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A Family Affair

Marilyn McPherson Also by this author: The Faithful Watcher Smashwords Edition Copyright !"## by Marilyn McPherson Smashwords Edition $icense %otes Than& you for downloading this free eboo&' Although this is a free boo&( it remains the copyrighted property of the author( and may not be reproduced( copied and distributed for commercial or non)commercial purposes' *f you en+oyed this boo&( please encourage your friends to download their own copy at Smashwords'com( where they can also disco,er other wor&s by this author' Than& you for your support' %ote to reader Please note that this boo& is written in Australian English' -ifferences to American English should be e.pected' Ac&nowledgements Than&s to my wonderful test readers / Miranda After( Caroline 0alph and Craig McPherson' A big than& you to Elaine 0ush for your support and patience( and most of all for teaching me the grammar * should ha,e learnt in grade 1'

Chapter One
Tom 2radley did not usually ,isit the twelfth floor( as his own office was on the thirty)' 3owe,er( the Sales and Mar&eting teams were located there and 2ruce 2u.ton( 3ead of Sales had as&ed him to attend a special team meeting that day' Sales of Satinol4s new 5lide lipstic& range were selling three times faster than recent pro+ections had anticipated( leading to frantic analysis by 2ruce4s teams to determine the cause' Tom belie,ed that recognising success and showing gratitude toward the hard wor& of his staff were important parts of being CE6' *f he were honest with himself( he would admit that it was also one of the nicer parts of the +ob' So Tom made sure to sha&e as many hands as possible during the thirty minutes he spent in the sales meeting' $ater( his head was buried in a copy of the daily business re,iew that he pic&ed up from someone7s des& as he wal&ed down the long corridor towards the lifts' 8ust then some boisterous laughter caught his attention( distracting him completely from the article he had been reading' The noise was coming from one of the studios( and his curiosity was stirred enough to in,estigate' Tom had almost forgotten about the four studios on this floor' Satinol produced its own T9 ad,ertisements and photo shoots occasionally( to a,oid paying the e.tra,agant fees that e.ternal agencies were &nown to charge' Tom rounded the corner and stopped still' From the moment he first saw her( he would ne,er be the same again' 2ut who she was( he did not &now' 3ad his heart stopped beating: 3ad the world stopped turning: The man reminded himself to breathe' 3e felt as if he &new her already( e,en though he could not place her' ;et the girl seemed +ust so familiar' 3ad he &nown her in a pre,ious life: %onsense( he told himself' The girl had long dar& hair and an oli,e comple.ion' She was in Studio Four( tal&ing and giggling with the ma&eup artist who was slowly applying a deep red to her shapely lips' Maybe he had seen her before on tele,ision( Tom told himself as he continued to watch from behind a partly)opened door' The ladies in the room continued laughing at something that he did not understand' 3er smile made him smile( and he blushed' Tom &new that this sort of physical reaction to someone was ,ery unusual for him' *n fact he could not recall a time when any woman had held his attention for so long' Still( he found comfort in

remaining unseen by her( while continuing to watch from his ,antage point' 3er features seemed so familiar( and she was soft and ,ulnerable' 3e did not belie,e in lo,e at first sight( but if that was not the case( then what was happening to him: Why was he capti,ated by her li&e this: After a while he realised her age' The girl was young( far too young for him' She could not be more than eighteen years old in any case' *n fact the models wor&ing in this business were usually younger than they loo&ed' This awareness made him turn around( briefly ashamed of his feelings' 3e tried to calm his heart so he could thin& clearly' What would she want with an old man li&e you: Tom had recently celebrated his forty)fourth birthday' *t was a rather sombre occasion( with both of his parents at their fa,ourite *talian restaurant in the city' <nfortunately( his mother had used the opportunity to raise her concerns once again about his marital status' Tom had become resigned to the fact that he might ne,er marry( but this option was fast becoming more and more unacceptable to his mother' She was constantly see&ing the =right> sort of woman for him to meet' Tom &new that arguing with her was pointless( and it only left both of them feeling hurt' So he usually went along with her plans( meeting some of the women to whom she introduced him( but refusing to meet others' 3owe,er( none of the women his mother had chosen held his attention or interest for ,ery long' <p until this point in his life( his only real passion was to ensure the ongoing success of the company he had created as a young man' *t had been tough in the early days( but Tom had a natural instinct for the world of business( and his company had soon begun to prosper' Today( Tom 2radley was the CE6 of a multinational company producing cosmetics that were now recognised around the world' 3is wor& &ept him busy( so busy that most of the time he did not ac&nowledge his own loneliness' 3e told himself that dating was difficult to conduct because of the intense media scrutiny and speculation that surrounded him' 0elationships and engagements were often announced in the papers after only a few dates with the same woman' 3owe,er( the real truth behind his bachelor status was that he had ne,er met a woman that impressed him li&e the one he was loo&ing at in that moment' That day was definitely not +ust another day at the office'

Chapter Two
Two Days Earlier *t was a cold and wet Monday morning in Melbourne( and Ellen 8ac&son wondered why on earth she had left the warmth and comfort of her bed' Some days the wet weather did not bother her( but today there was no shelter from the hea,y wind and rain that lashed her face' Ellen shi,ered and cursed the tram for being late' 5etting out of bed earlier that morning had been more difficult than usual' There ne,er seemed to be enough hours of sleep at night' 2ut somehow she had managed to pull herself out of her warm bed( dress( grab a bite to eat( and rush out the door' $i,ing in Coburg meant that Ellen relied on the tram networ& to get to wor&' There was a stop ?uite close to her home( which was helpful on mornings li&e this' When the tram finally arri,ed( she too& a seat about half way along where there were few people sitting' Through the gaps in her steamed)up window( Ellen could +ust ma&e out the bright colours of people4s umbrellas in the streets' 0ain pelted down on the tram roof( drowning out the con,ersations of people around her' She preferred the silence to hearing their loud tal&( and especially their mobile phone use' *t was the hea,iest rainstorm she had e.perienced for some years' *n the country it hadn4t rained li&e that for years' The drought years seemed endless( bro&en only now and again by periods of rain that were in,ariably less than people needed' The tram stopped regularly and unhappy)loo&ing( wet people got on at e,ery stop' People from home had informed her that e,en though the city was full of people( it could seem li&e the loneliest place on earth' 3owe,er( she did not feel lonely in a city that had colour and noise and personality li&e this' *t made her smile to see passengers sha&e off the water' *t was not until the third time that Ellen made eye contact with the gentleman opposite her that she started to feel uncomfortable' 3er feeling that he was watching her was intense and undeniable' Than&fully( the tram ride was almost o,er'

Ellen wondered how she was going to get from the tram stop to the Windsor 3otel without ruining her ma&eup and hair' She loo&ed at her watch and sighed' *t was almost nine o7cloc&' 3er waitressing shift started in ten minutes( and there would be little time to freshen up' Ellen often worried about getting fired' This was her first +ob since lea,ing the rural town of Mansfield where she had li,ed her whole life' The desperation she felt to ma&e it on her own without ha,ing to as& her parents for money was a strong dri,ing force( controlling many of her daily thoughts' 3er parents had been disappointed in her decision to delay uni,ersity and wor& for a gap year in Melbourne' They had e,en offered to pay her tuition fees if she agreed to go straight to uni,ersity( but Ellen didn4t want more study this year' She wanted to see the world( earn her own money( and meet new people' With her best friend Chloe she had made the mo,e( and they were now flatmates' Their home was basic at best( ha,ing only second)hand furniture( and a few cupboards' of clothes( boo&s and pictures littered the floor space as the unit did not ha,e ade?uate storage' 2ut both were now employed at the same hotel and were starting to sa,e a little money' They hoped to impro,e the unit e,ery fortnight with their wages until it was homely and welcoming' The tram slowed' Ellen recognised the familiar coffee shop and ba&ery on the corner' The doors opened and the smell of freshly)ba&ed bread filled the air( reminding her of her mother4s &itchen bac& home( where there was always something coo&ing' She stepped out of the tram and onto the street' The cold wind slapped her face and for a moment( she could hardly catch her breath' Then she remembered the time( and hurriedly blin&ed the rain out of her eyes and dashed for the co,er of the shops' 6ther people on the street mo,ed ?uic&ly for protection too' A cheerful ,oice from behind her said( @At least winter only lasts for a few months'@ Ellen turned around to see the man from the tram' 3e had ob,iously followed her to the footpath' 3e was an older man( perhaps in his early fifties with curly blond hair( a stylish business suit and a long( woollen blac& +ac&et' 3e certainly loo&ed warm to Ellen' The man was tall and broad) shouldered( but what most struc& Ellen were his eyes as they enthusiastically loo&ed her up and down' 3e had a wide friendly smile on his face that made her reciprocate bac&( e,en though she felt silly for doing so' The man ga,e a chuc&le and mo,ed towards her' @*4m a senior e.ecuti,e with Satinol Cosmetics(@ he said( almost as if he was boasting' <nfortunately for the man( Ellen had ne,er heard of Satinol Cosmetics and was unimpressed by this' @3ere4s my card(@ he said( watching Ellen intently as she hesitated to ta&e it' @;es( you can ta&e that( sweetheart(@ he said( and thrust it into her hand' @So tell me who your agent is and *4ll write it down on this piece of paper'@ The man pulled out a pen and noteboo& from inside his +ac&et' Ellen reluctantly turned the card o,er in her hands' *t said Satinol Cosmetics and Jake Scott Senior Executive' There was an address and a lot of different phone numbers' %o one from Mansfield had e,er spo&en to her li&e this on the street before' 3er parents had warned her numerous times about the type of people she would meet in the city' People who would try and ta&e ad,antage of her nai,ety' 3e repeated his ?uestion( @Who represents you: 6ne would assume that you are a model' ;ou must be'@ The man loo&ed her up and down again' @3mmm@' Ellen was reluctant to spea&( so remained silent for a little while longer before tentati,ely responding( @*4m not sure what you4re on about( to be honest'@ @* don7t understand' ;ou don4t &now what *4m tal&ing about:@ he as&ed slowly( loo&ing confused' Ellen continued to stare at him( dumbfounded' @0eally: 6h well( pardon me then' *4m sorry' $et me introduce myself properly' My name is 8a&e Scott( and your name is:@ Ellen didn4t see any immediate harm in telling the man her name' @Ellen(@ she replied hesitantly' =Ellen 8ac&son'> @Ellen 8ac&son(> he repeated' =Well( it7s nice to meet you Ellen' As * mentioned( * wor& for Satinol Cosmetics( and we are always loo&ing for a fresh face to represent 2elle / that4s Satinol4s range of cosmetics and s&in care for the youth mar&et' What am * saying: *4m sure you4,e heard of 2elleA@ he said hopefully' Elle thought of her fa,ourite light pin& lipstic& at home on her dresser' @;es( * ha,e a 2elle lipstic&( * thin&(@ she replied'

@Well ne,er mind all the details' * thin& *4d li&e you to come into the studio' ;ou ha,e a ,ery interesting loo&( a sort of wild natural beauty'@ 3e paused and studied her for a moment( with a curious loo& on his face' The girl was not dressed for this weather at all' @2ut loo& at you now' ;ou must be freeBing' Where4s your +ac&et and umbrella:@ Ellen loo&ed down at herself and felt slightly embarrassed' @*(@ she said( hesitating again' @* ha,en4t bought any winter stuff yet'@ She was in fact( sa,ing money to pay ne.t month4s rent( and after that was paid( hoping that there would be some money to go shopping for new clothes' @Why don4t you come with me and *4ll buy you a coffee and you can gi,e me your details' That will allow you to warm up anyway'@ Ellen was ,ery puBBled by this man' Surely he wasn4t serious' 3er parents had always told her that she was pretty in her own way( but no)one had e,er said she had wild beauty before' Maybe this man was trying to scam her for money' 3e didn4t loo& as though he needed money howe,er' She wasn4t sure what to thin&' *n any case( she was definitely going to be late now' @*4m sorry Mr' Scott' *4m late for wor&' * ha,e to go'@ And with that( Ellen too& off across the street( willing her long legs to mo,e as fast as they could towards the hotel' @WaitA What:@ The man called out' 3e continued to yell after her( but Ellen could not ma&e out his words because the rain was pelting furiously' The man ob,iously did not want to lose her( because he ga,e chase( easily catching her by the shoulder and spinning her around to face him' At this point Ellen felt a rush of anger causing her hac&les to rise' What was going on: 6f course he could not really thin& she was a model' @%ow listen here( Mr Scott' * am only going to say this once' * am not a model( and whate,er you really want from me( whate,er your intention is( * am not interested'@ 8a&e seemed to be ?uite shoc&ed by her reaction( which made Ellen feel that maybe she had reacted too ?uic&ly without gi,ing him a fair chance' @*4m sorry' $isten( Ellen' My apologies for startling you' * really am who * said' *s this where you wor&:@ 3e motioned to the Windsor 3otel in front of them' She nodded' @3ow about * come here for lunch today and *4ll bring another colleague to meet you' We can organise something from there'@ Ellen4s long hair was starting to come undone' The rain had drenched her shirt completely and she could not argue anymore' She shrugged' @Whate,er you li&e' * can4t stop you from eating here at lunchtime but * really ha,e to go now'@ Without loo&ing bac&( Ellen went inside ?uic&ly to dry off and start her shift' Chloe had started wor& earlier that morning for the brea&fast shift' She was in the &itchen doing dishes and nodded a friendly hello to Ellen' Chloe had been her best friend since she could remember' They had grown up together in Mansfield and had shared their most treasured secrets' They had been planning their escape to the city for o,er two years( and Chloe seemed to be lo,ing e,ery minute of it' They had both met many new people already( but only Chloe had brought a number of them home late on Friday nights' *t wasn4t that Ellen disappro,ed of this &ind of beha,iour e.actlyC it +ust wasn4t the sort of thing she was ready to try herself' Well not yet anyhow' Time always passed ?uic&ly at wor& for Ellen as the hotel was generally boo&ed out wee&s in ad,ance' So( it wasn4t until fi,e hours had passed that Ellen noted that 8a&e had not returned for lunch as he had promised' She loo&ed at her watch' *t was two pm' She stared mutely at the entrance to the restaurant' *t had been a busy meal shift as always' 2ut the atmosphere had ?uietened now( with only a handful of people remaining to en+oy a leisurely lunch with friends or wor& colleagues' The buBB created by hundreds of people eating and drin&ing together was replaced by the softer sounds of music( interrupted only now and again by the sound of laughter and tal&ing' Whirling past( Chloe e.claimed( @-idn4t they show up:@ Ellen shoo& her head' Chloe had a weird way of &nowing what Ellen was thin&ing about' @2astardsA -on4t worry sweetie / * thin& you4re beautiful'@ Ellen shrugged and sighed( not wanting to show any disappointment' Secretly( she was hoping for something e.citing to happen for her and Chloe now that they were li,ing in the city' She lowered her head( as she no longer e.pected anything more from the day' Chloe saw her e.pression and came o,er and gi,e her a ?uic& hug' @They don4t &now what they4,e missed' We4ll go out tonight and ha,e some fun( o&ay:@

As they were tal&ing( two men in suits entered the restaurant and waited to be seated' Ellen recognised 8a&e instantly and wondered who the second man was' @That4s them' They did come( Chloe(@ said Ellen( unable to hide her interest in this new de,elopment' @Where:@ Ellen indicated towards the men( who were now being seated' @The suits'@ @Ah(@ Chloe said' @They7re a bit late for lunch though' Are you going to go tal& to them:@ 8a&e and his colleague ordered some drin&s from their waitress' Suddenly( the waitress pointed towards her and 8a&e turned his head and bec&oned to her to come o,er' @* guess so( Chloe' This should be interesting'@ @Tell me all about it afterwards' * want you to remember e,ery word( o&ay'@ 8a&e watched as Ellen approached the table( her heart pounding ner,ously' 3e leaned o,er towards his colleague( whispering something inaudible' 8a&e stood up as she finally approached the table' @Ellen( this is Colin Mc$eod' Colin( this is Ellen(@ 8a&e announced proudly' @Colin is from DMar&eting and Sales7'@ Ellen7s focus shifted to Colin' 3e was a plain)loo&ing man with slightly grey hair' 3e was probably in his forties( although the intensity of his e.pression made him appear older than this' Ellen felt a little clumsy and shy in his presence' 3e studied her face intently for a long period of time( and then said( @;es( yes( * thin& * see what you mean(@ @What did * tell you:@ 8a&e seemed happy with himself' Ellen noticed Colin4s eyes starting to wander up and down her body( lingering on certain parts and then mo,ing on' 3is eyes mo,ed once again to her face and then slowly downwards( until they were firmly fi.ed on Ellen4s breasts' @*s e,erything real Ellen:@ he as&ed in a serious tone' Ellen started to feel her face turning red hot' She could hardly belie,e he had as&ed such a ?uestion' Perhaps her parents had been right about city people' 8a&e seemed to read the embarrassed loo& on her face' @Colin(@ he said disappro,ingly' @That4s enough'@ 3e seemed annoyed at his companion( but also ga,e Ellen a ?uic& win&( causing Colin to mutter something under his breath' @Ellen(@ 8a&e said' @Are you free on Wednesday morning: *4d li&e you to come down to the studio'@ 3e handed her another business card after writing something on the bac&' Ellen turned the card o,er' *t said nine oclock and level twelve' Ellen recognised the street address in the inner city' 8a&e ga,e her a broad smile' @*4,e e.plained to Colin that you don4t ha,e any representation( but that4s not really a problem for us' *t4s unusual but not a problem' So( how about it then:@ @*E' umE' * don4t &now 8a&e(@ Ellen muttered( while putting the card into her bac& poc&et to thin& about later' 8a&e responded ?uic&ly' @The company will pay you for your time of course' ;ou will recei,e two hundred and fifty dollars( +ust for a morning4s wor&' -oes that sound all right:@ Ellen was momentarily silent' That sort of money certainly did help con,ince her' She started to thin& about all the groceries her and Chloe could buy for two hundred and fifty dollars( and was suddenly feeling more interested in the idea' 8a&e continued( @* could tal& to your boss while *4m here if you li&e' To ma&e sure you can ha,e the morning off'@ @%o( it4s o&ay' * don4t wor& Wednesdays(@ Ellen replied( not wanting 8a&e to say anything to her super,isor' @That4s great news'@ Ellen mo,ed aw&wardly from one foot to the other( before as&ing( @So e,en if the pictures are all terrible( * still get the money:@ @That4s right(@ he replied' @2ut * really don4t thin& the pictures could be terrible' ;ou are a beautiful girl'@ Colin nodded in agreement' @And *4m not going to ta&e my clothes offA@ Ellen added firmly'

@*4m glad to hear that(@ 8a&e replied( laughing a little' @We4re not that sort of place'@ 3e then stood up and put out his hand for Ellen to sha&e' Ellen loo&ed o,er to Colin' 3e was now busy studying the coffee that was arri,ing( and did not loo& too pleased' @Sugar please( miss(@ he bar&ed' @6&ay then' * guess * will come on Wednesday to this address@( she said( pulling the card out of her bac& poc&et and e.amining it' 8a&e was loo&ing ,ery pleased with the turn of e,ents( and he sipped from his latte happily' Ellen smiled at the waitress aw&wardly' *t was generally frowned upon to spend too much time tal&ing to customers li&e this' Ellen loo&ed around for her super,isor( but breathed a little more easily on noting the latter7s absence from the main dining room' 3owe,er she then decided that it was in her interest to lea,e the men to their discussion' *n any case( they dran& their coffees( paid( and left promptly after 8a&e recei,ed a phone call'

Chapter Three
*t was +ust another bad Monday for Colleen Watson' 3er life had been filled with bad Mondays' *n fact( there had been many bad days( probably not +ust Mondays( the more Colleen thought about it' The real estate agent had called first thing in the morning( demanding that the last two months of rental payments be made immediately' She had been on the phone with him for o,er ten minutes and did not seem to be getting anywhere' Their argument had also wo&en her boyfriend Ted( and he had made his way from the bedroom to the couch( loo&ing less than pleased' The man on the phone was refusing to listen to reason' %o one could possibly afford to pay two months of rent with only one day4s notice( she e.plained carefully to him' They were good for the money( perhaps not today( but possibly later in the wee& when their unemployment payments arri,ed' 2ut the more Colleen tried to negotiate( the more insistent the man became that the money must be paid( in full( within the ne.t twenty)four hours' There had +ust been too many e.penses that month( and the rent money had been di,erted into more pressing needs' Colleen started to suggest a part)payment system( but the agent would not listen and was starting to threaten her with e,iction if the money wasn4t paid that day' *t was +ust then that a &noc& on the door was heard' Colleen peered through the curtains and saw two policemen standing at the door' @6h shit(@ she e.claimed in horror( and then hung up on the agent ?uic&ly without another word' Alarmed( although not surprised( Colleen informed her boyfriend( @Ted( the pigs are here for you'@ Ted was now lying on the couch watching highlights from one of the football games on the wee&end' 3e did not seem o,erly)concerned by her statement' @3ow do you &now that they aren4t here for you this time:@ he chee&ily retorted from the couch( stretching out and yawning loudly' @Two reasons(@ she responded' @The first is because *4,e been &eeping myself clean and out of trouble' 8ust li&e you promised to do'@ Colleen too& the phone bac& to its holder and then mo,ed towards the couch where she could face Ted' @And the second reason is Dcause you probably robbed some ser,o last night with Ste,e to pay for your slab of beers'@ Ted was well and truly irritated by her air of superiority words( and flashed bac& at her( @6h( great( lo,eA Why don4t you +ust go down to the station with the pigs and write up my confession for me:> 3e loo&ed towards the front door despondently' =That would really be helpful and would probably sa,e a lot of time in the long run(@ he added sarcastically' Surprised by his ob,ious annoyance( Colleen said more ?uietly( @They didn4t hear me( you &now Teddy@' The police outside &noc&ed again' Colleen loo&ed towards the door and then to Ted( @They4re gunna &ic& us out of here if we don4t pay the rent soon babe'@ Without blin&ing an eyelid( Ted responded calmly( @Come 4ere and listen up good'@ Colleen rushed to his side' @My half of the cash is at Ste,e4s mother4s house buried under the clothesline out the bac&' ;ou &now where that is( right: The pigs will ne,er find it there'@

Colleen shoo& her head at Ted( disappointed to hear that he had indeed committed another robbery last night' She wal&ed slowly towards the front door( opening it to the police' @5ood morning officers' 3ow can we help you today:@ Colleen said' She realised years ago that it was smarter to co)operate with the cops when they were as&ing ?uestions' She also recognised one of the policemen' 3e had been the arresting officer last time Ted was caught with stolen goods' @We4re here to ta&e Ted down to the station again Colleen(@ the copper emphasiBed the word 4again4( which annoyed Colleen rather' @And what is he being falsely accused of today:@ Colleen demanded of them' She straightened up and continued in a ?uieter ,oice( @* hope you realise that police harassment of members of the public is an offence too' We &now our rights as citiBens'@ She tried to say something more( but the police cut her off' @$ast night there was a robbery at the 2P station( about four hundred metres down the street from here'@ Colleen shoo& her head( @2ut officers( * can ,ouch for Ted' 3e4s cleaning up his act' 3e was with me all night long'@ 6ne of the officers let out a deep sigh( as if he was disappointed with her last statement( @Colleen( the ,ideo camera at the ser,o caught the whole thing' There4s no point lying to us this time' ;our boys didn7t e,en try to disguise themsel,es' *t7s as if they wanted to get caught' We4,e already gotE@ The officer loo&ed down at his paperwor&( @Ste,en Smith in custody' The only thing we ha,en4t got is the cash that was stolen' ;ou wouldn4t happen to &now anything about that now would you:@ @%o'@ Colleen tried to loo& as innocent as possible' @%ow( here is our warrant'@ 6ne of the officers produced some hand cuffs and motioned towards Ted' @;ou4ll ha,e to come with us now Ted(@ he said firmly' Ted nodded and got up from the couch' The officer continued( @And we are going to search the premises' Colleen( * should let you &now that if we find the cash here( you will be charged with conspiring to steal( and also with pro,iding false information to an officer of the law' So(@ the officer sternly as&ed while loo&ing her straight in the eye' @-o you want me to as& you that ?uestion again:@ @%ope( you can loo& all you li&e( but you won4t find anything here(@ Colleen confidently asserted' The constable nodded' @Fine'@ 6n the way out( the same man leaned in towards Ted( @;ou really scared that &id last night Ted(@ he e.plained' @$ittle pun& should ha,e +ust handed o,er the money when * told him too(@ he replied' Ted was now cuffed and being led out the front door' Suddenly alarmed for the first time at the prospect of being alone( Colleen cried out towards Ted( @Teddy( what am * going to do without you:@ @Can * gi,e her a ?uic& hug:@ Ted as&ed the officers( trying to sound as concerned as he could' 6ne of the police officers nodded to Colleen' @Ma&e it ?uic&'@ Colleen ran towards Ted and wrapped her arms around him( holding him tight' Tears started to roll down her chee&s' @Teddy( * really need you to stay out of +ail after this' Please' Ma&e this the last time'@ She loo&ed into Ted4s eyes' @For me( o&ay: -on4t forget your promise to meE@ @Shhh'@ Ted sharply cut her off' 3e whispered into her ear( @$isten carefully babe' 5o to Ste,e4s mum4s house for us and get all the dough' Pay the rent and hide the rest somewhere safe' ;ou4ll be right till * get out of +ail in a few wee&s'@ @6&ay Teddy'@ Colleen was suddenly ,ery e.cited by the prospect of pic&ing up the money' She wondered how much was actually in there( as Ted had not mentioned it' @Can * buy myself something nice with what4s left o,er:@ she as&ed him' @%o(@ he hissed( showing immediate disappro,al' @* &now e.actly how much is in there' *7m gunna count it as soon as *7m out' So don4t do anything stupid( o&ay:@ Colleen nodded in agreement' @All right' That4s enough for the two of you'@ The officer interrupted their embrace and pulled Ted towards the door' @We4,e got to ta&e him now'@ Ted was ta&en to the di,,y ,an and put in the bac&' Colleen watched the whole process as if it was in slow motion' There were some neighbours gathering on the nature strip to see what all the commotion was about'

Colleen decided to gi,e them something to really tal& about' She screamed out( @What are you all loo&ing at: This isn7t a show' That4s an innocent man been ta&en away by the coppers'@ Poor Teddy( Colleen thought to herself' They didn4t need to cuff him' 3e4s a good man( and would ha,e gone with them without any trouble' Although Colleen didn4t &now it that would be the last time she would see Ted'

Chapter Four
Two days later( after her chance meeting with 8a&e Scott( Ellen found herself standing outside the head?uarters of Satinol Cosmetics' *t was a tall building in the heart of the city( probably one of the largest on the bloc&' Ellen felt ,ery small standing there by herself' There were people rushing in and out of the large rotating glass doors located on the ground floor' Ellen found a public bench outside and sat down to settle her ner,es' After a few deep breaths( she stood up and too& a couple of steps towards the door' Then numerous doubts started to fill her mind' What if they didn4t belie,e she was a model: What if 8a&e wasn7t there today: What would she say to e.plain her being there: Ellen ?uic&ly turned around and sat down again' She could feel her heart beating ,ery fast( and her chest tightening' 3er breathing was far faster than normal' Suddenly the taste of something thic& and sweet filled her mouth and Ellen realised she had bitten her bottom lip' So for another fi,e minutes she sat there( with a cut lip( without the ner,e to go inside' Still more people mo,ed in and out of the building' *t seemed to be a ,ery busy place indeed' Ellen tried to imagine the best and worst outcomes that could arise from going inside' The best result would be getting paid two hundred and fifty dollars as 8a&e had promised' The money would co,er her bills for the wee& and allow her and Chloe to ha,e a night out somewhere together' 2eing paid simply to be photographed( wear nice ma&eup and new clothes' The thought made Ellen smile happily and she immediately felt more rela.ed' The worst outcome( she thought to herself would be if they laughed her out of the building( and she ended up in tears' 2ut that really wasn4t so bad' She had certainly been laughed at before' Ellen stood up( held her head high( and told herself she was ready for anything as she marched inside' She mo,ed through the large rotating glass doors of Satinol Cosmetics and then gasped in awe' *n front of her was a grand foyer li&e nothing she had e,er seen before' 5old plated mirrors and portraits adorned the walls while marble floors stretched to a grand staircase in the centre of the foyer' A rich( sweet fragrance filled the air saturating her senses' Ellen soon spotted the reception des& and found herself face to face with a friendly and polite young woman at the counter' @5ood morning' 3ow can * help you today:@ the young woman as&ed pleasantly' Ellen noticed that the girl7s hair was slee&ly pulled bac& into a bun( and her s&in appeared to be completely flawless' She wondered how long the young girl had spent getting ready for wor& that morning( and held bac& the desire to as& her about this' @*4m here to see 8a&e Scott(@ Ellen finally replied( trying not to stare at the girl' @Who may * say is here to see him:@ she as&ed' @*t4s Ellen@( she said( and then hesitantly added( @from the tram@' Ellen &ic&ed herself' 3ow could she ha,e said 4from the tram'4 3ow embarrassingA @6h( wait a moment'@ The girl put down the phone( and thought for a moment' Ellen 8ac&son( is it:@ she en?uired' Ellen nodded' The girl continued( @Mr Scott has actually left some instructions@' She seemed pleased with herself and then fumbled around in her drawer for a moment' @Where did * put that note:@ she as&ed herself' @3mmm' 6h( here it is'@ She loo&ed up at Ellen briefly and then continued( @;ou are to see Tina in Studio Four on the twelfth floor' She will loo& after you this morning( and hopefully Mr Scott will catch up with you after that'@ Ellen was surprised that 8a&e would not be meeting her on arri,al' 3e &new that she was ner,ous about the whole day'

@The lifts are +ust o,er there'@ The girl pointed her towards a hallway to the right' @3a,e a great day now'@ The girl4s phone starting ringing' @Satinol Cosmetics' 5ood morning( this is 8ulie@( Ellen heard as she wal&ed away' Ellen mo,ed away from the reception des& remembering the fear she had felt only minutes ago( and smiled to herself' 3er heart was still pounding( but the apprehension had been completely replaced by a feeling of e.citement and possibility' She closed her eyes and too& a deep breath' E,erything was going to be o&ay' They are e.pecting me( she thought' A few minutes later( Ellen found herself in an ele,ator surrounded by well)dressed people in fancy business suits' She could detect the low murmur of people7s con,ersation behind her' Ellen loo&ed down at her own freshly ironed plain blac& pants and fa,ourite green t)shirt' She felt out of place standing ne.t to these people' Perhaps( they are too busy to e,en notice me( she thought happily' @$e,el twel,e@( the ele,ator indicated' This was it' The doors opened to re,eal a ?uiet area with a reception des& facing the lifts' Ellen noticed a sign which read DStudios 6ne to Four7 pointing right and a long corridor to the left' A girl at the reception des& with long blac& hair and thic& glasses bec&oned to her' @3i( are you Ellen:@ the girl en?uired' Ellen nodded' @%ice to meet you' 8ulie( from reception( +ust called to say you were on the way up' ;ou can ta&e a seat there'@ The girl motioned towards a red couch behind Ellen' @Are you loo&ing forward to your session today: *7m Ale. by the way'@ @3i' * am loo&ing forward to it( &ind of(@ Ellen said uncon,incingly' The girl hesitated slightly( @* heard that you ha,en4t done any modelling before' *s that right:@ Ellen nodded' =*7m so not a model' 0eally not sure what *7m doing here'> Ale. laughed ?uietly at her statement' @Well( it4s always fun when you try something new for the first time( right:@ Ellen was going to e.plain that she wasn4t sure e.actly what her session would in,ol,e( but then thought better of it' @* really hope that * don7t stuff up( and waste e,eryone7s time(@ she said' =*t will be fine( so don7t worry too much' %ow( there is a form here for you to fill out' *t7s +ust contact details mostly'> Ale. handed Ellen a clipboard with a single sheet of paper' *t did not ta&e long to complete( and Ellen handed it bac& after about fi,e minutes' Ale. seemed pleased' =5reat' 3a,e a seat again and *4ll call Tina to let her &now you are ready'@ @6&ay@ replied Ellen( sitting down again' Ale. dialled an e.tension while Ellen loo&ed around the room ner,ously' 2utterflies were starting to ma&e their presence felt in her stomach' Ale. was ob,iously listening intently to someone( @;ep( o&ay( yes(> she said' She pressed a button which ended the call' =Come with me Ellen'@ Ale. stood up and mo,ed to the front of the counter' She had a phone headpiece clipped onto her right ear( which ob,iously allowed her to mo,e freely around the floor while monitoring any calls' Ellen was led from the reception area into Studio Four' There was a large white screen from floor to ceiling( three large floodlights( and numerous props' *t all loo&ed ?uite alien and intimidating' She couldn7t imagine what some of the props would be for' There was a smaller room off to one side which they entered' *t was a narrow room with a long mirror running along an entire wall' There was a lady there to greet them as they entered the room' She loo&ed up with interest' @3i Tina( this is Ellen 8ac&son(@ said the receptionist' @3er session is scheduled for ele,en o7cloc&( so you4,e got plenty of time here'@ Tina was gorgeous and well dressed( li&e e,ery other woman wor&ing in the building( thought Ellen' She was older than the receptionist( perhaps in her late forties with short( stylish hair and trendy dar&)coloured clothing' @Than&s Ale.(@ Tina said' @So( come on in Ellen' Ma&e yourself at home' * hope you ha,e a good +o&e for me( Dcause * only do good ma&eup in e.change for a good +o&e'@ Tina pulled a chair out and motioned for her to sit down' Ale. laughed briefly and said to Ellen( @Tina lo,es a good +o&e( and you4d better thin& of a good one( because * once saw this model who refused to tell any +o&es( and well( belie,e me( she was not a pretty picture when Tina was finished with her'@ The two of them laughed heartily( ob,iously remembering a shared e.perience'

Ale. started heading towards the door( but called out encouragingly( @Catch ya later Ellen and good luc&'@ @Than&s(@ Ellen replied( not sure if Ale. had heard' @What sort of music do you li&e:@ Tina as&ed( turning her stereo on' @$ots of different stuff@' This was true' Ellen had ne,er been able to identify one type of music that she preferred o,er all the others' Tina4s music was fast and electronic' @This is good'@ Tina nodded to Ellen4s reply' @*4m really into the local scene at the moment' There are a lot of great home)grown bands in Melbourne'@ Ellen nodded( e,en though she didn4t &now much about the local music scene' Tina mo,ed so that she was standing in front of Ellen' @Wait a moment' First things first' * will need you to change out of your top( and put a buttoned shirt on'@ @6h'@ Tina continued( @Always wear clothes that can be buttoned off when you come to a session li&e this'@ Ellen loo&ed down at her top' *t was her fa,ourite tight green t)shirt( which definitely had to come off o,er the head' @6h right' Sorry'@ @*t4s o&ay(@ Tina said in a friendly tone' @5o behind the screen there'@ She pointed towards the large screen behind her' @There are some buttoned shirts hanging up' 2e ?uic&( then come bac&'@ Ellen ripped her t)shirt off and ?uic&ly buttoned a simple blue shirt before returning to her comfy seat in front of the mirror with Tina' A large tray had been wheeled o,er to the bench near her seat' 2it by bit Tina started to apply ,arious products to Ellen4s face and nec&' *t felt nice' Tina ob,iously &nows what she4s doing( Ellen thought( and watched the mirror carefully as her face was slowly transformed' =-id you still want to hear a +o&e:> =;es( go ahead(> said Tina seriously' She was ob,iously concentrating ?uite hard' Feeling comfortable and happy( Ellen loo&ed up at Tina4s face which was ,ery close to hers at the moment' @So this is my fa,ourite +o&e in the world(@ she said ?uietly' @;ou7,e probably heard it' 2ut it4s the only +o&e * can e,er remember( and unfortunately it4s not really that funny( but * lo,e it because my -ad lo,es it' This +o&e made him laugh really hard when * told it to him'@ @$et7s hear it then(@ Tina said patiently' She was a fun person to be around and had already made Ellen feel completely rela.ed' @3ow do you &eep an idiot in suspense:@ Ellen as&ed' @3ow:@ @*4ll tell you later@' Ellen smiled and watched Tina4s face in the mirror( waiting for her to get it' Tina laughed' @That4s a good one@' 2oth of them chuc&led at each other' @*4ll ha,e to tell that one to my boyfriend' 9ery appropriate humour if you &now what * mean'@ *t was then that Ellen noticed in the mirror a figure standing behind the door peering in' The two of them were being watched by someone' Ellen turned her head to see who it was( and found an older man loo&ing at her with the most amaBing brown eyes she had e,er seen' After noticing Ellen4s gaBe( Tina also loo&ed o,er' She seemed more surprised than Ellen by the man4s presence( whoe,er he was' Tina hesitated briefly before e.claiming( @Mr 2radley( hello@'

Chapter Five
Colleen waited till dar& before dri,ing to Ste,e4s mother4s house to retrie,e the stolen cash' She &new e.actly where to go because the boys had hidden many goods in this bac&yard o,er the years' Ste,en4s mother was o,er eighty years old and becoming senile' The old lady probably did not &now what day it was' She had recently started calling Ste,e @Ste,ie@ again( the name he was called as a toddler( which annoyed him intensely' Ste,e had informed them that his mother spent the ma+ority of each day in the front li,ing room staring at the walls' Ste,e &new that she belonged in a nursing home( but the old lady still had enough determination to resist this idea( and would start to scream and yell e,ery time the words @nursing home@ were mentioned' Colleen arri,ed at the property at around ten o7cloc&' The night was pitch dar& because there was no moonlight' 6nly passing traffic and a cat fight could be heard in the distance' Colleen had brought

a flashlight and turned it on as she made her way from the car through the front gate and past the old lady4s front porch' She had also brought a small sho,el as the cash was probably buried at least a foot underground( to pre,ent Ste,e4s mother from accidentally disco,ering it' Colleen found herself singing aloud the tune she had +ust been listening to on the radio( and then realised that she was not being particularly ?uiet' 6h( well( she thought' There is not really any reason to be ?uiet' The old lady will be fast asleep and not li&ely to stir' Colleen wal&ed past the old pear tree that didn4t fruit any longer( past the outside toilet that hadn4t been used in fifteen years( and past the incinerator in which the old lady li&ed to dispose of things on a sunny Saturday afternoon' The wee&end smo&e was the cause of much annoyance for the neighbours( but nobody had to heart to call the council because of her age' Colleen stood in front of the clothesline' *t consisted of fi,e pieces of wire held up by two large posts spanning a distance of about eight metres' She would ha,e to search carefully for signs of recent acti,ity' Colleen pointed the torch at the ground and mo,ed it around in a circular motion' Ah ha( she had found some loose dirt and began digging with her spade' All of a sudden( the bac&yard was flooded with a bright light( causing Colleen to s?uint and almost lose her balance' @*t4s his wife Colleen(@ a man4s ,oice was heard( somewhere abo,e her and to the left of where she was standing' Colleen loo&ed up into the tree near her( trying to identify where the ,oice was coming from' A brief moment passed before she realised what was happening' 2ugger' @Colleen Watson( you are under arrest(@ boomed a ,oice from behind' Colleen turned around and found the same copper that had arrested Ted earlier that day' @;ou ha,e the right to remain silent(@ he continued' The copper continued to read her rights( but Colleen didn4t hear a word of it' She was amaBed at how many police were actually in the bac&yard' The yard was full of them' 3ow had she not heard them: They were li&e bugs( crawling out of e,ery cre,ice' A tough)loo&ing female copper cuffed her and escorted her roughly to the front yard where they waited for a car to pull up' The senior constable stayed close to Colleen throughout all this and watched her e,ery mo,e' @;ou see Colleen( * suspected that you were in on the whole thing when * spo&e to you this morning' 2ut what you didn4t &now was that old Mrs Smith saw the boys digging in her bac&yard last night and went to in,estigate their hole once they had left' She watched her own son try and hide the stolen money in her bac&yard' Can you imagine what that would ha,e been li&e:@ 3e did not wait for a response' @;ou cannot blame her' The old girl decided that she had had enough of her no good lying e.cuse for a son' So she called us( and we retrie,ed the money' 2ut you see( it was my idea to sta&e out the property for a couple of nights and try and catch any accomplices that were hiding in the woodwor&s'@ The officer sounded so smug' @* should finally get that promotion they ha,e been promising me(@ he told her ?uietly( so nobody else could hear' Colleen was barely listening to his words( but they were slowly starting to ma&e sense' She needed time to reco,er from the shoc& of her failed plan( and was starting to feel angry at Ted for letting her down again' <seless pig( she thought to herself' * am going to ha,e to ta&e this money) earning business into my own hands when * get out of +ail this time'

Chapter Six
@Mr 2radley( hello@( Tina repeated( as if she was unsure he had heard her the first time' @*t4s an honour to ha,e you ,isit the studio today' *f you li&e( * can gi,e you a ?uic& tour'@ Tina seemed to recognise this man standing in the doorway' She was ob,iously e.cited to see him( because she had stopped applying ma&eup and mo,ed aw&wardly towards the doorway with her hand outstretched' Ellen wondered who he could be' 2ut more importantly( why he was staring at her and not e,en ac&nowledging that Tina was tal&ing to him' 3e was dressed in a business suit and had a newspaper folded in his left hand' 3is shortish brown hair was neatly combed into place and Ellen noticed that his eyes were warm and friendly' Ellen thought him ,ery handsome and interesting)loo&ing' 3owe,er( clearly he loo&ed hesitant to come in and say hello'

Suddenly the man came to life' 3e shoo& Tina4s hand aw&wardly( straightened his rose)coloured sil& tie( and wal&ed confidently into the room' Trying to sound li&e he was in control of the situation( he e.plained( @Sorry to interrupt( ladies' E,ery now and then( * li&e to ,isit one of the departments to meet the staff' 8ust to obser,e e,eryone and see what is going on' * hope you don4t mind'@ Tina loo&ed a little surprised( but responded eagerly( @6h( of course not' Come in'@ @Than& you'@ @* don4t thin& we4,e met before( Mr 2radley'@ Tina sounded a little ner,ous around the man' @My name4s Tina 2rown and * ha,e been wor&ing in this department for o,er two years now'@ Tina then noticed that Tom4s eyes were fi.ed firmly on Ellen' 3e did not seem to be listening to her at all' Ellen had also noticed that the man had been staring at her the entire time he was in the room' 3is absorbed e.pression made her feel comfortable( so she tried to hold his gaBe' After a moment had passed( she decided to try spea&ing to their ,isitor' @And my name is Ellen 8ac&son' 8a&e Scott as&ed me to come in today and ha,e some test shots ta&en( e,en though *4,e ne,er modelled before'@ Mr 2radley4s smile changed ?uic&ly into a frown' @6h( 8a&e organised this( did he:@ 3e did not seem so pleased with that news' @Ellen( this is Mr Tom 2radley(@ Tina said to Ellen' @3e is the chief e.ecuti,e officer and owner of Satinol'@ Ellen nodded' @3i@' @Sorry Ellen(@ Tom responded( reaching his hand out to her' @* should ha,e introduced myself to you properly'@ Tom seemed embarrassed as they shoo& hands gently' @* might stic& around to watch things here( if that4s o&ay with you:@ Tina7s face ?uic&ly changed into a surprised e.pression' Tom didn7t seem to notice' Ellen guessed that this re?uest was a little unusual' She nodded and loo&ed towards Tina' =*t7s fine with me'> Tina ?uic&ly agreed' @6h course( Mr 2radley' Would you li&e a chair:@ Tina as&ed( indicating towards a seat in the corner of the room' @Than& you( yes'@ Tina later e.plained that Tom was &nown throughout the business to be an e.tremely busy and pri,ate man' 3e was rarely seen outside the offices on the top floor and was considered relati,ely unapproachable by many people' 3e was always flan&ed by either board members or bodyguards in public' She thought it was ?uite strange that he would want to watch Ellen4s session' 3owe,er( Tom was true to his word and spent the ne.t two hours in their company' 3e watched the rest of Ellen4s ma&eup and hair session( adding comments of his own to their con,ersation now and again as he saw appropriate' At one point( someone brought in a rac& of dresses( and Tom personally helped to select three of them for Ellen to try on' Ellen started to thin& of him as a wonderfully funny and generous man( and felt ,ery comfortable around him( despite their age gap' They tal&ed between sessions while she changed behind a screen with the help of Tina' 3e had watched each of her three sessions in front of the camera( and seemed happy that the photographer was pleased with her wor&' After two hours( Ellen was hot under the lights and tiring of the attention of a small group of people who had come in to watch' Tom continued to study her carefully( smiling often and watching the action closely' @6&ay sweetie( that4s all for today' ;ou4re done'@ The photographer smiled and started to the room' Ellen breathed a sigh of relief' @*4ll get these into print straight away Mr' 2radley'@ @Than& you( %ic&(@ Tom responded' @* will be eagerly waiting to see the results of your wor&'@ 3e loo&ed towards Ellen who had stood up from the table and was starting to stretch a little' @* thin& Ellen might ha,e a promising future withE@ Tom did not finish his sentence because 8a&e Scott had wal&ed into the room' @3ello there( Ellen(@ 8a&e said( breeBing into the room' Suddenly his eyes caught sight of Tom in the corner( and he seemed surprised because he stopped dead in his trac&s( his eyes not mo,ing further from Tom' @Tom( * had no idea you too& an interest in this area' 3e seemed ner,ous( but continued on( @* thin& Ellen here has some great ?ualities that may be suitable'@

@8a&e@( Tom said( interrupting him with a dismissi,e hand motion' @$et7s tal& in the hall for a moment'@ 8a&e then seemed to notice that the session had finished' @Ellen( *4m sorry that * didn4t meet you myself earlier on' Something came up( but * trust you found your way around o&ay'@ @;ep( +ust fine(@ she called to 8a&e as he left the room with Tom' Tina touched Ellen4s shoulder( @;ou can change now'@ She motioned towards the change rooms' @And ta&e all that gluc& off of your face now'@ @* &ind of li&e it actually' Might ta&e this face home and see if my flatmate Chloe recognises me'@ Tina laughed at this idea' As the two of them wal&ed past Tom and 8a&e in the hallway( Ellen noticed that they seemed to be tal&ing about a matter of some seriousness because 8a&e4s eyes were on the ground and Tom appeared to be doing most of the tal&ing' @* wonder what4s going on there(@ Tina said to Ellen slyly' @*4m not sure'@ @Well( *4ll tell you one thing' * ha,e ne,er seen Tom ta&e any interest in a shoot before( and we do tens of these shoots e,ery wee&' 3e probably hasn4t e,en ,isited this floor for years'@ @* wonder why he was here today(@ Ellen said( puBBled' 6f course( it wasn7t because of me( Ellen thought to herself' 3owe,er( a part of her did secretly hope that she was a part of the reason that he stayed so long' @6h well( * guess when you own the place( you can do whate,er you li&e on a daily basis'@ @3mmm( * hope 8a&e is not getting into trouble because he as&ed me to come in today'@ @%a( don4t worry about that' ;our shots will loo& great' * thin& you are a natural'@ *t was twel,e o4cloc& by the time Ellen found herself changed( finished and ready to lea,e' @2ye( Tina' Than&s for e,erything(@ she called out' @%o worries' 6h( by the way( here is your en,elope@' Tina pulled a thic& green en,elope out from one of the drawers and rushed it o,er to Ellen' @-on4t lea,e without this'@ @What is it:@ Ellen as&ed( genuinely forgetting about the money 8a&e had agreed to gi,e her for coming in' @*t4s your cash for today( of course'@ @6h yeah' Than&s' * can4t belie,e * am getting paid for doing something which was actually &ind of fun'@ Tina nodded( cleaning and putting away all the items from her bench' @When do you thin& * will hear something bac&:@ Ellen as&ed enthusiastically' @Shouldn4t be too long'@ @All right( bye' Than&s again@' Ellen wal&ed out of the changing room and found Tom standing against one of the hallway walls' 3e loo&ed as though he had been pacing( and Ellen wondered if he was waiting for her' The thought was scary but also e.citing' @Ellen@' Tom mo,ed away from the wall to face her' @* wanted to than& you for coming in today'@ 3e paused( but continued to stare into her eyes( almost longingly( she thought' Ellen wasn4t sure what he was going to say ne.t' The moment was aw&ward and Ellen felt her heart pounding in her chest' @* was wondering(@ he started and then stopped' Ellen could feel her face starting to go hot and red' @* was wondering if you would li&e to ha,e dinner with me tonight:@ The suggestion confused her momentarily' @-inner:@ she echoed and then felt silly for not saying anything else' 3e smiled reassuringly' @Sure( you &now' * pic& you up( fancy restaurant( you tell me all about yourself( some red wine( more ?uestions from me etc etc' ;ou &now( that sort of thing'@ Ellen felt uneasy with the suggestion of a fancy restaurant' She would most li&ely use the wrong cutlery or wear the wrong outfit' Tom loo&ed li&e a man who would normally ta&e out sophisticated and stylish women' She didn4t &now what to say( and so +ust loo&ed at him in silence' Tom suddenly loo&ed uncomfortable' @;ou don4t ha,e to of course' ;our wor& here is not dependent on your ha,ing dinner with me( or anything li&e that' And of course( *4m far too old for you as well(@ Tom said uncon,incingly' Ellen smiled at that statement' 6f course( she wanted to ha,e dinner with him'

Tom ob,iously noticed' @Can * ta&e that as a yes then:@ @Sorry' ;es( *4d lo,e to' Than&s' ;ou still loo& young enough to be dating'@ @Well( than&s'@ They grinned at each other for a moment in silence' @Well( what sort of food do you li&e:@ Tom as&ed enthusiastically' Ellen hesitated for a moment( and then said( @* li&e piBBa( * guess(@ and then felt silly again' Why couldn4t she ha,e said something more sophisticated: 3e didn4t seem to thin& it was silly' @;eah( me too(@ Tom smiled' @;ou &now * can ma&e a pretty mean pepperoni piBBa( if you want to ris& my coo&ing for you'@ That idea sounded more rela.ed than a fancy restaurant' @Well( if it doesn4t &ill you( it4s supposed to ma&e you stronger'@ Ellen found herself grinning at Tom again' Con,ersation with Tom was really ,ery easy' 3e seemed li&e a really nice guy( a ,ery good)loo&ing guy too' @Should * pic& you up at around se,en then:@ Tom as&ed' Ellen nodded' @Than& you( o&ay'@ @What4s your address:@ Tom pulled out a pen and business card from a poc&et deep within his +ac&et' 3e wrote her address down carefully( and then as&ed slowly( @So do you li,e alone( Ellen:@ @Alone: %o'@ @Ah( so is there any chance that your parents will answer the door tonight: That is the sort of thing * need to &now in ad,ance'@ @6h * see'@ @*t will ta&e me a while to prepare an e.planation of why an old man li&e me is dating their young daughter'@ Ellen smiled' @%o( * don4t li,e with my parents' 2ut( *4d go craBy by myself' * li,e with my best friend Chloe'@ @Phew' That4s a relief'@ @She might gi,e you the third degree though' 2etter prepare for that'@ @Than&s for the warning' And yes( * thin& * &now what you mean about the going craBy stuff'@ Tom4s mobile started to ring' Tom chec&ed his phone' @*4m sorry' * ha,e to ta&e this' 2ut * will definitely see you tonight'@ @6&ay@' @See you tonight( Elle(@ Tom called out confidently while wal&ing bac& down the hallway' 2efore he reached the ele,ator( he turned and ga,e a chee&y smile bac& to Ellen' Ellen watched him wal& away from her( surprised at the turn of e,ents' She had ne,er felt more happy and ali,e' The ris& she had ta&en in coming here today had paid off( and now there was a date to loo& forward to for the rest of the day' @Wow( what a day@( she whispered to herself and hurriedly left the building to wor& out what she was going to wear that night'

Chapter Seven
@Tom@( a strong but elderly ,oice called out' @Tommy( are you home: *t4s your mother'@ Tom 2radley4s mother used her spare &ey to enter his house( as she normally would on any gi,en night of the wee&' 2ut tonight was a little different( as she was accompanied by a young( ner,ous) loo&ing lady who followed her closely' The young lady was wearing her best sil& shirt and matching s&irt( and had especially styled her hair for the occasion' Margaret 2radley was used to Tom arri,ing home anytime between se,en and eight o7cloc&' Margaret loo&ed at her watch' *t was ten minutes past eight o4cloc& and so she had no doubt that he would be home already' She &new Tom would most li&ely be found in his library at this time of the night( loo&ing o,er business papers from the day' @Tom( * ha,e a surprise for you(@ Margaret called out' @3elen $ogan4s daughter( Mary( you remember Mary don4t you( from the country club' The two of you once had a short drin& together' Anyway she has recently mo,ed bac& to Melbourne and wasn4t doing anything tonight and so *4,e as&ed her to +oin us for dinner'@ Margaret ga,e Mary a smile' She had been trying to get the two of them together for wee&s now'

@* really thin& the two of you will ha,e a lot in common(@ she said to Mary firmly( while nudging her gently' @;ou will probably forget that * am e,en here after a while'@ Margaret entered the library entrance and to her dismay( found Tom4s des& empty' @* wonder where he could be:@ she as&ed Mary' Mary shrugged in response' @* hope he hasn4t eaten dinner early' Perhaps * should ha,e called'@ Margaret paused for a moment and pondered that thought' *t would be unusual for Tom to ha,e eaten dinner at this hour( and calling really wasn4t necessary( as her son was a man who en+oyed a strict daily routine' @$et7s try the &itchen( Mary' Tom4s house&eeper Estella( e,en though she is Spanish( will often coo& a spicy Thai dish on Monday night( and perhaps he is chatting to her in the &itchen while she prepares it'@ Margaret and her female companion headed towards the &itchen' Margaret li&ed to stay in,ol,ed with Tom4s life' She li&ed to hear e,ery little detail about his day( and would often as& about the people( although more often the women( he had met that day' Although fiercely protecti,e of Tom( Margaret longed for him to meet the right sort of woman to complete his life' Alas( Tom was choosy with women and many of the fine ladies to whom she had introduced him were not in the picture for ,ery long' Margaret thought Mary to be a suitable match for Tom because the $ogans were a respectable and ,ery wealthy family with a reputation for strong family ,alues' Margaret had &nown Mrs $ogan for years through her association with the 0i,er,iew 5olf Club' The two mothers had tal&ed Mary into this dinner engagement( and were only a few steps away from tal&ing about the e.pected nuptials' Tom and Mary had met many years ago briefly( and Margaret remembered Tom saying bac& then that she was a lo,ely young woman' @Estella( there you areA@ Tom4s maid scuttled past them with a broom and sponge' @Where would my son be tonight please:@ @6h( Mrs 2radleyA * see you ha,e brought a companion for dinner again'@ Estella paused for a moment( loo&ing o,er at Mary with apprehension' She phrased her ne.t sentence slowly and carefully' @* thin& Tom has dinner plans already'''@ @Estella(@ said Margaret firmly( cutting the house&eeper off( @we are here to see Tom( and see Tom is e.actly what we are going to do' *4m sure Tom would li&e to tal& to Mary again after all these years'@ Margaret nodded towards Mary proudly' @%ow is Tom in the &itchen:@ she as&ed firmly( using the most intimidating tone of ,oice she could muster' @;es ma7am@( replied Estella( defeated' Margaret marched towards the &itchen with Mary in toe( loo&ing more apprehensi,e than before' @*4m on my way to the &itchen too( Mrs 2radley(@ Estella continued' @The two of them ha,e made ?uite a mess in there'@ 8ust as Margaret was wondering what Estella4s last sentence was all about( a young girl came stumbling out of the &itchen screaming and laughing' She was completely co,ered in flour' 3er hair was stic&y and she fell against the hallway wall laughing and clutching her stomach' @6h my lordA What is going on here:@ Margaret was shoc&ed and was ,ery confused by the young woman' This was not the sort of beha,iour to be tolerated in Tom4s house' The staff were usually much better beha,ed' The young girl stopped laughing almost immediately when their eyes met' @Mum( is that you:@ Tom called out from the &itchen in a friendly tone' 3e came out of the &itchen smiling and laughing at the girl co,ered in food' Tom7s face and shirt was also co,ered in flour( but not nearly as much' 3e then loo&ed up and noticed his mother4s female companion( and his mood changed instantly' 3is smile disappeared and his face hardened' @6h( for goodness sa&e' %ow mother( how many times ha,e * as&ed you not to set me up on blind dates:@ Tom erupted' @And blind dates( that you don4t e,en tell me about( this is a new low' And come to thin& of it( * ha,e also as&ed you to call before you come o,er'@ Tom then enunciated slowly and angrily( @;ou need to gi,e me some bloody space motherA@ Tom4s face was starting to turn red from anger and embarrassment' @Well * don4t &now what is going on here with this grubby young child who is loo&ing such a mess but(@ and her tone softened( @this is not a blind date at all' ;ou ha,e met 3elen $ogan4s daughter

before( do you remember:@ Margaret was surprised by her son4s outburst( but not put off' @The two of you ha,e a lot in common(@ she added determinably' Margaret noticed that the young girl against the wall( who was still co,ered in food( started to loo& uncomfortable( and shifted from foot to foot' Margaret wondered who she was( and what she was hired to do e.actly' @%o mother( * do not remember meeting''@ Tom shouted( then hesitated( and Margaret realised that he indeed could not remember Mary4s name' @3er name is MaryA@ his mother filled in the blan&( suddenly feeling ,ery embarrassed by her son4s attitude towards Mary' @And * ha,e +ust finished telling Mary about what a gentleman my son is' Please ta&e a moment to compose yourself Tom( and let4s start again( shall we:@ Tom loo&ed at his mother angrily and then cast a glance at Mary' @*4m sorry(@ Tom said in a ?uieter tone to her' @My mother has wasted your time tonight because she did not tell me that you would be coming o,er' And as you can see( * already ha,e a dinner guest'@ Margaret loo&ed horrified' @;ou ha,e what: Who is this girl( Tom:@ Tom ignored the ?uestion and went on( @*t4s nothing personal( Mary' * hope you understand'@ Mary nodded( but loo&ed altogether uncomfortable with the situation' @6f course(@ she said softly' @*4m ,ery sorry' * would ne,er ha,e come o,er if your mother had not been so insistent'@ @Tom@( Ellen as&ed ?uietly from behind' @Should * lea,e:@ Tom turned around to face the girl ne.t to the wall' @%o' Please don4t( Elle'@ Margaret saw their eye contact and felt ,ery confused' @Well( who is this( Tommy:@ Margaret ?uestioned her son' @3a,e you hired a new girl for the &itchen: 2ecause if you ha,e( * thin& you should fire her right now' She ob,iously can4t coo&' * mean she has spilt food e,erywhere'@ @;ou don4t &now what you are tal&ing about(@ he replied fiercely' Margaret felt her own anger rising' @Well then( please enlighten usA Why are you ca,orting around co,ered in food with this young child:@ Margaret suddenly started to suspect that the young woman might be her son4s date for the e,ening( and was shoc&ed' She felt betrayed that her son was &eeping this new relationship from her( although she would ne,er ha,e appro,ed of a woman so young( e,en if she had been properly consulted' @*4ll tell you what is going on here mother(@ Tom replied indignantly' @* am a grown man and do not re?uire your parental super,ision in my own home' So * am going to wal& both of you to the door and bid you goodnight' $et7s go'@ 3e turned to Ellen and said in a softer tone( @*4ll be bac& in a sec( o&ay:@ As soon as Mary was out of the front door and out of earshot( Margaret reached for her son' @Tommy( please' Please don4t treat your mother li&e this'@ @Mother@( Tom replied' @* am not a young boy anymore that needs to as& for your permission' * will see whome,er * choose' -o you understand:@ @2ut that girl is too young for youA@ Margaret e.claimed' @And we don4t &now anything about her family'@ @;ou ha,e thoroughly embarrassed me tonight mother' So( *4m only going to say this to you once( so please listen' *f you come around unin,ited once more( * will ha,e the loc&s changed'@ @Tommy( please( don4t be ridiculous'@ Margaret thought for a moment' @8ust thin& about what you4re doing( that4s all *4m as&ing'@ Margaret &issed her son on the chee&' @* will call you tomorrow son@' Tom seemed to be glad that she was lea,ing without more of a fight' @5oodnight mum' 5oodnight Mary'@

Chapter Eight
Ellen stood up slowly as Tom marched the two women out of the room without loo&ing bac& at her' She was confused and surprised by his outburst' All night long( Tom had been good)natured and funny( a complete gentleman in e,ery way' 3is nature reminded her of her father bac& home because he was cool( calm and in control of e,ery situation' 2ut the presence of his mother had completely sha&en him up' 3e had lost his temper and seemed li&e a completely different person to Ellen' Tom4s mother did not seem li&e a particularly easy woman to get along with( but Ellen could not help

wondering if this was part of Tom4s real personality' Perhaps he had +ust been on his best beha,iour so far' Ellen did not want anything to do with a man who could not control his temper' She turned around and sur,eyed the room for a potential escape route' Would he be mad at her for lea,ing without saying goodbye: She could not be concerned with that at the moment' The house appeared larger than it had minutes ago( and Ellen &new there was a reasonable chance that she would get lost running from room to room to find a bac& door' 3er mind tic&ed o,er the ,arious options for ending the e,ening' Feeling alarmed and uneasy( she was about to head down the main hallway( when Estella wal&ed in with a damp cloth' @;ou can use this to clean up your face(@ she said in a friendly ,oice( offering it to her' Ellen clutched onto Estella4s hand' @Estella( how do * get out of here: *4d li&e to go now' *s there a bac& door:@ she as&ed urgently' @What4s wrong: Are you not feeling well:@ Ellen did not respond' Estella seemed surprised by her concerned e.pression' @Mr 2radley is a good man@( she continued' @3e will dri,e you home if you are ready to go'@ Estella paused for a moment( carefully considering her ne.t words' @3e is usually ,ery patient with his mother( not li&e tonight' More patient than * could be(@ she added' @* didn4t li&e all the yelling(@ Ellen said timidly( loo&ing into Estella4s eyes for reassurance' Estella4s gentle and motherly nature calmed Ellen instantly' @-on4t lea,e' $et Tom e.plain( yes: Mrs 2radley is ,ery difficult woman' Mr 2radley7s ,ery patient normally'@ Ellen hesitated' Perhaps she was o,er)reacting to the situation' Perhaps e,erything would be all right' @6&ay@( she said( ta&ing the cloth and starting to wash her face' @*4ll ma&e you a cup of tea while you clean up' Mr 2radley had a ,ery good time tonight before his mother arri,ed' * ha,e not heard him laugh li&e that before' E,erything will be o&ay' ;ou4ll see'@ Estella led her into the &itchen and put the &ettle on' Earlier that e,ening( Tom had taught Ellen how to ma&e a piBBa dough from scratch with real yeast' After the dough had risen( they had rolled it flat and added ,arious toppings before sliding it into a hot o,en' The food fight had started +ust after the piBBa went into the o,en( when Tom had accidentally touched her face with his flour co,ered hands' Ellen remembered the moment with a smile' The piBBa was ob,iously coo&ed( as the smell now wafted through the whole &itchen( ma&ing her hungry' *t wasn4t long before Tom returned from seeing the two ladies out' 3e wal&ed through the &itchen doors( paused and loo&ed at Ellen thoughtfully' Estella immediately e.cused herself( saying something about tidying the laundry' Tom started to clean the flour and other pieces of piBBa topping off his face as he mo,ed towards Ellen' %ow that they were alone again( he tried to e.plain( @*4m sorry that you had to see me so angry on our first date'@ 3is ,oice was calmer( and he sat down on a stool beside her( leaning in gently' @My mum has been introducing me to ,arious women of a certain breed since * can7t remember' And tonight and in front of you( of all nights( * +ust snapped' *4m sorry'@ Tom reached for her hand' 3is touch sent a sharp sensation down Ellen4s body' Tom continued( @* usually go along with my mother4s plans +ust to &eep her happy' * should ha,e put a stop to it a long time ago' * &now that we4,e only +ust met( Ellen( and * don4t want to scare you off( but being with you ma&es me happy( happier than *4,e been for ?uite a while' So please forgi,e me'@ Although slightly o,erwhelmed( Ellen was starting to feel calm in Tom4s presence again' She tried to e.plain her feelings( without upsetting him further' @The thing is( * don4t want to be with someone that yells at me(@ she e.plained' @Someone that *4m afraid of'@ @%o(@ Tom replied ?uic&ly( loo&ing alarmed' @*4m not li&e that at all' * would ne,er yell at you or want you to feel afraid of me'@ 3e too& both of her hands in his' @Please Elle( gi,e me another chance' * can4t remember the last time * had an outburst li&e that'@ @;our mum did loo& a bit surprised'@ Tom chuc&led' @;ou seeA *4m normally much more agreeable' 2ut * thin& it was necessary to use some firmness with her this time( in order to put a stop to the surprise ,isits'@

Ellen saw his sincerity( and &new instantly that she had indeed o,er)reacted' She felt completely at ease again' @* belie,e you( * really do(@ she replied' 3e seemed to rela. once she had said that' @And *4m sorry(> said Ellen' =* shouldn4t ha,e ?uestioned your character li&e that' * was actually trying to escape before you came bac&'@ Tom loo&ed surprised' *t seemed silly to Ellen now' She should ha,e had more faith in what she already &new about Tom' @* should gi,e you a proper tour( so you will &now how to get out the bac& door ne.t time(@ Tom added roguishly' Ellen smiled and wondered what it was that he saw in her' 3is attention was almost o,erwhelming and she was unsure how to respond to his eager touch' She loo&ed down at her hands being held by him so tenderly( his eyes watching her e,ery mo,e' Maybe they had been lo,ers in a past life( or were soul mates destined for each other' @* thin& you4re going to cut off the circulation soon(@ Ellen said +o,ially( trying to lighten the mood' Tom let go' @Sorry@( he said( but did not mo,e his body or eyes away from her' The night so far had certainly been intense' Tom had brought her the largest bunch of flowers that she had e,er seen when he arri,ed to pic& her up' 3e had recommended to her and Chloe that the flowers be put into a ,ase( and Chloe had ta&en the flowers nodding( e,en though they both &new there were no ,ases to be found' Tom had glanced around their sparsely furnished apartment with a slight loo& of horror( but than&fully( he hadn4t said anything' Soon after( Tom whis&ed Ellen away in his blac& sportscar( which was easily the fastest car she had e,er been in' 3is property was amaBing' *t was the sort of home Ellen had only e,er seen in magaBines' $arge iron gates guarded the entrance and old oa& trees lined a winding dri,eway through perfectly manicured lawns and gardens to a three storey stone mansion' 3e ob,iously had a number of staff who wor&ed there( and Ellen had been intimidated by Tom7s e,idence wealth' She loo&ed at him now( wanting to return to the e,ening4s light)hearted moments( as when they had +o&ingly thrown flour and sauce at each other after ma&ing dinner' @;ou &now( *4m getting &ind of hungry' * thin& our piBBa is probably ready by now@' Tom remembered the piBBa' @6h noA * hope we ha,en4t burnt it'@ 3e raced o,er to the o,en( grabbing some large blue o,en mitts from the counter' @Smells good(@ he said and lifted the hot piBBa out' @And yes( it loo&s good too'@ @What can * do:@ Ellen as&ed( standing up' @Why don4t you grab some plates and glasses:@ Tom pointed towards one of the drawers in the island bench' @And the wine glasses are behind you' *4,e got the cutlery and a nice bottle of wine here' Why don7t we ta&e our wine and piBBa out to the balcony and en+oy the ,iew:@ Tom was already cutting the piBBa into neat rectangle)shaped slices' Ellen found three different plate sets in the drawer and chose two plates from a plain( stone coloured set' She chose short stemmed sturdy wine glasses from the shelf' @6&ay( *4m ready to go here(@ she announced' @Follow me then(@ Tom said as he led her out through the double &itchen doors( down a long hallway( through a lounge room and onto a large co,ered timber dec&' @Wow(@ Ellen said as she too& the ,iew in' The city lights shone brightly through the misty rain and appeared to stretch for miles' @* bought this place o,er ten years ago because of the ,iew( and * still lo,e it'@ @;ou don4t get lonely li,ing in this big house all by yourself:@ Ellen as&ed' @* &eep busy' ;ou &now( wor&ing lots( spending time with my parents' Actually( Estella li,es in the guest house that we passed on the way in( and she has a young child about eight years old' And * +ust adore him( * really do' Estella has wor&ed here for nearly fi,e years( and she and her son are almost li&e family to me now'@ Tom paused and seemed thoughtful' @* guess * am lonely though( a little anyway'@ Ellen loo&ed at him tenderly' 3e was ,ery bra,e to admit something li&e that' Suddenly she shi,ered slightly'

Tom must ha,e noticed( @Sorry Ellen( let me put the gas heater on'@ Tom stood up and fumbled around under the coffee table to retrie,e a set of matches' @Watch this@' 3e wal&ed o,er to the wall( and lit a pilot light' Suddenly( two large heaters ignited abo,e them( lighting up the ceiling' @5i,e it a minute( and we4ll be warm'@ Ellen felt warmer almost immediately as they started on their piBBa' There was an aw&ward silence and Ellen smiled at Tom in response to it' @* don4t thin& *4m a ,ery good date(@ she +o&ed' @* don4t seem to ha,e much to tal& about' * cause trouble with your mum'@ 8ust as Ellen was tal&ing( she dropped a large piece of tomato and cheese onto the timber dec&ing' @And * drop food onto your dec&(@ she added( disappointed in herself for not displaying more lady)li&e ?ualities' Tom win&ed at Ellen' @Well( * &now something we should probably tal& about at some point or another'@ 3e chuc&led( but waited a moment before continuing( @So'' e.actly how old are you: *4m not doing something illegal here( am *:@ Ellen giggled' @* turn nineteen in about a month' What about you:@ Tom loo&ed relie,ed' @Who me:@ he as&ed incredulously( surprised that she had turned the ?uestion around onto him so ?uic&ly' @;eah you(@ Ellen insisted( watching him intently' 3e started to loo& a little uneasy' @Would you belie,e(@ Tom said and paused briefly( @That *4m thirty)fi,e years old:@ Ellen shoo& her head' @%o@( she replied at once' @0eally:@ Tom ?uestioned her earnestly' @%oA@ Ellen found herself giggling again' @Well( then( how about forty:@ @;eah( * guess *4d belie,e that'@ Ellen tried to sound as serious as she could before continuing( @*s that the truth: 2ecause honesty is really important to me in a relationshipA@ Tom pic&ed up his glass of red and too& a long sip' @3mmm( honesty hey:@ 3e seemed to be deep in thought for a moment' @6&ay( well then( in all honesty( *4m forty)four( but on the inside( * don4t feel a day o,er thirty)eight(@ he said +o,ially' @And that4s what4s really importantA@ Ellen decided to change the sub+ect because their age difference wasn4t really of any great concern to her' @This piBBa is really good(@ she informed Tom( and went on( @0eally good piBBa in front of a really good ,iew'@ She too& a sip of wine and sighed happily' @And luc&y me( * ha,e a really good woman here to share it with(@ Tom added with a chee&y grin' Ellen loo&ed embarrassed and replied cautiously( @;ou don4t e,en &now me Tom' We only met earlier today you &now' * don4t understand how you can &eep saying such nice things about me already'@ Amused by her statement( Tom continued eating and said( @* &now that we only met this morning( and * promised myself( that * wouldn4t say anything to scare you off' * guess *4m not doing too well here'@ Ellen didn4t necessarily want him to stop saying such nice things( and tried to clarify a little' @*t4s +ust that * ha,en4t met anyone li&e you before' * guess( the whole night has been surprising'@ @Surprising in a good way:@ @;es( a ,ery good way'@ @* &new there was something special about you the moment * first saw you' * don4t &now e.actly what it is( but * &now that * want you in my life' * feel as if * already &now you' ;ou definitely remind me of someone but * can4t ?uite put my finger on who that is' 8a&e felt the same way when he saw you the other day'@ @3e did:@ @<h huh'@ @And while we4re tal&ing about 8a&e(@ Ellen said' @Are you mad at him for bringing me into Satinol:@ @6f course notA Why would you thin& that:@ @*t4s +ust that you didn4t loo& too happy with him this afternoonE in the studio'@ @6h( right'@ Tom realised what she was tal&ing about and scratched his chin as he continued( @Well( the situation with 8a&e is that he has a habit of bringing pretty young things into the studio' And Satinol has a contract with one of the city agencies to source models for our promotional wor&'

So( there is no need for 8a&e to approach girls on the street' And well( * thin& in the past( 8a&e may ha,e been doing things li&e this for the wrong reasons'@ @6h( * see(@ replied Ellen( sounding alarmed' She did not li&e the idea of being the ob+ect of 8a&e4s affection' @2ut with you it4s a bit different'@ @*t is:@ @;es( 8a&e has assured me of that' 3e saw something in you( something familiar( but at the same time fresh and new'@ Tom reached out and tenderly tuc&ed a stray strand of Ellen4s hair behind her ear' 3e continued( @-id 8a&e tell you what his +ob actually is at Satinol:@ Ellen thought bac&( shoo& her head' She had assumed it was a role with the models' @3e4s the tra,el manager for Satinol'@ @6h' * can see why you would be concerned' And so you and 8a&e are on friendly terms again:@ @Well( friendly probably isn4t the right word' * ha,e a lot of colleagues at Satinol( but only one close male friend to be honest( not counting family'> Tom paused thoughtfully' =That actually sounds a bit sad' Anyway( 3ayden 8oseph is the company4s head of legal' The two of us ha,e been friends for a long time' We go way bac&' 3e is my right hand man at Satinol' ;ou4ll meet him sooner or later( * imagine' The two of us went through school together and ha,e been friends for many years' *n fact( * don4t really remember a time without him and * couldn4t imagine running the company without him'@ Ellen was listening intently' This was the most Tom had said about himself all e,ening' @And with regard to 8a&e( well this is not something that you need to worry about( but *4,e as&ed him to ma&e sure it doesn4t happen again' An official warning( if you li&e'@ @*4m really glad to hear that he didn4t get fired( because of me(@ said Ellen( feeling relie,ed' @Fired: %o' %ot yet anyhow' And although * didn4t want to admit it to him(@ Tom continued( @8a&e has actually brought the right girl in this time' * thin& your photos are going to be amaBing'@ Ellen pretended not to hear that last comment' @My friend Chloe and * ha,e been friends for years too'@ @She seems li&e a lo,ely girl'@ @She is(@ Ellen said as she finished her second piece of piBBa' @We4re also wor&ing together at a hotel in the city'@ @8a&e mentioned something about the Windsor' Are you en+oying wor&ing there:@ @*t4s fine' * mean *7m en+oying earning my own money and( you &now( being independent from my parents( but the actual wor& is &ind of boring' * will probably go to uni,ersity ne.t year'@ @*7m glad to hear that' ;ou &now( this modelling contract will be anything but boring * would imagine'@ @0eally:@ as&ed Ellen hopefully' She wanted to &now more about wor&ing for the company but didn7t want to sound presumptuous' All e,ening she had tried to find the right words to as& about it' @There4ll be shopping and fittings( hair appointments( ma&eup sessions( photos( tra,el to new and e.citing cities' -o you want me to go on:@ as&ed Tom' Ellen beamed with e.citement' @;es please' Tell me more Tom'@ @Well( you4ll get to wear designer dresses and diamonds( and stay in e.pensi,e hotels( and of course you will need your own assistant to help you with your appointments' * guess you would need a masseur as well'@ @Are you +ust messing with me now:@ as&ed Ellen' Tom chuc&led' @A little(@ he admitted' @From what * &now( being a model is hard wor&' *t ta&es a lot of time and energy and many young girls fail to realise what they are getting themsel,es into' 3a,ing said that( * will do e,erything in my power to ensure you ha,e a positi,e e.perience wor&ing for us during the period of the contract'@ @* appreciate your saying that Tom(@ Ellen said in a serious tone( @but we ha,en4t e,en seen the pictures yet'@ @The pictures will be fantastic' 3a,e some faith in yourself'@ There was a moment of silence again' @Ellen( do you thin& *4m too old for you:@ Tom as&ed' This was ob,iously something that was on his mind' @3ow did we get bac& onto this sub+ect:@ Ellen as&ed( puBBled'

@* don4t thin& we co,ered it thoroughly enough'@ @This is only our first date( Tom' * don4t thin& we need to be so concerned with these sorts of details yet'@ @* &now what you4re saying( but( the reason it4s important is because if the media get a whiff of the fact that we are dating( it will be in the papers and gossip columns'@ Ellen smiled contentedly to herself( realising that he was tal&ing about them as a future couple' Tom was thoughtful as he poured more wine into their glasses' @And then for instance( your parents might hear about it before you4,e had a chance to tell them about me( to e.plain how it came to be that you are dating someone a little older'@ @My parents won4t mind my dating someone older' My mum is about twel,e years older than my dad'@ @0eally: That4s unusual(@ Tom stated' @* mean for a woman to be older than her husband'@ Tom paused thoughtfully' @%ot that it7s a bad thing' They still might be worried about me though' Maybe * should meet them sooner rather than later'@ @*f you li&e' 2ut they li,e in Mansfield( so news from the gossip columns in Melbourne will ta&e a while to reach them in any case'@ @Well( let me &now if they hear something and are concerned about me' 3appy to dri,e up there whene,er we need to'@ @*4ll &eep that in mind( assuming you as& me out again'> =* will'> Ellen felt a wa,e of happiness sweep o,er her to hear that' =* thin& you will li&e my father'@ @Why is that:@ @Well( he is only(@ Ellen did the maths in her head' @3e is only eight years older than you'@ @6h( that does ma&e me feel old'@ Ellen giggled' =And he has a ,ery good sense of humour'> @Well( * loo& forward to meeting him' -o you ha,e brothers and sisters:@ Tom as&ed( trying to change the sub+ect now' @%o( +ust little me'@ The rest of the dinner was light and fun for Ellen' After the meal( Tom suggested the two of them retire to the library for coffee' 3e left her momentarily to prepare the drin&s and Ellen too& time to wander around the library studying some of the artefacts and pictures surrounding her' There was a bronBe statue of a young boy which caught Ellen4s attention because of the sad e.pression on his face' *t was cold to touch and hea,y when Ellen tried to lift it' The boy stood on one corner of a large wooden des&' This must be where Tom wor&s at night( Ellen thought' There was a large leather chair at Tom4s des& and Ellen pulled it out and slid into it' This is the most comfortable chair in the world( she thought to herself' E,erything in the room was amaBing and yet also o,erwhelming' 2oo&s lined the walls in shel,es that reached to the ceiling' Why would he ha,e so many boo&s: So many rooms: Tom was a puBBle( a ,ery intriguing puBBle' 3e ob,iously li&es to +o&e around and ha,e fun( she thought' 3e does not seem li&e the sort of man that would en+oy sitting in this large( stuffy room by himself for hours at night' 3e is a man that does not match his surroundings( she concluded( and decided right there and then to ta&e Tom out of the house on their ne.t date' Somewhere different and fun for both of them' @All right then'@ Tom returned to the room carrying a sil,er tray with ,arious items' 3e laid out coffee( tea( cream( sugar and mil& on the coffee table in front of the brown leather sofa' @What can * ma&e you:@ he as&ed( sitting down' @* thin& * might +ust ha,e a cup of tea if that4s o&ay' 5ot to go to wor& early tomorrow morning'@ Ellen sat down besides him on the sofa' @%o problem(@ Tom said as he poured a cup of tea for Ellen and a blac& coffee for himself' @So than&s for dinner tonight(@ Ellen said' @* had an interesting time'@ Tom loo&ed up( a concerned e.pression on his face' @* mean( a good time(@ she corrected herself while smiling at him wic&edly' Tom turned in his seat to face her' @* had a good time being with you too' * li&e you a lot Ellen'@ Tom tried to &iss her lips but Ellen turned her head to the right' 3e &issed her chee& instead' @;ou don4t want me to &iss you:@ he as&ed aw&wardly'

@Sorry(@ she told him' Ellen had ne,er met anyone that tal&ed to her the way he did' She was starting to feel li&e a little girl( out of her depth here' The truth was( that she had no e.perience &issing' There were a few boys bac& home who had shown interest( but it had not been reciprocated' Tom was +ust mo,ing too fast' 2ut she regretted not letting him &iss her as soon as she turned her head' @%o( *4m sorry( Elle' * shouldn7t ha,e done that' We can slow things down if you li&e'@ @*t4s +ust that * ha,en4t really had a serious boyfriend before(@ Ellen e.plained' @;ou surprised me( that7s all' * wasn4t ready for it'@ Ellen wanted him to try again( but didn4t &now how to that' @6h * see(@ Tom said( sounding a little put off' With a completely straight face( he added( @* +ust assumed that you would want to stay the night'@ Ellen was shoc&ed by his suggestion and suddenly realised that seeing an older man possibly wasn4t such a good idea after all' She definitely wasn4t ready for all of this' Tom watched her e.pression change and ?uic&ly po&ed her in the ribs( @3ey( *4m +ust +o&ing' * don4t e.pect anything li&e that'@ Ellen sighed in relief' @* mean( if you wanted to stay( * certainly wouldn4t be arguing with you(@ Tom said as he obser,ed her e.pression tensing again' @2ut * can see that you would prefer to go home tonight' *4m happy to ta&e things slowly if that4s what you need'@ @* would appreciate if we could go slowly( yes'@ @So how about * dri,e you home now so that you don4t loo& so concerned anymore'@ @6&ay(@ Ellen said ?uietly( feeling a little disappointed as she grabbed her hand bag and stood up to lea,e' 3er cup of tea was unfinished and it loo&ed aw&wardly out of place on the coffee table as she stood up' Tom reached for her hand' @*4m sorry * made you uncomfortable' $et4s get out of here'@ The two of them chatted happily during the car ride bac& to Ellen4s apartment and before she &new it( they pulled up outside her place' Tom leapt out of the car and dashed around to her side of the car' 3e is such a gentleman( Ellen thought as he gallantly opened her door and bowed for show' @There you are( my lady@( he said as he smiled' @Than& you( &ind sir' Will you see me to my door:@ Ellen as&ed' @6f course( my lady'@ Tom grabbed her hand and led them up the garden path and stairs to her front door' @So(@ Tom said staring into Ellen4s eyes' @* could be slic& and wait three days before * call you again( or * could ris& showing you how &een * am and call you tomorrow' What do you thin& * should do:@ he as&ed chee&ily' Ellen was amused by this ?uestion' @;ou &now(@ she said' @Women generally li&e men who are decisi,e and &now what they want'@ Tom realised that he was being teased' @All right then( tomorrow it is(@ he responded' To demonstrate his confidence e,en further( Tom leant down and ?uic&ly pec&ed Ellen on the lips ta&ing her by surprise again' 3owe,er( this time she didn4t ha,e time to turn her head away' Ellen felt a little disappointed because the &iss had been too ?uic&( and she had not had time to register it properly' She decided to do something bold( and too& a step towards Tom' She gently turned her head and &issed him lightly on the lips' Tom loo&ed delighted and when she pulled away he reacted ?uic&ly( &issing her again( this time harder and longer' Ellen ga,e into his &iss and allowed herself to be completely consumed by it' 3er eyelids became hea,y( a diBBiness swept o,er her and her heart started to beat li&e a drum' Fissing was better than she had imagined' @Well( * had a lo,ely night(@ he finally said( stepping bac&' Ellen realised she still had her eyes closed and ?uic&ly opened them' @* did too(@ she said' @*4ll call you tomorrow(@ Tom said as he turned around and bris&ly wal&ed away from her' @5ood night(@ Ellen said still feeling light)headed( but happier than she could remember feeling in a long time'

Chapter Nine
Two days after their first meeting( Ellen once again found herself inside Satinol Cosmetics( this time to discuss the results of her first photo shoot' Tom had called briefly the day before( as he had promised( and than&ed her for the wonderful dinner date' *t would be nice to see him again' Ellen was led into a large boardroom where Tom and a couple of other men that Ellen did not recognise were loo&ing o,er numerous prints spread o,er the table' @3ere she is( the lady in ?uestion@( Tom announced as Ellen smiled and wal&ed towards them' Tom briefly introduced each of the men to her( and e.plained their role in the company' Ellen slid around the table to ,iew some of the pictures of herself' WowA She was blown away' *t4s amaBing what lights and ma&eup can achie,e( she thought' Some of the pictures hardly loo&ed li&e her at all' %ot wanting to loo& too pleased( she hesitantly as&ed( @Are you happy with them:@ @What do you thin&:@ Tom as&ed( handing her a couple of prints that he had been holding' 3e mo,ed behind her and rested one hand on her shoulder' 6ne of the men seemed to notice this( but did not say anything' @That4s my fa,ourite(@ he said gently pointing to the first image' @* thin& you are going to be a star'@ Seeing her image e,erywhere and recei,ing compliments from the men soon made Ellen feel embarrassed( and her face reddened as if she were outside on a hot day' @Well Ellen(@ Tom happily announced( ta&ing a seat ne.t to her' @2ased on these amaBing first shots( we would li&e to offer you a contract( before someone else doesA So( what do you say:@ Ellen paused and loo& around the room at the men4s faces( waiting for her response' @<m( yes( of course' Wor&ing here sounds really e.citing'@ @Well( we4re the ones who are e.cited to ha,e you' *7ll ha,e the paperwor& drawn up this wee&' %ow''@ Tom was interrupted by an intercom and Ellen recognised the ,oice of Tom4s assistant( @Tom( 3ayden has +ust arri,ed bac& from 3ong Fong' Should * as& him to +oin you:@ @;es( EliBabeth' As& him to come in straight away(@ e.claimed Tom' Turning to Ellen( he continued( @Wonderful' *4m glad that the two of you can meet today' %ow( there are a few things( per&s if you li&e( that come with the +ob' *f you are interested( we can pro,ide some accommodation for you closer to wor&' And before you as&( of course you can bring Chloe'@ @0eally: ;ou mean li&e an apartment in the C2-:@ Ellen as&ed incredulously' @;es( Satinol owns a number of apartments in the city( used by our o,erseas guests mostly' * belie,e we ha,e a fully)furnished( twentieth)storey apartment with some amaBing ,iews free at the moment'@ @And * get to li,e there:@ @;es( * ha,e reser,ed one for twel,e months at this stage'@ @6h my 5od' * can4t belie,e it' Than& you'@ @Well( you will need to be close to the building' 2efore you get too e.cited( you should &now that there will be early mornings( late nights( a lot of tra,el and long wor&ing hours' We are not offering you an ordinary modelling +ob that lasts for half a day' ;ou will be the face of Satinol for our summer range( and *4m told this will in,ol,e a lot of hard wor&'@ 8ust as Tom was tal&ing( the board room doors opened and in wal&ed a tall man with dar& hair and a serious e.pression' 3e was an aggressi,e)loo&ing man with a loosened tie( ruffled hair and a couple of days of facial hair growth' Ellen too& a seat( thin&ing to herself how important he must be( to be allowed to dress in that manner' E,ery other man in the board room was impeccably presented' @Well( *4m bac&(@ he announced loudly( sounding a little relie,ed as he put his bag down and wal&ed towards the group' @3ong Fong was a rat race as always( but we managed to close the deal with the Chinese( so it was a successful trip'@ The man suddenly noticed Ellen seated ne.t to Tom and stared at her for an uncomfortable period of time( as if she was the last person he was e.pecting to see' The man4s forehead began to tighten and he s?uinted as if his ,ision was blurring' @3ayden( are you o&ay:@ Tom as&ed( standing up and mo,ing towards him'

@Fi,e business meetings( se,en stiff drin&s( a delayed flight and twenty)four hours without sleep' <m( no( not really'@ 3e did not shift his eyes from Ellen' Ellen thought the man loo&ed ?uite irritable' 3e must not ha,e been a pleasant person to deal with on the plane' @My head is really throbbing( that4s all(@ he e.plained( turning bac& to Tom' @3ayden( *4m sorry you are not feeling well( but *4m glad you4re bac&' There is someone *4d li&e you to meet(@ Tom announced( wa,ing him o,er' @We ha,e decided to feature one face for the summer campaign this year' This is Ellen and she has been chosen as that face' 3a,e a loo& at some of these(@ Tom said with pride in his ,oice as he offered the images to 3ayden' 3ayden accepted the photographs( but did not loo& at any of them' *nstead( his eyes returned to Ellen' Ellen blushed aw&wardly under his stare and felt her heart beating strangely' @* don4t &now(@ said 3ayden softly as he suddenly turned his attention to Tom' @3as anything been signed yet: *4m really not sure about this decision'@ @*4m sorry 3ayden(@ said Tom sternly' @That surprises me' ;ou &now * don4t usually get in,ol,ed so closely with these matters( but we all agree on this one' 5ranted( it4s a new direction for Satinol( but the decision has been made and the matter is not up for debate'@ @*s that right:@ @;es( and * thought you4d be happy to meet Ellen'@ @-id you:@ Tom seemed more surprised than anything else' @And you don4t usually ha,e any ,iews on mar&eting matters( come to thin& of it' So *7m not sure * understand your hesitation on this one'@ @And come to thin& of it( you don4t usually &now the names of the models(> 3ayden retorted' The room became silent' 3ayden narrowed his eyes on Tom and as&ed in an accusing tone( =3ow do you &now this girl:@ The answer to 3ayden4s ?uestion seemed to ha,e e,eryone interested' Ellen wished that she was anywhere in the world other than here' @3ayden(@ Tom said sternly' @;ou really loo& tiredA 3ow about we catch up tomorrow to discuss this issue further:@ Ellen wasn4t sure if 3ayden thought she was unattracti,e( or whether he was +ust angry at being left out of the decision)ma&ing process' *n any case( she thought it best to &eep ?uiet' 6b,iously uncomfortable in her presence( 3ayden put the photos bac& on the table and retreated to the door' 2efore lea,ing( he paused and turned to face Tom and the other men' @* half suspect that one of you is sleeping with her(@ he stated' @And * hope it isn4t you( Tom' That would be ,ery unprofessional'@ With that final accusation( 3ayden marched out of the room( lea,ing e,eryone momentarily stunned' 6nce the door had slammed( Ellen loo&ed towards Tom and concluded( @* don4t thin& he li&es meA@ @6h Ellen(@ e.claimed Tom' @* ha,e no idea what that was about(@ he said( wal&ing bac& towards her' @* thin& you are perfect for the campaign' 3e7s +ust tired' *7ll tal& to him tomorrow'@ 3e rubbed her shoulders gently for a moment before abruptly stopping when his colleagues4 eyes focussed on them again' Ellen remained seated( e.pecting him to retract his earlier offer any minute' *nstead( Tom reached into his poc&et and produced a set of &eys' @* pic&ed these up before' * thin& we need something to cheer us up' 3ow about the two of us pic& up Chloe and inspect your new apartment:@ Ellen smiled at Tom( feeling relie,ed to hear his confidence in her had not been completely dismantled by 3ayden4s lac& of enthusiasm' @That sounds great(@ she replied( turning her chair to face him' 3alf an hour later( Ellen and Tom had pic&ed up Chloe and were on their way to the new apartment' Ellen was amaBed at the way Tom made her feel li&e the most important person in his life' Surely( he had more important business matters to attend to( but if that was the case( he did not show any signs of wanting or needing to be anywhere else'

@So Chloe(@ said Tom in a loud ,oice( for the first time directing the con,ersation towards her in the bac& seat' @3ow is your +ob at the 3otel going:@ Ellen realised that she and Tom had been lea,ing Chloe out of the con,ersation a little( but it had not been on purpose' E,en though she and Tom had only +ust met( they +ust seemed to ha,e so many things to tal& about' Chloe was happy to +oin in the con,ersation' @*t won4t be as good without Ellen there' That4s for sure(@ she responded( leaning forward gi,ing her friend a soft punch on the shoulder' @The other staff are mostly older you &now( and it4s not as much fun wor&ing with them(@ she added' Tom was thoughtful for a moment' @;ou &now Chloe( * thin& Ellen might be more comfortable at Satinol if she has a friend around( and *4m +ust wondering if * can find a +ob opportunity for you'@ @0eally:@ as&ed Chloe( sounding ,ery surprised' Ellen was not e.pecting Tom to offer anything li&e that either( but was happy with the suggestion' @;ou can do that:@ as&ed Chloe' Tom laughed' @6f course * can' * own the damn company you &now'@ @6h( o&ay(@ said Chloe hesitantly( loo&ing towards Ellen' Ellen saw in Chloe4s eyes that her friend had +ust realised how wealthy Tom must be( and she ga,e Ellen a &nowing loo&' The car pulled off the road into an underground car par& beneath a high rise apartment bloc&' The three of them wal&ed towards the pair of ele,ators' @%ow girls( we ha,e you on the twentieth floor(@ Tom said with a grin( pushing the number twenty on the wall( once e,eryone was inside' @3ere are your &ey sets'@ Ellen and Chloe were both handed two &eys on a small blac& Satinol &ey ring' *t was a ,ery fast ele,ator( because in no time( they had arri,ed( and Tom led them into their new apartment' @Wow( oh my 5odA@ e.claimed Chloe' @Are you frea&ing for real:@ She ran through the lounge room to see the bedroom' @WowA@ she screamed out from a distant room' Ellen could not belie,e her eyes either' The apartment was large( fully)decorated and furnished( and more amaBing than she could ha,e imagined' %either she nor Chloe had grown up in wealthy homes and it was staggering to imagine the two of them li,ing here' @*4,e had one of the girls from the office go and buy some groceries for the two of you( so there should be lots of food to &eep you going for a while(@ Tom announced as he po&ed around the &itchen' Tom loo&ed o,er to Ellen who appeared a little stunned' @* hope you li&e it Ellen(@ he said mo,ing closer to her' @*t4s all perfect of course Tom(@ Ellen said( loo&ing into his eyes' @* +ust can4t belie,e that * get to li,e here for a while' Me( the girl from nowhere( li,ing here'@ Tom loo&ed amaBed and happy to see Ellen4s reaction( and ga,e her a ?uic& &iss on the lips' @;ou will soon be the girl from all those Satinol ads(@ he said laughing' Tom4s mobile rang +ust as Chloe ran bac& into the room( and he answered it ?uic&ly and ?uietly( turning away from the girls' @Wow( Ellen( you ha,e to see our bathroom(@ she said in amaBement( trying to drag her friend' @*s it good:@ @6h( my 5od( yes'@ @-id you notice all the food we4,e got in here too:@ added Ellen pointing to the &itchen' They were interrupted by Tom( who was finished on his call' @6&ay( girls( * ha,e to lo,e you and lea,e you' Something in the office needs my attention'@ 3e started to head for the door( @So anyway Ellen( someone will gi,e you a call later today and organise a schedule with you' And Chloe( ha,e you had enough time to consider my pre,ious offer: Would you li&e to come and wor& for us too:@ @<h huh(@ she said ?uic&ly and eagerly' @*4ll do anything' Ma&e coffees( photocopy( anything'@ @Fine(@ he laughed' @*4ll see what * can organise'@ @Than& you Tom(@ added Chloe' @*4ll let you girls settle in now and you can ha,e your things brought o,er in your own time' *4,e left the company4s remo,alist details here on the counter' 5i,e them a call( and ?uote the number at the top( which *4,e circled'@ Tom pulled out a pen from his suit +ac&et and highlighted something on the paper' @See you both later'@ @Than& you and bye(@ said Ellen thoughtfully( appreciating how Tom seemed to ha,e considered e,erything she needed before she had e,en thought of it herself'

@2ye( Tom(@ s?uealed Chloe( a little too enthusiastically thought Ellen' @2ye'@ 6nce the front door had closed( Chloe e.claimed( @Wow EllenA * cannot belie,e the man you ha,e scored'@ Ellen stared at her friend' @* wouldn4t say that * ha,e scored him e.actly(@ e.plained Ellen( not too happy with the way Chloe used the term' %ot listening( Chloe went on( @* mean he dresses well( dri,es a nice car( owns a large company( owns apartments li&e this one and is ob,iously the richest man we ha,e e,er met' And for some strange reason( he couldn7t ta&e his eyes off you the whole time he was here' * can see why you li&e him(@ said Chloe( her words racing o,er each other' @That4s not why * li&e him(@ said Ellen defensi,ely as she sat down at their new large dining table( feeling slightly annoyed at her friend4s mounting assumptions' @Come on( it4s me Ellen(@ pleaded Chloe' @Tell the truth'@ Ellen was thoughtful and then tried to e.plain her new relationship' @6n the first day * met him( it was li&e( * already &new him' * felt at ease around him( and well( the truth is( we ha,e a connection' * feel it( he feels it' *t4s really not any more complicated than that at the moment'@

Chapter Ten
*t was one wee& later on a cold but sunny Saturday morning in Melbourne' The sun streamed through Tom4s windows' Ellen lay on the couch( after coming o,er for brea&fast on the balcony' She couldn7t resist browsing *nternet pages which mentioned Tom4s lo,e life' The media had ta&en eight whole days to wor& out that Tom 2radley had a new lo,e in his life' Ellen and Tom had been photographed lea,ing a restaurant together holding hands on Thursday night( and a number of the papers ran stories about Tom4s date with a younger woman' @;ou shouldn4t loo& at that stuff Elle(@ Tom hastened to warn her( while not ta&ing his eyes off the paper' @* learned to ignore it all years ago'@ @This site calls you a millionaire playboy(@ Ellen teased' @And it says you ha,e dated hundreds of women( including models and actresses'@ @-on4t belie,e a word of it' Although come to thin& of it( technically you are a model now'@ @<h huh(@ said Ellen( belie,ing the stories more li&ely to be true than not' @*t4s incredible how much they +ust ma&e up' 0eally'@ @* +ust loo&ed at this one page which had a photo of us from Thursday night inside the restaurant' 3ow would they ha,e ta&en that shot:@ @They4re snea&y +er&s( those photographers' That4s how'@ The past wee& had brought Tom and Ellen closer together' Ellen felt content as she loo&ed o,er at Tom( and sighed happily' 0ight now( he seemed to be the perfect man' They had eaten dinner together e,ery night( mostly at Tom7s house( apart from the one night when they were photographed out' Each night( Tom had dri,en her home and &issed her on the doorstop' Ellen put the laptop down' @* probably need to get going soon' What4s the time:@ she as&ed( sitting up( chec&ing her own watch' Tom was surprised' @* was thin&ing we might go for a dri,e this afternoon' Somewhere down the Peninsula' We could find a deserted beach and go wal&ing hand in hand'@ @6h really:@ Ellen was touched that he had planned a day out for them' @-id * forget to mention that * ha,e to wor& today:@ @;es( you did'@ Tom put the paper down( loo&ing a little disappointed' @What4s happening today:@ @*4m due at the office by ele,en o7cloc& for a wardrobe fitting' 6n Monday( *4m scheduled to go out with $eo( the photographer( to do some scouting for a location along 2each 0oad' And Tuesday G Wednesday we are shooting' So( today7s session is apparently ?uite important'@ @That4s a shame( but it sounds li&e you ha,e to go in'@ Ellen decided to change the topic' @2y the way( than&s for finding Chloe a +ob' She is really loo&ing forward to starting on Monday'@

@My personal assistant EliBabeth tells me she needs an assistant herself' What can * say: We4ll gi,e Chloe a trial' This could be a whole new career for her'@ @Well(@ Ellen said( grabbing her bag and starting to &iss Tom on the forehead' @*4ll see you later if you4re free'@ Tom ob,iously wasn4t happy with the &iss about to land on his forehead( and grabbed Ellen around the waist( pulling her on top of him' 3e &issed her passionately( before letting her go' @That4s how you say goodbye(@ he instructed' @%ot fair' %ow * want to stay( Tom'@ 3e laughed' @5i,e me a call when you are finished( and *4ll pic& you up in the car' As& 0obert downstairs to dri,e you into the office as well'@ 0obert was Tom4s butler( although no)one said the word 4butler4 out loud' 3e managed the home and staff and dro,e Tom4s car when re?uired' @6&ay( bye then'@ Ellen found 0obert in the front garden gi,ing instructions to two of the gardeners' *t was a large garden( and there were a lot of staff wor&ing that day' @Ms 8ac&son(@ 0obert said( seeing her there waiting( when he turned around' @* beg your pardon' * did not see you there'@ @5ood morning 0obert' Sorry to bother you( when you seem to be busy' 2ut would you mind dri,ing me into the Satinol office' *4m e.pected at ele,en o7cloc&'@ @*t7s no bother at all' *4d be pleased to dri,e you in' 5i,e me a moment and *4ll bring the car around'@ *t was a short dri,e to the office from Tom4s house' The building was shut on Saturdays and Ellen had to use a security pass recently allocated to her in order to enter the building at ground le,el' Ellen recognised the wardrobe ladies from a distance( as she had seen them in the office last wee&' They were waiting near the lifts( with coffees in their hands( and designer handbags across their shoulders' Ellen found them rather comicalC they were all so impeccably presented and colour) coordinated' @Ellen( hi(@ the tall one called out' The other two ladies loo&ed at Ellen in unison( perhaps somewhat less impressed' Ellen tried to remember their names unsuccessfully' She had been told the other day' @3i(@ Ellen said dumbly( meeting them half way' @Come with us Ellen' We4,e been waiting for you' We4re are going to ha,e a lot of fun( e,en though we4re at wor& on a Saturday'@ 6ne of the ladies looped her arm around Ellen4s and pulled her along( the three of them continuing their li,ely chatter' The ne.t fi,e hours were not what Ellen would ha,e described as fun' The time was spent dressing and undressing her( dressing and undressing again' E,ery time they found an outfit that all three li&ed on her( a polaroid was ta&en( and pinned up' Ellen felt a little embarrassed the first time she was na&ed in front of them( but they didn4t e,en seem to notice' *t was li&e she was their own personal full)siBe 2arbie' There were some slightly hurtful comments along the way as well' @She loo&s hideous in this colour@ and @%o( no' She loo&s awful' Absolutely awfulA@ 2ut these comments were balanced by some compliments as well' They were ha,ing a great time wor&ing together' At least( they were en+oying their +ob here( Ellen thought' The ladies were snac&ing along the way on food they had brought in( but no one offered her anything' Ellen wished she had eaten more brea&fast' 2y four o7cloc&( she was ,ery hungry( and there was a pin board co,ered in polaroids( plus a white board filled with ideas' She had tried hundreds of outfits on( including designer dresses and +ac&ets' An assortment of e.pensi,e loo&ing +ewellery and handbags which had been used as accessories for some of the outfits were now strewn across the floor' @So ladies( we need to whittle this board down to ten loo&s for Tuesday' What does e,eryone thin&:@ @$et4s go ha,e a cigarette and come bac& for the final decision'@ 6ne of the ladies turned to Ellen' @My dear( you are finished here' Than&s for all your patience'@

Than& goodness' Ellen smiled( and felt a little embarrassed' @<m( do you &now where my clothes are:@ The ladies loo&ed around the room' @6h there' *n the corner' $et me get them for you'@ The old clothes seemed so much plainer now after all the e.pensi,e outfits of the past three hours' @6h( wait a sec' * almost forgot(@ shrie&ed one of the ladies( +ust as Ellen was starting to change' @6h yeah(@ said another' @* forgot too'@ @What is it:@ as&ed Ellen( who was almost dressed in her old clothes' 6ne of the ladies collected a large bo. from behind the door' @This arri,ed for you about an hour ago'@ Ellen loo&ed surprised' She hadn4t noticed its unannounced arri,al' The bo. was large( white( and surrounded by a big pin& bow' The ladies left Ellen alone with her bo.( and she slipped the bow off( and it fell to the floor' $ifting the lid re,ealed a note from Tom' I have a surprise planned for you toni ht! "ut you#ll need somethin nice to wear$ %ut this on! ive me a call! and I#ll meet you out the front$ Ellen pulled bac& the layers of tissue paper gently( re,ealing a creamy coloured sil& material' Ellen lifted it out( letting the material unra,el onto the floor' *t was the most delicate and beautiful e,ening dress she had e,er seen' She ?uic&ly chec&ed the tag to see if it was her siBe' @6h( he is good(@ Ellen whispered to herself' There were e,en matching shoes underneath all the tissue paper' Ellen discarded her own clothes into a bag and slipped into the dress and shoes' Chec&ing her hair and ma&eup in the mirror on the way out( Ellen realised she had ne,er before loo&ed ?uite so nice' 2efore pressing the lift button in the hallway( she reached for her mobile( dialling Tom' 3e answered straight away' @All finished:@ he as&ed' @;es( um'' than&s for the dress' *t4s stunning( and beautiful and so soft' * can4t belie,e you bought it for me'@ @Are you happy to come out tonight:@ There was nothing Ellen would rather be doing than spending time with Tom' @*4d lo,e to' -o you thin& we can get something to eat though' *4m really hungry'@ @;es( *4,e organised something nice for dinner' -on4t worry'@ Ellen giggled' @Than&s Tom' So( what ha,e you planned for us:@ @Ah( well you will ha,e to wait and see' *4ll meet you downstairs out at the front of the building in fi,e minutes'@ @See you soon(@ Ellen said e.citedly' She was e.pecting to the building( find a seat and wait fi,e to ten minutes for Tom to arri,e' 3owe,er( as soon as she left the security door( she saw Tom4s distincti,e blac& sports car' 3e was standing outside the car( waiting for her' She could +ust ma&e out 0obert in the dri,er4s seat' @Wow( you loo& amaBing( Ellen(@ a ,oice said from behind her' Ellen turned her head' *t was one of the wardrobe ladies' They were gathered together( still smo&ing and chatting' Ellen smiled' @Than&s'@ @*s that Tom 2radley waiting for her:@ one of the ladies as&ed ?uietly' @;eah( * heard they were dating'@ @Shit'@ Ellen decided to ignore their chatter and hurried ?uic&ly towards Tom( with a bag full of clothes' Tom4s +aw dropped when Ellen came into range' She realised that he was seeing her in the dress( and ob,iously li&ing it' 3e ga,e her a smile and wa,e' @$et me ta&e those(@ Tom said( opening the boot( while grabbing Ellen4s bags' 3e turned around after closing the boot' @3i( hello' Sorry( * should ha,e said that first'@ @3i Tom(@ Ellen said softly' @Than& you for the beautiful dress'@ @WowA My 5odA ;ou loo& too good to be real' *4m blown away( really'@ @*t4s +ust the dress'@ @%o( sorry' * don4t thin& so' *t4s all you'@ Ellen blushed under his admiring gaBe' Tom loo&ed bac& towards the wardrobe ladies who were now intent on staring at them'

@$et4s get out of here Elle' Somewhere more out of sight * thin&(@ Tom said while opening the door to the bac&seat for her to sit down' 3e ?uic&ly scurried around to the other side( and 0obert sped them away without any instruction from Tom' @3ow was the wardrobe fitting anyway:@ Tom as&ed' @Fine( all right(@ Ellen responded( without too much enthusiasm' @Modelling is probably seeming harder and more boring than you4d imagined by about now'@ @3mmm'@ @Poor Elle'@ @%o( it was fine( really(@ insisted Ellen' =2etter tell me all about it'> @*t4s +ust that * felt li&e their own personal 2arbie doll' They made me change clothes( li&e( hundreds of times' %o &idding(@ Ellen said( laughing at herself' @That does sound dull' *4m sure you did fine in any case'@ 8ust at that moment( Ellen realised that she wasn4t sounding ,ery grateful' @*4m still really than&ful for the opportunity though' Please don4t misunderstand me'@ Tom laughed a little( leaned in and &issed her on the chee&' Changing the topic( he whispered into her ear( @* bought a little something for you today'@ @;ou did:@ Ellen wondered what more there was left to gi,e her' Tom was the most generous man' 3e reached into his +ac&et poc&et to remo,e a small red ,el,et bo.' Ellen4s eyes bulged at the sight of it' @* &now what you4re thin&ing(@ Tom said reassuringly' @So don4t worry' * won4t propose marriage until we7,e &nown each other a little longer'@ Ellen breathed deeply and tried to pretend that she wasn4t thin&ing it was a ring' @6h( * didn4t thin&'''@ 3er sentence was interrupted by Tom opening the bo.( re,ealing a ruby ring( surrounded by small diamonds' Tom spo&e slowly and carefully( @* do want you to &now that * care about you( howe,er' So( this is a friendship ring from me to you' Please tell me you li&e it:@ *t was the most beautiful ring that Ellen had e,er seen' @* lo,e it(@ she whispered to him( wiping away the happy tears that were forming' Tom placed the ring on the third finger of her right hand' @$oo& at that' *t e,en fits properly' AmaBingA@ 8ust at that moment( the car pulled into the Port Melbourne marina' Ellen loo&ed out the window in surprise' She hadn4t been paying attention to where they were going' @What are we doing here Tom:@ 3e didn4t answer straight away( instead loo&ing secreti,e' @*t4s a surprise' Can you wait a little longer please:@ 0obert dro,e through the par&ing lot to a loc&ed gate' 3e spo&e briefly to the security guard( and the gates opened' The car dro,e forward( par&ing in front of a blac& helicopter' @Tom:@ @8ust a step along the way to somewhere nice for dinner(@ he said reassuringly' Ellen didn4t feel reassured' Tom s?ueeBed her hand' She had ne,er been inside a helicopter before( and loo&ed at it in awe' @Wow(@ she said ?uietly while stepping out of the car' She wasn4t scared e.actly( +ust a little o,erwhelmed' 3er new ring spar&led in the sunlight' *t was then that Ellen heard her handbag buBB' She chec&ed to see who was calling' *t was Chloe' Tom loo&ed o,er( seeing her phone' @*t4s o&ay( answer your phone' * ha,e to tal& to the pilot anyway'@ Ellen nodded' @3ey Chloe(@ Ellen said( answering ?uic&ly and ta&ing a step bac&wards' @3i' 8ust chec&ing how you went with the fitting'@ @;eah( it was all right' Than&s' Tiring though'@ @Coming home for dinner: * thought we might coo& together tonight' * feel li&e * ha,en4t seen you for ages'@ @%o( sorry' ;ou wouldn4t belie,e where * am though'@

Chloe paused' @Where:@ @Well( we are at some marina in front of a helicopter( and Tom +ust ga,e me a ring'@ @3e did what:@ Chloe screamed into the phone' Ellen realised how that must ha,e sounded as soon as the words left her mouth' @Sorry( * mean he ga,e me a friendship ring' 3e didn4t propose or anything' 2ut you should see it' *t is so beautiful'@ @Shit' * mean( well( he seems to be spending a lot of money on you Elle'@ @*t4s not a money thing Chloe' * mean( why do you ha,e to loo& at it li&e that:@ @Men don4t gi,e rings for no reason' What does he want from you: * mean( of course you4,e slept with him already:@ @%o( we4,e agreed to ta&e things slowly'@ @3e must want something'@ @Why do you say things li&e that: Can4t you +ust be happy for me:@ @* don4t understand why all this is happening to you( that4s all'@ Ellen loo&ed o,er to Tom( and saw that he was waiting on her now' @5ot to go Chloe' We can tal& tomorrow o&ay:@ As she hung up( Ellen realised that her friend was starting to feel more and more distant e,ery day' Ellen boarded the helicopter( holding Tom4s hand' 3e led her to her seat( and showed her how to buc&le her seat belt' This was clearly not his first time flying' The helicopter was loud and rougher than she4d e.pected it to be' *t was fast though' Ellen was gi,en a headset( and could push a button to tal& to Tom and the pilot' The two men spo&e continuously to her through the flight( pointing out ,arious landmar&s as they left Melbourne( flying across the bay towards land on the other side' Ellen recognised the heads and the town of Sorrento' They seemed to be heading for the Point %epean %ational Par&( located at the tip of the Mornington Peninsula' The light was starting to fade outside( but Ellen could ma&e out a small patch of light through the window' The helicopter landed( and Tom beamed at her( loo&ing e.cited' @$oo&s li&e e,erything is ready here(@ he said' @What4s ready:@ @Come on( come and see'@ Ellen e.ited the helicopter to see an amaBing sight' 6n the edge of the cliff( about twenty metres from where the helicopter had landed( was a candle)lit table for two' There must ha,e been hundreds of candles( lining the path and surrounding the table( which was laden with food' The bay below was still ,isible in the fading light and the city lights were starting to twin&le across the bay' *t was a still night and pleasantly warm in the outside air' The table and candles were the most spectacular sight Ellen had e,er seen' @3ow did you organise this Tom:@ she said almost breathlessly' @*t4s absolutely beautiful'@ @* did ha,e to pull a few strings( as& a couple of fa,ours'@ Tom was still grinning' @The pilot will wait for us' $et4s ha,e some dinner'@ Tom held her hand( leading her down the path to the centrally)lit table' Ellen4s eye4s widened in awe when she saw the gourmet food specially prepared for the night' There were prawns( ca,iar( sushi( lobster( wine( chocolate)dipped strawberries( a fruit and cheese platter( and fresh crusty bread' @WowA@ e.claimed Ellen' Tom pulled a chair out from the table for her to sit down' @* wanted e,erything +ust perfect tonight(@ Tom said( sitting opposite her' @*t is(> confirmed Ellen( still amaBed at the array of food' Tom helped ser,e a number of the dishes onto Ellen7s plate and they both helped themsel,es to a little bit of e,erything until they were both full' @This is such a magical night(@ said Ellen loo&ing around' @$oo& at the stars'@ Tom loo&ed up briefly( but returned his eyes to Ellen ?uic&ly' @*4d rather loo& at you'@ Ellen threw a strawberry at him playfully and he too& a bite( ma&ing her laugh' @* want to tell you something tonight Ellen'@ Ellen stopped giggling and mo,ed her chair closer to him' @Well( the thing is( * lo,e you' * thin& this is it for me' * thin& you4re the one'@ Tom reached across the table to hold Ellen4s hand' @*4d do anything to ma&e you happy' *4,e ne,er felt li&e this for someone before' ;ou &now( * thought there was something wrong with me' 2eing my age and all( and

not ha,ing fallen in lo,e' 2ut now( * &now' * was +ust waiting for you to come along'@ 3e paused for a moment to catch his breath( @*4m so happy( * really am'@ Ellen was o,erwhelmed and happy to hear how he felt' She felt the same way too( but was momentarily stunned into silence' Tom continued( @Please tell me if you feel the same way( e,en if +ust a little'@ @Sorry( * do' * absolutely feel the same way' 6h Tom(@ Ellen said happily' @* thin& * lo,e you too' * mean( it4s too early to be saying things li&e that to each other( but( * mean( * am thin&ing them yes'@ Tom loo&ed relie,ed( and rushed to her side to &iss passionately( pulling her onto his lap in the process' @Will you stay tonight( at my house:@ Tom as&ed( while &issing her nec&' Ellen pushed him away slightly( but it was enough for him to notice' 3e carefully held her face in his hands to read her e.pression' Ellen tried to e.plain( @* thought we tal&ed about that already' * +ust need more time to get to &now you before that' *( um( * hope you understand that it4s not you or anything' *4m sorry'@ @%o( *4m sorry Elle' Please don4t apologise to me' * +ust &eep forgetting how young you are' There is no rush here' * ha,e waited half a lifetime for you to come along' * can certainly wait until you are ready'@ @0eally: Are you sure that4s how you feel:@ @;es( of course' * always want you to tell me how you are feeling as well' And please ne,er apologise for feeling something different to me'@ @*4m +ust a bit confused' Chloe said something about you wanting something from me( and then with what you +ust said'''@ @$isten( when you are ready( that is the right time'@ @Than&s Tom'@ @2ut( you will tell me when you are ready:@ Ellen smiled' @;ou4ll be the first to &now'@ A cool breeBe wafted through( and Tom shi,ered slightly' @$et4s get bac& to Melbourne before it gets too cold out here' 3a,e you had enough to eat:@ @;es( than& you' * don4t &now what to say about tonight' *t was the best night of my life(@ Ellen said sincerely' @*4m glad to hear that'@ Tom too& Ellen by the arm( and they slowly wal&ed bac& to the helicopter' Ellen was full of food and happiness and bas&ing in the glow of Tom4s lo,e being so openly declared'

Chapter Eleven
The following two wee&s cemented the relationship between Tom and Ellen( as they spent as much of their time together as possible' When the first interstate modelling assignment was announced( Tom happily agreed to accompany Ellen on her wee& in Sydney' *t was an unusually cold e,ening as Ellen and Tom left the Sydney airport terminal after catching a late Thursday night flight' Tom planned to wor& from the smaller Sydney office of Satinol during the wee&' A chauffeur met them on arri,al( and before long they were whis&ed out of the airport and on their way to a hotel located in the heart of the city' Although there was plenty of room in the bac& seat( Tom mo,ed into the middle seat belt and snuggled into Ellen4s full length woollen +ac&et( a protecti,e arm pulling her close' 3e loo&ed happy and ali,e( Ellen thought( while listening to him whisper silly things into her ear' She giggled as he occasionally &issed her forehead or stole a &iss from her lips' Suddenly he seemed a little more serious' @Mother wanted to fly to Sydney to spend some time with us( you &now(@ said Tom warmly' @* thin& she would li&e to get to &now you better'@ @6h( * didn4t realise(@ said Ellen( trying not to show any disrespect in her ,oice' Tom loo&ed o,er to Ellen( trying to read her e.pression' @She is coming around * thin&' She told me you were a lo,ely girl( with a beautiful smile'@ @6h( she did:@ as&ed Ellen sarcastically' @She told me that * needed some elocution lessons( and that the art of good con,ersation must be practised daily until one has achie,ed it'@ Ellen tried to imitate Tom4s mother( and he smiled at her attempt'

@When did she say that:@ Ellen recalled the time with Tom7s mother from last wee& clearly' @When we were all ha,ing dinner together last wee&(> she told him' =When you went to the bathroom'@ Tom laughed' =Sorry( Elle'> Ellen continued( @She wants to enrol me in some sort of ladies7 college where they teach you to wal& straight with boo&s on your head( and how to use a &nife and for&'@ Tom laughed heartily' @*t4s not funny( Tom'@ @*4ll tal& to her' *t4s not you( you &now' *t is +ust that she is still slightly uncomfortable with the age gap between us( that4s all' She hasn4t accepted the seriousness of our relationship yet' 2ut you &now( mother saw some of the pictures from last wee&4s shoot in the studio( and was blown away'@ @0eally:@ @;es' So regardless of what she might thin& about us as a couple( she is ,ery impressed with the wor& you are doing'@ @*4m happy to hear that( and * hope she warms to us soon' * don4t want to be at war with your mother for much longer'@ @She4s a good person' She will come around soon when she realises how happy you ma&e me'@ @And in the mean time( what do * say to her if she enrols me in the ladies7 college:@ @-on4t worry( *4ll tal& to her'@ Tom put his hand on Ellen4s leg and shoo& it gently' @*t is good of you to humour her for me'@ @;es( *4m a ,ery good girlfriend(@ said Ellen +o&ingly' @So why did she want to come to Sydney with us:@ @Mother does &now Sydney ,ery well and has some ideas about where we should be shooting for the American campaign'@ Ellen thought bac& to a recent con,ersation with one of the photographers' @Wasn4t that all decided a couple of months ago:@ @Apparently( yes(@ Tom confirmed with a murmur' Ellen was confused' @So( why isn4t she here then:@ @The old man isn4t feeling well( so she stayed home to loo& after him'@ @6h( *4m sorry' *t4s nothing serious * hope'@ @%o( +ust the flu * thin&'@ @That4s good' 2y the way( did you see today4s paper:@ as&ed Ellen' @%o( why: -o they ha,e another photo of us:@ @;ep( page eight' The paper called you a playboy today and said * was your newest toy' They photographed us &issing at that *talian restaurant last wee&( by the loo& of it'@ @3a,e you spo&en to your parents yet:@ @* ha,e' 8ust told them the basics' That * was dating a ,ery nice man( who happens to be a little older than me' Straight away they as&ed how much older of course( but * thin& they are fine about it'@ @-id you tell them my name:@ @6f course( but they ha,en4t heard of you( so it didn4t matter'@ @They ha,en4t heard of me:@ Tom repeated( pretending to be shoc&ed by the idea' @6h well( * hope your parents don4t see the article from today' * didn4t e,en see a photographer that night( did you:@ @%o'@ @So( do they want to meet me yet:@ @They said if we4re still seeing each other in three months( they will tra,el to the city to meet you' That4s a big thing you &now' My fol&s hate the city'@ @Maybe we could ta&e a trip to ,isit them instead'@ @Sure( we could do that' We4re &ind of preoccupied for the ne.t few wee&s though'@ They arri,ed at Sydney4s 3ilton 3otel shortly after( and were met by a porter who collected their luggage from the chauffeur' The porter informed them( @;our bags will be upstairs shortly Mr 2radley'@ Tom nodded than&s' *nside( they were met by the concierge in the foyer' @Tom 2radley and Ellen 8ac&son(@ Tom said to the man' @;es sir' Come with me please'@

Ellen nudged Tom( @-on4t we ha,e to chec& in:@ she said( while loo&ing towards reception( where there was a line of people' @%o(@ Tom said' @EliBabeth will ha,e ta&en care of all the minor details for us'@ Ellen was continually amaBed by the pace of her life with Tom' Things +ust seemed to happen so easily' Tom had boo&ed one of the penthouse suites which had multiple bedrooms and a large balcony loo&ing o,er the city' Tom than&ed the concierge( and returned to her side' @* &now you4,e got an early morning' 3ow about we order some room ser,ice and eat in:@ @Sounds good to me' * would appreciate an early night'@ Ellen was in town along with a crew from Satinol( shooting two commercials for the %orth American mar&et' The close)up ,ideo was being done on Friday and Saturday( and the location shots Monday to Wednesday' An intensi,e wee& was planned( but before she &new it( the wee& was o,er( and Tom and she were returning to Melbourne( closer than e,er'

Chapter Twelve
Colleen wal&ed free from the Eastern,ale Women4s detention centre on an o,ercast Wednesday morning in late September' 3er personal belongings had been pac&ed into the one small bag she had ta&en into prison' 6n departure( Centrelin& pro,ided her with fi,e hundred dollars in cash and a wee&ly train tic&et to see her through the first wee& on the outside' The past fifty)two days in +ail had not been easy and yet Colleen paused at the prison gates( not ?uite ready to lea,e' She loo&ed bac&( and although it did not ma&e any sense( felt a reluctance to mo,e on' *t was a tough city to sur,i,e in without money and friends' Colleen let out a deep( frustrated breath( and thought to herself' Where am * going to sleep tonight: The feeling of helplessness seemed to increase with e,ery breath' Thin&( Colleen( thin&( she told herself' She and Ted had only li,ed in Melbourne for a short period of time as they had tended to mo,e around ?uite a bit in the past fi,e years' There were no friends or family there who would ta&e her in( that was for sure' Colleen needed to find out for how much longer Ted would be loc&ed up' 3er court)appointed lawyer had refused to find out' The young female lawyer in her smart suit and fancy high heels had said she wanted to concentrate on her case and not Ted4s' Fat lot of good she had done anyway( thought Colleen( ha,ing lost the case( causing me to get loc&ed up for something * didn4t e,en do' There was really only one choice left' Colleen had contemplated this option numerous times before but had ne,er gone through with it' There was a man from her past who li,ed in Melbourne' *t was a past so distant that it felt li&e a dream' 3owe,er( as she stood there( the realisation struc&( that there really were no other places to go' Colleen made her mind up right there and then to go' She would try her luc& today' 6nce the decision was made( calmness swept o,er her body and she mo,ed away more confidently from the prison gates towards the nearby train station' The train would ta&e her into the city where she would find him( and he would help her' She had no doubt' *t was time to spea& to Tom 2radley again'

Chapter Thirteen
Since mo,ing into their new apartment one month ago( Ellen and Chloe had happily started a new routine of ma&ing coffee together in the mornings' The apartment had a built)in coffee machine( which e,en ground the beans by itself' Ellen had noticed that Chloe4s moods had been more positi,e since she had started wor&ing in Tom4s office' Chloe was dressed ,ery well this morning( ha,ing ma.ed out two different credit cards to buy a range of e.pensi,e office wear' @;ou loo& happy this morning Chloe(@ Ellen said( while biting into a piece of toast' @* really lo,e this +ob Elle(@ Chloe said' @Tom told me that you are doing well'@

@-id he:@ as&ed Chloe e.citedly' @What did he say e.actly: Tell me word for word'@ @Well( he said that EliBabeth was happy with the pace of your learning' And if EliBabeth is happy( then he is happy'@ @EliBabeth can be a total bitch( let me tell you' She is so bossy sometimes' E,erything has to be done e.actly as EliBabeth says' 2ut Tom is +ust so nice to wor& with' The other day( he complimented my outfit( and said how nice * loo& in blue' ;ou &now how * li&e to coordinate clothes and ma&eup with my eye colour sometimes' Anyway( * thin& he noticed the colour of my eyes too( because he loo&ed into them for ?uite a while'@ Ellen felt slightly uncomfortable with the way Chloe was starting to tal& about Tom' @;ou do loo& good in blue( Chloe'@ @And Tom is really thoughtful at wor&' The other day( he ga,e me twenty dollars to buy him a coffee' And he said * could buy myself one too' Wasn4t that nice:@ @;es( ,ery nice'@ @And * thought to myself( he probably won4t want the change( seeing as though he is no rich( so * &ept it( +ust to see if he would as& for it bac&'@ @Tell me you4re +o&ing( Chloe'@ There was silence from her friend at first' @Well( Ellen the thing is( he probably doesn4t e,en &now how much two coffees cost'@ @6f course he &nows how much coffee costs' 3e4s not stupid'@ @3e didn4t say anything'@ @3e probably didn4t want to embarrass you' ;ou should go to him and say you forgot( and gi,e it bac&'@ @3mm' Maybe' Maybe not' *4ll thin& about it' * mean( he wouldn4t ha,e wanted the money bac& from you'@ Ellen continued to sip her coffee and eat her toast( ?uite annoyed at Chloe( but not wanting to ha,e a fight' This was the first time that Ellen realised that Chloe might be feeling a little +ealous of the increasing closeness between Tom and herself' Ellen had been friends with Chloe for so many years' They had grown up together and &new each other4s families intimately' Chloe was also truly entrenched in her current situation' There would be no easy way to end the friendship( e,en if Ellen decided on that course of action' Chloe4s home and +ob were now tied to Tom soundly' *t was best to bite her tongue and go along with Chloe4s sometimes biBarre beha,iour' Ellen reasoned to herself that e,erything around her had changed so dramatically o,er the past month' *t was unfair to e.pect Chloe to stay e.actly the same' @Well(@ Chloe said' @*4m off to wor&' ;ou still staying home today then:@ @;es( *4,e got a clear day for a change' So( *4m going running( then *4,e boo&ed a facial for this morning' Maybe a nap this afternoon(@ +o&ed Ellen' @3mm( o&ay then( beauty ?ueen' 3a,e a good day'@ @2ye Chloe' See you tonight'@

Chapter Fourteen
-esperately hoping for a friendly reception( Colleen entered the re,ol,ing glass doors of Satinol Cosmetics' She mo,ed slowly( supporting a sore left arm which ached with e,ery step' 2ac& at the train station( she had foolishly made a mad dash to board the train as its doors were closing' As a result( she had been temporarily caught( her arm s?uashed by the hea,y doors' This had amused a group of young boys who sniggered as she pushed her way inside( cursing at the train in a loud ,oice and nursing her sore arm' Feeling uncomfortable and out of place in the foyer of Satinol( Colleen spotted a large directory for the building and ?uic&ly shuffled o,er to it( dragging her bag on the ground behind her' She had barely begun to scan the large notice board when all of a sudden( there was a hand on her shoulder and a fierce( deep ,oice from behind( @Ma7am( can * help you:@

Colleen spun around to face a ,ery tall and dar&)s&inned security officer' 3e &ept his hand firmly on her shoulder and Colleen realised that he was probably not here to help her( after all' @%o( * do not need help( than& you(@ she replied' The security guard was not deterred( and went on( @Ma7am( *4m going to ha,e to escort you from the building' Please come with me'@ Annoyed by his aggressi,e tone( Colleen unsuccessfully tried to push his hand off her shoulder and fiercely erupted( @$et me goA $et me go right now( misterA@ The guard was not put off( and signalled to a nearby officer for assistance' @6,er here(@ he called out' Colleen4s arm was casually twisted behind her bac& causing her to shrie& in pain from the in+ury' Somehow she managed to call out through the pain( @* am here to see Tom 2radley' 3e is an old friend who would be ,ery upset if he &new that * was being man)handled in this way'@ The guard let go her shoulder and loo&ed her up and down slowly( suddenly a little unsure of what to do' @What is your name:@ Colleen demanded' The guard was now uncertain as to whether or not Colleen was telling the truth' @Ma7am' -o you ha,e an appointment with Mr 2radley:@ @Well( um( no(@ e.plained Colleen tentati,ely' @* thought that * would surprise him'@ Suspicious again( but also wary of upsetting a friend of the CE6( the guard loo&ed towards the reception and bac& to Colleen' @6&ay( come o,er to the des& and we4ll see if this is true' *f it4s not( you4re out of here'@ The guard re?uested the young lady at reception to ma&e a call to the CE64s office' @What4s your name:@ the receptionist as&ed roughly( loo&ing up only briefly' @Colleen Watson(@ she replied while thin&ing to herself' What if he doesn4t want to see me after all this time: 5od help me if he won4t help me out' The receptionist mentioned her name to someone upstairs and was then momentarily silent' While still holding the phone and loo&ing Colleen up and down( the girl said in a ?uieter ,oice( @0eally: *s he sure:@ The phone call was ended( and the receptionist nodded to the security guard' The guard turned to Colleen' @Well ma7am(@ he said incredulously' @3e has agreed to see you' * cannot belie,e it' That man ne,er sees anybody without an appointment' Come with me please'@ The guard was ob,iously surprised by the fact that Tom &new this woman' 3e wal&ed her o,er to an ele,ator( swiped a card and pressed $e,el thirty)si.' 6nce Colleen was inside( he said in a friendlier ,oice( @3a,e a nice day ma7am' Sorry about the mi. up earlier on'@ Colleen breathed a sigh of relief once the doors were closed( and tried to compose herself after catching a glimpse of her image in one of the large gold mirrors in the foyer' *t was no wonder the guard had as&ed her to lea,e' 3er hair was dishe,elled and her clothing ,ery plain' *deally( she would ha,e put some lipstic& on before meeting Tom again after all these years' 2ut the situation could not be helped today' The doors slid open and there he was( standing there( ob,iously waiting for her' They had not seen each other for many years( and yet it was unmista&ably him' Those eyes had not aged one day' Colleen mo,ed forward( but stood there without saying a word( hoping that Tom would say the first words between them' *t was as if he was initially stunned into silence by her ,ery presence( but then he gradually noticed her greying hair( the lines on her face( her dropping sore shoulder( her o,erfilled small bag and her dishe,elled clothes' The two of them could not ha,e aged more differently' @Colleen( my 5od' * didn4t belie,e it when EliBabeth said you were here' * always wondered if we would meet again'@ Tom mo,ed forward to embrace her' Suddenly( Colleen realised how o,erwhelmed she was feeling' 6,erwhelmed by his &indness( and those eyes that she once &new so well' The tears started to well( ready to gi,e her feelings away at any minute' This was not something that she had e.pected' @So( tell me Colleen( how ha,e you been:@ as&ed Tom( now holding both of her hands in his' @Well(@ replied Colleen( slowly thin&ing about how rough the past ten years had been' @Would you li&e me to say that e,erything has been fine or would you li&e the truth:@ Tom loo&ed a little ta&en bac& by this' @3mmm( * thin& maybe we had better go into my office and ha,e a hot drin&'@ 3e led her along a corridor finely decorated with pictures( plants and e.pensi,e)loo&ing ornaments' @EliBabeth( we4ll ha,e some tea and coffee please(@ Tom instructed a

young lady who sat outside his door( as he led Colleen into his office( shutting the door firmly behind them' Colleen noticed the young woman4s disappro,ing glance as she wal&ed in' @Please ta&e a seat( Colleen(@ Tom said in a &ind ,oice as he pulled her chair out and brought another chair o,er to sit ne.t to her' @%ow( tell me(@ he continued' @What has been happening in your life that is so bad:@ @Well( where do * begin:@ Colleen as&ed herself loudly' @* +ust can4t get a brea& these days( Tom' -o you &now what * mean:@ Colleen then loo&ed at Tom and realised that he probably didn4t &now what she meant( but continued anyway' @Whene,er * find a guy who says he4ll loo& after me( something always goes wrong and he goes to +ail or gets beaten up or loses his +ob'@ Colleen proceeded to describe her pre,ious two failed marriages( how Ted ended up in +ail( her e,ictions( her money problems( recent time in +ail and other ,arious circumstances that came to mind' The more she spo&e( the more uncomfortable Tom started to loo&' The two of them dran& cups of tea while Colleen continued to e.plain the details of her troubled life' @So * guess the real reason that *4m here is to as& for help(@ she finally concluded' @3elp(@ Tom echoed' @6&ay( then' What sort of help do you ha,e in mind:@ @Maybe fi,e to ten thousand dollars7 worth of help'@ Colleen paused briefly to study his e.pression( but she could not read anything from his blan& stare' @* promise this is a once)only type of deal' * +ust need some cash to get bac& on my feet' Find somewhere to li,e( that sort of thing' This last +ail sentence really too& a lot out of me'@ Tom was ?uiet' 3e stood up and paced slowly around the office( before turning bac& to face Colleen' @* must say Colleen( this is not the reason * thought you were here today' * thought you might want to tal& to me and hear how *7m going' 2ut you ha,en7t as&ed anything about me' * also thought you might li&e to discuss Dher7(@ Tom said pausing' @%o(@ Colleen fiercely spat bac&' *t hurt her that he would say that' Couldn7t Tom see how tough things were for her: *t hadn7t e,en crossed Colleen7s mind that the two of them would spea& about Dher7' Colleen tried to e.plain( @;ou &now that * don4t &now what happened to her( and * thin& it4s best for the past to stay in the past'@ Tom loo&ed thoughtful' @Well( regardless of the past( * don4t feel comfortable +ust gi,ing you money' *4m sorry Colleen( but * don4t thin& that * owe you anything' *4m sorry to hear that you thin& * do'@ @* didn7t say you owed me anything'> Colleen too& a deep breath and tried not to loo& angry' 3e was unli&ely to gi,e her anything if they had a fight' =*t4s +ust that * &now you are so rich and( well( * was hoping you could share the dough with a friend'@ =What * could do is offer you a +ob( and you could earn your own money' 3ow does that sound:> Colleen stared at him blan&ly' =What sort of s&ills do you ha,e:@ Tom said( continuing down this path' 0aising her ,oice and feeling more and more irritated by his manner( Colleen finally snapped' @* don4t want a +ob from you' *4m not here for a +ob inter,iew' * ha,en4t as&ed you for a +ob ha,e *:@ Colleen stared at Tom for a couple of seconds and then continued( @Wor&ing in a building li&e this is not for me' * would thin& someone as smart as you could see that plainly'@ @Colleen( pleaseA@ Tom was shoc&ed by the tone of ,oice she was using with him' She seemed so angry and he wasn4t sure why' @* +ust don4t thin& it4s fair that you come here( after all this time( and demand money from me'@ @Well( * don4t thin& it4s fair that you ha,e a big home( a fancy +ob and a young girlfriend that4s half your age * might add( while * could be sleeping in the streets tonight'@ Tom was unsure what to do or say( and let out a deep sigh to show his e.asperation' Colleen went on( @*4m right about your pretty young girlfriend( aren4t *' * saw it in a magaBine in +ail' ;ou wouldn4t want her to find out about our little secret now would you: @Colleen( you4re blac&mailing me now:@ Tom said( in a shoc&ed and frustrated tone' @*4ll tell her( * will(@ she screamed' @3ow do you &now that * ha,en7t already told her:> Colleen was thoughtful' Could he ha,e done that: *t hadn7t e,en occurred to her that he could ha,e been honest with his girlfriend about the past' Colleen wasn7t sure if he was bluffing' =Well( ha,e you told her:>

Tom loo&ed away' =Actually( to be honest( no' * ha,e been meaning to tell Ellen about the baby you ga,e birth to all those years ago' 6ur baby' * +ust ha,en4t found the right moment'@ Tom seemed so hurt and fragile to Colleen all of a sudden and she nearly told him that she didn4t mean it( that she was sorry' 2ut she didn7t' @* can4t belie,e that you would come into my office li&e this and try( and try to blac&mail me' * really thought that our shared past ga,e us a special connection in some way' 2ut * can see that you ha,e changed beyond recognition' ;ou are nothing li&e the girl * remember so fondly'@ @*7m the same person( but Ted and * really need a brea&( that4s all' *t7s not easy li,ing on the streets' *7,e had to fight for e,erything * ha,e'@ @* &now who you are( Colleen' And this woman in front of me( this is not you'@ Tom4s ,oice was stern' @* will gi,e you the money( but not because of what you ha,e threatened( but because * want to see you return to who you once were' Will you do that for me:@ The tears were finally showing in Colleen4s eyes and she felt a huge weight lift off her shoulders' @Than& you Tom( a million than& yous' *7ll be anyone you want me to be for ten thousand dollars'@ Tom opened his wallet and counted the notes in there' @3ere is fi,e hundred dollars( that4s all * ha,e on me at the moment'> Colleen7s eyes bulged at the sight of so much cash' =* will arrange for you to pic& up the rest of the money from my ban& in the ne.t couple of days' Ta&e this card'@ Tom had written some details on the bac&' @*7ll ha,e someone * trust ta&e care of this matter tomorrow' 3ow will he contact you:@ Colleen wrote her mobile phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Tom' She too& Tom4s fi,e hundred( folded it into her bra and stood up to lea,e' She had one more ?uestion though' @Tom( what do you &now about our girl:@ @%ot much' 6nly that she is healthy and happy with her adopti,e family' *4m not sure where she is li,ing at the moment'@ @3ow do you &now all this:@ @* had an associate of mine loo& her up some years bac& and find out if they e,er told her she was adopted' 3er adopti,e parents ob,iously thought it was best not to tell her' We ga,e up our rights a long time ago( so * thought it was best to &eep my distance and lea,e well enough alone'@ @*4m glad to hear that'> Colleen had often wondered about the girl4s loo&s' =-o you &now what she loo&s li&e:@ @%o( *4,e ne,er e,en seen a picture'@ Colleen nodded' *t didn7t really matter' She had her life to worry about right now' @Well( than&s again Tom'@ Colleen scurried out ?uic&ly before he could change his mind about the cash' For the first time in months( Colleen was e.cited about her future again'

Chapter Fifteen
@3ello( * would li&e to spea& to prisoner Ted 2la&e(@ Colleen re?uested calmly( spea&ing into her mobile phone while wal&ing down the street' @Who is calling please:@ the officer en?uired' @Colleen Watson'@ @Colleen( please be aware that your phone call will be monitored by a correctional officer and terminated if that officer deems it appropriate' The ma.imum call time allowable is ten minutes' -o you understand these instructions clearly:@ The officer spo&e ?uic&ly( as if she had repeated that statement many times that day' @;es(@ Colleen responded' She &new the drill well enough as this was certainly not Ted4s first stay in +ail' @Please hold the line' *t will ta&e between three to fi,e minutes before this call can be connected(@ stated the officer dryly' *t was +ust past two o7cloc& on a Friday afternoon' Phone calls to prisoners being held at the $indifern Correctional *nstitution were allowed on Tuesdays and Fridays between two o7cloc& and four o7cloc&' Colleen had not spo&en to Ted since he was arrested( and she was an.ious to let him &now about the money from Tom'

@3ello'@ Ted sounded ,ery despondent as he pic&ed up the phone' @3i baby( it4s me(@ replied Colleen eagerly' Ted was silent' Then he said( @Well( if it4s not my fuc&in4 girlfriendA Where the fuc& ha,e you been:@ 3is tone of ,oice was ,ery cold' @The other guys in here get brought ciggies and food by their wi,es( but not me'@ @2abyA@ Colleen was hurt and surprised by his words' She tried to e.plain ?uic&ly( @They had me in +ail until two days ago and * couldn4t call until today cause of all their rules' 2ut * wanted to' * thought about you e,ery day'@ @What happened:@ @They caught me collecting the cash'@ @Shit' So it4s all gone then' 6h( well( hmmm' * didn4t thin& they could touch you on this one(@ Ted replied( sounding a little sorry for his harsh words( but not ?uite ready to apologise' @So( how long are you in for Teddy: %o)one will tell me anything'@ @Eighty)eight days left' Then *4ll come loo& after you again'@ Colleen snorted( but then remembered her good news' @%ow Teddy( *4,e got some e.cellent news that should cheer you up'@ Sounding suspicious and concerned( Ted raised his ,oice( @Wait( you &now that they are recording all of this' E,erything we say''@ %ot put off by his cautious demeanour( Colleen snapped( @;es( of course * &now but''@ @So don4t say anything stupid o&ay(@ he said( cutting her off and groaning at the same time' @*t7s nothing illegal( rela.' A friend of mine has gi,en us some money( that4s all(@ e.plained Colleen' @What4s the catch:@ Ted as&ed cautiously' @%o catchA> =Then( whose the friend with all this spare money:> =;ou remember * told you that * used to date this rich guy' Well( he wasn7t rich bac& then of course( but anyway it was years ago that * &new him'> =Er( maybe' Feep going'> Colleen continued( @*7m sure you7,e heard of him' Tom 2radley ) the ma&eup guy from that big ma&eup company in the city' Well( anyway( as it happens( he is super rich now and( as it happens( he could spare a few dollars for little ol7 us'@ @0eally:@ as&ed Ted' @And why would he gi,e us money:@ =DCause * as&ed nicely( that4s why'@ Ted was silent for a few moments as he processed this news' @So( how much could he spare e.actly:@ sounding a little more interested' @*4m on the street now( wal&ing to the ban& to pic& it up' %ot sure e.actly how much( but * rec&on it will be something worth seeing( baby'@ As she was tal&ing( Colleen wal&ed past a magaBine stand' 6ut of the corner of her eye( she caught a picture of Tom with his new girlfriend' Colleen recognised the young woman because she had seen her picture in numerous magaBines o,er the past two days' The picture was a close)up of the two of them &issing in a par& somewhere' Colleen stopped wal&ing to ta&e a closer too&' She sure was pretty' Suddenly the world froBe still' Colleen could not hear what Teddy was saying and she found herself not breathing for a moment' @6h my 5odA@ cried Colleen' @Are you listening to what *7m saying:> Ted sounded annoyed' =6h my 5od(> repeated Colleen' This time her ,oice was louder and more desperate' =What is it girl:> as&ed Ted' A warning sounded o,er their call' The ten minutes was nearly up' @Ted( it4s my daughterA@ shrie&ed Colleen' @Tom is dating his own daughterA@ Colleen was panic&y and breathing erratically' =What are you tal&ing about:> @The baby * ga,e up for adoption years ago' *t7s her( in the picture with Tom'@ Ted was ob,iously trying to piece Colleen4s words together' @That was Tom4s baby was it: Tom was the baby7s daddy:@ @<h huh(@ Colleen replied wea&ly'

@3mmm' 9ery interesting' ;ou ha,en4t mentioned this little piece of information to me before' %o wonder he ga,e you the cashA ;ou must ha,e blac&mailed him'@ =Maybe a little'> =Maybe you aren7t so silly after all'> @Focus( Teddy' -on4t you understand: *t4s herA@ @Come on sweetie(@ Ted said( trying to reassure her' @;ou ha,en4t seen your daughter since you ga,e birth to her' *t4s probably not her'@ @Ted( she4s got a birth mar& on her nec&' * could ne,er forget my baby4s mar&' Shaped li&e a crown on the left side of her nec&' My 5odA 3ow could this happen:> @*t4s o&ay(@ Ted started to say( but the line went dead' She would not be able to tal& to him again for another four days' @Shit(@ Colleen e.ploded( as the situation started to sin& in and the sweat dripped down her forehead' *t wasn4t a particularly hot day( but all of a sudden( Colleen was o,erheating in her +ac&et and s&irt' She found a par& bench and sat down to gather her thoughts' 3e must &now( she thought' 2ut what happens if he doesn4t &now: *t struc& Colleen that Tom hadn7t actually seen the baby when she was born' Maybe she hadn7t described the birth mar&' She rac&ed her brain trying to remember( and wondered if she should call him straight away' Would he e,en belie,e her: The ?uestions buBBed around her mind relentlessly li&e an annoying blowfly' Colleen sat there thin&ing for what seemed li&e hours but was probably only minutes( before deciding on a course of action' She would ha,e to go ,isit him again' 6r maybe a phone call would suffice' *n any case( it was probably best to call him after she had collected the cash( +ust in case he thought she was trying to cause trouble' She hurried along the street as fast as her weary legs would allow( and minutes later( Colleen found herself at the City 2an& Tom had instructed her to ,isit' She was to collect the contents of safety deposit bo. number #H#EI that had been arranged for her' Suddenly( out of the corner of her eye( Colleen thought she recognised the same man she had seen two bloc&s bac&' 3e was tall with a blac& +ac&et and blac& hat' *s he following me: Colleen thought' She remembered the man because he had tipped his hat and said a polite @good afternoon ma7am(@ as he wal&ed past' Colleen had found this ,ery unusual and thought the man strange' Seeing him again caused the hairs on the bac& of her nec& to pric&le' Although suspicious of the man in blac& and feeling alarmed by his lingering presence( Colleen was dri,en by a desire to see the contents of her safety deposit bo.' She mo,ed through the ?ueue of people until she was face to face with a short( balding ban& cler& with blac& rimmed glasses' The man re?uested Colleen4s identification and bo. number then returned with a &ey and led her into a long rectangular room filled with many' @;our bo. is here madam' 3a,e a nice day(@ he announced as he turned and headed towards the'@ @Than&s(@ replied Colleen( a childish e.citement apparent in her ,oice' 2ut the man was already gone and probably had not noticed' For a few moments she forgot about the situation with her daughter and the man in blac& outside' Colleen slid her &ey into the loc& and pulled the long bo. out of the wall' There were fi,e stac&s of notes bound together( more money than Colleen had e,er seen' The notes were all fifties( by the loo& of it' @Tommy( if you were here right now( *4d gi,e you a big fat &iss(@ she s?uealed with pure delight as she carelessly threw the cash into her empty bac&pac&' The ne.t few minutes mo,ed ,ery ?uic&ly for Colleen' She left the security area feeling slightly paranoid' People in the ban& seemed to be watching her' Calm down( she told herself' %obody is watching' *t is +ust your imagination' %ot loo&ing where she was going and in her haste towards the Colleen bumped into an elderly lady' @Watch where you4re going(@ the old lady remar&ed grumpily as she struggled to stay upright' @Sorry(@ ?uic&ly e.claimed Colleen( not stopping to say anything more' The old lady continued to mumble something after her( but Colleen was already out of earshot' The doors of the ban& were in sight and Colleen was about to breathe a sigh of relief when the man in blac& stepped in front of her' *t was the same person she had seen twice already'

@What do you want:@ she demanded( now certain that he had been waiting for her' She felt less afraid this time' 2ut the man didn4t respond to this ?uestion' 3e ?uic&ly pulled a s&i mas& out of his +ac&et and placed it o,er his face' 3e abruptly pushed Colleen to the ground and roared( @This is a hold)upA E,eryone on the groundA@ Almost instantaneously( large metallic shutters slid down from the ceiling along each counter( effecti,ely bloc&ing any access to the ban&4s money' People screamed in fear and huddled together in groups against the walls' The man in blac& had a gun and began shooting at the shutters in a craBed fashion' @6pen Dem( or *4ll shoot someone(@ he demanded in anger and frustration' Colleen was face down on the floor with her hands o,er her head' She held her bac&pac& with a strong grip and &ept it close to her body' 8ust do as he says( and we7ll get out of this ali,e( she told herself' The man in blac& was still yelling all sorts of craBy things' Strangely though( he had not mo,ed away from her' Suddenly( there was a sharp pain in her right shoulder and shortly afterwards another pain somewhere else' *t was difficult to wor& out where the second pain was coming from' E,erything blurred from that point on' The last thing Colleen felt was her hand being unclenched and the bac&pac& being ripped from her clasp'

Chapter Sixteen
Some wee&s later( Ellen was en+oying a morning coffee with one of her new office friends( 0yan from mar&eting' They were studying the new summer range of Satinol lipstic&s that had +ust arri,ed' 0yan was young and funny and ,ery gay' 3e called her @sweetheart@( which she li&ed( and he made her laugh with the way he tal&ed( and the stories he told about the people wor&ing at Satinol' A &noc& was heard on 0yan7s office door' @Come in(@ said Ellen( giggling at 0yan who was applying lipstic& to himself' 3e was puc&ering his lips and pretending to be a woman' @* ha,e your mail( Ellen(@ said a shy young man who entered her office' @* heard you might be in here'@ The same young man had deli,ered Ellen4s mail for the past two wee&s( and Ellen suddenly felt guilty and silly for not remembering his name' 3e seemed amused by 0yan7s antics too' @*4m so sorry(@ Ellen told the man' @What4s your name again:@ she as&ed tentati,ely' @Cameron(@ the man replied( handing her a neat pile of letters' @Sorry Cam' There are +ust so many people here' * find it so hard to remember all the names'@ @*t4s o&ay( don4t worry about it' $oo&s li&e more fan mail today(@ he said pointing to the letters' @Than&s Cam( see you later(@ Ellen called out as he left the room( writing the words @Cam@ and @mail@ neatly on her writing pad' @That ought to help(@ she told 0yan' @All right my sweetheartA *4m off too for a meeting'@ 0yan wiped his face clean and handed Ellen a neat pac& of the new lipstic&s to ta&e home' =See ya 0y(> she told him light)heartedly' Ellen loo&ed o,er the new lipstic&s' This was one of the best per&s of her +ob' She and Chloe had now accumulated a large collection of ma&eup at home and it was getting better e,ery wee&' Soon after he had left( Ellen left for the central lounge area to s&im through the letters' They were generally short and friendly notes from young girls( howe,er one of the letters loo&ed a little different from the rest' *t was addressed to 4Tom 2radley4s young girlfriend( Satinol Cosmetics4( and appeared to ha,e been hand)deli,ered' *t loo&ed a little creepy to Ellen( but she read it first( anyway' Dear irl I am plannin to slip this note to one of the "oys ettin out soon! as it would never et throu h them nannies who reads our mail$ &nyway! I hope it finds you$

'ou don#t know me as we have never met "ut I have a piece of information that you need to know$ The only other person who knew this information was killed killed "ecause she knew too much$ I was speakin to her "efore she was killed! so I could "e next$ I hope not$ 'ou were adopted as Col was too youn to "e a mother$ This is understanda"le$ The makeup uy! Tom someone is your father$ Col says you are datin him$ She wasn#t happy a"out this((( She thou ht it was dis ustin $ 'ou should respect your mother#s view$ In fact! I think it is dis ustin too$ 'ou should hook up with someone who is not your father ) I will look you up when I et out$ 'ou can et to know me "etter$ 'our mother#s name was Colleen *atson$ *e hear a"out all the murders in here$ The makeup uy pro"a"ly did it$ *hen I et out of +ail! I will kill him! may"e$ Dont show this letter to the coppers$ & friend Ellen sat loo&ing at the note in her hands for ?uite a while( trying to wor& out what to do with it' She wanted to ta&e it straight to Tom and ha,e him tell her that it was +ust a sic& +o&e' 6f course she wasn7t adopted' 6f course Tom wasn7t her father' 6f course Tom didn7t &ill anyone' %one of it made any sense' Ellen decided to show it to Chloe first( to see what she thought' Ellen made a frantic call to Chloe4s des& which promptly brought her friend to her side within minutes' @Sweetie( are you o&ay:@ as&ed Chloe( as she wal&ed towards Ellen' @;ou sounded a bit frantic on the phone'@ @*4m not o&ay Chloe' * recei,ed this in the mail today(@ Ellen said( thrusting the note firmly into Chloe4s hand' After ?uic&ly scanning through the note( an e.pression of amaBement came onto Chloe4s face' @Well( Elle( this person is ob,iously craBed' * thin& we should frame it for &ic&s' *t ma&es absolutely no sense(@ laughed Chloe as she screwed the note up and threw it into the nearby trash can' @Why aren4t you laughing too:@ she as&ed realising that Ellen still loo&ed sha&en up' @Why would someone send me something li&e this: * mean( *4m not e,en adoptedA@ said Ellen( thin&ing through the facts( and retrie,ing the note' @People are completely nuts in the city' The man is ob,iously in +ail right: So let4s +ust hope that he stays there'@ @What happens if he tries to hurt Tom:@ said Ellen wea&ly( not li&ing the thought of anyone being hurt( especially Tom' @-o you thin& that we should gi,e this note to Tom4s security( or maybe e,en to the police:@ @3mmm'@ Chloe thought about it briefly' @;es( * thin& we will need to gi,e the note to security( but first( * thin& we should find out if there is any truth in this matter'@ @What do you mean( truth:@ as&ed Ellen tentati,ely' @There4s no truth to find( is there:@ @Well( first thing is first' $et4s as& your parents if you4re adopted'@ @*4m not adopted ChloeA ;ou &now my parents( remember(@ Ellen insisted' @Ah huh( but remember how we always used to +o&e about your being adopted when we were little:@ Ellen did remember of course' Chloe went on( @2ecause both your parents ha,e red hair and frec&ly s&in( and you ha,e dar& hair and oli,e s&in'@ Ellen must ha,e loo&ed ,ery concerned because Chloe came o,er and ga,e her a ?uic& hug' @$oo& Elle( * don4t thin& you7re adopted o&ay( really * don4t' *4m sorry for upsetting you' 2ut you4,e been saying for ages that it4s about time we went bac& home to ,isit the fol&s' $et7s do it this wee&end' *f there4s no truth to this part of the craBy letter( then there4s no truth to the rest of it( and we can +ust forget the damn thing e,er arri,ed' And we don4t want to bother Tom unless we ha,e to' 3e4s really busy at the moment( and it +ust wouldn4t be appropriate'@ @* thin& Tom would be ,ery interested in this letter(@ said Ellen( annoyed at her friend for thin&ing otherwise' @3e +ust has a lot of important meetings today( and * don4t thin& that we should be bothering him with cran& fan letters'@

Ellen was thoughtful for a moment' *t did ma&e sense' @6&ay' * guess the fol&s might get a laugh out of the letter too' They might &now what we should do with it too'@ @*t4s decided thenA@ e.claimed Chloe' @%ow * ha,e to get bac& to my des& in case Tom needs anything' 2ut *4ll see you tonight o&ay' We should hire a mo,ie and order piBBa li&e we used to' 2it of a =girls7 night in>' What do you thin&:@ @* can4t' * ha,e plans with Tom tonight'@ @6h( you do:@ Chloe sounded a little disappointed but smiled in any case' @* don4t feel as if we get to spend ,ery much time together anymore'@ @*4m sorry(@ said Ellen' @2ut we4ll hang out this wee&end( o&ay:@ @Ellen( what will happen to your +ob here if the two of you brea& up:@ *t was a ridiculous ?uestion' @Why would you as& that:@ Ellen found herself feeling a little defensi,e' @2ecause *4m concerned about you( that4s why * would as&(@ responded Chloe sternly' @0elationships don4t last fore,er' Tom &nows a lot of women( a lot of models' * &now because * updated his address boo& yesterday'@ @$isten( you don4t need to worry' E,erything is going perfectly between us( e.cept for this letter and all'@ @*4ll try not to worry( o&ay' * +ust don4t want to see Tom get hurt'@ Ellen loo&ed at Chloe( surprised by where her loyalty apparently lay' @* mean( * don4t want either of you to get hurt( of course'@ @Sure'@ Chloe was already standing up( ready to lea,e' @$isten( * ha,e to get bac& to Tom( in case he needs something' * probably shouldn4t ha,e left my des& li&e this(@ Chloe said( trying to sound cheerful as she ?uic&ly left the room'

Chapter Seventeen
Tom 2radley sat at his des& ?uietly thin&ing o,er the past couple of months with Ellen' She had breathed new life into his world' 3e wo&e each morning with a renewed sense of e.citement and possibility' Suddenly( there was a &noc& on his door( which dragged him bac& into the reality of his business world' @Come in(@ he said( surprised at himself for ha,ing daydreamed during a wor& day' 3ayden entered the room' @5ood news Tom(> he said' =The Clidewell account from 5ermany has +ust been confirmed'> 3e sat down on the couch in Tom7s office( loo&ing ,ery pleased with himself' @That4s e.cellent news( 3ayden' Well done'@ 3e paused briefly' @*4m glad you4re here' * want to tal& to you about that little financial matter you too& care of recently'@ @Which matter would that be now:@ as&ed 3ayden e,asi,ely' @The Colleen Watson matter( of course'@ @6h yes(@ said 3ayden( loo&ing a little uncomfortable' @Tom( * ha,e to tell you( * was surprised that you agreed to gi,e her a sum of money of that siBe( of any siBe( fran&ly'@ Tom tried to e.plain( @When * &new Colleen all those years ago( she was +ust a girl' She was bright( happy( funny and sweet' This woman that came to ,isit me was nothing li&e that girl * once &new' * had to do something( 3ayden' She needs help from someone'@ @2ut why does it ha,e to be you:@ Tom scratched his chin thoughtfully' @*t was +ust the right thing to do' * mean( * ha,e plenty of money to spare( let7s be honest' And * don7t want to argue about this one' What7s done is done' * assume the transfer of funds was successful:@ 3ayden seemed surprised by the ?uestion( and loo&ed at Tom oddly' @<m( well * +ust assumed that you saw the news or the read the newspaper about this one( Tom'@ Tom furrowed his brow in confusion' @* don4t follow you(@ he said' 3ayden was ob,iously hesitant to continue because he stood up and began to pace the room' 3e was also careful to a,oid eye contact with Tom' @* don4t &now how to tell you this(@ murmured 3ayden' @There was a robbery at the ban&( and Colleen was shot'@

@My 5odA %oA> Tom leapt to his feet( irritated that he had not been informed of this matter earlier' The prospect of lea,ing wor& that instant to go to the hospital left him feeling flustered' 3e wal&ed in circles for a few moments( grabbing a +ac&et off the coat rac& in the corner' =Tom( what are you doing:> =Which hospital is she at:@ Tom demanded'@3a,e you sent flowers: And where are my car &eys:> 3e rapidly felt through each of his poc&ets( trying to remember where his &eys were' @Tom( Tom( hold on a second(@ implored 3ayden' @She didn4t ma&e it'@ @What:@ @She4s dead( Tom'@ Tom dropped his pen onto the carpet' @3ayden( please'@ 3e was sha&en up by the words themsel,es' @What are you saying: Tell me that isn4t true'@ @*4m sorry my friend' *t is true' We got the money bac& though' So that4s one good thing'@ @The money: This is what concerns you: The money doesn4t matter( 3ayden'@ Tom felt his insides collapse in a heap' 3e was completely unable to deal with the news of Colleen7s apparent murder' 3ayden mo,ed towards the coffee table( intending to pour Tom a glass of water( rather than comfort his friend directly' @* really didn4t thin& that you would care' * would ha,e mentioned it otherwise' * mean( the bitch got what was coming to her'@ Tom was surprised by 3ayden4s matter of fact tone( and he rose slowly to his feet' *t was ob,ious to Tom that 3ayden was not saddened by Colleen4s murder( and perhaps he was e,en happy about it' @What do you mean 3ayden:@ as&ed Tom' @$i&e you said( coming here( trying to blac&mail youA Trying to destroy your relationship with EllenA@ said 3ayden in anger' @Someone did us a fa,our(@ he said( while watching Tom carefully' @3ayden( this is terrible news' * admit that Colleen had changed a lot since high school( but she wouldn4t ha,e told Ellen about the child'@ @Well( in any case(@ stated 3ayden( in a manner Tom found to be a little cold and heartless' @*t4s &ind of irrele,ant now whether or not the bitch was going to go through with her threat( don4t you thin&:@ =-o me a fa,our' Please don7t call her that' Colleen was once ,ery important to me' A long time ago'> 3ayden laughed to himself and shoo& his head' @* ha,e a meeting now( Tom' *7ll send you the name of the in,estigating police officer this afternoon' ;ou can gi,e him a call if you want more information'@ 3ayden starting mo,ing towards the door' Tom loo&ed at his friend( unable to comprehend this news' @WaitA 3ayden( how could this happen: * mean( the two of us organised for Colleen to go to that ban&' * don4t understand'@ @*t4s +ust one of those things(@ he replied' @3ayden( as& one of the girls to come in( will you:@ Tom called out as his friend left the room' 3ayden was gone for a short period before returning' @TomA Chloe4s not at her des&( but EliBabeth will be in when she4s off the phone(@ he called bac&' Tom was left at his des& feeling a strange emptiness that he could not understand or e.plain' *t wasn4t long before EliBabeth entered the room' =;es Tom:> @EliBabeth( * am not feeling well( of a sudden' * thin& * might ta&e the rest of the day off' 5o home and lie down'@ @;our diary is ?uite full today' Can * get you some aspirin instead'@ =%o( * need to go home'> =Would you li&e to dial into your meetings from home:> @%o' Please delegate e,erything that you can to the rele,ant directors( and send my apologies'@ @%o problem' * will'> =-o you &now if Ellen is in the building today:> =* thin& * saw her downstairs before' Would you li&e me to let her &now:@ @Actually( send her up( will you:@ @Certainly' Anything else:@ @That4s all' Than&s $iB'@ *t wasn4t long before Ellen arri,ed' She was as beautiful and radiant as always( although Tom noted that she was loo&ing a little more flushed than usual'

@3i Elle' 3ow are you: *s e,erything o&ay:@ he as&ed( trying to determine why she loo&ed li&e that' Ellen nodded' @*7m fine' *t7s good to see you'@ Tom could tell there was something more going on( but he was feeling so o,erwhelmed with the news of Colleen7s death that he decided not to press her' @$isten Ellen' *4,e +ust found out that someone * used to &now has died'@ @Tom( *4m sorry'@ 3e breathed deeply' @*4m going to go home and( well( ta&e the day off' ;ou don4t mind if * ha,e a little space tonight: * don4t thin& * will be ,ery good company( in any case'@ Ellen shoo& her head graciously' =6f course not' $et me &now if you want to tal& later on'> @*4ll ma&e it up to you on the wee&end(@ Tom offered' @Actually( Chloe and * were thin&ing of going bac& home this wee&end' * wanted to chec& with you first( to ma&e sure we didn7t ha,e anything planned' 2ut if you are upset( and would rather * stayed( then * will( of course'> =%o( it7s o&ay( you go'> Tom chec&ed his 2lac&2erry ?uic&ly' =* don7t thin& we ha,e anything planned( no'> =And you don7t mind that * go home without you: * &now we were intending to ,isit them together' There is something important * want to tal& to my parents about'> Tom felt a little relie,ed to hear that he might ha,e the wee&end to himself' 3e needed some time to process the news of Colleen7s death( and he wanted to spea& to the in,estigating police officer too' @6f course * don7t mind' * would li&e to meet your parents soon( of course' 2ut *7m probably not in the right frame of mind this wee&end' Maybe another wee&end soon:@ @6f course' There is no rush though'@ @This wee&end will be a good opportunity for you and Chloe to spend some time together' * &now *7,e been monopolising your time e,er since * met you' She probably feels li&e she doesn7t see you anymore'> Ellen smiled' Tom deduced from her e.pression that Chloe had ob,iously been saying a similar thing' 3e continued( =And this wee&end will pro,ide some time for me to digest the news * recei,ed today' *4m not sure why it4s affecting me the way it is(@ Tom said thoughtfully' @Ta&e as much time as you need(@ offered Ellen' Tom &issed Ellen on the forehead( before lea,ing the office' @3a,e fun with Chloe' $o,e you'@ @$o,e you too( Tom'@

Chapter Eighteen
Ellen and Chloe arri,ed at Mansfield at twel,e o7cloc& that Saturday( +ust in time for lunch' The smells and sounds of Mrs 8ac&son4s coo&ing wafted through the front door and into the garden( greeting the girls on arri,al' @Mum( -ad( we4re here(@ Ellen called out' Mrs 8ac&son was highly)praised for her coo&ing s&ills' She was able to put together tasty three course meals with little notice( as had been the case this wee&end' The girls were greeted by the normal array of &isses and welcoming by both parents' Chloe did not escape any of the affection either' Mrs 8ac&son had prepared arancini balls for starters and offered the girls one from a large sil,er ser,ing plate' 6nce e,eryone was seated at the dining table( Mrs 8ac&son ser,ed a pump&in soup for entree( and a ,ariety of dishes for the main course ) including ,egetable cous cous( roast chic&en( homemade pesto and roast ,egetables' Ellen4s parents had numerous ?uestions about Tom( and her +ob and e.periences at Satinol' They were amaBed to hear of the girls7 free accommodation arrangement( as pro,ided by the company' Chloe nudged Ellen a few times( but Ellen wanted to gi,e her parents the opportunity to as& all of their ?uestions first' After the dishes from main course were ta&en away( Ellen passed around a selection of photos from her past photo)shoots( and both Mr and Mrs 8ac&son declared how beautiful their daughter was'

Ellen felt proud and happy to recei,e their praise' *t made the ?uestion she wanted to as& e,en harder though' 8ust as the four of them were starting on dessert( Ellen finally found the courage to as& the ?uestion she came to as&' Part of her didn4t want to &now if it was true( but she too& a deep breath and ga,e a &nowing loo& to Chloe' *t was time' @3a,e either of you e,er noticed how * don4t seem to loo& li&e anyone in our family:@ 2oth parents stopped chewing and stared blan&ly at her' Mrs 8ac&son spo&e first( @* wouldn4t say that darling'@ Mr 8ac&son cleared his throat( @So Chloe( how are you li&ing your role at this cosmetics company: What is it e.actly that you do there:@ The girls e.changed frustrated glances' @Mum( -ad(@ Ellen said( not to be distracted' @Was * adopted:> She paused briefly( and thought how craBy that ?uestion sounded' 6f course she wasn7t' *t was ludicrous' =* &now it4s a strange ?uestion( and *7m sorry to as&( but * need to &now the truth'@ @What ma&es you as& that: Mrs 8ac&son en?uired without any emotion in her tone' Ellen noticed that she did not deny it' @*t4s a yes or no ?uestion Mrs 8ac&son(@ Chloe stated blan&ly' 6b,iously she had noticed it too' @0emember whose house you are ,isiting( please Chloe(@ said Mr 8ac&son' 3e did not loo& happy with her determined attitude' @Well( Ellen(@ said Mrs 8ac&son' @2eth( *7ll handle this(@ interrupted Mr 8ac&son' @Ellen( you are our daughter' We lo,e you' End of story' Enough of this nonsense(@ he firmly declared' @;our mother has coo&ed a lo,ely family meal' We ha,en4t seen you in a long time( and we should all be appreciating each other4s company( and not as&ing ridiculous ?uestions li&e this'@ The room fell silent as e,eryone too& another mouthful of their dessert' The lemon tart suddenly tasted a little sour to Ellen( and she wasn7t sure why her father had reacted the way that he had' She thought it through a little more' 3e probably reacted that way because it was such a silly ?uestion' Ellen decided to belie,e her father( and felt a wa,e of relief rush o,er her body' 6f course they would ha,e told her if she was adopted' @*4m sorry -ad' *4m sorry Mum(@ she said' =Mrs 8ac&son loo&ed o,er and smiled' =That7s o&ay Ellie'> =And * really appreciate the lunch you ha,e coo&ed for us mum'> Ellen felt the need to e.plain a little further' @The only reason * as&ed such a silly ?uestion is because * got this weird letter during the wee&( and it got me thin&ing' *4m sorry' * should ha,e +ust thrown it away'@ @What was in the letter darling:@ as&ed Mrs 8ac&son' 3er husband ga,e her a stern loo&' Ellen noticed the loo&s e.changed between her parents with surprise( and so tried to e.plain as ?uic&ly as possible' @<m( it said that * was adopted and that my biological mother7s name was Colleen Watson' *t said that Colleen7s boyfriend was Tom when she got pregnant( and hence that * am probably dating my own biological father' Something along those lines'@ Ellen was trying to laugh it off( but noticed how still the room had become' Chloe ob,iously noticed too' @They4re not laughing( Elle(@ she stated( putting her spoon down' @What:@ as&ed Ellen' @Mum: -ad:@ Mr 8ac&son loo&ed towards his wife' @2eth( * thin& * might go outside and get some fresh air' The dessert is lo,ely( but * thin& * ha,e lost my appetite'@ @6f course dear(@ Mrs 8ac&son responded' 6nce her father had left the room( Ellen turned to her mother( @Mum( what4s going on: -id * say something wrong: Why did -ad +ust wal& out li&e that: * was +ust trying to e.plain why * as&ed the silly ?uestion before'@ Mrs 8ac&son sat with her eyes down for some time( not answering' Ellen continued( uncertain what to do ne.t' =Should * go and apologise( Mum:> Mrs 8ac&son finally loo&ed up( tears starting to show in her eyes' @*t4s the name( darling' Colleen Watson' ;our father and * decided not to tell you when you were +ust a baby' We didn4t want you to feel anything other than one hundred per cent our daughter' ;ou ha,e to understand that our decision was made with the right intention behind it'@

@What are you saying: What decision: Am * not your daughter:@ @;ou are our daughter( in e,ery way that counts'@ @2ut not biologically:@ clarified Chloe( who did not seem affected by the emotion in the room' Mrs 8ac&son shoo& her head' @%o( not biologically'@ Ellen was shoc&ed' 3ow could it be true: 3ow could they ha,e lied to her all these years: Feeping the truth hidden was the same as lying' And if one part of the letter was true( then all of it could be true' @*s Tom 2radley my father:@ as&ed Ellen( sic&ened by the thought' Mrs 8ac&son shoo& her head in an uncertain way' @* don4t &now' ;our birth certificate only listed the name of your mother ) Colleen Watson'@ Ellen loo&ed towards Chloe' @Tom could be my father' Shit'@ @;es( and it could be anyone else as well(@ said Chloe( trying to be reassuring but failing terribly' =Why would the letter be right about Colleen being my mother and wrong about Tom being my father:> Mrs 8ac&son was thoughtful before suggesting( =Perhaps we could try and find Colleen( and as& her who the father is'> =The letter said that she( um( recently passed away(> Chloe informed Mrs 8ac&son' =6h( * see(> said Mrs 8ac&son' Ellen thought through the repercussions of this' She would ne,er ha,e the opportunity to meet her real mother' 2ut there was something more that +ust didn7t ma&e sense' She and Tom couldn7t ha,e secrets from each other' She &new him to be an open and honest person' @Tom would ha,e told me if he had fathered a child that was gi,en up for adoption' We don7t &eep secrets from each other' * can4t be his( * +ust can4t'@ =Maybe he was getting around to telling you that one( Elle(> offered Chloe' =*t is big( and he might ha,e been worried about your reaction'> Ellen thought that through silently' *t was possible' Mrs 8ac&son loo&ed ,ery distressed' As it appeared that e,eryone had finished eating( she started to clear the half)eaten tart slices from the table' 6nly Chloe had completely finished her plate' @*4m sorry Ellie' We should ha,e told you sooner(@ she started saying( while sobbing o,er the dishes' Ellen realised how upset her mother must be feeling( and went to comfort her' @Mum( *4m not upset with either of you' Maybe * should be( but *7m not' * thin& you should ha,e told me when * was old enough to understand( but otherwise( * wouldn4t change a thing about my upbringing' * still thin& you are the best mother in the world'@ The two women hugged( while Chloe loo&ed on' When they stopped hugging( Mrs 8ac&son dried her tears with her apron( and said( @*4d better go and tal& to your father' And perhaps you should consider brea&ing up with this Tom character( until the truth is clear and apparent'@ Ellen nodded( @*7ll thin& about it' * should ha,e showed him the letter before * left'> She loo&ed to Chloe' =We didn7t thin& there was any truth to it' And Tom was upset about something( so * didn4t want to trouble him( but * will mum( * will'@

Chapter Nineteen
Chloe dro,e the car home from Mansfield( while Ellen sobbed ?uietly beside her' *t was incredible news( ?uite hard to digest' Tom and Ellen perhaps being related( perhaps not' What were the chances of that happening in a city the siBe of Melbourne: *t would e.plain why the two of them were initially so drawn to each other( of course' The afternoon had pro,en so tedious( thought Chloe' 2oth of Ellen4s parents had wallowed in their regret and sorrow for hours after lunch' Mr 8ac&son had seemed particularly heart)bro&en( or maybe he was ashamed to be disco,ered a liar after all these years' Chloe had ne,er seen a grown man cry' She found it particularly distasteful really( and ?uite inappropriate to carry on so much in front of a guest' Ellen had spent much of the afternoon crying too' The three of them had been at it for hours' Chloe had ne,er smo&ed so many cigarettes( but being outside in the cold had been infinitely preferable to than being inside with the wailing' Than& goodness she and Ellen had finally left the town( hopefully not to return for some time'

@Chloe(@ Ellen said( loo&ing up( her eyes red and puffy' @;eah( Elle'@ @Than&s for coming with me today'@ @%o problem'@ The afternoon had actually been a problem( a huge aw&ward situation( but Chloe couldn7t really spea& her mind without offending Ellen' @* need to &now for sure about Tom and me' * need to find out before * show him the letter' * mean( if * tell him e,erything( and then find out it isn4t true( well( it might ruin things anyway' 3e might ne,er loo& at me the same way again'@ @That ma&es sense'@ @3ow can we find out( one way or another:@ Chloe thought for a moment( and then remembered something she had seen recently' @-%A test of course' We +ust need to get a sample of his -%A' Maybe some hairs from a brush or something'@ @3ow can we get a -%A test done:@ Ellen sounded a little uncon,inced' @* saw a ser,ice ad,ertised on late night T9 the other night'@ @0eally:@ @;eah( there is a company that is called -addy*- or something li&e that' All you need to do is download the form( and send two samples in separate sealed bags' *t4s ?uic& too * thin&' ;ou get the results within forty)eight hours of it being recei,ed' ;ou ha,e to logon to some site' Probably costs a few hundred buc&s though'@ @Money really isn4t the problem here( Chloe'@ Chloe rolled her eyes' Ellen sounded particularly stuc& up when she said that' @0ight' Sorry( * forgot how much you are being paid( +ust to get your picture ta&en'@ @There4s a bit more to it than that Chloe' And what * mean is that being related to my boyfriend is the problem' *7ll pay anything to &now the truth'@ @0ight'@ Chloe didn4t feel li&e debating how o,erpaid Ellen was( so &ept ?uiet until she realised something much more interesting' @Shit(@ she e.claimed' @What:@ as&ed Ellen( confused' @* +ust realised something' *f you are Tom4s daughter( you are going to inherit a bloody fortune'@ @Clo( if *4m Tom4s daughter( * will ne,er( e,er be able to loo& at him again' * will ha,e to mo,e interstate and begin an intensi,e counselling program' * mean( * would ha,e &issed my dad'@ Chloe laughed at that' @* guess( yeah gross' * wouldn4t &iss my dad'@ @%o shit'@ @2ut you will still inherit a whole pile of money( and the controlling interest in a large cosmetics company'@ Ellen didn4t respond( and instead stared out the window at the endless dry paddoc&s passing by' Chloe realised that Ellen didn7t seem to care about money at all( which was impossible to understand' Ellen really was ?uite a dull friend at times' *f she wasn4t pro,iding such great free accommodation and per&s( Chloe would ha,e mo,ed out with more interesting people by now' Ellen was so strange at times too' She probably hasn7t e,en slept with Tom yetA Although Chloe had to concede( that under the circumstances( this probably was for the best' Ellen suddenly per&ed up' @Tom opened one of our spare toothbrushes the other night and left it at our place' -o you thin& that it will be suitable for the test:@ @A toothbrush is perfect' %ice thin&ing' This means we can send it off tonight'@ Ellen loo&ed somewhat relie,ed( and put some music on for the remainder of the trip home' When the girls arri,ed home at their apartment( Chloe downloaded the re?uired form from www'-addy*-'com'au and completed the re?uired information' Meanwhile( Ellen sealed her toothbrush and Tom4s toothbrush in separate sealed bags' @*4m going to ha,e a shower now Chloe(@ Ellen said' @Than&s for your help with this' Will you go and post it all tonight:@ @Will do( Elle' ;ou4,e had a tough day' Why don4t you go ta&e it easy tonight:@ Chloe was finished with the paperwor&( and was +ust about to seal the en,elope when she started thin&ing' A small idea had been growing in the bac& of her mind all afternoon' She thought about the pain that this &nowledge would cause to Tom' *t would be unbearable for him' Tom 2radley( the &indest( sweetest( richest( most amaBing man that Chloe had e,er met' She would do anything to protect him' Anything to ensure his happiness continued'

Chloe loo&ed o,er her shoulder' The shower from Ellen4s ensuite was already running' Without another thought( Chloe grabbed a fresh sealed bag and wal&ed into her own bathroom' She put her own toothbrush into the bag and inserted it into the en,elope' She too& Ellen4s toothbrush out and wal&ed it bac& into the &itchen( and put it at the bottom of the &itchen bin' Perhaps the rubbish should go out tonight' ;es( an e.cellent idea( Chloe thought to herself' The -%A of these two samples would be unrelated' Tom would be &ept in the dar&' 3e wouldn4t need to &now about any of this' The chance of Tom and Ellen being related seemed ,ery remote anyhow' 3e could continue to care about Ellen( continue to belie,e that there was something special about her' More importantly( he would remain happy and unaware' Wasn4t the true nature of lo,e sacrifice( after all: Chloe realised then that she lo,ed Tom' More than Ellen e,er could' She would forsa&e her own possible relationship with him( to spare him the pain and shame of what this -%A test might show'

Chapter Twenty
Since getting out of +ail( Ted had made much progress' 3e had found a new house to rent and he had disco,ered the girl7s name and address' 3e had spent four days now watching Ellen and noting her daily patterns' *nitially his plan had been to shoot Tom 2radley' %ot to &ill of course ) maybe he would aim for one of his legs' The prison term for &illing someone was +ust too long' Shooting Tom in the leg would cause enough pain to teach Tom a lesson for arranging Col4s death' 3owe,er( watching Ellen had caused the plan to change une.pectedly' Watching her routines had ?uic&ly become his number one priority' 3e thought about how nice it would be to ha,e her at home with him' She loo&ed a little li&e Colleen( but was younger and fresher' She probably wouldn4t nag him as much( either' 3er daily routine was pretty simple' She went +ogging in the morning( went to the office at around nine o7cloc&( and went to Tom4s house for dinner( returning home by about ten o7cloc& most nights' There were plenty of opportunities to ta&e her( but Ted had decided that during the +og would be the easiest' 3e chec&ed his watch' *t was almost half past se,en' Any moment( Ellen should lea,e her building and run straight past his car' 6ne of the boys from prison had pro,ided some helpful ad,ice about a chemical called halothane( a modern)day chloroform)li&e substance' *nhalation would result in Ellen7s passing out ?uic&ly( for a period of four to eight hours' Ted had a soa&ed rag ready in his hand( and his fingers tensed and fle.ed in anticipation' 3e had seen it done in the mo,ies many times' *t should be pretty easy( as long as nobody was watching' The door opened' There she was( heading in his direction as e.pected' People were so predictable' Ted loo&ed in the rear ,iew mirror and around the street' %o)one was around' 3e stepped out of the car into her path' @E.cuse me( miss'@ Ted held a map in one hand( pretending to be lost' @*4m loo&ing for 3ardware $ane' -o you ha,e a moment to help:@ She came towards him( so trusting( so soft' The moment her eyes lowered to the map( Ted rolled his left hand into ,iew and ?uic&ly co,ered her mouth with the rag' 3is right hand dropped the map to put pressure on her head from behind( ensuring she breathed in deeply' The chemical wor&ed ,ery ?uic&ly' The girl didn4t ha,e time to register what was happening' The whole process was ,ery smooth( ,ery ?uiet' 3er legs wobbled( after a few seconds( and Ted realised he had done it' 3e supported her body as it went limp and carefully placed her into the bac& seat laying down' 3is eyes darted up and down the laneway' Still nobody in sight' 3e chuc&led to himself' *t had gone more easily than he4d thought possible' 3e sped away to the suburban unit he had rented since getting out of +ail' $uc&ily it had a garage connected to the bac& door( so none of the neighbours would notice him carrying an unconscious girl inside' 3e carefully lifted Ellen up and brought her inside onto his spare bed( cuffing her wrist firmly to the bed post' She was beautiful( e,en li&e that' @There4s no escape for you now missy(@ he told her' Ellen was breathing( but still ,ery much unconscious' @* didn4t get to say goodbye to Col( because of your Tom( so * guess you4re the closest thing * can find'@

Ted &nelt down beside the bed and put his lips to Ellen4s' 3e &issed her softly then more roughly' *t felt a little different than he4d imagined' Actually( he didn4t li&e it particularly( and stopped right there' @Well( what shall * do with you( now that * ha,e you:@ Ted wondered out loud' 3e decided to search her poc&ets for money' There was a set of &eys in one poc&et and a mobile phone in the other' %o money' Perhaps the mobile was the best way to punish Tom' Ted chec&ed the contact list' 6nly eight contacts were present in Ellen4s phone( and one of them was Tom' Ted starting creating his first message: Tom! it#s me$ I have found out who you are$ 'ou are a liar$ I know you ot Colleen pre nant$ It#s over "etween us$ *hat other secrets are you keepin , 'ou are also - old for me$ I could "e your dau hter$ Ted hit =send> and laughed' This would definitely ruin his day' Ellen4s phone started ringing almost immediately' The caller *- said 4Tom4' 3e let it ring until her message ser,ice pic&ed up' Ted listened to the message( which was +ust Tom as&ing Ellen to call him' Saying they should tal& things through' Ted starting creating a new te.t message: I#ve one away for a while$ Don#t call me$ - upset to talk to u$ I hate u now old man$ Ted laughed at his second 4old man4 +ibe( while hitting =send>' A te.t message came bac& ?uic&ly in reply' El! I love you$ %lease I#ll do anythin to make it up to you$ *here r u, %lease! please call me$ I love u 3e was definitely starting to hurt now' 0e,enge was sweet indeed' Ted started creating a new message' 'ou are not listenin ramps$ It#s over "etween us$ I .uit the +o"$ I hate u$ /o to hell pedo$ ITS 01E2$ ST0% TE3TI4/ &4D C&55I4/$ Ted turned off the phone and threw it into the corner of the room' 3e was bored playing with Tom already' 3e didn4t &now what to do with Ellen now( but &new he had to hold her for a little while( to ensure his messages had the desired effect' Maybe a sandwich would clear his mind' A few hours later and a few beers later( Ted heard some rumblings coming from the bedroom' 3e grabbed the blac& s&i mas& that he had bought for this moment' 2est not to be too ,isible to Ellen( since the e,entual plan was to let her go' Colleen would not be happy on the other side if Ellen was hurt( so the girl could not be too damaged' Ellen loo&ed groggy and confused( but was clearly awa&e' She loo&ed ?uite afraid when Ted wal&ed into the room( and started to scream' 3e rushed o,er to her to co,er her mouth' @;ou4ll stop screaming now( or *4ll gag you with mas&ing tape Ellen'@ She stopped screaming with that threat( but loo&ed fearfully into his eyes' 3e continued( @%ow( *4m gunna ta&e my hands off' ;ou be good and *4ll be good to you'@ She nodded' Ted remo,ed his hands from her mouth' @5ood girl Ellen' 0ight decision'@ She loo&ed terrified( her eyes darting around the room( while she pulled unsuccessfully against her handcuffs' @%ow( there is no need to scream' *4m not going to hurt you'@ Ted paused( watching her mood carefully' @* am going to &eep you for a while though' There is nothing you can do about that' *t will be you and me hanging out here for about a wee&( * rec&on'@ @Why:@ she tentati,ely as&ed' @Who are you: What do you want with me: 3ow do you &now my name:@

@We can get to &now each other later' First( * want some answers from you Ellen' ;ou got that:@ Ellen nodded obediently' @Well( first things first * guess' * told you who Tom is' ;et you are still with him' Why:@ @Are you the one who sent me that letter:@ Ted nodded' @;our letter was part right( and part wrong' 3e4s not my father' * did a -%A test' *t came bac& negati,e'@ @2ullshit' Col said he was the father'@ @;ou mean my mother ) Colleen said that:@ @;eah( and she would &now( wouldn4t she:@ =There must ha,e been another man( because the test was negati,e'> The girl didn7t seem to listen' Ted was starting to feel angry towards her' @* said that7s bullshit(> Ted roared' =3ow many times do * ha,e to say it: Tom is your father' Col would ha,e said if there was another guy' And guess what: She didn7t say( so it7s settled( Tom is your daddy' And Col wasn4t happy with you sleeping with your daddy( let me tell you'@ The two of them stared at each other a while' The girl stayed silent' Ted was unsure how to argue the point any further' *t seemed settled to him' =So you agree now or what:> Ellen nodded' =* agree'> =5ood'> Maybe she wasn7t so stupid after all' Ellen hesitated a little and then timidly said( @* guess * should say than&s for the letter' My parents ne,er told me * was adopted' The truth came out when * confronted them'@ @<h huh'@ 3e loo&ed at her aw&wardly' =So do you want to &iss a little bit or what:> A loo& of horror came o,er her face( and she shoo& her head ?uic&ly from side to side' =Fine' 3a,e it your way' Col probably wouldn7t li&e it anyhow' -on7t want to get haunted by some angry ghost' She was angry enough in real life'> @-id you &now my mother well:@ @;ou might say that'@ @What sort of woman was she:@ @A good woman' She could nag( don4t get me wrong( but * miss her'@ @;our letter said that Tom &illed her' What did you mean by that:@ @What do you thin& * mean( dummy:> Ted angrily snapped' =* mean( he F*$$E- her'> =2ut why do you thin& that:> =$isten( Tom pretended that he was going to gi,e her some money' She was at the ban& pic&ing it up when it happened' * guess he changed his mind about gi,ing her the cash after all'@ @What happened at the ban&:@ Ted raised his ,oice again( @;our boyfriend &illed your ma( that4s what happened' * already told you this' ;ou need to start listening' 3e made it loo& li&e a ban& robbery( e.cept the gunman shot Col then too& off without any money' What &ind of robber lea,es without money:@ Ellen loo&ed stunned by his tone and theories( and said ?uietly( =* don7t &now'> =A fa&e robber( that7s who'> @Tom wouldn4t ha,e organised a shooting' 3e is the gentlest man *4,e e,er met'@ @2ullshitA 3e had the means and the moti,e' ;our mum wouldn4t want you dating her &iller( e,en if he4s not your dad( which he is' We7,e already co,ered this shit'@ Ellen was silent( as she continued to loo& around the room' @So( you4re not going to hurt me:@ she as&ed' @%o(@ replied Ted gruffly' @* suppose not'@ @Why don4t you let me go now then: * don4t &now what you loo& li&e' ;ou can blindfold me and let me go on a street somewhere and dri,e off' * won4t be able to tell the cops anything'@ @%o( sorry' *4m &eeping ya for a wee&'@ @A wee&: Why:@ @Well( if you must &now miss nosy( * sent some messages to Tom on your phone( brea&ing up( you &now' So we need some time to let them ta&e effect'@ @What did you te.t:> =* got him up to speed on the situation( and * said you7,e gone away'>

=Please( please' $et me call him' 3e4ll be so upset'@ @3e &illed your ma' Which part of that are you not understanding:@ @;ou don4t ha,e any proof that Tom was in,ol,ed'@ @;ou don7t need proof when you +ust &now something' * mean( maybe you don4t &now him as well as you thin&' $i&e( you didn4t &now that he had a &id' That he paid Col cash to &eep her ?uiet' Well( did you:@ Ellen shoo& her head' @%o( he didn4t tell me'@ @So( end of story' ;ou4,e bro&en up with him' ;ou can lea,e in a wee&4s time' There4s a buc&et there(@ Ted said( pointing to a buc&et ne.t to the bed' @6b,iously * ha,e to &eep you tied up( so you can use that if you need to go' *7ll feed and water you if you do your part' 2ut if there4s any screaming from ya( *4ll gag you and stop the feeding' 5ot it:@ Ellen nodded' @2ut if you4re good( then *4ll bring you something nice( maybe some piBBa' -o you li&e piBBa:@ Ellen didn4t respond( and Ted noticed that she was still loo&ing at the buc&et' @-o you want water or beer:@ @Water(@ said Ellen wea&ly' @;ou4ll be right here' Maybe * will drag the T9 in later so you can watch something'@ Ellen didn4t respond to that offer( which Ted thought rather generous' *nstead( her eyes wondered around the room again' Maybe he wouldn7t bring the T9 in( if she was going to act li&e that'

Chapter Twenty-one
Tom was in the office when he recei,ed Ellen4s angry te.t messages ending their relationship' She had somehow found out about his daughter with Colleen( and now didn4t want anything to do with him' Things with Ellen had seemed a little strained after she7d first returned from ,isiting her parents' 2ut Tom had gi,en her some space( and their relationship had returned to normal soon after' 3e should ha,e been honest from the start' That was ob,ious now' Ellen was ta&ing the news harder than he had imagined she would' 3e felt so stupid for decei,ing her this way' Ellen had sent three messages and then nothing' She must ha,e turned her phone off after that( because his calls went straight to ,oicemail' Tom left fi,e ,oice messages( begging her to forgi,e him' EliBabeth came into his office to collect him for a meeting' She was loo&ing a little concerned( @Tom( you are fi,e minutes late for the board room teleconference'@ 3e shoo& his head' @*4m heading home $iB' Please cancel my day'@ @Certainly( Tom' *s e,erything o&ay: Anything * can do:@ @That will be all( than& you'@ As EliBabeth left ?uic&ly( Tom started to feel a dreadful weight in the pit of his stomach' 3e had lost Ellen4s trust' *t hurt as much as a forceful blow to the area' 6n the way out( he stopped by Chloe4s des&' She loo&ed surprised to see the loo& on his face' @Chloe( how did she find out:@ @Sorry Tom' Who: Find out what: Are you o&ay: *s there anything * can do:@ She didn7t seem to &now anything' @%e,er mind' *4m going to go home early( so don7t''@ 3e didn7t finish the sentence( and +ust wal&ed off ?uic&ly and erratically' @Maybe * should wal& you out( Tom'@ Without a word to EliBabeth( Chloe grabbed her bag and raced after Tom( catching him in the lift' @What4s wrong( Tom: ;ou can tell me anything you &now'@ @*t4s Elle' She bro&e up with me'@ The lift closed' The two of them were alone' @She did:@ as&ed Chloe( in a surprised tone' Tom wondered why Ellen hadn7t told Chloe anything( her supposed best friend' =;ou said something about Elle finding something out' What did you mean by that:> Chloe as&ed' =*t7s a long story'>

They arri,ed at the basement le,el' Tom was mo,ing fast but was ,isibly sha&ing and breathing erratically' 3e could hardly see because of his tears( which were ?uic&ly forming( despite his best efforts to hold them at bay' Chloe must ha,e noticed' @Tom( how about * dri,e: ;ou don4t loo& li&e you should be behind the wheel right now'@ Tom stopped and turned to Chloe' 3e loo&ed a little uncertain' =* don7t mind(> Chloe reassured him' @<m( yeah' 6&ay' Than& you Chloe' * appreciate it'@ Chloe dro,e Tom4s blac& sports car carefully and slowly out of the basement( ta&ing particular care around corners' She listened to his directions and before long( she pulled into his dri,eway( and par&ed at the front entrance' Tom noticed that Chloe7s eyes were wide and her mouth open as she sur,eyed the house and grounds' @<m( than&s for dri,ing Chloe' ;ou can lea,e the car here' There is 0obert now coming towards us'> Tom pointed towards the sandy haired man approaching them from the garden' =3e will dri,e you bac& to wor& and put the car away' Than& you again'@ @What are you going to do Tom:@ @Me: * am going to find some scotch'@ Tom headed inside ?uic&ly without loo&ing bac&' 3e ran up the stairs and into his office' 3e had a well)stoc&ed bar in the corner( and ?uic&ly poured a double shot of scotch into a tumbler( without adding any ice( as was his normal habit' Tom dran& ?uic&ly and put his head down on the bar( hoping that the pain would pass ?uic&ly' 6f course he was too old for Ellen' 3e &new it' And now she &new it too' Why had Ellen called him Dgramps7: 3e had ne,er seen any &ind of mean spirit in her before today' 2ut of course( she was +ust upset at him for &eeping such a huge secret' *t was all his fault' 3e &new he should ha,e been truthful about his daughter with Colleen' 3e poured a second glass and dran& that ?uic&ly too' 6nce the third glass was poured( he noticed Chloe sitting on the couch' @What are you doing in here:@ he growled at her' =Please lea,e Chloe'> @* don4t thin& Ellen would li&e me to lea,e you alone right now'@ @* don4t thin& Ellen particularly cares if * am alone at the moment Chloe'@ Tom ?uic&ly sculled the third drin& and poured a fourth without thin&ing' The alcohol was already starting to numb the ache in his stomach' 3e too& the fourth glass and sat on the couch with Chloe' Maybe she could ma&e sense of what was happening' @* don4t understand Chloe' She told me she lo,es me' She found out something' * don4t &now how' And suddenly( that4s it' She doesn4t lo,e me anymore' 2amA 8ust li&e that'@ @What did she find out Tom:@ Chloe as&ed slowly' =* mean( how can someone lo,e you one moment( and not lo,e you the ne.t:> Tom started crying a little and leant on Chloe7s shoulder' =* will always lo,e her no matter what mista&es she ma&es'> @Tom( please tell me what Ellen found out'@ Chloe as&ed again' @*t7s only a small thing' 2ut * wasn4t completely honest about it with her'> =Feep going'> = When * was younger( * did something stupid( and got my teenage girlfriend pregnant'> =;ou did:> Chloe seemed surprised and maybe a little shoc&ed' 6b,iously Ellen hadn7t told her anything it' =My girlfriend ga,e the baby up for adoption' * ne,er e,en got to see her'> =What was your girlfriend7s name Tom:> =* don4t understand how Elle could ha,e found out' ;ou must &now Chloe' 3ow did she find out:> =Tom( this is important( what was your girlfriend7s name:> =Colleen'> Chloe san& bac& into her seat' Tom &ept trying to e.plain( =Col threatened to tell Elle( but 3ayden said she died at the ban&( so she couldn7t ha,e told anyone' 2ut how did Ellen find out then:@ The alcohol was really &ic&ing in now' Tom4s ,ision blurred and he san& bac& into the couch too( sipping his drin& now' The pain and the light were both starting to fade' Tom7s eyes were closing( and at last the drin& pro,ided its numbing comfort'

@* would ne,er brea& up with you( if you were my boyfriend(@ Chloe said ?uietly( watching him' Tom didn4t register her words properly' @3ow could she do this: 3ow could she lea,e me:@ he whispered bac&' Chloe slid closer to him on the couch and Tom felt her warm arms around his middle' She smelled nice( and it felt good to ha,e someone there' 3e rested his hands on her shoulder( and felt the glass being slowly e.tracted from his hands' Suddenly( Tom felt lips pressed against his' ;oung sweet lips' *t must be Ellen' She4s returned' Ellen &issed him ,igorously( parting his lips with her tongue' @* want you Tom(> she whispered' @*4,e wanted you for so long'@ Tom had dreamed about this moment( and here she was( finally ready at last' Tom felt his shirt being unbuttoned and his belt being remo,ed' 3e pic&ed her up( and groggily carried her to his bedroom' She &issed him the whole time' 3e laid her down( noting that she was remo,ing her own clothing ?uic&er than he' 3is ,ision was still blurry( and his body ,ery hea,y' Ellen( who was now na&ed and soft( was remo,ing his pants and &issing his chest' She pulled him down on top of her and wriggled underneath him( directing him with her hips and her fingers until he was finally within her' @6h Ellen( * lo,e you(@ Tom murmured in between her passionate and blinding &isses' @* lo,e you so much'@ Ellen didn4t respond ,erbally but &issed him harder until it was finished' Tom rolled off her and onto the other side of the bed' 3is mind was so hea,y' *t felt so good to +ust lay there with his eyes closed( e.hausted but happy' At some point later that afternoon( Tom started to stir' $ight from the fading afternoon sun started to penetrate his eyelids( and he opened one eye to loo& around' The light burned and he ?uic&ly shut it again' Ellen was gone' Was she here: 3e searched his memory( trying to remember what had happened' 3is head was throbbing loudly and his throat dry' With all the force he could muster( Tom pulled himself into an upright position in bed' 3e opened his eyes' The room was spinning and he felt groggy( but was finally able to see' Chloe was here' What the hell: 3e loo&ed down( and realised he was na&ed' 3e pulled the sheet o,er his na&edness' @Chloe' What the hell are you doing in my bedroom:@ She loo&ed o,er( with a disappointed but &nowing sort of loo&' @;ou &new it was me( Tom' $et4s not pretend any different'@ Tom lay bac& down in bed( and remembered' @6h( fuc&'@

Chapter Twenty-two
*t was one wee& to the day when the balacla,a)clad man came into the bedroom for the last ,isit' 3e announced that it was finally time to lea,e' Ellen nodded' *t had been the longest wee& of her life' She hadn4t showered the whole timeC the buc&et and a bottle of water had been her only bathroom' The man had emptied it once a day( but the smell had built up anyway' She &new that he would be as glad to see her gone as she was to lea,e' @So(@ he said' @We4re going to gi,e your idea a go'@ @Which idea was that:@ @The blindfold thing( remember'@ 3e was trying to ma&e things seem li&e her idea' @;ou &eep the blindfold on until the car stops and then you get out' ;ou can count to one hundred and then ta&e it off' 5ot it:@ Ellen nodded' @5ot it'@ *t wasn4t worth angering him at this final stage of the process' @3ere(@ he said( passing her phone bac& to her' @-on4t use it until *4m gone' * wouldn4t want you to be stuc& in the middle of nowhere without a phone'@ @Than&s(@ Ellen said( trying to sound grateful and sincere' 3e blindfolded her and led her to the bac& seat of his car( instructing her to lie face down' @Any trouble out of ya( and * bring the car bac& for another wee&'@ @* understand(@ confirmed Ellen( although she &new he was unli&ely to want that either' From her dar& cold place on the bac& seat( she tried to pro,ide him with assurance( @There won4t be any trouble'@

The car too& off( sending e.cited shi,ers down her body' She would soon be free( and able to get something decent to eat' 3e had fed her mostly piBBa( and other food that could be home deli,ered' She would soon be able to see Tom again( and e,en Chloe would be a sight for sore eyes' They must be so worried about me( Ellen thought to herself' She felt tension building in the front seat( and Ellen guessed that the man was annoyed about something' @So( * suppose you are going to get bac& together with Tom now( e,ent though you &now e,erything about him(@ he said grumpily' Ellen thought about the -%A test again' She &new that she and Tom were not related( but didn7t want to upset the &idnapper unnecessarily' She tried to sound con,incing( =6f course *7m not' That would be disgusting'> 3e made a relie,ed grunt( and didn4t say anything further' The car sped up( which caused Ellen to slide forward a little in the bac& seat' She ad+usted her position ?uic&ly( so he wouldn7t notice and stop the car' Finally( the car pulled o,er a few minutes later' @This will do' There7s nobody around' Feep the blindfold on and get out slowly'@ Ellen obliged' Feeling her way around the bac&seat( she found the door( then the handle' The door opened easily and sweet fresh air hit her face' She stood up and closed the door behind her' She thought he would feel more comfortable seeing her bac&( so she turned her bac& on the car and too& a couple of hesitant steps in the opposite direction' 3e obligingly dro,e away as ?uic&ly as he could' Ellen listened to the tyres s&idding and slowly counted to fi,e( before ripping off the blindfold' The car was still close enough to note some of the characters of his number plate / 8IT J something' *f he had noticed her staring after the car( he didn4t stop or turn around' Ellen ran as fast as she could up a nearby ban& for safety' She crossed the ban& onto a ?uiet suburban street and wal&ed until she was standing at the intersection of two roads' Ellen was surprised and relie,ed to see a ta.i passing( and hailed it ?uic&ly' 6nce inside( she e.plained that her wallet was at home and that she would pay him a bonus for getting her there safely' 3e appeared to ha,e some sympathy towards her dishe,elled appearance( and than&fully agreed to dri,e her' 6nce the ta.i was mo,ing( Ellen pulled her phone out' There were twenty)fi,e messages showing' She dialled Tom4s mobile' 3e answered almost immediately' @Elle' ;ou4re calling me' -oes that mean you forgi,e me:@ @Tom( please listen' *4,e been &idnapped for the past wee&' * &now we ha,e a lot of tal&ing to do' 2ut *4m free( and on the way home' * thin& *4m in the west somewhere' The dri,er in the cab has agreed to ta&e me home( e,en though * don4t ha,e any money on me'@ @What:@ Tom bellowed' @What do you mean you were &idnapped: 2y whom: What about all those messages you sent me:@ @They weren4t from me' They were from him' The guy who too& me'@ @What guy:@ @* don4t &now who he was' 3e &ept his face hidden the whole time'@ @-id he hurt you:@ @*7m +ust hungry and tired and sore from the handcuffs' *7ll be o&ay though'@ =3e &ept you handcuffed: Elle'''> Tom sounded horrified' =Tom( *7m pretty tough( and *7m free now' -on7t be upset'> 3e too& a moment to breathe before as&ing another ?uestion( @*7m confused' Why did he send those te.t messages to me( from your phone:@ @$isten( it is all a bit confusing' * ha,en7t had a chance to read any of the messages yet' 2ut he told me that you &illed someone he &nows'@ @What: * ha,en4t &illed anyone' That7s craByA@ @* &now' 3e doesn7t e,en &now you' * &now you wouldn4t &ill anyone'@ @* don4t understand Elle' Whom did he thin& * &illed:@ @3er name was Colleen Watson'> =6h'> =3e sent those messages to punish you * guess' 3e wrote to me before he too& me' * should ha,e showed you the letter'@ Ellen suddenly realised that Tom said Doh7 in a &nowing sort of way' =What did you mean then( when you said Doh7:> =* heard that Colleen was &illed recently'>

=-id you &now her:> =;es( but it7s a long story'> @*t7s o&ay( Tom' There is a lot to tal& about' There is something * ha,en4t told you about too' Something * found out when * went home recently' *t4s connected to the letter from this man' 2ut * lo,e you' That is what is important'@ Tom breathed a sigh of relief' @There are a couple of things * need to tell you today( if possible' 6ne of them in,ol,es Chloe( and one of them is related to the te.t messages that the man sent me' Promise me that you won7t read them( until we can tal& in person' Can we meet somewhere now: %ot at your place though'@ @<m( sure' 2ut * really need to ha,e a shower and get something to eat' Then * should go to the police station and report what has happened' Maybe we could catch up after that:@ @*4d li&e to be there at the police station with you' For support'@ @Than& you' That would be good' $isten( the cab is nearly home' *4ll call you bac& soon' $et me clean up first'@ @6&ay( *4ll head home and be ready for your call'@ @Tal& to you soon'@ @Elle'@ @;es'@ @* thought *7d lost you' * lo,e you so much' * lo,e you more than * can tell you' * thought it was o,er( and * was de,astated' * can4t li,e without you'@ @*t will ne,er be o,er between us' * lo,e you too'@ @$et4s go away together for a while'@ @Anywhere you want'@ @2ye'@ @2ye'@

Chapter Twenty-three
@Chloe(@ Ellen called out( as she entered the apartment' There was no response' E,erything loo&ed the same as she remembered' *t was as if she hadn7t been gone for a wee&' What a wonderful apartmentA *t was the most beautiful sight she had e,er seen' Ellen hurriedly found her wallet( and dashed bac& downstairs to pay the dri,er his fee plus a generous tip' 6nce she returned( Ellen loc&ed the front door behind her( and &ic&ed off her stin&y( wee&)old running clothes and put them in the bin' She loo&ed in the fridge( and found Chinese ta&eaway' *t loo&ed fresh( perhaps from Chloe4s dinner last night' *t smelled amaBing e,en though it was cold' Ellen4s mouth started to water +ust loo&ing at it' She grabbed a for&( and sho,elled a large amount into her mouth( while still na&ed' She decided to ta&e the food into the bathroom( and continued to eat while turning the hot water on' Food had ne,er tasted so good' The shower was incredible too( and before long she was clean again and no longer hungry' She brushed her teeth and got dressed( ready to head to the police station( when the front door opened' @Ellen(@ Chloe shrie&ed' @*s that you:> Ellen came into her ,iew' =Where the hell ha,e you been:> Chloe as&ed loudly' =*4,e been so worried' *( * was about to report you as missing at the police station'@ Ellen ran to Chloe and ga,e her a giant bear hug' @*t4s a long story' *4m +ust heading to the police station now' Will you come with me: Tom will meet us there too'@ @<m( listen' There is something * need to tell you first'@ @Can it wait:@ @<m( no'@ @Well(@ said Ellen( loo&ing at her watch' @* guess * can gi,e you fi,e minutes( then *4,e really got to report what happened to the police'@ @$et7s sit on the couch(> suggested Chloe' When they were both seated( she continued( =Elle( *4m pregnant'@

@What:> That was the last thing Ellen e.pected Chloe to say' =Since when:@ @Well( * thin& *4m only a wee& pregnant' Too early for the test to show of course' 2ut * missed my period( and my nipples are already starting to hurt' And my cousin 98 says that is a sure sign'@ @Chloe( that4s great news(@ said Ellen( trying unsuccessfully to read Chloe4s e.pression( which was a mi.ture of cautiousness and restrained +oy' @*sn4t it:@ @*4m ,ery happy( yes'@ @Well( what4s the problem then:@ @* don7t &now how to say this( so *7m +ust going to come out and say it'> =6&ay'> =*t4s Tom4s baby'@ Ellen4s world stopped still' -ead still' Chloe stood at the end of a long tunnel in Ellen4s mind' The rest of the world was suddenly bloc&ed from her focus' She shoo& it off' @Sorry( what:@ Ellen as&ed' =What do you mean: ;ou thin& my Tom is the father of your baby:@ @;es(@ confirmed Chloe( no longer smiling' Ellen shoo& her head' Chloe really had lost all sense' @*t4s not possible' Tom is not the father of your baby'@ =;es( he is'> =3ow could that be:> @We became close while you were away'@ =;ou became close: Sorry( what: ;ou7re telling me that while * was being &idnapped( you shac&ed up with my boyfriend: And now you7re pregnant( e,en though * was only gone for a wee&' *s that what you7re telling me:> =;ou were &idnapped: Why didn7t you say:> =Well( * was trying to( when you started all this nonsense about Tom and you'> @*4m sorry Elle( but it7s not nonsense' * &now you li&e him too' *t +ust happened' * lo,e him' We are going to be ,ery happy together( * +ust &now'@ @Sorry( what: @* &now it isn4t easy to hear'@ @* was +ust tal&ing to him' 3e told me that he lo,es me' That he wants us to go away together'@ @3e doesn4t &now that *4m pregnant yet' * wanted to be sure before * told him'> =2ut you are sure enough to tell me:> Ellen demanded' =;es' Tom will do the right thing by me when he finds out'@ @And that is:@ @3e will marry me' And we will raise our child together'@ @Chloe( you are delusional'@ @Am *: Why did he ma&e lo,e to me( if you mean so much to him:@ Ellen loo&ed down' There was no answer to that ?uestion ob,iously' Maybe that was what Tom was going to tell her' *t couldn7t be' 3ow could he do this to her: Chloe continued( @There4s more Elle' ;ou need to let him go' *4m doing you a fa,our here'@ Ellen7s mind was spinning' 3ow could there be any more: @3ow4s that:@ @3e is your father'> The &idnapper and Chloe seemed to ha,e de,eloped the same mindset while she was away' =%o( he7s not' We did a -%A test( remember:> 3ow could Chloe ha,e forgotten the test results( which she organised herself' =*( um( * need to tell you something about the test' *( um( did something to the -%A test before sending it in'@ @What:@ as&ed Ellen angrily' She stood o,er Chloe( feeling the rage of betrayal flow through e,ery ,ein in her body' @Tell me e.actly what you did to the -%A test:@ @* sent them my tooth brush instead of yours'@ Ellen was stunned' 3er -%A was ne,er tested against Tom7s' This means she was bac& to s?uare one( and could be related to Tom' *n a ?uiet( defeated ,oice( Ellen as&ed( @Why did you do that Chloe:@ @* had my reasons' 2ut it doesn4t matter now' * &now the truth in any case' 3e is your father'@ @%o' *t7s not a guaranteed thing'@ 2ut then Ellen remembered her con,ersation with Tom from before' 3e had said Doh7 in a funny ,oice' 3e had &nown Colleen Watson( her mother'

@Tom told me that he fathered a child( with his teenage girlfriend Colleen' That was the name your parents ga,e us as your biological mother' And thin& about it( the dates all line up' That baby was you Elle'@ Ellen4s world was roc&eting out of control( and she san& down onto the carpet' Chloe continued harshly( @So( you can4t lo,e him that way' *t4s not right' And now that *4m pregnant( e,erything is falling into place' 3e won4t be too upset because( he has me now( to loo& after him' And he is going to be so happy to hear about the baby'@ From her position on the floor( Ellen sobbed roughly and painfully' @* can4t belie,e that he slept with you' That you slept with him' * can4t belie,e you meddled with the -%A test Chloe' ;ou must really hate me to hurt me so much'@ @Try to loo& at the bright side' * mean( this is wor&ing out for both of us' * am going to become Tom7s wife but you are going to inherit a fortune Elle( being Tom4s daughter' 6f course( you will need to split it with our future child(@ Chloe said happily( patting her stomach' @* +ust realised' * am going to be your step mother' 3ow weird is that:@ @* hate you' * hate you completely and * ne,er want to loo& at you again' ;ou are a mental case'@ @Elle( *4m sorry this is hard on you' 2ut you4,e got to snap out of it' * fell in lo,e with Tom' We fell in lo,e with each other( that4s all'@ @3e doesn4t lo,e you'@ Chloe hesitated' @Maybe not at first( but e,entually he will when he hears about the baby'@ @*t doesn4t wor& that way'> Ellen was starting to pull herself together and didn7t want to listen to the ramblings of her ob,iously craBy e.)friend' =$isten( screw this Chloe' Screw you too' * need to go to the police station' * can4t thin& about all this right now'@ Ellen couldn4t thin& about Tom being her father instead of her future lo,er' She stood up( pushed past Chloe and ran out of the apartment to the lift( slamming the door behind her' She intended to run all the way to the police station which was about four bloc&s away( but collapsed crying in a seat in front of the building' She was e.hausted from her long wee& and from the fight with Chloe' She had ne,er been so confused and hurt in her entire life'

Chapter Twenty-four
Chloe watched the door slam( smiled a little( and went bac& to sit on the couch' She patted her stomach gently( and whispered( @3ello little baby' * &now you are in there'@ Suddenly there was a footstep in the hallway' A footstep where there should only be ?uiet' Chloe whipped her head around urgently' She recognised the man instantly' @3ayden(@ she said( shoc&ed' @What are you doing here:@ Chloe tried to contain her panic' Why was he here: *t didn4t ma&e any sense' 3ow much had he heard: 3ow did he get in: The ?uestions were unending( and were being fired one after the other into her mind' 3e wal&ed confidently into ,iew( acting as if he owned the apartment' Chloe4s eyes raced downwards from his face to his hands' What the hell: 3er eyes bulged' @Why are you wearing plastic glo,es( 3ayden:@ 3e smiled dar&ly' @So * don4t lea,e finger prints( Chloe' * don4t want anyone &nowing that * was here now do *:@ @Why are you here: And how did you get in:@ Chloe4s anger started to &ic& in' She breathed deeply and rela.ed a little' After all( it was +ust 3ayden from the office' @-oes Tom &now that you li&e to brea& into Ellen4s apartment:@ @*f you must &now Chloe( * came here loo&ing for e,idence of where Ellen could be( when she came in' Tom has been a mess all wee& and( well( someone has to do something' * didn4t buy the brea&)up story li&e e,eryone else did' And( * didn4t want to startle her when she came in( so * stayed in the bac& bedroom' And then you came home too( and you said all those nasty things to her' E,en though she has spent the last wee& who)&nows)where( after being &idnapped' ;ou didn7t care' ;ou +ust sat her down and tried to brea& her heart by telling lies about you and Tom' She sounded pretty upset( wouldn4t you say:@ @* didn7t tell her any lies' And come to thin& of it( it4s actually none of your business 3ayden'> @;ou4d be surprised'@

@What does that mean: ;ou &now what: Sa,e the e.planation' *4d li&e you to lea,e now' 0ight now'@ Chloe raised her ,oice( hoping that her tone would cause him to lea,e ?uic&ly' She had ne,er noticed this in the office( but 3ayden was actually ?uite creepy' @<nfortunately( Chloe' ;ou and * ha,e some business to sort out'@ 3ayden opened his +ac&et to re,eal a gun' Chloe froBe as he pointed the gun at her' @What do you thin& you are doing: Are you craBy:@ 3ayden wal&ed towards the balcony and opened the sliding door' @Actually no( Chloe' *7m ?uite a rational person and therefore will present you with two choices for how this can end'@ 3is ,oice was cold and unemotional' 3ayden remo,ed another ob+ect from his +ac&et' *t loo&ed li&e a silencer( and he started to screw it onto the end of his gun' 3e did this without loo&ing at the gun( li&e he had done it a hundred times before' 3e &ept his dar& eyes on her the entire time' @And they are:@ as&ed Chloe( starting to feel terrified by his e,ery mo,ement' @;ou can +ump off the balcony( or you can stay on the couch and *4ll shoot you' *t4s completely up to you'@ @3ayden(@ Chloe said( ner,ously laughing' @-on4t be ridiculous' ;ou4,e made your point' *4ll be nicer to Ellen' *4ll mo,e out' Whate,er you want'@ @*4m not laughing( Chloe' * hired someone to ta&e care of Colleen for me of course' 2ut seeing that *7m here and you are here( * must as well ta&e care of you myself'> =;ou &illed Colleen:> Chloe as&ed( feeling shoc&ed and stunned' She had assumed Ted7s letter to Ellen was mista&en in regard to the murder accusation' =Please' Why are you doing this:> Chloe was starting to feel more panic&y e,ery moment the gun remained pointed at her' 3ayden rolled his eyes( as if bored' =The thing about Tom is that he can generate money li&e nobody else on this planet' And if Tom is ma&ing money( then * am ma&ing money'> =* can gi,e you money(> Chloe offered( in a wea&er ,oice' 3ayden continued tal&ing( ignoring her offer' =3e doesn7t &now that *7m here of course' 2ut being here and ta&ing care of you is an important part of the +ob description' * remo,e the problems from his life' * &eep him focussed on the tas& at hand' And right now( you are the biggest problem'> Chloe shoo& her head( unable to thin& of anything to say' =So( enough tal& Chloe' Ma&e your choice' Which one is it:@ @Please 3ayden' * don4t want to die' *4m pregnant with Tom4s baby'@ =* doubt that'> =* really am' 6&ay( * admit that he thought it was Ellen at the time' 2ut Tom is not going to want his unborn child to die' * really am pregnant'> @;ou shouldn4t be'@ @Why are you on her side: They are father and daughter' They shouldn4t be together' *t4s wrong' 3e belongs with me'@ @5et up Chloe' Mo,e to the balcony' *4m going to count to ten'@

Chapter Twenty-five
Ellen4s breathing was returning to normal' She needed to put Chloe and Tom out of her mind( and focus on getting to the police station' 6ne step at a time( one problem at a time' Chloe stood up and started to wal& when she heard a scream( and then an e.plosion' *t was close by' The horror unfolded about twenty metres from where she was sitting' A body had fallen from one of the windows onto the footpath in front of her apartment building' Ellen rushed o,er( but was instantly repelled by the sight' The body was terribly mangled( but she was sure that it was Chloe' And she was sure that Chloe was dead' A car on the street s&idded to a halt( and a woman wal&ing nearby started to scream uncontrollably' *t was luc&y the body didn4t land on her as she was only about fi,e metres away' Ellen returned to the seat( and collapsed' She realised she was hyper,entilating( and tried to slow down her breathing' What was going through Chloe4s mind to ma&e her +ump to her death: She had seemed almost pleased with the pregnancy' 3ad Ellen read it all wrong: Perhaps Chloe had been ashamed and de,astated with guilt: Perhaps Ellen should ha,e stayed with Chloe( and said that e,erything would wor& out in the end'

Suddenly( 3ayden from the office( Tom4s best friend( was wal&ing towards her' 3e seemed out of place here' @Ellen( you4re ali,eA E,eryone has been so worried about you' Sorry( it4s 3ayden from wor&( in case you don4t recognise me' * was passing by and heard the commotion' Are you o&ay:@ Ellen couldn4t answer as her breathing was still ?uite erratic' She pointed towards the body on the footpath' 3e didn7t seem to ha,e e,en noticed' Ellen put her head down and tried to focus on breathing normally' @-oes someone ha,e a bag:@ 3ayden cried out( loo&ing towards the small crowd of people gathering on the footpath' 3e too& off ?uic&ly( but returned before long( with a small paper bag' @2reathe into the bag Ellen' Try and slow your breathing' *n and out'@ Ellen tried to do as he instructed and before long( the tingle in her hands and toes was passing( and her breathing returned to normal' @5ood girl' That7s good' Feep breathing slowly' ;ou7ll be o&ay shortly'@ Ellen was finally able to spea&' @Than&s 3ayden' *t7s luc&y you were here'@ @;ou were in shoc& * thin&' Why don4t * get you out of here:@ Ellen let him put his arm around her( but she refused to mo,e from the spot' @*t4s Chloe( 3ayden' The +umper' *t4s Chloe( my flatmate'@ Ellen pointed towards the body again( which could no longer be seen because of the crowd of onloo&ers' She could see someone on a phone( tal&ing to the police( and gi,ing directions' @6h dear(@ said 3ayden sympathetically' 3e finally seemed to notice the body' @* can4t belie,e she +umped'@ @She was a good friend of yours: Well( *4m sorry for your pain' *4m sure Tom will be sorry to hear of this too'@ Ellen sat silently( as new tears were welling up in her eyes' 3ayden continued( @Well( *4m happy to see that you4re ali,e though' * &now poor Tom has been suffering without you' E,eryone at wor& has been worried about you' About your sudden disappearance * mean' *t was ,ery( how should * say it( uncharacteristic' *4m sure you ha,e a good e.planation for lea,ing( and for the te.t messages you sent him' ;ou mean e,erything to Tom( and well( that ma&es you important to me too'@ @*4m not sure how much * mean to Tom actually( 3ayden'@ @What ma&es you say that:@ Ellen shoo& her head' @*t4s a long story'@ Ellen briefly e.plained her whereabouts o,er the last wee&( and noticed a deep anger building in 3ayden4s eyes( when she tal&ed about the mas&ed man' @* was on my way to the police station( but Chloe and * had a terrible fight( and then she +umped to her death' E,erything is +ust so craBy' * don4t &now what is going on in the world'@ @The important thing is that you are safe now( and that you and Tom can patch things up'@ Ellen shoo& her head again( and started crying harder' This time her tears were for Tom' For the lo,e she could ne,er feel again' @Tom is my father 3ayden' * +ust found this out from Chloe' We did a -%A test but Chloe switched the samples' 2ut he has admitted that he fathered a child with Colleen Watson( who is my biological mother'@ 3ayden tightened his grip around her shoulder( and she stared into his eyes' 3is eyes seemed so familiar( up close' @3e is not your father( Ellen(@ 3ayden said' Ellen s?uinted at him( through her tears' She wiped her eyes( ready to listen' 3ayden ob,iously &new something about the matter' @* am'@ The words were shoc&ing' 3ow could that be: %either of them spo&e for a moment' Somehow this new information made sense to Ellen( although she couldn4t fathom how at this point' @$isten(@ he continued' @;ou4,e had a rough wee&' Why don4t we lea,e all the details til you4,e had a chance to reco,er a little'@ @%o(@ Ellen said firmly' @* need to &now e,erything now' * can handle it'@ 3ayden7s eyes assessed her carefully before continuing( @Well( then( o&ay' 2ut where to start:> 3ayden rubbed his chin before continuing( =Tom and Colleen were a couple bac& at school' 2ut he went away for a month' Colleen had too much to drin&( and * too& ad,antage of the situation' *t4s not something that *4m proud of' Colleen ob,iously didn4t remember it the ne.t morning because she

ne,er mentioned it to me' The ne.t thing * &now( Tom says he has gotten her pregnant' Well( * &new the child could be mine or his'@ @And: What happened ne.t:@ @When you were fi,e( Tom as&ed me to ,isit you( and see if your adopti,e parents needed anything( financially spea&ing' Well( * &new you were mine right away' * mean we ha,e the same s&in and eyes for starters' My goodness( you loo& e.actly li&e my younger sister did when she was your age' There is no way you are Tom4s &id'@ Ellen loo&ed at 3ayden with fresh eyes' A number of her features were indeed present in his face' *t could be true' @Why did you hate me when * turned up at Satinol that day:@ @* was +ust surprised( that4s all' Modelling is not the career path * would ha,e led you towards( if *4d had the chance to raise you'@ @6h'@ @%ow( listen to me' * don4t really want Tom to &now the fine details here' About my sleeping with Colleen( * mean'@ @*4m sorry( 3ayden( but no' There can4t be any more secrets in my life'@ @*t4s +ust going to upset him unnecessarily'@ @* was about to tell him about Colleen being my mother( so he is going to thin& he is the dad as a result'@ @Fine( but go and get a -%A test' 5o together' *t will be negati,e( and Tom will realise that Colleen tric&ed him all those years ago'@ @3e is going to as& a lot of ?uestions if the test is negati,e'> @6f course it will be negati,e' $et him as& ?uestions( but there is no need to tell him about my being your father'> Ellen thought it through' =* suppose not'> =5ood girl'> =There is something else that Chloe told me something before she +umped' She said that Tom and her made lo,e'> 3ayden made a face as though the thought of that sic&ened him' =* find that hard to belie,e' $isten( go and tal& to him' All * can tell you is that when he thought it was o,er with you( he was de,astated' *7,e ne,er seen him so low'> =Well( before * can thin& through any of this( * need to be sure that he isn7t my father' * lo,e him you &now' * want it to be negati,e( more than *4,e e,er wanted anything before'@ 3ayden stared into Ellen eyes' @* guarantee it will be negati,e' * guarantee that * am your father' 2ut the thing is( * really don4t want to be' * ne,er wanted to be a father' *4d li&e us to pretend that nothing has changed' ;ou ha,e parents that lo,e you bac& home' * want that to be enough for you'@ @6h( it is'@ Although Ellen was glad to &now who her biological father was( she had felt a coldness coming from 3ayden since he sat down( and was happy to hear that he didn4t want to de,elop some sort of later life father G daughter relationship' E,erything was starting to fall into place' Police were arri,ing and a team of mean dressed head to foot in white' The police ushered them from the area( as they set up a ,isual barricade around Chloe4s body' @Well( * really should be off to the police station now 3ayden(@ said Ellen' 3ayden nodded in agreement( and then left her without another word' *t was as if he was cementing his decision not to be a father to her in any manner' Ellen4s phone rang from her poc&et' *t was Tom' Ellen happily answered the phone( content in the &nowledge of who she was( and what she wanted for her future' There were a number of matters to discuss of course( but Ellen felt Tom4s lo,e as she spo&e to him( and &new her own heart well enough to &now that e,erything would wor& out in the end' The end I hope you en+oyed this "ook$ If so! please leave me a review! or support my writin "y "uyin 6The 7aithful *atcher$

'ou can contact me direct on Email8 marilyn mcpherson9 mail$com 7ace"ook8 :arilyn):c%herson)&uthor

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