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U.S. Inc. Defines All Crime As Commercial As A Result Of The Fall Of The Republic Federal Jurisdiction Is Limited !

"Appl# O$L% &IT'I$ U.S. Territories And The District Of Columbia" &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Fole# *rothers+ Inc. ,. Filardo+ --. U.S. /01 213435.6 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )It is a 8ell established principle of la8 that all federal re7ulation applies onl# 8ithin the territorial 9urisdiction of the United States unless a contrar# intent appears.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Caha ,. US+ 1:/ U.S. /11 2103456 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )The la8s of Con7ress in respect to those matters ;outside of Constitutionall# dele7ated po8ers< do not e=tend into the territorial limits of the states+ but ha,e force onl# in the District of Columbia+ and other places that are 8ithin the e=clusi,e 9urisdiction of the national 7o,ernment.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )U.S. ,. Spelar+ --0 U.S. /1> at ///.6 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )There is a canon of le7islati,e construction 8hich teaches Con7ress that+ unless a contrar# intent appears ;le7islation< is meant to appl# onl# 8ithin the territorial 9urisdiction of the United States.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Do8nes ,. *id8ell+ 10/ U.S. /44 213?15.6 2@urportedl# decided if the constitution applies to U.S. territories. In actualit#+ unleashed the 7reat fraud of unlimited statutor# po8er misapplied throu7hout the continental united States of America. Dissentin7 opinion of Justice Aarshall 'arlan. )Bt8o national 7o,ernments+ one to be maintained under the Constitution+ 8ith all its restrictions+ the other to be maintained b# Con7ress outside and independentl# of that instrument+ b# e=ercisin7 such po8ers as other nations of the earth are accustomed toBa radical and mischie,ous chan7e in our s#stem of 7o,ernment 8ill resultB&e 8ill+ in that e,ent+ pass from the era of constitutional libert# 7uarded and protected b# a 8ritten constitution into an era of le7islati,e absolutismB It 8ill be an e,il da# for American libert# if the theor# of a 7o,ernment outside the supreme la8 of the land finds lod7ment in our constitutional 9urisprudence.6 In other 8ords+ a 7enuine de 9ure united States of America con7ress is al8a#s bound to enact la8s 8ithin the 9urisdiction of the constitution. 'e held t#o the ob,ious truth that con7ress does not e=ist+ let alone ha,e po8ers+ outside the constitution. 'arlan said+ "This nation is under the control of a 8ritten constitution+ the supreme la8 of the land and the onl# source of the po8ers 8hich our 7o,ernment+ or an# branch or officer of it+ ma# e=ert at an# time or at an# place."5 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )/0 USC -??/6 2definition of the United States as a Federal corporation ne,er tau7ht in ci,ics class( 7o to para7raph 1:5 2httpCDD888.la8.cornell.eduDuscodeDuscode/0DuscEsecE/0E????-??/ ??? .html5 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )/> CFR >/.116 2U.S. Inc. defines all crime as commercial as a result of the fall of the republic 8hen the South 8alFed out of con7ress in 10.1 and the de 9ure con7ress+ unable to raise a Guorum+ 8as replaced b# Lincoln 8ith the de facto corporate Con7ress( and the de 9ure district court of the United States 8as replaced b# the de facto corporate U$ITHD STATHS DISTRICT COURT 2httpCDD888.access.7po.7o,DnaraDcfrD8aisid=E30D/>cfr>/E30.html5 &hereas defined pursuant to( )H=ecuti,e Order .1?/6 27o,ernmentIs confiscation of #our famil#Is 7old and 8ealth under threat of 1? #ears in prison for failure to compl#. As the Order specifies U.S. )persons6 2e7. JO'$ SAIT' and JA$H DOH5+ la8 enforcement 8as duped into enforcin7 a7ainst the 7eneral public a command that onl# applied to Federal emplo#ees and members of the armed forces.5 2httpCDD888.presidenc#.ucsb.eduD8sDinde=.phpJpidK14.11 or httpCDD888.the pri,ateer.comD13-- 7old confiscation.html5 &hereas defined pursuant toC )'JR 13/6 2outla8in7 of the simple act of )pa#in7 8ith mone#6 as a felon# b# substitutin7 the la8#erIs parlor tricF of )dischar7in76 debts5 2httpCDD888.truthsetsusfree.comD'JR13/.htm or httpCDD888.nomoredebt.ccDh9r13/.html5 &hereas pursuant toC )Con7ressman Louis AcFadden speech6 2indictment of the Secretar# of the

Treasur# and the Federal Reser,e *oard of Lo,ernorIs for treason b# the chairman of the 'ouse *anFin7 and Currenc# committee in 13-4. In scathin7 speeches to Con7ress+ AcFadden saidC )2The Fed5 has impo,erished and ruined the people of these United States+ has banFrupted itself+ and has practicall# banFrupted our Lo,ernment.6 This most Fno8led7eable man on banFin7 also e=plained in ,i,id detail the method for recruitin7 the Federal Reser,e to pa# our debts as holder of the 7old+ and 8hich is at the heart of toda#Is )ta= remedies.65 2httpCDD888.7eocities.comD'eartlandD>??.Dmcfadden frb.html or httpCDD888.7eocities.comDCapitol'illDSenateD-.1.Dflahert#1?.html and httpCDDen.8iFipedia.or7D8iFiDLouisET.EAcFadden5 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Le8is ,. United States .0?6 2Federal Reser,e *anF is pri,atel# o8nedC )B8e conclude that the Reser,e *anFs are not federal instrumentalities for purposes of the FTCA 2Federal Tort Claims Act5+ but are independent+ pri,atel# o8ned and locall# controlled corporations.6 Le8is , United States+ .0? F./d 1/-3 23th Cir. 130/5. In other 8ords+ the Fed en9o#s no United States immunit# from la8 suit because it is a Federal institution in name onl#. 2httpCDDnesara.or7DcourtEsummariesDle8isE,EunitedEstates.htm and httpCDD888.7eocities.comDchrisforlibert#Dle8is.html5 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Aodern Aone# Aechanics6 2The FedIs concise operational manual sho8in7 ho8 mone# A$D I$TH$TIO$AL I$FLATIO$ are created from thin air b# the Fed and itIs member banFs. The manual is ,er# clear as to the po8er of created inflation to speed the process of confiscatin7 #our 8ealth. The sectionC )&ho Creates Aone#J6 and the final para7raph in )*anF Deposits M 'o8 The# H=pand or Contract6 are 8orth e=tra attention.5 2888.ra#ser,ers.comDima7esDAodernAone#Aechanics.pdf or httpCDDen.8iFisource.or7D8iFiDAodernEAone#EAechanicsDIntroduction 5 &hereas pursuant toC )Lrace Commission6 2Confirmed that ,irtuall# ALL ta=es actuall# 7o to the Federal Reser,e *anF to pa# interest on the U.S. debt to the banFin7 families that o8n the International Aonetar# Fund 2IAF5C )&ith t8o thirds of e,er#oneNs personal income ta=es 8asted or not collected+ 1?? percent of 8hat is collected is absorbed solel# b# interest on the Federal debt and b# Federal Lo,ernment contributions to transfer pa#ments. In other 8ords+ all indi,idual income ta= re,enues are 7one before one nicFel is spent on the ser,ices 8hich ta=pa#ers e=pect from their Lo,ernment.6 J. @eter Lrace+ Co,er letter+ @residentIs @ri,ate Sector Report on Cost Control+ Januar# 1/+ 1304. @eter Lrace 8as considered the &arren *uffett of his time+ and the Lrace Commission Report recei,ed 8idespread media attention as the 7ospel of Rea7anIs so called ta= s#stem o,erhaul.5 2httpCDD888.freecanadian.netDarticlesD7race.html or httpCDD888.uhuh.comDta=stuffD7racecom.htm5 &hereas defined pursuant toC )-1 CFR 1?-.116 2@romissor# note is defined as a )monetar# instrumentC6 )2u5 Aonetar# instrumentsBAonetar# instruments includeBAll ne7otiable instruments 2includin7 personal checFs+ business checFs+ official banF checFs+ cashierNs checFs+ third part# checFs+ promissor# notes 2as that term is defined in the Uniform Commercial Code5+ and mone# orders5 that are either in bearer form+ endorsed 8ithout restriction+ made out to a fictitious pa#ee 2for the purposes of Sec. 1?-./-5+ or other8ise in such form that title thereto passes upon deli,er#.65 2httpCDDedocFet.access.7po.7o,DcfrE/??0D9ulGtrD-1cfr1?-.11.htm or httpCDD888.ffiec.7o,DbsaEamlEinfobaseDpa7esEmanualDre7ulationsD-1CFR1?-.htm5 &hereas defined pursuant toC )ILCS UCC - 1?46 2@romissor# note is defined as a )ne7otiable instrumentC6 )215 An# 8ritin7 to be a ne7otiable instrument 8ithin this Article must 2a5 be si7ned b# the maFer or dra8er( and 2b5 contain an unconditional promise or order to pa# a sum certain in mone# and no other promise+ order+ obli7ation or po8er 7i,en b# the maFer or dra8er e=cept as authoriOed b# this Article( and 2c5 be pa#able on demand or at a definite time( and 2d5 be pa#able to order or to bearer. 2/5 A 8ritin7 8hich complies 8ith the reGuirements of this section is 2a5 a "draft" 2"bill of e=chan7e"5 if it is an order( 2b5 a "checF" if it is a draft dra8n on a banF and pa#able on demand( 2c5 a "certificate of deposit" if it is an acFno8led7ment b# a banF of receipt of mone# 8ith an en7a7ement to repa# it( 2d5 a "note" if it is a promise other than a certificate of deposit.5 2888.la8.cornell.eduDuccD-D- 1?4.html5 &hereas defined pursuant toC )Senate Report 3- :436 2The United States has been under dictatorial

control since Aarch 3+ 13--. Report of the Special Committee on the Termination of the $ational Hmer7enc#+ Senate Report 3- :43+ &ar and Hmer7enc# @o8ers Acts+ $o,ember 13+ 13>-. )Fore8ardC Since Aarch 3+ 13--+ the United States has been in a state of declared national emer7enc#BThese proclamations 7i,e force to 4>? pro,isions of Federal la8. These hundreds of statutes dele7ate to the @resident e=traordinar# po8ers+ ordinaril# e=ercised b# the Con7ress+ 8hich affect the li,es of American citiOens in a host of all encompassin7 manners. This ,ast ran7e of po8ers+ taFen to7ether+ confer enou7h authorit# to rule the countr# 8ithout reference to normal Constitutional processes. Under the po8ers dele7ated b# these statutes+ the @resident ma#C seiOe propert#( or7aniOe and control the means of production( seiOe commodities( assi7n militar# forces abroad( institute martial la8( seiOe and control all transportation and communication( re7ulate the operation of pri,ate enterprise( restrict tra,el( and+ in a plethora of particular 8a#s+ control the li,es of all American citiOens.65 2httpCDD888.scratchinpost.netDbarefootbobD8arEep1.html5 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Fole# *rothers+ Inc. ,. Filardo+ --. U.S. /01 213435.6 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )It is a 8ell established principle of la8 that all federal re7ulation applies onl# 8ithin the territorial 9urisdiction of the United States unless a contrar# intent appears.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Caha ,. US+ 1:/ U.S. /11 2103456 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )The la8s of Con7ress in respect to those matters ;outside of Constitutionall# dele7ated po8ers< do not e=tend into the territorial limits of the states+ but ha,e force onl# in the District of Columbia+ and other places that are 8ithin the e=clusi,e 9urisdiction of the national 7o,ernment.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )U.S. ,. Spelar+ --0 U.S. /1> at ///.6 2U.S. re7ulations appl# onl# 8ithin the U.S. territories and the District of Columbia. )There is a canon of le7islati,e construction 8hich teaches Con7ress that+ unless a contrar# intent appears ;le7islation< is meant to appl# onl# 8ithin the territorial 9urisdiction of the United States.65 &hereas defined pursuant to United States Annotated Statue( )Do8nes ,. *id8ell+ 10/ U.S. /44 213?15.6 2@urportedl# decided if the constitution applies to U.S. territories. In actualit#+ unleashed the 7reat fraud of unlimited statutor# po8er misapplied throu7hout the continental united States of America. Dissentin7 opinion of Justice Aarshall 'arlan. )Bt8o national 7o,ernments+ one to be maintained under the Constitution+ 8ith all its restrictions+ the other to be maintained b# Con7ress outside and independentl# of that instrument+ b# e=ercisin7 such po8ers as other nations of the earth are accustomed toBa radical and mischie,ous chan7e in our s#stem of 7o,ernment 8ill resultB&e 8ill+ in that e,ent+ pass from the era of constitutional libert# 7uarded and protected b# a 8ritten constitution into an era of le7islati,e absolutismB It 8ill be an e,il da# for American libert# if the theor# of a 7o,ernment outside the supreme la8 of the land finds lod7ment in our constitutional 9urisprudence.6 In other 8ords+ a 7enuine de 9ure united States of America con7ress is al8a#s bound to enact la8s 8ithin the 9urisdiction of the constitution. 'e held t#o the ob,ious truth that con7ress does not e=ist+ let alone ha,e po8ers+ outside the constitution. 'arlan said+ "This nation is under the control of a 8ritten constitution+ the supreme la8 of the land and the onl# source of the po8ers 8hich our 7o,ernment+ or an# branch or officer of it+ ma# e=ert at an# time or at an# place."5 &hereas pursuant to( Section 0?/+ @atriot Act. 2Definin7 the @eople as terrorists. Definin7 terrorism as a maritime e,ent. H=cludin7 pri,ate meetin7s on the land from terrorismC )2:5 the term Pdomestic terrorismN means acti,ities that 2A5 in,ol,e acts dan7erous to human life that are a ,iolation of the criminal la8s of the United States or of an# State( 2*5 appear to be intended 2i5 to intimidate or coerce a ci,ilian population( 2ii5 to influence the polic# of a 7o,ernment b# intimidation or coercion( or 2iii5 to affect the conduct of a 7o,ernment b# mass destruction+ assassination+ or Fidnappin7( and 2C5 occur primaril# 8ithin the territorial 9urisdiction of the United States.65 2httpCDD888.ratical.or7Drat,illeDCA'DSection0?/.html5

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