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{What may occur when faced with an ongoing task of uploading fascinating data is, at the last minute,

documents chosen for this process are switched; this is what transpired when XXVI was submitted via Scribd for, instead of XXVII [Guzzardi], it constituted a bunch of graphics that are accumulated and into which I dip when illustrating key-concepts; therefore, the former [incompletely uploaded, some figures being too small to read] is provided for perusal-enjoyment, but they will [it is hoped] appear piecemeal within subsequent blasts. In any case, nothing obscene slipped-through, and Guzzardi is pleased.} Guzzardi v. Corbett

Corbetts_challenges_with_legislature_in_2014 provoked this commentary by Bruce Castor:

This story captures the difficulty the Republican Party has in Pennsylvania. While not disparaging the views of the right and right center of our party, much of which I agree with, we need to focus on winning elections. Our governor cannot do good things for the state if he is not in office to do them. Politics has to be the business of the practical: what can be done as opposed to what an office holder ideally wants to be done. The Republican Party in the minority party in PA. That means to win a general election statewide, the Republican must get virtually all the Republican votes and a large share of the Democrat votes. It thus becomes an absolute: the Republican, to win a general election, must demonstrate a willingness to compromise and work with the Democrats to the extent he or she can, while still maintaining principles that the Republican base shares. This is no easy thing to accomplish and Gov. Corbett's polling shows it, though he is trying. It pains me to say it, but the "right" from our party needs to give the Governor some room to maneuver. His personal views which align nicely with the right in most instances, must give way to the political reality that winning elections trumps ideology. I admire people of principle who have the courage of their convictions willing to stand up to the rough and tumble of politics because of their beliefs. That is why I have said nothing negative about the primary challenge of Bob Guzzardi. Anyone willing to expose themselves to the political crucible has guts, in my book. Nevertheless, no one FURTHER to the right than Gov. Corbett can win a general election in Pennsylvania and the right must come to grips with this simple reality. If conservatives want any chance at moving their agenda forward next term, their best chance is with Tom Corbett who will not have to worry about re-election. So to my friends on the right I say this: give the Governor some slack to try and attract those moderate Republicans in the Southeast and the more conservative Democrats there and throughout the state. That was the model I tried to convince people of with my own candidacy, and while I got little traction advancing it for myself, that does not mean the political model itself is flawed. Montgomery County is very much a micro for Pennsylvania with it's diverse electorate and large population. I have watched for two decades the Republican Party slowly implode because it ignored the most basic tenet of politics which is winning elections. When winning takes a back seat to winning only with "your" candidate, the result inevitably will be to the benefit of the other party. It happened in Montgomery County in 2007 and the county flipped in 2011. If the base of the Republican Party abandons Gov. Corbett because he is not "their" candidate, the Commonwealth will suffer in 2014 the fate of Montgomery County in 2011. We have to be about the business of the possible, not the business of the ideal. Comments he provoked are provided [closing with mine, which may appear to be redundant and which cite multiple aggregations of postings/observations related to Guzzardi s candidacy, namely, III, V, VI, X, XII, XIII, XVI, XXVII, XIX, XX and XXIII (among the most recent)]:

Kay Pomroy Corbett lost my vote. And at least 10% of the citizens in Pa. He lost it for several reasons. First, his handling of Sandusky was wrong. Second, his refusal to consider allowing me to enjoy the same RIGHTS as my neighbors is wrong, and third he has misplaced his attention when it comes to education. He will not enjoy another term, if my vote counts. I have been a republican my whole life, and for the first time I am considering a change. If Pa was smart and allowed independent voters participate in the primary election, I would be independent. But I may have to swing further than that. Matt Heavens putting Pennsylvanians out of work at state stores to be replaced by low pay no benefit jobs.Giving the lottery to foreign firm....phony claims of voter fraud..make him and his ilk unlikable to this lifelong Republican.Weneed another Tom Ridge. Robert Price P A Needs you Bruce. Ted Meehan Bruce, I understand what you are saying. But why should "the right" (I assume you mean Pro-Lifers) lift a finger to elect Republicans, if they run scared from our issues? If the answer is "because Allyson Schwartz is so bad", I agree - but oly to an extent. The old maxim says, "Watch what is do - not what I say." How much more could Allyson have damaged Marriage in one term than Tom Corbett? Would Allyson have been ale to raise family planning funds from $8 million to $30 million - with a nominal prolife Republican majority in both houses? Would she have been able to raise the gasoline tax 28 cents? Would she be able to pass legislation giving special privileges to homosexuals? We supposedly have a pro-life Governor, and majorities in both houses! What have we gotten for it? Damn near nothing! We're on defense! We got one bill passed only because of the outrage over Kermit Gosnell. We were promised much more. We were promised that the family planning money sent to abortion senders would end, We are waiting! It more than tripled. We were promised an Ultrasound bill. Nothing. We were promised an Admitting Privileges bill. Again - nothing. (Oh, we can't run those right now. We might lose some seats.) Why should we care if the GOP has a majority, if they won't use it to advance the Cause? In your own county, Bruce Hanes intentionally broke the Marriage Law. You have a Republican DA. Where was she? What did she do to protect our laws? What difference did she make? Meanwhile, it took Corbett 5 weeks to respond - a period of time when more than a hundred bogus licenses were issued. Now lawsuits are sprouting up all over the commonwealth. So, I'm wondering if the agenda of the Republicans is "We won't drag the Culture down into the sewer as fast as the Democrats." What we want is a party which actually is committed to protecting innocent life. Preserving the sanctity of Marriage and Family, and defunding those who continuously assault the Vulture of Life. If we have a common interest, we will work with the GOP. I would like that t happen. But we don't write blank checks in exchange for vague promises and bad performance. Robert Ciervo Wisconsin is a Democrat state as well Bruce, in fact more than Pennsylvania. Scott Walker was elected there to make changes and he has demonstrated the leadership TO make those changes. Our current Governor has failed to lead the totally Republican led legislature to get anything of substance accomplished. For that reason he does not deserve re-election. Joe Sterns Alternative view: A strong majority of the electorate, D and R, supports Right to Work, supports paycheck protection, supports school choice, supports liquor privatization. Good policy is good politics, and Gov. Corbett has the priceless advantage of having the electorate agree with him on his signature issues. His challenge, Bruce Castor, is leadership, the leadership to take on the extreme minority of special-interest

lobbyists on capitol hill that make the tail wag the dog. Guzzardi is to the LEFT of Corbett on social issues, and precisely where Corbett professes to be on fiscal issues. The difference is leadership and motivation. Corbett, arguably, wants to win a second term more than he wants to transform PA. Guzzardi, were he Gov, I suspect would tell the legislature's obstructionists in BOTH parties to get with the program and abide by the wishes of the electorate. Donna Ellingsen I don't care what your personal values are if you won't live them out for political expediency...... Robert B. Sklaroff Bruce, you neglected to tackle "the elephant in the room," namely, the Sandusky Scandal...which [as per my postings for the past year on PoliticsPa] Corbett has failed to rebut [1-2 troopers assigned for 3 years, allowing the abuser to roam the streets]. This alone provokes bipartisan derision, and SOMEONE else must supplant him...unless he FINALLY comes-clean regarding his allegedly-dilatory conduct [while running for Governor]. Bruce, as one peruses these accumulated data, think "McCarthy, 1968"... III V VI X XII XIII XVI XXVII XIX XX XXIII [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

This is Bruces posting of 12/12/2013 [plus comments]: I tip my hat to anyone willing to stick their neck out and run for office. It is a monumental task exposing yourself, and more importantly, your family, to the outrageous character assassination attacks, brutal travel schedule, fundraising, public and media appearances. These are the reasons I decided not to run (and I didn't think I would win a primary even if I put up with all the rest.) We as Republicans need to focus on winning GENERAL elections and position our nominees with that goal in mind. I liked my chances in a General election, but I doubted I could get there. I do not believe the GOP will win another election statewide (save maybe for judge) again without nominating candidates that can do well in SE PA. Candidates who have conservative credentials that appeal to people living outside the SE, but who have shown a willingness to compromise when necessary to govern effectively. Ideology is great, to paraphrase Gov. Christie, but you have to win elections

first. We Republicans have steadily been losing statewide races over the past 10 years precisely for failing to grasp this concept. Now, none of the statewide "Row" offices are held by Republicans, we lost an incumbent US Senator, we have lost so much ground in the state senate that we are in danger of a flip there. And while Gov. Corbett is gearing up and showing signs of political life, the media has effectively defined him as so far down that he can't climb back out. I intend to support Gov. Corbett as our best chance, and further hope the Democrats fumble the ball with their wild and wooly primary race, spending all their money and trashing their eventual nominee. Hell of a way to choose our leaders, huh? But the broader problem remains of how to win elections when we are over a million down in registrations and we ignore the plain truth that 40% of General election voters live in SE PA. We must appeal to those voters. I hope Gov. Corbett's strategy is to do just that. As for Mr. Guzzardi, who has used me as a punching bag as often as he has praised me, I say this: it take guts to enter the arena, so my hat's off to you for doing so. Robert Price Your the only real choice. Please run for something Karen Del'Marmol The reason conservatives don't win is because they're not standing for conservative values and principles. One must STAND to win. * Also, in the spirit of providing multiple data-sources [and heretofore unrecognized context, at least to me], the following is conveyed as mental-grist [serving as follow-up of many recent references to the Papacy]; recognizing that the author may be reading a lot into what some may view as a focused-plan [and noting that the chosen-title is the result of a back-door hypothetical @ the end of the piece that wont occur], this essays key-impact is to channel long-term concern with the Holy Sees inability to embrace Zionism: Calling the Pope an Anti-Semite By Giulio Meotti

Actions and words paint a sorry picture of the Vatican and Israel. I always had the feeling that Pope Francis would be eager to engage in the presentation of a cordial dialogue with Di\aspora Jews and that if this occurred, he would address the Holocaust and condemn anti-Semitism in general, but also undermine and isolate the State of Israel, the existential anchor of the Jewish people. The confirmation came this week. To the disappointment of Israeli officials, Pope Francis will not host mass for believers within Israel during his next trip to the Jewish State in March 2014. However, the Pope will host a large mass in Bethlehem and that will be the headline event of his trip. The Pope will deliver the greatest gift to Palestinianism, which draws on the two theological elements of anti-Judaism: supersessionism, the idea that Muslim-Christian unity replaced Israel, and the demonization of Jews for seizing a country which was not theirs. This is the meaning of the Popes decision to host a mass in the Palestinian Authoritys areas. The present Pope wants to visit his dear friends in what the Holy See brands as Palestine. It is the blood libel of Israels occupation partnered with the return to the Catholic cycle of existential denial in which Israel is not Israel, but the usurper of an identity, of a history, of a name and of a land.

For more than a hundred years, and five decades after the Holocaust, the Vatican has kept a very hostile attitude toward the establishment of a national Jewish home in the land of Israel. Since the establishment of the State of Israel, the Popes have adopted a policy sympathetic to its Arab and Muslim enemies. Pope Francis will spend most of his time in Israel in the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial. In Vatican policy and in Franciss conception, the Holocaust is the counterweight to the recognition of the Jewish condition in politics and history, which is the recognition of Jews as a people with a state in Israel. The Catholic recognition of the Holocaust (dead Jews) justifies the denial of the Jews as a sovereign subject of history (living Jews). It is Yad Vashem versus Bethlehem. If these are the Popes conditions for traveling to Israel, why not declare him persona non grata? If Francis goes to Bethlehem to proclaim it a Golgotha under occupation , if he curses Israeli Jews exercising their right to defend themselves, if he asks the Palestinian Arabs to resist, then we have the right to call the Pope an anti-Semite.

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