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Technical Analysis Starts

At home or at work computer...
Out with your Smartphone or tablet...
No mater where you are,
it is always under your hands
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!"# %&'"()*+,
volaullLy CharLs
Cur ald Subscrlbers
have l8LL access Lo L1ls slgnals aL
have l8LL access ually MarkeL CuLlook aL sLockmarkeL-
8y requesL may recelve 1 l8LL monLh Lo uncovered Cpuons
Slgnals aL
Subscrlbe nCW
1hree CornersLones of 1echnlcal Analysls
rlce 1rend Analysls
volume AcuvlLy and llow Analysls
volaullLy Analysls
use our charLs Lo geL compleLe analysls and bulld condenL
Subscrlbe nCW
1. We have everyLhlng LhaL you may nd wlLh oLher charL
2. We have someLhlng LhaL nobody has
(volaullLy, volume and advance/decllne proprleLary lndlcaLors for
sLocks, L1ls and for Lhe S& 300 and oLher lndexes)
3. We are moblle
(our charLs are accesslble anywhere you go as long as you have
access Lo a compuLer, SmarLphone, LableL...)
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3. We are moblle
(our charLs are accesslble anywhere you go as long as you
have access Lo a compuLer, SmarLphone, LableL...)
Pave you ever run lnLo a slLuauons when aer a nlce
proLable Lrade your Lradlng sysLem sLarLs Lo generaLe
number of bad slgnals ln a row? Lven a loss ls noL a blg on
each of Lhem, LogeLher, ln many cases, Lhese slgnals wlpe
ouL mosL of Lhe prevlously earned proL...
uld you ever had perlods of bad Lradlng when your
Lechnlcal lndlcaLors reacLed on changes ln a Lrend
wheLher Loo early or when lL ls already Loo laLe?
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uld your ever Lell Lo yourself LhaL lf you would be able Lo
reduce Lhe number of negauve Lrades Lhen your Lradlng
sysLem and your Lechnlcal analysls would dellver Lo you
whaL you always wanLed?
1he answer on Lhese quesuon ls vCLA1lLl1?!
SLock markeL ls ln Lhe consLanL change and Lhe maln
reason mosL of Lhe Lechnlcal lndlcaLors and sLudles sLop
worklng durlng cerLaln perlod of ume ls LhaL a sLock,
lndex or L1l (Lxchange 1raded lund) you Lrade became
more or less volaule. A Lrader usually seL hls/her Lradlng
sLraLegy or sysLem Lo reacL on cerLaln lndlcauon wlLh a
cerLaln sensluvlLy whlch would allow hlm/her Lo avold
choppy Lradlng, Lo enLer a Lrade wlLh some delay when
change ln a Lrend ls conrmed and Lo exlL a Lrend when a
cerLaln rlsk level ls hlL.
LveryLhlng would be ok lf Lhe sLock markeL would be Lhe
same all Lhe ume. Powever, lL ls noL Lhe case. When
volaullLy lncreases, Lhe prlce sLarLs Lo change lLs Lrend
sLronger and fasLer. ln order do noL Lo run lnLo a choppy
Lradlng or when lLs Loo laLe Lo reacL on Lrend's changes,
you have Lo change semngs your Lechnlcal lndlcaLors and
on your Lradlng sysLem. When volaullLy decreases you
have Lo change your sysLem's semngs agaln or you may
rlsk Lo run lnLo slde-way choppy Lradlng or your Lechnlcal
analysls wlll slgnal abouL Lrend changes when Lhere ls no
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now leL's puL anoLher quesuons:
Pow Lo know when Lo change semngs on your Lechnlcal
lndlcaLors and on your Lradlng sysLem?
Pow Lo avold perlods of choppy Lradlng where mosL of
your bad slgnals are locaLed?
Pow Lo make your Lradlng more llable and more
1he answer on Lhese quesuons ls v-CharLs

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