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As a Science

A Solution for All Your Problems

The Cure for All Mental Illnesses
Your Spiritual Salvation
Accurate Dream Translation
Dream Analysis
Become a:
Professional Dream Translator
Scientific Proof
See that it Works in Your Own Daily Life

Real Examples of
Full Psychotherapy

The Largest Collection in Existence of

Different Dreams Translated for You
Christina Sponias
Dream Interpretation As a Science

Dream Interpretation As A Science

A Solution For All Your Problems

Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................ 4

Dream Images and Their Translation

Dream Logic ...................................................................... 10

Craziness and Logic

The Unconscious Logic

Dream Language ............................................................... 13

First Dream Example

Dream Translation and Dream Analysis
The Psychotherapy of the Unconscious
Repetitive Dreams
The Dreamer's Salvation from Suffering

Revealing Short Dreams ................................................... 27

Translation and Analysis of Short Dreams

Dreams by the Same Dreamer
Dreams by Different People
Dreams with Snakes
Simple Short Dreams ........................................................ 60

Short Dreams Giving Important Information to the Dreamer

How to Easily Translate Short Dreams
Why the Dreamer's Biography is so Important

Long and Complex Dreams ............................................... 87

How to Organize and Translate Long and Complex Dreams

What is Really Important in Dream Translation
How to Translate a Dream Series by the Same Dreamer
Six Basic Steps for Translating Any Kind of Dream

Dream Interpretation As a Science

Table of Contents continued

Complex Dreams About Love -

Psychological Problems .............................................. 118

Simple Dreams About the Person the Dreamer Loves

Complex Dreams About the Person the Dreamer Loves
(which also reveal the dreamer's psychological problems)
How to Protect Yourself from Infidelity and Betrayal
Rejection and the Role of the Animus and Anima

Dreams that Reflect Serious Mental Illnesses ................ 178

Examples of Dreams by People With Serious Mental Illnesses
Explanations About Themes in Dreams

Short Treatments through Dream Interpretation as a

Science ............................................................................ 187
Examples of Short Treatments with Many Dreams by the Same
Dreamer and Their Answers
Dreams that Reveal the Existence of Serious Problems
Dreamers That Abuse Their Bodies and Attempt Suicide
The Positive Results of Short Therapy
Full Psychotherapy ......................................................... 265

Examples of Full Psychotherapies through Dream Analysis

Predictions and Warnings in Dreams
How to Attain Health, Peace, Wisdom and Happiness from
Dream Therapy
Become a Professional Dream Translator Like Me

Dream Interpretation As a Science

Dream Interpretation as a Science

A Solution for All Your Problems

The scientific method of dream interpretation is a precise
translation of dream messages.

This eBook will teach you how to understand dream

language, so that you can learn what is really happening in
your psychical world. After you read it, read Craziness
Prevention – Free and Safe psychotherapy through
Dream Interpretation, the eBook bonus you receive with
Dream Interpretation as a Science.

Craziness Prevention was written before this ebook. I

thought it was important to focus first on teaching you to use
the knowledge you get from interpreting your dreams
according to the scientific method because dream
interpretation helps you prevent all mental illnesses and keep
your mental health for life.
You will notice that some of the dreamers who participated in
my summer offer for free dream translation and
psychotherapy purchased Craziness Prevention and
learned how to translate their dreams using the knowledge
they acquired in the eBook.

However, now that I have written Dream Interpretation as

a Science I believe that it will be better for you to start
studying dream interpretation using this eBook first.

This book is fascinating because in it you learn the basics of

dream language, and you see how dream messages actually
help the dreamers, especially at the end of the eBook, when
you see how quickly they were able to solve their problems
once they understood their dreams through the translation.

Dream Interpretation As a Science

Through the combination of these two eBooks you have a

very valuable resource for learning about dreams. That’s why
it makes sense to give them to you both together.

It took me 19 years of translating dreams for many different

dreamers to discover and verify dream symbology and ensure
that my translations were correct. Now you can benefit from
all this experience by reading these two eBooks.
I’m sure you’ll find Dream Interpretation as a Science
very exciting and interesting, and later, when you read
Craziness Prevention, my explanations will make even
more sense because you will have already seen their
application in practice through the numerous examples of
dreams translations and dreamer biographies.

In this eBook I am teaching you how to use the scientific

method of dream interpretation in order to understand the
meaning of the dream messages, by giving you a collection of
dreams, biographies of the dreamers and dream translations
along with my explanations.

This is a unique collection of real dreams from various

contributors on the Internet who agreed to let me publish
their dreams with a few details about their biographies
(anonymously), so that you can understand how to translate
your own dreams. I offered them free translation and
psychotherapy, and they agreed to let me use their example
as a lesson for you.
You will be able to verify that these dreams are real – they
are not simply stories that I invented, because you will see
that each dreamer has a different personality and writes in
their own style.

You will see how dream messages have really saved people in
practice by reading the dreamers’ responses.

You will learn that you have a terrible enemy inside you: the
wild and evil anti-conscience, your primitive conscience that

Dream Interpretation As a Science

has not passed through the process of consciousness that

your human side has passed through.

The wise, unconscious mind uses dreams as its way of

sending you protective and informative messages in a
symbolic manner, in such a way that the anti-conscience
cannot also learn about them. Your enemy must not learn of
the directions given by your protector.
You have to translate these messages in order to understand
the guidance you receive in your dreams, the same way that
you would have to translate an unknown language into your
own language in order to understand a document written in a
language you don’t speak.
Always remember that your dreams are trying to protect you
from the dangerous and evil anti-conscience!

Examine them with the spirit of a serious student who is

trying to understand and follow the guidance of a very
important professor, a professor who can help you analyze
the workings of your own mind in the same way that a
psychiatrist might. Your dreams have a basic function: to
protect your mental health. So, you have to look at yourself
as if you were a patient, and as if your professor is also your

The unconscious mind is always showing you your mistakes

and why you make them. You receive warnings and see
unpleasant scenes in your dreams because your protector is
trying to save you from getting yourself into trouble.

You are not receiving messages in dreams because the

unconscious mind wants to say “hello,” but rather because it
wants to help you and help you avoid the pitfalls of making
bad decisions that can lead to disaster in your life.

Become a serious scientist who searches for the truth, and at

the same time, have the humble attitude of a student with
much to learn who is just embarking on his studies.

Dream Interpretation As a Science

Dream Images and Their Translations

When you translate dreams you translate images into words.

Here is an educational article that will show you the

difference between a subjective interpretation of a text, and a
literal translation.
Dream Interpretation and Poetry – Interpreting Love
You have to learn how to translate the symbols into words,
instead of simply trying to guess the dream’s meaning
through the filters of your conscious mind.

You will discover that it is easier for you to translate other

people’s dreams because the images that appear in their
dreams are not images you are familiar with, while in your
own dreams you see images with scenes that belong to your
daily life. You are used to seeing your shoes, your house and
your car, for example, in a certain way that is familiar to you.
These are things that you are attached to, so you give them a
personal definition, instead of a general definition that exists
for them as objects.
When you see your own house in your dreams, you think of it
as you are used to at first. You do not simply translate this
image saying: this is my psyche. Instead, you continue to
think of your house in the way you are used to thinking about
it in your daily life. It is difficult for you to transfer the
meaning of your own house to the symbolic definition it has
in your dreams.

When you analyze other people’s dreams, you will simply

exchange images for their meaning and complete the
translation of the rest of the dream using meanings derived
from the primary symbols. Your observation is objective,

Dream Interpretation As a Science

because you look at the dreams from outside, without

personal attachment to the images.

You have to do the same when you analyze your own dreams.
When you translate the meaning of an object in your dream
you must stop seeing it the way you are familiar with when
you are awake.

You will see examples of dreams and translations from

dreamers who read Craziness Prevention and tried to
translate their own dreams, along with my corrections.

These are good examples, because these dreamers really

cared about the meaning of their dreams and their
translations. They also cared about the psychotherapy
provided to them by the unconscious mind. They found real
help and relief in the dream messages.

Other dreamers found some relief and were helped with a few
points, but because they had not read Craziness
Prevention, they did not experience the quick evolution
experienced by the students who learned the basics of dream
translation. Those that had read Craziness Prevention were
trying to understand their dreams themselves, and received
my help in translating parts of their dreams.
Of course, these students are only at the beginning of their
studies, therefore their knowledge was still limited. However,
you will be able to follow the development of their capacity to
understand the dream messages.

This is the most important aspect for those of you that are
trying to learn and follow their example: you will see how
people who previously knew nothing about dream translation
learned to translate the meaning of their dreams by reading
Craziness Prevention. Now, imagine how much more easily
you can learn to translate your own dreams with the help of
Dream Interpretation as a Science and Craziness

Dream Interpretation As a Science

You will not only learn how to translate your own dreams, but
you will learn enough to become a professional dream
translator like me, and learn to translate other people’s
dreams and give them psychotherapy.

After reading these eBooks, you will need to practice until

you become a perfect dream translator with the ability to
translate all dream messages instantly.
I spent 19 years studying the meaning of dreams and trying
to discover the cure for schizophrenia, psychosis and all
mental illnesses that cannot be cured. In the process I helped
many people find peace, health and happiness after despair,
depression, suicide attempts, serious mental illnesses and all
kinds of tragic experiences, before I dared to present my
work to you.

Today it is perfect, and this is why you can learn in a few

hours what I took years discovering.
It is my pleasure and my honor to be able to provide you this
knowledge in simple form. I am sure you will understand that
it is a real blessing, and you will be grateful for my sacrifice
during all these years. I worked very hard in order to be able
to give it to you in a way that you can easily understand it,
and start seeing positive results immediately, rather than
after many years of study, like me.

Dream Interpretation As a Science

Dream Logic

Dream language follows a different logic, a logic that is

opposite to the logic of our conscious mind.

Our human conscience is selfish and it is led by our ego. The

ego obliges man to pursue something he will never reach and
try to posses things he doesn’t really want. It is therefore
absurd and it ends up in craziness and despair.

In addition, the human conscience is under-developed

because only one psychological function is well developed in
everyone’s psyche and another one half-developed. This
means that our conscience is quite idiotic and needs to be

This is why dream language cannot follow our logic. We have

to learn how to follow the logic of the unconscious mind if we
want to understand the meaning of our dreams.
Here is an educational free report that will show you the
meaning of logic:

Craziness and Logic

Now that you understood the meaning of logic, you can
understand the logic of the unconscious mind.

The logic of the unconscious is saintly and wise. Therefore, it

gives importance to the general happiness and mental health
of the dreamer for the span of his or her entire life, and not
only for the present moment.

The unconscious mind is the wisest human conscience that

exists, therefore its advice in dreams is the voice of wisdom
and sanctity inside your brain giving you lessons,
explanations, warnings, and premonitions.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

You will notice that the unconscious cares more about your
feelings than about your ideas. It is always trying to help you
become more sensitive because you are a cruel animal. Your
humanity has to be developed the same way that your brain
needs development. Everything happens at the same time
when you translate the meaning of your dreams.

The wise unconscious mind basically sends you dreams in

order to protect the human side of your brain from the wild
side, where craziness remains, because this absurd content is
constantly trying to invade your human conscience.

It also sends you dreams in order to cure your mental illness,

after the invasion of the absurd content. However, its main
function is to prevent this content from destroying your
humanity before the invasion, because you become too weak
after it.

Dream interpretation as a Science and Craziness

Prevention are in fact synonyms since when you interpret
and translate the meaning of your dreams you are preventing
the craziness, that already exists in the wild side of your
brain, from invading and destroy your human side.

The saintly and wise unconscious mind tries to transform you

into a sensitive human being, protecting you from the cruel,
evil and immoral wild side.

Keep this basic truth in mind, so that you will be able to

translate your dreams accurately. Once you know that they
are sent by a wise and saintly conscience that is trying to
save your human side, you have the basic concept.
The unconscious mind is your teacher and your doctor, and
you have to respect its logic, and follow it, so that you will be
able to understand the meaning of your dreams.

The logic of the unconscious is based on goodness,

sensitivity, humbleness and wisdom, and tries to save you
from craziness, despair, suicidal tendencies and all the
horrors of this world.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

If you are depressed you have received a warning: you must

start caring about your mental health right away otherwise
the wild anti-conscience will invade and destroy the human
side of your conscience completely, transforming you into a
cold and cruel monster.

Depression is a self-protection mechanism that indicates that

you are in great danger: craziness is approaching.
Either that or you have already made too many mistakes
dominated by the anti-conscience and your life is a hell. You
cannot but feel depressed with the sad conditions and the
tragic situations you keep facing everyday. You have to
correct all your mistakes and change your life. At the same
time you must develop your intelligence and change your
behavior so that you may strengthen your mental health and
keep it for the rest of your life.

All the dreams you see are constantly trying to protect you
from the craziness that exists in the anti-conscience. That
means you have protection and guidance in all aspects of
your life because everything in your life is dangerous and can
lead you to craziness and despair. Your life and your brain
are intrinsically connected.
The unconscious mind helps you in all your fields of endeavor
and provides you constant support and guidance through
your dreams.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Dream Language

In Craziness Prevention you will read about the

characteristics of the 8 psychological types, so that you will
be really able to understand what you are trying to do when
you interpret the meaning of your dreams.

You try to develop your intelligence by developing the

psychological functions of your psyche, which are in an
atrophic condition, because they belong to the wild side. The
wild side of the psyche has not evolved; it is a primate.

If you belong to a psychological type based on thoughts,

through dream interpretation you learn how to pay attention
to your feelings and sensations; if you belong to a
psychological type based on sensations, you learn how to
perceive the action of your intuition and think rationally, and
so on, because you have to develop all your psychological
functions: thoughts, feelings, sensations and intuition, and
you have to become introverted and extroverted at the same
time instead of being only introverted or only extroverted, if
you want to be really balanced and intelligent.

You have also a glossary of the basic dream symbols, which

you should consult until you have learned all the meanings by
heart in order to translate the meaning of your dreams.

Dream language is simply a language based on images,

instead of being based on words.

It is the silent language of the saintly and wise unconscious

mind that gives you many messages at the same time
through basic dream symbols and other images.

Dream Interpretation as a Science will teach you first of

all how to understand the meaning of your dreams, using
many real examples.

The lessons you have in this eBook are not only theoretical,
but practical, and that is why they will help you understand

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

how to translate the meaning of your dreams more easily

than when you read Craziness Prevention, an eBook that
teaches you the value of the psychotherapy provided by the
dream messages.

Let’s begin by examining the dreams of a woman in her 30s

or 40s:

Dream: I have a recurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am

cleaning it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already
live either in my parents’ home or my current home that I live in with my
husband and two sons. In my dreams, the apartment rent has not been
paid for years and I have my old furniture in it. The landlord is not
worried that the rent is overdue but the building is about to be torn down,
so I have to get all of my stuff out. Sometimes I dream that me and my
husband are packing things up and loading up the car, and other times I
dream that I am sorting through toys and clothes or other items that I have
never seen before (made up stuff). In some dreams the apartment kitchen
is very unclean, dishes left unwashed in the sink, spoiled food in the
fridge. So in my dream I am thinking "yuck, I have to clean this up."
Other times I dream that the …..(neighbour) down stairs abandoned their
apartment and I go in it and look around at the emptiness. And then a lot
of times my dreams are that the apartment is changed. There are more
rooms than it really has in reality. The feelings I have when I am in my
old apartment are usually good ones, comfort, security, a sense that this is
mine and only mine, until the part in my dream when I have to leave it
and pack it all up. I miss that little place. But I wish I would stop
dreaming about it and MOVE ON!! I feel like it pulls me back at times.
Not sure why I would be dreaming about that apartment off and on for the
last 10 - 15 years or so!! Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

Recurring dreams are very important!

Now, how do we begin translating them?

First of all, we need details about the dreamer’s life. Without

those there are many things we cannot understand and our
translation will be too general and vague.

Let’s take a look at her biography:

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

I am 30 - 40 years old, married to a wonderful man and have two great

boys. I have lived in my current home for (around 10) years now. I have
been a stay-at-home mom for the past (around 5) years. I am getting
ready to … put together a resume and apply for full time work ... I am
very blessed and look forward to my family's future. My husband and
my kids mean the world to me. I don't have much of a social life. I am
not sure I really want one! I feel very busy but very bored at the same
time! I feel as though the dream I have mentioned is a way for me to
"retreat"????? Retreat to a time that I was only responsible for
myself??? I am not quite sure.
Now that we have examined her situation, we can proceed
with translating the symbolism of her dreams and understand
their meaning.
Here are my translations and my explanations:

Your recurring dream reveals you that you continue to be

the same as you were in the past; you have not evolved
even though you have grown older and acquired new

Let’s take a closer look at your dreams:

I have a reccurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am

cleaning it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already
live either in my parents’ home or my current home that I live in with my
husband and two sons.

You are in the part of your psyche which is familiar to you.

Your apartment is your psyche and your old apartment, a
special place inside your psyche. You are cleaning it up,
which means that you are removing what is dirty and bad
from this part of your psyche. Dirt in dreams means
immorality. So, you were cleaning up the immorality from
this old part of your psyche which is familiar to you.

You want to abandon this old part and evolve, because

you are not a child, but you remain there, even when
living with your husband and kids. When you live in your
parents’ house in dreams you are close to the worst parts

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

of your psyche: the mother represents the wild anti-

conscience, your evil and primitive conscience, and the
father represents the human side of the conscience, which
is under-developed and selfish, and therefore also absurd.

You must evolve and abandon your parents’ house and

your old apartment. You are a grown woman now, and
you have to be mature and sensible.
In my dreams, the apartment rent has not been paid for years and I have
my old furniture in it. The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue
but the building is about to be torn down, so I have to get all of my stuff
The rent has not been paid for years because you don’t
have enough psychic energy to maintain the old position.
Since you focus on your old apartment, you continue to be
how you were in the past, that means you are weak and
that is why you don’t have money to pay the rent and the
entire building is about to be torn down.
The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue
because it is obvious that you will never be strong enough
to pay the rent – or in other words, assume a more
mature position. Your position is immature and cannot be

Sometimes I dream that me and my husband are packing things up and

loading up the car, and other times I dream that I am sorting through toys
and clothes or other items that I have never seen before (made up stuff).

This part of the dream means that you are still the old
you, even now that you are married. The toys and other
things are childish objects, which means that you are still
living as you did in your childhood. Again, not mature at

In some dreams the apartment kitchen is very unclean, dishes left

unwashed in the sink, spoiled food in the fridge. So in my dream I am
thinking "yuck, I have to clean this up."

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

The kitchen is a very important place because the food

you cook represents your own actions. If your kitchen is a
dirty mess it means that your actions are disorganized
and that you accept immorality.

Other times I dream that the (neighbour) down stairs abandoned their
apartment and I go in it and look around at the emptiness.

You will have to tell me how you characterize your

neighbour, so that we may understand this part of the
dream because your neighbour is a symbol that could
have different meanings depending on what he represents
to you.
What do you think of when you remember him? How could
you characterize him in a few words?

He represents a part of your personality – all people that

appear in your dreams are parts of your own personality
when you first begin studying dream interpretation. Only
later do you start having objective information about the
people you know.

So, let’s suppose that he is a single guy that likes going to

parties and having fun; then he would represent your own
tendency to abandon the life of a married woman who is
loyal to her husband and kids.

You see that he abandoned his apartment, and you look

at the emptiness, while you are not able to abandon your
old apartment: you keep living there, in the past, and
having the same personality you used to have when you
were young. This part of the dream shows you that other
parts of your personality have already abandoned your old
self, but you have not realized it yet: you believe that you
should continue to be the exact same person you were

You have to learn two lessons in this part:

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

1. You have to stop being the child you were in the past
2. You have to stop believing that you are still the
same, because you have changed a lot in many

You are basically immature and there are parts of your

personality that belong to your wild conscience that have
already negatively influenced your behavior in many
ways, even though you have not noticed the change.

And then a lot of times my dreams are that the apartment is changed.
There are more rooms than it really has in reality.
Yes, the apartment has many rooms that you do not know
about because there are many parts of your personality
that belong to the wild anti-conscience and are not visible
to the human side of your conscience: the side of the
conscience that you can see.
The wild anti-conscience is an independent conscience
that works against the human side of the human
conscience, trying to destroy it through craziness in order
to control a person’s behavior. This is a very dangerous
part, that the human side of our conscience cannot see.
So, we do not know about its existence.

However, this evil and animal conscience belongs to us

too; it is part of our brain and psyche. This is why you
saw that there are more rooms in your old apartment than
you thought: there are more parts in your psyche, that
you are completely unaware of. They exist inside you and
they were there since you were born.
The feelings I have when I am in my old apartment are usually good
ones, comfort, security, a sense that this is mine and only mine, until the
part in my dream when I have to leave it and pack it all up. I miss that
little place. But I wish I would stop dreaming about it and MOVE ON!!
I feel like it pulls me back at times. Not sure why I would be dreaming
about that apartment off and on for the last 10 - 15 years or so!! Any help
would be appreciated. Thank you.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

You feel comfortable being immature for so many years,

but if you want to move on, you have to become a serious
woman. You can be helped by the guidance of the wise
unconscious mind in your own dreams.

If you will keep sending me your dreams for translation,

and we keep talking about you and your life, you will see
exactly why you are still immature and what you have to
do in order to develop your personality and become more
intelligent. This is part of the psychotherapy.

Dream analysis can help you immensely! You will be able

to get out of your old nest without fear and face the big
challenges of life with courage and determination, instead
of hiding yourself in the immature part of your
personality, without evolving and without learning

Since you said that your family absorbs your time

completely and you are satisfied with your life, the
recurring dream you keep seeing is trying to make you
awake up and care about your psychological evolution.

You may be fine now that the kids and the house keep
you busy, your husband is nice and everything is ok, but
later your life may change a lot. If you continue to be
immature you will not be able to face the big challenges of
life with courage. I hope you will have a nice life, and that
you will never have to face serious problems, but Earth is
not a paradise. You have to be mature and always strong,
and you have to care about your own personal
development as a human being.
If you don’t have the necessary foundation you will not be
able to handle all the problems of life.

When everything is fine, everyone is good and things

seem to be easy. But if the structure of your life is fragile,
as soon as a problem appears and sudden changes
completely transform your life, you are not able to solve

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

your problems and go on. You get lost, you feel weak,
depressed, and ready to abandon the battle…

Additionally, if you want to be a good mother, you have to

give a good example to your kids and teach them real
values. You cannot go on being a child if you are a mother
who needs to prepare her sons for all the challenges of
There are many reasons why you have to evolve and
become a mature woman.

Keep sending me your dreams for translation and talking

with me about your life, so that the unconscious mind
may show you what you have to do in order to develop
your personality and become mature, self-confident and

However, the dreamer didn’t send me more dreams. After

some time I sent her a message asking her if the translation
of her dreams helped her, and she answered me saying:

Hello! Thank you for your interpretation of my dream! Amazing! I see

the connection with what you have said. I think what has happened to me
is that being in my house for the past … yrs. and only tending to the
family and not taking care of me, I have been very childish and whiny!

Since I wrote to you I have managed to get my youngest… I have been

looking for work, … working on it! Those two things alone were laying
very heavy on me for a long time. I have been taking computer classes to
brush up and I have been volunteering at my church more. I feel a lot
better than when I wrote to you last time. I feel as though I am now
taking care of me.
I do think that you are correct about me being childish. I was babied
forever, and it is hard for me to grow up at times! The issue about
immorality reins true with the old apartment. I had a boyfriend that lived
with me there and he was bad for me. I have not had a dream about my
apartment since the time I contacted you!

I can't really remember my dreams from that past few weeks! Nothing
really sticks out! When I have another dream I will write to you and

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

share it! Thank you so much for your insight! It really makes a lot of

Now, let’s examine her first dream again:

I have a recurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am cleaning

it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already live either in
my parents home or my current home that I live in with my husband and
two sons.
Where are the important symbols?

There is a glossary with the main dream symbols in

Craziness Prevention which you can use as a guide. Here I
just give you the meaning of each symbol, without explaining
why they mean what they do.

Later you can study the subject more deeply by reading

Craziness Prevention – refer to the glossary each time you
try to translate a dream, until you learn the meaning of the
most common symbols by heart. Then you will be able to
translate any dream instantly.

My old apartment = You are in the part of your psyche which

is familiar to you. Your apartment is your psyche and your
old apartment, a special place inside your psyche.

My parents home = When you live in your parent’s house, it

means that you are close to the worst parts of your
psyche: the mother represents the wild anti-conscience,
your evil and primitive conscience and the father
represents the human side of the conscience, which is
under-developed and selfish, therefore absurd too.
We found the meaning of the basic dream symbols that
appear in this dream, we understood the dream’s basic
message: the dreamer has to abandon the behavior of the
worst parts of her psyche, represented by her mother and

Let’s find the important symbols in the next part:

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In my dreams, the apartment rent has not been paid for years and I have
my old furniture in it. The landlord is not worried that the rent is overdue
but the building is about to be torn down, so I have to get all of my stuff
out. Sometimes I dream that me and my husband are packing things up
and loading up the car, and other times I dream that I am sorting through
toys and clothes or other items that I have never seen before (made up
stuff). In some dreams the apartment kitchen is very unclean, dishes left
unwashed in the sink, spoiled food in the fridge. So in my dream I am
thinking "yuck, I have to clean this up.".

The building is about to be torn down (a big destruction) = Since you

are focused on your old apartment, you continue to be
like you were in the past, but you are always weak this
way, and this is why you don’t have money to pay the
rent and the entire building is about to be torn down.

When you see in a dream that somewhere there is the danger

of a serious destruction, this is an important indication that
the dreamer has to be very cautious. The building being torn
down represents the dreamer’s destruction if she continues
being the way she used to. The building represents her own
structure, her body and psyche at the same time.

The apartment kitchen is very unclean = The kitchen is a very

important place because the food you cook represents
your own actions. If your kitchen is a dirty mess, that
means your actions are disorganized and you accept
This part reveals to us other important aspects about the
dreamer’s behavior and her life.
So, even if you have only the basic concepts, you will be able
to understand the general meaning of these dreams:

• The dreamer has to abandon the behavior she had in

the past: the behavior she acquired because of the
worst parts of her psyche, represented by her mother
and father.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

• The dreamer is in great danger, because her psychic

structure is about to be torn down and she is influenced
by immoral tendencies.

Now, let’s examine some more details:

I have a recurring dream that I am in my old apartment, and I am cleaning

it up and getting ready to move out of it. However, I already live either in
my parents home or my current home that I live in with my husband and
two sons.

You are cleaning it up, which means that you are

removing what is dirty and bad from this part of your
psyche. Dirt in dreams means immorality. So, you were
cleaning up the immorality from this old part of your
psyche which is familiar to you.

Since you know that the dreamer has to change her behavior,
abandoning the behavior she had before, you can understand
that the dream is reflecting the movement she should make
but has not made, because she is being accommodated in her
parents’ house or in the house she lives in with her kids and
husband. This means that she is remaining static instead of
changing her behavior.
Dirt in dreams means immorality. This is not one of the
standard archetypes, but rather a meaning I discovered after
translating many dreams and verifying that this was the
meaning that fits with the rest of the content in dreams
where dirt appeared.

There are numerous translations that are based on the

symbols I discovered after translating multiple dreams for
many different people.

These are secondary symbols, which you can discover by

yourself, after analysing your own dreams for some period of

You will discover them by asking: how do we use this object

(that appears in a dream)? What are the characteristics of

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

this animal (that appears in a dream)? Etc…. Then think

about their characteristics and their meaning, and insert this
meaning in the part of the dream you are translating.

Let’s say you see a lion in your dream. A lion is strong, the
king of the jungle, a violent animal, a commander. Therefore
the lion represents a person that has these characteristics, or
a part of the dreamer’s personality that has these
As you can see with our first example, you do not need to
know the details of dreams in order to understand their basic
messages. You only need to know how to translate the basic
dream symbols:
• her own apartment
• her parents
• her parents’ house
• the danger of a big destruction
• her dirty kitchen
By translating just these symbols you can already understand
the basic messages of these dreams, and then fill in the parts
that were not translated with conclusions based on the basic
symbols and based on the logic of the unconscious.
The translation of these dreams was very simple. They clearly
revealed to the dreamer that if she continued living with an
immature personality and accepting the influence of the
worse parts of her psyche, she would come to a tragic end.
However, she could escape from it by reacting and evolving.

Tragic ends are very common. This woman who seemed to be

so happy, could easily lose her mental stability and
happiness, if she continued living comfortably in her childish

She didn’t understand how serious the danger was, however

repetitive dreams are very serious warnings that should never
be ignored.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Here is an article about them:

Repetitive Dreams and Human Behavior

Dream messages basically show you all the mistakes you

make because you are an idiot who uses only a tiny part of
your brain. Unfortunately, the biggest part of your brain and
psyche belongs to the anti-conscience, your primitive and
wild conscience, which is evil and has demoniac
characteristics. This part of your brain is a real demon.

The messages you see in dreams try to protect you (you are
your human side, the human being) from the demon who
lives in the biggest part of your brain and psyche and is your
worst enemy.

This demon (the anti-conscience) is schizophrenic and lives

constantly trying to destroy you through craziness and

If you make many mistakes and you fall into the anti-
conscience’s trap, you will never be free of the labyrinth of
craziness. The anti-conscience is Satan, the same way that
the unconscious mind is an organ directed by God.

So, the big mystery of the human existence is revealed to us

through the translation of our own dreams.
The most perfect human conscience, that could be named
God, created the unconscious mind inside everyone, in order
to send us wise messages and save us from craziness and

The scientific method of dream interpretation is the only

absolutely correct method of dream translation; it is simple
and objective, and can save your life as well as your mental
health and happiness. This is because the dreams you see
when you sleep are produced by a doctor: the wise and
saintly unconscious mind.

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You only have to understand your natural doctor’s directions

in order to learn how to develop your human personality and
conquer the monster you inherited in the biggest part of your
brain and psyche.

This is a privilege! You are very lucky because this method

was simplified thanks to my work, my research and my
discoveries. I continued the research that Carl Jung
abandoned when he became afraid of going crazy. He
accepted not knowing after a certain point. I had the courage
to continue his research beyond that point, seeing what exists
in the depths of the human psyche.
My work gives you knowledge, fast translation and exact

However, your gratitude should not be turned towards me

because I would never have discovered anything if the
unconscious mind had not put everything in my way so that I
could find what was necessary, and then discover what I was
meant to, just as the unconscious had planned.

I was prepared to be the one who would prove to the world

that our dreams are extremely important.
We need them in order to keep our balance, sensitivity,
intelligence and happiness.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Revealing Short Dreams

Continuing your studies about dream language and its

interpretation, which I have transformed into a simple
translation technique, you will see how short dreams can
reveal very important truths.

Here is the case of a young man:

Dream 1: I had one where my girlfriend was upset. I felt the need to make
her feel better. So I went to hug her and ended up kissing her
passionately. I woke up with a weird feeling (love?).
Dream 2: Also I dreamt that I went insane and attacked someone I loved.
( I didn't recognize them, but I had a feeling of love and regret for them
after I mortally wounded them. What a fucking nightmare.

Dream 3: Also I dreamt that it was dark and rainy, I walked up to this
brick house that seemed to have large steps to the front door. I knocked
and a large greyed old lady ish person answered in a coat like hagrids
(harry potter). I asked if Jjjj and Mmmm were there because I thought
they lived there. I stuttered and the large person/thing corrected me. I was
embarrassed and I was about to ask again when the thing said something
ominous (I don't remember what) while shrinking (straight down, not
proportionately) until its head remained with piercing round eyes and
grey hair for a sec. and then it disappeared. I woke up feeling like I'd seen
a ghost.

Biography : I just moved to … by myself. I left behind my girlfriend

(now … miles away but wants to … who has always been wonderful to
me, and I to her. I am 18 - 22 and now I am very depressed. I live in the
… I have become depressed and weird feeling twice now. Now is the
latest bout, and every time I feel like I don't care about anybody. When
like this, I begin to doubt my relationship and don't feel love for my girl. I
don't like this at all. Also, the random people in the third dream are …
friends that I have mentioned getting a … I know I care about my girl, but
… I wasn't attracted to her in the beginning of the relationship (she told
me she liked me so I gave her a try) We have had so many ups and
downs it is unsettling. So I don't know what to think and now I am
depressed and want to be left alone by everybody, but I know that is
wrong at the same time.

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Please help me.

Since you do not really love your girlfriend, you have to

separate. To continue a relationship that is not perfect is
the biggest mistake most people in our world make,
because the consequences of it are too bitter in the end.

Now, let’s take a look at your dreams:

I had one where my girlfriend was upset. I felt the need to make her feel
better. So I went to hug her and ended up kissing her passionately. I woke
up with a weird feeling (love?)
This dream shows you clearly that you kiss your girlfriend
and you are romantic with her only because you feel sorry
for her: you didn’t kiss her because you love her, but
because she was upset.

Also I dreamt that I went insane and attacked someone I loved. ( I didn't
recognize them, but I had a feeling of love and regret for them after I
mortally wounded them. What a fucking nightmare.

Here is one of the worst consequences of the mistake you

are making for insisting on a relationship without feelings:
in the end you are only going to hate your girlfriend.

You do not love her and you stay with her because she
loves you, so you are her prisoner. Some day you are
going to feel completely revolted and you will want to hit
her, because in order to please her, you destroyed your
life and you never found your happiness.
Stay away from this girl and never again agree to “give a
try” to any girl without loving her.

Also I dreamt that it was dark and rainy, I walked up to this brick house
that seemed to have large steps to the front door. I knocked and a large
greyed old lady ish person answered in a coat like hagrids (harry potter). I
asked if Jjjj and Mmmm were there because I thought they lived there. I
stuttered and the large person/thing corrected me. I was embarrassed and

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I was about to ask again when the thing said something ominous (I don't
remember what) while shrinking (straight down, not proportionately)
until its head remained with piercing round eyes and grey hair for a sec.
and then it disappeared. I woke up feeling like I'd seen a ghost.

You have to tell me who Jjjj and Mmmm are so that I may
understand and translate this part of the dream.

How do you characterize them? Tell me what you think of

when you think about them. Depending on the way you
consider them, they will be symbolic of one thing or

The brick house is you, your psyche. The old lady that
answered the door represents the repetition of the same
mistake, from generation to generation. The ghost at the
end represents neurosis. You have to be careful, because
if you do not take your life seriously and build your
happiness without this girl that you do not like, you’ll end
up staying with her and suffering very much, until you kill
her (or something) for hating her.

This is a very common tragedy. Your dreams have shown

you the truth very clearly.
You are still young, and at the beginning of your life. Tell
her that you cannot continue because you want to be
Stay unattached until you find a girl that you really like.

Love is a very serious matter – the most important matter

of your life. You have to be very cautious and demanding.
Keep sending me your dreams for translation and the
unconscious mind will show you in your own dreams how
you can discover the right person for you and be happy
for life.

The dreamer sent me another message, after receiving my


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I do care about her, but not enough I guess. Wierd, I don't care about
anyone else more than I do about her, but I like to think I like her more.

You do not love her, but you are used to being her
protector. You better think about yourself and your mental
health, because if you continue in this bad relationship
you will get hurt because you do not really love her. In
the end you will be cruel to her because you will feel
revolted by the fact that she is imprisoning you and you
do not have the chance to find the person that will make
you happy.

Stay unattached and look for the right girl, the one that
will not leave you doubting whether you love her or not.

Be serious because love matters can drive you crazy!

Now, let’s take another look at this dreamer’s dreams:

Dream 1: I had one where my girlfriend was upset. I felt the need to make
her feel better. So I went to hug her and ended up kissing her
passionately. I woke up with a weird feeling (love?)

Since this was a dream about a love matter, the information

the dreamer has is about the person he loves rather than a
representation of a part of his personality. His girlfriend in
the dream represents his girlfriend in reality, while all the
other people you see in dreams represent parts of your
personality when you are at the beginning of your studies
about dream interpretation.

You can see how clear the dream message is, because it is
about the person the dreamer loves (even though his love is
not real).

Anyone can understand the meaning of this dream by

interpreting it according to the logic of the human
conscience, because the unconscious mind sends dreams
about the person we love in a very clear form.

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Dream 2: Also I dreamt that I went insane and attacked someone I loved.
(I didn't recognize them, but I had a feeling of love and regret for them
after I mortally wounded them. What a fucking nightmare.

Because the dreamer had a nightmare, the translation is not

so simple. He does not know the identity of the person he
attacked so violently, whereas in the previous dream he knew
very well that the information he received was about his
The information he receives here is about her again, but it is
hidden and not as direct as in the previous dream, because
here we see the manifestation of a trauma to the psyche.
This is not a dream about a love matter: it is a dream about
the dreamer’s mental health and the danger of losing it

He might become violent, dominated by the anti-conscience,

and do something he would regret for the rest of his life.
This is happening because he has accepted a relationship
with a girl he does not love. This acceptance reveals the
existence of a neurosis. This is absurd behavior, even though
our society does not consider it that way.
Many people have relationships with people that they do not
love. They are totally deluded if they imagine that they can
be happy living with them… Do not follow their example!
Dream 3: Also I dreamt that it was dark and rainy, I walked up to this
brick house that seemed to have large steps to the front door. I knocked
and a large greyed old lady ish person answered in a coat like hagrids
(Harry Potter). I asked if Jjjj and Mmmm were there because I thought
they lived there. I stuttered and the large person/thing corrected me. I was
embarrassed and I was about to ask again when the thing said something
ominous (I don't remember what) while shrinking (straight down, not
proportionately) until its head remained with piercing round eyes and
grey hair for a sec. and then it disappeared. I woke up feeling like I'd seen
a ghost.

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The third dream is quite complicated. How can you translate

it easily?

Let’s find the important parts of the dream:

• It was dark
• It was rainy
• The old lady
• The ghost
Since it was dark, this means that the dreamer is unaware of
many things.

Since it was rainy, it means that this dream is showing him

the solution for his problem.

The old lady represents the repetition of a mistake through

many generations.

The ghost represents neurosis: the beginning of the invasion

of the anti-conscience into the human side of the dreamer’s

Therefore you can easily understand that this dream shows

him that he does not know that he is making a serious yet
common mistake (having a relationship with a girl he doesn’t
love) which leads him to neurosis.

The comprehension of this mistake is the solution to his case

(rain). If he could stop having this relationship, he would
manage to escape from craziness and despair.

Now, let’s examine the short dream of a man who didn’t tell
me his age:



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Your dream is not talking about your health, but about

your wife’s indifference.

However, since you have this fear about a heart attack,

you need psychotherapy. Heart diseases can be avoided
through dream interpretation, because mind and body are

How old are you? Could you tell me more about you and
your life?
If you send me your dreams regularly for translation, I am
going to help you overcome the possible problems that
exist in your marriage and also help you avoid the
possibility of suffering a heart attack forever.
Everything depends on your attitude: if you care about
your dreams, writing them down, sending them to me for
translation, and following the guidance you receive in your
dreams from the wise unconscious mind, you will save
your marriage, your health and your peace of mind.
So, I am waiting for your message with more details
about you and your life.
Tell me what your childhood was like, your adolescence
and maturity in a few words, and talk about the problems
you are facing now in your daily life, ok?
The dreamer did not send me an answer. He was probably
expecting a translation that would reveal that he was sick.
However, this dream was talking about the person he loves,
therefore that was the main subject of the dream: his wife
does not care for him enough.

The dream was not showing him that he was sick, even
though this is possible, and could be concluded from the fact

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

that there was something wrong with him. Something wrong

is too vague, though.

It could be the fact that he is not paying attention to his wife

or that he has not noticed that she has a lover, for example.
So, what is wrong with him is not his health, but his vision:
he is not seeing something obvious. His wife does not care
for him because she has a lover.
I do not know if this is the correct translation, because the
dreamer did not send me more details about his life, but it
could be.

He was preconditioned to believe that this dream was

showing him that he had the same health problem as his
brothers and he could not see that this dream was giving him
information about his wife, not about his own health.

Since the dreamer did not send me more details about

himself and his life, we cannot know how to translate it

We know however that his wife does not care for him
enough, whether he really has a health problem or not.
When you examine a dream, you have to try first of all to
translate the known symbols or recognize the focus of the
dream in the person the dreamer loves.
Usually, when the person the dreamer loves appears in his or
her dreams, the main subject of the dream is that person,
and not the other parts of the dream. Or, the primary
meaning of the dream is related to the person the dreamer
loves, even if it is not the most important part of the dream

Let’s look at another case, where the main subject of the

dream is the person the dreamer loves, even though this is
not clear at all.

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This is not a simple dream about the person the dreamer

loves though, so it was not included in the collection of
dreams in Interpreting Dreams About The Person You

The dreamer’s real problem does not come from the person
she loves, but is caused by her own attitude. This is a dream
about her mental health, a serious warning that tries to help
her avoid future suffering.
Now, let’s take a look at her case:

Dream: Last night I had a dream that my husband was waiting for me in
the car. I told him I had to use the rest room. I felt cramps like I was
going to start my period. Well when I wiped myself, there was something
hanging out and I opened the door and yelled for him and said I am
having a miscarriage. My feelings in the dream were, I did not even know
I was pregnant. well he came in to the bathroom and reached from under
me and pulled out a baby. it was a girl and it was alive. it was actually a
big baby. I remember saying something about it being 10 pounds. well
anyhow I screamed for him to get a towel to cover the baby. then I
remember going in to a room where my other 3 kids were and my mom
and a few other family members and showing them the baby. and we
were all trying to pick out names. In my dream I remember feeling like I
thought I was just fat and did not know I was pregnant.
Biography: I am (30 – 35) years old recently married with 3 kids …... my
husband is not the father of my kids but we have been together for about
(3 -5) years......I have not been taking any birth control for about …years
and do want a baby. I look forward to skipping my period every month in
hopes that I may be pregnant ....but it never happens. I work all day and
so does my husband. All my kids are in school. My oldest is ….(around
10) and youngest is (around 8)
Pregnancy in dreams has a bad meaning, because the
baby you are waiting for represents a child that comes
from an illegal relationship, therefore a baby in dreams
signifies a moral mistake. So, when you are pregnant in
your dreams, that means you are ready to make a moral

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It does not matter if you are really married and if you

really want a baby. The meaning of a baby in your dreams
is always a moral mistake.

Let me analyze your dream in more detail:

Last night I had a dream that my husband was waiting for me in the car. I
told him I had to use the rest room.
Your car in dreams represents your own life. Your
husband is the person you love, so he is not a part of your
personality, unlike all the other people that appear in your
Your husband is waiting for you, so that you will be near
him in his life. Since the car belongs to both of you, it
represents your life together. The bathroom in dreams
symbolizes your sexuality.

So, while the person you love is waiting for you so that
you can be close him in life, you are worrying about your

We will see what everything together is showing you at

the end.
I felt cramps like I was going to start my period. Well when I wiped
myself, there was something hanging out and I opened the door and
yelled for him and said I am having a miscarriage. My feelings in the
dream were, I did not even know I was pregnant.

This part shows you that you do not even understand that
you are making a moral mistake, which is related to your
sexuality since you are in the bathroom.

well he came in to the bathroom and reached from under me and pulled
out a baby. It was a girl and it was alive. It was actually a big baby. I
remember saying something about it being 10 pounds.

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A girl means futility. So, a baby girl means a moral

mistake due to futility. It was a big baby because it
represents a big moral mistake.

well anyhow I screamed for him to get a towel to cover the baby.

This means that you ask the person you love to protect
your moral mistake.
then I remember going in to a room where my other 3 kids were and my
mom and a few other family members and showing them the baby. And
we were all trying to pick out names. In my dream I remember feeling
like I thought I was just fat and did not know I was pregnant.
Your 3 kids represent the moral image you show to the

Your mother represents the worst part of your

personality: the wild and evil side of your conscience.
The other members of your family represent parts of your
own personality that have the same characteristic as the
people that appear in the dream. Let’s say that these
members are too naïve for example, so they represent
your own tendency to be naïve. Depending on their
characteristics, they represent one part or another of your

You were trying to pick out names as if there was nothing

wrong with the existence of the baby, while, in fact, it
represents a big moral mistake. This means that these
parts of your personality and that part of you that
represents the center of your human side, are treating a
moral mistake as if it were not bad at all.

You were feeling fat: you were wrong in many ways. You
did not know you were pregnant: you did not have any
idea that you were making a serious moral mistake.

I told you that I needed information about you and your

life in order to translate your dream because this

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information was necessary since you had not written

anything about your biography.

I could have translated this dream when you first sent it

to me, but when I read it I saw that you needed advice,
so I could not tell you that you were making a big moral
mistake, without also helping you figure out how to
prevent it.
Since the unconscious mind showed you in your dream
that you do not care for your husband, but for your
sexuality, and you do not even understand that you are
making a big moral mistake, and you told me that you
already have 3 children, but you want to have another
one with your new husband, who has been with you a
long time, I understand now that the mistake you are
making is wishing for another child at this moment.

Why do you want to have another child, if you work all

day and if you already have three children? Does your
husband want another child? Does he care that you do not
have a child together?

From your dream I understand that your husband wants

you, not another child. He only wants to be with you.
If you have another child now, you will have to be with
the child more than with him.
The interesting point is that this has to do with your
sexuality. So, it seems that you want to have another
baby so that you will have an excuse to avoid sexual
relations with your husband.
The serious moral mistake you are making is that you are
not thinking about your husband, who wants you and had
to wait a long time for you, until your children grow up…
Now you want to make him wait again…

Think hard about why you want to have another baby,

whether it is really going to be good for your family, for

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your husband, for the child, and only after you have
considered everyone else, think whether it is really going
to be good for you too.

Another child will change your life dramatically. Why do

you insist on trying to have one?

Send me your answer and tell me more details about your

life, so that I may help you more, ok?
As you can see, this dream was explaining to the dreamer the
way that the person she loves is feeling. This is the dream’s
main subject, even though this is not something you can
easily understand at the beginning.

However, you know now that when the person the dreamer
loves appears in their dreams, they become the main subject
of the dream. Whenever you see the person you love appear
in your dreams, interpret your dream with them as the main
focus of the dream.
The real main subject of this dream is the dreamer’s attitude,
which is wrong, and goes against the person she loves: her
She never sent me a reply after receiving my answer. Perhaps
she didn’t like it…

However, your dreams always show you the truth: if you are
wrong and you are making serious mistakes, the wise
unconscious mind has to show you that you are wrong and
convince you to change your mind. This way you are being
protected from suffering, craziness and despair.
You may desire things that are not good at all for you or for
other people in your life, but you do not know how naïve you
are or how bad the consequences of this mistake could be in
the future.

The unconscious mind protects you and shows you the truth.
You may dislike it, but the truth will save you, while your

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

imagination will easily transform you into the slave of the

demoniac anti-conscience and you will lose your mental
health and happiness forever.

The unconscious mind makes you pay attention to the reality

of where you really are, which you are completely denying
when making your plans.

Now, let’s examine the same dream a little more closely, and
analyze the dream language and the dream messages:

Last night I had a dream that my husband was waiting for me in the car. I
told him I had to use the rest room. I felt cramps like I was going to start
my period. Well when I wiped myself, there was something hanging out
and I opened the door and yelled for him and said I am having a
miscarriage. My feelings in the dream were, I did not even know I was
pregnant. Well he came into the bathroom and reached from under me
and pulled out a baby. It was a girl and it was alive. It was actually a big
baby. I remember saying something about it being 10 pounds. Well
anyhow I screamed for him to get a towel to cover the baby. Then I
remember going into a room where my other 3 kids were and my mom
and a few other family members and showing them the baby. And we
were all trying to pick out names. In my dream I remember feeling like I
thought I was just fat and did not know I was pregnant.

What are the main dream symbols?

my husband = The person the dreamer loves

the car = The dreamer’s life/ her husband’s life

the rest room = The dreamer’s sexuality

I was pregnant = The dreamer is making a moral mistake


(her husband) pulled out a baby = The moral mistake itself

it was a girl = A moral mistake characterized by futility

my other 3 kids = The dreamer’s moral image

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

my mom = The dreamer’s anti-conscience

a few other family members = Other parts of her personality

feeling like I thought I was just fat = The dreamer feels wrong
in many ways

If we put everything together we have the following

The person the dreamer loves. The dreamer’s life/ her
husband’s life. The dreamer’s sexuality. The dreamer is
making a moral mistake. The moral mistake itself. A moral
mistake characterized by futility. The dreamer’s moral image.
The dreamer’s anti-conscience. Other parts of her personality.
The dreamer feels wrong in many ways. (You have to
exchange the word “fat” with the word “wrong”, the same
way you exchange the word “mother” with the word “anti-
conscience” in your translations.)
What can you see when you translate the main dream

You can clearly see that this dream is showing the dreamer
that she is making a moral mistake related to the person she
loves and her sexuality. A moral mistake characterized by
futility, which means that the dreamer has no notion of how
wrong she is. And, at the end of the dream you see that she
is influenced by her anti-conscience and other parts of her

The details of the translation are given by the dreamer’s

biography. The details of the dream are determined by her
life and the problems she has to face, so using the dreamer’s
life and problems, you are able to translate the details of the
dream, but the main subject of the dream was already
identified when you translated the main dream symbols.

You already understand what this dream is talking about.

When the dreamer sent me her dream for the first time, she
did not send me anything about her biography. Fortunately

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

she sent me another message with information about herself

and her life when I asked for it, and I was able to translate
this dream properly for her.

This dream contained a very important warning!

Your dreams contain precious messages that you must learn!

And you must also follow the wise guidance you receive
instead of making the mistakes you were about to make when
you received the warning.

Warnings always protect you from suffering.

Now, let’s examine another example of a short, revealing


Dream: In my dream I was at my X mother in laws home, (who has

always been manipulative & I had a bad relationship with no matter how
hard I tried to get along with her), where my X-niece and nephews were,
and I just find out while there that my X-sister in law (whom I always had
& still have a great relationship with) had just passed away. All I can
clearly remember from that dream is that I kept crying, and crying hard
and it hurt to know she was gone. Until I woke of course and that pain
was gone this morning but I feel the need to call her now and make sure
she's ok.
Biography: Recently my father has been diagnosed … I am basically the
one that does everything for him & my mother. My X husband recently
offered doing a nice … for my fathers … Last night, (the evening right
before my dream), I had spoken to my X-husband who I truly can’t stand
but deal with because we have a son together. ….. But, the whole idea of
creating that nice environment in my parents… for their enjoyment had
been on my mind since… So the night before my dream I was explaining
to my X-husband that my parents did not want … although I didn’t tell
him the entire truth which is that they would love it, but they just don’t
want to see or deal with him.

Anyhow, I had this dream right after this whole scenerio took place and
was wondering if anything had to do with it.

I hope your father feels better. He represents the human

side of your conscience, so the fact that he is sick in

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reality has the same meaning as if you had had a dream

about his disease.

This means that the human side of your conscience is

being affected by neurosis. You need treatment. You can
get it, in the best and safest way, by interpreting your
own dreams using the scientific method.

Your dream also reveals that your mental health is in

danger. Let’s examine it:

Dream: In my dream I was at my X mother in laws home, (who has

always been manipulative & I had a bad relationship with no matter how
hard I tried to get along with her), where my X-niece and nephews

Other people in dreams are parts of your own personality

that look like them, with the exception of the person you
love. Since this was the mother of your ex-husband, he is
taking the place of the person you used to love. A mother
in dreams represents the dangerous wild side that tries to
destroy the human side of the human conscience through

Since she was his mother, she represents your ex-

husband’s worst, wild side. Since you are at his mother’s
house, this means that you were behaving like your
husband’s wild side. You have the same characteristics as
his personality, even though you cannot recognize them.
Your niece and nephews represent parts of your
personality too.
and I just find out while there that my X-sister in law (whom I always had
& still have a great relationship with) had just passed away. All I can
clearly remember from that dream is that I kept crying, and crying hard
and it hurt to know she was gone. Until I woke of course and that pain
was gone this morning but I feel the need to call her now and make sure
she's ok.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Your sister in law represents a part of your personality

that has the same characteristics as her personality. Since
this part died, this means that you do not need her
example anymore: you are already exhibiting the same
behavior she did.

You have to describe her, so that I can understand which

part of your personality she represents. Even though you
were friends, perhaps she is a person that always takes
revenge or something like that. She does not seem to
have a positive meaning, given the kind of the dream you

I understand how you feel about your ex-husband and

why you do not want to see him around, but from your
dream it seems that your behavior is misguided.

Since you have a son together, you have to be “friends”

nominally at least. If you do not want him, he will never
be your husband again. However, he will always be your
son’s father and for a boy, his father’s presence is

You have to bear his presence and be polite. With time

your relationship will be normal, friendly but somehow
distant, but you do not need to be enemies.

Do not be his enemy, no matter what he did to you.

Human beings make many mistakes… You are free now,
do not keep thinking about your traumas and sad

Do not get close to him, but be gentle with him and

accept his presence, because your son needs him and it
will really be good for your parents if he can help them.

If you did not know that you should translate dream symbols
in order to understand the meaning of a dream, you might
suppose that the death of the dreamer’s sister-in-law meant
that their friendship would die.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

However, she represents a part of the personality of the

dreamer, a part who is also related to the person the dreamer
loves (even though she does not love her ex-husband, he
represents the person she loves).

When someone dies in your dreams, this means that you do

not need their example anymore. You do not need their
example, because you are behaving like them: you are
therefore either repeating their mistakes or being as correct
as they are.

The dreamer of our example had the wrong attitude, which

was characterized by the presence of her ex-husband’s
Since you see from the beginning that the dreamer has a bad
attitude (influenced by her husband’s anti-conscience) you
can conclude that the dead person must represent a mistake
that the dreamer is repeating.
On the other hand, you can also conclude that the dreamer’s
sister-in-law will not be part of her life anymore because this
dream also suggests this based on the dreamer’s biography.
If her attitude with her ex-husband is totally negative, her
friendship with his sister will come to an end. Therefore it will
be as if his sister died for her.

However, the primary translation is that the dreamer is

repeating her sister-in-law’s mistakes, and that is why she
saw her dying in the dream.

A short dream like this can teach you so much that you really
should learn how to translate its meaning!
Here is another example of some very interesting short
dreams, which are also repetitive (recurring) dreams:

Dream: For a long time I’m seeing a dream about snakes.

In it I am wandering with someone (some times my dad, sis, friend) and

suddenly that person shows me a place where snakes are hidden. Then

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they start playing with those snakes, and I try to stop them doing so. In
one dream my dad was trying to bring the snake out, (which was hiding
under a rock) and the very second I pull him back when the snakes tries
to bite him.

In my all dreams my companions continue to play with the snakes and

after some time I stop fearing the snake and we just walk away.

This snake is also typical, it is a very long cobra type but it’s color is
ocean blue + milky green.
In another dream I was saving my family from a place which was full of
snakes and I make them sit in a boat while I was swimming beside it, as
the boat was too small to take weight of all of us. And snakes were
swimming around me as well. But I was not worrying about them, as I
know most snakes don't bite in water.

It will be very nice of you, if you could interpret my dream, as I started

seeing it quite often nowadays.

(I normally don't dream, rather I never remember them in the morning but
these dreams are exceptional)

Thanking you.

Biography: hi there, I am… age 25 - 35, male. Studied … good social

position), now working as … likes to draw … some times writes poems
and rhymes, deep thinker (that’s what I think), believe in liberty, likes to
share time with friends but some time of the day with myself is must.
Like to trek in deep forest and explore my root through, like the feeling
when totally exhausted doing so. Like to dance, solve problems of
friends, very trust worthy (friends comments), likes to learn new things
daily irrespective to its current use, like to travel, explore every inch of
this world and more than that like to know things rather than just getting
knowledge (through books). For me God is nature which is unpredictable,
so don't believe in God rather believe in people’s good qualities.

Love my family a lot, but feel bad about the differences in their ways of

I am very practical in thinking, but can't say no to anyone at once… Met

a girl recently … had a lot of conversation over phone and met … she got
involved in me but I didn't feel she is the one, so I decline the proposal.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Felt bad thinking guilt, as I think there can't be fire without spark. But
never seen her in my dreams.

The snake is a very important dream symbol!

Here is an article that will explain its real meaning in


Let me now examine your dreams:

For a long time I’m seeing a dream about snakes.

In it I am wandering with someone (some times my dad, sis, friend) and
suddenly that person shows me a place where snakes are hidden.

So, if you read the article you know that the snake is a
painful experience that will save you.
Your parents represent the worst parts of your
personality. Your mother represents your wild conscience
and your father represents your under-developed human
conscience. Every other person that appears in your
dreams is a part of your personality that has the
characteristics of the person that appears in the dream.

For example, if you saw a friend who is a liar in your

dream, he represents your own tendency to lie. So,
depending on who the friends were and the other people
you saw in the dream, they might mean one thing or the
Since you mention your father, this means that your
under-developed human conscience and other parts of
your personality (the other people that were with you) are
following you when you have the painful experience
represented by the snake.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

then they start playing with those snakes, and I try to stop them doing so.
In one dream my dad was trying to bring the snake out, (which was
hiding under a rock) and the very second I pull him back when the snakes
tries to bite him.

In my all dreams my companion continue to play with the snakes and

after some time I stop fearing the snake and we just walk away.

This part of the dream shows you that the worst parts of
your personality are making you have a totally bad
attitude towards the painful situation or problem that will
save you (snake), by transforming your psyche. This is a
very serious transformation! The fact that the others play
with the snake means that these parts of your personality
are not taking life seriously and influencing your behavior

This snake is also typical, it is a very long cobra type but it’s color is
ocean blue + milky green.
The blue color means understanding and the green color
means life. So, the painful experience represented by the
snake will bring you a superior understanding and a new
In another dream I was saving my family from a place which was full of
snakes and I make them sit in a boat while I was swimming beside it, as
the boat was too small to take weight of all of us. And snakes were
swimming around me as well. But I was not worrying about them, as I
know most snakes don't bite in water.

The boat indicates a dangerous trip on the ocean, where

craziness is hidden. If you were on a ship, you would be
well protected for this adventure, but you are not on a
ship. You are not even in the boat, but swimming behind
it, while the other people (parts of your personality) were
somehow protected inside the boat. You are not protected
at all and there are many snakes, which means that you
will have to pass through a series of painful experiences
that will transform your psyche.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

You have to take life very seriously and consider

everything very important!

Keep sending me your dreams and tell me more details

about your life, so that I can help you find your way by
translating your dreams.

I do not know if these dreams are related to your

relationship with this girl who was not the right one for
you. However, I can tell you that you were correct for not
agreeing to a relationship with her since you did not really
love her.

I hope to receive more dreams and keep talking with you!


Thanks Christina, thank you very much...

What more should I say, I really didn't expect I’ll get reply, actually such
nice one. As I know you must be getting lots of mails daily. And replying
each one of them is highly difficult. Thank you once again.
I think you are right, and believe me after telling you about my dream and
life, and with your reply, I really felt very relief as I normally don't like to
discuss my problems with anyone. After understanding the meanings of
my dreams, may be this will help me get out of this situation. Will
definitely write you about my dreams, and see if there is any change.

I really appreciate your noble work, as you really can help many more
people like me to help them find the next step in their life and problems
The dreamer did not send me more dreams, however his
short repetitive dreams about snakes were showing him that
he was in great danger while he did not suspect anything was
wrong. He had to pass through many painful experiences,
which would ultimately help him evolve but he needed to be

Dreams with snakes are very common, due to their


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The translation of his short dreams is very simple once you

know the meaning of the basic dream symbols so I am sure
that you are already able to understand how to translate your
own dreams by yourself.

Here is another example:

Dream : The place were I was looked like a house but I knew it was not a
house but it was not a hotel either.
I was standing in front of a mirror in a hall way when I started to hear a
zzzz sound. I looked every were around me did not see any thing but
when looking down I saw a small black long thing coming out between
the floor and the wall moving.
I got closer to see what it was and it was a black snake making the sound
sticking out a long red tongue . I call my husband to come and kill the
snake then I called my 8 - 10 year old kid to call his dad cause he did not
show up he was in the bathroom. In the meantime I was keeping an eye to
it. I see it going around the wall, all of the sudden a big rattle snake
comes out I see the big head and long body I did not see the black snake
any more I think it was eaten, or it was transformed to the big snake. In
my dream I did not see my husband or son but I knew they were there.
The snake comes out and lies next to a center table. I'm running telling
my son not to get closer. The snake does not even move I look outside the
window screaming for help men were sitting next to the window none of
them wanted to kill it because they did not have guns.

Then I looked far away and I see people crossing the street and I also see
a snake doing the same thing crossing the street next to the people and in
seconds I see that the snake has 2 legs of it’s own like the tail is cut in

The thing is pooping and peeing then I look to see my son and tell him
see that is how they go to the bathroom. After that my brother comes he is
standing outside my door and I also tell him about the snake in the living
room he does not even tries to come in to kill it I woke up and tried to go
back to sleep to see if I could go back to the same dream but it was
impossible. I wanted to kill it but I did not have the guts to do it those
thing terrify me.

Biography: I’m not too happy of how my life has turn in to. I have a
wonderful son. My realtionship with my husband is not good but not bad

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at the same time. It used to be worst. For the last (around 8 - 10) years I
been looking for a separation but the time has passed and it has never
happened. My work is all right I can't complain Im getting tired of it but
it pays the bills… I do want a way out of this relationship. I have been
looking for it for such along time but at the same time I stopped trying …
I'm a person that I hardly dream It has been more that 2 years since I last
dream of a snake.

Everybody sees around 5 dreams per night, but they

cannot remember them. You have to think about your
dreams when you go to bed and when you awake up, in
order to remember them.

Now, let’s take a look at your dream:

The place were I was looked like a house but I knew it was not a house
but it was not a hotel either.

I was standing in front of a mirror in a hallway when I started to hear a

zzzz sound. I looked everywhere around me did not see any thing but
when looking down I saw a small black long thing coming out between
the floor and the wall moving. I got closer to see what it was and it was a
black snake making the sound sticking out a long red tongue.

The house where you were was your own psyche. The
mirror was showing you the truth about yourself. The
snake represents something that will make you suffer but
that will cure you in the end. Since it is black, it is
considered bad by you, but it is not as bad as you
imagine, because the suffering you have to pass through
is going to cure you.

I call my husband to come and kill the snake than I called my 8 - 10 year
old kid to call his dad cause he did not show up he was in the bathroom.
Your husband represents the person you love and he is in
the bathroom because the bathroom is related to a
person’s sexuality. Since your husband is in the bathroom,
it means that he is looking after his own sexual desires,
instead of helping you deal with your suffering.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Your son represents your moral appearance to the world,

your image. So you ask your moral image to call the
person you love, but the person you love (your husband)
cares more about his own sexual desires, since he stays in
the bathroom. This means that you are morally correct,
but your husband probably is not loyal to you.

In the meantime I was keeping an eye to it. I see it going around the wall,
all of the sudden a big rattle snake comes out I see the big head and long
body. I did not see the black snake any more I thing it was eaten, or it was
transformed to the big snake. In my dream I did not see my husband or
son but I knew they were there. The snake comes out and lies next to a
center table. I'm running telling my son not to get closer.
The black snake that disappeared and became a big snake
means the suffering, that you consider bad but will cure
you, turned into another kind of suffering. Since the snake
is bigger, you will suffer still more after you pass through
the first bout of suffering.
This suffering, that you consider bad, is probably your
desire to get a divorce. It is bad to get a divorce, but if
your marriage has no meaning you are not happy, and if
your husband is not loyal to you (probably because you
are not really in love with him), you better define your
position and do something about that. You cannot
continue living this way. Later on things will be harder
than now.
The snake does not even move. I look outside the window screaming for
help. Men were sitting next to the window. None of them wanted to kill it
because they did not have guns. Then I looked far away and I see people
crossing the street and I also see a snake doing the same thing crossing
the street next to the people and in seconds I see that the snake has 2 legs
of it’s own like the tail is cut in two. The thing is pooping and peeing
then. I look to see my son and tell him see that is how they go to the
bathroom. After that my brother comes, he is standing outside my door
and I also tell him about the snake in the living room he does not even
tries to come in to kill it. I woke up and tried to go back to sleep to see if I
could go back to the same dream but it was impossible. I wanted to kill it
but I did not have the guts to do it. Those things terrify me.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Nobody helps you with the snake – that means this is a

problem that you have to face alone. The people crossing
the street were parts of your personality that were
accepting the challenge to change their/your life and go to
the other side of the street instead of staying where the
problem is. The snake follows them because there is
suffering in this courageous attitude. It is cut in two parts
because it has many consequences.
This dream is showing you that you must do something
about your life, instead of simply accepting things
however they come.

Read this article in order to understand the meaning of

snakes in dreams better:

If you wish you may send me more details about you and
your life, to receive more help from me.

Again you see how easy it is to translate dreams when you

know the meaning of basic dream symbols and when you
know how clear dreams about the person you love are.
Most dreams I received during the summer offer of 2008
were about love matters, or were related to the person that
the dreamer loved in some way because love is one of the
most important factors of human life, and betrayal in love is
the main reason why the wild anti-conscience manages to
destroy a person’s human conscience through craziness.
Here is another example where the snake appears:

Dream: I had a dream where I was with a bunch of strangers (one dark
haired man, I don't remember the other person features). We were
walking down a dark square tunnel full of trees and other wildlife. At a
junction, we realized that a large (one feet wide, at least twenty long)
snake was following us.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

We found a window screen full of dust (not sure where) and put it on top
of the dark haired man after he sat down in the middle of the space.
Everyone else hid. The snake came up and could only see the man’s legs.
It struck him on the right cheek and left a one inch mark. It killed him.
The snake left. We took the screen off and tried to save him, but it was
too late. We started walking again...

Biography : I am 30 – 35 years old. I'm shy, and don't have a lot of close
friends. I love the outdoors, especially when there are plenty of trees. I
don't get into a lot of trouble at home or …
I'm not sure exactly what you want me to tell you, so I hope this is
enough information.
The strangers were parts of your own personality that you
are not aware of.

Let’s examine your dream:

I had a dream where I was with a bunch of strangers (one dark haired
man, I don't remember the other person’s features). We were walking
down a dark square tunnel full of trees and other wildlife.

The tunnel full of trees means that you were discovering

hidden places of your psyche which are alive but you do
not know about them, with various parts of your
personality that you also are unaware of.

At a junction, we realized that a large (one feet wide, at least twenty long)
snake was following us. We found a window screen full of dust (not sure
where) and put it on top of the dark haired man after he sat down in the
middle of the space. Everyone else hid. The snake came up and could
only see the man’s legs. It struck him on the right cheek and left a one
inch mark. It killed him. The snake left. We took the screen off and tried
to save him, but it was too late. We started walking again...

The dark man is a bad part of your personality that you do

not know about. It belongs to the wild side of your
conscience, which is violent and evil. Everyone inherits
this absurd content in their psyche.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

The snake represents a bad event that will, however, cure

you and transform your psyche. So, even though you
suffer through the bad event represented by the snake, it
will prevent you from continuing to make the same

Since you (the “you” in the dream represents the center

of the human side of your conscience) and the other parts
of your personality (the other people with you) hide
yourselves from the snake, this means that you and these
parts of your personality do not accept the snake’s
medicine, which makes you suffer but shows you the truth
that will save you from craziness and despair.
The snake symbolizes of Divine Providence. Read this
article and you will understand it better:
The window full of dust was false protection against the
snake. The fact that it was dusty means that it was an
old, false protection. In other words, you have been
avoiding facing the truth by hiding behind false protection
for a long time now.
The snake could only see the dark man’s legs because he
is the one who is considered responsible for everything,
since he was exposed. In other words, you blame only
your worst side of yourself for your mistakes, not the
other parts of your personality, but they are also wrong
even though they belong to the human side of your
conscience; your human conscience is under-developed
and selfish.

The snake kills him, because the truth eliminates what is

evil. The other parts of your personality cannot save him,
because he is an evil part that had to die.

However, dead people in your dreams symbolize the fact

that you do not need their example anymore, so the real

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meaning of this part of the dream is that you do not need

the bad example of this bad part of your personality
anymore because you are already as bad as this part.

The snake kills the evil part of your personality, because

this part is ruining your entire life.

This dream was explaining that you cannot keep trying to

avoid facing the truth and that you cannot keep using the
same old excuses, but you will have to face the truth,
whether you want to or not, because you have to be cured
and get rid of the evil part of your personality.

It seems that you keep avoiding having to face the

biggest challenges of life, but you cannot go on like that -
you must face them.

Keep sending me your dreams for translation and tell me

more about you and your life. We will understand this
dream better after we analyze the following ones, because
the unconscious mind that produces dreams shows us
things gradually, so we have to follow its lessons and
interpret many dreams if we want to have a real picture of
what is happening to the dreamer.
By translating this dream you can see that you have to follow
dream logic. Once you understand it, you start looking at all
dreams without feeling lost.
You know that a dream basically reveals the dreamer’s
mistakes and you understand the meaning of the snake and
other symbols that appear in the dream, so by following the
dream’s logic, which is based on sanctity and wisdom, you
can now translate this dream easily, even though in the
beginning it seemed complicated.

Here is another short dream that reveals many important

truths to the dreamer:

Dream: In my dream I was outside in a front yard waiting for someone.

The area was unfamiliar but comfortable and it was night time. I was

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waiting for a women that was giving me a horse. I don't know who this
woman was but she was very interesting. She had a herd of horses but
that appeared wild but they belonged to her. It was like she had a spiritual
relationship with the horses and they seemed to obey and respect her. The
horses were painted horses that were white and brown spotted. There was
one horse in the herd that was her personal horse and she ended giving
me the baby of that horse. The baby horse that she gave me was white
with a tan area around its waist. This dream was very intense for me and I
am very interested in finding out what it means or what it's trying to tell
Biography: I grew up with a very hectic childhood. Being in and out of
court because my mother hates my dad … Currently I have just recently
had my first daughter who is (a few months old) now and I am pregnant
with my second child now. I am also dealing with my mother attacking
my father once again …Using … I'm under a lot of stress at this time with
all that’s going on and really wanted to know if this dream was related to
any of things going on. I don't know if this was what you were looking
for as a biography but if you need more information just let me know.

I am sorry for the problems you have had with your

mother’s attitude. This problem has marked your life
negatively and you have to remember it so that you will
never be like her.

Whatever happens with us in our lives is a lesson. If you

have such parents, it is because you have the tendency to
behave exactly like them.

Now that you are a mother, you have to pay attention so

that you can be completely different with your children.

Let me examine your dream now:

In my dream I was outside in a front yard waiting for someone. The area
was unfamiliar but comfortable and it was night time. I was waiting for a
woman that was giving me a horse. I don't know who this woman was but
she was very interesting. She had a herd of horses but that appeared wild
but they belonged to her. It was like she had a spiritual relationship with
the horses and they seemed to obey and respect her. The horses were
painted horses that were white and brown spotted. There was one horse in
the herd that was her personal horse and she ended giving me the baby of

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

that horse. The baby horse that she gave me was white with a tan area
around its waist. This dream was very intense for me and I am very
interested in finding out what it means or what it's trying to tell me.

This woman was a part of your personality who has

courage. This is what the horses mean: courage. So,
when you see a horse in your dreams, this means that
you have to show courage in some aspect of your life.
Here is an article that will show you the meaning of a
horse in dreams with an example of a dream and its

The white color represents wisdom and peace and the

brown spots mean support.

The baby horse you received shows you that you are just
beginning to become courageous in life.

You have to tell me more details about your personal life

so that I may understand why you have to show so much
courage now. I do not know if this is related to your
pregnancy or to other facts.

Be patient and calm, and always be courageous in life,

because only with courage will you manage to face all the
obstacles of life and come to live peacefully.

Send me more details and I will help you more, ok?

This dreamer did not send me more dreams, but the
translation of her dream was also obvious if you know the
meaning of dream symbols.

Besides the glossary of symbols and their meanings in

Craziness Prevention, in this eBook I will give you the
meaning of more symbols as I translate the dreams. Many
meanings are uncovered as we translate a dream because the

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

meaning emerges from the main dream symbols in

conjunction with the dreamer’s biography.

If you understand dream logic and dream language, you can

easily discover the meaning of everything that appears in
each dream.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Simple Short Dreams

Many people sent me simple short dreams, and nothing else.

I will use these dreams as a lesson for you, rather than
psychotherapy for the patient. These dreamers did not give
me feedback after receiving their dream translation.

Other people sent me short dreams and received long

psychotherapy after the translation.

Here you will see simple short dreams and how much they
reveal to the dreamer, even though they are simple.
Here is the first example:

Dream: hello, my dream was: I saw that I and my friend in my car, I was
trying to drive foreward but it was going back.

Biography: (Educated – is a professional…)

Age: (25 – 35)
Sex: m

You must tell me how you think of the friend that was
with you in the car in your dream, because depending on
the way you judge or describe this friend, he or she will
symbolize one thing or another.

I can tell you, though, that you car represents your life
and that the way you drive your car, is the way you drive
your own life. So, if you are going backwards instead of
going forwards, this means that you live in the past.
I’m waiting for your description about your friend. Please
also give me more details about yourself and your life, so
that I can be of more help to you.

All the information you send me is confidential, I am only

going to publish your dreams and a few details of your
biography in my eBook about dream interpretation, so feel
free to tell me your problems.

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As you can see, the meaning of this dream was obvious: the
dreamer lives in the past, going back to the past, having the
same behavior he had in the past, etc.

His car represents his own life.

Let’s examine the next example:

Dream: 20th night I saw a dream, in dream I am giving a exam of math

but I could solve the question in this exam and I did copy from the
another girl who I know. Kindly explain it to me.

Biography: I am married. I have two daughters and I am working.

An exam means something very important in your life.
Since it was about mathematics, it means that you have
to calculate something well.

You have to tell me who is this girl you copied the answer
from because depending on what she means to you, we
will be able to understand this part of the dream.

Suppose that you do not know her, the dream is showing

you that you have to make calculations related to
important matters of your life and you should not be
relying on other people to do that. The fact that you did
not find the solution on your own, but copied it from
another girl, is negative. You have to find your own
You may send me more dreams and tell me more about
yourself and your life if you want more help from me.
More details about yourself and your life would help me
translate your dream better.

Dreams where you have to take exams are very common:

they reflect important situations of your life, where you will
have to give the right answers and face all the challenges you
encounter wisely.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Now, the next example:

Dream: My son's girlfriend brought a woman to our house for us to meet.

Meanwhile, my dog was digging in the garbage and making a mess. My
husband yelled at him but he didn't stop so when I got up to stop him, he
ran in to the laundry room and cowered down. I grabbed his head as he
was wimpering and hit it against the wall causing the skull above his eye
to cave in. I felt awful. I lifted him and wrapped him up in a towel. Then I
woke up.
Biography: I'm (30-40) years old, mother of two boys, married for
(around 20) years.

Your son represents the moral image you show to the

world. His girlfriend is also related to your moral image,
but indirectly. The woman she brought was trying to show
you something related to your own behavior. She was a
part of your personality.

The dog in dreams represents immorality, because male

dogs have relationships with any kind of female dog. So,
your immorality was digging in the garbage. The garbage
represents what is bad and sick.

Then your immorality (dog) tried to hide itself in the

laundry room, which means that it was pretending that it
was clean (but it is dirty), however you discovered it and
you were violent towards it.

Your husband is the person you love, so the person you

love was trying to eliminate your immorality, without
making very much of an effort in fact, because he only
yelled from a distance.
On the other hand, you tried to eliminate it in a very
violent way.

Something is happening in your life, something is

threatening your loyalty.

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You will have to tell me more details about your life if you
want a better translation, so that I can relate the dream
to your life.

Please send me more details about yourself, your past,

your life and the problems you are facing now, ok?

Here you see clearly that this dream is talking about the
dreamer’s tendency not to be loyal to her husband.
Her husband is not really helping her in this direction, while
she is trying to put an end to her immorality in a violent and
improper way.
Our next example contains a series of short dreams:

Dream: I dreamt I was in a war of terriorists with people being killed all
around me.

Dream2: My boss was extremely angry at me and yelling.

Biography: I am a (45 - 55) year old man who had a horrible childhood. I
have been going through extreme anxiety provoking events financially
…emotionally (breaking up with my girlfriend/best friend and constant
wars with … ex-wife). I recently attempted suicide with an overdose of
pills and a 3 day hospital stay. This was the third attempt in 2 years.

Please, let me save and cure you! Do not commit suicide!

I am going to translate all your dreams entirely free of

charge and also give you psychotherapy.

Your first dream is a very common one:

I dreamt I was in a war of terriorists with people being killed all around

You were seeing what is happening inside your psyche: a

real war between the anti-conscience (the wild side of
your conscience) and the human side of your conscience.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Please visit my site

and read my articles about mental health and craziness,
depression, dream interpretation and suicide prevention
(and whatever else appeals to you) so that you will
understand what I am talking about, because I will have
to give you a lot of explanation.

Reading my articles will help you understand my

psychotherapy and things will be easier for us.
Now, about the second dream:

My boss was extremely angry at me and yelling.

We have to understand how you characterize your boss in
order to understand his symbolic meaning.

You have to be a good student if you want to be cured. I

can truly help you, but I need your cooperation.
Please, read this article in order to understand how to
interpret other people in your dreams, and then tell me
how you think of your boss, so that I can translate this
dream for you:
I hope you will help me prove to the world that the
scientific method of dream interpretation is a true
salvation for everyone!
As you may have read in my summer offer, I am writing
an eBook with many examples of dreams, biographies and
translations. I decided to do it because many people were
sending me their dreams and asking me what they meant.

My translations are not mere suppositions like dream

interpretations you find elsewhere. My translations are

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

accurate and very serious; so I spend time, I have to be

focused and my answers are very responsible.
I used to translate a lot of dreams for people entirely free
of charge, but I was able to choose when I helped people
close to me. Now, on the Internet there are many people
asking for help …

So I decided to charge for my translations like a

professional translator who translates from one language
to the other, but not for the psychotherapy I provide –
that would have been even more expensive!

Your doctor is the unconscious mind that produces your

dreams. I am only a helper. However, I have to do a lot…

Anyhow, I wrote my offer at my site, but NOBODY that

had a serious problem asked me to translate their dreams
for them and pay me for this translation.

Why? Because they do not trust me. For free, everyone

wants to try. It doesn’t cost anything. However, if they
have to pay me, things are completely different…

So I decided to provide free dream interpretation and

psychotherapy to everyone and write a book with this
material in order to prove to the world that my translation
is really the only correct one and that it definitely helps
people. I am not doing it because I want to make money,
but because I want to save desperate people first of all,
with this miraculous method. If I wanted to make money I
would write something simpler, like novels, and sell them
easily without studying and helping so many desperate
people for so many years…
Everyone can be cured if they interpret their dreams using
the scientific method and if they follow precisely the
guidance they receive from the unconscious mind. I have
tested this method more than 20 years and I cured many
people before daring to present my work to the world.

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I am telling you my problem so that you will feel

completely comfortable about sending me your dreams
and talking with me daily about your life. Feel free to take
advantage of my goodness because I have to prove to the
world that my method is really the only correct one and it
really saves everyone.

So, you are an ideal example for me! Please, start sending
me the story of your childhood. Tell me everything you
can about yourself.

As you can see, I tried to be very encouraging to this

dreamer so that he would continue to send me his dreams
and receive my support.

His two dreams were very common and their translation very
easy to understand if you are familiar with dream symbols,
dream logic and its language.

Hi Christina,
Thank you for reaching out to me at a time I feel lost!

I had a tough day yesterday and last night was filled with lots of tossing
and turning. I woke up soaked with sweat. I don't remember any specific
dream, it seemed like "snapshots" that never developed in to dreams and I
can't remember any of the snapshots.

About my life...
I want start with my immediate situation before I start with my life. On
top of my financial troubles, battles with the ex wife, issues with my 2
boys, need to find a new job by … because current 1 is over, I lost my
girlfriend who was my best friend … I drove her away because I realized
her unconditional awesome love for me was so unhealthy for her...then I
tried to kill myself (before this attempt) and I felt like she was afraid to
try and break free because I might try it again and she loves me so much
she wanted to protect me.

I destroyed our relationship because although I was physically faithful, I

was inappropriate ... I believe she is my sole mate!

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And this brings me to my life (I attached my resume so you can see some
of my accomplishments).

I was raised in a housing project in … My parents got divorced when I

was 2 - 4 years old when we moved in and never knew my father except
for the 2-3 times growing up until he showed up when I was …

My mother was bi polar and constantly depressed.

... Wwww being the person she is looked at this as encouraging and
believing in me and I saw her as willing to stick by me through my
healing process.
On Sunday night we were talking about the events I did not remember
and her experience through my suicide attempt. She was asking questions

(The dreamer related many parts of his life, writing 3 pages

about his past that have been deleted, just like the parts
deleted in his narration. Whenever you see three dots like
these ... it means that I have deleted personal details about
the dreamer because I will not expose him or her, of course.
I am only giving you an idea about their biography so that
you may understand the relationship between their lives and
their dreams.)
So Christina, I am sure I missed a lot but I want to thank you from the
bottom of my heart for offering to help me and listening!!! I continue to
try and meditate, breath and think of the positives but feel extremely
lonely because I don't like myself and I miss my sole mate … so, so
much!!! I should be at work now but I have to get myself together. So I
will meditate ... before I go to work. Thanks again!
Your story is sad, but you are not the only one that has
such a biography … There are too many sad stories in this

What I can tell you is that you should not abandon Wwww
now. She loves you, no matter who you are or what you
did. Love is a feeling; it doesn’t come from rational

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conclusions. She wants you and she needs you too, the
same way you need her.

What is more, you will become a very wise man now and
she will be compensated for her patience with you.

You will become more intelligent by interpreting your

dreams and you will be able to find solutions to all your
problems, even though today you believe that it is
impossible to solve them, because there are still many
things you do not know.

It would be good if you could take care of your boys, but

not completely because you should not have all that
responsibility while you feel so weak. However, be near
them as much as you can.

Your therapist is absolutely right: you are the balance and

sensibility for your kids.
You are such an intelligent man, with so many
accomplishments! You have managed to do so much, in
spite of all the problems you have had to face, having the
family you had.
If you cannot be cured and feel strong, then nobody else
in this world can! You have already proven to the world
that you are a strong man, thanks to your
accomplishments, in spite of many difficulties! You have
no reason for trying to commit suicide.

You just need to organize your life better and develop the
human side of your conscience more completely.
Keep sending me messages with what is happening to you
and also send me your dreams whenever you remember

You will see how everything will be fixed in your life and
soon you will feel strong and happy!

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Thank you for your encouraging words. I am doing better and seeing
things much more clearly. I have learned about my inner self, the
invisible things like love and emotion and the outer things, like material
things. Unfortunately for me, I was identifying myself with my outer
being …

Thank you for your guidance about Wwww … I should have embraced
her feelings rather then run from them because I was feeling bad about
myself ... Wwww being the person she is, messaged me yesterday to ask
if I would still like to come to her … but I am still encouraged that I will
get a chance to speak with her and hopefully be allowed back into her

My dreams last night were a lot of short ones that I can't remember but
the one I remember is walking through the halls of the hospital looking
for Wwww I did manage to sleep more then I have in days!

I had a … interview yesterday that I believe went really well. I felt that I
was focused and on my "game". I have another interview tomorrow ...

Once again, I can't thank you enough for your support!

I’m glad you are feeling better!

Your dream was showing you that you need Wwww (she is
your anima = your perfect match) so that you may
recuperate your health (you were in the hospital, a place
where we try to recuperate our health).

Wwww is the person you love, and she is very important

for you.

You are very important for her too. Think about that: she
did so much for you, because she wants you near her.
She likes you, your style, your charm, your whatever. So,
instead of abandoning her (after all she is not a child –
she is not a teen who can start looking right away for
another man) when she wants you so much, give her the
comfort of having you near her.

She needs you and you need her.

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Now, you better focus on doing what will please her and
compensate for her patience with you. You will be able to
give her back her sacrifice for you, because you will be a
wise man and wisdom is the best treasure a person can
have in life.

We will be in touch, ok? Keep telling me how is your life,

what is happening to you and telling me your dreams. In
a while you will be able to see everything more clearly.
You are always welcome!

Your case is not that serious. There are people with worse
problems, that really cannot be solved because they don’t
cooperate with their psychotherapy.

If you will be a good patient and a good student, your

mental health and happiness are guaranteed!

I had a good day yesterday!

I spent the day with Wwww and her kids ... her kids love me and I them.

Her kids … We sat and talked and Wwww asked me what I asked her to
talk about. I explained to her that I recognize my behaviors were wrong

(The dreamer told me many personal events and thoughts

that I deleted.)
My dream last night was about meeting a guy (no one I know) for
business and then I remember at lot of activity going places and meeting
people. I remember feeling anxious. I believe this has something to do
with my job interview today.

What happened with Wwww is common. She does love

you, but she is a big victim of your personality … You will
show her with your behavior that you have really changed
though, and she will take you back for sure.

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Take your time. Now you have to care more about your
business, since you need money to live and to provide for
your kids. Later, when you have money, you will be able
to do more for them and for Wwww.

Now, about your dream: it is common to see in our

dreams things that worry us during the day. This does not
mean that our activities influenced the dream though, but
that the unconscious mind is using our daily reality to
show us something related to it.

All the people that appear in our dreams at the beginning

of our occupation with them are parts of our own
personality. Since you did not know the man that
appeared in your dream, he is an unknown part of your
personality. The dream shows you how important your
occupation with your job is.

You really need it, to feel that you are able to handle your
problems and pay for all your expenses. You will feel
much better when you find a good job.

Be positive, and you will triumph. You write so well, you

seem to have a great heart! You are polite, educated and
intelligent. You have everything you need to triumph!
Now, you did not tell me how you characterize your boss.
Remember, you told me that you saw a dream in which
your boss was yelling at you. Was he an old boss you
knew? If so, you have to tell me the characteristics of his
personality so that I may translate that dream for you.

If he was your boss in the dream but you have never met
him in real life, he is representing the pressure that comes
from bosses – this is showing you that you have to be
superior, instead of being in an inferior position. It does
not mean that you have to work alone, without a boss,
but that you should have a very good relationship with
him, so that you can both be happy. You need to pay
attention to things in your job because this is a very
important part of your life.

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If you do not have a job, money and a good social

position, you will only feel depressed and frustrated.

Do not be too anxious though, as you were in your dream.

Be calm and confident and you will have very good

Keep sending me messages about your life and your

dreams, ok?
I’m really glad you are feeling better and I’m sure you will
soon find a good job. Tell yourself that you are embarking
on a new life, completely different from the old one.
The unconscious mind will guide you in your dreams and
you will see how all your problems can be solved, one by

The two dreams related in this section were very easy to

In this case, more important was the psychotherapy provided
to the dreamer after the translation of his dreams, which was
quite easy.
His dreams were short and simple, and yet they were able to
guide him and show him basic things he should care about.

I could tell him that his boss was a part of his personality,
since this is what other people in our dreams mean, but the
most important message of the dream was the general
message, and not the analysis of the personality of the
Sometimes, the dream translator has to pay attention to the
general meaning of the image the dream is giving to the
dreamer and help them overcome their problems with the
help of the message given by the general image of the

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If we had time for further analysis, I would have told him that
other people in dreams represent parts of our own
personality, but I had read many pages about his life… and
this analysis would have been longer and not necessary at
this point. If he had continued, he would have this
explanation too, but he stopped sending me messages,
probably because he felt that he had solved his basic
The accurate translation of this dream is that the dreamer’s
boss is a part of his personality; a violent part that has
demanding behavior. He is in the position of someone subject
to a boss’s supervision so that he can learn how to be calm
and respect other people.
I told him that he needed to pay attention to his relationship
with his boss by remaining calm and cautious because this is
the result of the translation and this dream is related to his
main problem at the moment: finding a job.
He needed to pay attention to his attitude, so that his boss’s
attitude would not be violent towards him.

Now, let’s examine the next example:

Dream: I was at my mother's house, and I was going outside to take a
walk. I came around the corner and a bear was a few feet away from me.
It stood up and growled, then I did what I was taught to and I made
myself look big and started yelling at it* and walking back. Then when it
got down and started running towards me, I woke up yelling the same
way as in the dream.

Biography : I was born in 1985 - 95 on the … of … I live with my

grandparents and am going to … to become … I work in a … and I am
sometimes considered wierd. I live in … and I don't have many hobbies.

A mother in dreams represents the wild and violent side of

the human conscience, that tries to destroy the human
side through craziness. Let’s examine your dream:

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I was at my mother's house, and I was going outside to take a walk. I

came around the corner and a bear was a few feet away from me. It stood
up and growled, then I did what I was taught to and I made myself look
big and started yelling at it and walking back. Then when it got down and
started running towards me, I woke up yelling the same way as in the

When you are in someone’s house, you are inside their

psyche because our house represents our psyche.
So, you enter into the psyche of the worst side of your
own psyche, which is your wild anti-conscience. When you
leave her house you find a bear and you behave as you
“were taught to” by your wild side. You pretended to be
strong, but you were not and the bear was ready to attack

The meaning of this dream is that you should not be

aggressive and pretend to be stronger than you are, using
the patterns of violence, which are imposed by your wild

You need to be calm and wise to find balance.

If you wish to receive more help from me, tell me more

about yourself and your life. You may also send me more
dreams for translation!

Again you see how simple the translation is once you know
the meaning of the main dream symbols: the mother and the

The bear is a wild animal quite dangerous and strong, so you

can deduce its meaning based on the animal’s characteristics.

Let’s take look at another example:

Dream: my father who passed away ... drove up in my driveway as he

used to in a new black truck..he had a black F150 but this was like a
ssr...I saw him vividly smiling like he did when he was alive and came to
my home. In the dream I heard screaming from one of my children

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because they saw him drive up and they knew he had died so it freaked
them out.

You have not told me anything about yourself in the

biography. This dream is not giving you information about
your dead father, but about you. He represents a part of
your personality in your dreams: he is your under-
developed human conscience, which is quite absurd. You
have also a wild conscience, which is worse and totally
absurd, and is represented in dreams by the mother.

It is possible to have dreams that give you information

about your dead father, but this dream is not one of them,
since you saw your child screaming because your father
was alive. This dream gives you information about your
own psychological condition, so you need to send me
biographical details.

Tell me a few words about yourself, what is happening

now in your life, what happened the day before you saw
this dream if you remember, etc., so that I may help you,
otherwise my translation will not have any meaning for

I am waiting for your message!

Take care!

PS. Read this article in order to learn the meaning of Dead
People in Your Dreams:

This dreamer did not send me biographical details, but I am

using this example to show you how you can discern when a
dream about a dead person is giving information about the
dead person as opposed to when a dream is giving

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

information about the dreamer. In this example the dead

person represents a part of the dreamer’s personality.

When you see that the dead person causes problems to the
dreamer in the dream, or to other people, this means that the
dead person represents parts of the personality of the

When the dead people that appear in your dreams are not
showing violent behavior or are not causing problems to
anyone, then the dream is giving you information about

Now, here’s another example:

Dream: I sometimes dream that I am in bouts of laughter. And when I
wake up I am still laughing intensely. However, I never remember why I
am laughing; the only part of the dream I remember is laughing. This
always happens if I am going through a tough time emotionally.
I am a (30 -40) year old married woman. I am a christian.

Laughing in dreams is not a good image. It means that

you are not considering that something bad really is bad
and you have a tendency towards craziness.

You do not remember why you laugh because you may be

laughing at your own problems because you see these
dreams when you are having a hard time.

Since they are repetitive dreams, that means you are

repeating the same mistake in life.
You have to be serious and feel sad about things that are

Send me more details about yourself and your life, so that

I may help you better, ok?

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

So, now you know the meaning of laughing in dreams. Since

you mostly see your own mistakes in your dreams, and you
receive warnings, when you are laughing in dreams you do
not have the right attitude.

Let’s look at another example:

Dream: I dreamed that my mother was raped by an intruder in the house

that my dad provided a key to years ago! We were all in the house at the
time that it occured. Can you please tell me what this means! thank you
for your time.

I can tell you what your dream means, but you have not
written anything about your life, so I cannot relate it to
what is happening to you.

Please send me details about yourself and your life if you

want a better translation.

The human conscience is divided into 2 parts: the human

part and the wild part. In the wild part of the human
conscience, the primitive conscience exists as it was when
it was first formed. At that time it had not passed through
a transformation into consciousness. This part of the
human conscience is violent and cruel. It has no feelings;
it is a true demon. This monster is responsible for the
existence of craziness in human beings.

In dreams, the wild part of the human conscience (the

anti-conscience) is represented by our mother, while the
human part of our conscience is represented by our
Even the human part of our conscience is absurd, as well
as having human characteristics, because it is
underdeveloped and works based on the ego.

So, your dream is showing you that the worst part of your
psyche, your anti-conscience, is receiving an attack from
another part of your personality and that is ruining it. This
part of your personality can do this damage to the anti-

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conscience because your conscience is allowing it. Even

though the anti-conscience is bad, it should not be
destroyed, but rather transformed into a positive part of
your psyche.

Now, translating your dream in a way that you can

understand its meaning, it is showing you that you are
making a very serious mistake, based on the defects of
your human conscience. In other words, let’s suppose that
you belong to one of the psychological types based on
feelings. That means you have a tendency to be sensitive
rather than think logically. Therefore you are making a big
mistake that is destroying you, because the wild side of
your psyche belongs to you too. You are making this
mistake because you are not paying attention to the
logical aspect of the reality that you are considering.

If you belong to a psychological type based on sensations,

your mistakes will be related to the intuitions you should
have, but you are not having. Everything depends on your
psychological type. In my eBook Craziness Prevention I
give a definition of the psychological types, as described
by Carl Jung. I have summarized his books on this
You need to tell me more about yourself and your life if
you want to be really helped by this dream warning.

Be careful and don’t be futile and naïve. Everything in life

is very dangerous and can become worse, if you get
involved with the wrong people.

Get a copy of my free eBook “Beating Depression and

Craziness” if you do not already have one, so that you
can learn more about what I have told you.

Feel free to send me more details about your life and the
problems you are facing now, so that I can help you
directly. If you do not want me to publish details of your
biography they will not be published. You will receive a
copy of the part where I talk about your dream in my new

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

eBook, and only after I receive your permission will I

publish it.

I will also give you free advice if you tell me more about
yourself and your life.

Whatever you do, always be loyal to your moral

principals. Never put your happiness before everyone
else’s happiness and never do anything against anyone,
for any reason.

I would not translate this dream because the dreamer did not
send me details about his or her biography, but I understood
that he or she was too worried and needed help – not only
that, but the translation was possible, even without
biographical details.

Knowing the meaning of the basic symbols, anyone could

easily translate this dream.
As you can see, a very short dream often requires a long
translation, due to the explanations and the necessary
psychotherapy that has to be provided to the dreamer,
because there is no point in translating a dream if the
dreamer does not understand how this knowledge can help
him or her.

Here is another example of a very interesting short dream:

Dream: I dreamed that I'm near the ocean and suddenly the ocean got dry
and runs out of water and many big worms start to come out …

The ocean represents craziness. However, you did not

send me anything about yourself. If you do not write
anything about your biography I am not able to
understand the real meaning of your dream.

Please, send me more details about yourself and your life,


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Dream Interpretation As a Science

This is a very interesting and important dream. I’m

curious, and waiting for more details!

In the meantime, read this article to understand what the

ocean (sea) really means:

Dream Symbols – The Sea and Craziness

Take care and do not wait to send me a few details about

your biography because I very much want to be able to
translate this dream properly for you!

Fortunately the dreamer sent me details about his life, and

gave me more details about his dream:

I dreamed that I'm near the ocean and suddenly the ocean got dry and
runs out of water and many big worms start to come out and a little boy
near wearing short pants was swimming happily in a space still with

Biography: I'm 25 - 35 years old married and a father of three daughters.

My wife gave birth to our third child last month … and my father passed
away the same month.

Now that you have sent me a few details about yourself, I

can translate your dream, even though there is still a lot I
do not know about you.

You are near the ocean: you are near craziness

the ocean got dry and runs out of water and many big worms start to
come out

Since the ocean represents craziness and it dries out

completely, it means that your craziness was eliminated
by the facts that recently happened in your life.

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However, the big worms mean that you keep going back
to the crazy content and scrutinizing it over and over. The
little boy who was swimming in the part where there was
still water is an immature part of your personality that is
still the same, even though you have become more
mature and serious in general, due to the recent events in
your life.

If you could send me more details about yourself and your

life, I could help you more.

Keep caring about the meaning of your dreams and

writing them down, so that your own dreams may guide
you on the right path and show you things that you do not
yet understand.

How was I able to understand the meaning of the worms?

Think about what worms do. They dig in earth, so I
concluded that the dreamer was digging the past (looking for
the roots of craziness, since he was in the dry ocean).
Digging represents going back to the past in dreams.

This is what you have to do when you do not know how to

translate a certain part, animal or object in a dream.
Think about what they do, what characteristics they have,
and you will understand why the unconscious mind uses them
to show you something in your dreams or in other people’s
A worm digs in the earth. Digging reminds you that you are
looking for the roots of something, so you are researching the
This is how you have to think when you try to uncover the
meaning of something that appears in a dream: try to
discover the logical connections that justify the selection of
this object or animal to give a certain message to the

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

Why did the unconscious mind decide to use a worm in this

dreamer’s dream? What did the wise unconscious mind want
to show this unaware dreamer, in order to help him keep his
mental health?

The worm is a symbol: it represents something related to the


You know that the ocean represents craziness. Now, think

about what a worm could mean, using the technique I just
gave you, and you will discover its significance.

Let’s take a look at another example now, with a few short

dreams by one dreamer, which are also repetitive dreams:
Dream: I have a few dreams which have been repetitive for the past
number of years.

Since giving up smoking 8yrs I often dream that I have started smoking
again and I am really disappointed in my dream that I have smoked.
I also dream that I find coins on the ground and then some more a few
feet away and so on and so on.

For years I have dreamt that I still have my final exams to do from school
but I have not studied and am not ready for them.
I also dream that I am back in drama which I did at teenage level and
Biography: I am 25 - 35, married with two children. My mother died
when I was (less than 10 years old) and I had … I now suffer extreme
anxiety and panic attacks which I am on medicine for. My anxiety first
started when a friend of mine from work died from cancer at 25 - 35. My
husband shortly developed a heart condition and I had just … weeks
previously given birth to my second child.

You seem to be very afraid of death and this is why you

became so anxious after your friend died of cancer at such
a young age. Your husband’s disease was also another
factor that made you feel weak in the face of unexpected

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Do not worry, because if you study the meaning of your

dreams and translate them using the scientific method,
you will have information about everything that is
important for you, and you will avoid diseases and
accidents. You can also be cured from physical diseases
just by translating your dreams and following the
guidance of the wise unconscious mind.

Now that you have another child you have to be strong

and have only positive thoughts in your mind.

Your dreams will help you overcome your depression and

the panic attacks, but you have to be a really good
student, writing down your dreams every day and
following the guidance you receive.

Now, let’s examine your dreams:

Dream: I have a few dreams which have been repetitive for the past
number of years.
Repetitive dreams are trying to make you pay attention to
a mistake you are repeating in life.

Read this article in order to understand what they really

Since giving up smoking 8yrs I often dream that I have started smoking
again and I am really disappointed in my dream that I have smoked.
When you smoke a cigarette, you are in a stressful
situation and you are passing through a period that is sad,
but that will finish some day – when you get to the end of
the cigarette.

You dream that you are smoking again because the

unconscious mind that produces dreams is showing you
that you cannot avoid facing all the sad problems in life.

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You need to tell me more about your personality so that I

can understand exactly why you keep having this dream.
Perhaps you are naïve, immature, inconsequential, etc.,
and you have to learn how to be serious in life, perhaps
you are the opposite, always worried about things for no

Tell me more details about your biography if you want to

have more help from me.
I also dream that I find coins on the ground and then some more a few
feet away and so on and so on.

This part of the dream is positive. The coins – money in

general mean psychological energy. You are going to find
psychological energy bit by bit as you make a long
journey inside your psyche and you will gradually solve all
your psychological problems.

For years I have dreamt that I still have my final exams to do from school
but I have not studied and am not ready for them.

This dream shows you that you have to learn a lot about
yourself, other people and the world where you live, as
well as undergoing psychotherapy if you want to be really
balanced and sensible.

I also dream that I am back in drama which I did at teenage level and
This means that you like to pretend, you like to act.

You may send me more details of your life and receive

more help from me. Keep taking notes of your dreams!
Their messages are really precious.

I am waiting for more details about you if you wish to

continue the psychotherapy through dream interpretation.

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Dream Interpretation As a Science

With the translations of these short dreams you learned about

the meaning of smoking and finding coins. We have already
covered the rest.

You are able to understand the meaning of these two new

symbols by thinking about the meaning that smoking has and
the meaning that money has.

You smoke when you are anxious, waiting for something for
example, or when you want to think about a certain matter
that is worrying you…

Money gives you good feelings; protection, power, many

possibilities … so it gives you energy; you feel much better
when you have it.

Since the dreamer was walking and finding coins, she was
following the wise steps that would give her energy.

Let’s look now at a very interesting short dream which gives

information about the dreamer’s financial problems:

Dream: I dreamt I heard 2 men discussing my finances. They just kept

repeating numbers and I knew they were advising me.They also
mentioned percentages. They seemed to know what they were talking
about and I knew they were helping me. One then said “Your
(merchandise) will fly.”

Biography: I have a small ... business with my partner. We have not been
making a profit and have sunk all our savings into it, we now have no
money left.

The unconscious mind is showing you in your dream that

your business can be very profitable if you pay attention
to several things that you are not paying attention to.

The men discussing your finances were parts of your

personality that understand that you can win and be

Don’t give up! Ask for professional advice!

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The dreamer did not send me more details about their life or
about their business, however I am certain that the business
can be saved.

The unconscious mind always shows you the truth and you
can trust the information you have in dreams.

Sometimes you may have to wait before you see the results
you are waiting for, but they will come if this is what your
dreams have shown you.

Click here to learn more and order the Full Version..


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