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Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

- Without Prequalification This Section contains the forms which are to be completed by the Bidder and submitted as part of his Bid.

Table of Forms

Letter of Bid..................................................................................................................................................... 3 Schedules........................................................................................................................................................ 5 Schedule of Payment Currencies.................................................................................................................. 5 Tables of Adjustment Data............................................................................................................................. 6 Bid Security..................................................................................................................................................... Bill of !uantities............................................................................................................................................. " Technical Pro#osal..................................................................................................................................... $%$ Personnel..................................................................................................................................................... $%% &orm P'( ) $* Pro#osed Personnel ....................................................................................................... $%% &orm P'( ) %* (esume of Pro#osed Personnel ...................................................................................$%3 '+ui#ment................................................................................................................................................... $%5 Site ,r-ani.ation........................................................................................................................................ $% /0ote* '1aluation of the Bidder2s Site ,r-ani.ation 3ill include an assessment of the Bidder2s ca#acity to mobili.e 4ey #ersonnel for the Contract consistent 3ith its #ro#osal re-ardin- 3or4 methods5 schedulin-5 and material sourcin- in sufficient detail and fully in accordance 3ith the re+uirements sti#ulated in Section 6 /'m#loyer2s (e+uirements66........................................................$% 7ethod Statement....................................................................................................................................... $%" 7obili.ation Schedule................................................................................................................................ $%8 Construction Schedule ............................................................................................................................. $39 /0ote* '1aluation of the Bidder2s Construction Schedule 3ill include an assessment of the Bidder2s technical ca#acity to mobili.e e+ui#ment for the Contract consistent 3ith its #ro#osal re-ardin- 3or4 methods5 schedulin-5 and material sourcin- in sufficient detail and fully in accordance 3ith the re+uirements sti#ulated in Section 6 /'m#loyer2s (e+uirements66........................................................$39 Bidders !ualification.................................................................................................................................. $3$

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

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Procurement of Wor s


Section "#$ Bidding Forms

&orm 'L: ; $* Bidder2s :nformation Sheet.................................................................................................$3% &orm 'L: ; %* <= :nformation Sheet........................................................................................................... $33 &orm L:T ) $* Pendin- Liti-ation............................................................................................................... $3> &orm &:0 ; $* ?istorical &inancial Performance.......................................................................................$35 &orm &:0 ; %* A1era-e Annual Construction Turno1er............................................................................$36 &orm &:0 ) 3* A1ailability of &inancial (esources..................................................................................$3 &orm &:0; >* &inancial (esources (e+uirement ....................................................................................$3" &orm '@P ; $/b6* Construction 'A#erience in Bey Acti1ities ................................................................$>9

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Letter of Bid
Date: ......................................................... ICB No.: ......................................................... Invitation for Bid No.: .........................................................


We the undersi!ned declare that: "a# We have e$amined and have no reservations to the Biddin! Documents includin! %ddenda issued in accordance with Instructions to Bidders "ITB# &' We offer to e$ecute in conformity with the Biddin! Documents the followin! Wor(s: The total price of our Bid e$cludin! any discounts offered in item "d# below is: The discounts offered and the methodolo!y for their application are: )ur bid shall be valid for a period of . . . . . days from the date fi$ed for the bid submission deadline in accordance with the Biddin! Documents and it shall remain bindin! upon us and may be accepted at any time before the e$piration of that period' If our bid is accepted we commit to obtain a performance security in accordance with the Biddin! Documents' )ur firm includin! any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the Contract have nationalities from eli!ible countries *insert the nationality of the Bidder includin! that of all parties that comprise the Bidder if the Bidder is a consortium or association and the nationality of each Subcontractor and Supplier+' We includin! any subcontractors or suppliers for any part of the contract do not have any conflict of interest in accordance with ITB ,.-' We are not participatin! as a Bidder or as a subcontractor in more than one bid in this biddin! process in accordance with ITB ,.-"e# other than alternative offers submitted in accordance with ITB .-' )ur firm its affiliates or subsidiaries includin! any Subcontractors or Suppliers for any part of the contract has not been declared ineli!ible by %DB under the 0mployer1s country laws or official re!ulations or by an act of compliance with a decision of the 2nited Nations Security Council'

"b# "c# "d# "e#






WRU Buildings Bidding Document

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Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


We are not a !overnment owned entity 3 We are a !overnment owned entity but meet the re4uirements of ITB,.5' 6 We have paid or will pay the followin! commissions !ratuities or fees with respect to the biddin! process or e$ecution of the Contract: 66 Name of 7ecipient .............................................. .............................................. %ddress ............................................ ............................................ 7eason ................................... ................................... %mount ...................... ......................



We understand that this bid to!ether with your written acceptance thereof included in your notification of award shall constitute a bindin! contract between us until a formal contract is prepared and e$ecuted' and We understand that you are not bound to accept the lowest evaluated bid or any other bid that you may receive. We a!ree to permit %DB or its representative to inspect our accounts and records and other documents relatin! to the bid submission and to have them audited by auditors appointed by the %DB. If our Bid is accepted we commit to mobili8in! (ey e4uipment and personnel in accordance with the re4uirements set forth in Section 9 "0mployer1s 7e4uirements# and our technical proposal or as otherwise a!reed with the 0mployer.




Name .................................................................................................................................................................. In the capacity of ............................................................................................................................................... Si!ned ................................................................................................................................................................ Duly authori8ed to si!n the Bid for and on behalf of ........................................................................................ Date ........................................................................................................................................ ................................................................................................................................................

* **

Use one of the two options as appropriate If none has been paid or is to be paid, indicate none

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Schedule of Payment Currencies
:or ...........................insert name of Section of the Works ............................................... Separate tables may be re4uired if the various sections of the Wor(s "or of the Bill of ;uantities# will have substantially different forei!n and local currency re4uirements. In such a case the 0mployer should prepare separate tables for each Section of the Wor(s. A
ame of Pa!ment Currenc! Amount of Currenc!

"ate of #$change to Local Currenc!

Local Currenc! #qui%alent C&A$B

Percentage of et Bid Price ' BP( )**$C BP

Local currenc!


Foreign Currenc! ,)

Foreign Currenc! ,-

Foreign Currenc! ,.

et Bid Price

)**+** )+**

Pro%isional Sums #$/ressed in Local Currenc!

B0D P"0C#

< Note < The rates of e$chan!e shall be the sellin! rates =& days prior to the deadline for submission of bids published by the source specified in BDS .5.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Tables of Adjustment Data

Table A - Local Currenc!

0nde$ Code 0nde$ Descri/tion Nonad/ustable Construction labor Construction machine"petrol# Construction material Source of 0nde$ > ??C of @un! Aen ?0T7)BIC0D Base 1alue and Date > Will be identified from the sources of inde$ on the date of =& days prior the submission date of Bid Bidder2s Local Currenc! Amount > Bidder2s Pro/osed Weighting %: E..5 B: C: D: 0:

@un! Aen Department of Construction



Table B - Foreign Currenc! ame of Currenc!3 .......................................................................................................... If the Bidder wishes to 4uote in more than one forei!n currency this table should be repeated for each forei!n currency.
0nde$ Code 0nde$ Descri/tion Nonad/ustable Source of 0nde$ > Base 1alue and Date > Bidder2s Currenc! in T!/e4Amount > #qui%alent in FC) Bidder2s Pro/osed Weighting %: E..5 B: C: D: 0: Total )+**

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Bid Securit!
Ban5 6uarantee
..................................................................Banks Name, and Address of Issuing Branch or Office..................................................................

Beneficiar!3 ..............................................................Name and Address of Employer ................................................................................. Date3..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Bid Securit! o+3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... We have been informed that . . . . . name of the Bidder. . . . . "hereinafter called Fthe BidderF# has submitted to you its bid dated . . . . . . . . . "hereinafter called Fthe BidF# for the e$ecution of . . . . . . . . name of contract . . . . . . . under Invitation for Bids No. . . . . . . . . . "Gthe I:BH#. :urthermore we understand that accordin! to your conditions bids must be supported by a bid !uarantee. %t the re4uest of the Bidder we . . . . . name of Bank. . . . . hereby irrevocably underta(e to pay you any sum or sums not e$ceedin! in total an amount of . . . . . . . . . .amount in figures . . . . . . . . . ". . . . . . .amount in ords . . . . . . . # upon receipt by us of your first demand in writin! accompanied by a written statement statin! that the Bidder is in breach of its obli!ation"s# under the bid conditions because the Bidder: "a# has withdrawn its Bid durin! the period of bid validity specified by the Bidder in the Better of Bid' or "b# does not accept the correction of errors in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders "hereinafter Gthe ITBH#' or "c# havin! been notified of the acceptance of its Bid by the 0mployer durin! the period of bid validity "i# fails or refuses to e$ecute the Contract %!reement or "ii# fails or refuses to furnish the ?erformance Security in accordance with the ITB or "iii# fails or refuses to furnish a domestic preference security if re4uired. This !uarantee will e$pire: "a# if the Bidder is the successful Bidder upon our receipt of copies of the Contract %!reement si!ned by the Bidder and the performance security issued to you upon the instruction of the Bidder' and "b# if the Bidder is not the successful Bidder upon the earlier of "i# our receipt of a copy your notification to the Bidder of the name of the successful Bidder' or "ii# twenty<ei!ht days after the e$piration of the Bidder1s bid. Conse4uently any demand for payment under this !uarantee must be received by us at the office on or before that date. This !uarantee is sub/ect to the 2niform 7ules for Demand Iuarantees ICC ?ublication No. ,5&. . . . . . . . . . . . .Banks seal and authori!ed signature"s# . . . . . . . . . .
Note$ All italici!ed te%t is for use in preparing this form and shall &e deleted from the final document

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Bill of 7uantities
A+ Preamble .. =. The Bills of ;uantities shall be read in con/unction with the Instructions to Bidders Ieneral and ?articular Conditions of Contract Ieneral and ?articular Specifications and Drawin!s. The 4uantities !iven in the Bills of ;uantities are estimated and provisional and are !iven to provide a common basis for biddin!. The basis of payment will be the actual 4uantities of wor( ordered and carried out as measured by the Contractor and verified by the 0n!ineer and valued at the rates and prices in the priced Bills of ;uantities where applicable and otherwise at such rates and prices as the 0n!ineer may fi$ within the terms of the Contract. The estimated 4uantities must not be chan!ed by Bidders. Bidders shall enter only rates or sums and then calculate the amounts relevant to the ;uantities. The rates and prices bid in the priced Bills of ;uantities shall e$cept as otherwise provided under the Contract include all construction e4uipment labour supervision materials erection maintenance insurance profit to!ether with all !eneral ris(s liabilities and obli!ations set out or implied in the Contract. Ta$es and duties for each Item shall be entered separately as re4uired by the Bills. % rate or price shall be entered a!ainst each item in the priced Bills of ;uantities whether 4uantities are stated or not. The cost of Items a!ainst which the Contractor has failed to enter a rate or price shall be deemed to be covered by other rates and prices entered in the Bills of ;uantities. The whole cost of complyin! with the provisions of the Contract shall be included in the Items provided in the priced Bills of ;uantities and where no Items are provided the cost shall be deemed to be distributed amon! the rates and prices entered for the related Items of Wor(s. Ieneral directions and descriptions of wor( and materials are not necessarily repeated nor summari8ed in the Bills of ;uantities. 7eferences to the relevant sections of the Contract documentation shall be made before enterin! prices a!ainst each item in the priced Bills of ;uantities. ?rovisional Sums included and so desi!nated in the Bills of ;uantities shall be e$pended in whole or in part at the direction and discretion of the 0n!ineer in accordance with the Conditions of Contract. The method of measurement of completed wor( for payment a!ainst each Item of the Bills of ;uantities shall be to the limits lines and levels shown on the Drawin!s e$cept where the Specifications indicate otherwise. 0$istin! !round levels shown on the Drawin!s are indicative only and shall be replaced for construction and payment purposes by levels determined from a topo!raphic survey carried out by the Contractor. The survey shall be supervised and validated by the 0n!ineer.







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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



%rithmetic errors will be corrected by the 0mployer as follows: "a# if there is a discrepancy between the rate and the amount that is obtained by multiplyin! the rate and 4uantity the rate shall prevail and the amount shall be corrected unless in the opinion of the 0mployer there is an obvious misplacement of the decimal point in the rate in which case the amount as 4uoted shall !overn and the rate shall be corrected' "b# if there is an error in a total correspondin! to the addition or subtraction of subtotals the subtotals shall prevail and the total shall be corrected' and "c# if there is a discrepancy between words and fi!ures the amount in words shall prevail unless the amount e$pressed in words is related to an arithmetic error in which case the amount in fi!ures shall prevail sub/ect to "a# and "b# above.

The followin! units of measurement and abbreviations apply: 2nit %bbreviation 2nit cubic meter m Cillimeter hectare ha month hour h number (ilo!ram (! s4uare meter lump sum sum s4uare millimetre meter m compactibility metric ton ". EEE ton @ei!ht (!# Sectional area Irade I 0levation Diameter M d Distance

%bbreviation mm mon nr or Nr m= or s4 m mm= or s4 mm L @ S 0l D

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

B+ Bill of 7uantities3 The Bill of ;uantities comprise: Bill No. . Ieneral items Bill No. = ?revention of buildin!s from termite invasion I. T@0 B0:T WINI B0CT270 B2IBDINIS Bill No. 7einforced concrete pilin! Bill No. , :oundation wor( Bill No. 5 7einforced concrete Wor( Bill No. 9 Bric( masonry wor( Bill No. J :inishin! wor( Bill No. & Door and Window Bill No. K Sun Bouvers Bill No. .E Interior Aard Bill No. .. 0$terior Aard Bill No. .= 2nder!round water tan( Bill No. .Septic tan( Bill No. ., Canhole Bill No. .5 Draina!e !roove Bill No. .9 In buildin! water wor( Bill No. .J 0lectric wor( Bill No. .& %ir ventilation system Bill No. .K :ire alert and fire fi!htin! system Bill No. =E Bi!ht 0lectricity II. T@0 7II@T WINI B0CT270 B2IBDINI Bill No. =. 7einforced concrete pilin! Bill No. == :oundation wor( Bill No. =7einforced concrete wor( Bill No. =, Bric( masonry wor( Bill No. =5 :inishin! wor( Bill No. =9 Door and Window Bill No. =J %< B< C Interior yard Bill No. =& 0$terior yard Bill No. =K 2nder!round water tan( Bill No. -E Septic tan( Bill No. -. Draina!e pipe line and Canhole Bill No. -= In buildin! water wor( Bill No. -0lectric wor( Bill No. -, %ir ventilation system Bill No. -5 :ire alert and :ire fi!htin! system Bill No. -9 Bi!ht electricity III. T@0 D)7CIT)7A Bill No. -J 7einforced concrete pilin! Bill No. -& :oundation wor( Bill No. -K 7einforced concrete wor( Bill No. ,E Bric( masonry wor(

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Bill No. ,. Bill No. ,= Bill No. ,Bill No. ,, Bill No. ,5 Bill No. ,9 Bill No. ,J Bill No. ,& Bill No. ,K Bill No. 5E Bill No. 5. Bill No. 5= Bill No. 5-

:inishin! wor( Door and Window Iuardin! station Iarden 2nder!round water tan( )n<the<roof water tan( Septic tan( )ut< door draina!e system In Buildin! water wor( 0lectric wor( %ir conditional System :ire alarm and :ire fi!htin! system Bi!ht electricity

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Bill o+ ) 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J &

6eneral items Descri/tion 8nit Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum Sum set 7uantit! ..EE ..EE ..EE ..EE ..EE ..EE ..EE 5.EE Total for Bill o+) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

?rovide and maintain insurance for Wor(s ?rovide and maintain insurance for 04uipment ?rovide and maintain insurances for Third ?arty ?rovide and maintain ?erformance Iuarantee ?rovide and maintain warranty !uarantee ContractorNs temporary wor(s at the site and relocation after completion of wor( Conthly ?ro!ress 7eport %s<built drawin!

Bill o+ 0tem o+ . = ,

Pre%ention of buildings from termite in%asion Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Left Wing Lecture Buildings %nti<termite for base of buildin!s %nti<termite for outbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for inbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for wall of the buildin!s "ight Wing Lecture Buildings 5 9 J & %nti<termite for base of buildin!s %nti<termite for outbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for inbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for wall of the buildin!s m= mmm= &K&=.&= =,=.9. -K-.=E -9,&.,& m= mmm= 9K-E.., =...9J J&K.E& ,5,9.K-

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Dormitor! K .E .. .= %nti<termite for base of buildin!s %nti<termite for outbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for inbound of the buildin!s %nti<termite for wall of the buildin!s m= mmm= =5,,.EE =.-.=K J=.KE -KK5.-J

Total for Bill o+*Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ T9# L#FT W0 6 L#CT8"# B80LD0 6S Bill o+ . "einforced concrete /iling 0tem o+ Descri/tion Load test of /ile Cobili8in! and demobili8in! robot for load test of pile Supply and transportation of ?@C pile dO 5EEmm class % & piles BO,,m Drivin! ?@C pile d5EE class % E& piles BO,,m ?minO=J5T ?ma$O--ET Static load test of ?@C pile d5EE class % & piles BO,,m Testin! loadO==ET Pile dri%ing :or5 Cobili8ation and demobili8ation of robot for drivin! pile Supply and transportation of ?@C pile d5EE class % J,, piles BO,=m Drivin! ?@C pile d5EE class % J,, piles BO,=m ?minO=J5T ?ma$O--ET ":inal elevation of pile heads are =m under !round level' Ben!th of driver pile is =m# :illin! up pile head with sand for =m under!round pile installation J,, piles. 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

. = ,

Set m m pile

..EE -5=.EE -5=.EE &.EE

5 9 J &

set m m set

=.EE -.=,&.EE -=J-9.EE J,,.EE

Total for Bill o+. * Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 4 Foundation :or5

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

0tem o+ .

Descri/tion Brea(in! concrete pile head

8nit m-

7uantit! ,9..9


Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


= , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == =-

0$cavation of foundation pit soil !rade I 0$cavation of foundation pit for column widthP.m depthP.m soil !rade I 0$cavation of foundation pit for foundation bracin! beam widthQ-m depthQ.m soil !rade I Based concrete I.EE stone =$, for foundation bracin! pile !rilla!e Concrete for column base I-EE :oundation concrete I-EE stone.$= BQ=5Ecm Steel reinforcement for foundation dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for foundation dQ.&mm Steel reinforcement for foundation dP.&mm :ormwor( for s4uare column foundation Concrete I -EE stone.$= for column SQE .m= @Q ,m Concrete I -EE stone.$= for column S P E .m= @Q ,m Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dQ.Emm @Q ,m Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dQ.& mm @Q ,m Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dP.&mm @Q ,m :ormwor( for column nec(in! rectan!ular shape @Q.9m Bric( masonry 9.5$.E.5$== for foundation thic(nessQ --cm cement mortar IJ5 Concrete for foundation wall bracin! I-EE stone .$= :ormwor( for bracin! beam Steel reinforcement for bracin! beams dQ.Emm @Q, m Steel reinforcement for bracin! beams dQ.&mm @Q, m Bac(fillin! for foundation LOE KE usin! available soil from e$cavation "!round recoverin! up to 0levation of <. 55m#

.EE mmmmmmton ton ton .EEm= mmton ton ton .EE m= mm.EE m= ton ton .EE m-

,..-5 9E..5,-5.-E =9...= J=.5& .5-K.=.J.5, 9..JK-.KE 5E.5J .E.=5 .K5.&K 5.,= &.E5 =E...&.E.J=9.9.-K..K &.K, =.5J .&.&5 ...E&

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

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Section 4 - Bidding Forms

=, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K

Bac(fillin! for foundation LOE KE !round recoverin! up to 0levation of <. 55m# Soil transportin! DRO5EE soil !rade I Sand bac(fillin! L O E KE usin! sand from e$cavation Sand bac(fillin! L O E KE Based concrete I.EE stone =$, for !round floor .-ste/s Perron 0$cavation of ?erron foundation pit soil !rade I 0$cavation of perron foundation pit soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Bric( masonry bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness Q-cm wall perron cement mortar IJ5 Sand fillin! for perron LOE.K5 Concrete I-EE stone .$= for bracin! beam of perron :ormwor( for perron beam Steel reinforcement for perron beams dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for perron beams dQ.&mm Based concrete for beam of perron I.EE stone ,$9 BQ =5Ecm Concrete I-EE stone .$= for perron floor Steel reinforcement for perron dQ.Emm

.EE m.EE m.EE m.EE mm.EE mmm.EE mm.EE m= ton ton mmton

.9.55 .9.55 JE.,9 -5.,9 J&9.,= =.K, J-.9= K..J. -.&9 KK.J= 5.9K =.9. 9.=K &J.&,

9E.99 .E.5. Total for Bill o+ 4 *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

Bill o+ ; 0tem o+ . = , 5

"einforced concrete Wor5 Descri/tion 8nit mm.EE m= ton ton 7uantit! .,K.,, .=KJ.,E .=9.K9 .EJ.&, .95..= "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Concrete I-EE stone .$= for columns SQE . m= @Q 5Em Concrete I-EE stone .$= for columns SPE . m= @Q 5Em :ormwor( for columns rectan!ular shape @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for columns dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for columns dQ.&mm @Q

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == =-

5Em Steel reinforcement for columns dP.&mm @Q 5Em Concrete I-EE stone .$= for beam bracin! beam @Q 5Em :ormwor( for bottom beams @Q5Em :ormwor( for beams bracin! @Q5Em Steel reinforcement for beam bracin! dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for beam bracin! dQ.&mm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for beam bracin! dP.&mm @Q 5Em Concrete I-EE stone .$= for floor roof @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for floor roof dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for floor roof dP.Emm @Q 5Em :ormwor( for roof slab @Q5Em Stair Concrete I=EE stone .$= for beam of stair :ormwor( for stair beams Steel reinforcement for stair beam dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for stair beam dP.&mm @Q 5Em Concrete I=EE stone .$= for staircase :ormwor( for staircase Steel reinforcement for staircase dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Lintel< :all bracing beam Concrete I=EE stone .$= for lintel wall bracin! beam :ormwor( for lintel bracin! beam Steel reinforcement for lintel bracin! beam dQ.Emm @Q 5Em Steel reinforcement for lintel bracin! beam
Single-Stage One Envelope

ton m.EE m= .EE m= ton ton ton mton ton .EE m= m.EE m= ton ton m.EE m= ton

&K.55 -E==.&5 59.,5 =.5.=..J.-E .&=.=E =.9.-= -K-E.EE 9=,.,. --.=K -=-.-& ,-.,= 5.-9 E.&. J.JJ .,&.-= .=.-9 -E.=5

=, =5 =9 =J

m.EE m= ton ton

-.K.&5 5E.&K &.K= ,J.EJ

Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

dP.Emm @Q 5Em Total for Bill o+ ; *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ = 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K Bric5 masonr! :or5 Descri/tion Construction of enclosin! wall .5cm thic( %%C bric( "dimension .5$=E$9Ecm# @Q 5E m cement mortar I5E Construction of bric( enclosin! wall bric( 9.5$.E.5$== strai!ht wall thic(ness RO--cm @Q5E m. Cement mortar I5E Construction of bric( enclosin! wall bric( 9.5$.E.5$== strai!ht wall thic(nessR O--cm @Q5E m. Cement mortar I5E Bric( construction of column pier @Q5Em cement mortar I5E bric( 9.5$.E.5$== Construction of dividin! wall .Ecm thic( %%C bric( "dimension =E$.E$9Ecm# @Q5Em cement mortar I5E Construction of dividin! wall .5cm thic( %%C bric( "dimension =E$.5$9Ecm# @Q5Em cement mortar I5E Construction of dividin! wall -Ecm thic( %%C bric( "dimension =E$.5$9Ecm# @Q5Em cement mortar I5E Construction of dividin! wall for WC rooms bric( 9.5$.E.5$== strai!ht wall thic(ness Q --cm @Q 5Em. Cement mortar I5E Construction of dividin! wall for WC rooms bric( 9.5$.E.5$== strai!ht wall thic(ness Q @Q 5Em. Cement mortar I5E Bric( construction bric( 9.5$.E.5$== complicated structures @Q5Em. Cement mortar I5E "steps of staircase triple cascade step#. Bric( construction bric( 9.5$.E.5$== for column pier of main pavilion @Q5Em. Cement mortar I5E Bric( construction bric( 9.5$.E.5$== for outside ==cm strai!ht wall# with thic(ness Q--cm @Q5Em. Cement mortar I5E .5cm thic( bric( wall for locatin! air conditioner in ed!e a$es %%C bric( "dimension .5$=E$9Ecm# @Q5Em 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(


&==.-9 =5..J9 5-.-J JK9.,, =J.&K .-=&.-9 ,J.E, 5K.... -95.-. J9.E5 .,E.K& .,.K5 5-.-5

.E .. .= .-

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



Construction of pulpit for classrooms unburnt bric( 9EE$=EE$.5E cement mortar I5E



Total for Bill o+ = *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ > 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 Finishing :or5 Descri/tion ?lasterin! e$terior face of wall thic(ness ..5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! interior face of wall thic(ness ..5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! pier3column inside of buildin!s. Cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness ..5cm ?lasterin! pier3column outside of buildin!s cement mortar IJ5 thicness ..5cm ?lasterin! ceilin! cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! beams inside of buildin!s cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! beams outside of buildin!s Cement mortar IJ5 ?aintin! for non S putty e$terior face of wall of buildin!s " first coatin! and = over coatin!# Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents ?aintin! for non<putty beam ceilin! column interior face of wall " first coatin! and = over coatin!# Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents 0po$y or e4uivalent paintin! to protect a!ainst abrasion of inclined path :loorin! with artificial !ranite tile 9EE$9EE bri!ht !rey color "Thach Ban ?rime or e4uivalent# :loorin! with artificial anti<slippin! !ranite tile 9EE$9EE bri!ht !rey color "Thach Ban ?rime or e4uivalent# :loorin! with artificial anti<slippin! !ranite tile 9EE$9EE dar( !rey color "Thach Ban ?rime or e4uivalent# :loorin! with ceramic tile "9EE$9EE# for toilet "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# :ormin! inclined floor cement mortar IJ5 Coverin! floor with anti<slippin! !ranite tile 8nit m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= 7uantit! 9,&J.K. =K.JK.K. 55.=.EE 5.&E.=E .&JJ,.9=E-=9..E .E9E.-9 .=J=&.,9 J-JK=.9, -E-.,& .-J&-.9& ..-&..E9 ..,&.&. .5&9.J& 9.&,.,9 .,K... "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5



=& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J

,EE$,EE "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# Bric( facin! onto wall toe wall border column border tile .5E$9EEmm "Thach Ban ?rime or e4uivalent# Iranite tilin! for perron steps Tilin! pre<cast !ranito to nec( perron step "Nam Than! or e4uivalent# Tilin! pre<cast !ranito to staircase steps "Nam Than! or e4uivalent# pavin! !ranite tile in middle of doors "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# ?avin! main hall with natural cut stone Binin! tile -EE$9EE onto wall of toilet "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# Binin! cement yellow sand mortar IJ5 for seno ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement for waterproofin! floor of toilet "proportion paint3cement O . to.# =coatin!s painted ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement for waterproofin! seno "proportion paint3cement O . to.# = coatin!s painted ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement for waterproofin! technical floor "proportion paint3cement O . to.# = coatin!s painted ?rotrudin! frame !ypsum ceilin! 9EE$9EE "includin! puttyin! and finishin!# Uinh Tuon! or e4uivalent Countersun( frame !ypsum ceilin! "puttyin! and finishin!# Uinh Tuon! or e4uivalent Water proof countersun( frame !ypsum ceilin! "puttyin! and finishin!# Uinh Tuon! or e4uivalent :rame for roof of pavilion Installin! frame for roof of pavilion 7oof of pavilion structural !lass thic(ness O .=mm @i!h stren!th stretchin! cable D,E Smart plastic roof for li!htin! !ate "Bayer or e4uivalent# Steel frame supportin! smart plastic roof for li!htin! bo$ steel 9E$9E$= "Bayer or e4uivalent# ?aintin! steel items with - layers

m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m=

.=JJ.5= =9-.,J .=5.K9 .&J5.J= ..,.E9 95&.J= 9JE=.E& 5-.KE ,=5-.=,





m= m= m= ton ton m= set m= ton m=

5=9-.-5 --J.,9 .5&9.J& .-.5K .-.5K =,K.-J 9.EE .9KE.=, .-.59 &9-.,=

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


-& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E

Installin! steel frame :inal roofin! with 8inc<!alvani8ed lamination E.Jmm thic( Toilet compact baffle 7ailin! of corridor @O.E5Emm @andrail of staircase "baluster by steel pipe D9E rail by solid round bar D.=# 7ailin! of perron <step 7ailin! of inclined path Iron pipe handrail D9E Installin! steel handrail ?aintin! handrail "all types# Steel scaffold opened air scaffold @Q5Em Steel scaffold indoor scaffold standard hei!ht -.9m < Installin! scaffold for construction S inside scaffold increasin! hei!ht in ..=m<9 months

m= m m= m= m= m= m m m= m= .EE m= .EE m= .EEm=


.9KE.=, 9,E.9, .,,.EE =J=9.5. 5=E.=& .,9.-E .,=.J, -E,K.EE -E,K.EE =&=&.9J ..9.9& =&E.,K =&E.,K

Total for Bill o+ > *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ ? 0tem o+ . Door and Windo: Descri/tion Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentStransparency safe !lass 9 -&mm "includin! fittin! parts# S D. Two<win! window "one slide win! one inactive win!# S profile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm and fittin!s press (ey roller S 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS D. Two S win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm S fittin!s : loc( multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es fin!er 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS D= Two S win! window "one slide win! one inactive win!# S profile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm fittin!s: press (ey roller S 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS D=
Single-Stage One Envelope


7uantit !


Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(









WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms






Two<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm fittin!s: with loc( multi S point loc(in! bar handles hin!es fin!er S 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S DTwo<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm fittin!s: loc( multi S point loc(in! bar handles hin!es fin!erS 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS D, :i$ed !lass wall S ?rofile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm D, Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile :027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm :ittin!s: loc( multi S point loc(in! bar handles hin!es fin!erS 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S D5 :i$ed !lass wall S ?rofile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm D5 )ne S win! door inwards openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two S sided translucent paste. :ittin!s :loc( multi S point loc(in! bar handles hin!es S D9 )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two< sided translucent paste. :ittin!s: loc( handles hin!es S D96. )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two<side translucent paste. :ittin!: loc( multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es S DJ )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two<side translucent paste. :ittin!s :loc( multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es S DJ6. )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two< side translucent paste. :ittin!s :Savin! door (ey in
















m= m=

9..= .K9.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms











the loc( (nob handles hin!es S D& )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent transparency Ssafe !lass 9.-&mm two< side translucent paste. :ittin!s :Savin! door (ey in the loc( (nob handles hin!es S D&% )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile: 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm with loc( multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc( S DK )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm with loc( multi< point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc( S D.E Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm Savin! door (ey in the loc( (nob handles hin!es fin!erS D... Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm :ittin!: Cain door with loc(er multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es fin!erS 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS D.= Two<win! window "one slide win! one fi$ed win!# < ?rofile : 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm :ittin!: press (ey roller S ST <. Two<win! window "one slide win! one fi$ed win!# < ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm :ittin!: press (ey roller S ST <= SN.<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent : two windows with a throw<over openin! win! 'and !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years SN=<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: four windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years SN=<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin!
Single-Stage One Envelope

















m= m=

J9.&E &.9,

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms









027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN.<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN=<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Window with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN=<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN-<.<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Window with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN-<=<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN,<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN5<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN9<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Si$ windows with a throw over openin! win! usin!

















Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



-, -5

027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UNJ<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Si$ windows with a throw over openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years UN&<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Wall !lass usin! 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent aluminum without system of heat resistance aluminum frame ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint warranty 5 years Installin! door window V!lass wall



m= m=


9J9..-= Total for Bill o+ ? *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

Bill o+ @ 0tem o+ . = , 5 9

Sun Lou%ers Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

"einforced Concrete Sun Lou%ers ?recast concrete concrete splint 9E$.=E cm thicness..=cm :ormwor( of precast concrete concrete splint 9E$.=E Steel reinforcement of precast concrete d Q .Emm :lat steel is ready buried in concrete Installin! precast concrete splint wei!ht of =-(! per splint ?aintin! precast concrete splints si8e 9E$.=Emm first coatin! and two over coatin!. Aetal Sun Lou%ers :abricatin! Sun control system made from bo$ shaped steel &E$,E$= for ed!in! line ,E$=E$.., for inner Installin! steel sun control system ?aintin! steel items with - layers

m.EEm= ton ton Nr m=

,&.-E .9..E .-.,, 9..E 5,-=.EE =,.5..E

J & K

ton m= m=

,.=5 .-..E, -EK.JK

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Supply and installation of Bu$alon or e4uivalent sun louver system



Total for Bill o+ @ *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ )* 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == =0nterior Bard Descri/tion 0$cavation of foundation curb soil !rade I Concrete rubble for foundation Buildin! vertical wall parterre with the thic(ness RO--cm by bric( "9 5$.E 5$==# I5E ?laster wall outdoor thic(ness of plaster . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?ressin! yellow lumpy stone to wall ?ressin! base floor with terra88o tile of si8e -EE$-EE$=5mm cement mortar IJ5 Concrete rou!h bric( .&EE$9EE$,5E Transportin! soil within area Q 5EEm soil !rade I alluvial soil %lluvial soil "thic( -Ecm# ?lantin! !rass in parterres :ertili8er "thic( =cm for area !rass# Waterin! in -E days distance P.EEm 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole ROJE$JE$JEcm :ertili8er in hole JE$JE Transportin! tree distance P=E.m ?lant a Ba!erstroemia alluvial soil ?lant a %!laia duperreana alluvial soil Waterin! in .5 days distance P .EEm Caintain trees ?lant Cuphea hyssopifolia ?lant Sansevieria trifasciata @ort ?lant Duranta repens Concrete production mi$ed by machine poured by 8nit mmmm= m= m= tablet .EE mm.EE m= m.EE m= hole hole tree tree tree .EEE tree .E trees3 month m= m= m= m7uantit ! .5J.5, =9.-J &&.K=E5.J& .,9.KK ,59.5J .=E.EE ,..= ,.=.-K ..5-.E9 ..5K.EE K.EE K.EE K.EE 5..EE E.E. -.5J ..J.EE =E.EE .=K.9E .,K.-"ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



hand Iround concrete width P=5Ecm stone ,$9 I.EE ?ressin! base floor with terra88o tile cement mortar IJ5



Total for Bill o+ )* *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ )) 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. #$terior Bard Descri/tion 0$cavation of foundation curb by manpower soil !rade I Concrete rubble for foundation Buildin! vertical wall parterre with the thic(ness by bric( "9 5$.E 5$==# I5E Buildin! vertical wall parterre with the thic(ness RO--cm by bric( "9 5$.E 5$==# I5E ?laster wall outdoor thic(ness of plaster . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?ressin! yellow lumpy stone to wall Transportin! soil by dump truc( 5T within area Q 5EEm soil !rade I alluvial soil %lluvial soil ?lantin! !rass in parterres ?lantin! @a(onechloa macra fertili8er "thic( =cm for area !rass# waterin! in -E days distance P.EEm 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole ROJE$JE$JEcm 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole ROJE$JE$JEcm 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole RO.EE$.EE$.EEcm fertili8er in hole JE$JE fertili8er in hole .EE$.EE Transportin! tree distance P=E.m ?lant a Ba!erstroemia alluvial soil ?lant a Deloni$ re!ia alluvial soil ?lant a %!laia duperreana alluvial soil
Single-Stage One Envelope

8nit mmmmm= m= .EE mm.EE m= .EE m= m.EE m= hole hole hole hole hole tree tree tree tree

7uantit ! ---.E.=..J= &,.EK&.5= 9,..5J&..-,=.=, ,==,..= ..5.,J -.&5 =-E.K, ..5.,J K=.EE .E5.EE .=.EE .KJ.EE .=.EE =EK.EE 99.EE =9.EE .E5.EE


Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

== ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E

?lant Cassia fistula alluvial soil Scan of lime foot of a tree Waterin! in .5 days by machine distance P .EEm Caintain trees ?lant Duranta repens Concrete production mi$ed by machine poured by hand 7oad surface concrete has thic(ness Q =5cm stone .$= I=EE Nylon linin! concrete yard :ormwor( for surface of concrete road Concrete production mi$ed by machine poured by hand Iround concrete width P=5Ecm stone ,$9 I.EE ?ressin! base floor with terra88o tile cement mortar IJ5 Buildin! round chair with the thic(ness by bric( "9 5$.E 5$==# I5E ?laster wall outdoor thic(ness of plaster . Ecm cement mortar IJ5 ?aint outdoor walls "without pressin! mastic# . linin! layer = coverin! layers Concrete production mi$ed by machine poured by hand round chair stone .$= I=EE ?roduction erection demolishin! timber formwor( for concrete of round chair :abricatin! and installin! reinforcement concrete in<site for chair dRO.Emm Spread !ranite round chair Iranito chair 9EE$.&EE$,5E 7ubbish bin .EEE$-&E$.E-E

tree tree .EEE tree .E trees3 month m= mm= .EE m= mm= mm= m= m.EE m= ton m= Nr Nr

.=.EE .E,.EE E.=. =E.KE &-.,E =-.5.95 .-9=..,9 -=.-E ,&E.-9 ,&E-.9, .9.E. =JJ.9E =JJ.9E .E.EK ..,9 E.KE

.,5.J99.EE --.EE Total for Bill o+ )) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ )0tem o+ .

8nderground :ater tan5 Descri/tion 8nit .EE m7uantit! 5..J "ate

:oundation e$cavation width Q 9m soil !rade I

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


= , 5 9 J & K .E

:oundation e$cavation width P.m depth P.m. Soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Beddin! concrete I.EE stone ,$9 width P=5Ecm Wall concrete thic(ness Q ,5cm hei!ht Q ,m concrete I-EE stone .$= :oundation slab concrete I-EE stone .$= :ormwor(s for cast<in<place concrete formwor( for wall hei!ht Q .9m Steel reinforcement for foundation slab d Q .Emm Steel reinforcement for foundation slab d Q .&mm Steel reinforcement for foundation slab d P.&mm Soil bac(fillin! for foundation pit

mmmm.EE m= ton ton ton .EE mm=

.=K.=K .J.-= -K.KJ &K.5J 5.5E =.=5 .9.K9 ..&. ..&J 99&.E,

?aintin! technical floor with Lova CT<..% or .. e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: Cement O .:.# and paintin! = coatin! on outside surface of the wall of the tan( ?aintin! technical floor with Lova CT<..% or .= e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: Cement O .:.# and paintin! = coatin! on outside surface of the wall of the tan( .- ?lasterin! outside surface of the wall of tan(. Cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness .5mm ., ?lasterin! inside of the tan( cement mortar IJ5 Thic(ness ..5cm first layer sliced by trowel .5 ?lasterin! inside of the tan(. Cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness .cm with hardener finishin! .9 Bottom mortar hardener finishin! with thic(ness -.Ecm. Cement mortar I.EE .J Tan( cover by stainless steel dimension .EEE$.EEEmm. .& Construction stop line

m= m= m= m= m= Nr m

9E,.&K --,.E= -E=.,5 -E=.,5 .,..&, ..EE 5J.&E

Total for Bill o+ )*Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ ). 0tem Se/tic tan5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= :oundation e$cavation width Q 9m soil !rade I ?illar column foundation e$cavation width Q . m depth P .m soil level "calculated as manual e$cavation# Based concrete for foundation I.EE stone ,$9 widthP=5Ecm Concrete for strai!ht wall of septic tan( stone .$= I=EE :ormwor( for bottom slab of tan( Steel reinforcement for septic tan( diameterQ .Emm ?recast concrete plate stone .$= I=EE :ormwor( for precast concrete plate Steel reinforcement for plate Installin! plate for septic tan( Bric( construction si8e 9.5 $ .E.5 $ == strai!ht wall thic(ness Q --cm hei!ht Q ,m cement mortar IJ5 Bric( construction si8e 9.5 $ .E.5 $ == strai!ht wall thic(nessQ hei!ht Q ,m cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! outside wall of septic tan( thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! inside septic tan( the first layer .5mm thic( creatin! rou!hness ?lasterin! the second layer thic(nessO.Emm with cement hardener finishin! :loor tilin! with cement hardenin! finishin! thic(ness of - cm cement mortar I.EE ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent with cement for technical floor "ratio paint: cementO .:.# S paintin! two layers for outside face of wall of the tan( ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent with cement for technical floor "ratio paint: cementO .:.# S paintin! two layers for inside of the tan(
Single-Stage One Envelope

'0nc+ Ta$es( mmmm.EE m= ton m.EE m= ton plate mmE.=J 9.&5 ..== =.K. E... E.=5 E.K= E.E9 E..= .=E.EE ,.-, E.J.

.., .5 .9 .J

m= m= m= m= m=

=J.5= -=.K& -=.K& ...,. 55.E,




Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



Soil bac(fillin! for foundation pit of septic tan(

.=.5J Total for Bill o+ ). *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(


Bill o+ )4 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5

Aanhole Descri/tion 8nit .EE mmmm.EE m= ton ton ton mm= Nr Nr Nr Nr .EE m7uantit! ..K5 ,&.9J .=.,=E.K9 ..&= =.&E.5. E.&= =5.K& =EE.J. ==.EE 9.EE .5.EE ,-.EE .... "ate

:oundation e$cavation width Q 9m soil !rade I ?illar and column foundation e$cavation width P. m depth Q .m soil !rade I"calculated as manual e$cavation# Based concrete I.EE for foundation stone ,$9 widthQ =5Ecm. Concrete for manhole I=EE stone .$= :ormwor( for manhole Steel reinforcement for manhole dQ .E mm Steel reinforcement for manhole dQ .&mm :orm steel buried in concrete Bric( construction for wall of manhole bric( 9.5$.E.5$== thic(nessQ --cm cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! inside manhole chamber cement mortar IJ5 Cast Iron cover for manhole BJEE Cast Iron cover for manhole B.EEE Cast Iron cover for manhole B.5EE Installin! iron plate Soil bac(fillin! for manhole foundation pit

Total for Bill o+ )4 *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ ); 0tem o+ . Drainage groo%e Descri/tion :oundation e$cavation width Q 9m soil !rade I
Single-Stage One Envelope

8nit .EE

7uantit! .,.E&


Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

m= , 5 9 J & K .E .. ..5 .9 .J .& .K =E Strip foundation e$cavation depthQ.m widthQ -m soil !rade I"calculated as manual e$cavation Based concrete I.EE for foundation stone ,$9 widthQ =5E Concrete ditch I=EE stone .$= :ormwor( for cast<in<situ strip foundation Steel reinforcement for foundation d. Q .Emm :abricatin! steel clement buried in concrete wei!ht per clement Q .E(! ?ad for concrete pipe D,EE ?ad for concrete pipe D.EEE Installin! pad for concrete pipe Buyin! and installin! concrete pipe D,EE Buyin! and installin! concrete pipe D.EEE Boad type B Soil bac(fillin! for foundation pit :abricatin! and installin! cast Iron !roove cover plate J&E$,KEmm :abricatin! and installin! precast concrete plate stone .$= I=EE :ormwor( for precast concrete plate Installin! precast plate Steel reinforcement for precast concrete plate mmm.EE m= ton ton Nr Nr Nr m m .EE mNr m.EE m= Nr ton -5..K, =E..&==E.&E K.=& .-..E J.K, .,=.EE -J.EE .JK.EE -EE.EE ,E.EE ,.,, K9J.EE =J.5& ..JE

5K&.EE -.E& Total for Bill o+ ); *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ )= 0tem o+ . = -

0n building :ater :or5 Descri/tion 8nit set set set 7uantit! =J9.EE =EE.EE =,E.EE "ate

Water closet bowl two bloc(s two press soft cover enclosed hose tap "IN%D or e4uivalent# Wall mounted urinal "IN%D 2..9U or e4uivalent# Table lavabo "IN%D B<=K=U or e4uivalent# <

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


shower mirror synchroni8ation , 5 9 J :loor drain cup DJ9 7oof drain cup D.5E Ino$ water tan( =5EEB Tap D=5 Water su//l!ing /i/e line & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D.=5 ,.J&mm thic( Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D.EE -.9mm thic( Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D&E -.=mm thic( Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D95 -.=mm thic( Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D5E =.Kmm thic( Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D.EE$.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D.EE$5E Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D&E$5E Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D95$5E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D5E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D,E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D-= ?ipe ??7<?N.E D=5 ?ipe ??7<?N.E D=E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D.5 ?ressure testin! of Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D.=5 ?ressure testin! of Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe . DO.EEmm ?ressure testin! of Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe. DR.EEmm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO 5Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO ,Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO -=mm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO =5mm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO =Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO .5mm Disinfectin! Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DO.5Emm Disinfectin! 8inc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DO .EEmm Disinfectin! 8inc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DR.EEmm
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr

-9E.EE J5.EE =E.EE .E.EE

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

E..E -.=E E.&E E.5E -.EE =.EE 5.EE =.EE =.EE E.5E ..5E ..&E J.5E ,.5E &.EE E..E -.=E ,.-E E.5E ..5E ..&E J.5E ,.5E &.EE E..E -.=E ,.-E
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

-5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95 99 9J 9& 9K JE J. J= JJ,

Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D5E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D,E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D-= Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D=5 Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D=E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D.5 Tee ??7 D5E$5E Tee ??7 D5E$,E Tee ??7 D,E$-= Tee ??7 D-=$=5 Tee ??7 D=5$=5 Tee ??7 D=5$=E Tee ??7 D=5$.5 Tee ??7 D=E$.5 Tee ??7 D.5$.5 0lbow ??7 D5E 0lbow ??7 D,E 0lbow ??7 D-= 0lbow ??7 D=5 0lbow ??7 D=E 0lbow ??7 D.5 ?ipe reducer ??7 D5E$,E ?ipe reducer ??7 D,E$-= ?ipe reducer ??7 D-=$=5 ?ipe reducer ??7 D=5$=E ?ipe reducer ??7 D=5$.5 ?ipe reducer ??7 D=E$.5 Winc<Ialvani8ed steel Soc(et D.=5 Winc<Ialvani8ed steel Soc(et D.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed steel Soc(et D&E Winc<Ialvani8ed steel Soc(et D95 Winc<Ialvani8ed steel Soc(et D5E Soc(et ??7 D5E Soc(et ??7 D,E Soc(et ??7 D-= Soc(et ??7 D=5 Soc(et ??7 D=E Soc(et ??7 D.5 :le$ible pipin! connector D.=5 :le$ible pipin! connector D.EE

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr /oint /oint

E.5E ..5E ..&E J.5E ,.5E &.EE -E.EE .E.EE =E.EE ,E.EE =EE.EE ,E.EE -=E.EE =.5.EE -J9.EE =E.EE =E.EE .&E.EE ,.5.EE -9E.EE ,&E.EE .E.EE .E.EE 5E.EE =EE.EE .9E.EE .5E.EE -.EE ..E.EE =J.EE .J.EE .EE.EE .J.EE 5E.EE 9E.EE =5E.EE .5E.EE =9J.EE =.EE =.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9 &J && &K KE K. K= KK, K5 K9 KJ K& KK .EE .E. .E= .E.E, .E5 .E9 .EJ .E& .EK ..E ... ..= ..-

:oot valve D.=5 "with Crephin# Strainer A D.=5 Chec( valve D.EE 0lectric valves for pump controller Iate valve D.EE Iate valve D5E Iate valve D=5 7i!ht an!led 0lbow female thread D.5 Top plu! D.5 :loat valve D&E :loat valve D5E ?ipe han!ers and supporters Waste :ater /i/e line ?ipe u?UC<?N& D=EE ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.,E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D..E ?ipe u?UC<?N& DKE ?ipe u?UC<?N& DJ9 ?ipe u?UC<?N& D,= Tee .-5 D.,E$..E Tee .-5 D..E$..E Tee .-5 D..E$KE Tee .-5 DKE$J9 Tee .-5 DJ9$J9 Tee .-5 DJ9$,= 0lbow .-5 D.,E 0lbow .-5 D..E 0lbow .-5 DKE 0lbow .-5 DJ9 0lbow .-5 D,= 0lbow KE D,= Tee chec( D.,E Tee chec( D..E Tee chec( DKE Clean out Tee D..E Clean out Tee DKE Clean out Tee DJ9 ?ipe reducer DKE$J9 ?ipe reducer DJ9$,= ?ipe han!ers and supports
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set

..EE =.EE =.EE ..EE =.EE ,E.EE .-E.EE J=5.EE J=5.EE ..EE =E.EE .,&E.EE ,.EE ,.&E .,..E &..E &.,E J.5E 9E.EE -=E.EE =5E.EE =9E.EE 5EE.EE ,,5.EE =E.EE -&E.EE =&E.EE ,EE.EE ,,5.EE J5E.EE =E.EE ==.EE =.EE &E.EE &E.EE &E.EE &E.EE ,,5.EE =-,5.EE
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.., ..5 ..9 ..J ..& ..K .=E .=. .== .=.=, .=5 .=9 .=J .=& .=K

"ain draining /i/e line ?ipe u?UC<?N& D=EE ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.9E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.,E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D..E u?UC Tee .-5 D.9E$..E u?UC Tee .-5 D.,E$..E u?UC Tee .-5 D..E$..E u?UC 0lbow .-5 D.9E u?UC 0lbow .-5 D.,E u?UC 0lbow .-5 D..E Tee chec( D.9E Tee chec( D..E ?ipe reducer D.9E$.,E ?ipe reducer D.,E$..E ?ipe han!ers and supporters Boadin! and movin! up material

.EEm ..5E .EEm -..E .EEm =.=E .EEm .J.JE Nr &E.EE Nr J,.EE Nr ==5.EE Nr J,.EE Nr .,&.EE Nr =K9.EE Nr .E.EE Nr .EE.EE Nr .E.EE Nr .E.EE X .==5.EE ton =.EE Total for Bill o+ )= *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ )> 0tem o+

#lectric :or5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

. = , 5

0ndoor electric s!stem 'ighting 7ecessed mountin! fluorescent lamps -$-9w3T& < ".=EE$9EEmm# with reflector and power capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# )pen mountin! fluorescent lamp -$-9w3T& < ".=EE$9EE# with electronic ballast and accessories "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# )pen mountin! fluorescent lamp -$=&w3T5 < "9EE$9EE# with electronic ballast and accessories "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# 7ecessed mountin! fluorescent lamps =$-9w3T& < ".=EE$-EEmm# with reflector and power capacitors. "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# )pen mountin! fluorescent lamp =$-9w3T& with electronic ballast and accessories "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent#

set set set set set

--.EE =..EE =,.EE -.-.EE -,,.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


9 J & K


Ceilin! han!in! fluorescent lamp =$-9w3T& < with electronic ballast and accessories "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# fluorescent lamp .$-9w3T& S reflector with electronic ballast and accessories "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Cellin! li!htin! opal semi sphere cap incanscent lamps ==EU3.$9Ew "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Cellin! luminaire compact lamp ==EU3.-W semispheric cap for WC areas "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Cellin! li!htin! opal semisphere cap one circular fluorescent lamps ==EU3.$==w "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# S itch, socket outlet ==EU3.E% .<way sin!le pole switch recessed mountin! type Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent ==EU3.E%.<way double pole switch recessed mounted type Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent ==EU3.E% .<way three pole switch recessed mounted type Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent ==EU3.E% .<way four pole switch recessed mounted type Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Ceilin! fan !ear bo$ Uinawind or e4uivalent ==EU3.E% =<way sin!le pole switch recessed mounted type Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Wall mounted power soc(et outlet =5EU3.9%< =?VN"twin# Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent (a&le ladder, ca&le tray Cable tray ?UC: w$hO.EE$9Emm Cable tray fire resistant ?UC: w$hO9E$,Emm (a&le ire (a&le, copper core, "Sunco, (adi)i or e*ui)alent# +',E insulated, ,-( sheath, section$ Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$5E#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#
Single-Stage One Envelope

set set set set

..J9.EE .K9.EE .9-.EE ,EE.EE



.. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K

set set set set Set set set m m

.E..EE =--.EE 5,.EE .=5.EE 5&&.EE ..-.EE ..E&.EE 5EE.EE .=K=.EE

=E =.

.EEm .EEm

=.KE -.K5
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

== ==, =5

=9 =J =& =K

-E -. -= --

-, -5 -9

DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$-5#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$=5#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.9#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.E#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$9#mm= (a&le, copper core, "Sunco, (adi)i or e*ui)alent# ,-( insulated, ,-( sheath, section$ Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.E#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$9#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$,#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$= 5#mm= (a&le, copper core, "Sunco, (adi)i or e*ui)alent# ,-( insulated .,/01k), ,-( sheath, section$ Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated E 93.(v ?UC sheath section: ".$9#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated E 93.(v ?UC sheath section: ".$,#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated E 93.(v ?UC sheath section: ".$= 5#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC insulated E 93.(v ?UC sheath section: ".$. 5#mm= (opper 2rounding ca&le, .,/01k) ,-( insulated, ,-( sheath "green yello #, section$ Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$=5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$.9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#
Single-Stage One Envelope

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

..5E ..J5 =.JE -.-E

m m m m

E.-9 -.K5 5-E.EE =5.EE

m m m m


m m m

=KE.EE 595.EE =EJ.EE

Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


-J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55

59 5J

Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$=.5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper Iroundin! cable E 93.(v ?UC insulated ?UC sheath "!reen yellow# section: ".$..5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable copper core "Cu3:r# section: ",$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# (onduit ?UC D-= conduit "immured line# ?UC D-= conduit "visible line# ?UC D=5 conduit "Immured line# ?UC D=5 conduit "visible line# ?UC D=E conduit "immured line# ?UC D=E conduit "visible line# 'ightning protection system Bi!htnin! down conductor JEmm= copper Clamp for Bi!htnin! down conductor Test bo$ 2rounding system ?UC cable copper Iroundin! conductor section JEmm= Copper bar Iroundin! conductor section =5$mm= :., steel rod copper cover BO= ,Em Iroundin! bondin! bar Boad and transport material with in the buildin!s for installation. Cutdoor /o:er s!stem Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.&5#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.5E#mm=

m m m m .EEm m m m m m m .EEm Nr bo$ .EEm .Em pile Nr ton

=EE5.EE .EE-E.EE &55E.EE ,EEEE.EE E.J5 ==K.5E ,E.5E ...&.9E .KJ.,E ==-.,.=E -K-J.&E =.5E ==E.EE =.EE ..=E .9.EE 5,.EE 9.EE .E.EE

.EEm .EEm

.,.=E ..&E

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95 99 9J

Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC sheath section: ",$.=E#mm= Copper plu! C.&5 Copper plu! C.5E Copper plu! C.=E 0$cavated Soil Blac( sand Bric( Si!nal cable ribbon wide E =m Si!nal cable ribbon wide E 5m :illin! soil LOE K5 Lighting for outdoor Decorative li!htin! pole cast iron pole of -.,m tall fi$in! ,$ ==EU3=9W compact lamp in , ?0 d,EE ball Installin! distribution board for pole !ate Installin! pole !ate :rame foundation ,$m.,$9E 2nder!round cable E 9LU<Cu3DB?03?UC3DST% 3?UC: ",$.9# mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Wire E 9LU<Cu3?UC "-$= 5# mm= Bric( Blac( sand 0lectrical cable indication tape E.=m width 0lectrical cable indication tape E.5m width Iroundin! rod B9-$9-$9 8inc<!alvanised Iroundin! wire by steel D.E 8inc<!alvanised Iroundin! flat steel wire ,E$, @D?0 D&E "pipe thic(ness = .Y E -E mm# Lighting /ole foundation and electric bo$ Di! pile foundation testin! hole widthRO.m depthRO.m soil level I Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5 Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 widthQ=5Ecm In<site concrete for foundation stone .$= I.5E In<site concrete for foundation framewor( stone .$= I=EE 0ncasement for cast<in<situ foundation column foundation s4uare3rectan!le shape

.EEm .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr mm.EEE tablets .EEm .EEm .EE m-

=.=E 5.9E E.&E ..9E ,5=.9& .K&..E .5.EE -..E J.55 =.55

9& 9K JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9 &J

pile set set Nr .EEm .EEm .EEE m.EEm .EEm pile m m .EEm m.EE mmmm.EEm=

&=.EE &=.EE &=.EE &=.EE ==.EE 5.&E .9.EE &E.EE ...9E ..-E &&.EE ==EE.EE -5.EE 9.EE .9..E.E5 =.EJ -.9K E.E. E.,K

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


&& &K KE K. K= KK,

Bric( masonry for wall bric( 9.56.E.56== thic(ness P--cm cement mortar !rade 5E ?lasterin! the outside of wall thic(ness O..5cm cement mortar I5E Bolt for cabinet .=$=5Emm BoltC.E BO.=Emm Cab trench :oundation e$cavation widthQ9m soil !rade I 0$cavatin! soil for placin! precast concrete pipe soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5

mm= Nr Nr .EE mm.EE m-

E.E& E.,,.EE ,.EE J.J= .K-.E5 &.&5

Total for Bill o+ )> *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ )? 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= Air %entilation s!stem Descri/tion %ir suction inlet from aluminum with electrostatic paintin! attached air bo$ volume control damper < diffuser type DIC " =EE$=EE # %ir supply louver from stainless steel filter bo$ shutter catch insect !uard net "5EE$=5E# %ir supply louver from stainless steel filter bo$ shutter catch insect !uard net ".5EE$=5E# %ir e$haust louver from stainless steel filter bo$ shutter catch insect !uard net "&EE$9EE# Uolume damper D.5E Uolume damper DIC " -EE$.5E # Uolume damper DIC " =5E$.5E # :ire damper DIC " -EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " .5E$.5E # E 5mm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for 8inc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e .5E$.5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " =EE$.5E #
Single-Stage One Envelope




Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr m m Nr m

,EE.EE ..EE ,.EE .E.EE 5-.EE ,E.EE ,E.EE ,E.EE 5E.EE .,..EE J=.EE .5,.EE
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --

E 5mm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e =EE$.5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " =5E$.5E # E 5mm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e =5E$.5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct" -EE$.5E # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e -EE$.5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct "=EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e =EE$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct DIC " =5E$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e =5E$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct DIC " -EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e -EE$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " 5EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e 5EE$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " 95E$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e 95E$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct " &EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e &EE$=EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel sheet duct DIC " 9EE$-EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e 9EE$-EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " =5E$.5E # E 5mm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " =5E$.5E #

Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr Nr Nr

J&.EE .&K.EE K9.EE &E.EE ,..EE K.EE 9.EE K.EE 9.EE .E-.EE 5-.EE ,9.EE =,.EE ,9.EE =,.EE -5.EE .K.EE =E.EE ...EE ,E.EE &E.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


-, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59

Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " -EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " -EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " &EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " &EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " 9EE$-EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct elbow DIC " 9EE$-EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " =5E$.5E #3" .5E$.5E # E 5mm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " =5E$.5E #3" .5E$.5E # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " -EE$.5E #3" =EE$.5E # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " -EE$.5E #3" =EE$.5E # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " -EE$=EE #3" =5E$.5E # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " -EE$=EE #3" =5E$.5E # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " =5E$=EE #3" =EE$=EE # E 5mm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " =5E$=EE #3" =EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " -EE$=EE #3" =5E$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " -EE$=EE #3" =5E$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " 5EE$=EE #3" -EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " 5EE$=EE #3" -EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " 95E$=EE #3" 5EE$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " 95E$=EE #3" 5EE$=EE # Winc<!alvani8ed steel duct reducer DIC " &EE$=EE #3" 95E$=EE # E Jmm thic( With flan!e B=5$=5$- for 8inc<!alvani8ed steel duct reduce DIC " &EE$=EE #3" 95E$=EE # Winc<Ialvani8ed steel sheet duct branch DIC

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

..EE =.EE ,.EE &.EE .E.EE =E.EE ,E.EE &E.EE ,E.EE &E.EE ,E.EE &E.EE ..EE =.EE ..EE =.EE ,.EE &.EE ,.EE &.EE ,.EE &.EE ,EE.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95 99 9J 9& 9K JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J&

D.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed steel sheet duct branch DIC D.5E :le$ible duct LT D.EE :le$ible duct LT D.5E Silencer V flan!e B-=$-=$, LT "-EE$=EE$-EE# Silencer V flan!e B-=$-=$, LT "&EE$=EE$&EE# %ccessory " bolt nut support stic( tape Z # Testin! ventilation pipe .EE$5EEmm Testin! ventilation pipe 9EE$&EEmm AAT#"A0L 6AS < L0780D< D"A0 P0P# Copper pipe DK 5mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # .-mm thic( with copper pipe DK 5mm Copper pipe D.5 Kmm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # .-mm thic( with copper pipe D.5 Kmm Copper pipe 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # Kmm thic( with copper pipe Copper pipe D=Jmm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # Kmm thic( with copper pipe D=Jmm Copper pipe D-,mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # Kmm thic( with copper pipe D-,mm Copper pipe D,=mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # Kmm thic( with copper pipe D,=mm %ccessory " bolt nut support Z # Boadin! and transportin! materials and accessory

Nr .EEm .EEm Nr Nr X m m .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm X ton

5-.EE 9.EE E.55 ..EE ,.EE .E.EE 9.,.EE =E.EE J.5E J.5E J.5E J.5E -.EE -.EE ,.E5 ,.E5 E.5J E.5J E.=& E.=&

.E.EE ...E Total for Bill o+ )? *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ )@ 0tem o+

Fire alert and firefighting s!stem Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

Fire alert . = Terminal bo$ Conventional smo(e detector "SBU<=,UN @ochi(i or e4uivalent# Combination of fire alarm button bell li!ht "with
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr .E Nr 5 Nr

=E.EE =,.EE .=.&E

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


control module# , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= -Installation of bell Installation of li!ht =$..5s4mm copper core ?UC insulated fire resistant twisted pair drain wire shielded cable run in D=E ?UC conduit =C<.. 5mm= copper core ?UC insulated fire resistant cable ?UC refractory conduit D=E "immurin! line# ?UC refractory conduit D=E "visible line# 0$it li!htin! ==EU3&W with battery "- hours# .$.&W fluorescent lamps with battery for - hours 0$it li!htin! ==EU3&W with battery "- hours# Firefighting s!stem :ire hose reel bo$ "includin! E= hose reel < -Em len!th' E= no88le D.9# C)= fire e$tin!uisher %BC fire e$tin!uisher :ire department connection :le$ible connector D&E :le$ible connector D=5 :oot valve D&E "with crephin# :oot valve D=5 "with crephin# A strainer D&E A strainer D=5 Iate valve D.EE Iate valve D&E Iate valve D95 Iate valve D5E Iate valve D=5 Chec( valve D.EE Chec( valve D&E Chec( valve D=5 %utomatic air valve D=5 ?ressure !ause Standard command intramural re!ulations for fire fi!htin! ,ipe and piping appurtenances
Single-Stage One Envelope

5Nr 5Nr .Em m m m 5 Nr 5 Nr 5 Nr Set Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Set

.=.&E .=.&E ,=E.EE -EEE.EE ,9J5.EE &=5.EE .,.&E -,.&E .-.,E JE.EE JE.EE .,E.EE =.EE ,.EE =.EE ..EE ..EE =.EE ..EE =.EE =,.EE JE.EE .,E.EE =.EE =.EE .=.EE ..EE .E.EE J.EE JE.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

-, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59

Ialvani8ed steel pipe D.EE ,.5mm thic( Ialvani8ed steel pipe D&E ,.Emm thic( Ialvani8ed steel pipe D95 -.9mm thic( Ialvani8ed steel pipe D5E -.9mm thic( Ialvani8ed steel pipe D=5 -.=mm thic( Threaded elbow female D.EE Threaded elbow female D&E Threaded elbow female D95 Threaded elbow female D5E Threaded elbow female D=5 Threaded tee female D.EE$.EE Threaded tee female D&E$&E Threaded tee female D&E$95 Threaded tee female D95$5E Threaded soc(et female D.EE Threaded soc(et female D&E Threaded soc(et female D95 Threaded soc(et female D5E Threaded soc(et female D=5 ?ipe reducer D.EE$&E ?ipe reducer D&E$5E @an!er supporter Boadin! and movin! material up

.EEm E.95 .EEm .J.5E .EEm K.5E .EEm ..,E .EEm E.=E Nr &.EE Nr =5E.EE Nr =&E.EE Nr =5E.EE Nr =E.EE Nr =.EE Nr KE.EE Nr JE.EE Nr 9E.EE Nr =E.EE Nr ,5E.EE Nr =5E.EE Nr ,E.EE Nr 5.EE Nr ,.EE Nr 9E.EE Set .EEE.EE ton ..5E Total for Bill o+ )@ *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ -* 0tem o+ . = -

Light #lectricit! Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

Audio material for class room %udio armoured cable =$. 5mm= D=E ?UC conduit "immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line# Tele/hone s!stem Telephone system main panel .EEE pair includin! panels Lrone .Em m m -9.EE -E9.EE 5,.EE



Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J

Telephone system main panel .EE pair included panels Lrone Telephone system main panel -E pair included panels Lrone Sin!le tel outlet .$r/.. "flush wall bo$# Telephone double soc(et outlet =$r/.. on wall "flush wall bo$# Telephone double soc(et outlet =$r/.. under floor "flush bo$# Cable =?<E. 5 "SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable -E?<E. 5"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable .EE?<E. 5"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable 5EE?<E. 5"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# D=E ?UC conduit "immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line# Communication cable tray .5E$5Emm < steel Communication ?UC cable tray .EE$,Emm LA s!stem ?atch cord 2T? C%T50 ,?<E. 5 = heads len!th .. =m "from switch to path panel# "%C? or e4uivalent# :iber cable , core multimode 5E3.=5 )C-3, BSW@ "%C? or e4uivalent# :iber cable & core multimode 5E3.=5 )C-3, BSW@ "%C? or e4uivalent# Cable 2T? C%T50 ,?<E. 5 "%C? or e4uivalent# Sin!le soc(et < . $ 7T,5 Ban soc(et outlet double < = $ 7T,5 Ban soc(et outlet double < = $ 7T,5 floor submer!ed D=E ?UC conduit " immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line# Lan s!stem for ser%er room ?atch cord 2T? C%T9 ,?<E.5 len!th ..=m S from switch to path panel "%C? or e4uivalent# Audio material statistic for ProDector
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr .Em .Em .Em .Em m m m m

..EE =.EE K.EE J,.EE .=,.EE .-EE.EE .5.EE 9E.EE &E.EE .=J5.EE ==5.EE -5E.EE &EE.EE

.& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J

Nr .Em .Em .Em Nr Nr Nr m m

5J9.EE -&E.EE 9E.EE .9EE.EE &,.EE J,.EE .=,.EE 5.EE.EE KEE.EE K9.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

=& =K -E -.

@DCI soc(et @OE.,m Cable 7S<=-= "Belden Clipsal or e4uivalent# D=E ?UC conduit S &5X in the wall D=E ?UC conduit S .5X on the wall

K&.EE ..E.EE K-5.EE .95.EE Total for Bill o+ -* *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

Nr .Em m m

B+ T9# "069T W0 6 L#CT8"# B80LD0 6 Bill o+ -) 0tem o+ "einforced concrete /iling Descri/tion Load test of /ile Cobili8in! and demobili8in! e4uipment for load test of pile Supplyin! ?@C pile d5EE class % J piles len!thO,Jm Drivin! pile d5EE ?min O =5ET ?ma$ O -,ET J piles len!thO,Jm Static load test of pile d5EE class % Test load of ==E ton Dri%ing /ile Cobili8ation and demobili8ation of e4uipment "robot# Supplyin! ?@C pile d5EE class % 9E& piles with len!thO,Jm3pile and =- piles with len!th -Km3pile Drivin! pile d5EE ?min O =J5T ?ma$ O --ET class % 9E& piles with len!thO,&.-5m3pile and =- piles with len!thO,E.-5m3pile :illin! up pile head D5EE class % with sand len!thO..-5m 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

. = ,

set m m pile

..EE -=..EE --E.,5 J.EE

5 9

set m

=.EE =K,J-.EE





Total for Bill o+ -) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ -0tem o+ Foundation :or5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


0$cavation of foundation pit width P .m depth P .m soil !rade I 0$cavation of foundation pit width P .m depth P .m soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# 0$cavation of foundation for bracin! beam widthQ-m depthQ -m soil !rade I talus -EX 0$cavation of foundation for bracin! beam widthQ-m depthQ -m soil !rade I talus -EX "calculated as manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! and levelin! soil !rade I





.EE m-


m.EE mmmm.EEm= .EE m= ton


5 9 J & K .E ..

.-..K ==&.,E &5=.K= ,==.9= -5.J& .K.&J .9.&E

Based concrete for foundation slab wideness Q=5Ecm I.EE stone .$= Concrete for foundation width Q=5Ecm I-EE stone .$= Concrete for foundation bracin! width Q =5Ecm I-EE stone .$= :ormwor( for foundation bracin! :ormwor( for foundation !rilla!e Steel reinforcement for foundation !rilla!e bracin! dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for foundation !rilla!e bracin! dQ.&mm Steel reinforcement for foundation !rilla!e bracin! dP.&mm Concrete for column nec(in! I-EE stone .$= :ormwor( for column nec(in!




.., .5

ton m.EE m=

KE.K9 .J9.E= .,.59

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.9 .J .& .K =E =. ==

Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dQ .Emm Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dQ .&mm Steel reinforcement for column nec(in! dP .&mm Concrete for wall bracin! I-EE stone .$= :ormwor( for bracin! of foundation Bric(in! for foundation cement mortar IJ5 Brea(in! pile head Connector bet:een /iles and foundation

ton ton ton m.EE m= mm-

9.99 &.-& 5&.-& J-.KE 9.J= K&..J5 9&.JK

=, =5 =9

Concrete widthRO=5Ecm I-EE stone ma$O=Emm slump .,<.Jcm :abricatin! and installin! pile reinforcement dRO.Emm :abricatin! and installin! pile reinforcement dRO.&mm

mTon Ton

9..5, -.5& .&..-

Total for Bill o+ -*Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ -. 0tem o+ "einforced concrete :or5 Descri/tion Column< floor< beam . = , 5 :loor concrete I-EE stone ma$O=Emm slump .,< .Jcm :ormwor( for roof and floor Steel reinforcement for roof floor dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for roof floor dP.Emm Column concrete I-EE stone ma$O=Emm slump .,<.Jcm m.EE m= ton Ton m5-.=.-,.-.JK 59E.JJ ,5.&= .&=..9= 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. ==

:ormwor( for s4uare rectan!le column Steel reinforcement for column dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for column dQ.&mm Steel reinforcement for column dP.&mm Beam concrete I-EE stone .$= slump .,<.Jcm :ormwor( for beam Steel reinforcement for beam dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for beam dQ.&mm Steel reinforcement for beam dP.&mm Stairs concrete I-EE stone .$= slump .,<.Jcm :ormwor( for stairs 7einforcement for stair dQ.Emm 7einforcement for stair dP.Emm Bintel concrete I=EE stone .$= slump .,<.Jcm :ormwor( for lintel Steel reinforcement for lintel dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for lintel dP.Emm 9eading face Uertical frame concrete I-EE stone .$= slump .,<.Jcm :ormwor( for vertical frame Steel reinforcement for frame dQ.Emm 7einforcement for frame dQ.&mm

.EE m= ton ton ton m.EE m= ton ton ton m.EE m= ton ton m.EE m= ton ton

.J,..J 95.=& K-.5.,9.&, =59-.55 =E..-9 K=.&95.5K ,,..9. 5&9.J, ,-.&-=.K= -,.E..&.,9 =..,E =.,, .,.=E

==, =5 =9

m.EE m= ton ton

5J-.5, ,5.-K K.&=9.5=

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

=J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5

7einforcement for frame dP.&mm Concrete stone .$= cement mortar I=EE :ormwor( for shutter 7einforcement for shutter Installin! shutter Perron< and inclined /ath Concrete for inclined path and perron I-EE stone .$= slump de!reeO.,<.Jcm :ormwor( for inclined path perron 7einforcement for inclined path and perron dQ.Emm 7einforcement for inclined path and perron dP.Emm

ton m.EE m= ton Nr m.EE m= ton ton

..... ,E...-.-& .,.99 ,E-&.EE E.EE .5.JJ ..-5 ..=9 E.&K

Total for Bill o+ -. *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ -4 0tem o+ Bric5 masonr! :or5 Descri/tion Wall Construction of enclosin! wall thic(ness O .5cm @ Q5Em %%C bric( ".5$=E$9E#cm cement mortar I5E fine sand Construction of in house wall thic(ness O .5 cm @Q5Em %%C bric( ".5$=E$9E#cm cement mortar I5E fine sand Construction of in house wall thic(ness O =5 cm @Q5Em %%C bric( "=5$=E$9E#cm cement mortar I5E fine sand Construction of wall thic(ness Q==cm @Q5Em bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E Construction of strai!ht wall thic(ness @Q5Em bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E Construction of technical bo$ wall thic( @Q5Em bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E Construction of technical bo$ wall thic(nessO.5cm @Q5Em %%C bric( .5$=E$9Ecm 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

. = , 5 9 J


99E.-E .J.9.&E =E=..E ,--.KE =J9.-E KK.,E ,9=.K&

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms




cement mortar I5E Construction of lecture room wall thic(ness .5cm @Q5Em %%C bric( ".5$=E$9E#cm cement mortar I5E Stair Construction of stairs @P ,m bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E fine sand Class room /ul/it Construction of lecture pulpit step bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E







Total for Bill o+ -4 *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ -; Finishing :or5 0tem o+ . = , Descri/tion Class room /ul/it Based concrete for foundation of pulpit concrete I.EE stone ,$9 Compacted blac( sand for foundation of pulpit :loorin! with artificial Iranit 9E$9E cement mortar IJ5 fine sand for class room Iypsum cellin! with hidden frame for class room Stair ?lasterin! stair thic(ness = cm cement mortar IJ5 fine sand ?avin! stair step with !ratino :abricatin! handrail from form steel hand railin! from steel pipe d9Emm Installin! steel handrail 0lectrostatic paint for handrail Ceiling< flooring .E Iypsum cellin! with protrudin! frame m= .=95J.EE 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

mmm= m=

..J.=E =-,.5E .KJ5.5E =.59.9E

5 9 J & K

m= m= m= m= m=

=E...&E =E...&E =5-..&E =5-..&E =5-..&E

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.. :loorin! with artificial Iranit 9E$9E cement mortar IJ5 fine sand .= :loorin! with artificial Iranit ,E$,E cement mortar IJ5 fine sand .., .5 .9 :loorin! with natural Iranit for threshold ?lasterin! cellin! cement mortar I5E fine sand ?aintin! cellin! without puttyin! :loorin! with anti<slip artificial !ranite tile 9E$9E cement mortar IJ5 "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent#



m= m= m= m= m= m= m=

,K9.KE =-J.-E .,&-K.EE .,&-K.EE .=E-.,E .=E-.,E .--,.9E

.J Binin! cement mortar thic(ness -cm for creatin! inclined floors .& ?aintin! water roofin! flin(ote for roof seno louver Toilet .K ?avin! toilet wall with !la8ed tile -E$9Ecm "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# =E Water resistance !ypsum cellin! of toilet with metal frame =. ?artition separatin! urinal bowls "9E$.-E# cm == %%C ".5$=E$9E#cm cement mortar I5E

m= m= m= mm= m= m= m= .EEm

5J&J.&E .=E-.,E ,9.&E 55.,E K=-..E .K-&.5E .K-&.5E .K-&.5E E.&E

=- ?aintin! outside wall without puttyin! Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents =, ?roducin! iron pipe handrail d9E shape steel handrail =5 Installin! shape steel handrail =9 ?aintin! handrail by electrostatic paint

=J ?roducin! iron pipe handrail d9E steel d=E V paintin! "oof Constructin! parapet wall bric( 9.5$.E.5$== =& strai!ht wall thic(nessQ==cm @Q5Em mortar I5E



Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


=K ?lasterin! parapet wall thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar I5E -E ?aintin! e$terior wall of buildin! Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents -. Color corru!ated roofin! thic(nessOE.,5mm -= --, :abricatin! bo$ steel purlin &E$,E$=Emm Installin! bo$ steel purlin ?aint bo$ steel three layers of purlin

m= m= .EE m= ton ton m= mm= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m=

=.J..=E =.J..=E 9.9E ..9E ..9E .E-.9E .JE.5E .E-EK.EE =.-E.KE .=,,E.EE .5J5.EE =59.&E -&5K..E -&5K..E -9.-9.EE -9.-9.EE =E5E.,E

-5 ?lasterin! concrete mortar to create inclined floor I.5E thic(nessO&Emm -9 Tilin! roof floor without cement hardener finishin! thic(nessO=Emm cement mortar I5E -J ?avin! buildin! tile =E$=E for heat resistant -& ?aint :lin(ote for waterproofin! roof seno louver

-K Smart plastic roof for li!htin! supported by form steel frame "Bayer or e4uivalent# ,E @eat stren!thened !lass roof of hall with form steel frame ,. ?lasterin! outdoor wall thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar I5E ,= ?aint outdoor wall ,- ?lasterin! indoor wall thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar I5E ,, ?aint indoor wall ,5 :acin! rustic tile =E$.E for headin! wall cement mortar IJ5 Com/leting structure ,9 ?lasterin! column thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar I5E sand CIOE.J<.., ,J ?lasterin! stairs thic(nessO ..5cm cement mortar I5E sand CIOE.J<.., ,& ?lasterin! brace cement mortar I5E sand CIOE.J< .., ,K ?aintin! non<putty column brace stairs Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents Three-ste/s /erron

.E--J.EE ,-&-.-E .-&K5.EE =&9.9.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5E Based concrete of three<steps perron stone ,$9 cement mortar I.EE 5. Sand bac(fillin! for base"use of locally available soil# Construction of three<steps perron hei!htQ,m 5= bric( 9.5$.E.5$== cement mortar I5E sand CIO..5<=.E 5Tilin! !ranite for floor 5, ?lasterin! wall of three<step perron thic(nessO..5cm cement mortar IJ5 55 ?aintin! non<putty for railin! wall of three<step perron Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents 59 :abricatin! handrail steel for inclined path baluster by steel pipe D9E 5J Installin! handrail steel 5& 5K 9E 0lectrostatic paintin! for handrail ?lasterin! foundation foot ?aintin! wall of foundation foot Aetal Sun lou%er s!stem 9. Supplyin! and installin! Sun louvers Steel scaffold 9=

m.EE mmm= m= m= m= m= m= m= m= m=

9&K..E ..-.EE ....,E 9-=.,E =5..EE =5..EE &J.&E &J.&E &J.&E .E=-.-E .E=-.-E


.EE 9K.5E m= 9.EE steel scaffold in house scaffold hei!ht O-.9m <# -EK..E m= 9, Steel scaffold in house scaffold increasin! hei!ht .EE -EK..E in ..=m S 9 months m= Total for Bill o+ -; *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ steel scaffold outside scaffold hei!ht Q5Em Bill o+ -= 0tem o+ . Door and Windo: Descri/tion Windo:< Door <%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows that with a throwin! openin! win! V !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(



Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty %B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows that with a throwin! openin! win! V !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty %B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows that with a throwin! openin! win! V !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty %B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Si$ windows that with a throwin! openin! win! V !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty %B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Wall !lass usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint 5 years warranty <%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Si$ windows that with a throwin! openin! win! V !lass wall usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty <%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent : Wall !lass usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy sett paint 5 years warranty Two<win! window "one slide win! one fi$ed win!# < ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm Spare parts: press (ey roller < 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent SN<%B<027)WIND)W or e4uivalent: Two windows that with a throwin! openin! win! usin! 027)WIND)W aluminum or e4uivalent without heat insulation ??I 7al KE.9 electrostatic paint !lossy powder paint 5 years warranty Two S win! window "one slide win! one fi$ed win!# S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent entransparency safe !lass 9.-&mm . %ccompanied with press (ey roller
Single-Stage One Envelope





















WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms






.9 .J

Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S white safe !lass 9.-&mm "includin! spare part# Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm Cain door accompanied with loc(er multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc(er bottom left S 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent Two<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S ?rofile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS white safe !lass 9.-&mm :Cain door accompanied with loc(er multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc(er bottom left S 027)WIND)W or e4uivalent S D5 )ne<win! door outward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS white safe !lass 9.-&mm main door accompanied with loc(er multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc(er )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS transparency safe !lass 9.-&mm two<sided translucent paste. Savin! door outdoor loc(in! (ey in loc( (nob handles hin!es )ne<win! door inward openin! aluminum doorstep S profile 027)WIND)W or e4uivalentS white safe !lass 9.-&mm : main door accompanied with loc(er multi<point loc(in! bar handles hin!es loc(er Installin! aluminum frame and !lass door













m= J95K.,5 Total for Bill o+ -= *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ -> 0tem o+ . = -

A- B- C 0nterior !ard Descri/tion 8nit mmm7uantit! -99.EE .-K.., 5JE.EE "ate

Blac( sand bac(fillin! for yard base thic(nessO-EEmm Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 ?avin! yard with tile ,EE$,EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


, 5 9 J &

?avin! yard with tile -EE$-EE Bric( masonry for curbin! cement mortar I5E ?avin! curb wall with !ranite stone cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! curb cement mortar IJ5 ?aintin! curb of flower bed White !ranito stone chair 9EE$.&EE$,5E @an!er rubbish bin .EEE$-&E$.E-E

mmm= m= m= Nr Nr

95E.EE -5.J= 5=.9E -9.J, -9.J, 9&.EE .=.EE

K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =.

Tree /lanting 0$cavation of hole width Q.m depth P.m soil !rade I Soil transportation distance Q5EEm Transportin! tree to hole distance .E.<=EEm plantin! crape myrtle -<5m tall tree stem 5<Jcm %!laia E.&m tall stump of trees: E.&<.mm ?lantin! Sansevieria trifasciata @ort "9 trees per tan(# Bamboo !rass ?lantin! Cuphea hyssopifolia in line ?lantin! Duranta repens in trips =EE$=EEcm :ertili8in! Transportin! placin! rich soil for tree plantin!"locally available soil#DQ.EEEm Irri!atin! tree Caintainin! tree in - months

m.EE mtree tree tree tan( m= m= m hole mtree tree

K,.59 E.-, 5J.EE J.EE ,&.EE =.EE ,&E.EE =.E.EE =&.EE 5J.EE -,.=E

5J.EE 5J.EE Total for Bill o+ -> *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Bill o+ -? 0tem o+ . = -

#$terior !ard Descri/tion 8nit mm= mm= m= m= m= m= mm.EE m= Ton m= m= m= .EEm Nr Nr m7uantit! -==.&, =J5E.EE .-..,. 9KE.9& 95.&E -59.E& =K=.J& .K&.=E ,5,.5& ...K& =.,E ..E= =.E9.EE .-5..= .,EE.EE .,.EE .9.EE ==.EE ,.&.E, "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 ?avin! yard with tile Bric( masonry for curbin! cement mortar I5E ?avin! yellow stone cement mortar IJ5

, 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .&

?avin! with tile .5E$.5E for curbin! wall cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! Toton or e4uivalent curb cement mortar IJ5 ?aintin! curb of flower tan( ?lasterin! !ranito cement mortar IJ5 Surface road concrete I=EE stone ,$9 Chair surface concrete I=EE stone .$= :ormwor( :abricatin! and installin! chair reinforcement dRO.Emm Nylon linin! for concrete road Iravel white pebble Steel net for holdin! soil Drivin! bamboo pile for holdin! soil White !ranito chair 9EE$.&EE$,5E Couple han!in! rubbish bin Tree /lanting 0$cavation of hole width RO.m depth RO.m soil !rade I

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -&

Tree transportin! to hole distance .E.<=EEm ?lantin! Iolden shower -<5m tall diameter of stem 9<Kcm ?lantin! flamboyant -<5m tall diameter of stem 9<Kcm ?lantin! %!laia E.&m tall canopy of trees: E.&< .mm ?lantin! dar( red leaf =m tall canopy of trees .< ..5m ?lantin! Crape myrtle -<5m tall diameter of stem 5<Jcm ?lantin! :ran!ipani =m tall canopy of trees: .< ..5m ?lantin! bi! cycad .<..5m tall ?lantin! Sansevieria trifasciata @ort 9 trees per tan( ?lantin! Thai peony ?lantin! Coleus .E trees per clump ?lantin! Bamboo !rass ?lantin! Woysia /aponoca ?lantin! )ran!e Tasmine plantin! into strips prunin! =EE$=EEcm ?lantin! Duranta repens in trip =EE$=EEcm :ertili8in! hole Transportin! placin! rich soil in hole "locally available soil# DQ5EEm )verlayin! rich soil Irri!atin! trees Caintainin! trees in - months

tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tree tan( tree tree m= m

=9=.EE .=.EE 9.EE ,,.EE K9.EE -=.EE 9.EE =.EE =.EE -E.EE -=.EE .,-..EE &=E.EE .=.EE .EE.EE =9=.EE ..5.

m m= hole .EEmmtree tree

.5..=E =9=.EE =9=.EE Total for Bill o+ -? *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ -@ 0tem o+

8nderground :ater tan5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

. = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E

:oundation e$cavation widthRO9m soil !rade I Soil e$cavation for tan( widthP.m depthP.m soil !rade I"calculated as manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! soil !rade I Sand bac(in! for stren!thenin! tan( foundation Drivin! bamboo pile len!thO-m soil !rade I"=5 piles per m=# Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 Tan( concrete I-EE stone ma$O=Emm slump de!reeO.,<.Jcm :ormwor( for tan( concrete Steel reinforcement dRO.Emm Steel reinforcement dRO.&mm ?lasterin! inside tan( wall the first coatin! thic(ness of..5cm @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! and tilin! inside tan( for the second time thic(nessO=cm cement mortar IJ5 yellow sand CIP= )utside tan( wall plasterin! thic(nessO..5cm @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 fine sand CIOE.J<.., Tan( cover tilin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(nessO=cm @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 yellow sand CIP= Waterproofin! stren!thenin! with cement solution soa(in! Construction stop line Waterproofin! with si(a ?recast concrete plate I-EE stone ma$O=Emm slump de!ree =<,cm :ormwor( for plate Installin! precast concrete lintel

.EE mmmm.EEm mm.EE m= ton ton m= m= m= m= mm m= m.EE m= Nr

=.E= 5E.5J &,.=K JJ.&. ..9.J, .5.59 .=..E& 9.=E -.EJ K.9,-,.&& ,-,.&& .9K.,9 .-K.9. -=,.-= 5E.EE &K&.5. E..= E.E=

..EE Total for Bill o+ -@ *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount

Bill o+ .* 0tem

Se/tic tan5 Descri/tion

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E :oundation e$cavation soil !rade I Soil e$cavation for tan( widthP.m depthP.m soil !rade I"calculated as manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! soil !rade I Sand bac(in! for stren!thenin! tan( foundation Drivin! bamboo pile len!thO-m soil !rade I"=5 piles per m=# Based concrete I.EE stone .$= Tan( concrete I-EE stone ma$O=Emm :ormwor( for tan( concrete Steel reinforcement dRO.Emm .EE mmmm.EEm mm.EE m= ton ton mm= m= m= m= mm= m.EE m= ton Nr ..9, ,E.&& 9&.., 95.5= K&.=5 .-..E -=.9& .... =.J, E.J5 9=.=, ,9-.9,9-.9=&E.&E .=E.EE ==,.E= &K&.5. .E.&, ..,E.&& 9E.EE

'0nc+ Ta$es(

Steel reinforcement dRO.&mm . Bric( masonry for wall of tan( cement mortar . IJ5 ?lasterin! inside tan( wall the first coatin! .= thic(ness of..5cm @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 ?lasterin! and tilin! inside tan( for the second .time thic(nessO=cm cement mortar IJ5 yellow sand CIP= )utside tan( wall plasterin! thic(nessO..5cm ., @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 fine sand CIOE.J<.., Tan( cover tilin! without cement hardener .5 finishin! thic(nessO=cm @Q,m cement mortar IJ5 yellow sand CIP= Waterproofin! stren!thenin! with cement solution .9 soa(in! .& Waterproofin! with si(a ?recast concrete plate I-EE stone ma$O=Emm .K slump de!ree =<,cm =E =. == :ormwor( for plate Steel reinforcement dQ.Emm @Q,m Installin! precast concrete plate

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


:abricatin! and installin! iron cover for septic tan(



Total for Bill o+ .* *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ .) 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, Drainage /i/e line and Aanhole Descri/tion 0$cavation for tan( widthP.m depth P.m soil !rade I 0$cavation for trip foundation widthRO-m depthRO.m soil !rade I Soil sand bac(fillin! for hold foundation LOE.K5 Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 Concrete for manhole stone .$= I=EE :ormwor( for manhole Bric( masonry 9.5$.E.5$== manhole wall @Q,m cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! inside manhole thic(ness ..5cm @Q,m cement mortar I5E ?re<cast concrete plate I=EE stone ma$O=Emm :ormwor( for plate Steel reinforcement for plate Installin! plate wei!htQ5E(! :abricatin! installin! Iron cover for manhole Iron cover for canal &EE$5EE Installin! plate ?recast concrete pipe d&EE ?recast concrete pipe d9EE ?recast concrete pipe d,EE Installin! concrete pipe wei!ht Q=ton :oundation concrete pad d&EE :oundation concrete pad d9EE :oundation concrete pad d,EE Installin! pad for concrete pipe 8nit .EEmm.EEmmm.EE m= mm= m.EE m= ton Nr Nr Nr ton m m m Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr 7uantit! &.K. ===.JE -.J. .==.=J .K5.,5 J.KK -E=.5. .J&-.E9 9-.-J .E.59 -.&J .9K&.EE =J.EE -,5.EE -J=.EE &.EE &.EE 95.EE &..EE .J.EE .J.EE .-E.EE .9,.EE "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Total for Bill o+ .) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ .0tem o+ . = , 5 0n building :ater :or5 Descri/tion Table lavabo "IN%D B<=K=U or e4uivalent# < shower mirror synchroni8ation Water closet bowl two bloc(s two press soft cover enclosed hose tap "IN%D or e4uivalent# Wall mounted urinal "IN%D 2..9U or e4uivalent# Tap D.5 7oof stainless steel tan( 5.EE mWater su//l!ing /i/e line 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& :loat valve: D&E :loat valve: D-= Water meter: D&E :lan!e connection Ualve D.EE :lan!e connection Ualve D&E :lan!e connection Ualve D,E :lan!e connection Ualve D-= Threaded valve D5E Threaded valve D,E Threaded valve D-= Threaded valve D=5 Threaded valve D=E Chec( valve: D.EE Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr ..EE .=.EE ..EE =.EE -.EE 9.EE .=.EE 9.EE .&.EE -.EE 9E.EE &E.EE ..EE 8nit set set set set set 7uantit! "ate .K5.EE =55.EE .=E.EE J5.EE .=.EE Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,.

Chec( valve: D&E 2nion male thread D5E "??7# 2nion male thread D,E "??7# 2nion male thread D-= "??7# 2nion male thread D=5 "??7# 2nion male thread D=E "??7# Soc(et D95"??7# Soc(et D5E"??7# Soc(et D,E"??7# Soc(et D-="??7# Steel soc(et: D,E Soc(et male thread D5E"??7# Soc(et male thread D,E "??7# Soc(et male thread D-= "??7# Soc(et male thread D=5 "??7# Soc(et male thread D=E "??7# Tee D95$5E Tee D95$,E "??7# "??7#

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=.EE 9.EE .&.EE -.EE 9E.EE ,5.EE 9.EE .=.EE .=.EE 9J.EE ,5.EE 9.EE .&.EE 9.EE 9E.EE &E.EE 9.EE .=.EE .=.EE =,.EE .=.EE .=.EE =,.EE

Tee D95$-= "??7# Tee D5E$=5 Tee D5E$=E Tee D,E$,E Tee D,E$=5 "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7#

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 9-

Tee D,E$=E Tee D-=$-= Tee D-=$=5 Tee D-=$=E Tee D=5$=5 Tee D=5$=E Tee D=E$=E Tee D=5$.5 Tee D.5$.5

"??7# "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7# "??7#

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr
Single-Stage One Envelope

.=.EE =.EE .=.EE ,E.EE -E.EE 9.EE .-.EE .5E.EE =9E.EE KE.EE -5.EE .,E.EE 9E.EE ..EE =.EE 9.EE .=.EE .=.EE 9.EE -9.EE .&.EE ==E.EE
Procurement of Wor s

Tee female thread D=5$.5 "??7# Tee female thread D=E$=E "??7# Tee female thread D=E$.5 "??7# Tee female thread D.5$.5 "??7# Tee steel D.EE$.EE Tee steel D&E$&E Tee steel D&E$,E Tee steel D,E$-= 0lbow 0lbow 0lbow 0lbow 0lbow "??7# D95 "??7# D5E "??7# D,E "??7# D-= "??7#D=5

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

9, 95 99 9J 9& 9K JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9

0lbow 0lbow

"??7#D=E "??7# D.5

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=-,.EE ,&5.EE 99E.EE ,.EE ...EE .&.EE =,.EE 9.EE =.EE 9.EE -.EE ,.EE .=E.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE .&.EE .9.EE 9.EE 9.EE .E.EE ,.EE

0lbow female thread D.5 "??7# 0lbow steel D.EE 0lbow steel D&E 0lbow steel D,E 0lbow steel D-= 7educer "??7# D5E$,E 7educer "??7#D5E$-= 7educer "??7#D-=$=5 7educer "??7#D=5$=E 7educer "??7#D=5$.5 7educer "??7#D=E$.5 7educer steel D&E$,E 7educer steel D.EE$95 :le$ible /oint D.EE :le$ible /oint D&E :lan!e D.EE :lan!e D&E :lan!e D,E Caps D95 Caps D-= Caps D=E

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


&J && &K KE K. K= KK, K5 K9 KJ K& KK .EE .E. .E= .E.E, .E5 .E9 .EJ .E& .EK ..E ... ..= ....,

Caps D.5 Cold water pipe D95<??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D5E< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D,E< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D-=< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D=5< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D=E< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water pipe D.5< ??<7 ?N.E Cold water steel pipe D.EE Cold water steel pipe D&E Cold water steel pipe l D,E Cold water steel pipe D-= ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO95mm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO5Emm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO,Emm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO-=mm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO=5mm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO=Emm ?ressure testin! of plastic pipe dO.5mm ?ressure testin! of cast iron steel pipe dR.EEmm ?ressure testin! of cast iron steel pipe dO.EEmm Disinfectin! pipe DQ.EEmm ?ressure meter: .E(!3cm= Strainer: D.EE Crephin D.EE Waste :ater :or5 :loor drain and trap: dKE Tee .-5o: d.,E3..E Tee .-5o: d..E3..E
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=,&.EE E.9, E.J& E.K, ,.95 ,.-E -.,E -.=E E..9 =.=E =.-E E.-9 ==.KE.J& E.K, ,.95 ,.-E -.,E -.=E ,.&9 E..9 ==.K=.EE =.EE ..EE ,-=.EE 9.EE -J..EE
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

..5 ..9 ..J ..& ..K .=E .=. .== .=.=, .=5 .=9 .=J .=& .=K .-E .-. .-= .-.-, .-5 .-9 .-J .-& .-K .,E .,. .,= .,.,, .,5 .,9 .,J .,& .,K

Tee .-5o: d..E3KE Tee .-5o: d..E3,= Tee .-5o: dKE3KE Tee .-5 : dKE3,= Tee .-5 : dKE3-, Test point T: d..E Test point T: dKE Tee KEo: d.,E3.,E Tee KEo: d..E3..E Tee KEo: d..E39E Tee KE : dKE3KE Tee KE : d9E39E Tee radius KEo: d..E3,E 0lbow .-5o: d.,E 0lbow .-5o: d..E 0lbow .-5 : dKE 0lbow .-5 : d,= 0lbow .-5o: d-, 0lbow KEo: d9E 0lbow KEo: d,= 0lbow KE : d-, 7educer d.,E3..E 7educer dKE3,= 7educer dKE3-, ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d=EE ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d.,E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d..E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& dKE ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d9E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d,= ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d-, :loor clean out d..E :loor clean out dKE Ceilin! clean out d..E Ceilin! clean out dKE "ain :ater drainage '8P1C-P ?(
o o o o o o o

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr

.-J.EE =,.EE ,JK.EE KE.EE .9..EE &E.EE =E.EE .=.EE 9.EE =.EE J=.EE &&.EE -9.EE .&.EE ,=E.EE ,5&.EE .-=.EE ,E9.EE .5E.EE =9,.EE .JK.EE .=.EE -E.EE J&.EE =.9E ..&E K.=E .-..E =.KE E.5& E.K5 .K.EE .K.EE -E.EE K5.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.5E .5. .5= .5.5, .55 .59 .5J .5& .5K .9E .9. .9= .9.9, .95 .99 .9J .9& .9K .JE

7oof drain: d.9E Balcony drain:d9E 0lbow KEo: d9E 0lbow .-5o: d.,E 0lbow .-5o: d..E Tee .-5 : d=EE3=EE Tee .-5 : d=EE3..E Tee .-5o: d=EE3KE Tee .-5o: d.,E3..E Tee .-5o: d..E3..E Tee .-5 : d..E39E Tee .-5 : dKE39E :loor clean out: d..E 7educer d=EE3.,E 7educer d=EE3..E Test point: d..E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d=EE ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d.,E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d..E ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& dKE ?ipe u ?UC < ?N& d9E
o o o o

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

&K.EE K&.EE K&.EE .=.EE ,-9.EE 9.EE -9.EE .=.EE .=.EE 9E.EE .JE.EE

Nr .=.EE Nr .=.EE Nr 9.EE Nr 9.EE Nr KE.EE .EEm ,..E .EEm E.&E .EEm .&.&E .EEm E.J9 .EEm ...9 Total for Bill o+ .*Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ .. 0tem o+

#lectric :or5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit ! "ate

= ,

0ndoor electricit! Classroom ceilin! han!in! neon lampT&<.$-9w with reflector and power capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Classroom ceilin! han!in! neon lampT&<=$-9w with reflector and power capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# )pen mountin! neon lamp T&<-9W with ceilin! !utter and capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# )pen mountin! neon lamp T&<=$-9W with ceilin! !utter and capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent#
Single-Stage One Envelope



set set set

.,.E.EE -.EE &5J.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5

7ecessed mountin! T&<-$.&W with reflector and capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Down li!ht luminaire compact lamp ==EU3..w diameter KEmm "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Cellin! rin! shape neon lamp ==EU3==w with blind haft<ball cover "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Ceilin! fan &Ew with dimmer bo$ Uinawind or e4uivalent "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Sin!le<pole switch ==EU3.E% recessed mountin! Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double<pole switch ==EU3.E% recessed mountin! Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Triple<pole switch ==EU3.E% recessed mountin! Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent :our<pole switch ==EU3.E% recessed mountin! Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent = way switch ==EU3.E% recessed mountin! Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double receptacle - pole ==EU3.9% recessed mountin! ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$.5EVJE#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$K5V5E#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$-5V.9#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$.9V.9#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$.EV.E#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$9V9#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$,V,#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC",$= 5V= 5#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3fr3?UC",$.EV.E#mm= ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#E.9<.(U cu3fr3?UC",$,V,#mm= 0lectrical wire E.9<.(U cu3?UC"=$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#

set set set set set set set set set set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm m m m m m m

KEE.EE 5.E.EE 9K.EE J59.EE .E9.EE ,E.EE =.&.EE .-9.EE ,&.EE .9E..EE ...5 E.KE ,.EE E.,E E.9E 5.EE .EE.EE 55EE.EE KE.EE 5=.EE J5EE.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


=9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,.

0lectrical wire E.9<.(U cu3?UC"=$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 0lectrical wire E.9<.(U cu3?UC".$= 5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 0lectrical wire E.9<.(U cu3?UC".$. 5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U JEmm= yelow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U 5Emm= yelow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U .9mm= yelow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U .Emm= yelow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U 9mm= yelow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U ,mm= yellow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9<.(U =.5mm= yellow<blue coatin! "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC pipe d=E ?UC pipe d.9 Cable ladder si8e "9EE$.EE# mm Cable tray si8e ",EE$.EE#mm ?UC cable tray si8e "=EE$.EE#mm Boadin! and transportin! material with in buildin! Cutdoor lighting Decorative li!htin! pole cast iron pole of -.,m tall ,ball shape cover d,EE ==EU3=9W compact lamp Installin! electric board in pole !ate Installin! pole !ate :rame foundation of pole ,$m.,$9E

m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m

=,EE.EE =JEEE.EE 9J5EE.EE ..5.EE KE.EE ,,E.EE 9E.EE J5EE.EE =,EE.EE .-5EE.EE .=,EE.EE =&JEE.EE 5J.EE .E-.EE .&=5.EE .E.EE

,= ,,, ,5

pole set set Nr

,,.EE ,,.EE ,,.EE ,,.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55,

Bed luminaire outdoor li!htin! -Ew < ip95 0lectrical wire E.9<.(U cu3$lpe3?UC"=$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Bric( Blac( sand Band for electrical cable indication E.&m width Iroundin! rod B9-$9-$9 8inc<!alvanised Iroundin! steel wire D.E 8inc < !alvanised Iroundin! flat steel wire ,E$, Twist plastic pipe d,E3-E Lighting /ole foundation E Distribution bo$

set .EEm .EEE piece m.EEm pile m m .EEm

&.EE .J.EE 9.&= 5E.EE .5.EE ,,.EE .EEE.EE -5.EE .J.EE

55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9.

Di!!in! pole foundation widthQ.m depthQ.m soil level I Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5 Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 Concrete for foundation stone .$= I.5E Concrete for foundation nec(in! stone .$= I=EE 0ncasement for cast<in<situ foundation concrete Bric( masonry for pole1s foot bric( 9.56.E.56== thic(ness P--cm cement mortar !rade 5E ?lasterin! the outside of wall thic(ness O..5cm cement mortar I5E Bolt for cabinet fi$in! .=$=5Emm 0$pandable Bolt C.E BO.=Emm Cab trench

m.EE mmmm.EE m= m-

&.J= E.E...= ..K& E.E. E.=J E.E&

9= 99,

m= Nr Nr

E.,,.EE ,.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


95 99 9J

0$cavation of foundation soil !rade I 0$cavatin! soil soil !rade I"manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5 Cutdoor electric cable Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC out<sheath section: ",$.&5#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC out<sheath section: ",$.5E#mm= Cable copper core "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# DB?0 insulated ?UC out<sheath section: ",$.=E#mm= Copper terminal C.&5 Copper terminal C.5E Copper terminal C.=E 0$cavated Soil Blac( sand Cable si!nal ribbon wide E =m Cable si!nal ribbon wide E 5m Soil fillin! LOE K5 6rounding s!stem

.EE mm.EE m-

-.=&E.9, -.5,







JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J&

.EEm .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr mm.EEm .EEm .EE mpile m Nr Nr

5.9E E.&E =.&E ..9E .=5.9E -K.9& -..E J.55 E.&9

JK &E &. &=

Iroundin! copper plate steel pile d., = ,m lon! Iroundin! strip copper =5$-mm :itter of cable terminal to safety !roundin! system Iroundin! bar -EE $ .EE $ 5mm

.9.EE 5E.EE -.EE -.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&&, &5

Iroundin! neutral connectin! copper cable JEmm= Specialty copper !roundin! !ripper 7educin! chemical resistivity "!em# Lightning /rotection s!stem JEmm= copper cable for li!htnin! conductor and draina!e Iroundin! strip copper =5$-mm Iroundin! chec(bo$ Iroundin! copper plate steel pile d., = ,m lon! Set of specialty copper !roundin! !ripper Set of stainless steel coupler -m $ d,= $ -mm Bearin! bloc( for li!htnin! receivin! e4uipment :itter of cable terminal to !roundin! system Set of !uy robes ri!!in! screws cable nuts %ccessories fi$in! li!htnin! cable Belt fi$in! cable into li!htnin! needle Spray<paint bo$ Cable fi$ed bolt D& Stainless steel 0$pandable bolt C.E 0$pandable bolt D.,

.EEm Nr pac(a !e .EEm m bo$ Nr set set set set set Nr Nr bo$ Nr Nr

E.55 .9.EE 5.EE

&9 &J && &K KE K. K= KK, K5 K9 KJ K& KK .EE

..=5 .-.EE =.EE 5.EE 5.EE ..EE ..EE =.EE =.EE 9E.EE .E.EE =.EE .=E.EE ,.EE

Nr J.EE Total for Bill o+ .. *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount

Bill o+ .4 0tem

Air %entilation s!stem Descri/tion

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


o+ "efrigerant /i/e F drain /i/e Co//er /i/e and insulation . = , Copper pipe D K 5mm Copper pipe D .5 Kmm Copper pipe insulation dOK 5mm Copper pipe insulation dO.5 Kmm P1C drain /i/e and insulation 5 9 J & D =Jmm Copper pipe D ,&mm ?ipe insulation D =Jmm ?ipe insulation D ,&mm Cther materials K .E .= .., .5 0lbow ?UC D=J Tee ?UC D,&$=J Tee ?UC D=J$=J Steel channel< base for outdoor unit Control wire: cu3?UC3?UC"=$..5#mm= %u$iliary materials Air %entilation s!stem .9 .J .& .K =E Duct JEE$-5E Duct -EE$=EE Duct =EE$=EE u?UC ?ipe D.5E u?UC ?ipe D.EE
Single-Stage One Envelope

'0nc+ Ta$es(

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

J.E5 J.E5 J.E5 J.E5

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

,.-J -.5= ,.-J -.5=

Nr Nr Nr set m set

.&E.EE .5E.EE -E.EE .&E.EE JE5.EE ..EE

m m m m m

.=.EE .=K.EE ..E.EE ,5.EE =E.EE

Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


:le$ible duct D.5E Cther materials


== ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E

%ir inlet !rill:=5E$=5E %ir e$haust louver with insect control !rill &EE$5EE Sheet air bo$: =5E$=5E$=5E Canvas /oint: JEE$-5E to D5EE Canvas /oint: 95E$5EE to 95E$5EE Uolume control damper: D.5E Uolume control damper: -EE$=EE Uolume control damper: =EE$=EE :ire damper: -EE$=EE :ire damper: =EE$=EE :ire damper: D.EE 0lbow KE: -EE$=EE 0lbow KE: =EE$=EE 0lbow KE: D.EE 0lbow KE with turnin! vanes: JEE$-5E 7educer duct: JEE$-5E3D5EE3lO-EE Duct branch: D.5E3lO.5E Duct han!er and support made from an!le iron %u$iliary materials

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set

=.E.EE 9.EE =.E.EE 9.EE 9.EE =.E.EE -E.EE -E.EE -E.EE -E.EE 5.EE -E.EE -E.EE =E.EE 9.EE 9.EE =.E.EE -,5.EE ..EE

Total for Bill o+ .4 *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Bill o+ .; 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E ..

Fire alert and Firefighting s!stem Descri/tion 8nit 5 Nr 5 Nr 5 Nr .Em .EEm .E Nr .E Nr 5 Nr bo$ .EEm .EEm 7uantit! "ate -.9E 9.EE .=.9E -5E.EE -..5E -E.KE =.5E .=.EE .5.EE .E,E.EE &,.EE Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

@alo!en lamp ==EU<=$5W for emer!ency with battery for three hours 0DIT !uidin! neon lamp ==EU3&W with battery maintainin! for - hours Dan!er 0scape !uidin! neon lamp ==EU3&W with battery maintainin! for - hours Two core electrical wire =$..5mm= :ire<protective ?UC conduit D=E Smo(e detector "%TI<0% @ochi(i or e4uivalent# @eat detector %larm <li!ht combination Terminal bo$ :ire<protective wire =$..5mm= :ire<protective ?UC conduit D=E Firefighting s!stem

.= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E

%utomatic air valve D=5 Iate valve D.EE Iate valve D&E Iate valve D95 Iate valve D5E Chec( valve D&E Chec( valve D95 Chec( valve D5E Strainer D.EE
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

9.EE =.EE ,.EE 9.EE .-=.EE -.EE 9.EE ..EE =.EE

Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

=. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,=

Strainer D5E :le$ible connection D.EE :le$ible connection D95 :le$ible connection D5E :oot valve D.EE :oot valve D5E :ire hydrant standpipe :ire hose reel bo$ "includin! E. hose reel < -Em len!th DN5E' E. valve DN5E E. no88le D.-# Cold water steel pipe D-= Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D5E Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D95 Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D&E Winc<Ialvani8ed steel pipe D.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed threaded reducer female D95$5E Winc<Ialvani8ed threaded reducer female D&E$95 Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D.EE$.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D&E$&E Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D&E$95 Winc<Ialvani8ed tee D95$5E Winc<Ialvani8ed steel elbow D.EE Winc<Ialvani8ed steel elbow D&E Winc<Ialvani8ed steel elbow D95

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

..EE =.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE ..EE ..EE .E,.EE E.E5 ,..9 K.,= 9.5E E.=E 9.EE 9.EE =.EE =.EE =E.EE .E,.EE 9.EE =E.EE 9E.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


,,, ,9 ,J ,&

Winc<Ialvani8ed steel elbow D5E Soc(et D5E ?ipe bearin! frame ?ortable fire e$tin!uisher type: % B C ,(! Carbonate portable fire e$tin!uisher ,(!

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=.E.EE 95.EE K5E.EE =E&.EE .E,.EE

Total for Bill o+ .; *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ .= 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= Light electricit! Descri/tion Tele/hone = < telephone networ( soc(et under wall "faceV empire# 7/<.. telephone outlet < Session Session protection< Wire telephone =D=DE 5mm=<"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable telephone -ED=DE 5mm=<"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable telephone 5ED=DE 5mm=<"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable telephone =EED=DE 5mm=<from to house< "SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable telephone -EED=DE 5mm=<from to house< "SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# To!ether with hard accessories d=E .$.Emm= Iroundin! wire 0$pandable bolt d& Data materials Sin!er mode optical .=core<
Single-Stage One Envelope


7uantit! "ate

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Nr Nr Nr Nr .Em .Em .Em m m m m Nr .Em

,99.EE ,99.EE 5E.EE 5E.EE -5E.EE -5.EE -E.EE .E.EE .E.EE .EEE.EE .EE.EE =EE.EE .E.EE
Procurement of Wor s


WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =.

Cable utp cat.9 ,pair< Tumper lO=m< Tumper lO=m< Tac( r/<,5< ?UC d=E Cable tray ?UC tray ".EED,E#mm< Caterial accessories Audio material statistics %udio cable covers =D. 5mm="Belden Clipsal or e4uivalent# %udio cable covers =D= 5mm="Belden Clipsal or e4uivalent# Cable rs<=-= Audio material statistics for /roDectors @DCI soc(et<@OE ,m Cable 7S<=-="Belden Clipsal or e4uivalent# D=E ?UC conduit "&5X in the wall# D=E ?UC conduit ".5X on the wall# Audio material statistics %udio cable covers =$. 5mm= D=E ?UC conduit "&5X in the wall# D=E ?UC conduit ".5X on the wall#

.Em .Em .Em Nr m m m set


== ==,

.Em .Em .Em Nr .Em m m

,5E.EE 9E.EE =EE.EE KK.EE ..E.EE K-5.EE .95.EE

=5 =9 =J =& =K -E -.

.Em 5E.EE m ,=5.EE m J5.EE Total for Bill o+ .= *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

DC"A0TC"B Bill o+ .> "einforced concrete /iling 0tem o+ . Descri/tion Load test of /ile D;** Cobili8ation and demobili8ation e4uipment "robot#
Single-Stage One Envelope


7uantit! "ate

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(


WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


= ,

5 9 J & K .E ..

.= ..,

Supply and transportation of ?@C pile 5EE class % ,piles BO,K.,m Drivin! ?@C pile D5EE class % E, piles BO,K.,m ?minO=J5T ?ma$O--ET Static load test ?@C pile D5EE class % , piles Test loadO==ET Load test of /ile D=** Supply and transportation of ?@C pile D9EE class % 9 piles BO,J.Km Drivin! ?@C pile D9EE class % E9 piles BO,J.Km ?minO=J5T ?ma$O--ET Static load test of ?@C pile D9EE class % Test loadO==ET Dri%ing /ile D;** for :ater tan5 Cobili8ation and demobili8ation e4uipment "robot# Supply and transportation of ?@C D5EE class % -= piles BO,5m3pile Drivin! ?@C pile D5EE class % -E piles BO,5m3pile Ben!th of driver pile used O -m ?minO=J5T ?ma$O--ET :illin! up pile head ?@C D5EE class % with sand -E piles BO-m3pile Dri%ing /ile D=** Supply and transportation of ?@C D9EE Ben!th O ,5.5m",9E piles of type .#' Ben!th O,-.Jm".E& piles of type =#' Drivin! ?@C pile D9EE class % Ben!th of driver pile used O ..K5m",9E piles of type .#' Ben!th of driver pile used O-.95m".E& piles of type =#' :illin! up pile ?@C D9EE head with sand ?ile type . ",9E piles BO..K5m3pile#' ?ile type = ".E& piles BO-.95m3pile#

m m pile

.KJ.9E .KJ.9E ,.EE

m m pile set m m pile

=&J.,E =&J.,E 9.EE =.EE .,,E.EE .5-9.EE -=.EE

m m pile

=59,K.9E =9K,E.&E 59&.EE

Total for Bill o+ .> *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ .? 0tem o+ . = , Foundation :or5 Descri/tion Brea(in! 7C pile heads Concrete connectin! piles and pile !rilla!e I-5E Steel reinforcement for connectin! concrete 0$cavation of foundation soil !rade I 8nit mmton .EE 7uantit! "ate J=.J= =E=.K9 ,..K9 ,-.-9 Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

m5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, 0$cavation of foundation soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# 0$cavation of buildin! foundation soil !rade I 0$cavation of buildin! foundation width Q-m depthQ.m soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Bean concrete I.EE stone ,$9 width P=5Ecm Bean concrete I.EE stone ,$9 width Q=5Ecm foundation concrete I-5E stone .$= width P=5Ecm :oundation concrete I-5E stone .$= foundation width Q=5Ecm Concrete for wall I-5E stone .$= width Q=5Ecm Concrete I-5E for column nec(in! stone .$= width Q=5Ecm :ormwor( for beam foundation bracin! beam :ormwor( for foundation !rid :ormwor( for column nec(in! Steel reinforcement for foundation dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for foundation dQ.&mm Steel reinforcement for foundation dP.&mm Construction of foundation bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness P--cm cement mortar IJ5 Construction of foundation bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness Q--cm cement mortar IJ5 Concrete for base "first floor# stone =$, I.5E Soil fillin! for base LOE.KE Soil fillin! LOE.KE "soil fillin! up to natural !round level# m.EEmmmmmmmm.EEm= .EEm= .EEm= ton ton ton mmm.EEm.EEm.E&,.E= 5.KJ .,K.=.,,.J9 ,,.,9 =,-K.JJ ,&,.&9 .E..,& K9... =5.=K =9.,& 5.KJ =J.=K ,.5.K. .5-.,.,E.=& &.&. 9.E.K= =,.,, =K.E-

Total for Bill o+ .? *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ .@ 0tem o+ . = , 5 "einforced concrete :or5 Descri/tion Column concrete I-5E stone .$= SPE..m= @Q5Em :ormwor( for s4uare column @ Q5Em Steel reinforcement d Q.Emm @Q5Em Steel reinforcement d P.&mm @ Q5Em Concrete for wall I-5E stone .$= thic(ness Q,5cm @Q5Em 8nit m.EEm= ton ton m7uantit! "ate .E,=.E9 JK.&K 55.-, K..5.9-K..& Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9

:ormwor( for wall @Q5Em .EEm= ..=.EK Steel reinforcement for wall dQ.Emm @Q5Em ton &E.,K Steel reinforcement for wall dQ.&mm @Q5Em ton .9K.-5 Steel reinforcement for wall dP.&mm @Q5Em ton J..9 Concrete beam I-5E stone .$= @Q5Em m.K=9.=J :ormwor( for beam @Q5Em .EEm= .,9.J9 Steel reinforcement for beam dQ.Emm @Q5Em ton .&-.J5 Steel reinforcement for beam dQ.&mm @Q5Em ton .E,.5, Steel reinforcement for beam dP.&mm @Q5Em ton =-5.E:loor and 7oof concrete I-5E stone .$= @Q5Em m -,J&.5J = :ormwor( for floor and roof slab @Q5Em .EEm =K&.&. Steel reinforcement for floor and roof slab @Q5Em ton -&K.K, d Q.Emm Steel reinforcement for floor and roof slab @Q5Em ton ...=. dP.Emm Stair concrete I=5E stone .$= m.J9.=. :ormwor( for staircases .EEm= .K..5 Steel reinforcement for staircases dQ.Emm @Q5Em ton .-.E, Steel reinforcement for staircases dP.Emm @Q5Em ton K.-E Bintel concrete I=5E stone .$= m.,=.,, :ormwor( for lintel .EEm= =&.5, Steel reinforcement for lintel dQ.Emm @Q5Em ton 9.== Steel reinforcement for lintel dP.Emm @Q5Em ton =.KE Total for Bill o+ .@ *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bric5 masonr! :or5 Descri/tion Construction of strai!ht bric( wall bric( thic(ness .EEmm %%C bric( .E$=E$9Ecm @Q5E m cement mortar I5E Construction of strai!ht bric( wall bric( thic(ness .5Emm %%C bric( .5$=E$9Ecm @Q5E m cement mortar I5E Strai!ht wall bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness Q--cm @Q5Em cement mortar I5E Strai!ht wall bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness @Q5Em cement mortar I5E Strai!ht wall bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness P--cm @Q5Em cement mortar I5E 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ 4* 0tem o+ . = , 5


9-5.J, .5E=.=&,E.,=EJ&.K5 .,J.9-

Total for Bill o+ 4* *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+

WRU Buildings Bidding Document Single-Stage One Envelope Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Bill o+ 4) 0tem o+

Finishing :or5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

. = -

, 5 9 J

Finishing :or5 for the first floor 0nterior /lastering ?lasterin! pillar thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! inside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aintin! beam ceilin! column inside wall usin! Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents first coatin! and = over coatin!. #$terior /lastering ?lasterin! column pillar staircases vertical sunshine splint thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside beam cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aintin! outside wall "paint Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents# first coatin! and = over coatin!. Floor tiling :loor tilin! with Iranite tile 9EE$9EEmm"Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# Tilin! floor of bathroom with anti<slippery ceramic =5E$=5Emm :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness - Ecm cement mortar I5E Iypsum ceilin! floor . Uinh Tuon! or e4uivalent :lat ceilin! usin! water<resistant !ypsum for public WC in floor . Concrete base stone =$, !rade .5E Tilin! outside wall floor . with tile of =EE$9EEmm Tilin! inside wall floor . with tile of .5E$9EEmm Tilin! wall of = public WC in floor . with tile 9EE$,5E = Jm hi!h cement mortar IJ5 "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent#

m= m= m=

.=K5.9E -EE,.J= -5K-.-K

m= m= m= m=

==9.=J =5&.E, .E-J.5, .5=..&5

& K .E .. .= .., .5 .9

m= m= m= m= m= mm= m= m=

,==K.E9 J-.&K ,-E=.K, -9.-.EE 99.,J 9,5.,, --=.=& 9&&.-J .J-.J=

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.J .& .K =E

?lastic dividin! board for male urinal in public WC floor . Tilin! surface bearers with !ranite tile Steel frame supportin! !ranite bearer in public WC floor . @ole cutter for !ranite bearers in public WC floor . Finishing :or5 for u//er floors

m= m= set holes

J..E9 J.5= ,.EE .=.EE

=. == ==,

?lasterin! beams cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! ceilin! cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! pillar thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! main pillar thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E Plastering interior :all 'floors - to ?( ?lasterin! inside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aint beam ceilin! column inside wall first coatin! and = over coatin!s Bevis or e4uivalent paint Tilin! toilet wall in habitable rooms with tile =5E$,5E hei!ht of = Jm cement mortar IJ5 "Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# Plastering e$terior :all from floors - to ? '7t!3 > floors( ?lasterin! outside column thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside beam "floors = to &# thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside wall "floors = to &# thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aint outside wall " floors = to &# first coatin! and = over coatin!s Bevis or e4uivalent paint ?lasterin! window cornice cement mortar I5E ?aint outside wall first coatin! and = over coatin!s floors = to & Bevis paint or e4uivalent Pa%ing floors from - to ? Tilin! floor with !ranite tile 9EE$9EEmm

m= m= m= m= m= m= m=

955-.=5 ..99-.5J 5K9.K, &E.-.==

=5 =9 =J

9J,K-.J= K...K.-==9=K.9E

=& =K -E -. -= --

m= m= m= m= m m=

-9-.&K ..-5.=E &-,..-. &E.9.J. J59.EE =E5&.E,




WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Tilin! bathroom with anti<slippery tile =5E$=5Emm"Ceramic ?rime Ui!lacera or e4uivalent# Floor coating Coatin! floor thic(nessO-.Ecm cement mortar I5E Iranite bearer in bathroom "floors = to &# Cthers



-9 -J

m= m=

=.,K5.&5 &=K.K=

-& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5

?aintin! flin(ote for toilet ceilin! technical floor. Steel frame supportin! !ranite bearer in bathroom floors = to & @ole cuttin! for !ranite bearer in bathroom floors = to & Ceilin! usin! water<resistant !ypsum for bathroom in student rooms Iypsum ceilin! for corridor "floors = to &# Uinh Tuon! or e4uivalent :abricatin! installin! steel handrails ?aintin! steel handrail - coatin!s @eat<insulator for roof cos =K.Jm and --..m thic(nessO-E cm "oof ?lasterin! wall on roof floor 0l V,.5m Tilin! anti<slippery tiles 9EE$9EEmm heat<insulator :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness -.Ecm cement mortar IJ5 water proofin! of roof at 0l V,.5m Thermal barrier coverin! for roof at 0lV , 5m thic(ness -Ecm ?aintin! roof wall at 0lV,.5m Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents Tiling technical floor :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness - Ecm cement mortar I5E technical floor Tilin! floor with !ranite tile 9EE$9EEmm

m= set holes m= m= m= m= m-

K5==.&= 59E.EE ..=E.EE ,.J9.5, ,5JJ..5 9JJ5.=K 9JJ5.=K .E--.,=

,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E

m= m= m= mm=

--=.J. JEE..E JEE..E =.E.E--=.J.

5. 5=

m= m=

===.== ===.==

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Pa%ing roof floor 55, Tilin! anti<slippery tile -E$-Ecm on roof floor :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness - Ecm cement mortar IJ5 water proofin! for roof Plastering inside technical floor< emergenc! stair:a! area Ceilin! plasterin! cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! beam cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! pillar vertical sun splint staircases thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! inside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aintin! beam ceilin! column inside wall first coatin! and = over coatin! technical floor emer!ency stairway Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents Plastering outside technical floor ?lasterin! outside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! beam cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside wall thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar I5E ?aintin! outside wall first coatin! = over coatin! technical floor Bevis or e4uivalent paint Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents Stair Construction of steps bric( 9 5$.E 5$== @Q5Em cement mortar I5E ?avin! !ranito for stairs step "Nam Than! or e4uivalent# ?lasterin! staircase steps thic(ness . 5cm cement mortar IJ5 yellow sand Canufacturin! handrails Installation of handrails ?aintin! with - coatin!s m= m= -,,,.J= -,,,.J=

55 59 5J 5& 5K

m= m= m= m= m=

-9K.-K &=..J ,.-.-5 5J=.,, .&E,.K=

9E 9. 9= 9-

m= m= m= m=

5K-.,J ,9.K, ..J&.&& .&.K.=K

9, 95 99 9J 9& 9K

mm= m= m= m= m=

,,.5& .J=9.,& .5J-.J. 9E&.E= 9E&.E= 9E&.E=

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

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Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9

0levator ca!e : pavin! the wall with natural !ranite tile fi$ed by stainless steel plu! ?ipe steel for handrail D9E ?avin! floor with tile 9E$9Ecm :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness - Ecm cement mortar I5E :loor mortar finishin! without cement hardener finishin! thic(ness = Ecm cement mortar I5E Concrete I.5E stone =$, for base Concrete I.5E stone .$= for base Based concrete stone ,$9 widthQ=5E cm !rade .EE Sand bac(fillin! LOE.K5 Bric( construction of -<steps perron cement mortar I5E :loor mortar finishin! for -<steps perron cement mortar I5E ?avin! step of -<steps perron with !ranite tile Bric( masonry bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic( hei!ht Q,m cement mortar I5E Wall of inclined path ?lasterin! wall of inclined path Iranite tile pavin! on wall ?aintin! inclined path Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents 9all :abricatin! frame for roof of hall Installation of frame for roof of hall

m= m m= m= m= mmm.EEmmm= m= mmm= m= m=

9&&.5J ,,-.E9 -&9.&5 =EE.E9 .&9.JK =,.,K 95.-9 .,.&9 ,..K 5.J& .55.,& .55.,& ..55 .J.9. 9E.-& .EE.&, 59.EE

&J &&

ton ton

.=.9E .=.9E

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



?aintin! steel items with - coatin! :abrication and installation of blue transparency safety !lass thic( .cmfor hall roof at the .st floor ?lasterin! beam of roof of hall ?lasterin! round column in hall Bolt Scaffolder Installation of steel scaffolder outside scaffolder hei!ht Q5Em Installation of steel scaffolder inside scaffolder standard hei!ht of - 9m Transportin! of tiles Transportin! of !lasses Transportin! of paints Transportin! of cement






K. K= K-

m= m= Nr .EE m= .EE m= .Em= .Em= Ton Ton

,5.-& ,E.EE ,E.EE

K, K5 K9 KJ K& KK

5&,.-5 -K.K, -EJ=.9= =.9.K, ,-.KE .,=..&K

Total for Bill o+ 4) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 40tem o+ ) = , 5 Door and Windo: Descri/tion :abrication and installation for plastic with steel core wall safety !lass 9 -&mm :abrication and installation for !lass aluminum wall safety !lass 9.-&mm :abrication and installation for !lass aluminum window safety !lass 9 -&mm :abricatin! and installin! u?UC steel core door safety !lass thic(nessO9.-&mm :rame connectin! bar cp9 for door plastic wall with steel core
Single-Stage One Envelope

8nit m= m= m= m= m=

7uantit! "ate .9,J.&K 5.J.J5 ==E9.,, 5J-,.59 J5=5.9E

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

9 J & K .E

%ccessories for u?UC door %ccessories for plastic window with steel core :abrication and installation for plastic door with steel core safely !lass 9 -& 0mer!ency doors. :abrication and installation for plastic door with steel core safely !lass 9 -& 7ubbish room doors :abrication and installation of plastic with steel core door safety !lass 9 -&mm Doors for stairs

m= m= m= m= m=

=KEE.EE 59E.EE .-&.=, J.K= =-.E,

Total for Bill o+ 4*Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 4. 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K 6uarding station Descri/tion Foundation 0$cavation of foundation of column width P.m depth P.m soil !rade I Di!!in! foundation width Q-m depthQ.m soil !rade I Sand bac(fillin! LOE K5 Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 :oundation concrete I.5E stone .$= :ormwor( for concrete foundation of column :ormwor( for cast<in<place trip foundation concrete Bric( masonry bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(Q--cm cement mortar I5E Bric( bro(en concrete thic(nessO .EEmm !rade .EE Column Concrete for column I.5E stone .$= section QE .m= @Q,m :ormwor( Steel reinforcement dQ.Emm 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

mm.EE mmm.EEm= .EE m= mm-

.E.,& =J.J= .=.J...& -... E..E.E.... ....

.E .. .=

m.EE m= ton


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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms



Steel reinforcement dQ.&mm Beam



., .5 .9 .J

Concrete for beam stone .$= I.5E :ormwor( Steel reinforcement dQ.Emm @Q,m Steel reinforcement dQ.&mm "oof floor

m.EE m= ton ton

.... E.=E E.E= E..&

.& .K =E

Concrete of roof slab stone .$= !rade .5E :ormwor( of roof slab Steel reinforcement dQ.Emm @ Q,m Lintel

m.EE m= ton

..-E... E..=

=. == ==,

Bintel concrete stone .$= !rade .5E :ormwor( Steel reinforcement of lintel dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement of lintel dP.Emm @Q,m Finishing Bric( masonry bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(Q-- cm hei!htQ,m cement mortar !rade J5 ?avin! ceramic tile ?lasterin! ceilin! cement mortar !rade J5 ?aintin! waterproof si(a mortar ?lacin! 9 hole bric( for heat reducin! Cement mortar IJ5 thic( ,cm for an inclined roof Tilin! Tile -EE$-EEmm

m.EE m= ton ton

E.5= E.E, E.E= E.EJ

=5 =9 =J =& =K -E -.

mm= m= m= m= m= m=

5.&E ...E9 ...E9 ...E9 ...E9 ...E9 ...E9

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

-= --, -5 -9 -J

?lasterin! outside wall thic(ness . 5 cm cement mortar !rade J5 ?lasterin! inside room thic(ness . 5 cm cement mortar !rade J5 ?lasterin! column stair thic(ness . 5 cm cement mortar !rade J5 ?lasterin! beam cement mortar IJ5 ?aintin! beam ceilin! column wall inside with Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents one first coatin! = over coatin! ?aintin! outside wall first coatin! and = over coatin! Totun ICI Dulu$ or e4uivalents Door and :indo: ?lastic door with steel core transparency !lass 5 mm thic( ?lastic window with steel core transparency !lass 5mm thic(

m= m= m= m= m= m=

=&.&K -...& .E.E=E..9 9..-& =&.&K

-& -K

m= m=

..J. K.JJ

Total for Bill o+ 4. *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 44 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .6arden Descri/tion 0$cavation of foundation curb soil !rade I Bric( bro(en concrete based concrete for curb Curb pre<cast concrete curb.&$==$.EEcm %lluvial soil "thic(ness of -Ecm# placin! for !rassin!. :ertili8er "thic(ness of =cm# placin! for !rassin! Transportin! fertile soil DQ 5EEm soil !rade I ?lantin! !rass 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole ROJE$JE$JEcm 0$cavation hole cultivate soil !rade I hole ROJE$JE$JEcm Waterin! in -E days distance P.EEm :ertili8er placin! into hole JE$JEcm Transportin! trees to hole distance within .EE[=EEm tree1s bulb about 5E$5Ecm ?lantin! Deloni$ re!ia alluvial soil 9E$9E 8nit mmm mm.EEm.EEm= hole hole .EEm= hole tree Tree 7uantit! "ate ..9..&9 5=.E5 .=-K.-= K5&.E. 9-.&J K.5& -..K.J.EE 9E-.EE -..K9=E.EE 9=E.EE .J.EE Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -=

?lantin! Cycas revolute alluvial soil -E$-E ?lantin! %!laia duperreana alluvia soil -E$-Ecm ?lantin! oran!e /asmine ?lantin! Cuban 7oyal ?alm Bime whitin! for tree1s stump Irri!atin! within .5 days distance P .EEm Caintain trees ?lantin! Cuphea hyssopifolia ?lant Duranta repens 7oad surface concrete thic(ness Q =5cm stone .$= I=EE :ormwor( for concrete road

Tree tree tree tree tree .EEE trees .E trees< month m= m= m-

J.EE 5-.EE 5EE.EE ,-.EE 9=E.EE E.9= 9J.EE -EE.EE =EE.EE .EE5.=.

.EE -E..9 m= Curbin! for concrete road around buildin! m -,-.,& = Coverin! tile Ta88ero ,EE$,EE for sidewal( m =5,J.5E = Cement mortar !rade J5 thic( =Ecm m =5,J.5E Concrete stone =$, !rade .5E thic( .5Emm m=5,.J5 = Nylon m 5K.-.EE Iranito stone chair Nr .J.EE @an!er rubbish bin .EEE$-&E$.E-E Nr .&.EE Total for Bill o+ 44 *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ 8nderground :ater tan5 Descri/tion 8nderground :ater tan5 4**m. 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ 4; 0tem o+ . = , 5 9

:oundation e$cavation soil !rade I :oundation e$cavation with width P.m depth P.m Soil !rade I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Based macadam =$, Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 :oundation slab I-EE Stone .$= Wall concrete I-EE thic(ness Q,5cm @Q,m stone .$=
Single-Stage One Envelope


9.=J .59.J& --.-, .9.9J &E.,,-.K-

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

J & K .E .. .= .., .5

Concrete I-EE stone .$= for cover slab :ormwor(s for wall @ Q.9m :ormwor(s for cover slab @Q.9m Steel reinforcement for cover slab @Q.9m d Q.Emm Steel reinforcement for cover slab @Q.9m d P.Emm Steel reinforcement for wall d Q.Emm @ Q,m Steel reinforcement for wall dQ.&mm @Q,m ?lasterin! cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness =cm ?aintin! outside surface of wall with Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: Cement O .:.# =coatin!s outside surface of wall ?lasterin! inside tan( Cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness =Emm Construction /oint Soil bac(fillin! for foundation pit LOKE. 8nderground :ater tan5 ;=*m. :oundation e$cavation e$cavated width Q9m soil !rade I :oundation e$cavation width P.m depth P.m. Soil !rade I"calculated as manual e$cavation# Compacted macadam =$, =Ecm thic( Beddin! concrete stone ,$9 I.EE. :oundation slab concrete I-EE stone .$= Wall concrete I-EE stone .$= thic(ness Q,5cm hei!ht Q,m 7eady mi$ed concrete placed by concrete Tan( cover concrete I-EE stone .$= :ormwor(s for wall :ormwor(s for cover Steel reinforcement for tan( cover hei!ht Q.9m dQ.Emm Steel reinforcement for tan( cover hei!ht Q.9m dP.Emm Steel reinforcement for wall dQ.Emm wall hei!htQ,m

m.EEm= .EEm= ton ton ton ton m= m=

--.-, 5..K ..9J ..-5 ...9J E.E& .E.-J ,9E.EE ,9E.EE

.9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E

m= m m.EE mmmmmmm.EE m= .EE m= ton ton ton

,9E.EE J9.&E =.K.E= &.K, ==-.-& 5E.5, =5.=J ..J.J9 &,.,& ,9.JK 9.E, =.-, E.9E =E.-K E.K9

Procurement of Wor s

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WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


-. -= --, -5 -9 -J

Steel reinforcement for wall dQ.&mm wall hei!htQ,m ?lasterin! cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness =cm ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: Cement O .:.# = coatin! outside surface of wall ?lasterin! inside Cement mortar IJ5 thic(ness =Emm Construction /oint Soil bac(fillin! for foundation LOE.KE Tan( cover by stainless steel dimension .EEE$.EEEmm

ton m= m= m= m mNr

.-.JK 5JK..K 5JK..K 5JK..K K..&E -=..-K =.EE

Total for Bill o+ 4; *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 4= 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 Cn-the-roof :ater tan5 Descri/tion Concrete of tan( wall I-5E stone .$= thic( Q,5cm @Q5Em :ormwor( for cast<in<place concrete wall formwor( @Q5Em Concrete I-5E stone .$= for bottom cover slabs of the tan( @Q5Em :ormwor( for cast<in<place concrete @Q5Em Steel reinforcement for tan( wall diameter Q.E mm @Q5Em Steel reinforcement for tan( wall diameter Q.& mm @Q5Em ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: cement O .:.#< =coatin!s for outside of tan( ?lasterin! inside tan( wall thic( = E cm cement mortar !rade J5 ?lasterin! tan( bottom surface with cement mortar
Single-Stage One Envelope

8nit m.EE m= m.EE m= ton ton

7uantit! "ate .E.-& ..E, ,5.J=.,9 E..5 .E.EK

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(



& K

m= m=

=.&..E =.&..E
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.E .. .= .-

IJ5 thic( = E cm with cement hardener finishin! ?aintin! outside of tan( first coatin! and = over coatin! Construction /oints treatment Soa(in! tan( with cement laitance Cover and loc( of tan(



m ,,.EE m..,.-set ..EE Total for Bill o+ 4= *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ 4> 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .-

Se/tic tan5 Descri/tion 8nit .EEmmmmmm.EE m= .EE m= ton ton ton m= m= 7uantit! "ate ..,9 -9.5E ,.&= ...-, ...,E ,.&& ..=, E.-E.=J =.95 E.E& .JK..= .E9.E&

:oundation e$cavation soil !rade I# 0$cavation of foundation width Q. m depth P.m soil !rade I "Calculated as manual e$cavation# Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 :oundation concrete I=5E stone .$= Wall concrete I=5E stone .$= thic( Q,5cm hei!ht Q ,m Concrete for roof slab of tan( I-EE stone .$= :ormwor(s for cast<in<place wall formwor(s @Q.9 m :ormwor( for cast<in<place roof slab formwor( @ Q.9m Steel reinforcement for roof slab @Q.9 m dQ.Emm. Steel reinforcement for roof slab @Q.9 m dP.Emm. Steel reinforcement for wall d Q .Emm @Q ,m. ?lasterin! inside tan( thic(ness of = E cm cement mortar IJ5 ?aintin! Lova CT<..% or e4uivalent paint mi$ed with cement "ratio of paint: Cement O .:.#< = coatin!s on outside tan(

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


., .5 .9

?aintin! hot bitumen on tan( wall Construction /oint treatment Soil bac(fillin! for foundation pit LOE.KE

m= m m-

==J.5= 9E.EE K&.9=

Total for Bill o+ 4> *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 4? 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K Cut- door drainage s!stem Descri/tion Waste :ater drain Supply and Installation of concrete pipe D-EE Supplyin! pipe supporter D-EE Installation of pipe supporter Sand bac(fillin! for drain foundation ?ipe 2?UC<?N& D=EE Di!!in! manhole pits soil !rade I Canholes bac(fill LOE.KE Bean concrete I5E Canhole concrete stone .$= I =EE :ormwor( Steel reinforcement Bric( masonry for wall of manhole bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! inside manhole thic( = E cm cement mortar IJ5 Cement mortar finishin! for bottom of manhole thic(ness of = E cm cement mortar I J5 Canhole strainer "ain drainage /i/e line Supply and installation of concrete pipe D,EE Supplyin! and installin! pipe supporter D,EE Supplyin! and installin! pipe supporter Supplyin! and Installin! concrete pipe D9EE 8nit 7uantit! "ate Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

m Nr Nr m.EEm mmm m.EEm= ton mm= m= Nr m Nr Nr m


..=.EE ..=.EE ..=.EE &9.=, E.J= ,=.,& .,..9 =.-,.=& E.-5 E.=& .E.9-9.J9 9.-J .-.EE ,5.EE ,5.EE ,5.EE &-.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

=E =.

Supplyin! and installin! pipe supporter Sand bac(fillin! for drain foundation LOE.K5 "ain drainage Ditch

Nr m-

&-.EE =...=

== ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,,

Ditch di!!in! widthQ-m depthQ.m Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 width Q =5E cm :oundation concrete I=EE stone .$= width Q =5E cm :ormwor( Bric( masonry for wall of drain bric( 9 5$.E 5$== thic(ness Q--cm cement mortar I5E ?recast reinforced concrete cover plate :ormwor( for cover plate Steel reinforcement for plate Installin! concrete cover plate wei!htQ.EE(! per plate ?lasterin! inside wall thic(nessO =.Ecm cement mortar IJ5 Cement mortarin! bottom of ditch thic( = E cm cement mortar IJ5 Soil bac(fill (OE K5 Aanhole Di!!in! pits of manhole soil !rade I Soil bac(fillin! for pipe ( OE K5 Bean concrete I5E Canhole bottom slab concrete I=EE stone .$= :ormwor( Steel reinforcement d Q .E mm Wall of manhole Bric( masonry bric( 9 5$.E 5$== cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! inside manhole thic( = E cm cement mortar IJ5 Cement mortarin! bottom of manhole thic( = E cm cement mortar IJ5 Canhole strainer Drainin! outlet D9EE

mmm.EE m= mm.EE m= ton Nr m= m= mmmmm.EE m= ton mm= m= Nr Nr

,5..9= -9.5J 9-.&. =.E5 &=.J9 -.J& E.-= E.K==5.EE -J9.=E =K-.9E .5E.5, ...-= =E.EE E.9= ...= E.EK E.E& =.J= K.JE ..K= =.EE =.EE

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Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Total for Bill o+ 4? *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Bill o+ 4@ 0tem o+ . = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E 0n Building :ater :or5 Descri/tion Water closet bowl two bloc(s two press soft cover enclosed hose tap "IN%D or e4uivalent# Wall mounted urinal "IN%D 2..9U or e4uivalent# Table lavabo "IN%D B<=K=U or e4uivalent# < shower mirror synchroni8ation :loor water inta(e funnel DJ9 7oof water inta(e funnel D.5E 7oof water inta(e funnel D=EE Water meterD&E Water meter cloc( D=E Water heater -EB "%7IST)N or e4uivalent# Cold :ater su//l!ing lines Steel 8inc<!alvani8ed pipe D.5E 5 59mm thic( Steel 8inc<!alvani8ed pipe D.EE - 9mmthic( Steel 8inc<!alvani8ed pipe D&E thic( - =mm ?ipe ??7<?N.E D.EE ?ipe ??7<?N.E D&E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D95 ?ipe ??7<?N.E D5E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D,E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D-= ?ipe ??7<?N.E D=5 ?ipe ??7<?N.E D=E ?ipe ??7<?N.E D.5 ?ressure testin! of Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D.5E ?ressure testin! of Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe . DO.EEmm ?ressure testin! of Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe. DO&Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO.EE mm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO&Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO95 mm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO5Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO,Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO-= mm
Single-Stage One Envelope

8nit set set set Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

7uantit! "ate 5J9.EE .,.EE ..-=.EE .JEE.EE -,.EE =.EE ..EE 59E.EE 59E.EE E.9E E.&= ..99 E.&K ,.,9 5.., K.9E ..&E -.-= ...=E 59.KJ =&..E E.9E E.&= ..99 E.&K ,.,9 5.., K.9E ..&E -.-=

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

-. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95 99 9J 9& 9K JE

?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO=5mm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO=Emm ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO.5mm Disinfectin! Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DO.5Emm Disinfectin! 8inc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DO.EEmm Disinfectin! 8inc<!alvani8ed steel pipe DO&Emm Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D.EE Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D&E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D95 Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D5E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D,E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D-= Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D=5 Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D=E Disinfectin! pipe ??7 D.5 Tee D.EE$.EE Tee D95$95 Tee D=5$=5 Tee D.EE$&E Tee D&E$5E Tee D95$-= Tee D5E$=5 Tee D-=$=E Tee D=5$=E Tee D=E$.5 0lbow D.5E 0lbow D.EE 0lbow D&E 0lbow D95 0lbow D5E 0lbow D-= 0lbow D=5 0lbow D=E 0lbow D.5 7educer ??7 D.EE$&E 7educer ??7 D5E$,= 7educer ??7 D95$-= 7educer ??7 D=5$=E 7educer ??7 D=5$.5 7educer ??7 D=E$.5

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

...=E 59.KJ =&..E E.9E E.&= ..99 E.&K ,.,9 5.., K.9E ..&E -.-= ...=E 59.KJ =&..E &.EE .=.EE 59E.EE 9.EE ,E.EE ,E.EE =&E.EE -=.EE =&E.EE ..=E.EE .E.EE &.EE ,=.EE =E.EE ,E.EE &.EE .=.EE ==5=.EE ==,E.EE &.EE ,E.EE .9.EE 59..EE .5E.EE 59..EE

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Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9 &J && &K KE K. K= KK, K5 K9 KJ K& KK .EE .E. .E= .E.E, .E5 .E9 .EJ .E&

Soc(et ??7 D.EE Soc(et ??7 D&E Soc(et ??7 D95 Soc(et ??7 D5E Soc(et ??7 D,E Soc(et ??7 D-= Soc(et ??7 D=5 Soc(et ??7 D=E Soc(et ??7 D.5 :le$ible connector D.5E :le$ible connector D.EE :le$ible connector D&E :oot valve D=EE "with Crephin# Strainer A D.5E Strainer A D.EE Chec( valve D.EE Chec( valve D&E 0lectric valves pump control D.EE 0lectric valves pump control D.5E Iate Ualve steel D.5E Iate Ualve steel D.EE Iate Ualve steel D&E Iate valve D&E Iate valve D95 Iate valve D5E Iate valve D-= Iate valve D=E Cap D,E Steel flan!e D.EE Steel flan!e D,E :loat valve D.EE :loat valve D&E ?ipe han!ers and supporter 9ot :ater @ot water pipe ?77 D.5 ?N=E ?ressure testin! of ??7 pipe DO.5mm Disinfectin! ?77 pipe DO.5mm 0lbow D.5 Ualve D.5 Waste :ater Drainage
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr

==.EE ....EE .=&.EE =,E.EE ,5.EE &-.EE =&E.EE .,=,.EE JE=.EE ,.EE &.EE ,.EE =.EE ,.EE ,.EE ,.EE ,.EE =.EE =.EE ,.EE &.EE ,.EE .E.EE .=.EE ,E.EE ,E.EE 59E.EE ,E.EE =.EE ,E.EE =.EE =.EE .-,5.EE .,.EE .,.EE .,.EE ==,E.EE 59E.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.EK ..E ... ..= ...., ..5 ..9 ..J ..& ..K .=E .=. .== .=.=, .=5 .=9 .=J .=& .=K .-E .-. .-= .-.-, .-5 .-9 .-J .-& .-K .,E .,. .,= .,.,, .,5 .,9

?ipe u?UC<?N& D=EE ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.9E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.,E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.=5 ?ipe u?UC<?N& D..E ?ipe u?UC<?N& DKE ?ipe u?UC<?N& DJ9 ?ipe u?UC<?N& D,= Tee .-5 D=EE$.=5 Tee .-5 D.,E$.=5 Tee .-5 D.,E$..E Tee .-5 D.=5$..E Tee .-5 D..E$J9 Tee .-5 DJ9$,= Tee .-5 D.9E$.9E Tee .-5 D.,E$.,E Tee .-5 D.=5$.=5 Tee .-5 D..E$..E Tee KE D..E$,= Tee KE D,=$,= 0lbow .-5 D.,E 0lbow .-5 D..E 0lbow .-5 DKE 0lbow .-5 DJ9 0lbow .-5 D,= 0lbow KE D,= Tee chec( D..E Clean out D.,E Clean out D.=5 Clean out D..E Clean out DJ9 7educer D.,E$..E 7educer D.,E$.=5 pipe han!ers and supporter "ain drainage ?ipe u?UC<?N& D=EE ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.9E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.,E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D.=5

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

=.-E E.=, ,.-E E.=K ,E.-9 E.5E -=.-, ,.J= ,E.EE ,&.EE 9,.EE -=.EE 59E.EE ..=E.EE &.EE &.EE .9.EE .9.EE 9EE.EE .EEE.EE 5JE.EE -K5.EE 9EE.EE 5,-E.EE ,-KK.EE ..=E.EE -&,.EE -,.EE &.EE =&.EE ..=E.EE =,.EE ==.EE =-55.EE E.-E E.&E E.9, =.5E

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.,J .,& .,K .5E .5. .5= .5.5, .55 .59 .5J .5& .5K .9E .9. .9=

?ipe u?UC<?N& D..E ?ipe u?UC<?N& D9E Tee .-5 D.9E$.=5 Tee .-5 D.,E$.=5 Tee .-5 D.=5$.=5 Tee .-5 D9E$9E 0lbow .-5 D.9E 0lbow .-5 D.,E 0lbow .-5 D..E 0lbow .-5 D9E Tee chec( D..E 7educer D.9E$.=5 7educer D.,E$.=5 7educer D.=5$..E pipe han!ers and supporter Boad and transport material within buildin!

.EEm -=.E, .EEm &.,E Nr =,.EE Nr .9.EE Nr &E.EE Nr 59E.EE Nr ==.EE Nr .=E.EE Nr ,-=.EE Nr .9&E.EE Nr ,&.EE Nr -=.EE Nr -=.EE Nr &E.EE set .EE.EE ton =,=.EE Total for Bill o+ 4@ *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ ;* 0tem o+

#lectric :or5 Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "at e

. = , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5

Cable< conduit and cable tra! for Air conditioner s!stem Cable Cu3DB?03?UC ,C < , mm\ Cable Cu3DB?03?UC ,C < =.5 mm\ Cable Cu3DB?03?UC =C < =.5 mm\ Cable Cu3?UC .C < , mm\ Cable Cu3?UC .C < =.5 mm\ Cable Cu3?UC .C < ..5 mm\ Cable Cu.:B3:7 ,C<=.5 mm= Control cable Cu3?UC .C < =.5 mm\ conduit D=E "immured line# conduit D=E "visible line# conduit D=5 "immured line# conduit D=5 "visible line# %ccessory material Boadin! and transportin! material with in buildin!s 0ndoor electricit! Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC
Single-Stage One Envelope

m m m m m m m m m m m m X ton .EE

&&E.EE --E.EE =EE.EE &&E.EE ,=E.EE .&&E.EE ==E.EE .E-,.EE ,=-.5E ,=-.5E ,,E.EE ,,E.EE .E.EE E.5E E..E
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

.9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E

sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: "-$.5EV.$K5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$K5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: "-$JEV.$5E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$=5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: "-$=5V.$.9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$.9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.DB?03?UC# section: ",$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core ?UC insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.?UC3?UC# section: "=$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core ?UC insulation ?UC sheath "Cu.?UC3?UC# section: "=$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable E.9(U copper core DB?0 insulation "Cu.?UC# section: ".$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# :ire resistant cable copper core "Cu.:?3:7# section: "-$5EV.$-5#mm= :ire resistant cable copper core "Cu.:?3:7# section: ",$9#mm= Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$K5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$5E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#

m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m m m m m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m ,.,J E..E E..E E.K. -..K E.,& E.5J .5&.EE .=,=-.EE -=-.EE 9K=.EE E.KJ ..J, E..E ,.,J

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


-. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5.

Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$-5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$.9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Iroundin! wire E.9(U Cu3?UC copper core yellow sheath with blue strea( section: ".$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$=,E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$.5E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$K5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$5E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$-5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Copper cable terminal section: ".$=5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Cable ladder W$@O",5E$.EE#mm Winc<!alvani8ed steel Cable ladder W$@O"9EE$.EE#mm Winc<!alvani8ed steel Tray ladder W$@O".5E$.EE#mm Winc<!alvani8ed steel Tray ladder W$@O"=EE$.EE#mm 8inc<Winc< !alvani8ed steel Tray ladder W$@O"-EE$.EE#mm 8inc<Winc< !alvani8ed steel %ccessories for installin! @D?0 pipe D.5E ?UC conduit D=5 "immured line# ?UC conduit D=5 "visible line# Ceilin! recessed mountin! neon lamp with parabolic reflector capacitors =$-9w "Sino Uanloc( or
Single-Stage One Envelope

.EE m m m m m .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr .E Nr m m m m m X .EE m m m Set

..EJ ,=E.EE ==..EE .=95,.EE ,&..EE -.=E ..9E .=.,E ..EE E.,E =.EE .EE.EE .&E.EE =EE.EE .K9E.EE -=E.EE 5.EE =.EE .95E.EE .95E.EE =9E.EE

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5= 55, 55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95 99 9J 9& 9K JE J. J= J-

e4uivalent# Ceilin! .$-9W fluorescent lamps surface mounted with capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Ceilin! .$.&W fluorescent lamps surface mounted capacitors "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Surface mounted < waterproof luminaire .$.&w fluorescent lamps. Ip95 "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Ceilin! li!htin! opal half sphere cover one circular fluorescent lamps ==Ev3.$==w "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Wall luminaire upper mirror < ==Ev3.$.=w compact fluorescent lamp "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# 0mer!ency li!ht ==E3=$,W Wall mounted with battery "= hours# 0$it li!htin! ==Ev3&w with battery "= hours use# 0$it li!htin! ==Ev3&w with battery "= hours use# .$.&w fluorescent lamps with battery for = hours "Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent# Sin!le switch .E% wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double switch .E% wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Three !an! switch .E% wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent :our !an! switch .E% wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent =<way switch .E% flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double =<way switch .E% wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Sin!le switch =E% for water heater wall flush mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double soc(et - pole outlet ==EU3.9% "=?V0# wall recessed mounted Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent Double soc(et - pole outlet .9% "=?V0# wall recessed mounted water proof Clipsal Sino Uanloc( or e4uivalent ?ower supply point for ventilation fan ==Ev3,Ew Ceilin! fan ==E39Ew with the speed ad/ustment Uinawind or e4uivalent 0lectrical wire Cu3?UC section: ".$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 0lectrical wire Cu3?UC section: ".$= 5#mm=

Set Set Set Set Set 5 Set 5 Set 5 Set 5 Set Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Set m m

..&K.EE .,5.EE .9.EE -J,,.EE ,.EE -&.9E .,.EE =-.EE =E.&E .E5.EE ..KJ.EE 5K5.EE =.EE K9.EE .=.EE 59E.EE =J.J.EE =.EE 59E.EE 59E.EE =E.9E.EE ,9J5J.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


J, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9 &J && &K KE K. K= KK, K5 K9 KJ K& KK .EE .E. .E= .E.E,

"Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 0lectrical wire Cu3?UC section: ".$. 5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# ?UC conduit D=E "immured line# ?UC conduit D=E "visible line# Boadin! and carryin! material and electrical e4uipment within buildin!s Bolt ] Nut stainless steel D.E Copper stranded conductor JEmm= :lat copper wire =5$-mm= Stainless Steel 0valuation ?ole -.EC$D,=$-CC Countin! Stand for air terminal Cast collars for air terminal 7od to cable clamp Iuy wire (it Iroundin! test bo$ 7od to flat conductor clamps Bi!htnin! counter Iroundin! rod coppered steel D.& BO= ,m 7od to flat conductor clamps :lat copper wire =5$-mm= Iroundin! rod coppered steel D.& BO= ,m 6uarding station Wall recessed mountin! Codule cabinet for 9 automats CCB < =? < =E% IcuO9(% circuit brea(er CCB < .? < .9% IcuO9(% CCB < .? < .E% IcuO9(% :lorescent lamp T5 .$=&W surface mounted type Sin!le switch . way ==EU3.E% Sin!le switch . !an! ==EU3.E% Double Soc(et outlet ==EU3.9% recessed mountin! 0lectrical wire Cu3?UC .$=.5 mm= 0lectrical wire Cu3?UC .$..5 mm= ?UC Conduit D=E "immured line# ?UC Conduit D=E "visible line# Cutdoor lighting Bi!htin! pole made of 8inc< !alvani8ed steel hei!htO9m installed . floodli!ht metal halide lamps .$.EEEW for sport yard"includin! foundation connection pane circuit brea(er#
Single-Stage One Envelope

m m m ton Nr .EE m .Em Set Set Nr Nr Set Bo$ Nr Set Nr Nr .Em Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr m m m m

.-EK-E.EE =9-JK.5E =9-JK.5E .E.EE &.EE ..&5 5.EE ..EE ..EE =E.EE =.EE -.EE =.EE .=.EE =.EE .=.EE =E.EE .,.EE =E.EE =.EE =.EE ,.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE &.EE KE.EE ,&.EE =&.EE .=.EE




WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.EJ .E& .EK ..E ... ..= ...., ..5 ..9 ..J ..& ..K .=E .=. .== .=.=, .=5

7oad li!htin! pole made of 8inc<!alvani8ed steel hei!htO9m installed . sodium lamp .$.5EW "Includin! foundation connection panel circuit brea(er# Iarden decorative li!htin! pole made of 8inc< !alvani8ed steel hei!ht of -.5m installed , compact lamps .$=9W "Includin! foundation connection panel circuit brea(er# Transportin! pole with in DQ5EEm Installin! switch board for pole !ate Installin! pole !ate :rame foundation C=,$J5E :rame foundation C&$=5E 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ",$=,E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ",$.=E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ",$.E#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ",$9#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ",$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: "=$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 2nder!round cable E.9(U copper core Cu.DB?03?UC3DST%3?UC section: ".$,#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# 0lectrical wire E.9(U Cu3?UC section: ".$=.5#mm= "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent# Bric( Blac( sand Band for electrical cable indication E.=m width Band for electrical cable indication E.&m width Iroundin! rod B9-$9-$9 8inc<!alvani8ed



?ole ?ole set set Nr Nr .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE m .EE Nr m.EE m .EE m rod

.E.EE =,.EE -,.EE -,.EE =,.EE .E.EE J.&= ..9E E.,E J.EE J.5E ..9E E.&E 5.K, .-.E5 =-=.EE ...9E ..-E -,.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


.=9 .=J .=&

Iroundin! wire by steel D.E 8inc< !alvani8ed @D?0 conduit d,E "pipe thic(ness . 5YE -E mm# @D?0 conduit D.-E3.EE "pipe thic(ness = =YE ,E mm# Foundation for lighting /ole 0$cavation of foundation for pole widthQ.m depthQ.m soil class I Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5 Based concrete I.EE stone ,$9 :oundation concrete I.5E stone .$= :oundation nec(in! concrete I=EE stone .$= :ormwor( Bric( masonry 9.5$.E.5$== for foundation cement mortar I5E ?lasterin! outside of wall ..5cm thic( cement mortar I5E Bolt D.=$=5E 0$pandable bolt C.E BO.=cm Cable ditch 0$cavation of foundation widthQ9m soil class I 0$cavation of foundation widthQ9m soil class I "calculated as manual e$cavation# Soil bac(fillin! LOE.K5

m .EE m .EE m m.EE mmmm.EE m= mm= Nr Nr .EE mm-

.55=.EE E.5E E.JE

.=K .-E .-. .-= .-.-, .-5 .-9 .-J .-& .-K .,E .,.

-9.5, E..= =.JE .5.&. E.E= E.&E..5 E.&J ,.EE ,.EE K.-& =-,.,&

.EE K.,E mTotal for Bill o+ ;* *Carried :orward to Irand Summary+ Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ ;) 0tem o+

Air conditional S!stem Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

"efrigerant /i/e F drain /i/e for Air conditioner . = , Copper pipe DK.5mm Copper pipe D.5.Kmm Copper pipe 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # .-mm
Single-Stage One Envelope

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm

,.9E E..= ,.,& ,.9E

Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

5 9 J & K .E .. .= .-

thic( with copper pipe DK.5mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # .-mm thic( with copper pipe D.5.Kmm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent # .-mm thic( with copper pipe Copper pipe D-,mm Copper pipe D,=mm Copper pipe D,&mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent# Kmm thic( with copper pipe D-,mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent# Kmm thic( with copper pipe D,=mm 7ubber insulation "%mafle$ or e4uivalent# Kmm thic( with copper pipe D,&mm %u$iliary materials Air 1entilation s!stem Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct flan!e /oints =EE$=EE and E.5mm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e =5E$=5E ' E.5mm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e -EE$=EE and E.Jmm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e -EE$-EE and E.Jmm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e 5EE$-EE and E.Jmm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e 9EE$-EE E.Jmm thic( :lan!e B=5$=5$- for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct

.EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm X

E..= ,.,& J.EE E.,E E.=E J.EE E.,E E.=E .E.EE

., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5

m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr m Nr

KE.EE ,9.EE .5.EE K.EE .=E.EE 9..EE K.EE 9.EE -,.EE .&.EE ,E.EE =..EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


=9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,=

Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct with flan!e &EE$&EE and E.Jmm thic( :lan!e B-=$-=$, for Winc<!alvani8ed steel air duct Testin! ventilation pipe .EE[5EEmm Testin! ventilation pipe 9EE[&EEmm :le$ible air duct D.5E :le$ible air duct D=5E 0$haust air !rill with volume controller 9EE$9EE with air bo$ 0$haust air !rill with volume =5E$=5E with air bo$ 0$haust air !rill with volume controller =EE$=EE 0$haust air !rill with volume controller .5E$.5E 0$haust air louver with shutter and insect !rid .=EE$-EE 0$haust air louver with shutter and insect !rid ,EE$-EE %ir louver with shutter and filter 9EE$,EE %ir louver with shutter and filter &EE$-EE ?ressure relief valve D 9EE$-EE %u$iliary materials Boadin! and carryin! material within buildin!s

m Nr m m .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=E.EE ...EE =9&.EE 9E.EE E.=E E..5 .E.EE .9.EE ,.EE =&.EE =.EE ,.EE 9.EE

Nr Nr X ton

9.EE &.EE .E.EE ..5E

Total for Bill o+ ;) *Carried :orward to Irand Summary Bill o+ ;0tem o+ . = Fire alarm and Firefighting s!stem Descri/tion Fire alarm s!stem Terminal bo$ %ddressable smo(e detector "%BL<U @ochi(i or
Single-Stage One Envelope


7uantit! "ate

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Nr .E Nr

.&.EE E.9E
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

, 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. == ==, =5 =9 =J

e4uivalent# Conventional smo(e detector "SBU<=,UN @ochi(i or e4uivalent# %ddressable heat detector "%TI<0% @ochi(i or e4uivalent# Conventional heat detector "DST<0% @ochi(i or e4uivalent# Combinations of fire alarm button bell li!ht "with control module# Installation of bell =$..5mm= copper core ?UC insulated fire resistant twisted cable interference proof sheath cable runnin! in d=E ?UC conduit =$=.5s4mm copper core ?UC insulated fire resistant cable .$.Emm= na(ed copper core ?UC fire conduit D=E "immured line# ?UC fire conduit D=E "visible line# Fire alarm lighting3 0mer!ency li!ht ==EU3=$,w wall mounted with battery = hours .$.&w fluorescent lamps with battery for = hours 0$it li!ht ==EU3&W with battery = hours 0$it li!ht ==EU3&W with direction arrow on each face with battery = hours 0$it li!ht ==EU3&W with direction arrow for . side on two face with battery = hours ?ower cable "Sunco Cadivi or e4uivalent#for emer!ency li!htin! Cu3?UC =".$. 5#mm= ?UC fire conduit D=E "immured line# ?UC fire conduit D=E "visible line# Firefighting s!stem :ire hose reel bo$ "includin! E. hose reel < -Em len!th' E. no88le DN.-# C)= fire e$tin!uisher -(! %BC fire e$tin!uisher ,(! :ire hydrant riser D.EE$95$95 with chec( valve ?endant sprin(ler head " flow coefficient LO9E 5l3?@.B%7.3= temperature active 9&oc # "TAC) or e4uivalent# Side wall sprin(ler head " flow coefficient LO9E 5l3?@.B%7.3= temperature active 9&oc # "TAC) or e4uivalent# :ire alarm valve DN.5E
Single-Stage One Envelope

.E Nr .E Nr .E Nr 5 Nr 5 .Em m m m m 5 Nr 5 Nr 5 Nr 5 Nr 5 Nr m m m set unit unit set .ENr .ENr Nr

=.=E K.EE 99.KE .=.9E .=.9E ..99.EE ..=E.EE -.EE 5..=.EE 5..=.EE ,..,E .&.EE .J.=E =.&E =E.=E -K-K.EE .J=E.5E .J=E.5E KJ.EE .E-.EE .E-.EE =.EE ..-.EE 59.EE ..EE
WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Procurement of Wor s

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


=& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 55, 55 59 5J 5& 5K 9E 9. 9= 99, 95

:ire alarm valve DN.EE Iate valve with supervisory switch DN.EE :le$ible connector D=EE :le$ible connector D.5E :le$ible connector D5E :oot valve D=EE with strainer Iate valve D=EE Iate valve D.5E Iate valve D.EE Iate valve D95 Iate valve D5E Chec( valve D.5E Chec( valve D.EE Chec( valve D95 Chec( valve D5E Corner valve D95 %utomatic air relief valve D=5 ?ressure !au!e Standard command intramural re!ulations on fire fi!htin! Pi/e and /i/ing a//urtenances Welded steel pipe D=EE< 9.-5mm thic( Welded steel pipe D.5E< 5.59mm thic( Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D.EE< ,.5mm thic( Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D95< -.9mm thic( Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D5E< -.9mm thic( Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D,E Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D-= Winc<!alvani8ed steel pipe D=5 Welded steel elbow D=EE Welded steel elbow D.5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D.EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D95 Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D,E Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D-= Winc<!alvani8ed steel elbow D=5 Welded steel tee D=EE$=EE Welded steel tee D=EE$.5E Welded steel tee D=EE$.EE
Single-Stage One Envelope

Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr set .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm .EEm Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr Nr

=.EE .,.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE =.EE ,.EE =.EE ,.EE -.EE -.EE =.EE ..EE ..EE ..EE KJ.EE ,.EE .=.EE KJ.EE E.5E E.=E -..,J ..=E E..5 5.=E J.EE 9.&E ,.EE =.EE .=5.EE .KE.EE ,.EE -E.EE .=5E.EE -EE.EE ,.EE -.EE 9.EE
Procurement of Wor s

WRU Buildings Bidding Document


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

99 9J 9& 9K JE J. J= JJ, J5 J9 JJ J& JK &E &. &= &&, &5 &9 &J &&

Welded steel tee D.5E$.5E Welded steel tee D.5E$.EE Welded steel tee D.5E$5E Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D.EE$.EE Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D.EE$95 Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D.EE$5E Welded steel tee D.EE$,E Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D,E$,E Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D,E$-= Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D-=$-= Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D-=$=5 Winc<!alvani8ed steel tee D=5$=5 Threaded soc(et female D.EE Threaded soc(et female D95 Threaded soc(et female D5E Threaded soc(et female D,E Threaded soc(et female D-= Threaded soc(et female D=5 7educer D.5E$&E 7educer D=5$.5 7educer D=EE$.EE @an!in! supportin! Boadin! carryin! material within buildin!s

Nr ..EE Nr =.EE Nr ..EE Nr =E.EE Nr K9.EE Nr 9.EE Nr -5E.EE Nr .=5.EE Nr =E=.EE Nr J9E.EE Nr K&E.EE Nr -EE.EE Nr -JJ.EE Nr .5.EE Nr =.EE Nr 9-.EE Nr &,.EE Nr &=.EE Nr =.EE Nr .9KE.EE Nr =.EE set =5EE.EE ton ..5E Total for Bill o+ ;*Carried :orward to Irand Summary Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

Bill o+ ;. 0tem o+ . = i. , 5 9 J &

Light electricit! Descri/tion 8nit 7uantit! "ate

Tele/hone s!stem Telephone connection bo$ =E?$= Terminal module Lrone .E? Sin!le telephone outlet .$7T.. "flush wall bo$# Cable =?<E. 5"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# Cable =E?<E. 5"SIN) Uinacap or e4uivalent# D=E ?UC conduit "immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line# Cetal cable ladder < . 5mm thic( electrostatic painted dimension "W$@<-EE$.EE#mm Cetal cable tray< . 5mm thic( electrostatic painted

set Nr Nr .Em .Em m m m m

-E.EE .5E.EE 9=E.EE =-EE.EE .-E.EE -K-=.K5 9K,.E5 .EE.EE .9=5.EE

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E =. ==

dimension "W$@<=EE$5E#mm < with cover Cetal cable tray< . 5mm thic( electrostatic painted dimension "W$@<-EE$5E#mm < with cover Cetal cable tray< . 5mm thic( electrostatic painted dimension "W$@<9EE$5E#mm < with cover CCT1 s!stem Coa$ial cable<7I 5K2 Cu ".?<E 95mm# "for control pan tilt# "%WI==#< twisted pair interference proofin! sheath wire ?ower supply cable Cu3?UC "=$. 5#mm= Iroundin! cable: .C$9s4mm ?UC insulated copper core cable D=E ?UC conduit "immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line# 0lbow for D=E ?UC conduit LA s!stem ?atch cord 2T? C%T90 include = /ac(s 7T,5 len!th ..Em "%C? or e4uivalent# Cable 2T? C%T90 ,?<E. 5 "%C? or e4uivalent# Sin!le soc(et < . $ 7T,5 D=E ?UC conduit "immured line# D=E ?UC conduit "visible line#

m m .Em .Em m m m m Nr Nr

=E=.EE K=.EE =E&.EE .J.EE .-.E.EE .E.EE ,K&..EE &JK.EE ,=E.EE JKE.EE

.Em =95E.EE Nr 9E..EE m ,K&..EE m &JK.EE Total for Bill o+ ;. *Carried :orward to Irand Summary

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

6rand Summar!
0tem o+ . = Bill No. Bill No.= Ieneral items ?revention of buildin!s from termite invasion Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

6eneral Summar!

0+ T9# L#FT W0 6 L#CT8"# B80LD0 6S , 5 9 J & K .E .. .= .., .5 .9 .J .& .K =E Bill No. Bill No. , Bill No. 5 Bill No. 9 Bill No. J Bill No. & Bill No. K Bill No. .E Bill No. .. Bill No. .= 7einforced concrete pilin! :oundation wor( 7einforced concrete wor( Bric( masonry wor( :inishin! wor( Door and Window Sun Bouvers Interior yard 0$terior yard 2nder!round water tan(

Bill No. .- Septic tan( Bill No. ., Bill No. .5 Bill No. .9 Bill No. .J Bill No. .& Bill No. .K Bill No.=E Canhole Draina!e !roove In buildin! Water wor( 0lectric wor( %ir Uentilation System :ire %lert and :irefi!htin! System Bi!ht 0lectricity

00+ T9# "069T W0 6 L#CT8"# B80LD0 6S =. Bill No. =. Concrete pilin!

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


0tem o+ == ==, =5 =9 =J =& =K -E -. -= --, -5 -9 Bill No. == Bill No. =Bill No. =, Bill No. =5 Bill No. =9 Bill No. =J Bill No. =& Bill No. =K Bill No. -E Bill No. -. Bill No. -= Bill No. -Bill No. -, Bill No. -5 Bill No. -9

6eneral Summar! :oundation wor( 7einforced concrete wor( Bric( masonry wor( :inishin! wor( Door and Window %<B<C Interior yard 0$terior yard 2nder!round water tan( Septic tan( Draina!e pipe line and Canhole In buildin! water wor( 0lectric wor( %ir ventilation system :ire alert and :irefi!htin! system Bi!ht electricity

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

000+ T9# DC"A0TC"B -J -& -K ,E ,. ,= ,,, ,5 ,9 Bill No. -J Bill No. -& Bill No. -K Bill No. ,E Bill No. ,. Bill No. ,= Bill No. ,Bill No. ,, Bill No. ,5 Bill No. ,9 7einforced concrete pilin! :oundation wor( 7einforced concrete wor( Bric( masonry wor( :inishin! wor( Door and Window Iuardin! station Iarden 2nder!round water tan( )n<the<roof water tan(

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

0tem o+ ,J ,& ,K 5E 5. 5= 5Bill No. ,J Bill No. ,& Bill No. ,K Bill No. 5E Bill No. 5. Bill No. 5= Bill No. 5Septic tan(

6eneral Summar!

Amount '0nc+ Ta$es(

)ut< door draina!e system In Buildin! water wor( 0lectric wor( %ir conditional System :ire alarm and :irefi!htin! system Bi!ht electricity Total of Bills *Carried :orward to Better of Bid+

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Technical Pro/osal
Personnel #qui/ment Site CrganiGation Aethod Statement AobiliGation Schedule Construction Schedule Cthers

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Form P#" H )3 Pro/osed Personnel Bidder shall provide the details of the proposed personnel and their e$perience records in the relevant Information :orms below for each candidate:


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame


Title of /ositionC ame

6%s listed in Section ' ,Emplo-er.s Re/uirements0$

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Form P#" H -3 "esume of Pro/osed Personnel


Personnel information


Date of birth

Professional qualifications

Present em/lo!ment

ame of em/lo!er

Address of em/lo!er


Contact 'manager 4 /ersonnel officer(



Iob title

Bears :ith /resent em/lo!er

Summari8e professional e$perience in reverse chronolo!ical order. Indicate particular technical and mana!erial e$perience relevant to the pro/ect.
From To Com/an! 4 ProDect 4 Position 4 "ele%ant technical and management e$/erience

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Form #783 #qui/ment The Bidder shall provide ade4uate information and details to demonstrate clearl- t1at it 1as t1e capa2ilit- to meet t1e e/uipment re/uirements indicated in Section ' ,Emplo-er.s Re/uirements03 using t1e Forms 2elo4$ 5 separate Form s1all 2e prepared for eac1 item of e/uipment listed3 or for alternative e/uipment proposed 2- t1e Bidder$ 0tem of #qui/ment

#qui/ment 0nformation

ame of manufacturer

Aodel and /o:er rating


Bear of manufacture

Current Status

Current location

Details of current commitments


0ndicate source of the equi/ment

o ,3ned

o (ented

o Leased

o S#ecially manufactured

)mit the followin! information for e4uipment owned by the Bidder. C:ner
ame of o:ner

Address of o:ner


Contact name and title




Details of rental 4 lease 4 manufacture agreements s/ecific to the /roDect

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Site ,r-ani.ation
"Note: 0valuation of the Bidder1s Site )r!ani8ation will include an assessment of the Bidder1s capacity to mobili8e (ey personnel for the Contract consistent with its proposal re!ardin! wor( methods schedulin! and material sourcin! in sufficient detail and fully in accordance with the re4uirements stipulated in Section 9 "0mployer1s 7e4uirements##.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

7ethod Statement

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


7obili.ation Schedule

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

Construction Schedule
"Note: 0valuation of the Bidder1s Construction Schedule will include an assessment of the Bidder1s technical capacity to mobili8e e4uipment for the Contract consistent with its proposal re!ardin! wor( methods schedulin! and material sourcin! in sufficient detail and fully in accordance with the re4uirements stipulated in Section 9 "0mployer1s 7e4uirements##.

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Bidders 7ualification
To establish its 4ualifications to perform the contract in accordance with Section - "0valuation and ;ualification Criteria# the Bidder shall provide the information re4uested in the correspondin! Information Sheets included hereunder.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&orm 'L: ; $* Bidder2s :nformation Sheet

Bidder2s 0nformation

Bidder2s legal name

0n case of I1< legal name of each /artner

Bidder2s countr! of constitution

Bidder2s !ear of constitution

Bidder2s legal address in countr! of constitution

Bidder2s authoriGed re/resentati%e "name address telephone numbers fa$ numbers e<mail address# Attached are co/ies of the follo:ing original documents+

.. In case of sin!le entity articles of incorporation or constitution of the le!al entity named above in accordance with ITB ,.=. =. -. ,. %uthori8ation to represent the firm or TU named in above in accordance with ITB =E.=. In case of TU letter of intent to form TU or TU a!reement in accordance with ITB ,... In case of a !overnment<owned entity any additional documents not covered under . above re4uired to comply with ITB

,.. and


Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


&orm 'L: ; %* <= :nformation Sheet 0ach member of a TU must fill in this form I1 4 S/ecialist Subcontractor 0nformation

Bidder2s legal name

I1 Partner2s or Subcontractor2s legal name

I1 Partner2s or Subcontractor2s countr! of constitution

I1 Partner2s or Subcontractor2s !ear of constitution

I1 Partner2s or Subcontractor2s legal address in countr! of constitution

I1 Partner2s or Subcontractor2s authoriGed re/resentati%e information "name address telephone numbers fa$ numbers e<mail address# Attached are co/ies of the follo:ing original documents+

.. =.

%rticles of incorporation or constitution of the le!al entity named above in accordance with ITB ,.. and ,.=. %uthori8ation to represent the firm named above in accordance with ITB =E.=.

-. In the case of !overnment<owned entity documents establishin! le!al and financial autonomy and compliance with commercial law in accordance with ITB ,.5.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&orm L:T ) $* Pendin- Liti-ation 0ach Bidder or member of a TU must fill in this form if so re4uired under Criterion =.= of Section - "0valuation and ;ualification Criteria#. Pending Litigation

^ o /ending litigation


Belo: is a descri/tion of all /ending litigation in%ol%ing the Bidder 'or each I1 member if Bidder is a Ioint 1enture( 1alue of Pending Claim in 8SJ #qui%alent 1alue of Pending Claim as a Percentage of et Worth

Aatter in Dis/ute

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


Form F0 - )3 ?istorical &inancial Performance 0ach Bidder or member of a TU must fill in this form Financial Data for Pre%ious . Bears K8SJ #qui%alentL -*)* -*)) -*)-

0nformation from Balance Sheet Total Assets Total Liabilities et Worth Current Assets Current Liabilities 0nformation from 0ncome Statement Total "e%enues Profits Before Ta$es Profits After Ta$es

%ttached are copies of financial statements "balance sheets includin! all related notes and income statements# for the last - years as indicated above complyin! with the followin! conditions. 2nless otherwise re4uired by Section - of the Biddin! Document all such documents reflect the financial situation of the le!al entity or entities comprisin! the Bidder and not the Bidder1s parent companies subsidiaries or affiliates. @istoric financial statements must be audited by a certified accountant. @istoric financial statements must be complete includin! all notes to the financial statements. @istoric financial statements must correspond to accountin! periods already completed and audited "no statements for partial periods shall be re4uested or accepted#.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&orm &:0 ; %* A1era-e Annual Construction Turno1er 0ach Bidder or member of a TU must fill in this form The information supplied should be the %nnual Turnover of the Bidder or each member of a TU in terms of the amounts billed to clients for each year for wor( in pro!ress or completed converted to 2S Dollars at the rate of e$chan!e at the end of the period reported. Annual Turno%er Data for the Last . Bears 'Construction onl!(
Bear Amount Currenc! #$change "ate 8SJ #qui%alent




A%erage Annual Construction Turno%er

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


&orm &:0 ) 3* A1ailability of Financial "esources Specify proposed sources of financin! such as li4uid assets13 lines of credit3 and ot1er financial resources3 ,ot1er t1an an- contractual advance pa-ments0 availa2le to meet t1e financial resources re/uirement indicated in Form F"6-4$ Financial "esources
o+ Source of financing Amount '8SJ equi%alent(

. = -

Liquid Assets mean cash and cash equivalents, short term financial instruments, short term available for sale securities, mar!etable securities, trade receivables, short term financin" receivables and other assets that can be converted into cash within one #ear.

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&orm &:0; >* &inancial (esources (e+uirement Bidder "or each TU partner# should provide information indicated below in order to calculate the a!!re!ated financial resources re4uirement which re4uirement e4uals the sum of: "i# the Bidder1s "or each TU partner1s# current commitments on all contracts that have been awarded or for which a letter of intent or acceptance has been received or for contracts approachin! completion but for which an un4ualified full completion certificate has yet to be issued and "ii# financial resources re4uirement for sub/ect contract as determined by the 0mployer. Bidder must also disclose any other financial obli!ations that could materially affect the implementation of sub/ect contract if suc1 contract 4ere to 2e a4arded to t1e Bidder$

3inancial 4esources 4e*uirement

o+ ame of Contract #m/lo!er2s Contact 'Address< Tel< Fa$( Contract Com/letion Date "emaining Contract Period in months 'A(1 Cutstanding Contract 1alue 'B(2 Aonthl! Financial "esources "equirement 'B 4 A(

. = , %. B. Cumulative :inancial 7esources 7e4uirement for Current Contract Commitments 3 :inancial 7esources 2S_ ZZZ. 2S_ %$!

Re/uirement for t1e Su27ect 8ontract ,Emplo-er to


:inancial 7esources

Re/uirement ,Sum of 5 and B0


$emainin" contract period to be calculated from %& da#s prior to bid submission deadline. $emainin" 'utstandin" (ontract )alues to be calculated from %& da#s prior to the bid submission deadline *U+, equivalent based on the forei"n e-chan"e rate as of the same date.. 0idder should calculate this amount based on the followin" formula1 % - *+um of 2onthl# 3inancial $esources $equirements for 4ach (urrent 5or!s (ontract.

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Section 4 - Bidding Forms


&orm '@P ) $/a6* Contracts of Similar Si.e and 0ature :ill up one ".# form per contract. Contract of Similar SiGe and ature
Contract o . . . . . . of . . . . . . Contract 0dentification

A:ard Date

Com/letion Date

Total Contract Amount


0f /artner in a I1 or subcontractor< s/ecif! /artici/ation of total contract amount

Percent of Total


#m/lo!er2s ame Address Tele/hone4Fa$ umber #-mail

Descri/tion of the similarit! in accordance :ith Criteria -+4+) of Section .

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

Single-Stage One Envelope

Procurement of Wor s


Section 4 - Bidding Forms

&orm '@P ; $/b6* Construction 'A#erience in Bey Acti1ities :ill up one ".# form per contract Contract :ith Similar Me! Acti%ities
Contract o . . . . . . of . . . . . . Contract 0dentification

A:ard Date

Com/letion Date

Total Contract Amount


0f /artner in a I1 or subcontractor< s/ecif! /artici/ation of total contract amount

Percent of Total


#m/lo!er2s ame Address Tele/hone umber Fa$ umber #-mail

Descri/tion of the 5e! acti%ities in accordance :ith Criteria -+4+- of Section .

Procurement of Wor s

Single-Stage One Envelope

WRU Buildings Bidding Document

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