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EDUCATING FOR EXCELLENCE MAYBELLE MARIE O. PADUA Far Eastern University, Philippines mpmaybellepad a!"mail.

#$m Abstract Ed #ati$n is a pr$#ess $% dra&in" $ t h man p$tentialities. Man is #apable $% devel$pin" himsel% t$ the % llest and it is in the reali'ati$n $% m$ral e(#ellen#e that h man % l%illment is attained. )hen &e l$$* deep int$ the pr$#ess $% man+s be#$min" m$rally "$$d $r bad, &e see ed #ati$n at the helm $% the pers$n+s reali'ati$n $% m$ral e(#ellen#e and h man % l%illment. ,he dynamism $% ed #ati$n and determinin" a pers$n+s m$ral devel$pment are all inter#$nne#ted. ,he ed #ati$nal pra(is may be shaped and determined by s$#ial %$r#es $r realities $ tside the pers$n b t m st ltimately be based $n a pr$%$ nd nderstandin" $% the object $% its %$rmati$nthe pers$n. ,his paper e(pl$res the th$ "hts $% .ar$l )$/tyla and Edith 0tein $n the #$nne#ti$n bet&een ed #ati$n, anthr$p$l$"y, and ethi#s. In this essay, I e(amine their vie&s $n h$& ed #ati$n in bein" aimed at attainin" h man % l%illment, strives ltimately a%ter m$ral e(#ellen#e as the hi"hest val e that man #an aspire %$r. Education and its Ethical Modality Ed #ati$n intr$d #es itsel% in the be#$min" $% the h man pers$n as a phen$men$n $% trans%$rmati$n. It #$nstit tes the pr$#ess by &hi#h a pers$n+s p$tentialities are a#t ali'ed in the h man pers$n and this happens &ith a#tin", as .ar$l )$/tyla 12345645578 el #idates in The Acting Person 123938. ,he e(perien#e $% learnin" and *n$&in", t$ start &ith, bel$n" t$ the sphere $% a#tin". ,he e(perien#e $ne has $% $ne:s % ndamental #$"nitive pr$#ess is the startin" p$int %$r the *n$&led"e $% man as pers$n. In this sense, ed #ati$n is the ri#hest and m$st #$mple( e(perien#e $ne has $% $ne:s % ndamental #$"nitive pr$#ess. As )$/tyla:s &ritesMan:s e(perien#e $% anythin" $ tside $% himsel% is al&ays ass$#iated &ith the e(perien#e $% himsel%, and he never e(perien#es anythin" e(ternal &ith$ t havin" at the same time the e(perien#e $% himsel% 1)$/tyla, 2393, ;8.

<en#e the imp$rtan#e $% phen$men$l$"y as the st dy $% e(perien#e. ,he term :e(perien#e: den$tes =e(perien#e lived thr$ "h.= It #$rresp$nds t$ the meanin" $% the >erman term ?erlebnis: &hi#h #$mes %r$m ?erleben: and means =t$ live@ 66 a happenin", %$r e(ample. In this re"ard, <.>. >adamer had #$mmented,

Ins$%ar as it is a se#$ndary %$rmati$n $n the &$rd erleben . . . the m$tivati$n $% this lin" isti# %$rmati$n sh$ ld be s$ "ht in the meanin" $% erleben. ,$ start, erleben means =t$ be still livin" &hen s$methin" happens.= <en#e%$rth, the &$rd erleben "ains a t$ne $% immediate nderstandin" $% s$methin" real, in $pp$siti$n t$ that &hi#h $ne believes t$ *n$&, b t &ith$ t the #ertainty $% his $&n e(perien#e, either be#a se it is s$methin" dra&n p$n, s pp$sed $r ima"ined. )hat is lived 1das erlebte8 is al&ays lived by $nesel% 1>adamer 2399, 3A6398.

Edith 0tein 12B32623C48 renders the >erman term, Erleben as =livin" thr$ "h.= I 66 &hi#h is t$ say, an I 1referring to the human person8, any i 66 am s r%in" al$n" $n a # rrent $% li%e. I am the =n$&= &h$ anti#ipates ea#h ne& m$ment and lets % l%illed m$ments s bside int$ my past. ,his is an =i= &h$se bein" is t$ be radi#ally $pen t$ the &$rld $% matter, the &$rld $% val e, and the e(perien#es $% $ther i:s, thr$ "h #ertain spe#i%i# str #t res and &ithin #ertain thresh$lds. ,he # rrent $r stream $% my #$ns#i$ sness is %illed in vari$ s &ays as vari$ s #$mp$nents $% it appear t$ me in their $&n pr$per manner. ,his is &here the term =phen$men$l$"y= #$mes %r$mD =phen$men$n= is >ree* %$r =&hat appears.= 10a&i#*i, 233B8. E$nseF ently, m$ral a#tin" in itsel% #$nstit tes a pr$#ess $% livin" thr$ "h. M$ral a#tin" is an e(perien#e by &hi#h man be#$mes, thr$ "h his a#ti$ns, m$rally "$$d $r bad and in a#tin", %reed$m mani%ests itsel% m$st appr$priately 1n$t in bein"8. ,$ the e(tent that an a#t is %ree, #$ns#i$ s and resp$nsible, it has m$ral $r ethi#al val ati$n. It is pra#ti#al &isd$m in the Arist$telian sense &hi#h )$/tyla enri#hes in his phen$men$l$"i#al a##$ nt as %$ll$&s)hen &e sear#h deep int$ the inte"ral str #t re $% m$ral #$nd #t and be#$min", int$ the inte"ral str #t re $% man:s be#$min" m$rally "$$d $r m$rally bad, &e %ind it in the pr$per m$ment $% %reed$m. It is in the str #t re $% man:s be#$min", thr$ "h his a#ti$ns, m$rally "$$d $r bad, that %reed$m mani%ests itsel% m$st appr$priately. <ere, h$&ever, %reed$m is n$t $nly a m$mentD it als$ %$rms a real inherent #$mp$nent $% the str #t re, indeed, a #$mp$nent that is de#isive %$r the entire str #t re $% m$ral be#$min"- %reed$m #$nstit tes the r$$t %a#t$r $% man:s be#$min" "$$d $r bad by his a#ti$nsD it is the r$$t %a#t$r $% the be#$min" as s #h $% h man m$rality 1)$/tyla, 2393, 338.

In $ther &$rds, &hat is immediately "iven in e(perien#e is man:s a#tin". ,he immediate h man e(perien#e 1erlebnis8 leads s dire#tly t$ h man a#tin" &hi#h is mani%est in the dynami# t$tality =pers$n6a#ti$n= 1Barr$s,29C8. B t a#ti$ns have a m$ral val e- they may be "$$d $r bad. ,hey are %$ nded $n %reed$m and resp$nsibility, &hi#h in many &ays may be shaped lar"ely by the %$rmati$n &e re#eive. ,his p$ints t$ the intrinsi# #$nne#ti$n bet&een anthr$p$l$"y, ethi#s, and ed #ati$n. >iven the nity $% the h man e(perien#e &ith the % ndamental m$ral %a#et $% $ r a#ti$ns, &e see that ed #ati$n, as a &ay $% a#tin", h$lds an identi#al ethi#al m$dality. )hen &e

l$$* deep int$ the pr$#ess $% man+s be#$min" m$rally "$$d $r bad, &e see ed #ati$n ta*in" the lead in the pers$n+s reali'ati$n $% m$ral e(#ellen#e and h man % l%illment. As .ar$l )$/tyla e(plains. . . it is in #$nne#ti$n &ith his a#tin" 1that is a#ti$n8 that man e(perien#es as his $&n the m$ral val e $% "$$d and bad 1$r as is s$metimes &r$n"ly said, $% the m$ral and imm$ral8. <e e(perien#es them in the attit de he ass mes t$&ard them, an attit de that is at $n#e em$ti$nal and appre#iative. At any rate, he is n$t $nly #$ns#i$ s $% the m$rality $% his a#ti$ns, b t a#t ally e(perien#es it, $%ten very deeply. . . . 1)$/tyla, CB8.

<en#e, the #hallen"e ed #at$rs %a#e is $ne $% desi"nin" ed #ati$n t$ e%%e#t the st dent+s m$ral %$rmati$n. ,$ this end, &e mi"ht as* &hat arran"ements then are &e t$ ma*e %$r ed #ati$n t$ be an e(perien#e &herein $ r y$ n"er "enerati$n #$ ld be led t$ re%ine its m$ral / d"ment, ass me pers$nality, and $&n p t$ the % ndamental tas* $% ma*in" its $&n li%e and #$nstr #tin" its $&n &$rld. On &hi#h basis sh$ ld &e set p the ed #ati$nal pr$#ess in $rder t$ help $ r y$ n" pe$ple in the #$mple( tas* $% %reely determinin" their m$ral behavi$r, and thereby reali'in" the hi"hest pers$nal and #$mm nitarian val esG <$& #an &e lend them $ r s pp$rt t$ #$nstr e, appre#iate, and appr$priate these val es t$day and in the near % t reG Education and Valu s ,he term ?val e: e(presses this "$$d espe#ially as related t$ a &ill &hi#h a#t ally a#*n$&led"es it as a "$$d and resp$nds t$ it as desirable 1M#Lean, 233B8. In the e#$n$mi# sphere, Hval e@ re%ers t$ the am$ nt $% a #$mm$dity reF ired in $rder t$ brin" a #ertain pri#e. ,his is re%le#ted als$ in the term ?a(i$l$"y,: the r$$t $% &hi#h means =&ei"hin" as m #h= $r =&$rth as m #h.= ,he "$$d m st really =&ei"h in= $r ma*e a real di%%eren#e 1Le#ler# 23B2, ;678. Edith 0tein 12B3B623C48 &rites that per#eivin" val es #alls %$r $penin" $ rselves p t$ them. And the re#ept$r $% val e is $ r hearts 1n$t $ r senses, the re#ept$rs %$r #$l$rs and s$ nds82 &hi#h is #l$ser t$ &h$ &e are as pers$ns. ,he anal$"y $% per#epti$n applies here. I% &e #ann$t see &ith$ t $penin" $ r eyes, neither #an &e %eel &ith$ t t$ #hin". ,here is a p$ssibility $% "ettin" h rt in the pr$#ess. F$r e(ample, by l$$*in" at parti# larly bri"ht li"hts $r t$ #hin" a h$t st$ve, &e #$ ld be in/ red. 0$ t$$, in the em$ti$nal realm, it is p$ssible t$ be h rt

She says, [s]ensory pain and sensory pleasure come over the ego from its periphery on down. They seize possession of it so e clusively that nothing else has room !esides, !ut they don"t get into its depths and they never attach to the ego itself# $%%& 1'().

i% $ne attends t$ #ertain val es. And be#a se the pain inv$lved in per#eivin" #ertain val es is parti# larly a# te and pers$nal, &e may 1and nderstandably8, desire t$ av$id that pain and th s re% se t$ $pen $ rselves t$ th$se val es 1B$rden 455;8. On an$ther hand, the inability t$ resp$nd t$ #ertain val es p$ints t$ a hardness $r immat rity $% heart 66 neither $% &hi#h are desirable F alities I and ma*e s $pt t$ sh n the p$ssibility $% revealin" $ rselves as s #h, th s es#apin" the need t$ $pen $ rselves t$ val es. 0tein &ritesH,he %a#t that it+s e"$i# data &hi#h #$nstit te val es %$r s, the %a#t that these val es de#isively in%l en#e $ r inner li%e and have an entirely pers$nal meanin" %$r s I this is &hat ma*es it nderstandable that they+re s$ $%ten made $ t t$ be Jmerely s b/e#tive+ $r Jprivate+@ 1PP< 2AC8.

,he &ay that &e %eel val es reveals m$st intimately &h$ &e are.

,h s, li*e all

per#epti$n, val e per#epti$n reF ires s$methin" $% the per#eiverD it reF ires a #ertain level $% devel$pment, dis#ernment, and attenti$n. B t I in #$ntrast t$ seein" and hearin" I the *ind $% devel$pment reF ired t$ appre#iate val es ne#essarily impli#ates the JI+ and &h$ &e nderstand $ rselves t$ be.4 >iven this, &e th s nderstand that di%%erent individ als $r "r$ ps, $r p$ssibly the same b t at di%%erent peri$ds, may have distin#t sets $% val es as they be#$me sensitive t$, and pri'e, distin#t sets $% "$$ds. Over time, pe$ple may als$ shi%t in the distin#tive ran*in" $% the de"ree t$ &hi#h they atta#h val e t$ vari$ s "$$ds. By s$ d$in" they delineate am$n" the limitless $rder $% $b/e#tive m$ral "$$ds a #ertain pattern $% val es &hi#h, in m$re stable %ashi$n, mirr$rs their #$rp$rate %ree #h$i#es. ,his #$nstit tes the basi# t$p$l$"y $% a # lt reD as repeatedly rea%%irmed thr$ "h time, it b ilds a traditi$n $r herita"e 1M#Elean 233B8.

*orden e plains the nuances of Stein"s thin+ing as follows, Stein descri!es this slightly differently in %hilosophy of %sychology and the &umanities and her earlier -n the %ro!lem of .mpathy [%.]. /n %., she says, [i]n 0theoretical acts," such as acts of perception, imagination, relating or deductive thin+ing, etc., / am turned to an o!1ect in such a way that the 0i" and the acts are not there at all. There is always the possi!ility of throwing a reflecting glance on these, since they are always accomplished and ready for perception. *ut it is e2ually possi!le for this not to happen, for the 0i" to !e entirely a!sor!ed in considering the o!1ect. /t is possi!le to conceive of a su!1ect only living in theoretical acts having an o!1ect world facing it without ever !ecoming aware of itself and its consciousness, without 0!eing there" for itself. *ut this is no longer possi!le as soon as this su!1ect not only perceives, thin+s, etc., !ut also feels. 3or as it feels it not only e periences o!1ects, !ut it itself. /t e periences emotions as coming from the 0depth of its 0/"# $%. 45). /n contrast, in %%& Stein de6 emphasizes the differences !etween theoretical and emotional acts. This shift may indicate, in addition to a slight change in her view of value constitution, a further shift in her view of the pure versus empirical egos $*orden 277().

By "ivin" shape t$ the # lt re, val es #$nstit te the prime pattern and "radati$n $% "$$ds &hi#h pers$ns b$rn int$ that herita"e e(perien#e %r$m their earliest years. In these terms they interpret and shape the devel$pment $% their relati$ns &ith $ther pers$ns and "r$ ps. Y$ n" pers$ns $%ten l$$* at the &$rld thr$ "h # lt ral lenses &hi#h they inherited %r$m their %amily and an#est$rs and &hi#h re%le#t the pattern $% #h$i#es made by their #$mm nity thr$ "h hist$ry. Kal es, h$&ever, d$ n$t #reate the $b/e#t, b t they d$ reveal and %$# s attenti$n p$n #ertain "$$ds and patterns $% "$$ds rather than p$n $thers. In that m$ral val es are lastin" and end rin", they m st be re#$"ni'ed as niversally appealin" at all times and are n$t dependent $n traditi$nal $r # lt ral patterns. ,h s y$ n" pers$ns m st be sh$&n h$& m$ral #h$i#es %$r"e #hara#ter and b ild %a#ility in the pra#ti#e $% the "$$d and in #$nseF en#e are have a timeless and permanent val e. ,his is a tas* t$ be a##$mplished in m$ral ed #ati$n. ,h s val es be#$me the basi# $rientin" %a#t$r %$r $ne:s a%%e#tive and em$ti$nal li%e. Over time, they en#$ ra"e #ertain patterns $% a#ti$n 66 and even $% physi#al "r$&th 66 &hi#h, in t rn, rein%$r#e the pattern $% val es. ,hr$ "h this pr$#ess &e #$nstit te $ r niverse $% m$ral #$n#ern in terms $% &hi#h &e str ""le t$ a#hieve, m$ rn $ r %ail res, and #elebrate $ r s ##esses 1Mehta 23A9, 356328. ,his is $ r &$rld $% h$pes and %ears, in terms $% &hi#h, as Plat$ &r$te in the Laches, $ r lives have m$ral meanin" and $ne #an pr$perly be"in t$ spea* $% virt es. In#rease in virt es may be seen as the verti#al "r$&th $% $ r #apabilities t$&ards m$ral e(#ellen#e. ,his happens &ithin the pr$#ess $% "rad ally shapin" relati$ns &ith $thers &hi#h &e may re%er t$ as the h$ri'$ntal $penin" $% $ rselves t$ $thers in &hi#h &e devel$p val es. In essen#e, m$ral ed #ati$n #$nsists in brin"in" ab$ t the #$nver"en#e $% these t&$ dynamisms $% m$ral "r$&th in the pers$n. Moral E!c ll nc and th R ali"ation o# th $ rson F$rmati$n is tele$l$"i#al in the sense that it is dire#ted at the per%e#ti$n $% the

pers$n in virt es. Be#$min" a "$$d pers$n is the end $% man, &r$te Arist$tle and ed #ati$n si"ni%ied a &$r*in" t$&ards the li%e6l$n" "$al $% be#$min" the e(#ellent man, &hi#h is intrinsi# t$ h mans in $ r bein" as thin*in" bein"s. ,$ de#ide $n ed #ati$n is t$ de#ide $n the attainment $% the H"$$d@. ,he H"$$d@ as AF inas el #idated is the %irst $b/e#t $% desire. It is that &hi#h %irst appears in $ r #$ns#i$ s

e(perien#e as that &hi#h is s$ "ht &hen absent. ,his implies that the "$$d is basi#ally &hat #$mpletes a bein". It is that &hi#h is =per%e#t,= nderst$$d in the etym$l$"i#al sense, that &hi#h #$mpletes $r reali'es s thr$ "h and thr$ "h. <en#e, $n#e a#hieved it is n$ l$n"er desired $r s$ "ht, b t en/$yed. ,he &$r* $% m$ral ed #ati$n is t$ learn h$& t$ dire#t $ r %reed$m in the ri"ht #h$i#e $% the parti# lar "$$ds &hi#h #$nstit te $ r &$rld. ,he tas* inv$lves %irst l$$*in" #l$sely int$ the nat re $% these "$$ds themselves %r$m an $b/e#tive stan#e, and then #$nsiderin" them %r$m a s b/e#tive standp$int, in their emer"en#e &ithin $ r #$ns#i$ sness. ,he interplay bet&een the t&$ #an be s btle, yet ard $ s. And this is &here the di%%i# lty $% sel%6reali'ati$n and the devel$pment $% m$ral li%e sets in. Eertainly, all "$$ds by themselves are desirable, b t the F esti$n is &hi#h "$$d &ill brin" ab$ t $ne+s per%e#ti$nG It is at this p$int &here man+s ethi#al #$ns#ien#e #$mes t$ &$r*. Man+s ethi#al #$ns#ien#e re%ers t$ that nat ral tenden#y in man t$ behave m$rally. It is als$ re%erred t$ as a m$ral instin#t.
,he $nti# #$ns#ien#e dis#$vers a bein" that isD the ethi#al #$ns#ien#e dis#$vers a bein" that is not yet b t &h$ sh$ ld be. ,his bein" &h$ is n$t yet stands be%$re the p$ssibilities $% his sel%6 reali'ati$n as a pers$n. )e m st n$t pers$ni%y this ethi#al what-ought-to-be as an internali'ed a th$rity, as this &$ ld have ne"ative res lts %$r ethi#s. Instead, ethi#s as what-ought-to-be, as an aspirati$n, a "$al, $r the best $pti$n, is nderst$$d as the =v$i#e $% $ r t$tal pers$nality that e(presses the e(i"en#ies $% li%e and "r$&th= 1Fr$m, 239A, p. 7C8. It is an a t$n$m$ s #$ns#ien#e, independent and pers$nal, that e(e# tes the "$$d and the val able n$t by $beyin" the v$i#e $% a th$rity b t as a res lt $% the pleas re and satis%a#ti$n that it e(perien#es in s$ a#tin". ,his type $% ethi#al #$ns#ien#e e(ists in all menD alth$ "h miti"ated, it is al&ays present as the v$i#e that $rients the $r"anism t$&ards the end that is latent &ithin $ne:s bein" 1Fr$m, 23B7 in 0an#he', 233B8.

Levertheless, ed #ati$nal, # lt ral and hist$ri#al #ir# mstan#es may serve t$ rein%$r#e $r s$%ten that Hv$i#e@ $% the ethi#al #$ns#ien#e. 0in#e $ne #ann$t entirely dire#t $ne:s e(isten#e, $ne is le%t &ith ample r$$m %$r devel$pment and "r$&th &hi#h #$ ld be reali'ed t$ a lar"e part by ed #ati$n. >iven that in the realm $% the $b/e#tively "$$d relati$ns &hi#h are p$ssible, the $pti$ns are n mberless, it be#$mes ne#essary t$ #h$$se. O%tentimes, it is n$t a matter $% simply ma*in" a #h$i#e bet&een the "$$d and the bad in "eneral, b t $% determinin" &hi#h $% the many p$ssible "$$ds &e &ill render #$n#rete. In this re"ard, a#ts have their m$ral stat s in essential


p$n $ r &ill as dynami# s b/e#ts. It is &ithin the ed #ati$nal pr$#ess that

Hs#h$$lin" $% the &ill@ #an be %$r"ed. Early $n, &e dis#l$sed the h man bein" as a bein" &hi#h is, e(ists and a#ts, and &hi#h by a#tin" reali'es its $&n p$tentialities and #reates himsel% in a#ti$n. ,hat man+s a#ti$ns bear &ith them the attrib tes $% %reed$m and resp$nsibility is the distin#tive %eat re %$r their val ati$n &ithin the #$nte(t $% m$rality. M$rality and a#tin" di%%er essentially, b t at the same time they are s$ stri#tly nited &ith ea#h $ther that m$rality has n$ real e(isten#e apart %r$m h man a#tin", apart %r$m a#ti$ns. ,heir essential separateness d$es n$t $bs# re their e(istential relati$nship 1)$/tyla 2393, 958. ,h s a deeper #$n#ept $% h mani'in" the st dent thr$ "h ed #ati$n is t$ brin" himMher t$ the % llness $% bein" thr$ "h hisMher a#ti$ns in the p rs it $% virt e. Kirt es are "$$d habits in the sense $% bein" repeated "$$d a#ti$nsD they are the m$des $% a#tivity &ith &hi#h &e are %amiliar and in their e(er#ise 66 al$n" &ith the #$$rdinate b$dily and psy#hi# dynamisms they reF ire 66 &e be#$me pr$%i#ient &ith them. ,h s, t$ be an#h$red in virt es, $ne m st *n$& that Hevery virt $ s a#t inv$lves e(er#isin" #h$i#e@ 10$rab/i, 4528. ,$ be / st, %$r instan#e, it is n$t en$ "h t$ *n$& &hat a / st man &$ ld d$. One m st #h$$se t$ d$ the / st a#t. And virt es are a#F ired primarily thr$ "h habit and pra#ti#e, n$t thr$ "h dis# ssi$n. As Arist$tle p t it in his Li#h$ma#hean Ethi#s , HA man be#$mes / st by per%$rmin" / st a#ts, brave by per%$rmin" brave a#ts, temperate by per%$rmin" a#ts $% temperan#e@. Be#a se the >ree*s nderst$$d virt e in this &ay they $%ten #$mpared #hara#ter %$rmati$n t$ athleti# trainin". In its $ri"inal sense, the &$rd Hvirt e@ meant s$methin" li*e the En"lish &$rd Hstren"th@. Physi#al stren"th is s$methin" &e l$se i% &e did n$t *eep in pra#ti#e. As &ith a pianist $r vi$linist, &ith pra#ti#e #$mes %a#ility and sp$ntaneity. As a res lt they #$nstit te n$t merely the pattern $% the basi#, #$ntin in" and pervasive internal in%l en#es &hi#h shape $ r li%e, b t, even m$re, they "ive s the ability t$ d$ &hat &e #h$$se. F$r this reas$n in the nity $% mind and b$dy, $ne:s set $% virt es has been #$nsidered #lassi#ally t$ be the basi# indi#at$r $% &hat $ne:s li%e as a &h$le &ill add p t$ 66 $r even, as is $%ten said, &hat a pers$n &ill =am$ nt t$=1M#Elean8.

In the &$r* $% %$rmin" the #$ns#ien#e, 0tein &rites that the pr$/e#t $% #$"nitive devel$pment is an inadeF ate pr$"ram $% m$ral ed #ati$n. Instr #ti$n in that &hi#h is the$reti#al is needed, b t the %$rmati$n $% pra#ti#al / d"ment is as ne#essary 1E) 2;98. M$rever, bey$nd *n$&led"e, $ne:s re%eren#e t$ m$ral tr th m st #$nstit te als$ a sense $% d ty, %$r a#ti$ns &hi#h are / d"ed tr ly t$ be m$rally "$$d are e(perien#ed als$ as &hat $ne $ "ht t$ d$. )hen these are e(er#ised repeatedly in the pr$#ess $% li%e, patterns $% a#ti$n devel$p, they be#$me pra#ti#ed &ith ease and event ally be#$me Hse#$nd nat re@, m #h li*e a stable part $% $ne+s #hara#ter. In this re"ard, 0tein stressed the imp$rtan#e $% $rdainin" the passi$ns t$&ards ri"ht #h$i#es. By ed #atin" the em$ti$ns, $ne mi"ht learn t$ p rs e the "$$d &ith passi$nate #$n#ern and #reative #$mmitment. 0he &rites that %eelin"6%$rmin" is very imp$rtant in ed #ati$n, sin#e %eelin" 1Gemut8 h$lds a #entral p$siti$n in #han"in" pers$nal attit des and a#ti$ns, b t it #ann$t #arry $ t its tas* &ith$ t the #$$perati$n $% the intelle#t and &ill. Feelin", $r em$ti$n, li*e a drive $r ener"y, #$ ld pr$pel a pers$n t$&ards desired "$als, b t needs the li"ht $% the intelle#t and the dis#ipline $% the &ill t$ attain m$ral per%e#ti$n. I% these are la#*in", em$ti$nal li%e be#$mes a #$mp lsi$n &ith$ t dire#ti$n. In this respe#t, the tea#her+s very bein" and a#ti$ns "ive tremend$ s impet s in the pr$#ess $% %$rmin" the st dents+ %eelin"s, val in", and #h$$sin" 1E) 25;8. M#Elean #$n# rs &ith 0tein $n the imp$rtan#e $% em$ti$ns.
,he dynamisms $% the psy#he, in s$me #$ntrast t$ the m$re rea#tive #hara#ter $% s$mati# dynamisms, are based &ithin the pers$n and are typi%ied by em$tivity. ,hey ran"e %r$m s$me &hi#h are m$re inte"ral t$ the physi#al t$ $thers &hi#h are m$ral, reli"i$ s and aestheti#. 0 #h em$ti$ns have t&$ imp$rtant #hara#teristi#s. First, they are n$t is$lated $r #$mpartmentali'ed, b t in#l de and inter&eave the vari$ s dimensi$ns $% the pers$n. <en#e, they are #r #ial t$ the inte"rati$n $% a pers$nal li%e and play a #entral r$le in the pr$(imity $ne %eels t$ val es and t$ the intensity $% $ne:s resp$nse. 0e#$ndly, they are relatively sp$ntane$ s and #$ntrib te t$ the intensity $% a pers$nal li%e 1M#Elean8.

Eertainly, devel$pment $% the em$ti$ns al$ne &$ ld n$t s %%i#e t$ ma*e a pers$n % lly h man in the sense that pers$nal li%e is n$t de#ided $n the basis $% &hat I %eel $r &hat happens t$ me, b t is shaped at a %ree level, &here I determine &hat happens. O%tentimes, this #an even depart %r$m $r betray my %eelin"s. As &as stressed earlier, Hpers$nal a#ti$ns are #arried $ t thr$ "h a &ill &hi#h, bein" $pen and resp$nsive t$ the >$$d, is n$t determined by any parti# lar "$$d $r val eD hen#e in the %inal analysis it is p t$ the pers$n t$ determine him6 $r hersel%.

It is thr$ "h sel%6determinati$n t$&ards the "$$d that man reali'es himsel% thr$ "h his a#ti$ns and his m$ral a#ti$ns in a thenti# e(pressi$ns $% m$ral e(#ellen#e. In &hat %$ll$&s I t rn t$ .ar$l )$/tyla+s s#hemata $% sel%6determinati$n in the reali'ati$n $% a pers$n t$ el #idate this p$int. % l#&D t r'ination and Moral E!c ll nc Man reali'es himsel% thr$ "h his a#ti$ns and his m$ral a#ti$ns are there%$re a thenti# e(pressi$ns $% his sel%6determinati$n t$&ard the "$$d. In the pers$n:s sel%6reali'ati$n thr$ "h a#ti$n, the &ill sh$&s itsel% as a pr$perty $% the pers$nD in $ther &$rds, the pers$n a#tin" is e(pressin" his &ill, spe#i%i#ally as he ma*es hisMher #h$i#es. E(a#tly here is &here the r$le $% sel%6determinati$n as basis %$r the pers$n:s reali'ati$n is de#ided. )$/tyla &rites that the str #t re $% sel%6determinati$n s pp$ses sel%6"$vernan#e and sel%6 p$ssessi$n. < man a#ti$n reveals an e"$ that p$ssesses and "$verns him $r hersel%. ,$ the e(tent that a#ti$n is s$methin" spe#i%i# t$ the pers$n, it nites and inte"rates every mani%estati$n $% the pers$n:s thin*in", %eelin", and &illin". ,here%$re, $nly in e(perien#e and, spe#i%i#ally, in sel%6 e(perien#e, is man "iven as a pers$n. By a#tin" he, at the same time, determines himsel% 1that is, is s b/e#t8 and is determined by his $&n a#tin" 1that is, is $b/e#t8 1)$/tyla 25A625B8. E$nsidered as an instr ment %$r the pers$n:s reali'ati$n, sel%6determinati$n has a trans#endental and dynami# #hara#ter. It sets %$rth the pers$n:s trans#enden#e, be#a se e(perien#in" $nesel% as a s$ r#e and a"ent 1e%%i#ient #a se8 $% a#ti$n $ne "$es bey$nd the limitati$ns $% $ne:s $&n nat re in $rder t$ rea#h the hi"hest level $% sel%6reali'ati$n. ,his is #$n#retely mani%ested in the e(er#ise $% virt e &herein $ne has t$ dire#t his %reed$m in the ri"ht #h$i#e $% a parti# lar "$$d am$n" the many &hi#h #$nstit te $ r &$rld. In that the tas* inv$lves e(aminin" the nat re $% these "$$ds themselves and then #$nsiderin" their val e, $ne #an e(perien#e an ethi#al dilemma as t$ &hat #h$i#e t$ ma*e, as he may have t$ ren$ n#e #ertain %$$d in %av$r $% an$ther. ,his is &here m$ral reali'ati$n happens. Eertainly, all "$$ds by themselves are desirable, b t the F esti$n is &hi#h "$$d &ill brin" ab$ t $ne+s per%e#ti$nG Ma*in" the ri"ht #h$i#e sh$&s #$nne#ti$n bet&een the pers$n:s a#t ali'ati$n and reali'ati$n

a##$rdin" t$ the hi"hest val e that his a#ti$ns may a#hieve %r$m the m$ral p$int $% vie&. In s #h a sense, sel%6determinati$n be#$mes the ltimate %$ ndati$n $% m$ral e(#ellen#e. ,his is #ertainly $ne $% the "$als i% n$t the main "$al p rs ed by ed #ati$n in every a"e 1Barr$s8. In this interplay $% #h$$sin"6val in"6a#tin", )$/tyla p$ints t$ sel%6"$vernan#e and sel%6 p$ssessi$n as resp$nsible %$r the pers$n:s %reed$m and de%ine the &ay t$ m$ral e(#ellen#e in the ed #ati$nal pr$#ess. 0el%6"$vernan#e #an be nderst$$d as the #apa#ity t$ r le $nesel% 1and n$t have $thers r le s8, &hile sel%6p$ssessi$n, is $&nin" p t$ $nesel% and $ne+s a#ti$ns 1a F ality m #h the same as resp$nsibility8. ,he t&$ set p the essential elements $% pra#ti#al &isd$m, $r ethi#al =*n$& h$&,= in the Arist$telian sense. ,hey are learned and inasm #h as they are # ltivated, they shape $ r lives. F$r this reas$n, they ass me the r$le $% prin#ipal means %$r the pers$nal % l%illment and ass me the %reed$m $% every a#t. Und$ btedly they are the %$ ndati$ns $% every ed #ati$n that endeav$rs t$ a#hieve the m$ral e(#ellen#e inherent in % ll devel$pment $% the h man bein" 1Barr$s8. ,he h man a#t, as an e(pressi$n $% the pers$n+s &ill, has val e by itsel%. ,his is the pers$nal $r =pers$nalist= val e $% a#ti$n, a##$rdin" t$ )$/tyla 1p. 4AC8. It p$ints t$ $ne:s sel%6 reali'ati$n in the dynami# interrelati$n bet&een pers$n and a#ti$n. E$nseF ently, it be#$mes the main s$ r#e %$r apprehendin" the pers$n:s val e and the hierar#hy $% his val ati$ns. <$&ever, m #h $% sel%6reali'ati$n is a#hieved in man:s =a#tin" t$"ether &ith $thers=. L$ man is an is$lated bein". )e live in a &$rld &ith $thers. I #$ ld reali'e mysel% in harm$ny &ith th$se ar$ nd me, hen#e a#ti$ns #$ ld bear the distin#tive #hara#ter $% =a#tin" t$"ether &ith $thers.= ,his leads s t$ the d$main $% intersubjectivity and participation 1)$/tyla 2399, A26A;8. HA#tin" &ith $thers@ #an be des#ribed as h man a#ts a##$mplished in the #$nte(t $% di%%erent s$#ial and inter6h man relati$ns. O r e(perien#e as bein"s &h$se e(isten#e is set in a &$rld &ith $thers inv$lves &$r* and #ivi# envir$nments &here &e are #alled t$ resp$nd t$ $thers+ needs and inte"rate their lives int$ $ r $&n. <en#e Ha#tin" &ith $thers@ presents $pp$rt nities t$ reali'e $ rselves in pers$nal and s$#ial intera#ti$n. F$r this reas$n, the #hara#ter $% the s#h$$l by itsel% as a s$#ial nit, the &ay st dents are treated by tea#hers and administrat$rs, and the standards $% pers$nal intera#ti$n bet&een st dents #an all #$nvey this

deeper sense $% a#tin" &ith $thers t$ the e(tent that they %a#ilitate the reali'ati$n and a#hievement $% "$$dness in a pers$nal and #$mm nitarian manner.

Conclusion In the %ield $% ed #ati$n, the &$r* $% %$rmati$n is said t$ re%er t$ the devel$pment $% #$mpeten#ies. 0$me mi"ht se #$mpeten#ies t$ re%er al$ne t$ te#hniF e and s*ills, and e(#l de the %a#t that #$mpeten#ies in#l de h man "r$&th, &hi#h in#l de devel$pment in virt es. 0in#e ed #ati$n is a basi# ri"ht $% every pers$n and in#l des there%$re the ri"ht t$ sel%6% l%illment, this ri"ht m st be pr$te#ted and pr$m$ted by the physi#al and s$#ial realities s rr$ ndin" the pers$n. F$r ed #at$rs, this #$rresp$nds t$ a basi# d ty namely, the d ty $% assistin" st dents in the devel$pment $% all their #$mpeten#ies. F$r the 0tate, this p$ints t$ the $bli"ati$n $% $r"ani'in" s$#iety in s #h a &ay that this ri"ht is " aranteed. ,h s any a thenti# re%$rm t$ be nderta*en in the ed #ati$nal system ltimately p$ints t$ attainin" the pr$/e#t $% man+s m$ral "r$&th. Eertainly, the h man pr$/e#t $% ed #ati$n #ann$t be %$# sed $n the pers$n al$ne s #h that %$rmati$n is #$n#entrated e(#l sively $n the sel%. >r$&th in virt es by itsel% pres#ribes "r$&th in li%e &ith $thers. A%ter all, in the str ""le t$ b ild $ne+s li%e and t$ b ild the &$rld, m$ral #h$i#es #all %$r #$nF erin" $ r tenden#y t$ e"$ism and sel%6#enteredness. ,$ strive t$ lessen $r alt$"ether rid $ rselves $% sel%ishness #alls %$r #reatin" a &$rld shaped by val es that are at $n#e pers$nal and #$mm nitarian. M$ral ed #ati$n #$n#erns itsel% &ith helpin" the pers$n e(er#ise hisMher %reed$m in a manner that re#$"ni'es the $bli"at$ry #hara#ter $% the m$ral la&. 0tein emphasi'ed the need %$r devel$pin" the a%%e#tive li%e s$ that even $bedien#e t$ m$ral pre#epts #$ ld be embra#ed &ith passi$n and drive. ,$day, the #hallen"e %$r ed #ati$n is t$ brin" ab$ t a str$n" desire in the st dents themselves t$ attain m$ral "r$&th and pers$nal re%$rm. Over time, they &ill reap the re&ards $% a m$ral li%e and &ill &ant t$ pass $n the /$ys $% a m$ral traditi$n and share the meanin" $% this traditi$n t$ th$se in their h$mes and #$mm nities. )ith str ""le, they &ill


advan#e in the reali'ati$n $% their m$ral #apabilities and %ind happiness in livin" a thenti#ally h man lives.

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> pta, A. 455B. "ducation: from telos to techni-ue. Ed #ati$nal Phil$s$phy and ,he$ry C5 148- 4A9649A. U.- Bla#*&ell. LaB$s*ey, K. .. 233C. /evelopment of reflective practice' E$l mbia University- ,ea#hers E$lle"e Press. La&s$n* A' 23B5. "ducation in the american society, U.0.A.- Ass$#iati$n $% Ed #at$rs in ,e#hn$l$"y and the 0#ien#es Yearb$$*. Le#ler#, I. 23B2. =The Metaphysics of the good,= Revie& $% Metaphysi#s, ;7 123B28, ;67. Lipman, M. 23B5. Philosophy in the classroom' Philadelphia- ,emple University Press. L # s, E.P. 2394. 0ur western educational heritage. Le& Y$r*, Ma#millan, 2394. Maritain, P. 2399. La "ducaci1n en este momento crucial. B en$s Aires- El b de Le#t$res. M#Elean, >. 233B. ,he pers$n and m$ral "r$&th- the dynami# intera#ti$n $% val es and virt es. 233B. E lt ral <erita"e and E$ntemp$rary Ehan"e, 0eries K, K$l me C. Latin Ameri#a. E$ n#il %$r Resear#h in Kal e and Phil$s$phy, )ashin"t$n D.E. http-MM&&&.#rvp.$r"Mb$$*M0eries57MK6CM#hapterN(.htm Mehta, P.I. 23A9. Martin 2eidegger: the way and the vision. <$n$l l - University $% <a&aii Press. M$nta" , A. 1237B8. The cultured man. Eleveland, Ohi$- )$rld P blishin" E$mpany. L$va*, P. 123938. Meaningful reception learning as a basis for rational thin&ing. Ass$#iati$n $% Ed #at$rs in ,e#hn$l$"y and the 0#ien#es Yearb$$*. U0A- E$rnell University. #anche3* 4' M'* 5667. Ed #ati$n and m$ral e(#ellen#e- h man % l%illment as the % ndamental #hallen"e $% the QQ2((st #ent ry. Love as the foundation of moral education and character development. Ed. U"alde,L. Barr$s, L. M#Elean, >. 233B E$ n#il %$r Resear#h in Kal e and Phil$s$phy. U0A- )ashin"t$n D.E.. http-MM&&&.#rvp.$r"Mb$$*M0eries57MK6 CM#$ntents.htm 0a&i#*i, M. 2339. %ody* Te8t* and science: the literacy of investigative practices and the phenomenology of "dith #tein. U0A- .l &er A#ademi# P blishers. 0a&i#*i, M. 2339. Personal connections: the phenomenology of "dith #tein, le#t re delivered at #t' 4ohn$s 9niversity in :ew ;or& on 0ctober 5<* 5667' htt)(**+++,nd, du*-colld .*sub/ cts*catholic*) rsonalconn,ht'l .

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