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MGMT 302, Business Statistics II Sections 002 and 005 Instructor: Pamela Burch

MGMT 302: Business Statistics II Snead Hall B2113, Fall 2013

Section 002: M F !:00 " !:50 Section 005: M F 11:00 " 11:50 #e$erence %um&er: 13!'0 #e$erence %um&er: 23(()

Instructor: Mrs* Pamela Burch +$$ice: Snead Hall, #oom B(1'( ,mail: -&urch./cu*edu email 0 Phone: 3)0(4)2)5'105

0 the &est 1a2 to contact me is /ia

Course description: Statistical methods em-lo2ed in the collection 6

anal2sis o$ &usiness 6 economic data* 7ontinuation o$ statistical in$erence, anal2sis o$ /ariance, contin8enc2 ta&les, re8ression 6 correlation anal2sis 1ith em-hasis on -ro&lem $ormulation 6 inter-retation o$ com-utational results*

Here is what you can expect to learn in this class :

7on$idence inter/als 6 h2-othesis testin8 $or one 6 t1o -ro-ortions 7hi5s9uare 8oodness o$ $it tests 6 tests $or inde-endence 7on$idence inter/als 6 h2-othesis testin8 $or one 6 t1o means :nal2sis o$ /ariance 3:%+;:4 Sim-le 6 Multi-le <inear #e8ression Ho1 to inter-ret the meanin8 o$ statistical results

Here is how we are going to accomplish this learning: Materials Needed for Class:
Textbook (optional): Shar-e, =e ;eau>, 6 ;elleman, Business Statistics
32nd ,d*4, :ddison oftware (re!uired): esle2 or Pearson 320124 M2Stat<a&

Course "#: burch$%&'(

Tutorin8 is a/aila&le at the 7am-us <earnin8 7enter &2 a--ointment or on a dro-5in &asis* Their schedule is at htt-:??111*/cu*edu?uc?clc?;7@@75 Tutorin8*htm* Here are m2 o$$ice hours: ednesda2s 10:00 " 10:(0 am 6 12:30 " 2:00 -m Tuesda2s 6 Thursda2s 11:00 am " 12:00 -m Frida2s 10:00 " 10:(0 am 6 &2 a--ointment

*ffice Hours: Monda2s 6

The -ur-ose o$ o$$ice hours is to -ro/ide assistance 6 to ans1er s-eci$ic 9uestions* 7ome to o$$ice hours -re-aredA +hen you come to me for help, you must bring your class notes* I 1ill not re5-resent a lecture $rom a da2 2ou missed class* =o not 1ait until the da2 &e$ore a test to tr2 to catch u- 1ith material* It is essential that 2ou Bee- u- 1ith the material 6 not let this class 8et a1a2 $rom 2ou*

)ttendance -olicy:
I e>-ect 2ou to attend e/er2 class 6 to &e on time* "f you miss more

than %. minutes of class, you will be marked as absent/

I$ 2ou must miss a class, 2ou are res-onsi&le $or 8ettin8 class notes 6 all announcements made in class $rom another student* Cou are also res-onsi&le $or maBin8 arran8ements 1ith another student to turn in 2our home1orB $or 2ou*

0ou are allowed "1 absences for this course, regardless of the reason/ 3,>ce-tion: i$ 2ou are in/ol/ed in a
uni/ersit25s-onsored athletic e/ent or $ield tri-4 These si> a&sences are the da2s 2ou use $or -ro&lems such as illness, doctor a--ointments, inter/ie1s, o/erslee-in8, $unerals, 1eddin8s, sicB children, etc* 2or each absence

beyond the 3 allowed absences, " will subtract ( points from your final grade/ For e>am-le, i$ 2our $inal a/era8e is )3*1( 6
2ou ha/e ei8ht a&sences, then 2ou ha/e e>ceeded the allo1ed a&sences &2 t1o* So, I 1ill su&tract 10 -oints $rom 2our $inal a/era8e, 8i/in8 2ou a '3*1( a/era8e $or the course* I$ 2ou miss no classes all semester, I 1ill add t1o -oints to 2our $inal 8rade* I$ 2ou miss one or t1o classes, I 1ill add one -oint to 2our $inal 8rade* So, i$ 2our $inal a/era8e $or the course is '!*D2 6 2ou ha/e missed t1o classes, then I 1ill add one -oint to 2our $inal a/era8e maBin8 2our $inal a/era8e )0*D2, raisin8 2our 8rade $rom a 7 to a B* Cour a&sences are recorded dail2 on BlacB&oard alon8side 2our 8rades* Please checB this $re9uentl2 6 let me Bno1 -rom-tl2 i$ 2ou &elie/e a mistaBe has &een made so it can &e corrected 1hile I still can recall a s-eci$ic class da2*

Homework (4.5 of your final grade):

:$ter each class, 2our home1orB 1ill &e -osted on BlacB&oard* :l1a2s checB BlacB&oard $irst instead o$ 8oin8 strai8ht to M2Stat<a&* Home1orB is due accordin8 the schedule on the 7ourse +utline* For home1orB su&mitted on -a-er, selected -ro&lems 1ill &e 8raded $or completeness, all work &ein8 sho1n, 6 effort 3usin8 2our &ooB 6 notes to hel- 2ou com-lete 2our home1orB4* Home1orB done on M2Stat<a& is 8raded $or completeness, correctness, 6 effort 3re51orBin8 a -ro&lem until 2ou can do it correctl24* :$ter home1orB done on -a-er is collected, the solutions 1ill &e -osted on BlacB&oard* Cou are res-onsi&le $or com-arin8 2our home1orB to the solutions* Eust &ecause 2ou 8et a 8ood 8rade on 2our home1orB does not mean 2ou ha/e done e/er2thin8 correctl2* For home1orB done on M2Stat<a&, 2ou ma2 -rint the solutions 6 also -ractice su88ested -ro&lems usin8 the Stud2 Plan in M2Stat<a&*

Homework is due before %-M on the day it is due* Cou ma2

turn it in in class or to m2 o$$ice 3B(1'(4 &e$ore 2PM* Home1orB turned in a$ter 2PM is late 6 1ill %+T &e 8raded*

Home1orB must &e ST:P<,=*

Home1orB 1ill not &e acce-ted i$ sent /ia $a> or email*

The only thing you may turn in which is generated from a computer is tatCrunch output/ 67erything else, including answers accompanying tatCrunch output, must be hand8 written*
In order to recei/e credit $or a -ro&lem, 2ou must sho1 all 2our 1orB* I$ 2ou had to enter somethin8 into 2our calculator to ans1er the 9uestion, then I e>-ect 2ou to 1rite do1n 1hat 2ou entered alon8 1ith the result the calculator 8a/e 2ou* I am interested in seein8 the ste-s 2ou tooB to arri/e at an ans1er* I$ a home1orB -ro&lem done on -a-er re9uires 2ou to use Stat7runch, 2ou must P#I%T the out-ut to turn in* Then hand51rite an2 re9uired 1ritten ans1ers +% TH, P#I%T,= +@TP@T, not on a se-arate sheet o$ -a-er* )99 parts of a !uestion must be kept together* Cou 1ill not recei/e credit $or Stat7runch -ro&lems turned in that are not accom-anied &2 hand51ritten ans1ers* :ll /aria&les in Stat7runch must &e 8i/en a descri-ti/e name* Pro&lems turned in 1ith the de$ault name /ar0 31here 0 is a num&er4 1ill not &e 8i/en $ull credit* 7learl2 num&er 2our -ro&lems* Cou do %+T need to -led8e 2our home1orB* Cou ma2 1orB 1ith other students on 2our home1orB, ho1e/er, 2ou must turn in 2our o1n 1orB* Turnin8 in someone elseFs 1orB is not acce-ta&le* "f it is ob7ious to me you ha7e copied your homework from old homework solutions or from another student, you will both recei7e a . for the entire assignment/ hen in dou&t, an2 decimal num&ers em-lo2ed in 2our calculations should &e re-resented 1ith at least $our di8its to the ri8ht o$ the decimal*

T1o lo1est home1orB 8rades 1ill &e dro--ed*

)cademic Honesty:
Students are e>-ected to &e $amiliar 1ith 6 a&ide &2 the o$$icial ;7@ Honor S2stem 1hich ma2 &e $ound at htt-:??111*-ro/ost*/cu*edu?-d$s?HonorGs2stemG-olic2*-d$ or in the ;7@ Insider: htt-:??111*students*/cu*edu?insider*html I$ 2ou are uncertain 1hether somethin8 is a /iolation o$ the honor s2stem, then -lease asB*

Classroom 6xpectations:
Students 1ill 1orB 1ith the instructor to 8uarantee that the classroom en/ironment is conduci/e to 8ood learnin8* Here is ho1 1e 1ill accom-lish this: 7ome to class on time &ecause I 1ill start -rom-tl2 at !:00 or 11:00* #es-ect 2our $ello1 studentsF ri8hts to learn &2 re$rainin8 $rom casual con/ersation or other distractin8 &eha/ior 1hile class is in session* Pa2 attentionA Cou ma2 not use the com-uter to 1orB on somethin8 unrelated to class* I$ 2ou ha/e 1orB to do that is more im-ortant than 1hat 1e are doin8 in class, then 2ou should 1orB on that some1here else* I$ it a--ears 2ou are usin8 the com-uter $or somethin8 unrelated to class, I 1ill locB 2our com-uter $or the remainder o$ class* Partici-ation: I e>-ect 2ou to -artici-ate in class &2 ans1erin8 9uestions 6 doin8 in5class e>ercises 6 e>-eriments* Silence 2our cell -hones 6 -ut them a1a2*

I 1ill -rotect 2our $ello1 studentsF ri8hts to learn so should 2ou ha/e di$$icult2 $ollo1in8 an2 o$ the a&o/e items, 2ou ma2 &e asBed to lea/e class 6 ma2 &e marBed as a&sent $or that da2*

Here is how " will measure what you:7e learned: ;ui<<es (4(5 of your final grade):
HuiIIes 1ill &e 8i/en at announced times 3see 7ourse +utline4 HuiIIes are closed5&ooB 6 closed5notes* There are no make8up !ui<<es* I$ 2ou Bno1 in ad/ance that 2ou 1ill not &e in class on a da2 on 1hich a 9uiI is scheduled, 2ou ma2 maBe arran8ements 1ith me at least one class -rior to the 9uiI to taBe the 9uiI -rior to the da2 the 9uiI is scheduled* "f you are more than %. minutes late to class, you may N*T take the !ui< that day/ +ne lo1est 9uiI 8rade 1ill &e dro--ed

Tests ('(5 of your final grade):

For tests 2ou ma2 &rin8 the Jmaster-ieceK to class 6 one sheet o$ -a-er 3)*5 > 11 inches4 1ith an2thin8 on it 2ou 1ant " it 1ill &e collected 6 returned 1ith 2our test* Cou ma2 1rite on &oth sides o$ the sheet* The sheet ma2 &e hand5 1ritten or done on a com-uter* =o not 1rite on the Jmaster-ieceK* There are no make8up tests* I$ 2ou are una&le to taBe a test $or an2 reason, the $inal e>am 8rade 1ill 8o in -lace o$ one missed test* For a 2nd, 3rd, or (th missed test, 2ou 1ill recei/e a 0* I$ 2ou must &e a&sent on a test da2 &ecause o$ a uni/ersit25s-onsored $ield trior athletic e/ent, 2ou must maBe arran8ements 1ith me at least one 1eeB -rior to the test 6 taBe the test -rior to lea/in8 $or the e/ent* orB on e>ams must &e -led8ed* :rri/e on time $or the tests* )nyone arri7ing after &:%. a/m/ for a &:.. test or arri7ing after 44:%. a/m/ for an 44:.. test will not be permitted to take the test/ +ne lo1 test 8rade ma2 &e re-laced &2 the $inal e>am*

2inal 6xam:
The $inal is scheduled $or Mon/ #ecember & from $ = 4.:(.)M/ *> +ed/

#ecember 44 from $ = 4.:(.)M/ These are the only times you may take the final exam/ Cou ma2 taBe the $inal e>am either da2* :n2one arri/in8

a$ter !:M 1ill not &e -ermitted to taBe the e>am*

The $inal e>am is cumulati/e 6 +PTI+%:<* :n2one ma2 taBe the $inal e>am* I$ 2ou choose to taBe the $inal e>am, 6 the $inal e>am 8rade is &etter than 2our lo1est test 8rade, then I 1ill delete the lo1est test 8rade 6 -ut the $inal e>am 8rade in its -lace* I$ the $inal e>am is not &etter than 2our lo1est test 8rade, then 2our test 8rades 1ill remain the same 6 I 1ill thro1 out 2our $inal e>am score* I$ 2ou missed a test durin8 the semester, then 2ou 1ill ha/e a test 8rade o$ 0* Since this 1ill &e 2our lo1est test 8rade, the $inal e>am 8rade 1ill 8o in -lace o$ this 0* The $inal e>am can onl2 re-lace +%, lo1est test 8rade*


:: !0 " 100 =: D0 " D!*!! B: )0 " )!*!! F: 0 " 5!*!! 7: '0 " '!*!!

I 1ill dro- one lo1est 9uiI 8rade 6 t1o lo1est home1orB 8rades* Cou ma2 also re-lace one lo1 test 8rade 1ith the $inal e>am* The J7urrent GradeK 2ou see on BlacB&oard re$lects the lo1est 9uiI 6 t1o lo1est home1orB 8rades alread2 &ein8 dro--ed in its calculation* I do not cur/e 8rades or o$$er e>tra credit* I do not round $inal 8radesLa 8rade o$ '!*D2 is a 7*

Here is what else you need to know:

6mergency -lan: In case o$ an emer8enc2, e>it the classroom 6 8o do1n the stairs to 2our ri8ht 6 e>it the &uildin8* Communication: The &est 1a2 to contact me is &2 email* Cou can e>-ect a -rom-t re-l2* Both I 6 2our $uture em-lo2er e>-ect 2ou to 1rite -ro$essionall2* hen 2ou email me, I e>-ect it to ha/e a messa8e 1ith com-lete sentences 1hich are $ree $rom s-ellin8 6 8rammatical errors 3includin8 -ro-er ca-italiIation 6 -unctuation4, 6 2our name at the end* I$ 2our email does not $ollo1 these 8uidelines, I 1ill asB 2ou to $i> it 6 re5send*

+ithdrawal #eadline: The last da2 to 1ithdra1 $rom class is 2riday, No7ember 4* *ther Notes:
The onl2 1a2 I ha/e o$ communicatin8 1ith 2ou outside o$ class is /ia 2our ;7@ email so -lease checB it daily* ;7@ is committed to a -olic2 o$ e9ual o--ortunit2 6 a$$irmati/e action in education 6 em-lo2ment 6 com-lies 1ith the re9uirements o$ the #eha&ilitation :ct o$ 1!'3 6 the :merican =isa&ilities :ct o$ 1!!0* I$ 2ou re9uire s-ecial accommodations, -lease -ro/ide me 1ith a--ro-riate documentation includin8 a--ro/al $rom the 7oordinator o$ Ser/ices $or Students 1ith =isa&ilities at the &e8innin8 o$ the semester*

Please &e -roacti/e 6 Bee- me in$ormed o$ an2 -ro&lems or -ersonal situations 1hich ma2 a$$ect 2our -er$ormance in class* I cannot maBe accommodations a$ter5the5$act*


I$ 2ou lea/e somethin8 in class or lose somethin8, -lease checB the lost8and8 found on the second $loor o$ Snead Hall in room @%4A4 or 1ith the cam-us -olice* The onl2 acce-ta&le $ood or drinB allo1ed in the classroom is 1ater* "nclement +eather: In case o$ inclement 1eather, call )2)5D'3D or checB htt-:??111*/cu*edu?1eather?inde>*html $or @ni/ersit2 announcements* Please also checB 2our email* I$ the @ni/ersit2 is closed on a da2 on 1hich a test or 9uiI 1as scheduled, the test or 9uiI 1ill &e administered the ne>t time 1e meet* The deadline $or students to -ro/ide ad/ance 1ritten noti$ication to instructors o$ intent to o&ser/e reli8ious holida2s is 2riday, eptember 3* Cou must -ro/ide me, in 1ritin8, the dates 2ou 1ill &e a&sent 6 i$ there is a test or 9uiI &ein8 8i/en that da2, 2ou must -ro/ide me 1ith the times 2ou are a/aila&le -rior to that da2 to taBe the test or 9uiI in ad/ance*

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