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Assignment for B.Sc.(IT) Course (Academic Year 2010 - I Cycle)

Subject: Personality Development Programme - II Subject Code: BSIT - 31

Assignment: TA (Compulsory)
Part I: An Anthology of Programmes on Personality Development

1. Prepare a brief self-portrait of yourself for a professional career.

Ans. "I was born in Canton, Ohio and attended Lincoln High School. Ever since I was a teenager, I tinkered with computers. It was my hobby, my passion, and my way of learning. Like most kids I enjoyed computer games. When my folks gave me a computer as a reward for making honor roll my sophomore year, I mastered DOS, Windows, and WordPerfect within six months. I then went on to teach myself programming basics. By the time I graduated high school, I knew I wanted to study programming. From that point on, everything fell into place. My life revolved around computing. By my junior year at Syracuse, I decided I wanted to work for a major software manufacturer. That is why I had an internship last summer at FastTrack Software. I now want to work for a major player so I can be at the forefront of breaking trends and new technology. When my college roommate told me about his start in your department, I hounded him until he helped me get a referral, which brought me here today. I am prepared to answer any questions you may have about my education and experience."

2. List out your short term (1 to 2 years) & long term professional goals (after 5 years).
Ans. "In five years I hope to be working with an employer in an increasingly responsible position, that enables me to utilize my talents and work closely with my colleagues in solving important problems. I see myself taking on new and exciting challenges in an enjoyable environment and hopefully this will be with your company."

3. Prepare a self-improvement plan for one of your goals. Plan for one of your goals
giving details of an Action Plan along with time frame for achievement. Ans. These are the self improvement plan with details of Action plan . My goal it to be entrepreneur with in a one year and I m doing work direction of this goal. I m looking to self improve for this post .There are some action plans for that :1) First of all, make sure it is YOUR goal. Do not attempt to do something just because someone else wants you do. Success comes from owning the process and wanting the outcome. Just because your spouse wants you to work at home does not mean that its your cup of tea and that you will be successful. Your heart has to be in it all the way. Goals without buy-in are simply wishes. 2) Dont call it a goal. You have to treat it as a done-deal. You know that most people do not keep their New Years Resolutions. Thats because they see them as aspirational, not mandatory. A definite business goal is different. Never forget that success is a mindset. If you Think it, and Believe it, you will Do it. Some people prefer to call goals Promises because studies have shown that people tend to keep promises. As Yoda said, There is no try. Either you do or you dont. 3)Clearly identify your steps to achieve your outcome and write it down. A common methodology for goal-setting is represented by the moniker S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-Specific). Each and every goal should have at least these five elements. Vague generalities are not goals. Wanting to do something is different from planning to do something. When we say goals need to be specific, it needs to have as much detail as you can imagine. Measurable means that it has to have some way to determine whether or not you are making progress or have achieved the desired outcome. Actionable means that you have to be able to do something to make it happen. Realistic is important. If you set a goal that you cannot possibly attain, its a wish. Goals are realistic and then they build on each other. The last element is time-specific. You must set a deadline so you can determine if you are on track toward success. Learning to set SMART goals will make success become almost automatic. 4) Identify things or people who motivate you. The motivation can either be positive (you are happy when you think about achieving it) or negative (the thing or person makes you mad and you want to succeed to spite them). When your confidence is lacking, look to your motivators to keep you focused and on track. For instance, if you are feeling down and dont want to tackle that next project on your to-do list, reward yourself with a positive motivator when you complete your task. 5) Create a Plan for success. Your plan should include a written statement of your objectives, your timeline, your ultimate outcome, and what steps you need to take today to put the plan into action. As time goes on, your plan will change and you will be able to identify the next step. Dont be discouraged if you cant identify every step immediately. Just plan to go as far as you can and adjust along the way. Knowing why you want to achieve what you are aiming at is important. If its in writing, you can limit goal slippage and keep yourself focused on what your objectives.

6) Review your Plan every day. Use visual reminders, index cards, posters, photos, whatever works for you. Keep it in front of you daily. Put a copy in your car, on the breakfast table, on the bathroom mirror anywhere you will be forced to look at it. Make reviewing your goals and your plans a habit as automatic as brushing your teeth every day. The more you review, the more you will be convinced that it can be achieved. Do something every day to move toward your goal. Small progress adds up to big results. If you can spend 5 to 10 minutes each day thinking about your next step, and then putting that step into action your goal will get closer and closer to reality. 7) Tell yourself you will succeed. Self-talk, self-affirmation works. Henry Ford was right: Whether you think you can or you think you cant, youre right. The size of the success is determined by the size of the belief. Dont dream small dream BIG. Its more fun that way, and you just might surprise yourself and make it. 8) Tell others of your plan. But caution: stay away from nay-sayers. If they are not supportive, do not look to them for support. Surround yourself with positive people and look for people who will support your goals. If you can recruit others to help you, so much the better. When a team of people all focus on one goal and everyones success, it makes it much more likely to be achieved. Telling others makes you accountable. If your goals are secret and no one else knows whether you succeed or fail, youve lost all opportunity for peer pressure and community support. Peer pressure can be a wonderful motivator. 9) Envision the result and see the conclusion. Any time you feel worried or doubt that you can achieve what you have set out to do, turn it around and think of all you have to be grateful for. You are working toward a better life and you should be proud of yourself. Reaching for a goal, stretching yourself beyond where you are is growth. A person who is growing is becoming more of the person they were put on this earth to be. 10) Get started today. After all, when is the best time to set a goal? NOW! Procrastination will not create results. There will never be a right time, a perfect moment to change your life. Theres no reason to wait because you never know what tomorrow brings. Every journey starts with one step, and your journey to success starts with deciding what you want to achieve and setting a path to get there. It doesnt take more brains, or more talent, or more money, or more anything. Everyone has within them the power and ability to achieve almost anything if they truly want it and believe in themselves. So dont sell yourself short. Just go for it.

4. Prepare a concise & comprehensive Bio-Data of yourself for a job.

Ans. The most important item is to make sure that you have correct spelling and grammar. Many places will toss the resume or bio on the first spelling error. I stop reading them. (I didn't get very far reading the listing below before I would have tossed it if it was actually a bio. The concepts are good, but please use spell check and grammar check on what you submit. Read it to yourself out loud!) The most basic thing to write a bio-data are the following important items and aspects:

1st .- For example if you would like to describe you recient work you must write something like: Charles Brown is developing skills in Voice over IP and WiMAX

in the security data protocols. Its work could have a great impact into the fields of computer and communications networks... etc
2nd.- The ideal number of sentences would be 4, but it could be written between a minimum of 3 or a maximum of 5 sentences, so you must use an appropiate way of writing with clear expressions. 3rd.- A good shape picture would be fine to let people recognize you, maybe some companies are waiting for you to do some work, it happens. 4th.- Be concise and do not be very vainglorious you itself, rather be humble but proud of your work.

5. Prepare a detailed Preparation Plan for a job interview.

Ans. Finding your best ways of Preparing for a job Interview are critical for your success. Why is preparation for a interview so important Preparation is a critical component for anything and everything you intend to excel at. The reason Interview Preparation is so important is that preparation breeds confidence. This is so important Ive got to repeat it.

Preparing for a job Interview breeds CONFIDENCE. Confidence is one of the most attractive human characteristics. We are all attracted to confident people. Warning Over confidence can become arrogance arrogance is not attractive. Practice and preparation will increase your confidence I Guarantee it. By properly preparing for a job interview your confidence will increase. Add ENTHUSIASUM to your confidence and you are 75% of the way to securing interview success. You may not believe that by simply being confident and enthusiastic you can be so close to getting the job The interview has barely started! This is whats known as Making a great First Impression Confidence + Enthusiasm = Very Likable!

6. List out your knowledge, skills & experience which may help you to get selected for a
job. Ans. a) Education:-Degree working towards, obtained, courses taken; training programs, performance, etc. b) Experience: - what I learnt and / or can do now as a result of the above experince . c) Skill Level Rating: - Use the scale below to select the number that best represents your assessment of yourself on each item. 5- Exceptionally skilled; Outstanding competence 4- Highly skilled; a strength 3- Generally competent; proficient 2- Limited competence; an area of difficulty ; an area of little experience / training 1- Minimal competence; definite problem area ; and area of no experience / training

7. Plan out a strategy to make a good impression on your job.

Ans. Step1 Do your research. Learn about the company history, its employees and the specific job that you want. Review the job ad for the description, qualifications and requirements of the position. Step2 Clarify your objectives. Before you can say that you want the job you need to be clear on your own interests and career goals. During the interview you should be prepared to explain why you want the job and why you thing that you would be a good fit. Step3 Read interviewing tips books on to find common interview questions. Plan out your answers to some standard questions. Step4 Get a good night's sleep the night before the interview. Be sure to eat a good meal before you head to the interview. Step5 Dress professionally. You will want to dress appropriately for the industry. You should blend in but also be sure the outfit is your style so that you will feel comfortable. Step6 Bring supplies. Have a pen, paper and multiple copies of your resume with you.

8. Prepare a time log for a week of how you are utilizing your time and put down your
reactions to your utilization of time.


9. Prepare a Time Commitment Plan for the semester (8 + 8 = 16 weeks) to achieve

your goal of acquiring knowledge and good success in your studies. Ans. Part II: Effective Communication

1. Is language enough to be good in Communication? Why?

Ans. A language means a set of words that can be used to mean or to define something by a society of people.Different societies have different languages they communicate so that they can be able to understand each other.If speaking was the only way of communication, then it would not be possible for most people of different races to interact.

In the world today there so many languages which even the best linguist cannot interpret, this shows that language alone cannot effect communication for people who communicate different languages. There are some other things that cannot be communicated using language such as drawings where by to explain to someone you need a real drawing for him/her to understand.

2. Mention the different sub skills of writing. Discuss the importance of each one of
them Ans . In the previous unit you learnt that some of the sub skills of writing are:1. The ability to write syntactically correct sentences. 2. The ability to arrange the sentences in a paragraph in the correct order . 3. Appropriate use of linking devices to connect sentences within a paragraph. 4. Use of appropriate vocabulary. 5. use of correct punctuation. 6. Grammatical accuracy. 7. Ability to handle a variety of sentence structures. 8. Writing cohesively and so on.

3. Write a paragraph on the influence of television on children. Write the second and
third drafts of the same pointing out the changes made on each occasion. Ans. The greatest influence on children of today is television. It has become one of the most popular inventions. As time progresses, television is becoming more and more relevant in the lives of children. With it Children have been able to watch shows designed specifically for children and also historical moments. Historical moments like when men first walked on the moon or Chicago having it's first black mayor. They watch television while they eat, to entertain guest, before they go to bed, and to play video games. So as television has saturated our lives it has be

4. How can we improve our speaking ability?

Ans. A businessperson's manner of speaking is of utmost importance. This includes facial expressions as well as tone of voice. Since a friendly manner and a warm smile attract pepople, enthusiasm is a necessity. Those who wear deadpan or gloomy expressions appear to be prophets of doom, not hopeful, exciting. Words and expressions can have personality .

They can be bitter or sweet, soft or hard, friendly or hostile, up-building or demoralizing. Selecting the right word can be vitally important. By looking up words when reading, your vocabulary is enlarged. These words are then used when appropriate. Though we recognize many words we don't use, the object is to use words until they are well-known. Cultivating our ability to speak well requires effort. Malaprop comedians get laughs when using wrong words, but anyone else could offend listeners and lose clarity. Some words are similar with slightly different meanings, for use in different circumstances. The dictionary is full of synonyms and antonyms. Different expressions have the same meanings or different shades of meaning. Wordiness can bury thoughts, so it's best to express yourself in as few words as possible. When this becomes easy, descriptive words can be added, for color, variety and shades of meaning. The prime object of speaking is still to convey information. If speech is monotonous or too difficult, others will not understand you. Being needlessly technical with those who do not normally know your technical vocabulary is counterproductive. It's not necessary to impress people with complex speech and long words, but it is important that others grasp your meaning. Correct words, which are easily understood, help make speech stimulating, not dull. Also, pronunciation must be correct. Here again, a dictionary helps. However, listening to those who are well-known for correct pronunciation is even better. To avoid slurring words together, dropping endings and talking through one's teeth, it is necessary to practice good diction. That means an open mouth and distinct enunciation. Mouths are not really as wide open as they feel.

5. What do you do to improve your speaking ability?

Ans. Speaking is an easy way to communicate your thoughts and ideas. Plain speaking, however, does not attract attention and interest. Some people are naturally great speakers, however, some have to hone their skills, improvise and learn methods to improve their speaking/oral communication skills. Begin by setting a tone and style of speaking. Be comfortable with the voice you have. If you find your voice to be hoarse or rough, take better care of your voice by gargling, avoiding oily, spicy, greasy food and consumption of very chilled water. Appreciate the natural voice you have, rather than trying to ape somebodys voice. Set a tone and pitch at which you will talk. You can use a microphone in large gatherings to be heard well, but maintain the pitch and tone. Do not speak in a monotonous tone. Be enthusiastic when you are talking. When you are making points of importance, highlight it by either raising your voice, taking a pause or by using your body language. Do not go on talking constantly. Take pause when a sentence ends. Take a smaller pause when there is a comma. Imagine how you would write those sentences using exact punctuation and exclamation marks, and convert your speech in the same style. This will add grace to your speech. To improve speaking skills, practice and rehearsal are very important. Jot down the points or make a mental note of the points you will speak about and practice it. Look at yourself in the mirror and practice. Alternatively, you could record yourself using a digital camera or using your mobile phone. Watch the recording and mark areas where you need to improve. It could be the way you speak, the level of eye contact, your hand movement, your body posture and so on. Watching yourself and honestly judging your performance is important for the exercise to be meaningful. You may also take help of honest friends or relatives who can suggest the places where you need to improve. Do not take criticism negatively. See it as an opportunity to improve.

Assignment: TB (Compulsory) Part I: An Anthology of Programmes on Personality Development

1. Enlist the significant qualities needed for a good personality and note down your
positive qualities and your shortcomings which you feel need improvement. Ans. Good QUALITIES CHECK LIST

The following checklist has been developed to help you evaluate personal qualities, which might be significant to an employer. Check those qualities that you feel apply to you. If you are not sure, reading the questions following each of the qualities should help you to decide. ABLE TO WORK ALONE. Do you plan your own work? Can you work by yourself when there are no other people around? AMBITIOUS. Do you keep up with the current literature in the area of work you do? Do you take on extra assignments that will help you get ahead? Do you plan your career advancement? ANALYTICAL. Do you perceive relationships easily? Have you ever solved a problem that had baffled others? COMPETENT. Are you able to meet deadlines? Is your work generally accepted as is? Have you ever accomplished some feat of speed or skill in your chosen field? CONGENIAL. Do you work well with others? Have you served on committees at school? At work? In the community? CONSCIENTIOUS. Do you do an honest days work for a days pay? Can you name some unpleasant task you have done because it had to be done and no one else would do it? COOPERATIVE. Do you always do your part in a team assignment? Do you often volunteer to help? COURAGEOUS. Do you undertake challenges readily? Have you ever had to stand firm on your principles despite opposition? DECISIVE. Are you able to make clear-cut decisions under pressure? Do you stand behind them later? Have you ever had to take a firm stand and accept responsibility for it? DIPLOMATIC. Can you cope with difficult situations involving other people? Have you restored harmony where there was friction? Settled a difficult personnel problem?

DISCREET. Are you able to keep a secret? Do you guard confidential material carefully? Do you respect other peoples right to privacy? EFFICIENT. Do you plan you time well? Do you consciously try to improve your work habits? ENTHUSIASTIC. Are you interested in your work? Or studies? Do you inspire others with your own interests? Have you ever done extra work because of your interest? HONEST. Have you ever served as the treasurer of an organization? Been bonded? Are you careful with trade secrets? School or company property and supplies? Do you pass along praise when credit belongs elsewhere? Accept blame for your own mistakes? IMAGINATIVE. Do you often or occasionally come up with new ideas? Have you ever contributed an idea, which proved both workable and profitable? INDUSTRIOUS. Can you be your own self-starter? Do you work steadily on a task until it is done? Do you resist interruptions whenever possible? LEADERSHIP ABILITIES. Do people willingly follow your suggestions? Have you held positions of responsibility at work? In school? In clubs or community activities? LEVEL-HEADED. Do you feel in control of yourself most of the time? Can other people count on your day-to-day mood to be generally agreeable? Do you generally feel good will toward other people? LOYAL. Can you set aside petty grievances to get a job done? Have you ever been in a situation where you stayed with a project or organization because of a sense of responsibility despite disagreement? OBSERVANT. Do you remember names easily? Places? Do you recall facts and figures accurately? Find your way in a new locale? OPEN-MINDED. Are you able to accept ideas contrary to your own? Do you adapt well to change? ORDERLY. Do you keep things where they belong? Have a knack for arranging things

in a logical way? Enjoy detail work? PATIENT. Can you keep your temper? Are you able to train other workers calmly even when you have to explain some procedures over and over again? PERSISTENT. Can you stick to a task even when your enthusiasm and patience are thin? Have you ever accomplished something in spite of seemingly insurmountable obstacles? PERSUASIVE. Are you successful in bringing others to your point of view? In selling things and ideas? PUNCTUAL. Do you consistently arrive on time? RESOURCEFUL. Do you see what needs to be done and do it without being told? Do you explore every possible means of solving a problem? Have you ever worked your way out of an impossible situation? SINCERE. Are you honest in your attitude toward yourself and other people? Wholehearted in your expressed interests and enthusiasms? SYMPATHETIC. Do you try to understand the problems of others? Do people confide in you often? Do you help them?

2. Indicate your good qualities pertaining to Human Engineering.

Ans. There are some qualities :Sympathy: One of the most important of all human qualities is sympathy. Right from our school days, we are taught to be sympathetic towards. Sympathy for others would mean sharing ones feeling of sorrow. Being sympathetic towards a person in difficult time would help to lend that emotional support needed in that period. A sympathetic word or a kind act will help a person to build courage, which will go a long way. Empathy: Having empathy for others is a great human quality you can have. Showing empathy towards a person would require you to be open minded and compassionate enough to experience the pain of what somebody else is going through. To instill this quality in you, you would need to let go of your own selfish needs and pay attention to someone elses suffering as if it were your own. This great human quality would help you to establish a deeper connection with people who really need your love and support.

Trust: To love someone is to trust someone. Trust people you love more openly and watch the difference in your life! The more you develop the ability to trust people, the more complete you would feel! Having faith in a person and building up the trust between people would surely give a whole new meaning to ones life. Often in this rat race, we lose our ability to trust people for our own personal fears. Morality: To be a good human being you would also need to have your sense of morality intact. However, this is yet another quality which is often forgotten in our daily lives. To have the quality of morality would make you capable of distinguishing between what is good and evil. It is about practicing the right ethics in your personal as well as professional life. Having your sense of ethics intact would always make you a more responsible human being. Sense of Humility: To be humble is a virtue and knowing about this fine human quality and practicing the same in your everyday life would help you to reach a sense of fulfillment. Humility means being humble towards others no matter the proportions of your wealth or your achievements. A humble person is known by the greatness of his/her acts in helping people rather than harping about materialistic achievements in life.

Forgiveness: To forgive someones mistake would take a lot of courage and open mindedness from your side. Forgiveness towards others for theirs selfish and hurtful acts, which may have disturbed you, is a very fine human quality one can have. To forgive such people would give you complete peace of mind instead of nurturing ill feelings towards that particular person. Besides, if a person would ask for forgiveness, it would always be better to forgive a person to keep you happy from within.

3. List out the qualities in you that need improvement from the point of view of Man
Management skills. Prepare an action plan for improvement. Ans. There are some Qualities :1. Public Speaking The ability to speak clearly, persuasively, and forcefully in front of an audience whether an audience of 1 or of thousands is one of the most important skills anyone can develop. People who are effective speakers come across as more comfortable with themselves, more confident, and more attractive to be around. Being able to speak effectively means you can sell anything products, of course, but also ideas, ideologies, worldviews. And yourself which means more opportunities for career advancement, bigger clients, or business funding. 2. Writing Writing well offers many of the same advantages that speaking well offers: good writers are better at selling products, ideas, and themselves than poor writers. Learning to write well involves not just mastery of grammar but the development of the ability to organize ones thoughts into a coherent form and target it to an audience in the most effective way possible. Given the huge amount of text generated by almost every transaction from court briefs and legislation running into the thousands of pages to those foot-long receipts you get

when you buy gum these days a person who is a master of the written word can expect doors to open in just about every field. 3. Self-Management If success depends on effective action, effective action depends on the ability to focus your attention where it is needed most, when it is needed most. Strong organizational skills, effective productivity habits, and a strong sense of discipline are needed to keep yourself on track. 4. Networking Networking is not only for finding jobs or clients. In an economy dominated by ideas and innovation, networking creates the channel through which ideas flow and in which new ideas are created. A large network, carefully cultivated, ties one into not just a body of people but a body of relationships, and those relationships are more than just the sum of their parts. The interactions those relationships make possible give rise to innovation and creativity and provide the support to nurture new ideas until they can be realized. 5. Critical Thinking We are exposed to hundreds, if not thousands, of times more information on a daily basis than our great-grandparents were. Being able to evaluate that information, sort the potentially valuable from the trivial, analyze its relevance and meaning, and relate it to other information is crucial and woefully under-taught. Good critical thinking skills immediately distinguish you from the mass of people these days. 6. Decision-Making The bridge that leads from analysis to action is effective decision-making knowing what to do based on the information available. While not being critical can be dangerous, so too can over-analyzing, or waiting for more information before making a decision. Being able to take in the scene and respond quickly and effectively is what separates the doers from the wannabes. 7. Math You dont have to be able to integrate polynomials to be successful. However, the ability to quickly work with figures in your head, to make rough but fairly accurate estimates, and to understand things like compound interest and basic statistics gives you a big lead on most people. All of these skills will help you to analyze data more effectively and more quickly and to make better decisions based on it. 8. Research Nobody can be expected to know everything, or even a tiny fraction of everything. Even within your field, chances are theres far more that you dont know than you do know. You dont have to know everything but you should be able to quickly and painlessly find out what you need to know. That means learning to use the Internet effectively, learning to use a library, learning to read productively, and learning how to leverage your network of contacts and what kinds of research are going to work best in any given situation. 9. Relaxation Stress will not only kill you, it leads to poor decision-making, poor thinking, and poor socialization. So be failing to relax, you knock out at least three of the skills in this list and really more. Plus, working yourself to death in order to keep up, and not having any time to enjoy the fruits of your work, isnt really success. Its obsession. Being able to face even the most pressing crises with your wits about you and in the most productive way is possibly the most important thing on this list. 10. Basic Accounting

It is a simple fact in our society that money is necessary. Even the simple pleasures in life, like hugging your child, ultimately need money or youre not going to survive to hug for very long. Knowing how to track and record your expenses and income is important just to survive, let alone to thrive. But more than that, the principles of accounting apply more widely to things like tracking the time you spend on a project or determining whether the value of an action outweighs the costs in money, time, and effort. Its a shame that basic accounting isnt a required part of the core K-12 curriculum.

4. Identify the significant things which you are using at home or office and indicate
some improvement or new ideas that would make them better. Ans.

5. Make a note some of the important etiquette pertaining to telephone and cell
communication. Ans. Telephone etiquettes:- * Let the telephone ring a reasonable length of time. It is frustrating to just get to the telephone and hear a dial tone. * If you dial a number that is wrong, apologize, promptly and hang-up. * Calling a business at or very near closing time is to say the least un-thoughtful. When it is time to go home, after a long day, do not delay them. * State your name when placing a call. The game of "guess who this is" may not play very well to a busy friend. * When speaking to anyone who is working and time is of the essence, make your call informative and short. *Dial carefully and in proper lighting to avoid calling a wrong number and in-conveniencing others. Cell Communication Ettiquetes:- Switching it Off : Know when to turn it off or vibrate it. eg meetings, movies, worship, seminars, etc . Vibrate mode when in places where you can take a call, but don't want to disturb others. Be Brief : When you get a call and you're with friends, keep the call short. Permission : Often, it is correct etiquette to inform others at the beginning of the meeting that you are expecting an important call and get their permission. Be Polite : Don't scream : speak in a lower-than-normal voice, you will be heard by the caller, and not others in the room Don't Distract : Avoid talking where you may be distracting to others.

Driving : It is not only very dangerous, but also unlawful in most countries ( even India ) to drive & talk on your cell Phone

6. Mention any eight etiquette and manners of Indian culture.

Ans. 1. Guests are generally offered a refreshment depending on the season and the time of visit. Arriving at meal times might result in an invitation to the meal. However, at times this is just a polite offer and sometimes can be a faux pas. While dining, additional food may be offered multiple times. These are generally second and third "rounds" and it is not considered rude to decline them. 2. The word "drink" as a noun almost always refers to alcohol in Indian English. 3. It is polite to offer refreshments and this custom has been carried by Indians outside of India as well. 4. Indian hospitality requires the host to insist their guests eat well and gently protest that they haven't had enough. It would be rude to decline by stating you're watching your diet or are trying to lose weight. In such a situation it would be possible to leave the excess food on the plate but to simply insist that you are full is a much better option, as most Indians dislike unnecessary waste and would not like to see food being uneaten.)

5. When taking a gift for your Hindu hosts who invite a person to their home, remember that some Hindu households follow a vegetarian diet and do not consume alcohol. For those who do, it is usually safer to avoid bringing in alcohol, as most do not drink at home or in the presence of elders of the family. If the host follows a non-vegetarian diet, beef and beef products [such as gelatin and rennet] are strictly against their religious beliefs so avoid food items that may have these additives such as jelly, Skittles, marshmallows or cheese (if made of rennet). 6. Many Indian households expect visitors to leave their footwear at the main door of their house. 7. It is considered immature and boorish to open a gift in front of the person who has given it. Gifts are opened in private. 8. Eating, accepting goods or making payments with the left hand can be a faux pas (as it is associated with hygiene and cleanliness - left hand is unclean). In some situations, using both hands together is a sign of respect, such as a handshake, offering a gift or giving something in the temple. Cell Phone Etiquette:- Switching it Off : Know when to turn it off or vibrate it. eg meetings, movies, worship, seminars, etc . Vibrate mode when in places where you can take a call, but don't want to disturb others. Be Brief : When you get a call and you're with friends, keep the call short.

Permission : Often, it is correct etiquette to inform others at the beginning of the meeting that you are expecting an important call and get their permission. Be Polite : Don't scream : speak in a lower-than-normal voice, you will be heard by the caller, and not others in the room Don't Distract : Avoid talking where you may be distracting to others. Driving : It is not only very dangerous, but also unlawful in most countries ( even India ) to drive & talk on your cell Phone

7. List out the important qualities needed to be a good team player.

Ans. There are some qualities needed to be a good team player . 1. Must be a dedicated person. 2. Coordinate with the team and with the payers. 3 . Must be loyal , responsible and humble. 4. Always respects to other payers . 5. Always play with the team spirit.

8. What steps are to be required to build a well-knit team?

Ans. I assume that you mean a team of people with a common goal to work toward. I also assume that since you are asking this question, you are the leader of the team. Here is what I think is important: First and foremost, you must set a good example. The days of "do as I say, and not as I do" are long over. Todays' workers do not have the automatic respect for authority that workers exhibited in the past. For example, you will quickly destroy your teams morale if you require them to work long hours if you do not work the same, or longer, hours. You can't expect them to have positive attitudes if your attitude is negative. Building a team is all about leadership. As a leader, it will be up to you to instill a sense of pride in a job well done. It will be up to you to set goals and then outline a plan on how you expect the team to reach them. It is important to keep everyone informed on the step by step progress. If you have a long range goal that you expect to reach in a year, it is best to break it up into smaller time units. It is hard to keep a group of people motivated over a long period of time if they can't see progress along the way. Breaking the big goal into a series of short term goals will do the trick. It is also important to spread the credit around. Too many bosses/managers/leaders take all

of the credit themselves, when it is the people under them that do all of the work. In my experience, this quickly destroys any sense of teamwork.

I think it is also important that a leader be a good listener. Team members quickly lose interest in a project if they feel they have no real input.

These thoughts will go a long way toward ensuring that you have a successful team in whatever endeavor you find yourself.

9. List out the traits needed to be successful in the IT-Profession.

Ans . The ten successful traits for IT- Profession. 1. Self learning ability . 2. Be a eternal student . 3. Effective communication skills. 4 . Human engineering skills. 5. Good time management . 6. Leadership and team work. 7. Stress management ability . 8. Extrovert and travel . 9. Good health . 10. Self motivation , goal setting and calculate risk setting . Part II: Effective Communication

1. List the advantages and disadvantages of non-verbal communication.

Ans. The advantages of non-verbal communication are: 1) You can communicate with someone who is hard of hearing of deaf. 2) You can communicate at place where you are supposed to maintain silence. 3) You can communicate something which you don't want others to hear or listen to.

4) You can communicate if you are far away from a person. The person can see but not hear you. 5) Non-verbal communication makes conversation short and brief. 6) You can save on time and use it as a tool to communicate with poeple who don't understand your language. The disadvantages of non-verbal communication are: 1) You can not have long conversation. 2) Can not discuss the particulars of your message 3) Difficult to understand and requires a lot of repetitions. 4) Can not be used as a public tool for communication. 6) Less influential and can not be used everywhere. 7) Not everybody prefers to communicate through non-verbal communication. 8) Can not create an impression upon people/listeners.

2. What are the differences between spoken and written languages?

Ans. The difference between spoken language and written language is that one is spoke through your mouth and the other is written on paper. The main difference is that most written language is intended to be read by someone who is separated from the writer in space and time. Therefore to communicate successfully, it has to be a lot more explicit than spoken language used in a face to face conversation, because the reader cannot ask the writer for clarification. Although some written genres such as texts and e-mails are very similar to spoken language, in general written language is more dense (more content words in a smaller space) uses more subordinate clauses and has less redundancy (words like ''sort of'', ''like'', ''you know'', ''yeah?'') The spoken language is composed of symbols. This is a big area, because there's no dividing line between spoken and written really - it's more helpful to think of prepared versus spontaneous language, because you can have unprepared written language (notes, e-mails) and prepared spoken (lectures, speeches)

3. Comment on the organization pattern of the body of an official letter.

Ans. Capitalise the first word of the text (even if the salutation ends with a comma). The text is left-justified and a blank line is put after each paragraph. It is not common to indent the first line of a paragraph. Content

first paragraph: introduction and reason for writing

following paragraphs: explain your reasons for writing in more detail, provide background information etc. last paragraph: summarise your reason for writing again and make clear what you want the recipient to do

4. Write a dialogue between a player and a coach in the playground.

Ans. A conversation with Coach Jana McGinnis We recently had an opportunity to speak with Jacksonville States softball coach, Jana McGinnis, about the four seniors on the team. Coach McGinnis feels this group of seniors has experienced more excitement on the field than any other group of seniors for JSU Softball. The first year they were here, the competed for the OVC Championship. The past two years, this group of ladies has won the conference. Coach McGinnis works to develop her team, both on and off the field. Academics are stressed, and the teams GPA reflects that. Well cover 2 today and 2 tomorrow. Here are some questions and answers with Coach McGinnis: Q: Youve got four seniors this year. Looking back at their career, from where they began to now, what do you see? A: We want them to develop both on and off the field. We want them to be accountable and responsible. On the field, we want them to be able to look back to their freshman year and say I just thought I was good back then. Q: Tell us about Chrissy ONeal. A: Chrissy ONeal plays leftfield and bats leadoff. She was recruited our of Dallas, GA. We started watching her as a 10th grader. Chrissy is a go-getter, on the field and off. Shes already got her undergraduate degree in Criminal Justice, and is working on her Masters now. Chrissy bats leadoff for us, but shes not the typical leadoff hitter. She has power and can get a lot of doubles and home runs for us. Since coming to JSU, Chrissy has developed patience and discipline as a hitter. Shes really matured. That has really helped her as the leadoff hitter. Q: What does Chrissy bring to the team? A: First of all, Chrissy brings a tough attitude to the team. You can see her attitude at the plate and in the field. She also shows a great example of selflessness. She is a team player. Chrissy played centerfield for us her first two years, and did a great job. Last year, we needed her to move to leftfield. She accepted the move because it was best for the team.

Q: Tell us about another senior, Hillary Downs. A: Hillary plays centerfield for us and bats second in the lineup. She does a great job as the #2 hitter, because she handles the bat well. Depending on the situation, she can bunt or hit with power, which makes her successful. As an outfielder, Hillary has one of the best arms Ive seen. She really helps us out in the field. Also, Hillary is a great student. Shes a marketing major.

Q: How did Hillary end up at JSU? A: Of our four seniors, Hillary is the only one that is a junior college transfer. She played at Central Alabama Community College. When we look at potential transfers from a junior college, we look for someone with good credentials. Hillary was in the running for the Junior College Player of the Year her sophomore year. She fit in immediately and played in every game. Bringing in a player like Hillary really helps because she brings with her experience and maturity. More to come about the JSU softball team tomorrow...

5. What do you understand by the process approach to writing? Explain.

Ans. Writing is a process activity. It is not a one time product. Most of us, perhaps , write once and then leave it at that .But while writing important documents such as thesis, proposals, reports or even important personal letters, for that metter , a first , a first draft is written first and then this draft is revised twice or even trice till the final version. Even the final product is called only a final draft. This implies that it is possible to further improve this final draft. In fact, one abandons writing at the end and not rally revise it to perfection. In this sense writing is a continuous process rather than a one time product.

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