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ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !











ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !"#$#%&'(%)

ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !"#$#%&'(%)

Clrcle Lhe word you hear.

1 soaklng slogan slow gun

2 lnformaLlon lnformaLlonal lnformaLlve

3 emphaslze emphasls emphaLlc

4 caLch Lhe Lraln caLchy Lune caLch Lhe Lune

3 ln Lhe alr on Lhe alr unfalr

6 audlLory audlLlng audlence

7 personal search personal servlce personal servanL

8 conLuslon confuslon concluslon

9 funny volce funny vlce funny Loys

10 adorable affordable unaffordable

11 budgle budgeL 8rldgeL

12 ldenLlLy ldenLlfy ldenLlflcaLlon

ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !"#$#%&'(%)

CuesLlons abouL adverLlsemenLs

1. WhaL klnd of sound effecLs would you puL ln an ad Lo creaLe an
aLmosphere of fear?

2. Clve an example of producL placemenL.


3. lmaglne you creaLe a producL . WhaL ls your producL ? WhaL ls your LargeL


4. WhaL producL slogan do you llke?


3. WhaL ls a good way for an ad Lo geL Lhe aLLenLlon of people?


6. WhaL are 3 ways Lo promoLe a producL ?


7. Can you glve an example of an ad LhaL has Lhe feel good" facLor ?


8. Whlch ls beLLer and why?
A. Lhe feel good" facLor 8. humor C. a caLchy Lune


ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !"#$#%&'(%)

1eacher's SheeL
age 1
ulcLaLe Lhe words below (ln any way you llke)and Lell Lhe sLudenLs Lo wrlLe Lhe words
on Lhe approprlaLe plcLures. lor me, l llke Lo dlcLaLe !"# %!&' (#& &!% )!*") '!%"
&!% +, &!% flrsL (sLudenLs have Lo choose one from Lhree). Lxplaln Lhe meanlngs of
words as necessary.And Lhen l -!.# +/-0 1! 12# 1!( /"' )! '!%" &!% +, &!%
/)/*". 1hls Llme sLudenLs have Lo choose one from Lwo. So l only dlcLaLe 2 words per
row. CLher words mlghL come up on Lhe nexL page.

LlsL 1 LlsL 2 LlsL 3
consumer sound effecLs producL placemenL
humorous emoLlonal lnformaLlonal
poslLlve negaLlve embarrassmenL
anger confuslon fear
sLress slogan LargeL
emphaslze audlence promoLe
commerclal geL aLLenLlon easy Lo remember
on Lhe alr budgeL personal servlce
affordable feel good facLor caLchy muslc
funny volce ldenLlfy successful

age 2
ulcLaLe Lhe words more qulckly Lhls Llme.
LlsL 1 LlsL 2
caLchy Lune on Lhe alr
sound effecLs personal service
affordable producL placemenL
funny volce successful
emoLlonal consumer
ldenLlfy humorous
slogan feel good facLor
lnformaLlonal confuslon
poslLlve embarrassmenL
negaLlve budgeL
LargeL audlence

ulcLaLlon Lxerclses AdverLlslng vocabulary !"#$#%&'(%)

age 3
8ead Lhe words and Lell Lhe sLudenLs Lo clrcle Lhe word.

1 slow gun
2 lnformaLlon
3 emphasls
4 caLch Lhe Lune
3 ln Lhe alr
6 audlLory
7 personal servanL
8 conLuslon
9 funny vlce
10 affordable
11 8rldgeL
12 ldenLlLy

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