promised5 There has not failed one won/ of all (is %ood promise8 whi,h (e promise thro!%h (is servant .oses5 ; Kin%s 82"# 952t 2 1le..in3 it i. to .er0e you4 F2t5er4 ,2

1ec2u.e 65en t5e 6orld lie. 2nd c5e2t.4 2nd /2il. to :ee8 it. 6ord4 you 2re 2l62y. ri35t t5ere4 /ul/illin3 2ll o/ your 8romi.e.7 &52n: you t52t t5e $od o/ A1r252m4 I.22c 2nd J2co1 :no6. my n2me4 too; &52n: you /or 1ein3 2 $od o/ inte3rity4 F2t5er4 .o t52t 6e c2n 1e imit2tor o/ you 2nd 1e 8eo8le o/ inte3rity in 2ll o/ our de2lin3.7 &52n: you t52t 2ll o/ t5e 1le..in3. o/ A1r252m 2re mine 1ec2u.e your 9ord 8romi.e. t5i.4 2nd you ne0er /2il to :ee8 your 8romi.e.7 H2llelu>254 652t 2 $od I .er0e; I=m 1le..ed; 8a" 14 Then 'od 9lessed them8 and 'od said to them8 F$e fr!itf!l and m!ltiplyD fill the earth and s!9d!e it8 have dominion over the fish of the sea8 over the 9irds of the air8 and over every livin% thin% that moves on the earth5F 'enesis ;238 F2t5er4 I=m 1ein3 o0ert2:en 2nd o0ercome 6it5 1le..in3 232in 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e7 I=m 1le..ed4 I=m 1le..ed4 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I 520e dominion o0er t5e /i.5 o/ t5e .e24 o0er t5e /o6l o/ t5e 2ir4 2nd 2ll li0in3 t5in3.; I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I c2n 1e u.ed to multi8ly your /2mily7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I 2m /ruit/ul I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I 62. m2de in your li:ene..7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e t5i. 1le..in3 62. u8on 1ot5 m2n 2nd 6om2n 2li:e4 in 65om t5ere i. no di//erence in your .i35t7 $lory; 8a" 15 Arise8 wal+ in the land thro!%h its len%th and its width8 for ? %ive it to yo!5 'enesis ;32;> F2t5er4 652t 1le..in3. you 3i0e u.7 &52n: you /or t5e 8ri0ile3e o/ :no6in3 t52t 2ll t5e 1le..in3. you 1e.to6ed in t5e 1e3innin3 520e come ri35t do6n t5rou35 time to u.7 &52n: you /or lettin3 ,(

u. 62l: t5rou35 t5e len3t5 2nd 1re2dt5 o/ t5e l2nd you 520e /or u.4 :no6in3 t52t you 6ill 3i0e it to u.7 &52n: you /or 1le..in3 t5o.e 65o 1le.. me 2nd 65o con/er 8ro.A 8er:y or 5288ine.. u8on me7 &52n: you t52t I c2n 1e 2 1le..in3 2l.o to ot5er.4 1y di.8en.in3 3ood to t5em7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me .o muc5 l2nd Jor 8o..e..ion.K t52t I 6ill 520e too muc5 2nd c2n .52re t5em 6it5 ot5er.; Ho6 I 1le.. you /or 2ll your 1le..in3.; I=m 62l:in3 .ide62y.4 /or62rd 2nd 12c:62rd o0er t5e l2nd you 3i0e to me; 8a" 16 es!s Christ is the same yesterday8 today8 and forever5 (e9rews ;328 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you t52t your %on 2lone4 2mon3 2ll t5e con.t2nt c52n3e. t2:in3 8l2ce in t5e 6orld4 2l62y. rem2in. t5e .2me7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. He .till .20e.4 5e2l. 2nd deli0er.7 lie i. t5e li0in3 corner.tone o/ my li/e4 2nd I 2m .20ed4 5e2led 2nd deli0ered 1ec2u.e He 52.n=t c52n3ed one .in3le 1it4 2nd ne0er 6ill; I t52n: you t52t 65en t5e 8rice o/ 3old e.c2l2te. 2nd .o2r. to ne6 5i35.4 2nd dro8. to ne6 lo6. 2. 6ell4 t52t Je.u. i. eD2ctly t5e .2me7 &52n: you /or 1le..in3 me 6it5 2 c52n3ele.. Je.u. 2. my %20ior4 my 5e2ler4 my door62y into your m2r0elou. 3loriou. 8re.ence7 He i. my roc:4 2nd /ore0er I c2n rely on Hi. .2mene..7 Therefore 9e patient8 9rethren8 !ntil the ,omin% of the &ord5 )ee how the farmer waits for the pre,io!s fr!it of the earth8 waitin% patiently for it !ntil it re,eives the early and +ilter rain5 ames "2> He20enly F2t5er4 t52n: you /or t5e 1le..ed ,4

8a" 07

5o8e I 520e in t5e comin3 o/ my ord Je.u. C5ri.t7 I=m 1le..ed no64 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e He li0e. in my 5e2rt4 62itin3 /or eD2ctly t5e c5o.en d2y to come to me in 8er.on7 &52n: you /or your 9ord4 F2t5er4 65ic5 tell. me t52t C5ri.t i. li:e t5e /2rmer 65o 62it. /or t5e .e2.on2l r2in. to 1rin3 Hi. cro8 to 117111 ri8ene.. 1e/ore t5e 52r0e.t time7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 82tiently 8er/ectin3 me in your lo0e .o I=ll 1e > 8re82red /or t52t 3re2t d2y; H2llelu>25; 8a" 01 5 5 5 havin% 9een 9orn a%ain8 not of ,orr!pti9le seed 9!t in,orr!pti9le8 thro!%h the word of 'od whi,h lives and a9ides forever8 9e,a!se FAll flesh is as %rass8 and all the %lory of man as the flower of the %rass5 The %rass withers8 and its flower falls away8 9!t the word of the &ord end!res forever5 F; Peter ;233@3" $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m 1orn 232in 2nd 3l2d o/ it; &5e incorru8ti1le .eed o/ your 9ord 52. 1een 8l2nted in my 5e2rt 2nd i. 3ro6in3 e0ery d2y; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 2lt5ou35 t5e t5in3. o/ t5i. 6orld come 2nd 3o4 your 9ord endure. /ore0er4 2 8ricele.. etern2l tre2.ure7 &52n: you /or t5e 1le..in3 o/ your 9ord; You 2re not tem8or2ry4 you 2re etern2l 2nd e0erl2.tin3 ne0er 6e2rin3 out; 8a" 00 For 'od so loved the world that (e %ave (is only 9e%otten )on8 that whoever 9elieves in (im sho!ld not perish 9!t have everlastin% life5 ohn 32;# &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e I c2n 2n.6er my tele85one 2nd .2y4 F$od lo0e. you;G 2nd /eel your lo0e 3oin3 ri35t t5rou35 t52t ,*

tele85one to t5e 8er.on on t5e ot5er end7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you lo0e u. .o muc5 1ec2u.e it=. t5i. lo0e t52t m2:e. your 1le..in3. 202il21le to u.7 &52n: you t52t I 2m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e you lo0ed me enou35 to .end your only 1e3otten %on4 Je.u.4 to die /or me .o t52t I mi35t 520e etern2l li/e; I lo0e you4 F2t5er; I 1elie0e4 I 1elie0e I 1elie0e; 8a" 03 $!t yo! are a ,hosen %eneration8 a royal priest hood a holy nation8 (is own spe,ial people8 that yo! may pro,laim the praises of (im who ,alled yo! o!t of dar+ness into (is marvelo!s li%htD ? Peter 321 I=m 3l2d I=m di//erent 2nd uniEue; I=m 1le..ed to 1elon3 to 2 c5o.en r2ce4 2 roy2l 8rie.t5ood4 2 dedic2ted n2tion4 2 mem1er o/ your o6n 8urc52.ed4 .8eci2l 8eo8le .o t52t I c2n .et /ort5 2nd .5o6 to 2ll t5e 6orld your 6onder/ul deed. 2nd di.8l2y t5e 0irtue. 2nd 8er/ection. o/ your di0ine n2ture 1ec2u.e you 520e im8l2nted it in me to mini.ter to t5e .8iritu2l need. o/ t5o.e 2round me7 I re>oice t52t I 1elon3 to t5i. 8eculi2r r2ce o/ 8eo8le 1ec2u.e my ord i. Hin3 o/ :in3. 2nd ord o/ lord.4 65o 52. t5e 8o6er to c2ll 65o.oe0er He 6ill out o/ t5e d2r:ne.. 2nd de2t54 into t5e m2r0elou. li35t o/ ne6 li/e7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me t5e 1le..in3 o/ Je.u. 2nd your lo0e in Him7 I=m 8eculi2r4 2nd I 62nt t5e 6orld to :no6 t5e re2.on /or it; H2llelu>25; 8a" 01 For the eyes of the &ord are on the ri%hteo!s8 and his ears are open to their prayersD 9!t the fa,e of the &ord is a%ainst those who do evil5 ? Peter 32;3 ,'

H2llelu>254 I c2n=t 5ide /rom you4 F2t5er7 I=m .o 1le..ed t52t your eye. 2re u8on t5e ri35teou.4 t5o.e 65o 2re in ri35t .t2ndin3 6it5 you4 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y. t52t you 2re 2ttenti0e 2nd .en.iti0e to my 8r2yer.7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e your e2r. 2re o8en to me 24 5our. 2 d2y7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you /or ne0er tirin3 o/ li.tenin3 to me7 &52n: you t52t I 2m ne0er lo.t to your .i35t4 1ut under your tender4 lo0in3 c2re 2t 2ll time.7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you di//erenti2te 1et6een t5e e0il 2nd t5e ri35teou.4 1ec2u.e I 6ould ne0er 62nt to 520e you turn your /2ce /rom me; I=m ne0er 3oin3 to e0en try to 5ide /rom you; 8a" 02 And whatever we as+ we re,eive from (im8 9e,a!se we +eep (is ,ommandments and do those thin%s that are pleasin% in (is si%ht5 ? ohn 3233 952t.oe0er I 2.: i. mine; $lory4 652t 2 8romi.e4 F2t5er; I=m 1le..ed4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you=0e 3i0en me in.truction. /or li/e t52t 2re 6ritten do6n in 2 1oo: t52t I c2n re/er to con.t2ntly4 2nd 1ec2u.e you .5o6er me 6it5 .o muc5 lo0e t52t I re>oice to o1ey e0eryt5in3 you tell me to do; You 1le.. me 6it5 your /2it5/ulne..4 .o I 1le.. you 6it5 mine; I 62tc5/ully 2nd c2re/ully o1ey 2ll your in.truction. 2nd do t5e t5in3. t52t 2re 8le2.in3 in your .i35t7 I o1.er0e your .u33e.tion. 2nd con.t2ntly 8r2ctice 652t i. 8le2.in3 to you4 .o I t52n: you /or 1ein3 6illin3 to do 652t.oe0er I 2.:4 1ec2u.e my 6i.5e. 2re in line 6it5 652t you 62nt /or me; $lory4 I=m .6immin3 in 1le..in3.; 8a" 03 There is no fear in love2 9!t perfe,t love ,asts ,!

o!t fear8 9e,a!se fear involves torment5 $!t he who fears has not 9een made perfe,t in love5 ? ohn <2;8 F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed t52t I 520e no /e2r in me 652t.oe0er4 1ec2u.e I=m 8rotected 1y your 8o6er 2nd .tren3t5 /rom 2ll t5e t5in3. o/ t5e de0il7 By your 9ord4 I 520e no /e2r in me4 2nd dre2d doe. not eDi.t4 1ec2u.e your /ullA1lo6n4 8er/ect lo0e turn. /e2r outAo/Adoor. 2nd 3et. rid o/ e0ery tr2ce o/ terror7 I=m 1le..ed4 F2t5er4 2nd I 8r2i.e you t52t I=m not .u//erin3 t5e torment o/ d2r:ne..4 1ec2u.e you=0e li/ted me into t5e 6onder/ul li35t 2nd com8lete 8er/ection o/ your lo0e7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 1le..in3 me; Re32rdle.. o/ t5e circum.t2nce.4 your lo0e o0ercome. 2ll /e2r; 8a" 04 Are they not all ministerin% spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvationG (e95 ;2;< &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 out your 2n3el. 65o 2re mini.terin3 /or u. con.t2ntly 1ec2u.e 6e 2re 5eir. o/ .2l02tion7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 1le..in3 u. 6it5 t5e :no6led3e t52t t5o.e .2me 2n3el. 2re out t5ere 1rin3in3 our lo0ed one. to t52t 8er.on 65o 6ill mini.ter .2l02tion to t5em7 &52n: you t52t you .end 2n3el. /ort5 e0en 6it5out my :no6in3 21out it4 eDce8t 1elie0in3 t5ey 2re t5ere; &52n: you /or lettin3 t5em mini.ter /or my 8rotection in time. o/ trou1le7 &52n: you 1ec2u.e t5ey :ee8 my /oot /rom .li88in3 65en t5e 82t5 3et. d2n3erou.7 &52n: you t52t t5ey could e0en 8et 2 lion 2nd clo.e 5i. mout5 6it5out d2n3er to 2 c5ild o/ $od7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e o/ 2n3el.; ,,

8a" 05

555that the 'od of o!r &ord es!s Christ8 the Father of %lory8 may %ive to yo! the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the +nowled%e of (im8 the eyes of yo!r !nderstandin% 9ein% enli%htened that yo! may +now what is the hope of (is ,allin%8 what are the ri,hes of the %lory of (is inheritan,e in the saints555 -ph5 ; 2; >@; 8 $lory4 F2t5er4 your 1le..in3. 2re o0er65elmin3 me 6it5 >oy 1ec2u.e you 520e 3r2nted me 2 .8irit o/ 6i.dom4 re0el2tion 2nd in.i35t into my.terie. 2nd .ecret. in t5e dee8 2nd intim2te :no6led3e o/ your %on4 1ec2u.e you 520e /looded t5e eye. o/ my 5e2rt 6it5 li35t4 3i0in3 me t5e 8ri0ile3e o/ under.t2ndin3 652t i. t5e 5o8e o/ my c2llin3 2nd t5e ric5e. t52t 2re t5e 3loriou. in5erit2nce o/ your .etA282rt one.; I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e o/ t5e m23nitude o/ your 1le..in3.;

8a" 06

For yo! +now the %ra,e of o!r &ord es!s Christ8 that tho!%h (e was ri,h8 yet for yo!r sa+es (e 9e,ame poor8 that yo! thro!%h (is poverty mi%ht 9e,ome ri,h5 ?? Corinthians 821 F2t5er4 your 1le..in3. .t233er my im23in2tion; 95en I t5in: 21out t5e /2ct t52t Je.u. 52d e0eryt5in3 in your :in3dom 6it5 2ll it. ric5e. 2nd 3lorie. /or Him.el/4 yet He c5o.e to 1ecome 8oor /or my .2:e4 t52t I could 1ecome ric5 in you4 I 2m o0er65elmed; I 8r2i.e you t52t I 520e 1een deli0ered /rom t5e cur.e t5rou35 Him7 I 1le.. you t52t I 2m .20ed t5rou35 3r2ce4 1ec2u.e t5ere i. no 62y I could 520e e2rned t5e 3i/t Je.u. 320e me7 It 62. Hi. :indne.. 2nd Hi. 3r2ciou. 3enero.ity t52t m2:e t5i. 2ll 8o..i1le7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ Hi. 8o0erty I 520e 1ecome ,"

enric5ed 2nd 21und2ntly .u88lied 2t 2ll time.; I t52n: you t52t I 2m 8ro3re..i0ely 1ecomin3 2cEu2inted 6it5 t5e.e 1le..in3. more 2nd more 2ll t5e time; 8a" 37 555while we do not loo+ at the thin%s whi,h are seen8 9!t at the thin%s whi,h are not seen5 For the thin%s whi,h are seen are temporary8 9!t the thin%s whi,h are not seen are eternal5 ?? Corinthians <2;8 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me .8iritu2l eye. .o t52t I don=t 520e to loo: 2nd .ee t5in3. t5e 62y t5e 6orld .ee. t5em 1ut I c2n loo: 2t t5em t5rou35 your eye.7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to .ee only t5e t5in3. 65ic5 2re 0i.i1le to our 5um2n eye.4 1ut I c2n .ee 6it5 my .8iritu2l eye. t5e 3loriou. t5in3. o/ your :in3dom4 65ic5 i. my in5erit2nce7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5i. 3re2t 1le..in3; I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e e0en t5ou35 I=0e ne0er .een you4 I HN)9 you=re t5ere 2t 2ll time.4 lo0in3 2nd 8rotectin3 me7 8a" 31 DonHt let others spoil yo!r faith and 7oy with their philosophies8 their wron% and shallow answers 9!ilt on menHs tho!%hts and ideas8 instead of on what Christ has said5 For in Christ there is all of 'od in a h!man 9odyD so yo! have everythin% when yo! have Christ8 and yo! are filled with 'od thro!%h yo!r !nion with Christ5 (e is the hi%hest :!ler8 with a!thority over every other power5 Colossians 32881 T&$ I HA+E E+ERY&HIN$; F2t5er4 652t 2n o0er65elmin3 t5ou35t to :no6 t52t I 2m in C5ri.t 2nd He i. in me4 1ec2u.e 2ll t5e tre2.ure. o/ di0ine 6i.dom 2nd 2ll t5e ric5e. o/ .8iritu2l "#

:no6led3e 2nd enli35tenment 2re .tored u8 2nd lie 5idden in Him4 1ut t5ey 2re mine4 2nd I 520e e0eryt5in3 1ec2u.e I 2m >oined 6it5 Je.u. C5ri.t in .2l02tion7 F2t5er4 t5e 6orld c2n=t t2l: me out o/ 652t your 9ord .2y. i. mine; My >oy 2nd my /2it5 2re 2t 2n 2llAtime 5i354 1ec2u.e t5ey .t2nd on 652t C5ri.t 52. .2id7 I don=t loo: to t5e 6orld /or t5eir .52llo6 2n.6er. 2nd intellectu2li.m4 1ut I loo: to t5e Holy %8irit 6orld /or my 2n.6er. to li/e7 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t you tell u. 6it5 no Eu2lm. t52t Je.u. i. t5e 5i35e.t ruler; Not only t52t4 He i. mine; H2llelu>254 t5ere/ore I 520e e0eryt5in3 I need in C5ri.t Je.u.;


)+E i. our con/e..ion /or t5e mont54 2nd 652t 2n 288ro8ri2te .u1>ect /or t5e mont5 o/ June 65en 8eo8le t5in: o/ lo0e 2nd m2rri23e7 &5e lo0e o/ $od /or m2n4 2nd m2n /or $od4 i. t5e mo.t 1e2uti/ul lo0e in 2ll t5e 6orld4 1ec2u.e it i. t5i. lo0e t52t m2:e. u. lo021le to t5e 6orld4 2nd m2:e. it 8o..i1le /or u. to lo0e t5em7 $od lo0e. to 5e2r you tell Him 5o6 muc5 you lo0e Him4 .o .2y it e0ery d2y4 6ill you< )n June 11t5 6e 520e 2.:ed you to 8ic: out .omeone to lo0e in 2 .8eci2l 62y7 9rite 2nd tell u. 652t 5288ened to you 2nd to t5em4 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. .8eci2l d2y o/ 3i0in3 lo0e; I/ you 62nt to .ee .ome 8ro1lem. di.288e2r in 2 5urry4 6rite 2ll t5e 8ro1lem. you 520e on 2 8iece o/ 828er4 2nd 2t t5e 1ottom 6riteI F775?n A&& these thin%s we are more than ,onE!erors thro!%h him who loved !sC :omans 823>5 Con/e.. it e0ery d2y until you di.co0er t52t e0ery .in3le one o/ t5o.e 8ro1lem. i. conEuered; /une 1 As the Father loved .e8 ? also have loved yo!D a9ide in .y love5 ?f yo! +eep .y ,ommandments8 yo! will a9ide in .y love8 7!st as ? have +ept .y FatherHs ,ommandments and a9ide in (is love5 These thin%s ? have spo+en to yo!8 that .y 7oy may remain in yo!8 and that yo!r 7oy may 9e f!ll5 ohn ;"21@; ; My >oy i. runnin3 o0er 2nd .8illin3 2ll o0er t5e 8l2ce; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t in t5e .2me 62y you lo0ed Je.u.4 He 52. 2l.o lo0ed me7 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 t52t 1ec2u.e I :ee8 your comm2ndment.4 I 21ide in your lo0e 2ll t5e "2

time7 I t52n: you t52t I c2n 21ide in your lo0e 24 5our. 2 d2y4 1ec2u.e your .ource ne0er run. out 2nd i. 2l62y. 202il21le to me7 &52n: you t52t my >oy i. /ull 2nd runnin3 o0er7 &52n: you t52t you 320e your >oy4 not 2. 2 tem8or2ry t5in34 1ut 2. 2 8erm2nent /ullAtime 3i/t4 .o t52t your >oy 2nd 5288ine.. 2nd eDcitement rem2in. in me 2nd i. /ull 2nd com8lete 2nd o0er/lo6in3 2t 2ll time.7 /une 0 es!s answered and said to him8 F?f anyone loves .e8 he will +eep .y wordD and .y Father will love him8 and We will ,ome to him and ma+e O!r home with him5 ohn ;<233 Je.u.4 I lo0e you4 I lo0e you4 I lo0e you; F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t your %on i. .o lo021le7 &52n: you t52t I c2n lo0e Him 2t 2ll time. 2nd :ee8 Hi. 6ord.4 1ec2u.e Hi. 6ord. 2re true 2nd ri35t 2nd 5oly; &52n: you4 Je.u.4 /or 3i0in3 me 6ord. t52t l2.t /ore0er 2nd ne0er c52n3e7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 520e come to li0e in me 2nd m2:e your 21ode in me; Bec2u.e your lo0e /ill. me to o0er/lo6in34 I c2n lo0e ot5er.4 not >u.t nei351or.4 1ut e0en enemie.; I lo0e you /or 1ein3 .o clo.e to me 2t 2ll time.; I t52n: you t52t your 5ou.e i. my 5ou.e 2nd my 5ou.e i. your 5ou.e; /une 3 $!t as it is written2 F-ye has not seen8 nor ear heard8 nor have entered into the heart of man the thin%s whi,h 'od has prepared for those who love (im5 ? Cor5 321 I=m eDcited tod2y4 1ec2u.e I c2n 52rdly 62it to 5e2r 652t you=re tellin3 me; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t re32rdle.. o/ 65et5er or not I 520e "(

2#M2# 0i.ion4 my eye. 520e not .een4 nor 2re t5ey c2821le o/ .eein3 2ll t5e lo0e t52t you 520e /or me7 &52n: you t52t re32rdle.. o/ 5o6 3ood my 5e2rin3 i.4 my e2r. 6ill ne0er 1e 21le to 5e2r 2ll t5e 6onder/ul trut5. you 520e re2dy /or me7 My 5e2rt 1elon3. to you4 F2t5er4 2nd I=m re>oicin3 ri35t no6 1ec2u.e I :no6 you=ll 520e .omet5in3 1e2uti/ul 1eyond 6ord. to 8ut in it; &52n: you t52t 2ll t5e.e 6onder/ul 3i/t. 2re e.8eci2lly /or me 1ec2u.e you lo0e me; /une 1 $!t 'od demonstrates (is own love toward !s8 in that while we were still sinners8 Christ died for !s5 :omans "28 I 62. t5e 6or.t o/ t5em 2ll4 2nd yet you .till lo0ed me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you lo0ed me in .8ite o/ 652t I 62.; You didn=t loo: 2t my /2ult. 2nd /2ilure.4 1ut you loo:ed 2t 652t you 62nted to .ee in me; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you let your %on die 1ec2u.e your lo0e /or me 62. .o 3re2t t52t you 6ere 6illin3 to let Hi. 1lood 1e .5ed to .20e me7 I recei0e your lo0e 2nd en>oy it e0ery d2y 1ec2u.e I remem1er 652t t52t lo0e 62. 6illin3 to do; It t5rill. me 65en I re2liCe t52t I didn=t 520e to cle2n my.el/ u8 in order to 520e Je.u. 6illin3 to die /or me@ He 62. 6illin3 to do it 65en I 62. 2 mi.er21le c52r2cter; /une 2 Nevertheless the &ord yo!r 'od wo!ld not listen to $alaam8 9!t the &ord yo!r 'od t!rned the ,!rse into a 9lessin% for yo!8 9e,a!se the &ord yo!r 'od loves yo!5 De!t5 332" F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you 6ouldn=t li.ten to B2l22m e0en 65en He 62. 6illin3 to "4

cur.e I.r2el /or money4 1ut 1ec2u.e you lo0ed your 8eo8le .o muc54 you 6ere 6illin3 to turn t5e cur.e into 2 1le..in3 e2c5 time He o8ened Hi. mout57 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e lo0e 65ic5 re2c5ed your 8eo8le 12c: in t5e )ld &e.t2ment time.4 .till re2c5e. me tod2y7 I lo0e you /or t52t4 F2t5er7 I t52n: you t52t 65en my mout5 3et. out o/ line4 F2t5er4 2nd 1e3in. to .2y t5e 6ron3 t5in3. t52t don=t 3lori/y you4 you c2n .till turn my 6ord. 2round4 too4 to 1e 2 1le..in3 to ot5er.; /une 3 (e who has .y ,ommandments and +eeps them8 it is he who loves .e5 And he who loves .e will 9e loved 9y .y Father8 and ? will love him and manifest .yself to him5 ohn ;<23; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. 52. 3i0en u. comm2ndment. to :ee84 1ec2u.e t5e.e m2:e t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e .o .im8le 2nd .tr2i35t/or62rd to li0e@ 2ll 6e 520e to do i. 652t you tell u. to do4 2nd re/r2in /rom doin3 t5e t5in3. you tell u. not to do4 2nd 6e=re 1le..ed 2nd li0in3 in your lo0e ri35t no67 Ho6 6e 8r2i.e you4 Je.u.4 t52t you 520e 8romi.ed to m2ni/e.t your.el/ to u. 1ec2u.e 6e lo0e you7 You=0e .2id t52t you 6ill let your.el/ 1e cle2rly .een 2nd m2:e your.el/ re2l to me 2t 2ll time.7 I re2lly lo0e you; /une 4 (e who does not love does not +now 'od8 for 'od is love5 ? ohn <28 F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t your 9ord tell. me t5e 3re2te.t comm2ndment i. to lo0e you 6it5 e0ery /i1er o/ my 1ein34 2nd t5e .econd i. to lo0e my nei351or 2. my.el/7 I o1ey t5e.e comm2ndment. .o t52t you 6ill li0e in my 5e2rt "*

2nd /ill me u8 6it5 e0en more lo0e; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e 65en you cre2ted me4 you m2de me 21le to recei0e 2nd to 3i0e lo0e4 /or you 2re lo0e4 2nd t5e ri0er o/ your lo0e /lo6. continu2lly to your 8eo8le; I re>oice in your lo0e4 F2t5er4 2nd I t52n: you /or lettin3 u. :no6 in no uncert2in term. t52t t5ere i. 8lenty o/ lo0e /or 2ll t5o.e 65o o8en t5eir 5e2rt. to recei0e it; I lo0e you4 F2t5er; /une 5 $eloved8 f 'od so loved !s8 we also o!%ht to love one another5 ? ohn <2;; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .5o6in3 u. t52t you lo0e u. .o muc5 t52t t5ere >u.t i.n=t 2ny eDcu.e /or u. not lo0in3 one 2not5er; &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me 2 .o/t 5e2rt 2nd t5e 21ility to lo0e 2ll my 1rot5er. 2nd .i.ter. on t5i. e2rt57 I :no6 I could ne0er do t5i. on my o6n 1ut it=. .o 6onder/ul to :no6 t52t 1ec2u.e you could lo0e me t5rou35 2ll my .in4 2ll my /2ult. 2nd 2ll my /2ilure.4 you c2n 3i0e me t5e 21ility to lo0e e0en t5o.e 8eo8le 65o .eem unlo021le; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or your 9ord te2c5e. t52t e0ery1ody de.er0e. lo0e; /une 6 And we have +nown and 9elieved the love that 'od has for !s5 'od is love8 and he who a9ides in love a9ides in 'od8 and 'od in him5 ? ohn <2;# I 3lori/y your n2me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I :no6 2nd 1elie0e 5o6 muc5 you lo0e me7 You 62.5ed my .in 262y 6it5 t5e 1lood o/ Je.u. 2nd t5ere >u.t i.n=t 2ny 62y I c2n im23ine 2 3re2ter lo0e t52n t52t4 2nd t5ere i.n=t 2ny 62y I c2n t52n: you enou35 /or 652t you did7 But4 F2t5er4 I "'

62nt to try ? 1y lo0in3 you 6it5 e0eryt5in3 I=0e 3ot 2nd 1y o1eyin3 you in 2ll t5in3.7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I d6ell in lo0e 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e /or me4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 8o6er o/ your lo0e4 I li0e in you 2nd you li0e in me7 /une 17 This is .y ,ommandment8 that yo! love one another as ? have loved yo!5 'reater love has no one than this8 than to lay down oneHs life for his friends5 ohn ;"2;38;3 o0e i. t5e 3re2te.t /orce in t5e 6orld4 ord Je.u.4 2nd i. t5e mo.t 8o6er/ul 6ord in t5e Bi1le eDce8t $od 2nd C5ri.t Je.u.4 .o I t52n: you /or comm2ndin3 me to lo0e ot5er. in t5e .2me 62y t52t you lo0ed me7 &52n: you4 t52t you not only 320e your li/e /or your /riend.4 1ut you 320e it /or me e0en t5ou35 I 62. 2n enemy /or .o m2ny ye2r.7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you /or .5o6in3 me t5e 62y to lo0e ot5er.; I 6ill eD8re.. your lo0e in me to t5o.e I meet4 e0en to t5o.e 65o 2re 52rd to lo0e7 /une 11 And yo! shall love the &ord yo!r 'od with all yo!r heart8 with all yo!r so!l8 with all yo!r mind8 and with all yo!r stren%th5 This is the first ,ommandment5 .ar+ ;323= F2t5er4 I lo0e you 6it5 2ll my mind4 my 5e2rt4 my .tren3t5 2nd my .oul; Bec2u.e you lo0e me .o muc54 it=. e2.y to lo0e you in return7 I 6or.5i8 you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e your /ir.t comm2ndment concern. lo0e4 65ic5 i. 652t e0eryone in t5e 6orld need. 2nd de.er0e.7 &52n: you t52t in lo0in3 you4 I recei0e t5e 8o6er to lo0e e0eryone7 I 6ill /ind 2 .8eci/ic indi0idu2l to lo0e tod2y7 I 6ill concentr2te on "!

/indin3 2 8er.on 65o need. lo0e4 .omeone 65o doe. not 520e m2ny /riend.4 2nd 65o.e 5e2rt i. cryin3 out /or lo0e7 I=m 3oin3 to lo0e t52t 8er.on tod2y 6it5 your .8eci2l lo0e7 /une 10 A new ,ommandment ? %ive to yo!8 that yo! love one anotherD as ? have loved yo!8 that yo! also love one another5 ohn ;323< &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. 320e u. 2 ne6 comm2ndment7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 8eo8le :no6 6e 2re Hi. di.ci8le. 1ec2u.e 6e lo0e in 2 ne6 62y ? 6e lo0e one 2not5er A% HE )+E- U%; &52n: you t52t Je.u. lo0ed u. enou35 to te2c5 u.4 5e2l u.4 2nd .20e u. /rom .in 1y e0en dyin3 /or u.; &52n: you t52t t5i. i. your limitle.. lo0e /lo6in3 t5rou35 me ri35t no64 2 8o6er/ul lo0e t52t en21le. me to lo0e e0eryone e0en 2. Je.u. did7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 65en I o1ey t5i. comm2ndment to lo0e ot5er.4 I 2m 2t t5e .2me time lo0in3 you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 my .oul4 my mind 2nd my .tren3t57 /une 13 And ? pray that Christ will 9e more and more at home in yo!r hearts8 livin% within yo! as yo! tr!st in him5 .ay yo!r roots %o down deep into the soil of 'odHs marvelo!s loveD and may yo! 9e a9le to feel and !nderstand8 as all 'odHs ,hildren sho!ld8 how lon%8 how wide8 how deep8 and how hi%h his love really isD and to e6perien,e this love for yo!rselves8 tho!%h it is so %reat that yo! will never see the end of it or f!lly +now or !nderstand it5 And so at last yo! will 9e filled !p with 'od himself5 -ph5 32;>@;1 T&$ Je.u.4 1e more 2nd more 2t 5ome in my 5e2rt; ",

F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t Je.u. li0e. in me; &52n: you t52t my root. 2re 3oin3 2ll t5e 62y do6n dee8 into your .oil4 65ic5 en21le. me to /eel t5e tremendou. de8t5 o/ your lo0e /or me4 e0en t5ou35 I :no6 I 6ill ne0er 1e 21le to com8re5end it 6it5 my limited mind7 F2t5er4 I=m .o eDcited 1ec2u.e you 8romi.e t52t .ome d2y I 6ill 1e /illed 2ll t5e 62y u8 to t5e to8 6it5 you; $lory; /une 11 ? have %iven them the %lory yo! %ave me J the %lorio!s !nity of 9ein% one8 as we are J ? in them and yo! in me8 all 9ein% perfe,ted into one J so that the world will +now yo! sent me and will !nderstand that yo! love them as m!,h as yo! love me5 hn5 ; >233@33 T&$ F2t5er4 I lo0e you4 I lo0e you4 I lo0e you /or .o m2ny di//erent re2.on. 1ut e.8eci2lly /or t5e 3loriou. 8er/ect unity 6e 520e in C5ri.t Je.u.7 He li0e. in u. 2nd you li0e in Him4 2nd 6e=re 2ll 8er/ected into one 3loriou. 1ody7 F2t5er4 5o6 you could e0er lo0e me 2. muc5 2. you lo0e Je.u. i. 1eyond my 5um2n com8re5en.ion4 1ut I 8r2i.e you t52t you do lo0e me >u.t 2. muc5 2. you do Je.u.; /une 12 $!t :!th said2 F-ntreat me not to leave yo!8 or to t!rn 9a,+ from followin% after yo!D for wherever yo! %o8 ? will %oD and wherever yo! lod%e8 ? will lod%eD yo!r people shall 9e my people8 and yo!r 'od8 my 'od5 Where yo! die8 ? will die8 and there will ? 9e 9!ried5 The &ord do so to me8 and more also8 f anythin% 9!t death parts yo! and me5 :!th ;2;#8;> &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5i. c2n 288ly to ""

m2rri23e4 2nd t52n: you /or 3i0in3 to e2c5 m2rried cou8le t5e mo.t 1e2uti/ul 6ord. to .2y to e2c5 ot5er 65ic5 c2n 1e .2id7 Ho6 6e 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or encour23in3 u. to .t2y to3et5er in m2rri23e 2t 2ll time.7 &52n: you /or t5e .2credne.. o/ 5um2n lo0e 2. 6ell 2. di0ine lo0e4 2nd /or 2llo6in3 u. to lo0e our m2te. in 3re2ter 62y. 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e 8ourin3 t5rou35 u.7 I 1le.. you t52t my 8l2ce i. 1e.ide my m2te 2t 2ll time.7 Ble.. you /or m2:in3 t5e.e 6ord. 202il21le to 2ll7 /une 13 There is no fear in loveD 9!t perfe,t love ,asts o!t fear8 9e,a!se fear involves torment5 $!t he who fears has not 9een made perfe,t in love5 ? ohn <2;8 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 8er/ect4 com8lete4 /ullA 3ro6n4 /2ultle.. lo0e turn. /e2r outAo/A door. 2nd 3et. rid o/ e0ery tr2ce o/ tenor7 I 3lory in t5e :no6led3e t52t t5e de0il c2n=t touc5 me 6it5 /e2r4 1ec2u.e your lo0e i. .o com8lete 2nd .urround. me li:e 2 3lo0e 2nd .2/ely 6r28. me in 2 lo0e cocoon7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or lettin3 u. 3ro6 into lo0e=. com8lete 8er/ection 1ec2u.e o/ your 3re2t lo0e /or u.7 &52n: you /or 2 lo0e 65ic5 i. 6it5out 2 1lemi.5 2nd un82r2lleled in 5um2n under.t2ndin34 1ut 65ic5 i. mine 1ec2u.e I 1elon3 to you7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er; /une 14 (e who loves father or mother more than .e is not worthy of .e5 And he who loves son or da!%hter more than .e is not worthy of .e5 .atthew ;=23> F2t5er4 I lo0e you more t52n 2nyt5in3 in t5e 1##

65ole 6ide 6orld; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you comm2nd 2nd dem2nd t52t 6e lo0e you more t52n our mot5er or /2t5er4 or e0en our c5ildren7 &52n: you /or 2l62y. :no6in3 652t i. 1e.t /or u. 1ec2u.e in 3i0in3 you /ir.t 8l2ce in our li0e. 2nd lo0in3 you mo.t4 you=0e 3i0en u. t5e o88ortunity to lo0e our o6n /2milie. e0en more 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e /lo6in3 t5rou35 u.7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me t5e de.ire 2nd t5e 21ility to lo0e you more t52n my /2mily 2nd to clin3 .te2d/2.tly to you 2nd 62l: in your 62y.7 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5e lo0e o/ my /2mily i. 12.ed on you4 2nd not on my o6n de.ire.7 You 520e /ir.t 8l2ce in my 5e2rt; /une 15 And wal+ in love8 as Christ also has loved !s and %iven (imself for !s8 an offerin% and a sa,rifi,e to 'od for a sweet@smellin% aroma5 -phesians "23 F2t5er4 I=m 62l:in3 in lo0e; I=m runnin3 in lo0e; I=m le28in3 in lo0e 2nd I=m /2llin3 in lo0e 6it5 Je.u.; &52n: you /or lo0in3 u. .o muc5 2nd 3i0in3 u. .omeone .o lo021le7 I=m 62l:in3 do6n .treet. 6it5 lo0e4 lettin3 it ooCe out o0er t5e 8eo8le 65o don=t e0en li:e me7 I=m t2l:in3 in lo0e to e0eryone I meet4 includin3 t5o.e 65o try to c5e2t me; I=m t5in:in3 in lo0e4 e0en 65en my t5ou35t. mi35t 1e tryin3 to 3o in ot5er direction.7 I=m 2 lo0er 1ec2u.e you=0e 8ut lo0e into my 5e2rt; /une 16 Therefore ? say to yo!8 her sins8 whi,h are many8 are for%iven8 for she loved m!,h5 $!t to whom little is for%iven8 the same loves little5 &!+e >2<> 1#1

F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t I c2n .2y li:e P2ul t52t I 62. t5e 6or.t o/ t5e .inner.4 2nd 1ec2u.e you /or320e .o muc54 it=. .o e2.y /or me to lo0e you 65ole 5e2rtedly4 6it5out 2ny re.er02tion. 652t.oe0er7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you didn=t 520e >u.t 2 little to /or3i0e in me@ you 52d 2 lot4 1ut I t52n: you t52t you /or320e e0eryt5in3 you mi35t 520e e0er 5eld 232in.t me4 .o I lo0e you muc54 muc54 MUCH; I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e 2. 2 re.ult o/ your /or3i0ene.. I 62l: in 8e2ce 2nd in /reedom /rom 2ll t5e 8ro1lem. t52t 2re t5e re.ult o/ .in; No 6onder I lo0e you .o muc5; /une 07 DonHt 9e teamed with those who do not love the &ord8 for what do the people of 'od have in ,ommon with the people of sinG (ow ,an li%ht live with dar+nessG ?? Corinthians #2;< T&$ ord4 I lo0e you .o muc5 1ec2u.e you tell u. eD2ctly 5o6 to /ind /20or in your eye.7 &52n: you /or tellin3 u. t52t 6e=re not to te2m u8 6it5 8eo8le 65o don=t lo0e you4 1ec2u.e t52t inner 1ein3 o/ our. tell. u. t52t 6e don=t 520e 2nyt5in3 in common 6it5 t5em7 9e 8r2i.e you t52t you .2y .o .im8ly 2nd e//ecti0ely t52t >u.t 2. d2r:ne.. 2nd li35t don=t 3o to3et5er4 neit5er do $od 2nd .in7 &52n: you4 ord4 t52t 6e 62l: in t5e li35t; &52n: you /or .20in3 u. /rom mi.m2tc5ed 2lli2nce. in m2rri23e4 in 1u.ine..4 2nd in /riend.5i87 &5ere=. no 62y 2 82rtner.5i8 c2n 6or: 6it5 you on one .ide 2nd t5e de0il on t5e ot5er7 &52n: you /or 8ointin3 it out to me .o 0i0idly to :ee8 me /rom /2llin3 into d2n3erou. 1#2

8l2ce. 232in; /une 01 ?nstead8 9e +ind to ea,h other8 tenderhearted8 for%ivin% one another8 7!st as 'od has for%iven yo! 9e,a!se yo! 9elon% to Christ5 -phesians <233 T&$ F2t5er4 t52n: you /or 3i0in3 me t5e 8o6er to /or3i0e t5o.e 65o 520e .inned 232in.t me4 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or tellin3 me to 1e :ind4 tender5e2rted4 com82..ion2te 2nd under.t2ndA in3 in t5e .2me 62y t52t you 2re 1ec2u.e I 1elon3 to C5ri.t7 I lo0e you4 Je.u.4 /or li0in3 in 2nd t5rou35 me4 65ic5 3i0e. me t5e 8o6er 2nd t5e de.ire to /or3i0e e2c5 2nd e0ery 8er.on 65o m2y 520e e0er 5urt me7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to :ee8 t5o.e little 5urt. in my memory 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e7 &52n: you t52t I c2n do t5i. Euic:ly4 re2dily 2nd freely 1ec2u.e t52t=. t5e 62y you /or320e me7 /une 00 DonFt 7!st pretend that yo! love others2 really love them5 (ate what is wron%5 )tand on the side of the %ood5 &ove ea,h other with 9rotherly affe,tion and ta+e deli%ht in honorin% ea,h other5 Never 9e laAy in yo!r wor+ 9!t serve the &ord enth!siasti,ally5 :omans ;321@;; T&$ -e0il4 I 52te you; F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or 8uttin3 in my 5e2rt .uc5 2 /or t5e t5in3. o/ t5e de0il4 2nd /or 2llo6in3 me to 52te t52t 65ic5 i. 6ron37 &52n: you t52t I c2n .t2nd /or t5e 3ood in t5i. 6orld; F2t5er4 I=m .o 288reci2ti0e o/ t5e /2ct t52t I c2n li0e in 2 6orld 65ic5 .2y. Fdo3 e2t do3G 2nd yet 6e c2n .incerely lo0e e2c5 ot5er 6it5 1rot5erly 2//ection 1ec2u.e o/ you7 I 2dore you@ 2nd I 52te 2nd lo2t5e e0eryt5in3 t52t 1#(

i. e0il or un3odly4 2nd I turn in 21.olute 5orror /rom 6ic:edne..; Ye2r. 23o I lo0ed 6ic:edne..4 2nd I t52n: you /or deli0erin3 me /rom t52t lo0e; /une 03 ?f yo! love yo!r nei%h9ors as m!,h as yo! love yo!rself yo! will not want to harm or ,heat him8 or +ill him or steal from him5 And yo! wonFt sin with his wife or want what is his8 or do anythin% else the Ten Commandments say is wron%5 All ten are wrapped !p in this one8 to love yo!r nei%h9or as yo! love yo!rself5 :omans ;321 T&$ I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 3i0e me t5e 8o6er to li0e t5e 62y you 62nt me to4 6it5out 62ntin3 to 52rm or c5e2t my nei351or.4 nor .te2l /rom t5em7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e 6r288ed u8 0ery ne2tly 2ll t5e comm2ndment. in t5i. one .t2tement4 to lo0e your nei351or 2. your.el/7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I c2n lo0e my nei351or. 1ec2u.e o/ you7 /une 01 For do ? now pers!ade men8 or 'odG Or do ? see+ to please menG For if ? still pleased men8 ? wo!ld not 9e a servant of Christ5 'alatians ;2;= I 8r2i.e your 5oly n2me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 520en=t c2lled me to 1e 2 8eo8le 8le2.er4 1ut 2 F$odG 8le2.er7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t my t5ou35t. c2n 1e turned to62rd you 2t 2ll time.4 .o t52t I c2n t5in: 21out 8le2.in3 you4 2nd 1ein3 2 .er02nt o/ Je.u. C5ri.t7 I t52n: you /or 2llo6in3 me to 1e 2t t5e 1ec: 2nd c2ll o/ Je.u.4 to 2l62y. do Hi. 1iddin3; $lory; I don=t 520e to 3o 2lon3 6it5 t5e cro6d 2nd do t5in3. I don=t 1#4

62nt to do 1ec2u.e I=m 2/r2id o/ 652t t5ey mi35t t5in: 21out me; I=m your 6illin34 5288y 2nd contented .er02nt; /une 02 555to spea+ evil of no one5 5 5 Tit!s 323 F2t5er4 let t5e 6ord. o/ my mout5 1e 2cce8t21le in t5y .i35t; et me 1e /illed 6it5 .o muc5 o/ your lo0e t52t my ton3ue 6ill only 520e 6ord. t52t 2re .6eet 2. 5oney7 I 6ill 1ridle my ton3ue 2nd let no 6ord. t52t 2re 52rm/ul4 5urt/ul4 in>uriou.4 m2li3n2nt4 di.2.trou. or ruinou. come out o/ my mout54 1ut my li8. .52ll .8e2: 6ord. o/ lo0e 65ic5 6ill 1rin3 .tren3t54 5o8e 2nd c5eer to .omeone7 I 6ill not 3o..i8 or criticiCe4 com8l2in or m2nu/2cture untrut5. 21out 2nyone4 1ut 6ill :ee8 my con0er.2tion /ull o/ your lo0e; /une 03 5 5 f!lfill my 7oy 9y 9ein% li+e@minded8 havin% the same love8 9ein% of one a,,ord8 of one mind5 Phil5 323 F2t5er4 I 2m /illin3 u8 6it5 your lo0e .o my >oy c2n 1e com8lete 1y li0in3 in 52rmony 2nd 1ein3 o/ t5e .2me mind 2nd one in 8ur8o.e4 .o t52t I 6ill 520e t5e .2me lo0e /or 2ll my 1rot5er. 2nd .i.ter. in C5ri.t t52t I 520e /or only .ome7 I 2m 6or:in3 to62rd 2 unity 6it5 8eo8le o/ 2ll denomin2tion.4 .o t52t .tri/e4 .el/i.5ne.. 2nd 6ill 1e ended7 I 6ill lo0e t5o.e 65o.e doctrine. do not eD2ctly 23ree 6it5 mine4 i/ t5ey lo0e Je.u.4 1ec2u.e i/ 6e 2re li:eAminded in t52t 2re24 6e c2n 1e in one 2ccord 2nd one mind7 et t5e little unim8ort2nt t5in3. /2ll 1y t5e 62y.ide 2nd let u. d6ell on t5e t5in3. 65ic5 l2.t7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me 2 lo0e t52t i. 1i3 1#*

enou35 to encom82.. doctrin2l di//erence.7 I=m runnin3 o0er 6it5 lo0e; It=. .8l2.5in3 o0er on e0eryone I run into 2nd it=. 1le.. in e2c5 one it /2ll. on 1ec2u.e it=. your lo0e; /une 04 &ove is very patient and +ind8 never 7ealo!s or envio!s never 9oastf!l or pro!d8 never ha!%hty or selfish or r!de5 &ove does not demand its own way55 ?t is not irrita9le or to!,hy5 ?t does not hold %r!d%es and will hardly even noti,e when others do it wron%5 ? Cor5 ;32<@" T&$ F2t5er4 t52n: you /or t5e Flo0eG c528ter in t5e Bi1le7 &52n: you /or tellin3 u. eD2ctly 652t lo0e i.7 ord4 6e lo0e you 1ec2u.e you tell u. i/ 6e=re >e2lou. or en0iou.4 t5en 6e don=t 520e lo0e7 &52n: you t52t 65en your 6onder/ul lo0e i. /lo6in3 t5rou35 u. to re2c5 ot5er.4 it 6ill ne0er 1e irrit21le or touc5y7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5i. i. only 8o..i1le 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e; I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to in.i.t on my Fri35t.G 2nd 520in3 my o6n 62y7 Ho6 I 1le.. you t52t I lo.t my 3rud3e. 2t t5e 2lt2r o/ .2l02tion; /une 05 There are three thin%s that remain @faith8 hope8 and love J and the %reatest of these is love5 ; Corinthians ;32;3 T&$ I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e t5ree 6onder/ul t5in3. t52t rem2inI /2it54 5o8e 2nd lo0e7 &52n: you t52t t5e 3re2te.t one o/ t5e.e i. lo0e4 1ec2u.e 6it5out lo0e it 6ould 1e di//icult to 520e /2it5 2nd 5o8e4 1ut 6it5 your lo0e4 1ec2u.e it i. t5e 3re2te.t o/ 2ll4 6e 2l.o 520e /2it5 2nd 5o8e7 F2it5 in t5e :no6led3e t52t Je.u. C5ri.t i. comin3 12c:4 2nd 5o8e t52t it i. 3oin3 to 1e 1#'

.oon7 9e lo0e you 1ec2u.e o/ t5e >oy/ul 2nd con/ident eD8ect2tion 6e 520e o/ etern2l .2l02tion7 &52n: you t52t you en21le u. to 520e true 2//ection 2nd lo0e /or you 2nd /or our /ello6 m2n; /une 06 Now hope does not disappoint8 9e,a!se the love of 'od has 9een po!red o!t in o!r hearts 9y the (oly )pirit who was %iven to !s5 :omans "2" F2t5er4 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e t5e lo0e 65ic5 i. in my 5e2rt i. not 2 5um2n lo0e I 520e to 3ener2te 2nd 6or: u87 I c2n .8re2d your lo0e 2ll o0er t5e 6orld 1ec2u.e t5e .8eci2l lo0e 65ic5 i. /reely 3i0en to ot5er. 52. 1een 3i0en to u. 1y you7 It i.n=t 2nyt5in3 I 52d to 6or: /or4 or 1e3 /or4 1ut >u.t one o/ t5o.e 1e2uti/ul 3i/t. you 3i0e to your c5ildren7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e 6orld c2n .ee your lo0e in me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 520e un1elie/ or di.tru.t 65ic5 6ould c2u.e me to 620er 21out 65et5er or not I could re2lly lo0e .omeone4 1ec2u.e I 2m em8o6ered 1y my /2it5 in you 2nd your 8romi.e.; /une 37 555 ?n All these thin%s we are more than ,onE!erors thro!%h (im who loved !s5 :omans 823> $lory to $od4 I=m more t52n 2 conEueror; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or t52t 6ord A ; &52n: you /or lettin3 me :no6 t52t I 6in A t5e 12ttle. 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e7 It 62. t52t .2me lo0e t52t 2llo6ed Je.u. C5ri.t to die on 2 cro.. /or me t52t m2:e. me more t52n 2 conEueror in A 2re2. o/ my li/e7 &52n: you4 t52t I don=t 520e to 1o6 to t5e de0il in 2ny 2re24 1ec2u.e you=0e .2id in A t5e.e t5in3. 6e 2re 1#!

more t52n conEueror. t5rou35 Him 65o lo0ed u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 2not5er mont5 o/ 0ictory in Je.u.; &52n: you t52t I 2l62y. 520e 2 .ur82..in3 0ictory in e0eryt5in3 1ec2u.e o/ your 3re2t lo0e;



A. 6e 6rote t5e con/e..ion. on /e2r4 6e /elt 2 tremendou. 6itne.. in our .8irit. t52t t5ou.2nd. o/ 8eo8le 2re 3oin3 to 1e deli0ered /rom t5e 1ond23e o/ /e2r4 2nd tot2lly 2nd com8letely li1er2ted 1y con/e..in3 652t $od=. 9ord. .2y. 21out /e2r7 /u " 1 555$e stron% and ,o!ra%eo!s and %et to wor+5 DonFt 9e fri%htened 9y the siAe of the tas+8 for the &ord my 'od is with yo!D he will not forsa+e yo!5 (e will see to it that everythin% is finished ,orre,tly5 ? Chroni,les 3823= T&$ &od2y I=m .tron3 2nd cour23eou. 2nd 2/r2id o/ not5in3 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you c2re /or e0ery little det2il o/ my li/e7 I 2m not /ri35tened 1y t5e .iCe o/ 2ny t2.: 1ec2u.e you 2re 2l62y. 6it5 me7 And 5o6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 2l62y. .ee to it t52t e0er >o1 I do i. com8leted correctly7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to li0e t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e in my o6n .tren3t54 1ut t52t I c2n re.t in you 2nd 1e .tren3t5ened 2nd 2..ured t52t t5e 6or: I do turn. out ri35t 1ec2u.e you 2re 12c:in3 me u8 2ll t5e 62y; /u " 0 The wi,+ed flee when no one p!rs!es8 9!t the ri%hteo!s are 9old as a lion5 Prover9s 382; &od2y I 2m 1old4 1old4 B) -; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or 3i0in3 me t5e 1oldne.. o/ 2 lion; &52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e my come. /rom you4 I 2ct 2nd m2:e deci.ion. 6it5 t5e cour23e t52t come. /rom :no6in3 you 2re 6it5 me in 2ll I 1#"

do7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I .t2nd u8 2nd 1oldly /2ce 2ll t52t come. 1e/ore me in li/e in 2 62y t52t t5e 6ic:ed c2n=t imit2te 1ec2u.e o/ t5eir /e2r t52t t5e 6ic:ed t5in3. t5ey=0e done 6ill c2tc5 u8 6it5 t5em 2nd de.troy t5em7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 2l62y. 1e loo:in3 o0er my .5oulder in /e2r 2. t5e 6ic:ed do7 I 3et .o eD cited F2t5er4 65en I re2liCe I=m 2l62y. on t5e 6inin3 .ide; I c2n c52r3e ri35t into 2ny .itu2tion o/ t5e de0il=. m2:in34 2nd t5e 6ic:ed 6ill /lee 1e/ore me 1ec2u.e you=0e m2de me 1old 2. 2 lion; /u " 3 For 'od has not %iven !s a spirit of fear8 9!t of power and of love and of a so!nd mind5 ?? Tim5 ;2> I 520e 2 .ound mind 2t 2ll time.4 1ec2u.e I 520e t5e mind o/ C5ri.t; I lo0e you4 8r2i.e you4 t52n: you 2nd 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 520en=t 3i0en me 2 .8irit o/ /e2r7 I re>oice t52t /e2r i. ne0er /rom you 1ut i. 2l62y. /rom t5e de0il7 Bec2u.e you 520e 3i0en me 8o6er o0er t5e de0il 2nd 2ll 5i. doin3.4 I c2n 1oldly di.mi.. 2ny t5ou35t. or /eelin3. o/ /e2r t52t come 1e/ore me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you=0e 3i0en me 2 .ound mind 2nd t5e 8o6er to /2ce 2ny .itu2tion 2nd 1e 0ictoriou. in it; /u " 1 The thief does not ,ome e6,ept to steal8 and to +ill8 and to destroy5 ? have ,ome that they may have We8 and that they may have it more a9!ndantly5 ohn ;=2;= F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e d2y you 3r2nted /reedom to our n2tion7 But more t52n t52t4 I t52n: you /or t5e /reedom 2nd 21und2nce o/ li/e you 520e 3r2nted me t5rou35 your %on4 Je.u. C5ri.t4 11#

65o c2me to de/e2t t5e de0il 2nd 2ll t5e de0il=. e0il de.tructi0e 62y.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. c2me to /ree u. /rom t5e 1ond23e o/ t5e de0il=. /e2r4 .o t52t t5e de0il c2n ne0er 232in .te2l t5e 1le..in3. o/ li/e /rom your c5ildren4 li:e t5e t5ie/ 5e re2lly i.; &52n: you t52t Je.u. i. t5e 62y4 t5e trut5 2nd t5e li/e 2nd t52t t5rou35 Him I 520e t5e 21und2nt li/e you 62nt 2ll your c5ildren to 520e; /u " 2 $ehold8 ? %ive yo! the a!thority to trample on serpent and s,orpion8 and over all the power of the enemy8 and nothin% shall 9y any means h!rt yo!5 &!+e ;=2;1 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e 3i0en me t5e 8o6er to tre2d on 2ll t5e 6or:. o/ t5e de0il 6it5out t5e .li35te.t 8o..i1ility t52t 2ny 52rm c2n come to me; I re>oice t52t you=0e 9ined t5e t21le. on t5e de0il4 1ec2u.e no6 I 520e 8o6er o0er A &HE P)9ER )F &HE ENEMY 2nd 5e 52. to run /rom me; I 8r2i.e you /or m2:in3 me immune to t5e enemy=. 8oi.on .tin3. 2nd /2n3. 1ec2u.e I 2m trium852nt in time. o/ trou1le 2nd 2t 8e2ce in t5e mid.t o/ .tri/e7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or m2:in3 me 2 .8iritu2l 62rrior .o I c2n .tom8 on t5e 6or:. o/ t5e enemy 65ere0er I /ind t5em; /u " 3 :oll yo!r wor+s !pon the &ord ,ommit and tr!st them wholly to (imD L(e will ,a!se yo!r tho!%hts to 9e,ome a%reea9le to (is will8 andM so shall yo!r plans 9e esta9lished and s!,,eed5 Prover9s ;#23 Amp5 F2t5er4 I /eel li:e I=m in 2 1i3 1o6lin3 2lley4 2nd I=0e >u.t rolled 2ll my c2re.4 6orrie. 2nd de/e2t. 111

u8 into one 1i3 12ll4 2nd I=m rollin3 t5em 2ll do6n t5e 2lley ri35t into your 2nu.; I=m committin3 t5em to you 2nd tru.tin3 t5em 65olly to you 2nd I=m not 6orry in 21out t5em 2ny more; I t52n: you t52t my t5ou35t. 2re 2ll 1ecomin3 23ree21le to your 6ill4 2nd t52t not5in3 t52t come. to my mind 6ill 1e un8le2.in3 to you4 1ec2u.e I=m turnin3 my 12c: on 2ll t5e lu.t. o/ t5e /le.54 2nd rollin3 2ll o/ my 6or:. u8on you7 I=m eD cite 1ec2u.e I no6 520e tot2l 2nd com8lete 2..ur2nce t52t e0eryt5in3 I do i. 3oin3 to 1e e.t21li.5ed 2nd .ucceed7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you m2:e no 8l2n. /or /2ilure in your 9ord; /u " 4 The &ord is my shepherdD ? shall not want5 (e ma+es me to lie down in %reen past!resD he leads me 9eside the still waters5 Psalm 332;83 I lo0e 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e in t5e 21idin3 lo0e 2nd c2re you 8our u8on me4 I /e2r no e0il7 9it5 you 2. my .5e85erd4 I=m .urrounded 1y your 8rotecti0e 8o6er 2t 2ll time. 2nd I re>oice t52t I c2n rel2D 2nd en>oy your 3reen 82.ture. 2nd .till 62ter.4 1ec2u.e 65ere0er you le2d me4 I 520e com8lete tru.t t52t 2ll my need. 2re met7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .eein3 to it t52t I l2c: not5in37 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I c2n loo: to you /or e0eryt5in3 I need in my li/e 6it5 out t5e .li35te.t 6orry or /e2r4 /or you 8ro0ide /or me in 21und2nce; I 1le.. you4 F2t5er; /u " 5 $e stron% and of %ood ,o!ra%e8 do not fear nor 9e afraid of themD for the &ord yo!r 'od8 (e is the One who %oes with yo!5 (e will not leave yo! nor forsa+e yo!5 De!teronomy 3;2# F2t5er4 I=m .tron3; I=m cour23eou.; I 8r2i.e you 112

t52t I=m not 2/r2id 1ec2u.e you 2re 6it5 me in 2ll your 8o6er 2nd 3lory 2nd 2nd 1ec2u.e not5in3 c2n 6it5.t2nd your mi35t; I 3i0e t52n:. t52t you 2re t5e ord my $od4 65o ne0er /2il. me or le20e. me no m2tter 652t :ind o/ di//iculty or .5o6do6n I 520e to /2ce7 You 2re t5e .tren3t5 o/ my 2rm 2nd t5e cour23e in my 5e2rt4 .o I /e2r not5in3 t52t m2n c2n do7 $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed 6it5 0ictory; /u " 6 The &ord is my li%ht and my salvationD whom shall ? fearG The &ord is the stren%th of my lifeD of whom shall ? 9e afraidG When the wi,+ed ,ame a%ainst me to eat !p my flesh8 my enemies and foes8 they st!m9led and fell5 Tho!%h an army sho!ld en,amp a%ainst me8 my heart shall not fearD tho!%h war sho!ld rise a%ainst me8 in this ? will 9e ,onfident5 Psalm 3>2;@3 I 520e no /e2r o/ 2ny1ody or 2nyt5in3; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .5inin3 your li35t on t5e 82t5 o/ .o I c2n .ee to 62l: in your 62y.7 &52n: you /or .20in3 me /rom .in 2nd d2r:ne.. in t5i. li/e 2nd /rom etern2l d2mn2tion in t5e neDt4 1ec2u.e you lo0e me .o muc57 You 2re my .tren3t5 2nd my .5ield4 F2t5er4 .o I /e2r neit5er t5e 6ic:edne.. o/ my enemie. nor t5e tric:. o/ t5e de0il4 1ec2u.e you 6ill c2u.e t5em to .tum1le 2nd /2ll 6it5out l2yin3 2 /in3er on me7 H2llelu>25; /u " 17 For in the time of tro!9le (e shall hide me in (is pavilionD in the se,ret pla,e of (is ta9erna,le (e shall hide meD (e shall set me hi%h !pon a ro,+5 Psalm 3>2" I re>oice4 F2t5er4 t52t you 8rotect 2nd 5ide me /rom 2ny :ind o/ trou1le t52t come. my 62y; 11(

&52n: you t52t you 2l62y. 5ide me in your 820ilion or in t5e .ecret o/ your t21ern2cle 65ere t5e 6ic:ed d2re not /ollo67 Ho6 I 1le.. 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t no m2tter 652t deceit/ul lyin3 .c5eme. t5e de0il come. u8 6it5 to di.ru8t my li/e4 you=ll t2:e me out o/ 52rm=. 62y 2nd .et me u8on 2 roc: 65ere 5e c2n=t touc5 me; I lo0e you4 F2t5er; /u " 11 And now my head shall 9e lifted !p a9ove my enemies all aro!nd meD therefore ? will offer sa,rifi,es of 7oy in (is ta9erna,leD ? will sin%8 yes8 ? will sin% praises to the &ord5 Psalm 3>2# F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I don=t 520e to loo: u8 2t my enemie.4 /or you li/t my 5e2d 21o0e t5em .o t52t I=m loo:in3 do6n on t5em; You 2re t5e $od o/ deli0er2nce 2nd t5e $od o/ my .2l02tion4 F2t5er4 2nd I o//er .2cri/ice. o/ >oy to you in cele1r2tion o/ t5e 6onder/ul 62y you t2:e c2re o/ me; I=m .in3in3 8r2i.e. to you 1ec2u.e you li/t me 21o0e t5e tri2l. 2nd tri1ul2tion. o/ t5e 6orld 2nd 1ec2u.e I lo0e you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt; $lory; /u " 10 There is therefore now no ,ondemnation to those who are in Christ es!s8 who do not wal+ a,,ordin% to the flesh8 9!t a,,ordin% to the )pirit5 For the law of the )pirit of life in Christ es!s has made me free from the law of sin and death5 :omans 82;83 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I /e2r no condemn2tion in my li/e4 1ec2u.e t5ere i.n=t 2ny t5ere; I re>oice 1ec2u.e I 2m in Je.u. C5ri.t 2nd I 62l: 2/ter t5e %8irit; &52n: you /or t5e 8romi.e. in your 9ord4 /or your 9ord .2y. t52t 2ll my .in. 114

2re /or3i0en 2nd t52t you don=t e0en remem1er t5em4 .o I don=t 520e 2ny /e2r o/ t5e 82.t7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1y t5e l26 o/ t5e %8irit o/ li/e in Je.u.4 I=m /ree /rom t5e l26 o/ .in 2nd de2t5 .o t52t e0eryt5in3 1e/ore me4 e0eryt5in3 in my /uture4 i. 21.olutely 6onder/ul 2nd 1le..ed; H2llelu>25; /u " 13 (ave ? not ,ommanded yo!G $e stron% and of %ood ,o!ra%eD do not 9e afraid8 nor 9e dismayed8 for the &ord yo!r 'od is with yo! wherever yo! %o5 osh5 ;21 Ho6 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e 8o6er 2nd trut5 o/ your comm2ndment m2:e me .tron3 2nd /ill me 6it5 cour23e; Fe2r 2nd di.m2y 520e no 82rt in my li/e4 1ec2u.e my .tren3t5 i. in you4 2nd I tru.t you in 2ll t5in3.7 95en t5e de0il come. 232in.t me I 2m 1r20e 2nd >u1il2nt4 /or I :no6 you 2re 6it5 me e0ery mo men d2y 2nd ni35t 2nd I 520e 0ictory o0er 2ll t5e 8o6er o/ d2r:ne..; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 2re 6it5 me 65ere0er I 3o; /u " 13 There is no fear in loveD 9!t perfe,t love ,asts o!t fear8 9e,a!se fear involves torment5 $!t he who fears has not 9een made perfe,t in love5 ? ohn <2;8 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you4 3loriou. F2t5er4 t52t your 8er/ect lo0e /lo6. t5rou35 me in .uc5 3re2t me2.ure t52t it 52. c2.t out /e2r o/ 2ny :ind 2nd 2ll :ind.; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or remo0in3 t5e torment o/ /e2r /rom my li/e4 /or torment come. /rom t5e de0il4 2nd t5e de0il 52. to run /rom t5e 8o6er o/ your 8er/ect lo0e; I=m 1le..ed 1eyond my 6ilde.t dre2m.4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I=m 1ein3 8er/ected in your 6onder/ul lo0e; 11*

/u " 11

$ehold8 'od is my salvation8 ? will tr!st and not 9e afraid for IA(8 the &ord8 is my stren%th and my son%D (e also has 9e,ome my salvation5 Therefore with 7oy yo! will draw water from the wells of salvation5 ?saiah ;32383 F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t you 2re my .2l02tion; Bec2u.e o/ t5i. I 8l2ce my 65ole tru.t in you 2nd I 2m ne0er 2/r2id or 2nDiou. in 2nyt5in37 I re>oice in you 1e c2u.e you 2re my .tren3t5 2nd my .on34 2nd 6it5 .o muc5 con/idence 2nd 5288ine.. 1u11lin3 t5rou35 me4 I .in3 your 8r2i.e. e0ery65ere I 3o; F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or t5e 6ell. o/ your .2l02tion4 1ec2u.e t5e li0in3 62ter I dr26 /rom t5em rene6.4 1le..e. 2nd re/re.5e. my li/e 2nd 3i0e. me .uc5 >oy t52t I /eel li:e tellin3 e0eryone I meet 652t 2 3loriou. $od you 2re;

/u " 12

?n as m!,h then as the ,hildren have parta+en of flesh and 9lood8 (e (imself li+ewise shared in the same8 that thro!%h death (e mi%ht destroy him who had the power of death8 that is8 the devil8 and release those who thro!%h fear of death were all their lifetime s!97e,t to 9onda%e5 (e9rews 32;<8;" &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. too: de2t5 u8on Him.el/ .o He could de.troy t5e one 65o 52d t5e 8o6er o/ de2t5 ? t5e de0il7 &52n: you t52t I=m /ree o/ t5e /e2r o/ de2t5 2nd /ree o/ t5e de.8er2te 5un3er /or 8o6er4 money 2nd t5e t5in3. o/ t5i. 6orld t52t come /rom /e2rin3 de2t57 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. deli0ered me /rom .in4 t5e de0il 2nd 1ond23e to /e2r 1y .5eddin3 Hi. 1lood /or me u8on t5e cro..4 2nd I t52n: you /or t52t 3loriou. 11'

8romi.e o/ etern2l li/e in your :in3dom; Bec2u.e de2t5 couldn=t 5old Je.u. in t5e 3r20e4 it 6on=t 5old me eit5er4 2nd I=m re>oicin3 1ec2u.e my etern2l 5ome i. in 5e20en 6it5 you; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e 8ricele.. 1le..in3 o/ etern2l li/e; /u " 14 'od is o!r ref!%e and stren%th8 a very present help in tro!9le5 Therefore we will not fear8 tho!%h the earth 9e removed8 and tho!%h the mo!ntains 9e ,arried into the midst of the seaD tho!%h its waters roar and 9e tro!9led8 tho!%h the mo!ntains sha+e with its swellin%5 )elah5 Psalm <#2;@3 F2t5er4 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2re my re/u3e 2nd .tren3t54 you 2re my 5el8 2t t5e moment trou1le come.7 I t52n: you t52t I don=t need to /e2r e0en i/ t5e 6orld 1lo6. u8 2nd t5e mount2in. crum1le into t5e .e24 /or you 2re t5e $od o/ my .2l02tion 2nd you 6ill t2:e c2re o/ me no m2tter 652t 5288en.7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e Cre2tor4 t5e $od o/ e0eryt5in3 2nd /or t52t re2.on I don=t /e2r 2nyt5in3 in t5e entire uni0er.e7 95et5er t5e 6orld /2ll. 282rt or 2 3re2t e2rt5Eu2:e roc:. t5e mount2in.4 I=ll 1e .20ed 2nd 8rotected 1y your lo0in3 8o6er; H2llelu>25; /u " 15 ? am tr!stin% 'od J oh8 praise his promises/ ? am not afraid of anythin% mere man ,an do to me/ Ies8 praise his promises5 ? will s!rely do what ? have promised &ord8 and than+ yo! for yo!r help5 For yo! have saved me from death and my feet from slippin%8 so that ? ,an wal+ 9efore the &ord in the land of the livin%5 Psalm "#2;=@;3 T&$ 11!

$lory4 F2t5er4 I tru.t you .o muc5 t52t t5ere=. no room in my li/e /or /e2r; I 8r2i.e your 8romi.e.4 /or you 2l 62y :ee8 t5em4 2nd I t52n: you /or 2ll t5e 5el8 you=0e 3i0en me7 I t52n: you /or .20in3 me /rom de2t5 2nd /or :ee8in3 my /eet /rom .li88in34 .o I c2n 62l: in your 62y.7 F2t5er4 I re>oice in your li35t; /u " 16 (e who dwells in the se,ret pla,e of the .ost (i%h shall a9ide !nder the shadow of the Almi%hty5 ? will say of the &ord8 F(e is my ref!%e and my fortressD my 'od8 in (im ? will tr!st5 Psalm 1;2;83 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I 21ide in t5e .2/ety 2nd com/ort o/ your .52do6 65ere no e0il c2n touc5 me7 You 2re my re/u3e 2nd my /ortre..4 F2t5er4 2nd I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you t52t you 2re 2 $od 65o :ee8. 2ll Hi. 8romi.e. to Hi. c5ildren4 .o t52t my tru.t i. 2l62y. /ul/illed in you7 Bec2u.e I d6ell in t5e .ecret 8l2ce o/ t5e mo.t Hi354 t5e de0il c2n=t m2:e /e2r /2ll u8on me4 1ut in.te2d I 2m li/ted u8 2nd 1le..ed o0er 2nd o0er 1y t5e lo0e 2nd 8o6er 6it5 65ic5 you .urround me; /u " 07 No evil shall 9efall yo!8 nor shall any pla%!e ,ome near yo!r dwellin%D for (e shall %ive (is an%els ,har%e over yo!8 to +eep yo! in all yo!r ways5 Psalm 1;2;=8;; F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t no e0il c2n 1e/2ll me 2nd no 8l23ue or .ic:ne.. c2n come ne2r my 5ou.e4 1ec2u.e you .2id .o; &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out t5e.e t5in3. 2ny more4 /or you=0e .ent your 2n3el. 2nd c52r3ed t5em to t2:e c2re o/ me in e0ery 62y; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or lo0in3 11,

me .o muc5 t52t your 2n3el. .tic: 1y me ni35t 2nd d2y to 3u2rd 2nd 8rotect me 2nd my 5ou.e 2nd /2mily /rom e0eryt5in3 t5e de0il mi35t try to do to u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord /ree. me /rom /e2r o/ .ic:ne..4 c2l2mity 2nd di.e2.e; H2llelu>25; /u " 01 )o he answered and said to me2 FThis is the word of the &ord to Per!99a9el2 Not 9y mi%ht nor 9y power8 9!t 9y .y )pirit8 says the &ord of hosts5 FPe,hariah <2# )ee also the Amplified $i9le5 Pr2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 2n 2n3el o/ t5e ord .8o:e to Leru1121el 2nd told 5im t52t t5e 2ddition o/ t5e 1o6l to t5e c2ndle.tic: c2u.ed it to yield 2 ne0er endin3 .u88ly o/ oil /rom t5e oli0e tree.7 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you t52t oil i. t5e .ym1ol o/ your Holy %8irit4 .o it. .u88ly continue. etern2lly7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 520e /e2r 1ec2u.e you=0e 8romi.ed t52t I don=t 520e to 6in 12ttle. in my o6n .tren3t54 nor my o6n 8o6er4 1ut t52t you 6ill 6in t5em /or me 1y your %8irit; $lory; Here I 2m4 6innin3 232in; /u " 00 'od 9lesses those who o9ey himD happy the man who p!ts his tr!st in the &ord5 Prover9s ;#23= T&$ I lo0e to recei0e your 1le..in3.4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I :no6 t52t e0eryt5in3 t52t come. /rom you i. 3ood; I o1ey you 6it5out 5e.it2tion4 1ec2u.e e0eryt5in3 you tell me to do come. /rom your 2nd I re>oice in your I 520e no /e2r4 6orry or c2re 21out t5e /uture or 21out 8ro1lem.4 1ec2u.e your 1le..in3. 2re u8on me7 I=m 5288y 2nd I=m .in3in3 your 8r2i.e. 1ec2u.e I 8ut my tru.t4 my /2it54 my 11"

con/idence4 2nd my 5o8e in you7 I=m /ull o/ 2ntici82tion /or t5e 3ood t5in3. in li/e4 2nd /e2r 6ent out t5e 6indo6 65en /2it5 2nd tru.t c2me in; $lory; /u " 00 'od 9lesses those who o9ey himD happy the man who p!ts his tr!st in the &ord5 Prover9s ;#23= T&$ I lo0e to recei0e your 1le..in3.4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I :no6 t52t e0eryt5in3 t52t come. /rom you i. 3ood; I o1ey you 6it5out 5e.it2tion4 1ec2u.e e0eryt5in3 you tell me to do come. /rom your 2nd I re>oice in your I 520e no /e2r4 6orry or c2re 21out t5e /uture or 21out 8ro1lem.4 1ec2u.e your 1le..in3. 2re u8on me7 I=m 5288y 2nd I=m .in3in3 your 8r2i.e. 1ec2u.e I 8ut my tru.t4 my /2it54 my con/idence4 2nd my 5o8e in you7 I=m /ull o/ 2ntici82tion /or t5e 3ood t5in3. in li/e4 2nd /e2r 6ent out t5e 6indo6 65en /2it5 2nd tru.t c2me in; $lory; /u " 03 The &ord 9y wisdom fo!nded the earthD 9y !nderstandin% (e esta9lished the heavensD 9y (is +nowled%e the depths were 9ro+en !p8 and ,lo!ds drop down the dew5 .y son8 let them not depart from yo!r eyes J +eep so!nd wisdom and dis,retionD so they will 9e life to yo!r so!l and %ra,e to yo!r ne,+5 Then yo! will wal+ safely in yo!r way8 and yo!r foot will not st!m9le5 When yo! lie down8 yo! will not 9e afraidD yes8 yo! will lie down and yo!r sleep will 9e sweet5 Do not 9e afraid of s!dden terror8 nor of tro!9le from the wi,+ed when it ,omesD for the &ord will 9e yo!r ,onfiden,e8 and will +eep yo!r foot from 9ein% 12#

,a!%ht5 Prover9s 32;1@3 # F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you t52t your 6i.dom 65ic5 /ounded t5e e2rt5 i. t5e .2me 6i.dom 65ic5 3uide. my li/e 2nd 3u2rd. me /rom /e2r o/ /2llin3 or o/ .tum1lin3 You 2re my con/idence4 F2t5er4 2nd 1y your 6i.dom 2nd :no6led3e t5ere i. li/e in my .oul 2nd 3r2ce to my nec:7 F2t5er4 I 2m 26ed 1y t5e m23ni/icent mir2cle o/ your cre2tion4 2nd my .lee8 i. .6eet 1ec2u.e your c5ildren 2re 8rotected d2y 2nd ni35t 1y your mi35ty 8o6er; H2llelu>25; /u " 01 The fear of man 9rin%s a snare8 9!t whoever tr!sts in the &ord shall 9e safe5 Prover9s 3123" I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t2:in3 2ll /e2r /rom me4 1ec2u.e /e2r i. >u.t 2n in0it2tion /or t5e de0il to t2:e 2d02nt23e 6it5 one o/ 5i. deceit/ul .n2re.7 I lo0e 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 1ein3 t5e :ind o/ $od t52t I c2n tru.t 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 /or you 2re 2l62y. /2it5 /u to :ee8 your c5ildren .2/e 2nd /illed 6it5 1le..in3. You 2re 6onder/ul to me; /u " 02 $!t .oses told the people8 FDonHt 9e afraid5 !st stand where yo! are and wat,h8 and yo! will see the wonderf!l way the &ord will res,!e yo! today5 The -%yptians yo! are loo+in% at J yo! will never see them a%ain5 The &ord will fi%ht for yo!8 and yo! wonFt need to left a fin%er5 F Then the &ord said to .oses8 FQ!it prayin% and %et the people movin%/ Forward8 mar,h/ -6od!s ;<2;3@;" T&$ F2t5er4 t52n: you /or t5e .im8licity4 directne.. 2nd 8o6er o/ t5e 62y. you deli0er u. /rom .eemin3ly 5o8ele.. .itu2tion.7 No .itu2tion i. 121

5o8ele.. 1e/ore your mi35ty 8o6er; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or deli0er in me /rom /e2r4 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 $od o/ 6onder /u mir2cle. 2nd /2it5/ulne.. to your 8eo8le; $lory; /u " 03 FFear not8 for ? am with yo!5 Do not 9e dismayed5 ? am yo!r 'od5 ? will stren%then yo!D ? will help yo!D ? will !phold yo! with my vi,torio!s ri%ht hand5 )ee8 all yo!r an%ry enemies lie ,onf!sed and shattered5 Anyone opposin% yo! will die5 Io! will loo+ for them in vain J they will all 9e %one5 ? am holdin% yo! 9y yo!r ri%ht hand J ?8 the &ord8 yo!r 'od J and ? say to yo!8 DonHt 9e afraidD lam here to help yo!5 Despised tho!%h yo! are8 fear not8 = ?sraelD for ? will help yo!5 ? am the &ord8 yo!r :edeemerD ? am the (oly One of ?srael5 ?saiah <;2;=@;< T&$ I 2m t52n:/ul4 F2t5er4 t52t you 1rin3 your 8eo8le to 0ictory no m2tter 652t t5e .itu2tion i.7 Your ri35t 52nd i. more 8o6er/ul t52n 2ll t5e 2rmie. o/ t5e 6orld 6it5 2ll t5eir 6e28on.4 2nd no one c2n .t2nd 232in.t me 1ec2u.e you 2re F)R ME; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2m 0ictoriou. in A %I&UA&I)N%; /u " 04 $!t now the &ord who ,reated yo!8 = ?srael8 says8 FDonHt 9e afraid8 for ? have ransomed yo!D ? have ,alled yo! 9y nameD yo! are mine5 When yo! %o thro!%h deep waters and %reat tro!9le8 ? will 9e with yo!5 When yo! %o thro!%h rivers of diffi,!lty8 yo! will not drown/ When yo! wal+ thro!%h the fire of oppression8 yo! will not 9e 9!rned !p J the flames will not ,ons!me yo!5H ?saiah <32;@3 T&$ Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or redeemin3 me4 /or 122

c2llin3 me 1y n2me4 /or re.cuin3 me /rom trou1le 2nd di//iculty 2nd o88re..ion4 /or .20in3 me; $loriou. F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t you o8enly decl2re in your 9ord t52t I 2m your.; 95ere0er I 62.4 e2.t4 6e.t4 nort5 or .out54 you c2lled me to your.el/ 1ec2u.e you lo0e me4 2lt5ou35 my eye. 6ere 1lind 2nd my e2r. 6ere de2/ to your c2ll7 Bec2u.e you 2re 6it5 me4 I don=t /e2r dee8 62ter4 /ire or 2ll t5e 8o6er o/ t5e de0il4 /or you 6ill re.cue me /rom 2ll o/ t5em; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you /or 65o you 2re; /u " 05 DonHt 9e afraid of those who ,an +ill only yo!r 9odies J 9!t ,anFt to!,h yo!r so!ls/ Fear only 'od who ,an destroy 9oth so!l and 9ody in hell5 Not one sparrow 0What do they ,ostG Two for a pennyG4 ,an fall to the %ro!nd witho!t yo!r Father +nowin% it5 And the very hairs of yo!r head are all n!m9ered5 )o donHt worry/ Io! are more val!a9le to him than many sparrows5 .atthew ;=238@3; T&$ Ho6 eDcitin34 F2t5er4 to :no6 t52t you lo0e me .o muc5 you 520e e0en num1ered t5e 52ir. on my 5e2d; Not only do you :no6 t5o.e I 520e4 you :no6 t5o.e I 520e lo.t; I don=t /e2r 2ny 8er.on on t5i. e2rt54 1ec2u.e you notice t5e /2ll o/ t5e le2.t .82rro6 to t5e 3round4 .o you 2l62y. :no6 65en I need your 5el8 2nd in.t2ntly you 2re ri35t t5ere 6it5 me7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 3ettin3 rid o/ 2ll my 6orrie. 1ec2u.e you lo0e me .o muc5; I=m cert2inly 3l2d I=m 6ort5 more to you t52n 2 .82rro6; /u " 06 The eternal 'od is yo!r ref!%e8 and !nderneath are the everlastin% armsD (e will thr!st o!t the 12(

enemy from 9efore yo!8 and will say8 FDestroy/ De!t5 3323> F2t5er4 I 3i0e 8r2i.e to you /or 1ein3 t5e etern2l $od 65o 52. com8lete 8o6er o0er 2ll t5in3. 82.t4 8re.ent 2nd /uture7 I t52n: you /or /or3i0in3 2ll my .in. o/ t5e 82.t4 /or lo0in3 me ri35t no6 2nd /or 3i0in3 me 2 6onder/ul /uture to loo: /or62rd to; I 8r2i.e you /or 5old in me 6it5 lo0e in your e0erl2.tin3 2rm.4 1ec2u.e you 2re my re/u3e4 2nd not5in3 c2n 52rm me re32rdle.. o/ t5e .itu2tion7 &52n: you /or 2l62y. 3oin3 1e/ore me in your 3lory 2nd 8o6er4 .o t52t t5e 6ic:ed 2re t5ru.t out o/ my 82t57 F2t5er4 I lo0e your e0erl2.tin3 2rm.; /u " 37 Io! shall also de,ide and de,ree a thin% and it shall 9e esta9lished for yo!8 and the li%ht Lof 'odHs favorM shall shine !pon yo!r ways5 o9 33238 Amp5 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out 65et5er or not I=m 3oin3 to 1e 2 /2ilure or 2 .ucce..4 1ec2u.e your 1lue8rint /or my li/e m2:e. it .o .im8le7 I=m t5ro6in3 /e2r ri35t out t5e 6indo6 1ec2u.e you=0e .2id t52t 65en I decide 2nd decree 2 t5in3 it .52ll 1e e.t21li.5ed; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t I=m 62l:in3 in t5e li35t o/ your /20or 2nd it=. .5inin3 u8on my 62y.; $lory4 F2t5er4 652t 2 8ri0ile3e to 1e 21le to /ollo6 your 9ord .o e2.ily 2nd :no6 t52t you m2:e u. 6inner 2ll t5e time7 I lo0e you /or t52t; /u " 31 Do not fret or have any an6iety a9o!t anythin%8 9!t in every ,ir,!mstan,e and in everythin% 9y prayer and petition Ldefinite reE!estsM with than+s%ivin% ,ontin!e to ma+e yo!r wants +nown to 'od5 And 'odHs pea,e 09e yo!rs8 that tranE!il 124

state of a so!l ass!red of its salvation thro!%h Christ8 and so fearin% nothin% from 'od and ,ontent with its earthly lot of whatever sort that is8 that pea,eM whi,h trans,ends all !nderstandin%8 shall %arrison and mo!nt %!ard over yo!r hearts and minds in Christ es!s5 Phil5 <2#8> Amp5 Ho6 I t52n: 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I don=t 6orry4 /ret or .te6 21out 2nyt5in34 /or your lo0e /or me i. .o 3re2t t52t I 2m /illed 6it5 2nd .urrounded 1y your mi35ty 8o6er 2t 2ll time.7 Bec2u.e o/ your 8romi.e. 2nd your 9ord4 I 520e 8e2ce in 2ll circum.t2nce.4 t5e 8e2ce t52t .ur82..e. 2ll under.t2ndin34 t5e 8e2ce t52t 3u2rd. my 5e2rt 2nd mind in C5ri.t Je.u.7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e 6onder/ul 1le..in3 o/ t52t 8e2ce; H2llelu>25;


Au3u.t i. t5e time 65en .ome 8eo8le 1e3in to dr23 1ec2u.e o/ t5e lon34 5ot4 .ummer d2y.4 1ut 5o6 6e 8r2i.e $od /or Hi. 9ord4 FBut t5ey t52t 62it u8on t5e ord .52ll rene6 t5eir .tren3t5@ t5ey .52ll mount u8 6it5 6in3. 2. e23le.4 t5ey .52ll run4 2nd not 1e 6e2ry4 2nd t5ey .52ll 62l:4 2nd not /2int7F I.7 4#I(17 et=. mount u8 6it5 6in3. 2. e23le. 2nd .o2r 5i35er t5i. mont5 t52n 6e e0er 520e7 et=. con/e.. t5e.e .cri8ture. /our 2nd /i0e time. e0ery d2y; &5i. mont5 6e=re con/e..in3 .cri8ture. 65ic5 6e 520e 8ut under 2 F$ener2lG c2te3ory7 %ome o/ t5e.e 2re t5e FoldG /20orite. t52t re2lly tell u. 652t $od 52. /or u.4 2nd m2ny o/ u. 2re /2mili2r 6it5 t5em4 1ut 6e need to memoriCe 2nd con/e.. t5em to m2:e t5em .tron3er in our d2ily li0e.7 95y not .elect 2t le2.t t6o .cri8ture 0er.e. e2c5 mont5 to memoriCe7 %2y t5em out loud or in your t5ou35t. e0ery d2y 2. o/ten 2. t5ey come to your mind7 9ug. 1 $!t (e answered and said8 Fit is written8 .an shall not live 9y 9read alone8 9!t 9y every word that pro,eeds from the mo!th of 'od5H .atthew <2< F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to eDi.t only on e2rt5ly /ood.4 1ec2u.e I li0e in 2n etern2l re2lm 2. 6ell 2. 2 tem8or2l 6orld7 &52n: you t52t our mo.t deliciou. me2l. 2nd de..ert. 2re t5e 6ord. 65ic5 come )ut o/ your mout5; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord i. true4 2nd t52t e0eryt5in3 you 520e .2id 6ill come to 82.. 12'

1ec2u.e you .8o:e it4 2nd you 2re 2 $od 65o c2nnot lie7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to de8end >u.t on me2t 2nd 8ot2toe. /or .tren3t54 1ut I c2n de8end on you /rom 65om our re2l .tren3t5 come.; &52n: you /or .2yin34 FIt i. 6ritten4G 1ec2u.e t5e de0il 52. to run 65en I .2y t5o.e 6ord. to 5im; 9ug. 1 $!t (e answered and said8 Fit is written8 .an shall not live 9y 9read alone8 9!t 9y every word that pro,eeds from the mo!th of 'od5H .atthew <2< F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to eDi.t only on e2rt5ly /ood.4 1ec2u.e I li0e in 2n etern2l re2lm 2. 6ell 2. 2 tem8or2l 6orld7 &52n: you t52t our mo.t deliciou. me2l. 2nd de..ert. 2re t5e 6ord. 65ic5 come )ut o/ your mout5; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord i. true4 2nd t52t e0eryt5in3 you 520e .2id 6ill come to 82.. 1ec2u.e you .8o:e it4 2nd you 2re 2 $od 65o c2nnot lie7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to de8end >u.t on me2t 2nd 8ot2toe. /or .tren3t54 1ut I c2n de8end on you /rom 65om our re2l .tren3t5 come.; &52n: you /or .2yin34 FIt i. 6ritten4G 1ec2u.e t5e de0il 52. to run 65en I .2y t5o.e 6ord. to 5im; 9ug. 0 And they over,ame him 9y the 9lood of the &am9 and 9y the word of their testimony8 and they did not love their lives to the death5 :evelation ;32;; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m1 o0er come 2ll t5in3.4 2nd m2:e. u. o0er comer.; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5e 1lood o/ Je.u. 62. .5ed /or e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ u.4 2nd t52t 12!

1lood i. more 8o6er/ul t52n t5e de0il 1ec2u.e 5e e0en trem1le. 65en He come. clo.e to t52t 1lood line 65ic5 .urround. u.; &5e 0ery 6ord o/ my te.timony 3i0e. me 8o6er o0er 2ll o/ t5e enemy; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 65en I .8e2: your 9ord4 it 1ecome. my 6ord4 2nd i. 8o6er; 9ug. 3 The )pirit of the &ord is !pon .e8 9e,a!se (e has anointed .e to prea,h the %ospel to the poor5 (e has sent .e to heal the 9ro+enhearted8 to prea,h deliveran,e to the ,aptives and re,overy of si%ht to the 9lind8 to set at li9erty those who are oppressed5 &!+e <2;8 F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you t52t 1ec2u.e I=m 2 >ointA 5eir 6it5 Je.u.4 t5i. 8romi.e i. mine7 &52n: you /or m2:in3 .uc5 2 6onder/ul >o1 de.cri8tion /or me .o t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out 652t I 2m to do7 I=m .52rin3 t5e $ood Ne6.4 lo0in3 t5e 1ro:en5e2rted 65o /eel t52t no1ody lo0e. t5em4 2nd I=m .8e2:in3 your 6ord. o/ deli0er2nce to t5o.e 65o 2re c28ti0e 2nd .l20e. to 521it. o/ t5e /le.57 I 8r2i.e you t52t your 2nointin3 i. 5ere 2t 2ll time.4 65et5er I /eel li:e it or not7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me .uc5 2n eDcitin3 >o1; 9ug. 1 Finally8 9rethren8 whatever thin%s are tr!e8 whatever thin%s are no9le8 whatever thin%s are 7!st8 whatever thin%s are p!re8 whatever thin%s are lovely8 whatever thin%s are of %ood report8 0f there is any virt!e and if there is anythin% praiseworthy J meditate on these thin%s5 Philippians <28 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I don=t 520e to t5in: on or 6orry 21out t5e e0il t5in3. o/ t5e de0il7 I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out t5e 8ro1lem. o/ t5e 12,

6orld 2nd t5e cri.e. t52t 2ri.e7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e in 2 continu2l .t2te o/ 1ein3 di.tur1ed 2nd tormented4 1ec2u.e I /ollo6 your in.truction. 2nd t5in: on t5e 1e2uti/ul u8li/tin3 t5in3. t52t 2re true4 5one.t4 >u.t4 8ure 2nd lo0ely7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or tellin3 me eD2ctly u8on 652t I .5ould :ee8 my eye. 2nd mind7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er; 9ug. 2 FFor the weapons of o!r warfare are not ,arnal 9!t mi%hty in 'od for p!llin% down stron%holds8 ,astin% down ar%!ments and every hi%h thin% that e6alts itself a%ainst the +nowled%e of 'od8 9rin%in% every tho!%ht into ,aptivity to the o9edien,e of Christ ?? Corinthians ;=2<8" &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t our 6e28on. 2re not o/ t5i. 6orld4 1ut 2re .8iritu2l 1ec2u.e t5ey come /rom you7 &52n: you /or not eD8ectin3 u. to u.e c2rn2l 6e28on.4 1ut /or 3i0in3 u. .uc5 mi35ty .8iritu2l .6ord.; I 8r2i.e you t52t I c2n c2.t do6n my im23in2tion 2nd t5e 02nitie. t52t t5e de0il 6ould li:e to 8ut into my mind4 1ec2u.e I 1rin3 2ll o/ my t5ou35t. to t5e 6onder/ul o1edience o/ C5ri.t4 1ec2u.e o/ your mi35ty 8o6er; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you control u.; 9ug. 3 F&et no ,orr!pt ,omm!ni,ation pro,eed o!t of yo!r mo!th8 9!t what is %ood for ne,essary edifi,ation8 that it may impart %ra,e to the hearers5 -ph5 <231 F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or in.tructin3 me in 652t .5ould come out o/ my mout57 &52n: you /or tellin3 me t52t I .5ouldn=t moc:4 ridicule4 deny trut54 con/u.e4 or .8e2: corru8tion in 2ny 62y4 1ec2u.e 6ord. t52t do not edi/y 2nd 12"

mini.ter 3r2ce to t5e 8er.on I 2m t2l:in3 to4 do not 3lori/y you4 2nd t52t i. 232in.t 652t your 9ord .2y.7 &52n: you /or 62rnin3 me t52t 65en I com8l2in or criticiCe t52t t5o.e 2re /oul 2nd 8ollutin3 6ord. 2nd tot2lly un65ole.ome 2nd 6ort5le.. t2l:7 I 8r2i.e you t52t my e0ery 6ord c2n 1e u.ed to 3lori/y you 2t 2ll time.; 9ug. 4 $!t those who wait on the &ord shall renew their stren%thD they shall mo!nt !p with win%s li+e ea%les8 they shall r!n and not 9e weary8 they shall wal+ and not faint5 ?saiah <=23; &od2y I /eel li:e /lyin3; I re>oice 2nd t52n: you4 F2t5er /or t5e .u8ern2tur2l 8o6er 2nd ener3y you 3i0e me7 Ho6 I lo0e you /or tellin3 me t52t 65en I .er0e 2nd 62it u8on you t52t I c2n mount u8 li:e 2n e23le 2nd dr26 clo.e to you 2. t5e e23le. dr26 clo.e to t5e .un7 &52n: you t52t 65en I run I=m not 6e2ry4 2nd 65en I 62l: I don=t /2int7 E0en 65en I=m tired4 you 3i0e me t52t eDtr2 1oo.t o/ ener3y4 .tren3t5 2nd 0i3or I need7 95en my ent5u.i2.m 1e3in. to l234 2nd my Ce2l 1e3in. to .234 you=re ri35t t5ere 6it5 t5o.e 5e20enly 0it2min.7 I=m runnin3 6it5 no 6e2rine.. 2nd 62l:in3 >oy/ully 2nd erect; 9ug. 5 Come to .e8 all yo! who la9or and are heavy laden8 and ? will %ive yo! rest5 Ta+e .y yo+e !pon yo! and learn from .e8 for ? am %entle and lowly in heart8 and yo! will find rest for yo!r so!ls5 .att5 ;;238831 I=m .o re.ted4 F2t5er4 I=m 2lmo.t .norin34 t52t=. 5o6 rel2Ded I 2m; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e 8ri0ile3e o/ :no6in3 t52t 65en I 2m /2ced 6it5 tri2l. 2nd 8ro1lem I c2n come to Je.u.4 2nd 1(#

He 6ill 3i0e me re.t /rom 2ll o/ t5em7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 1ur de i. li35t4 2nd 65en 6e t2:e your yo:e u8on u. 6e 520e etern2l4 >oy/ul re.t in you7 I 8r2i.e you4 1ec2u.e you 2re 2l62y. t5ere to t2:e my 1urden. /rom me7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t your 6onder/ul yo:e i. 65ole.ome 2nd 3ood4 2nd not 52r.54 52rd4 .52r8 or 8re..in3 1ut com/ort21le4 3r2ciou. 2nd 8le2.2nt; Ble.. you /or t52t di0ine re.t; 9ug. 6 Call to .e8 and ? will answer yo!8 and show yo! %reat and mi%hty thin%s8 whi,h yo! do not +now5 er5 3323 I 62nt to .ee more 2nd more; I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or 2l62y. 2n.6erin3 me 65en I c2ll; &52n: you t52t you didn=t .2y you 6ould 2n.6er me occ2.ion2lly7 You .2id 2ll I 52d to do 62. c2ll 2nd you 6ould 1e ri35t t5ere 6it5 t5e 2n.6er7 &52n: you t52t you .2id4 in 2n.6er to my c2ll /or 5el84 t52t you 6ould .5o6 me 3re2t 2nd mi35ty t5in3. 65ic5 I don=t e0en :no6 21out; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you .5o6 me t5e .u8ern2tur2l 2nd ne6 t5in3. concernin3 you 2ll t5e time; I 8r2i.e you; I=m c2llin3 2nd 6ill continue to c2ll 1ec2u.e I 62nt to .ee your 3lory 2nd your 8o6er more t52n I e0er 520e 1e/ore7 I deli35t in 2nd 62nt you to .5o6 me t5in3. 1eyond my 6ilde.t dre2m. or 0i.ion.7 9ug. 17 $!t tr!ly8 as ? live8 all the earth shall 9e filled with the %lory of the &ord5 N!m9ers ;<23; F2t5er4 I 62nt to .ee your 3lory; I 62nt to 12.: in t5e m23ni/icence o/ your Pre.ence4 2nd I c2n 52rdly 62it to .ee t5e entire e2rt5 /illed 6it5 your 3lory; &5e >oy o/ t5e .2int. i. /ull o/ 3lory4 2nd I 1(1

62nt to .ee t5e 65ole e2rt5 /illed 6it5 your .2int. 65o 2re /ull o/ 3lory 2nd >oy7 $re2t i. t5e 3lory o/ t5e ord7 I t52n: you t52t you 2re 2 .un 2nd .5ield4 2nd t52t you 3i0e 3r2ce 2nd 3lory; F2t5er4 you 2re 2 .5ield /or me@ my 3lory4 2nd t5e li/ter o/ my 5e2d; I 1le.. you t52t e0en t5ou35 d2r:ne.. co0er. t5e e2rt54 2nd 3ro.. d2r:ne.. t5e 8eo8le4 your 3lory .52ll 1e .een on u.; 9ug. 11 )o the ransomed of the &ord shall ret!rn8 and ,ome to Pion with sin%in%8 with everlastin% 7oy on their headsD they shall o9tain 7oy and %ladness8 and sorrow and si%hin% shall flee away5 ?saiah ";2;; I=m redeemed 1y t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m1; I t52n: you t52t I c2n .in34 .in34 .in3 2ll t5e time 1ec2u.e your e0erl2.tin3 >oy i. 8ourin3 u8on my 5e2d 2t 2ll time.7 I t52n: you t52t t5i. i. not >u.t 2 tem8or2ry >oy4 1ut 2n etern2l 2nd e0erl2.tin3 >oy 65ic5 6ill ne0er /2de 262y 2nd di.288e2r7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you don=t 3i0e me .orro6 2nd .2dne..4 1ut in.te2d you 3i0e me >oy4 >oy4 J)Y; I lo0e you 1ec2u.e .orro6 2nd mournin3 2re /leein3 262y /rom my li/e >u.t 2. you 520e 8romi.ed7 Ho6 I lo0e you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or 2ll t5o.e co0en2nt 8romi.e. 65ic5 2re mine; 9ug. 10 The steps of a %ood man are ordered 9y the &ord8 and (e deli%hts in his way5 Psalm 3>233 F2t5er4 I re>oice t52t I=m 62l:in3 in t5e .te8. you 520e ordered7 &52n: you t52t you direct e2c5 2nd e0ery .te8 I t2:e7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out t5e direction I=m 3oin34 1ec2u.e 1(2

you=0e ordered me to t2:e t5o.e .te8.4 F2t5er4 2nd I=m 62l:in3 eD2ctly 65ere you tell me to 62l:7 I re>oice 1ec2u.e t5e 62y you direct my .te8. i. .ure 2nd true4 .u8erior to 2nyt5in3 I could do to /ind my o6n 62y7 I=m deli35ted 1ec2u.e it doe.n=t m2:e 2ny di//erence i/ I=m 3oin3 e2.t4 6e.t4 nort5 or .out54 you :ee8 my /oot.te8. 3oin3 in t5e Fri35tG direction7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2ren=t only intere.ted in my entire tri84 1ut you=re intere.ted in e0ery .in3le .te8 I t2:e; 9ug. 13 Do not ne%le,t the %ift that is in yo!8 whi,h was %iven to yo! 9y prophe,y with the layin% on of the hands of the pres9ytery5 .editate on these thin%sD %ive yo!rself entirely to them8 that yo!r pro%ress may 9e evident to all5 ? Timothy <2;<8;" F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e Holy %8irit 320e me t52t .8eci2l in62rd 3i/t7 I 2m 8r2cticin3 2nd culti02tin3 2nd medit2tin3 on 2ll t5e.e t5in3.4 .o t52t your 3r2ce m2y 1e e0ident to 2ll7 I 2m not 3oin3 to ne3lect t5e 5el8. you 520e 3i0en me to li0e t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e or to mini.ter in t5e li/e o/ .omeone el.e4 1ut I 2m .tirrin3 t5em u87 9ug. 11 'od is my stren%th and power8 and (e ma+es my way perfe,t5 ?? )am!el 33233 F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t Y)U 2re my .tren3t5 2nd my 8o6er7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e .2ti./ied 6it5 t5e t5in3. o/ t5i. 6orld4 2nd my o6n .tren3t54 1ut I 8r2i.e you t52t you 520e 3i0en me your 0ery o6n .tren3t5 2nd 8o6er4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ t5i. you m2:e my 62y. 8er/ect7 F2t5er4 t52n: you /or 1ein3 6illin3 to 1((

m2:e my 62y 8er/ect 1ec2u.e I=d ne0er 1e 21le to do it on my o6n7 I 1le.. you t52t t5e ener3y I 520e come. /rom t5e mi35ty ener3y t52t Je.u. C5ri.t 8ut. in me4 ener3iCin3 2nd em8o6erin3 me to do 652t He 62nt. me to do7 &52n: you t52t you 2re my .tron3 /ortre.. 2nd t52t4 1ec2u.e you 3uide me4 you .et me /ree; Ble.. you4 F2t5er; 9ug. 12 (e %ives power to the wea+8 and to those who have no mi%ht (e in,reases stren%th5 ?saiah <=231 F2t5er4 I lo0e you e0en durin3 my 6e2:ne..e. 2nd /2ult.4 1ec2u.e I :no6 1etter t52n to rely on my o6n 21ilitie.4 .o I 8ut my 65ole tru.t in you; &52n: you /or t5e 8o6er t52t you 3i0e to me 65en I=m 6e2: 2nd /2int7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e /2ct t52t 65en I=m 2ll 6orn out 2nd undone4 you c2u.e me to not loo: to my.el/ 2nd my .olution.4 1ut you 3i0e me .tren3t54 c2u.in3 it to multi8ly 2nd 21ound7 &52n: you t52t in my d2r:e.t moment. o/ de.82ir4 you continu2lly c52r3e 2nd rec52r3e my .8iritu2l 12tterie. 6it5 .u8ern2tur2l .tren3t5; I 6or.5i8 you /or t52t4 F2t5er; 9ug. 13 $lessed 9e the &ord8 who daily loads !s with 9enefits8 the 'od of o!r salvation/ )elah Psalm #82;1 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 2nd lo0e you 2nd 6or.5i8 you /or lo2din3 me do6n 6it5 1ene/it. d2y 2/ter d2y7 &52n: you t52t your 1le..in3. 2re not 2 oneA time t5in34 1ut t52t you d2ily lo2d me do6n 6it5 2ll your 6onder/ul 1ene/it.4 8romi.e. 2nd 1le..in3.7 My li/e 6ould 1e 2. dry 2nd 82rc5ed 1(4

2. 2 de.ert4 1ut you 2re 2 ri0er to me; I 1le.. you4 t5e $od o/ my .2l02tion; A. I loo: o0er t5i. d2y4 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you don=t >u.t 3i0e u. 2 little .2m8lin3 o/ 1ene/it.7 I=m eDcited t52t you 520e 2n o0er21und2nce o/ e0eryt5in34 .o you lo2d me 2nd continue to lo2d me 6it5 your 1le..in3. 2nd 1ene/it.; I c2n 52rdly cont2in my.el/4 ord $od; 9ug. 14 Io! will +eep him in perfe,t pea,e8 whose mind is stayed on Io!8 9e,a!se he tr!sts in Io!5 ?saiah 3#23 Ho6 I lo0e 2nd 2dore you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e my 5e2rt4 my mind 2nd my .oul 520e 8er/ect 2nd con.t2nt 8e2ce7 And4 F2t5er4 2ll t5i. i. mine 1ec2u.e you .im8ly .2id i/ I :e8t my mind on you 2nd tru.ted4 t5i. 6ould 1e mine7 I t52n: you /or t52t 8er/ect 8e2ce you 3i0e4 65ic5 t5e 6orld c2n=t under.t2nd4 >u.t 1ec2u.e I tru.t in you7 F2t5er4 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e you 3i0e me t5e 3uideline. /or :ee8in3 my mind on you .o t52t I le2n on you 2nd con/idently 5o8e 2nd tru.t in you7 &52n: you t52t my mind doe.n=t 520e to 3o to t5e t5in3. o/ t5e 6orld4 1ut c2n con/idently .t2y on you; 9ug. 15 &et not yo!r heart 9e tro!9ledD yo! 9elieve in 'od8 9elieve also in .e5 ?n .y FatherHs ho!se are many mansions2 if it were not so8 ? wo!ld have told yo!5 ? %o to prepare a pla,e for yo!5 And if ? %o and pre par a pla,e for yo!8 ? will ,ome a%ain and re,eive yo! to .yself that where ? am8 there yo! may 9e also5 ohn ;<2;@3 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 /or 3i0in3 me 2n untrou1led 5e2rt7 &52n: you /or t52t m2n.ion 65ic5 you=0e 1(*

8re82red /or me7 I 3et .o eDcited 65en I t5in: 21out my ne6 5ou.e u8 t5ere 6it5 2ll t5e t5in3. t52t I=0e e0er 62nted in 2n e2rt5ly 5ou.e4 2nd e0en more4 1ec2u.e o/ your .u8er21und2nce /or me; I 3et >u1il2nt 65en I t5in: 21out your return 1ec2u.e I c2n 52rdly 62it to li0e 6it5 you 2nd $od /ore0er 2nd /ore0er7 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 /or 3i0in3 me .uc5 2n eDcitin3 /uture; 9ug. 16 ; will 9rin% the 9lind 9y a way they did not +nowD ? will lead them in paths they have not +nown5 ? will ma+e dar+ness li%ht 9efore them8 and ,roo+ed pla,es strai%ht5 These thin%s ? will do for them8 and not forsa+e them5 ?saiah <32;# Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t once I 62. 1lind 1ut no6 I .ee7 I 8r2i.e you t52t e0en 1e/ore you .20ed me4 you directed my /oot.te8. .o t52t I 6ould 3o do6n 82t5. t52t I 6ould not 520e ot5er6i.e :no6n7 I 8r2i.e you t52t my .te8. 2re ordered 1y t5e ord 2nd t52t you turn t5e d2r:ne.. in.ide out 2nd m2:e it li35t4 2nd t52t you t2:e t5e mo.t croo:ed 82t5 im23in21le4 2nd .tr2i35ten it out 6it5 one .in3le 9ord7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or your tot2l 2nd com8lete 8rotection 2t 2ll time.7 9ug. 07 BThis is the ,ovenant that ? will ma+e with them after those days8C says the &ord2 B? will p!t .y laws into their hearts8 and in their minds ? will write them8C then (e adds8 BTheir sins and their lawless deeds ? will remem9er no more5B (e9rews ;=2;#8; > F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e one o//erin3 o/ your 8er/ect 2m1 52. com8letely cle2n.ed me; I lo0e you /or 8uttin3 your l26. ri35t into my 5e2rt4 2nd 6ritin3 t5em into my mind7 I don=t 1('

de8end only on memoriCin3 6ord. /rom t5e l264 1ec2u.e your Holy %8irit remind. me o/ t5em con.t2ntly7 F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or /or3i0in3 2nd /or3ettin3 2ll my .in. 2nd iniEuitie.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to remem1er t5em eit5er4 1ec2u.e you 520e /or3otten t5em; 9ug. 01 The ri%hteo!s ,ry o!t8 and the &ord hears8 and delivers them o!t of all their tro!9les5 Psalm 3<2;> ord4 I t2.ted you 2nd .26 t52t you 2re 3ood7 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e I tru.t in you7 I t52n: you t52t I c2n 1le.. you 2t 2ll time. 2nd 8r2i.e you continu2lly4 1ec2u.e 65en I cry out /or 5el8 you 2re t5ere to deli0er me 2t 2ll time.7 I m23ni/y t5e ord 2nd I eD2lt your Holy n2me4 1ec2u.e you 2l62y. 5e2r me7 You 520e no 5e2rin3 8ro1lem. 2nd your e2r. 2re tuned to t5e ri35teou. 2t 2ll time.7 E0en t5ou35 m2ny e0il. con/ront me4 you deli0er me out o/ 2ll o/ t5em7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you redeem t5e li/e o/ your .er02nt.4 2nd none o/ u. 65o t2:e re/u3e in you .52ll 1e condemned or 5eld 3uilty; &52n: you /or 1ein3 my deli0erer; 9ug. 00 BAs for .e8 says the &ord8 Bthis &s .y ,ovenant with them2 .y )pirit who is !pon yo!8 and .y words whi,h ? have p!t in yo!r mo!th8 shall not depart from yo!r mo!th8 nor from the mo!th of yo!r des,endants8 nor from the mo!th of yo!r des,endantsH des,endants8C says the &ord8 Bfrom this time and for evermore5B ?saiah "123; F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or t5e co0en2nt you 320e to me7 I t52n: you /or t5e 6ord. 65ic5 you 520e 8ut in my mout54 1ec2u.e t5ey 2re your 6ord. .ince you 8ut t5em t5ere7 I 8r2i.e you t52t your 1(!

6ord. .52ll not de82rt out o/ my mout54 nor out o/ t5e mout5 o/ my c5ildren4 nor out o/ t5e mout5 o/ my 3r2ndc5ildren7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or not only 1le..in3 me 8er.on2lly4 1ut /or 1le..in3 me do6n t5rou35 t5e .econd 2nd t5ird 3ener2tion.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5eir 5e2rt. 6ill 1e .o in tune 6it5 you t52t t5eir mout5. 6ill 1e 8ure 2nd .8e2: your 6ord. 2t 2ll time.7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5i. 6onder/ul 8romi.e7 9ug. 03 Arise8 shineD for yo!r li%ht has ,ome/ And the %lory of the &ord is risen !pon yo!5 ?saiah #=2; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u.4 t5e li35t o/ t5e 6orld4 li0e. in me 2nd t5ere/ore your 3lory i. 2l.o ri.en u8on me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to lie do6n 2nd 62llo6 in mi.ery4 1ut I 2ri.e /rom t5e de8re..ion 2nd 8ro.tr2tion in 65ic5 circum.t2nce. 520e :e8t me4 2nd con.t2ntly let your li35t .5ine t5rou35 me7 I t52n: you t52t I 520e ri.en to 2 ne6 li/e 2nd t52t I 2m r2di2nt 6it5 t5e 3lory o/ t5e ord7 I 3et .o eDcited 65en I :no6 t52t your 3lory i. ri.en u8on me; I c2n=t .ee it4 1ut I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e 6orld c2n4 >u.t 1ec2u.e you .2id .o; 9ug. 01 These thin%s ? have spo+en to yo!8 that .y 7oy may remain in yo!8 and that yo!r 7oy may 9e f!ll5 hn5 ;"2;; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or your 6ord.4 t5o.e 6ord. o/ 5o8e4 in.8ir2tion4 2..ur2nce 2nd .ecurity /or 2ll t5e 8ro1lem. o/ li/e7 &5o.e 6ord. 520e I 5idden in my 5e2rt4 t52t I mi35t not .in 232in.t you4 2nd 65en I :ee8 t5em .2/ely tuc:ed 262y in t5ere to 1e 2 con.t2nt reminder to me o/ your lo0e 2nd 8er/ection 2t 2ll time.4 my >oy 1(,

rem2in.4 2nd my cu8 o/ >oy i. /ull 2nd com8lete 2nd o0er/lo6in37 I t52n: you /or t5i.7 My J)Y i. /ull; It i.n=t 52l/ /ull4 it i.n=t 2 Eu2rter /ull4 it=. /ull 2ll t5e 62y u8 to t5e to8 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y. .o; 9ug. 02 )o8 dear 9rothers8 yo! have no o9li%ations whatever to yo!r old sinf!l nat!re to do what it 9e%s yo! to do5 :omans 82;3 T&$ Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 520e 21.olutely no o1li32tion to my old n2ture; I don=t e0er 520e to do 652t it tell. me to4 2nd e0en 65en my old n2ture 3oe. do6n on it. :nee. 2nd 1e3. me to do .omet5in34 I don=t 520e to o1ey it 1ec2u.e t5ere 2re 21.olutely no o1li32tion. le/t to it7 I 1le.. you t52t I 2m in no 62y 2 de1tor to t52t old c2rn2l n2ture o/ mine4 .o t52t I no lon3er 520e to li0e 2 li/e ruled 1y t5e .t2nd2rd .et u8 1y t5e dict2te. o/ t5e /le.57 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5e old 62y 62. de2t54 1ut t5e ne6 62y i. IFE; H2llelu>25; 9ug. 03 And sin,e we are his ,hildren8 we will share his treas!res J for all 'od %ives to his )on es!s is now o!rs too5 $!t if we are to share his %lory8 we m!st also share his s!fferin%5 :omans 82;> T&$ F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I AM your c5ild7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I .52re your tre2.ure. 2nd 520e e0eryt5in3 t52t you 320e to Je.u.; H2llelu>25; I ne0er under.t2nd 65y you=re .o 3ood to u.4 1ut I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you 2ny62y 1ec2u.e o/ 652t you 3i0e u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you lo0e u. 2. muc5 2. you lo0e Je.u.4 1ec2u.e t5i. i. one o/ t5e 3re2te.t o/ 2ll tre2.ure. ? t52t 1("

21idin34 e0erl2.tin34 continuin34 o0er65elmin34 etern2l lo0e; $lory; 9ug. 04 555one 'od and Father of all8 who is a9ove all8 and thro!%h all8 and in yo! all5 -phesians <2# F2t5er4 5o6 I lo0e you 1ec2u.e I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out 65ic5 $od to .er0e7 You 2re t5e only true $od4 t5e F2t5er o/ u. 2ll4 2nd you 2re .o0erei3n 21o0e 2nd o0er 2ll4 .o I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out 65o.e $od i. 1e.t7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you=re li0in3 in e0ery 82rt o/ me4 my eye.4 my no.e4 my mout54 my e2r.4 my 2rm.4 my 52nd.4 my /in3er.4 my le3.4 my /eet4 2nd e0en my toe.7 I loo: 2t my /eet4 F2t5er4 2nd 6onder 5o6 2nd 65y you 6ould 62nt to li0e in t5em4 1ut I lo0e you 1ec2u.e you li0e in e0ery 82rt o/ me; 9ug. 05 ?n yo!8 = &ord8 ? p!t my tr!stD let me never 9e p!t to shame5 Psalm >;2; Pr2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t my tru.t i. in you@ t52n: you t52t I don=t e0er 520e to 8ut my tru.t in con/u.ion4 1ec2u.e t5ere i. too muc5 con/u.ion in t5e 6orld 2lre2dy7 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en 8ro1lem. 2ri.e 2nd 8re..ure come.4 I c2n .to8 1ein3 8er8leDed 2nd con/ounded 2nd :no6 t52t my tru.t i. in you4 in 65om t5ere i. 2ll 6i.dom 2nd trut57 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to .e2rc5 2round 2nd try to /ind .omeone 65om I c2n tru.t4 1ut I 2m .ecure in t5e :no6led3e t52t I c2n con/idently t2:e re/u3e in you 2t 2ll time.; 9ug. 06 ?n everythin% yo! do8 stay away from ,omplainin% and ar%!in%8 so that no one ,an spea+ a word of 9lame a%ainst yo!5 Io! are to live ,lean8 inno,ent lives as ,hildren of 'od in a 14#

dar+ world f!ll of people who are ,roo+ed and st!99orn5 )hine o!t amon% them li+e 9ea,on li%hts8 holdin% o!t to them the Word of &ife5 Phil5 32;<@; # T&$ &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e don=t 520e to 2r3ue 2nd com8l2in 1ec2u.e you=0e 3i0en u. 2 8o6er t52t :ee8. u. 21o0e 2ll o/ t5e t5in3. o/ t5e /le.57 &52n: you /or your in.truction. on 5o6 I c2n li0e 2 cle2n 2nd innocent li/e7 F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t 6e 2re li35t. .5inin3 2nd 1e2min3 your lo0e 2ll o0er t5e 6orld 2. 6e 5old out to 2ll 8eo8le your 9ord o/ i/e7 I 8r2i.e you /or u.in3 me7 9ug. 37 (e did nor waver at the promise of 'od thro!%h !n9elief8 9!t was stren%thened in faith8 %ivin% %lory to 'od8 and 9ein% f!lly ,onvin,ed that what (e had promised (e was also a9le to perform5 :om5 <23=83 ; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to .t233er 6it5 un1elie/ or dou1t 2t .ome o/ your 8romi.e.4 1ec2u.e 652t you 8romi.e you 2re eDceedin3ly 2nd 21und2ntly 21le to /ul/ill7 I 8r2i.e you t52t your 9ord i. /ull o/ 8romi.e. /or u. 2nd yet you 2re 21le to 2ccom8li.5 e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ t5em7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or 1ein3 2 $od 6it5 65om 2ll t5in3. 2re 8o..i1le7 9ug. 31 5 5 5+nowin% this8 that o!r old man was ,r!,ified with (im8 that the 9ody of sin mi%ht 9e done away with8 that we sho!ld no lon%er 9e slaves of sin5 For he who has died has 9een freed from sin5 :omans #2#8> F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I c2n 3o to my o6n .8iritu2l /uner2l 2nd .ee my.el/ de2d to .in; I 141

8r2i.e you t52t in our dyin3 to .el/ you 520e tot2lly 2nd com8letely remo0ed u. /rom .in7 I 8r2i.e you /or t52t end o/ .el/7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me 2not5er mont5 o/ 0ictory 2nd >oy4 2nd 2. t5i. mont5 3oe. 1y 2nd 1ecome. 5i.tory4 ne0er to 1e reli0ed 232in4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t e0er 520e to li0e in t5e /le.5 232in; $lory;



)ne o/ t5e mo.t 1e2uti/ul t5in3. 21out .2l02tion i. t52t it not only include. t5e /or3i0ene.. o/ our .in.4 1ut t5e 5e2lin3 o/ our 1odie. 2. 6ell7 I/ 6e 2ll under.tood t5e 1ene/it. o/ .2l02tion4 t5ere 6ould 1e 5e2lin3 /or 2ll t5e minute 6e 2re truly .20ed7 Ho6e0er4 i/ 6e don=t 3et 5e2led 2t t52t moment4 5e2lin3 i. .till for u. 1ec2u.e $od 62nt. you 6ell7 $od doe. not 62nt u. .ic:; 95en t5e de0il 2tt2c:. u. 2nd 8ut. .ic:ne.. onu.4 6e :no6 t52t 6e c2n c2ll u8on t5e n2me o/ Je.u. /or 5e2lin3 1ec2u.e t5ere i. tremendou. 5e2lin3 in t52t n2me7 &5e n2me o/ Je.u. i. 21o0e e0ery di.e2.e7 It=. 21o0e c2ncer7 It=. 21o0e 2rt5riti.7 It=. 21o0e 5e2rt 8ro1lem.7 It=. 21o0e e0ery di.e2.e t52t eDi.t.; 9e .im8ly need to 1elie0e in t5e 8o6er in t52t n2me i/ 6e 62nt to recei0e 5e2lin3 /or our.el0e.7 $od 52. 2l.o 3i0en u. 2not5er 20enue /or 5e2lin3 1ec2u.e in M2r: 1'I1, t5e Bi1le .2y.4 BLThose who 9elieveM will lay hands on the si,+8 and they will re,over5 F9e c2n 3o to 2 %8iritA/illed 1elie0er 2nd 520e t5em l2y 52nd. on u. 2nd recei0e t5e 5e2lin3 t52t 6e need7 Je.u. 2l.o .2id in M2tt5e6 2,I1,4 BAll a!thority has 9een %iven to .e in heaven and on earth5C &5en in u:e 1#I1"4 Je.u. .2id to t5e 1elie0er4 B$ehold l %ive yo! the a!thority to trample on serpents and s,orpions8 and over all the power of the enemy8 and nothin% shall 9y any means h!rt yo!5C &5e 8o6er 62. Hi. 2nd t5en He 320e it to u.7 &5i. i. t5e re2.on 6e c2n .8e2: 6it5 2ut5ority 65en 6e .8e2: 5e2lin3 o0er 2 1elie0er 65o 52. 1een tormented 1y t5e de0il7 et=. .8e2: our 5e2lin3 into eDi.tence ri35t no67 9e 2re 2.:in3 $od to 14(

2noint t5i. 823e .o 65en you l2y 52nd. on it you 6ill recei0e 5e2lin3; :ep. 1 $less the &ord8 O my so!l8 and for%et not all (is 9enefits2 who for%ives all yo!r iniE!ities8 who heals all yo!r diseases5 Psalm ;=38383 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or 1ein3 t5e $od 65o lo0e. u. .o muc5 t52t you e0en remind u. in your 9ord not to /or3et A your 1ene/it.; F2t5er4 don=t e0er let me /or3et 2 .in3le one o/ t5em4 1ec2u.e I re>oice 6it5 o8en 2rm. to recei0e 2ll t5e 1le..in3. you 62nt me to 520e; I t52n: you t52t 2ll my .in. 2re 3one4 3one4 3one4 2nd t52t you 520e 5e2led A my di.e2.e.7 I=m 62l:in3 in di0ine 5e2lt5 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or t52t; &52n: you /or redeemin3 my li/e /rom t5e 8it 2nd corru8tion 2nd /or 1e2uti/yin3 me 6it5 your lo0in3 :indne.. 2nd tender mercie.; :ep. 0 (e sent (is word and healed them8 and delivered them from their destr!,tions5 Psalm ;=>23= &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 your 9ord to 5e2l u.7 &52n: you t52t t5ere i. no .ic:ne.. in your :in3dom4 2nd 6e don=t 520e to 1e in 1ond23e to di.e2.e 2nd illne..7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5e 8re.cri8tion to 5e2l e0ery di.e2.e i. 6ritten in your 9ord; &52n: you t52t 6e=re deli0ered /rom 2ll o/ our de.truction.4 2nd 5e2led o/ 2ll our 85y.ic2l 8ro1lem.7 &52n: you /or .endin3 your 9ord o/ 5e2lin3 2nd deli0er2nce; &52n: you t52t t5ere 52. not /2iled one 6ord o/ 2ll your 3ood 8romi.e. ? in t5e 82.t4 t5e 8re.ent4 or t5e /uture; I lo0e you 2nd 6or.5i8 144

you /or t52t; :ep. 3 5 5 5?f yo! dili%ently heed the voi,e of the &ord yo!r 'od and do what is ri%ht in (is si%ht8 %ive ear to (is ,ommandments and +eep all (is stat!tes8 ? will p!t none of the diseases on yo! whi,h ? have 9ro!%ht on the -%yptians5 For ? am the &ord who heals yo!5 -65 ;"23# I=m li.tenin3 c2re/ully4 F2t5er4 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or t2l:in3 lon3 enou35 /or me to 5e2r your 0oice 2nd /or :ee8in3 your Holy %8irit con.t2ntly 2/ter me .o t52t I 6ill do 652t i. ri35t7 &52n: you /or my e2r. 65ic5 5e2r4 2nd t52n: you /or t5e 8romi.e t52t you 6on=t 8ut 2ny o/ t5e di.e2.e. you 320e t5e E3y8ti2n. on me7 &52n: you4 ord4 t52t you 1rin3 $ood Ne6. 2nd 5e2lin3; I 8r2i.e you /or 1ein3 2 di.e2.eA/ree $od; :ep. # $!t (e was wo!nded for o!r trans%ressions8 he was 9r!ised for o!r iniE!itiesD the ,hastisement for o!r pea,e was !pon (im8 and 9y (is stripes we are healed5 ?saiah "32" I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or your 6onder/ul 9ord o/ 8ro85ecy t5rou35 I.2i25 t52t 8redicted t5e .u//erin3 o/ your %on ye2r. 1e/ore it 5288ened; &52n: you /or t5e 6ound. t52t co0ered our tr2n.3re..ion.7 Ho6 I lo0e Je.u. /or t2:in3 t5e 1rui.e. /or our iniEuitie. 2nd t5e c52.ti.ement o/ our 8e2ce; Je.u.4 6e c2n ne0er t52n: you enou35 /or t52t4 1ut 6e :ee8 tryin3 our 1e.t7 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 t52t t5o.e .tri8e. on your 12c: 6ere t2:en /or my 5e2lin37 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1 2m 5e2led 1ec2u.e o/ t5e mir2cle o/ mir2cle. t52t too: 8l2ce 24### ye2r. 23o7 14*

:ep. !

5 5 that it mi%ht 9e f!lfilled whi,h was spo+en 9y ?saiah the prophet8 sayin%2 F(e (imself too+ o!r infirmities and 9ore o!r si,+nesses5 .atthew 82;> Ho6 6e 1le.. you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. too: e0ery one o/ our in/irmitie. 2nd 5e 2cce8ted 2ll o/ t5i. .ic:ne.. u8on 5im.el/7 9e 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t He didn=t le20e .ome o/ t5em out4 1ut t52t He >u.t m2de one 1i3 cle2n .6ee8 o/ 2ll t5e .ic:ne..e. in t5e entire 6orld 2nd 1ore e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ t5em /or u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e Je.u. did t5i.4 6e don=t 520e to 520e .ic:ne.. 1ec2u.e t5ere=. no 8oint in 1ot5 o/ u. 520in3 it7 I=m not 2cce8tin3 .ic:ne.. in my 1ody4 1ec2u.e t5en Je.u.= .2cri/ice 6ould 520e 1een in 02in;

:ep. 3

.y son8 %ive attention to my wordsD in,line yo!r ear to my sayin%s5 Do not let them depart from yo!r eyesD +eep them in the midst of yo!r heartD for they are life to those who find them8 and health to all their flesh5 Prover9s <23=@33 F2t5er4 I=m li.tenin3; I=m 2ttendin3 to your 9ord7 I=0e 3ot my e2r turned to you 2nd tuned into you7 I=0e 3ot my eye. 3lued to your 6ord.4 2nd I=m not 3oin3 to let t5em 3et out o/ my .i35t7 I=m /eedin3 on your 9ord4 .o it 1ecome. 2 0it2l 82rt o/ me4 ri35t in t5e mid.t o/ my 5e2rt; I 8r2i.e you /or t5e li/e t52t you 520e 3i0en to me t5rou35 your 9ord4 2nd /or t5e 5e2lt5 65ic5 I=m en>oyin3 e0ery d2y7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er;

:ep. 4

5 5 5who (imself 9ore o!r sins in (is own 9ody 14'

on the tree8 that we8 havin% died to sins8 mi%ht live for ri%hteo!sness@9 whose stripes yo! were healed5 ? Pet5 323< &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e cro.. 65ere Je.u. died4 65ere He too: u8on Him.el/ 2ll o/ our .in. .o t52t I don=t 520e 2 .in le/t 232in.t me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t He too: e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ t5em 2nd 1ore t5em .o t52t I c2n 2nd do li0e in your Ho6 I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 u. t52t 5e2lt5 t5rou35 t5o.e .tri8e. He endured4 .o t52t 6e could .2y4 FHe2lin3 i. mine;G F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you; I 6ill con/e.. t5o.e 6ord. o0er 2nd o0er 232in4 FBy Hi. .tri8e. I 62. 5e2led;G FBy Hi. .tri8e. I 62. 5e2led;G FBy Hi. .tri8e. I 62. 5e2led;G H2llelu>25; :ep. 5 555l have heard yo!r prayer8 ? have seen yo!r tearsD s!rely ? will heal yo!5 ?? Kin%s 3=2" He20enly F2t5er4 t52n: you /or loo:in3 do6n 2t me 2nd .eein3 my te2r.7 I don=t under.t2nd 5o6 you could .ee e2c5 2nd e0ery .in3le te2r I=0e cried4 1ec2u.e t5ey=0e 1een .o m2ny4 1ut I 8r2i.e you t52t not 2 .in3le one o/ t5em e.c28ed you7 I don=t /ully under.t2nd 2ll o/ your 8romi.e.4 1ut 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you .o .im8ly told me you 6ould 5e2l me7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er; From t5e innermo.t rece..e. o/ my 5e2rt4 I t52n: you t52t you 520e HEAR- my 8r2yer.4 2. in.i3ni/ic2nt or 2. im8ro8erly 6orded 2. t5ey mi35t 520e 1een7 $lory; :ep. 6 And the &ord will ta+e away from yo! all si,+ness8 and will affli,t yo! with none of the terri9le diseases of -%ypt whi,h yo! have +nown8 9!t will lay them on all those who hate 14!

yo!5 De!teronomy >2;" F2t5er4 I=m 5e2led 1e/ore I 3et .ic:; H2llelu>25; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t2:in3 262y /rom me 2ll illne.. 2nd di.e2.e4 1ec2u.e you lo0e 2nd 8rotect t5o.e 65o 2re /2it5/ul to you7 I 8r2i.e you t52t4 in.te2d4 you l2y di.e2.e. on t5o.e 65o 52te me4 1ec2u.e t5o.e 65o 52te your .er02nt. /2ll under your >ud3ment4 2nd your >ud3ment i. ri35teou.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 8romi.e. t52t you 6ill t2:e 262y /rom me A %ICHNE%%4 2nd not >u.t .ome .ic:ne..e.7 I re>oice in t5e 6onder/ul 5e2lt5 you 520e 3i0en me4 5e20enly F2t5er; :ep. 17 A merry heart does %ood8 li+e medi,ine8 9!t a 9ro+en spirit dries the 9ones5 Prover9s ;>233 F2t5er4 I=m l2u35in3 ri35t no6; H24 524 524 5o4 5o4 5o4 5e4 5e4 5e4 1ec2u.e you .2id t52t l2u35ter doe. u. 3ood li:e 2 medicine7 I t52n: you /or t52t do.e o/ 5e20enly medicine 65ic5 cure. ill.7 F2t5er4 I=m 3o in to l2u35 2ll d2y lon3 1ec2u.e 2 merry 5e2rt 1rin3. 5e2lin3 li:e 2 medicine7 &52n: you /or lettin3 u. :no6 t52t 6e .5ould 520e 2 3ood .en.e o/ 5umor7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 520e 2 de8re..ed mind or 2 1ro:en .8irit 65ic5 drie. u8 my 1one.4 1ec2u.e you 520e rene6ed me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 6e c2n 3i0e our 1rot5er. 2nd .i.ter. in C5ri.t 2 do.e o/ medicine 65en t5ey need it 1y c5eerin3 t5eir 5e2rt. 6it5 l2u35ter7 H24 524 524 5o4 5o4 5e4 5e4 5e; :ep. 11 &ar%e ,rowds followed es!s as he ,ame down 14,

the hillside5 &oo+/ A leper is approa,hin%5 (e +neels 9efore him8 worshipin%5 F)ir8H the leper pleads8 Fif yo! want to8 yo! ,an heal me5H es!s to!,hes the man5 F? want to8F he says5 F$e healed5F And instantly the leprosy disappears5 .atthew 82;@3 T&$ FI 62nt to;G FI 62nt to;G FI 62nt to;G 952t 6onder/ul 6ord. o/ li/e t5o.e 2re; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. 62nt. to 5e2l u.7 I lo0e you 1ec2u.e it i. in t5e 0ery 5e2rt o/ Je.u. to 9AN& u. to 520e 2ll t5e 3ood t5in3. in li/e7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e your 9ord tell. u. t52t Je.u. 52. no de.ire /or u. to 1e .ic:4 1ec2u.e He 9AN&% to 5e2l u.; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 $od 65o 62nt. u. in 8er/ect 2nd di0ine 5e2lt5; :ep. 10 $ehold8 ? am the &ord8 the 'od of all flesh5 ?s there anythin% too hard for .eG eremiah 3323> F2t5er4 I lo0e you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2re &HE $od o/ A /le.5; I 8r2i.e you t52t you ne0er do t5in3. 52l/62y4 you 2l62y. 3o 2ll t5e 62y; I lo0e you /or t52t4 F2t5er; I=m .o 3l2d t52t not5in3 i. too 52rd /or you; I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en my o6n .itu2tion. 1ecome .o 1i3 t5ey o0er65elm me4 I c2n 3i0e t5em to you 2nd re.t .2/e 2nd .ecure in t5e :no6led3e t52t N)&HIN$ i. too 12rd /or you7 F2t5er4 I 6or.5i8 you 1ec2u.e t52t 65ic5 I t5in: i. 2n in.urmount21le mount2in4 i. >u.t 2 .t2c: o/ c5ildren=. 1loc:. t52t c2n e2.ily 1e :noc:ed o0er 1y you7 H2llelu>25; :ep. 13 ?f yo! do these thin%s8 'od will shed his own %lorio!s li%ht !pon yo!5 (e will heal yo!D yo!r %odliness will lead yo! forward8 and %oodness 14"

will 9e a shield 9efore yo!8 and the %lory of the &ord will prote,t yo! from 9ehind5 Then8 when yo! ,all8 the &ord will answer5 FIes8 ? am here8F he will E!i,+ly reply5 ?saiah "828@1 T&$ &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t52t 3loriou. li35t you .5ed u8on me7 I t52n: you /or your 8romi.e. o/ 5e2lin3 2nd re.tor2tion7 I t52n: you t52t your 3odline.. le2d. me /or62rd 2nd your 3oodne.. i. >u.t li:e 2 .5ield /or me4 1rin3in3 me 8e2ce 2nd 8ro.8erity7 &52n: you4 t52t you=re 2l62y. t5ere 65en I c2ll4 2nd t52n: you t52t you .o Euic:ly re8ly4 FI 2m 5ere;G $lory4 F2t5er I=m o0ercome 6it5 your 8romi.e.; &52n: you /or remo0in3 e0ery /orm o/ /2l.e 2nd 6ic:ed .8e2:in3 2nd /or 3uidin3 me continu2lly; :ep. 11 The fear of the &ord prolon%s days8 9!t the years of the wi,+ed will 9e shortened5 Prover9s ;=23 > He20enly F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t my li/e i. lon37 &52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I lo0e you 2nd .t2nd in 26e o/ your m2>e.ty 2nd 3re2tne..4 you len3t5en my d2y.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t only t5e 6ic:ed 6ill 520e t5eir d2y. .5ortened4 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y.4 F&5e 623e. o/ .in i. de2t57G I re>oice t52t 6e 520e /20or 6it5 you4 t52t you 1le.. our d2y. 6it5 5e2lt5 2nd 8e2ce o/ mind4 t52t you re62rd t5e li0e. o/ t5e ri35teou.7 &52n: you /or 2l62y. 1le..in3 me 6it5 2ll t5e 3ood t5in3. in li/e7 I lo0e you; :ep. 12 There is one who spea+s li+e the pier,in%s of a sword8 9!t the ton%!e of the wise promotes health5 Prover9 ;32;8 I 8r2i.e you7 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me 2 6i.e ton3ue7 1*#

I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you 520e t2u35t me to .8e2: di0ine 5e2lt57 I 8r2i.e you t52t you=0e t2u35t me not to let 2ny corru8t communic2tion come out o/ my mout5 2nd not to 2c:no6led3e t5e .ic:ne.. o/ t5e de0il4 1ut in.te2d I c2n con/idently .2y4 FI=m c2tc5in3 2 5e2lin3; 65en t5e de0il trie. to 3i0e me 2 cold7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e my o6n ton3ue 1rin3. your 5e2lt5 into my li/e; I 1le.. you /or t5i.; I t52n: you t52t 2 6i.e ton3ue .8e2:. your 9ord4 65ic5 1rin3. 5e2lin3 to my 1ody7 &52n: you /or 52rne..in3 my ton3ue to 1rin3 it under control; :ep. 13 A wholesome ton%!e is a tree of life8 9!t perverseness in it 9rea+s the spirit5 Prover9s ;"2< F2t5er4 my ton3ue i. 65ole.ome; I 8r2i.e you t52t you 2re t5e one 65o 52. m2de t5i. 8o..i1le7 I t52n: you t52t my ton3ue i. 2 tree o/ li/e 65ic5 1rin3. 5e2lt5 2nd 5288ine..7 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e you control my ton3ue I don=t 1re2: do6n my .8irit 6it5 contr2ry 6ord.7 &52n: you t52t I=0e 3i0en u8 t5e 3ri8in3 t52t 1rin3. di.cour23ement4 1ec2u.e t5e 6ord. 65ic5 you .8e2: t5rou35 my mout5 2re 3entle 2nd 520e 5e2lin3 8o6er7 I lo0e you /or t5i.4 F2t5er7 :ep. 14 )o yo! shall serve the &ord yo!r 'od8 and (e will 9less yo!r 9read and yo!r water5 And ? will ta+e si,+ness away from the midst of yo!5 No one shall s!ffer mis,arria%e or 9e 9arren in yo!r landD ? will f!lfill the n!m9er of yo!r days5 -6od!s 3323"83 # I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t my 1re2d i. 1le..ed4 2nd .o i. my 62ter7 I t52n: you t52t you 520e 1*1

t2:en .ic:ne.. 262y /rom me 2nd my /2mily7 I t52n: you t52t 6omen c2n .t2nd on your 9ord 2nd not 520e mi.c2rri23e.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t you 520e 8romi.ed t52t t5e 6om1. o/ your c5ildren 6ill not 1e 12rren7 &52n: you /or e0ery m2rried 8er.on 65o 52. 1een 62ntin3 2 121y4 65o c2n no6 cl2im t52t 8romi.e 1ec2u.e t5ey 2re .er0in3 you; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or m2:in3 t5e 12rren 6om2n t5e >oy/ul mot5er of m2ny c5ildren; $lory; :ep. 15 (e also ta!%ht me8 and said to me2 &et yo!r heart retain my wordsD +eep my ,ommands8 and live5H Prover9s <2< F2t5er4 I lo0e you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e your 6ord. 2re 6ritten in my 5e2rt7 I=m :ee8in3 t5em t5ere 1y memoriCin3 2nd con/e..in3 t5em4 2nd 1ec2u.e I :no6 652t your 9ord .2y.4 I=m :ee8in3 your comm2ndment.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord 52. told me i/ I do t5i. I 6ill 520e 2 lon3 2nd 5288y li/e7 I=m 5oldin3 /2.t to e0ery 6ord you 520e .2id7 I=m con/e..in3 2ll o/ your 8romi.e.4 2nd I=m 5idin3 t5em in t5e dee8e.t rece..e. o/ my 5e2rt; I=m 5idin3 t5em t5ere .o t52t I 6on=t .in 232in.t you4 F2t5er; :ep. 16 (e heals the 9ro+enhearted and 9inds !p their wo!nds5 Psalm ;<>23 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t e0en t5ou35 my 5e2rt 52. 1een 1ro:en into m2ny 82rt.4 you 8ut it 2ll 12c: to3et5er 232in7 &52n: you t52t you didn=t le20e me to 32t5er u8 t5e 8iece.4 1ut you 32t5ered t5em 2ll u8 /or me 2nd 8ut t5em to3et5er in 2 65ole 2nd com8lete 5e2rt7 &52n: you t52t I didn=t 520e to 3o into 2 corner 2nd lic: 1*2

my 6ound. li:e 2 do34 1ec2u.e your lo0in3 c2re 1ound t5em u8 /or me; &52n: you /or curin3 2ll my 82in. 2nd 2ll my .orro6.7 &52n: you /or t5o.e di0ine 12nd23e. 6it5 t52t e0erl2.tin3 5e2l in 8o6er in t5em t52t you 6r288ed 2round 2ll o/ my 6ound.7 H2llelu>254 F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or t52t; :ep. 07 And the prayer of faith will save the si,+8 and the &ord wilt raise him !p5 And f he has ,ommitted sins8 he will 9e for%iven5 ames "2;" He20enly F2t5er4 t52n: you t52t I c2n 8r2y /or my.el/ 2nd yet I c2n 2l.o 520e ot5er. 8r2y /or me 1ec2u.e you .im8ly .2id t5e F8r2yer o/ /2it5G 6ould 5e2l t5e .ic:4 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en I 2m too .ic: to 8r2y /or my.el/ I c2n de8end on my /riend. 2nd 1rot5er. 2nd .i.ter. in C5ri.t to 8r2y t5e 8r2yer o/ /2it5 /or me7 &52n: you t52t you r2i.e me /rom my .ic: 1ed 2nd t52t i/ t5ere=. 2ny .in in my li/e4 you /or3i0e me7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e mo.t 6onder/ul li/e in t5e 6orld ? t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e7 :ep. 01 ? shall not die8 9!t live8 and de,lare the wor+s of the &ord5 Psalm ;;82; > I 8r2i.e you4 3loriou. F2t5er4 /or your 9ord 65ic5 you 520e 3i0en u. to .t2nd on7 &52n: you /or .uc5 2 8rom i. 2. t5i. t52t I c2n rely on 2nd decl2re to t5e 6orld t52t your 6or:. 2re truly m23ni/icent 2nd 6onder/ul; &52n: you t52t e0en t5ou35 t5e doctor. tell me I 520e 2n incur21le di.e2.e 2nd t52t t5ere i. not5in3 t5ey c2n do4 I c2n decl2re your 9ord 2nd :no6 t52t I .52ll not die4 1ut4 li0e4 2nd decl2re t5e 6onder/ul 6or:. you 520e done /or me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 1*(

your 8o.iti0e 8romi.e.4 65ic5 3i0e 5o8e to t5e mo.t 6e2: in 5e2rt7 F2t5er4 I 1oldly decl2re your 6or:.; $lory; :ep. 00 $!t for yo! who fear my name8 the )!n of :i%hteo!sness will rise with healin% in his win%s5 And yo! will %o free8 leapin% with 7oy li+e ,alves let o!t to past!re5 .ala,hi <23 T&$ F2t5er4 I 1le.. 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e t5ere=. 5e2lin3 in t5e 6in3. o/ t5e %un o/ I 8r2i.e you t52t t5ere 2re 1le..in3. in Hi. 6in3.4 2nd one o/ t5em i. 5e2lin37 &52n: you /or .ettin3 me /ree .o I c2n le28 6it5 >oy li:e 2 c2l/ let out to 82.ture; F2t5er4 no 6orldly >oy com82re. 6it5 t5e >oy I 520e 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 5e2lin3 in t5o.e 6in3.7 $lory; I 6ill continu2lly 8r2i.e you 2nd re.8ect 2nd 520e 26e /or your n2me 1ec2u.e o/ your 3ood 8romi.e. to A o/ your c5ildren; :ep. 03 For ? will restore health to yo! and heal yo! of yo!r wo!nds8F says the &ord5 eremiah 3=2;> I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or 2not5er o/ your 8o.iti0e 8romi.e t52t you 6ill re.tore 5e2lt5 to me7 I 8r2i.e you t52t you didn=t .2y you 6ould 520e to t5in: 21out it4 you .im8ly .2id t52t you 6ould re.tore 5e2lt5 to me7 &52n: you t52t you 5e2l me o/ 2ll my 6ound. 65et5er t5ey 2re o/ t5e 1ody4 mind or .8irit7 I re>oice t52t I c2n 6or.5i8 you 2nd .er0e you 2. 2 65ole4 5e2lt5y 8er.on7 F2t5er4 t52n: you /or t5e 1e.t 8romi.e. in t5e 65ole 6orld; &52n: you /or 1ein3 t5e 1e.t 8romi.eA 3i0er 2nd t5e 1e.t 8romi.eA:ee8er in t5e entire 1*4

6orld7 I lo0e you /or t52t; :ep. 01 $e not wise in yo!r own eyesD reverently fear and worship the &ord8 and t!rn LentirelyM away from evil5 ?t shall 9e health to yo!r nerves and sinews8 and marrow and moistenin% to yo!r 9ones5 Pro5 32>@8 Amp5 F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e .m2rt in my o6n eye.7 I 6or.5i8 you4 I 8r2i.e you4 I lo0e you4 I 2dore you4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ you I turn entirely 2nd com8letely 262y /rom 2ll .in 2nd e0il7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e you t2u35t me t5i.4 I 520e 5e2lt5 to my ner0e. 2nd .ine6.4 2nd li/eA3i0in3 1lood in t5e m2rro6 o/ my 1one.7 &52n: you t52t my 1one. 2ren=t dry 2nd 1rittle 1ut 2re moi.t 2nd 8li21le4 .o I c2n re2c5 out 2nd 2cce8t your 3i/t o/ 5e2lt5; I lo0e you4 F2t5er; :ep. 02 $lessin%s on all who reveren,e and tr!st the &ord J on all who o9ey him/ Their reward shall 9e prosper it and happiness5 Io!r wife shall 9e ,ontented in yo!r home5 And loo+ at all those ,hildren/ There they sit aro!nd the dinner ta9le as vi%oro!s and healthy as yo!n% olive trees5 That is 'odHs reward to those who reveren,e and tr!st him5 Psalm ;382;@< T&$ &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 520e your 1le..in3. 1ec2u.e I re0erence4 tru.t 2nd o1ey you7 Ho6 6e 8r2i.e you /or 5e2lt5y c5ildren; Bec2u.e 6e lo0e you4 you re62rd u. e0en on t5i. e2rt5 1y 3i0in3 u. c5ildren 2. .tron3 2nd 5e2lt5y 2. youn3 oli0e tree.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or includin3 5e2lt5y c5ildren in your 8romi.e re62rd o/ 8ro.8erity 2nd 5288ine.. to t5o.e 65o lo0e 2nd .er0e you4 1ec2u.e 6e re>oice to tell our c5ildren t52t it=. 1**

you4 our F2t5er in 5e20en4 65o 1le..e.4 8rotect. 2nd 8ro.8er. u.; $lory4 F2t5er; :ep. 03 The eyes of those who see will not 9e dim8 and the ears of those who hear will listen5 ?saiah 3323 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t you 520e 3i0en me eye. t52t .ee 2nd e2r. t52t 5e2r4 /or your 9ord .2y. I 520e t5em7 Bec2u.e my eye. 2re not dim in .8iritu2l m2tter.4 I 2m not /ooled 1y t5e de0il=. tem8t2tion.7 Bec2u.e my e2r. 2re not de2/ in .8iritu2l t5in3.4 I 2m not decei0ed 1y t5e de0il=. 6ic:ed lie.4 I .ee 2nd 5e2r correctly 1ec2u.e you 520e 1le..ed me 6it5 85y.ic2l 5e2lt5 2nd .8iritu2l di.cernment 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or t52t4 F2t5er7 You 2re 2 6onder/ul $od4 lo0in34 merci/ul 2nd 8o6er/ul; :ep. 04 No evil shall 9efall yo!8 nor shall any pla%!e ,ome near yo!r dwellin%5 Psalm 1;2;= &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 8rotectin3 me /rom 2ll illne.. 2nd di.e2.e4 1ec2u.e your 9ord 8romi.e. t52t you 6on=t let 2ny e0il or 8l23ue o0ert2:e me7 I t52n: you /or 8rotection /rom cold.4 /lu4 1oil.4 in/ection. 2nd 8l23ue. o/ 2ny :ind7 F2t5er4 you 2re my 85y.ici2n 2nd you 520e t5e 1e.t 5o.8it2liC2tion 8l2n in t5e 6orld4 65ic5 i. /or u. to .t2y 5e2lt5y; I 8r2i.e you t52t you c2n 5e2l 2ny t5in t52t 1e/2ll. u.4 2nd I lo0e you /or :ee8in3 me 5e2lt5y .o I don=t 520e to 3et 5e2led; &52n: you /or di0ine 5e2lt5; &52n: you /or t52t di0ine 8rotection /rom 2ccident.4 too4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t52t ty8e o/ t5in3 /2ll. under t5e 5e2din3 o/ e0il7 &52n: you /or t52t 1lood 12rrier 2round me t52t 8rotect. me /rom 6ic:ed ton3ue. 2. 1*'

6ell; &52n: you /or 8rotection o/ A :ep. 05


And when ? passed 9y yo! and saw yo! str!%%lin% in yo!r own 9lood8 ? said to yo! in yo!r 9lood8 F&ive/H Ies8 ? said to yo! in yo!r 9lood8 F&ive/H -A5 ;#2# F2t5er4 t52n: you /or 8rotection /rom 5emorr523in3 durin3 c5ild1irt5 or 2ny ot5er time7 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you t52t 65en my 1lood /lo6. /rom me durin3 2n 2tt2c: /rom t5e de0il4 I c2n .t2nd on t5e roc: o/ your 9ord 2nd :no6 t52t you .2y4 F i0e;G to me7 &52n: you /or lo0in3 u. .o muc5 t52t you 62nt u. to 1e 5e2lt5y4 65ole 2nd 8rotected t5rou35out our 1odie.7 I 8r2i.e you4 5e20enly F2t5er4 t52t 65en 6e .ee 2 1rot5er or .i.ter in di.tre.. or trou1le /rom 1leedin34 6e c2n u.e your 9ord 2nd comm2nd 5emorr523in3 to .to87 I lo0e you4 F2t5er;

:ep. 06

)o shall they fear the name of the &ord from the west8 and (is %lory from the risin% of the s!nD when the enemy ,omes in li+e a flood8 the )pirit of the &ord will lift !p a standard a%ainst him5 ?saiah "12;1 Ho6 6e t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or your con.t2nt 8rotection o/ our 5e2lt5 2nd 6ell 1ein37 &52n: you /or lettin3 u. :no6 t52t t5e enemy i. 3oin3 to try to 2tt2c: u. o0er 2nd o0er 2nd o0er4 1ut 65en 5e doe. come in li:e 2 /lood4 2nd it .eem. 2. t5ou35 6e mi35t 1e .6e8t under 1y t5e underto6 o/ 5i. 6ic:edne..4 your %8irit i. 2l62y. t5ere to li/t u8 2 .t2nd2rd 232in.t 5im7 9e 8r2i.e you /or your 8rotection4 your con.t2nt c2re 2nd your lo0in3A:indne..4 /rom t5e ri.in3 o/ 1*!

t5e .un to t5e 3oin3 do6n o/ t5e .2me; :ep. 37 = &ord my 'od8 ? ,ried o!t to Io!8 and Io! have healed me5 Psalm 3=23 F2t5er4 5o6 6e 8r2i.e you t52t 65en our 5e2lt5 52. .233ed or e0en .eem. to 1e 3one com8letely4 6e c2n cry out to you 2nd you 5e2l u.; I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e 65en 6e 3et 6ounded in t5e 12ttle o/ 5e2lt54 no m2tter 5o6 dee8 or 82in/ul t5o.e 6ound. 2re4 you 520e 8romi.ed in your 9ord to 5e2l u.7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e t5in3. t52t 2re im8o..i1le 6it5 men 2re 8o..i1le 6it5 you; You 2re 2 $od o/ lo0e 2nd trut5 2nd 0ictory4 2nd I re>oice in your mir2culou. 5e2lin3 8o6er 2nd 3lori/y you /or it; &52n: you /or 2not5er mont5 o/ 0ictoriou. 5e2lt57 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e your 8romi.e. t52t I=0e con/e..ed t5i. mont5 2re true; $lory4 F2t5er;



)cto1er i. t5e mont5 o/ P)9ER; Je.u. told Hi. di.ci8le. to 3o 2nd 8re2c5 t5e 3o.8el to e0ery cre2ture4 t5en He immedi2tely 8ut u8 2 .to8 .i3n 2nd .2id4 F92it;G He told t5em to 3o in t5e u88er room 2nd 62it /or t5e Holy %8irit 1ec2u.e He :ne6 t5ey 6ere 8o6erle.. 6it5out t5e Holy %8irit7 &5ey didn=t 62nt Him to 3o 262y 1ut He .2id4 F;t is to yo!r advanta%e that ? %o awayD for f ; do not %o away8 the (elper will not ,ome to yo!D 9!t if ? depart8 ? will send (im to yo!5 And when (e has ,ome8 (e will ,onvi,t the world of sin8 and of ri%hteo!sness8 and of 7!d%ment5 (e will %lorify .e555B ohn ;#2>8 88 ;<5 &5e minute t5e di.ci8le. recei0ed t5e 128ti.m 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit 2nd 1e32n to .8e2: 6it5 ot5er ton3ue.4 t5ey immedi2tely 1e32n to 8re2c5 Je.u. 2nd 3lori/y Him7 )nce you 520e t5e 128ti.m 6it5 t5e Holy $5o.t4 you 6ill not t2l: 21out t5e c5urc54 your 82.tor4 t5e %und2y %c5ool cl2.. or t5in3. o/ t52t n2ture7 You 6ill t2l: 21out Je.u.7 In t5e /ir.t .ermon t52t 62. 8re2c5ed 2/ter t5ey recei0ed t5e 8o6er o/ t5e Holy $5o.t4 Peter t2l:ed 21out t5e 8o6er t52t i. in t5e N2me o/ Je.u.7 M2ny 8eo8le re/er to Him 2. F ord4G FC5ri.t4G Ft5e %on o/ $od4G 65ic5 2re 2ll Hi. title.7 But Hi. N2me i. JE%U%; You 6ill notice t52t once you 520e recei0ed t5e 128ti.m 6it5 t5e Holy $5o.t you 6ill c2ll Him 1y Hi. eDcitin3 n2me in.te2d o/ Hi. title7 I/ you=0e ne0er recei0ed t5e 8o6er o/ t5e C5ri.ti2n li/e4 65ic5 i. t5e 128ti.m 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit4 you 9I 2/ter con/e..in3 t5e 9ord t5i. mont5 on t5e Holy %8irit; &o u.4 t5e Holy %8irit 52. 2l62y. 1een 2 Fdou1leG 8ortion7 9e c2n 2ll 8r2y in our n2ti0e l2n3u23e4 1ut 8r2yin3 6it5 t5e %8irit i. t52t dou1le 8ortion 6e 2ll 62nt 2nd need; 1*"

)ne o/ t5e 1i33e.t .ur8ri.e. c2me 65en 6e re2liCed t5ere 62. 2 di//erence 1et6een t5e F3i/t o/ ton3ue.G 2nd t5e F8r2yerG ton3ue.7 &5i. re2lly 5el8ed cle2r u8 .ome o/ t5e con/u.ion7 9e 52d 2l62y. 8ut t5em into ore c2te3ory4 t52t o/ F.8e2:in3 in ton3ue.4G 2nd NE+ER re2liCed 2ny di//erence 2t 2ll4 nor did 6e 2..oci2te t5i. 6it5 t5e 8o6er o/ t5e Holy %8irit7 No 6onder 6e t5ou35t4 F-o 2ll .8e2: in ton3ue.<G 288lied to u. ne32ti0ely7 Pr2i.e $od /or Hi. 3r2ce 1ec2u.e 6e 2re 1e3innin3 to 1e 262re more 2nd more o/ t5e com8lete mi.under.t2ndin3 t52t eDi.t. concernin3 t5e out62rd .i3n o/ 520in3 1een 128tiCed 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit7 M2ny 8eo8le 65o 8r2i.e $od in t5eir o6n 8ri02te l2n3u23e 520e ne0er recei0ed t5e F3i/tG o/ ton3ue. to t5e 2..em1ly4 2nd m2ny ne0er 6ill7 Com82re t5e di//erence 1et6een t5e F8r2yerG ton3ue t52t i. /or 2ll4 2nd t5e 3i/t o/ ton3ue. to t5e 2..em1ly t52t i. not /or 2ll7 95en t5e 2nointin3 /2ll. u8on 2 8er.on 6it5 2 me..23e FR)M $od4 it i. 2 me..23e /rom 5e20en to e2rt57 &5i. i. 2 me..23e /rom $od to Hi. 8eo8le 2nd in order /or t5e con3re32tion to under.t2nd it4 it mu.t 1e /ollo6ed 1y 2n inter8ret2tion into t5e l2n3u23e t5ey under.t2nd7 &5e 8er.on 65o 52. t5e F3i/tG or F21ilityG o/ inter8ret2tion 52. 2not5er 3i/t to 1e m2ni/e.ted in 82rtner.5i8 6it5 t5e ton3ue. .8o:en out7 He recei0e. t5e inter8ret2tion /rom $od 2nd it to t5e con3re32tion in t5eir loc2l l2n3u23e7 No6 t5in: 12c: on 652t t5e F8r2yerG ton3ue i.7 It i. >u.t t5e re0er.e o/ t5e F8u1licG ton3ue7 It doe. not need 2n inter8ret2tion4 1ec2u.e it i. 2 8r2yer o/ interce..ion 1y t5e Holy %8irit directly to $od7 He i. 2ll 6i.dom 2nd 2ll :no6led3e7 He under.t2nd. 2ll l2n3u23e.4 .o doe. not need 2nyone to inter8ret /or 5im7 &5e 8r2yer i. to 5im4 2nd 5im 2lone4 2nd not to 1e .52red 6it5 2nyone on t5e e2rt57 Remem1er t5i. i. t5e Fe2rt5 to 5e20enG con0er.2tion7 0? 1'#

Corinthians ;<234 &5e ot5er i. 2 F5e20en to e2rt5G con0er.2tion4 2nd t5ere i. 2 di//erence; 0? Cor5 ;32;=45 $ct. 1 $!t yo! shall re,eive power when the (oly )pirit has ,ome !pon yo!D and yo! shall 9e witnesses to .e in er!salem8 and in all !dea and )amaria8 and to the end of the earth5 A,ts ;28 I HA+E P)9ER; -o you :no6 5o6 I :no6 t5i.4 F2t5er< Bec2u.e your 6onder/ul 9ord .2y. .o; I 520e 21ility4 e//iciency 2nd mi35t 1ec2u.e o/ your Holy %8irit; I t52n: you t52t t5e Holy %8irit not only /illed me4 1ut 62. com8letely di//u.ed t5rou35out my 0ery o6n .oul; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you /or com8letely immer.ed in 2nd .u1mer3in3 me in t5e 8o6er o/ your Holy %8irit; Ho6 I 1le.. you /or 3i0in3 me t5e 1oldne.. o/ 2 lion to .8e2: 2nd .52re t5e $ood Ne6. 2t 2ll time.7 I=m t2l:in3 to my nei351or.7 I=m t2l:in3 to my /ello6Aem8loyee. I=m t2l:in3 to t5e 8eo8le I do 1u.ine.. 6it5; F2t5er4 I=m .o 1old tod2y I=m 3oin3 to .52re your 9ord 6it5 e0eryone I meet; $lory; $ct. 0 ?f yo! then8 9ein% evil8 +now how to %ive %ood %ifts to yo!r ,hildren8 how m!,h more will yo!r heavenly Father %ive the (oly )pirit to those who as+ (im/ &!+e ;;2;3 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you ne0er 3i0e u. 2nyt5in3 e0il7 I lo0e you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e e0eryt5in3 you 3i0e to me i. 3ood7 I 2l62y. 62nt to 3i0e t5e 1e.t to my c5ildren4 2nd I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 62nt to 3i0e t5e 1e.t to me7 I=m .o 3l2d t52t you lo0e me more t52n I could e0er lo0e 2 mem1er o/ my /2mily4 2nd t52t you 3i0e 1'1

me 1etter 3i/t. t52n I could e0er 5o8e to 3i0e my lo0ed one.7 I t52n: you t52t I 2m lo0ed 1y you 2nd t52t you 520e 3i0en me t5e 3i/t o/ your 8reciou. Holy %8irit7 &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to .8ecul2te 2nd 6onder i/ it=. 3ood or e0il4 1ut t52t I HN)9 t52t I HN)9 t52t I HN)9 t52t it i. 3ood 1ec2u.e it i. /rom you; $lory; $ct. 3 And s!ddenly there ,ame a so!nd from heaven8 as of a r!shin% mi%hty wind8 and it filled the whole ho!se where they were sittin%5 Then there appeared to them divided ton%!es8 as of fire8 and one sat !pon ea,h of them5 And they were all filled with the (oly )pirit and 9e%an to spea+ with other ton%!es8 as the )pirit %ave them !tteran,e5 A,ts 323@< He20enly F2t5er4 I lo0e you 1ec2u.e t5e ru.5in3 .ound t52t c2me on t5e d2y o/ Penteco.t c2me ri35t /rom 5e20en; I t52n: you t52t it /ell u8on A o/ t5o.e t5ere 2nd t52t t5ey 6ere A /illed 6it5 t5e Holy %8irit 2nd 1e32n to .8e2: in ton3ue. 2. t5e %8irit 320e t5em utter2nce7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 520en=t c52n3ed your 8l2n 2nd you don=t re.trict t5e Holy %8irit to >u.t 2 /e64 1ut you 3i0e it un.el/i.5ly to A o/ u.7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or lo0in3 me >u.t 2. muc5 2. you lo0ed t5e di.ci8le.4 2nd /or 3i0in3 me t5e .2me 1e2uti/ul 3i/t o/ t5e Holy %8irit7 $ct. 1 ; indeed 9aptiAe yo! with water !nto repentan,e8 9!t (e who is ,omin% after me is mi%htier than ?8 whose sandals lam not worthy to early5 (e will 9aptiAe yo! with the (oly )pirit and fire5 .atthew 32;; 1'2

I=m on /ire4 F2t5er4 1ut don=t c2ll t5e Fire -e82rtment; I 62nt to :ee8 t5i. /ire 1urnin3; I 8r2i.e you t52t your 8romi.e. 520e come do6n t5rou35 t5e 23e. .o t52t I4 too4 could recei0e t5e .2me 128ti.m t52t t5e di.ci8le. did on t5e d2y o/ Penteco.t; I t52n: you t52t t5e /ire o/ t5e Holy %8irit 1um. out t5e c52// in my li/e 1ut i. it.el/ 2 /ire t52t c2nnot 1e 8ut out or 1urned out; I 1le.. you 2nd 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e t5i. ind6ellin3 8o6er en21le. me to li0e 21o0e t5e .in o/ t5e 6orld 6it5 2 com8lete 2nd di.t2.te /or t5e t5in3. o/ t5e 6orld; $ct. 2 5 5 5 Wal+ in the )pirit8 and yo! shall not f!lfill the l!st of the flesh5 'alatians "2;# I=m 62l:in3 2nd le28in3 2nd 8r2i.in3 $od in t5e %8irit; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or m2:in3 your 9ord .o .im8le /or me to under.t2nd7 I=m re.8on.i0e to 2nd controlled 2nd 3uided 1y your Holy %8irit 2t 2ll time.4 2nd I=m 62l:in34 t2l:in34 2nd li0in3 in t5e Holy %8irit 2t 2ll time.7 You 2lone em8o6er me to do t5i. 1ec2u.e you en21le me to loo: 2t t5e lu.t o/ t5e /le.5 6it5out 3r2ti/yin3 t5o.e de.ire. 65ic5 2re o/ my 5um2n n2ture 2nd not o/ you7 I don=t 520e to li.ten to t5e de0il 65en 5e t2l:. to me4 1ec2u.e I=m 62l:in3 in t5e %8irit in 8o6er 2nd 3lory 2nd o0ercomin3 t5e de0il 2ll t5e 62y; Ho6 I 8r2i.e 2nd lo0e you; $ct. 3 &i+ewise the )pirit also helps in o!r wea+nesses5 For we do not +now what we sho!ld pray for as we o!%ht8 9!t the )pirit (imself ma+es inter,ession for !s with %roanin%s whi,h ,annot 9e !ttered5 Now (e who sear,hes the hearts +nows what the mind of the )pirit is8 1'(

9e,a!se (e ma+es inter,ession for the saints a,,ordin% to the will of 'od5 :omans 823#83 > $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m 8r2yin3 2ccordin3 to your 8er/ect 6ill; Ho6 do I :no6 I 2m< Bec2u.e your 9ord .2y. .o; Ho6 I 1le.. you t52t you 520e 3i0en me .uc5 2 1e2uti/ul 8r2yer l2n3u23e 6it5 65ic5 to 8r2y4 1ec2u.e .ometime. t5e 8ro1lem. o/ t5e 6orld 2re .o 3re2t u8on my .5oulder I don=t :no6 65ic5 62y to turn4 2nd I don=t :no6 652t 6ord. to .2y4 .o 1 >u.t 8r2y in t5e .8irit4 2nd He intercede. 2nd m2:e. interce..ion /or me7 Ho6 I 1le.. you t52t in t5e n2tur2l I mi35t 8r2y out.ide o/ your 6ill4 1ut in t5e %8irit I 2l62y. 8r2y in 8er/ect 52rmony 6it5 your 8er/ect 6ill7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e Holy %8irit ru.5e. to my 2id 2t 2ll time.; $ct. 4 Therefore do not 9e !nwise8 9!t !nderstand what the will of the &ord is5 And do not 9e dr!n+ with wine8 in whi,h is dissipationD 9!t 9e filled with the )pirit5 -ph5 "2;>8;8 F2t5er4 I=m /illed u8 2ll t5e 62y to t5e to8 2nd runnin3 o0er 6it5 your %8irit; I 8r2i.e you /or lettin3 me 1e 6i.e in your 62y. .o I 6ill :no6 652t your 6ill i.7 &52n: you /or t52t 8er.on2l 2d0ice 21out not 1e in drun: 6it5 6ine7 I t5in: o/ t5e time. 1e/ore I 62. .20ed 65en I 62. drun: on t5e 6ine o/ t5e 6orld4 1ut I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e my .8irit c2n .o2r 5i35er 2nd 1e .timul2ted more 6it5 t5e ne6 6ine o/ t5e %8irit t52n it e0er did on 2rti/ici2l me2n.7 F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 me 8o6er to :no6 your 6ill; $ct. 5 $!t the (elper8 the (oly )pirit8 whom the Father will send in .y name8 (e will tea,h yo! all 1'4

thin%s8 and 9rin% to yo!r remem9ran,e all thin%s that ? said to yo!5 ohn ;<23# F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. my te2c5er; &52n: you t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. t5e Com/orter t5e Coun.elor4 t5e Hel8er4 t5e Interce..or4 t5e Ad0oc2te4 t5e %tren3t5ener4 2nd t5e %t2nd1y in 2ll .itu2tion.5 I t52n: you t52t t5e Holy %8irit 62. .ent to m23ni/y Je.u.7 I t52n: you /or not limitin3 t5e Holy %8irit to te2c5in3 me cert2in trut5.4 1ut /or .end in 5im to te2c5 me 2ll t5in3.4 2nd to 1rin3 A o/ 652t your 9ord .2y. to my remem1r2nce7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I c2n tru.t 652t t5e Holy %8irit 1rin3. to my mind4 1ec2u.e it i. A 3ood4 2nd A /rom you7 &52n: you /or 1ein3 .o 3ood to me; $ct. 6 5 5 5$!t whoever drin+s of the water that ? shall %ive him will never thirst5 $!t the water that ? shall %ive him will 9e,ome in him a fo!ntain of water sprin%in% !p into everlastin% life5 ohn <2;< I=m drin:in3 2t t5e .8rin3. o/ li0in3 62ter 2nd I=m 5288y; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e li0in3 62ter7 I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 t5e li0in3 62ter to me 1ec2u.e I ne0er 3et 82rc5ed 2nd t5ir.ty 2. lon3 2. I drin: /rom t52t 62ter7 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you t52t it i. 2 6ell 6it5in my 0ery o6n .oul t52t .8rin3. u8 into e0er l2.tin3 li/e7 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t you too: me out o/ 2ll t5e dry ye2r. I .8ent 6it5 t5e de0il4 2nd t52t you 8ut me 65ere I .52ll ne0er t5ir.t 232in7 &52n: you /or t52t 6ell o/ 62ter 65ic5 i. con.t2ntly 6ellin3 u84 /lo6in3 2nd 1u11lin3 continu2lly 6it5in me unto etern2l li/e7 1'*

$ct. 17

And ? will pray the Father8 and (e will %ive yo! another (elper8 that (e may a9ide with yo! forever5 ohn ;<2;# F2t5er4 I lo0e you4 lo0e you4 lo0e you4 t52t you 520e 3i0en me 2not5er Com/orter4 1ut e0en more t52n t52t4 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 520e 8romi.ed t52t He 6ill 21ide 6it5 me /ore0er 2nd /ore0er 2nd /or e0er I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. 21idin3 in me ri35t no64 com/ortin3 me 2nd 2ccom82nyin3 me 65ere0er I 3o7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. t5e %8irit o/ &rut5 65ic5 t5e 6orld c2nnot t2:e into it. 5e2rt4 1ec2u.e t5ey don=t reco3niCe Him 1ut you 520e 3i0en Him to me to li0e /ore0er in my 5e2rt; I 1le.. you4 F2t5er;

$ct. 11

$!t when the (elper ,omes8 whom ? shall send to yo! from the Father8 the )pirit of tr!th who pro,eeds from the Father8 (e will testify of .e5 ohn ;"23# &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e Holy %8irit te.ti/ie. to me o/ Je.u.7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. t5e %8irit o/ &rut5 65o ri35tly di0ide. t52t 65ic5 i. not true /rom t52t 65ic5 i. true7 I 8r2i.e you t52t I c2n 2l62y. de8end on t5e Holy %8irit to re0e2l t5e trut5 to me in 2ll .itu2tion in t5e 6orld4 2nd 2l.o in your 9ord7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e Holy %8irit come. /rom you 2nd not /rom t5e de0il7 I 8r2i.e you4 Je.u.4 t52t t5e Holy %8irit i. con.t2ntly remindin3 me 2t 2ll time. o/ you 2nd your lo0e /or me4 o/ your .2cri/ice4 2nd o/ your cle2n.in3 8o6er7 I t52n: you t52t He i. 2l.o t5e Coun.elor4 Hel8er4 Ad0oc2te4 Interce..or 2nd %tren3t5ener; 1''

$ct. 10

And it shall ,ome to pass afterward that ? will po!r o!t .y )pirit on all fleshD yo!r sons and yo!r da!%hter shall prophesy8 yo!r old men shall dream dreams8 yo!r yo!n% men shall see visions5 oel 3238 F2t5er4 I=m 3oin3 to .t2nd ri35t under t5e center o/ t52t .8out; I 8r2i.e you t52t you 2re 8ourin3 out your %8irit u8on 2ll /le.57 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5i. include. me 2nd I t52n: you /or 8ourin3 it 2ll o0er me7 &52n: you t52t you 2re 3i0in3 .ome o/ u. t5e 21ility to dre2m dre2m. 2nd ot5er. to 520e 0i.ion. 2nd 8ro85e.y7 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e your %8irit i. 1le..in3 me more t52n e0er 1e/ore7 I 8r2i.e you t52t you didn=t re.trict it to t5e Penteco.t2l.4 1ut t52t you 520e 3i0en it to t5e B28ti.t.4 t5e Met5odi.t.4 t5e C2t5olic.4 t5e Pre.1yteri2n. t5e E8i.co82li2n. 2nd to F65o.oe0erG 6ill;

$ct. 13

Therefore8 9rethren8 we are de9tors J not to the flesh8 to live a,,ordin% to the flesh5 For if yo! live a,,ordin% to the flesh yo! will dieD 9!t if 9y the )pirit yo! p!t to death the deeds of the 9ody8 yo! will live5 :om5 82;38; 3 I don=t o6e my /le.5 2nyt5in3; F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t I 2m not 2 de1tor to t5e /le.54 2nd t5ere/ore I don=t 520e to li0e 2/ter t5e lu.t o/ t5e /le.54 1ec2u.e you 520e 8l2inly told me t52t i/ I do4 I .52ll die7 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5rou35 t5e 8o6er o/ t5e %8irit I 2m con.t2ntly 8uttin3 to de2t5 t5e e0il deed. 8rom8ted 1y t5e /le.54 .o t52t I m2y li0e; I t52n: you t52t it 3et. e2.ier e0ery d2y /or me to turn /rom my c2rn2l n2ture 1ec2u.e t5rou35 t5e 1'!

8o6er o/ t5e Holy %8irit con.t2ntly 2nd 521itu2lly 6it5 me4 I 2m 8uttin3 to de2t5 t5e e0il deed. 8rom8ted 1y my 1ody7 $ct. 11 $!t the fr!it of the )pirit is love8 7oy8 pea,e8 lon%s!fferin%8 +indness8 %oodness8 faithf!lness8 %entleness8 self@,ontrol5 A%ainst s!,h there is no law5 'alatians "233833 I re>oice 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e lo0e in my 5e2rt7 &52n: you t52t t5e /ruit o/ t5e %8irit4 or t5e 6or: 65ic5 Hi. 8re.ence 6it5in me 2ccom8li.5e.4 include. 3i0in3 me t5e :ind o/ lo0e I ne0er 52d 1e/ore7 &52n: you t52t I c2n no6 lo0e t5e unlo0ely; I t52n: you t52t I 2m runnin3 o0er 6it5 >oy 2nd 8e2ce 2nd lon3.u//erin37 I 8r2i.e you /or 3entlene..4 3oodne.. 2nd /2it57 I 8r2i.e you /or mee:ne.. 2nd .el/A control7 I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 me not >u.t one o/ t5e /ruit. o/ t5e %8irit4 1ut A o/ t5em; &52n: you t52t I 2m 2 1i3 1o6l o/ .8iritu2l /ruit .2l2d; $ct. 12 For as many as are led 9y the )pirit of 'od8 these are sons of 'od5 For yo! did not re,eive the spirit of 9onda%e a%ain to fear8 9!t yo! re,eived the )pirit of adoption 9y whom ,ry o!t8 FA99a8 Father5F :om5 82;<8;" I 2m 2 .on o/ $od; F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or le2din3 me 1y your %8irit 2nd /or m2:in3 me your c5ild; I 8r2i.e you /or your 9ord 65ic5 2..ure. me t52t I 6on=t 1e le/t out4 1ec2u.e you .2y A% MANY A% ARE E-4 2nd not >u.t 2 .elected /e64 2re t5e c5ildren o/ $od7 &52n: you t52t I=m not c2u35t u8 in .l20ery to /e2r4 F2t5er4 1ut in.te2d I=0e 1een 2do8ted into your 0ery o6n /2mily; I 1',

re>oice 2nd t52n: you /or t5e 8re.ence 2nd 8o6er o/ your Holy %8irit4 65ic5 en21le. me to do t5e 3re2ter t5in3. your 9ord 8romi.e.; $ct. 13 $!t this pre,io!s treas!re J this li%ht and power that now shine within !s J is held in a perisha9le ,ontainer8 that is8 in o!r wea+ 9odies5 -veryone ,an see that the %lorio!s power within m!st 9e from 'od and is not o!r own5 ?? Corinthians <2> T&$ I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e li35t in.ide my 85y.ic2l 1ody t52t i. ri35t t5i. minute .5inin3 out o/ me u8on t5e 6orld7 I t52n: you /or 2 di0ine i35t o/ t5e $o.8el t52t .5ine. .o 1ri35tly t52t e0eryone :no6. it couldn=t 1e /rom my o6n 8o6er 1ut c2n only 1e Y)UR 8o6er .5inin3 2nd 3lo6in3 t5rou35 me7 I 8r2i.e you F2t5er4 /or m2:in3 me 2 millionA 62tt /loodli35t t52t .5o6. t5e lo.t one. 5o6 to /ind you; I re>oice 1ec2u.e t5e 65ole 6orld c2n .ee t52t t5e 3r2ndeur 2nd eDceedin3 3re2tne.. o/ 8o6er 2nd 3lory 2re your.; $ct. 14 555Christ is not wea+ in his dealin%s with yo!8 9!t is a mi%hty power within yo!5 (is wea+8 h!man 9ody died on the ,ross8 9!t now he lives 9y the mi%hty power of 'od5 We8 too8 are wea+ in o!r 9odies8 as he was8 9!t now we live and are stron%8 as he is8 and have all of 'odHs Power to !se in dealin% with yo!5 ?? Cor5 ;3238< T&$ All o/ $od=. 8o6er i. mine; He20enly F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you 2nd 6or.5i8 you t52t Je.u. i. 2 mi35ty 8o6er 6it5in me7 I t52n: you t52t Hi. 5um2n 1ody4 t5ou35 6e2:4 died on 2 cro..4 1ut He 62. re.urrected4 2nd t52t He no6 li0e. 1y t5e 1'"

mi35ty 8o6er o/ your %8irit7 I t52n: you t52t e0en t5ou35 6e 2re 6e2: in our 1odie.4 6e 520e 2ll o/ your 8o6er to u.e to m2:e our li0e. 0ictoriou. 2t 2ll time.; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5i. di0ine 8ri0ile3e7 $ct. 15 Iet to !s 'od has !nveiled and revealed them 9y and thro!%h (is )pirit8 for the 0(oly4 )pirit sear,hes dili%ently8 e6plorin% and e6aminin% everythin%8 even so!ndin% the profo!nd and 9ottomless thin%s of 'od J the divine ,o!nsels and thin%s hidden and 9eyond manHs s,r!tiny5 ? Corinthians 32;= Amp5 F2t5er4 I t52n: you t52t you 520e re0e2led t5e .ecret. o/ t5e uni0er.e to u. 1y 2nd t5rou35 your Holy %8irit7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5e %8irit .e2rc5e. e0eryt5in3 com8letely t5orou35ly4 e//ectu2lly4 65olly 2nd in e0ery re.8ect4 2nd 1ec2u.e I lo0e you 2nd o1ey you4 You 520e m2de 2ll o/ t5e t5in3. 65ic5 2re 1eyond m2n=. .crutiny 2nd in0e.ti32tion 202il21le to me; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e I 520e t5e mind o/ C5ri.t4 t5e.e trut5. 2re 202il21le to me; $ct. 16 $!t the nat!ral man does not re,eive the thin%s of the spirit of 'od8 for they are foolishness to himD nor ,an he +now them8 9e,a!se they are spirit!ally dis,erned $!t he who is spirit!al 7!d%es all thin%s8 yet he himself is ri%htly 7!d%ed 9y no one5 ? Cor5 32;<8; " I re>oice 1ec2u.e I 2m not 2 n2tur2l Jor un.8iritu2lK m2n4 F2t5er; Bec2u.e I=m not n2tur2l4 I c2n recei0e A o/ t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. /rom t5e %8irit 65ic5 6ould 1e not5in3 1ut /ooli.5ne.. 2nd tri0i2 to t5e n2tur2l m2n7 He 1!#

c2nnot 2cce8t or 6elcome t5e 6onder/ul 3i/t. 2nd te2c5in3. o/ t5e Holy %8irit 1ec2u.e He i. tot2lly inc2821le o/ 2cce8tin3 t5em4 1ut you let me in0e.ti32te 2nd 288r2i.e 2ll t5in3. 1ec2u.e I 2m 2 .8iritu2l m2n 1ec2u.e your 9ord .2y. .o; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t e0en t5ou35 I >ud3e 2ll t5in3. 2nd 2ll .itu2tion.4 I 2m >ud3ed o/ no m2n; $ct. 07 What is the res!lt thenG ? will pray with the spirit8 and ? will also pray with the !nderstandin%5 ? will sin% with the spirit8 and ? will also sin% with the !nderstandin% ? Corinthians ;<2;" I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 3i0e u. t6o F5ot line. to 5e20en7G I t52n: you t52t I c2n 8r2y 2nd 8r2i.e you 6it5 my mind 2nd under.t2ndin34 2nd I c2n 2l.o 8r2y 2nd 8r2i.e you 6it5 my .8irit t5rou35 t5e 8o6er o/ t5e Holy %8irit; %ometime. t5ere 2re /eelin3. in my 5e2rt t52t >u.t c2n=t 1e eD8re..ed 6it5 t5e under.t2ndin3 1ec2u.e t5ey 2re .o o0er65elmin34 2nd I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me 2 .8eci2l 62y to 8r2y or 8r2i.e you 6it5 my .8irit to eD8re.. t5o.e 6onder/ul /eelin3.; I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to con/ine my .in3in3 to my under.t2ndin34 1ut t52t my .8irit c2n .in3 2l.o; $ct. 01 For he who spea+s in a ton%!e does not spea+ to men 9!t to 'od8 for no one !nderstands himD however8 in the spirit he spea+s mysteries5 ? Cor5 ;<23 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e 3i0en me 2n un:no6n ton3ue 6it5 65ic5 to 8r2i.e you7 I 8r2i.e you t52t t5i. .8eci2l l2n3u23e i. 2 8ri02te4 8er.on2l4 di.tincti0e 2nd uniEue communic2tion 1!1

t52t I 520e 6it5 you7 Men c2n=t under.t2nd it4 1ut you c2n4 F2t5er7 I 8r2i.e you t52t in t5e .8irit I c2n utter .ecret trut5. to you 2nd 5idden t5in3. 65ic5 I don=t under.t2nd4 1ut your %8irit under .t2nd my .8irit 2nd 2n.6er.; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e my.terie. 65ic5 my .8irit con0er.e. 6it5 you 21out4 65ic5 I 520e no 62y o/ under.t2ndin3 or :no6in3 21out4 .o t52t you c2n 2n.6er my 8r2yer. e0en 1e/ore I utter t5em 6it5 my o6n under.t2ndin37 $ct. 00 And the spirits of the prophets are s!97e,t to the prophets5 ? Corinthians ;<233 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t you 3i0e u. control o0er our o6n .8irit7 I t52n: you t52t 65en I .8e2: in ton3ue. I c2n .to8 2nd .t2rt 2t 6ill4 1ec2u.e t5e Holy %8irit i. 2 3entlem2n 2nd ne0er /orce. me to do 2nyt5in3 I don=t 62nt to do7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e .tored in my 5um2n 1ody t5e 8o6er o/ t5e Holy %8irit4 .o t52t I c2n 8r2y in ton3ue. 2ny time I 62nt to4 2nd I c2n .to8 8r2yin3 in ton3ue. 2ny time I 62nt to7 I lo0e you /or t5i.4 F2t5er7 &52n: you /or t5e 3loriou. 8ri0ile3e o/ .in3in3 in ton3ue. 65ene0er I 62nt to4 2nd .to88in3 65ene0er I 62nt to; $ct. 03 Now he who +eeps (is ,ommandments a9ides in (im8 and (e in him5 And 9y this we +now that (e a9ides in !s8 9y the )pirit whom (e has %iven !s5 ? ohn 323< I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 3loriou. F2t5er4 /or 6e :no6 t52t you 21ide in u. 1ec2u.e o/ t5e %8irit 65ic5 you 520e 3i0en to u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I don=t 520e to 6onder 2nd Eue.tion 65et5er or not I 1elon3 to you 1ec2u.e your 0ery 1!2

o6n %8irit 6it5in me te.ti/ie. to me t52t you d6ell in me 2nd you 520e 3i0en me t5i. 8o.iti0e 8roo/ t52t I 2m your c5ild7 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or tellin3 u. t52t you d6ell4 re.ide4 li0e4 .t2y 2nd 21ide in u. 65ic5 me2n. you 2cce8t 2nd endure u.7 $lory to you4 F2t5er4 /or .uc5 2 3re2t 8romi.e7 $ct. 01 And the )pirit and the 9ride say8 FCome/H And let him who hears say8 FCome/H And let him who thirsts ,ome5 And whoever desires8 let him ta+e the water of life freely5 :evelation 332;> F2t5er4 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you t52t you .2id 65o.oe0er 6ill m2y come 2nd t2:e o/ t5e 62ter o/ li/e /reely7 &52n: you t52t I=m drin:in3 2t t5e /ount2in o/ li0in3 62ter7 &52n: you t52t your %8irit c2lled me 2nd t52n: you t52t you=re not .tin3y 6it5 t5e /lo6 o/ t52t /ount2in4 1ut you .2id t52t I c2n >u.t drin: 2nd drin: 2nd drin:; F2t5er4 I 2m 2 3lutton /or t52t li0in3 62ter4 2nd I lo0e you /or 3i0in3 /rom 2 1ounti/ul .u88ly; My 5e2rt i. o0er/lo6in3 6it5 3r2titude 2nd >oy 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. you .2y in your 9ord7 I 8r2i.e you t52t my .oul i. con.t2ntly re/re.5ed4 .u88orted 2nd .tren3t5ened 1y it; $ct. 02 Now when they 9rin% yo! to the syna%o%!es and ma%istrates and a!thorities8 do not worry a9o!t how or what yo! sho!ld answer8 or what yo! sho!ld say5 For the (oly )pirit will tea,h yo! in that very ho!r what yo! o!%ht to say5 &!+e ;32;;8;3 Ho6 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 65en I run into .itu2tion. 65ere I /ind it di//icult to .8e2: 652t i. on my 5e2rt4 2nd I don=t :no6 t5e 1!(

2n.6er.4 your Holy %8irit te2c5e. me Euic:ly 2nd 6i.ely eD2ctly 652t I need to .2y; I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e 2nDiou. or 6orried4 1ut t52t I c2n 2l62y. de8end on your 1e2uti/ul Holy %8irit to te2c5 me t5e ri35t 6ord. to .2y under 2ll condition.7 $ct. 03 No temptation has overta+en yo! e6,ept s!,h as is ,ommon to manD 9!t 'od is faithf!l8 who will not allow yo! to 9e tempted 9eyond what yo! are a9le8 9!t with the temptation will also ma+e the way of es,ape8 that yo! may 9e a9le to 9ear it5 ? Cor5 ;=2;3 F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you /or your 9ord7 I=m .o 1le..ed 1ec2u.e no enticement to .in4 no m2tter 65ere it come. /rom or 65ere it le2d. to4 6ill o0ercome me 1eyond 5um2n re.i.t2nce 1ec2u.e o/ your com82..ion2te n2ture 2nd under.t2ndin37 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e I c2n tru.t you to 2l62y. 8ro0ide t5e 62y out4 .o t52t I c2n 1e c2821le 2nd .tron3 2nd 8o6er/ul to 82tiently 1e2r u8 under 652te0er tem8t2tion come. my 62y7 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e o/ your /2it5/ulne.. to me4 I .52ll 1e /2it5/ul to you4 de8endin3 on your 9ord to :ee8 me /rom /2llin3 on t5e .li88ery 82t5. 2nd ditc5e. t52t lie 2lon3.ide t5e .tr2i35t 2nd n2rro6 82t57 $ct. 04 And my spee,h and my prea,hin% were not with pers!asive words of h!man wisdom8 9!t in demonstration of the )pirit and of power8 that yo!r faith sho!ld not 9e in the wisdom of men 9!t in the power of 'od5 ? Corinthians 32<8" -e2r F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t 6e don=t 520e to 1e 3i/ted or2tor. 6it5 6ord. t52t t5e 6orld c2n=t under.t2nd4 1ut 6e .im8ly 520e to 1e ordin2ry 1!4

8eo8le 65o u.e your 1oldne.. to 3o out 2nd .52re t5e 3o.8el 65ic5 you 12c: u8 6it5 t5e 8o6er o/ your Holy %8irit7 I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 21out 652t I .2y4 or to 65om I .2y it4 1ec2u.e your 8o6er 6ill c2u.e 8eo8le to 520e /2it5 in you 2nd not in me7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or u.in3 me e0en t5ou35 I=m not5in3 .8eci2l eDce8t in your :in3dom7 $lory; $ct. 05 555When the enemy ,omes in li+e a flood8 the )pirit of the &ord will lift !p a standard a%ainst him5 ?s5 "12;1 F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t 65en t5e enemy ro2r. 2round li:e 2 lion4 or come. 8ourin3 into my li/e li:e 2 /lood4 I don=t 520e to 6orry one tiny little 1it 1ec2u.e your %8irit r2i.e. u8 2 .t2nd2rd 232in.t 5im t52t 8ut. 5im to /li35t; F2t5er4 I lo0e you 1eyond me2.ure 1ec2u.e I don=t 520e to 1e 2/r2id o/ t5e de0il; I :no6 2t 2ll time. t52t your %8irit in li/tin3 u8 t52t .t2nd2rd dri0e. o// t5e enemy7 &52n: you4 ord4 t52t I=m 2l62y. on t5e 6innin3 .ide; &52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 6orry 65et5er it=. 2 tric:le or 2 /lood4 your %8irit i. 2l62y. t5ere to r2i.e t5e ri35tA.iCed .t2nd2rd; &52n: you t52t I 520e 0ictory; $ct. 06 555Not 9y mi%ht nor 9y power8 9!t 9y .y )pirit8 says the &ord of hosts5 Pe,hariah <2# He20enly F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e 2 .u8erm2n /ull o/ .tren3t54 nor 2 8o6er/ul indi0idu2l 65o c2n .52:e mount2in.4 1ec2u.e my 12ttle. 2re 2ll 6on in t5e %8irit7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e .2me 8romi.e t52t you 320e to 1!*

Leru1121el 288lie. to me4 t52t 2ll t5in3. 2re 2ccom8li.5ed not 1y mi35t4 nor 1y 8o6er4 1ut 1y your %8irit7 I re>oice4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e your %8irit d6ell. in me; I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t t5e oil o/ t5e Holy %8irit i. 2 ne0erAendin3 .ource o/ oil4 2nd not controlled 1y t5e countrie. or n2tion. o/ t5e 6orld4 1ut 1y you7 H2llelu>25; $ct. 37 ?t is the )pirit who %ives lifeD the flesh profits nothin% The words that ? spea+ to yo! are spirit8 and they are life5 ohn #2#3 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t it i. t5e Holy %8irit 65o Euic:en. my mind to under.t2nd t5e trut5. o/ your 9ord 2nd t5e trut5 o/ .t2tement. m2de to me7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 6ord. 2re .8irit 2nd li/e7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e o/ your Holy %8irit4 your 9ord i. 2li0e 2nd li0in3 in me tod2y; I t52n: you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e de2d in .in t5e 62y I 62.4 1ut t52t I no6 520e li/e in t5e %8irit; I :no6 t52t my /le.5 con0ey. no 1ene/it 652te0er4 2nd t5ere i. no 5e20enly 8ro/it in it4 1ut it i. your li/eA3i0in3 %8irit t52t 52. m2de me come 2li0e in C5ri.t7 I 6or.5i8 2nd 8r2i.e you /or t52t4 F2t5er; $ct. 31 And these si%ns will follow those who 9elieveD ?n .y name they will ,ast o!t demonsD they will spea+ with new ton%!esD they will ta+e !p serpentsD and f they drin+ anythin% deadly8 it will 9y no means h!rt themD they will lay hands on the si,+8 and they will re,over5 .ar+ ;#2;>8;8 I=m 2 1elie0er; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 520e 8romi.ed t52t t5rou35 your Holy %8irit4 .i3n. /ollo6 me 1ec2u.e I 1elie0e; I 1!'

t52n: you t52t I c2n u.e t5e n2me o/ Je.u. 2nd c2.t out de0il. 2nd .8e2: 6it5 ne6 ton3ue.; I t52n: you t52t .er8ent. c2n=t 52rm me4 2nd i/ I 2ccident2lly drin: .omet5in3 8oi.onou.4 your %8irit 6ill 8rotect me; I t52n: you4 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e o/ t5e 8o6er o/ your Holy %8irit4 .ic: 8eo8le reco0er 65en I l2y 12nd. on t5em; H2llelu>25; &52n: you /or t5e .i3n. t52t /ollo6 me 65ere0er I 3o;



No0em1er i. t5e mont5 o/ &52n:.3i0in3 2nd Ft52n:.G 3i0in3; It=. 2 time o/ 3re2t >oy to 2ll o/ u. 2. 6e .ettle 12c: 2nd remem1er A t5e t5in3. 6e need to t52n: $od /or on t5e .8eci2l d2y t52t 6e .et 2.ide to 8r2i.e $od /or our 1ounti/ul 62y o/ li/e; 9e t52n: $od /or Je.u.4 t5e roc: o/ our .2l02tion7 BThe &ord is my ro,+8 my fortress and my delivererC ?? )am!el 3323 9e t52n: $od /or .2l02tion t5rou35 t5e 1lood o/ Je.u. C5ri.t7 B?n (im we have redemption thro!%h (is 9lood555 B-ph5 ;2> 9e t52n: $od /or our m2rri23e7 BTherefore what 'od has 7oined to%ether8 let not man separate5 B.atthew ;12# 9e t52n: $od /or our c5ildren7 B&i+e arrows in the hand of a warrior8 so are the ,hildren of oneHs yo!th5 BPsalm ;3>2< BAnd my 'od shall s!pply all yo!r need a,,ordin% to (is ri,hes in %lory 9y Christ es!s/C Philippians <2;1 9e t52n: $od /or our 3r2ndc5ildren7 BChildren Fs ,hildren are the ,rown of old men555 BProver9s ;>2# 9e t52n: $od /or our mini.try7 BAnd (e (imself %ave some to 9e apostles8 some prophets8 some evan%elists8 and some pastors and tea,hers8 for the eE!ippin% of the saints for the wor+ of ministry8 for the edifyin% of the 9ody of Christ5C -phesians <2;;8;3


9e t52n: $od /or Hi. 9ord7 FHe20en 2nd e2rt5 6ill 82.. 262y4 1ut My 6ord. 6ill 1y no me2n. 82.. 262y7 FM2r: 1(I(1 9e t52n: $od /or /2it5777 F$od 52. de2lt to e2c5 one 2 me2.ure o/ /2it57 F Rom2n. 12I( et=. con/e.. t5e.e 8r2i.e 2nd t52n:.3i0in3 con/e..ion. 2t le2.t ten time. e2c5 d2y .o t52t our .8irit. 6ill 1e .o2rin3 in t5e 5e20en. e0ery d2y t5i. mont57 'ov. 1 ; will 9less the &ord at all timesD (is praise shall ,ontin!ally 9e in my mo!th5 Psalm 3<2; F2t5er4 6e 1le.. you4 6e 1le.. you4 6e 1le.. you; All d2y lon3 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e o/ your 3oodne.. to me7 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e m23ni/icent Cre2tor 65o 8ut t5e .t2r. in t5e .:y 2nd .e82r2ted t5e l2nd /rom t5e .e27 I 1le.. you 1ec2u.e you 2l62y. :ee8 your 8romi.e. to u.4 e0en 65en /ul/illin3 t5em reEuire. mir2cle.; I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 520e li/ted me out o/ d2r:ne.. 2nd led me to 0ictory7 I 1le.. you 2nd 8r2i.e you4 /or your 8r2i.e. 2re .6eeter t52n 5oneycom1 in my mout57 I 8r2i.e you /or your /2it5/ulne.. to me7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e it 1le..e. me to :ee8 your 8r2i.e. continu2lly on my li8.; 'ov. 0 $e %lad in the &ord and re7oi,e8 yo! ri%hteo!sD and sho!t for 7oy8 all yo! !pri%ht in heart/ Psalm 332;; $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m /illed to o0er/lo6in3 6it5 3l2dne.. in you; I=m 3l2d 1ec2u.e my 65ole li/e i. in your 52nd.7 I c2n=t .to8 re>oicin3 1ec2u.e you 520e m2de me ri35teou. t5rou35 your 3loriou.; You 520e m2de me 1!"

u8ri35t 1ec2u.e your .tren3t5 i. 2 ne0erA/2il in .u88ort; I c2n=t :ee8 .ilent 1ec2u.e i/ I did t5e 0ery roc:. 6ould cry out4 1ut I don=t 62nt to :ee8 .ilent4 /or my 5e2rt tell. me to .5out /or >oy; F2t5er4 I 520e to .in3 2nd .5out /or >oy 1ec2u.e you=0e not only 3i0en me 2 6onder/ul d2y tod2y 1ut you=0e 3i0en me 2 6onder/ul /uture to loo: /or62rd to in t5i. li/e 2nd t5e neDt ? you=0e 3i0en me 2 6onder/ul /ore0er7 'ov. 3 &et my mo!th 9e filled with Io!r praise and with Io!r %lory all the day5 Psalm >;28 My mout5 decl2re. your 8r2i.e.4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e in 2ll 62y. you 2re 6ort5y o/ our 8r2i.e; I 5onor 2nd re>oice in your n2me; F2t5er4 I re2lly 62nt to t52n: you t52t my mout5 doe.n=t 520e to 1e /illed 6it5 moc:ery 2nd .corn4 6it5 contem8t 2nd com8l2int.4 6it5 deceit 2nd 2ccu.2tion ? t5e /ilt5 o/ t5e 6orld ? 1ec2u.e I=m .o /illed 6it5 >oy in 8r2i.in3 you 2nd your 3oodne.. t52t t5e 6orld=. con0er.2tion 521it. don=t intere.t me in t5e .li35te.t7 I 8r2i.e 2nd 5onor you 1ec2u.e in 2ll t5e 1le..in3. you 1rin3 to me 2nd to my /2mily ? lo0e4 >oy4 8e2ce4 5e2lt5 2nd 8ro.8erity ? t5e 3lory 1elon3. to you4 F2t5er7 I 5onor you 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 ri35teou. 2nd lo0in3 $od4 t5e /ount2in5e2d o/ 2ll 1le..in3.7 'ov. 1 ?t is %ood to %ive than+s to the &ord8 and to sin% praises to Io!r name8 = .ost (i%h5 Psalm 132; He20enly F2t5er4 I re>oice 2nd 3i0e t52n:. to you 1ec2u.e you /ill my li/e 6it5 .o m2ny 3ood t5in3. t52t I o0er/lo6 6it5 /eelin3. o/ t52n:/ulne..7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 2nd I t5orou35ly en>oy t5e 21und2nce o/ 1le..in3. you 1,#

1rin3 to me 1ec2u.e o/ 65o you 2re; Ho6 c2n I not 1e t52n:/ul /or e2c5 1ite o/ /ood 65en I lo0e t5e Pro0ider 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt< It i. 3ood to 3i0e t52n:. to you 2nd .in3 your 8r2i.e. Bec2u.e it 8le2.e. you 2nd 1ec2u.e it li/t. u8 our 5e2rt. to you7 By t52n:in3 you4 I .end you my lo0e7 By .in3in3 your 8r2i.e.4 I .end you my lo0e7 &52n: you /or t5e >oy you 8ut in my 5e2rt e0en /rom t52n:in3 you; 'ov. 2 .a+e a 7oyf!l sho!t to the &ord8 all yo! lands/ )erve the &ord with %ladnessD ,ome 9efore (is presen,e with sin%in%5 Know that the &ord8 (e is 'odD it is (e who has made !s8 and not we o!rselvesD we are (is people and the sheep of (is past!re5 -nter into (is %ates with than+s%ivin%8 and into (is ,o!rts with praise5 $e than+f!l to (im8 and 9less (is name5 Psalm ;==2;< F2t5er4 I=m m2:in3 2 >oy/ul noi.e 1ec2u.e I only 62nt to t2l: 21out you 2nd to cele1r2te your Pre.ence in my li/e 6it5 8r2i.e 2nd t52n:.3i0in37 I .er0e you 3l2dly 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt 2nd mind4 1ody 2nd .oul4 2nd I c2n=t .t2nd in your Pre.ence 6it5out .in3in3 1ec2u.e you 520e m2de me .o 3l2d to 1e your c5ild; I 8r2i.e you t52t 6e c2n enter your 32te. 6it5 t52n:. 3i0in3 2nd I t52n: you t52t 6e c2n enter your court. 6it5 8r2i.e7 I 1le.. 2nd 8r2i.e you4 5e20enly F2t5er7 'ov. 3 ? will praise Io!8 = &ord my 'od8 with all my heart8 and ? will %lorify Io!r name forevermore5 Ps5 8#2;3 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 6it5 2ll o/ my 5e2rt 2nd 2ll o/ my 0ery 1ein3; I t52n: 2nd 8r2i.e you4 1,1

1ec2u.e you m2de 8ro0i.ion /or /or3i0ene.. o/ my .in.4 you .20ed me /rom 2 li/e o/ etern2l d2mn2tion t5rou35 t5e .2cri/ice o/ your 1elo0ed %on4 2nd you re.cued me out o/ t5e miry cl2y to .et my /eet on .olid roc:7 $lory4 F2t5er4 I=m 1le..ed to .in3 your 8r2i.e. 1ec2u.e t5ere i. .o muc5 /or 65ic5 to 8r2i.e you; I lo0e you 2nd 8r2i.e you 6it5 e0ery /i1er o/ my 1ein3 2nd I 6ill 3lori/y 2nd li/t u8 your 5oly n2me /ore0er; 'ov. 4 ; will sin% to the &ord as lon% as ? liveD ? will sin% praise to my 'od while ? have my 9ein%5 Ps5 ;=<233 F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or t5e 8ri0ile3e o/ .in3in3 to you 2. lon3 2. I li0e7 %in3in3 to you i. .8eci2l to me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e e2c5 .on3 i. 2n eD8re..ion o/ t52n:/ulne.. t52t re2c5e. dee8 in.ide me to 8re.ent 2n o//erin3 o/ >oy 1eyond 6ord.7 95en I 8r2i.e you in .on34 I /eel 2. t5ou35 you 2re touc5in3 me 2. I .in34 2. t5ou35 you 2re li/tin3 me u8 to you on t5e 6in3. o/ t52t .on37 He20enly F2t5er4 I t52n: you /or li.ten in to my .on3. 1ec2u.e t5ey 2l62y. m2:e me /eel e.8eci2lly clo.e to you7 A. lon3 2. t5ere i. 1re2t5 le/t in my 1ody4 I 6ill .in3 8r2i.e. to you; 'ov. 5 &et the heavens re7oi,e8 and let the earth 9e %ladD and let them say amon% the nations8 FThe &ord rei%ns5 ? Chroni,les ;#23; $lory4 F2t5er4 t5e 5e20en. 2re 3l2d4 t5e e2rt5 re>oice.4 2nd I=m .2yin3 o0er 2nd o0er4 &HE )R- REI$N%4 &HE )R- REI$N%4 &HE )R- REI$N%; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e 62y my .8irit le28. 6it5in me 65en I .2y t5e.e 6onder/ul 6ord.4 &HE )R- REI$N%; I 8r2i.e 1,2

you /or e0en 8uttin3 into my 5e2rt 2nd mout5 t5e.e 6ord. t52t m2:e my .oul .in3I &HE )RREI$N%; You 2re t5e Cre2tor 2nd t5e ord o/ 2ll cre2tion4 2nd I re>oice 6it5 t5e e2rt5 2nd >oin in 5e20en=. 3l2dne..4 1ec2u.e you 2re my ord 2nd you rule o0er my li/e 2. 6ell 2. e0eryt5in3 el.e ? 0i.i1le 2nd in0i.i1le; F2t5er4 I=m o0er65elmed 6it5 t52n:/ulne..4 1ec2u.e e0en t5ou35 you 520e .o muc5 to c2re /or4 you t2:e 6onder/ul c2re o/ me; 'ov. 6 Therefore 9y (im let !s ,ontin!ally offer the sa,rifi,e of praise to 'od8 that is8 the fr!it of o!r lips8 %ivin% than+s to (is name5 (e9rews ;32;" F2t5er4 I o//er t5e .2cri/ice o/ 8r2i.e to you continu2lly4 e0en t5ou35 it=. no .2cri/ice to 8r2i.e you4 1ut 2 6onder/ul 8ri0ile3e7 It 3i0e. me >oy to 8r2i.e you continu2lly 1ec2u.e you 1le.. me continu2lly7 You e0en 1le.. me 1y t5e li/t you 3i0e me 65ile I=m 8r2i.in3 you; F2t5er4 t5e /ruit o/ my li8. i. 2l62y. 3ood /ruit in 3i0in3 t52n:. to your n2me 2nd 8r2i.in3 you /or >u.t 1ein3 65o you 2re7 et t5e /ruit o/ my li8. .end out t5e /ruit o/ your %8iritI lo0e4 >oy4 8e2ce4 lon3.u//erin34 3entlene..4 3oodne..4 /2it54 mee:ne.. 2nd tem8er2nce7 F2t5er4 you 2re t5e $od o/ 3lory4 2nd I lo0e to 8r2i.e you; 'ov. 17 Then ? will praise 'od with my sin%in%/ .y than+s will 9e his praise J that will please him more than sa,rifi,in% a 9!llo,+ or an o65 The h!m9le shall see their 'od at wor+ for them5 No wonder they will 9e so %lad/ All who see+ for 'od shall live in 7oy5 For ehovah hears the ,ries of his needy ones8 and does not loo+ the 1,(

other way5 Praise him8 all heaven and earth/ Praise him8 all the seas and everythin% in them/ Psalm #123=@3< T&$ I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 65ile I=m .in3in37 I t52n: you /or 2ll t5e 3ood t5in3. in li/e7 I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you /or my /2mily4 /or my 5e2lt54 my li/e4 2nd mo.t im8ort2nt o/ 2ll4 /or my .2l02tion7 F2t5er4 I >oin my 0oice 6it5 2ll t5e t5in3. in 5e20en 2nd e2rt5 2nd 8r2i.e you7 My 0oice i. not 2. loud or .tron3 2. t5e .e24 1ut I 8r2i.e you 6it5 2ll my mi35t; 'ov. 11 &et everyone 9less 'od and sin% his praises8 for he holds o!r lives in his hands5 And he holds o!r feet to the path5 Psalm ##2881 T&$ He20enly F2t5er4 6e 1le.. you 2nd 6e .in34 .in34 .in3 your 8r2i.e.; Ju.t 2. you 5old 2ll Cre2tion in your 52nd.4 you 5old our li0e. ri35t in t5e 5ollo6 o/ your 52nd. ? 2nd I 1le.. 2nd t52n: you /or t52t4 1ec2u.e in your 52nd. 6e 520e e0eryt5in3 ? 1re2t54 li/e4 2nd our 0ery 1ein37 I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 /or .20in34 3uidin34 te2c5in3 2nd nouri.5in3 me7 You=0e 3i0en me not >u.t li/e4 1ut 2ll t5e trimmin3. 6it5 it4 2nd it=. 2 6onder/ul li/e 1ec2u.e you con.t2ntly .5o6 me 5o6 you 62nt me to li0e 2nd 652t you 62nt me to do7 You li35t t5e 82t5 in /ront o/ me4 you 5old my /eet on t52t 82t5 2nd you 3u2rd me /rom .tum1lin37 F2t5er4 I 1le.. you /or t5i.; 'ov. 10 From the risin% of the s!n to its %oin% down the &ordHs name is to 9e praised5 Psalm ;;323 It=. e2rly in t5e mornin34 F2t5er4 2nd I=m 8r2i.in3 you 1e/ore I e0en 3et out o/ 1ed7 I 8r2i.e 1,4

you 1ec2u.e I 520e 2 62rm 1ed to .lee8 in 2nd 2 roo/ o0er my 5e2d7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e t5e .un ri.e. e2c5 d2y on your 1e2uti/ul cre2tion 2nd 1ec2u.e t5e 1ri35t /lo6er.4 3r2.. 2nd lo/ty tree. te.ti/y to your 3lory7 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e .un.5ine4 /or t5e r2in4 /or t5e .e2.on. 2nd /or t5e /ood you 8ut in my mout57 I 8r2i.e you /or 2ll t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. you 3i0e me to do e2c5 d2y 2nd /or o88ortunitie. to tell 8eo8le 21out you7 My li8. 2re 3oin3 to 8r2i.e you t5i. 65ole d2y lon3 until t5e .un 3oe. do6n4 2nd t5en ord4 I=m 3oin3 to :ee8 8r2i.in3 your n2me7 H2llelu>25; 'ov. 13 5 5 5 $elieve in the &ord yo!r 'od8 and yo! shall 9e esta9lishedD 9elieve (is prophets8 and yo! shall prosper5 And when he had ,ons!lted with the people8 he appointed those who sho!ld sin% to the &ord8 and who sho!ld praise the 9ea!ty of holiness8 as they went o!t 9efore the army and were sayin%2 FPraise the &ord8 for (is mer,y end!res forever5 F Now when they 9e%an to sin% and to praise8 the &ord set am9!shes a%ainst the people of Ammon8 .oa98 and .o!nt )eir8 who had ,ome a%ainst !dahD and they were defeated5 ?? Chroni,les 3=23=@33 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m e.t21li.5ed 2nd 2m 8ro.8erin37 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e /2nt2.tic 8o6er t52t t5ere i. in 8r2i.e7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 65en t5e enemie. c2me 2/ter your c5ildren4 t5e 0ery moment t5ey 1e32n to .in3 2nd 8r2i.e4 you c2u.ed t5e ot5er 2rmie. to 1e3in /i35tin3 2mon3 t5em.el0e.4 2nd t5ey 6ere de.troyed; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t 1ec2u.e I 2m your c5ild4 I=m on t5e 6innin3 .ide 2t 2ll time.; H2llelu>25; 1,*

'ov. 11 For ? will po!r water on him who is thirsty8 and floods on the dry %ro!ndD ? will po!r .y )pirit on yo!r des,endants8 and .y 9lessin% on yo!r offsprin%5 ?saiah <<23 Pour it on me4 ord4 1ec2u.e I=m t5ir.ty; I 8r2i.e you t52t you don=t 3i0e me 2 tiny little .tr26 to .i8 62ter 65en I=m t5ir.ty4 1ut you 8our it 2ll o0er me7 I t52n: you t52t t5ere i. .o muc5 t52t it e0en 8our. o// o/ me 2nd /lood. t5e dry 3round7 &52n: you t52t t5ere i. not only enou35 /or me4 1ut 2l.o /or my o//.8rin37 I t52n: you t52t my c5ildren 2nd t5eir c5ildren 2re .8l2.5in3 in t5e o0er/lo6 t52t you=0e 3i0en to me7 I 6ill 1le.. you 2t 2ll time.4 2nd your 8r2i.e .52ll continu2lly 1e in my mout5; 'ov. 12 And when the tr!mpeters and sin%ers were in !nison8 ma+in% one so!nd to 9e heard in praisin% and than+in% the &ord8 and when they lifted !p their voi,e with the tr!mpets and ,ym9als and other instr!ments for son%8 and praised the &ord8 sayin%8 FFor (e is %ood8 for (is mer,y and lovin%@+indness end!re for ever8H then the ho!se of the &ord was filled with a ,lo!d8 so that the priests ,o!ld not stand to minister 9e,a!se of the ,lo!dD for the %lory of the &ord filled the ho!se of 'od5 ?? Chroni,les "2;38;< Amp5 Your 3lory .urround. 8r2i.e; I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e t5e minute 6e 1e3in to 8r2i.e 2nd 1le.. you4 your 3lory /ill. t5e tem8le to .uc5 2n eDtent t52t 2t time. 6e c2n=t e0en .t2nd on our /eet7 Ble.. you4 F2t5er4 t52t you don=t re.er0e 2ll t5e 3ood t5in3. /or 5e20en4 1ut you e0en let u. 520e 1,'

.ome o/ your 3lory do6n 5ere; Ble.. you /or 8o6er 2nd m2>e.ty 2nd 3lory .o .tron3 t52t I c2n=t e0en .t2nd u8; 'ov. 13 5 5 5yo!r love and +indness are 9etter to me than We itself5 (ow ? praise yo!/ ? will 9less yo! as lon% as ? live8 liftin% !p my hands to yo! in prayer5 At last ? shall 9e f!lly satisfiedD ? will praise yo! with %reat 7oy5 Psalm #3238< T&$ F2t5er4 I .e2rc5 /or you 2nd my .oul t5ir.t. /or you4 I re>oice in you4 my $od4 1ec2u.e t5rou35 t5e ni35t you 8rotect me in t5e .52do6 o/ your 6in3.7 My 8rotection 2nd .ucce.. come /rom you 2lone7 No enemy c2n re2c5 me 1ec2u.e o/ your lo0e 2nd :indne..7 &52n: you /or le2din3 me to t5e mi35ty4 to6erin3 roc: o/ .2/ety7 I .52ll /ore0er li0e in your t21ern2cle in t5e .5elter o/ your 6in3.7 &52n: you /or 2ll t5e 1le..in3. you re.er0e /or t5o.e 65o c2ll on your n2me; 'ov. 14 Oh8 %ive than+s to the &ord/ Call !pon (is nameD ma+e +nown (is deeds amon% the peoples5 )in% to (im8 sin% psalms to (imD tal+ of all (is wondro!s wor+s5 'lory in (is holy nameD let the hearts of those re7oi,e who see+ the &ord5 )ee+ the &ord and (is stren%thD see+ (is fa,e evermore5 :emem9er (is marvelo!s wor+s whi,h (e has done8 (is wonders8 and the 7!d%ments of (is mo!th5 Psalm ;="2; @" F2t5er4 I .in3 8r2i.e. to you7 I t2l: o/ 2ll your deed. 2nd de0outly 2nd e2rne.tly m2:e t5em :no6n7 F2t5er4 my 5e2rt re>oice. 1ec2u.e I .ee: you 2. my indi.8en.21le nece..ity7 I t52n: you t52t you 2re 2l62y. t5ere7 F2t5er4 I .52ll .ee: 1,!

your /2ce 2ll t5e d2y. o/ my li/e 2nd 6ill remem1er 2ll t5e 6onder/ul 2nd eDcitin3 deed. you 520e done7 H2llelu>25; 'ov. 15 Oh ,ome8 let !s sin% to the &ord/ &et !s sho!t 7oyf!lly to the :o,+ of o!r salvation5 &et !s ,ome 9efore (is presen,e with than+s%ivin%D let !s sho!t 7oyf!lly to (im with psalms5 For the &ord is the %reat 'od8 and the %reat Kin% a9ove all %ods5 Psalm 1"2;@3 9e 8r2i.e you4 3loriou. F2t5er4 2nd .in3 .on3. 1e/ore you 2nd m2:e 2 >oy/ul noi.e to you 1ec2u.e you 2re t5e Roc: o/ our .2l02tion4 2nd our 5e2rt. >u.t 62nt to 3lori/y you; I m2:e >oy/ul noi.e. to you4 F2t5er4 6it5 t52n:.3i0in3 in my 5e2rt 2nd I enter 1e/ore your 8re.ence 6it5 t52n:.3i0in3 2nd .on3. o/ 8r2i.e4 1ec2u.e you do .o muc5 /or me t52t I >u.t 62nt to re>oice 2nd cele1r2te 1e/ore you; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 3re2t $od4 2nd 2 3re2t Hin3 21o0e 2ll 3od.4 2nd you 2re MY $)-; 'ov. 16 Tea,h me Io!r way8 = &ordD ? will wal+ in Io!r tr!thD !nite my heart to fear Io!r name5 ? will praise Io!8 = &ord my 'od8 with all my heart8 and ? will %lorify Io!r name forevermore5 For %reat is Io!r mer,y toward me8 and Io! have delivered my so!l from the depths of )heol5 Psalm 8#2;;@;3 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or te2c5in3 me your 62y. .o I c2n 20oid t5e dece8tion. o/ t5e de0il4 2nd 62l: in t5e trut57 &ell me 652t to do 2nd I 6ill do it7 &ell me 65ere you 62nt me to 3o 2nd I 1,,

6ill 3o t5ere7 E0ery /i1er o/ my 1ein3 unite. in re0erence 2nd 8r2i.e to your n2me7 9it5 e0ery .in3le 1it o/ my 5e2rt I 8r2i.e you 2nd 3i0e 3lory to you 1ec2u.e you 2re .o :ind to me 2nd 520e re.cued me /rom dee8e.t 5ell; F2t5er4 5o6 could I 5el8 1ut 8r2i.e you con.t2ntly< 'ov. 07 $!t let the ri%hteo!s 9e %ladD let them re7oi,e 9efore 'odD yes8 let them re7oi,e e6,eedin%ly5 )in% to 'od8 sin% praises to (is nameD e6tol (im who rides on the ,lo!ds8 9y (is name IA(8 and re7oi,e 9efore (im5 Psalm #8238< He20enly F2t5er4 I 2m uncom8romi.in3ly ri35teou. 1ec2u.e o/ your 8o6er4 2nd I=m 3l2d o/ it7 My .8irit i. 5i354 2nd I >u1il2ntly re>oice 1ec2u.e I 6or.5i84 /ollo6 2nd o1ey t5e $od o/ 3lory 2nd; F2t5er4 >u.t 8r2i.in3 you m2:e. my entire .8irit 2nd .oul /eel merry7 My mout5 i. /illed 6it5 your 8r2i.e 2nd your 5onor 2ll d2y lon34 /or you 2re t5e ord o/ cre2tion4 t5e 3re2t $od o0er t5e 5e20en.7 I .in3 your 8r2i.e. 1ec2u.e my ton3ue c2n=t :ee8 .till in my mout54 I lo0e you .o muc57 F2t5er4 I re>oice 1e/ore you ? Je5o025 i. your n2me; 'ov. 01 Oh8 ,lap yo!r hands8 all yo! peoples/ )ho!t to 'od with the voi,e of tri!mph/ For the &ord .ost (i%h is awesomeD (e is a %reat Kin% over all the earth5 Psalm <>2;83 F2t5er4 6e cl284 cl284 cl28 our 52nd. 2nd re>oice 6it5 2ll our 5e2rt. 2nd 2ll our mind. 2. 6e .5out trium852nt 8r2i.e. to you4 /or you 2re t5e ord 21o0e 2ll lord.4 t5e $od 21o0e 2ll 3od.4 2nd you 2re 26e.ome 1eyond 6ord.7 &5e n2tion. ri.e 2nd /2ll 2t your comm2nd4 2nd 2ll t5e 8re.ident.4 1,"

:in3.4 8remier. 2nd ot5er 6orld le2der. 520e t5eir 8o6er only 1ec2u.e you 2llo6 it7 Hin3. 2nd :in3dom. come 2nd 3o4 1ut your rei3n i. /ore0er4 5e20enly F2t5er7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e your 8o6er i. eDerci.ed in 2nd lo0e to62rd 2ll your 8eo8le7 F2t5er4 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you 2nd .5out 8r2i.e. to you 2t t5e to8 o/ my lun3. 1ec2u.e o/ 65o you 2re; $lory; 'ov. 00 Oh8 praise the &ord8 for he has listened to my pleadin%s/ (e is my stren%th8 my shield from every dan%er5 ? tr!sted in him8 and he helped me5 oy rises in my heart !ntil ? 9!rst o!t in son%s of praise to him5 The &ord prote,ts his people and %ives vi,tory to his anointed +in%5 Psalm 382#@8 T&$ I 1le.. you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you 5e2r me 65ene0er I cry out to you /or 5el87 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 2re my entire .tren3t5 in time o/ need4 my im8enetr21le .5ield in time o/ d2n3er7 You 2re 6it5 me 2l62y.4 2nd I /e2r no e0il4 not e0en t5e de0il 5im.el/; My 5e2rt >u.t rel2De.4 my ten.ion. di.288e2r4 1ec2u.e I tru.t4 rely on 2nd con/idently le2n on you4 2nd4 F2t5er4 you ne0er let me do6n7 Bec2u.e I 2m 0ictoriou. in you4 my 5e2rt i. /illed 6it5 >oy4 2nd I .in3 your 8r2i.e.; 'ov. 03 ; will de,lare Io!r name to .y 9rethrenD in the midst of the ,on%re%ation ? will praise Io!5 Psalm 33233 I=ll 3l2dly 8r2i.e you 2nd t2l: 21out you to my rel2ti0e.4 F2t5er4 2nd you=ll 1e t5ere to .o/ten t5eir 5e2rt. 2nd o8en t5eir e2r.4 1ec2u.e I c2n=t 52ndle .ome o/ t52t .tu11ornne.. o/ t5eir. 6it5out your 5el87 %till4 I=ll 8r2i.e you ? 1ec2u.e 1"#

65en t5ey come to :no6 you 2. I :no6 you4 F2t5er4 t5ey=ll 62nt to 8r2i.e you too; I 6ill e0en .t2nd u8 in /ront o/ t5e con3re32tion4 F2t5er4 2nd tell 21out 2ll t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. you 520e done7 I 6ill 8u1licly .t2te 2ll my 0o6. to you in t5e 8re.ence o/ t5o.e 65o lo0e you 2nd 6or.5i8 you4 2nd I=ll 8r2i.e you in t5e mid.t o/ t5em7 My 5e2rt re>oice. 6it5 e0erl2.tin3 >oy4 2nd I 6or.5i8 you7 'ov. 01 555then ea,h oneHs praise will ,ome from 'od5 ; Corinthians <2" $lory4 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t on t5e 0ery .8eci2l d2y 65en 6e .t2nd 1e/ore you in >ud3ment4 you 6ill eD2mine u. e0en to t5e mo.t .ecret 8l2ce. o/ our 5e2rt.4 t5en t5e 8r2i.e 6ill 1e turned 2round 2nd Y)U 9I $I+E &) U% PRAI%E AN- C)MMEN-A&I)N /or t5e t5in3. 6e 520e done on e2rt5; F2t5er4 I 2l62y. t5ou35t on t52t d2y I 6ould 520e 2n o88ortunity to t52n: you in 8er.on /or 2ll t5e 6onder/ul t5in3. you did /or me do6n 5ere on t5i. e2rt5; I t5ou35t I=d 1e 21le to t52n: you /2ce to /2ce /or .20in3 me4 1ut your 9ord .2y. you=re 3oin3 to t52n: ME; I don=t :no6 5o6 t52t c2n 1e4 ord4 1ut I re>oice 2t t5e t5ou35t o/ t52t 6onder/ul d2y to come; I=m 3oin3 to do more /or you t52n e0er 1e/ore4 .o I=ll 520e lot. o/ time to .8end li.tenin3 to you on t52t 3re2t d2y; &52t re2lly turn. me on4 F2t5er; 'ov. 02 ?n 'od ? have p!t my tr!st8 ? will not 9e afraid5 What ,an man do to meG Kows made to Io! are 9indin% !pon me8 = 'odD ? will render praises to Io!5 Psalm "#2;;8;3 1"1

F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 2nd t52n: you 1ec2u.e my tru.t i. entirely in you 2nd not in my o6n .tren3t54 /or 6it5 you 2. my /ortre.. I=m not 3oin3 to /e2r 652t 2ny m2n c2n do to me7 Critici.m 2nd ridicule c2n=t 52rm me4 /or I 2m .5ielded 1y your trut57 Enemie. c2n=t touc5 me4 /or you con/ound 2nd con/u.e t5em4 2nd t5ey 2re de/e2ted 1y your .tren3t57 I re>oice t52t 0o6. m2de to you 2re 1indin3 u8on me4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e in your .tren3t5 2nd 8o6er 2nd /2it5/ulne..4 my 0ictory i. 2..ured in 2ll circum.t2nce.; Bec2u.e I tru.t you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 you=0e m2de me 2 6inner4 F2t5er4 2nd I .in3 your 8r2i.e.; 'ov. 03 'ive !nto the &ord8 = yo! mi%hty ones8 %ive !nto the &ord %lory and stren%th5 'ive !nto the &ord the %lory d!e to (is nameD worship the &ord in the 9ea!ty of holiness5 Psalm 312;83 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I c2n come 1e/ore you 6it5 8r2i.e4 3i0in3 you t5e 3lory 2nd .tren3t5 you de.er0e /or 2ll you 520e done 2nd 2re doin3 /or your 8eo8le7 I 3lori/y you4 F2t5er4 /or 82..in3 on to me t5e in5erit2nce o/ A1r252m7 I 3lori/y you /or 3i0in3 u. your 9ord4 .o t52t 6e c2n /ind in.truction 2nd under.t2ndin37 I 3lori/y you /or my .2l02tion 2nd t5e 1le..in3. t52t 3o 6it5 it7 You 2re 2 mi35ty $od4 # F2t5er4 2nd you de.er0e 2ll 3lory; I re>oice to 6or.5i8 you in t5e 1e2uty o/ 5oline..; 'ov. 04 Oh8 sin% o!t yo!r praises to the 'od who lives in er!salem5 Tell the world a9o!t his !nfor%etta9le deeds55 5(e does not i%nore the prayers of men in tro!9le when they ,all to him 1"2

for help5 Ps5 12;;@;3 T&$ I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 2nd .in3 your 8r2i.e. 2round t5e 6orld; My ton3ue >u.t 6on=t :ee8 .till4 1ut 1re2:. out in .on3. o/ 8r2i.e4 1ec2u.e you 2l62y. 5e2r u. 65en 6e c2ll to you4 no m2tter 652t :ind o/ trou1le 6e 2re in7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 /or your lo0e 2nd 8o6er4 1ec2u.e your deed. in 1e52l/ o/ your 8eo8le include m2ny mir2cle.4 .i3n. 2nd 6onder.4 2nd I 6ill tell t5e 6orld 21out t5em .o t52t your n2me i. 3lori/ied 2mon3 2ll t5e 8eo8le o/ t5e e2rt5; And 5o6 I 1le.. you /or not i3norin3 my 8r2yer. 65en I=m in trou1le 2nd yellin3 /or 5el8; 'ov. 05 ; will love Io!8 = &ord8 my stren%th5 The &ord is my ro,+ and my fortress and my delivererD my 'od8 my stren%th8 in whom ? will tr!stD my shield and the horn of my salvation8 my stron%hold5 ; will ,all !pon the &ord8 who is worthy to 9e praisedD so shall ? 9e saved from my enemies5 Psalm ;82;@3 Ho6 I lo0e you4 5e20enly F2t5er4 1ec2u.e o/ 2ll t5e tremendou. t5in3. you 520e done /or me7 I 8r2i.e you 1ec2u.e you 8ro0ide 2ll t52t I need /or my li/e7 You 2re MY roc:4 /or I .t2nd on t5e trut5 o/ your 9ord7 You 2re MY /ortre..4 /or I 2m .2/e in you7 You 2re MY .tren3t54 /or I 2m 0ictoriou. in you7 You 2re MY 5i35 to6er4 /or I 520e 6i.dom in you7 You 2re MY deli0erer4 MY .2l02tion 2nd MY $od4 /or 6it5out you ; 6ould 1e lo.t in .in 2nd d2r:ne..7 I 8r2i.e you F2t5er4 /or li/tin3 me into your m2r0elou. li35t; 'ov. 06 &et them praise (is name with the dan,eD let them sin% praises to (im with the tim9re/ and 1"(

harp5 Psalm ;<123 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you 6it5 my d2ncin37 I 8r2i.e you /or cre2tin3 d2ncin3 2. 2 /orm o/ 6or.5i8 to you4 2nd >u.t 1ec2u.e t5e de0il 3ot into d2ncin3 doe.n=t me2n I .5ouldn=t 6or.5i8 you in t5e d2nce7 I t52n: you /or re0e2lin3 t5e de0il 2. 2 decei0er 65o 62nt. to 5urt 2nd limit ri35teou. 6or.5i8 2ny 62y 5e c2n7 %ometime.4 F2t5er4 I 3et .o /illed 6it5 re>oicin3 in you 2nd your mu.ic4 I >u.t 520e to cl28 my 52nd. 2nd mo0e my /eet; I .in3 your 8r2i.e. 65ile I d2nce4 2nd I=d 8l2y 2 t2m1ourine or 2 52r8 i/ I could4 >u.t to 8r2i.e you e0en more 2nd 3lori/y your n2me; 'ov. 37 Praise (im with the tim9rel and dan,eD praise (im with strin%ed instr!ments and fl!tes/ Praise (im with lo!d ,ym9alsD praise (im with hi%h so!ndin% ,ym9als/ &et everythin% that has 9reath praise the &ord5 Psalm ;"=2<@# I 8r2i.e you4 3loriou. F2t5er4 6it5 e0eryt5in3 I 520e t52t m2:e. noi.e 1ec2u.e your 9ord tell. me to m2:e 2 >oy/ul noi.e to you7 F2t5er4 I cl28 my 52nd. 2nd .in3 2nd .t2m8 my /eet4 >u.t 1ec2u.e I 62nt to 8ut e0eryt5in3 I=0e 3ot into 6or.5i88in3 2nd 8r2i.in3 you; I c2n=t 8l2y 2 tim1rel or 3uit2r or or32n4 1ut I c2n 12n3 t6o o/ my :itc5en 82n lid. to3et5er to .ound li:e cym12l.; F2t5er4 1ec2u.e I 520e 1re2t5 in me4 I 8r2i.e you4 8r2i.e you4 8r2i.e you; A. lon3 2. I 520e 1re2t54 I=ll continue to 8r2i.e you; &52n: you /or 2not5er 6onder/ul mont5;


D#c#'(#r SAL%ATION
A. 6e 6rote t5e con/e..ion. /or -ecem1er4 t5ey .eemed to /lo6 e2.ier t52n 2ny 6e=0e e0er 6ritten7 NM2y1e it 62. 1ec2u.e 6e=0e 6ritten t5em /or t6el0e .olid mont5.; NM2y1e it 62. 1ec2u.e 6e /elt 2 .8eci2l 2nointin3 2. 6e 6rote t5em7 NM2y1e it 62. 1ec2u.e 6e 520e 2 .8eci2l lo0e in our 5e2rt. /or you7 NM2y1e it 62. 1ec2u.e .2l02tion i. 65ere it 2ll .t2rt.7 9e 8r2y 2. you con/e.. t5em 6it5 u. t52t your .2l02tion 6ill 1ecome more re2l 2nd 8er.on2l to you t52n it e0er 52. 1een 1e/ore7 9e :no6 our.el0e. t52t 2. 6e 6rote t5e.e con/e..ion.4 6e once 232in 1ec2me 8o6er/ully 262re o/ t5e .2cri/ice o/ Je.u. in our 1e52l/7 &ec. 1 $!t as many as re,eived (im8 to them (e %ave the ri%ht to 9e,ome ,hildren of 'od8 even to those who 9elieve in (is name5 ohn ;2;3 I recei0ed Je.u.4 2nd you recei0ed me; F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you t52t 1ec2u.e I 2cce8ted Je.u. 2. my %20ior 2nd ord4 you 320e me t5e ri35t4 8ri0ile3e 2nd 8o6er to 1ecome your c5ild7 &52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I 1elie0e on Hi. n2me I 2m re.tored to t5e /ullne.. o/ your lo0e 65ic5 i. muc5 3re2ter t52n e0en t5e lo0e 6e 520e /or our o6n c5ildren7 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you t52t t5e 32te. o/ 5e20en 520e 1een o8ened to me 1ec2u.e you .ent your 0ery o6n %on to c2ll me to my etern2l in5erit2nce o/ e0erl2.tin3 li/e; I lo0e you 2nd 6or.5i8 you 1ec2u.e you don=t c2re 652t I u.ed 1"*

to 1e4 you only .ee me /or 652t I 2m tod2y4 Y)UR CHI -; H2llelu>254 F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you /or t52t 6onder/ul 1le..in3; &ec. 0 5 5 5 !nless one is 9orn a%ain8 he ,annot see the +in%dom of 'od5 ohn 323 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 your %on to tell u. t5e 6onder/ul 62y you 520e 3i0en u. to .ee t5e :in3dom o/ 5e20en7 I=m re>oicin3 1ec2u.e I=0e 1een 1orn 232in o/ t5e %8irit 2nd I 8r2i.e you /or m2:in3 t5e trut5 .o .im8le /or me7 F2t5er4 I lo0e you 1ec2u.e you didn=t .et u8 .ome di//icult 2nd com8lic2ted te.t I 52d to 82.. to 3et into your :in3dom4 you .im8ly .2id I 6ould 520e to 1e 1orn 232in; I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 3ue.. or 6onder 21out t5i. 1ec2u.e you 520e 3i0en me t5e 2n.6er to etern2l li/e in t52t one little .entence .8o:en 1y Je.u.7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or o8enin3 t5e 6indo6. o/ 5e20en to me; &52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I 520e 1een 1orn 232in I c2n 2nd 6ill .ee your Hin3dom; &ec. 3 ? am the way8 the tr!th8 and the We5 No one ,omes to the Father e6,ept thro!%h .e5 ohn ;<2# I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord m2:e. t5e 62y to .2l02tion 2nd etern2l li/e .o cle2r 2nd uncom8romi.in3ly direct7 Je.u. Euite 8l2inly .2id t5ere 62. no ot5er 62y to come to you eDce8t 1y Him7 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I=m not 62.tin3 time .e2rc5in3 2round /or t5e 62y into 5e20en4 1ec2u.e I=0e :noc:ed on t5e door 2nd Je.u. o8ened it /or me; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e trut5 your %on c2me to 1rin3 u. 2nd /or t5e li/e I 520e 1ec2u.e He li0e. in me; I re>oice t52t 1"'

Je.u. i. &HE 62y4 &HE trut5 2nd &HE li/e; &52n: you4 F2t5er; &52n: you4 Je.u.; &ec. 1 555for all have sinned and fall short of the %lory of 'od5 :omans 3233 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your 9ord tell. me A 520e .inned 2nd /2ll .5ort o/ t5e 3lory o/ $od4 1ec2u.e you didn=t le20e 2ny room /or nit8ic:in3 21out 65et5er 2nyone 62. 3ood enou35 to 3et into 5e20en t5e 62y t5ey 6ere7 I 8r2i.e you /or m2:in3 it cle2r t52t t5e l26 c2n=t .20e u.4 t52t 3ood 6or:. c2n=t .20e u.4 t52t not5in3 I do on my o6n c2n .20e me4 1ec2u.e 2ll 520e .inned4 includin3 me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e 3i0en me your 9ord .o t52t I mi35t :no6 652t to do 21out my .in.4 .o I could 1e re.tored to you7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er7 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 t52t A I did to 1e .8iritu2lly 1orn 62. to con/e.. t52t I 52d .inned4 2.: $od to /or3i0e my .in. 2nd 2.: you to come into my li/e4 2nd I di.co0ered I 62. 1orn 232in; &ec. 2 For the wa%es of sin is death8 9!t the %ift of 'od is eternal life in Christ es!s o!r &ord5 :omans #233 He20enly F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you /or t5e mo.t 8reciou. 3i/t on e2rt54 t5e 3i/t o/ .2l02tion; I t52n: you /or .5o6in3 me t52t t5e 623e. o/ .in in my li/e 6ere de2t5 ? de2t5 on t5i. e2rt5 1ec2u.e I didn=t 520e your li/e /lo6in3 in me 2nd de2t5 to come in t5e torment o/ 5ell7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or .endin3 your 6onder/ul .on Je.u. to turn my li/e 2round; &52n: you /or .n2tc5in3 me out o/ t5e de0il=. 52nd. 2nd 3i0in3 me 2 ne6 li/e4 /illed to o0er/lo6in3 6it5 your 1le..in3.; &52n: 1"!

you /or t5e 1e2uti/ul 3i/t o/ etern2l li/e in your 3loriou. :in3dom t5rou35 Je.u.; $lory; &ec. 3 For 'od so loved the world that (e %ave (is only 9e%otten )on8 that whoever 9elieves in (im sho!ld not perish 9!t have everlastin% life5 ohn 32;# I 6or.5i8 2nd 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e you m2de t5e .u8reme .2cri/ice 1y .endin3 your only %on to .5ed Hi. 1lood on t5e cro.. >u.t /or me7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or lo0in3 me .o muc5 t52t you 6ere 6illin3 to let your .on Je.u. die t52t I mi35t 520e etern2l li/e7 I could ne0er /ind it in my 5e2rt to let my .on die /or t5e 6orld4 1ut Y)U -I-4 2nd I c2n=t t52n: you enou35 or 8r2i.e you enou35 /or doin3 t52t7 I re>oice t52t I 1elie0e in your .on Je.u.4 65o 320e Hi. li/e t52t I mi35t die to my .in. 2nd li0e in you4 to your e0erl2.tin3 3lory; I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er; I 8r2i.e you4 Je.u.; &ec. " ?f we ,onfess o!r sins8 (e is faithf!l and 7!st to for%ive !s o!r sins and to ,leanse !s from all !nri%hteo!sness5 ? ohn ;21 F2t5er4 5o6 I lo0e you /or your /2it5/ulne.. to me; 9e 520e 2ll .inned4 2nd 1ec2u.e I 520e /reely 2dmitted 2nd con/e..ed my .in.4 I re>oice in t5e 1le..in3 o/ your /or3i0ene..7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 520e not only /or3i0en me 1ut you 520e cle2n.ed me o/ 2ll 2nd 1uried my .in. in t5e dee8e.t .e24 ne0er to 1e remem1ered 232in; H2llelu>254 F2t5er4 I=m cle2n; I=m 62l:in3 in your li35t 2nd your endle.. lo0e 1ec2u.e I 62nt to .t2y cle2n 2nd 1ec2u.e I lo0e you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt 2nd .oul 2nd mind 1",

2nd .tren3t57 Bec2u.e you 2re /2it5/ul to me4 I=m 1ein3 /2it5/ul to you 2nd I=m 1le..ed 1y t5e >oy o/ li/e I 520e in you; $lory; Ho6 I re>oice t52t you 2l62y. do 652t your 9ord .2y.; &ec. 5 $ehold8 ? stand at the door and +no,+5 ?f anyone hears .y voi,e and opens the door8 ? will ,ome in to him and dine with him8 and he with .e5 :ev5 323= Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 Je.u.4 /or t52t d2y 65en you :noc:ed on t5e door o/ my 5e2rt .o loudly I 52d to o8en it 2nd let you in7 I t52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u. .2id i/ I 5e2rd Hi. 0oice He 6ould come into me 2nd dine 6it5 me7 BECAU%E I HEARHIM4 HE I% &?+IN$ IN MY HEAR& RI$H& N)9; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 520e t5e 6onder/ul 8ri0ile3e o/ dinin3 6it5 Je.u.4 /or I 520e ne0er 1een .o /ully nouri.5ed in my 65ole li/e 2. I 2m no67 I=m 1le..ed 1ec2u.e Je.u. li0e. in me4 I li0e in Him4 2nd t5e ri0er o/ your li0in3 62ter i. /lo6in3 t5rou35 me7 &52n: you4 Je.u.4 /or t5e m2r0elou. t5in3. t52t 5288ened 65en I o8ened t5e door to Y)U; &ec. $ For (e made (im who +new no sin to 9e sin for !s8 that we mi%ht 9e,ome the ri%hteo!sness of 'od in (im5 ?? Corinthians "23; &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t Je.u.4 t5e .inle..4 .8otle.. 8ure 2m1 o/ $od4 62. 6illin3 to t2:e 2ll t5e .in o/ t5e 6orld u8on Hi. .5oulder. t52t I mi35t recei0e your in Him7 Ho6 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 t52t you 6ere 6illin3 to let your %on 3o t5rou35 .uc5 2 terri1le orde2l /or my .2:e7 And 5o6 I lo0e you4 Je.u.4 1ec2u.e it didn=t m2tter to you 5o6 5orri1le my .in 62.4 1""

you 6ere 6illin3 to 1e2r it on your innocent .5oulder. 2nd t2:e it to t5e cro.. /or my .2l02tion7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52n: you4 Je.u.4 /or lo0in3 me more t52n I c2n 8o..i1ly :no6 in t5i. li/e7 I re>oice 2nd 3i0e t52n:. t52t 1ec2u.e I 2m de2d to .in4 I 520e e0erl2.tin3 li/e; &52n: you /or t2:in3 my .in.4 2nd in eDc52n3e /illin3 me u8 6it5 $od=. 3oodne..; I recei0ed t5e 1e.t end o/ t5e 12r32in4 2nd I lo0e you for it; &ec. 17 555that if yo! ,onfess with yo!r mo!th the &ord es!s and 9elieve in yo!r heart that 'od has raised (im from the dead8 yo! will 9e saved5 :omans ;=21 F2t5er4 I con/e..4 I con/e..4 I con/e.. t52t JE%U% CHRI%& I% )R-; I 1elie0e 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 2ll my mind4 2ll my .tren3t5 2nd 2ll my .oul t52t you r2i.ed Him /rom t5e de2d to .5o6 me t5e 62y to e0erl2.tin3 li/e; Bec2u.e Je.u. li0e.4 I li0e; F2t5er4 t5e.e 6ord. 1le.. my ton3ue 2nd li8. 2. I con/e.. t5em4 2nd I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or t5e lo0e t52t /ill. my 5e2rt ri35t t5i. minute7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2n 2 ne6 8er.on in Je.u. C5ri.t4 2nd 1ec2u.e I 520e 1elie0ed4 I AM %A+E-; H2llelu>25; &ec. 11 For whoever ,alls !pon the name of the &ord shall 9e saved5 :omans ;=2;3 JE%U%4 JE%U%4 JE%U%= He20enly F2t5er4 5o6 I lo0e to c2ll u8on t5e 1le..ed n2me o/ Je.u.4 /or I :no6 t52t 1ec2u.e I 520e c2lled u8on t5e n2me o/ your %on4 I 2m .20ed; &52n: you t52t I 2m .20ed /rom d2r:ne.. 2nd c2lled into your m2r0elou. li35t .o t52t I mi35t :no6 t5e trut5 you t52t you 2re i35t4 2nd t5ere i. no d2r:ne.. 2##

in you 2t 2ll; &ec. 10 For the )on of .an has ,ome to see+ and to save that whi,h was lost5 &!+e ;12;= Ho6 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 t52t I didn=t 520e to 6orry 2nd 8onder 21out 5o6 to /ind Je.u. 2nd 3et Hi. 2ttention4 1ec2u.e you lo0e me .o muc5 t52t you .ent Him to /ind me; I 62. 2 lo.t .5ee8 2nd e0en t5ou35 Je.u. 52d m2ny .5ee8 6it5 Him in Hi. /loc:4 I t52n: you t52t He c2me to re.cue me4 8er.on2lly; Je.u. :ne6 eD2ctly 65ere to loo: /or me4 1ec2u.e t5ere 62. no 62y /or me to e.c28e t5e d2r:ne.. 2nd con/u.ion o/ 2ny .in on my o6n7 Bec2u.e I=m /ound 2nd .20ed4 I=m 1le..ed in your lo0e; $lory; I=m li/tin3 my lo0ed one. u8 to you 65o 2re not yet .20ed4 2nd I t52n: you t52t Je.u. 52.n=t .to88ed .ee:in3 2nd .20in3 t5e lo.t4 2nd 1ec2u.e o/ your 8romi.e.4 I re>oice .2/e 2nd .ecure in t5e :no6led3e t52t 2. /or me 2nd my 5ou.e4 6e 6ill 2ll 1e .20ed; &ec. 13 Therefore8 if anyone is in Christ8 he is a new ,reationD old thin%s have passed awayD 9ehold8 all thin%s have 9e,ome new5 ?? Corinthians "2;> F2t5er4 5o6 I 1le.. you t52t I 2m en3r2/ted into Je.u. C5ri.t4 t52t I 2m connected directly into Him4 loc:ed in4 /2.tened4 2tt2c5ed 2nd >oined to Him eD2ctly t5e .2me 62y 2 1r2nc5 i. connected to t5e 0ine4 1ec2u.e I=0e 1een 1orn 232in; I 8r2i.e you t52t I 2m 2 1r2nd ne6 8er.on4 1ec2u.e t5e li/e o/ Je.u. 8ourin3 into my li/e 52. m2de me 2 /re.54 ne6 cre2tion7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t my old mor2l 2nd .8iritu2l condition i. 3one4 3one4 $)NE4 62.5ed 262y 1y t5e 1lood o/ t5e 2m14 1ec2u.e you lo0ed me .o muc57 I 8r2i.e 2#1

you4 F2t5er4 /or 3i0in3 me t5e 1le..in3 o/ ne6 li/e; &ec. 11 For with the heart one 9elieves to ri%hteo!sness8 and with the mo!th ,onfession is made to salvation5 :omans ;=2;= I 1elie0e4 F2t5er4 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt in your .on Je.u.4 2nd I re>oice t52t 1ec2u.e Je.u. li0e. in my 5e2rt4 I 2m m2de ri35teou. t5rou35 Him7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t your i. muc54 muc5 more t52n t5e >u.tice o/ t5i. 6orld4 /or your i. 8er/ect 2nd 6it5out error4 2nd 1ec2u.e you 2re 2 6onder/ul lo0in3 F2t5er 65o c2re. /or me4 you 520e 1rou35t me into your 8er/ect &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or m2:in3 .2l02tion .o .im8le in your 9ord4 65ic5 .2y. t52t i/ I 1elie0e in my 5e2rt 2nd con/e.. 6it5 my mout54 I 2m .20ed7 I t52n: you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or t5i. 1i3 mout5 o/ mine4 F2t5er4 2nd I=m tellin3 t5e 65ole 6orld I=M %A+E-4 I=M %A+E-4 I=M %A+E-; H2llelu>25; &ec. 12 Who %ave 0yielded4 (imself !p Lto atoneM for o!r sins 0and to save and san,tify !s48 in order to res,!e and deliver !s from this present wi,+ed a%e and world order in a,,ordan,e with the will and p!rpose and plan of o!r 'od and Father5 'alatians ;2< Amp5 F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you t52t Je.u. 62. 6illin3 to 3i0e u8 Hi. li/e to .20e 2nd .2ncti/y me 2nd to deli0er me /rom t5e .in o/ t5i. 6orld7 F2t5er4 2. I loo: 2round 2t t5e .in 2nd corru8tion .o r2m82nt in t5e 6orld tod2y4 I re>oice 2nd t52n: you /or li/tin3 me 21o0e 2ll t52t c2rn2l 3reed 2nd de.ire4 .o t52t I c2n 1e 21out your 2#2

1u.ine.. in.te2d o/ t5e 6orld=. 1u.ine..7 It re2lly eDcite. me to :no6 t52t 65en you m2de out my indi0idu2l 8l2n4 you 8ut 2ll t5e 1e2uti/ul 2nd 6onder/ul t5in3. t52t you did in my li/e; I 8r2i.e you /or t52t; &ec. 13 And yo! (e made alive8 who were dead in trespasses and sins8 in whi,h yo! on,e wal+ed a,,ordin% to the ,o!rse of this world8 a,,ordin% to the prin,e of the power of the air8 the spirit who now wor+s in the sons of diso9edien,e5 -phesians 32;83 F2t5er4 5o6 could you 520e e0er lo0ed me 65en I 62. de2d in t5e 3r20ey2rd o/ .in< I 62l:ed in t5o.e 82t5. 521itu2lly4 2nd yet you lo0ed me enou35 to .to8 me /rom /ollo6in3 t5e /2.5ion o/ t5i. 6orld4 under t5e tem8t2tion. 2nd 8ull o/ t5i. 8re.ent d2y4 65en I 62. /ollo6in3 t5e 8rince o/ t5e 8o6er o/ t5e 2ir7 I 62. under t5e 0ery control o/ t5e de0il 5im.el/4 1ut you 3r211ed me ri35t out o/ t5e de0il=. 52nd. 2nd cl2imed me /or your 0ery o6n; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t e0en t5ou35 I 62. once re1elliou. 2nd un1elie0in3 2nd 6ent 232in.t your 8ur8o.e.4 t52t you Euic:ened my .8irit; F2t5er I=ll ne0er 1e 21le to 8r2i.e you enou35; &ec. 14 5559ein% 7!stified freely 9y (is %ra,e thro!%h the redemption that is in Christ es!s8 whom 'od set forth to 9e a propitiation 9y (is 9lood8 thro!%h faith8 to demonstrate (is ri%hteo!sness8 9e,a!se in (is for9earan,e 'od had passed over the sins that were previo!sly ,ommitted5 :omans 323<83" F2t5er4 I /ell .o .5ort o/ 1ein3 2n ide2l 8er.on in your .i35t4 2nd yet you decl2red me not 3uilty; I 2#(

8r2i.e 2nd t52n: you /or your unmerited /20or 2nd mercy 65ic5 you /reely 2nd 320e to me7 I t52n: you /or t5e cle2n.in3 2nd li/eA 3i0in3 .2cri/ice o/ t5e 1lood o/ your %on Je.u. to .20e u. /rom t5e .tro:e o/ your >ud3ment; Ho6 I 1le.. you /or 82..in3 ri35t o0er 2ll t5e t5in3. I did 2nd i3norin3 t5em t5rou35 /or3i0ene.. to 3i0e me etern2l li/e; I .52ll 8r2i.e you /ore0er 2nd /ore0er; &ec. 15 For we are (is wor+manship8 ,reated in Christ es!s for %ood wor+s8 whi,h 'od prepared 9eforehand that we sho!ld wal+ in them5 -phesians 32;= F2t5er4 I cert2inly 62.n=t 2ny credit to you 1e/ore I 62. .20ed4 2nd cert2inly didn=t loo: li:e your 52ndi6or:7 But 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t I 62. cre2te 1y you 2nd 1orn 232in in Je.u. C5ri.t; It re2lly doe.n=t m2tter 652t I loo: li:e to t5e 6orld4 1ec2u.e I=m doin3 t5e >o1 t52t you 520e 2l62y. 8l2nned /or me to do7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 t52t I 2m 62l:in3 in your 62y. 2nd li0in3 t5e 3ood li/e 2ccordin3 to t5e 8l2n you 52d 8ut into e//ect /or me t5e moment I 62. 1orn7 $lory4 F2t5er4 you=0e 3i0en me my o6n .8eci2l 82t5 in li/e; It=. mine4 it=. mine4 it=. mine4 2nd no one el.e c2n 62l: it eDce8t me; H2llelu>25; &ec. 16 And all of !s8 as with !nveiled fa,e8 L9e,a!se weM ,ontin!e to 9ehold 0in the Word of 'od4 as in a mirror the %lory of the &ord8 are ,onstantly 9ein% transfi%!red into (is very own ima%e in ever in,reasin% splendor and from one de%ree of %lory to anotherD 0for this ,omes4 from the &ord 0Who is4 the )pirit5 ?? Cor5 32;8 Amp5 2#4

F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or t5e mir2cle you did in my li/e; I lo0e you /or tr2n./ormin3 my li/e 2. I 1e5old t5e 3lory o/ t5e ord t5rou35 your 9ord4 tr2n./ormin3 2nd tr2n./i3urin3 me e0er more into your 0ery o6n im23e in 62y. t52t I don=t 520e to under.t2nd4 1ut .im8ly 2cce8t7 F2t5er4 I=m 26ed 2nd t52n:/ul t52t you 2re c52n3in3 me into e0er incre2.in3 .8lendor 2nd into incre2.in3 de3ree. o/ 3lory t5rou35 t5e %8irit4 2nd I re>oice 2t t5i. my.tery 1ec2u.e I 2m 1ein3 8re82red to meet you; $lory; &ec. 07 Nor is there salvation in any other8 for there is no other name !nder heaven %iven amon% men 9y whi,h we m!st 9e saved5 A,ts <2;3 I re>oice in you4 F2t5er4 /or you under.t2nd e0eryt5in3 e0en t5ou35 I don=t7 I don=t under.t2nd com8uter.4 I don=t under.t2nd roc:et. 2nd .82ce 0e5icle.4 2nd I don=t under.t2nd 5o6 tele0i.ion 6or:.7 But I do under.t2nd 2nd lo0e t5e .im8licity o/ your 9ord; Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t I don=t 520e to 1e 2 3eniu. to :no6 t52t t5ere i. .2l02tion in no ot5er n2me eDce8t t5e n2me o/ Je.u.4 2nd t5ere i. no ot5er 62y I could 520e 1een .20ed eDce8t t5rou35 t52t 6onder/ul4 m2>e.tic4 8o6er/ul 2nd m23ni/icent n2me o/ Je.u.; H2llelu>25; &ec. 01 And es!s said to them8 F? am the 9read of life5 (e who ,omes to .e shall never h!n%er8 and he who 9elieves in .e shall never thirst5 ohn #23" He20enly F2t5er4 I lo0e 1re2d; I 8r2i.e you t52t I 6ill ne0er 5un3er 232in 1ec2u.e e0ery d2y I /e2.t .8iritu2lly on Je.u. C5ri.t4 t5e Bre2d o/ i/e7 I 8r2i.e you 2nd 6or.5i8 you 1ec2u.e t5ere c2n 2#*

ne0er 1e 2 t5ir.tin3 in my .oul4 1ec2u.e I=m drin:in3 2t t52t /ount2in o/ li0in3 62ter7 &52n: you /or 3i0in3 me true /ood 2nd true drin:4 /or in Je.u. I 2m nouri.5ed to recei0e e0erl2.tin3 li/e 2nd u8li/ted to li0e in t5i. 6orld7 F2t5er4 I lo0e you /or m2:in3 .uc5 6onder/ul 8ro0i.ion. /or me7 &ec. 00 And havin% 9een perfe,ted8 (e 9e,ame the a!thor of eternal salvation to all who o9ey (im5 (e95 "21 I t52n: you 2nd lo0e you4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e Je.u. i. t5e 2ut5or 2nd .ource o/ etern2l .2l02tion /or e2c5 2nd e0ery one o/ u. 65o 3i0e. 5eed to your 9ord 2nd o1ey. you7 I lo0e you 6it5 2ll my 5e2rt4 F2t5er4 1ec2u.e in .8ite o/ t5e 82in you .u//ered in lettin3 your only 1e3otten %on 1e2r t5e .in. o/ t5e 65ole 6orld to die 6it5 Hi. 5um2n 1ody on t5e cro..4 you did it 1ec2u.e you lo0ed me4 >u.t 2. Je.u. did it 1ec2u.e He lo0ed me7 I t52n: you 1ec2u.e e0en i/ I=d 1een t5e only 8er.on in t5e 6orld4 Je.u. 6ould .till 520e 8l2nned it t5i. 62y7 I lo0e you4 F2t5er7 I lo0e you4 Je.u.7 &ec. 03 ?n this the love of 'od was manifested toward !s8 that 'od has sent (is only 9e%otten )on into the world8 that we mi%ht live thro!%h (im5 ?n this is love8 not that we loved 'od8 9!t that (e loved !s and sent (is )on to 9e the propitiation for o!r sins5 ; ohn <218;= F2t5er4 in t5i. 6orld my mind c2n ne0er under.t2nd t5e 3re2tne.. o/ t5e lo0e t52t 8rom8ted you to .end your %on to 1e cruci/ied4 de2d 2nd 1uried until He ro.e 232in .o t52t 2#'

t5rou35 Him I mi35t li0e4 /reed o/ t5e 1urden. o/ .in4 redeemed in Hi. 1lood 2nd re.tored to my in5erit2nce o/ e0erl2.tin3 li/e in your 5e20enly :in3dom7 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you t52t it 62. not my lo0e /or you4 1ut your lo0e /or me t52t m2de 2ll t5i. 8o..i1le7 95en t5ere 62. not5in3 I could do to 1e r2i.ed /rom de2t5 in my .in.4 you .ent your %on to 1rin3 me 12c: to li/e7 F2t5er4 I 1o6 do6n 1e/ore you in 2dor2tion 2nd 8r2i.e; &ec. 01 555Ass!redly8 ? say to yo!8 !nless yo! are ,onverted and 9e,ome as little ,hildren8 yo! will 9y no means enter the +in%dom of heaven5 .atthew ;823 Ho6 I 8r2i.e you4 F2t5er4 2nd 3lori/y your 5oly n2me 1ec2u.e you don=t eD8ect me to 1e 2 3eniu. or intellectu2l 3i2nt to /i3ure out .2l02tion /or my.el/4 1ut in.te2d your .on Je.u. .2id I mu.t come to you 2. 2 little c5ild4 6it5 .im8le4 uncom8lic2ted /2it57 I lo0e you4 F2t5er4 /or t5e te2c5in3 2nd in.truction in your 9ord t52t let. me under.t2nd eD2ctly 652t I mu.t do to enter into t5e :in3dom o/ 5e20en 2nd 21ide in your 3lory7 &52n: you4 F2t5er; &ec. 02 For there is 9orn to yo! this day in the ,ity of David a )avior8 who is Christ the &ord555 And s!ddenly there was with the an%el a m!ltit!de of the heavenly host praisin% 'od and sayin%2 F'lory to 'od in the hi%hest and on earth pea,e8 %ood will toward men/H &!+e 32;;8;3 F2t5er4 tod2y t5e 6orld cele1r2te. t5e 1irt5 o/ your .on7 %2int 2nd .inner 2li:e4 6e cele1r2te t5i. d2y7 9e 8r2i.e you /or t52t $ood Ne6. 65ic5 c2me out o/ Bet5le5em 24### ye2r. 23o4 2#!

2nd 6e 8r2i.e you /or t5e /2ct t52t t5e .2me $ood Ne6. i. 3oin3 out 2ll o0er t5e 6orld tod2y touc5in3 5e2rt.4 2nd Euic:enin3 .8irit. >u.t li:e it did lon3 23o7 F2t5er4 tod2y I 8r2i.e you /or my .2l02tion4 2nd I 8r2y /or t5e 6orld7 M2y :in3. 2nd n2tion. /eel your 8reciou. Pre.ence on t5i. 1e2uti/ul d2y o/ d2y.; &ec. 03 Do not la9or for the food whi,h perishes8 9!t for the food whi,h end!res to everlastin% life8 whi,h the )on of .an will %ive yo!8 9e,a!se 'od the Father has set (is seal on (im5 ohn #23> It=. t5e d2y 2/ter C5ri.tm2.; 952t 2 me..; &in.el t52t=. /2llin3 o// t5e tree4 6r288in3 828er torn 282rt in 52.te4 1ro:en orn2ment.4 .orry toy.4 le/tA o0er tur:ey7 F2t5er4 m2y 6e not loo: 2t t5e me2t 65ic5 8eri.5e.4 2nd t5e t5in3. 65ic5 82.. 262y4 1ut m2y 6e 6or: 2nd .ee: 2/ter t5e l2.tin3 /ood 65ic5 continue. until etern2l li/e7 Ye.terd2y I /elt .o .8iritu2l4 2nd tod2y I=m .o tired4 1ut I 8r2i.e you t52t you=re >u.t 2. re2l4 >u.t 2. .8eci2l4 >u.t 2. m23ni/icent 2nd >u.t 2. tru.t6ort5y 2. you 6ere ye.terd2y7 I 1le.. you t52t 2. I cle2n u8 t5e me..4 I c2n .till 3i0e t52n:. 2nd 8r2i.e to you; &ec. 04 And they san% a new son%8 sayin%2 FIo! are worthy to ta+e the s,roll8 and to open its sealsD for Io! were slain8 and have redeemed !s to 'od 9y Io!r 9lood o!t of every tri9e and ton%!e and people and nation8 and have made !s +in%s and priests to o!r 'odD and we shall rei%n on the earth5 :evelation "21 He20enly F2t5er4 I o//er 8r2i.e 2nd 3r2titude /or lettin3 me 8ee: into t5e l2.t d2y. t5rou35 your 9ord7 &52n: you4 F2t5er4 /or lettin3 me :no64 2#,

:no64 HN)9 t52t my ord Je.u. C5ri.t i. 6ort5y to t2:e t5e 1oo: o/ t5e .e0en .e2l. 2nd to o8en t5o.e .e2l.4 1ec2u.e He 2lone 62. .l2in 2nd .2cri/iced4 2nd 6it5 Hi. 8reciou. 1lood He 8urc52.ed 8eo8le /rom e0ery tri1e 2nd l2n3u23e 2nd 8eo8le 2nd n2tion to .er0e you7 You=0e m2de u. 2 roy2l r2ce o/ 8rie.t. to our $od4 2nd 6e .52ll rei3n o0er t5e entire e2rt5 2. :in3.; F2t5er4 5o6 I 8r2i.e you t52t you included me in4 2nd didn=t le20e me out o/ t5i. 6onder/ul 6orld o/ Your lo0e7 &ec. 05 .ost ass!redly8 ; say to yo!8 he who hears .y word and 9elieves in (im who sent .e has everlastin% life8 and shall not ,ome into 7!d%ment8 9!t has passed from death into life5 ohn "23< My e2r. 2re o8en to your 9ord.4 F2t5er; I t52n: you /or 652t Je.u. .2id4 2nd I 5e2r it loud 2nd cle2r4 1ec2u.e it m2:e. my 5e2rt 1e2t 6it5 >oy to .5out out4 I BE IE+E4 I BE IE+E4 I BE IE+E; I 1le.. You 1ec2u.e I :no6 t52t .ince I 1elie0e 2nd tru.t in you 2nd clin3 to you 2nd rely 65olly on you t52t I no6 8o..e.. etern2l li/e 2nd t52t I do not come into >ud3ment4 2nd 6ill ne0er incur .entence o/ >ud3ment4 2nd 6ill not come under condemn2tion4 1ut I 520e 2lre2dy 82..ed o0er out o/ de2t5 into li/e7 I t52n: you t52t 1ec2u.e I 1elie0e in you t5rou35 Je.u.4 I 520e t5e 1le..in3 o/ etern2l4 e0erl2.tin34 continu2l4 ce2.ele..4 timele..4 in/inite4 unendin34 immort2l4 im8eri.521le4 de2t5le.. li/e; $lory; &ec 06 es!s said to her8 F? am the res!rre,tion and the life5 (e who 9elieves in .e8 tho!%h he may die8 2#"

he shall live5 And whoever lives and 9elieves in .e shall never die5 Do yo! 9elieve thisG ohn ;;23"83# I 6ill ne0er die4 I 6ill ne0er die; 952t 2 3loriou. t5ou35t; Je.u.4 you r2i.e t5e de2d 2nd 3i0e t5em li/e 232in7 I 1le.. you t52t e0en t5ou35 t5i. mort2l 1ody .52ll die li:e 2nyone el.e4 t5e re2l me .52ll li0e 2nd ne0er die7 I t52n: you /or t52t 1le..ed 5o8e7 F2t5er4 I 3lori/y you /or .endin3 Je.u. to .20e me4 2nd I 6ill /ore0er 520e /2it5 in Him4 cle20e to Him 2nd rely on Him until my 0ery l2.t mort2l 1re2t54 65en I .52ll t2:e on immort2lity 2nd 1re2t5e 2 di//erent :ind o/ 1re2t5; I 1elie0e4 I 1elie0e4 I BE IE+E; &ec. 37 es!s said to her8 FDid ? not tell yo! and promise yo! that f yo! wo!ld 9elieve and rely on .e8 yo! sho!ld see the %lory of 'odG ohn ;;2<= Amp5 I 62nt to .ee your 3lory4 F2t5er; Je.u.4 I 62nt to .ee your 3lory; I 62it 6it5 eDcitement 2nd 2ntici82tion /or t52t 3re2te.t d2y 65en you=0e 8romi.ed I .52ll .ee t5e 3lory; &52n: you /or eEui88in3 me 2nd 8er/ectin3 me to62rd t52t d2y 65en I 6ill 2t l2.t .t2nd 1e/ore your t5rone 2nd 1e5old your 3lory 2nd .ee you /2ce to /2ce7 F2t5er4 5o6 I lon3 /or t52t moment 65en I .52ll .ee your 6onder/ul /2ce; I don=t e0en :no6 652t to eD8ect 3lory to loo: li:e4 1ut I=m eD cite t5in:in3 21out 652t it 6ill 1e li:e to 62l: into your Pre.ence in 5e20en /or t5e /ir.t time7 I=m .timul2te 2nd .tirred u8 to .ee your 3lory 2nd 3r2ce; &ec. 31 No one ,an ,ome to .e !nless the Father who sent .e draws himD and ; will raise him !p at 21#

the last day5 ohn #2<< F2t5er4 I 8r2i.e you /or dr26in3 me7 A. 6e cele1r2te t5e end o/ 2not5er ye2r4 I 8r2i.e you t52t e0en t5ou35 t5i. i. t5e l2.t d2y o/ t5i. ye2r4 t5e mo.t im8ort2nt d2y o/ 2ll i. t52t Fl2.tG d2y 65en 6e 6ill 2ll 1e r2i.ed u8 to .8end eternity in 5e20en 6it5 you 2nd Je.u.; F2t5er4 I 1le.. you /or 520in3 1le..ed me 2ll t5i. ye2r7 I 1le.. you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or di0ine 5e2lt57 I 1le.. you 2nd 8r2i.e you /or your 3oodne..4 /or your 8ro.8erity4 /or your lo0in3 :indne..7 But mo.t o/ 2ll4 I 1le.. you /or t5e 2..ur2nce o/ my .2l02tion; I/ you 520e ne0er 2.:ed Je.u. into your 5e2rt4 65y don=t you .to8 ri35t no64 2nd .2y t5i. .im8le little 8r2yer7 Father8 ? want eternal life5 ?t is the desire of my heart8 9!t ? +now that ? have done thin%s that are not pleasin% to yo!5 ? have sinned8 and ? as+ yo!r for%iveness5 Cleanse me of all !nri%hteo!sness5 es!s8 ? open the door to my heart and my life and invite yo! to ,ome in5 Ta+e ,ontrol of my entire life8 and ma+e me the +ind of person yo! want me to 9e5 Now ? than+ yo!8 es!s8 for hearin% my prayer and for ,omin% into my heart as yo! promised5 ? love yo!8 es!s/ No6 con/e.. 6it5 your mout5 t5e.e 1e2uti/ul 6ord.I I=M %A+E-4 I=M %A+E-4 I=M %A+E-;


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