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Mecklenburg Medical Alliance and Endowment

Annual Meeting and Installation of Officers

Myers Park Country Club
May 19, 2009
11:00 a.m.

President: Charlene Slaughter called the meeting to order at 11:15 a.m. and welcomed every-
one in attendance.

Invocation and Memorials: Tammy Bridges provided the invocation and blessing of the
meal. Candles were lit in memory of MMAE members who passed away in 2008-2009. These
members were Helenya De Hoff, Shirley Dunning Logan, and Danny Verner. The candles repres-
ented their presence in our lives and their service to MMAE.

Financial Outlook for the Endowment: Charlene Slaughter introduced John Kramer, our
financial advisor from Bank of America. John reported that the Endowment has a balance of
$1,340,542.47 as of May 18, 2009, which is up .3% since January 1, 2009 (after a 21.7% loss in
2008). Per the decision of the Finance Committee, he recently adjusted the fixed income (bond)
investments to 57% and the remainder in equity income (stocks) because of the current “bear”
market rally. John explained the recent history of the stock market activity and his expectations
for the near future. He offered to send email updates to those members who provide him with
their email addresses.

Fifty and Thirty Year State Members: Charlene Slaughter recognized the Thirty Year
Members: Sue Anderson, Bonnie Benedum, Lois Benjamin, Kathy Klimas, and Mary Jo Swan-
son. She recognized the Fifty Year Member: Alice Dorsett.

Treasurer/2009-2010 Budget Approval: Treasurer Becky Williford noted that John

Kramer had previously reported on the Endowment’s activity. She stated that we completed this
year with 258 county members, 91 state members, and 68 national members. She reported that
the Gala netted $5623. Becky presented the 2009-2010 budget and explained the changes from
the 2008-2009 budget, based on past and potential expenses and income (see attached budget). A
balanced budget was presented to the membership for its approval. A motion was made to ap-
prove the proposed budget, was seconded, and the motion passed.

Nominating Committee: Charlene Slaughter opened the floor for nominations for the two
elected members to the Nominating Committee. Joni MacDonald nominated Genie Hayes. A mo-
tion was made to elect Genie, was seconded, and the motion passed. Becky Williford nominated
Patsy Reames. A motion was made to elect Patsy, was seconded, and the motion passed.

Presentation of New Website: Kathy Klimas reported on the new MMAE website. She
explained what is included on the website, She said that the Pro-
gnewsis is now online to save on postage and printing. The website also includes a members
only section, and Kathy explained what is in that portion of the site. She said that members will
receive a password to access the members only section after they pay their dues.
Grants/Disbursements: Vice President Pam Bullard explained how the Lucky Hearts Cam-
paign was created. She reported that $75,000 were granted to MEDIC to purchase 52 AED’s in
honor of MMAE’s 75th anniversary. The goal is to place the AED’s in 20 organizations and to
train 1000 people. Pam reported where the AED’s have been placed thus far (see attached pro-
gram). She thanked Joni MacDonald and MEDIC for the their tireless work on this project. Pam
presented a check for $5000 to Hospitality House, the last installment of MMAE’s commitment.

Lucky Hearts Campaign: Jeff Keith, who represented MEDIC, expressed his thanks for
this partnership with MMAE and for MMAE’s generosity.

President’s Report: Charlene Slaughter reported on the events, activities, and accomplish-
ments of 2008-2009, including the Lucky Hearts Campaign, the 75th Anniversary Gala, and the
new website. She thanked the Board of Directors and MMAE for their support and hard work
and recognized the outgoing 2008-2009 Board with a token of her appreciation.

State Awards: President Slaughter announced that MMAE won two awards at the NCMSA
annual meeting in April. They were for Outstanding Achievement in Medical History for the
Gala and Outstanding Achievement in Health Promotions for the Lucky Hearts Campaign.

President’s Awards: Charlene Slaughter presented Becky Williford and Kathy Klimas with
the President’s Award. She honored Joni MacDonald with the Alliance Member of the Year

NCMS Alliance President: Charlene Slaughter introduced NCMS Alliance President Anne
Kahn. President Kahn emphasized the importance of state membership. She said that the NCM-
SA’s new slogan is “Come for Friends...Stay for Fulfillment.” She made a few remarks about
NCMSA’s plans for next year including the Get Fit NC campaign and the AED campaign across
the state. She reported that Charlene Slaughter, Becky Williford, and Tammy Bridges will serve
on the state level next year.

Installation of Officers: NCMSA President Anne Kahn conducted the installation of the 2009-
2010 MMAE officers.

Passing of the Gavel: Outgoing President Charlene Slaughter presented the gavel to incoming
Co-Presidents Debi Attorri and Lois Benjamin.

Co-Presidents’ Remarks: Co-Presidents Debi Attorri and Lois Benjamin remarked on their en-
thusiasm about serving and their plans for the coming year. They presented gifts to outgoing
President Charlene Slaughter. They announced an upcoming membership party on June 18, 2009,
sponsored by and to be held at Neiman Marcus. Invitations will be mailed to the membership in
the coming days.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

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