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Unit 7: Television Obiecthres: By the end of this unit, Ss can: pronounce the sounds / 0 / and / 6/ correctly in isolation and

d in context use the lexical items related to television use conjunctions {and, but, because...) and question words where, who, why...) as! and tal! about a "avourite #$ pro%ramme read a #$ schedule and descriptions o" "amous children&s pro%rammes "or speci"ic in"ormation listen "or speci"ic in"ormation "rom a recommended #$ schedule write a short %uided passa%e about one&s #$'watchin% habits Introduction #o start the lesson, write the word #()($*+*,- on board and as! +s to %ive any ideas/ vocabulary they !now relatin% to the topic. .e may allow them to %ive a $ietnamese word and as! other +s in the class i" they !now the equivalent in (n%lish. *n the corner o" the board write a list o" the words which the +s don/t !now. 0s! +s to !eep a record "or later re"erence when the unit "inishes. 0nother way to introduce the topic is to write "amiliar names o" some "amous $ietnamese #$ channels/ pro%rammes/ sta""... and as! +s to %uess what topic they are %oin% to learn. GETTING STA TE! "hat#s on today$ %& 0s! +s what they expect to hear in the listenin% with a question li!e 1 What will they talk about?. 2rom the answer, # can extend to as many questions as possible. 3ic! "rom the +s& answers any words which appear in Listen and Read and write them on the board. *n this way # may introduce some new words or revise some +s have already learnt. #his will prepare them well "or the listenin%. 3lay the recordin%. +s listen and read at the same time. Note4#his is an introduction to the topic o" 5nit 6. *t provides +s with some ideas about television, some new words, some common questions about #$ and conjunctions. 7on&t stop to teach the new words and the %rammar yet. 8et on with the comprehension o" the listenin% only. a& +s wor! independently. 0llow them to share Key: their answers with their partners be"ore 1. Laughing out Loud discussin% as a class 2.VTV3

3. No, they aren t !. "e#ause he is aw$ul. %.To& is stu'id, but $unny. b& #his tas! "ocuses on the use o" adjectives to Key: describe the pro%ramme. )et +s loo! "or the (r "ean) $unny, aw$ul adjectives "rom the conversation. To&) stu'id, $unny *erry) intelligent c& # can supplement the list o" adjectives with Possible answers: words drawn "rom +s experiences. #his activity +es) 'o'ular, histori#al, serious, long, requires +s to recall a pro%ramme they&ve edu#ational, boring, $unny, good, watched and comment on it by usin% an entertaining, li,e adjective. #hey also have to be critical when they No) beauti$ul, s&all decide which adjectives can be used and which cannot. Note:#his is not a strict list. +ome adjectives mi%ht %et the answer 9(+/ -,, e.%.4 beauti"ul '& +s in bi% cities may be "amiliar with these Key: pictures but those in the countryside mi%ht have 1. national tele,ision di""iculties reco%ni:in% them. 7ependin% on the 2. news 'rogra&&e +s, # can let +s do the matchin% independently 3. lo#al tele,ision or in %roups. 8o round and chec! i" they match !. #o&edy the pictures and the words correctly. # can then %. ga&e show show +s how to pronounce each word by sayin% -. ani&al 'rogra&&e it and as! +s to repeat. ;a!e sure that +s understand the meanin%s o" the words. (& +s have to read the sentences care"ully and Key: decide which word is the ri%ht one. # can %uide 1. national them to some clues li!e ./t &akes &e laugh , 2. #o&edy 0isney... 3. #hannels !. #o&'etition %. 1artoons -. edu#ational )& +s could have di""iculty, not in %eneratin% ideas, but in "indin% vocabulary. <owever, it&s %ood and bene"icial later on in their comin% lessons that +s do this tas!. Note: #ell +s that they do not have to say=/ like...2don t like...3 as this o"ten requires a noun. +s can, instead say, =There are not enough 'rogra&&es $or #hildren = or 3/ #an wat#h &any $il&s3. A *+OSE +OO, % -ocabulary %& #his wor! is better done in %roups o" >'? so that the +s can help each other with di""icult vocabulary li!e 1TV s#hedule4 and .newsreader4. @emind the +s o" the words they learnt in 8ettin% +tarted and point out Key: 1. newsreader 2. TV s#hedule 3. (1 !. ,iewer

the di""erence4 the "ormer deals with the names o" channels, pro%rammes... while the latter this part) deals with the jobs o" people wor!in% in television. .hen +s have completed their wor!, they can listen to the recordin% to chec! their answers as well as to practise the pronunciation o" the new words. '& #his activity is a stron% revision o" the vocabulary learnt in both Getting Started and 5#ti,ity 1 o" A Closer Look 1. +s learn to identi"y a word "rom its description.

%. re&ote #ontrol -. weather&an

Key: 1. weather&an 2. newsreader 3. re&ote #ontrol !. (1 %. ,olu&e button -. TV ,iewer (& +s can re"er to > and the su%%ested structures in ? to see how a word is de"ined. <elp +s by writin% some prompts on the board so that +s can imitate. (.%.4 /n this 'rogra&&e, 'eo'le... , .5 'erson who...&. +ome su%%ested answers4 A. newsreader4 a person who reads news >. weatherman4 a man who %ives a weather "orecast ?. comedian4 a person whose job is to ma!e people lau%h by tellin% jo!es and "unny stories .ronunciation )& #he / / and / / sounds are amon% the most di""icult (n%lish sounds "or $ietnamese +s as we do not have them in our lan%ua%e. 0s! +s to listen very care"ully to the words. 2irst, let them "ocus on the / / and // sounds and distin%uish between them. 3lay the recordin% a%ain and as! +s to listen and repeat. 3lay the recordin% as many times as necessary. /& 0s! +s to write the words in the two Key: appropriate boxes. Bhec! i" they do it 2 2) theatre, Thanksgi,ing, earth, anything, correctly. both, through 2 2) there, the&, neither, weather&an, than, $eather 0& 7on&t ta!e this tas! too seriously. 0llow +s to practise readin% the ton%ue twister amon% themselves4 slowly at "irst then "aster and "aster. # may also turn it into a competition to see who/ which %roup can read the ton%ue twister "ast and correctly.

A *+OSE +OO, ' Gra11ar %& +s can easily do this tas! as they have Key: been dealin% with these question words What previously. # can re"er +s to the answers in order to see the "unction o" each question Where word. 6ow long #he e1e1ber Table is a summary o" the "unction o" each question word. '& +u%%est +s loo! at the answer in order to Key: choose the correct question word. 1. 6ow o$ten, What 3lay the recordin%. )et +s loo! at the 2. Who conversations as they listen and chec! their answers. 3. When, Where Tapescript: Conversation 1 5. 6ow o$ten do you wat#h TV? ". Not ,ery o$ten. Two or three ti&es a week. 5. What do you wat#h? ". /t de'ends. "ut / like ga&e shows best. Conversation 2 5. Who do you like best in the Weekend (eeting shows? ". 7uan "a#. 6e s so $unny. Conversation 3 5. When do you 'lay $ootball? ". 8sually on 9aturday or 9unday. 5. Where do you 'lay? ". /n the yard. (& +s have a chance to practise the question Key:

words in a lon%er and more complete 5) What is The Wingless :enguinl? conversation, it&s important that # continues ") /t s a #artoon series, as!in% +s to re"er to the answers to decide the question words. 5) What is it about? -ote4 +s mi%ht "ind it di""icult to complete ") its about the ad,entures o$ a #hild the question4 CCCCo" them are thereD 'enguin who has no wings. +u%%est they loo! at the word 1series4, which 5) Wow, it sounds interesting. 6ow &any o$ means 1&any/ and the answer 1There are the& are there? ten o$ the& already4 ") There are ten o$ the& already, and they are still &aking &ore. 5) Why? ") "e#ause #hildren lo,e the series. The 'enguin s so #ute. 6e s #le,er and $unny. 5) What ti&e2 When is it on? ") /t s on at ; o #lo#k <riday night, on the 0isney #hanne. 5) / ll wat#h it. Thank you. *on2unctions #he @emember box is a reminder o" the %rammar tar%et. (xplain that conjunctions are used to connect ideas e.%4 6a Noi is s&all but beauti$ul) and clauses e.%4 / 'lay s'orts be#ause / want to be $it and a#ti,e ). 3oint out that the relationship between the ideas and clauses determine what conjunction is to be used. # can %ive >'? more examples to show that & so& and 1be#ause4 can be interchan%eably used in the same sentence with di""erent clauses. )& 8uide +s, tellin% them that i" they want to "ind the correct conjunction "or each question, they have to read the questions care"ully and decide what the relationship between the two ideas is. 0lso discuss punctuation. (xplain to +s that there is always comma with so and althou%h. Key: 1. and 2. but 3. 5lthough !. be#ause %. so /& +s can wor! independently or in pairs to Key: complete the activity.

1. Wat#hing too &u#h TV is not good be#ause it hurts your eyes. 2. / will get u' early to&orrow, so / #an be at the stadiu& in ti&e. 3. 9o&eti&es we read books and so&eti&es we 'lay s'orts. !. (y little brother #an #olour a 'i#ture but he #annot draw. %. 5lthough 5nn 're$erred going out, she stayed at ho&e. 0& #his tas! is more demandin% as +s have to decide what question word is to be used and how to "orm the question. 0s! +s to underline the !ey in"ormation the question is as!in% "or, e.%.4 the name, the pro%ramme E F the question word is &.hat&. +s can then ma!e the questions. Key: = What is the na&e o$ the national TV #hannel? = 6ow &any hours does it broad#ast? 2 6ow long is it on?

= >/t de'ends on ea#h student.? #his is not only question'ma!in% practice. *t&s also a chance "or +s to develop their = 6ow &u#h does #able TV #ost 'er &onth? understandin% o" the #$ system in $iet -am = Who is your $a,ourite TV 'erson? *O33UNI*ATION 4o5 1uch do you 6no5$ *n this part, +s %et to !now some stran%e/ "amous "acts relatin% to television around the world. %& 7on&t turn this tas! into a serious test o" in"ormation. +s are expected to be able to answer questions A'> and G. Huestions ? and I are interestin% "acts about television. Huestion 6 mi%ht be un!nown to +s +herloc! <olmes is the "amous (n%lish hero o" author 0rthur Bonan 7oyle&s detective stories which are well'!nown all over the world. ;any o" his boo!s have been translated into $ietnamese). Key: 1. *a'an 2. Viet Na& 3. /#eland !. the 895 %. <inland -. "ritain

'& #hese questions are "or discussion in order to see how +s "eel and what they thin! about television. )et them tal! "reely. 7on&t correct them. ;ost o" the answers to these questions can be "ound in the readin% in the readin% (& (a& #his readin% is to introduce some !inds o" #$ pro%rammes "or children. +s can use it as a model "or their tal! about their "avourite pro%ramme later. .hen +s "inish readin%, as! them to return to 5#ti,ity 2 and see i" they want to chan%e any o" their previous answer s). (b& )et +s read the texts while they answer @ey) the questions. 1. "oth 'rogra&&es *t mi%ht help i" # introduces the relationship 2. :rogra&&e Let4s Learn between edu#ational and edu#ate& or s&all #hildren& and kids . 3. :rogra&&e 6ello <attyA !. :rogra&&e Let4s Learn %. :rogra&&e 6ello <attyA -. :rogra&&e Let4s Learn )& 0llow +s about >'? minutes to choose the pro%ramme they pre"er and prepare "or their spea!in%. (ncoura%e +s to "ocus on explainin% why they li!e it.

S,I++S % eadin7 %& #his activity introduces a #$ schedule. 0s! +s to read the schedule. 0s! +s simple questions to explore content o" the schedule the time, the name o" the pro%ramme and its content). #his tas! should be ?one care"ully because it helps +s complete tas! >. Note: 8uide +s so that they can distin%uish the name o" the pro%ramme e.%.4 sports) and the speci"ic name o" the show/ event/ "ilm... on that particular day e.%.4 .heelbarrow @aces) '& #his tas! is to chec! +s/ comprehension Key: o" the schedule. #he more +s understand the 1. Wheelbarrow Ra#es schedule, the quic!er and mor accurately they are able to answer the questions. 2. The :arrot /nstru#tor (ncoura%e +s to wor! independently. 3. +es, we #an.

!. 5 do#u&entary about the #olour$ul li,ing world in the :a#i$i# %. No, it isn t. (& #his job can be done individually or in Key: %roups o" >'?. #here are related concepts 1. :hong) 9#ien#e) *ourney to *u'iter that # mi%ht want to explain4 the universe, the planet, Jupiter, water, "ish, ocean and the 2. "ob) 1o&edy) The :arrot /nstru#tor 3aci"ic. 3. Nga) Ba&e show) 1hildren are 5lways Right !. (inh) 9'orts) Wheelbarrow Ra#es %. Linh) 5ni&als) C#ean Li$e S8ea6in7 )& #his tas! is quite open "or personal choice. 0llow +s about >'? minutes to choose the pro%ramme they pre"er and prepare "or their spea!in%. (ncoura%e them to "ocus on explainin% why they li!e it. +ome +s mi%ht not !now the (n%lish version "or the name o" the pro%ramme. #ell them not to worry about it. #hey can still use the $ietnamese name. #he most important thin% is "or them to tal! about the content o" the pro%ramme and why they li!e it. # may write on the board the name o" each +&s "avourite pro%ramme so that at the end o" the activity the whole class can see i" there are many +s who love the same pro%ramme. S,I++ ' +istenin7 %& 8ive +s >'? minutes to read the schedule4 # can even as! them to read aloud and chec! on their pronunciation. #his would help them reco%ni:e the !ey words when they listen to the recordin%. 0s! +s to only "ocus on the in"ormation they need. .ro7ra11e ;usic4 8reen %reen +ummer Bartoon4 #he @ed +potted +quirrel 2ilm4 #he )onely 8ira""e <ome and 8arden4 <ow to ;a!e a 7o% <ouse K *hanel % K K K *hanel ' *hanels (

,ur <erita%e4 #he ,ld #own o" *nca '& #his activity is more complicated and it requires +s to listen more care"ully "or details. )et +s read the sentences "irst and sees i" +s can answer any o" the statements based on the previous listenin%. 3lay the recordin% a%ain. *" +s have di""iculty catchin% the in"ormation and determinin% their answers, pause the recordin% a"ter each sentence. Key: 1.< 2. T 3. < !. T %. <

+u%%estion4 as! +s to ta!e notes about the Tapescript: time "or each pro%ramme and use them as D.. 5nd here are so&e interesting TV re"erence. 'rogra&&es $or you. The &usi#al Breen, Breen 9u&&er on 1hannel 1 starts at eight o #lo#k. 5t the sa&e ti&e on 1hannel 2 is The Red 9'otted 9Euirrel. 6o&e and Barden $ollows at eight twenty=$i,e. Today you ll learn how to &ake a house $or your dog. 1hannel 3 o$$ers you a tou#hing $il& o$ $riendshi', The Lonely Bira$$e. The $il& starts at eight thirty. 5$ter that, you #an dis#o,er the $a&ous old town o$ /n#a in :eru. 6owe,er, it #o&es on Euite late, at ten o #lo#k. We ho'e that you #an #hoose a 'rogra&&e $or yoursel$. FnGoy and ha,e a great ti&e. "ritin7 (& 2irst let each + read the questionnaire and choose the most appropriate answers "or him/ her. Bhec! on +sA answers.# helps +s or%ani:e their ideas "or writin%.#hen # as! +s to loo! at the su%%ested structure "or the writin%.

+OO,ING BA*, -ocabulary

%& #he aim o" this tas! is "or +s to revise the Key: tau%ht vocabulary about di""erent jobs in #$ People column 0), #$ pro%rammes column L) and di""erent !inds o" "ilm column B). newsreader weathergirl writer (1

Progra #artoon

Kinds !il


do#u&entar y ro&an#e

ga&e show ani&als ho&e and garden

'& #his tas! is "or the revision the vocabulary Key: in a contextMa * i:ed situation. +s have to be 1. national able to reco%ni:e the relationship o" the tar%et words and their content. 2. ,iewers 3. H o #lo#k news !. 1o&edies %. relaI -. ga&e shows H. edu#ational ;. writers Gra11ar (& 0s! +s to loo! at the answers and decide Key: which question word is to be used. 1. 6ow &any 2. What 3. Why !. Who %. When )& )et +s do the tas! separately. Bhec! their Key: answers as a class. 1. C#ean Li$e is on at H.3J and Laughing out

Loud will $ollow, at ;.JJ. 2. / ha,e wat#hed The 9e,en @itties &any ti&es be#ause / like the $il& so &u#h. 3. ""1 Cne is a "ritish #hannel but VTV- is Vietna&ese #hannel. !. 5lthough 5long The 1oast is a $a&ous TV series, / ha,e ne,er wat#hed it. %. / ha,e a lot o$ ho&ework tonight, so / #an t wat#h Fight <eet "elow. *o11unication /& #his tas! is a bit demandin% as it requires Key: 51"0<6BF/@ both readin% comprehension and the ability to reco%ni:e a lo%ical order o" a "low o" ideas. +ome +s mi%ht put &.hen can * watch it& be"ore &.hat channel is it onD&. #his can be accepted as some will pay attention to the time "irst while others want to !now i" they have that channel at home. 0& +s can use the tar%et lan%ua%e they have learnt and the in"ormation about their "avourite pro%ramme in a more realistic context4 in a conversation. . O9E*T 4o5 I18ortant is T- to :ou$ #his is to introduce +s to a new way o" learnin% and practisin% their learnt lan%ua%e outside the class. +s have to or%ani:e their activity so that they will be able to as! questions, to ta!e notes o" the answers, to report the results to other people their class). #his is also a way to show the +s the importance o" #$ in our lives. 0"ter +s have completed their tas!, # can use it "or class discussion to see how much #$ watchin% is enou%h/ %ood/ bad and the role o" #$ "or children.

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