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ergonomi industri

hakekat dasar dan aplikasi ergonomi industri

Laboratorium Ergonomi dan Perancangan Sistem Kerja Jurusan Teknik Industri - ITS

ergonomi u/ meningkatkan produktivitas kerja ?

hakekat dasar studi tentang ergonomi

Meneliti tentang kemampuan dan keterbatasan manusia secara fisik maupun non-fisik (psikologik). Berkaitan dengan machine interface. human-

Berkaitan dengan perancangan produk, fasilitas dan area kerja yang efektif, nyaman, aman, sehat dan efisien pada saat dioperasikan.

fokus pendekatan
Meningkatkan functional effectiveness dari interaksi kerja dalam sebuah sistem kerja manusiamesin dan kenyamanan peng gunaan peralatan, fasilitas maupun lingkungan fisik kerja untuk meningkatkan produktivitas serta memperbaiki kualitas kerja (Quality of Work Life). Fitting the tasks to the man (Granjean, 1982) : Fitting the demands of work to the efficiency of man in order to reduce stress. Perancangan sistem kerja dengan memperhatikan faktor manusia (kelebihan dan keterbatasannya) baik secara fisik maupun non-fisik (psikologis).

some important ergonomic concepts

Human performances concept. Centered on the person (human), not on the equipment or facilities. If people are not involved with the system, ergonomic problems simply do not exist. The system centered around the person concept. Person must operate, service, install, and/or repair that equipment. A person is in that working environment. Work system concept. The boundaries (industrial situation) that will include work duties. Improvement concept. The improvement of the work system that surrounds the person. It should be measurable in quantitative and qualitative senses.

goal/ objective
A solution solution-oriented branch of ergonomics rather than just an evaluation of workwork-related problems. well-being and productivity by To optimize worker welltreatment of the work stressors Ergonomics interventions are preventive, before injuries occur, thereby avoiding future medical treatments.

ergonomic research
Study of the ill-effects of poor posture and poorly designed tools on the health of workers. Working out of proportions and conditions of the work place to ensure correct body posture. To fit (adapt) work to individuals, as opposed to fitting workers to the work, through developing knowledge that results in efficient adaptation of work methods to the individuals physiological and psychological characteristics. To identify and alleviate those work stresses that adversely affect the health, safety and efficiency of workers. Designing machines, equipment, and installations so that they can be operated with great efficiency, accurately and safely. To ensure that human needs for safe and efficient working are met in the design of work systems. Adapting lighting, air-conditioning, noise, etc. to suit mans physical requirements.

human centered/ integrated design

HC/ID - akan menempatkan semua unsur/parameter design menyesuaikan dengan karakteristik (kelebihan maupun kekurangan) manusia (fitting the task/ design to the man). Rancangan memenuhi kriteria baik kalau mampu memenuhi konsep ENASE (Efektif, Nyaman, Aman, Sehat dan Efisien). How to measure it?
Ergonomic Approach

E1 E2
Productivity ?

Quality of Work Life ?

2 prinsip human integrated design

Prinsip # 1 - harus disadari benar bahwa faktor manusia akan menjadi kunci penentu sukses didalam operasionalisasi sistem manusia-mesin (produk); tidak peduli apakah sistem tersebut bersifat manual, semi-automatics (mekanik) ataupun fullautomatics. Prinsip # 2 - harus diketahui terlebih dahulu sistem operasional seperti apa yang kelak dapat dioperasikan dengan lebih baik oleh manusia; namun disisi lain dengan melihat kekurangan, kelemahan maupun keterbatasan manusia maka barulah perlu dipertimbangkan untuk mengalokasikan operasionalisasi fungsi tersebut dengan menggunakan mesin/alat yang dirancang secara spesifik.

indicators of need for ergonomics attention

There is an unacceptably large number of rejects on the operation Operators are making frequent mistakes on the jobs There is high material waste Labor turnover on the job is excessive Employees frequently complain about job requirements Production output is unacceptably low Absenteeism is unacceptably high There are accidents or near accidents on the job Employees frequently visit the infirmary Product quality is low Training time is unacceptably long Employees take frequent rest periods Personal and fatigue allowances are too high Operator assignment to the job is limited by size, sex, age or physique There is interference with verbal communication There are requests for transfers to other jobs Employees cannot meet production standards Employees are frequently away from the work place Breaks seem excessively long

evaluasi ergonomis ?
Kondisi Existing
Analisa & Evaluasi


Productivity & NonProductive Activities

Kinerja Fisik



Keluhan Subyektif

Ergonomis? Tidak


Redesign & Prototyping


occupational (industrial/ applied) ergonomics

The science of people at industrial works. The application of those science relating human performance (physiology, psychology, and industrial engineering) to the improvement of the work system, consisting of the person, the job, the tools and equipment, the workplace and work space, and the immediate environment. Occupational/Industrial/Applied ergonomics that specially deals with occupational situations. Occupational ergonomist strive to review work systems and modify them to minimize occupational stresses. The world of industrial ergonomic is the real world.

ergonomics principles in industrial application

Design, modification, replacement and maintenance of equipment for enhanced productivity, and the work-life and product quality; Design and modification of work spaces and work place layout for ease and speed of operation, service and maintenance; Design and modification of work methods, including automation and task allocation between human operators and machines; Controlling physical factors (e.g. heat, cold, noise, vibration, and light) in the workplace for the best productivity and safety of employees.

pendekatan ergonomi dan aplikasinya pada industri

Perancangan, modifikasi, penggantian/ perbaikan fasilitas kerja untuk meningkatkan produktivitas, kualitas produk dan lingkungan kerja fisik; Perancangan, modifikasi area dan tempat kerja, tata-letak (layout) fasilitas produksi untuk memudahkan dan mempercepat operasi kerja, material handling, service dan maintenance; Perancangan dan modifikasi tata-cara kerja (work metdhods), termasuk dalam hal ini mekanisasi/otomasi proses dan alokasi beban kerja dalam sebuah sistem kerja manusia-mesin; Perancangan kondisi lingkungan fisik kerja yang mampu memberikan kenyamanan, keamanan/keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi manusia-operator (temperatur, noise, pencahayaan, vibrasi, dll) untuk meningkatkan motivasi kerja, kualitas lingkungan kerja dan produktivitas.

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Three separate areas of application : (a) employee safety and health concern, (b) costcost-oror-productivity related fields, and (c) the comfort of people. Physical size (anthropometric). Endurance (cardiovascular). Strength (biomechanical). Manipulative (kinesiology). Environmental (external). Cognitive (thought).

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Physical size (anthropometric). Anthropometry is the science dealing with the human body dimensions. Anthropometric problems are those that deal with a physical conflict between the person and some aspect of the work area. The most common problems (a) workplace & workspace, and (b) facilities/ equipments design.

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Endurance (cardiovascular). Endurance problem are characterized by the stress that they place on the cardiovascular system (heavy job, extensive physical effort). Endurance problems can result in the establishment of work/recovery cycles or of standard for a fair days work. Designing tasks and jobs to conform to a predetermined expenditure of energy (or kcal expenditure).

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Strength (biomechanical) (biomechanical). . Strength problem are often characterized by the need for large muscular effort (can cause injuries on the job). job) . Can be analyzed through bio bio-mechanical techniques. techniques .

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Manipulative (kinesiology). Manipulative problems are characterized as inability to perform the fine motions required on the job or difficulty in the performing tasks at the required speed. Show up in assembly tasks or task requiring fine control of dials and instruments. Assembly errors, alignments problems, and dropped pieces are the outcome of manipulative problems.

6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Environmental (external). Environmental problems are those which involves the surroundings of the worker. Some typical problems : heat/cold stress, lighting, noise, vibration, etc.


6 problematika dalam aplikasi ergonomi di industri

Cognitive (thought). Cognitive problem typically show up as operating errors of some type. The limit of short-term memory and the associated difficulty with long and complicated string of numbers are common cognitive difficulties. Similar, perceptual problems associated with vision and hearing can result in errors.

small group discussion

Bahan diskusi movie : ERGONOMICS SAFETY Sebutkan dan jelaskan step by step aplikasi ergonomics safety di dunia industri ! Sebutkan contoh area aplikasi ergonomics safety yang ada dalam movie ! Sebutkan jenis dan prosentase worker compensation claim yang muncul akibat tidak diterapkannya ergnomics safety ! Sebutkan dan jelaskan manfaat aplikasi ergonomics safety pada WINPAK PORTION PACKAGING ! Sebutkan dan jelaskan 3 moral message (point penting) dalam movie tersebut !


workplace stress factors

Complexity and number of tools used in the workplace; Unnatural environmental conditions (e.g. thermal, noise, vibration, illumination, toxic materials, etc); Physical and mental workload
Ergonomics principles can be applied to the design of the workplace so that the strain placed on the worker is minimized

occupational factors affecting the worker

(the most important factors to be considered in optimizing the relationship between worker and their job)

Environmental conditions (e.g. temperature, illumination, noise) of the workplace; The physical and mental requirements of the job; The workers exposure to hazardous materials; The interaction between the worker and the work equipment.


environmental conditions
(Temperature, Illumination, Noise, Vibration, etc)
Heat stress due to exposure to a relatively high heat load places a physiological strain on the worker, resulting in potential health impairment. Cold stress can also physiologically affect the human body, resulting in impairment of the individuals health as well as job performance. Exposure to severe cold stress can result in cold injuries and illness (e.g. frostbite, hypothermia when the body temperature falls below 350C) Poor illumination can reduce the workers job performance and can be a potential strain to vision. Inadequate illumination can also cause accidents, resulting in personal injuries. Noise & vibration at high level, may be physiologically and/or psychologically harmful to the human body. Noise itself can make communication difficult and can be permanently harmful to the workers hearing ability. It may mentally disturb the worker, resulting in job performance impairment and/or accidents. Prolonged exposure to vibration may cause health impairment.

physical and mental requirements

Automation has eliminated many of the heavy physical activities that used to performed manually human beings. Despite a tremendous amount of technological advancement and automation there are, however, still many physically demanding jobs to be performed by individuals.

The physical demands can place biomechanical and physiological stress on workers while they are performing their jobs. This stress can affect workers job performance as well as their health and safety. Modernization of the industrial environment has increased the mental demands placed on the worker. In the past, physical demands of the job were the primary cause of worker fatigue, but today mental demands may contribute as much as or more than the physical demands to overall worker fatigue.


hazardous materials
The wide variety of chemical produced and used in todays industry exposes many workers to potentially hazardous materials during their work. The workers exposed to these hazardous materials can develop both acute and chronic injuries or illnesses. The ergonomists play significant roles in controlling and minimizing the adverse effects of the work environment to insure healthier, safer and more efficient workplaces.

workplace hazards
the first defense against workplace hazards is to keep workers informed Physical Hazards include extremes of temperature (heat stress/stroke), noise (permanent hearing damage), vibration (nerve and blood vessel damage), and radiation (cancers, leukemia, burns, eye injuries, etc) etc). . Falling, slipping, and tripping may also be categorized as physical hazards hazards. . Chemical Hazards in the form of liquids, solids, gases, dusts, fumes, or mists (cause external or local problems such as irritation, skin burns, etc) etc). . Biological Hazards not yet of important concern in the general industrial setting setting. . Workers who handle biological and medical specimens and animals must be protected against biological hazards (in health care centers, research laboratories, etc) etc). .


results of ergonomics applications

Understanding the effects of particular type of work on workers bodies and their job performance performance; ; Predicting the potential long long-term (or cumulative) effects of work on workers bodies; bodies ; Assessment of the fitness of the workplace and/or tools to workers in performing a job; job; Improvement of productivity and well wellbeing of workers by fitting the task to the person or fitting the person to the task. task . To achieve the best matching between worker capabilities and job requirements; requirements ; Establishment of a knowledge base support for designers, engineers, and medical personnel for improving the productivity and well well-being of individuals individuals. .

case studies of ergonomics implementation in manufacturing industry

Repetitive Motion Injury Hand Tool Design Illumination at Work Design of VDT Workstations Design of Controls Design of Symbols, Labels and Visual Displays Noise Reduction Job Rotation & Shift Work etc

Anthropometry in Workstation Design Physical Work and Heat Stress Manual Lifting & Material Handling Choice of Work Posture (Standing, Sitting, or SitSit-Standing?) Personal Music Automation of Monotonous Jobs


case study : fundamental of ergonomics in theory and practice (John R. Wilson, elsevier) elsevier)
Buatlah summary 3 point penting yang Anda temukan dalam jurnal! Berikan penjelasan terkait 3 point penting tersebut! Jangan lupa untuk menyebutkan pada hal dan paragraf berapa anda menemukan point tersebut! Menurut jurnal tersebut terdapat 2 definisi ergonomi yang kontrast, jelaskan 2 definisi ergonomi tersebut! Jelaskan pula definisi ergonomi yang diajukan oleh wilson! (NB : jelaskan dengan gaya bahasa Kelompok Anda) Pada hal 563 paragraf kedua terdapat kalimat : in its early days, ergonomics was often applied to unitary problem, one person interacting with one machine or job, or behaving within an environment notable for one particular key factor. Menurut Anda,masih relevankah statement tersebut? Berikan penjelasan yang argumentatif berdasarkan jurnal tersebut!


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