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ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE merges the interests of sustainability, environmental consciousness, green, natural, an organic a!!

roaches to evolve a esign solution from these re"uirements an from the characteristics of the site, its neighborhoo conte#t, an the local mirco$climate an to!ogra!hy% ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE is naturally site$sensitive% The location of a buil ing has a irect im!act on its !erformance% The local ecology of the site, its gra ient, orientation, an e#!osure !rovi e s!ecific con itions, &hile the regional climate offers a more general conte#t for esign% 'e incor!orate as!ects of !assive solar an thermal mass into all of our &or( as a mechanism of re ucing energy consum!tion% ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE is esign that em!hasi)es natural materials an the use of rene&able resources that come from the earth in such a &ay that they can be returne to the earth &ithout causing harm% *any of our buil ings a!!ear very tra itional +or normative, in style but often have not only a hy!er$insulate or hybri buil ing s(in +ramme earth &ith insulation for e#am!le, but also omestic hot &ater solar systems as the first ste!s to&ar energy in e!en ence% -urveys by the City of -eattle an the Cana ian government sho& that GREE. /UIL0I.G has a higher first cost of only 12 to 32 more than conventional structures% -ignificant life cycle savings in both energy consum!tion an maintenance benefits re&ar these choices throughout the life of the !ro4ect% 'e begin our esign solutions &ith the goal of 5creating a !lace5 &hich a!!ro!riately connects the !ro4ect to its location an conte#t% Our !ro4ects unify the solution through conte#tual sensitivity to !lace, a s!atial creation &hich reflects the s!irit of the Architecture, an a solution roote in the site an ecology of the !lace in balance &ith a!!ro!riate forms% Architecture is !art of thought or rather an e#tension of thought incor!orate into the !hysical environment through human effort% 'e see( to ma(e this a healthy environment for the buil ing users an also harmonious &ith the environment% -ven Eri( Alstrom AIA &as raise in 6ansas City an gra uate from the University of 6ansas in 789:% *r% Alstrom is certifie by the .ational Council of Architectural Registration /oar s +.CAR/, an is a license architect in California, Colora o, 6ansas, *issouri, an .e& *e#ico% After moving to 0enver in 7837 to &or( on the Tabor Center !ro4ect &ith Urban 0esign Grou!, *r% Alstrom relocate to As!en in 7833 an foun e Alstrom Grou! ;%C% in 7881% In -e!tember 7888 our business name &as change to ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE to rene& our em!hasis on environmentally base esign solutions% In 1<<1 a ne& office &as establishe in La&rence, 6ansas near the University of 6ansas% *r% Alstrom is restoring a 78=< mo ernist house +see !hoto atcontact us,% Long term !lans for this high thermal mass buil ing inclu e a !artial GREE. ROO> an a secon floor office &ith vie&s of the University of 6ansas% ECOLOGICAL ARCHITECTURE offers com!rehensive architectural, interior esign, an !lanning services +site a a!tation,% Our combine focus of technical e#!ertise, aesthetic sensibility, an attention to etail results in the successful reali)ation of each !ro4ect% 'e !rovi e the e#!ertise necessary to reali)e these !ro4ects on time an &ithin bu get% Our fle#ible attitu e an e#tensive e#!erience enable us to communicate effectively about the esign an technical as!ects of construction &ith our clients, contractors, consultants, an other !artici!ants in the buil ing !rocess% The firm is a member of the Heartlan Rene&able Energy -ociety&&&%heartlan $res%org an the .e& *e#ico -olar Energy Association% *r% Alstrom is a member of the City of La&rence Historic Resources Commission an a member of the La&rence ;reservation Alliance% The firm is a member of The American Institute of Architects an the 6ansas City Cha!ter ofthe AIA

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