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Terjemahan ide

Translating an Idea into Reality

Most consumers abhor lukewarm beverages, especially during hot days of summer, but throughout history, necessity has been the mother of invention. In 1991, Sonya Talton, an electrical engineering student at ohns !opkins "niversity, had a revolutionary idea#a self$chilling soda can%

&icture this. It's one of those sweltering, ha(y )ugust afternoons. *our friends have finally gotten their acts together for a picnic down at the !arbor. Together you got over the list of stuff you need#blankets, radio, sunscreen, sandwiches, chips, and soda. *ou wipe the sweat from your neck, reach for a soda, and reali(e that it's about the same temperature as the 9+o, -.+o/0 afternoon. 1reat start. 2veryone's 3ust dying to make another trip back to the store for ice. 4hy can't they come with a soda container that can chill itself, anyway5 Sonya decided to take on the topic of a soda container that can chill itself as a term pro3ect in her 2ngineering 1raphics and 6esign course taught by &rofessor Martin 7amire( of the 6epartment of /ivil 2ngineering. &rofessor 7amire( stressed innovative thinking and urged students to consider unusual or novel concepts. The first thing Sonya needed to do was to establish some goals for the pro3ect8 1et the soda as cold as possible in the shortest possible amount of time. 9eep the container design simple. 9eep the si(e and weight of the newly designed container similar to that of the traditional soda can. -This would allow beverage companies to use e:isting vending machines and storage e;uipment.0 9eep the production cost low. Make the product environmentally safe.

Terjemahan Ide, Design

Motivasi Pemicu Ide

Situasi Pemicu Ide

4ith these goals in mind, Sonya had to think of a practical yet innovative way of chilling the can. Ice was the obvious choice#practical, but not innovative. Sonya had a great idea#4hat about a chemical ice pack5 Sonya's ne:t ;uestion was, 4hat's inside5 The answer ammonium nitrate -<!=<>.0 and a water pouch. 4hen the needed pressure is applied to the chemical ice pack, the water pouch breaks and mi:es with the <! =<>., creating and endothermic reaction -the absorption of heat0. The <! =<>. draws the heat out of the soda, causing it to chill. !ow much water is in the water pouch5 Sonya measured it8 9 tablespoons. -She wished she had the balanced chemical e;uation for the reaction.0 She wondered what would happen if she reduced the amount of water. )fter several trials, Sonya found that she could chill the soda can from ?@ o/ to 9o/ in a .$minute period. )t this point, she needed to determine how cold a 1

Realisasi Teknologi


refrigerated soda gets. She put a can in the fridge for ? days and found out it chilled to +o/. Sonya's idea was definitely feasible. Aut was it economically marketable5 In her engineering graphics and design course, the topic of how economic feasibility plays a ma3or role in the engineering design process was discussed. &rofessor 7amire( emphasi(ed the importance of marketing survey and cost/benefit analyses as ways to gauge a product's potential. Sonya surveyed appro:imately BC people. She asked them only two ;uestions8 Their age and how much would they be willing to pay for a self$ chilling can of soda. The under$?1 group was willing to pay the most, B= cents. The =C$plus bunch only wanted to pay DB cents. >verall, the surveyed group would be willing to shell out @+ cents for a self$chilling soda. -It was hardly a scientific market survey, but it did give Sonya a feel for what would be a reasonable price for her product.0 The ne:t hurdle was to determine the e:isting production cost of one can of soda. !ow much more would it cost to produce the self$chiller5 4ould it be profitable5 She went to the library, and there she found the bulk cost of chemicals and materials she would need. Then she calculated how much she would re;uire for one unit. She couldn't believe it% It only costs 1? cents to manufacture one can of soda, including transportation. !er can would cost ? or . cents more. That wasn't bad, considering the average consumer was willing to pay up to ?+ cents more for the self$chilling can than for the traditional one. The only two constraints left to consider were possible chemical contamination and recyclability. Theoretically it should be possible to build a machine that would drain the solution from the can and re$crystalli(e it. The ammonium nitrate could then be reused in future soda cans, including the plastic outer can. /hemical contamination, the only remaining restriction, was a big concern. "nfortunately, there was absolutely no way to ensure that the chemical and the soda would never come in contact one another inside the cans. To ease consumer fears, Sonya decided a color or odor indicator could be added to alert the consumer to contamination if it occurred. Sonya's conclusion5#The self$chilling beverage can would be an incredible technological advancement. The product would be convenient for the beach, picnic, ballpark, and cookouts. Its design would incorporate consumer convenience while addressing environmental concerns. It would be innovative, yet ine:pensive, and it would have an economic, as well as a social impact on society E

Pengaruh ke Mas"arakat

Analisis !ingkungan

Pengum ulan dan Analisis Data

Analisis Pasar, Finansial

&2<2<T")< "6"F &7>*29

<omor 9elompok8 Tanggal8 Tahap 18 Generate sebanyak mungkin ide$ide proyek melalui brainstorming di dalam kelompok. Fist ide$ide tersebut -gunakan lembar tambahan 3ika perlu0.

Tahap ?8 Seleksi ide$ide yang telah dihasilkan pada Tahap 1 berdasarkan kriteria bahan baku, pasar, finansial, atau yang lainnya untuk kemudian disepakati bersama dalam kelompok.

Tahap .8 Tetapkan satu ide yang paling prospektif menurut kelompok dan ter3emahkan ide tersebut ke dalam rancangan produk. Tuliskan 3udul proyek untuk kelompok yang akan diker3akan dalam semester ini.

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