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KNELLWOLF, Christa; NORRIS, Christopher (orgs.). The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism Volume 9: Twentieth-Century Historical, Philosophical and Psychological Perspectives. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. i. Introduction; [HISTORY] 1. Historicism and historical criticism; 2. Literary Criticism and the history of ideas; 3. Cultural materialism; 4. New historicism; 5. Fascist politics and literary criticism. [MARXISM AND POST-MARXISM] 6. Marxism and literary criticism; 7. Marxism and poststructuralism; 8. Adorno and the early Frankfurt School; 9. The 'German-French' debate: critical theory, hermeneutics and deconstruction; 10. Post-war Italian intellectual culture: from Marxism to cultural studies. [FROM CULTURAL POETICS TO CULTURAL STUDIES] 11. Mikhail Bakhtin: historical becoming in language, literature and culture; 12. Cultural studies; 13. Literature and the institutional context in Britain. [PSYCHOANALYTIC APPROACHES] 14. Literary criticism and psychoanalytic positions. [GENDER AND SEXUALITY] 15. The history of feminist criticism; 16. Feminism and deconstruction; 17. Gay, lesbian, bisexual, queer and transgender criticism. [COLONIALISM, POST-COLONIALITY, NATION AND RACE] 18. Post-colonial theory; 19. African American literary history and criticism; 20. Anthropological criticism. [MODERNITY AND POSTMODERNISM] 21. Modernism, modernity, modernisation; 22. Postmodernism. [PHILOSOPHY, AESTHETICS AND LITERARY CRITICISM] 23. Words and things in phenomenology and existentialism; 24. Criticism, aesthetics and analytic philosophy; 25. Italian idealism; 26. Spanish and Spanish American poetics and criticism; 27. American neopragmatism and its background; 28. Ethics and literary criticism. [INTERDISCIPLINARY APPROACHES] 29. Literature and theology; 30. Literary theory, science and philosophy of science; 31. Bibliography; 32. Index. RIVKIN, Julie; RYAN, Michael (orgs.). Literary Maiden/Oxford/Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 2004. Theory: an Anthology. 2. ed.

[FORMALISMS: RUSSIAN FORMALISM AND NEW CRITICISM] 1. Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Formalisms; 2. Boris Eichenbaum, The Formal Method; 3. Viktor Shklovsky, Art as Technique; 4. Cleanth Brooks, The Formalist Critics; 5. Cleanth Brooks, The Language of Paradox; 6. W. K. Wimsatt Jr., The Structure of the Concrete Universal. [STRUCTURALISM, LINGUISTICS, NARRATOLOGY] 1. Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, The Implied Order: Structuralism; 2. Jonathan Culler, The Linguistic Foundation; 3. Ferdinand de Saussure, Course in General Linguistics; 4. Vladimir Propp, Morphology of the Folk-tale; 5. Roman Jakobson, Two Aspects of Language; 6. Roland Barthes, Mythologies; 7. Michel Foucault, The Archaeology of Knowledge; 8. Seymour Chatman, The Structure of Narrative Transmission. [RHETORIC, PHENOMENOLOGY, READER RESPONSE] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Language and Action; 2 Immanuel Kant, Transcendental Aesthetic; 3 Edmund Husserl, Ideas; 4 Edward P. J. Corbett, Classical Rhetoric; 5 J. L. Austin, How To Do Things With Words; 6 Richard Lanham, Tacit Persuasion Patterns andA Dictionary of Rhetorical Terms; 7 Stanley Fish, Not so much a Teaching as an Intangling; 8 Stanley Fish, Interpretive Communities; 9 John Frow, Text and System; 10 Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction. [POST-STRUCTURALISM,

DECONSTRUCTION, POST-MODERNISM] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Introductory Deconstruction; 2 Friedrich Nietzsche, On Truth and Lying in an Extra-moral Sense; 3 Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power; 4 Martin Heidegger, Identity and Difference; 5 Georges Bataille, Heterology; 6 Jacques Derrida, Differance; 7 Jacques Derrida, Of Grammatology; 8 Jacques Derrida, Semiology and Grammatology; 9 Barbara Johnson, Writing; 10 Helene Cixous, The Newly Born Woman; 11 Jean-Francois Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition; 12 Jean Baudrillard, Simulacra and Simulations; 13 Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari, A Thousand Plateaus. [PSYCHOANALYSIS AND PSYCHOLOGY] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Strangers to Ourselves: Psychoanalysis; 2 Sigmund Freud, The Interpretation of Dreams; 3 Sigmund Freud, On Narcissism; 4 Sigmund Freud, The Uncanny; 5 Sigmund Freud, Beyond the Pleasure Principle; 6 Sigmund Freud, Group Psychology and the Analysis of the Ego; 7 Jacques Lacan, The Mirror Stage as Formative of the Function of the I; 8 Jacques Lacan, The Instance of the Letter in the Unconscious; 9 Frantz Fanon, The Negro and Psychopathology; 10 Nancy Chodorow, Pre-Oedipal Gender Configurations; 11 Bessel A. van der Kolk and Alexander C. McFarlane, The Black Hole of Trauma. [HISTORICISMS] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Writing the Past; 2 Raymond Williams, The Country and the City; 3 E. P. Thompson, Witness Against the Beast; 4 Michel Foucault, Discipline and Punish; 5 Nancy Armstrong, Some Call it Fiction: On the Politics of Domesticity; 6 Louis Montrose, Professing the Renaissance: The Poetics and Politics of Culture; 7 Stephen Greenblatt, Shakespeare and the Exorcists; 8 Eric Sundquist, Melville, Delany, and New World Slavery. [POLITICAL CRITICISM: FROM MARXISM TO CULTURAL MATERIALISM] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Starting with Zero; 2 G. W. F. Hegel, Dialectics; 3 Karl Marx, Grundrisse; 4 Karl Marx, The German Ideology; 5 Karl Marx, Wage Labor and Capital; 6 Karl Marx, Capital; 7 Antonio Gramsci, Hegemony; 8 Mikhail Bakhtin, Discourse in the Novel; 9 Mikhail Bakhtin, Rabelais and his World; 10 Louis Althusser, Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses; 11 Pierre Macherey, For a Theory of Literary Production; 12 Slavoj Zizek, The Sublime Object of Ideology; 13 Antonio Negri, Difference and the Future; 14 Alan Sinfield, Cultural Materialism, Othello, and the Politics of Plausibility. [FEMINISM] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Feminist Paradigms; 2 Gayle Rubin, The Traffic in Women; 3 Luce Irigaray, The Power of Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine; 4 Luce Irigaray, Women on the Market; 5 Sandra Gilbert and Susan Gubar, The Madwoman in the Attic; 6 Coppelia Kahn, The Hand That Rocks the Cradle; 7 Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, Three Women's Texts and a Critique of Imperialism; 8 Audre Lorde, Age, Race, Class, and Sex: Women Redefining Difference; 9 Geraldine Heng, "A Great Way to Fly": Nationalism, the State, and the Varieties of Third-World Feminism. [GENDER STUDIES] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Contingencies of Gender; 2 Gayle Rubin, Sexual Transformations; 3 Michel Foucault, The History of Sexuality; 4 Judith Butler, Performative Acts and Gender Constitution; 5 Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick, Epistemology of the Closet; 6 Michael Moon, A Small Boy and Others: Sexual Disorientation in Henry James, Kenneth Anger, and David Lynch; 7 Judith Halberstam, Female Masculinity. [ETHNIC LITERARY AND CULTURAL STUDIES, CRITICAL RACE THEORY] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, Situating Race; 2 Ian F. Haney Lopez, The Social Construction of Race; 3 Shelley Fisher Fishkin, Interrogating "Whiteness"; 4 Henry Louis Gates, The Blackness of Blackness: A Critique of the Sign and the Signifying Monkey; 5 Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark; 6 Gloria Anzaldua, Borderlands/La Frontera; 7 Lisa Lowe, Heterogeneity, Hybridity, Multiplicity: Marking Asian American Differences; 8 Robert Dale Parker, Tradition, Invention, and Aesthetics in Native

American Literature. [COLONIAL, POST-COLONIAL, AND TRANSNATIONAL STUDIES] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, English Without Shadows: Literature on a World Scale; 2 Dennis Walder, History; 3 C. C. Eldridge, The Revival of the Imperial Spirit; 4 Ania Loomba, Situating Colonial and Postcolonial Studies; 5 Edward Said, Jane Austen and Empire; 6 Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Decolonising the Mind; 7 Edward Kamau Brathwaite, English in the Caribbean; 8 Homi K. Bhabha, Signs Taken for Wonders; 9 Anne McClintock, The Angel of Progress: Pitfalls of the Term "Post-colonialism"; 10 Chidi Okonkwo, Casualties of Freedom; 11 Alan Lawson, The Anxious Proximities of Settler (Post)colonial Relations; 12 Jamaica Kincaid, A Small Place. [CULTURAL STUDIES] 1 Introduction: Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan, The Politics of Culture; 2 Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction; 3 Max Horkheimer and Theodor Adorno, The Culture Industry as Mass Deception; 4 Michel de Certeau, The Practice of Everyday Life; 5 Dick Hebdige, Subculture: The Meaning of Style; 6 John Fiske, Culture, Ideology, Interpellation; 7 John Fiske, Television Culture; 8 Adam Krims, Rap Music and the Poetics of Identity. [INDEX]

RYAN, Michael (org.). The encyclopedia of Malden/Oxford/Carlton: Blackwell Publishing, 2011. Procurar as entradas da enciclopdia no prprio livro.





TYSON, Lois. Critical Theory Today: a user-friendly guide. 2nd Edition. New York: Routledge, 2006. 1. Everything you wanted to know about critical theory but were afraid to ask; 2. Psychoanalytic Criticism; 3. Marxist Criticism; 4. Feminist Criticism; 5. New Criticism; 6. ReaderResponse Criticism; 7. Structuralist Criticism; 8. Deconstructive Criticism; 9. New historical and cultural Criticism; 10. Lesbian, gay and queer Criticism; 11. African American Criticism; 12. Postcolonial Criticism; 13. Gaining an Overview; 14. Index.

ZOLTN, Kvecses. Metaphor: a practical introduction. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 1. What is Metaphor; 2. Common Source and Target Domains; 3. Kinds of Metaphor; 4. Metaphor in Literature; 5. Nonlinguistic Realizations of Conceptual Metaphors; 6. The Basis of Metaphor; 7. The Partial Nature of Metaphorical Mappings; 8. Metaphorical Entailments; 9. The Scope of Metaphor; 10. Metaphor Systems; 11. Another Figure: Metonymy; 12. The Universality of Conceptual Metaphors; 13. Cultural Variation in Metaphor and Metonymy.

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