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Prompt 2

Think carefully about the issue presented in the following excerpt and the assignment below. Some people emphasize that strong leaders never depart from their goal, plan, or vision and that such dedication is, in fact, a measure of their strength. Others would argue, however, that strong leaders are flexible. Strong leaders know when to admit they have made a mistake and when it is appropriate to change their goal or mission. This flexibility shows their strength and the extent of their wisdom. Assignment: Is flexibility the sign of a strong and wise leader !lan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience, or observations.

Confucius once said, "When the wind blows, the great oak snaps, but the willow only bends". Although great leaders are valued for their determination and resolve, often times flexibility and the ability to adapt are the true signs of a strong leader. There are times when uick thinking and the willingness to change course can turn around a seemingly impossible situation. The idea that flexibility is a crucial part of being a strong leader is exemplified throughout history and literature. !ulius Caesar is one example of a brilliant and influential leader known for his uick thinking and flexibility. Caesar was renowned as a military genius, and his opponents respected him as a brutally determined man. "owever, even Caesar knew when to turn back and fight another day. #n his struggle for power against his rival $ompey during the %oman civil war, Caesar&s army was defeated at the first battle. Caesar, instead of continuing what he knew would be a lost fight, slipped away under the cover of the night, famously saying, "$ompey does not know how to win a war. Caesar can only be defeated on this day". $ompey refused to pursue Caesar during the night because he was reluctant to change his battle plans, and Caesar escaped safely. 'ater on, because of his flexibility, Caesar regrouped his army and routed $ompey before taking control of all of %ome. Caesar is the perfect example of a strong leader whose resourcefulness and willingness to adapt allowed him to overcome many obstacles. Another illustration of the power of flexibility can be seen in "omer&s Odyssey. (dysseus, the hero of the tale, was not known for his physical prowess or fortitude. #nstead, he was famous for being a uick)witted and clever man who could always manage to escape from any predicament. #n one famous encounter, (dysseus and his crew are captured by the Cyclops $olyphemus and imprisoned in a cave. After stabbing out the eye of $olyphemus, (dysseus escaped with his men by hanging onto the bottom of $olyphemus& sheep as they shuffled out of the cave. (dysseus& adventures demonstrate how flexibility is often a more important attribute in leaders than resolve and physical strength. *inally, the importance of flexibility is shown in the story of +ed ,tark in A Game of Thrones by -eorge %.% .artin. #n this novel, +ed, the lord of the great northern territory of Winterfell, is known as a formidably honest man and respected leader. +ed is loved by his sub/ects for being /ust and resolute. "owever, his stubbornness and refusal to change leads to his ultimate downfall. When +ed /ourneys down to the south to /oin the 0ing&s court, he finds himself mired in a world of politics filled with deceit and dishonesty. +ed refuses to resort to such underhanded methods and holds on fiercely to his noble ideals. Also +ed tries tirelessly to do what is right, his stubborn refusal to adapt

to his surrounding leads to the death of his sub/ects and his own execution. +ed ,tark&s story shows how no leader can succeed without flexibility and the ability to change. #t is clear that although grit and determination are valued traits in leaders, in many cases it is resourcefulness and flexibility that truly make a leader strong. Without the willingness to accept defeat and change, no leader can be truly great.

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