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NEHA DEOPA Class 9th Roll No 2

Submitted to Mrs. Nirmla Mahar

Why Do We Fall ILL???

Some diseases are caused by bacteria and some , such as AIDS and the common cold, are caused by viruses. Normally, our immune system protects us against diseases. But sometimes our body because of too little sleep or a lot of stress- becomes so weak that the immune system does not work properly and we succumb to diseases. Luckily, we can get ourselves vaccinated against some dangerous diseases.


Types Of Diseases
Infectious Disease : Diseases where microbes are the immediate cause. Contagious diseases : A subset of infectious diseases. Communicable diseases : Diseases which spread through an infected person to a healthy person through air, water, contaminated food and pathogens . Airborne diseases : A disease that spread from air . Non-communicable diseases :It is a medical condition or disease which by definition is non-infectious and nontransmissible between persons. Lifestyle diseases : Diseases that appear to increase in frequency as countries become more industrialized and people live longer. Other contents

Let us look at an example. If there is a baby suffering from loose motions ,we can say that the cause of loose motions is an infection with a virus. So the immediate cause of the disease is a VIRUS . Virus could have been come through unclean drinking water. But in some cases one baby develops loose motions while the other baby does not ? The reason could be that the baby is not HEALTHY .As a result, it might be more likely to have diseases when exposed to risk, whereas healthier babies would not.

Genetic Difference :It is also possible that the

baby has some genetic difference that makes it more likely to suffer from loose motions when exposed to such a virus . Without the virus , the genetic difference or the poor nourishment alone would not lead to loose motions .But they do become contributory causes of the diseases.

Lack of Good Nourishment: The baby is not healthy because it is not well nourished and does not get enough food . So, this is the another cause .


A cure is the end of a medical condition or a treatment that is very likely to end it, while remission refers to the disappearance, possibly temporarily, of symptoms. Complete remission is the best possible outcome for incurable diseases. Many diseases and disorders can be prevented through a variety of means. These include sanitation, proper nutrition, adequate exercise, vaccinations, and other selfcare and public health measures.


Medical therapies or treatments are efforts to cure or improve a disease or other health problem. In the medical field, therapy is synonymous with the word treatment. Treatments may be provided by an organized health care system, or informally, by the patient or family members. A prevention or preventive therapy is a way to avoid an injury, sickness, or disease in the first place. A treatment or cure is applied after a medical problem has already started. A treatment attempts to improve or remove a problem, but treatments may not produce permanent cures, especially in chronic diseases.
Fact file

How can we prevent Diseases?

There are two ways, one general and one specific to each diseases . The general ways of preventing infections mostly relate to preventing exposure.

How can we prevent exposure to infectious microbes?

For airborne microbes , we can prevent exposure by providing living conditions that are not overcrowded . For waterborne microbes, we can prevent exposure by providing safe drinking water . This can be done by treating the water to kill any microbial contamination . For vector-borne infections , we can provide clean environments . This would not , for example, allow mosquito breeding . In other words , public hygiene is one basic key to the prevention of infectious diseases .


Once someone has a disease, their body functions are damaged and may never recover completely. Treatment will take time, which means that someone suffering from a disease is likely to be bedridden for sometime if we can give proper treatment. The person suffering from an infectious disease can serve as a source from where the infection may spread to other people. This leads to the multiplication of the above difficulties. It is because of such reasons that prevention of diseases is better than their cure.

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Viruses cannot exist on their own and for survival they need to spread to another host. This is because the original host may either die or eliminate the infection. Some important routes of viral transfer include:

Skin contact Respiratory Faecal-oral Milk Transplacental

HPV(warts) ColdVirus , Influenza,measles,mumps,rubella Polio, echo, Coxackie, HepatitisA HTLV1,CMV Rubella ,CMV,HIV

Insect Vector Animla Bite

Herpes1 &2,HIV,HPV,Hepatitis B
Yellow fever, Dengue fever Rabbies

Treatment Of Viral Infections

Several antiviral drugs that are used to treat viral infections have been developed over the past two decades. Many of these are focussed against HIV. These do not cure HIV infection but stop the virus from multiplying and prevent the progress of the disease. Another notable antiviral drug is Ribavarin against hepatitis A Viruses in general are notoriously difficult drug targets as they modify and adapt themselves rapidly to build up a resistance against the drug. Case in point is Oseltamivir (trade name - Tamiflu) used in influenza.

Ebola- threw blood

Measles- threw air Chicken pox- threw air
Polio Yellow fever Rabies Blackdeath AIDS

Influenza- Threw air

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Bacterial Diseases:
1) Tetanus==by bacterium Colstirdium tetani 2) Typorid fever==bacterium salmonella 3) Cholera==caused by vibrio cholerae 4) Plague caused by Yesenia pests 5) Syphilis== bacterium Treponema pallida 6) Gonorrhea triggered by Neisseria 7) Tuberculosis==Koch bacteria 8)Legionnaire's disease by Legionella 9) Pneumonia==bacteria 10)Anthrax==bacteria

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