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In partial f lfil!"nt #f t$" r"% ir"!"nt& in N r&in' Car" Mana'"!"nt ()* LEADERSHI+ AND MANAGEMENT


CGF Ent"rpri&" S ,!itt"- ,./ Ca&till"0#&1 Arl""n" L1 C tar, L#rin-a Fait$ D1 Dap lan#, 2a. 3"nn"t$ M1 Gar4ia, Gina Ma. E1 H"rnan-"5, Mar. Gra4" L1 M#nt"r#, 2iann" Cri& T1 S$"rr., 2"nnif"r +1 Sian#.a, Danria Mari" 61 V"r'ara, Ca!"la +1 S ,!itt"- t#/ R#7i" V1 G#n5al"&, RN, MAN Clini4al In&tr 4t#r

SY 8)(89 8)(:

INTRODUCTION Occupational health nurses work in a variety of settings mainly industry, health services, commerce, and education. They can be employed as independent practitioners or as part of a larger occupational health service team, often attached to a personnel department. Occupational health nurses are considered to be leaders in public health in the workplace setting. The occupational health nurse role includes: The prevention of health problems, promotion of healthy living and working conditions understanding the effects of work on health and health at work basic first aid and health screening workforce and workplace monitoring and health need assessment health promotion education and training counselling and support risk assessment and risk management. According to WHO, Occupational health deals with all aspects of health and safety in the workplace and has a strong focus on primary prevention of ha ards. The health of the workers has several determinants, including risk factors at the workplace leading to cancers, accidents, musculoskeletal diseases, respiratory diseases, hearing loss, circulatory diseases, stress related disorders and communicable diseases and others. !t is important role of OH" nurse is to understand the factors such as environment and sanitation which is essential to promote wellness among its workers and the company. According to #OH, Occupational Health "ursing defined as autonomous practice re$uiring independent decisions and creative solutions to comple% occupational and environmental health and safety problems. !t means that being occupational health nurse means a lot of responsibility which directly affect not only the company itself but the workers itself which is the most important. !n #etermining factors and problems it is the important key to lessen and alleviate the problems which are important for the development of the company. &roposing such programs is the integral part of being OH" in a company because it helps the company

to do the necessary actions to make in protecting the health of its workers. !t's a hand( to(hand endless partnership between the management in building good relationship.


)irst and above all, we want to thank our *O# almighty for granting us the capability to accomplish this study successfully. He has provided us with wisdom, unity and strength that no one can ever give other than him. This is what made our research study worth doing To #ean +oncesa ,. Oandasan of !nstitute of "ursing and Health -ducation for approving the duty schedule of Occupational Health "ursing To -velyn Torres, .", /A" for the recommendation of the place for occupational Health "ursing To /rs. +arolina /ar$ue for allowing us to have our study about their factory starting from their history, vision and mission, policies and about their employees. To our adviser .ovie ,. *on ales, .", /A" for her unwavering support, advices, guidance and motivation to achieve our daily goals. To the 0ubilate group for cooperation.


Fr#nt +a'" Intr#- 4ti#n A4;n#<l"-'"!"nt Ta,l" #f C#nt"nt& I1 CGF S$#" Ent"rpri&"& C#!pan. Hi&t#r. C#!pan. Mi&&i#n an- Vi&i#n Val " Stat"!"nt E!pl#.""& Cla&&ifi4ati#n an- La,# r La<& N#n "="!pt "!pl#.""& H"alt$ an- Saf"t. II1 Int"rpr"tati#n an- Anal.&i& #f Data A1 C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt Fi' r" (1( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Li'$tin' Fi' r" (18 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# V"ntilati#n Fi' r" (1: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W#r;in' Stati#n Fi' r" (1> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Wat"r S ppl. Fi' r" (1? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# F##- S"r7i4" Fi' r" (1@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Gar,a'" Di&p#&al

Fi' r" (1* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Wa&t" Di&p#&al Fi' r" (1A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Maint"nan4" Cl"anlin"&& Fi' r" (1B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# El"4tri4it. Maint"nan4" Fi' r" (1() Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Ma4$in"& Maint"nan4" Fi' r" (1(( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# N#i&" Fi' r" (1(8 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# St#ra'" #f Mat"rial& Fi' r" (1(: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# E% ip!"nt C alit. Fi' r" (1(> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# +r"&"n4" #f Fir" E=tin' i&$"r Fi' r" (1(? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# +r"&"n4" #f Fir" E=it Fi' r" (1(@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# +r"&"n4" #f C$"!i4al& Fi' r" (1(* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# T"!p"rat r" Fi' r" (1(A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# ++E Fi' r" (1(B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Han- <a&$in' Fi' r" (18) Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# <#r;in' <$"n f""lin' ill Fi' r" (18( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# C#!! ni4a,ilit. #f T$" -i&"a&" in t$" <#r;in' p#p lati#n

61 W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt

Fi' r" 81( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# A'" Fi' r" 818 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# G"n-"r Fi' r" 81: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# R"li'i#n Fi' r" 81> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Et$ni4it.D +r#7in4" Fi' r" 81? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W"";l. in4#!" Fi' r" 81@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W#r; Fi' r" 81* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Drin;& Al4#$#l Fi' r" 81A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Al4#$#l Inta;" Fi' r" 81B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# S!#;in' Fi' r" 81() Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Ci'ar"tt" Inta;" Fi' r" 81(( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# 6#n &"& Fi' r" 81(8 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W#r;in' H# r& Fi' r" 81(: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W#r; in0 r. Fi' r" 81(> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Ann al C$"4;9 p Fi' r" 81(? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# C#nfli4t& Fi' r" 81(@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# C #ta Fi' r" 81(* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Str"n't$& Fi' r" 81(A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# W"a;n"&&"& Fi' r" 81(B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# E="r4i&" Fi' r" 818) Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# T.p" #f E="r4i&" Fi' r" 818( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Eatin' +att"rn Fi' r" 8188 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Si"&ta Fi' r" 818: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n a44#r-in' t# Sl""pin' H# r& App"n-i4"& D#4 !"ntati#n

C rri4 l ! Vita"


COM+ANY HISTORY !n the 1234's the company was founded by the parents of /r. 5alvador Tiamson, who learned to design while copying some design at .ecto at the age of thirteen. !n 1266, /r. Tiamson took over the business from his parents naming /arinelli 5hoes from his wife first name with the mere &744.44 investment where in &744.44 were loan from his sister(in(law. They supplies outlet like .usty 8ope , 0anilyn 5hoes, Otto 5hoes, +onfetti, and /ario d 9oro. Having handled the company for :; years /r. 5alvador Tiamson turned over the company to his son. "ow the company is in its third generation with the name of +*+ 5hoe -nterprises. -ven his son took over the company, /r. Tiamson still hands on especially if they are rush and lots of order are needed.

COM+ANYES VISION To be able to produce a )ilipino $uality manufactured design that can be e%port worldwide.

MISSION STATEMENT To provide <ob and source of income for every )ilipino. To produced goods and services, offering them the best value for their money. To the community we shall make meaningful contributions to its economic and social development.

VALUE STATEMENT The following guide our behaviours, business and decisions, processes, procedures and relationships 1. +O5T=/-. )O+=5-#( we provide e%cellent customer satisfaction, focusing in understanding and anticipating costumer needs. :. 8O>A8T> A"# 5-"5- OW"-.5H!&(we treat the company as our own by cooking after company's interests. ?. T-A/ WO.@ A"# ="!T>(we work to achieve success, collaborating, sharing resources and responsibilities and putting the company's interest above self. ;. !"T-*.!T> A"# HO"-5T>(to treat everyone in honest, open and fair manner at all times. A. .-5&O"5A9!8!T!-5 A"# A++O="TA9!8!T>(we accept our action and we are answerable to all our decisions and actions. 3. +O"T!"-O=5 !/&.O,-/-"T(we create and provides opportunities for innovation, continuous learning and growth. 7. HA.# WO.@ &-.5-,-.A"+-( We strives and persevere to achieve our ob<ect. 6. H-A8TH> A"# 5A)-T>(We commit to maintain a safe and healthy working environment.

EM+LOYEES CLASSIFICATION AND LA6OR LAWS The )air 8abor 5tandards Act establishes employee classifications related to overtime re$uirements. How an employee is classified((e%empt or non(e%empt((determines whether they are entitled to overtime pay or whether they may be paid on a salary basis. -mployers need to understand the re$uirements and apply them correctly to avoid liability issues. N#n9E="!pt E!pl#.""& "on(e%empt employees are sometimes called hourly employees because they are paid based on the hours they work and are sub<ect to overtime pay if they work in e%cess of

;4 hours in a week. "on(e%empt employees are also often referred to as B ampC $uotaC non(professional B ampC $uotaC employees. The types of <obs that are most commonly non(e%empt((and sub<ect to overtime pay((would be factory <obs and administrative <obs, such as clerks, administrative assistants. HEALTH AND SAFETY

!n +*) 5HO- -"T-.&.!5-5. The health and safety was form to help develop and distribute policies. &ractice and procedures that promote health and safety in the workplace. !t acts a problem solving group and helps with the identification, assessment and control of ha ards in the workplace. 5/O@!"* .-5T.!+T!O" The company discourages smoking, recogni e the harmful effects of smoking and hence is implementing this smoking is not permitted in the area, or any other area that is company property.

+O#- O) +O"#=+T The company believes in the spirit of T-A/WO.@. Thus it is everyone's responsibility to create a dynamic work environment for mutual growth, harmonious relationship towards $uality work life. The company has adopted a +ode of +onduct which contains general .ules and .egulation. +ompany .ules and .egulations contained in this code to aim to reali e the above ob<ective. They do not aim you punish but to provide opportunity for the employees to correct themselves to serve as difference with fair and <ustice. The company relies upon the employees good and <udgment and sense of responsibility to practice 5-8)( #!5+!&8!"-.

Interpretation and Analysis Community Assessment

Fi' r" (1( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Li'$tin'

Cat"'#r. Ade$uate !nade$uate T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of the respondents have an ade$uate lighting in each working stations Anal.&i&/ One of the most important considerations in a work area is lighting, poor light will cause eye strain, restrict vision Eand safetyF around power tools, and contribute to headaches both literal and figurative. )luorescent lighting is probably the most efficient and practical, a tube will last twenty times that of an incandescent light bulb. One four foot fluorescent tube consuming only ;4 watts sheds as much light as two incandescent 144 watt bulbs. Their long length tends to diffuse the brightness and spread the light over a large area. +ool whites are the best choiceC warm white and colour improved tubes are available, which light your stains and finishes more realistically, R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGsawdustmaking.comGWorkD:4AreaGworkHarea.htm

Fi' r" (18 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ V"ntilati#n

Cat"'#r. Ade$uate !nade$uate T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 6 1 B

+"r4"nta'" 66.62D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 66.62D of workers has ade$uate to ventilation, while 11.11D was inade$uate Anal.&i&: Almost all historic buildings were ventilated naturally, although many of these have been compromised by the addition of partition walls and mechanical systems. With an increased awareness of the cost and environmental impacts of energy use, natural ventilation has become an increasingly attractive method for reducing energy use and cost and for providing acceptable indoor environmental $uality and maintaining a healthy, comfortable and productive indoor climate. R"f"r"n4"/ $ttp/DD<<<1<,-'1#r'Dr"&# r4"&Dnat ral7"ntilati#n1p$p

Fi' r" (1: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ W#r; Stati#n

Cat"'#r. +omfortable =ncomfortable T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 6 1 B

+"r4"nta'" 66.62D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 66.62D are comfortable to working station, while 11.11D was not comfortable or uncomfortable to working area Anal.&i& To optimi e your comfort and productivity, it is important that you set up your work area correctly and use your e$uipment properly. With that in mind, we have developed some set(up and use recommendations for you to follow based on established ergonomic principles. R"f"r"n4"/ $ttp/DD<<<1a'il"nt14#!D% alit.DW#r;in'GInGC#!f#rt1p-f

Fi' r" (1> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Wat"r S ppl.

Cat"'#r. "awasa /ineral T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 3 ? B

+"r4"nta'" 33.37D ??.??D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 33.37D are using nawasa, while ??.??D are using mineral Anal.&i&/ The importance of having only good and clean water for consumption cannot be stressed enough and it is foolish to e%pose your body to anything else. Another aspect that you need to keep in mind is that tap water, although transparent to look at, might not always be safe to drink. There are micro particles that are invisible to the naked eye which can cause havoc if consumed. Reference: Article 5ource: http:GG- ineArticles.comG:63A2?7

Fi' r" (1? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t#

C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ F##- S"r7i4"

Cat"'#r. &acked )ood +anteen Home T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 3 : 1 B

+"r4"nta'" 33.37D ::.::D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 33.37D the respondents have a packed lunch, while ::.::D are buying in the canteen, and 11.11D are saying that they go home for their lunch. Anal.&i&/ )ood plays very vital role in maintaining proper health and also helps in prevention and cure of diseases. *ood nutritive food makes health, but at the same time bad or unhealthy food give rise to several diseases. Our cells, tissues and all organs works properly only with nutritious food which we eat. R"f"r"n4"/ $ttp/DD& 7"n1$ ,pa'"&14#!D$ ,DI!p#rtan4"9#f9F##Fi' r" (1@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Gar,a'" Di&p#&al

Cat"'#r. 5egregated "ot 5egregated T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of their garbage is segregated. Anal.&i&/ *arbage segregation should be a way of life. !t should be a habit. !t should be taught to every child in the whole world. !t should have been even before the stone age. *enerations have passed and yet, only now that it is reali ed how important garbage segregation. R"f"r"n4"/ $ttp/DDt$"filipin#<",14#!Dlif"&t.l"D'#in'9'r""n9i&9pra4ti4in'9'ar,a'"9 &"'r"'ati#nD Fi' r" (1* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Wa&t" Di&p#&al

Cat"'#r. )lushed Type Water +arriage Type T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that the 144D of the respondents agree that they are using water carriage type. Anal.&i&/ Workers water carriage system in the workplace because that's the only available, less e%pensive and easy to maintain. R"f"r"n4"/

Fi' r" (1A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Maint"nan4" #f Cl"anlin"&&

Cat"'#r. #aily Weekly /onthly T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ According to all employees their company does not have assigned person who are responsible in maintaining their companies clean. 144D stated that they are the one who clean their mist during their work time <ust to maintain their workplace clean. Anal.&i&/ 0anitors are professionals who manage the cleaning process in private businesses and public buildings. A <anitor may find work with a private company, as part of the support team of an office building, or as an employee of a public service system. While work as a <anitor does not generally re$uire any level of higher education, it is not unusual to find persons who occupy supervisory roles within the <anitorial profession to have at least some college e%perience. A <anitor may work for a specific company, or be the employee of a cleaning service that is contracted to handle cleaning and maintenance functions. /any <anitors en<oy employment benefits with a full range of benefits, while others may work with minimal benefits and a relatively small amount of pay. R"f"r"n4"/ Fi' r" (1B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Maint"nan4" #f El"4tri4it.

Cat"'#r. #aily Weekly /onthly As needed T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 4 ; A B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 4D ;;.;;D AA.A3D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ /ost of all employees stated that they call for assistance of electrician if they as needed have AA.A3D and ;;.;;D call for the service of electrician monthly. Anal.&i&/ -lectrician has a big role in company they assemble, install, test, and maintain electrical or electronic wiring, e$uipment, appliances, apparatus, and fi%tures, using hand tools and power tools. They also diagnose malfunctioning systems, apparatus, and components, using test e$uipment and hand tools, to locate the cause of a breakdown and correct the problem. +onnect wires to circuit breakers, transformers, or other components. !nspect electrical systems, e$uipment, and components to identify ha ards, defects, and the need for ad<ustment or repair, and to ensure compliance with codes. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GG<ob(descriptions.careerplanner.comG-lectricians.cfm Fi' r" (1() Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ Maint"nan4" #f Ma4$in"&

Cat"'#r. #aily Weekly /onthly As needed T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 4 A ; B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 4D AA.A3D ;;.;;D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that AA.A3D is the monthly maintenance of the machine operator while as needed is only ;;.;;D. Anal.&i&/ The machine operator is responsible for ensuring each part is made within designated specifications. This is done utili ing different gauges, calipers or tools that test the parts. The inspection will be done for $uality assurances purposes and recorded for the $uality inspectors to review periodically. /ost machine operators are not re$uired to inspect every part but are directed to test and inspect a designated number of parts. )or e%ample, the machine operator reviews and inspects a part after 14 items have been produced. #uring the inspection process, if a part is not within specification, the machine operator will have to make ad<ustments to the machinery in order to get the parts back into the designated limits R"f"r"n4"/http:GGwww.ehow.comGlistH3342:;:Hduties(responsibilities(machine( operator.htmlIi% ?$#!4 =kH Fi' r" (1(( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ N#i&"

Cat"'#r. -%cessive Tolerable T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 2 B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 144D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that noise is 144D tolerable. Anal.&i&/ "oise in the workplace can damage hearing. Hearing damage may occur when noise is higher than 6A decibels, which is about the loudness of heavy traffic. #amage can include tinnitus, hearing loss and other health problems such as headaches and fatigue. -%cessive noise is unwanted sound that may damage a personJs hearing. "oise at the workplace is a ma<or cause of hearing loss. !t contributes to social isolation and reduced $uality of life, career prospects, increased absenteeism, worker turnover and lowered work performance. !t also contributes to workplace in<uries and accidents. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.deir.$<ectsGnoiseGinde%.htm

Fi' r" (1(8 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ St#ra'" #f Mat"rial&

Cat"'#r. +ategori ed /i%ed T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 66.66D is categori ed while 11.11D is mi%ed Anal.&i&/ 5torage of materialsGgoods and categori ing it is important because when incompatible dangerous goods come into contact with one another during a spill or release, the goods can react together adversely to cause fire, e%plosion or release to%ic, flammable or corrosive vapours. Workplaces where dangerous goods or combustible li$uids are stored or handled must have systems and procedures to prevent these goods or li$uids coming into contact.To manage the storage of incompatible goods you must: !dentify each of the dangerous goods you intend to store onsite and recogni e those goods or other materials that are incompatible. R"f"r"n4"/http:GGwww.deir.$<ectsGha ardousmaterialsGincompati bleGstorageGinde%.htm Fi' r" (1(: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ C alit. #f "% ip!"nt&

Cat"'#r. Old "ew T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 6 1 B

+"r4"nta'" 66.62D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 66.62D of the respondents claim that the $uality of their e$uipment is old while 11.11D claim that their e$uipment is new. Anal.&i&/ Technology is crucial to successful businesses. &roper office machines and e$uipment help businesses run like well(oiled machines. Although each business may have specific e$uipment determined by industry, there are universal technologies for all office spaces. -ach item works together to ensure duties can be performed in(house, which can save time and money. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.ehow.comGinfoH6?:A364Hmachines(e$uipment(used(office.html

Fi' r" (1(> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ +r"&"n4" #f Fir" E=tin' i&$"r

Cat"'#r. 5egregated "ot 5egregated T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of the respondents agree that there is a fire e%tinguisher available in their workplace. Anal.&i&/ )ire is a danger in the workplace. -very workplace should have in place a set of fire regulations to keep employees safe in case of emergency. While policy will vary between companies, there are many fire regulations that are mandated by both local fire departments and private insurance companies. They re$uire having a fire alarm system, sprinkler system, fire e%tinguishers, fire hoses with a%es that can help to control the situation so that employees can get out safely. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.ehow.comGlistH3A;7:12Hfire(safety(workplace regulations.htmlIi% :Hdt=e2tf Fi' r" (1(? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ +r"&"n4" #f Fir" E=it

Cat"'#r. >es "one T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 2 B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 144D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D said that they don't have fire e%it Anal.&i&/ 5afety at workplace is a very important criterion which should never be ignored even a bit. !n case of any emergency, e%it procedures should be easy accessible and well(marked. !n spite of several measures being taken to avoid accidents, fully stopping accidents from occurring is very difficult as humans are involved in various works. The planning of a big comple% building should take sufficient care to design the e%its, because it is one of the primary areas of concern R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.securityworldnews.comG:411G4:G17Gthe(importance(of(having(a( proper(e%it(plan(in(your(workplaceG

Fi' r" (1(@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ +r"&"n4" #f C$"!i4al&

Cat"'#r. >es "one T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of the respondents say's that they are using chemicals. Anal.&i&/ The ultimate responsibility to use chemicals safely in an enterprise rests with management. /anagement has the authority and the resources to develop and carry out programmes spelling out methods and procedures on safety and health in the use of chemicals at work. To be effective, the programme(for managing the safe use of chemicals should receive a priority similar to other programmes within the enterprise such as production, marketing, maintenance and $uality control. The measure of success will materiali e in the form of a better working environment, a reduction in workplace accidents and diseases, a healthier workforce and a reduction in waste. Together, these elements will lead to increased productivity and profits for the enterprise R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGactrav.itcilo.orgGactrav(englishGtelearnGoshGkemiGscanGsandh?.htm Fi' r" (1(* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ T"!p"rat r"

Cat"'#r. Hot +old "ormal T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 4 2 B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 4D 144D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The statistical shows that 144D is the result of normal temperature their environment or place. Anal.&i&/ -%tremes in environment temperatures can affect a personJs temperature regulatory systems. !f the temperature is assessed in a very warm room and the body temperature cannot be modified by convection, conduction, or radiation, the temperature will be elevated. 5imilarly, if the client has been outside in an e%tremely cold weather without suitable clothing, the body temperature may be low R"f"r"n4"/ K fundamentals of nursing.Eko ier, -.9, 9lais, WilkinsonFpg.;:7 Fi' r" (1(A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ +r#t"4ti7" G"ar&

Cat"'#r. >es "one T#tal

Fr"% "n4. ? 3 B

+"r4"nta'" ??.??D 33.37D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The statistical shows that 33.37D are not using any protective e$uipment and ??.??D use protective gear like mask Anal.&i&/ &ersonal protective e$uipment E&&-F is clothing and e$uipment worn by employees, students, contractors or visitors to protect or shield their bodies from workplace ha ards. 5ection 12 of the Occupational 5afety and Health Act 126; sets out the obligation of an employer Jwhere it is not practicable to avoid the presence of ha ards at the workplace, LtoM provide the employees with, or otherwise provide for the employees to have, such ade$uate personal protective clothing and e$uipment as is practicable to protect them against those ha ards, without any cost to the employeesJ. R"f"r"n4"/ e$uipmentIppe Fi' r" (1(B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ +r#p"r Han- <a&$in'

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of the respondent said that they are washing their hands Anal.&i&/ The most important advantage of washing hands is that you prevent yourself from getting infected by a number of dangerous ailments. &eople who are careless about washing their hands are at a higher risk of catching a cold or flu. "ot washing hands has also the ability to cause gastrointestinal illnesses and also diarrhea which can spread to the whole family. !t has also been seen that improper means of washing hands or not washing at all can cause pneumonia in old people and in those people who are diagnosed with chronic diseases R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.bu le.comGarticlesGimportance(of(hand(washing.html

Fi' r" (18) Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ W#r;in' <$"n f""lin' ill

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. A ; B

+"r4"nta'" AA.A3D ;;.;;D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that AA.A3D of the respondents said that they are still working when feeling sick while ;;.;D are not. Anal.&i&/ A hard working person can be defined as someone who is committed to what they do. They put a lot of energy and effort into getting work done. A hard working person could be considered a fire(fighter, because they work hard to rescue victims of burning buildings. To be a hard(working person is an honourable characteristic that society respects. >ou are e%pected to be a hard(working person when you are hired for any <ob. R"f"r"n4"/

Fi' r" (18( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# C#!! nit. A&&"&&!"nt/ C#!! ni4a,ilit. #f a -i&"a&" <it$in <#r;in' p#p lati#n

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 2 B

+"r4"nta'" 4D 144D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144Dof the respondents said that they got sick from other employee Anal.&i&/ 9acteria and viruses are hitchhikers and they need help to get from one place to another. Hands are among the obvious culprits in transferring bacteria from raw to ready to eat food, but direct contact with raw foods, dirty chopping boards, knives and other cooking implements can also spread the contamination. R"f"r"n4"/

Interpretation and Analysis Workers Assessment

Fi' r" 81( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ A'"

Cat"'#r. ?1(?A ?3(;4 ;1(;A ;3(A4 T#tal

Fr"% "n4. : ? ? 1 B

+"r4"nta'" ::.::D ??.??D ??.??D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that ??.??D of the respondents are ?3(;4 and ;1(;A years old, ::.::D are ?1(?A years old while 11.11D is ;3(A4D. Anal.&i&/ The multi(generational workplace is the ideal for many reasons. Workers along the age spectrum bring different skills and strengths to the table and can transfer their knowledge to each other. This affects the bottom line, as it increases worker productivity. 9ut biases against younger and older employees run rampant: younger works are irresponsible and older ones canJt learn new things, especially technically, according to stereotypes. 9uying into these stereotypes lead employers to avoid age diversity and thus miss out on their benefits. They must remember however that truly creating a welcoming space for all generations in the workplace is much easier than responding to legal accusations of age discrimination. R"f"r"n4"/ How to /eet the +hallenges of Age #iversity in the Workplace N http:GGwww.ehow.comGhowH3A;A2A7Hmeet(challenges(age(diversity( workplace.htmlIi% :Hcs7p)t<

Fi' r" 818 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ G"n-"r

Cat"'#r. /ale )emale T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ graph shows that 144D of the respondents are male Anal.&i&/ /en are con$uerors and providers. !ntellectually, it doesnJt matter how much income man makes, or whether or not his wife makes more or less money in her career. /en innately bear the emotional burden of being the provider. !t is not a choiceC it is <ust the way that men are wired. !t is never far from their minds and can sometimes make a man feel trapped. Women can help her man by giving him healthy doses of appreciation, encouragement, and support. 9ut a man can tell if the appreciation, encouragement and support are not genuine. !t must come from her heart. R"f"r"n4"/http:GGmaryd.hubpages.comGhubGWhatHWomenH"eedHtoH@nowHAboutH/en

Fi' r" 81: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ R"li'i#n

Cat"'#r. +atholic Others T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 144D of the respondents are roman +atholics Anal.&i&/ !t has proved that the &hilippines is a predominantly +hristian nation on account of
?44 years of 5panish rule. !t is estimated that 61D of the population is .oman +atholic. !n the south on the large island of /indanao, many are adherents of !slam. )ilipino /uslims make up about five percent of the national population.

R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGtagaloglang.comG)ilipino(+ultureG.eligionGreligion(in(the( philippines.html

Fi' r" 81> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Et$ni4it.D +r#7in4"

Cat"'#r. 9icol 5amar /anila /arikina T#tal

Fr"% "n4. A : 1 1 B

+"r4"nta'" AA.A3D ::.::D 11.11D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that AA.A3D of the respondents were from 9icol, ::.::D from 5amar, while 11.11D are from /anila and /arikina Anal.&i&/ Attitudes, beliefs and value arises from one's socio(cultural background. =sually but not always people follow the spiritual and religious tradition of their family's origin. /any times religious preference is tied to ethnic background. +ulture is the luggage that each of us carries around for our lifetime that willG will not affect our lives.

R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing 7th edition by @o ier page :42 Fi' r" 81? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t#

W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ In4#!" H<"";l.I

Cat"'#r. A44(1444 1441(1A44 1A41(:444 T#tal

Fr"% "n4. : 3 1 B

+"r4"nta'" ::.::D 33.37D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 33.37D of the respondents has an income of 1441(1A44 in week, while ::.::D have A44(1444 pesos in a week and with the least with the percentage of 11,11D with an income of 1A41(:444 pesos Anal.&i&/ !ncome is the money coming in periodically, received from labour or service. According to "-#A E"ational -conomic # AuthorityF minimum wage of family per day is ?37( ;4; per day as of 5eptember :414. !n relation to the graph shown above the income that they receive is based on hours of labour either overtime or finishing it to the re$uired shift. R"f"r"n4": Fi' r" 81@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t#

W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ W#r;

Cat"'#r. .egular +ontractual T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that ma<ority of employees are regular. Anal.&i&/ Anything where you trade your labour for money is JworkJ. &eople have to work. =nless they are independently wealthy or have set up a passive income, they need the cash flow that work provides. !f you had self discipline, and did know the value of work, you wouldnJt be hiding behind your Jown beliefsJ and love of JfreedomJ to disguise your la iness. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GG<ob(descriptions.careerplanner.comG-lectricians.cfm

Fi' r" 81* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Drin;& Al4#$#l

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that most of the alcoholic drinkers are drinking occasionally with AA.A3D, ??.??D drinkers drink 1 bottle and 11.11D drinks ? bottles per week. Anal.&i&/ -verybody responds differently to drinking alcohol so it is not possible to say what effects having a certain number of drinks have on a person. !nstead blood alcohol concentration E9A+F can be used as a guide to what affects alcohol may have on behavior. Alcohol starts to affect the brain within five minutes of being consumed. The 9A+ peaks about ?4(;A minutes after one standard drink is consumed. .apid consumption of multiple drinks results in higher 9A+ because the average body can only break down one standard drink per hour. The more you drink alcohol, the more you're sedated. !nitially, alcohol affects thoughts, emotion and <udgment. !n sufficient amount, alcohol impairs speech and muscle coordination and produces sleep. R"f"r"n4"/ Fi' r" 81A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Al4#$#l Inta;"

Cat"'#r. Occasional 1 bottleG week ? bottlesGweek T#tal

Fr"% "n4. A 1 ? B

+"r4"nta'" AA.A3D 11.11D ??.??D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that AA.A3 D of the employees saying that they drink alcohol occasionally, ??.??D taking 1 bottle and 11.11D drink ? bottles. Anal.&i&/ +affeine containing beverages acts as stimulants of the central nervous system, thus interfering with the sleep. &eople who drink an e%cessive amount of alcohol often find their sleep disturbed. -%cessive alcohol disrupts .-/ sleep, although it may hasten the onset of sleep. While making up for lost .-/ sleep after some of the effects of the alcohol have worn off, people often e%perience nightmares. The alcohol tolerant person may be unable to sleep well and become irritable result. R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing 7th edition by ko ier Fi' r" 81B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ S!#;in'

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The statistical shows that AA.A3D are smoking and ;;.;;D are not. Anal.&i&/ Tobacco use can lead to nicotine dependence and serious health problems. +essation can significantly reduce the risk of suffering from smoking(related diseases. Tobacco dependence is a chronic condition that often re$uires repeated interventions, but effective treatments and helpful resources e%ist. 5mokers can and do $uit smoking. R"f"r"n4"/http:GGwww.cdc.govGtobaccoGdataHstatisticsGfactHsheetsGcessationG$uittingGind e%.htm

Fi' r" 81() Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Ci'ar"tt" Inta;"

Cat"'#r. A(7 6(14 14(1A T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 1 ? 1 ?

+"r4"nta'" :4D 34D :4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ Anal.&i&/ !t is not a $uestion on how many sticks of cigarettes one smoker can consume every day. The fact remains that smokers, occasional or passive as the case maybe, have the same risk as that of a chain smoker as they all inhale the same kind of smoke and this has already been proven as fatal. !f one smokes a stick at certain period, imagine how many carcinogens he inhales and takes inside his bodyC multiply it with the number of sticks he takes on in the following days to come and he can come up with more number of carcinogens that can pave the way for a free passage to a shorter life with a longer time for suffering. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.medicaldaily.comGarticlesG;A73G:4141:1?Ga(single(cigarette( stick(can(cause(cancer.htmI8o /mQA>6=Hr18#d.22 Fi' r" 81(( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ 6#n &"&

Cat"'#r. 1?th mos. &ay Others T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ All the respondents receives 1?th month pay Anal.&i&/ 1?th month pay is mandatory and shall be received by all employees who have worked at least one month within a calendar yearC a bonus, being an act of liberality or a gift from the employer cannot be demanded unless certain conditions apply. 9onuses is an amount granted and paid to an employee for his industry and loyalty which contributed to the success of the employers business and made possible the realization of profits. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GG<lp(law.comGblogGchristmas(bonus(vs(1?th(month(payG

Fi' r" 81(8 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ W#r;in' H# r&

Cat"'#r. 7 to 6 hours 6 and above Others T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 1 3 : B

+"r4"nta'" 11.11D 33.37D ::.::D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 33.37D of the respondents works 6 hours above per day, ::.::D less than 7 hours and 11.11 D for 6 hours Anal.&i&/ Hours worked shall include EaF all time during which an employee is re$uired to be on duty or to be at a prescribed workplaceC and EbF all time during which an employee is suffered or permitted to work. .est periods of short duration during working hours shall be counted as hours worked. The normal hours of work of any employee shall not e%ceed eight E6F hours a day. R"f"r"n4"/

Fi' r" 81(: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ W#r; In0 r.

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. : 7 B

+"r4"nta'" ::.::D 77.76D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 77.76D of the respondents haven't e%perience any in<ury when doing their work while ::.::D agrees that they have e%perienced it thrice or more caused by hammer. Anal.&i&/ Work(related in<uries are in<uries that occur on the <ob and as a direct result of the duties assigned to the specific <ob position. Work(related in<uries are typically physical. However, there are occasions in which the employee may contract a disease or illness while at work, known as a work(related illness. !f an employee can prove that his in<ury or illness occurred at work, he may be covered by workerJs compensation. R"f"r"n4"/ .eference: #efinition of Work .elated !n<ury N http:GGwww.ehow.comGaboutH3?71774Hdefinition(work(related( in<ury.htmlIi% :Hd+s8.Ru Fi' r" 81(> Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Ann al C$"4;9 p

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 1 6 B

+"r4"nta'" 11.11D 66.62D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 66.62D of the respondents have not had an annual medical check(up while 11.11D have had one. Anal.&i&/ An annual physical also provides an opportunity for doctors to make recommendations to patients regarding lifestyle habits such as diet and smoking. >our physician can counsel you on the benefits of a healthy diet and weight loss if needed. #octors can also detect early signs of cancer, heart problems, diabetes and more. R"f"r"n4"/ What Are the 9enefits of Annual &hysicalsO N http:GGwww.ehow.comGlistH32?3?;:Hbenefits(annual(physicalsH.htmlIi% :Hd- pHA<

Fi' r" 81(? Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ C#nfli4t <it$ 4# <#r;"r&

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. : 7 B

+"r4"nta'" ::.::D 77.76D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that 77.76D of the respondents agree that there is no conflict amongst each other in the work place, while ::.::D agree that there is. Anal.&i&/ At some point, <ust about every workplace will e%perience conflict between coworkers. +onflict is not necessarily a bad thing, however. +onflict arises when issues in the workplace must be addressed. Addressing the conflict in the proper manner can lead to all parties being called upon to help resolve the problem leading to the conflict, thereby increasing a bond of teamwork. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.ehow.comGinfoH6;6;?2?Hworkplace(conflict(between( coworkers.html Fi' r" 81(@ Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ C #ta

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. : 7 B

+"r4"nta'" ::.::D 77.76D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The above data shows that ::.::D of them have a $uota for themselves to motivate them to work while 77.76D never set $uota. Analysis: The sales $uota is something used in many environments where goods or services are sold. !t is essentially a target amount of sales that could be assessed on a daily, weekly or monthly level. These ::.::D set $uota for themselves to motivate them to work further and they can able to save money so that at the end of the week they can earned money that they need with their daily living. And the rest of 144D which is 77.76D are not setting their $uota because they are satisfied with what they earned. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.businessdictionary.comGdefinitionGsales($uota.html

Fi' r" 81(* Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Str"n't$&

Cat"'#r. )amily Others T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graphical presentation gives information about their strengths. Where in the data showed that 144D of them are their family is their source of strength. Anal.&i&/ 5trength is something to do with our source of inspiration to be able for us to do our <ob and responsibilities carefully and thoroughly every day. !n these presentation it is only showed that the number one source of our strength is our family, they are our inspiration for us to motivate and try our best to do our duty. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.familycancercenter.comGO$PsupportGcircleHofHlife

Fi' r" 81(A Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ W"a;n"&&"&

Cat"'#r. )amily &roblems !mitations of shoes E+hinaF )ear of #ogs #amaged 5hoes "one T#tal

Fr"% "n4. ; 1 : 1 1 B

+"r4"nta'" ;;.;;D 11.11D ::.::D 11.11D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The statistical result shows that ;;.;;D of the respondents that their weakness is problems in their family, then ::.::D says that their weakness is fear of dogC 11.11D of the respondents' weakness are imitation of shoes they made. #amaged shoes while 11.11D have no weakness Anal.&i&/ @nowing your weaknesses, which often walk hand(in(hand with your strengths, can be key to avoiding self(sabotage or failure. A clear self(assessment is often the first step toward breaking a log<am in your personal and career development and moving toward being the person you want to be. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GGwww.ehow.comGhowH7A;:772Hstrengths(weaknesses.html Fi' r" 81(B Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ E="r4i&"

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 2 4 B

+"r4"nta'" 144D 4D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The statistical result shows that 144D of the respondents e%ercise. Anal.&i&/ .egular physical activity or e%ercise is important to everyoneC they believed that e%ercise can help to prevent a disease. R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing by @o ier &g, 1143

Fi' r" 818) Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ T.p" #f E="r4i&"

Cat"'#r. 5ports 0ogging Walking *ym T#tal

Fr"% "n4. ; : : 1 B

+"r4"nta'" ;;.;;D ::.::D ::.::D 11.11D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ 9ase on the statistical result shows that most of respondent doing their e%ercise by playing sport with the percentage of ;;.;;D, and ::.::D does walking and <ogging while 11.11D does weights or goes to gym Anal.&i&/ +hoice of type e%ercise is also influences by values, choices may be influenced by geographic location and culture role e%pectation thinking of e%ercise more as recreational movement, enhancement of well being and an essential part of daily self care may help overcome perception that e%ercise is drudgery. R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing by @o ier &g, 111; Fi' r" 818( Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Eatin' +att"rn

Cat"'#r. Twice Thrice ; times above T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 4 A ; B

+"r4"nta'" 4D AA.A3D ;;.;;D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ The graph shows that AA.A3D of the respondents eats thrice a day while ;;.;;D eats more than ; times Anal.&i&/ !ncreased eating fre$uency is postulated to increase metabolism, reduce hunger, improve glucose and insulin control, and reduce body weight, making it an enticing dietary strategy for weight loss andGor the maintenance of a healthy body weight. 9ecause past research has primarily focused on the effects of eating fre$uency on changes in energy e%penditure and body weight, limited data e%ist surrounding the impact of eating fre$uency on appetite control and energy intake. R"f"r"n4"/ http:GG<n.nutrition.orgGcontentG1;1G1G1A;.abstract Fi' r" 8188 Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Aft"rn##n Nap

Cat"'#r. >es "o T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 3 ? B

+"r4"nta'" 33.37D ??.??D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ 9ase on the statistical result, the highest percentage are taking a nap with a percentage of 33.37D and ??.??D are not taking a nap. Anal.&i&/ The person's ability to rela% before retiring is an important factor affecting the ability to fall asleep. R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing by @o ier page 1174

Fi' r" 818: Fr"% "n4i"& an- Di&tri, ti#n A44#r-in' t# W#r;"r& A&&"&&!"nt/ Sl""pin' H# r&

Cat"'#r. S3 hours 7 to 6 hours 6 to 2 hours T#tal

Fr"% "n4. 1 : 3 B

+"r4"nta'" 11.11D ::.::D 33.37D ())F

Int"rpr"tati#n #f Data/ 9ase on the statistical result shows that most of the respondent are sleeping for 6(2 hours with a percentage of 33.37D and followed by 7(6 hours with a percentage of ::.::D and the 11.11D are those sleeping with A(3 hours. Anal.&i&/ /ost people are accustomed to bedtime rituals on pre sleep routines that are conductive to comfort and rela%ation altering or eliminating such routine can affects client sleep. R"f"r"n4"/ )undamentals of "ursing by @o ier page 117


ROOSEVELT COLLEGE CAINTA Institute of Nursing and Health Education OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH NURSING Evaluation Tool A CO!!UNIT" ASSESS!ENT I En#iron$ent 1. Lighting 2. Ventilation 3. Work Station !. Water Su""l# ). *ood Ser+i e -. .arbage /i&"o&al 0. Wa&te /i&"o&al 1. (aintenan e 2anitor 3le tri ian Adequate Adequate Comfortable $a%a&a ' (a#nilad ,a ked *ood Segregated *lu&hed /ail# /ail# /ail# 7olerable Categori9ed Una+ailable (i6ed 4ther& Canteen $ot &egregated Water arriage t#"e Weekl# Weekl# Weekl# (onthl# (onthl# (onthl# Inadequate Inadequate Un omfortable (ineral *a&t food

(a hine 4"erator 5. $oi&e 36 e&&i+e

18. Storage of material& 11. Clini if :e&; A+ailable

Com"lete equi"ment& and medi ine& In om"lete equi"ment& and medi ine&

12. <ualit# of 3qui"ment II Safet% 1. ,re&en e of: a. *ire e6tingui&her b. *ire e6it . Chemi al& d. ?adiation e. 7em"erature :e& :e& :e& :e& @ot



$one $one $one $one Cold $ormal :e& .oggle& @elmet $one If #e&; %hat hemi al=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

2. Wearing of ,er&onal ,rote ti+e 3qui"ment If #e&; (a&k A"ron .lo+e& 3ar Aud& :e&

3. I& "ro"er hand %a&hing a""lied on %ork=


If $o; %hat i& the rea&on behind it= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !. When feeling ill; do #ou &till go to %ork= :e& $o :e& $o

). Are there an# illne&&e& that affe ted #ou and the other em"lo#ee&=

If #e&; %hat i& it= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

& 'OR(ERS) ASSESS!ENT I: Aiogra"hi /ata: $ame:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> .ender: >>>>>>> Age: >>>>>>> ?eligion:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

,ro+in e: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 7#"e of %ork:>>>>>>>>>>>>>

In ome: >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Work: II. Life&t#le: Al oholi Smoking III: @i&tor# :e& :e& $o $o ?egular Contra tual

If #e&; ho% man# time& a %eek= >>>>>> If #e&; ho% man# &ti k& a da#= >>>>>>>>

,a&t @i&tor#>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ,re&ent @i&tor# >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> IV: Skill&; Bno%ledge; and ,ra ti e& a. Aenefit& 7#"e of benefit& :e& ?ed Cro&& .SIS @ealth Card ?ider: b. Aonu& Indi+idual 13th month "a# @olida# . @o% man# hour& do #ou %ork in the da#= )C- hour& 0C1 hour& 1 or more :e& 7%i e :e& 7hri e $o $o other&: $o 4ther&: $o ,hil health other&: *amil# 4ther&:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SSS

d. @o% #ou been inDured during #our %ork=E @o% man# time&= 4n e

e. /o #ou ha+e a #earl# annual medi al he kCu"=

f. I& there an# onfli t on erning #our 8C%orker&= :e& g. /o #ou ha+e a target number of "rodu t& to be made in a da#= :e& $o

If #e& ho% man#=>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

h. What are #our &trength&= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> i. What are #our %eakne&&e&= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> D. What are the thing& #ou do to o+er ome #our %eakne&&e&= >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> V. A ti+itie& a. /o #ou e6er i&e= :e& Aiking $o If #e&; ho% man# time&= >>>>>> Walking 2ogging

If #e&; %hat t#"e of e6er i&e #ou do= 4ther:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> b. @o% man# time& do #ou eat in a da#= . /o #ou take a na" in the afternoon= d. Slee"ing ,attern )C-

7%i e :e& 0C1 1C5

7hri e $o

! abo+e

18 abo+e


Curriculum !itae


8ot 3/ Tueensland &atiis .d. /alanday 5an /ateo .i al 421:73;7;37 arleeneHcastille<

E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: "uestra 5eniora de Aran a u &arochial 5chool "uestra 5eniora de Aran a u &arochial 5chool .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: 8entot G Ar :? years old )emale 5eptember :7, 1262 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog .oman +atholic "o man is an !sland


CUTAR, LORINDA I 12 5t. )rancis, "angka, /arikina +ity 4222??163A7


E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: "asipit +entral -lementary 5chool "asipit "ational ,ocational 5chool .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: )aith G Ann :2 years old )emale /ay ::, 126? 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog and +ebuano 9orn Again +hristian What is the abundance of your heart your mouth speak

GARCIA, GINA9MAY 9lk.7 8ot 14, 8ower


E1 &araiso, &arang

/arikina +ity 421:;3A;A?6

E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: &inay -lementary 5chool 5t. +atherine Academy .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: *inay 12 years old )emale 0anuary 1A, 122? 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog and Hiligaynon .oman +atholic -very time we laugh there is a little sadness in our hearts DA+ULANO 2AY 3ENNETH M1

I:: road 1 dona petra +ity


+onception /arikina

4212?;3;;4? <ayskyH?,ph

E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: +adio -lementary 5chool &"H5 .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: 0ay :? years old /ale 0une ?4 1262 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog .oman +atholic &lan your work and work your plan


?9 I:4: 5umulong 42??;724:12


Hiway Antipolo +ity


E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: 5t. ,incent Academy 9iVan 8aguna 5t. /argarita "ational High 5chool 5amar !++T +ollege )oundation .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: *race :7 years old )emale 5eptember :4, 126A 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog and Waray .oman +atholic #o not easily trust people unless you know them well.


9lk.:7 8ot ?, /agnolia 5t., 5t.*abriel Hghts., 9rgy. #alig, Antipolo +ity




E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: /abini -lementary 5chool 8ittle 8ambs 8earning +enter .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: +ris 12 years old /ale /ay ::, 122? 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog and !locano &rotestant Time is gold


-lisa 5t. +ainta, .i al &hilippines 1244

42:2?;264A3 <


E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: /aria =lloa -lementary 5chool 0ohn ). @ennedy High 5chool .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion:

0en ?: years old )emale 0anuary 1?, 1264 5ingle -nglish and Tagalog 9orn Again +hristian W9eauty may be skin deep but there are five layers of the skinX


I 71 5itaw 5t., Tumana, /arikina +ity 4214A334674


E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: H. 9autista -lementary 5chool +oncepcion !ntegrated 5chool .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion:

#han :: years old )emale 0uly 1:, 1224 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog and 9icol .oman +atholic *od makes us brave when we're afraid, makes us strong when we are weak, but most of all the teaches us to hold on to him when things keep falling.


I;:A 9onifacio Ave., 9arangka,/arikina +ity 42471?3;3:3


E- 4ati#nal Attain!"nt/ -lementary: 5econdary: Tertiary: 9alogo -ast -lementary 5chool 9alogo "ational High 5chool .oosevelt +ollege +ainta

+"r&#nal 6a4;'r# n-/ "ick "ame: Age: *ender: 9irthday: +ivil 5tatus: 8anguage 5poken: .eligion: /otto: +am :4 years old )emale /arch 3, 122: 5ingle -nglish, Tagalog .oman +atholic Our unknown future is safe in the hands of the knowing *od

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