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Opencart Bootstrap Theme

Author : Bhavin Lashkari (Development) Development) Contact us :

Thank ou !or purchasing our theme. "pencart De!ault Bootstrap theme is Buil# in Bootstrap An# $ea# !or Develope ou o%n custom theme. &! ou have an 'uestions that are be on# the scope o! this help !ile( please !eel !ree to email via m user page contact !orm here. Thanks so much)

Table o! contents:
&. &&. &&&. &-. -. -&. &nstallation Theme *o#ule +t lesheet ,ile +tructure .ava+ .ava+cript +ource an# Cre#its &nstallation an# Customi/ation +ervice

Theme #evelope# using T%itter Bootstrap ,rame%ork. $esponsive Theme Auto +uggestion +earch &nclu#e# 01 Boots%atch Theme st les 2oogle ,onts Librar 3nlimite# colour !or theme( +elect our colour !or %ebsite. Theme *o#ule Cross Bro%ser Compatible

4lease note: note:

&! ou are going to install our theme on mo#i!ie# "penCart installation( *ake sure ou backe# up our !iles be!ore procee#ing. "pencart #e!ault Bootstrap theme makes some little changes to "pencart core !iles an# built5in mo#ules (cart mo#ule)( so i! ou have mo#i!ie# them be!ore( these changes can be lost) All the !iles nee#e# to be uploa#e# can be !oun# insi#e 6,&L7+ ,&L7+ T" 34L"AD8 !ol#er. 9ou %ill !in# t%o !ol#ers there: :a#min: an# :catalog:. :catalog: &n this point ou shoul# notice that the structure o! the ,&L7+ T" 34L"AD

!ol#er matches our installation structure e;actl . Drag an# #rop the a#min an# catalog !ol#ers into our site using our !avourite ,T4 client (&! ou Don8t have one( %e recommen# ,ile/illa). 9ou %ill be aske# i! ou %ant to replace some o! the !iles !rom our current installation. Do so onl i! ou have clean installation or have backe# up our mo#i!ie# installation. A!ter success!ul uploa#( ou shoul# go to our a#min panel (http:<< http:<<<a#min)<a#min an# activate 2entle theme b choosing it !rom themes panel. $emember to choose an image !or our logo( to #o so( go to + stem < +ettings<&mage< an# select our +tore Logo.

Theme *o#ule: *o#ule:

,ile +truct +tructure: ure: Controller ,ile: uploa#<a#min<controller<mo#ule<theme.php Language ,ile: uploa#<a#min<language<english<mo#ule<theme.php Template ,ile: uploa#<a#min<vie%<template<mo#ule<theme.tpl Colorpicker !ol#er: uploa#<a#min<vie%<javascript<colorpicker (D&$ = css( images( js) At Back7n#: 7;tensions = *o#ules = Theme "ption &nstall This *o#ule. Click in 7#it link. Theme Contains 2oogle ,onts Librar ( an# 01 Di!!erent Boots%atch Theme +t les. 0. Cerulean 1. Cosmo >. C borg ?. ,latl @. .ournal A. $ea#able B. +imple; C. +late D. +pacelab 0E. +pruce 00. +uperhero 01. 3nite#

Css !iles: !iles:

+t lesheets: 4ath: catalog < vie% < theme <Bootstrap Bootstrap < +t lesheet < D&$ : FThemesG contains ntains all the Boots%atch Theme +t lesheets. D&$ : F!le;sli#erG contains ntains responsive banner +t lesheet. *ain +t lesheets: 0. st le.css 1. st le5responsive.css >. bootstrap.css ?. Bootstrap5responsive.css &! ou %oul# like to e#it a speci!ic section o! the site( simpl !in# the appropriate label in the C++ !ile (use ,ire!o; e;tension calle# :,irebug: to #o that)( an# then scroll #o%n until ou !in# the appropriate st le that nee#s to be e#ite#.

.avascript: .avascript:
4ath: catalog < vie% < javascript < Common.js is mo#i! %ith changes. D&$ : FBootstrapG Contains all the bootstrap javascript. ,&L7 : F!le;sli#er.jsG %hich e;ist insi#e Fj'uer = !le;sli#erG is the javascript !or responsive !le; sli#er.

+ource an# Cre#its: Cre#its:

0. http:<<<1.>.1< 1. http:<<<

&nstallation an# customi/ation: customi/ation:

&nstallation: &:m happ to help ou %ith the installation. But be!ore ou contact me( please make sure that ou !ollo%e# the above speci!ication as close as possible( because it is prove# that most o! the problems come !rom not rea#ing the speci!ication care!ull . &! ou contact us %ith support 'uestion( please inclu#e our %ebsite 3$L( installe# version o! "penCart an# #etaile# #escription o! our problem an# screenshots (i! applicable) +ho%ing the issues ou e;perience. He ma also ask ou !or temporar access to our !tp Account. &! ou %ant to save oursel! a hassle( %e can #o the %hole process o! installation !or ou( !or a charge o! 3+D 1@. This %ill normall be #one %ithin 1? 5 ?C hours a!ter receiving pa ment via pa pal. Contact me i! ou nee# m assistance. Customi/ation: Customi/ation: He speciali/e in creating bespoke #esigns an# custom "penCart #evelopments. +houl# ou $e'uire an customi/ation to our theme( %hether it is changing theme8s la out( a##ing ne% *o#ules or creating ne% custom theme !rom scratch( %e are right people !or the job. Contact us %ith #etails o! %hat nee#s to be #one( an# %e8ll give ou a !ree( no obligation Iuote. Contact via:

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