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Prophetic and Dream Symbols in the Bible

#1 - Number One- Beginning, God In the beginning as God, the one true God! Genesis 1"1, #he $ather, the %ord and the &oly Ghost are one and the sel'-same one! 1(ohn )"*, #here is only one God and one holy nation! +phesians ,"-, I Peter ."/ #. - Number # o- %itness, Di0ision In the mouth o' t o or three itnesses! 1atthe 12"1-, #he Bible is di0ided into t o testaments, the old and ne testament! #3 - Number #hree- 4omplete 5ll God6s creation is complete in three" $ather, Son, &oly Spirit in One God Spirit, Soul, and Body in One Body 7esterday, #oday, #omorro 5re 5ll One in God6s Sight #, - Number $our- 4reation #he 'our elements, earth, air, 'ire, ater #he 'our directions, north, south, east, est #he 'our seasons, spring, summer, 'all, inter #he 'our di0isions o' the day, 1orning, Noon, +0ening, 1idnight #)- Number $i0e- Grace #he 'a0or o' God6s grace God in'ormed Paul, &is grace as su''icient #-- Number Si8- 1an #he earth as prepared 'or man in si8 days 1an as created on the si8th day #he number o' man is ---, the best man can do ithout God #*- Number Se0en- Spiritual Per'ection and 9e0elation #he boo: o' 9e0elations is 'illed ith *;s" #he * churches, * Spirits o' God, * golden candlestic:s #he * stars, * lamps, * seals, * :ings

#he * eyes, * horns, * angels #he * trumpets, * heads, * cro ns #he * plagues, * gold 0ials, * mountains God6s Spiritual per'ection comes in &is re0elation o' the number * #2- Number +ight- Ne Beginnings, 9esurrection (esus6 trans'iguration as on the eighth day 4ircumcision as to be on the eighth day +ight souls ere sa0ed in the 'lood #/- Number Nine- (udgment #he number nine consists o' 3 8 3 It is the completeness o' completeness Nine is also one short o' coming into God6s di0ine order #1<- Number #en- Per'ection o' Di0ine Order Decade =#en years> 1<, +ra =One hundred years> 1< 8 1< 1illennium =One thousand years> 1< 8 1< 8 1< Noah as the tenth generation #he #en 4ommandments, One tenth ? #he #ithe #en plagues in +gypt, #he ten 0irgins #11- Number +le0en- Disorder, con'usion 5'ter (udas6 betrayal, there ere only 11 apostles Be'ore the &oly Spirit could come on the Day o' Pentecost, the t el'th apostle had to be appointed #1.- Number # el0e- Per'ection o' Go0ernment #he t el0e patriarchs, #he t el0e apostles #he t el0e 'oundations o' the &oly 4ity # el0e persons anointed o' the &oly Spirit in the Old #estament #13- Number #hirteen- Satan, 9ebellion 5ll the names o' Satan are di0isible by thirteen Israel rebelled against God thirteen times in the ilderness -5cacia #ree Beauty -5lgum #ree Symbol o' 4hrist6s humanity -5lmond #ree Symbol o' 4hrist6s resurrection -5nchor Sa'ety, security, and hope -5ngel 1essenger@prophet minister

-5nt Diligence, industry, isdom in preparation -5r: Sa'ety, 4hrist -5rms Strength o' the body, enabler o' ministry, po er -5rro s 5''liction Audgment o' God, 5ttac:s o' the e0il one -5ss Patience, endurance, stubbornness -Bear +0il, cunning, cruel men, Destructi0e po ers -Beast %orldly :ingdoms, cruel, de0ouring, ic:ed men -Bees &ost o' people, stinging, yet produces honey -Belly Symbol o' emotionsB Co0e, hate, etc -Blac: $amine, death, a''liction, and anguish -Blindness Ignorance -Blood #he li'e o' the 'lesh, sacri'ice, slaughter, depth -Blue &oly Spirit, authority -Bo els #he inner man, symbol o' mercy -Brass Symbol o' sin, Audgment o' sin, disobedience -Bric: Symbol o' the or: o' men6s hands, 'alse orship -Brimstone #orment, anguish

-BronDe Symbol o' sin, Audgment o' sin, disobedience -Bro n $lesh -Bull strength, labor, ser0ant hood, 0iolent, ic:ed people -4al' Praise, than:sgi0ing -4amel Ser0ice, burden bearer -4andlestic:s 4hurches, Bodies o' belie0ers -4an:er orm Destructi0e po er -4at Snea:y undependable -4aterpillar Destructi0e po er -4edars Po er, maAesty, royalty, beauty -4ha'' Eselessness -4hariots &oly hosts -4lay Symbol o' 'railness o' the human 'lesh -4oc: F9oosterG %arning, reminder, early riser -4oney 5 animal that symboliDes %isdom in hiding -4opper Symbol o' sin, Audgment o' sin, disobedience -4ro n Hictory, re ard, po er, authority, 5 Glorious 9uler or 9ulership -4up Di0ine blessings, curses -Dar:ness Cac: o' God, con'usions, 1isery, 5d0ersity, Ignorance

-Day 1easurement o' time, children o' light, Ne day o' hope 1 day to man is 1<<< years to God -Dea' Cac: o' regard to di0ine things -Dog Enbelie0ers, hypocrites, heathen, impure person -Do0e Gentleness, &oly Spirit -Door Opening, access, hope, (esus -Do n Going a ay 'rom God, bac:sliding -Dragon Satan, demonic@satanic 'orce -Drun:enness $illed ith the holy spirit, 'illed ith many sins -Dust &umanity, contempt, human 'railness -+agle S i'tness, rising abo0e, :ings o' nations, conIuering -+ar Spiritual hearing, entrance to the soul, receptor o' 'aith -+arth #he land, ground -+arth Jua:es 4alamities, di0isions, separation -+ast #he ne day, sunrise, God6s light and glory -+gypt Symbol o' orldliness, bondage, horedoms -+ye Spiritual 0ision, light o' the soul, :no ledge Enderstandings, the door ay to the soul

-$ace o' God Di0ine 'a0or, Di0ine presence, holy anointing -$alling Stars the 'alling o' an angel, a coming o' messengers@prophets -$at 5bundant, $illed to o0er'lo ing, Su''icient, o0er done Something that;s not held ithin moderation -$eet Our al: in God -$ield Symbol o' the orld -$ig #ree Symbol o' Spiritual Israel, the church, 'ruit'ulness -$ire (udgment, God6s puri'ying and testing -$ish Souls o' men -$la8 Symbol o' ea:ness o' man -$lies +0il spirit, 'ilth, Satan;s :ingdom -$orehead #hought, reasoning, memory, imagination, seat o' the mind Belie's, personal character -$orest 4ity, :ingdom, a gathering o' many people together -$o8 4unning, e0il men -Gold Symbol o' God, :ingship, :ingdom glory -Green Ci'e, gro th, Prosperity -Grey Dignity, honor, age, hal' truths

-Goat Shaggy, sin, sinners, ic:ed people -Grasshopper Cocust, multitudes, small but destructi0e -&ail Di0ine Audgment, di0ine 0engeance -&air Symbol o' glory, co0ering -&ammer Symbol o' the %ord o' God -&ands #ools o' ministry, gi0ing, protection, support -&are Satan, e0il host, uncleanness -&art Deer, gentleness, timidity, sensiti0ity -&ar0est Separation o' good 'rom bad, di0ision, end o' the orld, 5 gathering o' the crops, a gathering o' the people -&ead #houghts, mind, intelligence, symbol o' 4hrist6s headship 9ule or ruler -&eal o' $oot #he po er to crush -&ealing Sal0ation -&eart 4enter o' li'e, seat o' emotions, mind -&ea0ens &ea0enly bodies, the atmosphere, a separated locations spiritual places -&edge Gods protection, :ept sa'e, set apart -&elmet Protection, #he armor o' God,

Sal0ation -&emloc: %orm ood, inAustice, symbol o' calamity -&orn Strength and po er -&orse Po er, strength, conIuest, ar, military, might -&unger Spiritual cra0ing -Incense Prayers, a spea:ing ith God, praise to God -Iron Strength, in'le8ible rule, crushing -(ar Hessel, 'lesh, human body -(erusalem 4ity o' God, a holy place, 'illed ith sinners Needing restoration -Key Po er to bind and loose, to loc: and unloc:, access, (esus Gi0en po ers, gi0en authority;s -Camp Symbol o' the spirit o' man, symbol o' the Spirit o' God light o' God, one section o' a lampstand, o''spring -Cead %eight, hea0iness o' the heart -Cegs Support and strength o' the body -Ceprosy Sin and death, physical and or spiritual sic:ness -Cight God, (oy, prosperity, po er, might, Spiritual 0ision, hope Kno ledge o' God;s ord -Cinen Symbol o' righteousness@purity, does not cause s eat Symbol o' rest

-Cocust Destructi0e po er o' dar:ness -Coins Symbol o' strength in action, reproducti0e part o' the body -1il: Great abundance, prosperity, blessings -1irrors glass, re'lection o' the %ord o' God in our li0es -1oon 5 light re'lector@(esus, symbol o' Audgment a sign o' coming e0ents, second in command -1ountain Symbol o' :ingdoms, a nation, a state, People ha0ing great Po ers and authorities -1ulberry #ree Symbol o' a bro:en heart -1yrtle #ree Symbol o' God6s blessing -1ystery &idden truths, spiritual insight reIuired an in0itation to see: greater truths, a note to the ise -Na:ed e8posed, Cac: o' spiritual insight, unguarded Cac: o' spiritual body, lac: o' all things lasting -Night Spiritual dar:ness, rath, Audgment, ad0ersity, ignorance -North #o ard the throne o' God@true orship, symbol o' po er and 5uthority -Nose Symbol o' breath, Discernment -Oa: #ree Strength, durability, men o' ran:, men o' po er

-Oil &oly Spirit anointing, abundance, (oy, 'ertility -Oli0e #ree Belie0ers, 1inisters, 'ruit bearing, 9ighteous, purity -O l +0il@good spirit depending on color, night bird -O8 Sacri'ice, ser0ice -Palmer orm Destructi0e po er -Palm #ree Symbol o' 0ictory in 4hrist -Pelican Conely person -Paradise &ea0enly :ingdom, place o' rest, place o' peace Place o' (oy, a place to abide ith 4hrist temporarily -Pine #ree Symbol o' 'ragrance and beauty -Pit #rap, despair, a 'alling, a place o' danger -Pomegranate 5 tree, Symbol o' abundance and Aoy'ulness -Purple 9oyalty, ealth, prosperity -9ain 9e'reshing, delight'ul, blessings, prosperity, rath -9ainbo Promise o' God, consists o' these colors" 0iolet, indigo, blue, green, yello , orange, and red! -9am 1ale sheep or goat -9ed Blood, su''ering, sacri'ice -9eins Symbol o' the moti0es o' the heart

-9oc: 5 sa'e place ith 4hrist, Gods security, lac: o' lo0e In need o' 4hrist, unbrea:able, solid, truth -9od 5 gi0en 5uthority, po er o' correction, po er -Sac:cloth 1ourning, sorro , repentance -Salt Incorruptible li'e, preser0ation, and co0enant -Sand Symbol o' multitudinous seed, earthly seed o' 5braham, Ensa0ed multitudes -Scarlet Blood, su''ering, sacri'ice -Sea 9estless, 0ast, multitude, a great army -Sealed Protected, co0ered, hidden, :ept apart, set a ay 'rom reach -Scepter Po er, authority, rulership -Scorpion +0il spirits, e0il men, pain -Serpent Satan, e0il spirits, e0il men -Sheep God6s people, 4hrist;s 'ollo ers, lost souls -Shepherds Protectors o' the sheep, protector, de'ender o' Gods people #eacher, to lead, care 'or -Shield Gods protection, de'ense, Gods ord, strength -Shittah #ree Beauty -Shoulders Seat o' God6s go0ernment, eldership, strength

-Sic:le 9eaping, the %ord o' God -Sil0er 9edemption, the price o' a soul -Sleep Spiritual resting, lac: o' spiritual, uncompleted Death, di0ision in heart, a aiting Audgment -Snail Slo , dependable -sores Spiritual inAury, damage, harm -South Symbol o' Iuietness o' the earth, re'reshment -Spider %isdom -Sta'' 5 gi0en 5uthority, po er o' correction, po er -Star 5braham6s hea0enly seed, light bearer, ruler 5ngel, messenger, ministers o' the gospel@prophets -Sti''-nec:ed Stubbornness, resistance to authority -Stor: Coneliness -Sun Symbol o' li'e, glory, brightness, light, God, ruler -S eat 1an6s e''orts and or:s -S ord %ord o' God, %ar, Slaughter, attac: -#abernacle 1an6s temporal e8istence, man;s body, d elling place o' God -#ail Cast, least, behind, 'urthest bac:, lac: o' control

-#high Symbol o' eIualiDing our al: -#hirst Spiritual desire, a hunger 'or :no ledge and isdom -#histles Symbol o' the curse -#horns Symbol o' the curse, troubles, pain -#ree 1an:ind, bears 'ruit, numerous in :inds -#hrone Kingdom authority, leader, the head person o' di0ine royally and great po er -#in %orthlessness, ea:ness -#ime 1 year, or 3-< days, one millennium@generation -#imes . years, or *.< days, t o millenniums@generations -#urtle Do0e &oly Spirit -Ep Going to ard God, going 'or ard -Hine Gods children -%atchmen Prophet, guide, arn, direct -%ater &oly Spirit, +0erlasting Ci'e, pure -%aters Inhabited area, people, nations -%est Symbol o' e0ening, setting o' the sun, end o' the age -%ind (udgment, Gods hand, po er, authority, might, destruction -%hite Purity, righteousness, holiness

-%horedoms Spiritual idolatry, 'alse doctrines -%ild 5ss 1ans unregenerate state, stubborn, sel'- illed, running ild -%ilderness Symbol o' dry places ithout God -%illo #ree Symbol o' 4hrist6s eeping and heartbrea: -%ine Spiritual blessings, abundance -%ings Protection, assistance, sa'ety, shelter, :ept abo0e -%ol' Satan, 'alse teachers, 'urious ungodly, Disguised enemy -%ool Symbol o' armth and com'ort -%orm Instrument o' Audgment, despised -7o:e Ser0itude, sla0ery, 'ello ship, labor Cist o' Prophetic Symbols in 9e0elations and Daniel #he Bible e8plains itsel' by decoding these symbols! +ncoded in symbols ith a :ey to unloc: the meaning 'or those ho search are searching diligently 'or truth! #his in'ormation can no lead you to hat is the characteristics o' the church in 9e0elation1."1* is! #he remnant that is mention in re0elation! #he pure church that :eeps the commandment o' God and ha0e the testimony o' (esus 4hrist! Pro0erbs 3") . Peter ."/ 9e0elation means, to ma:e plain Revelation 12:9 Daniel 7:17 Revelation 17:15 5nimals L Parts M &orse ? Strength and Po er in Battle (ob 3/"1/, Psalms 1,*"1<, Pro0erbs .1"31 M Dragon ? Satan or his agency Isaiah .*"1B3<"-, Psalm *,"13-1,B 9e0! 1."*-/B +De:iel ./"3B (eremiah )1"3, M Beast ? Kingdom@go0ernment@political po er Daniel *"1*, .3 M Camb ? (esus@sacri'ice (ohn 1"./B 1 4orinthians )"*

M Cion ? (esus@Po er'ul King i!e! Babylon 9e0! )",-/, (er! )<",3-,,, Dan! *",,1*,.3 M Bear ? Destructi0e Po er @ 1edo Persia Pro0erbs .2"1), . Kings .".3-.,, Daniel *") M Ceopard ? Greece Daniel *"M Serpent ? Satan 9e0elation 1."/B .<". M #ongue ? Canguage @ Speech +8odus ,"1< M %ol' ? Disguised +nemies 1atthe *"1) M Do0e ? &oly Spirit 1ar: 1"1< M 9am ? 1edo Persia Daniel 2".< M Goat ? Greece Daniel 2".1 M &orn ? King or :ingdom Daniel *".,B 2"), .1, ..B Nechariah 1"12, 1/B 9e0elation 1*"1. M %ings ? Speed @ Protection @ Deli0erance Deuteronomy .2",/, 1atthe .3"3* 4olors M %hite ? Purity 9e0elation 1/"2 M Blue ? Ca Numbers 1)"32-,1 M Purple ? 9oyalty 1ar: 1)"1*, (udges 2".M 9ed@Scarlet ? Sin@corruption Isaiah 1"12B Nahum ."3B 9e0elation 1*"1-, 1etals, +lements, and Natural ObAects M Gold ? Pure 4haracter Precious and 9are Isaiah 13"1. M Sil0er ? Pure %ords L Enderstanding Pro0erbs .",, 3"13-1,, 1<".<, .)"11, Psalms 1."M Brass, #in, Iron, Cead, Sil0er dross ? Impure 4haracter +De:iel ..".<-.1 M %ater ? &oly Spirit @ +0erlasting Ci'e (ohn *"3/, ,"1,, 9e0! .."1*, +ph! )".M %aters ? Inhabited area@people, nations 9e0elation 1*"1) M $ire ? &oly Spirit Cu:e 3"1M #ree ? 4rossB People @ Nation Deut! .1"..-.3, Psalm /."1., 3*"3), M Seed ? Descendants @ (esus 9omans /"2, Galatians 3"1M $ruit ? %or:s @ 5ctions Galatians )".. M $ig #ree ? 5 Nation that should bear 'ruit Cu:e 13"--/ M Hineyard ? 4hurch that should bear 'ruit Cu:e .<"/-1M $ield ? %orld 1atthe 13"32, (ohn ,"3) M &ar0est ? +nd o' %orld 1atthe 13"3/ M 9eapers ? 5ngels 1atthe 13"3/ M #horns @ #horny Ground ? 4ares o' this li'e 1ar: ,"12-1/ M Stars?5ngels@messengers ? 9e0elation 1"1-, .<B 1.",, *-/B (ob 32"* M (ordan ? death 9omans -",, Deuteronomy ,".. M 1ountains ? Political or religio-political po ers Isaiah ."., 3B (eremiah 1*"3B 31".3B )1".,, .)B +De:iel 1*".., .3B Daniel ."3), ,,, ,) M 9oc: ? (esus@truth 1 4orinthians 1<",B Isaiah 2"13, 1,B 9omans /"33B 1atthe *"., M Sun ? (esus@the gospel Psalm 2,"11B 1alachi ,".B 1atthe 1*".B (ohn 2"1.B /") M %inds?Stri'e@commotion@O inds o' arO(eremiah .)"31-33B ,/"3-, 3*B ,"11-13B Nechariah *"1, 1iscellaneous ObAects M Camp ? %ord o' God Psalm 11/"1<) M Oil ? &oly Spirit Nechariah ,".--B 9e0elation ,")

M S ord ? %ord o' God +phesians -"1*B &ebre s ,"1. M Bread ? %ord o' God (ohn -"3), )1, )., -3 M %ine?blood@co0enant@doctrines Cu:e )"3* M &oney ? happy li'e +De:iel .<"-, Deuteronomy 2"2-/ M 4lothing ? 4haracter Isaiah -,"-, Isaiah )/"M 4ro n ? 5 Glorious 9uler or 9ulership Pro0erbs 1-"31, Isaiah .2"), Isaiah -."3 M 9ing ? 5uthority Genesis ,1",.-,3, +sther 3"1<-11 M 5ngel ? 1essenger Daniel 2"1-B /".1B Cu:e 1"1/, .-B &ebre s 1"1, M Babylon ? apostasy@con'usion@rebellion Gen! 1<"2-1<B 11"--/B 9e0! 12"., 3B 1*"1-) M 1ar: ? Sign or seal o' appro0al or disappro0al +De:iel /",B 9omans ,"11B 9e0elation 13"1*B 1,"/-11B *"., 3 M Seal ? Sign or mar: o' appro0al or disappro0al 9omans ,"11B 9e0elation *"., 3 M %hite 9obes?Hictory@righteousness 9e0elation 1/"2B 3")B *"1, M (ar @ Hessel?Person ,(eremiah 12"1-,, . 4orinthians ,"* M #ime ? 3-< Day Daniel ,"1-, .3, .), 3.B *".)B Daniel 11"13 margin M #imes ? *.< Days Daniel *".), 9e0elation 1."-,1,, 13") M Day ? Citeral year +De:iel ,"-B Numbers 1,"3, M #rumpet ? loud arning o' God6s approach +8odus 1/"1--1*, (oshua -",-)! M Ships? 4ommerce,trade,economics Psalms 1<*".3,Pro0erbs 31"1,,Isaiah -<"/ 5ctions, 5cti0ities, and Physical States M &ealing ? Sal0ation Cu:e )".3-., M Ceprosy @ Sic:ness ? Sin Cu:e )".3-., M $amine ? Dearth o' #ruth 5mos 2"11 People and Body Parts M %oman, Pure ? #rue 4hurch (eremiah -".B . 4orinthians 11".B +phesians )".3-.* M %oman, 4orrupt ? 5postate church -+De:iel 1-"1)-)2B .3".-.1B &os! .")B 3"1B 9e0! 1,", M #hie' ? Suddenness o' (esus6 coming 1 #hessalonians )".-,B . Peter 3"1< M &and ? Deeds @ %or:s @ 5ctions +cclesiastes /"1<, Isaiah )/"M $orehead ? 1ind Deuteronomy -"--2, 9omans *".)B +De:iel 3"2, / M $eet ? 7our %al: @ Direction Genesis 1/"., Psalm 11/"1<) M +yes ? Spiritual Discernment 1atthe 13"1<-1*, 1 (ohn ."11 M S:in ? 4hrist6s righteousness +8odus 1."), 1 Peter 1"1/, Isaiah 1",-M &arlot ? 5postate church@religion Isaiah 1".1-.*B (eremiah 3"1-3B --/ M &eads ? 1aAor po ers@rulers@go0ernments 9e0elation 1*"3, /, 1<

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