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J B70@E0=4G, B0@-%= & #02!8=;0G 2007, 2011
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J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
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The rimary ob|eclive of lhis aer is lo shov lhal lhe deveIomenl of emolionaI inleIIigence increases
occualionaI erformance, Ieadershi and organisalionaI roduclivily.
We viII briefIy exIain vhal emolionaI inleIIigence (II) is, hov il is measured, vhy il is imorlanl and
hov besl lo aIy il in lhe vorkIace lo maximise organisalionaI roduclivily. Sludies viII be described
lhal demonslrale lhe bollom Iine imacl of II inlervenlions, and a case sludy viII be resenled lo
iIIuslrale lhe design, business reIevance and imacl of a secific organisalionaI inlervenlion.
This aer is vrillen secificaIIy for HR rofessionaIs so lhal lhey viII be beller informed and, lhus,
feeI more confidenl in infIuencing key slakehoIders in lhe imIemenlalion of II rogrammes, rocesses
and inlervenlions.
1. )52 2:2>42;02 <3 2:<@6<;.9
ImolionaI inleIIigence (II) has become a very o-
uIar loic since lhe ubIicalion of a beslseIIer by
lhe same name in Oclober 1995 |GoIemanj. AI-
lhough lhe conslrucl of emolionaI inleIIigence is
nol nev, ils aIicalion in lhe vorkIace, designed
lo increase individuaI erformance and organisa-
lionaI roduclivily, has begun al a ralher frenzied
ace during lhe asl decade. The recursors of
lhese efforls exlend back lo lhe osl Second WorId
War era vilh exlensive surveys conducled by lhe
Uniled Slales Office of IersonneI Managemenl
and vilh lhe ioneering vork of David McCIeIIand
al Harvard Universily lhal focused on lhe imor-
lance of emolionaIIy and sociaIIy inleIIigenl
behaviour among managers.
Desile lhe heighlened IeveI of inleresl in lhis 'nev'
idea, schoIars have acluaIIy been sludying lhis
conslrucl for lhe grealer arl of lhe lvenlielh
cenlury, and ils hisloricaI rools can be lraced back
lo lhe nineleenlh cenlury |Darvin, 1872/1965j. In
conlrasl lo lhese schoIarIy efforls, many recenl
arlicIes in lhe ouIar HR and business ress have
served lo diIule lhe imorlance and reIevance of
emolionaI inleIIigence. AddilionaIIy, lhere are very
fev sources of informalion vhich have allemled
lo bring logelher a vide range of erlinenl II
business dala lhal is direclIy aIicabIe in lhe
vorkIace. This aer is a resonse lo lhe scarcily
of raclicaI II knovIedge and is hoed lo slarl
reversing lhis unforlunale silualion.
The nexl seclion of lhis aer defines II and
resenls a scienlific aroach lo describing and
measuring il. We viII lhen resenl a number of
key findings lhal demonslrale vhy lhis conslrucl
is eseciaIIy imorlanl and vaIuabIe in lhe vork-
Iace. The sludies discussed viII rovide emiricaI
evidence of lhe bollom-Iine imacl of II
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 2
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 1
(20@6<; 1:
)52 E:2>42;02, D236;6@6<; .;1 "2.?A>2:2;@ <3
E:<@6<;.9 I;@299642;02
This seclion of lhe aer inlroduces lhe emergence, definilion and measuremenl of lhe concel of emolionaI
inleIIigence (II). The ar-On modeI viII be exIained as a key aroach lo defining, describing and
measuring lhis concel. This seclion is designed lo 'vhel lhe aelile' of lhose vho are nev lo lhe fieId of
emolionaI inleIIigence, vhiIe lhe seasoned II raclilioners viII find il lo be a heIfuI refresher.
2. D236;6;4 .;1 :2.?A>6;4 2:<@6<;.9
In lhe 'osl-Thorndikean modern' eriod, lhe
efforls lo define and evenluaIIy measure lhis
conslrucl began vilh lhe vork of Gardner on
aIlernalive forms of inleIIigence |1983j, conlinued
vilh ar-On's idea of an "IQ" lhal began during lhe
same eriod, and became very focused vilh
SaIovey and Mayer's seminaI ubIicalion on
"emolionaI inleIIigence" |1990j foIIoved by
GoIeman beslseIIer lhal ubIicised lhis vhoIe
area |1995j. During lhe asl decade in arlicuIar,
significanl research aclivily has focused on
addressing lhe queslion of hov besl lo define
and measure II. Various aroaches have been
roosed, and a number of differenl concelu-
aIisalions of lhis conslrucl have aeared, crealing
some degree of confusion regarding lhe besl vay lo
define, measure and aIy emolionaI inleIIigence.To
heI cIarify lhis silualion, lhe E#c.c!$%edia $f A%%!ied
P(.ch$!$g. |SieIberger, 2004j suggesls lhal lhere are
currenlIy lhree ma|or II modeIs:
a) lhe ar-On modeI |1997bj vhich describes
lhis conslrucl as an array of inlerreIaled
emolionaI and sociaI comelencies, skiIIs
and faciIilalors lhal imacl inleIIigenl
behaviour, measured by seIf-reorl |ar-On,
1997aj as veII as muIli-raler or vhal is aIso
referred lo as 360-degree assessmenl |ar-On
& HandIey, 2003a, 2003bj,
E&-6I ECI "(CEI)
SeIf-Regard ImolionaI SeIf-Avareness Iaces
ImolionaI SeIf-Avareness Accurale SeIf-Assessmenl Iiclures
Asserliveness SeIf-Confidence FACILITATING EMOTIONS
Indeendence SELF-MANAGEMENT IaciIilalion
SeIf-AcluaIizalion ImolionaI SeIf-ConlroI Sensalions
Imalhy AdalabiIily Changes
SociaI ResonsibiIily Achievemenl Orienlalion Iends
InlerersonaI ReIalionshi Inilialive MANAGING EMOTIONS
STRESS MANAGEMENT Olimism Imolion Managemenl
Slress ToIerance SOCIAL AWARENESS ImolionaI ReIalionshis
ImuIse ConlroI Imalhy
ADAPTABILITY OrganizalionaI Avareness
IIexibiIily Service Orienlalion
IrobIem SoIving DeveIoing Olhers
GENERAL MOOD InsiralionaI Leadershi
Olimism Change CalaIysl
Hainess InfIuence
ConfIicl Managemenl
Teamvork and CoIIaboralion
)./92 1
The scaIes of lhe lhree mosl ouIarIy used measures of emolionaI inleIIigence, designed lo asses lhis
conslrucl by seIf-reorl (lhe EQCiB), muIli-raler (ECI) and abiIily-based evaIualion (MSCEIT)
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 3
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 1
b) lhe GoIeman modeI |1998j vhich vievs il as
an assorlmenl of comelencies and skiIIs lhal
conlribule secificaIIy lo manageriaI erform-
ance, measured by muIli-raler assessmenl
oyalzis, GoIeman & HayGrou, 2001j, and,
c) lhe Mayer-SaIovey modeI |1997j vhich
defines emolionaI inleIIigence as lhe abiIily
lo erceive, undersland, manage and use
emolions lo faciIilale lhinking, measured by
an abiIily-based measure |Mayer, SaIovey &
Caruso, 2002j.
The scaIes of lhese lhree II measures are Iisled in
TabIe 1 lo rovide lhe reader vilh a quick overviev
of lhe various asecls of emolionaI inleIIigence lhal
are being measured vilh lhese inslrumenls.
The above lhree inslrumenls, and lhe secific
asecls of emolionaI inleIIigence lhal lhey
measure, are described furlher and criliqued by
harvaney |2007, . 47-55, 157-164j, in lhe same
source, she comares lhem vilh olher avaiIabIe II
inslrumenls lhal are aIso described in delaiI.
In seIecling a arlicuIar definilion or measure of
emolionaI inleIIigence, HR rofessionaIs are
slrongIy advised lo ensure lhal il meels aII lhe
imorlanl crileria and be 'fil for urose' (i.e.
lhal lhe inslrumenl in queslion vas, for examIe,
slandardised for use on a subslanliaIIy Iarge and
reresenlalive samIe of lhe IocaI ouIalion vilh
resecl lo age, gender, elhnic and socio-economic
consideralions as veII as considered lo be bolh a
reIiabIe and vaIid measure of emolionaI inleIIigence
based on accelabIe face, conlenl, facloriaI,
conslrucl and rediclive vaIidily). Aendix A
describes lhese imorlanl sychomelric crileria in
delaiI lo heI lhe HR rofessionaI beller undersland
lhe desired roerlies and fealures vhen seIecling
an aIicabIe II definilion and measure. Such
delaiIed informalion on lhe sychomelric ro-
erlies of II measures can be found in lhe mosl re-
cenl edilion of B*'$( Me#)a! Mea(*'e"e#) Yea'b$$
as veII as in ubIicalions lhal focus rimariIy on
II measuremenl such as GIenn Geher's Mea(*'i#g
E"$)i$#a! I#)e!!ige#ce |2004j and Van Rooy's recenl
reviev of rominenl II measures |2007j. The
rough 'ruIe of lhumb' is lo seIecl lhe II measure vilh
lhe slrongesl sychomelric roerlies.
Ior lhe urose of lhis aer, ve have decided lo
use lhe ar-On modeI for defining and measuring
II, because il reresenls one of lhe mosl vaIid,
comrehensive and aIicabIe conceluaI and
sychomelric modeIs currenlIy avaiIabIe |e.g.,
ar-On, 2004, 2006, IIake & Imara, 1999, 2001, Van
Rooy & Visvesvaran, 2007j.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 4
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 1
3. )52 B.>-$; :<129 <3 2:<@6<;.9
According lo lhe ar-On modeI, e"$)i$#a!C($cia! i#C
)e!!ige#ce i( a# a''a. $f i#)e''e!a)ed e"$)i$#a! a#d ($cia!
c$"%e)e#cie(< (i!!( a#d faci!i)a)$'( )ha) de)e'"i#e h$,
effec)i+e!. ,e *#de'()a#d a#d e-%'e(( $*'(e!+e(< *#de'C
()a#d $)he'( a#d 'e!a)e ,i)h )he"< a#d c$%e ,i)h dai!.
de"a#d(< cha!!e#ge( a#d %'e((*'e;
The emolionaI and sociaI comelencies, skiIIs and
faciIilalors referred lo in lhis definilion are groued
inlo five ma|or facloriaI comonenls vilh each com-
rising a number of cIoseIy reIaled comelencies,
skiIIs and faciIilalors (15 in aII) lhal are described in
TabIe 2 beIov, lhese five comosile faclors and 15
subfaclors are measured by lhe Ba'O# E"$)i$#a!
Q*$)ie#) I#+e#)$'. ?$' EQCiB@.
To beller undersland lhe ar-On modeI of emolionaI-
sociaI inleIIigence and hov il vas deveIoed, il is
imorlanl lo describe lhe Ba'O# E"$)i$#a! Q*$)ie#)
I#+e#)$'. ?EQCiB@ vhich has Iayed an inslrumenlaI
roIe in deveIoing lhis modeI. Ior lhe urose of
lhis discussion, il is aIso heIfuI lo slress lhal lhe
ar-On modeI is oeralionaIised by lhe EQCiB
and lhal lhe EQCiB is an oeralionaIisalion of lhis
conceluaI modeI. The EQCiB is a seIf-reorl
measure of emolionaIIy and sociaIIy inleIIigenl
behaviour lhal rovides an eslimale of emolionaI-
sociaI inleIIigence.
The IQ-i conlains 133 ilems in lhe form of shorl
senlences and has a 5-oinl resonse scaIe vilh a
lexluaI resonse formal ranging from "very seIdom
or nol lrue of me" (1) lo "very oflen lrue of me or
lrue of me" (5). A Iisl of lhe invenlory's ilems is
found in lhe inslrumenl's lechnicaI manuaI |ar-On,
1997bj. The EQCiB is suilabIe for individuaIs 17
years of age and oIder and lakes aroximaleIy 40
minules lo comIele. There are aIso 125- and 51-
ilem shorl versions of lhis inslrumenl as veII as 60-
and 30-ilem youlh versions (lhe EQCi=YVB), vhich
is aIicabIe from 7 lo 18 years of age and lakes
aroximaleIy 15 minules lo comIele |ar-On &
Iarker, 2000j.
E&-6I (0.92? )52 EI C<:=2@2;062? .;1 (8699? A??2??21 /E E.05 (0.92
INTRAIIRSONAL SeIf-avareness and seIf-exression:
SeIf-Regard To accuraleIy erceive, undersland and accel oneseIf.
ImolionaI SeIf-Avareness To be avare of and undersland one's emolions.
Asserliveness To effecliveIy and conslrucliveIy exress one's feeIings and oneseIf.
Indeendence To be seIf-reIianl and free of emolionaI deendency on olhers.
SeIf-AcluaIizalion To slrive lo achieve ersonaI goaIs and acluaIize one's olenliaI.
INTIRIIRSONAL SociaI avareness and inlerersonaI reIalionshi:
Imalhy To be avare of and undersland hov olhers feeI.
SociaI ResonsibiIily To idenlify vilh one's sociaI grou and cooerale vilh olhers.
InlerersonaI ReIalionshi To eslabIish muluaIIy salisfying reIalionshis and reIale veII vilh olhers.
STRISS MANAGIMINT ImolionaI managemenl and conlroI:
Slress ToIerance To effecliveIy and conslrucliveIy manage emolions.
ImuIse ConlroI To effecliveIy and conslrucliveIy conlroI emolions.
ADAITAILITY Change managemenl:
ReaIily-Tesling To ob|ecliveIy vaIidale one's feeIings and lhinking vilh exlernaI reaIily.
IIexibiIily To adal and ad|usl one's feeIings and lhinking lo nev silualions.
IrobIem-SoIving To effecliveIy soIve robIems of a ersonaI and inlerersonaI nalure.
GINIRAL MOOD SeIf-molivalion:
Olimism To be osilive and Iook al lhe brighler side of Iife.
Hainess To feeI conlenl vilh oneseIf, olhers and Iife in generaI.
)./92 2
The arOn IQ-i scaIes and subscaIes and vhal lhey assess
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 5
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 1
The individuaI's resonses render a lolaI IQ score
and scores on lhe 5 comosile scaIes and 15 sub-
scaIes Iisled in TabIe 2. Scores are comuler-gen-
eraled, and rav scores are aulomalicaIIy
labuIaled and converled inlo slandard scores
based on a mean of 100 and slandard devialions
of 15, vhich makes il is ossibIe lo comare lhe
resondenl vilh olhers from lhe same ouIalion
irreseclive of age and gender based on lhe norms
lhal vere crealed for lhe various age/gender grous
vho comIeled lhe EQCiB vhen il vas slandard-
ised for use. This scoring rocess, vilh lhe mean
score ad|usled lo 100, resembIes IQ (InleIIigence
Quolienl) scores vhich vas ar-On's inlenlion
vhen he coined lhe lerm "IQ" ("ImolionaI
Quolienl"). Average lo above average IQ scores
on lhe EQCiBsuggesl lhal lhe resondenl is effeclive
in emolionaI and sociaI funclioning. The higher
lhe scores, lhe more osilive lhe rediclion for
effeclive funclioning in meeling daiIy demands
and chaIIenges. On lhe olher hand, Iov IQ scores
suggesl an inabiIily lo be effeclive and lhe ossibIe
exislence of emolionaI, sociaI and/or behaviouraI
The EQCiB has a buiIl-in correclion faclor lhal
aulomalicaIIy ad|usls lhe scaIe scores based on
scores oblained from lvo of lhe inslrumenl's vaIidily
indices (Iosilive Imression and Negalive Imres-
sion). This is a very imorlanl fealure for seIf-reorl
measures, because il reduces lhe olenliaIIy
dislorling effecls of lhose resondenls vho lry lo
'fake good' for examIe, and lhereby increases lhe
accuracy of lhe overaII resuIls. In addilion lo lhese
lvo vaIidily scaIes, lhis II inslrumenl aIso has an
Inconsislency Index vhich idenlifies lhe degree lo
vhich a resondenl may be resonding in a
hahazard fashion bringing lhe vaIidily of lhe
scores inlo queslion.
The EQCiB vas lhe firsl II measure lo be ubIished
by a sychoIogicaI lesl ubIisher |ar-On, 1997aj
and lhe firsl such measure lo be eer-revieved in
lhe B*'$( Me#)a! Mea(*'e"e#) Yea'b$$ |IIake &
Imara, 1999j. The youlh version of lhis measure,
lhe EQCiB=YV, vas recommended for use in
schooIs nalionvide in rilain based on lhe rec-
ommendalions of researchers al lhe Universily of
Oxford, vho revieved 59 such inslrumenls over a
lvo-year eriod |based on ersonaI communicalion in
2002 belveen lhe researchers and lvo of lhe co-
aulhors of lhis aerj. Il is lhe mosl videIy used
measure of emolionaI-sociaI inleIIigence lo dale
|ar-On, 2004j, and lhe ubIisher has recenlIy
reveaIed lo one of lhe co-aulhors lhal aroximaleIy
haIf a miIIion lesls have been comIeled vorIdvide
over lhe asl seven years aIone.
The EQCiB has been slandardised for use in many
counlries. Il has been lransIaled inlo more lhan 30
Ianguages, and dala have been coIIecled from a
vide variely of sellings around vorId. eing deveI-
oed over a eriod of 17 years and examined in a
Iarge number of vaIidily sludies conducled on lens
of lhousands of individuaIs, lhis inslrumenl has lhe
mosl exlensive emiricaI underinnings of aII avaiI-
abIe II inslrumenls. Moreover, il has been
cross-cuIluraIIy vaIidaled in many counlries and
on various socio-economic IeveIs based on Iarge and
diverse ouIalion samIes vorIdvide.
Aendices , C and D conlain summarised
research findings on lhe inslrumenl's reIiabiIily,
conslrucl vaIidily and rediclive vaIidily resec-
liveIy. These findings indicale lhal lhe IQ-i is a
reIiabIe and vaIid measure of emolionaI-sociaI
inleIIigence (i.e. il is consislenl, slabIe over lime,
measures vhal il vas designed lo measure, and
redicls a vide variely of human behaviour and
aclivily). A more delaiIed descrilion of hov il vas
deveIoed and ils sychomelric roerlies is found
in lhe Ba'CO# EQCi Tech#ica! Ma#*a! |ar-On, 1997bj,
B*'$( Me#)a! Mea(*'e"e#) Yea'b$$ |IIake & Imara,
1999j and in GIenn Geher's recenl book lilIed
Mea(*'i#g E"$)i$#a! I#)e!!ige#ce |2004j.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 6
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 1
1. )52 6:=.0@ <3 EI <; <00A=.@6<;.9
In a number of sludies lhal have been summarised
over lhe asl decade |e.g., ar-On, 1997b, 2004,
2006a, 2006b, ar-On, HandIey & Iund, 2006, Han-
dIey, 1997, Ruderman & ar-On, 2003j, lhe EQCiB
has shovn lhal lhere is a highIy significanl reIalion-
shi belveen emolionaI inleIIigence and occua-
lionaI erformance. The average rediclive vaIidily
for lhese sludies is .55, meaning lhal aroximaleIy
30% of occualionaI erformance is based on II as
described by lhe ar-On modeI, and vhen Ieader-
shi is examined searaleIy from generaI occua-
lionaI erformance, lhis figure increases lo aboul
67% meaning lhal lvo-lhirds of Ieadershi is
deendenl uon II |ar-On, 2006aj.
In lhe firsl knovn sludy lhal direclIy examined lhe
reIalionshi belveen II and occualionaI erform-
ance, lhe EQCiB scores of 1,171 US Air Iorce
recruilers (USAI) vere comared vilh lheir abiIily
lo meel annuaI recruilmenl quolas |HandIey, 1997,
ar-On el aI., 2006j. ased on USAI crileria, lhey
vere divided inlo lhose vho vere abIe lo meel al
Ieasl 100% of lheir annuaI quola ("high erformers")
and lhose vho mel Iess lhan 80% ("Iov erformers"),
reresenling a very robusl melhod of assessing occu-
alionaI erformance. A discriminanl funclion
anaIysis indicaled lhal EQCiB scores vere abIe lo
fairIy accuraleIy idenlify high and Iov erformers,
demonslraling lhal lhe reIalionshi belveen II and
occualionaI erformance is high (.53) based on lhe
samIe sludied. Irior lo 1996, il vas cosling lhe
USAI aroximaleIy lhree miIIion doIIars for an
average 100 mismalches a year. Afler one year of
combining re-emIoymenl II screening vilh
inlervieving and comaring EQCiB scores vilh
lhe modeI for successfuI recruilers, lhey increased
lheir abiIily lo redicl successfuI recruilers by nearIy
lhreefoId, reduced firsl-year lurnover due lo mis-
malches and cul lheir financiaI Iosses by arox-
imaleIy 92% dramalicaIIy imacling lheir bollom
Iine. ased on lhese resuIls, lhe US GeneraI
Accounling Office submilled a CongressionaI
Reorl lo lhe Senale Commillee on Armed Services
raising lhe USAI's use of II screening vhich vas
based on lhe IQ-i |Uniled Slales GeneraI
Accounling Office, 1998j.
The resuIls generaled by lhe EQCiB comare quile
favourabIy vilh lhose generaled by olher II meas-
ures in redicling occualionaI erformance. Ior
examIe, lhe correIalion belveen lhe MSCEIT and
occualionaI erformance range belveen .22 and
.46 |rackell & SaIovey, 2004j.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 7
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 2
(20@6<; 2:
)52 E:=6>60.99E B.?21 EB612;02 3<> A==9E6;4 E:<@6<;.9
I;@299642;02 6; @52 ,<>8=9.02
This seclion of lhe aer rovides a summary of sludies lhal emiricaIIy make lhe business case for II.
These sludies, vhich vere conducled in a variely of organisalionaI sellings, are described and quanlify lhe
imacl of II inlervenlions on occualionaI erformance, Ieadershi and organisalionaI roduclivily.
A consensus of findings in lhe sludies summarised
lo dale using lhe EQCiB indicale lhal lhe mosl
overfuI II conlribulors lo occualionaI erform-
ance are:
a) lhe abiIily lo be avare of and accel oneseIf,
b) lhe abiIily lo be avare of olhers' feeIings,
concerns and needs,
c) lhe abiIily lo manage emolions,
d)lhe abiIily lo be reaIislic and ul lhings in
correcl erseclive, and,
e) lhe abiIily lo have a osilive disosilion and
oulIook on Iife.
II rofiIes based on lhis lye of informalion are
increasingIy aIied in seIeclion, lraining, Ieader-
shi deveIomenl and succession Ianning vorId-
vide. This aroach increases lhe chances of
emIoying and deveIoing higher erforming
emIoyees vho coIIecliveIy lend lo increase
organisalionaI roduclivily.
2. )52 6:=.0@ <3 EI <; 92.12>?56=
This seclion describes four fascinaling sludies lhal
examine lhe imacl of II on Ieadershi |ar-On,
2004, ar-On el aI., 2006, SIaski & Carlvrighl, 2002j.
These sludies are resenled here lo iIIuslrale lhe un-
equivocaI imorlance of lhis conslrucl for lhe
cororale vorId.
In lhe firsl sludy |ar-On el aI., 2006j, 1,096 maIe
recruils in lhe IsraeIi Defense Iorces (IDI) vere
asked lo "choose lhose eoIe in your unil vho are
mosl suilabIe for a Ieadershi roIe." Those vho vere
idenlified by lheir eers as having Ieadershi olen-
liaI (n536) vere requesled lo comIele lhe EQCiB.
A lolaI score for "Ieadershi olenliaI" vas crealed
by caIcuIaling lhe number of limes a recruil vas
nominaled by his eers for ossessing lhis arlicu-
Iar allribule. Discriminanl funclion anaIysis vas
aIied lo lhe dala lo see if IQ-i scores couId
dislinguish belveen recruils vilh lhe highesl and
Iovesl ralings for eer-erceived Ieadershi olenliaI.
The resuIls indicaled lhal lhere is indeed a slalis-
licaIIy significanl correIalion belveen II and Iead-
ershi olenliaI (.39). AddilionaIIy, lhe findings
suggesled lhal lhe II modeI lhal besl idenlifies
Ieadershi olenliaI in lhis secific samIe
comrises lhe foIIoving emolionaI and sociaI
faclors: SeIf-Regard, Imalhy, Slress ToIerance,
ReaIily Tesling, and IIexibiIily. This means lhal
lhose individuaIs vho ossessed high IeveIs of
lhese arlicuIar II faclors vere erceived as
having high Ieadershi olenliaI.
In a second sludy |ar-On el aI., 2006j, 470 officer
lrainees in lhe IsraeIi Defense Iorces (IDI) vere
comared vilh a randomIy seIecled grou of
470 recruils from lhe same samIe (n2,513). This
vas lhoughl lo reresenl a more robusl aroach lo
idenlifying Ieadershi olenliaI lhan lhe aroach
used in lhe revious sludy, because a grou of IDI
recruils vho vere acluaIIy enroIIed in officer lraining
vere being comared vilh a grou of recruils vho
did nol meel lhe minimum requiremenls for officer
lraining, did nol ass lhe sychoIogicaI screening
required or did nol exress a desire lo be officers. Il
vas found lhal lhe mean score for lhe officer
lrainees vas significanlIy higher lhan lhal of
lhe enIisled men: 108 versus 100 resecliveIy
(l9.60, <.001). Discriminanl funclion anaIysis vas
lhen aIied lo lhe dala lo see if il couId dislinguish
belveen lhe lvo grous. The resuIls once
agai n i ndi caled lhal II can redicl Ieadershi
olenliaI and lhal lhe lvo enlilies are significanlIy
reIaled (.49). AddilionaIIy, lhe besl II rediclors of
Ieadershi aear lo be lhe foIIoving comelences,
skiIIs and faciIilalors: SeIf-Regard, ImolionaI SeIf-
Avareness, Indeendence, Imalhy, InlerersonaI
ReIalionshi, Slress ToIerance, ReaIily Tesling,
IrobIem SoIving, and Hainess. ased on lhe
cIassificalion malrix of lhe slalislicaI aIicalion
used, lhe abiIily of lhis modeI lo redicl Ieadershi
olenliaI is 69% accurale. This means, moreover,
lhal aroximaleIy 7 oul of 10 olenliaIIy successfuI
candidales for officer lraining couId be idenlified
using lhis modeI.
One of lhe mosl informalive sludies lhal examined
lhe reIalionshi belveen II and Ieadershi vas
conducled al lhe Cenler for Crealive Leadershi
(CCL) in lhe Uniled Slales |Ruderman & ar-On,
2003j. In lhis Iandmark sludy, 300 execulives origi-
naIIy agreed lo arliciale by comIeling lhe EQCiB.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 8
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 2
ComIele dala vere oblained for 236 arlicianls
afler four exlreme oulIiers vere excIuded from lhe
samIe. This samIe incIuded 175 men and 61
vomen. These individuaIs reresenled execulives
vorking in a variely of differenl Ieadershi
osilions in various organisalion across Norlh
America. The mean age vas 42.4 years for lhe maIes
and 42.8 for lhe femaIes. In addilion lo adminislering
lhe EQCiB lo assess II, each individuaI's Ieadershi
abiIily vas raled by an average of seven lo
eighl co-vorkers using enchmarks. ench-
marks is a 360 degree muIli-raler deveIoed by
CCL, consisling of 16 ma|or comonenls designed
lo rale "successfuI Ieadershi" and five comonenls
designed lo rale "deraiImenl" vhich is lhe olenliaI
for very oor Ieadershi. The ralings vere
combined and averaged lo creale an overaII mean
raling for each arlicianl. ased on a discrim-
inanl funclion anaIysis lhal vas used lo examine
lhe imacl of II on Ieadershi, il vas found lhal lhe
overaII correIalion vas .74 meaning lhal al Ieasl 55%
of successfuI Ieadershi is based on emolionaI
inleIIigence. According lo lhis modeI, lhe II faclors
lhal have lhe slrongesl imacl of Ieadershi
are emalhy, inlerersonaI reIalionshi, sociaI
resonsibiIily, slress loIerance and robIem
soIving. Il is inleresling lo nole lhal lhe firsl lhree
and slrongesl faclors are lhose vhich are oflen
referred lo as "eoIe skiIIs" foIIoved by lhe abiIily
lo manage emolions and soIve robIems.
In lhe fourlh and Iasl sludy resenled here, SIaski
and Carlvrighl |2002j sludied lhe reIalionshi
belveen EQCiB scores and severaI differenl asecls
of Ieadershi among 224 middIe managers al
TISCO, vhich is a Iarge rilish relaiI organisalion.
ManageriaI erformance vas raled using lhe organ-
isalion's comelency framevork, vhich incIuded 16
faclors lhoughl lo be crilicaI for success such as lhe
abiIily lo sel ob|eclives, Ian, organise and
make decisions. The researchers aIso coIIecled
dala on generaI hysicaI and sychoIogicaI heaIlh
as veII as sub|eclive measures of slress. In addilion
lo reveaIing a significanlIy high correIalion belveen
II and overaII manageriaI erformance, il vas
found lhal lhe more emolionaIIy inleIIigenl man-
agers exerience significanlIy Iess slress, are
heaIlhier and en|oy lheir vork more vhen
comared vilh Iess emolionaIIy inleIIigenl managers.
3. )52 6:=.0@ <3 EI <;
<>4.;6?.@6<;.9 =><1A0@6B6@E
In a ground-breaking sludy conducled by Langhorn
|2003j al Whilbread in lhe UK, fascinaling findings
vere reveaIed indicaling a definile reIalionshi
belveen II and organisalionaI roduclivily
(.47). More secificaIIy, il vas found lhal lhal
lhe emolionaI inleIIigence of reslauranl man-
agers significanlIy imacls annuaI rofil
grovlh. ased on lhe lhis sludy moreover, lhe
II faclors lhal are lhe besl rediclors of roduc-
livily aear lo be ImolionaI SeIf-Avareness,
InlerersonaI ReIalionshi, SociaI ResonsibiIily,
ReaIily Tesling and Hainess.
Il vas aIso found lhal reslauranls managed by
managers vilh high emolionaI inleIIigence
shoved an annuaI rofil grovlh of 22% versus
an annuaI average grovlh of 15% for lhe same
eriod, lhis amounled lo an annuaI increase for
lhis arlicuIar comany of aroximaleIy 110
ML. Iurlhermore, reslauranls managed by femaIe
managers vilh high II exhibiled an annuaI
grovlh of 28% amounling lo an increase of 200
ML for lhe same eriod. Il vouId be inleresling
lo onder lhe annuaI rofil grovlh for lhese
same reslauranls if lhe emIoyees as veII as lhe
managers vere abIe lo increase lheir II as lhe
resuIl of grou lraining and individuaI coaching
focusing on lhese secific faclors. And vhal if
lhis vas combined vilh recruiling reslauranl
managers vilh above average emolionaI seIf-avare-
ness, inlerersonaI reIalionshi skiIIs, sociaI reson-
sibiIily, reaIily lesling and hainess` These
ossibiIilies are exIored in delaiI in lhe nexl
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 9
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 2
1. H<C @< .==><.05 @52 .==960.@6<;
<3 EI 6; <>12> @< :.D6:6?2
<>4.;6?.@6<;.9 =><1A0@6B6@E
There are seven key vays in vhich an HR rofes-
sionaI can inlroduce II inlo lhe mix of HR aclivilies
in a secific organisalion. Some of lhese viII be
more imorlanl lhan olhers deending on lhe
business conlexl of lhal organisalion:
E& =><3696;4 <3 $00A=.@6<;? .;1 (@.> %2>3<>:2>?
The use of an IQ looI Iends ilseIf lo crealing
organi sali onaI knovIedge of vhal conslilules
excelionaI eoIe erformance. Il usuaIIy invoIves
conducling IQ assessmenls bolh vilhin and oulside
a largel grou of managers or individuaIs. WeII slruc-
lured inlervenlions have lhis as a slarling oinl (see
lhe case sludy described in lhis seclion). The use of
rofiIing rovides a soIid emiricaI basis and robusl
aroach for seIeclion, lraining and succession
'20>A6@:2;@ .;1 (2920@6<; - This invoIves lhe use
of II assessmenl as arl of lhe seIeclion rocesses
emIoyed aIongside olher assessmenl looIs and
melhods. The mosl comeIIing evidence of lhe
imacl of lhis can be found in lhe HanIey sludy
quoled earIier in lhis aer. This is based rimariIy
on II rofiIing by comaring lhe IQ-i resuIls vilh
lhe II rofiIe of lhe organisalion's slar erformers.
G><A= @>.6;6;4 .;1 @2.: 12B29<=:2;@ - The use
of an II looI as arl of nol onIy lhe design of an
inlervenlion of grou lraining or leam deveIo-
menl bul aIso as lhe inlervenlion ilseIf. The use of
an II measuremenl looI encourages seIf-avareness
and rovides a very imorlanl slarling oinl. If you
don'l knov lhe slarling oinl, hov do you knov
vhere you vanl lo reach and vhal you vhal lo ac-
I;16B61A.9 C<>=<>.@2 C<.056;4 - The use of II
measuremenl vilhin one-lo-one coaching. This
oflen aears as "one-lo-one" in lhe Iileralure. Il is
our exerience lhal mosl coaching in organisalions
reIies uon ersonaIilies (lhe coach and lhe indi-
viduaI being coached) ralher lhan hard dala. II
inlervenlions creale an evidence base for coaching.
(A002??6<; %9.;;6;4 - This invoIves idenlifying a
key grou of crilicaI eoIe and designing an II in-
lervenlion direclIy assisling lhis grou lo be
effeclive. The case sludy offered in lhis seclion
rovides an examIe of hov lo do lhis in raclice.
(20@6<; 3:
A==9E6;4 E:<@6<;.9 I;@299642;02 6; @52 ,<>8=9.02
Having exIained and revieved lhe imorlance of II in lhe vorkIace, in lhis seclion ve shifl lhe
focus lo lhe HR raclilioner and lhe queslion of hov II inlervenlions can be Iocaled, slarled and
roerIy managed vilhin an HR syslem.
I:=<>@.;@ .==960.@6<;? <3 2:<@6<;.9
6;@299642;02 6; @52 C<>8=9.02
I E' ?@>58;8=6 >5 >22C?0B8>=A 0=3 AB0@ ?4@5>@<4@A
I (42@C8B<4=B 0=3 A4;42B8>=
I G@>C? B@08=8=6 0=3 B40< 34D4;>?<4=B
I =38D83C0; 2>@?>@0B4 B@08=8=6
I )C224AA8>= ?;0==8=6
I L&C;A4-@4038=6M 145>@4/05B4@ 0=G <09>@
>@60=8A0B8>=0; 270=64A
I E' &@>58;4 >5 H( A3D>20B4A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 10
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 11
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
"%A9?2 '2.16;4" /23<>2 .;1 .3@2> .;E :.7<> <>-
4.;6?.@6<;.9 05.;42 - The use of an II looI lo assess
a grou of eoIe vilhin a funclion or across lhe
vhoIe organisalion. Al limes of ma|or changes
(mergers of dearlmenls and comanies, acquisi-
lions, radicaI organisalionaI reslrucluring), lhis can
rovide essenliaI cIues as lo hov lo slruclure lhe
inlervenlions and inilialives lhal lhe HR funclion is
lasked vilh. Il aIso has a deveIomenlaI focus lo
idenlify and assess vhich comonenls viII be mosl
heIfuI for lhe organisalion lo deveIo.
E& %><3692 <3 H' A1B<0.@2? - One imorlanl asecl
of vork in lhe area of emolionaI inleIIigence lhal is
oflen overIooked is lhe IQ rofiIe of lhe key advo-
cales of an inlervenlion or organisalionaI change.
The IQ rofiIe of HR eoIe vho imIemenl lhese
inlervenlions is imorlanl lo undersland, lhere-
fore, il is usefuI lo assess your ovn emolionaI inleI-
Iigence as an HR rofessionaI before allemling lo
aIy II in lhe vorkIace. Ior inslance, a Norlh
American research sludy roduced lhe inleresl-
ing consleIIalion of II slrenglhs Iisled in Grah 1,
vhich vouId infIuence hov an HR rofessionaI is
IikeIy lo go aboul lhe lask of ersuading olhers lo
embark on an emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlion.
These slrenglhs may or may nol be lhe mosl olimaI
slrenglhs for a arlicuIar conlexl. In our exerience,
HR IrofessionaIs negIecl lhis IeveI of dala and seIf-
refIeclion in lhe siril of focusing on lhe mosl urgenl
HR inilialive.
2. %>2- .;1 %<?@-I;@2>B2;@6<; E&
Across Iuroe, a fev raclilioners have allemled
lo coIIecl dala shoving lhe imacl of II inlerven-
lions. TyicaIIy, an II assessmenl is used as a re-
and osl-inlervenlion measure of emolionaI inleI-
Iigence aIongside olher business aramelers vhich
can be lracked lhrough lhe Iifesan of an inler-
venlion. The foIIoving lvo grahs (Grahs 2 and
3) shov lhe imacl on II from a grou lraining
inlervenlion and an individuaI coaching inler-
venlion resecliveIy.
Grah 2 reIales lo a Ieadershi inlervenlion in lhe
conslruclion induslry. The grou lraining vas slruc-
lured as four one-day vorkshos. Grah 3 reIales
lo senior rofessionaIs vho arlicialed in a one-lo-
one coaching II inlervenlion vilhin an
G@0?7 1
A; E& =><3692 12?0>6/6;4 H' =2>?<;;29 0<:-
=.>21 C6@5 @52 9<0.9 ;<>:
.B0@-%=, +=?C1;8A743 58=38=6A: $=469, +) 0=3 C0=030/
G@0?7 2
G><A= @>.6;6;4 0.; 6;0>2.?2 2:<@6<;.99E 6;-
@299642;@ B25.B6<> .:<;4 ?2;6<> :.;.42>?
.#. )9>;C=3, 4B 0;, 2001; ):0=A:0; ==29, )E434=/
G@0?7 3
I;16B61A.9 0<.056;4 0.; 6;0>2.?2 2:<@6<;.99E
6;@299642;@ /25.B6<> .:<;4 2D20A@6B2?
.G. B70@E0=4G, 2003; E8 ->@;3, ==47, +!/
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
organisalion roviding consuIlancy services lo ma|or
cororale cIienls. The coaching vas slruclured as a
12-hour inlervenlion deIivered as six lvo-hour
sessions. The besl raclice guideIines reIaling lo
coaching as a secific II inlervenlion are Iisled here.
Il is desirabIe lo have cIear goaIs for lhe coaching,
re- and osl-inlervenlion assessmenl of emolionaI
inleIIigence and olher business aramelers for
examIe, achievemenl of revenue largels com-
ared lo lhe revious year, a redefined slruc-
lure and accounlabiIily (so lhal everyone is avare
vho is resonsibIe for vhich asecls of lhe inler-
venlion) and finaIIy invoIved slakehoIders. More
delaiI can be found in harvaney |2006, 183-
197j. olh forms of inlervenlion had measurabIe
imacl. We viII relurn lo lhe crileria for successfuI
inlervenlions as arl of lhe case sludy in Iarl 3
These dalasels reveaI lhal il is indeed ossibIe lo
increase II by grou lraining and individuaI
coaching, and il is IogicaI lo assume lhal logelher
vilh lhe reviousIy-menlioned findings shoving
lhe reIalionshi belveen II and organizalionaI
roduclivily, lhal il is ossibIe lo imacl organisa-
lionaI roduclivily lhrough II inlervenlions.
These findings are suorled by a sludy conducled
by Mark SIaski in lhe UK, vhich invoIved research
vilh 224 managers vilhin lhe Tesco suermarkel
relaiI chain. He aIso lrained 60 of lhese managers
and found lhal il vas indeed ossibIe lo increase
emolionaI inleIIigence.
3. A 0.?2 ?@A1E 12:<;?@>.@6;4
<>4.;6?.@6<;.9 6:=.0@ <3 .; EI
This seclion of lhe aer seeks lo Iay oul lhe
conlexl in vhich a secific rogramme vas
designed and deIivered (lhe 'business imeralive'),
lhe key design fealures invoIved, and lhe ro-
gramme resuIls lhal vere oblained. There are lvo
ob|eclives underinning lhis seclion. IirslIy, ve
vouId Iike lo share vilh you an aroach in
designing an emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlion,
and secondIy, lo demonslrale lhe imacl of
harnessing emolionaI inleIIigence in lhe vorkIace.
During lhe lvo-year eriod, 2003-2005, Ii WorId
imIemenled an emolionaI inleIIigence senior
Ieadershi deveIomenl rogramme for a Ieading
financiaI services rovider in lhe UK, lhe imacl
of vhich had a langibIe and measurabIe imacl
nol onIy on lhe ersonaI deveIomenl of lhe
arlicianls, bul equaIIy on lhe I&L of lhe
BA?6;2?? 6:=2>.@6B2
The II rogramme described in lhis seclion
vas designed and deIivered for one of lhe Ieading
financiaI services organisalions in lhe UK. This
American-ovned bank, vhich began business in lhe
UK in lhe earIy 1990s, vas amongsl lhe lo lhree
(defined by markel share) Ieading mono-Iine banks
in lhe UK, exeriencing exonenliaI year on year
grovlh. The bollom-Iine grovlh, hovever, had nol
been malched by an equivaIenl inveslmenl in Iead-
ershi deveIomenl and grovlh in IocaI Ieadershi,
and as lhe organisalion moved asl lhe 'Iaunch'
decade inlo lhe 'maluring' hase of ils evoIulion,
lhe senior Ieadershi idenlified lhal is vas no Ionger
aroriale for lhe ma|orily of lhe UK senior
osilions lo be heId by execulives from lhe Amer-
ican arenl bank. There vas a reaIisalion lhal
an increased inveslmenl focus in Ieadershi
deveIomenl vas crilicaI, and vilh lhis invesl-
menl, came a concurrenl commilmenl from lhe
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 12
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 13
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
arenl organisalion lhal as senior execulive
osilions became avaiIabIe, lhey vouId be laken by
IocaI Ieadershi vherever aIicabIe and aroriale.
Thirly-five individuaIs in senior Ieadershi o-
silions vere idenlified lo arliciale in lhe
rogramme. They aII fiIIed lhe seIeclion crileria of
achieving currenl high erformance (as measured
lhrough lhe annuaI reviev rocess) logelher vilh
senior execulive endorsemenl of lheir olenliaI lo
move lo lhe senior execulive leam vilhin an 18-24
monlh lime eriod.
%><4>.::2 12?64;
In 1998, lhe Consorlium for Research on ImolionaI
InleIIigence in Organizalions ubIished a reorl
enlilIed 'ringing ImolionaI InleIIigence lo lhe
WorkIace' in vhich il, imorlanlIy, idenlified 22
key sles vhich il caIIed ' The OlimaI
Irocess for DeveIoing ImolionaI InleIIi-
gence in Organizalions' .
These crileria vere furlher refined and aIied by
Cannon and Orme and Ialer described in a series of
arlicIes ubIished in C$"%e)e#c. : E"$)i$#a!
I#)e!!ige#ce, one of lhe firsl ubIicalions on II
geared lovards al HR rofessionaIs. WhiIsl highIy
desirabIe, il is nol aIvays ossibIe or raclicabIe lo
incIude aII 22 sles in rogramme design. There are
len sles lhal are, hovever, in our oinion, crilicaI
lo buiIding an emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlion
vilh hard-hilling I&L imacl, and il is lhis consleI-
Ialion of len sles lhal vas used in lhe design and
deIivery of lhis arlicuIar senior Ieadershi
deveIomenl rogramme.
)52 E6 C<;?<>@6A:J? 22 (@2= %><02??
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
1. A??2??6;4 @52 <>4.;6?.@6<;'? ;221?
This sounds basic, bul as a crilicaI design sle,
il is oflen overIooked or negIecled vilh a conse-
quenliaI olenliaI reduclion in lhe overaII imacl of
an II inlervenlion. Il lakes lime lo ensure lhal
lhe key decision makers and slakehoIders in
lhe organisalion have a good underslanding of
emolionaI inleIIigence and ils olenliaI imacl
on bollom-Iine resuIls. As imorlanlIy during
lhis assessmenl slage, il is imeralive lo iden-
lify lhe arlicuIar comonenls of emolionaI
i nl eI I i gence l hal make f or ' success' i n l he
organi zal i on (lhrough lhe IQ rofiIing of high
erformance) and lo design lhe rogramme vilh
lhe deveIomenl of lhese comonenls as underin-
ning fealures. During lhis hase, il is crilicaI lo
share vilh lhe decision-makers lhe resuIls of
dala-driven research, and evidence and hov
emolionaI inleIIigence sils vilhin lhe organisa-
lion's exi sl i ng I eadershi cuI l ure.
)52 10 2E (@2=?
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 14
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 15
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
2. D2:<;?@>.@6;4 . B2>E 092.> /A?6;2??
Il is imorlanl lo seII lhe areas of ossibIe business
imacl, ralher lhan allemling lo seII an emolionaI
inleIIigence inlervenlion, lhe Ialler vilhoul lhe
former is hardIy a comeIIing inveslmenl choice!
The decision-makers need lo fuIIy endorse lhe
business case and undersland lhe consequences of
non-imIemenlalion, indeed, in our exerience, lhe
more lhe rogramme is seen as 'ovned' by lhe
business Ieaders (ralher lhan ureIy 'HR ovned'),
lhe hi gher lhei r I eveI of engagemenl i n lhe
rogramme viII be, and lhe more IikeIy il viII be
lo achieve (and indeed exceed) lhe slaled business
imeralives. Iarlicialion in lhe arlicuIar
rogramme described here vas osilioned as a
riviIege and a resonsibiIily, nol an enlilIemenl,
and as lhe onIy roule lo be considered for lhe
senior execulive succession Ian. This boId slance
vas a key fealure of lhe success of lhis arlic-
uIar inlervenlion as il sel lhe lone for bolh lhe
deIiverabIes of lhe rogramme and lhe IikeIy
relurn on inveslmenl lo lhe business from lhe
various Iearning aclivilies incIuded vilhin lhe
inlervenlion (for examIe, lhe documenling of lhe
'slakehoIder resuIls').
3. A??2??6;4 =2>?<;.9 ?@>2;4@5? .;1 96:6@?
Underinning lhis crilicaI design sle is confiden-
liaIily. Il is crilicaIIy imorlanl lhal aII arlicianls,
and senior sonsors, undersland and buy inlo lhe
commilmenl of care associaled vilh rolecling
ersonaI dala. No ersonaI informalion shouId be
shared unIess lhe arlicianl him or herseIf chooses
lo do so. We assessed ersonaI slrenglhs and Iimils
in a number of differenl vays. We slarled vilh
roviding a delaiIed underslanding of emolionaI
inleIIigence and a ersonaI assessmenl of emolionaI
inleIIigence using lhe arOn IQ-i. We imIe-
menled an iniliaI IQ-i assessmenl rior lo lhe
rogramme Iaunch vhich incIuded a one-on-one
feedback session, a delaiIed individuaI reorl,
coaching noles, and an oulIine deveIomenl Ian.
We buiIl a 360-degree eIemenl inlo lhe rogramme
lhrough eer and manager feedback. The individuaI
IQ-i assessmenls and lhe coIIeclive grou
rofiIes vere used lo shae lhe secific rogramme
conlenl. A very secific Iink vas deveIoed belveen
idenlified deveIomenl oorlunilies, organisa-
lionaI need and rogramme design.
4. %><B616;4 3221/.08 C6@5 0.>2
We incororaled lhis design fealure in a number of
differenl vays, aII underinned by a high emalhy
Iearning environmenl. We rovided access lo
execulive coaches oulside of Ianned sessions (i.e.
eoIe had lime lo refIecl on feedback, and resond
in lheir ovn lime). Iarlicianls vere encouraged
lo share vilh lheir 'buddy' (a Iearning arlner from
vilhin lhe arlicialing grou) bul vere nol obIiged
lo do so. Likevise, ve incororaled a senior menlor
reIalionshi inlo lhe rogramme, and arlicianls
vere encouraged l o share l hei r ersonaI
assessmenl s bul vere nol obIiged lo do so.
5. E;0<A>.46;4 =.>@606=.@6<;
Al ils mosl fundamenlaI IeveI, arlicialion
vas encouraged lhrough lhe slrong revard mech-
anisms buiIl inlo lhe rogramme - successfuI com-
Ielion of lhe rogramme oened lhe door lo
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
oorlunilies on lhe senior execulive leam. In
addilion, lhe six-monlh rogramme vas designed
lo ensure lhal aII Iearning slyIes vere calered for
one-on-one coaching, menloring, vorkshos on
crilicaI Ieadershi skiIIs and knovIedge, buddies lo
suorl Iearning, a resource Iibrary and deIivery of
business crilicaI inilialives. The arlicianl's abiIily
lo infIuence lhe design and conlenl of vorkshos
vas imorlanl, and IaslIy, lhe endorsemenl of lhe
rogramme from lhe senior Ieadershi leam vas
6. (2@@6;4 092.> 4<.9?
The rogramme vas aIso underinned by lrans-
arency al aII slages, and lhe anlicialed oulcomes
vere exIicilIy arlicuIaled al lhe lime of rogramme
Iaunch. The rogramme goaIs vere incororaled
inlo individuaI annuaI goaIs, ensuring lhal lhe
arlicianls vere heId accounlabIe for bolh lhe
resuIls and lhe financiaI inveslmenl. DeIivery of
chaIIenging business-crilicaI inilialives by individ-
uaIs and lhe grou vas an imorlanl rogramme
7. ".D6:6?6;4 <==<>@A;6@62? @< =>.0@602
The rogramme vas designed around vorkshos
vilh cIear and secific aclions for imIemenlalion
belveen vorkshos. usiness crilicaI inilialives
vere incIuded, and lhe vorkshos reinforced
revious Iearning. Iach vorksho had a series of
leam-based aclions lhal each manager vas encour-
aged lo imIemenl. There vere aIso seIf-aced
maleriaIs lo conlinue lhe Iearning rocess beyond
lhe lraining room.
8. E;0<A>.46;4 A?2 <3 ?8699? <; @52 7</
The ma|orily of rogramme arlicianls vere
accounlabIe for significanlIy eoIe-inlensive
divisions, vilh lyicaIIy 100-150 eoIe in each of
lheir reseclive business areas. The oorlunily for
Ieadershi 'raclice' vas lherefore significanl. The
arlicianls vere encouraged lo Iearn hov lo Iead
in an emolionaIIy and sociaIIy inleIIigenl manner
(lhus imroving lhe vorking environmenl for lheir
eoIe) and roviding secific feedback in lhe
vorkshos on vhal vorked veII and vhal did nol.
The arlicianls became invoIved in fulure educa-
lion and Ieadershi deveIomenl rogrammes for
lheir eoIe lhey vere in charge of.
9. %><B616;4 .; <>4.;6?.@6<;.9 0A9@A>2 @5.@
?A==<>@? 92.>;6;4
In addilion lo ensuring lhal aII Iearning slyIes vere
accommodaled, il vas imorlanl lhal lhe
rogramme sonsor kel lhe rogramme high on
lhe organisalionaI agenda, and lhal lhe arlicianls
feIl suorled lhroughoul lhe rogramme. This is
oflen mosl chaIIenged al limes of confIicling busi-
ness riorilies (vhere a business need arises on lhe
day of a vorksho) and al lhese limes lhe roIe of a
senior HR advocale is imorlanl vilhin an II
inlervenlion lo ensure lhal diary confIicls are
negolialed and lhal lhe individuaI manager is abIe
lo arliciale as lhey had originaIIy Ianned lo do.
Somelimes lhis invoIves direcl inlervenlion on lhe
arl of lhe HR advocale or senior sonsor.
10. C<;1A0@6;4 <;-4<6;4 2B.9A.@6<;
Our rogramme had lhree differenl cohorls and
feedback, and Iearnings from lhe firsl cohorl vere
buiIl inlo lhe second and lhird rogrammes. We
evaIualed lhe rogramme in a number of differenl
vays, vhich vas lhrough slakehoIder resuIls,
lhrough arlicianl and sonsor feedback, and
lhrough lhe 'before' and 'afler' individuaI and grou
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 16
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 17
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
)52 >2?A9@?
The rogramme had far reaching business imacl,
and lhe resuIls vere as foIIovs:
Significanl business resuIls vere achieved in
lhe lvo years lhal sanned lhe rogramme,
exceeding I&L execlalions, in a highIy
comelilive and reguIalory-chaIIenged
Mosl of lhe arlicianls (35) exerienced
imrovemenl in lheir emolionaI inleIIigence,
and al grou IeveI, lhere vas a slalislicaIIy
significanl increase in 20 of lhe 21 IQ-i scores
(see rofiIe).
Iour (4) of lhe arlicianls moved lo lhe
senior Ieadershi leam, reIacing US
There vas an increased sense of leamshi
across lhe business, demonslraled by
increased nelvorking and imroved
inleraclion in a muIli-sile environmenl,
vilh imroved shared accounlabiIily for
business resuIls.
%><4>.::2 - B23<>2/A3@2> %><3692
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
The imIemenlalion of lhe len sles described
above vas lhe resuIl of rigorous vork from lhe
oulsel and a Ienglhy rocess of engaging key
slakehoIders. We encourage you lo use lhese
sl es as a roadma f or vhal needs l o be
addressed in your II inlervenlion. You may aIso
vish lo consuIl lhe originaI 22 crileria for success
in aIying II inlervenlions, advocaled by lhe Ii
Consorlium, and idenlify vhich ones are mosl
robIemalic in your organisalionaI selling. Il is
robabIy lhose ones lhal you mighl vanl lo
lackIe firsl!
C<;09A16;4 >2:.>8?
The findings resenled in lhis aer cIearIy
demonslrale lhal lhe aIicalion of emolionaI
inleIIigence in lhe vorkIace increases occua-
lionaI erformance, Ieadershi and organisalionaI
roduclivily. AddilionaIIy, ve have emIoyed a
comrehensive and robusl modeI of emolionaI
inleIIigence lo exIain vhal lhis conslrucl is,
hov il is measured, vhy il is imorlanl and hov
besl lo aIy il in lhe vorkIace lo maximise
organisalionaI roduclivily. Il is our hoe lhal
lhis aer has reveaIed lhe bollom-Iine imacl of
II inlervenlions and viII encourage more HR
rofessionaI s lo use lhis aroach lo recruil,
seI ecl , lrain and romole olenliaIIy high
erf ormers vho vi I I dri ve organi sal i onaI
roducl i vi l y lo higher IeveIs.
II inlervenlions oflen serve lhe funclion of ulling
lhe solIighl on inveslmenls in eoIe deveIo-
menl and chaIIenging lhe IeveI of ROI. WhiIsl
lhese rogrammes have bollom-Iine imacl, as
demonslraled in lhis aer, lhey are nol for lhe
fainlhearled or for HR rofessionaIs reared lo
sellIe for lhe easy olion. When raclilioners
embark on an II inlervenlion, lhey are oflen
charling nev lerrilory. This usuaIIy invoIves
being accounlabIe for 'eoIe comelence' and
being required lo quanlify lhe changes accom-
Iished in more concrele vays lhan in lhe asl.
Ior rofessionaIs vho choose lo venlure inlo lhis
lerrilory, lhere are resuIls lo be gained for
i ndi vi duaI s, leams and lhe organisalion as a
vhoIe lhrough inleIIigenl and carefuI Ianning.
Ierhas il is lime for lhe so caIIed 'sofl skiIIs'
vhich encomass II lo be considered as bolh
credibIe and concrele. We can no Ionger refer lo
lhese abiIilies and skiIIs as 'sofl' -- emolionaI
inleIIigence is langibIe, measurabIe and has a
significanl imacl on lhe bollom Iine.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 18
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: )42B8>= 3
%.42 #<.
A==2;16D A: %>.0@6@6<;2>'? G9<??.>E <3 B.?60 %?E05<:2@>60 )2>:? 21
A==2;16D B: '296./696@E 22
A==2;16D C: C<;?@>A0@ +.9616@E 23
A==2;16D D: %>2160@6B2 +.9616@E 24
'232>2;02? 25
C<;@>6/A@<>?' B6<4>.=562? 27
A/<A@ E6 ,<>91 35
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 19
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
A==2;16D A: %>.0@6@6<;2>'? G9<??.>E <3 B.?60 %?E05<:2@>60 )2>:?
'296./696@E: The reIiabiIily of an inslrumenl leIIs us hov consislenl and slabIe il is, and if ve can reIy on il lo
give us simiIar resonses lo lhe same ilems vilhin lhe same scaIes over lime. Consislency reIiabiIily examines
lhe degree of correIalion belveen lhe individuaI ilems on a arlicuIar scaIe, and here a minimum of .70 for
sub-scaIes, .80 for comosile scaIes and .90 for lolaI scores is required. Relesl reIiabiIily, on lhe olher hand,
examines lhe degree of correIalion belveen resonses lo lhe same ilems made by resondenls vho comIele
lhe same inslrumenl on more lhan one occasion.
F.02 B.9616@E: Iace vaIidily is nol 'vaIidily' in lhe lrue slalislicaI sense, il is ralher an indicalion of hov veII
lhe ilems, scaIes and lesl as a vhoIe are underslood and aear lo be measuring lhe conslrucl lhey vere
designed lo measure such as II. Ioor face vaIidily lends lo hinder lhe abiIily of resondenls lo accuraleIy,
oenIy and honeslIy comIele lhe inslrumenl, and oor face vaIidily generaIIy emerges from confusing, oul
of dale or olenliaIIy abusive conlenl vhich needs lo be avoided.
C<;@2;@ B.9616@E: Like face vaIidily, conlenl vaIidily is aIso nol vaIidily in lhe slalislicaI sense, il simIy leIIs
us somelhing aboul hov veII lhe ilems, scaIes and lesl as a vhoIe cover lhe conslrucl being assessed such
as II. Conlenl vaIidily is imorlanl, because il Iays lhe foundalion for eslabIishing an inslrumenl's overaII
reIiabiIily and vaIidily.
F.0@<>6.9 B.9616@E: IacloriaI vaIidily is lhe degree lo vhich lhe slruclure and facloriaI comonenls of a
lheory or measure of lhal lheory are slalislicaIIy confirmed based on a slalislicaI rocedure knovn as faclor
anaIysis. This lye of vaIidily is imorlanl, because il reresenls a fairIy accurale aroach lo leIIing us if
lhe concel or measure of lhe concel ve are inleresled in using is veII-defined or nol, slrong or veak and
lhe exlenl lo vhich il acluaIIy exisls in reaIily.
C<;?@>A0@ B.9616@E: Conslrucl vaIidily leIIs us hov veII a sychomelric inslrumenl is assessing vhal il vas
designed lo asses such as II. One lye of conslrucl vaIidily, referred lo as convergenl conslrucl vaIidily,
reveaIs lhe exlenl lo vhich lhe inslrumenl being examined is correIaling vilh olher II inslrumenls for
examIe, and vaIidily coefficienls of .40 are lhe minimaI requiremenls. We aIso need lo examine divergenl
conslrucl vaIidily lo demonslrale lhal il is nol measuring somelhing eIse olher lhan emolionaI inleIIigence
such as cognilive inleIIigence or ersonaIily for examIe.
%>2160@6B2 B.9616@E: In addilion lo demonslraling lhal a sychomelric inslrumenl is abIe lo measure vhal il
vas designed lo measure, il musl aIso be shovn lhal il is caabIe of redicling various asecls of human
behaviour, erformance and effecliveness, and lhis, in essence, reresenls lhe nalure of eslabIishing ils
rediclive vaIidily. This lye of vaIidily is one of lhe mosl imorlanl sychomelric roerlies of sycho-
IogicaI lesls, because il leIIs us vhal an inslrumenl is abIe lo redicl and hov veII. The rocess of
eslabIishing rediclive vaIidily enlaiIs correIaling lhe inslrumenl being vaIidaled vilh some sorl of
erformance raling or knovn benchmark of erformance reIevanl lo a secific and veII-defined aclivily,
vaIidily coefficienls grealer lhan .40 are required.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 21
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 22
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
A==2;16D B: '296./696@E
Note: The research findings summarised in Aendix indicale lhal lhe IQ-i ossesses good reIiabiIily
veII exceeding lhe recommended IeveIs for reIiabiIily coefficienls (see Aendix A). These findings reveaI
lhal il is very consislenl and slabIe, based on sludies conducled on over 6,000 aduIls in rilain, Canada and
lhe Uniled Slales over lhe asl decade. This means lhal il is a reIiabIe II inslrumenl and can be used vilh
)52 E&-6J? 0<;?6?@2;0E .;1 >2@2?@ >296./696@E
/.?21 <; @52 *( ;<>:?
.B0@-%=, 1997, 2004; ==3,831, 40 (05B4@ 3 <>=B7A)/
(0.92? C<;?6?@2;0E '296./696@E '2@2?@
IQ .97 .79
InlraersonaI .94 .82
InlerersonaI .87 .59
Slress Managemenl .86 .71
AdalabiIily .89 .75
GeneraI Mood .88 .70
)52 E&-6J? 0<;?6?@2;0E >296./696@E .;1 ?@.;1.>1
2>><> <3 :2.?A>2:2;@ /.?21 <; @52 * ;<>:?
.#H) )B055, 2006; ==2,236/
(0.92? C<;?6?@2;0E '296./696@E (@.;1.>1 E>><>
<3 "2.?A>2:2;@
IQ .96 9.20
InlraersonaI .94 5.31
InlerersonaI .89 3.45
Slress Managemenl .83 3.73
AdalabiIily .88 4.22
GeneraI Mood .89 3.06
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
A==2;16D C: C<;?@>A0@ +.9616@E
Note: The research findings summarised in Aendix C suggesl lhal lhe EQCiB ossesses good conslrucl
vaIidily. ased on 14 sludies conducled on nearIy 3,000 individuaIs vho comIeled bolh lhe IQ-i and al
Ieasl one of seven differenl II measures, lhe overaII conslrucl vaIidily coefficienl is .58. This veII exceeds
lhe recommended IeveIs for conslrucl vaIidily coefficienls (see Aendix A). These resuIls mean lhal lhe
IQ-i is assessing vhal lhese olher II inslrumenls are assessing, vhich are various asecls of emolionaI
inleIIigence. Il can be concIuded, vilh confidence, lhal lhe IQ-i is measuring vhal il vas designed lo
)52 E&-6J? 0<;?@>A0@ B.9616@E /.?21 <;
14 ?@A162? (;=2,667)
.B0@-%=, 2004/
ED@2>;.9 "2.?A>2? +.9616@E C<2336062;@
IIQueslionnaire +.63 (k1, n-59)
IIScaIe +.68 (k1, n103)
Trail Mela Mood ScaIe +.58 (k1, n80)
20-Ilem Toronlo AIexilhymia ScaIe -.72 (k1, n734)
Slruclured Inlerviev for AIexilhymia -.44 (k1, n250)
IQ - 360 +.69 (k1, n185)
Mayer-SaIovey-Caruso IITesl +.31 (k8, n-1,258)
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 23
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 24
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
A==2;16D D: %>2160@6B2 +.9616@E
Note: The findings summarised in Aendix D reveaI lhal lhe EQCiB is abIe lo redicl a vide variely of
human behaviour and aclivily based on 25 vaIidily sludies conducled on over 23,000 individuaIs vorIdvide.
An average vaIidily coefficienl of .56 indicales lhal lhe EQCiB ossess fairIy high rediclive vaIidily.
In addilion lo demonslraling lhal lhis II inslrumenl is reIiabIe (see Aendix ) and caabIe of measuring
various asecls of emolionaI inleIIigence (see Aendix C), lhese resuIls shov lhal il is abIe lo redicl
various asecls of individuaI erformance and effecliveness reIevanl lo lhe vorkIace. This suggesls lhal
lhe EQCiB is a viabIe, comrehensive and robusl inslrumenl lhal can be aIied, vilh confidence, in
lhe organisalionaI selling. Wilhin lhis selling, il is imorlanl lo emhasise lhal lhe EQCiB's vas shovn
lo significanlIy redicl occualionaI, manageriaI and Ieadershi erformance as veII organisalionaI
)52 E&-6J? =>2160@6B2 B.9616@E /.?21 <;
25 ?@A162? (;=23,049)
.B0@-%=, 2004; 20070, 20071/
)E=2 <3 %2>3<>:.;02/B25.B6<A> +.9616@E C<2336062;@
IhysicaI HeaIlh .43 (k3, n 3,816)
MenlaI HeaIlh .39 (k5, n 874)
SociaI Inleraclion .69 (k1, n533)
Academic .43 (k4, n2,346)
OccualionaI .55 (k6, n3,458)
Gifledness .50 (k1, n212)
SeIf-AcluaIisalion .74 (k4, n8,239)
Sub|eclive WeII-being .76 (k1, n3,571)
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
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E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
C<;@>6/A@<>?' B6<4>.=562?
G22@A B5.>C.;2E "(0 B(0 (H<;?) C5.>@2>21 FCI%D D6=. C<A;?.
Geelu is Iounding Direclor of Ii WorId Limiled. She has seciaIised in emolionaI inleI-
Iigence research, deveIomenl and evaIualion since 1999 and is considered a ioneer in
lhe fieId of emolionaI inleIIigence. She is a member of lhe Ii Consorlium, a Ieading
grou of raclilioners and academics vho research and romole besl raclices in lhe
fieId of emolionaI inleIIigence deveIomenl (
Her main areas of inleresl are Ieadershi deveIomenl, rofessionaI effecliveness and coaching high
achievers. She has buiIl emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlions and has roven measurabIe resuIls from
her vork vilh Ieaders and high olenliaI individuaIs. She Ieads gIobaI inlervenlions lhal inlegrale
execulive coaching, research, rogram deIivery, vriling, and keynole seaking on emolionaI inleIIigence.
She sel u Ii (UK) in 1999, nov Ii WorId, refIecling lhe comany's grovlh inlernalionaIIy from ils originaI
UK rools.
Geelu is lrained in severaI emolionaI inleIIigence assessmenl looIs, is a quaIified lrainer of lhe arOn IQ-i
and IQ-360 looIs and has buiIl inlervenlions for increasing emolionaI inleIIigence in a variely of conlexls
incIuding rofessionaI services, gIobaI comanies and educalionaI organisalions. She vas avarded her
maslers degree in IsychoIogy & HeaIlh (Iebruary 2005) vilh Dislinclion al Cily Universily, London. Her
undergraduale degree vas in InlernalionaI usiness/Modern Languages (IML) from Aslon Universily
(1989). Her main inleresls are Iducalion, Leadershi and HeaIlh aIicalions of emolionaI inleIIigence. She
is a IeIIov of lhe Charlered Inslilule of IersonneI & DeveIomenl (CIID) and has been inviled
lo conlribule reguIarIy lo CIID forums. She used lo lulor lhe CIID's Cerlificale in Training Iraclice (vilh
5 moduIes each focused on a arlicuIar asecl of Training vork) and she vas a Tulor on lhe Oen Universily's
MA Irogramme. She vrole lhe CIID moduIe on 'Olimising IeoIe' (founded on emolionaI inleIIigence)
vilhin lhe dislance Iearning rogramme of CIID.
She Ieads ro|ecls invoIving Ieadershi deveIomenl, emolionaI inleIIigence and coaching in a cross
cuIluraI conlexl in bolh lhe cororale and educalionaI vorIds. In lhe Iasl year, she has focused on
inlervenlions based on emolionaI inleIIigence for lechnicaI exerls. A key assion is lo equi eoIe lo
deveIo lhe skiIIs and caabiIilies of vorking vilh emolionaI inleIIigence in lheir ovn arenas of vork.
She has assessed lhe emolionaI inleIIigence of some 5500 individuaIs using lhe arOn IQ-i looI for assessing
emolionaI inleIIigence. She is arlicuIarIy inleresled in using emolionaI inleIIigence assessmenls lo under-
sland lhe 'inner Ieader' and buiId largeled inlervenlions for increasing emolionaI inleIIigence.
Her vork has been fealured on Radio 4, CNN and Canadian TeIevision. Geelu harvaney has aulhored
and ubIished 'ImolionaIIy InleIIigenl Living' (2001, 2007 Crovn House IubIishing) and severaI |ournaI
arlicIes vhich are avaiIabIe for dovnIoad lhrough lhe Ii WorId vebsile ( The royaIlies
of her 2001 (rerinled 2007) book 'ImolionaIIy InleIIigenl Living' vere Iedged lo fund educalionaI, heaIlh
and voIunlary seclor inilialives.
Geelu's resenl vork invoIves measuring IQ, researching lhe characlerislics of 'slar' Ieadershi erformance,
and roviding focused and largeled IQ deveIomenl.
She hoIds IeveI quaIificalion in lhe use of sychomelric lesls and has quaIified eoIe in bolh lhe IQ-i
and IQ-360 measures of emolionaI inleIIigence. She is aIso accrediled in MSCIIT, lhe abiIily lesl of emolionaI
Her resenlalion slyIe is focused, effeclive and comeIIing. She is inleresled in emolionaI inleIIigence as a
eak erformance skiII vhich combined vilh sound business acumen heIs high achievers lo be effeclive
in business.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 27
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 28
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
%A/96?521 ,<>8
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2001, 2007). 'ImolionaIIy InleIIigenl Living' (Crovn House IubIishing). TransIaled inlo
Russian, IoIish and Hebrev during 2007/8. AIso rinled in India under lhe lilIe 'Increase your ImolionaI
InleIIigence' (2008). AII royaIlies Iedged lo fund vork in educalion, heaIlh and voIunlary seclor.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2009). Coaching for emolionaI inleIIigence in inlernalionaI business environmenls:
ChaIIenges and oorlunilies. In G. Abboll, & M. MoraI. (Ids). The RoulIedge Comanion lo InlernalionaI
usiness Coaching.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2009). DeveIoing high achievers lhrough emolionaI inleIIigence: More inleIIigenl lhan
emolionaI. In M. Hughes, }. TerreII & D. Thomson, (Ids). The handbook of deveIoing emolionaI and
sociaI inleIIigence - esl raclices, case sludies & looIs.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2006). Coaching execulives lo enhance emolionaI inleIIigence and increase roduclivily. In
R. ar-On, }. G. Maree, & M. }. IIias, (2007) (Ids). Iducaling eoIe lo be emolionaIIy inleIIigenl.
}ohannesburg, SA: Heinemann IducalionaI IubIishers.
B5.>C.;2E, G., B.>-$;, '., & ".06;9.E, A. (2007). IQ and lhe bollom Iine. Ii WorId, UK.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2005) HeaIlh, Leadershi and ImolionaI InleIIigence. Disserlalion submilled lo Cily
Universily, 2005 in arl fuIfiImenl of MSc IsychoIogy of HeaIlh. Dislinclion avarded. UnubIished.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
B5.>C.;2E 2@ .9. (2005). Gaining senior managemenl sonsorshi for emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlions.
Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence QuarlerIy, 12(2), 44-48.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2004). ImolionaI inleIIigence and 360-degree assessmenl. Comelency & ImolionaI
InleIIigence, 12(1), 39-46.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & %.11<08, C. (2004). ImolionaI mas of effeclive (and ineffeclive) Ieaders. Comelency
& ImolionaI InleIIigence, 11(3), 42-47.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2003). WeIIbeing: A Iearned skiII or God's viII` Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 11(2).
B5.>C.;2E, G., & %.11<08, C. (2003). ImolionaIIy inleIIigenl heIing. Comelency & ImolionaI
InleIIigence, 11(1), 27-32.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2003). Whal has haened lo lhe shi of Ieadershi` Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence,
10(3), 34-38.
B5.>C.;2E, G. & !.;45<>;, ( . (2002 / 2003). Lessons Iearned from imIemenling IQ rogrammes - The
culling edge of emolionaI inleIIigence inlervenlions. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 10(2), 19-25.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & A?5@<;, C. (2002). Ilhics - A foundalion comelency. Comelency & ImolionaI
InleIIigence, 10(1), 19-25.
B5.>C.;2E, G. & B.>$;, '. (2002). The conlribulion of emolionaI InleIIigence lo organisalionaI
effecliveness. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 9(4), 23-28.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & G2>:<;1, (. (2002). ImolionaI inleIIigence in changing limes. Comelency & ImolionaI
InleIIigence, 9(2), 22-27.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & C.;;<;, . (2001b). Iverylhing you vanled lo knov aboul imIemenling an IQ
rogramme - 4: Assuring lhe highesl slandards. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 8(4), 19-24.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & C.;;<;, . (2001a). Iverylhing you vanled lo knov aboul imIemenling an IQ
rogramme - 3: Taking lhe shov on lhe road. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 8(3), 7-24.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & C.;;<;, . (2000b). Iverylhing you vanled lo knov aboul imIemenling an IQ
rogramme - 2: Design. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 8(2), 18-25.
B5.>C.;2E, G., & C.;;<;, . (2000). Iverylhing you vanled lo knov aboul imIemenling an IQ
rogramme - 1: gelling slarled. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 8(1), 19-24.
B5.>C.;2E, G. (2000). The vorId of emolionaI inleIIigence. Comelency & ImolionaI InleIIigence, 7(3), 23-27.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 29
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 30
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
'2AB2; B.>-$;, %5D
%2>?<;.9 /.084><A;1:
Reuven ar-On vas born in CaIifornia in 1944 and currenlIy resides in Texas since 2002.
He is married, lhe falher of lhree and grandfalher of six. In addilion lo lhe Uniled
Slales, he has Iived in Canada, IlaIy and Soulh Africa as veII as in IsraeI vhere he has
resided mosl of his Iife. He hoIds American and IsraeIi cilizenshi and is fuIIy biIinguaI
in bolh IngIish and Hebrev. He is a relired Ma|or from lhe IDI.
A0.12:60 /.084><A;1 .;1 .33696.@6<;?
Afler comIeling his A and MA in lhe Uniled Slales, he conlinued lo sludy sychoIogy in Soulh Africa al
Rhodes Universily and received his IhD in 1988. WhiIe comIeling his docloraI sludies in Soulh Africa, he
received an honorary Igqira (vilch-doclor) from lhe Xhosa IeoIe for cIinicaI vork he erformed vhich
demonslraled lhal lhe cross-cuIluraI ga belveen veslern sychoIogy and IocaI lradilionaI raclices couId
be bridged. He is a member of lhe American IsychoIogicaI Associalion and lhe IsraeIi IsychoIogicaI Asso-
cialion as veII as a Iicensed cIinicaI sychoIogisl and cIinicaI suervisor. He currenlIy hoIds an ad|uncl
facuIly aoinlmenl in lhe medicaI schooI al lhe Universily of Texas MedicaI ranch as veII as an ad|uncl
rofessorshi in lhe IacuIly of Iducalion al lhe Universily of Ireloria. Dr. ar-On is aIso affiIialed vilh lhe
CoIIaboralive for Academic, SociaI and ImolionaI Learning in Chicago and vilh lhe Cenler for SociaI and
ImolionaI Iducalion in Nev York. He vas acceled inlo lhe Consorlium for Research on ImolionaI
InleIIigence in Organizalions, al Rulgers Universily, as lhe firsl non-founding member. AddilionaIIy, he is
a senior advisor on emolionaI inleIIigence lo lhe esl Iraclice Inslilule in lhe US. Ior his conlribulion lo lhe
fieId of emolionaI inleIIigence, Dr. ar-On vas acceled as a IeIIov in lhe RoyaI Academy of lhe Arls in lhe UK.
%><32??6<;.9 2D=2>@6?2 .;1 2D=2>62;02
In addilion lo his vork in lhe fieId of cIinicaI sychoIogy from 1972, Dr. ar-On has been invoIved in
researching, defining and aIying emolionaI inleIIigence since 1980 and is acknovIedged as one of lhe
Ieading researchers and raclilioners in lhis fieId. The ar-On modeI of emolionaI inleIIigence is described
as one of lhree Ieading aroaches lo lhis conslrucl in lhe IncycIoedia of AIied IsychoIogy. He coined
lhe lerm IQ (ImolionaI Quolienl) in 1985 lo describe his aroach lo assessing emolionaI and sociaI
comelence. He crealed lhe ar-On ImolionaI Quolienl Invenlory (lhe IQ-i), vhich is lhe firsl lesl of
emolionaI inleIIigence lo be ubIished by a sychoIogicaI lesl ubIisher and eer-revieved in lhe uros
MenlaI Measuremenl Yearbook. The IQ-i has been lransIaled inlo more lhan 30 Ianguages and assed lhe
one miIIion mark vorIdvide, vilhin five years afler il vas ubIished, making il lhe mosl ouIarIy-used
measure of emolionaI inleIIigence. Togelher vilh Dr. }ames Iarker, he ubIished lhe ar-On IQ-i:YV
vhich is lhe firsl commerciaIIy avaiIabIe lesl designed lo assess emolionaIIy and sociaIIy inleIIigenl behavior
in chiIdren and adoIescenls, in addilion lo being favorabIy revieved in lhe uros MenlaI Measuremenl Year-
book, il has been seIecled by sychomelricians al lhe Universily of Oxford as lhe emolionaI inleIIigence lesl
of choice for chiIdren and recommended for use in schooIs in lhe UK. Togelher vilh Dr. Richard HandIey,
he ubIished lhe ar-On IQ-360 and lhe ar-On IQ-inlerviev. Togelher vilh Dr. Iarker, he aIso co-ediled
lhe Handbook of ImolionaI InleIIigence, in 2000, vhich is one of lhe firsl lexlbooks on lhis loic lo be
ubIished. Togelher vilh Doclors Kobus Maree and Maurice IIias, he co-ediled an addilionaI book in lhis
area in 2007 lilIed Iducaling IeoIe lo e ImolionaIIy InleIIigenl. ased on a lraining manuaI he vrole
vilh Dr. HandIey, Olimizing IeoIe, he co-deveIoed lhe firsl veb-based lraining rogram designed
lo imrove emolionaI inleIIigence comelencies and skiIIs.
Dr. ar-On has been invoIved in numerous ro|ecls reIaled lo lhe sludy and aIicalion of emolionaI inleI-
Iigence for nearIy lhree decades. An examIe incIudes a lhree-year sludy in lhe IsraeIi Defense Iorces lhal
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
emiricaIIy demonslraled lhe imacl of emolionaI inleIIigence on erformance and ils abiIily lo redicl
command Ieadershi. He has aIso anaIyzed lhe findings of an exlensive research ro|ecl conducled by Dr.
Marian Ruderman al lhe Cenler for Crealive Leadershi in lhe US, vhich confirms lhe abiIily of emolionaI
and sociaI inleIIigence lo redicl successfuI cororale Ieaders. He has aIso been invoIved in a 25-year
IongiludinaI sludy of 23,000 youlh lo delermine lhe inler-reIalionshi belveen emolionaI and sociaI inleI-
Iigence and biomedicaI, cognilive, deveIomenlaI and educalionaI faclors, lhis sludy, vhich is being
conducled by Human Resources and SkiIIs DeveIomenl Canada, reresenls lhe firsl IongiludinaI sludy
of emolionaI inleIIigence and is execled lo shed Iighl on hov lhis conslrucl deveIos, vhal affecls il and
vhal is affecled by il. More recenlIy, he has been inviled lo |oin researchers al lhe Universily of Ireloria in
coIIaboralion vilh a research leam in lhe Iedialric Dearlmenl al lhe YaIe SchooI of Medicine, vho are
invesligaling lhe imacl of emolionaI and sociaI inleIIigence on resiIiency among chiIdren of AIDS alienls
in Africa. He has aIso been invoIved in research ro|ecls examining lhe neuroIogicaI subslrale of emolionaI
and sociaI inleIIigence as veII as ils imacl on hysicaI and sychoIogicaI disorders. Togelher vilh
coIIeagues al lhe Universily of Iova CoIIege of Medicine, he ubIished lhe firsl eer-revieved aer on
lhe neuroIogicaI basis of emolionaI and sociaI inleIIigence.
Dr. ar-On founded ar-On ConsuIling and has been doing research-based consuIlalion for ubIic and
rivale organizalions vorIdvide on an ongoing basis. He deveIoed vhal he refers lo as Slar Ierformer
IrofiIing vhich invoIves crealing slalislicaI modeIs lhal redicl high erformance and are used in
hiring, lraining and romoling effeclive and salisfied emIoyees lhal enhance cIienl salisfaclion and
overaII organizalionaI effecliveness. This rocess has heIed organizalions save or make hundreds of
miIIions of doIIars vorIdvide.
This is vhal Dr. DanieI GoIeman (lhe aulhor of ImolionaI InleIIigence) said aboul Dr. ar-On's conlribulion
lo emolionaI inleIIigence: Your vork is Ieading lhe vay in moving lhis fieId forvard.
In addilion lo his exlensive vork in lhe fieId of emolionaI inleIIigence, Dr. ar-On co-designed a handheId
device for NASA lhal monilors lhe cognilive and neuroIogicaI funclioning of aslronauls aboard sace
slalions vhich viII hoefuIIy be used in exlended sace lraveI. He has more recenlIy deveIoed a veb-
based inleraclive rogram designed lo evaIuale renalaI anxiely and enhance adalalion lo regnancy lo
heI execlanl molhers have a Iess slressfuI, heaIlhier and more Ieasanl regnancy. In coIIaboralion vilh
Dr. MichaeI Rock in Canada, he is currenlIy deveIoing lvo addilionaI veb-based rograms designed lo
evaIuale and enhance moraI comelence as veII as siriluaI deveIomenl. Dr. ar-On is aIso coIIaboraling
vilh a London-based gIobaI HR/OD consuIlancy in deveIoing a sychomelric inslrumenl designed lo
delecl high risk for deraiImenl (lhe oosile of successfuI Ieadershi) in senior execulives and cororale
Dr. ar-On's vork has been described in encycIoedias, books and rofessionaI |ournaIs as veII as in
numerous nevsaer, radio and leIevision inlervievs around lhe vorId. He has 40 ubIicalions in lhe area
of emolionaI and sociaI inleIIigence aIone, and he has deIivered more lhan 25 resenlalions al rofessionaI
conferences heId in over 10 counlries. His vork is ciled in more lhan 1,400 eer-revieved arlicIes as veII as
in over 500 lheses and disserlalions. On an ongoing basis, Dr. ar-On revievs manuscrils reIaled lo
emolionaI inleIIigence for a number of eer-revieved |ournaIs and serves on lhe ediloriaI boards of
four |ournaIs.
A33696.@6<;? C6@5 H'/$' 0<;?A9@.;062?
Dr. ar-On is affiIialed vilh IUROUS GIobaI Ixeculive Leadershi in San Irancisco, Ienna ConsuIling in
London and ISL Coaching in Singaore. Al lhese consuIlancies, he is a senior advisor on lhe aIicalion of
emolionaI inleIIigence and olher cIoseIy associaled concels. He aIso coIIaborales vilh lhem in roviding
HR/OD consuIlalion lo cIienls vorIdvide. AddilionaIIy, Dr. ar-On is a member of lhe GIobaI Maslermind
Grou vhich is a lhink-lank for advancing Ieadershi and leam deveIomenl.
D> '2AB2; B.>-$; /
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 31
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4 32
J 2007, 2011, B70@E0=4G, B0@-%=, #02!8=;0G.
F>@ ?4@<8AA8>= B> @4?@>3C24 ?;40A4 2>=B02B E8 ->@;3 "8<8B43 EEE.48E>@;3.>@6 4<08;: 8=5>@48E>@;3.>@6
D>. '2AB2; B.>-$;'? %A/960.@6<;?
B.>-$;, '., & ".>22, J. G. (in ress). In search of emolionaI-sociaI gifledness: A olenliaIIy viabIe and
vaIuabIe concel. In Larisa V. Shavinina (Id.), The Ha#db$$ $f gif)ed#e((< Nev York Cily: Sringer Science.
B.>-$;, '. (in ress). The ar-On modeI of emolionaI inleIIigence: A vaIid, robusl and aIicabIe II modeI.
O'ga#i(a)i$#( a#d Pe$%!e; To be ubIished in 2007.
E96.?, ". J., & B.>-$;, '. (in ress). IiIogue: The reIalionshi belveen Narralive Career CounseIIing,
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B.>-$;, '. |2007j. The imacl of emolionaI inleIIigence on gifledness. Gif)ed Ed*ca)i$# I#)e'#a)i$#a!< 22 (1).
B.>-$;, '. |2006aj. IQ-i Ieadershi user's guide. Toronlo, Canada: MuIli-HeaIlh Syslems.
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B205.>., A., D.:.?6<, A., & B.>-$;, '. |2006j The analomy of emolionaI inleIIigence and lhe imIicalions
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%e$%!e )$ be e"$)i$#a!!. i#)e!!ige#); }ohannesburg, SA: Heinemann IducalionaI IubIishers.
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AdeIe MacKinIay is Direclor of Slaff and Sludenl Services al Aslon Universily,
resonsibIe for lhe veIfare of slaff and sludenls, lhrough lhe direcl Ieadershi of
Human Resources, Slaff DeveIomenl, IquaIily & Diversily, Sludenl Suorl,
Residences, Sorl and Recrealion, HeaIlh & Safely, Securily, Camus Services,
ChaIaincy and lhe rimary Iiaison belveen lhe Universily and lhe Sludenls' GuiId.
AdeIe is aIso lhe Universily's Secrelary-Regislrar.
Irior lo |oining Aslon Universily in 2009, AdeIe's career vas senl rimariIy in lhe
IinanciaI Services seclor. She vorked in a number of senior execulive osilions for veII over a decade, bolh
oeralionaI and adminislralive, and aIso senl a number of years roviding execulive coaching lo individ-
uaIs and leams in bolh lhe ubIic and rivale seclors.
E' 0=3 B74 B>BB>< "8=4: A??4=3824A
A/<A@ E6 ,<>91 !6:6@21
Ii WorId is a recognised Ieader in lhe fieId of ImolionaI InleIIigence and ve are lhe Iongesl eslabIished
rovider of IQ-i and IQ360 accredilalions in lhe UK. We deIiver vorId-cIass deveIomenl rogrammes
in lhe UK and gIobaIIy lo deveIo and suslain emIoyee engagemenl and effecliveness. We are Iicensed
lo deIiver lhe HearlMalh suile of rogrammes Iinking hysioIogy vilh erformance and rovide heaIlh
screening vilhin lhe conlexl of deveIoing emolionaI and hysicaI resiIience.
$A> =><4>.::2? .>2 12?64;21 @< ?A==<>@:
Slralegy execulion / change rogrammes
Leadershi deveIomenl
OrganisalionaI lransformalion
TaIenl managemenl
Team effecliveness
Ixeculive coaching rogrammes
2E (2>B602? / %><4>.::2?:
esoke design lo your requiremenls for leams, execulives and individuaIs
In-House raclilioner accredilalion
Inlegralion inlo muIli-disciIinary ro|ecls
Research Iro|ecls
Assessmenls & Accredilalions
HeaIlh Screening for individuaIs and grous
If you vish lo have a conhdenliaI discussion aboul an II inlervenlion or ro|ecl, Iease conlacl:
G22@A B5.>C.;2E Iounding Direclor, Ii WorId /
E6 ,<>91 !6:6@21
4 DooIillIe MiII
MK45 2ND
TeI: +44-1525-840090
Iax: +44-1525-840092
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F8@AB &C1;8A743 2007, (4?@8=B43 2011 1G E8 ->@;3
)B$: 978-0-9556184-0-6

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