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Certified DHTML and

JavaScript Developer
Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

C CC Certified ertified ertified ertified DHTML DHTML DHTML DHTML and and and and JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Developer Developer Developer Developer

Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code Certification Code VS-1069
Vskills Vskills Vskills Vskills DHTML DHTML DHTML DHTML and and and and JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Developer Developer Developer Developer certification assesses the candidate for a
copan!"s #e$site and #e$ application developent and aintenance needs% The
certification tests the candidates on vario&s areas in HTML' DHTML and JavaScript
#hich incl&de kno#led(e of s!nta) and seantics of vario&s ta(s of HTML' DHTML
technolo(! and scriptin( in JavaScript%
*h! sho&ld one take this certification+ *h! sho&ld one take this certification+ *h! sho&ld one take this certification+ *h! sho&ld one take this certification+
This Co&rse is intended for professionals and (rad&ates #antin( to e)cel in their chosen
areas% ,t is also #ell s&ited for those #ho are alread! #orkin( and #o&ld like to take
certification for f&rther career pro(ression%

-arnin( Vskills DHTML and JavaScript Developer Certification can help candidate
differentiate in toda!.s copetitive /o$ arket' $roaden their eplo!ent opport&nities $!
displa!in( their advanced skills' and res&lt in hi(her earnin( potential%
*ho #ill $enefit fro takin( this certification+ *ho #ill $enefit fro takin( this certification+ *ho #ill $enefit fro takin( this certification+ *ho #ill $enefit fro takin( this certification+
Jo$ seekers lookin( to find eplo!ent in #e$site and #e$ application developent and
aintenance departent of vario&s copanies' st&dents (enerall! #antin( to iprove their
skill set and ake their CV stron(er and e)istin( eplo!ees lookin( for a $etter role can
prove their eplo!ers the val&e of their skills thro&(h this certification
Test Details Test Details Test Details Test Details
D&ration0 D&ration0 D&ration0 D&ration0 60 in&tes
1o% of 2&estions0 1o% of 2&estions0 1o% of 2&estions0 1o% of 2&estions0 30
Ma)i& arks0 Ma)i& arks0 Ma)i& arks0 Ma)i& arks0 30' 4assin( arks0 53 63078
There is no ne(ative arkin( in this od&le%
9ee Str&ct&re 9ee Str&ct&re 9ee Str&ct&re 9ee Str&ct&re
:s% 5'000;- 6,ncl&des all ta)es8
Copanies that hire Vskills Certified Copanies that hire Vskills Certified Copanies that hire Vskills Certified Copanies that hire Vskills Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer DHTML and JavaScript Developer DHTML and JavaScript Developer DHTML and JavaScript Developer
DHTML and JavaScript professional are in (reat deand% Copanies speciali<in( in
,nte(ration Services are constantl! hirin( kno#led(ea$le professionals% Vario&s #e$
developent' teleco and ,T copanies also need DHTML and JavaScript professionals
for their #e$site and #e$ application developent and aintenance needs%

Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

Table of Contents

1% 1% 1% 1% ,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction
1.1 Internet and WWW
1.2 Protocols
1.3 HTML

5% 5% 5% 5% HTML 9orattin( HTML 9orattin( HTML 9orattin( HTML 9orattin(
2.1 Text Formatting tags (b, i, u, tt, etc.)
2.2 Element Alignment

=% =% =% =% HTML HTML HTML HTML Links and Lists Links and Lists Links and Lists Links and Lists
3.1 Hyperlinks and Named anchors
3.2 Lists and types (ordered, defined, etc.)

>% >% >% >% HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le
4.1 Table basics and structure
4.2 Table, tr, td and th tags
4.3 Table Cellpadding and Cellspacing
4.4 Colspan and Rowspan Attributes
4.5 Nested Tables

3% 3% 3% 3% HTML 9rae HTML 9rae HTML 9rae HTML 9rae
5.1 9raeset' nofrae and frae tag
5.2 Frame based content menu
5.3 Nesting Framesets and inline frames

6% 6% 6% 6% HTML 9or HTML 9or HTML 9or HTML 9or
6.1 9ors ?asics
6.2 Form Controls (input, text, radio, button, etc.)
6.3 9or 4rocessin( and forattin(

@% @% @% @% ,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in HTML HTML HTML HTML
7.1 Image, Audio and video formats
7.2 img tag
7.3 Image as links and image maps
7.4 Multimedia plug-ins and flash
7.5 embed and object tags
8.1 Technologies
8.2 Advantages and disadvantages

Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

9% 9% 9% 9% CSS CSS CSS CSS ?asics ?asics ?asics ?asics
9.1 CSS Components (value, property, etc.)
9.2 Syntax and Rules

10% 10% 10% 10% CSS CSS CSS CSS Selectors Selectors Selectors Selectors
10.1 Selectors (class, ID, universal, etc.)
10.2 Advanced Selectors (pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, etc.)

11% 11% 11% 11% CSS CSS CSS CSS C CC Cascade ascade ascade ascade
11.1 CSS Specificity
11.2 Specificity Hierarchy
11.3 !important Usage

15% 15% 15% 15% JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript
12.1 Language constructs (Variables, objects, etc.)
12.2 Object Hierarchy and predefined objects
12.3 Functions, arguments and function object
12.4 Predefined JavaScript functions

1=% 1=% 1=% 1=% JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Stateents and Bperators Stateents and Bperators Stateents and Bperators Stateents and Bperators
13.1 JavaScript Operators (comparison, arithmetic, string, etc.)
13.2 Conditionals and loop statements

1>% 1>% 1>% 1>% JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript -vents -vents -vents -vents
14.1 Event Objects and handlers
14.2 Capture and release events

13% 13% 13% 13% JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s
15.1 Arrays object and methods
15.2 String object, methods and regular expression

Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

Co&rse B&tline Co&rse B&tline Co&rse B&tline Co&rse B&tline

,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction ,ntrod&ction
Understanding the concepts of internet and World Wide Web (WWW)
Describing the various protocols on internet like HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.
Explaining the Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)

HTML 9orattin( Ta(s HTML 9orattin( Ta(s HTML 9orattin( Ta(s HTML 9orattin( Ta(s
Detailing the various text formatting tags like b, i, u, tt, etc.
Illustrating the alignment tags and options for aligning any element in HTML page

HTML Links and Lists HTML Links and Lists HTML Links and Lists HTML Links and Lists
Understanding hyperlinks and named anchors for creating links in HTML page
Explaining the tags and options for adding lists and types in HTML page

HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le HTML Ta$le
Describing the basics of a table and structure in a web page
Detailing the usage of table, tr, td and th tags
Understanding the usage of table cellpadding and cellspacing for cells in a table
Explaining the colspan and rowspan attributes in a table
Illustrating the implementation of nested tables

HTML 9rae HTML 9rae HTML 9rae HTML 9rae
Explaining the frameset, noframe and frame tag for frames in a web page
Understanding the implementation of frame based content menu
Describing the process for nesting framesets and inline frames

HTML 9or HTML 9or HTML 9or HTML 9or
Illustrating the basic concepts of forms in a web page
Describing the various form controls like input, text, radio, button, etc.
Explaining the steps in form processing and options to format forms

,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in ,a(e and M&ltiedia in HTML HTML HTML HTML
Illustrating the various file formats on web for image, audio and video
Explaining the usage of img tag for adding images and using embed and object tags
for adding audio and video file playback to a webpage
Understanding the process to use image as links and image maps for multiple links on
a single image.
Detailing the usage of plug-ins and flash for multimedia playback

Understanding various technologies used in DHTML
Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

Describing the advantages and disadvantages of using DHTML

CSS CSS CSS CSS ?asics ?asics ?asics ?asics
Explaining the various components of CSS rule like value, property, etc.
Understanding the syntax and rules for correct usage of CSS

CSS CSS CSS CSS Selectors Selectors Selectors Selectors
Describing the various selectors (class, ID, universal, etc.) and advanced Selectors
(pseudo-classes, pseudo-elements, etc.) used in CSS for element(s) access

CSS CSS CSS CSS C CC Cascade ascade ascade ascade
Understanding the specificity in CSS and specificity hierarchy for style application to
different element(s) in a web page
Detailing the usage of !important for specific style application

JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript
Describing the various JavaScript language constructs like variables, objects, etc.
Understanding the object hierarchy and predefined objects in JavaScript
Explaining functions, function arguments and function object of JavaScript language
Illustrating the various predefined JavaScript functions

JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Stateents Stateents Stateents Stateents and Bperators and Bperators and Bperators and Bperators
Detailing the various JavaScript operators like comparison, arithmetic, string, etc.
Describing the conditionals and loop statements used in JavaScript language

JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript -vents -vents -vents -vents
Understanding the concept of event objects and handlers
Explaining the capture and release events in JavaScript language

JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript JavaScript Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s Crra!s and Strin(s
Describing the concept and application of arrays object and methods
Detailing the string object, methods and regular expression in JavaScript language

Certified DHTML and JavaScript Developer

Sapl Sapl Sapl Saple D&estions e D&estions e D&estions e D&estions

1% 1% 1% 1% The The The The lan(&a(e lan(&a(e lan(&a(e lan(&a(e &sed for developent of #e$ pa(es is &sed for developent of #e$ pa(es is &sed for developent of #e$ pa(es is &sed for developent of #e$ pa(es is EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE%
C% JavaScript
D% 1one of the a$ove

5 55 5% The % The % The % The tree $ranchin( str&ct&re &sed to descri$e #e$ pa(e is tree $ranchin( str&ct&re &sed to descri$e #e$ pa(e is tree $ranchin( str&ct&re &sed to descri$e #e$ pa(e is tree $ranchin( str&ct&re &sed to descri$e #e$ pa(e is EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE%
?% DBM
D% 1one of the a$ove

= == =% The % The % The % The protocol &sed $! e protocol &sed $! e protocol &sed $! e protocol &sed $! e- -- -ail servers is ail servers is ail servers is ail servers is EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE%
C% ,MC4
?% 4B4
D% 1one of the a$ove

C% Scala$le Vector Fraphics
?% Scala$le Vector Fraph
C% Scaled Vector Fraphics
D% 1one of the a$ove

3 33 3% The % The % The % The ter H:-9 e)p ter H:-9 e)p ter H:-9 e)p ter H:-9 e)pands to ands to ands to ands to EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE% EEEEEEEEEEEEEE%
C% H!perte)t :eference
?% H!perte)t :efer
C% H!per :eference
D% 1one of the a$ove
Answers: 1 (B), 2 (B), 3 (C), 4 (A), 5 (A)

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