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CHAPTER III SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION This chapter summarizes the findings of the conclusions drawn, and

recommendations offered by the researchers. SUMMARY This study was conducted to determine the extent of health practices of student leaders in relation to their academic performance. Specifically, it sought to determine the following (1) the profile of the respondents in terms of socio demographic profile namely age, sex, parents highest educational attainment, parents occupation, monthly family income, ordinal position in the family, and school related namely course and year, number of units enrolled, and position in the organization. (2) extent of health practices in terms of nutrition, rest and sleep, exercise, study habit, recreation and personal hygiene and (3) the level of academic performance in terms of general weighted average (4) significant relationship between the extent of health practices of the respondents and their profile (5) significant relationship between the profile and their level of academic performance (6) significant relationship between the level of academic performance of the respondents and their profile. The respondents of this study were the student leaders of mandated organizations and SC officers of school year 2012-2013. Total enumeration was used to determine number of respondents.

A questionnaire-checklist formulated by the researchers and validated by a panel of experts was used as gathering instrument. Data gathered was interpreted using the frequencies, percentages, mean, and correlation analysis. FINDINGS The findings of the study are summarized as follows: 1. Profile of the Respondents Socio demographic Profile On Age. Majority (53 or 38.4%) of the respondents belong to the age bracket of 19-20 years old. On Gender. Majority (83 or 60.1%) of the respondents are males. On Mothers Educational Attainment. Most (84 0r 60.9%) of the respondents are college graduates. On Fathers Educational Attainment. Most (71 or 51.4%) of the respondents are college graduates. On Mothers Occupation. Majority (41 or 29.7%) of the respondents are professional and also unemployed. On Fathers Occupation. Majority (47 or 34.1%) of the respondents are skilled workers. On Monthly Family Income. Most (46 or 33.3) of the respondents have family income of Php 15,000 and above, highest bracket. On Ordinal Position in the Family. Majority (48 or 34.8%) of the respondents are the youngest.


On Course. Majority (13 or 9.4%) of the respondents are taking Bachelor of Science in Education. On Year. Most (40 or 29.0%) of the respondents are on their 4th year or senior year. On Number of Units Enrolled. Majority (90 or 65.2%) of the respondents have 22-27 units enrolled. On Position in the Organization. Most (14 or 10.1%) of the respondents held a position as governor, auditor and secretary.

2. Extent of Health Practices On Nutrition. The respondents were able to have an average (x= 3.20) health care practices in terms of nutrition; Eat three meals a day (x=4.46) is very often practiced, eats meal at night time (x=3.78), eat junk food excessively (x=3.87), eats more than 5 times a day including snacks (x=3.35), eats breakfast (x= 3.97), and drink 8-10 glasses of water daily (x=3.74) were often practiced. Skipping meals during cramming (x=1.26) is seldom practiced, however drinking beer, liquor or wine a week prior nd after eating was never practiced. On Exercise. The respondents have an average (x=3.19) health practices in terms of exercise. I am considering the idea that regular physical activity would make me a healthier person (x=3.64), I am considering the idea that regular physical activity would make me a healthier person (x=3.74) were often practiced. I encourage in physical exercise daily for more than 15 minutes during free time (x=2.89), I engage in one or

more of the following forms of exercise; walking, jogging, running or weightlifting (x=3.33) were frequently practiced.. I feel guilty when I do not exercise (x=2.57) were seldom practiced. On Study Habit. The respondents were able to have an average (x=3.19) health practices in terms of study habits. I pass requirements on time (x=4.14) were often practiced. I allow distractions that disturb concentration (x=2.72); I have definite time periods for study (x=3.33); I review notes only at the last minute (x=2.89); I attempt to get help from others in terms of assignments and requirements (x=2.99); I allow lack of interest that blocks concentration (x=2.68) and I allow for study with fellow students (x=3.38) were frequently practiced. I study in a well-ventilated, well lighted and quiet place (x=3.91); I try to study with music playing (x=3.48); I prepare for class the following day (x=3.47);. I smoke/drink coffee to remain focus while studying (x=2.06) was seldom practiced. On Recreation. The respondents have an average (x= 3.55) health practices in terms of recreation. Recreation can alleviate stress and promote relaxation (x=3.94) , more often practiced by the student leaders. When stress goes window shopping (x=2.96), watch movie with friends after class or during weekends (x=2.94) and engaged in leisure activities (x=3.36) are frequent practiced by the respondents. On Personal Hygiene. The respondents have an average (x=4.10) health practices in terms of personal hygiene. I wash my hands regularly with soap, especially before preparing and eating food and after going to the toilet (x=4.54); I brush my teeth at least twice a day (x=4.70); I bath regularly at least once a day (x=4.78); I trim my nails every week (x=4.39); I use deodorant to eliminate body odor and sweat (x=4.38); I change

clothes as necessary during warm temperature (x=4.52) were very often practiced. I comb my hair tidily before going to school (x=4.17); I use dental floss or toothpick after eating (x=3.64) were often practiced. I share personal items (hairbrush, toothbrush, washcloth, towel, cup and razor) to others (x=1.81) were seldom practiced. On Rest and Sleep. The respondents have an average (x=3.01) health practices in terms of rest and sleep. Difficulty falling asleep (x=3.02), yawns frequently throughout the day (x=2.99), falling asleep in class (x=2.62), easily gets irritable, anxious, and angry when there is lack of sleep (x=2.80) and takes a nap during the week for more than 45 minutes (x=2.97) were frequently practiced. Has lack of sleep especially in cramming for paper work on school and organization (x=3.48) and sleep longer on weekend as than during the week were often practiced by the respondents. However, consume caffeinated beverages at night are seldom practiced by the respondents. Level of academic performance of the respondents in terms of general weighted average. Majority (95 or 68.8%) of the respondents general weighted average. This implies that they have a very good general weighted average. Relationship between the Extent of Health Practices of the Respondents and their Profile. There is a significant relationship between health practices and the profile of the respondents along with sex (x= -0.263), Fathers education (x=0.218), Mothers Occupation (x=0.184), Fathers Occupation (x=0.202), income (x= -0.035), study habits (x=0.207), personal hygiene (x=0.173) recreation (x=0.203) and prac (x=0.188).

Relationship between the level of academic performance of the respondents and profile. There is no significant relationship between level of academic performance and profile of the respondents. Relationship between the extent of health practices of the respondents and their level of academic performance. There is a significant relationship between some health care practices along rest and sleep and personal hygiene. Rest and sleep (x=0.2241) and personal hygiene (x=0.2104). Conclusion Based from the findings of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: 1. The student leaders are 19-20 years old, are mostly males, parents are both college graduate, have mothers who are professional and also unemployed, and fathers who are skilled workers, most family income of 15,000 and above, and who are youngest, are taking up Bachelor of Science in Education who are in their fourth year, have 22-27 units enrolled, and held a position as governor, auditor and secretary. 2. The student leaders are moderately conscious about their nutrition most especially on eating meals at least three times a day. 3. Health care practices related to rest and sleep, the student leaders tend to be moderately observant. They take longer sleep and rest on weekends and less rest and sleep on weekdays bring about by school and organizational activities and assignments. 4. Student leaders are moderately engaged in physical exercise such as walking, jogging, running or weight lifting.

5. Student leaders have moderate study habits. Most of them pass their requirements on time, prepares for class for the following day, study with music playing and in a well ventilated, well lighted and quiet place. 6. On recreation, student leaders have high recreational activity such as outing and bonding with family and friend. 7. On personal hygiene, they have high personal hygiene especially on hand washing bathing, brushing., using deodorant and changing clothes.

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