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- The danger of the replacement of a literature that contains a history and an origin with a literature which has become

globalised ET LA CRITIQUE AMRICAINE ? - Comparative literature has been globalised since its birth even though it was concentrating on the European literature. It is important to not forget that the precursors of comparative literature are immigrants and refugees such as Leo Spitzer, Erich Auerbach. - Comparatists have been working on gathering and organizing data that can help them in their quest. However, it is not a simple task since literature is diverse and does not follow the same norms everywhere. The balance between cultures and languages may not be perfect since some cultures are more imposing than others. Their strong presence is not flexible and does not really accept different languages. - Moretti proposes a solution (though its not that strong of a solution) which consists of distanting ones self when reading a text. He suggests that la distance est La distance, prcise Moretti est une condition du savoir : elle permet de mettre laccent sur des units beaucoup plus petites ou beaucoup plus vastes que le texte : dispositif, thme, tropes ou genres, et systmes. Et si le texte disparat entre ces deux chelles, voil un cas o lon peut dire que la perte est un gain : less is more ( 7). However, the argument of Moretti has a weakness that is his insistence in reading a text in a detailed way without sacrificing the distance. SPITZER ISTANBUL - Auerbach was exiled to Istanbul ( a place that is interesting because it has a library that contains numerous books about Europe.). - Is it a coincidence that Auerbach is exiled in the same city where Spitzer (who fled to Turkey) had a school that teaches philology - Spitzer may have influenced Auerbach as much as other comparatists. his theories are still used nowadays. He was a precursor for deconstruction and he was interested in the exchange between the east and the west as much as the spontaneous translation. (Auerbach on the other hand was interested with western languages and literature, and he was against nationalism however :on pourrait dire, sans exagration, que cest la rencontre instable de la politique turque de la langue et de lhumanisme philologique europen qui a produit les conditions de linvention de la littrature compare comme discipline globale, au moins ses dbuts (15).) - Its the clash between a modern and authentic Turkey and Europrean values (pedagogies et ideologie) that helped construct CL. - Basically several comparatists and researchers sought in that place enlightenment. I can say that Istanbul was in itself a comparative city lol. Since several cultures and histories are met there. ( Cest juste la frontire videmment on voit jusqu lAsie mais cest encore lEurope. (18)). - Istanbul was a refuge for the victims of war in general and nazists in particular. This city, thus, was the meeting place for thinkers and researchers coming from different places, with different perspectives and goals. The city, once again, was back then a center for questioning the world and how it functions for investigating the difference between cultures, languages and existence. COMPARING!!!!! - After the institutionalization of the CL in USA, a lot of Turkish researchers were needed to help developing it. GUERRES PHILOLOGIQUES Sil ny avait pas de guerre, la littrature compare aurait elle exist. Pour Klemperer, le discours nazi prsentait un modle comparable de domination linguistique.

- La relation entre la literature compar et le postcolonialism (p. 26) - Pourtant, comme le rappelle Herbert Lindenberger, lorsque Mimsis a t attaqu par la gauche pour son eurocentrisme au dbut des annes 80, cest justement Said qui la sauv comme exemple dautorit culturelle et modle de Littrature mondiale, bnficiant dailleurs par l, si lon suit Lindenberger, de laura protectrice dAuerbach. Said also does not believen in the isolation of language and culture. Diverse language give diverse cultures but they are still not closed in themselves. They are authentic yet they can cooexist. - Lautobiographie de Said (Out of place [A contrevoie]) incarne cette philologie culturellement allge et tendue aux dimensions du monde : Shakespeare y voisine avec Shirley Temple, Kant avec Wonder Woman ; le rcit mobilise un vocabulaire o les marques de produits amricains sont greffes sur des expressions arabes ou anglophones

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