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Brownsville can push lU

chest out a little farther now
THE WEATHER that it has the New Majestic
Mostly overcast »ki«» and to brag on.
mild, with occasional, scat-
tered thunder shower*.
Grand* Valley for Over 50 Year*
57TH YEAR — NO. 39 (/P) MEMBER

He's Traded Bullets For Oratory But Chapin

Still Engaged In Courtroom Battles At 79
Cotton Picker Who Killed
tin raid Stuff WrlUsr
Judge Dennis B. Chapin has
swapped tullr.ts for courtroom
oratory but h«'a still fighting.
Tho 70-year-old former Hidal-
go county Judge, who ha» had
Friend Slain By Officer
share of political battles as
well an gun fight*, !« now in Alien Shot
the midst ol legal warfare with
nrveral lai e;o Texas oil compa- Port Isabel As He And
The oil canes thin week brought
him to Brownsville, where he
hud a l a w o i f l e e n l m o « t o O y c a r B
ago. W h i n he finished a stor-
my hearing In Judge Allen B.
Set For Deputy Fight
Hitnnaya federal court Chapin
rUd florne reminiscing" about his
first v i w i t lure,
Worked for Cattlemen
Fish Tourney Shooting Is Held
•It wa« back in 1892 or 38D3 he Justifiable In
•mid, v/h-n he was work ng for Four-Day Event Verdict Of Justice
tho Cattle riHi.snrs AflHoclation Gets Underway
-My npr.clfio Job was what A cotton picker thought
t h r - y call•*! a tt-oubleshooter Early Thursday to have bludgeoned a com-
"llmlnatiiiK cattle thieves and
horse thieves," he sal d, Ho Port Isabel, Aug. 17 — panion to death was shot
added he had a -special corn- Last minute entries and final f a t a l l y by Deputy Sheriff
i Y \ i * A ^i i,o«n 11
* j111 twh* *e\' trovernoi
n LO
arrangements were being Walter Keller while resist-
ride with t h e Texas K*"**™ ing arrest last night.
«nd rlc-numd t h e i r asfllstanco made today for the Texas Both killings came within
'"whonev<T I deemed it neces- International Fishing Tour-
.snry." "
not often neces-
nament which gets under an hour at a b o u t midnight,
way at 7 a. m. Thursday. Sheriff Boynton Fleming
'MU'y' Is Acquittal said.
f l h a p i n does not deny that in Keenest competition is ex- Justice of the Ponce Manuel Diaz
about J U I O he shot a Banger to pected in the sailfish and dc Loon returned ' a verdict, of
death and wan acquitted after marlin divisions with former j u s t i f i a b l e h o m i c i d e in the death of
n n i n f ' - d H V t r i a l In Victoria. Port Isabel Rodeo champs and the man Keller shot. He called the
The flm-id, Hoqu-nL en I lawyer famous deep-sea fishermen concen- bludgeoning- "murder".
t o l d how Hi' 1 I-''" 11 of seven trating on the big trophies for (iivos Account
r ,, M llPr.H i.-d h i m from
near Fleming gave the, following ac-
sails and marlin.
JUDGE DENNIS B. CHAPIN Grandma Coming count of the events leading up to
... .— > — 71-year-old Mrs. Clara Thomaa the fatal fracas:
iind two of his men At nbout 31:30 p. in. the. sher-
of Alvin, Tex., the "Fishing Grand-
j o i n e d me in th- p u r s u i t of these
and' 1 b r o u g h t t h e m ( t n c
t( Corpus Chrlstl .
A&I Student Union Building ma," is expected to arrive by air
in Brownsville at 6 p.m. today from
i f f ' s office sot a call saying a man
had been killed in his toed on the
f a r m of Jose Martinez, near Okla-
a n r| t h e r e ' out f i t t e d t h e m " for Houston for the tournament. Mrs. homa Avenue about; seven miles
the t r l n to the border.
<-Tlml was the f i r s t time T Contracts Are Let By Board Thomas landed a 70-pound tarpon
here on July 4.
east of Brownsville.
Keller m a d e the call to investi-
N f i w the c i t y of Brownsville," 1 Among late entries are two gate. He found Ignacio A vila Ol-
C h a p i n Maid, "t made up my
KJNGSVILLK, 17 Contracts totaling $419,- prominent San Antonio sport fish- vera, 23, an alien picker, had been
m i n d t i i f - n that i f { over settled of a s t u d e n t union b u i l d i n g on ermen. Leon Howell, regional di- hit on the head with a blunt in-
down I w o u l d mftko tho Rio 055,80 for construction rector of the Veterans Administra- strument and his skull crushed.
O r n n d e V u l l ' - y my home. tho. cum pus of Texan A. & I. College were let Tuesday at tion at San Antonio and Dr. Dudley The deputy also found all the
End f'>r Ru.iHrrs a meeting of the c o l l e g e s board of directors in San An- Jackson, cancer specialist, an- dead man's belongings missing and
The r u s t l e r s ? nounced their intention to compete his roommate not there.
"Wo e x t e r m i n a t e d them about tonio. Completion of the three-story on Tuesday. Seek Man
;.n 01- '10 m i l e s above Laredo, structure, is scheduled for 350 days Meanwhile, long-range weather While w a i t i n g for Chief Deputy
he M , , t , j , " n n r l in t h e t l g h t ^
of" ,i<t was f-vori wounded,
f h ' a p l n recalled In minute
ILA Contract a l t e r the start of construction. Dr. forecasts predicted good weather
K. H. Poteet, president oC the col- for the tourney, tenth in a series
which began at Port Isabel in
Sheriff Bill G a t l i f f and the justice
of the peace to get to the small
house where Olvcra had been kill-
d t a i l h i s a r r i v a l i n Browns- lege, said work would probably be 1934. Fishing for an estimated
v i l l e "The first. d o m o H t i c d u t y I
h a d ' f o r c e d upon rnft by my wife,
Still Sought .started within ,<J.0 days.
entrants begins at 7 a.m. Thursday
ind continues through 4 p.m. Sat-
ed, Keller and Martinez, owner of
the f a r m , started in search of the
dead man's former friend,
W ( l s to take, a p r e s c r i p t i o n to a GAL.VESTON, Auff. for the urday. A day-long program or They found him walking toward
d n i j r " t o r n and have It r e f i l l e d , statement on contract The R-ene.ral contract awards, with Senator Rogers KeJ the Rio G r a n d e and stopped him
ho tsauccl today, F. A. ^ i - a g c i , nion tnnkfing went to Harwell and to f--earch h i m . The man Keller shot
h Uirwell o£ Ban Antonio on a bid ey of Edinburg as master of cere
" » T h o l ' d n . K K i H l of the city at president of the I n t p r n n t . o n a l ,f svn 000. Four other contracts monies, will be held Sunday. was i d e n t i f i e d as Miguel Morales
t h a t t i m e WHS a Mr. Puto.gnat Longshoremen's Association C..ULL warded w e r e : Plumbing, $27,402, Free Fish Fry Hernandez., 22, also a wetback cot-
a most congenial g e n t l e m a n . Coast district announced. Port Isabel fishermen, in charge ton picker.
-I HHk->d h i m w h a t the price He said the statement will fol- ;tnin and Dawson, Corpus Christ!; of a free fish fry Sunday for the As Keller s t a r t e d to search h i m ,
WHM and he said -51.50. I low a t h i r d m e e t i n g between I'O- itililies, $17,.173, Modlln Co., of
eneral public continued Tuesday NEW MAJESTIC—Shown here is the new Majestic Theater w h5ch holds its for- Hernandez hit the deputy in the
ovpus C h r i f l t i ; electrical wiring,
t e n d e r e d him a *80, 1J. S. cur- presentatives of the TLA atul the l'.t 800 Hooper Electric Co. of San to lay in supplies for the affair,
face, knocked him down and jump-
. ) > n r v o-nld note Mr. Putep- M a r i t i m e commission which rcpro- .nt'nnio; and d i n i n g room and including 2500 pounds of fish and mal opening tonight. (Other pictures on Page Five.) ed on him. Keller reached for his
inl ,ooU -t. and said Til have scnts warehouse cmploycrs and < i t e h c n e q u i p m e n t , $26,680.80, 75 gallons of cooking oil. The fish gun, a .45 caliber a u t o m a t i c , freed
to tfivi- you your change In the barge operators. Southwestern Specialty Co. of San fry, beginning at 11 a.m. Sunday, * • • it from its holster and fired one
money of the country. 1
•Tin cave me two
Another meeting will be held
Mexican tomorrow, he said. <\ntonio.
The board members reorganized
is expected to draw 4,000 to 6,000
All In Readiness For Gala
. , persons before it ends at 3 p.m. Hunt Starts shot, which grazed Hernandez'
stomach, Fleming's account said.
K i l v e r dollars a Mexican five- The two groups opened contract Early entrants were checking in They wrestled for possession of
dollar h i l l and the balance of the negotiations Monday. They
again yesterday, b u t Yeagr-r would
r h a r u v e in t r a d e checks on Boi- not comment on progress
mot • d o c t i
n g o f f i c e r
s Frank
C. Smith
Frank at Port Isabel today and preparing
pear for tournament fishing. Some
In Mexico the weapon. Keller found it had-
jammed after the. first shot. He
l a c k ' s s t o r e KleUls store, the
store, and other far. The old contract
thus Norton Lewis of San Antonio vice charter boats hired for the three
H-c-sident- and Robei-t C. Eckhardt
expires ,f kings v i n e , secretary treasurer days of fishing reported that they Opening Of Majestic Theater For Ochoa succeeded in clearing the chamber
of the automatic, while Hernandez
stores of the c i t y . Aug. 21. Ml t h r e e were recently reappolnt- would concentrate on waters 35 to was still wrestling with him and
Hups i\l
(I to t h c hoard by Governor Allan 50 miles offshore, seeking blue With top executives of Interstate Theaters lending a LAREDO, Aug. 17 — (/P)— The attempting to strangle h i m , Flem-
"[ f o u n d out t h a t those trade
c h e c k s on those stores would
Range Rider Shivers. Other board members marlin, sailfish, and amberjack in hand, final details for the formal opening of the new vord was out in Mexico today:
resent wei-e I^on C. Hill of Corpus depths below 250 feet. Bait sup-
Majestic Theater tonight are complete. i..«. nd George (Gavo) Ochoa.
ing quoted Keller as saying.
Keller freed the gun and shot
Hernandez once in the heart and
b n v more provisions then than plies, especially of the large roc llfVlwp<s
th( ; depreciated, m a n i p u l a t e d U.
New Deal
Faces Hearing ,'hristi, John C. Jones of La Feria
nnd A. Loy Sims of Sinton. mullet used in much tournament When the doors swing open and the Southwest s A fugitive warrant was issued once in the stomach.
Keller and Martinez found the
S. c u r r e n - y under the Justice of the Peace Manuel Cooperative Kt't'ort competition, was plentiful on the finest theater" welcome^moy^ the scar-faced customs broker
ever would." is the cll- opening of the three-day event. vho fled Into Mexico after a double clothes of Olvcra, including a. pair
Dia7. de Leon Maid he expects to The c o n t r a c t letting
The man who says he c a n t t r y today ( h e case of a range rider n a x of several years' efforts on Tournament official Dick Rich- jtenning by Interstate officials. laying In ft hotel here J u l y 31, of new shoes, on Hernandez. They
r e m e m b e r how many pun bat- charged w i t h
t l e s he 1ms been in remembers R a n c h l t o farmer.
pistol-whiping a ho p n r t of t h e students, ex-stud- ards said that a last-minute check
ents faculty board and Kingsville of Port Isabel and Hale Batters
the surrounding
hey believed in the future of and Texas' governor was asked to found
Brownsville and joined with the seek Ochoa'3 extradition from belongings.
$40, and
his wallet, containing some
a bundle of Olvcra's other
how ho tfol his change In a Francisco Munos, who patrols tin cHI/ens to provide a campus center indicated that accommoda-
drugstore f>0 years ago. Rio Grande ror the bureau ot
M« f i n r ^ r e d the solid gold a n i m a l Industry of the XT. S. De- or
clnb recreational activities. Plains Cotton
tions and boats are still available
for contestants and spectators.
many who feel that this city is the
ntertainment center of the Lower
Killed In Sleep
Fleming said all the evidence
Assistant U. S. Attorney Wil- was t h a t the first man (Olvera)
rim? he won In a South Dakota partment of A g r i c u l t u r e , is named By Tho Aftsoclatcil Press Rio Grande Valley.
poker game I n 1395 nncl risked iam R, Eckhardt said in Houston had been asleep when he was mur-
in an assault complaint filed b> Deputy To Return JuryFreesWoman Mid-August hail storms batter- Sell Out
"K"or hoar about the time I Emillo Coy. the Federal Bureau of Investiga- dered. He said he considered the
ed south plains cotton crops again The first show tonight will start
stole a court house." tion had stepped into the case killing of the second man (Her-
The larceny was strictly Man Wanted Here In Poison Death yesterday, this time near Hale t 7:30 p. m. and the house has n a n d e z ) "unavoidable", and prais-
Center in Hale county. The fall been sold out with no more tick after a federal charge of "fleeing ed Keller for tracking the murder-
leiial it t u r n e d out, and Feder- Judgment Enlerei! was measured in amounts up to foreign commerce to escape er to the river in the dark.
al .Tiulge I H i v a l West of San
A n t o n i o vouched for the fact, In Rail Suits On Check Charge Of Her Neighbor 1.10 inches. nnn
ets available, since only the capa-
prosecution" was filed. Keller was bruised in the scuf-
r ourt ho S ST LOINS. Aug. 17 —(/H- Fmu QUITM^AN, Aug, 17 — W*)— An estimated 4,000 to 7,000 city of the theater was sold. Tickets fle but otherwise unhurt.
C h n p i n s.<xlil. '!'"« ' V ° Seek Extradition
steal happened In Hidalgo western railroads yesterday lost D e p u t y S h e r i f f Gay Crisp, Mrs. Jewel Rogers, a liny farm acres of cotton was damaged or the second show, scheduled foi
Monday night in the Dawson 9:45 p. m., will be on sale at the
He. 'and G a t l i f f returned to the
E. James Kazen, district at- scene of the. first killing this morn-
f S e o C H A I M N , Pnge Five.) ludgements tc- three eastern In Isabel, was on his way to Okla- wife, waa free today of charges
Who charged the f o r m e r failed tr homa today to bring back a man of murder. county Agent Lee Roy Colgan torney at Laredo, asked Gov. A l l a n ing to try to find the instrument

Dunn\ n
box office.
pay t h r m correct freight rates lot w a n t e d hero to face- charges of A district court jury yesterday estimated. Shivers to request the United w i t h which Olvera was murdered.
R. J. O'Donnell, vice president States to ask Ochoa's e x t r a d i t i o n
war shipments. passing hot checks. found the 98-pound woman inno- Yesterday's Texas weather was
Federal Judge Uubcy M. Hulci Roy" C. Davis, 38, of Duncan cent in the death of her neighbor, mostly hot, with few exceptions. and general manager of Interstate from Mexico.
hero ^,with And sandstorms were reported in arrived at noon today and heads a
I UU entered the j u d g m e n t s in favor o O k l a h o m a , is charge n c a Mrs. Viola Gilbreath. Mrs. Rogers Ochoa is charged with uie
Sivim Victories
snvs U the B a l t i m o r e and Ohio, Ne\v YorK swindling- w i t h several worthless forcing the El Paso area, cutting visibility n-mrdr of Honry D. \YhiUenburg,
had been charged with ong list of executives, several who
Central aivl Pennsylvania Kail c h o c k s one of t h e m for $1018 Mrs. Gilbreath to swallow strych- as low as four miles. Rain show 33, South '.le.xns ginncr. He also
roads. The c l a i m s / w e r e a ;ains S h e r i f f F-oynton Fleming said. nine at gunpoint Jan. 8 ers were also reported in this have been here since Monday aid is wanted for questioning in the Boost Morale
Missouri Pacific. Cotton BeR D-ivis was arrested by sheriff i The jury, out only 49 minutes, . Ing in the plans for the opening. slaving of Air Force Corporal
MON TMCOTvO arrived at the off Frisio and t h e SI. Louis South o f f i c e r s in D u n c a n , his
Flemimr *aid. The sheriff said
no e
^ reached its verdict on one ballot, Light rain fell yesterday after Officials Here James Lindsay, 30, of Oneida,
b« noon at Tcxarkana, Bryan, Marfa, Others who arrived today are Tcnn. Lindsay was shot in the TOKYO, Aug. 17— MJ)~- Japanese
Of Japanese
ice carrying n m a k e u p box. westovn Railway Co. of Texas. "I didn't believe it could
"What's up, small person . he Missouri Pacific was harcles the chocks were cashed m Har anything else," Mrs. Rogers told Austin, Junction, Lubbock, San Weeden B. Nichols, commercia same, hotel on a d i f f e r e n t floor. morale soared higher today than
"early this Angelo, Amarillo and El Paso. Both nvn were killed by the
was asked. . . . hit- -for $.-398,717. ^ l i n p c n and Loznno District Judge T. C. Chadick. real estate manager; George M same, .32 caliber pistol, ballistics at anytime since their humiliating
-I f i n d myyelC wishing to trod Y e n r. Watson, city manager of San An rxperts reported. The slain men surrender.
the bourds _~ }Hen ring Set Born Town Of Sonoma And Ennis tonio Interstate theaters; Jacl were acquainted and both knew The reason: The records smashed
ihalman, publicity director of the Mrs. Rosa M a r i a Ochoa, Ochoa's in the Los Angeles AAU swimming
again," ho replied
in a deep, low VER- WICE In Dog Shooting San Antonio theaters, and Connu
Brady, publicity director of Hous wife, Kazen said.
meet, by Hironoshin Furuhaishl and
voice. TODAV/ Laredo Police Chief David O. Shiro Nashizume.
A hearing of a dog-shoot in ton Interstate theaters. Executive All newspapers in the larger
"Perhaps that
15 due to tho op- charge filed against
chief jailer of Cameron countv
Howard ire
-*• * ^ •Ensased
rt ' ~ In Feudin' And V ' *— _
who arrived Tuesday arc: Fran slaving, in hifi opinion.
sbid the motive, for the
cities published extras. Radio pro-
Starz, publicity director, and Rob "lealousy". He declined to com- grams were interrupted to broad-
ening of tho new ia scheduled for today. Justice c Mayor J. P. Sims of Ennis issued this ert Hickey, RKO-Radio Piccure least the news.
M a j e s t i c Theater ment.
tonight. It brings
the Pence Manuel Diaz de Loo ENNIS, A u g . 17 — </F>— The town of statement: ,. special representative.
Early arrivals were: Williarr
said. , _ , Ennis and its brand new neighbor, Son- "If secession comes, it will not be half- O'Donnell, Torrence H u d g i n
hack memores of
when T was tho
Mrs. Guadalupe Q. de Gony.ale
filed the complaint against Hal omn are f e u d i n ' and fightin'. way, it will be complete. There will be Debbs Reynolds, J. C. Skinner, C Vaughan's Role In Behalf
saying he shot her dog in th T,he city co\\r\ci\ of Ennis yesterday no halves. One will be an Enmsite and E.John Holmes and J. H. Elder.
toast of the the- street near her homo here. have the advantages that Ennis has to structlonWorley of the PM Con
a t r i c a l world. I
got t h i s box out
told the newly born town to go right
ahead and secede if its 200 citizens felt
Company of Dallas, build
offer or one will be a Sonoman and have ers of the theater, has also bee Of Accused Firm Is Studied
nncl I may Attend the Los Imlios Student vv*hat Sonoma has to offer." ~ here the past several days.
character. . lucky. The city council pointed out that J^n- Entertainment WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 - The role of Maj,
"To he or not to be present does Candidate For Degree nis offers city water, fire protection, city sicTonight's program includes mu- Maragon reportedly
not bother me. I will be there. HUNTSVILLE, August 17--On A .spokesman for Sonoma replied last by the Brownsville high school Gen. Harry H. Vaughan and accused of violate
"I foot that the weather will not Los Indies student is a can did at night he did not see how Sonoma could library service and other privileges. band, entertainment by the Amer- olaved J in 1946 in behalf of.•»-.a -fVvv
for degrees to be awarded at San r^ * . . _ • _ _ «..x^~
It broadly hinted that Sonoma could ican Legion Drum and Bugle Corps, ing sugar rationing comes up for scrutiny today. e f » v n i i '
hamper thl^-great event in the secede when it was never a part of En-
least. I hid you adieu now."
And ho bowed his way out the
Houston State's summer com
mcncement exercises to be hel nis
offer no such services. and street dancing. Elizabeth Senate five percenter investigators called four wi<>
'Sonoma was born last Saturday when A spokesman for Sonoma—the city Street from llth Street to 9th will nesses to a public hearing.
door. August 26.
The student is E. Dale Peek, wh it voted, to incorporate, 37 votes for to officials have not yet been named—said be roped off to accommodate the An Agriculture De p a r t m e n t up every day at a special Senate
huge crowd which will be on hand spokesman yesterday that subcommittee's inquiry into wheth-
W K A T I 1 K R FORECAST will receive a bachelor of scicnc
six against. The balloting — and some the "secession" statement puzzled mm. to bid the theater welcome to Vaughan andsaid Maragon four years er improper influence has figured
wfr Rio cimndo Vallfty: Mostly ovur- degree. "Sonoma is on the east flank of Ennis Brownsville.
dkle.1 and mild, with occasional hard feedings — resulted from Ennis' pro- aeo sought aid at the agency for in the handling of government
The top feature of tonight's full the
tored thunder thowers todt\y tonight, and
"KOAD FORECAST and has never been a part of the town, program will be the Incomparable PerthAllied Molasses Company of business, «,,.,*
Thursday. High aft#rnoon temperatures
today, ran«ln« from M dwees on the
posal to build a new sewage disposal he said. "How could we secede? Amboy, N. J. He said they Maragon, once a frequent White
MEXICO CITY, Aug. 17 —<fl Norma Ballard and her Hammond didn't get it and that the case xvent House visitor, is a central figure
coast to tha mtcldl. »0'i In th« western —Today's highway weather:
of the Vftlley. Low t»mper»tur« to-
plant in the Sonoma area. Some Sonomans pointed out that each electric organ. in the investigation. He has »».id
end In the middle 70's. O«ntle and v»rl- Mexico City to Ciudad Victoria Sonoma would have a mayor, a marsh- has his own private sewer and water So it's "lights, action, camera to Vaughan
the Justice Department.
"wlnds. except In tht thunder shower —cloudy, showers. al and aldermen, but they would get no is President Truman B he regards Vaughan a* a good
center, where winds will be »tron». system and can get along very nicely tonight at the new Majestic thea- army aide. Hi« name ha* bobbed friend.
Ciudad Victoria to Monterrey pay because the town would have no without help from Ennis. ter.
Weather Report and Matamoroa—clear.
(On Page 11) Laredo to Monterrey—clear. taxes.
Scout Group
Roma Public Schools Will Valley Bank Deposits To Attend
Open Fall Term Sept. 3
KOMA, AUJ.C. 1 7 - - The Roma will reassemble Friday. September
Show 40 Million Gain
Five Rio Grande Valley Council
officials will leave Wednesday uu
Public Srliorjls w i l l opf-n thr» 1919-12, at 0 a.m. for an all clay meeting
f>0 K C J t O O l year on Monday, Sop- 1 to be devoted to informational
Herald Staff Writer
Valley banks today show Grand Jury To Investigate a week-long: conference of approxi-
mately 200 Boy Scout executive;
V: torn ber 5, although rfgi.strutkm oi data concerning the application of
J u n i o r and Senior H i g h School the Gilmor A i k o n Law in the Roma
a whopping $40,000,000 opening Sunday at Albuquerque
j u m p in deposits so far dur-
KtudenU; v / i t l .start at UK; Manila District, and to the reorganiza-
r f u o r r a f i i u l d i n g i n Koina. Satur tional program to be initiated at
the Manuel Guerra School.
ing the six-weeks old cotton Four Charges Of Murder N. M,
The conference, being- held or
clay, Sepf.cinb'-r \\.
The « : l f | i i f n t a r y schools of Uv Teacher assignments will be
season. the campus of the University of
!t w i l l a,I.'-10 open on SopU-ni- completed on his day, and group
And where it will run, no Four charges of murder and a kidnaping charge are Now Mexico, is tho annual con-
bor fj. meetings hold for primary, elc- one can predict. among cases to be investigated by a grand j u r y meeting vention of Scouting- leaders in Re-
Tlv- f a c u l t y m'-nUiry, j u n i o r and senior high The Valley's all-time high here Sept. 6, Sheriff Boynton Fleming said today. gion Nine, embracing 36 Councils
school groups. cotton production record Judge Arthur A. Klein of 107th District Court an- in Texas. New Mexico, and part
Vocational courses will again he was passed this week, and nounced the panel will be sworn and will start work on of Arizona.
District 10 offered in Roma in a g r i c u l t u r e
and hornemaking. A primary
still has a month to run. that day, the first day of the.
To date 409,022 bales have been tember term of the court.
the. Sep- Heading- the delegation from the
Valley Council will be Arnold H.
supervisor has been added as well
MS an I t i n e r a n t Teacher. The lat-
ter w i l l teach music and art in all
ginned in th<= Va.lley.
A. survey made by the Herald
Ust Given
The list from whom T2 grand
Valley CC Dreyor of Weslaco, executive for
the five-county Valley area. Drey-
er will be accompanied by Harry
this morning- showed a total of jurors will be selected consists of:

Flan Reath
.seven buildings.
The Roma listrict will have,
u n d e r the reef ntly enactr-d M i n i -
$143,348,937' on deposit in Val-
ley banks.
<Jains Reflected
H. S. Norman, Santa Rosa; D.
W. Schuepbach, Harlingen; Robert
Membership V. Marr of Mercedes, assistant ex-
ecutive, and three field executives,
Joe Ben Hunsnker of Brownsville,
mum Founda'.-on School Law. E. Monlux, Port Isabel; M. P. Me- Norman Scrivener of San Juan,
A ] [ ) r o v : i l «! f M n t ; t . " ! ' < • ( u n d t h o t h i r t y - n i n e t c1 a c -i e r s i n c l u d i n g
of ban l i t ' i I. C a i n - r u n c o u n t y .superintendent. * and principals:
Tins fig-ure
$101,566,291 for June 30.
compares with Nair, Brownsville; F. E. Newell,
Rio Hondo; A. A. Cummins, San
The increase in deposits for the Benito; C, D. Oakes, San Benito;
Drive To End and Ivan Moore of Mercedes.
The conference, stressing' leader-
t h i n is two less t h a n in tho past first six weeks of the cotton sea- Edward McChesney, Brownsville; The membership drive for the ship building- and Sept. 1 changes
r runVrol ; i n d i n . p r o w m o n t year. Mrs. Florence J. Scott has under winch the. age limit for
son is $3^,782,646. Valley Chamber of Commerce will
:t >',<>. 10 was \ v a i V i n ; ; UK been rc-elftctcd superintendent for E. P. McCall, Harlingen; Keith R. Cubs from 9 to 8 years, continues
.lire ol' K.--I, r ;il D i s t r i c t .ludg a three year term. Included in the increase are Stone, Los Fresnos; John Mitchell close "this week, H. R. McKay, com-
.$856,216 deposited to date in the and C. M. Watson, both of Browns- mittee chairman for the drive in through Aug. 26 in Albuquerque.
I/.. [ l a n n a y tod?i.v new San J u a n State Bank. The ville; Harold S. Hensley, I^a Feria; Brownsville said today. Valley Council representatives are.
new b a n k opened July 25. Contacting- of prospects for scheduled to appear as members of
A t . H h e a r i n g y e s t e r d a y , an T. D. King, Harling-cn; and W. R. membership in the organization various discussion panels At the
Cl'rf I I I o; M < ; ! 1.1.1 • l e t W J i M V.'itll-
Currency Largest single deposits increase Brown, San Benito.
was at HarJ ing-en's First National
Bank, where deposits to date are
Murder Cases
has been affected somewhat by
vacations, McKay said.
University of New Mexico conven-
Tive fa ippppmmvvi n g n- Three of the murder charges due
rumhn;/ ' * In o n t -
i'ls f i n d u> !.<•/•'•;->!. o\vod
Exhibit On almost double what they were at to be presented to the grand jury
the. season's, start.
Referring to the Valley Chamber
of Commerce, the local committee
grew out of the fatal shooting of chairman said that, it deserves
b v ' b o d i H t r « - ba.i b<-on drawn u p
bin not :,ign ' « l b.V H m i i i J j y . Display Here
Deposits Jump former Deputy Constable Alfredo support for the way it has taken
Deposits there jumped from Villarreal July 10 at a Ranchito
810,7-16,997 to $20,125,204. up some of the more important
Star Runner
Actually some banks did double dance hall, Geronimo Garza, a projects for the Valley. "Out of
Tin: j u d K hHd H one-day t e r m
f » l ivr.lrrul o u r t hero yesterday.
D u r i n g t i n - f s ' - r i a i fu:.-i.sion. 51
A United Stales paper currency their deposits.
Both the Los Fresnos
friend of Villarreal, was shot dead 13 pieces of legislation that were
in the same affray and two by- approved or rejected during the
State standers
And Ex-Naval
p x h i b i t , sponsored by the Federal were wounded.
a l t « ns jih a . h - d g-.ult.y to f.-hargt-fl of
I l l e g a l " e n t r y to the United .State.s
a n d w o r - V.iv-n j u i s f > f n d « ; d yont-
Ho.servo Bunk of Dallas, is being
•10 Id at the Pan American State
Bank, which listed deposits at $1,-
217,116, and the Elsa State 2-1, and Nicolas Garza, ,34. are
past year, all went as the Valley
Dionieio Ramos, 30, Juan Ramos, Chamber of Commerce hoped they
Bank, which listed its own at charged with murder, and are now would go," the local chairman DALLAS. Aug. 17 —•<;!>) —RMph
Officer Dies
flirt-,-} a n d o r < l ' : i v < l deportr-d. Echviu-ils, an u n e m p l o y e d miner, was charged by Bes- commented.
Bank here. semer Ala., p o l i c n w i t h selling; his little daughter, Vi- .$1.093,319.61, both as of J u n e 30, in county jail. Podd, who was tops as a quarter-
A i V f c A l l i - n m a n , W i l l i a m A. better than doubled those figures.
MoK'TR. w;i.-i d c e l a i c d h a . n k r n p t . According Lo Marshall Watson, rec 2 for $500 to l,uy ,i car. Mr.s. W. H Sessions, who Manuela Puente, 19, Los Indies, miler and as a Naval officer, died
To date the Los Fresnos State is charged with murder in connec- yesterday. He had been ill a short
Hi." ft', i.oriu'.v.! M d m i t t o d t h e n l l o g a - oxociUivo vice president of the b o u B h t t h e c h i l d , and Vivee, shave a joke at the Ses-
I , , , , , , , , , (i p e t i t i o n for i n v o l u n t a r y
b a n k r u p t e y I d ' - d by rn-ditor.s
bank, the- e x h i b i t will be held
through Saturday.
sions in Bessemer. The Sessions have stalled
lists its deposits at $2,564,773 ana tion with the death of her baby,
the Elsa State at $2,452,695.
Leading the list of increases by
found dead in an outside toilet Four Held In time.
As a, he starred
Kogers. and H » n n a . V ordered the adoption proceedings.. (NEA Telephoto)_._ June 15. at Stephen F. Austin College and
ca^e r r f o r n - f l to a j - e f e r e p in b a n k -
ruptcy. Kov,>-rH h a « l o w m r l a. H a r -
In tho 15 frames of paper cur-
rency comprising tho exhibit arc
counties was Cameron, from $41,-
925,586 to $65,683,267.
Hidalgo Second
Swindling Cases
Charges of swindling by worth- Customs Probe at the University of Iowa.
As a N a v a l officer, he won the
less checks and removing mortgag- Silver Star and a presidential cita-
•storo. .shown Hpcclmens representing Following1 Cameron was Hidalgo, ed property have been filed here SAN PEDRO DE ROMA, Mcx. tion when the landing craft he
cvory Lypu of noto, bill, and certifi- from $50,070,075 to $60,354,570 against Charles E. Cox, 38, La —Four customs officialsof here are
Hooping commanded rescued more than 100
!>ANCI<: cate which has been circulated as Willacy and Starr trailed in that Grange. Texas. Fleming said the under arrest, on charge
John L i i t K l , .starring i n Pnra money In the United States from order. money collected as a customs fine crewmen off a destroyer fired by
'"I'he Lie," once w r o t n t.lir the early Colonial period to the Beaumont sheriff's department ar- for themselves. suicide planes during the battle for
Willacv showed a jump from rested Cox yesterday and the sus- They arc Valdemar Pola Aquino, Okinawa.
j)lo». for a b i i l l e t w h i c h .starred Lt-oi present day. $6,802,175 to $12,238,593 and pect posted'$1,500 bond.
I ' j u r . l o l l i t n of M o n t e Curio H a l l e l On display are notes In pounds, jchief 'of _ . ^ _ _ t Jose Urquizo,
appraisers, A native of Henderson, Rusk
Storr from $2,768,452 to $3,072, A kidnaping charge against Clois cnief of thc R - ua rd; Reymundo County, Todd and his brother,
IK: and oilier noted daricor.H. It .shillings, and pence which were 505.
y>j;r.)(lut!ffl in ft Nr\,v York r r v u n m e d i u m s of exchange in Paul Eaton, 34, formerly of Port Isabel
To date the bank deposits re- is to go before the investigative Gutierrez Francisco Zamora, chief's adju- Walter, were outstanding Texas
Revcre's and Benjamin Franklin's flect a deposit of about $100 per group, the sheriff said. Eaton i; t a n t ; and Huizar Mon- runners before the war.
t i m e ; obsolete bank notes of 100 bale ginned. ta.lvo.
tie ginned. , charged with robbery by AS They were taken to tho Nvievo
Drive-In Theatre
years ago; Treasury tiotea of the
'Republic of Texas; state and na-
tional Issues of the Confederate
States; early "greenbacks" and
If the bales-ginned total proves ™°11lt%cnj£g? charges wcn / filcd ii Laredo
to be •ha an
n n index,
i n H o v . then

the end of the season.

thfiM bank
bank deposits
dCDOSitS ^°-" " "^ __. , »
connection with ,-.._,.:
the hijacking
may well jump to fifty million by Tonms Reyes, 19, Port. Jsabrl candj Gonzalcs,
jail by Melchor Carenes
chief of the federal se-
curity service, to face trial in fed-
Fine Levied
In Traffic Case
"shin plasters" of the Civil War The season's production has been
store salesman, June 27. eral court.
Laat Times Tonight period and notes on down through Other cases to go before t h e Juan Madrigal Flores, Rio
variously estimated at from 450,- grand jury include burglary, swin- Grande Ciity, said he had sent T2. D. Carr, 40. Olmito was fined
the years Including paper cur» 000 bales to 550,000 bales. dling, possession of marihuana and
rcncy in circulation today. Valley bank deposits, to date embezzlement charges, Flemin his truck lo tho interior of Mexico, $28 by Justice of the Peace Ma-
but failed to give the driver a copy nuel Diaz ch Loon today after
A booklet-size form is available are: Brownsville—First National
at the bank giving a brief descrip- said. of tho permit he had obtained. pleading guilty to charges of driv-
$] 4,781,635; Pan American, $6,- The driver was arrested, and al- ing- without an operator's license
tion of the, contents of each of the 650,473. San Benito—San Benito
15 frames. Bank and Trust Co., $10,184,531 though Flores explained the cir- and failing to yield right of way.
cumstances to the customs men, Carr's automobile was involved
Harlingen—First National, $20,-
125,20-1; State, $8,446,599. Hike In Oil lie said, he was f i n e d 9,000 pesos in a collision with a car driven by
He complanned to officials at R-ey- Joseph August Schulgen, Santa
Man Receives Los Fresnos—State, $2,564,773
La Feria—First National, $2,930,-
050. Raymondville—State, $6,637,- Output Seen nosa and t.he. arrests followed.
Sixteen customs men at the Nu-
Rosn, near here today.
No charge was filed against
evo Laredo station also have been Schulpen, a member of the. high-
Broken Leg 875; First National, $5,600,717.
Mercedes — Hidalgo Bank and
Trust Co., $3,449,061; First Na- By Murray arrested in the apparent crack- way safety committee, of the Val-
down by Mexico. ley Chamber of Commerce.


In Aecideiit tional, $3,941,156. Weslaco—First
National, $5,902,321.
AUSTIN, Aug\ 1.7 —MP;~ An up-
turn in permissive flow of Texas Street To Be
The United S tates' standard
mile at sea IB 6,080.27 feet, while
British, French and German ver-
Full Length Production MATAMOROS, Aug. 17—Juan Me Allen—City State $9,405,097; crude oil next month is foreseen sions mnge from two inches to
SteirtR at 7:45 P. M. Cardenas, 1.0-year-old member of Me Allen State, $5,225,469; Edin- by Railroad Commission Chairman
burg—First National, $3,444,062; William J, Murray Jr.
Roped Off For four feet shorter.
a well known Matamoros family,
Please Come Early was in the Red Cross first aid
ward with a broken right leg as
State Bank and Trust Co., $5,726,- Murray said yesterday that pur-
745; Mission—First National, $6,- chasers have advised the. commis- Show Opening
a result of aii accident on the
Matamoros-Reynosa road Monday
Cardenas told Bed Cross at-
604,593; First State, $4,431,904, sion they will need 2,365,597 bar-
Donna—Citizens State, $2,213,446, rels of crude daily next month,
Pharr— Security State, $3,972,103. for July, the last month for which E.
In conjunction w i t h the opening
Alamo—First State, $2,729,696, 48,066 more than they requested of the M a j e s t i c theater tomorrow,
Elizabeth street will be roped
U l/vl*

• Elsa—State, $2,452,695. San Juan hearing was held on nominations. between -Hh and l.Hh -street?, ac-
t e n d a n t H that he. wa« d r i v i n g a
truck to a nearby ranch when —State, $856,216. Rio Grande City The next statewide oil proration cording- to Lt. Ernesto Oliveira of
-—First State Bank and Trust Co., hearing has been set by tho com- tho police force.
Hinkley Mortuary
Li\»t Times Today lights f r o m an approaching auto* Oliveira. swid tho slreots will
mobile blinded him. The, truck l e f t ri-, after i o l . , . d un achin« toolh pulled in Chicago $3,072,505, mission for Aug. 18 at Mineral
1 Wells. be roped about 1 p.m. and asked Funeral Hom«"
the highway and overturned.
JENHirERNES Others riding in the truck werci A. .I .' Wire-photo). Murray said he didn't wont to all persons to move their cars to OLDEST CN TUB VALLE*
anticipate evidence at the hearing m a k o room for the street dance
IOSIPH DOWN reported u n h u r t .
The. t r u c k was c a r r y i n g n Lrac-
Two Youths Hurt but that the strengthening of dc- which wil) bn held at night.
•nand "indicates A reversal in the Traffic coming- to town, Olivri-
tor, and Cardenas said that: t h e
extra wfilg-h!. probably caused the In Crash At Port trend which has prevailed through- ra said, will bo directed to the
:ight towards Levee street at 9th
vehicle to overturn. Two San Antonio youths wore out this year,"
A Red Cross a m b u l n n c e brought in Mercy hospital here today being "It is quite probable that J u l y and E. Elizabeth.
the* i n j u r e d man to the f i r s t aid treated 'for injuries received in a and August will represent the Inw-
station. truck crash early this morning. at rate of production during this
They were identified by County year," he said.
The East Texas bottom-hole
OWE CM Death Takes Highway Patrolman Nem J.
Bryan, 'jr., as Harry Martinez, pressure for Aug. 1 was reported
14,' and .-vdolfo Sarravia, 16. They at 3025.16 pounds per square, inch,
Toctny and Thursday were ruling in the back of a up 0.79 above the July pressure.

L. F. Mastou
T,A F E P v I A , Aug. 17 — L e f f i e
R i c h a r d Mimtou, 68, died at his
t r u c k driven by Joe Rodriguez
Ramos, 29, of San Antonio when
the truck ran into a parked cot-
ton trailer, Bryan said.
Jane Cowl, appearing in Para
mount's "The Lie," is considered
one of the American theatre's fore-
NINO MARTINI was unhurt.
The accident happened at Port most interpreters of Shakespeare's
"Oaring Desperadoes"
home hero Monday,
Horn J u n e '2'2, 1801, in Chandler,
O k l a h o m a , Mr. Maston mowl to
Brownsville at 3. a.m., Bryan said heroine, Juliet, _ Do You Do These Things?
ha l«Vria in 1923 and has operated
a f a r m here alnco t h a t t i m e .
•h. u-nn
S u r v i v i n g are ono .son, Glonn
Rii-lHvrd Maston; and six daugh-
ters, Mrs, \Vnncia W h i t e of Pri-
nicrix, Mrs. Haj-.ol Irene W i l l i a m s
Bach ia School • Turn and toss most of the n
• Lay and count the "hai
of H a r l i n g e n , Mrs. Coy 1 Allen .spots" in your mattress
MeCrnry, Ha.skell. Mrs. Fen Mae
Vance, * La FYria, Mrs. Bonnie i/1* -. ^i^WEBSTIR'S COLLEGIATE instead of sheep?
Boll mgnight, Donna, and Mrs.
Dounie Dell Jones, La Forla. forf
wr Fifth Edition
• Wake up and wonder
why you hothered to
Four brothers s u r v i v i n g arc W, go to bed for rest?
H. Mastrm, Chandler, Oklahoma; Equip your boy* and girfc of Wgh-
AeU» C. Mtititon, La Ferla; Ben S. school and oodege age with this most
Mn.Hton, .Shawnec, Oklahoma; and utefut handy'fued dictionary. Web*
Roy J. Mftston, Gayle, N. 'M. A
.sister, Mrs. L. W. Walk, Ln Ferla,
preceded him in death four years
stcr's Collegiate if the matt generally
Accepted die*
The Solution...
tiomry in the Have your mattress revitalised by «»X|H i rt* you can truM!
ago. it to K'dBlhtpiii'fc i bis' iMiotijjIi to l>*^ tniHiwortny . • -
The body w i l l r e m a i n at tho schools today! enough to «lv« you prompt attention: Tli«.Y offcr^
Aaron ehapt'l where services will 110,000 Entries pudding , . . new spring unit . , . new
bo held at -4 p.m. Thursday. The FIRE DESTROYS ORANGE BUSINESS BUILDING— .1,800 , , . and I hey r«f«H «»«• cotton.
Rev. D. i\, Taylor, pastor of the Smoke and t'hmm p o u r from the top oi one of three tion* Ktt*y F»ym«nl», If you wi«h. Dial 2-5006 and
Assembly of God church, l l a r l i n - b u i l d i n g s w h i c h buniocl in the business district ot U i - 1,300
gon, will o f f i c i a t e .
Wayne Morris • Jaftit Interment will be at the La Feria ance, "IVx. S h o r t l y after this picture was made the
MUCI »f NNirr • OIRAIMNI MOONS cemetery. front of the b u i l d i n a collapsed. (A. P. Wirephoto). 8
ROBWT mmow • AUN MAU Glass blowers take pride in bo- H
ing called "blow-hards" because it
Mighty Mouie - Flying in "their enormous breath pressure O
that shapes much of the fine
Dancers and My Silent handmade American glassware. U
Love* Cheoke of some glassblou'or* dis- Complete Line of School Supplies K
tend u n t i l th«ir faces am aw large
Talent Show Thura. Nit« ns cantaloupes.
»*•••«••*•••••••••»•••••»••»••••••+ 9th and Elizabeth — BrowiwvilU — Di*l 2-3663 S
The Best Costs No More! E
• C«f« Equipment
• Air Conditioning "Worth uu to 1 H I" That's
what women lay about this OFFICE V
• Heating • V«ntiUtinf


• Stainless Drain Boards •
fluffy O\nnpn face cJoth
in ovcry
of safe, white, f ranu
latfct Silver Dust,
117 W. Jackson — Harlingen — Phone 522
Bt.< •&**!, :-*»»i»«ti> .-*•

Manufacturers and distributors ot he*t transfer tquipment.

with e.vtra sudsing power?
Gee Silver Di^t wirh the ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^H_B_MHMMBiaagHIBMi YOOH CREDIT
Customs fabricators of fta»n!e« steel and aluminum. tineCannon premium today! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^•^^^^^^•••^•••B

IIKlfi H"<'» Chlcrt Illvil. — RrnwsvillP. Texan — Phone «-WS8 OTTO WII-KIXSOX, BownnvHle M ana per

• »*
<^B- -~1T" '" t —_—~ .... __

U. S. Renews Protest At Red Jamming Of Radio Broadcasts

Mostly overcast skies and Brownsville can push its
mild, with occasional, scat* chest out a little farther now
tered thunder showers. that it has the New Majestic
to brag on.
Serving The Rio Grande Valley For Over 50 Years

He's Traded Bullets For Oratory But Chapin

Still Engages In Courtroom Battles At 79
Ilcraffl Staff V/rHf-r
Cott Who Killed P
Friend Slain By Officer
Juclxe Dennis B. Chapin has
i»wappf:d bullets for courtroom
oratory but he'H still fighting.
The 79-year-old former Hidal-
go county Judge, who has had
hi* Hhare of political battles as
well aw gun fights, i« now in
tho of. Irgal warfare with
several l a i ^ o Texas oil compa-
The oil CRMCS UiiH Wfi»:U brougnt
Matter Alien Shot
him to Brown.Mvillo, where he
had a lavv olfU:r> almost SO years
ngo. W h - n he finished a stor- Brought Up As He And
my hearing in Judge Allen B.
Hnnnay'w federal rourt, Chapin
did HO run reminiscing about his With Stalin Deputy Fight
first visit hf IT;.
Worked for Cattlemen American Envoy Shooting Is Held
It was back In 18f>2 or 18J>3, hft Justifiable In
«mid when h-- was working for Discusses Issues
the Onttlo Knifu.t'M AKSoc.latlon.
With Russ Chief Verdict Of Justice
"My .specific: job WRH what
they called n trouble-shooter A cotton picker thought
r U m l n n t l n g cftttlo thieves and WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 to have bludgeoned a com-
hoi-Kfi thlevcK," ho saUl. He — (/P) — u. S. Ambassador panion to death was shot
aild.-d IIP ha«l n special corn' Alan Kirk asked Premier fatally by Deputy Sheriff
i r o t n the governor to Stalin to speed action on
rid' w i t h Ihr. Texan Rangers Walter Keller while resist-
ii ml i l r - m u n . l l.hftir asMiHtanco. American protests against ing 1 arrest last night.
"whenever J deemed it nccos- jamming of the Voice of Both killings came within
mu-y." It VVH.H not. of'ton neces- America radio broadcasts, an hour at about midnight,
Is Acquitted
Secretary of State Acheson Sheriff 3oynt;on Fleming-
C h u p i n <)oe." not deny that in disclosed today. said.
about ID 10 he nhot a Ranger to Kirk called on the Soviet Justice of the Peace Manuel Diaz
death fliul WHM acquitted after leader Monday night. Acheson de Leon returned a verdict of
a nine-May trial in Victoria. told a news conference that it justifiable homicide, in the death of
The florid, eloquent lawyer actually was a courtesy visit and the man Keller shot. He called the
told how the trail of .seven JUDGF, DENNIS B. CHAPIN was liTTiited almost entirely to an bludgeoning "murder".
r i m t l o r w l.ul him from near Big exchange of courtesies between Gives Account
Spring to Brownsville. the new American ambassador Fleming gave the, following ac-
"Leo Hall, a captain in tno
Rangei'H and two of his men
joined nv: in the pursuit of these
300-Unit Housing Project and the Russian premier.
However, he added, Kirk did
mention to Stalin two points cur-
count of the events leading up to
the fatal fracas:
At about 11:30 p. m. the sher-
man and I brought them (the rently at issue in Soviet-American iff's office got a call saying a man
Kang'-rfl) to Corpus C h r l s t l . . .
and there o u t f i t t e d them" for Is In Prospect For City relations. These, Acheson said,
are the Russian jamming of Amer-
had been killed in his bed on the
farm of Jose Martinez, near Okla-
homa Avenue about seven miles
Liie tri(i to border. ican Radio broadcasts and the long
"Thnt wfi.s the first time T A 300 unit; low rent Federal housing 1 project for the drawn out negotiations on a final east of Brownsville.
Keller made the call to investi-
*;r.v I ho fit.y of Brownsville," city o£ Brownsville is in prospect as a result of the ap- settlement for wartime lend- gate. He found Jgnacio Avila Ol-
Chupln -taul. "I made up my plication made by the Housing Authority of the City of lease. vera, 23, an alien picker, had been
ir.lml then that If I ever .settled
down 1 would make, the Rio Brownsville for a preliminary loan of $100,000 for sur- hit on the head with a blunt in-
strument and his skull crushed.
Grnmlo Vnlley my homo."
fOwl for |{u.stler»
veys and planning.
The application was made to the Public Housing Ad- Port Isabel
ministration In accordance "with
The deputy also found all the
dead man's belongings missing and
his working partner not there,
"W extpnniiwted 1
.">() or 10 mile- ! abovo Laredo,"
h« , "and in the fight none
them about
ILA Contract All Set For
tho provisions of the United States
Housing Act ol' 1937, City Man-
Seek Man
While waiting for Chief Deputy
ager E. W. Watts said today. Sheriff Bill Gatliif and the justice
of UH waM eveu wounded."
Chapin recalled in minute
detail hin arrival in Browns- Still Sought Fish Tournev
The Brownsville City Commis-
sion, met in special session Tues- »/
of the peace to get to the small
house near where Olvera had been
day afternoon to study and ap- killed, Keller and Martinez, ownr
ville. "The Firnt domestic duty I Port Isabel, Aug. 17 —
>iftd forced upon me by my w i f e , GALVKSTON, Aug. 17—(XP)~A prove a resolution regarding the of the farm, started in search of
WHH to take n. prescription to a statement on contract talks will application for the project. Last minute entries and final the dead man's former friend.
Mansur Attends They found him walking toward
drug store Jiml have it refilled," be. issued today, F. A. Yeager, George Mansur is Executive arrangements were being
president of the International he Rio Grande and stopped him
he said. Secretary for tho Brownsville made today for the Texas o search him. The man Keller shot
"The ilrugglst of thr city at Iyon£«horc.'nien's Association Gulf Housing; Authority, International Pushing Tour- was identified as Miguel Morales
t h a t time U-HH M Mr. Pulcgnat, Coast clisl-.ric.t announced. tho meeting. nament which gets under iernandez, 22, also a wetback cot-
n mn«l c u M t f r n m l gentlesnnn Hf .sfiid the statement will fol- The City Commission, presided
"1 nMk"«l him what, the price low a third meeting" between re- over by Commissioner A. C. Hipp, way at 7 a. m. Thursday. on picker.
wan. ami he said $1.50. 1 |-.ircsontativo3 of the ILA and the Keenest competition is ex- NEW MAJESTIC—Shown here is the new Majestic Theater which holds its for- As Keller started to search him,
passed a resolution approving the iernandez hit, the deputy in tho
tendered him a $20, U. S. c u r - Maritime commission, which repre- application of the Housing Author- pected in the sailfish and mal opening tonight. (Other pictures on Page Five.) ace, knocked him down and jump-
rency golrl not P . . M r . Puteg- sents warehouse employers and ity of the city of Brownsville to marlin divisions with former ed on him. Keller reached for his
nut look it and wild 'I'll have barge operators. the Public Housing Administra- Port Isabel Rodro champs and * * • gun, a .45 caliber automatic, took
tn give vuii your change in the Another meeting will be held tion for a preliminary loan in an famous deep-sea fishermen concen-
money of UK- country. 1 "
"FJf* g«v<> me. two Mexican
tomorrow, ho said.
Tho two groups opened contract amount not to exceed $100,000, to trating on the big trophies for
cover the cost of surveys and All In Readiness For Gala Hunt Starts it from its holster and fired one1
shot, which grazed Hernandez
stomach, Fleming's account said.
ulivcr dollars a Mexican fivo- negotiations Monday. They met planning in connection with tho sails andGrandma marl In.
<lo|lnr bill niul the balance of the agftin yesterday, but Yeager would development of not to exceed ap- 71-year-old Mrs.Coming
churn;« MI trade eheckn on Bol- not comment on progress thus proximately 300 dwelling units of of Alvin, Tex., the "Fishing Grand-
fnr. Tho old contract expires
Clara Thomas
Opening Of Majestic Theater
In Mexico the
They wrestled for possession of
weapon. Keller found it had
after the first shot. He
IncU'.s Ml ore, Ki'-ld.s .store, the low rent public housing in the ma," is expected to arrive by air
Kton-H of the city.
.store. and other Aug. 21, city. The City also agreed in the in Brownsville, at 6 p.m. today from
resolution to cooperate in wnnec- Houston for the tournament. Mrs.
For Ochoa
WHIi top executives of Interstate Theaters lending a LAREDO, Aug. 17 —//P)— The was still wrestling with him and
succeeded in clearing the. chamber
of the automatic, while Hernandez;
Haps M a n i p u l a t i o n (See HOUSING, Pago Two) Thomas landed a 70-pound tarpon hand, final details for the formal opening of the new word was out in Mexico today: attempting to strangle him, Flem-
"T found nut t h a t trade
checkM on stores would J i.i ryFrecsW oman here on
July 4.
Jate entries arc two
Majestic Theater tonight are complete. Find George (Gavo) Ochoa.
ing quoted Keller as saying.
Keller freed the gun and shot
buy more provisions t h e n than
t h o depreciated, manipulated U.
S. rurron'-y under tho New Deal
In Poison Death Hail Batters prominent San Antonio sport fish- When the doors swing open and the Southwest' A fugitive warrant, was issued Hernandez once in the heart and
ermen. Leon Howell, regional di- finest theater" welcomes movie fans, the event will be for the scar-faced customs broker once in the stomach.
Of Her Neighbor rector of the Veterans Administra- the culmination of many years of who fled into Mexico after a double Keller and Martinez found the
ever would."
Tho rnnn who sayfl he can't
remember how nwmy gun bat- QUITMAN, Aug. 17 — f/n~-
Plains Cotton tion at
San Antonio
and Dr. Dud/.ey
specialist, an-
Arms-Aid Bill
the future of
slaying in a hotel here July 31,
and Texas' governor was asked to
(See KILLING, Page Two)
By Tho Associated Press seek Genoa's extradition from
tles he tins been In remembers "Mrs, Jewel Rogers, a tiny farm Mid-August hail storms batter- nounced their intention to compete Brownsville and joined with the
on Tuesday.
liow ho, ;;nt his chnngo in A wife, wn.s free today of charges ed south plains cotton crops again Meanwhile, long-range weather many who feel that this city is the
Enters House Assistant U. S. Attorney Wil-Swim Victories
(IriiK-store »r»0 yeni'fl ago. of murder. .yesterday, this time near Hale forecasts predicted good weather] entertainment center of the Lower liam R. Eckhardt said in Houston
F l o flngi-rtKl tlu> solid gold
ri'iir ho won In a South
A district court Jury yesterday Center in Hale county. TSie fall for the tourney, tenth in a series
Dakota found the 98-pound woman inno- was Valley. WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 — (/P) the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion had stepped into the case
Boost Morale
r measured in amounts up to which began at Port Isabel in Sell Out —The administration's $1,450,000- after
poker game In 18iK ) and asked, cent in the death of her neighbor, 1.10 inches.
"Kvor hoar about tho time- I Mrs, Viola Gilbreath. Mrs. Rogers An estimated 4,000 to 7,000 entrants begins at 7 a.m. Thursday at
1934. Fishing for an estimated 125 Mrst show tonight will
'- p. m. and the house has the
start 000 arms-aid bill starts through in foreign commerce to escape Of Japanese
a federal charge of "fleeing
.stole a court, house. " nad been charged with forcing acres cotton was damaged and continues through 4 p.m. Sat- heeiv KoUi out. with no more tick- better House today. The odds are prosecution" was filed.
Tho larceny wa-s strictly Mrs. Gilbreath to swallow strych- Mondayof night in the Dawson urday. A day-long program of tcs av:ui.ab?.e, since only the capa- emerge than even that it wil Seek Extradition TOKYO, Aug. 17—(/P)—Japanese
morale soared higher today than
l(>gal, It lurnod out, and Feder- nine at gunpoint Jan. 8 county Ag'ont Lee Roy Colgan awards, with Senator Rogers Kel- Cu/ <;', the theater was sold. Tickets about Friday. without major chang< E. James Kazen, district at- at anytime since their humiliating
al Judge Dtival West of San The jury, out only 49 minutes, ley of Edinburg as master of cere- for Lbe second show, scheduled for Today's entire session was se torney at Laredo, asked Gov. Allan surrender.
Antonio vouched for tho fact, reached jts verdict on one ballot. estimated. Yesterday's Texas weather was
Chapin said, Tho court house "I didn't believe it could be mostly hot, with few exceptions. monies, will be held Sunday.
Free Fish Fry
0:45 p. m, r will be on sale at the aside for debate, with voting to Shivers to request the United The reason: The records smashed
box office. States to ask Ochoa's extradition Jn the Los Angeles AAU swimming
Html happened In Hidalgo vnything else," Mrs. Rogers told And sandstorms were reported in Port Isabel firemen in charge R. J. O'Donnell, vice president start tomorrow. from Mexico. meet by Hironoshin Furuhashi and
(Soo CM A P I N , Pago Five) District .Tiidge T. C. Chndick. the El Paso area, cutting visibility of a free fish fry Sunday for the and general manager of Interstate, Critics are waiting with a bar Ochoa us charged with the Shiro Nashizume.
rage of amendments to fire a
ns low as four miles. Rain show- general public continued Tuesday arrived ai noon today and heads a the program. It is the Truman murder of Henry D. Whittcnburg, All newspapers in the larger
ers were also reported in this to lay in supplies for the affair, long list of executives, several who administration method of helping 31, South *] rixas ginner. He also cities published extras. Radio pro-
Range area. including 2500 pounds of fish and have been here since Monday aid-
Light rain fell yesterday after- 75 gallons of cooking oil, The fish Ing in the plans for the opening. Western European nations, plu.< is wanted
for questioning in the grams were interrupted to broad-
OCHOA, Page Two) cast the news.
Faces Hearing noon at Texarkana, Bryan, Marfa, fry, beginning at 11 a.m. Sunday, Others who arrived today are Greece, the
Turkey, Iran, Korea and
Philippines, arm against pos-
Austin, Junction, Lubiaock, San is expected to draw 4,000 to 5,000 Weeden B. Nichols, commercial sible Soviet Aggression.

SRYS Justice of the Pence Manuel

Diaz de .Leon said he expects to
Angelo, Amarillo and El Paso. persons before it ends at 3 p.m. (See MAJESTIC, Page Two)
DON PKDRO arrived at the off- try today the case of a range rider
Ico carrying a makeup box.
"What's up, smnll person?" he Ranch!to farmer.
charged with pistol-whiping aTexas Citrus Commission Still Pqiverless Deputy To Return CHANNEL SWIM DELAYED
was asked. Francisco Munoz, who patrols the Man Wanted Here DOVER, Eng.f Aug. 17—(/P>—Shirley May France will not
attempt to swim the English Channel tonight, her manager an-
"I 1'iml myself wishing to trod Rto Grande for the bureau of
boards To Act As Attorney General's Rule Waited
animal industry of the U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture, is named
On Check Charge nounced today. She had planned to plunge into the channel at
Cap Gris Nez, France, sometime around midnight; but unfavorable
again," he replied weather condition** caused reconsideration.
in a deep, low VER* MICE in nn assault complaint filed by WESLACO, Aug. 17 — The mission, Ke can't rule on any cently when a tax collected for Deputy Sheriff Gay Crisp, Port
voice. Emilio Coy. all —• powearful Texas Citrus but official bodies, and the com- advertising purposes, for over Isabel, was on his way to Okla-
"Perhaps that TOOAY.r Commission sits powerless to- mission isn't official yet. a year, iiacl to be refunded. homa today to bring back a man ACHESON WARNS GERMANS
is due to tho op- day. The commission is authorized "I just don't Want to get into wanted here to face charges of WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 —4/FV- Secretary of State Acheron
C, L. Skag-gs. ftf Wcslaco, by the legislature to levy a three a situation like that", he said. passing hot checks. warned the Western Germans today againKt abusing the freedoms
ening of the new member —at— large, said today cent per box tax on citrus for So pending October 4, the Roy C. Davis, 38, of Duncan, permitted them by the western occupation powers.
Majestic Theater Candidate For Degree tlie commission is expected to advertising purposes. commission, cannot levy the tax. Oklahoma, is charged here with
tonight. It brings) set a per box tax on citrus, but Since the commission could The September 1 deadline for swindling with several worthless
hark memories of HUNTSVILLE, August 17—One it can't. not ask the attorney general for filing the tax with McDonald checks, one of them for $1018, POLIO DOWN IN TEXAS
other openings Los Indies student is a candidat No tax means no operating* a ruling on its status, due to its will have been past and it won't Sheriff Boynton Fleming said.
when I was the for degrees to be awarded at Sam funds, for the first year, said unofficial status, an official have funds to operate on'for a Davis was arrested by sheriff's to 109 AUSTIN, Aug. 17—(If)—Texas polio Incidence dropped slightly
toast of the the-| Houston State's summer com Skaggs. state body did. year. officers in Duncan, his home, ed today. new cases last week, the State Health Department report*
atrical world. I mencement exercises to be held It can't levy the tax because The result was another snag. The commission now has Fleming ^aid. The sheriff said There had been 121 new cases reported for the week
got this box out August 26. it will not be officially born until Agriculture Commissio n e r Vernon B. Hill, author of the the checks were cashed in Har- previous.
And I may attend the opening: in The student is E. Dale Peek, who October 4. McDonald asked the question: bill, in touch with Attorney lingen and Lozano "early this
character. wif.l receive a bachelor of science And all the king's horses and is the tax on citrus constitu- General Price Daniel. year." SEEK MEXICAN LABOR
"To be or not to bo present docs degree. all the king's men cannot"— tional or inconstitutional? Hill will give benefit of his
not bother me. I will be there. put the power in it until then. McDonald contends the Leg- research in an effort to obtain STATION BURNS WASHINGTON, Aug. 17—UTV—A group of western farmer* to-
"I feel that tho weather will not ROAD FORECAST The commission has written islature cannot levy a tax to be an opinion from Daniel on the PORT ARTHUR, Texas, Aug. day urged President Truman to seek renegotiation of a contract tor
hamper this great event in the MEXICO CITY, Aug. 17 —(/P) Attorney General Price Daniel used, wholly or in part, for ad- commission's tax difficulties, 17—(>P)~~ A station the Southern the use of Mexican laborers in this year's harvest season.
least. I bid you adieu now." Today's highway weather: to define its present status and vertising purposes. If Daniel finds the tax un- Pacific Railroad built in the 1870s
And he bowed his way out the Mexico City to Ciudad Victoria see if there is a loophole in its McDonald said he merely constitutional t h e fundless when Sabine Texa., was a thriv- ALBANIA CHARGES INVASION
door. } —cloudy, showers. wording allowing it to set a tax wanted to determine the con- period may go on for longer than ng port burned yesterday. The
Ciudad Victoria to Monterrey for the coming season. stitutionality of the tax before a year. station wa* abandoned 20 years LONDON. Aug. 17 —4J&— Albania protested today te tit*.
W*«tfcer Report and Matumoros—clear. A little technicality prevent! collecting it. He cited a like The 27-man commission now ago. It recently had been used as United Nations—for the second time within a week—that Greek
(On r»f« 11) Laredo to Monttrrey—clear. Daniel from helping the com- situation in another state re- just sits and waits. tavern. troop* are invading her soil.


Newly Born Town Of Sonoma And Ennis Man Charged 17. S. Science Bulletin
Are Engaged In Feudin* And Fightin* In Attack On Seeks Rare Board Contracts Are Let By Board
ENNIS, AUK. 17 —(/P)— The town of Mayor J, P. Simw of Ennis issued this Widow, 50 * Disease Cure WEDNESDAY K1NGSVILLE, Aug. 17 — Contracts totaling $419,.
Th« Catholic War Veterans meet 055.80 for construction of a student union building on
Ennis and its brand now neighbor, Son- atnt-omcni: A 26-year-old man wag being WASHINGTON, Aug. 17-
"If aecoHHion comes, H will not be half- held in county jail today without Africa Government scientists have left for at 7:30 p.m. at the Immaculate the campus of Texas A. & I. College were let Tuesday at
oma, are feu din' and fightin'. way, it w i l l b(» complete. There will be to produce species of a rare Conception church parish hall. a meeting of the college's board of directors in San An*
The city council of Ennis yesterday bond, charged with the rape of plant said to offer possibilities as
no halves, One w i l l be an and a 50-year-old widow near Rio a rich source of cortisone—a chem- Rotarians meet at noon at the tonio.
told the newly born town to go right have the advantages that Ennis has to ical that has shown dramatic El Jardin hotel. Completion of the three-story
Hondo Monday. structure is scheduled for 350 days
ahead and secede if its 200 citizens felt offer or one will be a Sonoman and have promise in treating rheumatoid
Jucky. what. Sonoma has to offer."
The suspect is Efraln Nollola, arthiritis and rheumatic fever.
a native of Mexico, who Sheriff The U. S. Public Health Service meets at 7:30 p.m. at the academy.
St. Joseph's Scout Troop No. 11 Head Deputy after the start of construction, Dr.
K. H. Potect, president of the col-
A ripoke.Hnmn fur Sonoma replied last The city council pointed out t h a t En- Eoynton Fleming said was pick- said today one of its scientists and
night he did not .sec how Sonoma could
nis offers city water, fire protection, city
library service and other privileges.
ing cotton near Rio Hondo.
Knife Threat
a botanist from the Agriculture Members of the Senior Girl
Department went to Liberia in Scout Troop No, 1 meets at the
Made Sheriff lege,
said work would probably be
within 30 days.
secede w h e n it was never a part of En- The victim said her assailant July to beg-in the quest. Contracts
It broadly hinted that Sonoma could
offer no such services. forced his way into her house and The scientists plan to bring
assaulted her while threatening samples of seeds and plants back The choir of the Central Chris-
1 home of William Andreaen.
Of Hidalgo The general contract for the
union building went to Harwell and
Sonoma was born last Saturday when A spokesman for Sonoma—the city her with a knife, according to to this country to determine tian church meeis at 7;45 p.m m EDINBUKG, Aug. 37 — W. R. Harwell of San Antonio on a bid
it voted to incorporate, 37 votes for to officials have not yet been named—said Fleming. She was taken to Val- whether the substance can be pro- (Bill) Doan is the new sheriff of of $333,000. Four other contracts
nix against. Tho balloting—and some the "secession" statement puzzled him. ley Medical Center, Harlingen, duced from them—and also to find the church for practice. Hidalgo county.
hard feelings—rc.sulied from Enni.s' pro- "Sonoma is on the east f l a n k of Ennis where it svas discovered that five out whether they can be grown in The Woman's Council of Central Doan was appointed Tuesday by awarded were: Plumbing, $27,402,
of her ribs had been broken in this country.
posal to b u i l d u new .sewage disposal and has never been a part of the town," the struggle, Fleming said. Cortisone, a naturally-occurring Christian church meets at the ceed I he county commissioners to suc- Stein and Dawson, Corpus Christi;
p l a n t in the Sonoma area. he said, "How could we secede?" church at 12 noon. Lunch will be Sheriff George In&ram who utilities, $17,173, Modlin Co., of
The suspect was arrested at a hormone of the adrenal gland, can served at p.m. and a business died recently. Doan served as chief Corpus Christi; electrical wiring,
Sonoma won Id have a mayor, a marsh- Some Sonoma ns pointed out t h a t each tavern in the settlement of Ana- also be produced laboriously from
meeting will follow. deputy sheriff under Ingram. The
al a n d a l d e r m e n , but they would get no has his own private sewer and water quitas, about five miles east of ox bile. commissioners voted three to two $14,800 Hooper Electric Co, of San
Rio Hondo, yesterday. Fleming But the quantities available arc favor of Doan with Count. Antonio; and dining room and
pay because the town would have no system and can get along very nicely said his department was assisted so small that only a few of the The WestTHURSDAY
taxes. w i t h o u t h e l p from Ennis. Brownsville Lions club Judge T. B. Waite casting the de k i t c h e n equipment, $26,080.80,
by Constable Dionisio Lopez in nation's 7,000,000 sufferers from meeta at 12:10 p.m. at the Town ciding vote. Southwestern Specialty Co. of San
making the arrest. House. Antonio.
Justice of the Peace Manupl fever patients can be given treat- The board members reorganized
Marshall Aid Vaughan's Role In BehalfO
Diaz de Loon denied Nollola bail iient in research programs.
and ordered him jailed.
Kiwanians meet at noon at the
El Jardin hotel. Six Killed selecting officers Frank C. Smith
of Houston, president; Mrs. Frank
Morton Lewis of San Antonio, vice
Held To Be Of Accused Firm Is Studied People John Hanson Post No. -13, Ameri- president; and Robert C. Eckharclt
Death Takes can Legion, meets at the Legion In Collision of Kingsville, secretary-treasurer.
All three were recently reappoint-
nive WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 —(/P)— The role of Maj. And Events Hall in Fort Brown.
FULTON, Miss., Aug. 17 — ed to the board by Governor Allan
—A heavy lumber carrier plowec Shivers. Other board members
Gen. Harry H. Vaughan and John Maragon reportedly
l-'rancr, A u g . 17 played in 1946 in behalf of a company accused of violat- Andrew Petz Girl Scout Intermediate Troop
Mrs. Tommie Cocke, wife of No. 2 meets at the Methodist into the center of an open-bed present were Lon C. Hill of Corpus
County Highway Patrolman Tom- church at 4 p.m. truck loaded with a gay crowd Christi, John C. Jones of La Feria
— f/p> — Frenrh SncialiHl Andre- ing sugar rationing comes up for scrutiny today. Andrew Petz, a resident of the mie Cocke or San Benito, ia in ol revivalists near here last night, and A. Loy Sims of Sinton.
Philip waid tho Marshall Plan's or- Senate five percenter investigators called f o u r wit- Valley since 1901, died last night
at his home at 142.r> S. E. Madison a San Antonio hospital. The 20-30 club meets at 7:30 spreading six dead and 20 injured Cooperative Effort
along a 100-foot section of road- The contract letting is the cli-
gan i/nllon for Kiiropoari Economic nesses to a public hearing. street here. Pie was €8. p.m, at the El Jardin hotel.
<'o-opnral ion (OF'IKC.) in "dividing An Agriculture De p a r t m c n t Miss Josephine Bannert ha* re- way. max of several years' efforts on
Petz had been ill a short lime. turned the pail of the students, ex-stud-
rronomir.'i In Kurope.
n i i h c r t h a n u n i f y i n g ' national spokesman said yesterday that
Vaughan and Maragon four years Rent Office to her home here nt'tor Senior MYF "Fun Night" in t.he Two of
He was a member of the Im- spending two months with rela- basement of the church at 7:30 Miss., hospital, were reported in ents, faculty board and KingsviMr
maculate Conception Church and a
the- injui*r?d, in a Tupelo,
a "very critical" condition today. citizens to provide a campus center
Hgo sought aid at the agency lor past grand knight of the Knights tives at Gatesvilie, Texas. p.m.
Highway patrol Inspector G. L. for club recreational activities.
Philip told the council of the Allied Molassea Company of
Kurope'.s c o n s u l t a t i v e assembly Perth Amboy, N. J. He said they To Be Closed of Columbus lodge. He had been Dr. H. C. Sample has ^ tu mod
employed by Larry Lightner, Inc., to his office. Pd. Adv. FRIDAY Hobis said the lumber truck, driven
The Junior Chamber of Com- by R. Y. Booth of Ncwburgh,
that thlfl trend hml occurred dc- didn't get it and that the case went here.
*piU t h e fact that Marshall Plan to Vaughan the Justice Department.
ft id was "tfoivroim and into.Hlgent." army aide. His name has bobbed
is President Truman's In Valley Survivors include his wife, Mrs. Leo Vergott, Jr., Is spending his merce meets at noon at Landrum's. it turned ixito a side road leading
Delia Petz, a daughter, Mrs. H. M. vacation in Houston with his sister Girl Scout Troop No. n meets at to the church.
Ind., rammed the other vehicle as
Hewett, and two granddaughters, and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. 4 p.m. in the home of Mrs. George
Ho declared thn nn.Hornbly must up every day1 nt a special Senate HARLINGEN, Aug. :17 —Area Andruene and Henry Nell Hewett, (Continued From Page One)
tnhe rapid, forceful Mtep.M to u n i f y subcommittee * Inquiry into wheth- rent director R u f u s Penry has all of Brownsville. Arnold Serrata. Jones, 1699 Lakeside Drive.
eal estate manager; George M.
Kurope'.s economy to "avoir! an er Improper Influence has figured announced his office here has re- Funeral services will be Thurs-j
absolute eal.aHt.rophn toward which in the handling: of government
we are all moving." business, ceived instructions to close Aug. clay at 5 p.m. at the Immaculate] terMrs. J. M. Mercuric and daugh- Tioop El Buen Pastor, Methodist
Laurel of Port
Conception church. Hinkley mortu- spending a few days in Browns- church. Isabel are church, meets at 7:30 p.m. at the
Killing Watson,
city manager of San An-
theaters; Jack
director of the
Tho Council of Kuropo i* hold- Maragon, once a frequent White 31. ary is in charge of arrangements. ville with Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Ken- (Continued From Page One; San Antonio theaters, nnd Conrad
Ing ita I n i l i f i l meeting. 1 ; here.. The visitor, la a central figure Penry .said Tuesday he had re- Rosary services will be read at Brady, publicity director of Hous-
'12-rmt.inn body ha.'i Homo of tho In the investigation, He has said ceived a telegram from the Dal- Hinkley Chapel at 7:30 p.m. today. neson and children. The male hummingbird never clothes of Olvera, including a pair ton Interstate theaters. Executives
a.Mpect.M of a K u r o p o a n parliament. he regards Vaughan as a good goes near its neat after the eggs of new shoes, on Hernandez. They
friend. las office of the housing expeditor are laid. found his wallet, containing nome who arrived Tuesday arc: Frank
for Texas, telling him that the Truman Victory $40, and a bundle of Olvera's other Starz, publicity director, and Rob-
belongings. ert Hickey, RKO-Radio Pictures
STAR Bert Cromack local office staff will be "separt-
ed" from the payroll as of the last
day of the month.
Housing Forecast In Kaliko and
Khaki Square Dance Killed Jn Sleep
Club will meet at El Jardin com- Fleming said all the evidence O'Donnell,
was that the first man (Olvera)
special representative.
Early arrivals were: William
Torrence H u d g 1 n s,
Drive-In Theatre One report from Dallas said Security Fight munity pavilion at 8 p.m.
Lust Time* Tonight
Dies Here Of CContinued From Page One')
all rent controls in Texas will be tion with the installation of. city WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 —(.*>)—
lifted Sept. 1 and the order re- utilities in the housing projects. The senate turned today to a brisk
had been asleep when he was mur- Debbs Reynolds, J. C. Skinner, C.
dered. He said he considered the E. Holmes and J. H. Elder.
killing of the second man <,Her- John Worley of the PM Con-
Heart Attack ceived by Penry would seem to Mayor H. L. Stokely was out of scrap over President Truman's re- Suit Filed imndezl "unavoidable", and prais- struction Company of Dallas, build-
'$& substantiate this report. There the city nnd did not attend the organization. Plan No. 2, after
were other conflicting
Bfi-trand "Bert" Cromack Sr. f which said Texas rents
reports meeting. handing 1
the chief executive a On Oil Leases
ed Keller for trneking the murder- ers of the theater, has Also been
er to the river in the dark. here the past several days.
would No indication was made as to stinging' defeat on his plans for Keller was bruised in the scuf- Entertainment
prominent tsrownavnie resident, continue to bu controlled u n t i l the the. probable site of the new hous- Tone McGee asks $16,373 as her fle but otherwise unhurt. Tonight's program includes mu-
died suddenly this morning; at state-approved lifting date of Oct. ing project In Brownsville, al- a Welfare Department in the cab- claimed share of oil royalties He, and GaUiff returned to the sic by the Brownsville high school
his residence on the Port road of ID. inet.
though it is known that there are Both sides said the fight on No. from lease she took out jointly .scene of the first killing this morn- band, entertainment by the Amer-
a heart attack. He was 82 years The Harlingen cont.rol o f f i c e at at least four localities under with G. R. Yantis in 1936, in a ing to try to find the instrument ican Legion Drum nnd Bugle Corps,
old. one t i m e employed 30 to 40 peo- study. At least two are in the 2—to transfer the bureau of em- suit
ployment security from the Fed- here filed m 107th district court with which Olvera. was murdered. and street dancing. Elizabeth
Cromack, who had lived In ple, Penry said, but the staff has eastern part of the city. eral S e e n r i t y A d m i n i s t r a t i o n today. JLast Words Street from nth Street to Oth will
Brownsville since 1923, suffered a been cut down u n t i l for the past Brownsville has two housing (FSA'i to the Labor Department— She alleges she and Yantis, now De "Leon said Hernandez, lying be. roped off to accommodate the
heart attack about 11:30 a. m. year there have been only two projects, one is the Buena Vida probably would wind up in. an ad dead, had an agreement to split. wounded and in agony, said "mn- huge crowd which will be on hand
He had been retired. employes besides himself. Housing project, on Mth, and royalties 50-50 and that she has tenme, matenme," (kill me, kill to bid the theater welcome to
Cromack came to Brownsville For several months t h a t number Tyler and the other is the Bou- ministration victory.
Democratic Leader Lucas ( T i l l not been paid her share. The pe- me) after he had been shot. Brownsville.
from Nowata, Okla, He was born has been r;ut to just Penry and gainvillea Housing Project on told reporters flatly the plan would tition says the leased property i Deputy Constable Santana Lucio The. top feature of tonight's full
In «xico, New York. Prior to his a secretary. West Jefferson near the San Be- go through. in Starr county. Polk Homaday was at Hernandez' bedside when program will be the incomparable
ONLY ONE SHOWING retirement, Cromack had been as- nito-Brownfeville highway. Harlingen, is representing- th he died about five, minutes after Norma Ballard and her Hammond
F u l l Length Production sociated with the Cromack Citrus TEXAS I?EXT Out Of Town plaintiff, being taken to a hospital. Lucio electric orgnn.
Groves. STAFF RELEASED Mansur left the city Wednesday Ediiiburg Plans said Hernandez made an effort to So it's "light*, action, earners"
Start* «t 7:45 P. M. He was a Mason and a piember DALLAS -MFV- Federal rent morning and could, not be reached ROTARY MEETS talk there but what he said WAS in- tonight at the new Majestic thea-
of the Church of the Advent, E3pis- controls in Texas may end in about for further details on the project. To Annex 50O Acres LA FERIA, Aug. 37 — R, A comprehensible, Lucio was inves- ter.
Please Come Early eoval. His body is at the Hinkley two weeks. During the special City Com- EDINBURG, Aug. 17 — A. pro- Caldwell, vice president of the La tigating another case.
Mortuary where services are pend- If they nrcn't erased from the mission meeting, the reading for posed city crdinance which would Feria Rotary club, conducted the GaUiff said I n t e r today no trace
books in about 30 days, there the annexation by petition of two annex more than 500 acrevS to the program of the 1 club's rcg'uia of the murder weapon was found.
Among 1 th« survivors are his won't be any federal workers in Brownsville suburbs, E b o n y city limits, was being readied to- luncheon-meeting this week. Pro
Crash Victim's
vlfc, Mrs. Jesse Cromack; four Texas to enforce them anyway. heights and Kbony Acres was also day for publication, gram assignments for future meet
Body Arrives
sons, Bertrand Cromack Jr., of Federal rent; controls will be approved by the. Commission. The The territory to be annexed in- ings were given to c?.ub member.1 Funeral Set
Hays, Kans.; Gerald H. Cromack, l1.i f t e d in New Mexico about Sept. ordinance passed its second and cludes the tracks to the south and civic problems wore discussed
Last Times Today A u s t i n ; Frank D. Cromack and
Thnt m u c h was clear Tuesday
final reading automatically bring- and north of the city. during the business session. Today For The body of Jose Torres, 2fi.
killed in a t r a f f i c accident last
P e r m i t Cromack, both of Browns- from a series of statements—some ing into the corporate limits of
Sunday in KiDeen, Texas, arrived
ille, find a brother, Joe Cromaek of t h e m c o n f l i c t i n g — m a d e the oity of Brownsville the two Jesus Menclez
f Baltimore and 10 grandchil- housing expediter officials in Dal-
by subdivision.
A petition asking annexation
Kin Of Local Woman Painted Jesus Mendez, 64, died at his
here this morning.
The body was taken to trm
las, Washington and Cleveland, and signed by A majority of the residence here. 24th and E. Taylor Delta funeral home where funaral
Housing K x p e d i t o r Tigho Woods resident property owners of the! street Tuesday night. services ore pending.

Ochoa said in Cleveland that: controls two subdivisions, was presented

will be lifted in New Mexico to t.he City oJ' Brownsville several
Portrait Of Star For Movie There are no known survivors. Torres, a veteran of World War
Services will be held today at 4 IT with service in the Pacific, is
around Sept. 1 nrni t h a t the re- weeks ago. p.m. at the Santa Rosalia ceme- survived by his wife. Lina Torres
m n i n i n g rental o f f i c e s in Texas A case, of the "mountain going Hollywood luminaries to "beat 8 tery under the, direction of the find two sisters, Mrs. Maria T.
( C o n t i n u e d From Page One) will be closed by m i d - S e p t e m b e r . to Mohammed" was re-enacted last path to his door." Delta Funeral home. Ruifc and Mrs. Raqucl T. Ramirez.
slaying of Air Force Corporal Actor Joseph Cotton, who port-
James Lindsay, 30, of Oneicla,
Tenn. Lindsay was i;hot in the
Besieged China winter, when David Selxnick, Jen- rays an artist in the film, studied
nifer Jones and Joseph Cotton, Brackman's technique closely,
OlfEEN Today and Thursday
same hotel on a different floor.
Both men were killed by the
same .32 caliber pistol, ballistics
Building Hike
Seen As Boost
o City Sent Naval all filmdom notables, journeyed to during the 15 sitting required for
a "whistle stop" town in Con- the portarit, and is said to have
Relief Force necticut to have Miss Jones port- brought authenticity to his role.
rxperta reported. The ilain men
\vorc acquainted
Mrs, Rosa Maria Ochoa, Genoa's
wife, Kazen said.
Laredo Police



For Employment
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17 —<fl>) — been
CANTON", Aug. 17. ~-i'/Pj~- A
rait painted for the movie, "Port- All stages of development of the
rait of Jennie."
Nationalist spokesman said to- Robert Brackman. world famous a final technicolor sequence shows
night strong Naval forces had artist and cousin of Mrs. G. VV. she completed work, now hnnginp
painting appear in the movie, and
NINO MARTINI A forecast of f u r t h e r moderate, in- sent up the M i n River to the Johnson of Brownsville, refused to in the. Metropolitan Museum of
G a l l a g h e r .said the motive for the in construction work in the relief of Communist besieged Foo- leave his Nonank, Conn., school Art in New York.
"Daring Desperadoes" ."laying, in his opinion, was near f u t u r e came from the Federal chow. of 80 pupils, when commissioned The movie is now showing at
"jealousy". He declined to com- Reserve
Pollc* Alurted
.Board toclny,
Because construction is one of tal
The spokesman said the coas- to do the portairt. and forced the he Capitol Theater here.
city still wa.s In Nationalist:
Commercial radio contact)
Do Yoa Do These Things?
Today & Gallagher \esterday said he had activity the main bulwarks of business
with Foochow has been out here
Thurs. alerted and employment, this
police throught Mexico nished some backing for a predic- fo? many hours. fur- 1

Til, S-47-12 and declared:

"Tliis will make things hot foi tion that
by Secretary ol' Labor Tobin This might indicate communist,
employment, will go up
George Ochoa. The FBI works 1,000,000 the rest of t h i s year. big battle for Foochow has been by troops have occupied the city. A Back to. School Turn and loss most of the night
Lay and count the "hard
hand In glove with the Mexican Tobin made the prediction at the reported underway. The city is spots" in your mattress
secret police and they will locate White House yesterday. miles northeast of Canton.
him. W h j n the.y locate him we instead of sheep?
u-ill ask the president of Mexico WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE
o expell n i m as an undesirable. Dog-Shoo ling V/ake up and wonder
"1 happen to know that Ochoa 01C TIO N A R Y, Fifth Edition why you bothered to
trying 1 desperately to take out Charges Dropped g-o to bed for rest?
Mexican citizenship—but at the Equip your boyt and girte of high'
same time, I have been given school and college age with this matt
d e f i n i t e assurance t h a t Mexican Two criminal charges growing useful handy'Sized dictionary. Web-
c i t i z e n s h i p will not be given him." out of thu shooting of a clog- Ho-
ward Hall, Cameron county's chief
Hinkley Mortuary ster's Collegiate fe the most generally
accepted dic- The Solution...
FAO FIENDS l a i l c r , were dismissed today. "tirowa»vtUe'» tionary in the
Funeral Hume" Have your maltrchi revlUllxed by <-xpert« you o«ii truMI
R I O DR JANEIRO, Aug. 17—-(,?, Justice of the Poaco. Manuel schools today! Send it to EtlelBlein's . . . big enough lo be trustworthy . . .
Burglars broke into the offices Diaz do Leon .mid the charges OIJJEST Ui rHlG VALLEY small enough to give you prompt attention! They offer new
110,000 Entries
of the U. S. Naval mission today. were dropped oa the motion of .1,800 fifustr*' •l»al padding . . . new spring unit . . . new blue and white
They took nothing but American County Attorney F. T. Graham, tions licking . . . and they refelt the cotton. g-Honr Service and
cigarettes. for lack of evidence. Hall con- Easy Payment*, If you wloh. Dial Z-&60S and SI-UMBERIZEt
Wtym Morris • Jonis P«i0t tended t.he injured animal had BURIAL INSURANCE 1,300 Pa«e*
MIKt IINNIH • GlIAtWMI MOCKS Two hundred thousands farms been depredating his property, 1

lOICftf NUTTON • ALAN HAH in Ohio have electricity—the larg-

est a m o u n t of nii'ttl electrification
Good Will Offer!
4 « H',11 ;.-^. Iflylt
n the nation. TWUM«r
Mighty Mouse - Flying IMOCX

Dancers and My Silent The Grand Banks area off tho

Love. coast of Newfoundland, in tho BIG
path of the world's busiest water
Talent Show Thura. Nitc racie routes, is the iceberg dangei It" K 11" CANNON \

one. Complete Line of School Supplies

9th and Elizabeth — Brownsville — Dial 2-3663
The Best Costs No More! IN IVIRY §OX OP
• Cafe Equipment &^
• Air Conditioning
• Heating • Ventilating
"Worth up to 15* i" That's
what women «ay about this OFFICE
• Stainlet* Drain Board* •
Manufacturers and distributors of heat transfer equipment.
>$$&> fluffy Cannon face cloth you
net in every regular
size of safe, white, granu-
lated Silver Dust, now
with extra sudsing power! ^^
Customs fabricator* of iUinlesi steel and aluminum, Get Silver Dust with the
HneCannon premium today! USE YOUB CREDIT
IfKW Iloca rhlrn Blvd. — Brownviilr, Texan — Phone 2-0S33
WILKINSON, Bown»vlllc Manager
Trust Silver Dust A M I ) 1 Mf.K. (• ' i\J t. t -fi •,, ( i - T
( L', t ^ ^ ' - 4 ' i MI H .; , • ( ./vu ' A N ^

Although whale oil candle* w*nt
DDT To Be Given To Public Bvrd
»/ Antarctic
Expedition Is
out of fashion 100 year* ago,
skilled American glassworkers ar*
today making: glass candleholdera
by hand by virtually the earn*

BY 20-30 Club And Store

Called Off
WASHINGTON, Aug. 17—(/T)-
methods they used a century ago.

An antarctic expedition that was ITCHINQ, STINQINQ OP!


Saturday has been declared DDT will be made available free of cans and other insect-breeding to have been led by Rear Adm.
Day in Brownsville.
One thousand dollars worth
DDT solution to aid the fight Jones,
charge at the Sherwin-Williams places. He said the solution may Richard E. Byrd this fall has been
office here located at 1344 E. Eliza- be applied with brush, rag, or other called off by the Navy for "com-
beth street, according to J. B. applicator. One application last pelling- reasons of economy,"
store manager.
Itching, burning heat rash got you
frantic? Sprinkle on Mexsana—-get
against polio by destroying the in Plans for the expedition have
"We are donating the two-hun- from four to five months, Jonej been underway for more than a quick, soothing relief! This wonder*
sects on private premises will be dred-and fifty gallons of DDT to pointed out. ful help is due to 'Sorb-Shield Action
given away free by the Sherwin- the 20-30 Club for them to distri- All citizens of Brownsville and year. which helps absorb irritating excess
Williams Paint Co. Saturday bute it among the people of moisture and forms a shield on chafed
starting at 9 a.m., under the spon- Brownsville, Jones said. surrounding communities are in- In the 20 years after 1929, %vhen skin against rubbing. It's the orig-
sorship of the locaV-20-30 Club. Long Lasting vited by the 20-30 Club members Turkey replaced the old Arabic inal prickly heat powder—Can't be
beat for easing stinging torment of
Public Appeal Jones explained that the DDT to be at Sherwin-Williams store script with the Latin alphabet,
At 6:15 p.m. today the 20-3C is for use on screen doors, garbage Saturday morning to pick up the she published 40,000 books com- prickly heat, chafe and diaper rash.
Club will make a public appeal DDT. Jones said it will be free of pared ing the
to only 30,000 published dur-
two centuries before 1929.
over the air at station KVAL to charge and that the store will fur-
help combat polio. The program
will last fifteen minutes, according Bod Taken nish the containers.
Members of the 20-30 Club will
(Advert j.somenO (AcvcrMicment)
to Margal Vicars, president of
the 20-30 club.
Two hundred and fifty gallons
of six per cent DDT liquid coatin
From Rive
be on hand at the store to help
pass out the DDT, Vicars said.
The body of an unidentified
man about 35 years old was found
yesterday on the left bank of the
Rio Grande near El Carmen ranch.
"Suffered 7 years
-then I found Pazo
The following reninrk«b}« story nhows told that T could ixrt live M 3'oar nnl«M
conclusively that Barcentrnto DOES t»kc I lost some weight. You may vise my nmm«

Import Stand Justice of the Peace Manuel

Diaz de Leon said he thought the brings amazing relief!" oJT fat. any \vny you wish."-—Mrs. J. B. Mootr%
It contains nothing harmful. In fact, ft I$SS Mentor Street, Dnlla«, Tc.x*».
contains ingredients that mako you feel
man had drowned in the river and Speed fays Afr. M. W,t Lot Angtles, Calif^ bettor. No stnrvAlion diet—no weakness— If you At ail druggists
are overweight RtuI w»nt to t&k*
amazing relief from misery of simple piles, NO hunRcr. Bnrvontrnto, the ordinal prnpe-
the water receding from a recent With soot,hine Pazo*. Acts to relieve pain, itching fniit juico recipe, takes off fat quickly, off URriy fnt, just go 10 your drufrgfet »nd
Is Rapped rise had deposited the body on the (ititantly. Lubricates dry, hardened iinrls. Help* •afoly and you cnn cut plenty.
bank. prevent cracking, reduce^swelling. Don't sulTcr
needless Iqrture of simple piles. Get Pazo Here is proof
ask for four ounces of liquid Bnrecntratw.
Pour tin's into n pint bottle and ndd enough
Rmpofrnit juice to fill bottle. Then t*k«»
De Leon returned an inquest for comforting relief. Ask your doctor about it,' "I •wnnt to toll you whnt weight I have just two "Uxblespoonfuls twice a dny. If tb«
SAN ANTONIO, Aug. 17—(#»)— verdict of death by accidental Suppository form or tulxss with perforated piptj lost in 2% months by using Bnrcontratc. very first bottlo doesn't show you the sim-
The San Antonio Chamber of Com- drowning. *Pato Ointment and Sufipoutoria ® I weighed 262 pounds \vhon I started. I now ple, snfe wny to tnke off weight, return UM
Tierce has protested business re- wcich 204. I *m so proud I tried it. I was empty bottle for your money
strictions imposed by Mexico dur-
ng the last several years.
John M. Bennett, Jr., president
of th<j local chamber, wrote the
U. S. Chamber of Commerce, de-
ploring restrictions on exports of
American merchandise raised by
Mexico and urged the barriers be
Bennett yesterday also urged
the adoption of a program to in- C ON SMART STYLES
crease imports from Mexico, thus
enabling that nation to buy mor
American-made products.


Bond Vote
McALLEN, Aug. 17 — The Mc-
Allen city commission has apt*
proved a $65,000 bond issue to pro-
vide funds for construction of j
cit.y office building.
No date for the election was set
The city owns vacant lots south- Full pleated fronts in plaids
west of the intersection of Beau-
mont and 15th which the commis-
Famous World-Wide and solid colors.
sion plans to use as the building
site. SHEETS
full double bed size. First
With Pillow
TEL. 2-3333 Cases To
Tom Stevenson Co. Match
Norgn Before Voo Buy1*
NEW MAJESTlC—Jn the top picture is shown the en-
trnm'.o to t h o now Majoslic Theater which opens here
tonight. In the bottom picture the lower floor oj; tho Don't bo
t h e a l e r KM s h o w n .
100% All Wool Short sleeves. Plaids and
with a diamond In its mouth. Soft pastel colors with wide satin binding other designs. Sanforized-
Chajnil Chapin said he won the. gold in
a poker game whllo working
An outstanding value a t . . . shrunk. Full cut

(Continued From Page One) for the calt.le raisers, A dispute

about the winnings developed, a
county, when (,'hnpin was county f i g h t started and four of tho
jtultfo In 1008. people in the game were killed.
VVhnl. it wu.s, was a neat piece He Kent the gold to Tiffany's
of jtiK'K'lrry Uwt made in New York and had the ring
n. b l t l r r fur of C t m p l n ' s regime Chapin was horn In Sherman
tho m o n n s of completing' the Sept. 10, 1870, and got his Texas
n w m ' u v r r of #ottinp; the county law license in 3898. He now
«ont. moved f r o m Hidalgo
what i.-. now K d i n b u r t f .
to has hitt office in Corpus Christ!. STOPS PERSPIRATION 1 - 3 DAYS
Here's (ho Story Instantly stops perspiration, keeps nrmpirj
tlcre't, t h e way he teil.s it;
"The iv'io ( i r a m k : wa.s en-
crouching on it>i l o f t b a n k , anil
Safecrackers dry. Acts safely, as proved by leading doctors.
Doof not rot dresses or men's shirts,
Boys' 8 oz. Blue Jeans . . . Sanforized. Western
was up t.o w i t h i n a short distance
'of the court IIOUHI; HI j mire ( a t
Midaltfo). So. L decided t h a t
Arc Sought Removes odor from perspiration on contact
in 2 seconds. Has antiseptic action.
tho thing 1 to do wn.s to remove ftAYMONDVILUn, Aug. 17 — Does not irritate skin. Can be used right
after shaving. Preferred by 117,000 nurses. Oxfords , . . Loafers . . . Sandals.
style... Zipper front.
the county .seat from the town Officers continued looking today All leather construction.
of Hidnlvjo to Rome plnco for ausp«e.t:. in connection with
in A pure, white, stainless vanishing cream. Sizes6to 16only . . . . . .
the ftpproxlmato center of IHclul-
>?o county, and eonHoquently, I
Uvo safecracking jobs hero Mon-
day night.
The safecrackers entered tho
mi agreement w i t h
A r r i d , with the amazing new ingredient
Crcamogcn, stays smooth and creamy —will
not crystallize or dry out in the jar.
I98 io 498
John CIOHIVT and l<\ W. Sprague Welsh Motor company building
to carry out that idea, and took a variety of tools. D2?^«^^Sffi^SflJSi^2£^^^
"With their
aeourod the money and benight
about 60,000 aerefl of land of
wh\eh tho present town of
Then they entered Brooks Super-
as. si. stance, I
market, and a small amount of
msh, a pocket k n i f e and a few
packages of: cigarettes were atol-
JWdirtburg wa.s the c e n t e r . . .
Had l.'<Mvt>r Tho burglars made their final
"I kn<-w that under tho law stop at. the Oliver Implement Com-
Arrid with Crcamo^en is guaranteed not to dry out
in the jar. If you're not completely convinced that
Arrid is /'/; every way the finest cream deodorant you've
ever used, return jar with unused portion for refund of
entire purchase price. Our address is on every package. Also JOt and S9t
ARRID Chenille reads
If a petition to remove a county >any b u i l d i n g and cracked open 1
rc^-?^^ ^*^^^^^^^'
Beautiful multi-colored Chenille Spreads
scat wa.s piottented to a county two safes ami approximately $1,000. DON'T BE HALF- SAFE, BE ARRID -SAFE. USE ARRID -TO BE SURE!
judge, ho declared the result n cash was stolen.
of tho clod Ion. . .
"An A result of this Hitimtlon,
and a large assortment
of colors. Now
98 to
I prepared petitions to tho
county judk'r (himself) to
ordor an election for tho pur-
IHI.SC of moving the county .scat
to tho town which I called
(!hapln, which conslstrd of one
.store and a post o f f i c e in the HEAVY WOVEN COTTON
middle of 00,000 aeror . .
" A f t e r I his p e t i t i o n wn.s signed
by practically all tho voters of
Hidalgo county, I
order, ns county Judge calling
for an election, to bo held on
issued an BEDSPREADS
a certain Saturday. . . The Ideal all
"Kxten'm'e notice- was given
of tho act by tho prcsH of Texas
ami ns a result thereof, the
governor ordered two companies
of Rangers . to protect the
purpose spread is assorted colors. .. 2"
Children's School Dresses
peace against whnt my op-
ponent.s culled tho tyranny of
C'hapin told how the clay bo-
fore tho election, he resigned
and asked the county com mis-
jtioner.M to appoint S. P. Silver Beautiful dresses in a nice
county judge. They did. Stiver Fancy assortment of styles, si^es
was ft leading foe of Chftptn. and colors.
Tho Judge continued: Mercerized Blazer All
"After all tho election boxes Striped Sizes
were in and reported to County
Clork A. K. Chavez, I called
Judge Silver in and demanded
that ho. . .declare the result of
the election.
"Judge Silver protested...
elastic Girls' Blue Jeans
but Judge Silver, in my honest
opinion, was an honest man at
heart. 1 stuck tho stem of my
pipe in his back, and he, feeling
the imprint, said, 'I'll count the
voto, don't hill me. . .
Reason for the complex
25 Tops Heavy 8 oz. blue
denim. Full cut . . .
sanforized shrunk.
Zipper side fastener.

maneuver* which led up to his

resignation as county judge,
C'hapin said, was to avoid a cry
of "fraud" if he certified the
result of the election.
Incidentally, there's another
Chftpin anecdote tied to that
.L. / /

gold ring, which if « lion's head National Diitilieri Product* Corp., New York, IL Y. 90 Proof. Distilled London Dry Gin. 100% frtin neural

Serving The Rio Grande Valley For Over SO Year*



1st Show Begins at 7:30 P.M.
2nd at 9:45 P.M.
Radio Broadcast "A"
Brownsville High School Band
"A: American Legion Drum & Bugle
Panorama Animated Lights
Street Dancing
The Incomparable
And Her Hammond
Electric Organ

June Began Early
• 'China' Marks Record
; Use Of Sound Effects
•lamming, ropci hitting masks
v/irtl««» And dozen* of others. Steivart And Allyson 'Just Fit9 Majestic Sets Dancing Normal
"You can dance if you can walk",
Gotten, Fouiitaine To
Co-Star In 'September' Like Marilyn Miller, whom she
Actual footage on the film wil
be about 8,850 feet, much lens than
Special Show s«ya Ray Bolger,
portrays in "LOOK FOR THE
SILVER LINING". Warner Bros.
In a deal con-
.*"' HOLLYWOOD — An odd Holly-
record will be net when Wil-
the length of the sound effect
used. However, frequently as man>
RolesIn'The Stratton Story' For Youngsters The dancing star of "LOOK FOR
THE SILVER LINING", Warner cluded by trans - Atlantic phone,
Joseph Gotten was sent vecently to
Technicolor musical, June Haver
was doing imitations at. the age of
an seven effects are uaed on th It's not just the premiere show- Bros. Techincolor film opening six.
Paramount'* "Captain China," •Captain China" is the largest soon at the new Majestic, claims play the male lead in "September" In those days June did an act
ing of the new Majestic Wednes- opposite Joan Fontaine. Negotia- called "Lunch'at the Brown Der-
•—-To-starring John Wayne, Gall Rus- scaled action film produced by Wll day night that concerns Jimmy that every basic tap step is adap- by" in which she imitated Kathar-
liam Pine and William Thomas t McNeill, manager of the theatre, ted from the natural movement of tions were finalized by Hal Wallis
'," noil, Jeffrey Lynn, Lon Chaney, and Daniel O'Shea for the David ine Hepburn, Zasu Pitts and Helen
date, and the fast-moving pace i but also the big show Thursday the feet in walking or running. Hayes.
^jEtlgar Bergen and Michael O'Shea. responsible for the record sound morning at 9:30 a.m. It's for O. Selznick organization. Wallis is
t-— Howard Smith, head of the unit's effect usage. Brownsville's youngsters, and a now in England en route to Italy
^rutting department, estimates big special party has been planned it is—they will want to help us where the film will be shol under In medieval times warring arm-
"ZZlhfit 20,000 feet of sound effect RETURNS for them, keep it attractive for them. the directional guidance of Wil- ies agreed not to campaign against
,^^/ilm will he used tor dubbing Dan Duryea has returned to Hoi While the Majestic is an ideal Norma Ballard will also play liam Dieterle, each other during winter.
—"Captain China." Thia i« double lywood from New York where h theatre for adults or children, kids favorite melodies on the Ham- This will be Cotton's third pic-
^"the amount generally uued for an went for the opening of Para are the most critical, according to mond organ. ture appearance abroad in recent Third Man" for Carol Reed. He is
~ action picture, mount's "Manhandled," produce McNeill, and woe to the theatre Don't forget, KIDS, its Thursday months, the others being1 "Under currently appearing- at Warner
Effectfl will consist of ocean by William, Pine and William manager that ever forgets it, for morning at 9:30 a.m. for the time Capricorn" for Alfred Hitchcock Bros, in "Beyond the Forest" with
- wave noises, and wind blaati, list Thomaa. Duryea plays a double he may be sure the kids will re- of your life. with Ingrid Bergman and "The Bette Davis/
2 flghta, machinery, Ioo8e cargo hit- crossing private investigator in the mind him of anything that goes
3 ting bulkheads, atormn, doom suspense melodrama. amiss. But if plans don't slip up,
this theatre party is going to be
one the kids will long remember.
It's an innovation in the amuse-
ment business, this Kid's Premiere.
But it is sure to be a success. In
addition to a two hour show of
cartoons and comedies chosen for
special appeal, the kids will also
receive special favors. Also to be
given away to each kiddie attend-
ing the special show will be bub-

GROWTH ble gum, ice cream and popcorn

and giant balloons.
In the lineup of cartoons and co-
medies are some of the top "stars"
in this field including Tom & Jerry
n THREE cartoons, "The Truce
to th.

Th* magnificent new

James Stewart and June AMyson play husband and wife In "THE
STRATTON STORY", M-G-M picture based on the spectacular
Hurts", "Puss 'n Toots" and "Cat
Pishin' "; Popeye and Olive Oyl in
'Robin Hoodwinked"; Tweet ("I
Tot I Taw a Putty Tat") Pie in
Theatre rareer of Monty Stratton, former bijt-1eagu« baseball star. Also 'A Tale of Two Kitties"; Daffy
nynibol of the in the cost of the picture, which is the opening attraction of the Duck in "Daffy Dilly"; Porky Pig
metropolitan growth now Majestic, are Frank Morgan, Agnes M'oorehead and Bill Wil-
of our <;ily. liams.
n "Scardy Cat"; the Throe Stoo-
ges in "Pardon My Clutch"; Ed- The Finest in the Valle
The gallant story of one of the makes for a story that will leave
most courageous figures ' in the few onlookers untouched.
Directed By Wood
yorld of sport will be unfolded Under the knowing' direction of
starting- today at the new Majestic Sam Wood, who directed that oth-
floodyenr, a progressive organization, n the "Stratton Story," M-G-M's er outstanding sports drama,
welcome* growth In every Held. Just a« the "Pride of the Yankees," the film
new f i l m based on the spectacular .story of Monty Stratton is told
Majestic represents the finest and dramatic career of Monty with naturalness, warmth and a
In the Held of entertainment, your Stratlon, who came from the aand- sustaining dramatic pace. Begin-
Gooriyeur Sr.rvlee Store repre-
sent* the fliiPNt In Home Appliance, ots of Texas to win fame as a ning with a sandlot game in the Our trucks will be rolling day
Tiro, anil Service, field. pitching star with the Chicago little Texas farming town of
,Vhitc Sox. Greenville, in which the lanky
While backgrounded with tne young Monty performs magic with
hrills of big league hall park a baseball, it follows his meeting- and night to bring the newest
oerie.s, the sports angle of tne nar- Barney Wiles, a baseball has-been
ative is subservient to the true-to- who coaches the boy and arrang-
il* o. story of Monty Stratton, who,
after two seasons that put him on
es for his tryout with the White
Sox. Not coming up to grade, he hits to you.
MR verge of alllime greatness, is farmed out to minor leagues,
OODYI SERVK suffered a hunting accident that
caused the amputation of his right
wins impressively and is recalled
to the White Sox. It is now that
CORE leg. How ho came back, eight
years later, to resume a pitching
he feela sure enough of his career
to marry pretty and vivacious Eth-
career In the game he loved and to el, the girl whom he had met while
be named the "Most Courageous "warming the bench" during his
Athlete of the Year" in 1946, tryout period. MICKEY SHANNON
Stratton becomes th« freshman Kennedy in "No More Rela-
sensation of the league and by the tives" and Tex Williams in "Chey-
next season is top right-hander in enne Cowboy".
An Oscar To Interstate th loop and ia also the father of
Monty, Jr, Now occurs the hunt
ing accident which brings about
an end of his brilliant future. It
In addition to the big screen
show, Mickey Shannon, sensation-
al radio star will appear on the
stage and sing the songs the kid- VALLEY FILM SERVICE
ia the devoted Ethel who reawak- dies like best.
ens hia interest in life and in the The Majestic is the safest place
game he loves and who gives him n Brownsville for kids, says Mc-
renewed hope for the future. Neill and Mre want them to feel TOM CARAWAY - Owner
Fits Role perfectly at home while attending
No finer choice for the rol« of th« theatre. After all, it's their
Stratton could have been made theatre too, and we know when
than to entrust this arresting fig- they see what, a beautiful theatre
77i« Beautiful ure to the hands of James Stewart.
He gives it a down-to-earth na-
New turalness, humor, warmth and sin-
Majestic cerity. He is buoyant and infec-
tious in the lighter scenes and
Opens heartbreakingly moving in the pic-
ture's tragic episodes. It is prob-
ably his finest motion picture role
to date.
June Allyson also deserves a
big hand for her role as the wife
who stands by her husband's side
when he seems a broken man and
A Premiere Event
who quietly and self - effacingly
for it celebrates guides him on the path of renewed
hope and courage.
another 'First' Excellent Cast
There are other excellent; per-
for B r o w n s v i l l e formances. Prank Morgan is color-
and the V a l l e y ! ful and engaging as Barney Wile, . . . is celebrated this evening- as Interstate Theatres
the one-time ba.seball great who
finds his way back to the big open the mighty new Majestic—one of the South-
league stamping grounds through
a boy whom he grows to love like west's finest, show places! Easter-ling-Van Tyne Com-
a son. Agnes Moorehead is the
understanding and practical .mind- pany is glad to join the ranks of progressive Valley
ed Ma Stratton. Bill Williams is
enormously likeable as Eddie Dib- firms in praise of this new symbol of Valley pro-
son, Monty's baseball sidekick arid
.smooth-talking "lady killer." Of gress and leadership!
additional interest is the presence
in th cast of a large number of
well - known baseball .figures, The Valley has, in the past decade, become the e n t e r t a i n m e n t mecca of Texas
among those playing themselves
And So the Volley
w i t h considerable credit being
James Dyke, foi-merly manager . . . and it is growing rapidly. Every progressive business is a n x i o u s to sec the
of the Chicago White Sox and the great metropolitan Valley area become s u p r e m e in every respect. And t h a t wish
Hollywood Stars; Bill Dickey,
Grows hard-hitting catcher of the New
York Yankees; and Gene Bearden, is being translated into action with ever^ passing d a y !
handsome pitching star of the
Cleveland Indians.
fhlol Tort of South Tex a* in-
DELTA Sports followers and the. average
moviegoer alike will find "The
Pontiac "-Another Hollywood Star
Stratton Story" superlative enter-
uiul now KntortaJnrnont Offers To A Progressive t a i n m e n t . It is a drama of a man
who faced disaster w i t h a great
of th« Vrtllcy with eight theaters.
llooa Chioa . nccedft to Fort ImibH
VALLEY courage and it packs a terrific
heart wallop. J UST as Barbara Stanwyck, soon to be seen at the
magnificent new Majestic in ''The Lady Gambles",
is one of the top performers in Hollywood , . . so is the
Island , romantic old Mexico . . . Valley's Largest Stocks .1949 Pontiac. This smart a u t o m o b i l e is a star in the V a l -
awl nil Itif trimming*! Prllii finds It » Office Furniture June Finds Left ley, too. Ask for a demonstration soon.
ph'HMiro awl a challenM'o to serve such a ' Office Supplies
Is Far From Right
pniKresslv* aroa. The future t« hriRht for There's a difference bet. ween
* Office Machines right and wrong', and left isn't
tiu> cntii-p metropolitan ar«»a wn call th« right. So June Allyson discovered
* Duplicators in possibly the most difficult fea-
> alley . . . nml your two alert I>elta storr-N Lurc of her latest film role in
.Htiuul roady to sorvo thla proud area with * A d d i n g Machines M-G-M's "THE STRATTON
I ho liilr.nt In fine office equipment at tho * Calculators The young actress is strictly a
outhpaw as far as eating and
lowest jwshlMo prU'cii. * Dictaphones writing are concerned. And she
had to do both, as well as throw
* Typewriters baseball, in the picture with her
•tght hand.
large, warehouse display at Harlin- .It was all because of a line in
All-Valley A i r p o r t . Also ui both the script, James Stewart, as the I
ormer big- league pitching star,
Monty Stratton, a right-hander,
lad to lean over his baby son in
he film and remove a rattle from
9th and Eltiabeth — Brownsville — Dial he tot's left hand. As he does
Free so, he says, "Hey, none of that.
Delivery Ve won't have any southpaws in
DEI his family!"

Easterling-Van Tyne

Much of Paramount's "Postal In-
pector," co-starring Alan Ladd

117 \V. Jackson — Iliirliiigcn — Phone
Valley nd Phyllis Calvert, will be filmed
n Gary, Ind., and Chicago. Di-
ector Lewis Allen feels that this
location" will add valuable au-
henticity and realism.
"Your Pontiac Dealer"
101 E. Hariri ion 155 E. Elizabeth
PLAYS THE "BONKS" Phone 1560 Dial 2.7642
William Holden, starred in Para
Otto Wilkinson, Browns vilta Manager mount's "Dear Wife," has attempt
d to learn to play the violir
iano and guitar without sucee:--
But he's an expert at the "bones.


INTERSTATE Takes Pride in Announcing

Presenting to the People of
PERFORMANCE One of the Most Magnificent
THE TRUE LOVE-STORY Showhouses in Texas.
• • • and Continuing
of Monty Stratton,
a rangy, grinning ATTRACTIONS AT THE
Texan... and the DCDICAHD

blue-eyed girl DAVID O.SSLZNICK
Be met on a
•. '!miiii!is-->ii!iii<>

or trait
blind date! lennie
also starring

A /ore 50 great that it
^ STARTING SUNDAY guvc a man a second
chance at life!
and t«f»w

*•* t »iKn

mT6RSTflT€ S DtUJ LflnomflRK FOR fl LAIN!
Every Boy and Girl Will Receive TOM & JERRY in "THE TRUCE HURTS" and "CATFISHIN"
POPEYE in "ROBIN HOOD WINKED" - Edgar KENNEDY COMEDY Plus — Radio's New Star Children 25c
PLAY • GIANT BALLOONS • TWEETIE PIE in "TALtfOF 2 KITTENS" - Tex WILLIAMS COMEDY Ballad* and Songft of the Went Adults Me
Tax InoltxU*
TER", expresed her bewilderment,
Skelton Has New Mitchum's Fetich Gentleman Admits he explained that he was head of a
Ideas On Billing Talismans for good luck are fa Making Mistake manufacturing concern for which
vorite fad items. In Hollywood she modeled prior to her screen
Red Skelton has a novel idea for A gentleman whom Esther Will- career.
where stars are concerned, they iams did not at first recognize
the billing vt his curernt film, "We fired you," he said rue-
M-G-M's Technicolor musical, often extend to the screen. approached her at a party the oth-
Sharp-eyed fans nave become er evening and said: "Misa Will- fully, "I believe at the time our
"NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER". excuse was — 'no personality'."
Skelton heads a cast which in- familiar with the khaki-colored iams, I just want you to know that
cludes Esther Williams, Ricardo trench coat which Robert Mitchum you have taught me a valuable
lesson." Georgia is the United States*
Montalban, Betty Garrett and Kee- has worn in all but three of his
nan Wynn. movies since 1945. Mitchum first When the star, currently appear- largest producer of kaolin, for use
"But wouldn't it be something," sported the coat In "THE STORY ing in "NEPTUNE'S DAUGH- as a paper and china clay.
suggests the comedian, "if it were OF G. I. JOE", the picture that
billed this way: "NEPTUNE'S brought him overnight acclaim. Be-
Daughter" starring Ben Gage's lieving the garment brought him
wife, Lioretta Young's brother-in- luck, he dons it for a scene or two
law; Larry Parks' wife and Ed in every possible film. It shows
Wynn's boy!" up for the seventh time in Mit-
Skelton laments he is the only chum's current RKO Radio drama,
one in the cast who doesn't have "THE BIG STEAL", in which Jane
a relative who is prominent in Greer and William Bendix are his
show business. co-stars.
Some 50,000 Indians live on New Louisiana muskrats yield about
Mexico reservations. eight million pelts a year.

Theatre of
The Neiv Majestic ior ~ Center
Entertainment Ce.
Of the Valley
family were active in the Amer-! sored solely by the Variety Club
lean revolution.
Known As Philanthropist He works most of the time he Look Important
Hoblitzelle is known throughout isn't asleep. Early morning finds
Interstate Circuit, Inc., and Tex- the amusement field and operate
the state as one of Texas' most him at his desk or out on the cir-
ft« Consolidated Theatres, Inc., all the nation's vaudeville theatres, cuit looking over theatres and
operators of the new Majestic Interstate Theatres were the generous philanthropists. He is an helping his managers solve prob-, arc headed by experienced first sought. With the sale of his ardent patron of the arts. He is lems of operation. When in Dallas
For the Opening—
•bowmen, who have a national rep- theatres to RKO, Hoblitsselle devot- particularly interested in old mast- he is a familiar figure in the down-
utation for knowing what the ed himself to world travel. This ers and is active in the restora- town and suburban theatres chat-
thcntre-goorfl of Toxfis and the rowplto from the theatre however,
ment fare. than two yearn the dissolution of
tion of a collection of
his which
ting with patrons and employees,
his duties carry him from coast
want ft« their amuse- was short lived because in less he has lent to the Dallas Art to coast. You can talk to him at
Museum. The his desk this afternoon and tomor-
Karl Jlohlit.7,f:Ik', president of RK.O put: him back at the head of of old silver and china is national- row may bring you a call from ANDREW GELLER
both organization. !, wafl born in the circuit he organized. ly famous. The promotion of sym- Hollywood or New York. Air- By being dressed by
St. in .1878, tho won of Clar- When the 1'ublix Theatres cor- phony and opera seasons as civic planes, automobiles and trains PARAMOUNT
ence Linden H o b l i t / o l l o and Ida poration, operating picture and necessities also occupies him. carry him on his jaunts in interest
Knapp Hobl .stage show theatres went into re- He is a director of the Republic of business. He's on the go all of FOOTREST
tho Interstate coivcr.shlp and finally came out National Bank of Dallas. the time. CALIFORNIA
Company in 1905 of it, the executives of that cir- Direction of operating- the new He and Mrs, O'Donnell live in COBBLERS lor
and piom-f-iTd Htagn attractions cuit selected Hoblitzello to super- Majestic Theatre, tog-ether with Dallas. Discriminating Women
t h r o u g h the South and Southwest. vise tho reorganization of their the many other conducted by the
!A« ho orcctod thoatroa in this ter- interests in the Southwest. It was Interstate Circuit, falls to a man EXPECTING
ritory each became known as tho through this connection that many who has spent most of his life Dorothy Lamour, leading lady in
most modern Jn the country, theatres wore added to the list
Many of tho larger theatres under his .supervision.

fraturoH f l r « t «cen In Hoblitzelle ored name originating in Switzer- circuit.

show business.
He's H. J. O'Donnell, vice presi- Paramount'* "Manhandled," ex-
pects her second child this Septem-
throughout the nation embody H obi it/el IP. Is an old and hon- dent and general manager of the ber, She has a son, Ridgeley, aged
three. He appears in a scene of
land and dating from the 15th In his capacity he works close- the suspense melodrama, produced
ly with J. C. McNeill, Brownsville
With the exception of several century. Members of the family by William Pine and William
yearn, ho has alwtiyw boon active were governors of Swiss cantons, Interstate head, and is always Thomas. 4S3 E. 10th Brownsville Dial 2-7830
in the operation of hi« theatres. jurists, writers, warriors and po- guided by the wishes of the
1029, when Radio - Keith - litical figures from the 15th to Brownsville contingent in the prob- Louisiana produces more furs OPPOSITE THE NEW MAJESTIC THEATRE
lOi.h century. Several of the lems that confront the theatre than any other state in the union.
O'Donnell gets credit for many
of the innovations in theatre build-
ing and in the program selection
The Neiv for the various theatres under his

t Fut
direction. He js known as a "mood
feeler" — that is, he has 'a keen
MAJESTIC sense of judging what theatre pa-
trons want and enjoy.
O'Donnell started as an usher in
a Chicago theatre, Rapidly he
rose to chief usher, then assistant
to the treasurer and finally treas-
urer. From that position he went
to New York, where he became a
figure in box offices along the
famed Broadway. Alternately he
became manager, artists' repre-
sentative, director, booking execu-
tive and theatre head. In 1924 he
came to Texas as manager of the
Majestic Theatre in Fort Worth,
It wasn't long before he was in
charge of operating all the Hoblit-
zelle theatres. With the exception
of several years between 1029 and
1931 he has been with Interstate
ever since.
Another Like Hoblitzelle, the general
manager is vitally interested in
Proof That civic and charity matters, He is a
iirowiiHvillc decidedly normal person with a
leaning to sports in his off mom-
Congratulations to Interstate Thea-
ents. Now that golf has become
Is his hobby, he's as happy over
cracking a 90 as ho is in getting
tres : : ; their manager Jimmy
77ie Kntcrtaimnent Center across a theatrical triumph. He al-
of the Valley so is a fight fan and fight night
finds him among the ringsiders
McNeill. .•: and the entire personell
wherever he happens to be.
I International Chief Barker for showing faith in the future of
His charity activities arc many.
Chief among these is the Variety
Clubs International, of which he in 'Brownsville by making available to
"Chief Barker" — or President.
LUMBER CO The. Variety Club is an organiza-
tion of theatre men of the United the people in the Valley a complete
H.L.ftTOKBLY.PRf*. States, England, Canada and Mex-
AT rove stawce s/f/ct/9o+ ico, whose main purpose is sup-
porting charitable institutions. and magnificent theatre /
The most well known of these
institutions in Texas is Variety
Club Boys' Ranch, which is spon-

the New

Their neighbor, the Pan-American State 'Bank, welcomes this

MAJESTIC new organization to Brownsville and extends sincere wishes for
their success! And so, once again, Brownsville—the Gateway
THEATRE City—proves that it is the entertainment Center of the Valley,
Dramatizes to the Public

Brownsville99 Position 'As

""The Entertainment Center of the Valley!" PAN AMERICAN STATE BANK

• All Brownsville is Proud of this New Theatre,
Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
and the Evidence it Gives of Interstate Circuit's
Confidence in the Future of Brownsville! Brownsville

952 E. Levoe "Sine* 1880' Dial 2-7415
Year's Production Livingston And Evans Mary Lawrence Wallis To Europe scheduled to start •hooting on lo-
cation in Italy.
Schedule Set By Songs For Hope Film Cast In 'The Lie' To Prepare *'September9 Wallis wilt attend London pre-
Pine And Thomas HOLLYWOOD—Jay Livingston HOLLYWOOD — Mary Lawr mieres of his forthcoming Par**
HOLLYWOOD — Hal Wallto monut releases, "Hop* of Sand,"
HOLLYWOOD — Producer Wil and Ray Evans have just complet ence, wife of director Delma departed recently by piano on the and "My Friend Irma," during hia
lam Thomas recently announce ed a second song, entitled "Home Daves, who made her screen debu first leg of an extended trip to stay abroad. The entire company
in "The Stratton Story," has been
the production zichedulc for th Coo kin'," for Paramount's signed by Paramount for her sec Europe, From New lork he sails will return to Hollywood to re-
coming- year for the William Pine "Where Men Are Men," Technicol- ond screen appearance in "Th on the Queen Mary to Southamp- sume studio shooting at Paramoun
or comedy co-starring Bob Hope Lie," co-sarring Barbara Stan ton and then will proceed to Lon- same studio shooting at Para-
William Thomas unit, releasing wyck and John Lund. don and Paris. mount in early fall.
through Paramount. and Lucille Ball. In mid-July he will join director
Final production is being: com The song, which is described as enAlthough married to Daves elev
years, Miss Lawrence was not William Dieterle in Rome to plan Hunting- rifles and classical
pleted on "Captain China," aea an unusual novelty ditty, will be interested in acting until Director exteriors and backgrounds for his records are the hobbies of William
sung by Hope during ar elaborate Sam Wood induced her to accept forthcoming production for Para-j Holden, star of Paramount's "Dear
adventure story co-starring John mount, "September," which is Wife."
Payne, Gail Russell, Jeffrey Lynn fox hunt sequence in the picture. a part in the current Jimmy Stew-
Lon Chaney, Edgar Bergen and The ace tunesmiths only last .week art starrer. Wood started Daves
on "his career 25 years ago.
Michael O'Shea. Lucien Cailliet completed another novelty tune, "The Lie" is directed by Mitch-
noted composer, is composing the "Fancy Pants," which will be sung ell Leisen under Richard Mai-
by Hope and Miss Ball in two sep- baum's production supervision.
music score and will conduct
fifty-piece orchestra for the film's arate versions. The Hope version
Lyour I lew
is in the form of u London music Miles Of Wire
scoring. hall song and is called "Yes. If all the wiring in the Ne\\
"Viva Mexico" went Into pro-
duction August 1. To be filmed in
Technicolor, shooting started on lo- Torrence Hudgins, assistant to
M'Lord." Majestic theatre were stretched
"Home Caokin"Ms the 300th out in a straight line it would
tune written by Livingston and reach from downtown Brownsville
cation at Sedona, Ariz. Lewis R home office executives Raymond
Evans in the past 12 years. Their far beyond the city limits and back
[ong list of song hits includes "To again. An exact check could not THEATRE
Foster, who directed "Captain Willie and William O'Donnell, is to Each His Own," "Golden Ear- be obtained but it measures miles
China," wrote the script and will je present for the opening o: rings," and "Buttons and Bows." and miles. will, of course, be
also direct this large-scale west- Brownsville's n e w e s t theatre
ern. Hudgins assists in coordinating the equipped with
"Viva Mexico" will be the first ctivities of the theatre operating
production photographed in Tech-
An Important Step Forward!
nicolor by William Pine and Wil- division with other departments,
liam Thomas. plus special assignments in exploi-
Third and final picture slated ation and stage show booking, in
— For Brownsville —
this year by the unit will be "not he operation of Interstate's 157 For one week we will offer you discounts
for Publication," exploitation mel- heatres.
odrama involving an attempted that mean progress and economy . . . on living: Group Hearing Aide
lynching. Geoffrey Homes is script- FIRST WESTERN room and bedroom pieces . . . priced right!
ing the story and the film is sched- Hedy Lamarr, who made her Visit us any day. In order that those with hearing: deficiencies
uled for Nov. 3 start. .m eric an screen debut in 1938, may enjoy the show to the fullest
Until their recently signed new ecently appeared in her first west-
contract with Paramount, the pro- rn, Paramount's "Cooper Can-
ducing team was making a mini- on," in which she co-stars with
Liddell Furniture Store FRANK M. RAMSEY
mum of six films annually. Now, lay Millard, Macdonald Carey, 832 E. Elizabeth Phone 2-5812
they are producing three major lona Freeman and Harry Carey 519 N. Tancahua, Distributor Corpus Christ!, Tex.
RAYMOND WILLIE pictures a year. r.

Raymond \Vlllifj, supervisor of Worth aa a doorman at the Hip-

the Valley Theatres for a number podrome The-, at re In 1916. Except
of prior to hla present a.s- for a period of a few years, Wil-
us A«MJHtunt to the Gen- lie has boon with Mr. Hoblitzclle
eral Mana^r, is expected to be
present Wfdruwlfty evening" at the and Interstate Theatres con-
opening' of tho new .Majestic tlnuouHly since joining the orga-
Theatre, nization in 1918.
By theatrical bimlneflfl aland- Binco 1037 when he was trans-
Willio l« an old timer having
In Nhow bimlnow In Ft. ferred from San Antonio, where forthcoming Majestic theatre attraction...
he was in charge of all Interstate
Theatres in that city, his respon-
Inters tale Real sibilities have been largely
Estate In Hands centered in the operation of
theatres in Houston, Ft. Worth,
San Antonio, Austin, Galvest.on,
Of W.Nichols and in Dallas, Home Office loca-
Weeden Nichols bears the un- tion of Interstate Circuit. I
tmiml distinction of having" been With extensive experience In
the first Intorstator to join the tho1 construction of theatres, hav-
color a In tho sorvloo of his country ing approved plans and specifica-
and tho last tntorstator to be tions, decorative treatment and
relwi.Mod from tho service. equipping of more than thirty new
An a captain In tho Toxa theatres built for Interstate in
National (Juard, he was callec tho past twelve years, Willie's
early in tho minimer of 1040, nnc opinion is highly respected by
wan not discharged u n t i l tho sum theatre architects and builders.
rnnr of; a period of six Jong Constantly in search of new and
improved ideas for theatre con-

incidentally, W e o cl o n was struction, Willie's visit to Browns-
dlfichargvd nx n full colonel on the ville, aside from attending the
gonr-ral iitaff, a distinction In opening festivities, is to observe
itself. 1 the many modern innovations in I
During this long term of serv- the newest of the Interstate group |
ice, ho traveled tho world over, of theatres,
und did not miss any of the
theatres of action.
Nichols first cam o to work for Cool Cashiers
InterKtate In 10.'J7. Mr. Hoblltzelle
engaged him to manage the Notice the smiling- faces of the
Majeatlc Theatro building", San cashiers at the New Majestic. They
Antonio. are as comfortable as the pa-
fart of t h e contract wan the irons, and do not have to buy a
understanding that Nichols was :leket to enjoy year 'round air-
to entirely renovate and air conditioning. Clone are the clays
condition the nm.s.slve building, when the cashier was provided
which ho «!ld in n period of a with a buzz fan to stir up the
little over p i n e monfch.'i; and before varm air in the box office. Browns-
he entered the armed services, ville's newest theatre has metal
had taken the building from lucta extending from tho theatre
About (>0 per cent capacity to a .0 tho box office.
full 100 per ci'nt rental capacity.
Nleholfl has wpent his on tiro \stfttn for Interstate and Texas
life in the real estate and aflfloclat- Conaolldatod Theatres and, in acl-
ed bu.slnt'»H, Ittlon, also administers Mr. Hoblit-
Ho came to Texas from Ithaca, zello's own personal real estate
New York via New Orleans in
the nummor of 10U8; and like the He is recognized as one of the
O'Donnell.s, Is more or IO.HH a op authorities on commercial and
converted and con firmed Texan. heatro real estate in the south-
Tie handle.*! all commercial real vest. presenting
all Brownsville models
What's in a Name EV EXCLUSIVE


. . . in the case of Brownsville's newest Thea-
tre, it means just what it says . . . MAJESTIC! MUSIC BY CHARLIE DAVIDSON
This apt word describes one of South Texas'
finest theatres. Our firm was proud that we AND HIS ORCHESTRA
were selected to work on this outstanding
structure—proof that Brownsville is, indeed,
the Entertainment Center of the Valley!
Call us for free estimates on » . .

Guttering - Metal Fluet - Tank*

Venilator* - Irrigation Pipe
Air Conditioning Ducts

• Brownsville •
Dial 2-7742 228 E. Elizabeth


Bing Jokes Life Of Noted J. Harvey (Jake) Elder Gets

About Scenes Star Will Show
At Majestic Thrill Out Of New Theaters
Of Romance
HOLLI,YWOOD — As a Great It was only 25 years ago, just Opening of the new Majestic to-
night will climax fifteen months of
Screen Lover, Bing Crosby ia ir- long enough for some of us to for- work for J. Harvey Elder, con-
resistible—and irrepressible. get, perhaps, that a golden-haired struction department supervisor.
In action before the camera the girl sang, danced and charmed her After 25 years in the highly
Groaner does his romancing" in his way into the accolade of "the toast specialised profession of theatre
customary workman-like fashion, of Eroaway" during the era of the construction, Elder says the thrill
of seeing a premiere opening of a
being his easy-going, en^agln*, self lavish and ornate Broadway musi- new theatre is as great as ever.
with such film lovelies as Doro- cal comedies — that prirl was Mar- Elder has supervised theatre
thy Lamour, Betty Hutton, Joan ilyn Miller. construction practically all over
Fontaine, Joan Caullfield, et al. And the new Majestic will soon the United States and ia as fami-
bring to local moviegoers a pic- liar with the attendant worry of
During a rcheanml — and after the stress of twelve feet of snow on
the camera baa stopped turning — turization of the life of that fab- a building as to what happens to a
Bing liken to make light of the ulous musical comedy star in the roof when the sun shines twelve
tender moment**. In hl.H current film entitled "LOOK FOR THE months a year.
Paramount picture, Frank Capra's SILV23R LINING", a Warner Bros, According to Elder, the new Ma-
production of "Kidin' High," tier jestic represents the finest in mod-
Binglo has two leading ladles, Co- film in Technicolor, June Haver ern .theatre architecture and de-
lee Gray and Frnncoa Glfford, on plays the Miller role, Ray Bolger sign.
v/hom to focus hi.M attentions* and portrays dancing star, Jack Don- John A. Worley of Pettigrew and
hlH ad libH. ahue, while Gordon MacRae plays Worley, architects and engineers,
He played his firnt love scene Marilyn's husband. has the following to say:
with Frances before a large and Marilyn Miller got her first start "We would like to say a few
appreciative gallery of visitors. AH as a singer-dancer in one of the words about Jake Elder,
he enfolded the glamorouw Gifford great musical comedies of 1918. "Jake Elder started us in theatre
in his armH during rehearsal he But she shot to stardom Find a design and has taught us 95% of J. HARVEY ELDER
threw a wink acro.s.s hi.4 .shoulder fabulous career was cut short what we know about that subject.
at the sideline HpectatorH. through death at 37. But while "He possesses a breadth of medium of unsurpassed energy,
"Why don c you people go across reining, from a suite in a New knowledge about construction, de- follow through, and human under-
the street for a coke?" he cracked. York hotel, with chauffeurs and sign, and theatre equipping and standing.
•Thlft raay take quite a while." maids and many admires dancing operation that we have never seen "Too much cannot be said in his
A little later he v/a« called on attendance, Marilyn Miller held equaled. behalf. We feel that a large part
to plant a big kins on the lovely court for famed and titled people "Coupled with this knowledge he of the. success of Interstate's build-
Glfford profile obviously nice from all over the world — a veri- possesses a knack of getting jobs ing program and position is duo to
bu.'ilne.HH, if you can get Jt, Bing W. F. O'DONNELL table queen. done well and on time, through the his untiring, thoughtful action."
played it big and In .stride. In quick succession came the
"There hasn't beon anything like hits of the time — "Sally", "Sun-
thiH wince Mao West left Holly-
wood." he remarked as ho came
ny", "Rosalie", "Smiles" — great
BrownsvHle today . . . Amarillo has from the theatres. In addition hits all, and they included the
tomorrow , . . with maybe Wichita to hiw heactivities on the Ranch
Many Movie Stars 'Retire'
out. of the. clinch. Fall.M and Vernon tosaed in as side board, is director of the Dallas greatest performers of the day:
Fred Astaire, Eddie Foy, Jr., Tom
Being no slouch on the uptake, tent, and a former Chief Barker Howard,
Frances quickly carne back with a
trlpo. of that organization. As a national
That's William F. O'DonneJl, the eanvasman and international rep- Fields,
Jack Donohuc, W. C.
Eddie Cantor and Will Before Losing Popularity
"And HO r Cronby to a horse. hop, skip and Jump executive. resentative, he is prominent in af- Rogers. The music for these shows LEW BRAY hncl a following. But she chofce to
How u n l u c k y can a girl be?" Bill, as he's known to most of fairs of Variety International. The rome Kern, main
was in the composed by Je-
Irving Berlin, and Slg-
(In the story Bing leaves Franc- the folk« here and elsewhere, is Variety Clubs are organizations of mund Romberg. HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 17 — (/PI— devote her life to nor family.
In charge of theatre operations for theatrical folk interested in chari- It is this flavor that Warner Lew Bray, district manager of Mill theater, now the Rialto, in Ingrid Bergman's announcement Alice Fay still has a film to do
en to go off to the. races with his
race horse, Broadway Bill). the Interstate Circuit. His duties ties. He is also on the Board of
carry him from the Valley to El the Freeman Memorial Clinic, Dal- Bros, is reproducing in "LOOK Intcrstatc's Valley theaters, start
ed in show business as an usher
that she will retire from films has xmdor the liOth-Fox contract, but
Born in Dallas and attending been duplicated in Hollywood his- has tnn , 0( j down scripts for the
Actually, It is no horse, hut the FOR THE SILVER LINING" —
blue-eyed' Ooleon Gray who wins Paso, and from East Texas to Al- las, in which the Dallas Variety and which local fans will see soon. working after school, at tlie Ok schools in Dallas, he decided that tory—but not often. > past five years. The truth is that
Bing in the end. buciuerciue, and the Panhandle tos- Club sponsors the surgical ward his home city was the place to get Actors die hard. Stars seldom she dislikes picture work and pre-
Before her first big romantic sed in to make his travelling area The Turtle Derby, an annua abandon the silver screen as long-
•cone with him, Coloen was nerv- one of extremes. Because of the fall frolic in Dallas and now rated his start. as there are people who want to fers being the wife of Phil Harris
ous and f r a n k l y said so. vastness of his territory, he cnv as one of the nation's greatest After service In the U. S. Navy see them. Many movie "retire- at homo and on the radio.
"Don't worry," comforted Cros- ployn all modes- of transportation one day sports program, is another on the U.S.S. Battleships, Texas, ments" have been involuntary—by Greta Garbo retired in 1941, but.
by. "NorvousitWi in thin business He flie.s, drives his car and some of his pet charity projects, and it Oklahoma and New Mexico, he was stars who have made their pile and that was largely due to loss of the.
\n an occupational disease." times winds up in a railroad seal owes most of it's success to Bill. discharged and began theater would rather quit before sliding to European market. About half of
or b e r t h - - - a n d on one trip he yat Proceeds from this gigantic show work for Paramount-Publix as the bottom the profits from her films came
A perky and i n q u i s i t i v e bantam
rooster vva.s the third party in a atop his suitcase from Austin to are the funds that keep the Boys' feature booker and buyer in New This is notof true the ladder.
of Bergman. In from abroad. She will soon start a
romantic ncene between King and Dallas. Ranch in full operation. York City. Later he served in the last year's popularity polls, she!now film in Europe.
Bill started his theatrical career Bill has been active in the erec- same capacity in Des Monies, Iowa, was still the No. 1 film actress, Rnmon Novarro, the great screen
Coler-n. The action wn.s for Bing in I 9 1 G when he left his native tion and equipping of the New Ma- Omaha, Nebr. and Canada.
to take CoU-fJii tenderly by the arm Chicago for New York to become jestic, and he of course is here despite a couple of unsuccessfuljlovor of his day, was earning
Bray returned to Texas in 1930 pictures.
and escort her cavalier fashion out asistant to his astute brother, R. J. to assist in it's dedication to the and managed theaters for Inter- which If she stays retired 510,000 a week when ho retired 12
of i.hc racing stable. now Vice-President and Genera citizens of Brownsville . . . . . but many people here doubt
state in Vernon, Browmvood and she will be" passing up a possible pictures— years ago. Novarro came back to
AM they marie t h e i r exit der 1'iin- Manager of Interstate. The next the next day, as likely as not, Wichita Falls. in recent weeks, as a
gle turned and shot back at the decade or so found him one of will find htm in Albuquerque or On January 1, 1943, he was made Most recent example of a film returned actor,
salary of $20,000 a week. character and now has even
rooster: Broadway's most popular and oner Tyler. Valley district manager. He lives retirement is Fred Astaire. He be- where Me started instudio
to the
"Get yourself a hrn and come tfotio treasurers and managers. He near Harlingcn on W r ilson Road came just plain tired of dreaming Mary Pickford and Douglas
along." handled the seat sales on various and claims to be a confirmed Val-
Broadway hits, polo matches, base New Uniform Designed leyitc. He recently purchased a 10- up new dance routines and quit Fairbanks Sr., retired gradually in
A r: r r i IK.N'T K! h u l l and 'boxing championships. acre tract of land for a homesite after "Blue Skies." But a couple names, the '30s. They were still box-office
Dorothy Lamour plays a doctor's His next stop was Texas, where For Majestic Staff and farm and plans to build a new of years later he regained his en- but. never hit the peaks of
•eeretary In Parrrmount's "Mari- he mnuap;ed theatres in San Anton- home in the near future. thusiasm and is back working their silent days. Their co-starring
h a n d l f d , " produced by Hill Jine io and became City Manager foi A new style and color of uni- Bray is married and 1ms a son, harder than ever. He recently said flop, "Taming Of The Shrew,"
didn't add to their popularity.
and B i l l Thormui. JOdlth .Fiend de- the circuit there. form has been selected for the Lew, Jr., now in the U.S. Army, he is "through retiring."
nigned her wardrobe. To make her Thence ho went to Dallas to .service staff at the New Majestic and a daughter, Mary Lewis. Norma Shearer stopped making
o u t f i l . M a u t h e n t i c , Mi KM I fend al- take over the duties he now pet- theatre. The coat is a modified His favorite hobbies are fishing movies in 1941. She had made a Louisiana's .state, flower is the
lowed her.Melf only -f'J.'M) for Miss forms. confederate gray, double-breasted, and golf and he is a member of couple of bad films, but she still magnolia.
Jjarnour's complete wardi'ohe for Two Hobble* with rolled lapels matching the the Variety Club of Texas, Ma-
the jHiiwpemu! melodrama. Golf and charitable duties are midnight blue of the full-cut drape sonic bodies and the Rio Grande
his hobbies and he's active in both trousers. Valley Shrine Club.
01' Sf ' K I I K . V
Dnrothy damour ha.s temporarily
As a trustee of the Variety Foun
datum of Texas, he is active in the
A red leg stripe adds color to the
trousers, and is complimented by
The opening- of the new Majes-
tic Theater in Brownsville is, in
retired f r o m t h e screen to await operation of that organization 1 ! multicolored epaulets on the shoul- his opinion, the crowning achieve-
now famous Boys' Ranch at Cop der of the coat,
the b i r t h of h e r second c h i l d . Her p i c t u r e was " M n n h a n d l e d " for peras Cove, which is soon to be Lew Brady, Valley district man-
ment, to date, of his career in show
business. c C
T'rorlucerM H i l l Pino f i n d Hill Thom-
as nt P a r a m o u n t . S!;e already has
moved into It's new and bigger ager, explained that not finding
quarters at Bedofrd. These du just the right pattern and color o O
one son, Ridj^ely, ngefl throe. ties take up whatever free time he selection, the uniform was sketched
Special Plaster IN N
in rough by a professional artist
and submitted to a uniform com- G G
pany for specification and design, Reduces Noise R
The result is a completely new de- Walk into the ordinary plastered R
sign in uniforms that harmonizes
with the color motif of the Majes-
room. Give a modest shout, and A A
the ring of your voice echoes faint-
tic theatre, with which it will ly in your ears. T T
share a joint premiere on Wednes- Walk into the new Majestic The-
day, August 17th. atre. Give a healthy shout. Not a U U
sound returns.
The reason is volcanic ash plast- L L
Dan Duryea hns been reading er. Of natural color, the plaster A
stage scripts. On the stage prior to cannot be painted. The prosily of A
being brought to Hollywood, where
his latest film is "Manhandled" for
the plaster g'ives it sound-absorb- T T
ing"- qualities. Only water colors
Paramount, Duryea is anxious to may be used in tinting- the plaster E E
return to Broadway. J. C. McNFJLL as paint destroys tlio porosity of
the ash.
Ethiopia's royal family claims to
have descended from King Solo- J i m m y McNcill, manager of th joined
mon and the Queen of Sheba, new Majestic theater, ha.s been in
' AV business many years and
Interstate Theaters in 10-13
Not only does the special plast-
er cut down on audience noise, but
complements the completeness of
Interstate Theatre
after work in Mississippi and
Louisiana with Paramount Rich- tlic RCA .sound equipment. There
His first assignment with Inter-
state was the "State theater at
Amarillo. Ho was moved to
is no echo from the actors' voices.

Tudor Owen Signed

Breckenrklge and later to Brown-
wood where he remained until be-
ing transferred to Brownsville in
For New Hope Starrer THEATRE
•~i» // v •••• •y'v yi,,,w rf
*';»•.•»'*-• x"<-.-
19-16. HOLLYWOOD — Tudor Owen,
He is married and recently adio actor, ha.s been .signed for
inoved into a new home in L.OS an important role with Bob Hope ESTABLISHED
Ebanos and is active in civic work and Lucille Ball in "Where Men j
through his membership in both Are Men," Paramount's large-! M ^^H

the Brownsville and Valley Cham- icale Technicolor comedy now be-j
bers of Commerce. 'ore the cameras. j
A native of Indiana, Jimmy in- Owen created the character of;
sists he is a full-fledged Texan he eccentric and bibulous Jocko \
recim now. Madigan on the "Pat Novak For;
Hire" air show. In "Where Men' BITTER H T RNU' KK
Are Men," being" directed by

Navarro Returns eorge Marshall and produced by
Conic True! Ramon Novarro, one of the
greatest idols of Uio silent screen,
Robert Welch, the English-born!
actor will play the part of the I
stage manager of a London play-|
is resuming his Hollywood career house. He recently appeared with UTMOST IN
The new Majestic is a dream come after more than 10 years of re-
tirement. He embarks upon his
Bing Crosby in Paramount's "Top
O1 The Morning 1 ," fOR
~v - ' '- •> * '
true. Its splendor reflects new career as a character actor in Jack Kirkwood, Eric Blore, 1263 E. ELIZABETH
a top role with Robert Mitchum, Bruce Cabot and Lea Penman head
r n i m l l o H s hours of planning 1 and labor. Jane Greer and William Bendix in the supporting cast.
Rut great t h o u g h its s p l e n d o r "The Big Steal," RKO Radio Pic-
find b e a u t y , it fits w o n d e r f u l l y into ture.
Remembered as star of such si-
a n o t h e r greater and far- lent classics 'as "Ben Hur" and
reaching dream. That dream is one of "Scaramouche," Novarro retired
from romantic roles in 193S. He
c o n t i n u a l l y m a k i n g possible
more facilities .for the happiness of
our citizens, helping to re-
has devoted the past ten years
to developing his profitable real
estate business, appearing in sum-
mer stock, and making- occasional
* tu la tions
films in Mexico or Europe.
lieve them from the many worries of In "The Big Steal," Novarro por- To The
the w o r k a d a y world. trays a \Mexican police colonel.
We like to believe that we, too, arc
helping 1 in our small way to
make t h a t dream come t r u e . The new Majestic has it—a fit-
Sterling Hayden portrays a pri-
vate investigator in Paramount's
Interstate Theatres
"Manhandled," produced by Bill ON THEIR OPENING OF THE
ting contribution to Brownsville, Pine and Bill Thomas. Ha.yden co-
stars in the suspense melodrama
Valley Amusement Center. Our with Dorothy Lamour and Dan
fine ladies' apparel has quality
plus, too ... a fitting contribution Because of his two sons, aged
six and nine, Dan Duryea is a
to any lady's wardrobe.

Ladies' Apparel
411 12th St.
leader in Scout activities and P-TA
work. The star of Paramount's
"Manhandled," William Pine-Wil-
liam Thomas Production, shows a
picture each Friday evening to the
children In his neighborhood.
THEATRE 1108 E. Elizabeth

The city of Dubuque; la., was

fHCBVING THE VALLEY WITH FINE JEWELRY SINCE Dial 2.3232 Brownsville named after the French-Canadian
trader Julien Dubuque. i
"mood muaic" waa almost stand-
'Mood Music* Revived ard on every act with «vcry atar Frank Starz
For Swanson Picture havlnp a favorite type of mualcal
HOLLYWOOD — Director Billy accompaniment. The arrival of
sound stopped this practice,
Publicity Man
Wilder revived the old - time William Holden, Erich von Stro-
"mood mualc" on the set of Para-
mount's "Sun«et Boulevard" for a hcim and Nancy Olson are other
principles in "Sunset Boulevard."
For Interstate
•cen* in which Gloria Swanson,
thinking uhe JM playing "Salome," Known affectionately as "The
got* mad before the camcraa. ASTAIRE A LA HOPE Baron," Frank Starz, above, in
At one «ide of the «et a port- Bob Hope, who used to be a director of advertising and publi-
able recorc1 -player ground out the
woird "Salome's Dance" over and
over. Since this scene was in pan-
vaudeville song and dance man,
does a takeoff of Fred Astaire dur-
ing a dance routine in "Where Men
city. No one has ever discovered If
the title bestowed years ago atems
tamlne the music did not conflict Are Men," Paramount's Techni- from his love of a good story, or
with tho uound recording. color comedy, co-starring Lucille his ability to "spin a yarn" him-
Back in the ailcnt picture days Ball. self. Either would be true.
In and around the newapaper
business, from a police reporter
upward for many years, before

BROWNSVILLE joining Interstate Theatres with

whom he has long been associat-
ed, Starz is known from coaat to
In the
Amusement coast wherever show-folks and
newspapermen gather. Entertainment Your beautiful new
On hand when the movie stars
Center tour Texas, Starz travels with the
Majestic is a tri-
bute to your vision
group to eee' that everything goes
of the smoothly. He was last in Browns-
ville with Alexis Smith and Joel
and wisdom in pin-
or the ning your faith on
Valley! McCrea for the two-nation pre-!
miere of "South of St. Louis," and the f u t u r e of
will attend the premiere opening Brownsville a n d
FISHING Wednesday night. Valley the Magic Valley.
BOATING Laura Elliott Turns
DANCING Into Busy Actress
MIDGET AUTO attractive young Paramount ac-
RACING tress, is continuing her busy ca-
reer with a role in Paramount's
'The Lie," suspenseful film cur-
rently shooting with Barbara Stan-
wyck and John Lund in starring
AND NOW . . . to the city's theater field roles.
corncw one of the Southwest'** finest allow- This is Miss Elliot's ninth role
plncK.H . . . tho beautiful, now Majestic theater. so far this year. She recently
And for the finest In eating It's completed appearances in "Copper FRANK STARZ
Canyon" and before that played
the role of a pal of Marie Wilson CONSIDERS OFFER BING'S RANCH HANDS
WHITE KITCHEN in "My Friend Irma." Sterling Hayden, topflignt sailor Bing Crosby,, whose latest Para-
Other films in which she has of Hollywood's film colony and mount picture is Frank Capra's
Vtilloy for A Quarter of a Century appeared this year the "Red, Hot tar of Pine-Thomas' "Hanrand- "Riding High," puts his four boys
410 K. 12th DIAL 3-3182
and Blue," "Sunset Boulevard," ed," is considering an offer from to work on his Elko, Nev., ranch
"After Midnight," "The File On a publisher to write the story of during the summer vacation, pay-
Thelma Jordon," "Bitter Victory" is two round th» world sailing ing them the going wages for
and "Captain China." voyages. ranch labor.

. . . obviously!

A Shower of Stars...

Brownsville, the .Entertainment Center of the Valley, is visited by a shower of stars today with the opening- of
the new Majestic Theatre, and the showing of new fall styles at The Vogue. Just as the Majestic brings you the
last word in theatre luxury, The Vogue brings you the last word in style smartness . , . the ultimate in sophisticated
good grooming. You'll find dresses by Fred A, Block, Adele Simpson, Paul Sachs, Paula Brooks, Nardis of Dallas,
Minx Modes, Virginia Spears, Carlyle and Hobbies by Lorch « . . suite and coats by Swansdown, Jaunty Junior.
Ted Stein, Fred A. Block, Lilli Ann and Betty Rose . . . frilly and tailored blouses in silk, cotton and jersey • « »
sheer hosiery by Shaleen, Larkwood, and Claussner . , . Sweaters by Catalina and Jantzen . . . skirts by Nardis,
Hobbies, Bobby Brooks, Nathalie of California . . . and worlds of sheer lingerie by the world's most famous makers.
Treat yourself to the soul-warming pleasure of attending the Majestic's opening , , . and shopping these new
offerings for Fall at The Vogue!

the Vogue
Charges • Budget Accounts Layaways
Loire In England For Hound Named Agnes Water Tower North And DeMillc
Personal Appearances Nonplussed Actress Confer On Circus Film
Part Of Big
HOLLYWOOD — John RingHng
HOLLYWOOD —I Peter Lorre,
who recently completed a co-star-
When director Sam Wood called,
"A^nes!" on the set of M-G-M'»
Cooling~ Plant North, scion of the famous circua
"THE STRATTON STORY", Ag- family, arrived in Hollywood re-
ring rolo in "Rope'of Sand," Hal Did you ever notice the little
new Moorehead, who enacts Mon- cently for conferences with Cecil
Wallia production /or Paramount, water tower to today'* building
arrived in London recently by ty Stratton'fl mother, reported to B. DeMille and Paramount execu-
plane. that is equipped with refrigeration tives regarding the forthcoming1
the scene — only to find half the unit* ?
Thin week he starts a 2 1-2 time the director waa calling1 the production of "The Greatest Show
month tour of key cities Jn Eng- There's one on top of the new On Earth."
land, appearing in a repertoire of Blue Tick hound which ia Monty1* Majestic theatre. The film, which will be DeMille's
acts. He IH booked Holid for an dog in the picture, which i* th« Inquiry revealed that it is an es- next production, will have the col-
appearance at London's Palladium opening attraction at the new Ma- sential part of the new 80-ton orful background of the combined
later. jestic. Ringling Brothers - Barnum and
Lor re will attorn! the London After a few days of this, MU» Westinghouse refrigeration plant, Bailey Circus and is scheduled as
premiere of "Rope of Sand" sched- Moorehead said to Wood: "From but actually it doesn't cool the one of the most ambitious under-
uled for tho Plaza Theatre early now on, you're going to have to air in the theatre. Water circu- takings DeMille has projected in
In Au#u«t, whistle when you want me!" lating through this tower is pre- his 37-year career as producer.
North, while at Paramount Stu-
cooled and carried by pipes down dio, will discuss details of filming
to the condenser unit in the base- the circus and various aspects of
ment and is used to chill the freon production while the circus is on
refrigerant as it circulates through tour and at its winter quarters at
the plant, removing the heat and
Usherette Usherette Usherette Usherette moisture content from the air.
Actually, a refrigeration plant STAR AND NOVELIST
doesn't make cold air, it just takes Tom Powers, tho Broadway star
Monte Stratton
Quickics Coached Star
hot air and takes the heat from it,
and presto—without the heat, you
have cold air. It was news to us
who has an important role in Para-
mount's "Chicago Deadline," i? an
author ns \vell as an actor. He has
HOLLYWOOD — Cy Howard, too! had two novels published.
Beautiful who created the CBS package "My
Friend Irma" and served as writer
For Film Role
James Stewart had his hands
and associate producer on the film-
ization of the radio hit, has been full in his role as a baseball pit-
sig-ned to a term contract by Hal cher in "THE STRATTON
Wallis Productions. His first as- STORY". The actor first had to
signment under the new deal will learn to pitch with the finesse of
be collaboration on the screenplay
of the "Irma" sequel, "My Friend
a big leaguer. Then he had to
learn to throw all over again with
: Invitation
Irma Goes West," with Howard a different style of delivery.
Dimsdale and as association pro-
ducer on this Wallis production at
The change was caused by the
last game in the film in which, as
Paramount, John Lund, Marie Wil- Monty Stratton, he pitches on an
Behold! son, Diana Lynn, Don DeFore,
Dean Martin ad Jerry Lewis top
artificial leg. As was the case with
the real-life Stratton, he could not
the cast of "My Friend Irma,"
* * +
push of the mound with his leg but
had to get all his power from the
is yours

. . . such is the magnificent new Maj- Paramount recently announced arm only.
estic, now an integral part of Browns- that the film currently before the For the scenes Stewart wore a
specially-built brace covering hi
cameras with Barbara Stanwyck
ville, Recreation Center of the Valley. and John Lund in the starring entire leg and preventing him from
roles will bo titled "The Lie." The WILLIAM BLACK HENRY KEVUELTA bending his knee. Stratton himself,
technical advisor on the film, coa-
at the
film was formerly called "I Mar- Doorman Doorman
ched Stewart in the unusual and
Little Flower Shop ried a Dead Man." The story in-
volves impersonation by a young
woman. Mitchell Leiacn directs
difficult manner of pitching.
430 E. 12th — Ph. 2-3791 the film with Richard Maibaum as
ens Wednesday at the new Majestic
and co-stars June Allyson and New Majestic
* * * James Stewart for the first time.
Gua Taillon, Barry Fitzgerald's Also in the cast are Frank Morgan, . . . another great and magnetic con-
stand-in for years, continues: to Agnes Morehead and Bill Will- tribution to our fair city — Amuse-
carve his own career as an actor. iams. Also in the film are 72 pro- ment Center of the Valley.
fesional baseball stars, including
He has been signed to play the Bill Dickey and Gene Bearden.
role of morgue attendant in Para-
mount's "Sunset Boulevard," which
toplines William Hoklcn, Gloria
Swanson, Erich von Stroheim and
Mona Freeman had the odd ex-
perience while playing a leading
A. C. Hipp ProduceCompany
Nancy Olson. Taillon's most recent -ole with William Holden and
important assignment was as care- Wholesale Fruits and Produce
loan Caulfield in Paramount's Ph. 2-3515 — Brownsville — Ph. 2-3510
taker of Blarney Castle in Para- 'Dear Wife" of having to perform
I mount's "Top O' The Morning" .. . icr real life tasks as a housewife "THE FANCY FRUIT HOUSE OF THE
* • *
while playing a 'teen-age bobby- LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY"
Phyllis Calvert, the noted Brit- soxer in the film.
ish star, has checked in at Para-
mount for the first time in two SiM&?A^';2^^!«;y^
years to be tested for her co-star-
ring role with Alan Ladd in "Post-
al Inspector." Lewis Allon will di-
rect the film which gets under way
* * »
Bruce Cabot flew in from Hous-
ton, Texas, where he has been
looking after his oil properties, for
his role as the principal heavy in
Paramount'a "Where Men Are Colossal Gift
Cashier Cashier

Rogers, Jr.
IStar in Ascendency
Men," Technicolor comedy co-
sta-ving Bob Hope and Lucille Tehuacan, Mex., boasts of an Plays Dad Role . that's Brownsville . . . growing enter-
850-pound bust of Jane Greer, de-
signed a» a public monument.
Playing opposite June Haver as tainment center of the Valley. Inter-
It (Inr.Mi't Hci'iii M> long nj?o that tho creaky, Jerky
In appreciation for her gracious Marilyn Miller, Will Rogers, Jr.,
state is to be applauded for their vision
" M c k H o d l n n " \VIIM tlm latest oraxo. Yet H'H many ness and cooperation, Mexican re-creates a scene in "LOOK FOR in giving this area a theatre as
crew members who worked in that THE SILVER LINING", a Warner magnificent as the Majestic. And re-
a ,vpi»r uiul hlllions of dollar* between those "new- Robert Mitchum, Jane Greer locality with Miss Greer, Robert Bros. Technicolor film, between member, Franklin's have hitch-
raiij;lrd" corilriipHonM and the magnificent new and William Bendix have the stel- Mitchum and William Bendix in his famous Dad and tha equally ed their wagon to this rising star.
lar roles in "The Big Steal," RKO "The Big Steal" for RKO Radio, famous dancer. It was baclcstagc We shall continue to do our
Majrsllc. >l!isnn TnniKfer is K^l t""*- tl»*y wore ahle Radio's thrill-packed drama of a commissioned a local sculptor to at New York's Winter Garden
man-hunt in Mexico. As a trio of create a bust of her which they Theatre, scene of many Rogers part in making this the style, as
to assist in the erection of Uito fine structure . . . Americana variously involved in planned to send to her as a gift, Broadway Triumphs, He met the. well as entertainment, center
the pursuit of a crook who has The artist did his work too well. young dancing discovery backstage of the Valley!
K l v l n n Ft - n w i i N v l l l e precedence «H tho Kntertalnmont stolen a U. S. Army payroll, the He carved the bust from red vol- while twirling the lariat that made
three stars are said to offer strik- canic rock more than life-size, and him so well known. With his fore-
< ' c u t e r of tho Valley! C'all on Mason whenever you
ing1 characterizations. Patric it weights 850 pounds, There isn't lock over his eye and in the be-
need \ V l n r h or T r a n s f e r Servlee! Knowles, Ramon Navarro and oth- a conveyance from Tehuacan 1
cap- loved drawl he told Marilyn she
er favorites are featured in the able of transporting the stone to would one day be a great star.
production, much of which was the border, so revising their plans, It was one sequence, but Direc-
photographed in Mexico. Mystery, the bust was installed in a public tor David Butler worked on it with

MASON hancl-to-hnnd encounters and a sur- park. great care to make it ono of the
prise climax mark the action. most telling in the film.
GLORIA'S FASHION TIP Sidney Lanfield, who directed
Gloria Swanson, starred in Para- Bob Hope and Lucille Ball in Par-
mount's "Sunset Boulevard," and amount's "Sorrowful Jones," in-
Transfer Company

fiervlre: M, P. Railway
,r, O. RKKI>, Owner
• National Carloading Corp.
long one of the world's best- sists on a piano for his personal
dressed women, says: "Black is the use on film sets. Lanfield, one-
most flattering and smartest col- time member of the original Dix-
or a woman can wear." ieland Jazz Band, enjoys strum-
ming the keyboard in between
There is a Leader in Every Field"
6th and Fronton Dial 2-3121 TOGETHER AGAIN scenes.
Phyllis Calvert, co-starred with
Alan' Ladd in Paramount's "Post- PAINTS STAR
al Inspector," and Director L-ewis Having turned to painting as
Allen will again be teamed in this hobby, Director Mitchell Leisen i
drama. Allen directed Miss Cal-busy on a canvas of Barbara Stan
vert in her last Hollywood film, wyck, the star of his current Para In the field of top film fare and local show-
Paramount's "My Own True L.OVC." m o u n t pi'oduotion, "The Lie." dom, it's Intel-state's modern new MAJESTIC!
Designed for top beauty and engineered for top
performance, the MAJESTIC is surely a leader
in the field! Once more Brownsville has scored

A Preview of Glamour a hit—another first!

And FOKD is leader in her field, too. Pip-

kin Motors, Inc., urges you to attend the gala
opening of the Majestic tonight in the Enter-
The sparkling 1 new Majestic more than lives up to tainment Center of the Valley .. . tomorrow ask
the grandeur of its name , . . a fitting shoAvplace for for a free demonstration of the beautiful 1949
the Valley ... a stage for the entire city of Browns- FORD! They're both leaders in their field!
ville! We were naturally proud to have been select-
ed to do the beautiful terrazzo tile and marble for
one of the finest theatres in Texas!

"Terrazzo-The Floor of the Ages"

Wherever beauty and color muiit hft combined with floor* Colorful: The color possibilities with Terrazzo are almost
There Is A Ford In Your Future From...
of long; riuluranec under the moat ndvcrae conditions , . . Illimitable! Versatile: Terrazo can be designed for every
thorn yon will find Terr HMO. Thin "floor of the aged" lit flooring purpose. Durable: This lovely material Is out-

tho m ON i vf>r«wtUp material known. It* beauty ami color lasted only by marble in its original form. We are always
ROOM 'nil the. way through', thun defying the wear and tear glad to consu'lt with you—free of obligation on your part—
or the .veara to mar Its original design and beauty. It giving you the benefit of all our 'know-bow' and experience. to n, gleaming patina, and offers no maintenance Estimates are free and complete satisfaction is guaran-
probUini-H. teed.

810 East Filinore
Phone 252-J Ha rl in gen
Your Friendly Ford Dealer
Entertainment Center of the Valley
CARLO MION, Proprietor
Wide Stairs Brownsville Mayor Issues Lounges Installed
Lead To Balcony For Patrons9 Comfort
A wide sweep of ataim will take Congratulations
Majestic Theatre crowds into the
balcony. Tho carpeted steps arc ao Proclamation On Majestic Another of th« many patron-
comfort features of the new Ma-
constructed that it will be virtual-
ly impofinlble for a movie-goer to WHEREAS,
jestic Theatre are the lounges for
the past few tion of the sound business judg- men and women both downstairs
"take a tumble," Adequate light- years have seen a tremendous ment and of the faith and con- and on the mezzanine. Older the-
atres have lounges on one floor
ing: further increases the safety as- growth in the population and fidence of those persons, firms only.
pect of the atairs, the building of material im- and businesses whose invest- Interstate Circuit on the new
provements In the City of ments in and around Browns- BIO OPPORTUNITY
Expensive Malayan Brownsville, Texas; and, ville are making it a greater Paul Lees, handsome young Par- Majestic Theatre. We are
WHEREAS, the completion of and better city in which to live amount screen newcomer, has the
Weddings Deplored the new Majestic Theater in and work, do hereby proclaim in top role of his brief film career proud to have furnished the
KUAT.A LUMPUR, Malaya — </P; the center of Brownsville's the 17th day of August, 1949, ern,Paramount's Technicolor west-
— Tho Malay mothors-in-law are business district is an outstand- as "Confidence Day" as a tri- Marine "Copper Canyon." The ex- builders hardware on this fine
to blarru;. Ho inwista modern-think- ing example of the faith a n d bute and recognition to these two-gun hero plays Bat Laverne,
ing Malayan who are trying to confidence which have led both builders of a greater Browns- killer of the old west, in modern building.
break down the conservative tra- Brownsville and non - resident ville and request that the peo- the big-scale outdoor drama.
dition that brings bankruptcy to owners to build and improve in ple of Brownsville properly ob-
ft family when ono of the children the Brownsville area, believing serve this d a y as a symbol of MELtAND TO DIRECT
#ot« married. that Brownsville's future i s what has been done and what Ray Milland, starring in Para-
The Malay wedding, wen. the sound; and, i.s to come in the growth and mount's Technicolor western,
most poverlshed kampong.s (set- WHEREAS, the opening of development of Brownsville. "Copper Canyon," is writing a
tlsrnentH) of Malaya, cost upwards the Majestic Theater by Inter- ISSUED in the City o f movie script, entitled "Love Song,"
of 12,750. And It'a the hidebound
mother-in-law who demands that
state Theaters marks the com- Brownsville, Texas, on the 16th which he hopes to produce and di-
pletion of a p h a s e of large day of August, A. D. 1949. rect as his first independent pro WM. WESTON CO.
tradition be upheld even if It crip- scale building in our business H. *L. STOKELY, Mayor duction.
ple* family finances to the extent area, deserving of recognition 1107 Elm Street Dallas, Tex.
that hoiiHfts have to be mortgaged by our people as a whole: Comets got their name from In Mexico, Brazil and other
«aya the Fenang branch of the NOW, therefore, I, H. L. Lheir long wispy or hairy-loo king parts of the American tropics,
United Malay National Organiza- Stokely, Mayor of the city of tails since the Latin word for hair fireflies grow to one to two inches
tion. Brownsville, Texas, in recogni- s "coma." n length.
Sterling Hayden i« the only star MARY LEWIS BRAY
In Hollywood who iivrn on a boat.
The leading man of Paramount's
"Manhandled," Bill Pine-Bill Thom- One of the features of the new i is Valley district manager of In-
a» Production, has his fifty-foot Majestic theater is the "crying terstate.
nchooner anchored fit San Pedro,
Calif., and ilveH on the boat with room" on the main floor. Mary Lewis tried out the "cry-
his and two .small jion.s. And the first to put a stamp of ing room" last night and pro-
approval on this innovation here, nounced it ready for the formal
Indiana wax dl.soovered by La- H Mary Lewis Bray, daughter of opening of the Majestic tonight.
Halle in 1071. Mr. and Mrfl. Lew Bray. Mr. Bray
She said that children could cry
to their hearts content and not
disturb anyone except the moth-
ers, and they are able to aee the
picture without losing the conti-
nuity of the story.
"Uncle Bill" O'Donncll tried out


the room with Mary Lewis and also
gave his complete approval.
This room i3 another of the New
Majestic innovations. It is prac-
. . . « Bouquet to Interstate tically a theatre within a theatre.
The volume of sound from the
Theaters on their Opening of screen can be controlled to suit the
occupants of the room. Then too,
the clean cool air that circulates
the New Majestic. through the theatre can be con- in
trolled as to temperature from
Jt is here that mothers can en-
Joy both the picture and their in-
Because of it's practicability, the
"cry room" of this theatre will be
duplicated In most of the new
theatres contemplated or now un-
der construction.
Rex Lease, prominent western
.star of the silent day era, returns the
Ono of Tho to the screen in Paramount's Tech-
Southvvost'm Finest nicolor western, "Copper Canyon."
Ray Milland, Hedy Lamarr, Mac-
clonahl Carey, Mona Freeman and
Harry Carey Jr. are co-starred in

The b e a u t i f u l new Majestic will

the film.
Joseph Vitale, who starred in
Entertainment Center
brintf the people the finest film operettas and musical comedies on
Broadway before coming to Holly-
i';iro a v a i l a b l e . . . just as your wood, will make his singing debut
.Hollack Store has always brought
the f a m i l i e s of Brownsville top
q u a l i t y d e p e n d a b l e merchandise
—and l a t e s t up-to-date styles!
on the screen in Paramount's
"Where Men Are Men," new Tech-
nicolor comedy co - starring1 Bob
Hopo and Lucille Ball.
of the Valley!
In I ho d e p a r t m e n t store—as WRITING ROOK
in the theatre — quality John. Farrow, who is currentl
will tell! directing Paramount'fl Technicolo
western, "Copper Canyon," is wril
ing a book based on the life of Si
Thomas More. Farrow has auth Many of the recreational attractions the Brownsville area
orecl such top selllers as "Damien
The Leper" and "Pageant of the offers to the public are "air-conditioned by nature". The
beach at Boca Chica, channel and surf fishing, baseball
The Paul Lees, who was once welter at Lions Park, drive-in theatre, patio dining rooms and
weight boxing champ of the
Orient, plays a boxer in Para midget racing are cooled by the Gulf breeze that makes
OUR r3ni mount's "Chicago Deadline," which
stars Alan Ladd and Donna Reed Brownsville's climate ideal the year 'round.
Nancy Olson, romantic lead in
Paramount's "Sunset Boulevard,' Those amusement enterprises which operate indoors, too,
spends her between-plctures time
appearing in little theate- plays to see to the comfort of their patrons by providing AIR-
gain experince.
CONDITIONING . . . made possible by the ample power-
generating facilities of BROWNSVILLE'S OWN MUN-

The new Majestic Theatre opening today is a dramatic

example of the faith of big business in Brownsville's fu-
ture, It embodies all the latest and most desirable
features of modern theatre construction, and makes a
valuable addition to Brownsville's list of amusement
places. And . ., of course ... IT IS AIR-CONDITIONED 1

Your city officials and citizens are proud that your city,
through forward-looking planning, is able to supply the
power that makes such new enterprises possible and
Entertainment helps speed Brownsville's growth!

Light and Power Department


French Star Single Bliss

Has Ideas Is Difficult PROGRESS!
On Tourists Claims Duff iu all
HOLLYWOOD, — One of the
HOLI/TVVOOD — Corlnne Cal- toughest things in Hollywood is
vct, who haun't been in Hollywood
very long, may have the solution
remaining single, according
Howard Duff, Universal - Inter-
to Lines of Endeavor
to the cinema city's tourist prob- national actor now co - starred
lem. with Shelley Winters and Dan Dur-
Kvery visitor to town wants to yea in "Johnny Stool Pigeon."
«eo movies being made. "Go out with a girl and the
And almost every visitor la un- next morning you read in the
BuceHsful tn this quest. As cur- papers where you're engaged,"
rently constituted, It's simply claims Duff. "I'm happy as a
Impossible for the studios to han- bachelor. Leave me alone."
dle tho crowds. Since they can- The good - looking Seattle lad
not play favoritoH, only people entered pictures three years ago
with urgent no .MS are permit- in the late Mark Hellinger's
ted on Hound stages. "Brute Force," and ever since
But Corlnne, who makes her de- he's been linked with one actress JOE THE VINO REYNALDO ALANIZ
but In "Rope of Hand" with Hurt JtAUL I>AVii<A MUNOZ or another. M»

Lancaster for Hal Wallis at Para- First it was Yvonne De Carlo Treasurer Engineer Those words depict greater Browns-
mount, suggests Hollywood turn Chief Operator Operator who appeared as a "guest star ville ! /'
back the clock 30 yean*. in a brief role of "Brute Force. EX - FIGHTER HUIX BACK The establishment of/ new industries.
In the early days of filrna, when would have only themselves to Radio Actor To Make "We had a couple of dates, Henry Hull, one of Broadway' Increased port facilities, and greater cot-
tho .screen was silent, bleacher blame. And studio executives Bob Hope, co-starred with Lu- ton production signify progress.
according to Duff, "and then cille Ball in Paramount's "Sorrow- biggest stars, returned to pictures
atand.s wc-ro built on every net and Debut In 'The everyone started congratulating The opening of the magnificent new
tho public paid a small fee to sit wouldn't be pestered by neigh us. It scared the daylights oui ful Jones," was once an am- in Paramount's "The Great Gats- Maiesllc Theater symbolizes progress IB
ami watch tho stars at work. bors, friends and relatives all HOLLYWOOD — Radio actoi of me, but Yvonne who had ateur boxer in his home town, by," filmization of F. Scott Fitz- still another endeavor, that of making
"Why not construct small wanting to smuggle Aunt Siphro Wislard Waterman, who plays the been around town for a while Cleveland, Ohio. Bob was known gerald's famous novel which co- Brownsville the Amusement Center or
utands on the larger .stages and nia or Couain Jeremiah into i lead role of Ray Brandon In the told me to forget it." during his pugilistic career as stars Alan Ladd, Betty Field, Mac- the. Valley.
separate them by a glass parti- studio. Since then Duff has been linked Packy East. clonald Carey, Ruth Hussey, Barrj
tion from tho actual set?" asks As matters stand now, deter network serial, "The Guiding romantically with practically Sullivan and Howard Da Silva. Brownsville Motor Co.
Corinno. "That way tho fans who mined fans try almost anything Light," was signed by Paramount every good-looking girl in Holly Eloise Jansen was the figment of 1214 E. Washington Phone
come HO far to sec pictures beingto see a picture being shot. They recently for his screen debut. wood — Marta Toren, Ava Gard a columnist's imagination. The state of Ohio is almost
who I: coulrl make their trip com- attempt to crash the gate .they The veteran of 12 years behind ner, Shelly Winters, and others "He must have been hard up square, measuring virtually 200
plete. And tho funds raised by clamber over studio walls, some Of these four, the only o n e for news," laughs Duff. miles on each side.
soiling tickets could go to the even hover in helicopters over a mike will be seen with Barabara Howard has courted seriously is
Motion Picture Relief Fund." exterior «ets. iStanwyck and John Lund in "The Ava Gardner. Rumor had it that
No Hard Foclintf* "By keeping the tourist behind Lie," a thriller baaed upon the they were engaged to be married
Minn Calvet, who's an bright aa the glass curtain production could novel by William Irish.
fth.! IH jpretty, polnlrt out this »ya- proceed
problem of telling people
some months ago, but postponed
without interruption," Waterman is a native of Madis- setting any definite date. Re-
ttvn \vouM also solve tho related continues Corinno. "As it is now, on, Wis., and for over a decade ha ports immediately romped
they the very few visitors who do get been heard in many of the top soap over town that Howard had jilted
a 11
cun't cnrno In — yet keeping them on a set often crowd the techni- operas as well as the Lux Radio Ava or that Ava had jilted How-
n.'i f r l n n r l f j of tho company. If cians and actors and even ruin Theater and other dramatic shows. ard. Either way it was a good
th«y didn't rfiscrvft their
long enough 1" advanco
«eat.s shots by laughing or talking at He joins a cast including Broad- yarn for the gossip columnists.
t h e y the wrong moment." way star Lyle Bettger, stage vet- N "Confidentially," says Duff,
erans Juno Cowl, Henry O'Neill "we just decided to wait a while
and Phyllis Thaxter. Mitchell Lels- and then decide whether we want- of
en directs with Richard Maibaum ed to get married or not:,"
producing. Howard says the funniest rumor BROWNSVILLE
that ever traveled the gossip
MAKES FIUM DEBUT grapevine was his reported en- The New
Gerry Ganzer, attractive model, gagement earlier this year to a
makes her screen debut in a top New York stage actress named
mpporting role in Paramount's Eloise Jansen. When questioned Majestic
Technicolor western , "Copper by news gatherers, Duff confess-
anyon," which stars Ray Milland, ed that he didn't know or had
Hedy Lamarr, Maedonald Carey, never met anyone named Eloise
Mona Freeman and Harry Carey Jansen.
It was finally learned that
and the Owl News & Ciuar Store
We're mighty proud to
We're with you Interstate for making pos- be located eater-corner
1o the new Majestic
sible such a magnificent contribution to the right in the middle of
this thriving, growing
community of Brownsville. The New Maj- metropolis. May our
fair city continue, to
estic points another step forward in this grow as rapidly as it
has in the past.
city's glorious future.

Modern Home Appliances Owl News & Cigar Store

956 E, Levee Phone 2-4262 Comer Elizabeth and 13th

' ' ;, ' ' O**

{' ,,"
— &$&
-^ J

Beauty+/ That Lasts!

« ThlH Is 1hfi keynote of tho beautiful now MAJESTIC . . . sym-
< bol of t h o Vulloy'H Ifiadersliip In tho Texas untcrtaJiimcnt
< world. M l l l o OcMik Venetian Blind mill Flooring wcro happy
I to Ifi.sliill In tho aisles and walls some of tholr most modern
covering—K. C. A. Kuhhcr and Goodyear Vinyl; The, design-
m-s of tho Majestic r.fiosn it for It* beauty and ability to wear
» well u n d e r every eondliion. And remember, this modern cov-
ering IN also Ideal for your bathroom, kitchen, or commer-
* cial wall,
K o n t l l o . . . t h o por-
rmmently b e a u t i f u l as-
phalt tile . . . in another
tfri'fit product sold and
in.stnlled by MTTLI.O
CUKl'IK. You can de-
sign your own floor
nnd have, 11 In Id . , . «o
qulHdy and ea.Mlly . . .
t i l e by Ulo In your
home. I l e m i t i f u l colors
won't wear o f f , for
K e n t i l n soil and NORMA BALLARD
Htnln.'i. Chootto from
many b e n u t l f u l rolors, An offering of unusual distinc- she plays out the arrangement
eaUuuUc.s arc f r e e ! tion will be presented to patrons on the 6 keyboards a six foot mir-
oC the New Majestic Theatre at picksmounted
ror back of the artist
up the pattern of the hand
tlio Premiere Wednesday evening movements at the console.
Little Creek when Norm a Ballard appears as A dynamic personality, with a
one of the high-lights of the open- delightful smile, Miss Ballard
ing festivities in front of the sure, to charm any audience just
4> theatre. as she hase done when playing on
O VENETIAN BLIND & Miss Ballard is an exponent of both radio and stage with such mu-
4» unusual melodies and arrange- sicians as RUBS Morgan, Frankie
FLOORING ments on the Hammond Electric Masters and Ted Weems.
Organ, using an instrument that In addition to her appearance in THE OFFICES OF MR, JAMES McNEILL IN
has been augmented with several front of the Majestic Theatre Wed-
Asphalt Tile and Rubber Walls additional musical attachments in- nesday evening, she will also be NEW MAJESTIC THEATRE WERE FURNISHED
cluding chimes and the solovox. presented from the stage in a
1010 S. IftTU 1IAHL1NGIW PHONK 2307 So that the watching audience special program, both matinee and BY MAVERICK-CLARKE, BROWNSVILLE.
may better view tho unusual dex- evening, Thursday, Friday and
ter i'tv of Miss Bollard's hands as Saturday.

the tcell furnished of/ice

Your New Show-Place and Go-Place is not only an inspiration to
the owner but also serves to
confirm the soundness of his
Built Like a Monument operations and the fundamental
quality of his product*
With Ever Versatile Masonry!
See It Tonight! More people prefer Maverick-Clarke'*
better equipment, better values, bet-
ter service . . - that more people know
Maverick-Clarke are first in values!

Once again a Steel and Masonry structure has proven

itself adaptable to the most striking design requirements.
Behind the color and glamour of the beautiful new Maj-

Dial 2-4186
estic lies the durability of masonry! We congratulate In-
terstate and Brownsville.

Fred C. Kroeger and Son

II 10th and Washington
Fred C. Kroeger MASONRY CONTRACTORS H. S. Kroeger Layaways
• Charges Budget Account*,
PAGE 10-A p-^t\r?
Single Bliss
French Star PROGRESS!
Has Ideas Is Difficult
On Tourists Claims Duff in all
HOLLYWOOD, — One of the
HOLLYWOOD — Corlnne Cal-
vet, who hasn't been in Hollywood
toughest things in Hollywood is
remaining single, according to
Lines of Endeavor
Howard Duff, Universal - Inter- >?i^ ssfff^
very long, may have the solution
m$fc ^ s
to> cinema city's tourist prob- national actor now co - starred
with Shelley Winters and Dan pur- v gs*i»
Every visitor to town wants to yea in "Johnny Stool Pigeon.
"Go out with a girl and the
&* w P^
nee movies being made. next morning you read in the *S»
And almost every visitor is un- papers where you're engaged,
Bucessful in this quest, As cur- claims Duff. "I'm happy . as a
rently constituted, it's simply bachelor. Leave me alone
impossible for the studios to han- The good - looking Seattle lad
dle the crowds. Since they can- entered pictures three years ago
not play favorites, only people in the late Mark Bellinger's
with urgent business are permit- "Brute Force," and ever since
ted on sound stages. he's been linked with one actress REYNALDO ALANIZ
But Corinrio, who rnakos her do- JOE TREVINO
RAUL MUNOZ or another. Engineer Those words depict greater Brown*
hut In "Hope 01 Sand" with Burt JCAUL DAV11.A First it waa Yvonne De Carlo Treasurer ville' ^
Lancaster for Hal WallKs at Para- Operator who appeared as a "guest star The establishment of new mdurtrlja,
mount, suggests Hollywood turn Chief Operator HULL BACK
in a brief role of "Brute Force.^ - FIGHTER Increased port facilities, and greater cot-
back the clock 30 years. "We had a couple of dates, Bob Hope, co-starred with Lu- Henry Hull, one of Broadway's ton production signify progress.
Jn tho early days of films, when would have only themselves to Radio Actor To Make according to Duff, "and then biggest stars, returned to pictures The Opening of the magnificent new
tho screen waa .silent, bleacher blame. And studio executives 9 cille Ball in Paramount'*? "Sorrow- Majestic Theater symbolizes Pr°8r**f ™
atandfl wf.rc built on every set anc wouldn't bo pestered by neigh- Debut In 'The Lie everyone started congratulating
us It scared the daylights out ful Jones," was once an am-
in Par-amount's "The Great Gats-
still another endeavor, that of making
the public paid a small feo. to sit had ateur boxer in his home town, by," filmization of F. Scott Fitz- Brownsville the Amusement Center off
and watch tho stars at work, bors, friends and relatives all HOLLYWOOD — Radio actor of me, but Yvonne who Cleveland, Ohio. Bob was known gerald's famous novel which co-
"Why not construct srnal wanting to smuggle Aunt Siphro- Wislard Waterman, who plays the been around town for a while, during his pugilistic career as stars Alan Ladd, Betty Field, Mac- the Valley.
rila- or Cousin Jeremiah into a
stands on the larger stages anc studio. lead role of Ray Brandon in the told me to forget it."
Since then Duff has been linked Packy East.
clonald Carey, Ruth Hussey, Barry
Brownsville Motor Co.
nopal-ate them by a glass parti- As matters stand now, deter- network serial, "The Guiding romantically with practically
Sullivan and Howard Da Silva.
tion from .....
the actual set?" aakw 1214 E. Washington Phone S-W
Co'rinnft'. ''That way tho fans who mined fans try almost anything Light," was signed by Paramount every good-looking girl in Holly- Eloise Jansen was the figment of The state of Ohio is almost
corne so far to see pictures hclnr to see a picture being shot. They recently for his screen debut. wood — Marta Toren, Ava Gard- a columnist's imagination. square, measuring virtually 200
phot could rnakfi their trip com attempt to crash the gate .they ner, Shelly Winters, and others. "He must have been hard up miles on each side.
clamber over studio walla, some The veteran of 12 years behind Of these four, the only o n e for news," laughs Duff.
plote. And the funds raised hj oven hover in helicopters over a mike will be seen with Barabara Howard has courted seriously is
flflllnj:' tickets could go to the Stanwyck and John Lund in "The Gardner. Rumor had it that
Motion Picture Keller Fund." exterior wets. »...,,
"By keeping the tourist behind Lie," a thriller baaed upon the they were engaged to be married
No Hard Fueling*
Miss Calvnt, who's as bright a.'
who IM pri'.tty, points out this syfl
the glass curtain production could
proceed without interruption,
continues Corinno. "As it is now,
novel by William Irish. some months ago, but postponed
Waterman is a native of Madis- setting any definite date. Re-
on, Wla,, and for over a decade has ports immediately romped all
to-a would also solve tho relatec
the very few visitors who do get been heard in many of the top soap over town that Howard had jilted
problem of telling peoples
can't conir; In -- yet keeping then
an friends of tho company. I
they d i d n ' t rnacrvo their

on a set often crowd the techni-
cians and actors and even ruin
shots by laughing or talking at
operas as well as the Lux Radio Ava or that Ava had jilted How-
Theater and other dramatic shows. ard. Either way it was a good
He joins a cast including Broad- yarn for the gossip columnists.
long enough In advance t hej the wrong moment." way star Lyle Bettger, stage vet- *. "Confidentially," says Duff,
erans Jane Cowl, Henry O'Neill "we just decided to wait a while of
and Phyllis Thaxter. Mitchell Leis- and then decide whether we want-
cn directs with Richard Maibaum ed to get married or not." BROWNSVILLE
producing, Howard says the funniest rumor
that ever traveled the gossip
MAKES FILM DEBUT grapevine was his reported en- The New
Gerry Ganzer, attractive model, gagement earlier this year to a
makes her screen debut in a top New York stage actress named Majestic
supporting role in Paramount's Eloise Jansen. When questioned
Technicolor western , "Copper by news gatherers, Duff confess-
Canyon," which stars Ray Milland, ed that he didn't know or had
Hedy Lamarr, Macdonald Carey, never met anyone named Eloise and the Owl News & dear Store
Mona Freeman and Harry Carey Jansen,
Jr. It was finally learned that
We're mighty proud to
We're with you Interstate for making pos- be located eater-corner
to the new Majestic
sible such a magnificent contribution to the right in the middle of
this thriving, growing
community of Brownsville. The New Maj- metropolis. May our
fair city continue to
estic points another step forward in this grow as rapidly as It
has in the past.
city's glorious future.

Modern Home Appliances Owl News & Cigar Store

Corner Elizabeth and 10th
956 E. Levee

B^'oft*; • 'tjw &<* <- '',"'- •**.'

p , , ,'';<.^''$i

Beauty That Lasts!

Tills IM Iho kuynoto of tho Iwatitiful now MAJESTIC . . sym-
bol of tho Valle.v'M leadership In tho Texas cnlo.rtalmnent
world. U t t l o Creek Venetian ttUwl and Flooring \vero happy
lo I n s t a l l In tho alslcn mid walls nomo of tholr most modern
(•(.vcrinK—It- <•-. A. HublH-r and Good.yoar Vinyl; Iho tloslKii-
«u-s of tho SVliijfMllo choso it for Its Itcauty and ability to wear
u-rll u n d e r every Dominion. And ronu'inbor, this modern cov-
ei-li.K In alH" Ideal for your bathroom, kitchen, or comiuer-
clal wall.
K o n t l l o , . . tho per-
n i n n e n l l y beuulit'ul na-
ph;ilt. tile , . . la u.nolher
great product .sold n n d
I n a t u l l e d by MTTI.K1
CllI'llOK. You can de-
aign your own floor
nnd luivo It laid . . . HO
f j u l i - k l y nnd easily . . •
t i l o by t l l o in your
home. ' r.eaiitUiii colorfl
won't wear ol'f, tor
Kent Ho ronlsts soil and NORMA BALLA&D
stain.'!. ChnoHo frotn An offering of unusual distinc- she plays out the arrangements
m n n y b e a u t i f u l r-oUirs. on the 6 keyboards a six foot mir-
a I'M f r e e ! tion will bo presented to patrons ror mounted back of. the artist
of the New Majestic Theatre at picks up the pattern of the hand
the Premiere Wednesday evening movements at the console.
when No mm Ballarcl appears as A dynamic personality, with a
Little Creek one of the high-lights of the open-
ing festivities in front of the
delightful smile, Miss Ballard is
sure to charm any audience just
theatre. as she hase done when playing on
o VENETIAN BLIND & Miss Ballard is an exponent of
unusual melodies and arrange-
both radio and stage with such mu-
sicians as RUSH Morgan, Frankie
o Masters and Tod Weems.
FLOORING ments on the Hammond Electric
Organ, using 1 an instrument that In addition to her appearance in THE OFFICES OF MR. JAMES McNEILL IN THl
has been augmented with several front of the Majestic Theatre Wed- NEW MAJESTIC THEATRE WERE FURNISHED
additional musical attachments in- nesday evening, she will also be
Asi>ltdh Tile find Rubber Walls cluding chimes and the solovox. presented from the stage in a BY MAVERICK-CLARKE, BROWNSVILLE.
So that the watching audience special program, both matinee and
,0.0 a. J5-11I IIAKUNGKN PHONE S307 evening, Thursday, Friday and
may better view the unusual dex-
teritv of Miss Ballard's hands as Saturday.
the well furnished of/ice
Your New Show-Place and Go-Place is not only on inspiration to
••••••••••••••••••••••< V
the owner but ahf> serves to
confirm the soundness of his
Built Like a Monument operations and the fundamental
quality of his product.
With Ever Versatile Masonry!
See It Tonight! More people prefer Maverick-Clarke**
better ery^pment, better value*, bet-
ter service . . • that more people know
Maverick-Clarke are first in value*!

Once again a Steel and Masonry structure has proven

itself adaptable to the most striking design requirements.
Behind the color and glamour of the beautiful new Maj-
estic lies the durability of masonry! We congratulate In-
terstate and Brownsville. MAVERICK-CLARKE
Dial 2-4186 Fred C Kroeger and Son 10th and Washington
Phone 2-4473

Brownsville Fred C. Kroeger MASONRY CONTRACTORS H. S. Kroeger Budget Accounts Layaways

Kinnan Rawlings, "THE SUN Jeanette Receives Tonight Brownsville Celebrates
Shoots Wav^ COMES UP" castfl Nolan as i 'Costly9 Fan Letter
writer who helps solve the pro
Through 55 blems of a concert artist who has Jeanette MacDonsdd recently ANOTHER BIG
lowt husband and son. She finally received ner "most expansive" fan
Films For Girl has her faith in life renewed
letter from Shanghai, China.
The let:; r, a "thtink you" note
Before Uoyd Nolan could play
a romantic Irart on the screen he
had to nhoot hiH way through
fifty-five films, slug: a couple of
through the sympathy of the
writer, a mountain boy and a dog.
Claude Jarman, Jr., young
Academy Award winner of THE
for a picture sent out b T the, star,
cost the writer $40,000 ?•« Chinese
national currency to se^.vl to the
United States by Air Mail.
Miss MaeDonald discovered
dozen crookfl, and enact the guy YEARLING, plays the boy, with that the $40,000 worth of stamps Congratulations
who loflcfl the girls for ttu» past Lassie as the dog. Also featured on the envelope came to exactly
fourteen yearn. are Lewis Stone and Percy KU throe-fourths of one cent — er-
But h^'« finally made thn grade. bride. ;ian money! INTERSTATE
In th« nfiw M-G-M Technicolor
nhowlng" TiifcHday, August 23rd at
thfi nc.w Majestic Theatre, Nolan
Carolyn Butler, featured with
Dorothy Lamour, Dan Duryea and Theatre 9Phone Hughes-Juggle
itherls his cr,p«-f.ind-robber« type Sterling- Hayden in Paramount'?! Number Is 2-5?25
dt characterisation to take his "Manhandled," in the daughter of
placo along uuch heroes as Gable writer-producer Frank Butler.
Among other honors, Frank Butler For ohe convenience of tne pat- LUMBER COMPANY
arid Pldfe'eon. In thin one he plays rons of the new Majestic Theatre,
the romantic l e a d opposite won an Academy Award for co- the new telephone number is 2-
J««m;tte MaeDonald. authoring the screenplay for Blng 5225. Catt this Member for infor-
Ba«ed on n novel by Marjorie Crosby's "Going My Way.1' PEPE MARTINEZ FRANK" REVUELTA LEO MARTINEZ, JR,
mation concerning prices, sched-
Head Janitor Janitor Janitor ules and coming attractions which
will be furnished c>i.?3rfully and
courteously b;r an attendant of the
'Tweety* Is New Character Hearing Aids theatre.
The Capitol number j.a 2-3701 and
Modern Installed In
the Queen, 2-3242.
That Is Gaining Popularity STARTED HIM EA&LY
Alan LacM, starred in Para-
"TWEETY" — a cute, little before the cartoon finally reaches New Majestic mount's '-Vestal Inspector," is
teaching lv> -rwo-year-old uon, Dav-

49ers yellow bird, which is a creation

of the Warner Bros. Cartoons'
staff, who is unable to pronounce
esses — is a comparatively new
character, as compared to the in-
imitable BUGS BUNNY.
the public through the theatre TJie new Majestic will be among
screens. the first theatres in Texas to be
"BAD OL' PUTTY TAT" has equipped with the combined air
evoked'tremendous laughter from and bone conductor Acousticon
vents for patrons who are hard of
id Alan, t" wvim now that the
Ladda h*v« a pool at their .home.!
Alan WAS *. champion swimmer)
during achoollays.

hearing, according to J. C. .uk.-.n-

Prior to 1947 TWEETY was ner, director of sound and projec-
Just an incidental cartoon figure, tion for Interstate Circuit, Inc. A
but in 19-17 the Warner Bros. number of seats will be equipped
Cartoon Studio undertook to give with connections for ear phones.
TWEETY characteristics all his Special connections will be estab-
* own, and under the direction of I.
Freleng a cartoon was produced
featuring TWEETY, which was
called "TWEETIE PIE".
lished between the sound pro-
jection booth and the special seats
in the house, bringing increasing
sound volume. Customers desiring
The cartoon, when released, this service may obtain earphones ,„ inters.a.c . . . for m .rilorlm» «hlcvcmc»t In boost!,,*
proved a sensation, with TWEETY from the doorman as they enter
captivating 1 audiences everywhere the theatre, plug them in in the vllle'. Place In the »m «. Entertainment Center of the Wiley! Attend
As the <19ors of a century ago were drawn by with his famous line: "I TAUGHT designated seats and listen to the
Kohl in California, so are modern 49ers drawn I TAW A PUTTY TAT," which screen voices. Earphones will be the gala opening cerementa. tonlEht . . . and remember tn* your
by tho many attractions of our Magic Valley. was TWEETY'S manner of say- left with the doorman as the cus-
ing: "I thought I saw a pussy tomer leaves the theatre, favorite «nd«vom, J»»t a Work »„•„»•. offers .you the finest •
Tho new Majestic adds great power to this cat." This boon, which is a courtesy
mighty magnet. The cartoon, "TWEETIE PIE", am." refr-bment. In air-conditioned comfort!
of the theatre with no extra charge
won the Academy Award for the to the patrons requiring it, will en-
JK. <i<; iu <;ARZA best cartoon released in 19-17.
Long before the cartoon awards
wore announced, the members of
able many people to hear movie
dialogue for the first time. BROOKS WALGREEN^
earphones will enable the patron
the Warner Bros. Cartoon Studio to regulate the sound volume to
Wholesale Grocer realized that they had a new star his personal desires. Acousticon Fountain and Restaurant
fiS-l 1C, FRONTON In TWEETY, and immediately vents have also been installed by
put other stories into work featur-
ing TWEETY, such as "I TAW
tho Capitol Theatre of this city, "At Rendezvous Corner'9
A PUTTY TAT" and and "BAD audiences everywhere it has been WATER-SHY GLORIA
OL' PUTTY TAT", which is shown, and there is little doubt Gloria Swanson, starred ii. .Para-
now being released and will ap- when the Academy Awards come mount's "Sunset Boulevard," final-
pear on tho opening program of up again in the Spring that "BAD ly has forced herself to feel at
the new Majesties Theatre. OL' PUTTY TAT" will be one of home in a swimming pool. She al-
The Men Behind In addition, Warner Bros.
Cartoons will release t h r e e
TWEETY cartoons during the
coming year, and have scheduled
the nominees put up by Warner
Bros. Cartoons. deeper than her head.

four TWEETY cartoons for the

following jcar. Very few people
realize or know that it takes prac-
The tically a full year from the incep-
tion of a cartoon idea before the
cartoon Itsolf is finished, and an
additional three to four months
India Has Hard Brownsvule - H. Matamoros
Marquee. Time Enforcing
Prohibition Law
MADRAS, India—f/P)—Prohibi-
tion offenses are Increasing in
Madras, India's most completely
dry province. In July, there were
Area Has Long Been
SRI 5,581 offenses in all 25 districts of
the province. Nearly half of these
were cases of illicit distilling of
spirits. The French-Indian settle-
ments adjoining tho Madras pro-
vince are "convenient bases" for
liquor smuggling, government re-
The Entertainment
ports said. Bottles of liquor arc
being brought into Indian territory
concealed in tea chests.
The government blamed public
prohibition police raided a "suspi-
cious" village in Kurnool district,
they wore received with a barrage
of stones. Even tho village prohi-
Center of the Valley
bition committee failed to coop-
crate in the detection of offenses.
A member of the provincial leg-
islature, the Yuvaraja of Pitha- and the Opening of the
puram, has given notice of resolu-
The new Majestic Theatre . . . one tion advising the government to
drop prohibition in the province
of South Texas' finest , . . gives which, he says, is unsuccessful, and
results in the loss of a third of the
Brownsville evidence of the Valley's
leadership as an entertainment and
recreational center. Behind all the
glamour and beauty of the lights,
provincial revenue.

Popular Author
don't forget the engineers and de- veto brilliance to attractions available!
signers and builders. It is their In Russia
know-how, released by the will of MOSCOW — (XP) —- Shakespeare
continues to bo a popular author
t h e owners, that brings Brownsville among the peoples of Central
Asln. The paper "Soviet Art" an- Since the early days on the b.^er, wh,n the historic old Teatro Reform in H. Matamoros brought
siu-h a wonderful theatre. In the nounced recently that Hamlet had
same manner, a mechanical 'back- been put on at tho Uzbek Theatre the best in entertainment to this section, amusement and entertainment facilities in Brownsville, lex,
of Drama in Tashkent.
bone' lies behind the magnificent In Moscow when the fiftieth as and H. Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico, have been the best in the Valley. With eight theatres ,n
anniversary of the founding of
work of the decorators. Electrical the Moscow Art Theatre was cele- Brownsville and five in H. Matamoros . . . with the fishing, boatin* and swimming offered by the
brated last fall, a group of actors
circuits, plumbing, and air condi- from Central Asia put on a scene channel and Boca Chicu and Washington beaches . . . with professional baseball, w,th the ftne
from "The. Taming of the Shrew"
t i o n i n g are a part of this finer struc- In their native language.
Shakespeare's plays are pre- eating and dancing places in both Brownsville and Mata-
ture. Levy was glad to have been sented in many of the national lan-
chosen to install the plumbing in guages of the peoples of the USSR moros, the area still towers far above other Valley com-
and of course in Russian also— munities in the entertainment facilities.
this modern structure . . . glad to in Moscow and elsewhere.
have been, in part, the men 'behind
the marquee!' Blind Cast Lures Best Wishes to Interstate Theatres from the
Goose Onto Hook
LIVINGSTON, Mont. — WP) — Officers and Personnel of
Boyd Engles reports he was fish-
ing the Gallatin River when he
flipped a black gnat around a bend
hoping for a blindstrike from a
trout. The
He got the strike—from a Cana-
dian goose which grabbed the lure.

Flew when it saw Engles but spit
out the hook before the startled
fisherman had to worry about the
technique of landing a honker.
Lucille Ball, co-starring with Bob
First National
Hope in Faramount's Technicolor
comedy, "Where Men Are Men," - Broivnsville -
2107 North Harwood was fired from her first theatrical
job for lack of experience and
DALLAS, TEXAS went to work as a soda clerk in
a Broadway drugstore,
"Dallas Plumbing Shop On Wheels PLENTY BUSY
Barbara Stanwyck, starring in
Paramount'* "The Lie," appears in'
planned by Director Mitchell Leia-
cn for the picture.

Majestic Sound Equipment At Refrigeration

Really Makes * Talkies9 Talk C. E. Holmes, chief engineer, and
in charge of all refrigeration con-
What makes the "talkies" talk? Time was when one the ate the new chairs arrived. He ex- struction for Interstate Theatres,
The answer to that question is best exemplified by the R. C. A. patron leaving his seat disturbe plained that from a normal posi- has the unusual distinction of per-
sound equipment installed in the new Majestic Theatre. Installation everyone in the same row. . tion, a patron occupying t h e sonally installing the first com-
of the equipment was made by J. C. Skinner of Dallas, electrical he trampled on feet, brushe chair merely slides the feed under mercial refrigeration plant in Tex-
engineer and director of sound and projection equipment for Inter- the chair, leans forward and the as.
state Circuit and Texas Consolidated Theatres. against his neighbor and general seat pushes back automatically. This was back in 1923, and by
The very latest and most complete installation was made at the ly disrupted the pleasant recrea This permits ample passage coincidence, as Holmes was not
Majestic. tion of viewing a movie. room. When the feet are moved then associated with Interstate, at
Only an insignificant minority of the millions who thrill to the But gone forever are thos forward and the occupant leans the Majestic theatre, in Fort
realism of motion picture aounc back, the seat rcvsumes the nor- Worth. A pioneer in the cooling in-
have even a vague notion of how and volume of the sound. Now, ac- times! mal position. dustry, Holmes supervised sim-
Today, wise theater operator The accompanying illustration ilar theatre refrigeration installa-
this modern miracle is produced tually, sound cannot be photo- install seats that take care shows the simplicity of the move- tions in Sail Antonio, Houston and
Yet, according to Jimmy McNeill graphed, so what the recording patron maneuvers without inter ment. Dallas.
city manager lor Interstate, th engineers do is to convert the fering with the freedom and plea To further enhance the slight Ten years later, Holmes began
public is not without a great dea sound waves of the singing or sure of those remaining in thei lines for New Majestic patrons, his present association with Inter-
of curiosity on this subject. Year speaking voice, or of music and seats: every seat is in direct line with state.
of listening to radio, to public ad background effects, into electrical The New Majestic Theater, on the screen. The floor is pitched
dress systems and to motion pic waves and then into light waves EUGENE GILBOE of the most modern theaters in gradually to assure perfect vision. JOHN HARK18ON
AJ>F,LINA ALKOftfA •JUDY GI'RKKI-TRO ture sound have made them dis during the recording process, The push-back seat is but one John Harrison, program director
C'findy Attendant Candy Attendant criminatingly critical of the differ "This sounds much more compli- designers One of the nation's foremost of the many modern luxuries of KGBS, Harlingen, will be mas-
cncc between good and bad sound cated than it is. But to put it sim- of murals and interior that have found their way into ter of ceremonies at the new Ma-
he said. For this reason the man decorating, Eugene Gilboe per- the New Majestic. jestic Theater opening today.
Lamarr Complete* Esther Proves She ply, this is how it's done: The mo-
agement recently asked the engin tion picture studio is a good deal sonally supervised not only the
Role In 'Canyon 9 Is Still Champion cers from the great R.C.A. Victor like a radio studio, The sound is original artists' conception and
engineering laboratories to instal first picked up by a microphone sketches but the actual on-the-
HOLLYWOOD — Hcdy Lamarr Swimming star Esther Williams their latest achievement in sound which converts the sound waves job application of the magriificient
and colorful decor of the New
proved that she is still a champion. motion picture reproducing sys- into corresponding electrical
ham completed her co-starring role A scene in her current picture, tems. This sound system has been waves very much in the same way Majestic Theatre. Gilboe's crafts-
in Paramount'* Technicolor west- "Neptune's Daughter," required named the "Magic Voice of the as the telephone receiver does. The manship is apparent from the 'l-'Wilj.
[ • It '' . •,
ern, "Copper Canyon," and checked the actress to participate in a 100- Screen," because of its remarkable electrical waves are then amplified beginning moment you enter the theatre
off the lot. meter race against the same aqua- capabilities. to sufficient strength to make blending into in the inner foyer and
tic stars she had competed against Simple Process :hem vibrate a tiny mirror. These the soothing motif
The glamoroiiH utar leaves short- ten years ago. "It is surprising," said McNeill vibrations correspond exactly to of the auditorium.
ly for Kuropo where she will va- When the swimmers took to the 'how many people will ask 'What ;he characteristics of the original Gilboe was educated in Oslo, the Southwest, has installed th !-«
cation two months before return- wator at Los Angeles Olympic makes the "talkies" talk?' The sound waves. A bright light is Norway, and studied also in Ger- famed Kroehler Push-back seat?
ing to Hollywood for anothor film Stadium, it wasn't necessary for process is extraordinarily interest- then f ocussed on the mirror so that many and England before com- for Brownsville's moviegoers. In
assignment her competitors to hold back for ng and not as hard to understand rts vibrating reflection strikes the ing to New York for a continua- terstate construction engineers
"Copper Canyon" in Miss La- Ksther to win, as some had feared as one might suppose. ilm negative. Now we have the tion of his schooling in art. pioneers in seating improvements
marr'fl first western and her sec- might have to happen. The M.G.M "To bogin with, the sound you ight waves which can be photo- Examples of his design are to selected this seat because of it'
ond film at Paramount, also her star was ahead all the way and un- lear in the theatre comes from a graphed—and the wavy fluctua- be seen in prominent theatres, practical operation.
flncond role in a Technicolor pro- der her own power. mrrow strip of 'sound track' which tions on the. sound track are the hotels, public buildings and univer- You no longer need to stand up
duction, She recently co-starred •tins parallel to the pictures on result. sities in the principal cities of to permit the entry or egress of
with Victor Mature In Cecil B. The oldest known map in the the film. This sound track has a Reverse Process the United States. The New Ma- a person sitting near you. The
DeMI!l«'fl "SamHon and Delilah," world WRH produced about 4,500 curious fluctuating pattern which "The reproducing process in the jestic is representative of his out- push-back takes care of all that
her fir«t technicolor appearance. years ago. varies in accordance with the pitch heatre ' simply the reverse of the standing proficiency and techni- for you.
recording process," continued Mc- que, Lew Bray, Valley District Man
S'eill. "Trie film is threaded into ager, gave a demonstration when
he projector and the motor .start-
el up. The film then moves at ex- Valley Managers
For Better Living in the Valley's ctly the same speed at which it
decorded. A beam of light is To Attend Opening
Stalin Gets 'II
M M I'i -i
!|!| J i f -l li t '.
Entertainment Center
then directed through the sound
track portion of the film. The var- Interstate Circuit theater Val-
iations in the sound track picture ley managers will atend the open-
cause variations in the amount of ing of the new Majestic Theater Thanks On Plant
light passing through the film. today.
Annual Czech
PRAGUE—(/p)—A hammer-and-
Il Off!
This fluctuating light is f ocussed They are:
on a photo-electric cell.
sickle toting beauty queen was
Mike Gilbert, Harlingcn; Mau- elected during the "Radostne Dny
"The photo-electric cell is a mar- rice Agnew, Harlingen; F l o Stalinovcu (Joyous Days of the
velous little device resembling a McDonald, Mercedes; Jack Verser, Stalinites)" held at the *Big Stalin
* to another
radio tube which is often called Weslaco; Robert Wiseman, Donna; synthetic petroleum plant in north-
an 'electric eye' because of the Truman Riley, Me Allen; and Ches- western Bohemia.
many miraculous things it can be ter J. Medley,, McAllen.
made to do. This photo-electric
The "Joyous Days of the Stalin-
ites" were held on the fourth anni- Brownsville
cell is extraordinarily sensitive to NO CREAM-PUFF ACTOR versary of the handing over of
light and as the light waves strike William Hold en, starred in Para- the Stalin plant to the Czechs by
it, it regulates the flow of electric mount's "Sunset Boulevard," can't the Red army. The plant was built Achievement
current in exact proportion to the stand cream-puffs. He devoured by the Germans during the occupa-
amount of light passing through It. two dozen of them at one sitting tion of Czechoslovakia. Therefore, To each lady attending the pre-
The electric current thus produced when a youngster, hasn't liked the technically, it constituted Russian
is built up in volume by amplifiers delicacy since. war booty. miere of the new Majestic, Mc-
and made to operate the loudspeak- However, it was given to the Innis Flowers will present a
ers, which are situated behind the Czechs as a gift by special order lovely flower. We, as the rest
screen. The screen itself has tiny While playing a comedy vaude- of Stalin. Henceforth, every year, of Brownsville, are proud of
perforations to permit the unim- ville act, Billy De Wolfe, who ap- the Communist-controlled Czech
peded flow of sound from the pears with William Holden and government holds a "thank you" this new addition to the city's
speakers and yet present a smooth Joan Caulfield in Paramount'^ festival. However, the Czechs are growth.
reflecting surface for the projec- "Dear Wife," appeared in eight having a hard time putting the
tion of the picture. Thus we have, European countries. plant on a paying basis. The Ger-
in a few seemingly simple, but in mans built it to produce synthetic
reality, highly critical stages, the LADD IS CHAMP gasoline at any price. After the
miracle of the modern sound mo- Alan Ladd, who co-stars in Para- war, equipment for the production Mclimis
tion picture," concluded McNeill. mount's "The Great Gatsby," is of subsidiary petroleum products
an accomplished swimmer and div- had to be installed at great cost. Flowers
Antarctic seas have more Ice- er and was winner of the West
bergs than the Arctic. Coast diving championship in 1932, Alcatraz, famous U.S. prison in 1241 K. Elizabeth
San Francisco Bay, is on an island Phone 1-4881
which is only 1,650 feet long and
rises 130 feet above sea level.

"From the Roof i i ' i ' i >•;('

' : jl !W ; ifi &!i ' i ' !'

I! i i illfei H <
Interstate has always used the highest quality
materials in their theatres and the insulation is
of the !
a^ain Eagle-Richer Mineral Wool, the finest on Si I ! i l
the market, used almost exclusively by Interstate
in their giant chain of theatres. the teeming Mongol hordes
overran the civilized world. And
I N S T A L L E D BY yet all their fury and warlike might
could not destroy man'u cult-
ural and material progress. To-
Ttu-m'- A^ night the people of Browns-
AT HOME—Cinemaquatic star Esther Williams is back ville observe, amid pre-
in another form-fitting role as the heroine of M-G-M's miere glamour, another mile-
captivating- new Technicolor musical, "NEPTUNE'S
DAUGHTER", which opens at the new Majestic Sun- stone of our American
AWNING ,f«*w*"^^*
CD day, August 21st. Red Skelton co-stars in the hilarious and Valley growth. A great
role of a would-be polo player, with romance, laughs
107 Ear,t Hiway Wealaco Phone 627-M and melody supplied by Ricardo Montalban, singing showplace has been born! Be-
Betty Garrett, comic Keenan Wynn and Xavier Cugat hind this local event
and his orchestra. lies a significance that cannot but fail to impress us . . .
the only direction is forward. What is m9re . . . the people

of the Valley know it, act by it, and live by it!
!:| i l l -'^'i-i''
! • ' "ii:
W :',' HI 1.V / -'I I I -
Our firm, a part of this Valley progress,
wa* proud to have whared in the crea-
tion of the new Majestic . . . one of Tex-
as' finest theatres! You'll find C. A,
Wood's ready to aid In all roofing prob-

TO lems—be they large or small. Our ser-

vice is honest, friendly, and economical.
It is within the range of all. Feel free to
call on us for advice without obligation
at any time!



Year Around California IT'S TRUE! By Wiley Padan Bob Hope and Lucille Ball, who James Edwards, who plays the
successful!}' in Para- colored soldier in "Home of The
Weather In Seeks Aid For teamed
mount's "Sorrowful Jones," appear Brave," has a featured role in Par-
together again in the new Techni- amount's "Manhandled," produced
color comedy, "Where Men Are jby William Pine and Will am
So that there mJjjht he a con- NEW M-G-M FILM, "THE STRATTON Men." JThomas. Dorothy Lamour, an
California congressmen solicited STORY/' IN WHICH HE PLAYS THE ROLE JDuryca and Sterling Hayden :o-
ntant flov/ of clean cool refriger- the Interest of the Treasury and NJBW RESIDENT star in the suspense melodrama.
ated air during the .summer months OF A DIAMOND HERO—MONTY STRATTON.
State Departments today in the JIMMY'S GRANDFATHER SETTLED THE TOWN Lyle Bcttger, making his motion! ———————~———-
and a bit of warmth when outside problem of falling fruit prices. OF INDIANA, PA.. IN 1853 AND STARTED THE picture debut in Paramount's "The According to the Encyclopedia
temperatt *~".<j call for heat, the The delegation's 10-member agri- COMMUNITY HARDWARE STORE. TODAY Lie," is moving his wife and two Americana, the first old age
latewt in ;,.. 'round air condition- culture subcommittee, headed by JIMMY'S FATHER RUNS THE SAME SHOP. children to Hollywood and giving pension plan in the U.S. or ter-
ing plnntH ha« been in.ntalled in the Rep. Anderson (R-Calif), address- THE GANGLING, SIX FEET, TWO INCH STAR up the Broadway stage—for the ritories was adopted by the
new Majo/itic, ed a letter to Secretary of the RECEIVED HIS ARMY AIR CORPS CAPTAINCY time being, anyway. Alaska legislature in 1915.
C. K. ffolmoM, chiof of Intor- Treasury Snyder and Undersecre- ON INDEPENDENCE DAY IN 1943, AND
atate'« engineering s t a f f , has been tary of State Willard Thorpe. BEFORE HIS DISCHARGE WAS DESIGNATED
hera for tho pa«t week personally The letter said the taxpaying —COLONEL JAMES STEWART.
directing tho installation of the ability and welfare of California
plant, In order to have the air con- fruit growers Is seriously jeopar-
dltlontnf? fum:tk,.n)nK properly for dized by loss of prewar export
the formal opening of the new .show
The refrigeration plant, manu-
Jt blamed, in part, the postwar
policies of the state department.
Make Way!
factured by Wo.stinghou«e, in the :H£R HOME TOWN OF MOUNT
moflt modern u n i t that can be
bought today. It is capable of pro-
To insure authenticity for a
P. K. JOHNSON for a
One of the younger and efficient SAME NIGHT SHE LAUNCHED HER , After a spell as a racing- car
ducing 80 ton.M of refrigeration and cricket match which is being! stag- CAREER BY TRYING TO IMITATE HER
can discharge 40,000 cubic feet of department heads of Interstate is
air in the theatre per m i n u t o . The Euy Jom»H, head hooker.
plant IH automatic in denign and
ed in "Where Men Are Men,' Para-
mount's new Technicolor comedy
co-starring Bob Hope and Lucille
driver and activity in other sport-
ing events Porter K. Johnston, MAJESTIC
Jone.s knows show business from DANCING STAR, WEIGHS 97 POUNDS known as "PK" stepped into the
iiflea frcon ft« the refrigerant. The Ball, the studio has engaged Cyri AND IS 5 FEET, 1 INCH TALL. BIRTH
theatre temperature will range the carpet up. He started as an
from 75 to 70 degrees, with a rel- usher in a Dallas theatre and
ative h u m i d i t y of SO percent, Arch- Hteppod i n t o the booking depart-
Harper, one of Southern Califor
nia's leading cricket players, as
DATE IS OCTOBER 7. film business. Currently Johns-
ton directs the buying1 of features Note!
technical adviser. for the Interstate Circuit.
itectural design elirniriatos any ment an an assistant. Then came
drafts being felt in the a u d i t o r i u m the war <md Jone.s enlisted and CONTRAST > W A S BORN IN MASSACHUSETTS,
at any tlrm,-. .saw overseas duty with the 544th Ray Millancl, starred in Para- 'EDUCATED IN WISCONSIN AND business since 1914. His start
The Hame d i s t r i b u t i o n duct.i are A m p h i b i o u s Engineers in the Pa- mount's Technicolor western, "Cop- OWNS A FARM IN OHIO. CHIEF was as a film salesman in New
U«ecl to d i H t r i b u t f i cool air In the cific. Jones \vnn a Captain and per Canyon," has two widely diver- INTEREST, OUTSIDE OF HER ACTING England and the Middle West. He
H u m m e r and prn-heated air in the W action in various parts of the sified hobbies—deep sea fishing CAREER, IS THE FARM, A.320 ACRE was a pioneer in a then new busi-
winter nea.son, H.H r e q u i r e d . Both Pacific front. and attending the ballet. TRACT BETWEEN ZANESVILLE AND ness — moving pictures.
.syHternw are a u t o m a t l r n l l y non- CAMBRIDGE, O. THE LAND WAS Prior to joining Interstate he
trolled to nvold any gue.H.s work as atre IH f i l t e r e d through flpun glass About half the yearly egg pro GIVEN TO HER GREAT GRAND- was district sales manager for
to tho patron'<( comfort. In all I which completely rids it of any luction in the United States is PARENTS IN A GRANT WHICH WAS Fox Films in the Southwest. Fie
the air e n t e r i n g the the-! dust, or i m p u r i t i e s . aid from March through June. SIGNED BY TWO PRESIDENTS- acted in that capacity for eight
MISS MOOREHEAD NEVER HAS DIFFI- Johnston pioneered the Inter-
CULTY REMEMBERING HER WEDDING . . . in the amusement field, it's the
state policy of balanced programs new MAJESTIC theater . . . for dry
ANNIVERSARY DATE. IT'S THE S of entertainment, the blending of
AS HER HUSBAND'S BIRTHDAY. cleaning and tailoring:, it's
Something New S. PAT. OFF.
special short subjects to surround
the feature attraction.
HIRE "CALLER" Brownsville Tailors & Cleaner*
Les Gotcher, professional square
Majestic Sound dance caller, was hired by Para-
For You I Equipment Made
mount to call the dances for the
elaborate square dance sequence
in the Technicolor western, "Cop-
per Canyon."
For New Theater
Today's movie fan expects the
best in sound, and no longer are
the "talkies" news; however, the
development of the accepted per-
fect recording- and reproduction
is a thrilling story packed into a
brief span of only about twenty-
two years. It was in 1927 that
the first sound was added to the
The Monumental Idea...
then silent screen.
Many a theatre manager adopt-
ed the same attitude as that of
the village blacksmith when the
first automobile was introduced,
but events that followed proved
both the automobile and sound on
film were he-re to stay.
Only one of the new advantages
of the talking screen was the ad-
vent of the musical comedy. And
PEBBS REYNOLDS how it grew!
Debbs Reynolds, feature attrac- "Neptune's daughter", which
opens Sunday at the New Majes
tion booker for all valley theatres,
> tic, is a fine example of the scope
for and magnitude of the screen's
the opening of Brownsville's new possibilities, far beyond that of
civic and entertainment center, the stage, or the old silent movie
days with the accompanyment of
the Majestic Theatre. the movieola player piano.
ond)y According to Reynolds, the Latest Equipment
selection of this particular attrac- Representative of the advance-
jmnounrt's llie gala tion was predicated upon its ment ment in sound is the new equip
installed at the majestic
opening of the magnificent general family appeal and the theatre. Using R. C. A, equip-
(jxcellence of its rating in the cur- ment throughout the installation
new Majestic! . . . We proudly rent releases of Hollywood's top is said to be the last word in its
attractions. field. Every seat in the audi-
announce the addition of two Reynolds has been picking the torium,
winners as a booker with Inter- both lower floor and bal-
new, gleaming buses to our cony, is assured of equal distri-
state Circuit, Inc. for a number bution of sound, as well as clarity
fasl-Krowing GREEN line! of years. Even World War II and tonal quality, which is insured
didn't interfere with his experience by the placement of high and low
— he just continued picking them frequency speakers in back of the
for the Navy in the Motion Picture screen. There is a baffle-board
Services. with two speakers for low fre-
"Neptune's Daughter'*, opening quencies and two cellulor horns
Sunday at the Majestic, is Rey- for the higher tones. These speak-
:;< v
PJ^^^^r"-- nolds' choice for the best tech- ers together with othe essentials
nicolor picture of the year. It of assuring proper tone qualities
stars Red Skelton, Esther Wil- were made by Interstate engine-
liams, and the new screen starlet, ers from RCA component parts.
'•*& f Sh'mf-mil I^B • Betty Garrett. These speaksrs are installed as a
The special Thursday morning unit, yet each "balances" the
Kid's Premiere program was unit as a whole modulating the ef-
selected by Reynolds and Lew fect of both high and low fre-
Bray. A special premiere for Kids quency sound waves.
s something new in theatre open- These special speaker units are
ngs, and an innovation that is sure tailored-for-the.-job installations,
;o.bc a popular one. explained J. C. Skinner, chief Tonight Brownsville and the Valley celebrate the opening?
sound engineer for interstate.
FRESH-WATER SAILOR Each theatre demands individual
Nancy Olson, talented twenty- and special installation engineer- of a monumental entertainment palace . . . the new Maj-
year-old in Paramount's "Sunset ing. Not being satisfied with
Boulevard," is a skillful sailor. She ready packaged sound equipment, estic Theatre. Behind this beautiful edifice lies a monu-
owns her own sailboat of the Snipe Skinner assembles all the compo-
lass but keeps it at her family's mental idea . . «. and a monumental material. It isn't;
Brownsville ummer home on Lake Enterprise, nent
parts of the intricate sys-
tem in the sound department of
the company warehouse in Dallas,
strange that every modern building depends—to a great
and delivers to the theatre a extent—upon the versatility, strength, endurance and
perfected a.nd complete sound and
Transportation Company More than 400 feet of ducts and projection system, created for
conduits carry refrigerated air the
through the New Majestic in equal particular theatre.
beauty of concrete. The most plastic of all modern struc-
tural materials . . . concrete lends itself to any
and draft-free portions every min- Of next
Newest Screen
importance to the sound ( " conceiv-
ute. is the visual field, or screen. able application. And the ready-mix in transit idea lends
Plastics brought near-perfection,
and the now screen at thv>- majestic itself to economy and speed. Whenever you build, con-
is manufactured from one of the
new plastic material moulded to sult your architect and contractor about the advantages
a background material to carry
the weight. of Valley Ready Mix service!
The screen at the majestic is
21'6" feet wide by 15'7" feet in
height. The new material is
moulded in thickness and gives a
depth to the vision on the screen
that is startling in its realistic
approach to the third dimension
so long sought for on the screen
The illusion of the characters
on the screen actually talking i.
furthered by the sound coming
from behind the plastic shee
through literally thousands
tiny holes in the screen.
of Call. . .

This care and planning in sound
engineering, use of the most
modern equipment and materials
proves itself worth while in
trouble-free operation, and more
important, perfect reception for

"When we do something clever, Daddy grins and says the movie, patron, who today ex-
•his' kids are pretty smart. But when we act up at the pects the best—and at the New
picture show ho frowns and says, 'Dear, take those brats Majestic, gets it.
of yours out of here . . . they're dlsturbln' everybody/
Well, the new Majestic has attended to that. Now Mom TAIX ACTOR
can enjoy the show even If we don't. Ain't science grand?" One of the tallest actors on the
Yes, the new Majestic has everything for fine film fare screen is Alan Napier, He is fea-
. . . just as Wm. Andresen carries everything for home tured in Paramount's "Manhan-
and garden and field that makes for the finer life. Enjoy
the facilities of both through these progressive years.
dled." Produced by William Pine
and William Thomas. Napier was
well known on the English stage
and in British pictures prior to
being brought to Hollywood.
Hope Emerson, currently appear-
ing in Paramount's Technicolor Main Office at Harlingen • Phone 2420
Quality at a Price Yon Can Afford to Pay HARDWARE - HOUSEWARES - APPLIANCES - GIFTS western, "Copper Canyon," has ap-
peared in seven films since quitting
t?!l$t UltABfTH • /WAV 7 H92 • BKOWNSV/LCf HX
IB Your Guarantee at Wm. Andresen*s. Broadway for Hollywood lost
year. Her pictures include "Band-
Harlingen • Brownsville • McAlleii • Raymondville
wagon," "House of Strangers" and
'Roseanna McCoy."

VETS KBIT BUSY „ interested in just being pretty. helps, but character comes first.*
Franklin Farnum and Stuart Newcomers They don't all want to past for So, if you want to be * film
18. They're natural." star, don't try to ape the Craw-
HoHlmes, remembered for their What does a top screen director fords, Joan or Rrod, of t h•
screen popularity during the pre-
uound era, have both been cast in
Should Not I^^L. for
look f*~ m
<« a. girl?
«-«rf» Greenes, Angella or Richard. Just
be yourself. If you're cockeyed
"Personality," replies Siodmak, vou're cockeyed — so what. At
Paramount'*! Technicolor musical,
"Let's Dance," .starring Betty Hut- Ape Stars "Personality. This whole business|ieast you're different.
is built on personality. Talent And that's what counts.
ton and Fred Astaire.
HOLLYWOOD — What's the
58 FEATURES trouble with Hollywood women ?
Producers William Pine and Wil- "They all look like soap. They
liam Thomas have produced 58 fea-
tures during the last nine years.
all smell like soap."
That's how screen director Rob- G
Their latest is "Manhandled," for ert Siodmak, who has guided the
Paramount, co-starring; Dorothy cinematic destiny of such beauts
as Ava Gardner and Olivia De
Lamour, Dan Duryea and Sterling
Hay den. Havilland, sums it up.
Of course, the above-mentioned
Kentire musical score for Para-
duo he expects from the general
damnation. Also Barbara Stan- W G
wyck, whom he has just directed
rnount's Technicolor musical "Let's
Dance," is being written by Frank in "File On Thelma Jordon" for T R
LofHS^r, including: the words and Hal Wall is at Paramount.
music for seven new dance num- Imitators Not Wanted
"The trouble with 99 percent of H O
SKINNHK bers performed by co-stars Betty
Hutton and Fred Astaire. females is they try to look like,
somebody else. They all want to
t W G
Jamcfl C. Skinner, chief of thr: look like Veronica Lake or Lana
Interstate sound and projection MOPPET DEBUTS
Six-year-old Gregory Moffett,
Turner, As soon as a screen as-
pirant says 'I'm the Betty Hutton
fngmcin-in^ department, KRVR tho brother
now Majfwtic wound oquipmont. a fett, makes
final r h o f k yr-Htorday and pro- Betty
of child star Sharon Mof-
his screen debut as
type' I discard her. If she's the
Betty Hutton type I have no use
noiimifrl it in top shape. Mutton's fatherless son in
Paramount's Technicolor musical,
for her. I'd rather h i r e Betty r W
JBklnner, a froqijf;nt viHilor to "Let's Hutton."
Dance," in which Betty co- Too many newcomers to Holly-
Vallr-y, Htartnd in show btiHl- stars with
in .ir»27, and although still Fred Astaire. wood—as well as girls all over
the world—try to ape the stars.
a young man ho i« an old t i m e r in1
t.hc f i e l d of f'k'ctronirM. I m m e d i a t e -
Stanwyck, starring in
Joan Crawford paints full lips,
so stenographers and waitresses
ly a f t e r Jii.s .'(rhooJintf ho j o i n e d ]
Radio Central Company in Hous- Paramount's "The Lie," will have play copy cat. In this way wo- t
ton, /''rorn thl« pont ho went to the no vacation for the noxt six months. men lose their individuality, they
Public School .syatem of Houwton, She is contracted three pictures look like each othei\ they become Ever since 1932 when we began our first
v/here ho taught radio and elec- ahead. simply a type.
tronic.s with two yearn as summer Successful actresses or busi- shop for ladies fine ready-to-wear apparel
Instructor in the .same wubjecta at sets and stations in Texas for In- ness - women don't compromise, we've watched Brownsville grow. Majestic
the f / n i v e r - H i t y of Texas. terstate. says Siodmak. theater is another great step in that growth.
ftinee his advent in InLer.Mt.ate S k i n n e r lives in Dallas and is an Personality Counts
circles, he hf.iH been in ehar^e of air enthusiast. Fie flies his own "Take Barbara Stanwyck. She's
all .sound engineering-. K« is alno piano on most of his business trips unique, She's herself. Or Joan THE STYLE SHOP
an expert on television. He. operat- nnd uses hi;; spare moments in Fontaine or Olivia De Havilland
ed one of t h f fir.'it experimental t a k i n g his f a m i l y for trips aloft. or Susan Hayward or Greta Gar- 1240 E. Elizabeth Ph. 2-5441
bo. They're successes because: First with the> Newest in Fashion
they're themselves. They arc not

Recipe for a Perfect

FLOWERS FOR OPENING—Adding to the color and glamour of the opening of
the new Majestic Theater tonight will be the presentation of flowers to the ''first
nighters". Above are the charming misses who will present the flowers, left to
right, Carmelita Celaya, Jerralee Puckett, Betty Lou Jennings and Agnes Tipton.
nucleus of distinguished Japanese
\ Serving
American Motion Pictures citizens. who felt that the most
effective understanding of Amer-
Take your date, friend, or family to Fish-
er's for a delicious dinner, temptingly serv- \ Food
ica and Americans could best be ed in air-conditioned comfort . . . then en-
Foster Democracy In Japan achieved through the movies that
joy the luxury of a fine picture at the new
Majestic Theatre — South Texas" newest
I Popular
Primary function of the Asso- Prices
ciation, which now has a combined and finest! This recipe works as well for
American motion pictures nre writes the Japanese legislator, lunch and matinee, too. Try it and you'll Is Our
playing 1 a unique and vitally im- "are proving an important social membership
70 branches
of over 10,000 in its
throughout Japan, is agree that Brownsville is, indeed, the En-
portant role in fostering" demo- force in edifying the Japanese to explain and Business!
cratic attitudes throughout Japan, nation. By presenting aspects of consumption, interpret for massj tertainment Center of the V a l l e !
according" to Makoto Hori, member American democracy in a way and artistic implications the social, cultural \
of the Japanese House of Council- we can all understand, these films ican pictures. Through oflectures, Amer-
lors. are giving our people a better un- round-table forums, press and
In a letter sent to General derstanding of America and an radio,
Douglas MacArthur, Supreme insight into the better way of pointingtheupAssociation the more
has been
salient les-
Commander of the. Allied Forces life in a democratic society." sons of democracy as convoyed
in the Pacific, Horl states that Hori, in addition to being a gov-
American movies, while provid- ernment official, is Executive Di- through our pictures.
HELPED ing entertainment, ore serving at rector of the highly influential such filmscourse
the name time to enlighten the American Motion Picture Cultural our Lives,*'
Japanese m the ways and methods Association. T h e
In the

Association, Daughter," "Boys

of the past year,!
an "The Best Years of
' ' T h e Farmer's
Build a Great Entertainment of America, ita people and institu- which hag no counterpart in any Kenny" and 'StateTown," Pair,"
House in Brownsville tions. other country in the world, was others, have been singled out by
"American motion pictures,*' voluntarily formed In 1947 by a the Associ^on.'s cultural experts
for special appraisal and nation-
The Valley** Entertainment wide discussion.
Hori'a letter to General Mac-
Center" Arthur points out that American
pictures considered useful to the
by furniahinpr all labor and promotion of democratic education
materials for are also being recommended by
the Ministry of Educa-
tion to teachers and students in
• LATHING primary schools, high schools and
universities all over the. nation.
• PLASTERING "From an educational stand-
point," writes Hori, "American
• ACOUSTICAL motion pictures have now become Just
text-books for the youth of
in the new Majestic,

8Ui BUT 1st
All Brownsville is justly proud of their
»v.,v«r•*•<;£.*•!••,;• Xk w*
^^^p » ^ ,
The new Majestic is the 8th theater to be open- new showplace. The new Majestic, one of

»$&$&$ i-* * •" - "^:

feu^^c.;' ^^ ,
ed in Brownsville but it's certainly first in size the Southwest's finer theatres, is a credit
^-^ and beauty. We salute such a magnificent con-
tribution to our city's stature.
to the vision of those men who have plan-
ned and worked for it for years. Moreover
. . . the Majestic says, in effect, "Browns-
ville is destined to become one of the great-
Soiiimcrs Furniture Co., Inc. er southern cities of the future,"
1208 E. Adams Ph. 2-5362
Before the builders, came the dirt en-
gineers. Ton upon ton of dirt had to be
scientfically excavated and moved . . .
Another Star For the Gateway City quickly, efficiently, and economically. This
was the part Hickman and Smith played
. . . Entertainment Center Of in this progressive project we celebrate
this evening!
The Magic Valley!

Congratulations Whenever you build . . . remember, excavation play* a vital part in your plant.
For every dime the dirt engineers save you, can go into giving you a finer, more
efficient structure—which, in the long run, means greater profits to YOU. No
INTERSTATE job is too large or too small!
On Your

Beautiful New Majestic "We Move The Earth"

When Visiting Mexico Use the Silver
Span Over the Rio Grande!


Dial 2-6179
G. W. DENNETT, Gen. Mgr. .,, Brownsville
P. O. Box 109 1814 West Brownsville
RAMROD BACK SHUN8 GET-RICH-QUICKERS Allen is wondering: "What's he go- often reminds me of the late STARTED EARLY
Erich von Stroheirn, starred in
Paramount'* "SunHct Boulevard,"
Alan Ladd, starred in Para
mount's "Postal Inspector," be
Flying Bra ing' to do—rope and hogtie a Rogers. Tex WAS called on to sing Mona Freeman, currently •tarred
mouse?" at a society square dance at the in Paramount's "Dear Wife," ia
* * * Beverly Hills Hotel and drawled: one of the few screen stars whos*
*U11 has the erect military car-
riage he acquirer.! ilurm£ .service in
lieves in investing 1 his money in
ranch, a radio firm, home an Fails To Stop The timing, Jimmy Stewart "This is the first time I've ever childhood ambitions were realized.
She started acting at 14 and says
thinks, was perfect. He made a big been to a square dance where the she has never had another career
the? Austrian and United States such, shuns get-rich-quick stoc
armies whon he was a youth. deals. Kirk Douglas investment in an oil well drilling roof wasn't leaking."
operation. Same mail that brought
his certificate of partnership
in mind.
Sidney Lanfielcl, who recently di- William Holden, starred in Para HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 17, — brought a notice that the well was Harry davenport, grand old John Lund, starring in Para-
rccted Boh Hopo and Lucille Ball'mount's Sunset Boulevard," an (NEA) — Exclusively yours: No a "duster." trouper of the screen and stage, mount's "The Lie," tape records
in Paramount *! "Sorrowful Jones," his wife, Brenda Marshall, ar flying1 bras, please! marked his 77th anniversary in Ms entire role while studying it
hi.M motion plcturr career seeking a suitable script whici The censors did a double take. Kaes Someone sent the Gordon Mao show business with his role in and plays it back constantly in his
ftfl a man" d u r i n g the "silent" would make it possible for them t a playpen for their three efforts to present his best possible
era. co-star in a picture. The scene was in "Young: Man children. Mrs. MaeRae's thank* Frank Capra's "R'ding High," co- performance.
Wtih a Horn." Kirk Douglas was yon note road: "Thank you for Gray.
playing a trumpet in a burlesque the pen. It's wonderful. I sit In It The face of Abraham Lincoln,
house orchestra. Suddenly a bra every afternoon and rend and the
children ean't get near me."
Ohio has nearly one thousand iculptured into the rock of Mount
;omes flying through the air a n d j acres under greenhouse glass, Rushmore in the Black Hills, is
* * * which is more than that in any so large that a man could stand
lands on Kirk's head. He tosses i t j Cowboy star Tex Hitter's wit other state. erect in an eye.
off and goes right on playing.
Nice! Big laugh. But the censors said
no, no, no. They shot the scene but
substituted a fan for the bra. The
censors said that was all right.
* * *
Isn't It could happen only in Hol-
ly wodo:
Gorgeous George, the, wrestler,


insisted on a brunette or red-
haired leading lady for "Pardon
My Toe Hold" so as not to de-
tract from his own blond curls.
Tho firm of Pettigrew and jsent to bomb out Pearl Harbor, Barbara Fuller, a blonde who to
Worley, architects and engineers. (South Pacific Islands, many of got; the part, became a red-head
to keep George happy.
which were sent to
Dallas, was formed in 1938 by H. during tho invasion campaign. North Africa
You Know * * »
. Pettigrew and John A. Worley. During his architectural career Montgomery Clift and Howard
Pettigrew began his architec- he has participated in design of Hawks, who discovered him for
What We
ural and construction career in approximately 75 theaters, 60 of pictures, are feuding. . . . Kirk
925, having worked with some of which were done for Interstate Douglas and Ann Sheridan are dat-
he largest architects and build- Theaters. ing. . . . Joan Davis will go on the
rs throughout the state of Texas. At the present time he is inter- road for a week as a traveling
He helped organize the Texas ested in numerous business ven- saleswoman to exploit her own pro-
the New Majestic prefabricated House and Tent tures, investment building,
Company, who manufactured pre- general construction work.
and duction, "Traveling Saleswoman."]
Mitchum Turns "Carefree"
abricated houses for the use of Worley graduated from Texas Bob Mitchum was playing with
A. and M. College in 1935 and an electric train, and daintily
On The Opening Of The
of course . . . illDuring of the armed forces.
the years 1941. to 1946after several years with Dallas sprinkling snowflakes over a rail-
A n d y o u ' l l say the same thing about the work he company thus organized built architectural firms in Dallas, road station sign reading "Palm
and shipped well over 100,000 formed his present partnership. Beach, Florida." Two dozen kids
\ve do on your shoes or hats, lousing units, some of which worn The business consisted primarly squealed with delight. Beautiful New
of theater design and the partner- Mitch was slightly out of char-
ship continued until July 1941 acter and looked it. It's the open-
Delia Shoe and Hat Shop Majestic Has when Worley joined the armed ing shot for "Christmas Gift/'
forces. which is due for a new title.
Phone 2-6151

10.13 K. Wr iff hi tiff ton
Latest I?i Air After several years of duty in Mitch is working as a depart-
this country, Worley went to ment store salesman. But lie's
North Africa and Italy where he fired after an indignant manager
Conditioning aided in building army installa- says: "How can you make it
tions at jeome 20 locations and he snow In Florida?"
The planning and installation of received the Bronze Star Medal Bob replies: "Because I'm from
he new air conditioning and heat- for meritorius service. California."
.systems of the New Majestic He returned to the United Director Don Hartman, who Brownsville, Texas
heatre has been under the direct States and was discharged in wrote tho story and is directing,
uperviaion of C. E. Holmes, who February, 1946, after 55 months explained: "This will be a carefree
Another «t in charge of all air conditioning of active duty. Mitchum along the lines of John
quipment for Interstate Circuit The partnership with Pettigrew Garfteld's role in 'Four Daugh-
nd Texas Consolidated Theatres. was resumed and the firm has ters.' "
Holmes has been in Brownsville designed jsome 75 theaters in Janet Leigh is the girl. She's a
or the last week rushing this addition to various community war widow. Bob meets her and
Painting, Decorating, Murals
phase of the Majestlc'a construc- centers, store and office build- brings her happiness after accus-
tion in order to have the air con- ings, warehouse* and housing ing her of living with a dead man.
dition functioning properly for the developments. Dramatic stuff but with touches
FIRST formal opening of the new show
house Wednesday night. Holmes,
ag well as the other representa-
tives of Texas Consolidated Thea-
of comedy. Like Mitchum making
snow in Florida.
* • *
And it's Billy Grey's story about
tres, will be present for the initial tho man who won $750,000 on a
For performance.
The air conditioning plant Is the
radio giveaway show and immedi-
ately dropped dead from a heart
moat modern and up to date unit attack. But that didn't stop the
that can be bought today. It is
capable of producing 80 tons of re-
frigeration and discharges 30,000
generous giveaway show —- they
sent the body on a two-week va-
cation to Honolulu. </ oe
cubic feet of air In the theatre per Well-Qualified
minute. Wonder if it's a trend. The new
This results in the air in the head studio guard at Monogram
theatre being completely changed is Clem Peoples, «x-Los Angeles Dallas, Texas
McNAIR everg six minutes. The house tem-
perature, said Mr. Holmes, will
range from 70 to 75 degrees with
a 50 per cent relative humidity and
county jailor. . . . Frank Sinatra
will appear at a rodeo and Steve j

CLOTHING MFG. CO at no time will there be any drafts

felt, in the theatre.
Through the same distribution
Munu/acturcrs find Jobber* ducts used to convey the cool air
\V hoIesa 1 ors K x c I u s i v e l y
in the summer, warm air will be
circulated d u r i n g the winter. Both
cooling and heating temperatures
are automatically controlled, this
e l i m i n a t i n g any guess work as to
to the patrons' comfort.
W. M. Wilder Jr., construction
foreman on the new Majestic job,
ia a native Texan and has been

a or.
with the PM Construction Com-
pany since January, 1948.
He attended various schools In
Texas due to his family moving1
around and he learned much of
the construction jobs during' the Congratulations to Interstate Theaters
summer months and was given h i s j
for direction and beauty . . for mood first foreman's job at the age of upon the opening of their b e a u t i f u l new
and resti'ulness. Y o u ' l l find color, 19 on the River Oalcs Theater in
furnished by Stevens, doing a real Houston. Majestic Theater in Brownsville.
He was employed on many major
job in the magnificent new Majestic construction jobs in Texas and Backing their confidence in Brownsville
Theatre. And color can do many did government work in the West
things for y o u — i n either home or Indies on defense bases. He joined with the many thousands of dollars neces-
the Air Force and later became a
business or industry. Stevens will be fighter pilot. Among; the service sary to build and equip this magnificent
glad to discuss your paint and glass awards he received arc: Disting-
problems without obligation! uished Plying Cross, Air Medal, theater, Interstate Theaters has helped and

three Oak Leaf Clusters, E.T.O.
iff Ribbon, five battle stars, Presiden- will continue to help to build a better, as
PAINT tial Unit Citation, American De-
and fense and Victory Medal. well as a bigger, Brownsville.
He came to Brownsville on the
GLASS Majestic Theater job in April 1948.
He plans to make Brownsville
ISfiO E. Elizabeth
^••^ Dial 2-11 fti his home, after completion of the
^.m present job, stating- he likes the
climate, the people and the Valley.
Business conditions permitting-, he
plans to make Brownsville his per-
manent home.

We, too, believe and have confidence in the growth and future

A YEAR of Brownsville and have backed our belief in a similar way —

building and providing for the growth of Brownsville which is

FOR GLAMOUR! sure to continue.

We invite you to visit Ebony Acres where more fine homes are

Glamorous decor is obvious in every d being built for more individual owners than any other place in
of the might new Majestic
celebrating its gala opening this even ng And glamou is the keynote in or around Brownsville. We have restricted homesites to offer at
1949. In the entertainment world—it' s interstate with fine films than ever
in a finer theatre . . . In the au- prices $1,000 and up, on paved streets and with all utilities
tomotive Avorld it's Manske Mo-
tors with t w o great cars—the provided. We can also render assistance on financing and with
1049 Mercury and Lincoln. At-
t e n d the opening at the Majes- suggestions on planning a home in this highly desirable area.
tic- tonight, tomorrow ask for a
demonstration of the Lincoln
or Mercury at Manske!

MANSKE MOTORS Your Authorized Lincoln - Mercury Dealer

Fidelity Realty Company
345 S. E. lOlh (Near Levee) Dial 2-34ttl

The Valley's Most Modern Theatre


Showplace of South Texas

Tonight Brownsville officially becomes the home of one
of Texas' most outstanding theatres—an amusement and com-
munity asset of which the entire Val-
It has indeed been a pleasure to pool the re-
ley can be proud! Amid glamorous lighting and fest- sources and talents of our organization in the
materialization of Interstate's dream for Browns-
ive events, the city celebrates another great ville! The creative challenge required to design
one of the Southwest's finest theatres for the
progressive stride... and acquires the best that art and science
progressive-minded people of the Valley has been
affords in theatre quality and con- stimulating and rewarding beyond material cal-
culation. We wish Interstate and the people of
venience. Interstate has brought you the most the Valley . . . "Good Showing" throughout the
striking new lobby design and lighting in the entire South- years.

west. .. sensational push-back seats that eliminate cran-

ing and standing up... a modern Pettigrew Worley & Co.
• Dallas •
weather factory for year-
around comfort... a sound-
proofed "crying room"... a colorful, well-designed auditorium
throughout... and the most advanced sound
projection that science and motion picture engineers have devel-
oped. PM Construction Company feels justifiably
proud that they were chosen to erect

such an outstanding show-

place— a veritable monument to a prosperous, growing land!

Dallas, Texas
"Builders of a Gracious New Landmark For a Gracious Land"


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