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I. NAME AND PLACE OF BUSINESS The name of the organization is the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia, abbreviated as ATESEA. Its place of business shall be at Chathedral Heights, 2 ! E. "odriguez Sr. Ave., #uezon Cit$, %%%2 &hilippines. II. AIMS The aims of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia are as follo's( %. To promote creative relationship among institutions and agencies engaged in theological education and the churches in the region. 2. To facilitate regional efforts in theological education in the service of the churches in South East Asia ). To set guidelines and standards of theological education and to provide accreditation services to member * institutions and to others re+uesting it. ,. To 'or- for the improvement and rene'al of theological education in the region in such 'a$s as it ma$ deem appropriate. III. MEMBERSHIP %. .embership in the assosiation is open to institutions regularl$ engaged in training for Christian ministr$ in South East Asia and those institutions involved in theological education in South East Asia such as research and stud$ center, la$ training institutes, and theological education b$ e/tension centers. 2. "egular membership is open to aforementioned institution 'hich are located 'ithin the South East Asia "egion and participate activel$ in the programs of the association.Associate membership is open to institutions regularl$ engaged in training for Christian ministr$ outside of the South East Asia region 'hich activel$ see- the help, and ma$ contribute to the 'or- of the association. Affiliate membership is open to institution regular engaged in training for Christian .inistr$ outside of the South East Asia region 'ho porposel$ see- membership for fello'ship 'ith the member schools of the Assosiation 'ithout being committed to participating activel$ in its programs. ). Application for membership is made to the E/ecutive 0irector 'ho 'ill submit to the .embership Commission 'ill shall act on such application sub1ect to the confirmation of the E/ecutive Committee or the 2eneral Assembl$. ,. Each member shall pa$ annual dues as prescribed b$ the 2eneral Assembl$, attend the sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$, and paticipate in regional, sub3regional, area, or national consultations 'hen invited. IV. GENERAL ASSEMBLY %. The Association for Theological Education in South East Asia shall meet regularl$ in a general Assembl$ once ever$ four $ears. 2. Ad hoc sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$ ma$ be called b$ the E/ecutive Committee of the association to consider such business as specified b$ the re+uest for the meeting.

). The general assembl$ is composed of the follo'ing().% Heads of member3institutions or their delegated representatives 4"egular and affiliate members are entitled to one official representation per institution5. ).2 "epresentatives of churches in the region 'hose number and designation shall be determined b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ upon the recommendation of the E/ecutive Committee. ).) 2uests and consultants 'hose number and designation shall be determined b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ or the E/ecutive Committee. ,. 6oting privileges shall be restricted to member institutions and representatives of churches 4I6.) 4a5 and 4b5 above5. !. The function of the 2eneral Assembl$ are as follo's(!.% To revie' the state of theological education in the region. !.2 To set policies, program3directions, and establish relationships in accordance 'ith the aims of the Association. !.) To authorize the establishment of long term theological education programs 4such as the South East Asia 2raduate School of Theolog$5 and to provide for their operations. !., To authorize the establishment and composition of standing Commissions and Committees such as the Accreditation Commissions, etc. as it deems necessar$ to carr$ for'ard the aims of the Association. 7here necessar$ church people or representatives from churches in the region ma$ be included in the membership of these standing commission or committees. V. RESOURCE COMMISSION %. The "esource Commission is an organ of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia composed of representatives of E/ecutive Committee, Churches, 8und "isers and representatives of Ecumenical &artners as consultants. 2. &urpose and 8unction(2.% The purpose of the "esource Commission is to be an instrument of ATESEA in involving the churches to participate more deepl$ in the support of theological education and in coordinating the re+uests for and use of resources and funds. 2.2 The function of the "esource Commission is to process and recommend funding re+uests from the E/ecutive Committee of ATESEA and its member3institutions as 'ell as from other institutions and agencies engaged in theological education in South East Asia. 2.) The "esource Commission shall fulfill its purpose and carr$ out its function in the light of the policies and directions of the 2eneral Assembl$, and the program priorities an pro1ects of the E/ecutive Committee of ATESEA. 49ote( see b$3la's of "esource Commission for further details about its structure and operations5. VI. OFFICERS %. The officers of the Association for the Theological Education in South East Asia shall be a Chairperson, a vice3Chairperson, a Secretar$, and a Treasurer. The$ are to be elected b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ upon nomination of the E/ecutive Committee. Should a vacanc$ occur in an$ of the offices bet'een sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$, the E/ecutive Committee shall appoint a substitute 'ho 'ill serve until the ne/t election. The Chairperson and 6ice3Chairperson shall normall$ be heads of member3institutions or




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church people 'ho are members of the 2eneral Assembl$ 'ith e/perience in theological education. The duties of the :fficers are as follo's(2.% The Chairperson shall preside at sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$ and the E/ecutive Committee and carr$ on interim business bet'een meetings as ma$ be appropriate and necessar$. 2.2 The 6ice3Chairperson shall preside in the absence of Chairperson and assist in interim business meetings as ma$ be appropriate and necessar$. 2.) The Secretar$ shall ta-e minutes of meetings of the E/ecutive Committee and of the 2eneral Assembl$ and shall assist in interim business bet'een meetings the financial matters as ma$ be appropriate and necessar$. 2., The Treasurer shall be the Chairperson of the 8inance Committee and assist in the finance matters. There shall be an E/ecutive 0irector appointed b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ upon nomination of the E/ecutive Committee. He;She shall be the chief e/ecutive officer of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia and he;she shall be accountable to the same. The duties to the E/ecutive 0irector include the follo'ing(,.% He;She shall report to the Association in its 2eneral Assembl$ and annual meeting E/ecutive Committee meetings. ,.2 He;She 'ill propose and implement plans and programes and promotes relationships approved b$ the Association through its 2eneral E/ecutive and Commissions meetings. ,.) He;She shall be the 0ean of the South East Asia 2raduate School of Theolog$. ,., He;She shall organize the 2eneral and E/ecutive meetings of the Association and prepare the agenda for these meetings. ,.! He;She shall be responsible for carr$ing out duties assigned to him;her b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ and E/ecutive Committee meetings. The terms of office of the officers shall be four $ears bet'een regular sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$. The term of the E/ecutive 0irector shall normall$ be four $ears bet'een regular sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$ or E/ecutive Committee. 49ote( The term of office of the e/ecutive director ma$ be e/tended up to si/ months follo'ing the 2eneral Assembl$ session at 'hich his;her term of office normall$ ends.5

VII. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE %. There shall be an E/ecutive Committee of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia. 2. The composition of the E/ecutive Committee shall be as follo's(2.% 8our officers 4the Chairperson, 6ice3chairperson, Secretar$, and Treasurer5. 2.2 Three .embers3at3large, one of 'hom shall be a church person. 2.) Such others as ma$ be designated b$ the 2eneral Assembl$ or the E/ecutive Committee 4such as the Chairperson of the "esource Commission5. 2., The E/ecutive 0irector as e/3officio. ). The duties of the E/ecutive Committee include the follo'ing( ).% To carr$ on interim business for the Association bet'een sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$.).2 To receive reports from E/ecutive 0irector. ).) To approve or authorize programs or pro1ects in accordance 'ith the aims of the Association and policies established b$ the 2eneral Assembl$.

)., To authorize funding re+uests for the 'or- of the Association through the "esource Commission. ).! To revie' the financial situation of the Association and approve its annual budget. ).< To nominate the E/ecutive 0irector of the Association. ). To be the =oard of 2overnors of the South East Asia 2raduate School of Theolog$. ).> To perform such other duties as ma$ be assigned to it b$ the 2eneral Assembl$. ,. The tenure of office of the E/ecutive committee members shall be four $ears covering the period bet'een regular sessions of the 2eneral Assembl$. !. The e/ecutive Committee shall normall$ meet annuall$ and special meeting ma$ be called. VIII. LIMITATION OF POWERS The actions of the Association for Theological Education in South East Asia shall not be construed as impl$ing control of polic$ or limitation of freedom of action of member * institutions. IX. BY-LAWS The 2eneral Assembl$, the E/ecutive committee, the "esource Commission, the Accreditation Commission, and other standing Commissions ma$ dra' up their respective b$3la's consistent 'ith the Constitution. The b$3la's ma$ be amended at an$ regular session of the 2eneral Assembl$ or at an$ annual meeting of the E/ecutive Committee b$ a simple ma1orit$ of members presents and voting upon recommendation of the respective committee or commission. X. AMENDMENTS This constitution ma$ be amended b$ a t'o3thirds vote of the voting members of the 2eneral Assembl$ in regular session. &roposed amendments 'hich affect the substance of the Constitution ma$ be proposed b$ an$ member3institution or b$ the E/ecutive Committee, and shall be reported to the members at least three months in advance of their scheduled consideration and adoption. XI. AUDIT T'o persons not members of the e/ecutive Committee 'ill be elected as Honorable Auditors at each 2eneral Assembl$ and 'ill hold office for four $ears and ma$ not be re3elected. The$ 'ill be re+uired to audit each $ear?s accounts and present a report upon them to the E/ecutive Committee .eeting. The$ ma$ be re+uired b$ the Chairperson to audit the Association?s Accounts for an$ period 'ithin their tenure of office at an$ date and ma-e a report to the Committee. XII. PROHIBITIONS %. 2ambling or an$ -ind, 'hether for sta-es or not, is forbidden on the Association?s premises. The introduction of materials for gambling or drug ta-ing and of bad characters into the premises is prohibited. 2. The funds of the Association shall not be used to pa$ the fines of members 'ho have been convicted in Court. ). The Association shall not attempt to restrict or in an$ other manner interfere 'ith trade or prices or engage in an$ Trade @nion activit$.

,. The Association shall not hold an$ lotter$, 'hether confined to its members or not, in the name of societ$ or its office3bearers, Committee or members. !. The Association shall not indulge in an$ political activit$ or allo' its funds and;or premises to be used for political purposes. XIII. DISSOLUTION %. The Association shall not be dissolved, e/cept 'ith the consent of not less than );! of the members of the Association eligible to vote, either in person or b$ pro/$ at a 2eneral Assembl$ convened for the purpose. 2. In the event of the Association being dissolved as provided above., all debts and liabilities legall$ incurred on behalf of the Association shall be full$ discharged, and the remaining funds 'ill be given to member3institutions.

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