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The Pervasive Effects of Humility

Lobna Mulla | December 31, 2012 5:00 am

A spoonful of humility a ay, !eeps the e"o a#ay$% &ell, it's not the ori"inal sayin", but it sen s a clear messa"e$ (ruly reali)in" the benefits of bein" humble can assist us in achie*in" success not only in this life, but also in the hereafter$ Accor in" to Merriam+&ebster's ictionary, to be humble is to not be prou , arro"ant, or asserti*e$ ,n Arabic, tawaada -humility. literally means to lo#er one's self or to submit$ (a!in" these efinitions to"ether an a in" the characteristic of humility as relaye in /ur'anic *erses an 0rophetic e1amples, #e be"in to ha*e a richer un erstan in" of its importance an practical applications$ Three Degrees of Humility 2umility can be un erstoo in relation to three important entities: 1. 2umility before Allah 3 41alte is 2e$ 2. 2umility in relation to the deen -reli"ion.$ 3. 2umility #ith Allah's creation$ &hen analy)e in terms of these relations, #e can be"in to implement the characteristic of humility in all aspects of our li*es: in our #orship, in our un erstan in" an attitu e to#ar s our deen, an in our interactions #ith Allah's creation -such as people, animals an the earth.$ Humility with Allah Exalted is He &hen #e are humble in front of Allah subhanahu wa ta`ala -e1alte is 2e., #e un erstan that 2e is our 5reator, the 6ne #ho supplies all of our sustenance #ith no mi"ht or effort from 2is creation$ ,t is only #hen #e submit oursel*es to the Mi"ht an 7lory of Allah that #e are able to un erstan ho# to be humble$ (his cyclical process helps us to perpetuate the feelin" of humility$

0on er for a moment the blessin"s in your life: family, "ui ance from Allah, #ealth, talents, health, etc$ ,f one is isillusione by his o#n personal efforts ma e to#ar s attainin" any of his blessin"s, ho# can he attain humility before Allah8 (a!e for e1ample one #ho is #ealthy$ 2e may attribute his har #or! in school, his lon" hours at the start of his business, an his proficient net#or!in" s!ills to his success$ 9et, he for"ot that Allah -s#t. "a*e him the opportunity to atten a "oo school, facilitate for him the ability to stu y, "a*e his family patience #hile he #as busy #ith his business, an finally besto#e him #ith the "ift of persuasi*e communication$ An #hat if that same businessman refuse to "i*e zakat -alms ta1. because he felt that others shoul #or! as har as he i so that they #oul n't nee zakat8 :e"ar less of our le*el of #ealth, #e must remember the sayin" of 0rophet Muhamma as narrate by Abu 2urairah: &ealth oes not ecrease ue to charity, an Allah increases 2is sla*e in honor #hen he for"i*es others$ An no one humbles himself before Allah but Allah #ill raise him in status$% (his act of humility in front of our 5reator necessitates our complete submission to 2im$ (o follo# 2is comman ments an a*oi 2is prohibitions re;uires us to un erstan our lo#er position of #ea!ness an helplessness in relation to our Lor $ Humility in Relation to the Deen <ully appreciatin" an un erstan in" our deen -#ay of life., obli"es us to be humble$ &hen #e come across a comman ment of Allah, /ur'anic *erse, or *ali sayin" of the 0rophet Muhamma that #e o not un erstan , #e shoul be conscientious of our reactions$ Let us replace thou"hts of, &ell, that oesn't ma!e sense,% #ith , #on er #hat this means$% &e are encoura"e to ;uestion so as to un erstan our reli"ion, not to ne"ate e*ery aspect of our deen that oes not ali"n #ith our #hims$ &e shoul also be #ary of those #ho come up #ith their o#n interpretation of the /ur'an #ith no reference to its conte1t or #ithout any scholarly research to say, (his is #hat this ayah -*erse. means to me$% (o o so #oul be to follo# the zaygh -per*ersion in our heart., as mentione in the follo#in" ayat: He is the One Who has revealed to you the Book. Some of its verses are decisive they are the foundation of the Book while others are allegorical. hose whose hearts are infected with !erversion follow the allegorical !art to mislead others and to give it their own inter!retation" seeking for its hidden meanings" but no one knows its hidden meanings e#ce!t $llah. hose who are well grounded in knowledge say% &We believe in it' it is all from our (ord.) *one will take heed e#ce!t the !eo!le of understanding.-/ur'an 3:=. +emember what ,oses said to his !eo!le% &O my !eo!le- Why do you ve# me while you know that . am the a!ostle of $llah sent to you/) hen when they ado!ted !erverseness" $llah let their hearts be !erverted. $llah does not guide those who are transgressors.) -/ur'an >1:5. 2umility in un erstan in" the deen compels us to see a "ap in our un erstan in" #hen #e approach a matter #e are not comfortable% #ith, as oppose to a fault in the #ay of life as Allah -s#t. has prescribe for us$ Humility with Allahs Creation Applyin" the principle of humility #ith Allah's creation #oul ha*e profoun effects on the #ay the #orl operate if #e all a opte this characteristic$ ,ma"ine if #e i not ?u "e others, #e felt compassion to#ar s humanity, an #e helpe all of those aroun us -our parents, spouses, chil ren, community, etc.$ &e coul achie*e these a mirable feats if #e #ere to contemplate an e1hibit humility$ @ot only #oul #e treat others #ith respect, but #e #oul also treat animals !in ly an "i*e them their ue ri"hts #hether they are a #or! animal, a stray, or a pet$ <urthermore, if #e humble ourself an un erstoo that this #orl oes not belon" to us, then #e #oul be more conscientious about #ater conser*ation, recyclin", an pollution re uction efforts$ Anfortunately, the ten ency to e*elop the *ery opposite characteristic, arro"ance, occurs for many reasons$ 0erhaps #e are more beautiful, intelli"ent, or ha*e some position of po#er or authority, for e1ample$ ,f #e #ere to reflect on the first type of humility #ith Allah -s#t., #e #oul remember that these "ifts are only possible by the Mercy of (he 5reator$ ,ma"ine one #ho has stu ie ,slam an has recei*e many certifications an e"rees in the fiel $ &hen she sees others, oes she loo! o#n on them since they o not possess the same le*el of !no#le "e in that area8 6r oes

she instea , loo! to her o#n faults an sees others for the ;ualities they possess that are "reater than hers8 Allah tells us to ta!e the secon course of action: $nd do not turn your face away from men with !ride" nor walk in insolence through the earth. 0erily" $llah does not like any arrogant boaster. -/ur'an 31:1B. &e are also remin e in the /ur'an that #hat Allah cares for most, abo*e social status, po#er, beauty, or #ealth, is ta1wa -7o +consciousness.: 0erily the most honored of you in the sight of $llah is the most righteous of you. -/ur'an CD:13. &e shoul reflect on our inner thou"hts an ali"n them #ith teachin"s of humility in ,slam so that #e may be successful in the eyes of Allah -s#t.$ May Allah ma!e us humble an may 2e be please #ith us$ Ameen$

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