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Megan Harvey" Math Review Sheet Tri 1" Decemeber 18, 2013"

" " " " "

Format: " 23 scanton @2p = 46 pts" choose 6/9 pt2 @9p = 54 pts"

1. Order of Operations" 2. Algebraic Expressions" 3. Language of Algebra" 4. Integers" 5. Properties" 6. Solving equations" 7. Sets" 8. Formulas" 9. Inequalities" 10. Absolute Value" 11. Word Problems" 12. Consecutive Integer Problems" 13. Mixture Problems" 14. Motion Problems" 15. Lever and Pulley Problems" 16. Triangles" 17. Perimeter" 18. Polynomials" 19. Properties of Exponents"

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

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1. Order of Operations" PEMDAS - Parenthesis, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction" " " " " " " ^" " " ^" " " " " " " " " " left to right" " " "

" ex:" " "

" "


2+3*5-6+1" 2+15-6+1" 12" "

" " "

" " "

" " "

3*5-3(2+5) " 15-6-15" -6"

2. Algebraic Expressions" replace letter with appropriate #" use PEMDAS" reduce any fractions - impropers are ok"

" x=4, y=3, z=2" "

3x-yz" 3(4) - 3*2" 12 - 6 " 6"

" 3. "

Language of Algebra"

term - held together by (+) or (-) " coefcient - # before a variable" variable - letter representing a #" no coefcient - understood to be one" constant - # without a variable " base - expression raised to a power" exponent - # of times the base multiplies itself" power - nal answer when you raise your base to a power" " second power = squared" " third power = cubed" natural/counting numbers - {1,2,3,4,5}" whole numbers - {0,1,2,3,4,5}" rational numbers - #s which can be written as fractions" integers - {0, 1(+/-), 2(+/-). 3(+/-), 4(+/-), 5(+/-)}"

" 4. "


to add integers: " think - positive numbers are what you have, negative numbers are what you owe" " you owe someone 3 dollars but you get 10$ allowance (-3+10=7)" to multiply/divide:" positive multiplied/divided by a negative = a negative" negative multiplied/divided by a negative = a positive"


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to subtract integers:" keep the rst number, ip the sign, change the second number, then add as you would" -4-3= -1"


5. Properties" - commutative property of addition/multiplication - switching the order works" " - associative property of addition/ multiplication - switching order works" - additive element identity - #+0= that number" - multiplicative element identity - #*1= that number" - multiplicative inverse - reciprocals; #* (inverse) = 1" - distributive property - distribute the number to everything inside parenthesis" - reexive - anything is = to itself" - symmetric - if a=b then b=a" - transitive - if a=b, and b=c, then a=c" - closure - when you do the operation with the set, answer is always an element of the set"

" 6. Solving equations" " equation - algebraic expression with an equal sign " "
x + 3 = 10" - 3 -3" x = 7" " " " " "


" " " " "

3x + 5 = 29" - 5 -5" 3x = 24" /3 /3"" X = 8"

" " " "

" " " "

5x + 4 = 6x" -5x -5x" 4 = 1x" 4 = x"

7. Sets"

" "

set - collection of objects/numbers" nite set - countable (limited number of elements) " innite set - never ending " empty (null) - { } or 0 " equal - have the same elements" equivalent - same number of elements ex: {a,b,c} = {d,e,f}"

8. Formulas (solving for x)" " x + y = z" " - y -y" " x=z-y" 9. Inequalities" " almost the same as solving equations except:" " " 1. if you multiply or divide both sides by a negative, ip the inequality" " " 2. if you switch the order to put x on the left, ip the inequality" " " 3. answer is solution set and number line" 5 - 2x < 19 " -5 -5" -2x < 14" / -2 /-2 " " x < -7, {x: x > -7}, * number line *"

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10. Absolute Value" " - absolute value of a # is the distance from that number to 0 on a number line" " " ex: |-7| = 7" " |340| = 340" " - how to solve:" " " 1) isolate absolute value (get it by itself)" " " 2) 2 columns" " " " a. inside AV = one side" " " " b. inside AV = opposite of ^" " " 3) solve both" " " 4) check for extra roots"

" " " " " " " "

" "

" " " " " "

" " " "

ex: | x + 4 | = 10 " x + 4 = 10" " -4 -4" " x = 6" " "

x + 4 = -10" -4 - 4" x = -14" | -14 - 4 | = 10" | - 10 | = 10" "

check" | 6 + 4 | = 10" " " | 10 | = 10" "

> both check"

" 11. Word Problems" " 12. Consecutive Integer Problems" "
consecutive integers" let x = 1st" x+1 = 2nd" x + 2 = 3rd"

- AV inequalities " " - solve like an equation but add number line and set notation"

" " " " " " " " " " " " " " "

concecutive even/odd integers" let x = 1st" x + 2 = 2nd" x + 4 = 3rd"

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13. Mixture Problems"

" "

how to:" create a chart like this ~ "

type type A type B price # of each total

" then ll in the chart using the information given " " "
type almonds peanuts price!


ex: How many pounds of almonds selling for $3.00 per pound should be mixed with 7 lbs of peanuts selling for $1.20 per pound to obtain a mixture selling for $1.74 per pound?"
# of each 300 x 120 174 x+7 7 3518 + 174x total 300x 840



then the rst two rows (peanuts and almonds) are equal to the mixture, then solve like an equation, dont forget to write your let statement and a sentence ~"

" let x = number of almonds" "

300x + 840 = 3518 + 174x" - 840 -840" 300x = 1218 + 174x" -174x" " -174x" 126x = 1218" /126" /126" x = 3"

" they need 3 pounds of almonds" " " " " " " " " "

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" 14. Motion Problems" " rate*time = distance" " "

type! A

how to:" create a chart like this ~"

rate time distance

" then ll in the chart using the information given" " "
type A (to Milwaukee) B (from Milwaukee) rate

ex: Cleveland and Milwaukee are 420 miles apart. One car left Cleveland for Milwaukee averaging 55mph. At the same time, a car left Milwaukee for Cleveland, averaging 50mph. How long did it take the cars to meet, and how far were they from Cleveland when they met? "
time 55 x 50 x distance 55x 50x

" then create an equation and solve, add a let statement and sentence" " let x = time they met" "
55x + 50x = 420" 105x = 420" /105 /105" x = 4"

" 50*4 = 200" " " " " " " " " " " "


55*4 = 220"

It took them four hours to meet and car A was 220 miles away from Cleveland and car b was 200 miles away from Milwaukee."

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15. Lever and Pulley Problems"

" lever problems = " w1 * d1 = w2 * d2" " draw a picture showing a seesaw and ll in the information given in the problem and solve" " "
(w1) d1 "

" pulley problems = " "

s1 _____ d1 =

= /\"



s1 * d1 = d2 * d2"

draw a picture showing a pulley and ll in information given in the problem and solve" " s2" ______" d2

" " 16. Triangles" "

" " " " " " "

triangle - polygon with 3 sides" vertex - angle in a polygon" sum of angles = 180"

" Number of sides " - " " 0" -" Scalene" " 2" -" Isoceles" " 3" -" Equilateral" " " Degree of Angles" -" " >90" -" acute" " 90*" -" right" " <90" -" obtuse"- " " " " " "

Name -" -" -" " " "




Name" " " "" "



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" 17. Perimeter" "


perimeter = distance around a polygon" = sum of sides" ex:"


" " "

2x" x

let x = width" 2x = length"

2x + 2x + x + x = 138" 6x = 138" /6 /6" x = 23"


18. Polynomials" " a polynomial is a collection of algebraic terms" a monomial has one term" a binomial has two terms" a trinomial has three terms"


degree of a term:" 1 exponent: degree is that exponent" more than 1 exponent: degree is the sum of exponents" degree of a polynomial:" highest of the degrees of its term" standard form:" arrange the terms to degrees descend" leading coefcient:" when in standard form its the number in front of the rst term "

" adding polynomials: " "

(4x2 + 3x - 2) + (9x2 - 6x + 1)" 13x2 - 3x -1"

" ~ combine like terms" " subtracting polynomials:" "

4x2 -5x -6"

(10x2 - 3x + 1) - (6x2 + 2x +7)" 10x2 - 3x + 1 - 6x2 -2x -7"


~ distribute the negative then combine like terms" ** when you add/subtract, exponents do not change **"

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19. Properties of Exponents"

" " " "

xa*xb = za+b" when you multiply powers of the same base, add the exponents. " *you cannot combine if they dont have the same base" xa/xb = xa-b" when you divide powers of the same base, subtract the exponents" * you cannont combine if they dont have the same base" (x5)3" when you raise a power to a power, multiply the exponents" x0 = 1" anything raised to the power of 0 is one

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