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The sound of the trumpet was made up of three notes, and of a melody of
the sweetest, softest music Leigh had ever heard. Her senses, numb from the
presence of Satan's piercing eyes and torrid breath, awakened as if from a
deep sleep. The spell left as quickly as it had engulfed her, and she
opened her eyes. The Keeper was holding his hands over his ears to escape
the sound. The melody was pleasing to Leigh, but to Satan it was a tune
that rendered him powerless.
The sounds of battle and feeding carrion ceased as the notes heightened in
clarity and intensity. Leigh's senses became normal and she noticed that
the dense smog that had enshrouded Earth for months was swirling -
lifting. In minutes the choking dust had dissipated - and as Leigh stood
on Mount Sinai, the sun rose in the Eastern Hemisphere and streaked the
last of the swirling dust with brilliant orange, red and yellow.
It had been so long since she had seen the sun that she had to shield her
eyes from the brightness. As she looked down she realized she still held
Satan with one hand at arm's length. She looked into his eyes and saw
humble fear - almost pitiful. She shrieked and pushed him away. He lost
his balance and sank to one knee. He looked about in a fearful gaze.
Leigh looked away, and scanned the destroyed land. Everywhere she looked
were massive piles of skeletons picked clean by the scavengers. She looked
in the direction of Israel's last stronghold. The last of the Keeper's
children were behaving as their Lord - confused, humble, and afraid. Leigh
didn’t stop to think how she saw with such clarity, for she was over 150
miles from those she saw. She noticed the citizens of Israel were looking
upward - looking to the heavens. She too looked and saw a huge ship
shining in the morning light. Its size awed her. There were other ships
also, and they darted acrobatically across the skies.
Dazzling lights located and disintegrated Satan's ships into a fine,
pulverized dust. Satan's own ship exploded and rained a silvery mist of
matter over Leigh and Lord of Evil.
One of the craft descended toward her and hovered; a circular portion
opened like the orifice of a camera. A being more beautiful than she had
ever seen floated to the ground. Satan shook, and held his head in his
hands. The Angel smiled at Leigh, and her own body radiated light. She
watched, and was speechless. The Angel wrapped a chain of light around the
pitiful body of Satan, then re-entered the ship and left.
Leigh continued to watch. Three other crystal-like craft shining
brilliantly descended in different directions. One ship shot a brilliant
ray of light that immersed a none-marked survivor of the great battle. The
Israelite's body radiated a beautiful pastel color. As the ship passed on
to another Israelite and bathed him in the ray, the first began to float
toward the huge ship.

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One of the ships immersed her in light. She had never felt so good - so
clean - her lungs were immediately cleansed of the choking dust she had
breathed. Her body was vibrantly alive to cleansing - inside and out; and
she too began to float toward the huge ship. She looked about, and saw
others, like herself, floating upwards; each clothed in a different hue of
pastel tint.
Hundreds of the pastel clothed bodies rose toward the ship. Higher and
higher Leigh rose into the morning sky. She was unafraid of the lofty
height, and equally unafraid of the strange trip. As she neared the ship,
she saw it was of a pure crystal; those who entered the craft moved to
different places about the ship. They were apparently making room for the
She thought that she would explode from euphoria. Like the others before
her, she rose above the colossal ship and then descended through an opening
in the top. She entered the ship and immediately found herself in front of
one clothed in pure white.
Tears flowed from her eyes. She knelt, and though she sensed others about
her doing the same, she felt as though she was the only one. She bowed her
head humbly to the man in white, and he placed a hand on her shoulder as
she kissed his feet and he said, "Arise, Leigh." She arose and unashamedly
wept tears of joy and gazed into warm brown eyes. The man stretched out
his closed hand to her and opened it. In his palm, without tarnish,
cleansed of the evil that once possessed it, was her golden cross, chain,
and ring.
Leigh laughed and cried at the same time, and gently took the chain. She
noticed then the scar on the palm of his hand, and as the exhilaration
filled her heart, she flung herself into the arms of Jesus.
Time stood still. She vaguely felt him guiding her to a place in the
ship, and of His receiving and guiding others to their places. The joy in
her heart overflowed.
She looked out into the atmosphere and beheld the spectacle. Pastel lit
bodies floated upward until all of the survivors - descendants of Abraham -
were inside the ship. She looked around and saw familiar faces. She saw
John, and their eyes met, and their smiles radiated love, and wept tears of
After the last of the enlightened bodies had revered themselves before
Jesus, the opening closed, and the ship rose into the heavens. It hovered
near the fringe of space, and those inside witnessed the marvels below.
Several of the crafts took on board the surviving slaves of Satan. Others
captured and held the demonic angels, and a lone craft descended to Satan
and carried him aboard. These ships flew and also stationed themselves at
the edge of space.

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The land masses below shifted - all of what was once North and South
America, Africa, Europe, Asia, India, the Middle East, the Antarctic,
Australia, and lessor islands - all the land masses moved and surrounded
the white circle where the temple complex had once stood.
Violent upheavals vibrated the oceans and massive tidal waves crashed into
the highest peaks. On and on the land converged toward and around the
white circle. They molded together like clay to fit into one giant piece
of land that encompassed the white circle. The whole mass vibrated and
shook. The mountains crumbled and toppled, and the whole area vibrated
into a gently, rolling uniformity.
A white fire of purifying heat engulfed the land - white and hot - but no
smoke was released into the atmosphere. As the fire subsided, the
land-mass turned to face the sun, and waters cleansed the land and receded
into the sea. The heavier, larger mass of ocean faced the darkness of
space, and the inhabitants of the ship could see the new pole form a
circular ice pack in the glow of the moon's light. The Earth stabilized in
an orbit of a new, circular path around the sun and land was always facing
the life sustaining star. Eden was being reborn.
The barren, gentle, rolling hills, plains, and valleys began to sprout
vegetation. Trees of fruit, shade, and nuts, grasses and flowering herbs
and shrubs flourished everywhere. Paradise of a thousand years awaited the
pure in heart.
The ship began a slow dissension through the clear, cloudless atmosphere,
and hovered above the white circle. The ships that held the Keeper's
slaves, his servants of death - his demonic angels, and Satan himself would
descend below the huge ship and hover above the six-sided pool. One by one
the evil beings were cast into the depths of the pool. Leigh and the
others watched the warriors of satanic ownership being bound with chains of
light and thrown into the bottomless pit. Everyone gasped as Satan himself
sank in the blue water. Everyone was silent as his form grew smaller and
smaller and finally went out of sight as a tiny dot.
The inhabitants of the ship remained silent as the huge ship descended.
Ever so slowly downward, the crystal craft was guided, and the blue columns
that had once been drones of protection fit into cylinders at the edge of
the huge ship. The craft settled onto the smooth white circle and sealed
the star shaped pool. The orifice that had opened at the top of the ship
to allow the Israelites to enter, when closed, acted as a prism to the
sun's rays. The prism broke the light into colors and was dispersed onto
the ship's deck in the exact dimensions of the star shaped pool. Where the
light of prismal colors struck the ship's deck, they blended to produce a
deep black that prevented light from entering the pool. Satan's prison was

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The remaining ships darted over the surface of the circular land and the
surrounding ocean. They paused here and there and focused a ray of light
over a particular spot of land or sea. Wherever the light affixed, the
water or earth would momentarily part, and those that had died covered by
the blood of Jesus, those that had held to the hope of the resurrection and
life everlasting, awoke from their sleep of death. They, too, were clothed
with the pastel light of life.
The opening in the top of the crystal ship again opened, and the rainbow
of colors ceased, but the black six-sided star that blocked the light from
the bottomless pit remained as it was.
Leigh, John, and the others watched as the resurrected believers in Christ
entered through the opening. Some she recognized, others she had never
seen. Most she would know later. Unbeknown to her and those around her,
thousands of the past had been brought to life. Adam and Eve, Noah,
Abraham, Moses, David, Joseph, and others entered through the lofty
Her heart leaped to an emotional high as Shelly came through the opening.
Her eyes were glowing with the warmth of joy and peace. John cried as he
embraced his daughter, and his tears flowed freer still a short time later
when Emily joined his side.
Paul of Tarsus, John the author of Revelations - Abel - the first
shepherd, entered the ship and knelt before Jesus.
Leigh's heart soared as she watched Al and Brad enter and as he took his
place she hugged him - not as an embrace of romantic design, but as an
equal, a brother.
On and on they came. Steven, who was stoned for believing. Jesse’s own
mother cried and knelt and took her place. Everyone that had ever lived
and died in grace entered the ship and rejoiced. After everyone was
assembled, the remaining ships left in an arc of light to return from where
they came.
A door opened toward each of the four directions. Outward and downward
they formed steps to the outside. Everyone looked at Jesus as if to ask
"What now?" and in apparent answer He said, "Follow me", and left through
the door facing the East.
Leigh and Al watched, waiting for their turn to leave the ship. As each
person left the craft, their pastel aura faded into the perpetual
sunshine. Once outside, Al and Leigh awaited for John, Emily, and Shelly.
They noticed with each breath the air, pure and sweet. Each breath was
fresher than the preceding one.
John and his family joined them, and Shelly ran ahead. She and the other

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laughing, playing children clustered around Jesus as he walked up a long,

sloping meadow of beautiful green grass.

Everyone followed Jesus until he reached the apex of the hill. Everyone
moved in an unhurried stride and gathered on the sides of the cone-shaped
sloping meadow. The grass was soft and almost "beckoned" to be sat upon,
which everyone did. Dotted all over the meadow were smooth stones of
various sizes and shades of brown and gray.
After everyone was seated and the children had settled down around Jesus,
a hush fell over the gathered crowd of thousands. Jesus spoke.
"From this day forward this place will be known as the `Hill of Stories'."

The children's eyes widened with anticipation and they excitedly yelled
"Tell us a story - tell us a story, please!"
Jesus smiled and looked at the children gathered at his feet.
"This story is for you, children, to remember and tell throughout the age,
but is not a story of telling, but rather a story of doing. At the end of
this age there will be an hour of darkness. Some of you will have children
of your own ... bring them to this hill, and share with them this story ...
and, children, remember it well."
The children looked at each other in innocent wonder and giggled. Jesus
introduced one little boy of about nine years that died in fever - even
before Christ himself had lived, and instructed him to bring one of the
many small stones that were lying about. The boy obeyed, and sheepishly,
his face flushed with the shyness of youth on center stage, picked up a
small gray stone and brought it to the Master. The lad stretched out his
arm with the stone in his palm, and Jesus reached out and touched it. The
stone glowed and cracked, much like an egg, and the pieces crumbled away.
Standing in the child's palm, amid the crumbled pieces of stone, was a
quail. It whistled the "bobwhite" call and flew from the boy's hand and
glided to the edge of the field. Everyone gasped, and the children's eyes
were wide with disbelief and excitement.
Jesus instructed Shelly and the other children to go and likewise touch
every stone in the field, and they did so. Each stone released a different
bird or animal - male and female. A rabbit, a lion, a lamb, even a
unicorn. A deer, a duck, a dog - and after all the animals and birds were
released they found their mates. Two by two they sat, perched, or stood
among the crowd and stared at Jesus. Jesus spoke.
"These animals are representative of the creatures of the Earth through
the ages. They are not without feelings, and like the trees and grass and
flowers, look to each of you for care and love. Each of you are
responsible to their needs, and a thousand years of love, trust, and

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kindness is due them."

The animals, birds, and children somehow sensed their presence unneeded,
and began to leave the crowded field. Some of the children were holding
hands; one or two carried in a gentle manner a rabbit or some such animal.
They left and wandered among the different places of restored Eden and
tasted the berries that grew in thornless clusters here and there.
Jesus continued. "Questions that may have plagued you on Earth past -
some of the untold secrets of the universe will be explained here on the
`Hill of Stories'.
There are many of you that have answers to the questions of others, and
through the times ahead, each of you will tell your story. Here on this
hill, many of the mysteries of life will be unraveled."
Occasional shrieks of laughter could be heard from the frolicking
children, and in answer to the concerns of many in the crowd that worried
about their welfare, Jesus continued.
"Do not fear for the safety of the children, or even your own, for in this
age there is no sickness, nor pain, nor death. As the shepherd is to the
sheep, I am your protector; your every need is supplied here in the
garden. The water is pure. The air is pure; there are no germs. Those
parting the womb will not experience the dread of childhood trauma.
Neither will their mothers know the pain of labor. Though this is not
heaven, this is Paradise . . . your reward for trials suffered, for your
faith - but it is only a taste of what is to come. For I am here to
teach. There are none sitting here that will be deceived in the final hour
of darkness, but those born during this age must also choose - for without
choice, no one is free.
Satan, this very minute, though bound in the bottomless pit, connives to
deceive those that you and I will teach the ways of truth. Mysteries -
when explained, appear simple. Problems, when solved, often have simple
solutions. And that which is simple is often made complex by the spirit of
darkness to deceive the very elect.
In this age all will understand and speak the language of the spirit -
this is why each of you understand and speak the words that seem to be your
own native tongue - here there is no division in oration and perception.
There are many things that will be taught - many things that each of you
must learn in this age of enlightenment. Much of the process will be one
of forgetting - not only the error of previous ways, but of the wisdom of
men. Much of the past wisdom is stained with lies - the universe itself is
inherent of this vast deception. Much of your mathematics, science, and
physics are in error and only until after the final hour of darkness will
the physics be made perfect.
Many of you from generations past will marvel at the simplicity and will
easier understand that which will be taught, but all of you must begin to

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cleanse your minds of the lies that have been perpetrated by Lucifer.
You will all learn together, and I will guide each of you through the path
of righteous understanding. The end product of this understanding will be
your ability to stand before God the Father in spotless robes. Many are
already changed, and are with the Father. . . but they, too, learned what
you must learn. They were taught in the age of the feast while Satan's
reign destroyed the last Earth. The children born in this age will learn
after the hour of darkness. But all must learn. Before we learn, we must
unlearn - we must separate the lies from the truth. The end result will be
perfection and your perfect understanding of the physics of love."
Jesus paused and walked a short distance to where his mother sat by
Joseph. He smiled into her eyes and reached toward her with an
outstretched arm. Mary took his hand and together they walked to the top
of the hill. Jesus continued. . .
"In the earthen room where I was born, very shortly after I was parted
from her, I spoke to her. I told her who I was, and my purpose, and of my
destined death. In an exemplary feat of motherhood, she cried tears of
acceptance. Mary was chosen above all women because of her humility. And
this is the first lesson in the physics of love."
Jesus released his mother's hand and she returned to her place beside
Joseph. Everyone watched her until she sat, and upon having again looked
at Jesus, excitedly marveled at what was taking place.
Jesus had raised his hands and looked skyward. His beautiful white robe
shown brilliantly, and, as before his disciples nearly twenty centuries
previous, transfigured into the dazzling light of perfect being - rays of
sparkling beauty traveled from his body in all directions.
His transfiguration lasted for a length of time - a time unmeasured in
minutes - but measured in emotional warmth that flooded the hearts of those
seated about the hillside. As quickly as the light began it subsided and
He stood as before, clothed in his robe like everyone else wore, and
appearing very human.
"Once each of you have encompassed the physics of love, then you will
understand the laws which govern creation. But to strip the lies from the
simple truth, to enable you to be ready to be changed, let us go back to
the beginning."
"Light. Everywhere. Reaching inward and outward in every direction
without an end. There was no darkness; and in the center of this great
light and the cause of this light was God. The mystery of this will only
be understood after the final hour of darkness. Pure light, pure love.
Light unlike any, which your eyes have yet to see. Pure warmth. The
purest of the pure. The heavens have no end, and there was no end to the
light. It encompassed all, for that is all there was. And in this endless

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expanse of heavenly light, God created. This was the first creation, and
this type of creation shall never happen again, for out of this creation of
matter, all things are made manifest. From God's being came the first
creation, the creation of lesser spirits - souls. This creation was very
much like life as it is regenerated from its own seed. The souls came from
God's own being. And the residue from this creation became matter. Its
makeup is all the same, yet, when arranged, is different. Perfect
creation. Perfect, positive matter. All was perfect. All was positive.
This was the first creation of souls.
These creations God named angels. They were created with all knowledge
and with an intellect far above the entities of the second creation.
Because the creations came from God, and in his likeness, they existed
forever. They were created to commune with God, to company with Him all
time - forever.
But, in parallel to a child honoring his parents with love and obeisance,
the Father's love was undying, even prodigy. Nevertheless, a rebellious
child cannot go unpunished, and one being - the highest of the creations,
rebelled. With this rebellion the vast age of deception entered the
creation. A full third of God's holy creations were deceived by this most
beautiful and intelligent creation, and pure physics of love was
destroyed. Thus was born the shadow world. In this shadow world, in the
satanic copy of God's perfection, Lucifer set up his fallen kingdom.
The residue of creation, all positive matter, in the infinitely vast sea
of light, united to form worlds of unparalleled beauty. The beauty of this
restored earthly Eden is only a shadow of those worlds. There circles were
perfect, lives were perfect, animals were perfect. All that exists here in
imperfection existed there in perfection. And for many eons the angels
played in the sea of light in their crystal ships God made for them. They
sang perfect songs, played perfect music, and the display of their frolic
in the sea of light was like a perfect dance.
Prior to Lucifer's fall, God, in his perfect reason, created the second
time. These spiritual beings were created lesser than the angles, but
without knowledge. They drifted in the sea of light unaware that they even
existed, and afterbirth of their creation randomly scattered in the sea of
light to become lesser worlds. Satan fell, and everything changed."

"Satan challenged God and his supremacy, and he and those that chose to
side with him were banished from the beautiful world. The resulting chaos
was war, and end result of this war was a divided universe. The afterbirth
of matter of this war was a divided universe. The afterbirth of matter
from the fallen angels literally blew apart the beautiful world. It flew
into depths of the destroyed light - into the far reaches of darkened space

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as blazing fireballs.
God provided for his faithful angels a place of refuge. . . a place where
Satan and his demonic band could not go. Many large chunks of purely
positive matter burned out and collapsed. These areas have been called
black holes, or black stars, and these are the portals to God's heavenly
domain. Through these portals God and His perfect, unfallen angels left
the darkened, ugly aftermath of angelic war.
God's second creation of millions of souls - souls lesser than the angels,
souls without awareness - souls without substance - totally neutral souls
were left to drift in the sea of darkness, for all that remained of God's
pure, beautiful light was sucked into and through the portals of God's
domain - Heaven.
Nothing negative could enter the portals, then, nor now, without God's
allowing knowledge. The negatively, infested universe expanded and cooled,
and in the cooler of these worlds Satan set up his world. He became the
Prince of Darkness - the prince of this universe - and of this past earth.
The angels of God lived in peace in terms of years unmeasured, but because
love is merciful, they could not forget their created siblings. They began
to question God about his severity in their eternal banishment. God had
already made provisions to prove to his faithful creations that his eternal
law was just, and necessary. To show the result of Evil's destructive
nature, and to prove his love, was born the crucible of souls, your souls -
the souls of men and women since the dawn of mankind."
"In the first expedition from the separated sea of light into the darkness
of space, God located a cooled mass of terra firma that was suitable for
his plans. God formed many bodies of flesh from the soil and gave homes to
an equal number of the neutral souls. They were left in an environment
similar to this paradise, and on this very Earth. There they were
instructed to be wary of strange visitors from the stars. They lived in
total harmony with the environment without need nor want, without death,
disease or pain. They would have lived forever should they have heeded
God's simple warnings.
During this age Satan built shadow ships from the world to which they were
banned. They found the inhabited Earth of neutral souls. After Satan
found the Earth, God returned with select angels and found a world so base
and evil that he destroyed all of life. The fossil remains of the men and
animals caused much speculation over the years of your age, and Satan used
men to propagate theories of evolution and thereby caused many souls to
become negatively tainted.
This exemplary model did not fully convince the angelic realm that evil
was corruptibly eternal. God knew this, and thus began the second phase of
God's plan - the age of Adam.

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God again used earth as the footstool of his final proof. He again
constructed Paradise, but the rules were totally changed."
Jesus paused from his oration of explanations and scanned the crowd
clothed in spotless white robes. All were mesmerized with an attentive
desire to know the truth. Jesus continued.
Satan was limited in his power to deceive. The most corruptibly negative
demons were banned from making personal contact. He could only work in a
spiritual manner, or in disguise.
God brought two perfect trees - very special trees, from the sea of light
and placed them in the center of the restored Earth. God fashioned a man
from the Earth, a man of flesh, and gave him the breath of life.
Immediately a neutral soul entered the body of this newborn man. God named
this soul Adam, and communed with him. He showed Adam the Garden, and all
that was in it. He showed him the sea, and the abundant fishes, and the
creatures of the sea. He showed Adam the animals, and Adam named them.
The world was as near perfect as the negative environment would allow.
And in innocent, unspoiled perfection, with most of the negatives deep in
the earth's crust, with pure air, pure water, without any need, Adam was
lonely. God knew this, and so created Eve for a helpmate. Together Adam
and Eve were instructed that all of the trees in the garden were good, but
that there were two whose fruit should not be eaten, or they would know the
difference between good and evil, and death would be their reward.
Adam, I would like for you and Eve to tell your story for all to hear.
For it cannot be better told except by you!"
Leigh watched as a man and woman stood near the rear of the crowd and made
their way to the top of the hill. She thought there was no doubt that they
were the most beautiful man and woman she had ever seen. The crowd hushed
as Adam spoke to his generated family.
"The garden was beautiful - very much like the one we are in. Though I
had no idea of the concept of time, I suppose many centuries passed before
I began to tire of talking with the animals. Oh, they could talk then.
It's not that I grew weary of their company, but I began to notice that
each one had a mate, and though they always included me in their frolic and
games, during their time of rest they always went off together, and I was
left alone. So I talked with God about it - He was by best friend. He
always came to see me and talk with me. He taught me everything about the
Garden and of the Tree of Knowledge – which I didn't fully comprehend.
Adam looked around and pointed toward the crystal ship, and continued.
"If this was my garden, the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life would
have been right about where the ship is. But I never thought about it much
- I never went around it. All the animals stayed away too. But, as I was
saying, I was lonely, and I tried to explain it to God, though I couldn't

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exactly name the feeling.

One moment when the animals were at rest, I, too rested on a spongy patch
of moss. One minute I was setting there, thinking, and the next minute I
awoke. I looked around and was startled to see the most beautiful creature
I had ever seen. She - as I later knew her to be a she, was lying not far
from me - and very much asleep.
I didn't dare touch her. I really didn't know what to do - but I was just
content to look at her - and I probably would have still been looking if
Eve had still been sleeping!"
Eve clutched Adam's hand, and interrupted him.
"When I awoke it must have startled Adam."
"I jumped up and screamed!"
Eve smiled and continued.
"Then I screamed. Adam never took his eyes off me. I looked at him for
the longest time... then I looked at the trees and flowers. I felt the
soft moss beneath me. You must realize that when I awoke, I awoke not as a
baby, but as a grown woman, yet without memory or the knowledge of any
thing. All was new to me.
Then I saw it and screamed again. I suppose it must have startled Adam,
because he jumped. The unicorn that had curiously walked up ran off - Adam
laughed. I was trembling. Adam laughed some more. Then I laughed - it
felt good to laugh. It relaxed me. We both laughed together. Then Adam
called the unicorn by name and told him it was okay. He told me it was
okay. I recall I didn't understand a word he was saying, but the tone of
his voice assured me the unicorn was his friend. I had yet to speak my
first word.
All of the animals gathered around after the word was spread through the
garden that I was there. They were so nice and I got brave and mimicked
Adam and touched some of them.
We had so many wonderful times together exploring the Garden. It would
take many days - well - not really days, because the sun always shone then,
and there were not any nights - to got all the way around the Garden. I'll
always remember the ocean breezes and splashing in the waves... just being
with Adam was the best.
God came and visited us often. He is so beautiful. At least his form he
took was beautiful. We didn't know he had to change just to be with us.
And, yes, he told us of the tree that we could not eat from. I remember it
well because he looked right at me. Of course Adam already knew, but I
thought nothing about it. I was in heaven; and I was so very happy.
But one day I was alone - Adam was riding Urek - the unicorn. His mate
was jealous of me - if that's a good word... sometimes I rode, too, but her
looks made me just a bit uncomfortable - that day I stayed behind. Adam
never tired of riding Urek.

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Anyway, I was just walking through the center of the Garden when Satan,
well, I didn't know then that it was Satan, only later after it was too
late. He had taken on the form of one of the beautiful serpents. I really
thought it was Sombeca - I used to pet him as he warmed in the sun - we
were quite good friends you see. He told me he had something to show me.
I was excited. I was always excited to see something new and different.
He led me to the very center of the Garden - oh - it really was Sombeca -
but Satan had deceived him and entered his fallen form. I am so very sorry
for all the trouble I caused, and all that followed when Sombeca deceived
We ended up at the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil- though I didn't
understand what good and evil was. The serpent stood and picked one of the
succulent fruits. Oh - I can say that all the trees of the Garden had the
most delicious fruit and aside from being with Adam, I think tasting the
different fruit was my favorite pastime. Sombeca and I used to spend hours
trying to decide which tasted better. We could never make a decision.
Each and every one was so different, and by the time you had tried them
all, you forgot what the first ones tasted like.
It did look so good. And the aroma - so sweet - and unlike any in the
Garden. Sombeca bit into it and his face was flush with pleasure. I could
not take my eyes off him as he ate it, nor did I want to. The more I stood
there, the more I wanted it, and the more I had to have it. My mind became
cloudy with desire. This was the first time Adam had not been on my mind
or at the back of my mind. I wasn't thinking of God's warning. I had
never felt so engulfed in ecstasy. I had never experienced the desire of
lust. I had to have a taste of the fruit whose aroma had numbed my senses.

When Satan spoke through the mouth of Sombeca, and told me it was okay,
his eyes - so - so - spellbinding - I was held helpless by his gaze.
Totally defenseless, I ate the fruit that Sombeca plucked from a lofty
It wasn't nearly so good as I had imagined, - it left me with a taste that
was bitter - and no amount of spitting would rid of the taste. I don't
really know if I went to sleep, or what, but when I became aware of my
surroundings, Sombeca was gone. I was feeling sick - scared, and I wanted
Adam. I loved him so much. We had so many good times together. He was
always with me, except that one time. I really wanted to ride with him
that day but I didn't want to hurt Erek's mate. Anyway - something very
different was happening to me. I had salty water running from my eyes -
tears - the first tears shed by woman over a man - I thought I had lost him
forever. I felt so bad and so alone. I couldn't find him, but he heard me
calling, and he came, and later on, whenever I called, he always came."
Adam interrupted Eve with a hug and assured her of his forgiving love and

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continued with his version of the story.

"I knew something was wrong. I saw it in her eyes. I felt it in her
touch. I held her. She was crying, though at the time I didn't know what
crying was. But I got used to crying. She cried a lot after that awful
day. She tried to explain to me what she had done. Though I couldn't
possibly have known the consequences of her having been deceived, I felt so
separated from her, and I would have eaten the whole tree to have her close
again. I chose to eat the fruit to be with her. I loved her so much. She
was every bit of me as I was she. I had taught her to talk, to ride Urek.
We did everything together - she was my whole life.
So I assured her it was okay - that together we would go to the tree and
that I would eat to show her it was okay. I remember her trying to cover
herself in front of me even though I
didn't look at her any differently. Later she told me she was ashamed to
be naked in front of me.
Together we walked to the center of the Garden. There was electricity in
the air - a tenseness that I had never felt. I knew that I was about to do
wrong - though I really didn't realize what wrong was. I just wanted Eve
back. I wanted to get it over with. Even the animals appeared to sense
the event, which was occurring. Ureic, my faithful comrade for times upon
times, came running by. I glanced at him; his eyes were sad but full of
fire. Birds were flying through the air in frantic airborne confusion. I
remember seeing one that I hadn't seen before - huge and black. Later I
knew it to be a vulture.
We both stared at the tree - ominous and yet tall and stately - together
we walked under its cool shade. Eve showed me the core of the fruit she
had eaten. I smelled it - the aroma was sweet - but not enough to sway me
to eat it out of desire. Eve described to me how the serpent had eaten,
and how she wanted it, too. Then she started to cry again - she screamed
to me "No, Adam, don't eat it!" and ran off, still crying. I felt so torn,
torn between wanting to be with Eve and of fearing what God had said. So I
started to think - and I realized that Eve was more important to me than
anything else. For the first time, at that very moment, I discerned a
voice inside my mind and it said, "Go ahead, it can't hurt you, he made Eve
to be with you. Go ahead, eat, and you'll get her back." Without
hesitation at all, at that moment I chose. I chose to follow that voice,
and I ate.
Birds shrieked, and flew about crazily. Urek came running up to me making
noises like he was trying to clear his throat - though I didn't know it, he
had lost his ability to speak. The fire in his eyes was gone, but they
were so distant, and cloudy, like he couldn't really focus. I reached out
to pet him; he jerked his head and reared up, turned, and ran. I didn't
know what to do, so I ran, too. I ran for Eve and my favorite spot where

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we had lain and talked for hours upon hours - and yes - she was there,
curled up in a knotted position - like a tiny baby. Her head was buried in
her hands, and she was crying.
I spoke her name; she looked up at me. Immediately I felt her eyes upon
my body and I felt as she had when I had looked at her. Consciously, I
looked about and picked several smooth, pliable leaves and tied them with
supple grasses and fashioned a cover of sorts for Eve and myself. The
feeling was as natural as covering oneself with a coat when cold - we both
felt much better. But that wasn't to last long, as you all know, because
we heard God walking through the Garden toward us. We actually didn't hear
him, but all of the animals that were scared, and we hid together
trembling. All of you know all too well the rest of the story."
Jesus rose and walked toward Adam and Eve. He embraced each of them in
turn with brotherly love, and said aloud for everyone to hear "Your faith
after the fall saved you. You are forgiven. You are children of God's
Kingdom. You are blessed as the first of men and women - and your reward
awaits you in Heaven."
Jesus continued "Here at the Hill of Stories, we will hear many more
narratives of the past. I'm sure many of you hunger, and wish to explore
your new home. The Garden is yours. This hill is the gathering place
where you will all learn what must be learned. Each of you will feel an
urge to return at the appropriate time.
The animals here cannot talk - they are still deeply rooted in the
negative of the shadow world. But they are innocent and trusting. There
are no eaters of flesh. Treat them with love and respect - and remember,
they are shy.
I will be speaking with each of you in private during the times ahead.
You will know when it is that I wish to speak with you. Then come to me.
I will be in the crystal ship. Go now, and see your restored Earth - very
different - yet very much the same - and surprises await you!"

Emily, Leigh, Al and John stayed where they had been setting for awhile.
They talked about all they had seen and heard. They spoke of whom they
wanted to meet and talk to. They were very excited indeed.
All of a sudden Al and John - who had inadvertently caught each other's
gaze, jumped up, yelled their childhood yell, and yelled it again.
"We made it Al," John said.
Emily and Leigh stood, and Emily said, "Come on you two. I feel
absolutely terrific." All of a sudden she grasped her belly with both
hands and was shocked to realize she was not pregnant. The excitement of
the past few hours had totally captivated her attention. She looked
questionably at the other three.

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John broke the silent question in an answering laugh of love. "You died."

"You died, Emily. At the island. It nearly killed me."
"And the baby?"
Leigh interrupted "Remember the little girl who stood with John
On the ship?"
Emily cried tears of joy as she exclaimed "My baby - a girl! Oh, John..."

The three explained to her the circumstances of the cesarean and how the
baby had been born and cared for by the three of them. She had apparently
been killed at some point of time in the battle.
"Emily," Leigh said, "we've told her all about you. She knows it all.
She's anxious, I'm sure, to see you. She probably didn't even know who you
were in the ship!"
"John," Emily said, "let's go find her - please!"
John would not have refused her even if he had wanted to - which, of
course, he did not. They all decided to join each other at the next
rendezvous on the hill. John and Emily left, and Emily asked question
after question without giving John time to answer even the first one.
Leigh looked at Al and said, "Where to?"
"I don't guess it matters - any place is okay by me!"
"Al," Leigh said, looking around, "this place is so... so..."
They walked in silence and tasted the berries and fruits. They looked at
and wondered about the many different plants which grew lush and green
everywhere. Some were familiar - but some were exotic like unto which they
had never seen.
Leigh, between tasting different berries, asked Al "What happened to you
after you left? But before you answer I'd like to share something with you
that I couldn't before."
Al looked at her curiously and said nothing, but paused and sat near a
bush of delicious berries that resembled, but were larger than, the wild
huckleberries of his native Lookout Mountain. Leigh sat too, and, between
berries, continued.
"On the Weekend Out, after we sailed from the island - you remember -
after we were attacked and I fed John breakfast?"
Al nodded, his mouth too full to speak.
"Well, I had a sort of vision. It held true, as far as I know. In the
vision John led Israel; and Shelly died - her blood stained the Holy Land.
You were supposed to die a terrible death. I wanted so much to tell you,
but I felt I shouldn't. I was worried so much about you..."

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Al recounted to Leigh of his and Brad's adventurous trip North and of the
events leading to their death.
"But you know Leigh - the pain was so great I don't see why we didn't pass
out. But all at once, it left, and Brad and I started singing - even as we
were burning... and it seemed like an eternity... and I had time to think
on many things. One of which we need to talk about - now is as good a time
as any..."
"Al - look!" Leigh interrupted. "The river - the ledge - everything!"
Al looked, noted the similarities, and the differences, and said, "No - I
agree - it looks similar, but you saw what happened to Earth from the
crystal ship."
They walked to the rock ledge that looked very much like the ledge above
the pool that had led to their cave refuge back on the mountain of Earth
"There's only one way to find out," Leigh laughed as she pushed Al, tunic
and all, into the pool. Still laughing, she dove in herself.
Al surfaced in time to see Leigh's feet disappear beneath the surface. He
took a breath of pure, clean air, and slipped beneath the crystal clear
water. True enough, there was a rock projecting from the side of the
river's channel, and he followed Leigh's feet as they disappeared from
sight into the opening behind the rock. The fissure narrowed and led upward
into the underground pool. But it was different - so vastly different. It
was cool - yet warmer than what it should have been - and the air was clean
and fresh, not dark and musty as they had remembered. The light that they
had hung over the pool was a beautiful stone jewel of beautiful red - like
a ruby. And the wires that had run down the tunnel were now strings of
pearls. And there was not darkness - yet the light was there and it came
from nowhere - it was just light - like the light of the outside world.
Al and Leigh were breathless, and speechless. They climbed from the pool
and noticed their robes were dry - yet their hair and skin still dripped
from the underwater swim.
Still in awe, they started down the tunnel. At the nylon tarp they
paused, for it too had changed. It was no longer nylon, but a material of
the finest silk - white and pure. The zipper was of pure gold, and upon
the door was written "The King's Outlaws".
Al laughed and said, "Jesus must have a sense of humor!"
Leigh slowly undid the zipper and together they stepped inside the cavern
that had been their home for months. They both caught their breath in
surprise. They saw the finest of fabrics and woods that had replaced their
meager furnishings. They beheld the flowers along the small stream that
flowed the length of the cavern. They watched the small, colorful fishes
that played and splashed in the pool at the far end. The walls, and
ceiling, and floor of the cavern were inlaid with intricate mosaics that

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depicted the Biblical stories. Where their makeshift bed had been was a
canopy-covered bed of fine, polished brass. The pillows and spreads were
fringed with lace knitted by the Son's creative, imaginative handiwork.
The pillow looked as comfortable as feathery air. On top of the mattress,
which was covered by the lacy spread, was a patchwork quilt. Its design
was of the Weekend Out moored at the cover of their tropical island.
Everywhere they looked the things of the cavern was changed.
They stared in awe, and beheld everything in a sweeping glance. The rush
of air inhaled by them both was not from the many splendid changes that had
been made just for them. No - it was more, much more. For in the middle
of the patchwork quilt, all comfortable, and with a look of "I understand"
and "Where have you been?" was a sleepy-eyed, yawning beagle!
"Apoca!" Leigh screamed and rushed to the bed and scooped him up in her
arms. He lavishly bestowed all kinds of kisses across her cheeks and his
tail wagged in innumerable beats per minute that showed he was as happy to
see them as they were he.
"Al - this is all just like a storybook of dreams - like Christmas morning
to a child - all too good to be true... but it is, and I just..."
Al interrupted her and said "I know, Leigh, I was trying to tell you what
I was thinking when you pushed me into the water."
"I know - that's why I pushed you in. I would have pushed you in even if
it hadn't been our pool."
"What do you mean?"
"I think we are feeling the same things Al. I mean - well - you tell me
first and then I'll tell you!"
"That's not fair!"
"You're the one who said the world wasn't fair - that it wouldn't even
meet you half-way."
"You don't forget anything - do you?"
"Only what I choose to!"
"You win - but it's - well - hard to explain. I mean - while hanging
there on that rough, splintered cross - I remembered my childhood and all
the good things I had taken for granted. Later on I treated the blessed
life of luxury the same way. I don't guess I deserved any of it. A
beautiful child - no money worries. Amanda was good to me and I just
didn't see it. Because I failed to realize what real love was, it wasn't
enough, and I lost it all. I'm so very glad I met you. You've been the
best. So far we've just been friends, and other than kisses, hugs, and
such, there hasn't been any intimacy. And - the truth is, I'm glad.
Leigh, hanging there I finally understood what marriage is - and why - and
I realized that something magic happened when Amanda and I were married.”
"What do you mean?"
"It's like - she was my other half. Like we were no longer two people -

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just one person - or one soul - but in two bodies. Oh, whats the use, I
can't explain it. But I feel I could have met and loved and married an
infinite number of women and it would have been adultery. It would have
been deception. It would have been wrong - for me at least. Maybe not for
other people, but wrong for me. Like for instance, if you take a penny and
cut it in half, throw the other half as far as you can - destroy it - melt
it - whatever. You could make another half - or take a half of another
penny, but no matter how hard you try to match it - even if it appears to
be perfect - it just won't be same as before. It would be a substitute, a
replacement, something to compare to. It was so clear to me as I hung
there that our differences - whether it was money, views, one of us
changing, sex, falling out of love, lust, whatever - the fact still
remained clear to me as I was dying that our commitment bound our souls
into one entity.
I do love you, Leigh. I care for you in ways that go deeper than love and
flesh; but it would be wrong to deceive you or Amanda in any way - and I
can't deceive God or myself.
I'm not saying that all marriages were as mine, or that adultery did not
void that soul unity - I just don't know - but you have to know my heart."
Leigh hugged him and then pushed him away.
"Al, when Satan seduced me into thinking he was you, I realized that love
and compassion - real lasting love - love that never changes - that it is
only found in Jesus. He saved me. Right now I don't need any kind of
relationship other than his presence in my heart. Some day, maybe, but not
now. And I'm certainly not looking for it. I am so totally satisfied with
everything. You are so special to me - and, yes, somehow I knew the
thoughts in your heart. It is the way it is supposed to be. All that we
have been through and our experiences has brought us to this awareness. I
feel that learning will go on forever, that the ecstasy in our hearts - not
only for one another, but for everyone - will go on and on - just growing
and growing."
Each and every person that wandered through the fields and forests had
found little mementos to remind them of a different time and place on past
Earth. Since there was no real way to judge time, and no reason to,
everyone had just enjoyed doing various leisure activities until they began
to drift back to the Hill of Stories by twos, threes, and small groups.
Even the children were gathering from their adventurous frolics with each
other and the animals.
Jesus was sitting at the apex of the hill. As the last of the throng of
people found their places, he arose and raised his hands. A hush fell over
the people, and, unaided by microphone to carry his quite voice, he spoke.
The natural acoustics let even the most distant people hear him clearly.

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"Children, gather closer to me."

The kids, ranging in ages from toddlers to early teens, made their way to
the front of the crowd. After they were assembled, Jesus smiled and told
them to sit, and he also sat.
"Children, when I was a little boy, not much older than some of you, but
younger than the oldest of you, I first realized that I was very different
from the other children. Even though my mother had told me that I had
talked to her shortly after I was born, I could not remember that - but I
accepted it as truth, and never thought to question her about it. I was too
interested in play.
I had thought all along that the other children could do things that I
could do, and that things happened to them as they did to me. For
instance, I believe I was the age of four, and I was sitting on the back
steps of the tiny backyard at my Aunt Elizabeth's house with my cousin
John. He was later called John the Baptist. We were sitting together
watching a scrawny, yellow alley cat stalk a bird. At the moment the cat
had crept close enough for a fast pounce on the defenseless, chirping bird,
I saw and understood the unfairness of life. I immediately wanted to help
the bird and my thoughts were instantly brought into being. The tiny bird
turned and roared like a lion at the yellow cat. His fur stood on end and
he leaped over the stone wall in a yellow streak. John and I laughed. I
had not one single doubt that the little bird would do as I thought - and
he did. John asked me how I did it - for somehow he suspected I had done
it. I just looked at him and shrugged, not knowing why he had asked such a
silly question. I thought all kids could do as I had done.
But the time that it dawned on me that I was indeed different was later
on. I was seven years old. Again, I reacted to an unfair situation. This
time the consequences were more severe... my mother and Joseph took me
aside and taught me the need for controlling my powers until I was old
enough to understand them.
As it happened, a Roman soldier, one that was obviously cruel and mean and
enjoyed abusing others, had struck a poor woman that had accidentally
tripped and fell against him. He hit her and she fell to the ground. My
thoughts of the woman made things turn out quite different than they
normally would have. I saw her rise and give the soldier a severe beating
in front of his legionnaires. Two of them attempted to help him, whereupon
she grabbed a hand of each of them and squeezed; their hands crunched as
the bones snapped. Their screams scared the other soldier away. The poor
old woman hobbled away, hardly believing what she had done. Joseph and my
mother realized what had happened and scurried away with me.
Remember these stories children, and what is about to transpire, for there
is a time coming - and although each of you will be grown up - some with
grown children of your own, the last day of darkness will surely tempt some

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of you. Teach your children also, lest they be tempted to follow the path
of the evil one."
The children whispered among themselves and giggled, but stopped abruptly
and gave their full attention to the event that etched their conscious
memory with the reality that Jesus indeed controlled the very world in
which they lived.
The sky, deep blue and cloudless, began at the edges of the encompassing
horizon to change into a shade of purple, much like wild violets. It
spread like spilled paint toward the sun until the whole sky was the rich
purple color. One could stare at the sun without squinting, and everyone
lay down on his or her backs to watch as the colorful tint changed again,
this time to a lighter shade of lavender. The colors changed and changed,
and all the while the moon slowly crossed the sky in a spiral, beginning,
like the colors, at the horizon and ending its path in a lunar eclipse.
Everyone "Oohed" and "Aahed" at the colors and heavenly display of Jesus'
own controlling hand of nature. The moon grew larger and larger, and while
at first it appeared to the crowd and children that it was increasing in
size, it was eventually perceived as it really was - the moon was actually
coming nearer to the Earth.
The colors continued to change and the moon grew nearer still - it's
jagged peaks and crater-marked plains reflecting the different hues. Ever
downward it came. Their whole field of skyward vision became blocked by
the enormous size as it descended.
None moved - but no one feared that it would crash either they totally
trusted the son whose father had created the object of their gaze.
Downward - ever downward it descended until it threatened to touch the
tallest of trees which surrounded the fields. Only a select few men had
ever seen the moon in such a close proximity.
The moon slowly rotated and everyone gazed at its peaks and craters that
continued to change colors with the barely visible horizon of the sky. No
one questioned why the rocks and dust did not fall to Earth, and only those
of past Earth that had lived in it's last years knew and understood what
the strange objects were that were surrounded the equally strange
footprints of men. The American flag looked ominously lonely, as did the
lunar rover - abandoned nearly 250 thousand miles from home not many years
before the Keeper's reign. They were now a scant half- mile from the soil
of their origin.
The children stared goggle-eyed as the colors changed. The moon's
rotation ceased and it stayed there, suspended, and then ascended in a
rapid, straight away path to reclaim it's previous orbit of many thousands
of years.
The children clapped as the heavens ceased their colorful display, and
left to play and enjoy their age of innocence.

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Jesus continued.
"There are those here who are wed or will be married and bear children.
These children and their children will give homes to the remaining souls
that have yet to inhabit a body. A soul really isn't definable in words of
men - the closest description is an entity that love or evil influences.
At the time of conception this force unites with the genetic makeup of the
human embryo. Before I continue with this lesson, however, we will again
listen to the continued story of Adam and Eve."
Adam and Eve stepped forward. Emily and Leigh marveled at her beauty -
and in their former Earth they would have bee exceptionally jealous.
Eve spoke first and continued with the account of the fall, and what they
thought and did following that fateful day.
"We were so ashamed at having done what we had been told not to do that we
could not bear to look at Him. We just hung our heads and wept. God could
have done many horrible things to us for what we did. It was not that we
had just eaten of a fruit... it could have been any of a dozen or more
commandments disallowing some certain thing - it was that we had ushered
evil into our lives and the Garden. I believe God knew that we would
eventually choose our own path -- our downfall, and your inheritance. We
are so very sorry for all that we caused... not so much for ourselves, but
for all of you.
I could feel the very power of God - and I began to shake so much that I
barely heard God telling me I would bear children in pain. I didn't even
know what children were - much less what it meant to bear them. But I did
hear him telling Adam that he would sweat and work for our food.
Each of you, as children, probably remember doing something that you knew
was wrong... how bad you felt... but after your parents punished you, you
felt better. That's how it was with us. After he left we felt better
having owned up to what we had done. Even though we were told things would
be different - that the paradise was lost, that things would be difficult
and unsure, we knew it was our fault, and that we had to pay the price.
Before God left, he called the serpent - Sombeca, and he heard him calling
and came. He looked pitiful. God held him responsible for yielding to
temptation - for allowing Satan into his mind. Sombeca's arms and legs
shrank until they were just nubs. They receded until there wasn't any
evidence that he had any at all - he looked so pitiful, writhing. I
reached out to help him and he hissed and tried to bite me. I kicked him
in a fit of rage. He made me so mad. Afterwards, every time I saw him, I
just went the other way or around him.
God loaded up the other tree that would have let up live forever and took
it with him. We didn't know if we would ever see him again. We missed him
immediately - so we clung to each other to try to replace that emptiness in
our hearts. We knew something very dear was gone in our lives. We just

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didn't know how dear it really was.

Nothing really changed right away except for the animals. They could no
longer understand us, nor could we understand their strange languages. The
rest was a slow, gradual change, but Adam can better explain it."
Eve seated herself on the soft grass and Adam stood and began his oration.

"We wandered about the Garden for a long time. We still ate the berries
and fruits and nuts. Several weeks later - that is weeks in days and
nights measure - for we had not yet experienced darkness - we began to
notice some of the fruit was mushy and very sweet to the taste. The whole
Garden began to smell with the sweetness of decaying fruit, as we later
knew it to be. There were small flying animals that we had never seen
before eating from the sores of the fruit. They liked to aggravate us by
hanging around us and trying to land in our ears and eyes.
The animals that we did see would usually scurry away. Some were still
friendly. God had given us skins to use to sleep on and to wear as later
it would get cold, very cold. We had not seen Urek and his mate. It
saddened me later on, for God had taken their skins to clothe us. I often
wondered why he chose them. We never saw their kind again. The only two
unicorns ever - and we were wearing them. When I did realize it, I felt so
bad - and I cried for the first time. Crying made me feel better.
The fruits would not grow back like they did before - then, they would
replace themselves as you stood and watched. But we still had plenty to
Ever so often the ground would shake. At first we hardly noticed it, but
as time went on the rumblings became more frequent and violent enough that
we would have to sit to keep from falling down. It scared us plenty. We
just made sure we were not under a tree or it would pelt us with fruit.
We also had lots of fun times together. I remember Eve laughing at me
when I stuck my finger on one of the first thorns. I was trying to pick
her a nice berry just out of her reach. I would tease her later that she
knew of the thorn - she'd deny it of course.
Many vines and sticker bushes started to grow here and there. They were
thicker near the center of the Garden where the tree had been. We stayed
away from there anyway.
Many, many years of your measured time went by. There were still no
nights and the weather was still pleasant.
Of the birds and animals, we began to see smaller versions of them - they
were cute - some we caught and tamed - but usually they grew up and ran
away. The animal world was reproducing.
Eve also began to swell in her belly - but we were not so naive as you
might think. We could feel the occasional movement inside her, and we had
watched the birthing of several animals. Eve had said that it looked quite

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easy - but - oh - was she ever wrong. You ladies might want to talk to her
about it some time. I can still remember how helpless I felt as I listened
to the screams of her long labor.
I began to spend a lot of time gathering food for the four of us. Later
on it was five. Then seven. After a few years I just lost count. Every
time she had babies it was usually twins or more - but the most it ever was
five. Later it was less strenuous for me because the first born were old
enough to help with the gathering of food. We had learned to let the food
dry in the sun, and save it during the season when there was none to pick!
Eve stayed with child. We remembered when the first two left to live
their own lives, but they didn't go far. By then we were building up a
pretty large tribe, and had built huts of branches and leaves - mostly to
keep the babies out of the heat and such.
At that time, incest was natural and did not produce bad babies - but
degeneration had begun. Pretty soon there were several clans and some
moved further and further away. Most were still within a walking distance
that meant bringing extra food along.
The rumblings continued and there appeared near our own place of naps a
crack - not very wide at first... but after each earth shaking it became
wider. Later on what we first thought was a stream running through it, was
the sea, as it tasted of salt.
We had a male child at one birthing that could never learn to speak. He
would only make grunting noises. He learned to answer or to make known his
wishes by nodding or gesturing with his hands. Everyone called him Nod.
It just kind of fit him - and it stuck.
There were several of the widening cracks and our children and their
children had chosen places to live on the other side. Some of the places
you had to walk for days but you could come back around to the other side.
But some of the cracks separated the land entirely. Nod's clan lived in
one of the areas you could walk to. At first, you could just step across
the crack - then you had to jump. Later on you had to swim - we were all
excellent swimmers. However, the time eventually came when we all had to
say good-bye - it was just too far to swim.
Past Earth, as most of you knew it, was beginning to form. The drift of
the splitting land. We often wondered how our children and their children
were doing - how they fared in the parting lands. We missed them very much
- but we began to have too much serious trouble of our own to have time to
dwell on it.
A great wind began to blow - at first it was hard not to get blown over.
The Earth was shifting in space - though we never knew it then - only since
we've been here. It was realigning itself with respect to gravity and
mass. The ground shook severely - it shook even the green fruits to the
ground and toppled tall trees."

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Eve interrupted Adam.

"Adam - let me tell about the cold and dark - please?"
"Sure, but don't leave out the part... "
"I won't - don't worry!"
The winds continued and as the Earth shifted, the great light in the sky,
that which became known as the sun - fell from the sky - but not entirely -
just to the horizon. The Earth was spinning slowly - though we didn't know
it at the time. The sun sank low in the sky - but slowly it began to rise
again. We were very thankful. We didn't know what was going on. It
warmed us from the growing cold. We had never experienced cold. We used
the unicorn skins and for the first time realized that God knew we would
need them.
Together with the ones that had remained with us, upon Adam's worry or
foresight, we picked the remaining fruit - at least as much as we could,
and we huddled together to keep warm.
The Earth vibrated at irregular intervals. The sun climbed high overhead
and then began to sink on the other side. We watched it until it
disappeared entirely from our sight. It was so black - darkness was upon
the face of the land for the first time. We were so afraid. But there
were beautiful twinkling lights everywhere.
We wondered how we would ever be able to gather enough to eat. At the
time we were doubtful if we would even see the sun again - or be warm. We
had no idea what the little lights were, and later on that dark day - or
night, I should say, a lesser light appeared - so beautiful - and shaped
like a section of fruit. We could see each other then - or at least our
We all huddled together and kept as warm as we could. It didn't take us
long to figure out that if we moved about some and rubbed our toes,
fingers, and ears, it helped. We thought of our descendants and wondered
how they fared on the land that had drifted away."
Adam and Eve took their places in the crowd and Jesus again captivated the
audience with his teachings.
"Years after the fall had stabilized, and night and day were common, food
became scarce. Because of their highly unused intelligence, men eventually
discovered that they could till the ground and tame some of the animals
that they had used for skins. They also learned that fish, fowl, and other
animals could be used for meat.
Volcanic activity provided their first source of heat and light during the
cold nights of winter months. As men multiplied, Satan's demonic followers
mated with some of the beautiful women, and their offspring were God-like
compared to the other men and women. They became the mystical Gods of
early cultures, as their powers were sometimes super human.
These super humans mated and produced giants - but like some hybrids,

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their offspring were sometimes lacking intelligence and coordination.

Their seed was diluted through the centuries.
Men degenerated and became base and vile. They began to freely copulate
with animals. Because the genes at that time were so alike in genetic
structure, they often bore children. Half animal and half man - such as
the centaurs. These were the results of sodomized copulation. Animals
were likewise crossbred to produce animals of lore - such as the Pegasus
and the winged bull of Assyria. This confused the faithful remnant of
Adam's seed, and, later, through the ages, continued to cause and
perpetuate doubts.
God began to regret that he had made man, but he had heard the faithful
prayers of thanksgiving and petitions of a family that lived in
hermit-style, away from the worst of the degenerated world. God instructed
the man and his family in the building of a saving ark. This was done to
preserve the seed of Adam and to put to an end to the gene linking.
But Noah, I'm sure, would like to share just exactly what happened in his
own words."
Noah died at the age of 950 years, but as he made his way to the top of
the Hill of Stories, - he was as a man of youth - like Adam and Eve, and
everyone else that had died in old age. The features of his jaw and eyes
told the wisdom of his years, and everyone was quiet as he began to speak
in a slow, even tone.
"I remember - quite clearly as if it was yesterday, we were living on the
edge of a forest of gopher wood. The days of our toil fed and clothed us
sufficiently. We fairly well managed to keep to ourselves - not that we
weren't sociable, but we believed the stories handed down through the
generations of a time when things were just. In our hearts we knew the
ways of men as a whole were wrong - but the daily temptations were indeed
During the dark of night, in the dead of our sleep, a brilliant light
awakened us. It was so bright that even closing our eyes and shielding
them with our hands would not block it out. Our hearts raced from fear,
and when God spoke, his voice was soothing, and we became quite calm. We
understood God's instructions precisely - and the plans he etched on our
minds as a photographic plate - there was no way we could have forgotten
them or got them mixed up. Baffled though we were, we sat about our task
in an arduous manner.
The task overwhelmed us - but with patience and with perseverance we
proceeded to cut the huge trees and shape them to their proper fit.
You might be wondering how long it took to construct the ark - how big it
was - how we got all of the animals in it - and a host of other questions -
well, be patient - your questions may be answered in the course of the

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We labored for about a year on the basic structure - the keel, the
ribbing, and frame of the four decks. All of the heavy lifting and hewing
was done with the help of hired hands. Our property and possessions we
sold to pay them. Every day scores of people would come by and watch.
They laughed and made fun of us. Although we didn't understand what rain
was - or really even what a flood was supposed to be - we had faith that
water would indeed cover the Earth. When we too began to doubt - we would
talk of the brilliant light, and continue to work with vigor.
It took us another year to cut more trees and rough them into square
timbers. We had to split these into boards. It took several seasons to do
this. You must remember that wherever a board was fitted with or without
the aid of a notch, holes had to be drilled and fitted with the pegs carved
from the harder tree stumps. It took time to cover the framework with
these planks, and to do the same with the decking, walls, and roof, not to
mention the numerous stalls and living quarters.
All of this was tedious, hard work. Our muscles ached each evening from
the toil. But the hardest was yet to come. We used the last of our
valuable skins, precious metals and stones to hire a multitude of men to
transport the pitch from the nearest pits miles away.
We stored it in a huge pit that we scooped out of the dirt - it had to be
refilled several times. We built an altar of sorts and, as God had
directed, heated the pitch to a bubbly hot tar before we applied it to
every squared inch of the outside of the ark. It had to be coated three
times to assure that it would not leak. The insides of the hull and
outside deck roof also had to be coated.
Before we were through, all of us had burns and blisters from the hot
tar. All in all, however, we had a measurably good time constructing the
architectural wonder of its day. It was a great relief to the boredom of
the daily life that we had been born to.
By the end of the fourth year, since having started the project, we were
finally finished - yet we had only begun! Oh - the hard part was through -
and the fun work had begun - but, work is work! The ark measured 300
cubits long, 50 cubits wide, and 30 cubits high. A cubit was roughly 21
inches, or 54 centimeters wide for those of you that learned the later
mathematics. Names, mind you - just names.
The one huge door we had left open to allow us to board - not to mention
the animals. Our next task was to gather and store enough food for the
animals - now we had no idea of how we were to go about catching them, but
put that out of our minds to concentrate on collecting fodder - hay, oats,
and wild grasses. We collected nuts, fruits, leaves, bark, flowers, seeds,
greens, and vegetables. Baskets and baskets of the strangest foodstuffs we
gathered and stored in various holds inside the ark.

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The last of the instructions was to gather two - male and female - of all
the animals and foul. Now I suppose since having talked with many of you
of late, that the majority of you have two questions that might have
plagued you - one being how all of the animals fit into the ark, and
another how we gathered them from the four corners of the Earth?
In answer to the second questions, we didn't have to go and hunt for the
animals! They just started showing up one day toward the end of our food
gathering quest. They just came. Special they were. Very fit - only the
best came to the call. Strangely enough, they just came and waited. They
were so beautiful. They acted as if they knew they were very special -
born and bred as representatives to carry on their kind.
Now we had built stalls, boxes, halls, and rooms of varied sized according
to the instructions etched in our minds. It was an amazing sight; I'm here
to say. They all just gathered around the ramp that led up to the door,
and then proceeded to go up the ramp. They chose their own places as if
they knew where to go. Squirrels nested the small boxes near where we had
stored nuts and such. It was all preordained. We realized then that the
stories handed down about a God of love was true, and that he had actually
visited us - had singled us out for our faith to participate in a very sad
but necessary erasure of an evil race.
At last, we too entered the ark, and sealed the door from the inside.
Excuse the humor, but it was pitch dark! We would spend the next forty
days and nights without light. We dared not have fire aboard - it was a
tender box indeed. But, you know, we really didn't need light - we had
spent the last four years constructing the ark of refuge, and we knew every
corner and every turn by heart.
There was a mixture of smells - the aromatic gopher wood, the pitch, the
hay, and, of course, the animals. I'll never forget all of the happy
sounds of chattering, grunts, lows, and such. All of a
sudden all of the noises within quieted - a silence that was eerie, yet,
peacefully sad.
We could hear the laughter of the mob that had watched us enter the ark.
We waited, but not very long, for I had noticed dark clouds - at the time I
didn't know what they were - but they were building up in the distance.
The mob had not noticed them in their melee of fun. The clouds were dark
and menacing.
Quiet and warm, snuggled in the rooms built under the guidance of God, we
waited. An occasional sigh or a shuffling of hoof or paw - a snort or such
interrupted the occurrence of events outside. The first pelting splatters
of rain turned into a torrential downpour. Thunder made us uneasy and
drowned out the pitiful screams and pleading of those that tried in vain to
get inside.
I know that I did not answer your questions of how all of the animals fit

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into the ark. That will be explained by our Lord, but I will gladly talk
with any of you later about the particulars of the rest of the story that
you all know so well."
Jesus again spoke, and fully explained the mystery of the ark.
"When God created the fowl of the air and the beasts of the field, he
created near perfect animals in a near perfect world. I say "near perfect"
for you must remember that evil had already saturated the matter that the
shadow world was made of. The flesh of the Earth - man, beast, and foul,
was made from this tainted matter. The diversity of the animal kingdom
came after the flood. There were, in respect to the infinitely varied
birds, beasts and fishes that lived after the flood, very few numbers of
different kinds prior to the flood. A representative of each species fit
into the ark in comfort and ease.
After the flood, Satan deceived men's souls through the ages. Since his
direct interference with man was forbidden, he used his intellect to claim
many souls through doubt and deception. He had overwhelmingly succeeded in
claiming the majority before the flood - with noted exceptions - such as
Enoch, and of course, Noah and his family. Others sided with God, too, and
we will learn their stories on this hill in good time.
The water that covered the Earth slowed the land movement with sediment.
After Noah and his family safely landed on the eastern slope of Mount
Ararat, his family, as well as the animals, began to repopulate the Earth.
Two great mysteries are unraveled following Satan's visit to Earth after
the flood water receded and men and beast had begun to replenish the
Earth. Satan visited the Earth in force, but he had little contact with
Satan and his demonic angels erected powerful laboratories and again used
genetics to fool man's wisdom since the pure gene strains no longer
accepted offspring outside of their respective species, he could no longer
use this to trick man. So he counted on a much longer period of time,
nature, and man's own intellect to do his bidding.
In these laboratories he chose the offspring of the animals that had
weathered the flood. His experiments resulted in altered species capable
of reproducing their own kind. These he placed at various places about the
Earth. He did this without man’s knowledge but within the guidelines of
his banned direct involvement with innocent people. He had already
deceived and possessed their souls.
Schemingly satisfied, he took the skillful implements from the
laboratories and physically left the Earth.
Through the ages agnostics and atheists have labored to prove the
believing world wrong with the tools of Satan's deceptions. Men endeavored
to explain the mystery of all of the animals fitting into the ark, the

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diversity of life, and of the great pyramids themselves - Satan's demonic

If men who endorsed the theories of evolution as the basis of their belief
had only considered the chicken and the egg, they well might have
understood that creation was the only plausible answer. The theory of
evolution suggested that life evolved from one- celled organisms. Based on
this philosophy, the chicken would have long been extinct because until it
had performed its system of reproduction - the egg, it would have had no
means to carry on its species. The chicken did indeed come before the

Jesus continued.
"Faith... the ability to move mountains. To make the lame walk, the blind
to see, and to cure all manner of afflictions - even to raise the dead -
comes from the power of faith.
Men throughout history used this power to achieve impossible deeds - for
purposes of good and evil. Faith is also necessary to enter into the
Kingdom of God. To understand the power of faith - to understand faith
itself - this is the key to entering into God's Kingdom that will come. By
faith has the identity of your soul been bought for all time. Through
faith you will all be changed. To pass into the Kingdom of God, you must
all change. And you will! We are in the process, here on Earth - here at
this restored Eden - at this Hill of Stories, of opening up the floodgate
of faith.
This faith allows you to become what you truly are... pure love - pure
light - the pure positive energy of God. In the physics of love, this
final change, after the final hour of darkness is when you finally are
stripped of all pretenses and be able to stand before God. The reason you
can look upon me when I become transfigured is because •_•I was born of
flesh - how, is mystery yet to be revealed here on this Hill of Stories.
Yet to be here, though, are many instrumental in shaping the course of
history, and through the course of this age we will hear all of their

After Noah and Jesus finished speaking, most everyone gathered around the
celebrity figures of the Old and New Testament times. They discussed this
and that, and learned from them the events as they actually happened.
Others left to roam about the Garden, and talked of the tranquillity of the
Families were reunited, and people continued to run into family members,
loved ones, and friends. However, thoughts about friends and acquaintances

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of past lives - husbands, children, parents, etc., were not consciously

dwelt on, but when chance meetings did occur, the occasions were joyous.
The loved one was not missed or thought about if they had not been
resurrected - this was to lessen the strain of worry about their fate.
Some could have been raptured, but many would be forever lapsed from their
memory as their souls were forever united with the dark side - evil.
Through the course of stories on the hill and the times of leisure, many
couples - some having been married from past Earth - others having met
during the millennium, were with child. Jesus had explained that the bond
of marriage was a commitment of faithfulness to each other, and that this
betrothal was the only provision for sex - that the uniting flesh was
marriage. Without presence of the satanic temptation of lust and
perversion, there was no coveting another's mate, nor jealousy - only
harmony in a harmonious environment. Emily too showed signs of pregnancy,
and when her time came to deliver, like the other women, there was no pain
of labor, and neither was there any need of a physician, although the great
physician himself abode in the midst of them - Jesus.
Emily had twins - a girl and a boy - strong healthy babies. Like the
other babies, they stayed strong and healthy - no sickness whatsoever.
There was not any need for discipline for the children were as angels -
these were the times in restored paradise.
Leigh felt in her heart that it was time to go into the crystal ship and
talk with Jesus. As she entered the ship she was again clothed in the
pastel of her aura. She humbly bowed, and Jesus told her to come and sit
by him. She obeyed, but did not speak. She was not afraid and was totally
unashamed at being alone in the presence of his love.
Jesus spoke.
"Leigh - you are as my sister - a child of God. In the innocence of your
past life on Earth - of being born into a sinful world, you were abused,
and yet you forgave. And for your own wrong, I forgive you. Your reward
in Heaven is more than you can ever imagine, and your own special place
there awaits you.
You used to wonder about Christmas and Easter, and you were so
disappointed when you found out that there was no Santa Claus or Easter
Bunny. I assure you - God heard your crying. I felt your warm tears and
tasted the saltiness of them. As in all good, Satan took the best of it
and made it into a mockery.
Though the tree itself represented new life in a winter world where growth
was dormant, you used to be sad when the tree faded and was cast out.
That, in itself, should you have thought about it, was significant of my
own birth, for I was born to die for you. When I hung on the cross, I too
cried - for you, Leigh, and I suffered for all that you did in sin. This

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gift is the gift that I freely gave to you. The spirit of giving was
perverted by the commercialism of Christmas - but even in this perversion
there were those who gave in the true spirit - those people gave during
their entire lifetimes -, as did you. Although you did not believe in me
during those years, your faith during the tribulation has set you free.
All things that happened during your life happened to bring you to that
realization - the hurt - the tears - the unhappiness - it instilled in your
heart the hope for a different life - a life where there is neither hurt
nor pain. And, Leigh, it is yours - not only through this age, but also in
all the ages to come.
Time is not as it appears Leigh. All of this has already happened!
Though you were not yet born, you and others comforted me in my own hour of
death. As I now sit with you - here - now - we are also together in
Heaven. And as I am the father, you are my sister - my mother. Do not try
to understand the paradox - for it is not for you to understand until after
the final hour of darkness. This final mystery will be understood by you
and all who have believed in me - but only after the book of life has been
opened, read, and sealed forever.
Al will remain your friend. There are also special plans for him. But,
Leigh, your soul mate awaits you. Go now - and Leigh - each of those faded
trees that were cast out - each that caused to doubt - they now live!"
Leigh did not understand all that her savior had said - but neither had
she ever felt so wonderfully comfortable and satisfied. She left the ship
in ecstasy, and the sunshine and life itself warmed her all over.
She joined her friends sometime later. Together they decided to make a
trek to the sea. They knew that it would take a while to get there, but
they also knew that they would enjoy the trip. They were not worried about
missing any of the stories on the hill. Days, should time have been broken
by nights, would pass before everyone gathered at the hill to hear the
master speak.
They unanimously decided to travel to the East. With the sun directly
over the crystal ship, they laughed as they realized that there was no way
to tell directions. They knew they had left the crystal ship from the door
marked "East", and that the Hill of Stories was in that direction, so they
departed on their journey with that reference as their only bearing. They
thought it was like the "Wizard of Oz" and the yellow brick road - but
without the brick. A trail of sorts of soft grass and moss led from the
hill in the general direction of what they perceived to be East.
Tirelessly they walked. When they paused to rest - for they really needed
no rest, it was to admire the diverse scenery. It was wild and
inexpressibly beautiful. The carpet of grass and mosses were free from
thorns and such and felt good to their bare feet.

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On and on they treked. Sometimes they would cross a meadow full of

daisies, or clover, or violets. They occasioned to meet animals which
would follow along totally unafraid of what to them was just another living
being in a world where fear was nonexistent.
In one meadow were beautiful sheep - so white and wooly - and napping in
the sun a short distance from them was a spotted leopard chewing her cud.
All of the animals, including man, were herbivorous - there were no eaters
of flesh.
They had been following a babbling brook. The trail ran along beside it.
They surmised that it emptied into the sea, and the further along the trail
they followed it, the wider and deeper it became. The brook had begun as a
tiny trickle of water whose beginning was an artesian well. All of the
creeks were from these underground wells because there was no rain. There
was no need for it. There was no dust to be rinsed from the land; no
mosquitoes, gnats, or flies. The bees that pollinated the flowers had no
stingers. This was a paradise whose perfection was as totally complete as
possible in the shadow world - the domain of Satan. This rebellious cause
of all things bad was now at the heart of the Earth in the bottomless pit -
shut off from all light with nowhere to go. But even as the party of
friends and animals that followed them tread eastward toward the sea, in
the darkened abyss the Lord of Evil planned his strategy to deceive his
remaining share of souls.
Al and Leigh, John and Emily and their family of three continued
eastward. Apoca would occasionally let out a long melodious tune of
expressive joy when his sensitive nose found yet another delightful smell.
When he would come across a bunny with little ones, neither would resort to
the degenerated instinct of their ancestry. Instead, he would play with
them and lick them with kisses. At one point the group became a caravan -
birds, animals, butterflies - all following the beautiful river to the
awaiting sea.
The woman who had entered the crystal ship knelt and wept tears of joy.
The shame of her past shown in her eyes, and the man in front of her knew
her mind, her heart, and her past.
Jesus laid his hand upon her shoulder and spoke.
"Jessica - the day you were born, you were destined to fulfill a special
page in the life of my ministry on Earth. The pleasures of your sins were
few compared to the miseries that befell you before we met on that cobbled,
dusty street in Jerusalem.
And though you contributed to the fall of many men - and boys, too - and
even destroyed families, you are blameless under the cover of my blood.
You are special because you touched my heart twice during my earthly life.
Some of those who brought you to me that day do burn in fire this day. I

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knew your past that day as I know your future this day. Yes - I knew that
your own family sold you into slavery. I knew that your family was
responsible for your prostituting yourself to survive - that you ran away
from your brutal owners - and only in the street could you provide for
yourself and remain anonymous. I knew that, Jessica. I know also that
even as your accusers left one by one as I drew in the dust of the street's
gutter with my finger, that they were more wicked than you. I knew that
you became whole that day and returned to your master and that he beat you
- not for running away - but because you told him of me. Jessica, I will
now tell you what I scribbled in the dust that day. To you, it was just
scribble, but to each of your accusers, it was a different name to each of
them - a name of one they too had lain with in adultery.
Go now - for when you leave this ship, you will no longer have a
recollection of your past sins. All is forgiven by your faith and

By the hour, the caravan of seaward travelers neared their destination.

The men usually toted one each of the twins, but Emily and Leigh took their
turns as well.
The hills were rolls of different sizes and shapes, and each hill and
valley was different than the preceding one. One valley would harbor laden
vines of cluster of grapes while the next would be filled of strawberries.
Still others would be melons - or perhaps just flowers - thornless roses of
every tint and color imaginable. They had just reached the top of one hill
when Shelly and Apoca - always the first to discover the delights of what
lay ahead, stopped abruptly at the top of the rise and Shelly excitedly
shouted "Momma, Daddy, Uncle Al, Momma Leigh - look - look - pretty
trees!" The four climbed the last steps to the top of the ridge and saw
the trees. Christmas trees! Large, stately trees, and smaller, dainty
trees - all twinkling their lights and showing their ornaments. No two
ornaments were alike - they had been intricately designed and painted by
the artist that had painted the universe. As they drew closer they
realized that there were not any lights strung nor ornaments hung - they
were living parts of the tree.
Leigh blushed to tears and told the others of her talk with Jesus.
Everyone spent a long time marveling at the wonder before again following
the crystal pure water on it's winding path.
After several miles of hills and valleys of equal beauty and variation,
they came to where the river cascaded in a rainbow of colors to the
blue-green ocean below. But the ocean was vastly different than they could
ever have imagined. Other than the ripples that fanned out from the
cascading water on to the vastness of the global sea, the ocean was

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perfectly calm. From their lofty perch they could see the horizon - a
deeper blue - much darker than the sky - like a wall - and they knew they
were looking into the nighttime of the other side of the world. It looked
almost as solid as steel - it was so heavy with color.
The smoothness of the sea was unbroken but for the emptying river's
ripples and an occasional fish that would leap into the air in a diving
arc. They were all surprised - but not at the beauty, for perhaps a
hundred paces from shore was a man, standing on the water - peering - it
would seem - into it's depths!
They looked about for a way down, and saw none, so they walked along the
cliff's edge until they came to a trail of steps which sloped along the
wall of the cliff to the beach below. In another time on past Earth they
would have been leery of the height - but it did not enter their mind, nor
did they caution Shelly as she and Apoca scampered down the steps in
abandoned glee.
At the bottom, the sand was warm to their feet and it sparkled in the
sunshine. The man that had been standing on the water had heard them and
was walking across the sea toward them and the shore. Then approached each
other - each wondering who the other was. There was no reason for caution,
there was no fear on either party's part, and the last steps that separated
them closed.
John was the first to speak introductions, and when he came to introducing
Leigh, the man's eyes looked into hers, and in that brief moment, centuries
were bridged. Leigh had never before felt such as her heart was telling
her - not with Al, or any man. Al noticed what was happening and was
inwardly pleased. He wanted for Leigh what he now felt for his wife -
although he and she were worlds apart.
The man's beard was neat and short, and had the appearance of being
cropped close. His eyes were warm and friendly - yet they held the wisdom
of one that had fought a great battle and won. He spoke - his voice was
soft but demanding and sure.
"The pleasure of meeting each of you is mine... but with your permission I
prefer that you get to know me as I am now – not as I once was."
Each looked at the other and nodded in acknowledgment to grant the
stranger's request. All that is, except the twins who were crawling toward
Shelly and Apoca as they splashed in the edge of the calm sea.
The mysterious man directed an invitation to the party.
"Come - I wish to show you something."
He turned and walked toward the edge of the beach and paused at the water
for the rest to catch up.
"It's out there," he said, pointing, and walked a few steps out onto the
calm sea. The water beneath his bare feet rippled, and he noticed the
blank stare of those that still stood upon the sand. He walked a few paces

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more and again stopped, and with a smile, said "faith".

Al, John and Emily shook their head and Al said "Not yet, sir... it isn't
that strong yet." But Leigh stepped out onto the water to follow the
strange man without even questioning her own ability through faith to go
with this man whose eyes had won her heart forever.
They walked together across the water to the same place where the party
had first seen him from the cliff. There they paused and looked down into
the clear sea. The scene literally took Leigh's breath away.
In the depths of the crystal clear water was an arm. It protruded from
the sand and coral. The arm and body was half buried in the sand. The
body was that of a woman and she wore a multi-pointed crown, and in the
hand of her outstretched arm was a torch - lit, and burning - under water!
The stranger remained poised, but commented "What do you think the
explanation of this strange woman is?"
Leigh responded "I have no idea why it's there, or how the torch burns...
but I know what it is! She was a gift to my country. She represented
freedom to those who were fortunate enough to have journeyed to the shore
from which he symbolically beckoned."
"Then you, Leigh, are the one!
"What do you mean?"
"It will be some time before I can tell you - just trust me. But - come -
let's rejoin your friends. I wish to learn from the four of you more about
this lady and the times of which I profess ignorance - my future and your
Leigh could not understand the questions in her heart about the man and
the strange encounter of the Statue of Liberty and its significance to
their having met. She resolved to let events go their own way and happily
dismissed it from her mind. They walked back across the water as naturally
as walking across land. The only condition prevalent to her having the
ability to do so was having no doubt that she could. She would have been
overwhelmed to have known that she was only using an insignificant portion
of her vastly untapped power of faith.

The seven and their new companion had spent some time together on the
beach sharing and learning about each others past. The stranger, however,
had spoken mysteriously little of when he had lived or what he had done,
but when he had spoken, he seemed to possess a certain authority and was
immediately liked by the four from his future.
They were all now seated on the Hill of Stories and Jesus had taken time
to tell a story to the children. They had listened intently before they
left to play their games with each other and the animals.
Jesus smiled as they left, and in a more serious tone began his oration to

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the adults.
"The mystery of the immaculate conception begins with genetics. For my
birth to have been possible there had to first be a pure seed.
The genetic makeup of the egg had to have remained pure. The preservation
of the pure seed of fallen man was ordained in the ancestry of protected
breeding. The covenant with Abraham insured the predestined mystery that
will be revealed later. But now let us hear from the father and mother of
the chosen race - Abraham and Sarah."
A man and woman, tall and with proud, erect postures and ageless, arose
from where they sat and ascended the hill. The man was handsome and had
blue eyes and a full beard - his wife had high cheekbones and full lips.
Like all who now lived in restored Eden that had died in old age, their
ages were betrayed - not by wrinkles, gray hair, or stooped, frail
features, but only by the age in their eyes.
Abraham began first...
"It staggers my imagination to realize that only a portion of my
descendants are here - that many more are with God, and that untold
numbers, many times over, went the way of the great deceiver. But I don't
suppose I'm here to dwell on that... no... just the opposite. As I look
upon your faces I see resemblance of my own blood in each of you - mine and
Sarah's. We are all of the family of God now.
Where should I begin? With my youth, I suppose. In those days there was
no written scripture - only the words handed down via memorization - and I
believe my mother's words. Incidentally, I am glad she is here today...
but, to continue, she taught me the story of Adam and Eve. Other's tried
to point out to me the inconsistencies of the stories - with not only the
ones of creation - of Adam and Eve - but of the flood and such. But I
believed my Mom. She told me that evil was the cause of death, cruelty,
unfairness - pain and such. I feared God's wrath and I believed in him. I
did not understand his love... but through my teens I held on to my belief.

You must remember that the era I lived in was vastly different from yours
- there were no rules. No rules to govern sex with the exception of men
loving men, and sodomy - unnatural affection.
Basically there was no written or said right or wrong concerning most
matters. It was more or less might makes right. I and the friends of my
tribe were strong - we had to be to protect those of our clan. Not only
did we have to provide protection against the wild animals - but against
other tribes that were constantly at war with us. They wanted our tamed
sheep and oxen, our women, and our stores of food.
I suppose in many respects we were warlike also. We even raided our
enemies - we took their spoil and enslaved the small children and women and
killed the men. The male slaves we neutered - they were called eunuchs.

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We were nomadic to a point - during the seasons after harvests we would

move with the game, and during the planting seasons we would find a
suitable place to plant our crops, which were constantly bothered by weeds
and pests. But all in all our tribe had developed into a social group that
protected its young and depended on the strength of its number to survive.
There were many superstitions among us. Some of the rites we would
perform for safety. Others were for fair weather, good hunting, and rain.
I realize now that all of these were preposterous, hedonistic wastes of
time. We should have prayed to God.
I'll never forget the day I met Sarah. But if I tell that part I'm sure
she'd strongly disagree as to how it actually happened - so I'll tell my
part leading up to it and let her continue from there!
Our men on the outposts of the camp had heard voices from another camp
several miles distance, so in the defense of our territory, we prepared for
battle. Our spears and stone axes were always ready, and we always kept
smooth stones for our slings in a small skin pouch that hung from our
Around the fires we danced and prepared our minds. We would encourage
each other and believe in our own bravery. I was young - but strong - and
had not yet taken the life of another man, and I still did not have a woman
as my mate and helper. Eager for the first, and shy toward the second, I
danced the steps of the ritual in preparation for battle.
I was barely able to contain my excitement and slept very little in
anticipation of the dawn attack. Each of our warriors was ready, and I
guess those that were veterans slept soundly and waited dawn. We were
attacked first - during the night - and never had the chance to feel the
exhilaration of first blood. However, we surprised them! Our sentries
alerted us with calls of wolves and our camp guards awakened each of us.
We lay still - as if asleep, and as they stole in upon us, we were ready.
The fight lasted only a few minutes, but long enough to claim six of our
men. We killed every one of them, and after the mourning and burial of our
own, we left for their distant camp to take their women, children, cattle,
and gold.
We surrounded their camp as they ate their noon meal and counted the
numbers left to be killed. My father gave the signal to attack. The burst
of energy in my loins was as I'd never experienced. I slew a man for the
first time that day. I had never felt so proud - yet so sick at the same
time. I wanted to wretch - but that feeling was short lived. I threw back
the flap of the skin hutch that the man I slew had tried to protect, and
saw the most beautiful woman on Earth. But I also saw the fire in her
Abraham looked toward Sarah, and she stood. He yielded to her voice as she
recounted a day many centuries past - but to her it was as yesterday.

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"When he pulled back the skins that covered the poles, I screamed. I
feared for my life, my virginity. I looked into his eyes as he stood there
- open-mouthed. But, beneath his blue eyes I saw compassion. I noticed a
strong masculine odor and I became dizzy with infatuation. These moments
passed instantaneously and the fear overrode the passionate desire. I
grabbed a stick that we used to thresh wheat and tried to hit him. He just
used his spear staff to block the blows and stood there laughing. I wanted
to kill him; my face must have reddened to crimson as the blood on his
spear point.
I suppose he tired of the charades because all at once, in the quickest
movement I had ever seen - or have yet to see he ducked a block and knocked
me out cold. The last I remember was his huge fist as a blur - that is,
until I came to.
I was tied with leather thongs - my wrists and ankles. I was slung over
his shoulder like a quarter of meat. I was terrified. I tried to bite. I
screamed and fought. He just laughed the rest of the way to his lodging.
I felt strong hands and arms. He lay me on a luxurious pile of furs. My
emotions became all mixed-up. I hated the most handsome man I had ever
seen. I knew I was powerless to escape - where would I go? To another
tribe - to be used - or worse? No - I decided to have this man as my own.
I did what women have been doing every since... I played the game of hard
to get. It quite possibly may have been the first lover's game. It's not
that I really knew what I was doing. I didn't, it just turned out that
You see at that time, there were only two ways - well - three really, that
men acquired women. They fought for them - the weaker men losers, they
traded for them, or they inherited them. I suppose you could say that
Abraham fought for me - in a way. The man Abraham killed in front of my
hutch had inherited me. I say inherited - if that is the proper word - I
was owed to him, for he saved my father's life. But that is another story.

No one ever challenged Abraham's claim on me. I remember the first gift
he gave me. Oh - he kept me tied up every night... it must have been three
moons. I wouldn't have run away... even if my own tribe had still
existed. Abraham and his people were different. Honorable was probably
the right word - fair, friendly, and trusting. But his gift I treasured as
long as it lived. It was a wild hare... and even though it only lived a
couple of days, and even though I had seen many baby bunnies - and had even
raised a few - I'll always remember why he gave it to me. He told me it
would probably die without its mother - that it had no will to live. He
said that if I didn't have a will to live, that I would die also. I had
been his prisoner for three days when be brought the rabbit to me, and I
hadn't eaten. I was very hungry - but stubborn - I didn’t want him to

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think he had tamed me - had won me.

Gradually, in the game of love, I gave in to his kindness, and we were
together our whole life. Men and women lived about a hundred and twenty
years then - barring sickness or accident. Through the first seventy of
those years after we met, we tried without success to have children. I was
barren - without child for ninety years. I must admit that it was my own
idea for Abraham to seek a woman to bear his child. Although I was
serious, I wished in my heart that he had been content to remain
childless. But you know men!"
Several hundred women of the attentive audience laughed and clapped at her
kidding - however truthful - remark, and Sarah continued.
"I suppose when he found Hagar and brought her to our tent, •_•I became
silently enraged. My jealousy was as connivingly evil as any could be. I
did all sorts of things to make her life miserable. I tried to make
Abraham suffer, too - but I guess I was the one who was miserable. I did
not want to share him.
I remember how happy I was when she left with her son - never to return -
but I was elated beyond joy when I found out that I was pregnant. I
learned that I would have a healthy child - a male child - and I tell you
this - it wasn't easy at my old age. The labor was long and painful. But
it was worth it - all of it.
Most of you know - probably better than I, the rest of the story. But I
would like for Isaac to tell you in his own words the test of his father's
faith - because it was a test of his also."
An embarrassed Isaac - not really gifted to oration, especially in front
of a crowd such as was gathered, summoned his courage and shyly made his
way to the top of the hill.
He began "I don't guess many of you at the age of nine had your dad tell
you that he had no choice but to kill you! Well - he didn't exactly tell
me so bluntly as that, but nevertheless, when he did tell me, well, it
shocked me. It scared me so bad that I could have died of fright right
there. I wanted to run - run far, far away.
He and I were practicing throwing stones with our slings. I had noticed
he had been looking at me strangely. He treated me better than he usually
did, although he always treated me good. I was his heir and he loved me.
But later I thought back and realized that he went out of his way to show
me kindness.
That morning he tried to explain to me the request that God had revealed
to him. I saw him cry and I knew he was serious. He was in a dilemma of
great stress - he did not understand God's reasons, but he knew he had to
obey. Neither of us knew that it was only a test of faith. I suppose if I
had been any older, I would have run away. But at that age, I knew only to

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Together we spent several days constructing the altar upon which I was to
die. I remember as we placed the stones Father said that God would never
ask him to do something that he would not do himself. Although I never
knew Jesus until he preached in the prison of death, I realize now that he
must have felt similarly as I did when I lay on the alter awaiting a death
of innocence. I felt abandoned - so alone. I tried to be brave - and I
hid my tears as best I could. Father would have turned his back on me that
day if God had not intervened. I can tell all of you this... if God had
not turned his eyes from his only son's death, none of us would be here
But - back to the story. I'll never forget the look on my father's face
as he raised the stone blade above his head to drive it into my heart.
That look gave me compassion toward all life throughout the remainder of my
own. In that single moment of time I became a man in a child's body. For
that moment as I looked into my father's eyes I realized that he loved God
more than anything on Earth and I was so proud of him at that moment as the
morning sun reflected from the flint blade, I smiled. Had not God stopped
him, I would have died smiling at my own father as he took my life in
The crowd was moved to compassion, and as Isaac made his way back to
Rebekah, his wife, the laughter of the children playing nearby ushered in
the reality of the day that faith was tested centuries ago.

John and Emily had decided to take Shelly, Apoca, and the twins to the cave
that had once been in the heart of Lookout Mountain many thousands of miles
The stranger and Leigh had chosen to accompany them. Al felt the need to
go to the crystal ship to talk to Jesus. The seven parted with Al, and as
he watched them walk away, he had feelings of knowing he had done right by
himself and Leigh by letting her go. He felt no pain of love lost, but he
did feel emptiness within. After they were hidden from view by the lush
foliage, he turned and walked in the opposite direction toward the ship.
He looked around as he casually strolled toward the crystal dome that was
visible above the stately trees. The sunlight filtered through the lofty
branches and patterned the mossy grasses with mosaics of light. His bare
feet on the grass led his thoughts backward in time to his childhood and he
remembered thinking, as he lazily swung in the hammock, how he wished that
there were not any sawbriers and thorns, or sharp rocks to stub his big toe
on. He had wished that there were not any snakes, or wasps, or hornets and
such. He had daydreamed that there were no lawns to mow or schools to
attend, or weeds to hoe from the garden. At that age, he had even wished
that there were not any pesky girls to bother him. He had visualized a

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heaven where there was only fishing and swimming and other childhood past
times. Ironically, less the fishing that he did not miss, he now had all
of these wishes - including one that he wished he did not have! He missed
one certain pesky girl - Amanda. He missed his daughter also, but his
heart ached with longing for the warmth and touch of his beloved. He
suddenly realized that if he had listened to her, he would be with her at
this moment.
He was still entertaining these thoughts when he entered the open door of
the crystal ship. Though Jesus was not there, Al knew beyond doubt that he
was supposed to be there. He walked about the ship - noting this and that
- and it dawned on him that there was no apparent means of propulsion or
guidance. He made a mental note to ask his Lord about it.
He noticed the colossal ship had no seams or separate parts and wondered
in awe of its constructions and materials. There were no corners, and when
he looked through the curved glass, there was no distortion. No matter
where he looked outside his perception was clear... he could see everything
as clearly as if there was not any crystal barrier.
Al did not see or hear Jesus enter the ship, but felt his presence
immediately and turned to face his master - his savior. Jesus walked over
to where Al stood and looked deep into his blue eyes. Al knew that Jesus
knew each and every action, word, and thought that he had done or said. He
felt no shame knowing this, and knelt to ask his master for forgiveness.
Jesus spoke:
"Al - your reverence is honorable, and you were forgiven centuries ago.
Arise - for in time we shall both stand before the Father, and it was made
possible through your faith and deeds.
Men through the ages have shared your sins of adultery. It is forgiven
and forgotten. When you leave this ship you will no longer recall your
unfaithfulness, and when you are reunited in heaven with Amanda, you will
again be one. In heaven, there is no marriage - but there does exist a
very unique situation. Al - in many instances, one soul abides in two
bodies. These are not bodies like you now have... but different - very
different indeed.
Consider, by example, what really happens in marriage. When oxygen and
hydrogen combine in correct amounts, water is the result. There still
exists, when separated, the individual elements of hydrogen and oxygen.
These elements also exist when combined to form water, but together they
make a new and very different appearance, taste, and function. Their
properties are totally different. As with the marriage of souls, forces
can disunite their bond - such as death or adultery - but only in extreme
cases. As with water, when it is heated, there is separation, but it is
usually for a short duration, for in steam the atoms are reunited to form
the molecules. Such is the spiritual bond of marriage. Many reasons may

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cause portions of those united souls to part - but in the end, the
unification remains intact, and the differences are absorbed in the
purification of the immortal, changed bodies.
In essence, though there may be two seas separated by land, the water is
the same. Though there may be two bodies, separated by individuality, the
souls unite to become one. This occurs when two become "one flesh" in
Al - you were not alone with your inabilities to conquer the temptation of
lust while you lived on Earth past. History changed direction time and
time again because of the repercussions involving this complex physical
drive. God does not grade on a curve, it just is not so... you repented
and were forgiven... go now and enjoy the wonders of paradise

Al left the ship and went to find his friends. Although he could have
walked in any direction, he knew which way to go, and an hour later joined
his friends at a small orchard. The aroma of peaches mixed with the smell
of honeysuckle and wild flowers to create a perfume delicious and wild.
Al could no longer remember having had romantic feelings toward Leigh.
She sensed this and felt relieved inside because she knew she no longer had
to worry about hurting his feelings.
Shelly and Apoca tirelessly played in and out of the sunshine and shade of
the stately trees. They all wished that Apoca could tell of his adventure
and fate after they had sent him toward the western shore of the Red Sea.
It was another beautiful day - but it was always day, and always
beautiful. Time was measured - if at all - by the stories on the Hill.
The stories were spread evenly at what would have been twenty- one days.
Everyone would just show up at the hill.
Sometimes during the span of time spent between the stories on the hill,
John, Emily, and Al would wander about meeting and visiting with men and
women out of history. They would learn of their times and of their lives
events. Usually, the stranger and Leigh were off by themselves as they
were obviously in love. Apoca still stayed with Shelly, and she freely
chose to play with the other children, accompany her family, or spend time
with Leigh. One such time she and Apoca had ventured to the coast with
Leigh and the stranger, and Al, John, and Emily had elected to stay behind.

Although it was a small number compared to the millions of men and women
through the ages, it was rare indeed when one met a friend from his or her
past life. Al and John would have liked to have seen Bobby and Mark, but
to date had not. They had, in fact, yet to chance meet anyone from their
past hometown.
It was more or less an accepted custom of courtesy when one individual

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would encounter another, or a group would meet another group, to exchange

names and times lived. While the three of them strolled about they chanced
upon a small cluster of people listening to a man, and they stood near by
while he spoke. Between sentences, he acknowledged their presence, and
everyone exchanged names. They had just met one of the most prominent
figures in Biblical history - Moses.
They seated themselves on the soft grass and Moses continued where he had
left off. He had been telling of his wilderness wanderings of forty years,
and had gotten to the part where God had summoned him to Mount Sinai. He
"As I said - I never saw God, but I will try to describe what I did see
and hear. At that time I was a man of many years. Age was catching up
with me. I had to rise early each day to work out the stiffness of my
bones and muscles. Those of you who have experienced it know what I am
talking about. But... to continue, that morning was no different from any
other desert wilderness morning. There was a most spectacular sunrise, and
the colors influenced my prayers of thanksgiving. I broke the evening fast
with a meal consisting of quail, cheese, and bread. My spirits were high
with expectations. Shortly after dawn I began the trek to the base of
Mount Sinai. This trip alone was nearly three days travel by jackass, and
at the end of that third day's travel, I said good-bye to my servant. His
name was Daniel - the great, great grandfather of the future prophet. I
suppose if I ever had a most trusted friend and companion, it was he. He
was one of the few that obeyed the commands that God instructed me to give
the chosen race. At the time I wondered what they were chosen for. They
were so - pardon my expression - stupid! I mean, how could they so easily
revert to ignorance and hedonistic practices after having witnessed and
being a part of extraordinary events? They walked across the dry bottom of
the Red Sea with over seventy feet of walled water on either side of them.
I won't mention the other incidents unexplainable except by God's power -
gets me worked up every time I think about it.
So I rested at the base of the mount; my buttocks muscles were so sore
from riding that confounded ass - but I was very excited - so much, in
fact, that I could not sleep. I truthfully did not know what to expect at
the top of the mount. I kept looking up toward the peak. I wondered if
God was already there. I wondered what he looked like. Oh - I was scared
too. I had goose bumps all night. I figured I'd make him mad - or that
maybe he was already disappointed in me and that something unimaginatively
terrible awaited. I wanted to run away... but I knew there was no where to
hide from God's all encompassing eye.
I busied myself gathering bits and pieces of wood to ward off the coming
chill of evening dew. The desert cold is unlike any other cold. It chills
you through and through. Your backside freezes while the side toward the

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fire roasts. Skins of goat and lamb, although helpful, still let in the
damp, penetrating cold. Basically, it was a long, miserable night. My
bones ached... and no amount of rubbing would change that. I must have
dozed off dreaming - rather much a nightmarish episode too. I wouldn't
have gone back to sleep after that for all of the Promised Land. Never was
partial to nightmares, anyway.
I noticed by the position of the stars that dawn was not far off. They
had never failed to mark its approach. So until the first light, I worked
the soreness from my aging muscles and prayed all the while. At dawn I
started to climb.
About a third of the way up I paused to catch my wind and to enjoy the
solitude and the scene from the height. I could see the tents of the
tribes in the distance. We were growing by many numbers as a nation - and
were proud and strong - but as I said - a bit stupid. The wind had begun
to pick up a little. This was really the best part of the day as the chill
was gone and the heat had yet to rise to its scorching limit.
I looked off into the wild, unspoiled wilderness of the wanderings. The
browns and earthy colors contrasted sharply with the blue of the cloudless
sky. A shining object high in the heavens caught my attention. I
remembered thinking it must be a bright star not yet hidden by the sun's
brilliance. But deep inside I knew better, and my old heart quickened its
pace and I continued my climb toward the top. Parts were treacherous and
slow, even though I used winding, well-used paths of wild goats that were
native to the area. Soon I found myself close to the wind-swept summit. I
was, perhaps a stone's throw away when I looked up and saw the silvery,
star-like object descending.
I was scared beyond speech - frozen to the spot I was. I had never seen
anything so indescribable beautiful. It descended quietly - no sound at
all. I actually shook from fear. I wondered if what I was looking at was
God - but I certainly couldn't see any resemblance to man - so I waited.
The ship - I know it was a ship because God told me so... and it was much
like the ship at the center of the garden - yet different - oh - much
different. But - back to the story. It sat down on the top of the
mountain right before me. Shortly thereafter the mountain quaked and
rumbled and shook. A misty, smoke-like vapor obscured my vision and I
could no longer see the ship. Still immersed in the enshrouding mist, I
heard God speak."
"It was a voice of authority - yet pleasant and full of love and trust,
but I fell to my knees with my face in my hands. I was full of awe and
scared - so much so that I stopped shaking. I was numb from fear."
"Moses" the voice said again. Somehow I managed a whisper of a reply "Yes

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"Do not be afraid. We have much to talk about, you and I. I find you to
have a just heart, and your faith restores my confidence in the covenant I
made with Abraham. I am your God, Moses. The only God. The God of time,
the God that made all things. Many of the things that I will tell you are
for your ears, only, and you will die with this knowledge sealed on your
"Now, you must remember, I still could not see through the mist that
covered the top of the mount. But it began to dissipate - and when it had
lifted, it was only around the very summit where the vessel was perched.
It was much like an eye of a massive storm cloud, I suppose, because the
tribes in the desert wilderness below were unable to see past the base of
the mount.
God commanded me to bring him a stone - not just any stone, of which there
were many lying about, but a particular stone that just happened to be
bulky and nearly as heavy as I was. Now I was no slouch, mind you - even
in my years, but it was all I could do to muster the strength to move the
stone to a place beneath the legs of the ship. I pushed, I pulled, and I
sweated from exertion until the task was finished. God told me to return
to my people, but to again ascent Sinai on the following day.
When I got to the bottom of the mountain, practically all of Israel was
camped at the base. Some were frightened and some were elated. The motley
crew that had endured parts of the Egyptian bondage, the miracles of the
manna, the guiding pillars of smoke and fire, were restless so I bade them
to go back to the main camp to await directions from God.
They left, murmuring among themselves, all, that is, but a few. Together
we broke bread. They were curious as to what I saw and asked more
questions than a curious lad. My lips were sealed - but mostly as to what
was said rather than what I saw. Now, back to what happened next, - before
sunrise I parted company with those that had camped with me at the
foothills of the mountain. Before the dawn light had begun to drive the
darkness into receding shadows, I began the upward climb. Amazing it
was... I don't know if it was my elated state or perhaps something beyond
my understanding, but I had no arthritis that morning. The damp and cold
did not affect me. The climb up - where only the day before was
exhausting, was exhilarating!
I approached the apex in an excited state. As I had left it, the mist,
the smoky-like cloud that clung to my clothing slithered down to the ground
and receded into the mist.
The stone was as I had left it - still under the craft and apparently
undisturbed. I had no idea what to expect as I knelt after emerging from
the smoky mist. God then spoke."
"Moses - make yourself comfortable."
"I found a smooth rock to lean against and sat down on an equally smooth

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stone. God continued."

"Of what I will tell you, portions thereof are for Israel. I wish beyond
all things created that I could embrace you and all men who are born of
women; but, I cannot. This ship that you see is not for my protection -
for I need none. It is for you and the Earth. If I were to reveal myself
- that is, exit this protective shield, it would set off a reaction that
would instantaneously destroy the world and all in it. Don't try to
understand - just accept. But know and understand the dilemma. That which
separates me from you, all men, and creation itself is sin. All matter in
this world is tainted with physical and spiritual sin - evil.
It is like the child who disobeys his parents. Their hearts are heavy
with sadness. They are disappointed, but know that they must discipline
and guide. Their love is no less than before - perhaps even stronger.
Sometimes to chastise the child is enough to correct his misguided path of
youth. Sometimes no amount of discipline and love is enough, and the child
is lost to the way of the other path - it is then that grief is the
However, all manner of pain suffered by the parents would be forgiven and
forgotten should the child come to his parents with the realization that he
was wrong. If he were truly intent on changing himself - however slow,
then the parents would bestow their love and guidance upon the child of
changed heart. The likelihood of a wayward child ever returning to his
parent's home is slim indeed. Moses, this is why I administer such harsh
discipline. It is the only way. Children with deaf ears will not listen
too easily. For you see - though death is allotted to all men born, and it
is inherited from Adam, it is actually sin that causes both the body and
soul to die. The spiritual death is the most severe, because the death of
the spirit is the permanent separation from me, and my heart is heavy with
the losses. I am bound by the laws that govern this universe - and yet I
am in control. Understand this reasoning, Moses. Consider this
explanation. Suppose it was in your capability to create a being in your
own likeness, and that this being rejected you. This same being became
totally obsessed with wanting to destroy all that you created. So you
created yet again to compensate for the loss of that first creation.
Moses, suppose that which became evil deceived the second creation and
placed you distantly afar from your beloved child. If that second creation
were to ever understand you - to see you again - to be able to touch, fell,
embrace, and love you again - to believe in you - you would have to become
like that fallen creation."
"I interrupted God with a simple question.
What are you saying Lord?"
God answered:
"Moses - long after your people - my people, are restored in the Promised

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Land - the land of milk and honey - I will again visit your people. I will
walk with them - talk with them - hear them. I will break the separation
for those that receive me for all of time. Moses, I will become one of
you. But, understand the risk that is at stake. When I am born of man,
should I falter, should I yield to the temptations that as yet all men have
succumbed to then all is lost. Evil will triumph for all of time - there
will be no more good."
"I do not understand, Lord."
"Moses, I am explaining to you a mystery that the ages will not
understand. The energy of faith. For you see, faith is a force... but not
like gravity, or inertia. These are laws that exist in nature and their
forces control the movement or motion of all physical matter. But there is
also, indirect relation to these physical forces, unseen forces - faith,
hope, and love. Love is the greatest of these forces. They are spiritual
in nature. Faith can be used for purposes of good or evil, and men use the
power in ignorance. The Hebrew children are stooped in ignorance, and are
apt to use the power of faith to their own end - or worse, that of evil.
Therefore, I will judge Israel harshly until I come again. For they are as
a lost child and need the discipline. The miracles that have been and will
continue to be used until the day I come, and afterwards, are merely
interactions between physical forces, energies, and laws of the spirit.
As I said, I too am bound by the laws of creation - not as a prisoner -
but by love and honor. As I am bound by honor, I will now bind the hearts
and the nature of men with laws that are just, enduring, and these are the
laws of love.
Watch now, and I will combine my spiritual and physical powers to produce
for you and my people, Israel, the law - my law - your law. These are the
laws of love, and to signify their lasting quality, they will be etched in
"I tell all of you that what I saw totally convinced me of his unlimited
ability. The stone that I had labored to place beneath the ship was
exactly as I had left it. As I watched, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, a pair
of earthen arms rose up out of the Earth - one on either side of the
stone. In one hand was a hammer - in the other a chisel. As if the hand
that held the chisel knew exactly where to place it, and the hand that held
the hammer also knew exactly how hard a blow to strike, they acted in
unison and chips of stone began to fly from the boulder. At every place
the hammer hit the chisel, a small piece would break away. At first I
could barely follow the speed at which the arms worked, but they slowed
down a bit after stone was at last a square block - and I might add
relatively smooth. The arms worked tirelessly and delicately to etch into
the face what I could tell to be writing. I watched - glued to my spot - I
dared not look away or even blink lest I miss something. Both the arms and

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hands scraped away the chippings from around the block and turned the block
over. Once again with rapid speed the hammer flew and with each blow upon
the chisel the chips flew. When they at last slowed to a more delicate
enactment of holy sculpturing, a wafer-thin sheet of stone lay upon the
ground. The arms lifted the tablet and turned the writing so that it faced
me. God commanded me to take it from the arms - which I did. I held it,
and read the rules that were not only for the chosen people, but for all
men. The rules were simple, whereby, if obeyed, would lead the one who
followed them on a path to perfection.
But maybe I am getting a little ahead of myself here. After the stone was
finished, the arms scraped the chips together and buried them, and then
receded into the Earth. They left absolutely no trace of having been
there. I wanted to go and dig into the thin soil in search of them - but,
somehow, I sensed I would not ever find them. God again spoke."
"Moses - all possible transgressions against the law of love are etched
into the stone that you hold. All sin is of the breaking of these rules -
and sin is the cause of death. But even as we talk, there are those that
would rather resort to pagan beliefs - they easily forget the signs of
wonder that was bestowed on them as proof of my existence. For that
reason, there will be many other rules and laws to which they must adhere
in strict accordance, if they want to escape my harsh judgment. Only the
most stringent men and women of strong will can possibly obey them all.
You are not to tell them, but I place this burden on them to show that
there is no way to gain eternal life through deeds alone. There is no way
to overcome the physical and spiritual separation through works. There is
no way except that which I will provide. Moses, I will die for you, and
them. It will be, and is now, the only way. It is by this gift that
eventual reunion will be possible - it is a gift, and cannot be earned by
observance of laws.
Go now, and observe your people in their ignorance - and Moses - mind your
temper, for only in love shall you triumph over the hardness of their
Moses looked over the small gathering and ended the story with a quick
summary of the accounts of his Old Testament life in the wilderness. He
introduced Daniel to the small audience and sat down to listen to his
longtime faithful servant recount what had never been written for others to
know. The dark-skinned, smooth-complected man stood humbly and smiled
warmly. He cleared his throat and spoke.
"Brothers and sisters. Moses and I go back a long way, or should I say,
went back! No - I believe it is proper to say that we go back, for here we
are! You see, Moses saved my life - at least I feared for it that day so
long ago. I was in a ditch gathering clay for mortar. They - the

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Egyptians - forgive me if any of you have ancestral heritage of that nation

- no offense meant - the Egyptians worked us from dawn until dark,
sometimes before and after. It was common for them to beat us - sometimes
unmercifully until the flogging ended with the blessed release of death. I
sometimes wonder if that slave tender would have killed me. All I had done
was stop working long enough to wipe the sweat from my brow. He must have
had a rough night or maybe he was just cruel. After Moses intervened I
almost died... although my physical condition as a slave surely attributed
to my inability to recover from the beating quickly. The whip wounds
became infected and I was a long time getting well. I will never forget
how Moses took the flogging whip from him and then threw it to the ground.
The Egyptian cursed Moses and tried to hit him. Moses ducked and hit him
full in the face - but that was enough - too much really - the blow broke
his neck. Before Moses fled he made sure that I was properly attended. I
guessed wrong that the authorities would hunt him down. Oh - they tried -
but they never found him. They searched high and low, and even threatened
many of the Israelites with torture or death if they would not reveal his
whereabouts. But none could tell, for none knew.
I owed Moses a word of thanks, to say the least. Others wondered if he
would ever be seen again - but, inside, I knew that all of us would. I
knew that Moses was born to lead - I felt it. I prepared myself to repay
his saving kindness with voluntary servitude. Once I made this decision,
it was as though a burden lifted from my heart, and I knew I had chosen a
path that would reward me with adventure and satisfaction many times over.
Now in the course of events related to Moses' return to the land of the
Pharaoh, and how God smote the land with all manner of diseases and plagues
- I was there. Moses was a busy man during those days, and I was always
there to attend his needs. I watched his backside, if you please, and
there were times I was able to warn him of impending danger.
I never had a family of my own - I suppose you could say we were an "odd
couple", of sorts. Oh - later on I married - but never to sire children.
After Moses died, I was lonely, and choosing a helpmate proved to be my
best course of resolve. But that is altogether a different tale indeed -
what I wish to relate to you is the story of Moses' death. Although in my
own life I had seen wonders beyond description, miracles and such, the
events surrounding his death are unequaled with respect to the spectacular.

As promised to Moses by God, none of the Israelites of his generation -

including Moses and myself, would ever set foot into the Promised Land. I
suppose there could be one exception - but they scouted the land of Canaan
before God decreed the generation undeserving because of their unbelief.
They had been sent ahead to scout out its borders. I'll never forget the
day they returned from the land of milk and honey. I tell you it took two

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men to carry one cluster of grapes! The grapes were the size of a man's
fist - and the wine that was pressed from them - so good you'd end up quite
silly from intoxication. I remember that because Moses was presented a
whole skin of it - and as he rarely partook of spirits, he passed it on to
I'm sorry - I always get carried away and off track when I get to thinking
about those days.
Anyway, Moses had appointed an up-and-coming young man by the name of
Joshua to lead Israel, and shortly thereafter, he and I left the main camp
in the direction of Mount Nebo. We took our time as we made our way toward
the foothills of the rugged mountains that overlooked the land promised to
us by God.
Along the way we were mostly silent, but occasionally we talked of the
past. Moses and I both knew what lay ahead - at least we knew that he was
near his appointed time. One night after our prayers, as we lay in our
bedrolls of sheepskin, we talked for a while about death. Moses said that
he was ready, but that he had natural doubts about it. He said that he was
tired, and that he believed that he would part the veil of death and awaken
in paradise. This was the only conversation we ever had about death.
The trek through the foothills and up to the broken ridge of the summit
proved to be tedious. I was younger by many years and I helped him as much
as he would allow. He was quite stubborn, and, therefore, determined to do
it by himself. I was worried that he would succumb to exhaustion and kill
himself before we reached the top. We finally arrived at the end of the
forth day of the climb. We were tired, and ached - he, more so than I, and
we both slept soundly through the night. If it weren't for knowing
otherwise, I would have sworn that the events of the next day were but a
dream. And not an ordinary dream either.
In my wildest array of description I cannot begin to relate to you the
picture I am trying to portray. It began with the sunrise. We were up at
first light. I had rekindled the fire from the dying embers, and we were
preparing our breakfast. I had poured the last of the goat's milk from the
skin into the small clay pot. I had set it on the coals that I had raked
away from the main fire when everything started to happen.
Before I continue I must relate to you certain facts so you can understand
just how strange the situation really was. It was perhaps a couple of
years past that I had raised a quail from an egg. It turned out that it
was a she, and as she became such a loyal pet, it never once crossed my
mind to eat her. I suppose she thought I was her mother because she never
once wandered far from me. And it never seemed to bother her that we would
use her as a natural decoy to ensnare her kind. Perhaps she thought she
was a person - I just don't know. She would never fail, during her season,
to provide me with the eggs that were a favorite portion of my diet. That

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morning was no different, as was the days of our trek, and I had saved all
of the eggs that she laid.
I took one of the eggs, there were exactly seven of them, and cracked it
open to mix with the milk. It was empty! Now I knew them to be fresh. I
had seen half-formed fetal quail, from the embryo stage up, and before they
feather they're quite nourishing - but this one was empty! I looked at
Moses - he too had noticed the yolk-less egg and had cocked his bushy white
eyebrow in response to the oddity. "Strange" was all he had said.
The sun was just barely visible, as if it were trying to sneak into the
sky unnoticed, and in the western sky the last of the brighter stars were
fading from sight. The second egg that I cracked was normal, and I dropped
the yolk into the already boiling milk. I cracked open the third egg - it
was as I had described the nutritional, feather-less, undeveloped quail,
Now this greatly puzzled me, for as I said, I knew the eggs to be freshly
laid. At the most it could have only been five days old. It too went into
the pot as I shrugged my shoulders in gesture to Moses' ominous stare. He
attempted to bring a little humor into the oddity by making a somewhat
smart remark about where my quail had been of late. I ignored the remark
and broke yet another egg. It turned out to be a feathered embryo -
useless for eating, so I tossed it into the fire. The flames rose from the
pre-natal fuel in a purplish hue that matched the sun as it half cleared
the horizon. Moses and I had been with each other long enough to know that
our thoughts were of the same accord - astonishment.
The fifth egg I cracked with caution. I did not know what to expect but
whatever I might have expected, I was not prepared to see a baby quail
chirp, hop to the ground, and scurry into the brush nearby. Moses laughed
as I jumped with a start and muffled a scream. The sixth egg I held in my
palm with the anticipation of a young warrior at his first battle - too
scared to run away and equally afraid to go forward. I looked at Moses.
He read my thoughts and said, "not me, Daniel - they're your eggs!" I did
not even have to break it open because as I held it in open palm, still
outstretched toward Moses, a miniature version of a grown quail broke open
the shell. It flew from my hand and circled the fire that still burned
with purple flames. As it circled, the smoke, also a purplish tint,
followed it's circular, rising flight.
By this time we both knew that something supernatural was indeed happening
and it sharpened our senses. The quail flew towards the morning sun which
by now had cleared the horizon as a huge purple ball, and the smoke
continued to follow the quail.
The seventh egg I literally grabbed and broke without a gentle thought in
mind, and held yet another quail. It was partially decayed, and maggots
squirmed within the near decomposed corpse. The stench was horrible I
recall. I immediately tossed it into the flames. The stench changed into

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an aroma unlike any which I had ever smelled. It was like a perfume of
flowers and fruit. The flames began to change into a brilliant blue, as
did the spiraling smoke as it rose into the sky in the direction of the
fleeting quail. The sun also turned blue as the smoke seemed to disappear
into it.
Now I'm not one to highly over react, after all, I did endure the harsh
punishment of the Egyptians, and I did live in the desert wilderness and
was witness to a host of miracles. But I suppose all of this was just a
little too much to contain. I yelled loud and clear - and I must admit
that it was quite melodramatic - and in perfect tune, though with what I
don't know. The high pitch tone kept on even when I quit. It got farther
and farther away in the direction of the Promised Land. At last, when we
could but faintly hear it, it began to echo back in our direction. It
reached our ears and became louder and louder until we had to cover our
ears. All at once it ceased, and there was an eerie silence. I rose to a
standing position and turned to Moses, and began to speak - but it was not
my voice, and I didn't have any idea what I was saying until it was already
"Moses", I said, "the first egg signifies a life yet to be lived. A life
that one day all men will revere and bow down to in awe. The second and
third egg is to show that this life will begin in an ordinary manner of
birth. The forth egg shows that this person was born of man, but, like the
baby quail that hatched from the fifth infertile egg, had no earthly
father. The sixth egg shows that the mature man would rise up to
demonstrate the power and love of God through many miracles. The final egg
denotes this same man as he is to be killed in an awful, degrading way.
Watch now, and see the significance of the death of the quail which was
cast into the symbolic fire of hell."
"I quit talking and both of us stared at the blue flame. A halo of white
smoke came from the center of the fire and rose up into the air. The quail
that had only moments before been cremated flew from the flames and through
the halo of smoke. It descended and perched on the right shoulder of Moses
and began to call. My pet quail - the mother - also chirped her shrill
bobwhite over and over. Hundreds and hundreds of quail began to answer,
and in a matter of moments several thousand quail surrounded us. The
resurrected quail took flight and was joined by the others. They formed an
airborne covey in the form of a cross and flew in the direction of the
All was silent again. The blue flames returned to its red orange color as
simultaneously as the rising sun. I was shacking from excitement. Moses,
on the other hand, was quite composed, and just sat cross-legged, smiling.
He then spoke."
"Daniel, I have seen many wonders in my life, and have lived a long time.

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As I sit here and gaze into the Promised Land, I feel free and light. Do
not mourn my death, for by death I am at last free. For when I wake from
death's sleep I will be with our Lord. And you know, death is like sleep -
as soon as you fall asleep - you wake up.
Daniel, you have been my most trusted friend. Keep all of what has
happened here to yourself. Please go and search out a suitable cave for me
to lie down in, for I feel the presence of the Angle of Death."
"Moses died in my arms near the noon hour. I know now, as I'm sure each
of you also know, if you experienced death, what Moses meant by death being
like sleep. When I woke from death, it was as if I had just gone to
Leigh and the stranger had joined John, Al, and Emily at the Hill of
Stories. The usual air of excitement was particularly heavy. Everyone
loved the times spent on the hill, for it was a time of learning, and with
each story everyone felt closer to each other and God. They felt as if
they might, at any moment, explode into many thousands of pieces of love
and light. The euphoria was intense, and a hush fell over the crowd as
Jesus once again took his place at the top of the hill.
Jesus looked over the faces of the silent audience and allowed his gaze to
settle on his mother as he spoke.
"'Conceived by the Holy Spirit' - before I explain the mystery of this
age-old quotation - these five simple words have caused doubt, agnosticism,
and even fanatical atheism, perhaps it would only be right to hear the
point of view from one whom I love differently than any other - my mother."

Jesus' eyes watered to tears and where the drops fell to the ground a
plant grew and bloomed in the space of a few seconds of time.
Joseph escorted Mary to the hill, and both he and Jesus sat nearby.
Mary's face was radiant with simple beauty - her eyes, brown, like her wavy
hair - and her cheeks flush like the color of her crimson lips. As with
the others, the wisdom in her eyes betrayed the age at which he had died.
She began to speak her story with memory untarnished from the centuries
that had passed. She spoke in a soft tone, but the acoustics of the hill
were such that the ones in the rear could hear as well as the ones in
Joseph and I were betrothed from the day we were born - well, before,
actually. We were childhood playmates, and through our early teens we grew
very close. We trusted each other completely. I suppose that there were
the usual crushes that each of us had - but by the time we reached puberty,
we knew we were right for each other. We shared our problems, fantasies,
and fears with each other. In truth, we were best friends. At the age of
thirteen years, he was so shy, and I recall when we both turned sixteen
that I was in love with him. The law of the Nazarene allowed the sanctions

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of marriage at that age, but our parents bade us wait.

I remember it was just prior to the Roman celebration of the Ides of
March. The government relaxed its iron grip upon us during those days.
Along with that favorable atmosphere, they were much more liberal in their
giving. It was as if they forgot they were the high and mighty Romans they
credited themselves as being. I'm sure it was much the same in Rome itself
- but the arm of Roman law at such a distant outpost as ours was
tyrannically cruel. But, as I said, everyone was in high spirits, and our
family, small though it was, was happy for the relief from the monotonous,
subjective ways.
It had otherwise been pretty much the usual evening. Joseph had left
following the after supper discussion with my father - the matter of men,
you know, work, politics, the law, and such.
The earthenware had been cleaned and the fire in the cooking hearth had
died down to embers. It was one of my favorite times of the night because
the house was quiet and warm. I had lain down in the main room - the
family room.
Our family's prized possession was a Persian rug. My father had traded
for it during one of his frequent business excursions outside our city. We
were little better off than most families, in that, we never went without
food and clothes, but my dad always complained about the high taxes, that
we might get ahead if it weren't for them. My father and mother were
humble - and most giving - and the luxury of this rug was afforded only
because of my father's skill in his business manners. It had been a silver
wedding anniversary present to my mother - and although it wasn't silver,
to her it was priceless.
As I lay there on its soft, woolen tapestry; I thought of Joseph and
wondered if he was thinking of me. We used to fantasize about the rug -
the design of which was one of the reasons my father wanted it for my
mother. It was a picture of a quarter moon shining through wisps of
clouds. In front of, and below, the moon were vineyards silhouetted in the
light - and on the nearest vine was a cluster of grapes. Their color was a
deep, blackened purple - and the whole tapestry almost came alive when you
looked at it.
As I thought of Joseph, I began to think of our wedding date which was
only months away. I remember forcing him from my thoughts to say my
nightly prayers, but I never got around to saying them. As I closed my
eyes in the darkened room, suddenly the whole room was filled with a soft
light. I opened my eyes, and should have been alarmed - but somehow the
light was soothing - much like soft music. I remember being totally
relaxed. This relaxed state was so sweet. I had never been so completely
at ease. I felt I could just melt into the soft Persian carpet.
My ears began to have a sensation of - perhaps you might call it a

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ringing, but more, much more. It was a tone that would lull you to sleep
if you would let it. I recall that I thought I must be dreaming - or that
the evening wine was much too fermented. The beautiful ringing heightened
in its rich tone, and I began to tingle all over. The tone grew louder
still, and the tingling became almost total ecstasy. I really can't say it
was pleasure, for my senses became numb - I felt nothing at all - only an
euphoric absence of all feeling. The light began to change in a rapid
succession of a colorful, pastelled prism. The light began to swirl,
slowly at first, and as it increased the speed the rapidity at which the
colors changed began to speed up. My head spun dizzily from trying to
watch. Finally the light was rotating so fast, and the colors were also
changing so fast, that there was no motion at all just a single, blended
color. The pastel light began to recede from the walls. As it did it
became less transparent. It shrank toward the center of the room and ended
up as a single strand of light that reached from my abdomen to the ceiling
- but the ceiling was no longer there - and I could see the stars and the
light strand, or beam, continued into the night shy until my vision could
no longer see how far it went.
The tone grew louder and louder. The sensation in my body returned and
focused on my abdomen where the light ended. The color faded from the
light until it was pure white - and I thought I would explode into a
million pieces from the whole sensation. The tone was deafening - yet
pleasing. At the point where I thought I could no longer stand the
intensity, the light shot straight into my belly, the noise ceased, and the
sensation was gone. The silence left me totally exhausted, and I
immediately slept and knew nothing more until morning, "it was an
absolutely fantastic dream - so vivid - and so real." But as I stood and
looked down where I had lain, I knew it was more than a dream, for, ever so
faintly, in the blended color of the pastel light, was the outline of my
body. It was actually woven into the woolen fabric of the Persian rug.
Mary went on to tell of her later vision where it was revealed to her she
was pregnant. She told how she had tried in vain to convince Joseph of her
faithfulness to him, that she was still a virgin.
Joseph also shared with the crowd how he had stood by her in the midst of
all the whispers and backstabbing mockery. After he finished with his
account, Jesus rose and spoke.
"'The Immaculate Conception' - for the minds and understanding of men,
impossible. But in reality, quite simple. This combined spiritual and
physical event ushered in the only possible way by which creation could be
restored to its rightful owner.
Consider what happens when the one sperm amid the host of others makes
contact with the egg. Herein lies the secret of physical life.
The sperm carries the genetic identity of it's parent, as does the egg of

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its parent. Of course there exists traits of each of the generations past
- all the way back to the original parent.
Satan's intent to destroy the possibility of pure, descending traits of
Adam and Eve when he altered the genes of men after Noah disembarked from
the ark almost succeeded. He also nearly succeeded in this task with
directives through King Nebuchadnezzar who ordered all male children of the
lineage of David executed. But God's covenant with Abraham was truth, and
truth cannot be hid. The pure seed remained and made possible the
connecting link between God and fallen man.
At the moment the sperm makes contact with the egg, and the egg seals its
membrane to thwart foreign penetration, the unique gift of life occurs.
This is where the spirit is born and wed to the body. The egg is negative
in spiritual nature - the sperm is positive. When they meet - a spark
occurs - a spiritual spark, and the living entity takes the combined
identities of both parents. A spiritually combined unity of three separate
ingredients - the father, the mother and the soul is born and lives in the
physical body until death. At the moment death claims the body, the spark
of life leaves. The soul leaves - the body is dead. The body is useless
without the soul, and the soul is lost without the creator.
When I transfigured before you in the first hours of reborn Eden, your
eyes beheld only a fraction of what I really am - for I am God, and I am
the son, as the Father is only the Father where is now. We are the same -
yet we are different.
Mary witnessed the visual image of the Holy Spirit as it brought the
traits of God to her womb. The spark of a new life - •_•a new soul - was
united to the beginning of a new body. The egg held the descending traits
of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, and other in that lineage. When wed
to the lineage of God, the spark of life was born - and that spark of life
was mine.
The sperm serves only to carry its traits and the electrical, positive
charge to produce the spark that triggers the soul's entry. The soul weds
itself to the body of the combined traits, and thereby a unique person is
created. The individuality of this new person is such that it will never
happen again in total likeness.
And I, a descendent of fallen man, was born already condemned to die.
When the neutral soul enters the body of inherently fallen man, it is
corrupted immediately. Unless it is born again of the spirit, the
spiritual identity remains negative, assuring separation from God for all
time. When one allowed, through the faith of belief, his soul to be reborn
- his identity for all time was changed. Remember - the body was composed
of a negative and a positive component - and as in physics, when together,
the total charged displaced was negative. The neutral soul was naturally
pulled to that identity. However, when the soul was reborn, the over-all

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polarity became positive. The final battle is only won at death, for the
spark of life ceases, and the body's two opposing charges cease, and this
leaves the soul with the charge it inherited, or the charge of it's
At death the corrupt body died - but when each of you were resurrected
immortal, the new body was incorrupt. Like a bird learning how to fly,
some of you are now ready to become what you truly are - the purest form of
life - pure love - pure light.
Jesus ended his oration by again gazing over the crowd. His gaze rested
on the eyes of one who, at the command of the stare, stood. Everyone's
eyes were diverted to the man as he walked toward Jesus. The man was the
stranger with whom Leigh had fallen in love, and to whom she had faithfully
given herself the moment they had met. He had said nothing to her or her
friends of Earth past, but had simply stood and walked toward the top of
the Hill of Stories.
As he drew near to Jesus he knelt, and with tears streaming down his face,
kissed his savior’s feet, rose and said to his master - "I will tell my
Jesus smiled and walked in the direction of the crystal ship as the
stranger began his story. Everyone listened. A few knew who he was - but
he had purposefully evaded them since he had met Leigh.
"It is my testimony to each of you this day on this Hill of Stories that
love is as proportionately forgiving as it is giving. If there ever was
forgiveness meted out to an undeserving worm of a man, it was given to me.
I was born several years after Jesus, and from my youth I had studied the
Law of Moses. It was first under the guidance of my stern parents, and
later under the auspicious eye of the Pharisees. Although I never could
have memorized the volumes of words contained in the law, I nevertheless
developed a system whereby I could categorically summarize a section of the
law within an hour's time.
I learned not to trust people at an early age - especially women. My own
mother routinely lied to my father, and eventually cheated him out of his
possessions and sanity. He died penniless and in prison - a Roman prison.
I learned to loathe everyone of Roman heritage, and to use them, their law,
and their courts.
My refuge became the temple, because my own mother forbade me to enter her
house. From my early teens it became my home. I overcame my lowly state
by using my intellect to extract favors from God - or so I reasoned. I
believed in a God whose only law was strength - and that he would share his
strength with me so that I could overcome the weakened, pitiful state of
ignorant man. I believed that if I adhered strictly to the Law of Moses,
and that if I forsook all else, then I would build up status in the future

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coming Kingdom of God.

The Romans showed traits of a strong desire to oppress the weak; to punish
severely those who rebelled. Because they were strong, I endorsed their
form of government - but only because they allowed us to perform our
religious worship within their empire's domain.
Now you must realize that inwardly I cursed the Romans - they were
pagans. I also believed that the Messiah would conquer their armies and
set up Israel above all others in a governing fashion, and that those who
were most rigorously structured in the ways of Moses law would inherit
positions of dictatorial power.
Little did I realize at such an early age of fanatical pursuance, that not
far from where I slept, a man was born in poverty, and that he would call
himself the Christ. He was the very Messiah that I was looking for, yet I
was too blind to see.
As I increased in the knowledge of the law, this man also increased in his
stature. In his later life, of what I perceived to be a self-proclaimed
ministry of a lunatic, I really didn't get alarmed as did the other leaders
of the temple. Oh, they were quite upset when rumors of his supernatural
powers reached the nerve of the temple complex - the high priest. Caiaphas
more or less dismissed the whole issue with "ignore it - it will go away",
but there were the busybodies who wouldn't let it rest. They fanned the
fire with the fuel of jealousy. I, myself, studied the man's history and
his claims and passed him off as a heretic.
My real interest came only after his death - several months later. I had
been invited to partake of the evening meal at the house of the woman I had
been betrothed to at birth. Now I wasn't particularly interested in
marrying her - or anybody else for that matter. I had too much to do with
respect to the interests of my own career to bother with that institution.
As I said earlier - I did not trust people - particularly women. I
certainly did not wish to embarrass my own status with one such as he, yet
I had no choice but to adhere to the customs of my people. Of late I had
been pondering how best to turn that embarrassment into one of my favor.
Well - that evening meal was a Godsend - or so I perceived. I really
believed God had answered my petitions. It set into motion a chain of
events that changed not only the course of my life, but countless others as
I had noticed upon entering the house, if you could have called it a
house, that is the way I thought then - I loathed the poor, you see -
something there was wrong, at least different. I couldn't put my finger on
it, but their otherwise gloomy faces radiated with life - happiness!
I felt that they wanted to tell me something, but instead of asking, I had
decided to remain silent and see what the visit would bring.
As the course of the meal, and the afterward discussion wore on, I was

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disappointed at not having one clue as to their odd, pleasant behavior.

Rebecca, my espoused, had accompanied me to the entrance of her family's
home for a good night curtsey. As I turned to face her in the tradition of
my ancestry, I noticed a charcoal sketch of a fish. My heart sank and then
soared. I had heard talk in the temple of an underground, illegal movement
that endorsed this Jesus as the promised Messiah. They actually believed
that he had raised himself from the dead! I thought I knew at that moment
what my mission from God was to be - to quell this heresy. I left her home
that night feeling very good. Not only would I rise to a greater position
within the temple, but had reason to denounce my association and betrothal
to Rebecca. I left in high spirits and upon reaching the temple I began to
acquire every fact and facet of information that had anything whatsoever to
do with this blasphemer from Galilee.
I did not hide my intentions. I moved as swiftly as possible, but I was
too late when I accompanied the soldiers to Rebecca's house. I had been
poised to arrest the whole household and to symbolically launch my career
in halting what I thought to be a growing belief of blaspheming heresy
within the tribes of Judah and Levi.
Either there had been a spy in the temple itself, or word had spread
faster than I had anticipated. Rebecca's family had gone - they had
escaped into hiding the fast growing network of what became known within
the temple as the "Underground Fish of Hades".
I labored long and followed every lead to find them. When at last I had
every reason to believe I knew where they were, it was too late. I was
enroute to where my many spies had assured me they would be found, when I,
too, became convinced of the truth of Jesus' claims. I was on the road to
As Saul, I caused much misery to those early believers. I was blinded on
that dusty road with first-hand revelation, and from that day forward I
served the Master with more vigor and conviction than I ever did as the
worm I once was.
Several days passed after the bright light blinded me, and in the house of
Judas, on a street called straight, I waited for instructions. I waited
for a direction in my newborn life. When the answer came, I was
dumbfounded. Not only did I learn of my purpose, but I was told of another
altered course in my life.
Rebecca my espoused had married another. I was told in vision to remain
single and to be symbolically married to my work. I was jealously sore at
Rebecca having married another - even though I, myself, did not love her.
Within my loins the desires of nature stirred in rebellion. I guess my
later letters and writings were influenced by this condition. However, I
finally learned the proper way to cope with it, and the Lord revealed to me
in a dream my future. He told me in this dream to keep the faith, for at a

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later time, in another place, I would meet the woman that was to become my
soul-mate for all of time. I was told I would know her because she would
tell me the answer to the mystery of another woman - a woman whose torch of
freedom would burn unquenched by waters, while she, herself, would be
buried in the sands of times past.
This woman now knows who I am and the shade of my past. If she'll have me
- not only for what I was, but for what I became, then publicly I now ask
her to share the rest of this age as my wife."
Leigh blushed, and made her way forward through the crowd to embrace the
man who had heeded the call to carry the Gospel to the gentiles. Their
courtship had lasted through much of the millennium, but their marriage in
the flesh would be consummated only by words.
They had just committed the words of betrothal when a low, murmuring
whisper went through the crowd. Everyone had looked upward to where the
great crystal ship hovered over the Hill of Stories. Jesus spoke; his
voice was loud, stern and commanding.
"The hour of darkness is at hand. Fear not for yourselves of the
resurrection, but protect those born of this age and those who had not
reached the age of accountability before Eden was restored. They will be
tested in this hour. Everyone must choose - for there are no longer any
that are protected by the age of accountability.
The sun will lose it's light. Children - you must use what you have been
taught to become what you really are. For in so doing, you will be the
only refuge for those who choose to escape Satan and his darkened world.
When I return I will usher in the new and final age - the Age of Eternity."

The colossal ship rose slowly at first, and then gained speed. An arc of
light traced its path, and before the ship itself was propelled beyond the
sight of all whom watched, the sun, it's fuel exhausted, collapsed. It's
light ceased. The Earth, unnoticed by those who rode on it, began to drift
in space toward the burned out star.
Jesus' ship accelerated and the light from its path was sucked into the
cavity of the dead sun. The Earth was left without any light, for long
before light from the very distant stars twinkled for Earth, the sun had
claimed their rays.
A loud and evil laugh was heard from the direction of the bottomless pit,
and screams were heard from some of the men and women born during the
thousand years of Jesus' reign.
Almost as if all those on the Hill of Stories were rehearsing a well-known
script, they joined hands. Perhaps it was for safety - perhaps for the
warmth of the others' touch, for it was growing cold without the sun's
heat; very cold, very fast.

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Al felt the darkness grow thick. It was a darkness that you could
actually feel. It was a darkness thick with death and cold. Al began to
think of Amanda, Sheila, and his parents. He felt the warm touch of
Leigh's hand squeeze his own gently. Al thought of all that had transpired
since the cold December morning when he had first entered the cave, and all
at once knew what he had to do. He concentrated on blocking all that was
happening from his mind. He relaxed, and gave fear no place to rest in his
mind. He let the thick, clotting darkness release it's cold touch on his
skin. He believed as he had never before believed. He thought of only
that which was precious to him, and began to sing in a soft, deep voice.
It was the same song that he had sung to Satan as he had died from the
Prince of Darkness' torturous death. He faintly heard some of those about
him join in, and began to feel warm inside. He was filled with the spirit
of love that knew no boundaries. He closed his eyes to the darkness, and
within his mind he saw a figure. The figure was a man, and the man was
hanging on a cross in a darkened, troubled world. The man's head was bowed
toward Earth in humble, submissive shame. Al watched, and then realized
that he was standing beneath that wooden pole upon which his savior was
nailed. He became the soldier who stood peering into Jesus' eyes and felt
the guilt of having thrust the spear into Christ's side.
He then became the thief who hung to the left of the dying Savior and felt
the grace of knowing his own sick deeds were covered by innocent blood.
While hanging there as that thief, he heard the criminal, who also hung in
crucifixion, mock the only man that could save his soul.
Al then looked at Jesus through the eyes of Peter, and in his heart felt
the denying betrayal that had saved him from the court of Pontius Pilate.
He wept with shame because he knew that he had denied knowing his master,
and, at that moment, the man he had said he did not know was paying the
price for the soul that had denied him.
Al saw and felt through the eyes and heart of Jesus' own mother. He felt
the sense of loss, and the pain of grief only a mother could feel as she
watched her son die. He felt the helplessness of not being able to stop
it. He felt the pain as only the mother of Jesus could feel; it became too
much for him to bear, and he yelled. He yelled as Mary herself had yelled
three thousand years ago to the second. The total feeling was too much for
a body of material being to encompass and remain intact. Al transfigured.
Al's entire being became what it truly was supposed to have been from the
beginning, before Satan had fallen from grace. Al became pure love, pure
The light which emanated from Al's transfigured self was brilliant, but
the collapsed sun immediately sealed up the rays which would have otherwise
lit up the whole hillside. The shadowy figures of those who had lived
through the thousand years began to feed from the spiritual energy. One by

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one they transfigured, and the combined light lit up the area around the
grassy knoll, and well beyond - to the six-sided pool of the bottomless
Satan and his evil clan clustered around the pool and shielded their eyes
from the white light. The final hour of darkness had begun and was nearly
Those born during the reign of Christ became disoriented, and some
shielded their own eyes and began to seek the cover of darkness. Like
magnets the slaves of Satan sought them out and brought them to their
prince. There they were quickly deceived and numbered with those of
emblazoned numerals of red. There they chose between life and death, light
and darkness, and good and evil. Those made their choice with the
quickness of a thief, and only those who stayed of the light were spared
the Satanic seduction of the soul. Satan had claimed his last victims. He
now owned all he ever would - and he, along with all the lost souls of
history past would suffer the absence of God throughout the infinity of
He and his children of the world of darkness huddled like hideous trolls
of mythical lore near the pool. Their backs were toward the Hill of
Stories where the light shown like a spotlight toward the blackened sun.

From the depths of space the crystal ship streaked toward Earth. As it
descended, two other crafts in likewise fashion hovered over the Hill of
Stories. The transfigured forms of those below ascended one by one and
entered one of the three ships. The pattern was much like a dance and each
ship shown brighter still as they were filled with the light of
transfigured love.
The grassy knoll beneath them, the Hill of Stories of the millennium was
lit up by those who had trod upon its soft grasses. But the last story on
that hill had already been told and the shadow of darkness crept over it's
sloping meadow as the ships positioned themselves over the bottomless pit.
Jesus, adorned in the white robe of righteousness, descended and stood
among those huddled about the pool. In his hands he held a golden book -
the Book of Life. The archangel, Michael, likewise left one of the other
ships and stood by the side of the Prince of Peace.
Satan and his demonic band of fallen angles were cast into the pool and
sank once again into oblivion. One by one those who had accepted the mark
were judged by Jesus and condemned. There was crying, cursing, and
pleading, but it was too late. They, too, were cast into the pool to sink
with their master.
Gabriel left the third ship and joined Jesus and Michael. He had with him
a long silver trumpet. He raised it and blew into it. Three loud notes

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sounded and the land and sea gave forth the dead that had rejected their
only hope of reconciliation into the family of God.
Some of the raised dead of the second resurrection pleaded for mercy.
Some told of having preached for Jesus. Still others said that they had
healed in his name, or had cast out evil spirits in the cause of the
kingdom. Jesus reply was short... "Depart from me ye workers of iniquity,
for I never knew you." There was weeping, and agonized gnashing of teeth.
One by one they fell short - far, far short of attaining favor by their
own merit. The final day of judgment ended as the last of the quick and
the dead were cast into the pool. As the last one sank into the depths of
the sanctuary of Lucifer, the great deceiver of the ages, the final day of
judgment ended.
Jesus, Gabriel, and the archangel, Michael, rose to their respective ships
and entered them. In the safety of the crystal vehicles, Al and the others
changed into their mortal bodies as the three ships rose into the darkness
of space. There they watched the moon remove itself from its orbit and
crash forcefully into the Earth. The other planets of the solar system
streaked toward Earth and the catastrophic force of collision ignited the
whole destroyed mass. The passengers of the three ships watched in
amazement as every piece of negatively infested creative afterbirth - dust,
meteorites, comets, planets, moons, gases, stars, solar systems and
galaxies - was drawn into the blazing inferno. The fire was nuclear hell,
for all of God's atoms of the universe were being released simultaneously.
The passengers continued to watch. Time was no more. It might well have
lasted for hundreds of billions of years, or it might have been for a
moment. The mass burned and burned, and as it burned a formless, condemned
soul shot from its center into the depths of blackness. They left the
center of the molten mass like tracers being shot from canons.
The mass burned itself into a massive, condensed ball of only the purest
form of God's original elements of creation. All was dark. In every
direction everything was a sea of thick darkness.
They watched and waited. From the depths of the eternal blackness
appeared a tiny light. All aboard the ship knew and felt their creator was
the source of that light. As I neared it became brighter and larger. The
light of God approached the three crafts and everyone transfigured - but
even the brilliance of the three lightened ships was diminished by the
brilliance of God. His ship brightened the whole area. The huge ball of
pure elements - all positive matter - shown in the surrounding darkness
like a marble of glass.
As God's ship passed by, Al and the other saw that it was a city, and
watched as the New Jerusalem descended onto the new Earth. As it settled,
the new Earth covered itself with life - perfect life- perfect, positive

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matter of life anew. The Earth was covered with a beautiful mature world
of perfect trees, animals, and grass. All was perfect as it once was.
God's light was penetrating into the depths of space, but it began to
shrink as if an invisible sphere had encompassed it. Al watched as the
boundary closed until the light from God surrounded the Earth in a veil of
protection. The three ships, totally pure, penetrated the ring of light
and descended to the new Earth. Through the ages of forever nothing would
enter or leave the boundaries of God's perfect restored Heaven.
The ring of light was sealed with a membrane of God's pure love. The
souls of the damned floated randomly in the sea of darkness. They needed
and wanted that which was forever lost. They were separated by the only
peace that could have made them whole. As one of the eternally negative
souls would drift toward the circle of light, the natural force would repel
them back into the outer darkness. The physics of love was now complete
and the laws would last forever.

The travelers disembarked from the crystal ships for the last time. As
the last one left the crystal arks of safety, the ships rose into the
perfect atmosphere and burst into a rainbow of colors. The colors blended
into a single hue, and like spilled paint, covered the membrane. The
darkness of the outside was sealed from their view forever.
Al was home. Leigh and Paul, John and Emily, were home. They were of the
kingdom - the Kingdom of God. Everything was perfect. A perfect flower.
A perfect bird. All was made of pure, positive, elemental matter. No
dust. No disease. No disfigurement. No pain. No death.
In the center of the new city was the throne of God, and nearby was the
Tree of Life. On its limbs were twelve different fruits. Each tasted
different, and was immediately replaced when picked.
A river flowed from the throne of God, and the water was living water.
One could drink from it and the feeling was of no earthly description.
Each and every child of God had a special place prepared for him within
the city. Each mansion was as uniquely different as the soul it was
created for.

As Al and his friends stepped from the ship and beheld their new home,
their perfect bodies of light took on the qualities of God's own image.
They inhaled the first breath of heaven, and savored the richness of its
purity. It invigorated their soul - each breath was new and pure to their
soul of experience. The experience would never end, nor would they ever
tire of the ever-changing imagination of God's love. Everyone was welcomed
by loved ones that through faith had escaped the tribulatory years of the

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Keeper's reign. His own heart of pure love leaped with the exultation of
intense delight as he saw his soul mate. Amanda smiled, and walked towards
him. She approached him, and as with all the souls of God's perfect
domain, the tears of pain past had been wiped away. There were no more
tears. All Al could manage to say, which he said in the perfection of
love, was "Amanda! Amanda!"


"Amanda! Amanda! I love you. I'll love you forever. I'll never leave
Al looked around and saw the smiles of his mom and dad. He managed a
faint smile of his own, and his heart leaped as he saw his daughter Sheila,
and he was moved to compassion as he heard her say - "Daddy - I've missed
you. Don't go away again."
Al looked again into the eyes of the one he had wed, and all he could
manage to say was "Amanda, I have so much to tell you."
Amanda beheld his gaze and her heart told her that her husband was home at
last, and that he was hers. Somehow she knew that his romantic love was
for her and for her alone. Somehow, he was home.
Al started to speak again, but she put a finger gently to his lips in a
gesture of silence, and spoke.
"Al - don't try to talk now. Just rest. We all feared you would not make
it. But my prayers were answered."
Al again spoke - despite her gentle protest. He could only say, "I love

Not many years after the Baptist Memorial Hospital of Dekalb County,
Alabama had been abandoned to the newly constructed shopping mall on the
southwest side of Fort Payne, the new facility boasted of the finest
surgeons, staff, and equipment available anywhere. Before, trauma cases
had to be flown or driven to hospitals in Birmingham or Chattanooga,
Tennessee. Even so, sometimes the best was not enough.
Amanda had cried, slept, and prayed by the bedside of Al for five days and
nights in hopes that her husband's coma would lift. His accident after he
had left in a frenzy of emotional turmoil had destroyed the cobra sports
car, and had all but taken his life. The doctors had been skeptical his
coma would ever reverse.
Amanda took his hand in her own, and prayed. Her husband stirred, and her
heart leaped. He opened his eyes, and said "Amanda, Amanda".

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