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Key Concepts of Karmic Astrology 1.

Karmic astrology is a combination of Jungian concepts, Edgar Cayce's ideas, plus western and Hindu astrology 2.An astrologer c arts for t e p ysical time of birt , first breat , rat er t an t e soul birt . !." e sun sign at deat in one life is t e same as t e sun sign of birt in anot er life #not necessarily consecuti$e% &.'t is a Jungian t esis t at an unrecogni(ed arc etype as a destructi$e power suc t at one is )possessed) by it and forced to its fated goal. *.'ndi$iduality arises from planetary e+periences,Cayce. -..ersonality comes from eart incarnations,Cayce. /.0 en t e sun and mars are trine at birt t en one as ta1en an immediate reincarnation after deat . 2..redicti$e periods are connected wit our pre$ious e+periences, especially wit ot ers w o a$e so3ourned wit us in t e planetary ea$ens. 4.All planetary influences arise from our e+perience of t em as souls between incarnations #t e 5udd ist )bardo)%. 16.All influences are sub3ect to our )free will) w ic is w at we a$e )c osen) as our fated lessons #free will is fate, seen from a longer cosmic perspecti$e%. 11.7ou go to t e afterlife realm t at corresponds to your last most intense t oug ts and actions. 12.0e astrologically #in sync wit planetary alignments and our natal c art% e+perience t e past t roug our present 1armic relations ips wit ot ers and certain e$ents. 1!.8a3or 1armic e$ents )reappear) for redemption t roug a timed $orte+ ma1ing t e past present #proof of t e relati$ity of time in indu psyc ology and Einstein's t eory%. " ese e$ents are timed in sync wit one's natal nort and sout node of t e moon and t e planetary rulers of t eir signs #in indu astrology called one's )1armic control planets)%."ransits of sout node to natal nort node and transits of nort node to natal sout node wit in one degree, trigger t e e$ents. Also ma3or planets aspecting one's natal nort ,sout node a+is, wit in one degree, will also create a $acuum tube w ere t e past re,appears9 1&.Edgar Cayce's definition of 1arma: 8eeting self. 1*.E+periences between li$es become manifested as dreams and opes, w ile eart ly so3ourns find e+pression in t e E8;"';<= of t e body. 1-.Cayce:)8an is a god in t e ma1ing.) 1/.;ur natal c art is a reflection of our planetary so3ourns between li$es t roug t e 3u+taposition of t e planets. 12.A soul does not as a body li$e on anot er planet li1e on t e eart rat er t e soul e+periences t e consciousness w ic is befitting t e en$iron of t e planet. ,Cayce 14." e planetary arc etypes are e+perienced as ) p ases of our conscience),Cayce 26." e c art s ows w et er one as applied one's will constructi$ely or destructi$ely. 21." ere are two 1inds of Astrology a.% Egyptian based w ic is p ysically oriented and w at t e 0est as adopted b.% ;lder .ersian based tradition of spiritual e+perience from w ic t e indu system as de$eloped,,according to Cayce t e .ersian system is muc more accurate for soul growt . 22.Cayce: " e soul's union wit t e p ysical body occurs wit in 2& ours A>"E? its first breat #and may ta1e as long as two years%. 2!." e time of birt is c osen by t e soul. " e soul waits for an appropriate body and circumstances to fulfill its destiny. " e stars,plantets sync ronistically reflect t e consciousness of t e entity entering t e body.

2&.'n "ibetan 5udd ist culture a c art is read by a mon1 after t e birt of a c ild,, if t e c ild's c art s ows t at t e c ild is more ad$anced spiritually t an t e parents t en t e parents obey t e c ild #in matters of personal destiny%. 2*.Jung : )=ync ronicity is t e law of correspondences, t e acausal connecting principle of t e uni$erse.) 2-. Jung: t e indi$idual's first breat # oroscope% is is indi$idual ryt me in tune wit t e w ole. 2/." e strongest power in t e destiny of an indi$idual is t e sun, t en t e planets t at are on or near t e ascendancy at t e time of birt ,i.e.,t e planets in t e first and twelt ouses. 22.E$olution of self is olisitic, sync ronistic, and cyclical rat er t an isolated and linear. 7;@ A?E A'B'<C 7;@? .A=" A'BE= <;0. 24.Jung:)" e main goal in t e e$olution of t e soul is t e reali(ation of t e unconscious.) " is affirms t e indu belief t at it is w en t e unconscious becomes conscious t at one becomes spiritually liberated." e two e$ents t at appear w en one as integrated t e unconscious and t e conscious are: >irst, <o more dreaming, because dreams are t e language of t e unconscious, and secondly, ;ne no longer needs muc sleep because t ere are no emotional bloc1ages #all se$en c a1ras are open% t erefore one's energy is constantly being re,generated. !6.As souls we go into t e afterlife to t e planetary dimension w ic we a$e earned or merited and t en reincarnate to apply or misapply w at we a$e learned t ere. At our rebirt , t e planets will be positioned in suc a way as to ?E, .?E=E<" t ese planetary so3ourns symbolically as opporunities and c allenges for soul growt . t e word planet means: plane of consciousness.All is conciousness but t ere are different le$els or plane. !1." ose born wit sun in Cemini are often Duic1 returns, accounting for t eir dual personalities. !2.After deat t ere is a period of unconsciousness, t e duration of w ic is go$erned by t e spiritual de$elopment of t e entity. , Cayce. !!.'n 5udd ist t oug t, Jupiter and 8ercury s ow opportunities for )grace), i.e., opportunities to eliminate 1armic debt. !&.5ot Jung and >reud belie$ed t at t ere were no suc t ings as accidents. 'nstead t ey taug t t at accidents were accumulated stress #usually anger% t at demanded e+pression,,and t at if t e person w o ad t e )accident) was more conscious #not in denial% and ad e+pressed t e anger gradually ,,t at energy would a$e ne$er needed sudden release. !*.Cayce:)" e purpose of eart life is to 5AAA<CE t e emotions.)" is is w at t e budd ists call )t e middle pat ). And emotion means E,motion,i.e., energy in motion. !-." e only in eritance t at we carry into t e afterlife are our emotions. 0e do not carry o$er our possessions, our lo$ed ones, nor our accomplis ments,,only our emotional ma1e,up, w ic is our sense of self. !/.'n Hindu t oug t, t e most important lesson in life is =EA>,ACCE."A<CE. Hindus tal1 about one's Hig er =elf and one's lower self. " e Hig er =elf is our connection wit Cod or t e Cosmic >orces, our lower self is our selfis ego. " ere is, owe$er, suc a t ing as a ) ealt y ego). ;ne must de$elop a ealt y ego before one can sacrifice it to isE er Hig er =elf. " is is considered not 3ust deat of t e old self #w at =t. .aul tal1ed about% but integration of bot . 'f on eart , you must function on some ego le$el. !2." e reason w y t e 0est is t e capital of )standardi(ation) is because of t eir belief in only one lifetime. 'f one only li$es once, t en t ere is less room for mista1es. ;ne must be successful, be appily married, a$e college degrees, a$e a big ouse wit 2.2 1ids, etc. " e indu idea t at one's main life lesson may be to e+perience failure and learn from t at spiritual lesson is repre ensible if one accepts only one lifetime." ere simply is <; "'8E to screw around li1e t at. " erefore t e one lifetime scenario caters to ars 3udgments. 't also accounts for t e fast pace of life in t e 0est,,we simply must accomplis as muc as possible before we die. !4.0e c oose our parents # t e 5udd ist )bardo).% As a result we in erit t eir p ysical dis,eases A<F t eir emotional dis,eases. &6.5udd ist psyc ology accepts t e ideas t at we all a$e )multiple personalities) t roug lifetimes and in t e present #ultimately t ere is no suc t ing as "'8E%. " e a$erage person appears to be )at one) only because eEs e as a good stage director. 0e all lose it at times, and we all a$e eard t e statement t at ) t at is not really me, ' don't 1now w at came o$er me). 't was you9 Anot er personality type t at as not been integrated, instead remains unconscious. " e

person wit multiple personality disorder as lost isE er stage director.Enlig tenment comes w en we integrate AAA t e personalities.Just before 5udd a's enlig tenment, e re,membered all is past li$es #personalities% and to re,member is to consciously integrate t em9 &1. All spritual trut can be summari(ed into two ancient wise sayings etc ed on t e temple gates at Felp i: a.% K<;0 "H7=EA>. 0 ic also means to be true to your self. b.% '< AAA "H'<C= .?AC"'CE 8;FE?A"';<. &2. " e last prayer t at Jesus spo1e was:) 't is my prayer t at you may 1now t at 7ou are one wit t e >at er A= ' am one wit t e >at er). He was crucified because of t is supposed blasp emy,,ma1ing man eDual to Cod. Jesus also Duoted t e .salms t at got im into trouble wit t e . arisees: )Know ye not t at ye are gods) " e operati$e word is K<;0 #Consciousness%. 't appears in bot of t ese statements. "o 1now t yself is to re,member your 1ins ip wit )Cod) or t e cosmic forces9 Jesus also prop esied t at one day t ose w o truly 1now t emsel$es would do greater miracles t an e. " e story of t e )little engine t at could ) taug t t at we can ne$er accomplis anyt ing unless we belie$e it is possible. &!.Eart life can be li1ened to: a sc ool, a ospital #esp. t e emergency ward%, a boot camp of t e uni$erse,a pressure coo1er, a compression c amber, etc.. " e ancients' idea is t at t e reason life on eart is so difficult is because we are forced to grow up Duic1er, because of t e ! dimensions t at Cayce described: space, time and .A"'E<CE. Ceorge 5ernard = aw stated t at:)" ere is definitely life on ot er planets because t is is t e cosmic insane asylum9) &&. 't is our unconsious t at controls us, not our conscious mind. 0estern psyc ologists estimate t at only *,16G is conscious. &*. According to Eric >romm, psyc ological maturity can be stratified ! ways: " e great ma3ority of people are operating on t e conformist, erd instinct le$el, appro+imately 2*G. ;nly 16G of any gi$en population a$e t e courage to be non,conformists. And only 2G of t e general population e$er mature to t e le$el of indi$iduation,,w ere one de, programs isE er social role playing and becomes t eir true self #and t is usually doesn't begin to appen until one's &6 years of age%. &-..ay attention to patterns #consistent be a$ior% . " e patterns teac us about our self. " is is basic psyc ology 161. E$en astrological symbolism in a c art will s ow up as planetary patterns,,emotional,spiritual patterns symboli(ed as planets #planes of consciousness%. &/. Cayce: =pirituality is emotions and attitudes. 't is not religion. ?eligion may elp or inder emotional,attitudinal c aracter de$elopment. ;ne can be $ery spiritual and a$e no religious belief system. &2."wo spiritual psyc ologists, Curd3ioff and ;uspens1y, a$e found in t eir researc t at one grows in consciousness only t roug suffering. " at was 5udd a's first disco$ery after enlig tenment : )Aife is =uffering). Are we so dense t at we <EEF )cosmic s oc1 t erapy)H " e Iua1ers teac t at t ere are two ways to grow spiritually: suffering and discipline. =ome would argue t at discipline is a form of suffering .8any spiritual traditions a$e called t e eart plane a) $alley of sorrow). =uffering must be understood wit in t e conte+t of "'8E. 't as been said t at life is a series of losses. And it is,,precisely because we are in t e limited field of time and space,,we e$entually loose e$eryt ing t roug deat eit er gradually or suddenly or bot . " at is w y 5udd ism de$eloped t e ne+t most logical assumption: we can only o$ercome time and space losses t roug detac ment. &4. ;ne's natal c art is a )cosmic snaps ot) of t e planets and t eir geometric relations ip to eac ot er A" t e time of birt and A" t e place of birt . 0it your c art, you see ow t e ea$ens would a$e loo1ed if you could a$e seen t em all at your place and time of birt #space,time%. =ince we can not see all t e far,flung planets,, it loo1s more li1e a blueprint t an a p otograp . *6.Jung: 0 ere t e unconscious is denied it causes problems,comple+es, accidents, etc. *1.0e li$e in different istorical layers. " at is w y we can say t at we are li$ing our past li$es now. Astrology s ows t at time is $ery relati$e and t at t e past can re,appear." e difference between Eastern religion,p ilosop y and 0estern religion,p ilosop y is in t eir perception of "'8E. 't can be simplistically described as t e difference between <ewtonian p ysics and Iuantum p ysics. 5udd ist mon1s a$e said o$er a t ousand years ago t at t ere is no suc t ing as time and space. 0esterners t oug t t ese budd ists were eating some good mus rooms. " en in t e 14/6's Iuatum p ysics too1 s ape. *2." ere is <; 5AA8E w ere t ere is understanding. *!.;nly t at w ic relates to me is real. 'n ot er words,e$eryt ing starts wit t e self. ;ne's understanding of ot ers and

)Cod) is in direct proportion to one's understanding of =EA>.0e can only relate to t e world t roug t e self. And it is our concept of self t at we carry o$er into t e afterlife. *&.;ur unconscious can be our best friend or our worst enemy. **." e forces of lig t will not ma1e you do anyt ing. *-.Humility is t e last $irtue we learn,,because it is t e end of ego, no self. )As you wea$e and spin your spell, " ree fold return t e tale will tell.)

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