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50 questions on the passages "Thus says The Lord": Old Testament, idiom that prophets use "..

for 3 transgressions of Israel" Amos the prophet, because he talks about Israel -Amos prophesied to Israel, which was apart of the Northern Kingdom -Amos is the first prophet to have oracles written down "Therefor The Lord himself will give him a sign look the young woman is with child and will call him Emmanuel": Isaiah because he talks about Emmanuel -prophesied in the Southern Kingdom "He has told you oh mortal what is good..walk humbly with your God": Micah because it's the famous passage of his "And war broke out in heaven..angel Michael...dragon": book of Revelation because of dragons and war in heaven "Son of Man comes in his glory..he will sit on the throne of his glory, all the nations will be gathered before him..sheep at right and goats on the left...naked and clothed..hungry and thirsty": Matthew because it talks about the king, throne, sheep and goats -theological concept of the second coming of Christ (sheep and goats): parousia -the study of the end of things; deals with the end of time: eschatology "Now concerning the times of the seasons brothers and sisters, you do not need anything written to you, for you yourselves know...thief in the night": Paul is the author, the book is 1 Thessolonians; recognize thief in the night -talks about the Day of The Lord and parousia "I have been a fool. you forced me to it indeed..not at all inferior to the superapostles": Paul, 2 Corinthians because of superapostles "Kingdom of Heaven": Matthew -story is a parable "Jesus Christ, the Son of God": Mark -writing in Rome "I am sending him that is my own heart back to imprisonment for the Gospel": Paul to the Philemons; talking about Onesimus -Paul's shortest letter -his heart is Onesimus "tricked by wisemen" Matthew because Herod and magi, star, slaughter "whole world should be registered": Luke -audience was for the Gentiles "in the 6th month the angel Gabriel": Luke talks about Gabriel

"very truly I tell you anyone...climbs in by another way is a thief and a bandit..opens gate for him..when he has brought out all his own...they know his voice..will not follow a stranger..Jesus said to them, very truly I am": John because he's talking about I am -ego emi: I am "In the beginning" John because its weird "you foolish Galatians!!" Paul to the Galatians Acts of the Apostles: Peter talks -Luke wrote the Acts of the Apostles "the presbyter to the elect lady": 2 John -that community is also responsible for writing John documentary hypothesis: J, E, D, and P -biblical story of Adam and Eve: Yahwistic (J Source) -God is very human: J -speaks to people through dreams: E -no contact with God except through rituals: P -deals with religious laws, purity, tabernacle, holy days, ark of the covenant: Priestly (P Source) -most material in Pentateuch: Priestly (P Source) -tradition for more material in the entire Bible: Deuteronomic (D Source) -derived for term meaning 2nd law: Deuteronomic -God speaking in burning bushes: Elohistic (E Source) -Joshua, judges, Sam: D tetragramaton: YHWH 12 Judges, 6 major 6 minor refers to literary technique connected that is found mostly in Mark: parataxis frame: inclusio first book of Bible: Genesis second: Exodus third: fourth: fifth: Hyksos: non Egyptian leaders in Egypt Mitzvot: laws and precepts of the OT, 613 of them Hebrew word often translated as law: Torah Ezrah and NEhemiah: chronistic history Daniel is in the prophetic part of the Bible derived from a word meaning one who is taught: disciple

authoritative list of books: canon written accounts: Gospels first prophet to have oracles preserved: Amos servant songs: 2 Isaiah 1st major : Ezekiel Jeremiah: more about personal sufferings Bride of YHWH: wisdom (Sophia) background on which God is resting believed to represent human brain: God is the source of all wisdom wisdom literature unique: deals with you (individual) ha'satan: adversary last book of OT: wisdom Song of Songs: doesn't deal with God maxims on acquiring virtue, black and white: proverbs according to all wisdom books, what is the beginning of wisdom: fear of YHWH goal of wisdom: all of humanity -wisdom is last of chronological how many psalms: 150 -sing them in a community main point of Job: having a proper relationship with God according to ecclesiastes there's a proper __ for everything: time ecclesiastes is also known by the Hebrew word: Qoheleth (assembler) most erotic: song of songs wisdom that talks about after life: wisdom king solomon is inspiration of: ecclesiates, song of songs, wisdom of solomon, proverbs Matt MArk John: synoptic Jesus refuses to reveal himself: messianic secret -MArk

-sanhedrin and demon (gentile) one who is sent: apostle book of Sirach is aka: ecclesiasticus inspiration of Book of Pslams: David proclamation of the good news: gospel hypothetical document used as a source: Q dei verbum: document from Vatican II proper interpretation of scripture; official church position on biblical studies -author of scripture: Holy Spirit -inconcsistencies because humans wrote it -what is the truth of the bible: the truth of salvation -official interpreter of scripture and tradition: pope in communion with the magisterium

deuter books: josh, 12 sam, chronistic books: Ezra, macabbean history: 12 Maccabees 4 divisions of catholic canon: penta, historical, wisdom, prophets (46 books altogether) Jewish bible: Tanakh don't take every book literally genesis: origins, the beginning first 11 chapters of genesis: primordial primeval -adam and eve -creation -cain and abel -tower of babel -noah catholic OT vs. protestant OT: 7 books missing from protestants NT vs. NT: no difference (27 books) penta: GELND sandwhich is 613 laws Historical: josh, ruth, ester, tobit

Prophets: daniel 1 Isaiah: writing from a Judah 2 Isaiah: writing from Babylon 3 Isaiah: writing from Judea apocylptic: Ezekiel Jesus gives three predictions: blind men -inclusio Mark who knows who Jesus is: centurion, author, reader, unclean spritis, voice from the clouds 2 things torn: heavens and veil -inclusio mark uses immedietly to show urgency after passion predictions in Mark the apostles don't understand -only human character is centurion Luke changes centurion to say truly this man was innocent -roots traces back to Adam shows gentiles NT written mostly by Paul numerical value of words: geometry Matthew traces to abraham and shows Jewish/Christian audience antithesis: 6 sayings of Jesus issues apparent in gospels with similarities and differences: synoptic problem -answer to this problem: 4 source theory Gospel of MAtt was written first WRONG -Mark was actually first reasosns John was written was to deny Christ was incarnate, this person has to acknowledge Jesus died: Thomas Group who wrote John responsible for 4: John, 123 John miracles called in John: signs -1st: wedding at cana -last: raising of lazarus word: logos John written because of this theme: jesus is everlasting life

prodigal son: luke sermon mt: matt naked guy: mark jesus dies day before passover: john good samaritan: luke nativites: matt and luke gospel portrays as prophet: luke rejected son of god: mark return of davdic king: matt jesus as prexistant logos: john theologicalistically sophisticated: romans earliest of Paul: 1 thessalonians NT provides with secondary info on pauls life: acts of the apostles annointed hebrew: Messiah irresolvable internal contradiction in the text, literary scheme: aporia study how author edited: redaction asking how genre functions in historical context: reader response isolating texts and exploring: thematic similarities and differences: comparative greek word that means annointed: Christ letters to Paul best term to describe authors of gospels: evangelists

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