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Bahanordin Jaafar*, Md Anuar Abd Samad**, Roslan Johari Mohd Ghazali**, Teng Seng Chong**, Mohd Azahadi Omar*** * Depar men of Rehabili a ion Medi!ine, "ospi al Serdang ** Medi!al De#elopmen Di#ision, Minis r$ of "eal h ***%ns i u e of &ubli! "eal h, Minis r$ of "eal h
&a ien s 'i h !ardia! diseases ha#e in!reased ris( of prema ure dea h, hear a a!( or o her #as!ular e#en ) Redu!ing he ris( is of he u mos impor an!e ei her b$ herapeu i! lifes $le !hanges, !ardio#as!ular ris( modifi!a ions, op imal pharma!o herap$ and e#en !ardia! rehabili a ion) Cardia! rehabili a ion 'as asso!ia ed 'i h a signifi!an *+, redu! ion of all!ause mor ali $ and a signifi!an *., redu! ion of !ardia! mor ali $* %n Mala$sia, a programme ha#e been s ar ed in "ospi al Serdang sin!e *++/ o Carried ou b$ he !ardia! rehabili a ion eam headed b$ a Rehabili a ion Medi!ine Spe!ialis o Si0 'ee(s dura ion !onsis ing of e0er!ise herap$, heal h edu!a ion sessions and a! i#i ies of dail$ li#ing raining o &hase ) is !arried ou on an inpa ien basis and phase * on an ou pa ien basis o &hase 1 also as an ou pa ien in he Rehabili a ion Medi!ine Spe!ialis !lini! a he same hospi al2 %mplemen a ion of his phase in he !ommuni $ is s ill in he pro!ess of planning and dis!ussion 'i h he rele#an au hori $ A 4ues ionnaire 'as handed ou o all pa ien s 'ho has completed phase 2 during their first evaluation after the programme in the clinic during that time 50!luded 'ere pa ien s 'i h signifi!an pre#ious medi!al his or$ 6deemed no fi for an e0er!ise programme ie unstable angina, moderate to severe aortic stenosis, uncontrolled atrial or ventricular arrhythmias, uncontrolled congestive heart failure7, has no !omple ed he programme and hose 'ho dropped ou from he programme during his period of ime The 4ues ionnaire !onsis s of 4ues ions regarding 8 !omponen s of he programme, 'hi!h are is beneficialness, suitability, informativeness and duration of the programme2 A fi#e-poin 9i(er s!ale 'as used o enable he responden s o spe!if$ heir le#el of agreemen 'i h he rele#an 4ues ion

R"$u&t$ )nd Di$cu$$ion

A o al of 1*1 pa ien s 'ere in#i ed bu onl$ *1: agreed o ;oin he programme o Onl$ )<* 6/.,7 of hese pa ien s 'ere in!luded in o he final anal$sis as he res 'ere e0!luded be!ause he$ ei her had no !omple ed he programme 6n = 1:7 or had dropped ou during he programme 6n = )<7 o All of he )<* 4ues ionnaires 'ere re urned ba!(, hen!e he responden ra e of )++,2 o One 'as fur her e0!luded as i 'as deemed in#alid 6no ans'ering a!!ording o he ins ru! ion7 )++, of he responden s agreed ha he programme had benefited them and suited to their problem 6>igure )7

O !"cti#"$
To find ou 'he her he programme is sui able, informa i#e and useful from he pa ien s3 perspe! i#e To de ermine 'he her he . 'ee(s dura ion is suffi!ien from

A pa ien feedba!( sur#e$ January 2008 to December 2010


Bahanordin Jaafar*, Md Anuar Abd Samad**, Roslan Johari Mohd Ghazali**, Teng Seng Chong**, Mohd Azahadi Omar*** * Depar men of Rehabili a ion Medi!ine, "ospi al Serdang ** Medi!al De#elopmen Di#ision, Minis r$ of "eal h ***%ns i u e of &ubli! "eal h, Minis r$ of "eal h
Based on hese findings, >igure he ) 9e#els of agreemen a!!ording o !omponen s of he programme 6n=)<)7 programme is appealing and benefi!ial from he pa ien 3s *:2<, of pa ien s hough ha he poin of #ie' si0 'ee(s programme was not o This is in line 'i h he fe' enough for them 6>igure *7 s udies 'hi!h had sho'n o One re!en s ud$ done b$ heal h-rela ed benefi s of using "amm e al sho'ed ha a !ardia! rehab programme o pa ien s a!hie#ed pea( edu!a e, mo i#a e and benefi s for se#eral 1-? empo'er pa ien s impor an ou !ome o This is #i al o ensure #ariables a 1< 'ee(s and !omplian!e and !omple ion of herefore e0 ending he programme and super#ised sessions o#er a subse4uen l$ o main ain a longer period 6ie, 1< 'ee(s7 heal h$ lifes $le in he long appears o ha#e a posi i#e erm effe! / All of he responden s agreed ha his programme had enriched them with information and knowledge abou heir disease 6>igure )7 A' r"") &" o @no'ledge empo'ers pa ien s o be!ome in#ol#ed in heir o'n heal h !are and has been sho'n o influen!e !oping *+ , -+, and so!ial and emo ional Not re!o#er$ af er a ma;or !ardia! . A' r"") &" e#en o

>igure * 9e#els of agreemen based on he dura ion of he programme 6n=)<)7

This programme is benefi!ial, sui able and informa i#e from he pa ien s3 poin of #ie' 1+, of he pa ien s hin( ha he dura ion of he programme 'as no enough for hem and herefore e0 ension of his programme in o he !ommuni $ as a !on inua ion of he hospi al-based programme 'ould probabl$ impro#e he ou !ome fur her apar from being able o de!onges he


Bahanordin Jaafar*, Md Anuar Abd Samad**, Roslan Johari Mohd Ghazali**, Teng Seng Chong**, Mohd Azahadi Omar*** * Depar men of Rehabili a ion Medi!ine, "ospi al Serdang ** Medi!al De#elopmen Di#ision, Minis r$ of "eal h ***%ns i u e of &ubli! "eal h, Minis r$ of "eal h
hospi als and redu!e he !onsump ion of hospi al resour!es

R"."r"nc"$ )2 5berl$ 95, S amler J, @uller 9", Aea on

JD2 *++<2 Mul iple Ris( >a! or %n er#en ion Trial 6MR>%T72 Bile$ 5n!$!lopedia of Clini!al Trials2 )C: Ta$lor RS, Bro'n A, 5brahim S, e al2 50er!ise-based rehabili a ion for pa ien s 'i h !oronar$ hear diseaseD S$s ema i! re#ie' and me aanal$sis of randomized !on rolled rials2 Am J ed *++8E )).D .<*-:* &ollard M, Su herland C2 Cardia! Rehabili a ionD Are 'e pu ing our hear s in o i F !r J "ardiol *++:E).D *8/-: S!hubmann RM, Gogel ", &la!ze( T, >aller "2 Cardia! Rehabili a ion C 50pe! a ions and appraisals of pa ien s2 #ehabilitation *++?E88D )1881 Sim!hen 5, Aa#eh %, Hi ser-Gure#i!h I et al2 %s par i!ipa ion in !ardia! rehabili a ion programs asso!ia ed 'i h be er 4uali $ of life and re urn o 'or( af er !oronar$ ar er$ b$pass opera ionsF The %sraeli CABG s ud$2 $sr ed Assoc J *++)E1D 1::-8+1 Mahler "%, @uli( JA2 "eal h !are in#ol#emen preferen!es and so!ialemo ional re!o#er$ of male !oronar$ ar er$ b$pass pa ien s2 %ealth &sychol )::)E)+D 1::C8+< "amm >9, @a#anagh T, Campbell RB, Mer ens DJ, Be$ene J, @enned$ J, Shephard RJ2 Timeline for &ea( %mpro#emen s during ?* 'ee(s of Ou pa ien Cardia! Rehabili a ion2 J "ardiopulm #ehabil *++8E*8D 1/8-<+







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