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Diabetes is a serious threat to health world in this universe. But, do you know what diabetes is?

Diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which the person has high blood glucose (blood sugar). The number of people with diabetes in Indonesia continues to rise. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) estimated in 2030 people with diabetes in Indonesia will increase by 21.3 million people. It can be due to by the lack of people point of view about lifestyle to prevent diabetes. Some lifestyles which can cause diabetes are consumming excessive sugar, spending more time to watch television and sleeping disorder. Consuming excessive sugar can increase the chances to suffer diabetes. Whatever type of sugar, if consumed in excess it can lead to various problems such as diabetes. Types of sugar are such as fructose and sucrose. Both of them are not good and harmful to health and being toxic to the body if they are consumed more than 8 teaspoon a day. But unfortunately, many of people do not realize the kind of sugar they consumed. Various kinds of processed food in some countries are still using sugar, while consumers rarely pay attention to the label contained in the packaging when they bought. In addition to consume excessive sugar, spending more time to watch television can also increase the risk of diabetes. Based on Frank Hu research, researcher from America, found that for every two hours a day watching television, the risk of diabetes increased by 20 percent, while the risk of heart disease increased by 15 percent. It can also increase the risk of death by 13 percent. It is caused by lack of people activity such as excercissing. Moreover, people will consume unhealth food while watching television. Sleeping disorder also can cause risk of diabetes. Researchers at the University of Chicago Medical Center reported that sleep disturbances impair the body's ability to regulate blood sugar levels, which is potentially increasing the risk of a type 2 diabetes. This rarely realized by a busy people, whom has a little time to take a rest because of their jobs or assignments, or by people whom usually sleep in a crowded. Diabetes has many causes that originated from our lifestyles. Not only because of our diet, but it is also because of our activities. These information should help us to manage our lifestyle. However, it depends on the people to do a good lifestyle or not. If we can set a good lifestyle very well, the risk of diabetes to our body will be lower. But if we can not set a good lifestyle, the risk of diabetes to our body will increase.

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