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Revision 141.01

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Thea for SketchUp is an integrated version of Thea Render. This allows a creation of st nning i!ages right inside SketchUp and an interactive work with ca!eras" !aterials and lights. There is an option of saving a co!plete Thea scene with all associated files for tili#ing advanced tools present in Thea St dio. Thea $or SketchUp s pports SketchUp %ersions &" '" ( and )01* +oth $ree and ,ro" on +oth syste!s- .indows / 0S 1.


,lease se provided installer. It is advised to install Thea Render first and enter Thea4SU license 2SketchUp pl gin3 inside Thea. ,lease !ake s re yo have ad!inistrator rights while installing the pl gin. 4 defa lt SketchUp installation folder isC-5,rogra! $iles 26(&357oogle57oogle Sketch p 8version n !+er95,l gins The folder will +e a to!atically fo nd in case of SketchU, versions &" '" ( and )01*. $ig re 1- >icense Inp t $or! B ,l gins Ta+

,lease se provided installer. The installer will g ide yo thro gh the needed installation steps. It also gives yo the possi+ility to select the SketchUp version2s3 for the pl gin to +e installed. It is advised to install Thea Render first and enter Thea4SU license 2for SketchUp pl gin3 inside Thea. :aterials installation is a to!atic too. $or adding additional li+raries tho gh" a defa lt folder for p tting these !aterials isSU(88 :acintosh ;<=>i+rary=4pplication S pport=7oogle Sketch p (=Sketch p=:aterials SU)01*88 :acintosh ;<=4pplication=SketchUp)01*=SketchUp=2right click3 ?8 show content =Contents=Reso rces=Content=:aterials @ote- if yo are sing >ion" Snow >ion or higher version of 0S1 the A>i+rary forlder is hidden. ,lease follow this link to learn how to access the folderhttp-==!ac.t tspl!=t torials=prod ctivity=how?to?reveal?yo r?li+rary?folder?in?lion?or? !o ntain?lion=


.hile pl gin is not licensed" rendered i!age resol tion will +e li!ited and water!arks will +e added.
) Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


0nce the pl gin is installed correctly a new ite! in the ,l gins !en will appear 2see $ig re )3. Co can also have an access to Thea for SketchUp thro gh tools palette. Select DShow Thea tool+arE fro! the pl gin !en . 4 tool+ar as seen in $ig re * will appear on the screen.

$ig re )- ,l gins :en

$ig re *- Thea Render Tool+ar

User interface of the pl gin is divided into two windows :ain .indow The !ain window displays c rrently rendered i!age" provides controls over the displayed rendering and environ!ent settings. Thea Tool .indow It allows setting p ca!eras" editing !aterials" placing and editing lights and inserting e6ternal !odels as si!plified co!ponents B pro6ies.


$ig re 4- Control G ttons of :ain .indow Save- it allows to save non?interactive render as an i!age and also a c rrently +eing rendered !odel as F.thea.pack file" which can +e opened in Thea St dio. Refresh- it forces a refresh of a c rrent view of the rendering. It is s ally +eing sed when one wants to see i!!ediately the progress of the rendering +eing done. The pl gin refreshes the view a to!atically at so!e intervals. Start- this + tton !akes Thea collect all necessary data fro! SketchUp and start the rendering process. .hen there is a selection present" when one presses the start + tton while keeping 4>T key pressed ? only the selection will +e rendered. Pause- it pa ses the rendering. Stop- it stops the rendering and !akes Thea refresh the !ain window" so it displays the final i!age.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


$ig re H- Rendering Ta+ ? Interactive :ode

$ig re &- Rendering Ta+ B Un+iased :ode Rendering Modes The control provides a selection of a rendering !odes. There are several options that allow also an interactive type of rendering. $or Interactive rendering engines" as seen in $ig re H" ser can specify several settings for the selected engine" as it is analytically descri+ed later. Server Server option is availa+le for the @on?Interactive !odes 24daptive 2GS<3" Un+iased TR1 and TR)3 and helps ser perfor! a network rendering" with the se of client !achines. Super-sampling This corresponds to the s per?sa!pling sed for the i!age o tp t" i.e. internal resol tion ! ltiplier for anti?aliasing enhance!ent. @one corresponds to no s per?sa!pling" @or!al to )6) and ;igh to *6*. 4 to corresponds to no s per?sa!pling for +iased engine and )6) for n+iased engines. Setting s per?sa!pling to a higher level will generally i!prove anti?aliasing of the o tp t + t will increase !e!ory de!ands for storing the i!age 24 ti!es in @or!al level and I ti!es in ;igh level3. The ti!e needed to render the scene will also +e increased for +iased engine. G t for the n+iased engines" the e6tra ti!e needed to render the higher resol tion i!age is s ally a!orti#ed +y the red ced noise visi+le in the vis ali#ed 2down?sa!pled3 i!age. It is s ally s ggested" for n+iased rendering" to change s per?sa!pling to @one for high resol tion o tp t and ;igh when there is persisting noise. Additional Settings Threads This is the entry for the render worker threads that will +e sed d ring rendering 2not all application process threads3. The special val e 0" sa!e like :a6" corresponds to the n !+er of logical cores on yo r !achine. J6ceeding this val e 2shown e6plicitly as the last val e in the drop? down list3 will have no +enefit and act ally an i!pact on perfor!ance.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Limits Ti!e2!in3 This is a para!eter sed to ter!inate the n+iased render process 2it is only sed +y n+iased render engines3. It is given in !in tes" and 0 is a special val e corresponding to no ti!e li!it at all. Sa!ples=p6 This allows to ter!inate an n+iased rendering when each pi6el in a rendered i!age will +e sa!pled given n !+er of ti!es. In si!ple cases when no ! ch ca stics is present in a !odel a val e of *00 is s fficient. In !ore co!ple6 scenes higher val es !ay +e needed. Interactive Modes Those !odes allow not only render the !odel as a static i!age" + t also let interactively !ove a ca!era aro nd a !odel or adK st S n position and see the rendering view +eing pdated. IR?,rogressive2GS<3" IR?Un+iasedF2:C3" IR?4daptive24:C3" IR?,resto 7,U 2GS<3 and IR?,resto 7,U 2:C3 are na!es of availa+le !ethods. @ote that Thea ,resto engines co!e as a pl gin for Thea Render and an @vidia CU<4 graphics card is reL ired. :ost ro+ st is 4daptive24:C3 !ethod" which works very well with ! ltiple lights and co!ple6 lighting conditions. :ost i!portant para!eter is the MTracing <epthM which defines how !any ti!es light +o nced in a !odel. %al es starting fro! 4 give good res lts in si!ple conditions" while higher n !+er is needed when there are !any highly reflective s rfaces in a !odel. $or detailed description of para!eters of rendering !ethods" please refer to Thea Render !an al. Non-Interactive Modes There are three non?Interactive high L ality !odes availa+le Adaptive (BS !- in !any cases the fastest !ethod +ased on pre?sets" + t it reL ires so!e e6perience when a certain set? p is advantageo s.

$ig re '- 4daptive 2GS<3 ,resets

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

T"o #n$iased methods- they donMt reL ire any settings and deliver renderings of the highest L ality. These are #n$iased (TR%! engine- it is preferred in e6terior renders and interiors where direct lighting is the !ost do!inant in the scene. #n$iased (TR&! mode- it is preferred when diffic lt indirect lighting is do!inant in the render or heavy ca stics are present 2s ch as a pool s n ca stics3. DISPLAY TAB

$ig re (- <isplay Ta+ <isplay Ta+ is a space where yo can !anip late yo r rendered i!age and apply any post? processing. $irst two sections are related to a render e6pos re and the following three to a filtering. $or a detailed description of all options" please refer to Thea Render <arkroo! t torial B Section )4. ENVIRONMENT TAB

$ig re I- Jnviron!ent Ta+ ?IG> 'nvironment #se S() It tells Thea to create a +ackgro nd for a rendered scene in a for! of ,hysical Sky. It will look as a clear sky which will +e a to!atically adK sted to a position of the S n. T rning this on !akes pl gin disa+le the +ackgro nd i!age" if it is +eing sed. #se Sun It tells Thea to create the S n that will give sa!e shadows as those present in a SketchUp !odel. 'dit Settings 4t the Jdit Settings drop down list we can see the options for IG>" S n and Sky to appear" which open the corresponding panels for editing. IBL* Image Based Lighting 4s seen in $ig re I +y selecting the IG> edit settings" the panel with the corresponding panel appears where ser can specify the Ill !ination" Gackgro nd" Reflection and Refraction !aps.
& Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

I!age?+ased lighting is a convenient way to add ill !ination to yo r scene" co!ing fro! capt red photos of the s rro nding environ!ent. Since a photo of a real scene can +e sed" the lighting is highly convincing and enhances the realis! of yo r renders. In !ost cases" the i!ages sed for this kind of lighting need to +e of high dyna!ic range in order to provide eno gh lighting for a scene. 0ne can se an i!age for ill !inating the scene" nevertheless" he can also set p different i!ages for +ackgro nd" reflections and refractions. This !akes possi+le to se different so rce for lighting and for reflections=+ackgro nd" which in !ost cases need !ore details in the i!age. This is act ally a s al render opti!i#ation" where the ill !ination so rce is relatively low?detailed te6t re in order for the i!age to L ickly DconvergeE" while +ackgro nd and reflections se a detailed !ap for vis ally enhanced res lts. To add one of i!age types select proper type and press MGrowseM + tton to select a desired i!age. .hen proper +it!ap selected its path will +e displayed in the adKacent hori#ontal inp t +o6. 0ne can control intensity" rotation and a way the i!age is wrapped aro nd a !odel. Sun

$ig re 10- S n Settings :an al S n option helps to position the s n in an ar+itrary position regardless of !odelMs geographic location. Co are a+le to adK st the s n ,olar 4ngle and 4#i! th" either +y entering the desired val es" or !an ally" +y opening the Jnviron!ent ,review 2$ig re 113 and clicking preferred location in the preview. Jnviron!ent ,review can +e opened +y clicking a +l e icon in Jnviron!ent Settings. This window shows a preview of environ!ent which is +eing a to!atically pdated. .hen :an al S n is disa+led and IG> lighting sed" then the environ!ent !ap can +e rotated +y dragging the preview $ig re 11- Jnviron!ent ,review i!age. S()

$ig re 1)- Sky Settings Gy selecting the Sky at the Jdit Settings list" the sky settings appear as seen in $ig re 1).
' Copyright Solid Iris Technologies CHANNELS TAB

$ig re 1*- Channels Ta+ This ta+ is +eing sed when an additional i!age is +eing reL ired" other than a standard rendering. This is !ostly sed when a post?processing is intended sing e6ternal i!age !anip lation progra!. 4vaila+le channels are- Color 2standard rendering3 " @or!al" <epth" 4lpha" 0+Kect Id" :aterial Id and channels specific to 4daptive2GS<3 rendering !ode- <irect" 4!+ient 0ccl sion" 7lo+al Ill !ination" S +?S rface Scattering" Reflection" Refraction" Transparency and Irradiance. > !inance 4nalysis descri+e the l !inance and ill !inance distri+ tion. Thea Render can co!p te +oth of the!. > !inance is co!p ted o t of the +o6 for any i!age that yo have already rendered and for any render settings. Ill !inance can +e co!p ted +y the 4daptive GS< engine. To view the analysis of a rendered i!age select M,hoto!etricM fro! the drop down !en . M:in Il B > !M and M:a6 Il B > !M para!eters control a range of ill !ination the analysis is perfor!ed on. ANIMATION TAB

$ig re 14- 4ni!ation Ta+ This ta+ contains ani!ation related settings. C rrently Thea for SketchUp s pports si!ple ca!era ani!ation B walk?thro gh style. Ca!era !ove!ent will follow e6actly sa!e path as it !oves in SketchUp. $ield of view changes d ring ani!ation wonMt +e applied. M$ra!es per secondM para!eter controls how fl id an e6ported ani!ation will +e. 4ni!ation rendering can +e only started +y pressing MRender 4ni!ationM + tton. CONSOLE TAB

Thea $or SketchUp ses the console to send yo !essages infor!ing yo a+o t c rrent state of rendering" ti!e in which rendering was finished and warnings. In general visiting the console is reco!!ended if so!ething doesnMt work as e6pected. It can help yo finding a so rce of pro+le! ? no light in a !odel or !issing te6t re.

Copyright Solid Iris Technologies



Resolution The M.idthM and M;eightM settings control resol tion of a rendered i!age. ,lease note that interactive rendering !odes se f ll area of pl ginMs !ain window and render e6actly at sa!e resol tion. The ,l s / :in s + ttons increase or decrease c rrent resol tion two fold. 2;3ori#ontal 52%3ertical toggle + tton changes orientation of the rendered i!age. Aspect ratio This setting control proportions of a final rendered i!age. .hen NSU .indowN option is selected the resol tion of a rendered i!age will +e adK sted to +e sa!e aspect ratio as !odel view in SketchUp. .hen NThea .indowN is selected the resol tion is adK sted to reflect c rrent proportions of !ain render view. 4 typical proportions of 4-* is characteristic for old type of !onitors with resol tions of (006&00" 10)46'&(" 1&0061)00. .ide screen proportions of 1&-I is !ore co!!on in new !onitors with resol tion of 1&006I00" 1I)0610(0. .hen creating a panora!ic spherical or he!ispherical i!age a correct ratio is )-1. Lens Thea can proKect a rendered i!age on the screen in a standard !anner B perspective or orthogonal" depending on a c rrent view in SketchUp or sing Spherical or Cylindrical proKection. The spherical proKection allows creating renderings of virt al panora!as that can +e viewed in e6ternal progra!s. Correct aspect ratio of s ch an i!age is )-1. Sh tter speed controls a !otion +l r which appears in an ani!ated scene. Thea gives yo control over a diaphrag! of a ca!era. It can +e circ lar or polygonal defined +y a n !+er of +lades. This infl ences a look of a Mdepth of fieldM effect and a !otion +l r.

$ig re 1H- Thea Tool B Ca!era Ta+

epth of +ield The depth of field can +e controlled in the pl gin in two ways. Jither +y Mf?n !+erM of ca!era lenses or +y percentage of a N+l rrinessN of a rendered i!age. .hen 4 to $oc s is ena+led pl gin a to!atically adK sts foc s distance to keep what is visi+le in a ca!era Min foc sM when possi+le. $oc s distance displays a !an al distance at which a ca!era is foc sed at. To set that val e click MSetM + tton and select a point in a !odel. The distance will +e calc lated a to!atically. The val e is disregarded when M4 to $oc sM is ena+led.
I Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Level ,amera This + tton levels ca!era witho t changing itsM position. It is helpf l especially when setting? p a ca!era for a panora!ic shot. Scene Settings This section allows associating Thea Render settings with SketchUp scenes=pages. It works sa!e way as it is done in SketchUp with scene settings e6cept they are not loaded a to!atically when a scene is selected" + t it has to +e done !an ally +y clicking N>oadM + tton. To save settings select a scene na!e fro! the list" !ark setting types yo want to store and press MSaveM + tton 4vaila+le options are- Ca!era Settings" <isplay Settings" Sky=IG> Settings" Render Settings.


Introduction Gefore e6plaining in detail the :aterial Ta+ of the Thea Tools .indow" we need to give a L ick description of the availa+le ways of adding a Thea !aterial inside SketchUp. 4s we will descri+e +elow" yo can now choose +etween three availa+le ways1. <o +le click on a painted face with the Thea tool c rsor" open Thea :aterial >a+ 2see $ig re 1&3" create yo r !aterial or choose one fro! the availa+le li+raries 2or yo r own folders3 and apply it to yo r SketchUp face. Co can choose to 4ccept the changes or ReKect the! 2and ret rn +ack to the !aterial witho t any changes applied to it3. ). Click once on a painted face" with the Thea c rsor tool" and see its details at the :aterial ta+ 2see ne6t paragraph and $ig re 1'3 and then choose one of the e6isting presets for the !aterial and edit it according to yo r needs. *. $ind Thea !aterials 2converted in! for!at3 inside SketchUp ,aint G cket 2see $ig re 1(3 and apply the! directly to yo r SketchUp s rfaces. Conversion tool is also availa+le for !aking yo r thea !aterials +eing converted into SketchUp !aterials and see the! at the ,aint G cket 2!ore details can +e fo nd at the Tools ta+3.

$ig re 1&- Thea :aterial >a+ $ig re 1'- :aterial ,resets

$ig re 1(- Thea :aterials inside SketchUp G cket


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Material Ta$ .ith the se of the :aterial Ta+ we can either select a preset for one of o r !aterials or see its preview" if edited with Thea :at >a+. :aterial ta+" as seen in $ig re 1I" displays a na!e of a c rrently edited !aterial and a preview of Thea !aterial 2if the !aterial has +een already edited in Thea3. To select=edit a !aterial one has to open Thea Tool and while the tool is active" click=do +le click on an already painted face in SketchUp. Thea Tool is active when a c rsor changes itMs appearance as seen in $ig re )0.

$ig re )0- Thea Tool C rsor

.hen yo do +le?click the face" Thea :at >a+ window will appear" allowing yo to !odify the !aterial properties or apply another !aterial fro! a li+rary 2see $ig re 1&3. $or !ore detailed infor!ation on Thea :aterial >a+ and its options" please refer to Thea Render :an al. .hen ser clicks K st once the !aterial" the :aterial ta+ will display the na!e and a preview of a the !aterial ? if the !aterial has +een already edited in Thea :at >a+? otherwise the panel will show like we see it in $ig re 1I" where the availa+le presets e6ist. Tip- In interactive !ode c rsor changes to a cross?hair and allows selection of a !aterial directly in a rendered i!age. Single click shows !aterial properties and settings while do +le click !a6i!i#es render window.

$ig re 1I- Thea Tool B :aterial Ta+

-eneral Notes The c sto! color +y defa lt is linked with SketchUp !aterial color. Gy pressing the SU + tton" yo are a+le to se a c sto! color instead the one already selected in SketchUp and change yo r !aterial accordingly. Gy pressing the SU + tton once again yo can decide to choose SketchUp !aterial again or an e6ternal te6t re.

$ig re )1- SU G tton


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

The e6ternal te6t re once specified can +e i!ported into SketchUp +y right?click 8 I!port te6t re. The i!ported te6t re si#e will +e a to!atically red ced. .hen te6t re type is MJ1TMernal with a right?click one can i!port a downsi#ed te6t re into SketchUp. 4dditionally as seen in $ig re 4& for the J!itter" SU + tton has the option of specifying a te!perat re2O3 for the e!itter. 4ll !aterial types e6cept J!itter have option of sing + !p !ap. The !ap can e!ploy sa!e te6t re as SketchUp !aterial has or an e6ternal te6t re. 4ll !aterial types e6cept :irror can se as a +ase- SketchUp !aterial" an independently defined color or an e6ternal te6t re. Co can re!ove also a Thea !aterial" +y doing a right click on the preview area and press DRe!ove :aterialE + tton. Gelow we can see a ta+le with all the !aterials presets that e6ist at :aterial Ta+" along with their availa+le options" description and an e6a!ple preview. Material Preset <efa lt escription This defa lt type is a p re diff se !aterial. $ig re ))- <efa lt :aterial options $ig re )*- <efa lt :aterial preview :atte This !aterial type represents a very ro gh s rface. It provides control over Reflections and Sig!a Ro ghness" which infl ences how well an o+Kect accepts light fro! all directions. It !akes the !aterial to appear !ore flat. Availa$le .ptions '/ample Previe"

$ig re )4- :atte :aterial options

$ig re )H- :atte :aterial preview


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


This type of !aterial +ehaves as plastic. It provides Ro ghness and Reflections para!eters. It is a good +ase for a whole range of plastics fro! very ro gh and d ll to polished and shiny.

$ig re )&- ,lastic :aterial options

$ig re )'- ,lastic :aterial preview

Thin Transl cent

This type prod ces a single sided transl cent !aterial which is perfect for c rtains and other non? vol !etric o+Kects. 0ne can control its transparency percentage.

$ig re )(- Thin Transl cent :aterial options

$ig re )I- Thin Transl cent :aterial preview

>acL er

This type represents a lacL ered s rface typically seen as a finish of ti!+er floors. It provides Reflections and Ro ghness para!eters. .ith the ro ghness set to 0 it rese!+les polished !aterial and with higher $ig re *0- >acL er :aterial options val es a satin appearance.

$ig re *1- >acL er :aterial preview


This type descri+es a cera!ic !aterial with a glossy finish. $ig re *)- Cera!ic :aterial options $ig re **- Cera!ic :aterial preview


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Car ,aint

The !aterial sing this preset will rese!+le a car paint. .hen M:etallicM option is ena+led" the paint will +ehave as it wo ld contain nifor!ly spread !etallic flakes. $ig re *4- Car ,aint :aterial options $ig re *H- Car ,aint :aterial preview

Colored :etal

This type is designed to give a !etal appearance with prono nced reflections. $ig re *&- Colored :etal :aterial options $ig re *'- Colored :etal :aterial preview


The !aterial will +ehave as a !irror s rface. This type overrides SketchUp !aterial color.

$ig re *(- :irror :aterial options

$ig re *I- :irror :aterial preview Thin 7lass This type descri+es an architect ral glass with a control over :etallic reflection it !ay posses d e to applied coatings. This !aterial doesnMt reL ire a vol !e of a geo!etry and is especially s ited for non solid" thin face o+Kects.

$ig re 40- Thin 7lass :aterial options

$ig re 41- Thin 7lass :aterial preview


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Thick 7lass

This type prod ces a vol !etric glass which takes into acco nt the refractions within o+Kect vol !e. Ro ghness of a s rface and intensity of Reflections can +e controlled.

$ig re 4)- Thick 7lass :aterial options

$ig re 4*- Thick 7lass :aterial preview


This type t rns a painted face into a light e!itter. Its power is specified in several nits. Te!perat re can also +e specified instead of defa lt color=te6t re. There is an option to !ake e!itter not visi+le in a rendering or to !ake it DpassiveE ? it will have a l !ino s appearance" + t will not cast the light into a scene.

$ig re 44- J!itter :aterial options

$ig re 4H- J!itter :aterial preview

$ig re 4&- Jna+ling J!itter Te!perat re Thea :aterial 2:at?>a+3 This type ses f ll Thea :aterial editor fro! the St dio and allows f ll control over !aterial properties 2s ch as Clipping that we see in the $ig re 4'- :at?>a+ e6a!ple preview3. 4ny of previo s :aterial options !aterial types can +e also edited this way. DRe!ove Thea :aterialM + tton re!oves all Thea !aterial settings associated with SketchUp !aterial.

$ig re 4(- :at?>a+ :aterial preview


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


SketchUp doesnMt have itsM native light so rces. Thea for SketchUp ses co!ponents with a special na!es to define position and orientation of lights. There are thee light types availa+le in the pl g? in ,oint >ight- a reg lar o!nidirectional spherical light. Spot >ight- a directional light that allows foc sing of a light cone on a chosen area in a !odel. IJS >ight- a light +ased on scientifically !eas red real life val es" provided +y light?+ l+s and fi6t re !an fact rers in a for! of F.ies files. 0ne can also paint a face with a !aterial sing e!ittance and in this way create an area light. $ront side of the face will +e e!itting light. ,reating Lights >ight ta+ allows a creation and editing properties of light co!ponents. To create a light open Thea Tool .idnow and select M>ightM ta+. 4t the +otto! there are three + ttons responsi+le for creation of three types of lights. 0n the start of light placing tool ser $ig re 4I- Create >ights 0ptions is asked to show in SketchUp !odel a location of a so rce of light +y right clicking and s +seL ently a MtargetM of the light. In case of a point?light only the distance fro! the so rce to target is +eing sed to calc late a s fficient light power to reach the target. It is i!portant to place light so rces in a distance to an adKacent geo!etry higher than a radi s of the light. $ailing to co!ply with that r le !ay prod ce ndesired NnoiseN in the final i!age. 0nce light co!ponent is created its na!e and properties will +e displayed in the >ight ta+. 'diting Lights >ight properties can +e invoked +y selecting a light co!ponent or clicking a co!ponent while Thea Tool is active. 0n a top of the >ight ta+ a na!e of c rrently edited light co!ponent is +eing displayed. Pointlight 0 Spotlight properties ,oint?lights and spot?lights share several properties'mittance 4 colo r of a light is controlled +y a color of !aterial the light co!ponent is painted with. .hen a te!perat re is ena+led it will +e sed instead of the color. 4ll lights have flowing para!eters,ower e6pressed in ! ltiple nits" efficacy 2l!=.3" atten ation and light te!perat re 2O3. $ig re H0- J!ittance ,roperties


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Spotlight properties Spot?lights have additional ;ot Spot and $all 0ff val es that control a shape of light cone. M;ot SpotM descri+es the inner angle where the light is e!itted at a f ll intensity and M$all 0ffM is and angle the light fades co!pletely at.

$ig re H1- Spotlight ,roperties I'S Light properties Gy defa lt an IJS light have a sa!ple.ies file loaded into it. It is possi+le to load a different description of light distri+ tion +y selecting it fro! a dropdown !en and pressing M>oadM + tton. To se an IJS file not present in Thea St dio IJS files folder" select fro! the list M0ther fileM and press M>oadM. Co will +e asked to select a file yo want to save into the light co!ponent.

$ig re H)- IJS >ight ,roperties -eneral Properties 4 light co!ponent can +e MJna+ledM which !eans it will +e casting light. MShadowM controls whether the light will +e casting shadows. MSoft ShadowM specifies whether the shadow will +e soft" +ased on a i!aginary radi s of the light so rce e6pressed in !eters. M:in RaysM and M:a6 RaysM para!eters are sed only +y the 4daptive2GS<3 engine. Those are sed rarely. $or a detailed description" please refer to Thea Render :an al. MContainerM lets yo assign a container?!aterial in which the light is placed. Setting this !aterial is valid only for a sit ations when a light is s +!erged in a water or placed inside a !aterial congaing properties of a !edi !. It can +e also sed to force a light to show a vol !etric proKection of light.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies


'/ternal Model Thea $or SketchUp allows an insertion of co!ple6" e6ternal Thea !odels in a for! of a +o nding +o6" which will +e replaced +y the original" detailed !odel inside Thea rendering window when a rendering starts. To insert a !odel press DGrowseE + tton and select a F.!od.thea file fro! a >i+rary or fro! yo r own collection. 0nce the !odel file selected a preview of the !odel will +e displayed right +elow the + tton. ,ress DInsert :odel as ,ro6yE + tton to insert the !odel into SketchUp. If the folder where the file is located contains !ore then one !odel" then all !odels na!es will +e added to a selection +o6. @ote- F.!od.skp can +e written in the sa!e folder as F.!od.thea. The SketchUp file will +e sed instead of +o nding +o6 only when inserting e6ternal !odels as a pro6y. The +asic steps to create correctly a Sketch p !odel that will correspond to the Thea !odel can +e seen at the ne6t e6a!ple" where a tree fro! Girch Trees li+rary is sed. .e i!port at first" with the Insert :odel as ,ro6y tool" the !od.thea inside Sketch p 2+o nding +o63 in an e!pty scene. .e switch to the ,arallel proKection" and we select a view 2front for e6a!ple3 and we set p the Thea ca!era so that it will fit the +o nding +o6 height and width. .e then ena+le alpha channel and we render the !odel 2+y sing only the s n and not the sky3. 0nce we are satisfied with the rendering" we save the i!age as a F.png file 2its alpha channel will +e saved a to!atically at this i!age3. .e repeat the sa!e proced re for another side of the !odel 2its right side for e6a!ple3 so that we can have !ore correct 2do +le sided3 preview.

$ig re H*- Thea Tools Ta+

In this way he have ) i!ages for ) of the !odels sides" which we can then i!port inside SketchUp" place the! one into the other" so that o r preview will +e created" and !ake the! a co!ponent. .e then save this co!ponent as a F!od.skp file inside the sa!e folder with the initial thea !odel and with the sa!e na!e. $or o r e6a!ple" we will end p with the following files1( Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

GirchPTreeP0*P&!.!od.skp and GirchPTreeP0*P&!.!od.thea $ro! now on" once we i!port the Thea !odel inside SketchUp" its preview will +e sed" so that we can easily !ove=rotate it in o r SketchUp scene.

$ig re H4- setting p the ca!era and render the !odel

$ig re HH- i!port the rendered i!ages inside SketchUp and create a co!ponent

,onvert Thea material(s! to S1M This + tton can convert a selected Thea !aterial to a SketchUp !aterial 2in SO: for!at3. The created !aterials can +e placed in a !odel +y sing reg lar ,aint G cket. It a to!atically opti!i#es the te6t re of the SketchUp !aterial and adds the sa!e preview as Thea !aterial has. So apart fro! the e6isting Thea !aterial li+raries that can +e fo nd inside SketchUp G cket 2as we have seen in $ig re 1(3" yo can have any Thea !aterial converted and applied to faces in the sa!e way as all other !aterials. Technical note- ,aths to te6t res which are stored within MThea Render=:aterialsM folder will +e written inside SO: file as relative to that folder. This !akes SO: li+raries syste! independent. 4ll other te6t re paths will +e stored as f ll. In a case a path to a te6t re changes" the conversion process has to +e repeated. '/port Saves !odel as Thea scene in F.scn.thea or F.pack.thea for!at. @ote that when pressing the Save Thea Scene + tton with 4>T pressed at the key+oard" the c rrent selection is only +een saved. Gy ena+ling the J6port 4ni!ation option" yo r created ani!ation path 2scenes incl ded in ani!ation3 is also e6ported and can +e then seen inside Thea St dio.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

Preferences Language* Gy clicking on ,references + tton" a new window appears as seen in $ig re H&. $ro! here" yo can change the >ang age of the pl gin. In order to do so" yo need to follow the ne6t stepsThere is a Thea$orSketchUp.po file in the folder$ig re H&- ,l gin ,references Thea4SUPfile=lang ages= .indow This file needs to +e translated sing ,oedit progra!. The progra! will generate a Thea$orSketchUp.!o file" that has to +e copied to the corresponding folder of the selected translation lang age. If the lang age is already set in the syste! then it will +e a to!atically sed when SketchUp starts. If it has not +een set a to!atically" ser can open Thea Tool=Tools=,references and select the lang age !an ally. The lang age !odification will +e active after SketchUp will restart. If for e6a!ple yo have placed the Thea$orSketchUp.!o file at the folder with na!e es 2Spanish3 $ig re H'- Selecting another at the drop down list of the >ang age window yo will see the >ang age Spanish lang age too. Typical Co ntry Codes are- de 27er!an3" es 2Spanish3" fr 2$rench3" it 2Italian3" Ka 2Qapanese3" pt 2,ort g ese3" ptPGR 2Gra#ilian ,ort g ese3" r 2R ssian3" #hPC@ 2Chinese Si!plified3" #hPT. 2Chinese Traditional3. #se Bac( face material "hen +ront a$sent* This option helps dealing with !odels where ! ltiple faces are painted on a +ack?side only 2whereas the front face has no !aterial3. Gy ena+ling this option Thea for SketchUp pl gin will se the +ack face !aterial for rendering instead of the defa lt white !aterial.


Solid Iris grants to Co a personal" non?transfera+le" and non?e6cl sive license to download" install and se DThea for SketchUpE and associated printed and=or electronic doc !entation acco!panying the Software" in accordance with this agree!ent. This license does not nder any circ !stances grant ownership of the Software to Co . 4 single copy of the progra! can +e installed and sed +y Co " on one !achine. Co can install the application on p to two !ore !achines" provided that the pl gin is not sed or e6ec ted si! ltaneo sly on any !achines. If Co wish to install the Software or se the Software conc rrently on additional !achines Co ! st p rchase additional licenses. <e!o version is provided for eval ation only and its se for co!!ercial p rposes is prohi+ited.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

DThea for SketchUpE is provided Nas?isN and witho t warranty of any kind" e6press" i!plied or otherwise" incl ding witho t li!itation" any warranty of !erchanta+ility or fitness for a partic lar p rpose. In no event shall the a thor of this software +e held lia+le for data loss" da!ages" loss of profits or any other kind of loss while sing or !is sing this software. The software ! st not +e !odified" yo !ay not deco!pile" disasse!+le. 4ny kind of reverse engineering of the software is prohi+ited.


Copyright Solid Iris Technologies

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