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Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

Only by arrogance and ignorance does Man believe he is alone in the Cosmos. The time from the 'Big Bang' until the formation of our Sun was about 9.1 billion years. Just about twice the 4.6 billion years it took the Earth to evolve to the present day. What kinds evolution could have been happening elsewhere during those more than 4 billion years, before our Sun even formed? Then add to that the 4.6 billion, minus 200,000 years, to reach the dawn of Man as we know him. Lots of time for several early technological civilizations to colonize the galax y. The conclusion of this ex ercise is to realize that ET's may be more than a few thousand years ahead of us technologically, they may be billions of years ahead. *** Debido solo a arrogancia e ignorancia, el Hombre cree que est solo en el Cosmos. Desde el momento del 'Big Bang' hasta la formacin de nuestro Sol, transcurrieron aprox imadamente 9.1 billones de aos. Solo cerca del doble de los 4.6 billones de aos que le tom a la Tierra para evolucionar hasta los das presentes. Que clase de evolucin podr haber sucedido en otros lugares durante esos mas de 4 billones de aos, antes que nuestro Sol se formase? Entonces aadamos a esos 4.6 billones, menos 200,000 aos para llegar al nacimiento del Hombre, tal y como lo conocemos hoy da. Montones de tiempo para varias civilizaciones tecnolgicas, para colonizar la galax ia. La conclusin de este ejercicio, es el de darnos cuenta que los ETs puedan estar no solamente unos miles de aos tecnolgicamente mas avanzados que nosotros, sino unos billones de aos adelante de nosotros. *** Lanzamos este mensaje al Cosmos... De los 200.000 millones de estrellas que hay en la galax ia de la Va Lctea puede que algunas - tal vez muchas - tengan planetas habitados y civilizaciones que viajan por el espacio. Si una de estas civilizaciones intercepta el Voyager y puede comprender estos contenidos grabados, aqu va nuestro mensaje: estamos tratando de sobrevivir a nuestro tiempo para poder vivir en el vuestro. Esperamos que algn da, tras haber solucionado los problemas a los que nos enfrentamos, podamos unirnos a una comunidad de Civilizaciones Galcticas. Esta grabacin representa nuestra esperanza, nuestra determinacin y nuestra buena voluntad en un inmenso e impresionante Universo.
Declaracin oficial del presidente Jimmy Carter incluida en la nave espacial Voyager antes de emprender su viaje por nuestro sistema solar el 16 de junio de 1977.



Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

Contents - 10,500 BC - Who lived on Earth? - A Galactic Exchange Univer-City - Alex Collier and The Andromeda Compendium - Alien Mind - A Primer - The Verdants - Alien Mind - The Thought and Behavior of Extraterrestrials - Aliens Among Us
- Main File - Main File

- Aliens and The Government - Aliens - Star Systems - Ancient and Future Custodial Alien Races - And the HyperDimensional Symbolic Cryptographic Munitions

- Ancient Astronauts (AA) Theory Revisited - Main File - An Overview of the Major Events in the Galaxy - A Photograph of an Alien? - Are We Alone In The Universe? - Astro-Metrics of Undiscovered Planets - A Synthetic Myth - A Synthesis of Visionary Insights - A Voice From Space Espaol Espaol - Billy Meier y Las Pleyades
- Main File

- Caracteristicas y Propositos de Los Extraterrestres - Charles Hall and The Tall Whites ETs
- Main File

- Closing The Gap With Our Cosmic Neighbours - CoEVOLUTION - An Interplanetary Adventure Espaol Espaol - Confirmaciones de Vida Aliengena - Cosmic Explorers - Different Reptilian Factions on Earth - Diferentes Tipologas de Extraterrestres - Different Typologies of Extraterrestrials - Discerning Alien Disinformation Espaol Espaol - Discriminando Desinformacin Aliengena - Disclosure - Main File - Dos Alertadores Informan Independientemente Haberse Teletransportado a Marte y Reunirse con ETs Marcianos - Earth and Celestial Conflicts - Main File - El Archivo LACERTA Espaol - El Hombre Que Cay a La Tierra - Exopolitics and Michael Salla - Main File - Exploradores Csmicos - Diferentes Facciones Reptiles en la Tierra - Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Galactic History
- Main File - Main File to Karmapolis About the Plausible Origin of Mankind - Main File - Main File


- First Contact - Gerry Zeitlin Giv es an Interv iew - Galactic Overview - A Journey in Oneness - George LoBuono and Aliens - Grey Aliens Bite The Dust
- Main File

- Inflation - Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation - Information From The Extraterrestrials/Extradimensionals -



Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- Information From The Extraterrestrials/Extradimensionals Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol -

Informe Celea - Contacto... La Evolucin del Humanoide en El Cosmos - Astrobiologa y Ev olucin - Teora de Los Diseos Coincidentes La Vida en El Universo La Vida Extraterrestre Existe y Est Aqu - Disclosure
- Main File

Proj ect

- Life on Mars - Vida en Marte -

Los Cassiopaeans y Laura Knight-Jadczyk - Main File Los Primeros Contactados - Siempre han habido seres humanos que se relacionaban con seres... Lyssa Royal and Galactic Information - Main File Marshall Vian Summers y Los Aliados de la Humanidad -

Main File


- Mente Aliengena - Un Detonador - Los Verdants - Main File - New Dawn Rising - Formal Extraterrestrial Contact - The
Ashtar Command

- New 'Life in Space' Hope After Billions of 'Habitable Planets' Found in Milky Way - New Universes Espaol - Nuevos Universos - Objetos Voladores En El Arte - Main File Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol - Organic Portals - Main File - Presencia Extraterrestre en El Espacio - La Exopoltica, Los Entresij os de La Guerra Espacial, y un Futuro
Positiv o

- Primer Contacto - Gerry Zeitlin da Una Entrev ista a Karmapolis Acerca del Plausible Origen de La Humanidad -Quien Vivi en La Tierra en 10,500 A.C.? - Revelaciones y Reveladores del Gran Secreto del Cosmos
- Main File


- Soul Technology - Stargates, Ancient Rituals, and Those Invited Through The Portal - Tecnologa de Almas - The Andromeda Connection - Alex Collier and The Andromeda Compendium - The Archons - Los Arcontes - The Ashtar Command - The Big UFOs Battle Around The Sun - The Creation of Universes and The Creation - The EBE
- from 'The Day After Rosw ell" - Main File - Main File

- The Gods of Eden - Main File - The Lacerta Files - Reptoids of The Inner Earth - The Man Who Fell To Earth - The Orion Zone - The Hopi Ancient Star City of the American Southw est - Main File - The Release of the Cooper Material - The Research of Alfred Lambremont Webre - Main File - The Universe According to Kerner - Short Greys, Robots, Gods
and Eugenism

- The Watchers - Nephilim - To Catch A Falling Star

- Main File

- Top Secret/Demon - Eyes Only Document - Two Whistleblowers Independently Report Teleporting to Mars and Meeting Martian Extraterrestrials - UFOs - The Psychic Dimension Espaol Espaol - Una Univer-Ciudad de Intercambio Galctico - Vida Ms All de la Tierra - Un Ocano en Marte - Un Planeta Similar a la Tierra a Aos Luz de Distancia La
Ev idencia es...

- World-Class Astrobiologist Says "NASA's Hiding Current Life on Mars!" - Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth - Main File 3/12


Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

Additional Information - Abductions and Abductees

- Main File

- About Carol Rosin and the late Werner Von Braun - Aleister Crowley and the "Sirians" - Alien Autopsy Photographs - Alien China Syndrome - Legend Claims Ancient Pyramids Prov ide Proof Of Extra-Terrestrials - Alien Disclosure From an Astronaut - Aliens and Cosmic COINTELPRO - Alien Saviors - Aliens Behind World Government - 'Aliens Exist' - Say Real-Life X-Files - Aliens Have Deactivated British and U.S. Nuclear Missiles - Say U.S. Military Pilots - A Map to Disclosure for President Obama - 7 Steps to Real

- Amazing Grace - The Coming of the Cassiopaeans - Ancient Gnostic Disciples of Jesus Reveal Reasons for Extraterrestrial Denial in Western... - Andrew Basiago Is Predicted 'Planetary Level' Whistleblower for Mars Life and Time Travel" - Web Bot - An Open Letter to The Prime Minister of Canada Concerning the Extraterrestrial Presence - Apollo 14 Astronaut Claims Aliens HAVE Made Contact - But It Has Been Cov ered Up For 60 Years - A Question of Extraterrestrial And Human Telepathy Penetration

- Archive TC - Are Aliens Already Here? - Harv ard's Controv ersial John Mack Thinks He May Hav e The Answ er Espaol - Argentina - Expedition Seeks To Recover Crashed Saucer - Bases y Vehculos Submarinos Relacionados a Los Cetceos - Battleship - Is An Extraterrestrial Invasion Possible? - Bob Dean's Presentation at The European Exopolitics Summit - Transcript - Barcelona, 25 July 2009 - Body - Mind - Soul - Brain Zapping - Can We Achieve Parity With ET? - Can We Reach Technological and Cultural Parity With ET? - Channelers and Channeled Information - Main File - Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's Sovereignty - Circulos En Los Cultivos - Main File - Climate Change and The Collapse of The Akkadian Empire - Ev idence from the Deep Sea - Communicating With Aliens - The Psychological Dimension of


- Communication With Extraterrestrial Intelligence UNCLASSIFIED

- Confirmation & Update on Secret United Nations Meeting Discussing UFOs & Extraterrestrial Life - Contact and Contactees - Main File - Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and Their Murderous Attacks - Cosmic Deception - The Hoaxed Alien Invasion Scenario - Cosmic Explorers - Scientific Remote View ing, Extraterrestrials, and a Message for Mankind - Cosmic Voyage - A Scientific Discov ery of Extraterrestrials
Visiting Earth

- "Cowboys & Aliens" Movie Twists True History of UFOs and ETs in The Old West - Creation Myths From Many Cultures Espaol - Cumbre Europea de Exopolitica 2009


Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- Demons in Alien's Clothing - Densities - Determining Human Relations With Aliens - Did An Ancient Advanced Civilization Exist on Earth? Deutsch - Did President Kennedy Meet Extraterrestrials? - Die beste Geschichte, die nie erzhlt wird - das Buch v on
Lana Cantrell

- Disclosure 101 - Discoveries Out There Require Preparation Right Here Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol - Diseo y Principio Antrpico del Universo - El Indito Documento de Einstein y Oppenheimer del Ao 1947 Sobre Extraterrestres - El Jaque Mate - Informaciones Para Materializar Un Mundo Nuev o - El Sistema del Universo - El Vaticano Acepta La Existencia De OVNIs - Esotericism and Ufology - A Different Perspectiv e on The UFO

- Estallar una Guerra Religiosa La Declaracin del Vaticano de Un Salvador Aliengena? - Estrange Extraterrestrial Zoology - ETs Advierten Que Cataclismos Unificarn La Conciencia Humana - Cosmonauta Rusa Popov ich - E.T. and God - Could Earthly Religions Surv iv e the Discov ery of Life Elsew here in the Univ erse? - ETs Warn Cataclysms Will Unify Human Consciousness - Russian Cosmonaut Popov ich - ETs Working in U.S. Military Bases - Philippe de La Messuziere Validates The Rev elations of Dr. Michael Wolf


- Existi Una Antigua Civilizacin Avanzada en La Tierra? - Exopolitics and A Positive Human Future - Exopolitics and Global Warming - A Cosmic Connection - Exopolitics And Its Role As a Catalyst to Space Migration - Exopolitics Comes of Age - Exopolitics - Discipline of Choice for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial Life - Extraterrestres Desactivaron Misiles Nucleares Britnicos y Estadounidenses - Dicen Pilotos de Los
Estados Unidos


- Extraterrestrial Contact - Political and Social Implications of Going Multi-Dimensional - Extraterrestrial Contact - Why Might ETs Be Interested In

- Extraterrestrial Exposure Law - Already Passed By Congress - Extraterrestrial False Flag Operation - Main File - Finding and Processing Cosmic Information - Ongoing Problems Of Exopolitics - First Contact and The Ederman Message - Five Arguments Against The Extraterrestrial Origin of Unidentified Flying Objects - From Cthulhu to Cloning - From Star Wars to Star Dreams - Galactic History - Main File - Gearing Up for "Cosmic Watergate... The Beginning of ET Disclosure" - Genoma - Main File Espaol - Gente de Otros Planetas - Geo-political Considerations on The Roswell Cover-Up and The Emerging Field of Exopolitics - Global Elite Belief in Extraterrestrial Creator Gods
- Alex Jones Has A Problem

- Global Fuse is Ignited - A Post Disclosure World - Grays - What They Are - from 'The Threat - Rev ealing the Secret
Alien Agenda?


- Guerra en El Cielo - El Colegio Inv isible - Resumen del Libro de

Kyle Griffith

- Hawking - A UK Psyops to Promote Space Weaponization and A False War Against Extraterrestrials? 5/12


Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe


- 'Henry Deacon' - A Livermore Physicist - Main File - Historia Galctica segn Alex Collier y Los Andromedanos - How Exopolitics Can Offer Avenues to Resolve Population Reduction and Other Eco-Conundrums - How Old is ET? - Huge UFO Sighted Near Nuclear Missiles During October 2010 Launch System Disruption - Human Simulacra
On The Manipulation of Society Via Artificial/Reprogrammed Humans

- Human Souls Common to Extraterrestrials and Earthlings - Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation - Integration With Universe Society - Tow ard a Decade of

- Intelligent Life in the Universe - What Role Will It Play in Our Future? - Intergalactic Politics - Internet Alien Presence - Italys Disclosure of Human Looking Aliens - Join The Collective - Is it really such "A Privilege to be Assimilated"? - Jupiter's Europa Moon 'Likeliest to Have Life' - Knowledge of ET Life Is Maturing at Warp Speed - Says
Paradigm Activ ist

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- La Cuarentena Planetaria y Sus Causas - Viendo El Univ erso

Cabeza Abaj o

- La Gente Azul - Antiguas Razas, ngeles e Infierno - La Historia Ms Grande Jams Contada - Resea del Libro
de Lana Cantrell

- Las Almas Humanas Son Comunes para Extraterrestres y Seres Terrestres - La Teogona - Cada del Hombre desde Una Civ ilizacin Superior en La Antigedad - La Verdad Acerca de un Pueblo Semitico... - Lear's Aliens - Original Statement - Life on Mars? - Amazing Photos From NASA Probe Rev eal Image of Mystery Figure on Red Planet - Los Extraterrestres y Dios - Podran las Religiones Terrestres Sobrev iv ir al Descubrimiento de la Vida en Otra
Parte en el Univ erso?

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- Los Nibiru, los Anunnaki y la Retro-evolucin Humana - Historia de Dos Hermanos - Los Orgenes Liranos - Canalizacin de Lyssa Royal - Los Seres del Espacio - O Un Boicot Muy Explicable - Los Tres Grandes Experimentos Tierra - Massive UFO Event in Russia - Crashed Flying Saucer? - Meaning of Life Questions - A Speculativ e Look at The Big Picture of Life in The Univ erse - Messengers of Deception


- Modelos Virtuales de Los Grises - Moon Anomalies And Moon Bases - Main File - Mothman & The Thunderbird - Separated at Birth? - A Striking Resemblance Betw een the "Mothman" and an
Indian Thunderbird Artif.

- NASA Sponsors Course on How to Talk to Aliens - Neil Freer and The Alien Question - Main File - New Videos Reveal Celestials Helping Humanity With Extraterrestrial Technology Espaol - Nine Theories of Extraterrestrial Contact - A Brief Inv entory of The Leading Paradigms - Nueve Teoras Sobre El Contacto Extraterrestre - Un Brev e Inv entario de Los Principales Paradigmas - Odds of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable Worlds - Official Culture in America - A Natural State of Psychopathy? - On "Alien Writing" - An Interv iew w ith Mario Pazzaglini - Oppressive Manipulative Extraterrestrial Infiltration of Human Society Through Militarism - Egyptian
Artifacts Support



Artifacts Support

Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- Options For A Planet In Peril Espaol - Origen de La Vida y del Hombre - Main File - Origin of Life and Man - Main File - ParaSETI - ET Contact via Subtle Energies - Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing Extraterrestrials - Who Visited U.S. Capital in 1957 - Planetary Quarantine and Its Causes - Looking at The Univ erse Upside Dow n Espaol - Polticas Intergalcticas - Precis on the Good, the Bad and What Curls Up Under a Rock - Predicting What Extra-Terrestrials Will Be Like - And Preparing for The Worst - President Kennedys Deadly Confrontation With The CIA & MJ-12 over ET/UFO X-Files - President Ronald Reagan - Abov e Top Secret Exopolitical Information - Main File Espaol - Principio Antrpico - Fragmento Historia del Tiempo - Prometheus - Are Humanitys Creators Set to Return and Destroy Us? - Project Awareness - 2nd Annual Gulf Breeze UFO Conference
Oct 1994



- Quien o Que Cosa son los Poderes Csmicos Extraterrestres - Red Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Habitable Alien Planets - Relaciones con Habitantes de Cuerpos Celestes - Documento Borrador de Albert Einstein y Robert
Oppehheimer 1947

- Relationships With Inhabitants of Celestial Bodies - The Einstein-Oppenheimer Draft Document 1947 - Retired NASA Space Craft Operator Witnessed Extraterrestrial in Space Shuttle Mission - Rumors of 'Alien UFO Invasion' - UFO Decloakings Multiply, as Do Forthcoming 'Alien Inv asion' Mov ies Espaol - Salvadores Aliengenas - Saving Earth and Humanity Critically Relies on Developing Extraterrestrial Awareness - Scientific Research - Cherokee Tales of 'Little People' Give Clues About Our World - Scientist Proposes Telepathic Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - Scientists Confirm Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA - Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence - A New - Skepticism Vs. The "Art" of Debunking - Something Wicked This Way Comes - Source at U.N. Tells of Secret UFO Meeting February 12, 2008 - Speech of Hon. Paul Hellyer at The 2008 X-Conference - Stargate International's Disclosure Conference - Transcript of Interv iew - Star Wars or Star Dreams? - Statement of Aspirations and Code of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth - Stephen Hawking's Aliens - Commentaries - Super-Earth Detected in Star's Habitable Zone - Synopsis of The Alien Master Plan - The Hybrid Breeding Program and Impending Enslav ement of Mankind - System of The Universe - Ten Thousand Revolutions - Conjectures About Civilizations - Terraforming and Planetary Engineering - Main File - The 1950s Contactee Movement Revisited - The 3 Earth Grand Experiments - The Aldebaran Mystery? - The Alien Overlords - The Aliens of The Golden Dawn 7/12
w ith Bob Dean Empirical Approach - Astro Biological Nonlocality at...

- Signs of Life Spotted on Venus - Russian Scientist


Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- The Allies of Humanity - The Andreasson Affair - The Anglo Saxon Mission - The Timeline - Letter from a
Whistleblow er

- The Anthropology of Searching for Aliens - Q&A - The Blue People - Ancient Races, Angels and Hell... - The Book of Enoch, Celestials and Extraterrestrials - The Cassiopaeans Logs - Cassiopaeans Transcripts from 1994
to 2002

- The Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message' - Main File - The COSCON Files - The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences for Science and Society - The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials
- Main File

- "The Earth Will Be Mine" - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity - The Exopolitics Debate Heats Up - The Experiment - The True History of The Darkness and of The Light - The Global Crisis and The Ultimate Secret of The Empire - The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion - The Grail Quest and The Destiny of Man - Visa to Magonia - The Greatest Story Never Told - Book Rev iew of Lana

- The Great UFO Coverup Is Falling Apart - We Are Definitely

Not Alone!

- The Implications of The Discovery of Extra-Terrestrial Life for Religion - The Lam
- Main File

- The Last Letter from Dr. Dan B.C. Burisch - The Master File - Rev elation of Aw areness w ith Paul Shockley as the Interpreter - Main File - The Middle East Exopolitical Saga - Main File - The New World and Its Fall - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity - The Nibiru, The Anunnaki and Human Devolution - A Tale of Two Brothers - The Occult Reptilian Saga - Main File - The Origin of The Basque People? - Main File - The Problem With The Verdant ET Takeover Plans - The Return of The "Sky People", Secret Military Agreements & Using Positive Intention for Extraterrestrial Contact - The Search For Extraterrestrial Artifacts (SETA) - The Study of Alien Humanoids - The Suppression of UFO Technologies and Extraterrestrial Contact - from 'Suppressed Inv entions and
Other Discov eries'

- The Superpowers of the Human Biomind - Vis-a-v is the Probabilities of Extraterrestrial Intelligence - The Theogony - Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity - The Truth About A Semitic People... - The United Nations and Other Governances are Preparing for An Alien Invasion - The Unknown Agenda - Are There 'Good' and 'Bad' ETs? - Proj ect Camelot Interv iew - The Work of Gerry Zeitlin - Main File - The Zeta Reticuli Incident - Betty and Barney Hill - Top Secret Apotheosis - Excerpts - Towards a Decade of Contact - Preparing for Re-integration into Univ erse society - Transgenics and Reverse Incrementalism - Transmission About The Social Order and Lifestyle of the Greys and Reptilians - UFO Secret Meetings at The United Nations
- Main File For Your Future to Dr. Stev en Greer

- Underground Bases, Missing Children, Extra-Terrestrials - What You Need To Know



Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- Underground Bases, Missing Children, Extra-Terrestrials - What You Need To Know - Underwater Bases And Vehicles In Relation To Cetaceans - Virgin Pregnancies and Alien DNA Problems - Vatican Says Aliens Could Exist Espaol - Visitantes de La Dimensin Desconocida - Visitors From The Twilight Zone - War in Heaven - The Inv isible College - Summary of Kyle Griffith's

For Your Future

- What Role Will Extraterrestrials Play In Humanity's Future? - Who and What are the Extraterrestrial Cosmic Powers - Why ET's Genetic Code Could Be Just Like Ours - A New

Thermodynamic Analysis Suggests That 10 of

- Will Contact With ETs Lead to Space Weaponization and Space War? - Paul Hellyer v s. Stephen
Haw king

- Will Vatican Declaration of An Alien Savior Spark a Religious War? - Wisdom of The Higher Extraterrestrials - World Business Leaders to Discuss UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life - Would Contact With Extraterrestrials Benefit or Harm Humanity? - A Scenario Analysis - Zen of Stars - Michael St. Clair, Futurist and Visionary Reports - Projects - Alien Megaprojects - The Hunt has Begun - Blue Planet Project - Alien Technical Research 25 - COMETA Report - Declaration for Citizen Contact Councils - Announced at Earth Transformation Conference - Exo-Vaticana - Petrus Romanus, Proj ect LUCIFER, and The Vatican's Astonishing Exo-Theological Plan for The Espaol Espaol Espaol
Arriv al of An Alien "Sav ior" - Exo-Vaticana - Petrus Romanus, Proyecto LUCIFER, y el Plan Exo-Teolgico del Vaticano para la Llegada de un 'Salv ador' Extraterrestre

- Galactic Diplomacy

- Main File

- Historia Exopoltica del Siglo 20 - La Cuestin Aliengena - Una Visin Ampliada - Un Anlisis
en Detalle

- Project Aquarius

- Main File - Main File

- Project Blue Book Espaol

- Project LUCAS - Borderland Sciences SETI Project - Proyecto NUIDET - Ncleo Investigacin Deteccin ET - Project Pulsar - Project SERPO - Main File - Project SIGN and The Estimate of The Situation - Report on Royal Society Conference on Extra-Terrestrial Life - Scientists Endorse Study of Societal Consequences of Extraterrestrial Life - Starry Messages - Searching for Signatures of Interstellar Archaeology - The Alien Question - An Expanded Perspective - A White

- The Brookings Report

- Main File

- The Condon Report - Main File - The Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences for Science and Society - The KRLL Papers - The Majestic Documents - The Starchild Project
- Main File

- The Robertson Panel - 1952-53 - Main File

- Main File



- The Starchild Project - Main File - "Threats to Human Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth

Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

Books-Treatises - dam Genisi - Les Chroniques Du Girku - by Anton Parks - Alien Interview - Personal Notes and Interv iew Transcriptions Prov ided by Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy - by
Law rence R. Spencer


- Defendiendo Tierra Sagrada - El Compendio de Andrmeda - por Alex Collier - Defending Sacred Ground - The Andromedan Compendium
- by Alex Collier

Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol Espaol

- Chariots of The Gods? - Unsolv ed Mysteries of The Past - by Erich v on Daniken - El Colegio Invisible - Guerra en El Cielo - Un Concepto Completamente Nuev o y Rev olucionario Sobre La... - por
Kyle Griffith

- El Libro de Los Condenados - por Charles Fort - El Prisma De Lira - Una Exploracin De La Herencia Galctica del Ser Humano - por Lyssa Royal y Keith Priest - El Regreso de Inanna - por V.S. Ferguson El Retorno de Los Dioses - por Erich v on Dniken El Secreto de Las Estrellas Oscuras - Las Crnicas del Girku - Volumen 1 - por Anton Parks ETs y La Atlntida - Manipulacin Gentica Exopolitica - Una Decada de Contacto - por Alfred

Lambremont Webre

- Exopolitics - A Decade of Contact - by Alfred Lambremont


- Extraordinary Encounters - An Encyclopedia of Extraterrestrials and Otherw orldy Beings - by Jerome Clark - Fingerprints of The Gods - by Graham Hancock - Genesis for The New Space Age - Secret Dev elopment of The Round Wing Plane, the Extra Terrestrials... - by
John B. Leith

- Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis Espaol Espaol Espaol La Amenaza Extraterrestre - por Salv ador Freixedo La Granja Humana - Somos Los Cobayas de Los Dioses? - por Salv ador Freixedo La Sonda de Arcturo - Relatos e Informes de Una Inv estigacin en Curso - por Jos Arguelles Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres - Les Chroniques Du Girku - by

Anton Parks

Espaol Espaol Portuguese Espaol

- Los Diarios Perdidos de Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Estelas Qumicas y El Secreto de la Alternativ a 4 - por Tim
Sw artz

- Los Dioses del Eden - por William Bramley Our Haunted Planet - by John A. Keel O Prisma de Lira - Uma Explorao da Herana Galctica Humana - Lyssa Royal - Keith Priest Pasaporte a Magonia - Sobre OVNIs, Folclor y Mundos Paralelos - por Jacques Valle Passport to Magonia - On UFOs, Folklore and Parallel Worlds - by Jacques Valle Pyramid of Thoughts - by Daniela Giordano and Jan Paj ak

- Revelations - Alien Contact and Human Deception - by JF. Vallee - Secret Cipher of The UFOnauts - by Allen H. Greenfield - STAR KIDS - The Emerging Cosmic Generation - by Richard
J. Boylan

- The Computer Inside You - The Caretakers - by Kurt Johmann - The Day After Roswell - by Phillip Corso - The Gods of Eden - by William Bramley - The Gold of The Gods - Explosiv es New Ev idences About The Origin of Man... - by Erich v on Daniken - The Invisible College - War in Heav en - A Completely New And Rev olutionary Conception of The Nature of Spiritual
Reality - by K.Griffith

- The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla - HAARP, Chemtrails and The Secret of Alternativ e 4 - by Tim Sw artz - The Mission of The One Star - Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star - by Alloya. N. Huckfield - The Mothman Prophecies - by John A. Keel - The Planet Mars and Its Inhabitants - by Eros Urides (a

- The Prism of Lyra - An Exploration of Human Galactic Heritage - by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest - The Stargate Conspiracy - The Truth About Extraterrestrial Life and the Mysteries of Ancient Egypt
Picknett and Cliv e Prince

- by Lynn

- The Threat - Revealing the Secret Alien Agenda - by Dav id
M. Jacobs


M. Jacobs

Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- The Truth - by Joseph P. Firmage - The Truth About Mars - by Ernest L. Norman - The War of The Worlds - by H. G. Wells - Visitors From Within - Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Ev olution - by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest - War of The Worlds Espaol Espaol
- by H.G. Welles

- WARNING - The Alien Agenda Rev ealed - by Art Greenfield - Yo He Estado en Marte - por Narciso Genov ese - Yo Visit Ganmedes... - ...El Mundo Marav illoso de Los OVNIs - por Yosip Ibrahim (Jos Rosciano Holder) Multimedia - Alien Autopsy - Rosw ell UFO Crash - Original Footage - Aliens in The Past - The Inevitable Reencounter - Aliens - Into The Univ erse With Stephen Haw king - Ancient Aliens Ancient Astronauts A'shayana Deane - Author of The Voyager Books - Interv iew by Proj ect Camelot Productions A True ET Landing or An Anti-ET False Flag Operation? - Dr. Stev en Greer & Dr. Carol Rosin - July 17 2007 Bob Dean at The Exopolitics Summit Press Conference - Barcelona, 24 July 2009 (English - Espaol) Bob Dean's Presentation at The European Exopolitics Summit - Barcelona, 25 July 2009 Captured Alien Being Interviewed - Secret Leaked Documents of Rosw ell Entity Contact and Disclosure - The Final Sequence - by Stev en



- Dead Alien Found in UFO Hotspot in Russia - Disclosure 101 - El Espacio Secreto - Secret Space - El Zen de Las Estrellas - Entrev ista a Michael St. Clair - Facts About Extraterrestrial Life Genetic Manipulation - ETs and Atlantis Granada Forum Lecture - Dr. Bill Deagle Hyperdimensional Plasma Ship Interprete de Extraterrestres - Sgto. Clifford Stone - Una Video Entrev ista con Clifford Stone

- La Evolucin del Humanoide en El Cosmos - La Mayor Historia en La Historia de La Humanidad - Proj ect Camelot Entrev ista Bob Dean (English Espaol)

- Larry King Live Exposes Nuclear Facilities Shutdowns by UFOs - Life in The Universe - Are We Alone? - Origen de La Humanidad y Extraterrestres - OVNIs, Aliens y La Cuestion de Contacto - Presencia Extraterrestre - Fundacin Audiencia Ciudadana Abril-Mayo 2013

- Quantum Cosmology - Lord Desmond Leslie on Adamski - Secret Space - Ancient Texts Can Tell Another Story... - Secret Space Program - Secret Space Program - Secret Space Program
- Conference Amsterdam 2011 - Subtitulado Espaol

- Secrets Revealed - John Lear in Coas2Coast AM - Supra-Consciousness - Human Transformation, Earth Changes & The New - The Secret - Evidence We Are Not Alone - The Truth About UFOs - Brad Steiger


- The Unknown Agenda - Are There 'Good' and 'Bad' ETs? - Proj ect Camelot interv iew s Dr Stev en Greer - Transcending The Dualistic Mind - Transpersonal Psychology 11/12


- Transcending The Dualistic Mind - Transpersonal Psychology John E. Mack

Vida en El Universo - Life in The Universe

- UFO Area 51 - The Alien Interview - UFOs, Aliens and The Question of Contact - UFOs on NASA Space Shuttle Mission STS-115 - Videos rea 51 y Dulce - Visitantes del Universo - Seres y Maquinas - Wavelength - The Film - 1983 Related Reports - About Branton - Main File - Astrosciences - Exploring The Mysteries Of The Universe - Briefing for the Landing on Planet Earth - Ciencia Real
- Main File - Main File

- Comandante Clomro

- Consciousness And The Conscious Universe - Main File - Courtney Brown and Remote Viewing - Main File - Craneos Insolitos
- Main File - Main File

- Dimensions and Hyperdimensions - Galactic Diplomacy

- Main File

- Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With Extraterrestrials - The Fiftieth Anniv ersary of First Contact? - Main File - Galactic Federations-Councils - Hyperdimensions
- Main File - Main File - Main File

- Germany's ET Contacts? - Its Legacy On The Tw entieth Century And After...

- Indigo Children - Crystalline Children - Main File - Las Pleyades - New Universe - Planetophysical State of The Earth and Life - Project Majestic MJ-12 - Main File - Stargate - Main File - Sumer and The Anunnaki - Main File - Synthetic Life - Robotoids, Parasites and Artificial Humans
File - Main - Main File

- Lucid Dreaming

- The Only Planet of Choice - The NSA - The Super Secret National Security Agency - Main File - The Saga of Flying Objects
- Present and Past - Main File

Return to Cosmos Return to Origin of Life and Man Return to Temas / Vida Alienigena


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