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Lugogo Show Grounds, P.O.Box 6966 Kampala. Tel: 221 !", 26#$61, %ax: 22 2#& 'ma(l )ra(n(ng* +e,s()e:

20th January 2013 The Human Resources Manager ...................................................................................................... Dear Sir/Madam, Re: Course on Occupational Health and Safety (OHSE) Wor !"ace ha#ards may "ead to serious "osses o$ "i%es, !ro!erty and $inances i$ their im!acts are not e"iminated or minimised. &ganda Manu$acturers 'ssociation in con(unction )ith Ministry o$ *a+our ,ender and Socia" De%e"o!ment is organising a $our day courses in -ccu!ationa" Hea"th and Sa$ety. The rationa"e $or this )or sho! is to increase the !artici!ants. no)"edge and s i""s on sa$e )or ing cu"ture. The !artici!ants )i"" a!!reciate the need to ha%e sa$ety !o"icies and standards in !"ace to !rotect human +eings and the en%ironment under )hich )e "i%e and )or . /n the "ong run com!anies )ith good -SH0 !ractices +ecome more !roducti%e, "ess )aste$u" and more !ro$ita+"e. Objectives of the Workshop 1y the end o$ the training, !artici!ants )i"" ha%e2 ac3uired no)"edge and +etter understanding o$ industria" ha#ards +e a+"e to identi$y the industria" ha#ards 'c3uired s i""s o$ reducing or e"iminating the im!act o$ the ha#ards. *earnt the !rocess o$ de%e"o!ing -HS Management System &nderstood the em!"oyer.s o+"igation and )or ers rights under the &ganda )or ers com!ensation 'ct. 4a!. 225 'c3uired s i""s o$ carrying out )or !"ace assessment. '!!reciate the re"ationshi! +et)een 0n%ironmenta"6 Management and -HS. ar!et "articipants: Whereas this course is essentia" $or to! managers, 7roduction managers/-$$icers, Sa$ety Managers, 8ua"ity Managers, Security o$$icers and Human Resource Managers, Hea"th -$$icers !ersonne" it is suita+"e $or a"" team or section "eaders. rainin! #ethodolo!y: This $our day )or sho! )i"" +e high"y interacti%e and )i"" consist o$ t)o main sections. The $irst !art )i"" +e an introduction to the +asics o$ -SH and )i"" ta e t)o days. The second !art )i"" a"so ta e t)o days and consist o$ %isiting Hima 4ement *imited and 9asese 4o+a"t 4om!any *imited. We ha%e chosen these com!anies +ecause they ha%e good -HS !ractices. and there is a "ot to +e "earnt through o+ser%ation and !resentations $rom the Sa$ety managers o$ these com!anies. '$ter the %isit at Hima 4ement *imited, !artici!ants sha"" !re!are Mini 'udit Re!orts )hich they )i"" "ater discuss. The re!orts )i"" high"ight ey "essons "earned and !ractices they )ou"d ado!t in their com!anies. These re!orts shou"d +e !resented in their com!anies. :or more in$ormation contact2 $%&'(#"& )OSE"H* (&M' Training and 7rograms Manager el +,-./. -0--0/* emai";kyali1pajoseph2u1a3or3u!. Cyprian #u!isa <The Training -rganiser) on el +,-./. 400/5,
-./ 0'G1O2/L O%%13'S: 4124/: "$5"9, BO6 129! 4124/. .B/0/0/: 71G7 ST0''T, P. O. BO6 11&2 .B/0/0/

"ro!ra1 for the Workshop on OHSE i1e 6ay -: Wed 4th 6ay /: hursday ,th #ar /+-7 #ar /+-7 7:30am 03++a1 Re!istration Wor 7"ace ha#ards and 7re%ention >200am 8 -HS 'ttitude at = Mechanica" and )or = 0rgonomica" 8 Recent 'ccident Statistics 8 9ey e"ements o$ the Wor man.s 4om!ensation 10.00am The Re"ationshi! shi! ? 0n%ironmenta" /m!act +et)een 0n%ironmenta" assessment. Management and ? 0n%ironmenta" 'udit. -HS. 11.00am Break tea Break tea 11.15am Management o$ -HS0 in a )or !"ace 8 -HS0 Management structure 8 Sa$ety !o"icy 8 Sa$ety 4ommittee Sa$ety Management System 8 'ssessment 8 De%e"o!ment 8 /m!"ementation 8 0%a"uation and 'udit Lunch Wor 7"ace ha#ards and 7re%ention = 4hemica" Wor 7"ace ha#ards and 7re%ention = 7hysica" Closure Disease -ut+rea contro" as a com!onent o$ -ccu!ationa" Hea"th and Sa$ety /m!act o$ decease e!idemics on the )or !"ace Disease out 1rea and 0!idemics 4ontro""ing disease 0!idemics at the )or !"ace

6ay 7: 8rid 0th #ar /+-7 Start ravel to H(#& ($asese) fro1 :#&

6ay 9: Sat 5th #ar /+-7 ;reakfast Tra%e" to 9asese 4o+a"t 4om!any *imited

Start tra%e""ing +ac to 9am!a"a $rom 9asese 4o+a"t 4om!any Break at Kyenjojo


*unch in :ort 7orta"

-3-< p13 2.00 !m .

Lunch Wor !"ace 'ssessment 8 Ha#ard /denti$ication 8 Ris 'ssessment 8 Ris contro"s 8 JH' Brief on the stu y tour! Closure

Lunch at Hima Site @isit o$ H/M' 4ement *imited 7resentation $rom -SH manager H/M' 7re!aration 4om!any @isit Re!orts in grou!s *ea%e Hima, Tra%e" to 9asese To)n and sett"e in a Hote" "u it reports iscussion

4:00pm 5200!m

"rri#e in Kampala$ Closure an %#aluation


-./ 0'G1O2/L O%%13'S: 4124/: "$5"9, BO6 129! 4124/. .B/0/0/: 71G7 ST0''T, P. O. BO6 11&2 .B/0/0/

;ookin! 8or1 To +oo , $i"" this $orm6 $aB or emai" it to &ganda Manu$acturers 'ssociation )ith !ayment +y Monday Cth March, 2013. =enue: &M' 4on$erence Ha"" *ugogo Sho) ,rounds Eame o$ 4om!any/:irmHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Cost Te"HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH :aB............................................... <5<*+++:>? $or !artici!ants $rom &M' 0;mai" HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. Eames o$ 7artici!ants. mem+er com!anies. 1HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. ,+<*+++:>? $or !artici!ants . $rom Eon &M' 2HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.. 3HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. mem+er com!anies. 7erson res!onsi+"e $or training in your com!any2 6ates in #ar /+-7 th th th Wed F ,Thus G and :ri. A and .....................................................Te"HHHHHHHHHHHHHH Sat >th . <' se!arate "ist may +e attached i$ you intend to send more than 3 !artici!antsD The cost indicated in the +oo ing a+o%e $orm co%ers2 Training materia"s and $ees $or the $our days. Mea"s during the course. Trans!ort $rom &M' 4on$erence Ha"" on the 3rd day to 9asese Modest accommodation and mea"s in 9asese on the 3rd day. Trans!ort $rom 9asese to &M' 4on$erence Ha"" on the Crd day.

-./ 0'G1O2/L O%%13'S: 4124/: "$5"9, BO6 129! 4124/. .B/0/0/: 71G7 ST0''T, P. O. BO6 11&2 .B/0/0/

8acilitators #oses @Ain!a 6da1ulira /s a Senior -HS 4onsu"tant )ith Hea"th and Sa$ety 'gency *td )ho has trained many com!anies )ith &M' and current"y )or s )ith Seyani /nternationa" 4om!any *td < a construction com!anyD as a Hea"th and Sa$ety Manager ' graduate )ith a 1ache"ors o$ 'rts Degree )ith a ma(or in 0conomics $rom Ma erere &ni%ersity <9am!a"aD, and G internationa" certi$icates in -ccu!ationa" Hea"th and Sa$ety $rom -SH'4'D0MI, 7ort"and, -regon <&S'D and E01-SH, Dominus )ay, Meridian 1usiness 7ar <&9D. He is an eB!erienced -ccu!ationa" Hea"th and Sa$ety 4onsu"tant and instructor, certi$ied /S- auditor $or 3ua"ity assurance, !"anning and management. 'n eB!ert in de%e"o!ment, im!"ementation and management o$ -ccu!ationa" Hea"th J Sa$ety in the Manu$acturing, 4onstruction and industry. . )oseph $yali1pa /s a Training and Hea"th 7rograms Manager )ith &ganda Manu$acturers 'ssociation. He ho"ds 1.' 7hi"oso!hy , 7,D0 M&9 and 7,DHR <&M/D. He has attended se%era" courses in -ccu!ationa" Hea"th sa$ety under D'E/D' $e""o)shi! in Denmar 7rogram. Has trained se%era" com!anies on -HS !ut in !"ace -HS management systems. is in%o"%ed in assisting se%era" com!anies de%e"o! -HS Management systems. We ho!e that you )i"" send !artici!ants to attend this %ery im!ortant course Iours sincere"y,

Uganda Manufacturers Association

-./ 0'G1O2/L O%%13'S: 4124/: "$5"9, BO6 129! 4124/. .B/0/0/: 71G7 ST0''T, P. O. BO6 11&2 .B/0/0/

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