Sie sind auf Seite 1von 3 relationships/9_tips_for_decoding_body_language.aspx? utm_source=demandmedia&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=relationship 9 Tips For Decoding Body Language earn !he "ecret !

o #ale $ody anguage %ou really en&oyed your first date with a terrific new guy' and now you(re wondering' will there be a second? )e seems interested. $ut is he really? *on-+erbal mo+es might gi+e you a clue. ,ead on for 9 tips for decoding body language. #uch of human communication is expressed through body language' flirting included. -t(s not enough to flirt through words' as words can seem fa.e or dishonest if they don(t match the non+erbal message being sent. #en as well as women utili/e body-language flirting all the time' often subconsciously. %et what good does it do for a man to flirt if the woman doesn(t recogni/e the flirting for what it is? )ere are nine tips for decoding the sometimes confusing world of mens body-language flirting. 1. He Attempts to be the Alpha Male #en are raised with the belief that women are most attracted to the dominant male in a room. $iologically' this sense' as female animals see. out males that are li.ely to be good pro+iders and pass along excellent genes. !he rules and customs of modern society' of course' generally outweigh these biological instincts. $ut when it comes to flirting' we tend to re+ert to our more primiti+e instincts. #any of a males attempts at body-language flirting may simply go unnoticed' or may be misinterpreted. 0 woman may see a man who struts around a room or attempts to ma.e others appear subordinate as a &er.. )e may' as a peacoc. does' simply be using a primiti+e form of body language. 1f course' whether you respond to this type of flirting is entirely up to you. 0 slightly more refined +ersion of this 2alpha male2 body-language flirting in+ol+es car+ing out personal space. )e will settle himself into a seat and spread out his personal belongings. 3eys' cigarettes' any items that he has readily a+ailable will be placed on the table. !hese actions send the signal that he has car+ed out his territory. 2. He atches !our "ye 4hen a man is ready to flirt' he will scan the room for a+ailable females. -f he catches your eye' it is a sign of interest. )is ga/e will pass o+er women that he does not find attracti+e. -f you(re interested in a man who catches your eye' let your eye contact hold for &ust a few seconds' then loo. away. -f you(re not interested' hold the ga/e only long enough to let him .now that you saw him and then turn away. 4hen he sees that you maintained eye contact momentarily' he will .now you are also interested in him. 0t this point' he may be interested in approaching you. -f he starts in your direction' and you are interested' encourage him with a warm smile. %ou do not want to appear desperate or needy' but friendly and approachable expressions are important. 6atch his eye again and then drop your ga/e. #. He Approaches !ou on$idently and %espect$ully -f a man is truly interested in you' he will respect your personal space. 0 shy or insecure guy may not approach at all' or will show hesitation and ner+ousness. -f a guy is a &er.' or only interested in up with you momentarily' he will in+ade your personal territory too 7eel free to gi+e this type of guy the cold shoulder. 0 guy who wants to flirt to get to .now you will allow you to ta.e the lead in the next step. )e will remain standing and introduce himself. )e may as. if he can &oin you' but will

most li.ely wait for your in+itation before sitting down. &. He Demonstrates Acti'e Listening 1nce you are in a con+ersation with a guy' his body-language flirting will be e+ident by the way he responds when you spea.. )e will turn his body toward you slightly. )e will ma.e eye contact' nod and show other signs of acti+ely listening to the things you say. (. He )ubtly "nters !our *ersonal )pace #ost 0mericans follow the 8-foot rule. 4e are most comfortable when others stay outside of our 8-foot personal bubble. -n a crowded room' we can tolerate others who come somewhat closer' and sitting at a bar table may bring two people 5uite close together. *onetheless' if the personal bubble shrin.s' it should not disappear. -f a man enters your personal bubble in a slight and subtle way' it is a clear sign of body-language flirting. )e may shift in his seat to come closer to you' or lay a personal item such as his .eys on the table close to you. +. He ,nitiates Touch 9nless the guy is a creep' your first physical contact will be subtle and almost accidental. )e may brush your shoulder slightly when gesturing' bump your .nee with his' or ma.e some other contact you might barely notice consciously."ubconsciously' howe+er' this is a sign that the guy is interested in getting to .now you better. -. He ,gnores His ell *hone !his is a clear body-language flirting sign. #ost men' li.e women' are conditioned to reflexi+ely respond to stimuli such as a cell phone. :urposely ignoring or turning off his cell phone sends a clear signal that he finds you more interesting than whoe+er might be calling. !his is a big step and may not occur during an initial meeting. -f it does' it is a definite sign that you ha+e captured his imagination. .. He Ta/es Things )lo0ly -f a man is only for a hoo.up partner' he will rush through the stages of flirting. )is goal is to meet a li.e-minded woman and mo+e on to other acti+ities. )owe+er' if he is sincerely interested in you' he will mo+e slowly. )e will let you set the pace. )e may throw out small clues that he is interested in progressing' but he will see if you are amenable before proceeding. )e is patient and willing to accomplish nothing more than a con+ersation with a fascinating woman. "ome women misread these cues and assume that if a man is not trying to grope her by the end of the e+ening' he is not interested. -n fact' it is often the opposite. -f his actions signal body-language flirting' and he is patient and willing to progress slowly' odds are good that he has respect for you. 9. His 1oodbye is 2arm and Friendly 4hen you part company' a man who is flirting with you will smile warmly and appreciati+ely. )e will li.ely as. for your phone number' and his eyes will show appreciation if he recei+es it. )e will open the opportunity for a hug by finding another excuse to subtly touch you' but he will most li.ely not initiate the hug. -f he does' it will be a warm' friendly hug as opposed to an attempted groping. )e will maintain eye contact while he tells you how nice it was to meet you. $ody language flirting is complex. #en and women often ha+e +ery different ways of flirting through body language. !his can lead to confusion or unnecessarily hurt feelings when each assumes that the other is not interested. !herefore' it is important to understand how men flirt. 9nderstanding mens bodylanguage flirting techni5ues can ma.e you more li.ely to correctly interpret a mans signals. Are !ou a Dating Do or Dont3

"ome guys dont pay on the first date while others forget to open doors. 4hen it comes to dating' times sure ha+e changed' and with that' a new crop of dating dilemmas has emerged. $ut no matter what year it is' some dating rules should stand the test of time. 4hich ones are you forgetting? "ee how you measure up on the dateable scale with this dating 5ui/.

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