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LG: The group was formed through the merger of two Korean companies, Lak-Hui (pronounced "Lucky") and

Gold tar, from which the a!!re"iation of LG was deri"ed# The current "Life$s Good" slogan is a !ackronym# %efore the corporate name change to LG, household products were sold under the !rand name of Lucky, while electronic products were sold under the !rand name of Gold tar Apple: te"e &o!'s fa"orite fruit, simple and not cold or unapproacha!le , This is pro!a!ly one that e"eryone knows !ut we would !e remiss to lea"e it out, (pple's company name is said to ha"e !een chosen for co-founder te"e &o!s' fa"ourite fruit, and the logo is a play on the world !yte# )n the !ook, (pple *#+ te"e ,o-niak is .uoted as saying/ 0He 1&o!s2 said 3)'"e got a great name/ (pple 4omputer#' 5ay!e he worked in apple trees# ) didn't e"en ask# 5ay!e it had some other meaning to him# 5ay!e the idea 6ust occurred !ased upon (pple 7ecords# He had !een a musical person, like many technical people are# )t might ha"e sounded good partly !ecause of that connotation# ) thought instantly, 3,e're going to ha"e a lot of copyright pro!lems#' %oth ,o-niak and &o!s tried other alternate names such as 89ecute9 and 5atri9 8lectronics, !ut they didn't like it as much as (pple 4omputers# (nd the name was !orn# They also wanted an approacha!le name# Like (miga, (pple wanted to shy away from the cold, corporate names of other computer companies at the time# (pple also went on to influence other company name decisions, including the :K !ased company, (pricot 4omputers# te"e &o!s decided to sell computers under the name of this fruit, in homage to the house music of the %eatles, which was named in the same way# )n addition, 5acintosh is a "ariety of apple 4alifornia# te"e &o!s worked on an apple farm# (lso, some say &o!s wanted it to !e in front of (tari in the phone !ook# ,hile others claim that &o!s wanted it to !e a tri!ute to (pple 7ecords, the music la!el for the %eatles Volvo: Latin for 0) roll;, con6ugated from ""ol"ere", in relation to !all !earing# The name <ol"o was originally registered in 5ay =>== as a separate company within K? (% and as a registered trademark with the intention to !e used for a special series of !all !earing# This idea was only used for a short period of time and K? decided to use " K?" as the trademark for all its !earing products# Rolex: %ack in =>+@ Hans ,ilsdorf and his !rother-in-law (lfred Aa"is founded a company called ,ilsdorf and Aa"is# Howe"er, a few years passed and in =>+B H# ,ilsdorf registered the trademark 07ole9;# )n =>=@ the 7ole9 ,atch 4ompany Ltd# was founded#

The .uestion here is how did ,ilsdorf come up with the !rand name 7ole9C ,iki says that according to the !ook The %est of Time/ 7ole9 ,ristwatches/ (n :nauthori-ed History !y &effrey D# Hess and &ames Aowling the !rand name is randomly made up# till, the reason ) wrote this article a!out the lu9ury watches is !ecause of two suggestions for the name origin, the first one of which is not confirmed !ut ne"ertheless "ery interesting# (ccording to it the naming comes from the ?rench phrase horlogerie e9.uise, meaning 0ho7ELogical 8Fcellence;# ,hat is known, howe"er, is that ,ilsdorf wanted a name that would !e easily pronounced in "arious languages (and pro!a!ly not meaning anything so that it can !e original)# ?urthermore, it is said that according to him the word role9 sounds like the sound of a watch !eing wound, i#e# is an onomatopoeia# )t is easily pronouncea!le in many languages and, as all letters ha"e the same si-e, allows to !e written symmetrically# )t was also short enough to fit on the face of a watch The conclusion is this G one of the world's !est-known lu9ury companies is named after a word with no particular meaning# till, 7ole9 is a short and easy to pronounce word that ends in F G a fricati"e letter which implies speed# 5ay!e they didn't know it !ack then, !ut according to te"e 5anning from )gor !randing agency F is a se9y letter and it gi"es the word a sort of techie sound# Dlus, there aren't a lot of words that ha"e an F in them that you use all the time# Jack Daniels: &asper Hewton "&ack" Aaniel ( eptem!er @, =B@+ G Ecto!er =+, =>==) was an (merican distiller and the founder of &ack Aaniel$s Tennessee whiskey distillery# Erickson: ?ounded in =BIJ as a telegraph e.uipment repair shop !y Lars 5agnus 8ricsson, it was incorporated on (ugust =B, =>=B# Head.uartered in Kista, tockholm 5unicipality, since *++K, 8ricsson is considered part of the so-called ",ireless <alley"# Sony: The name " ony" was chosen for the !rand as a mi9 of two words# Ene was the Latin word " onus", which is the root of sonic and sound, and the other was " onny", a familiar term used in =>@+s (merica to call a !oy# The first ony!randed product, the T7-@@ transistor radio, appeared in =>@@ !ut the company name did not change to ony until &anuary =>@B# Dolce& Gabbana: )s an )talian lu9ury industry fashion house# The company was started !y )talian designers Aomenico Aolce (!orn =K (ugust =>@B in Doli--i Generosa, icily) and tefano Ga!!ana (!orn =L Ho"em!er =>J* in 5ilan)# %y *++@ their turno"er was M@>I million#

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