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61.13001Parental relocation with a child. (1)DEFINITIONS.As used in this section, the term: (a) hi!

d" means an# $erson %ho is under the &urisdiction o' a state court $ursuant to the (ni'orm hi!d ustod# )urisdiction and En'orcement Act or is the su*&ect o' an# order +rantin+ to a $arent or other $erson an# ri+ht to time,sharin+, residentia! care, -inshi$, or custod#, as $ro.ided under state !a%. (*) ourt" means the circuit court in an ori+ina! $roceedin+ %hich has $ro$er .enue and &urisdiction in accordance %ith the (ni'orm hi!d ustod# )urisdiction and En'orcement Act, the circuit court in the count# in %hich either $arent and the chi!d reside, or the circuit court in %hich the ori+ina! action %as ad&udicated. (c)Other $erson" means an indi.idua! %ho is not the $arent, *ut %ith %hom the chi!d resides $ursuant to court order, or %ho has the ri+ht o' access to, time,sharin+ %ith, or .isitation %ith the chi!d. (d)/arent" means an# $erson so named *# court order or e0$ress %ritten a+reement %ho is su*&ect to court en'orcement or a $erson re'!ected as a $arent on a *irth certi'icate and %ho is entit!ed to access to or time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d. (e)1e!ocation" means a chan+e in the !ocation o' the $rinci$a! residence o' a $arent or other $erson 'rom his or her $rinci$a! $!ace o' residence at the time o' the !ast order esta*!ishin+ or modi'#in+ time,sharin+, or at the time o' 'i!in+ the $endin+ action to esta*!ish or modi'# time,sharin+. The chan+e o' !ocation must *e at !east 23 mi!es 'rom that residence, and 'or at !east 43 consecuti.e da#s not inc!udin+ a tem$orar# a*sence 'rom the $rinci$a! residence 'or $ur$oses o' .acation, education, or the $ro.ision o' hea!th care 'or the chi!d. (5)1E6O ATION 78 A91EE:ENT. (a)I' the $arents and other $erson entit!ed to access to or time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d a+ree to the re!ocation o' the chi!d, the# ma# satis'# the re;uirements o' this section *# si+nin+ a %ritten a+reement that: 1.1e'!ects consent to the re!ocation< 5.De'ines an access or time,sharin+ schedu!e 'or the nonre!ocatin+ $arent and an# other $ersons %ho are entit!ed to access or time,sharin+< and =.Descri*es, i' necessar#, an# trans$ortation arran+ements re!ated to access or time,sharin+. (*)I' there is an e0istin+ cause o' action, &ud+ment, or decree o' record $ertainin+ to the chi!d>s residence or a time,sharin+ schedu!e, the $arties sha!! see- rati'ication o' the a+reement *# court order %ithout the necessit# o' an e.identiar# hearin+ un!ess a hearin+ is re;uested, in %ritin+, *# one or more o' the $arties to the a+reement %ithin 13 da#s a'ter the date the a+reement is 'i!ed %ith the court. I' a hearin+ is not time!# re;uested, it sha!! *e $resumed that the re!ocation is in the *est interest o' the chi!d and the court ma# rati'# the a+reement %ithout an e.identiar# hearin+. (=)/ETITION TO 1E6O ATE.(n!ess an a+reement has *een entered as descri*ed in su*section (5), a $arent or other $erson see-in+ re!ocation must 'i!e a $etition to re!ocate and ser.e it u$on the other $arent, and other $erson entit!ed to access to or time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d. The $!eadin+s must *e in accordance %ith

this section: (a)The $etition to re!ocate must *e si+ned under oath or a''irmation under $ena!t# o' $er&ur# and inc!ude: 1.A descri$tion o' the !ocation o' the intended ne% residence, inc!udin+ the state, cit#, and s$eci'ic $h#sica! address, i' -no%n. 5.The mai!in+ address o' the intended ne% residence, i' not the same as the $h#sica! address, i' -no%n. =.The home te!e$hone num*er o' the intended ne% residence, i' -no%n. ?.The date o' the intended mo.e or $ro$osed re!ocation. 2.A detai!ed statement o' the s$eci'ic reasons 'or the $ro$osed re!ocation. I' one o' the reasons is *ased u$on a &o* o''er that has *een reduced to %ritin+, the %ritten &o* o''er must *e attached to the $etition. 4.A $ro$osa! 'or the re.ised $ostre!ocation schedu!e 'or access and time,sharin+ to+ether %ith a $ro$osa! 'or the $ostre!ocation trans$ortation arran+ements necessar# to e''ectuate time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d. A*sent the e0istence o' a current, .a!id order a*atin+, terminatin+, or restrictin+ access or time,sharin+ or other +ood cause $redatin+ the $etition, 'ai!ure to com$!# %ith this $ro.ision renders the $etition to re!ocate !e+a!!# insu''icient. @.Su*stantia!!# the 'o!!o%in+ statement, in a!! ca$ita! !etters and in the same siAe t#$e, or !ar+er, as the t#$e in the remainder o' the $etition: A 1ES/ONSE TO TBE /ETITION O7)E TIN9 TO 1E6O ATION :(ST 7E :ADE IN C1ITIN9, FI6ED CITB TBE O(1T, AND SE1DED ON TBE /A1ENT O1 OTBE1 /E1SON SEEEIN9 TO 1E6O ATE CITBIN 53 DA8S AFTE1 SE1DI E OF TBIS /ETITION TO 1E6O ATE. IF 8O( FAI6 TO TI:E68 O7)E T TO TBE 1E6O ATION, TBE 1E6O ATION CI66 7E A66OCED, (N6ESS IT IS NOT IN TBE 7EST INTE1ESTS OF TBE BI6D, CITBO(T F(1TBE1 NOTI E AND CITBO(T A BEA1IN9. (*)The $etition to re!ocate must *e ser.ed on the other $arent and on other $erson entit!ed to access to and time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d. I' there is a $endin+ court action re+ardin+ the chi!d, o' $rocess ma# *e accordin+ to court ru!e. Other%ise, o' $rocess sha!! *e accordin+ to cha$ters ?F and ?G or .ia certi'ied mai!, restricted de!, return recei$t re;uested. (c)A $arent or other $erson see-in+ to re!ocate has a continuin+ dut# to $ro.ide current and u$dated in'ormation re;uired *# this section %hen that in'ormation *ecomes -no%n. (d)I' the other $arent and an# other $erson entit!ed to access to or time,sharin+ %ith the chi!d 'ai!s to time!# 'i!e a res$onse o*&ectin+ to the $etition to re!ocate, it is $resumed that the re!ocation is in the *est interest o' the chi!d and that the re!ocation shou!d *e a!!o%ed, and the court sha!!, a*sent +ood cause, enter an order s$eci'#in+ that the order is entered as a resu!t o' the 'ai!ure to res$ond to the $etition and ado$tin+ the access and time,sharin+ schedu!e and trans$ortation arran+ements contained in the $etition. The order ma# *e issued in an e0$edited manner %ithout the necessit# o' an e.identiar# hearin+. I' a res$onse is time!# 'i!ed, the $arent or other $erson ma# not re!ocate, and must $roceed to a tem$orar# hearin+ or tria! and o*tain court $ermission to re!ocate.

(e)1e!ocatin+ the chi!d %ithout com$!#in+ %ith the re;uirements o' this su*section su*&ects the $art# in .io!ation to contem$t and other $roceedin+s to com$e! the return o' the chi!d and ma# *e ta-en into account *# the court in an# initia! or $ost&ud+ment action see-in+ a determination or modi'ication o' the $arentin+ $!an or the access or time,sharin+ schedu!e as: 1.A 'actor in ma-in+ a determination re+ardin+ the re!ocation o' a chi!d. 5.A 'actor in determinin+ %hether the $arentin+ $!an or the access or time,sharin+ schedu!e shou!d *e modi'ied. =.A *asis 'or orderin+ the tem$orar# or $ermanent return o' the chi!d. ?.Su''icient cause to order the $arent or other $erson see-in+ to re!ocate the chi!d to $a# reasona*!e e0$enses and attorne#>s 'ees incurred *# the $art# o*&ectin+ to the re!ocation. 2.Su''icient cause 'or the a%ard o' reasona*!e attorne#>s 'ees and costs, inc!udin+ interim tra.e! e0$enses incident to access or time,sharin+ or securin+ the return o' the chi!d. (?)A//6I A7I6IT8 OF /(76I 1E O1DS 6AC.I' the $arent or other $erson see-in+ to re!ocate a chi!d, or the chi!d, is entit!ed to $re.ent disc!osure o' !ocation in'ormation under a $u*!ic records e0em$tion, the court ma# enter an# order necessar# to modi'# the disc!osure re;uirements o' this section in com$!iance %ith the $u*!ic records e0em$tion. (2)O7)E TION TO 1E6O ATION.An ans%er o*&ectin+ to a $ro$osed re!ocation must *e .eri'ied and inc!ude the s$eci'ic 'actua! *asis su$$ortin+ the reasons 'or see-in+ a $rohi*ition o' the re!ocation, inc!udin+ a statement o' the amount o' $artici$ation or in.o!.ement the o*&ectin+ $art# current!# has or has had in the !i'e o' the chi!d. (4)TE:/O1A18 O1DE1. (a)The court ma# +rant a tem$orar# order restrainin+ the re!ocation o' a chi!d, order the return o' the chi!d, i' a re!ocation has $re.ious!# ta-en $!ace, or order other a$$ro$riate remedia! re!ie', i' the court 'inds: 1.That the $etition to re!ocate does not com$!# %ith su*section (=)< 5.That the chi!d has *een re!ocated %ithout a %ritten a+reement o' the $arties or %ithout court a$$ro.a!< or =.From an e0amination o' the e.idence $resented at the $re!iminar# hearin+ that there is a !i-e!ihood that u$on 'ina! hearin+ the court %i!! not a$$ro.e the re!ocation o' the chi!d. (*)The court ma# +rant a tem$orar# order $ermittin+ the re!ocation o' the chi!d $endin+ 'ina! hearin+, i' the court 'inds: 1.That the $etition to re!ocate %as $ro$er!# 'i!ed and is other%ise in com$!iance %ith su*section (=)< and 5.From an e0amination o' the e.idence $resented at the $re!iminar# hearin+, that there is a !i-e!ihood that on 'ina! hearin+ the court %i!! a$$ro.e the re!ocation o' the chi!d, %hich 'indin+s must *e su$$orted *# the same 'actua! *asis as %ou!d *e necessar# to su$$ort a$$ the re!ocation in a 'ina! &ud+ment. (c)I' the court has issued a tem$orar# order authoriAin+ a $art# see-in+ to

re!ocate or mo.e a chi!d *e'ore a 'ina! &ud+ment is rendered, the court ma# not +i.e an# %ei+ht to the tem$orar# re!ocation as a 'actor in reachin+ its 'ina! decision. (d)I' tem$orar# re!ocation o' a chi!d is a$$ro.ed, the court ma# re;uire the $erson re!ocatin+ the chi!d to $ro.ide reasona*!e securit#, 'inancia! or other%ise, and +uarantee that the court,ordered contact %ith the chi!d %i!! not *e interru$ted or inter'ered %ith *# the re!ocatin+ $art#. (@)NO /1ES(:/TION< FA TO1S TO DETE1:INE ONTESTED 1E6O ATION.A $resum$tion in 'a.or o' or a+ainst a re;uest to re!ocate %ith the chi!d does not arise i' a $arent or other $erson see-s to re!ocate and the mo.e %i!! materia!!# a''ect the current schedu!e o' contact, access, and time,sharin+ %ith the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson. In reachin+ its decision re+ardin+ a $ro$osed tem$orar# or $ermanent re!ocation, the court sha!! e.a!uate a!! o' the 'o!!o%in+: (a)The nature, ;ua!it#, e0tent o' in.o!.ement, and duration o' the chi!d>s re!ationshi$ %ith the $arent or other $erson $ro$osin+ to re!ocate %ith the chi!d and %ith the nonre!ocatin+ $arent, other $ersons, si*!in+s, ha!',si*!in+s, and other si+ni'icant $ersons in the chi!d>s !i'e. (*)The a+e and de.e!o$menta! sta+e o' the chi!d, the needs o' the chi!d, and the !i-e!# im$act the re!ocation %i!! ha.e on the chi!d>s $h#sica!, educationa!, and emotiona! de.e!o$ment, ta-in+ into consideration an# s$ecia! needs o' the chi!d. (c)The 'easi*i!it# o' $ the re!ationshi$ *et%een the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson and the chi!d throu+h su*stitute arran+ements that ta-e into consideration the !o+istics o' contact, access, and time,sharin+, as %e!! as the 'inancia! circumstances o' the $arties< %hether those 'actors are su''icient to 'oster a continuin+ meanin+'u! re!ationshi$ *et%een the chi!d and the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson< and the !i-e!ihood o' com$!iance %ith the su*stitute arran+ements *# the re!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson once he or she is out o' the &urisdiction o' the court. (d)The chi!d>s $re'erence, ta-in+ into consideration the a+e and maturit# o' the chi!d. (e)Chether the re!ocation %i!! enhance the +enera! ;ua!it# o' !i'e 'or *oth the $arent or other $erson see-in+ the re!ocation and the chi!d, inc!udin+, *ut not !imited to, 'inancia! or emotiona! *ene'its or educationa! o$$ortunities. (')The reasons each $arent or other $erson is see-in+ or o$$osin+ the re!ocation. (+)The current em$!o#ment and economic circumstances o' each $arent or other $erson and %hether the $ro$osed re!ocation is necessar# to im$ro.e the economic circumstances o' the $arent or other $erson see-in+ re!ocation o' the chi!d. (h)That the re!ocation is sou+ht in +ood 'aith and the e0tent to %hich the o*&ectin+ $arent has 'u!'i!!ed his or her 'inancia! o*!i+ations to the $arent or other $erson see-in+ re!ocation, inc!udin+ chi!d su$$ort, s$ousa! su$$ort, and marita! $ro$ert# and marita! de*t o*!i+ations. (i)The career and other o$$ortunities!a*!e to the o*&ectin+ $arent or other $erson i' the re!ocation occurs. (&)A histor# o' su*stance a*use or domestic .io!ence as de'ined in s. @?1.5F or %hich meets the criteria o' s. =G.F34(1)(d) *# either $arent, inc!udin+ a

consideration o' the se.erit# o' such conduct and the 'ai!ure or success o' an# attem$ts at reha*i!itation. (-)An# other 'actor a''ectin+ the *est interest o' the chi!d or as set 'orth in s. 41.1=. (F)7(1DEN OF /1OOF.The $arent or other $erson %ishin+ to re!ocate has the *urden o' $ *# a $re$onderance o' the e.idence that re!ocation is in the *est interest o' the chi!d. I' that *urden o' $roo' is met, the *urden shi'ts to the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson to sho% *# a $re$onderance o' the e.idence that the $ro$osed re!ocation is not in the *est interest o' the chi!d. (G)O1DE1 1E9A1DIN9 1E6O ATION.I' re!ocation is a$$ro.ed: (a)The court ma#, in its discretion, order contact %ith the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson, inc!udin+ access, time,sharin+, te!e$hone, Internet, %e*cam, and other arran+ements su''icient to ensure that the chi!d has 're;uent, continuin+, and meanin+'u! contact %ith the nonre!ocatin+ $arent or other $erson, i' contact is 'inancia!!# a''orda*!e and in the *est interest o' the chi!d. (*)I' a$$!ica*!e, the court sha!! s$eci'# ho% the trans$ortation costs are to *e a!!ocated *et%een the $arents and other $ersons entit!ed to contact, access, and time,sharin+ and ma# ad&ust the chi!d su$$ort a%ard, as a$$ro$riate, considerin+ the costs o' trans$ortation and the res$ecti.e net incomes o' the $arents in accordance %ith the state chi!d su$$ort +uide!ines schedu!e. (13)/1IO1IT8 FO1 BEA1IN9 O1 T1IA6.An e.identiar# hearin+ or non&ur# tria! on a $!eadin+ see-in+ tem$orar# or $ermanent re!ie' 'i!ed under this section sha!! *e accorded $riorit# on the court>s ca!endar. I' a motion see-in+ a tem$orar# re!ocation is 'i!ed, a*sent +ood cause, the hearin+ must occur no !ater than =3 da#s a'ter the motion 'or a tem$orar# re!ocation is 'i!ed. I' a notice to set the matter 'or a non&ur# tria! is 'i!ed, a*sent +ood cause, the non&ur# tria! must occur no !ater than G3 da#s a'ter the notice is 'i!ed. (11)A//6I A7I6IT8. (a)This section a$$!ies: 1.To orders entered *e'ore Octo*er 1, 533G, i' the e0istin+ order de'inin+ custod#, $rimar# residence, the $arentin+ $!an, time,sharin+, or access to or %ith the chi!d does not e0$ress!# +o.ern the re!ocation o' the chi!d. 5.To an order, %hether tem$orar# or $ermanent, re+ardin+ the $arentin+ $!an, custod#, $rimar# residence, time,sharin+, or access to the chi!d entered on or a'ter Octo*er 1, 533G. =.To an# re!ocation or $ro$osed re!ocation, %hether $ermanent or tem$orar#, o' a chi!d durin+ an# $roceedin+ $endin+ on Octo*er 1, 533G, %herein the $arentin+ $!an, custod#, $rimar# residence, time,sharin+, or access to the chi!d is an issue. (*)To the e0tent that a $ro.ision o' this section con'!icts %ith an order e0istin+ on Octo*er 1, 533G, this section does not a$$!# to the terms o' that order %hich e0$ress!# +o.ern re!ocation o' the chi!d or a chan+e in the $rinci$a! residence address o' a $arent or other $erson.
History.s. 5, ch. 5334,5?2< s. G, ch. 533F,41< s. 2, ch. 533G,51< s. ?, ch. 533G,1F3.

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