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UNIVAC is a. Universal Automatic Computer b. Universal Array Computer c. Unique Automatic Computer d.

Unvalued Automatic Computer

2. CD-RO

stands !or

a. Compactable Read Only emory b. Compact Data Read Only emory c. Compactable Dis" Read Only emory d. Compact Dis" Read Only emory #. A$U is a. Arit%metic $o&ic Unit b. Array $o&ic Unit c. Application $o&ic Unit d. None o! above '. V(A is a. Video (rap%ics Array b. Visual (rap%ics Array c. Volatile (rap%ics Array d. Video (rap%ics Adapter ). a. b. c. d. *I stands !or edium *cale Inte&rated Circuits edium *ystem Inte&rated Circuits edium *cale Intelli&ent Circuit edium *ystem Intelli&ent Circuit

+. ,%e capacity o! #.- inc% !loppy dis" is a. ..'/ 0 b. ..'' (0 c. ..'/ (0 d. ..'' 0 1. 2AN stands !or

a. 2ap Area Net3or" b. 2ide Area Net3or" c. 2ide Array Net d. 2ireless Area Net3or" ./. ICR stands !or

a. a&netic In" C%aracter Reader b. a&netic In" Code Reader c. a&netic In" Cases Reader d. None #4.. ,%e memory 3%ic% is pro&rammed at t%e time it is manu!actured a. 5O b. RA c. 5RO d. 65RO Correct Ans3er7 a

#42. 2%ic% o! t%e !ollo3in& memory medium is not used as main memory system8 a. a&netic core

b. *emiconductor c. a&netic tape

d. 0ot% a and b Correct Ans3er7 c

#4#. Re&isters9 3%ic% are partially visible to users and used to %old conditional9 are "no3n as a. 5C


emory address re&isters

c. (eneral purpose re&ister d. :la&s Correct Ans3er7 c

#4'. One o! t%e main !eature t%at distin&uis% microprocessors !rom micro-computers is a. 2ords are usually lar&er in microprocessors b. 2ords are s%orter in microprocessors c. icroprocessor does not contain I;O devices

d. 6<actly t%e same as t%e mac%ine cycle time Correct Ans3er7 c

#4-. ,%e least si&ni!icant bit o! t%e binary number9 3%ic% is equivalent to any odd decimal number9 is7 a. / b. . c. . or / d. # Correct Ans3er7 a

#4+. 2%en 3as t%e 3orld=s !irst laptop computer introduced in t%e mar"et and by 3%om8 a. >e3lett-5ac"ard b. 6pson9 .14.

c. $aplin" travelin& so!t3are Inc. .142 d. ,andy model-2///9 .14Correct Ans3er7 b

#44. ,%e !irst microprocessor built by t%e Intel Corporation 3as called a. 4//4 b. 4/4/ c. '//' d. 44// Correct Ans3er7 c

#1'. ,%e !irst mac%ine to success!ully per!orm a lon& series o! arit%metic and lo&ical operations 3as7 a. 6NIAC b. ar"-I

c. Analytic 6n&ine d. UNIVAC-.

Correct Ans3er7 b

#1-. In t%e t%ird (eneration o! computers a. Distributed data processin& !irst became popular b. An operatin& system 3as !irst developed c. >i&% level procedural lan&ua&e 3ere !irst used d. Online real time systems !irst become popular Correct Ans3er7 d

#1+. ,%e !irst !irm to mass-mar"et a microcomputer as a personal computer 3as a. I0 b. *uper UNIVAC c. Radio *%a"s d. Data (eneral Corporation Correct Ans3er7 c

#14. A di&ital computer did not score over an analo& computer in terms o! a. *peed b. Accuracy c. Reliability d. Cost Correct Ans3er7 b

#11. In .4#/9 C%arles 0abba&e desi&ned a mac%ine called t%e analytical en&ine9 3%ic% %e s%o3ed at t%e parts e<%ibition. In 3%ic% year 3as it e<%ibited8 a. .42/ b. .4)/ c. .4-d. .1+/ Correct Ans3er7 c

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