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Arch Linux Handbook

Retrieved August 27, 2009

Copyright 2009 by Dusty Phillips

Retrieved August 27, 2009 from http://wiki.arch i!u".org/i!de".php/#egi!!ers$%uide &ermissio! is gra!ted to copy, distri'ute a!d/or modify this docume!t u!der the terms of the %() *ree +ocume!tatio! ,ice!se, -ersio! ..2 or a!y ater versio! pu' ished 'y the *ree /oftware *ou!datio!0 with !o 1!varia!t /ectio!s, !o *ro!t2Cover 3e"ts, a!d !o #ack2Cover 3e"ts. A copy of the ice!se is i!c uded i! the sectio! e!tit ed 4%() *ree +ocume!tatio! ,ice!se4. *or i!formatio! o! this 'ook et, p ease co!tact +usty &hi ips at dusty5arch i!u".ca

Cover and Book Design by Dusty Phillips. Printed in the United States by A a!on CreateSpa"e. Designed in Canada. #A$%&'( 9)*&++*,99,0.SB$%&0( &++*,99,0,

/able o0 Contents

Table of Contents
/able o0 Contents............................................................& Pre0a"e.............................................................................Part .( .nstall the Base Syste ........................................9 Step &( 1btain the latest .nstallation edia ...............9 Step 2( Boot Ar"h 2inu3 .nstaller.............................&& Step '( Start the .nstallation.....................................&2 A( Sele"t an installation sour"e................................&2 B( Set Clo"k..............................................................&C( Prepare 4ard Drive..............................................&D( Sele"t Pa"kages...................................................2+ #( .nstall Pa"kages....................................................25( Con0igure the Syste ...........................................26( .nstall Bootloader................................................+2 4( 7eboot..................................................................++ Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste ............................................................................+Step &( Con0iguring the net9ork :i0 ne"essary;........+Step 2( Update< Syn" and Upgrade the syste 9ith pa" an......................................................................-& Step '( Update Syste ..............................................,2 Step +( Add a user and setup groups.........................,' Step -( .nstall and setup Sudo :1ptional;.................,Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA.........................,) Step &( Con0igure sound 9ith alsa i3er..................,) Step 2( .nstall =........................................................)0 Step '( Con0igure =..................................................)) Si ple baseline = test:i0 ne"essary;.........................*+ Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent .................................................................*9 Step &( .nstall 5onts..................................................90 Step 2( ?@.3initr" :again;...........................................90 &

Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook Step '( .nstall a Desktop #nviron ent.....................9& Use0ul Appli"ations.....................................................&0Aeb bro9ser...........................................................&0100i"e......................................................................&0, >ideo Player...........................................................&0, Audio Player...........................................................&09 Code"s and other ulti edia "ontent types :i,*, only; .......................................................................&&& CD and D>D Burning............................................&&2 $et9orking.............................................................&&' />%Cards.................................................................&&+ Digital Ca eras......................................................&&USB Be ory Sti"ks @ 4ard Disks..........................&&An .ntrodu"tion to ABS...............................................&&) An .ntrodu"tion to /he AU7.......................................&2& .nstall an AU7 4elper............................................&2' 5ile and dire"tory e3planation.....................................&2Ar"h Boot Pro"ess.......................................................&'Boot S"ript 1vervie9.............................................&', agetty and login......................................................&'9 Baintaining the syste ...............................................&+& su.............................................................................&+& Pa" an...................................................................&+2 /9eaks@5inishing tou"hes...........................................&+9 4A2........................................................................&+9 Ba"kgrounding DA#B1$S on startup..................&+9 /urn o00 Control #"ho in Bash...............................&-0 Beauti0ying 5onts 0or 2CDCs..................................&-0 AdDusting Bouse 0or s"roll 9heel..........................&-0 6et All Bouse Buttons Aorking............................&-0 Con0iguring /ou"hpad 0or 2aptops........................&-0 AdDusting Eeyboard 2ayout...................................&-0 Additional t9eaks 0or laptops.................................&-& Con0iguring CPU 0reFuen"y s"aling......................&-& 2

/able o0 Contents P %Utils..................................................................&-2 2aptop%Bode..........................................................&-2 Add additional repositories.....................................&-' 6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense.............................&-6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense........................&-4o9 to use this 2i"ense 0or your do"u ents.........&,+



Everything you ever wanted to know about Arch, but were afraid to ask 6e come. 3his se f2co!tai!ed docume!t wi guide you through the process of i!sta i!g a!d co!figuri!g Arch ,i!u"0 a simp e, agi e a!d ightweight %()/,i!u" distri'utio!, UNIX2 ike operati!g system. Arch ,i!u" re7uires a certai! eve of i!timate k!ow edge of its co!figuratio! a!d of UNIX2 ike system methodo ogy a!d for this reaso!, e"tra e"p a!atory i!formatio! is i!c uded. 3his guide is aimed at !ew Arch users, 'ut strives to serve as a stro!g refere!ce a!d i!formative 'ase for a . Arch Linux distribution highlights: i!"le, UNIX2 ike desig! a!d phi osophy 1!depe!de!t y +eve oped Commu!ity distro 'ui t from scratch a!d targeted at compete!t %()/,i!u" users A packages compi ed for i#$#%x$#&#' 8igh y customi9a' e system assem' ed 'y the user from the grou!d up ( )&style init scripts, featuri!g o!e ce!tra i9ed co!figuratio! fi e !kinitc"io: a simp e a!d dy!amic i!itramfs creator *olling *elease mode Pac!an package ma!ager is fast, writte! i! C, ightweight a!d agi e, with a very modest memory footpri!t A( : 3he Arch (ui d ystem, a ports2 ike package 'ui di!g system makes it simp e to create your ow! easi y i!sta a' e Arch packages from source, to use a!d/or share with the commu!ity o! the A)R A+*: 3he Arch )ser Repository, offeri!g ma!y thousa!ds of 'ui d scripts for Arch user2provided software packages

Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

),-.T PA-/C 0 3he Arch ,i!u" system is assem' ed 'y the user, from the she , usi!g 'asic comma!d i!e too s. 3his is The Arch 1ay2 )! ike the more rigid structures of other distri'utio!s a!d i!sta ers, there are !o defau t e!viro!me!ts !or co!figuratio!s chose! for you. *rom the comma!d i!e, you wi add packages from the Arch repositories usi!g the pacma! too via your i!ter!et co!!ectio! a!d ma!ua y co!figure your i!sta atio! 'y editi!g te"t fi es u!ti your system is customi9ed to your re7uireme!ts. :ou wi a so ma!ua y add !o!2 root user;s< a!d ma!age groups a!d permissio!s. 3his method a ows for ma"imum f e"i'i ity, choice, a!d system resource co!tro from the base up. Arch ,i!u" is aimed at compete!t %()/,i!u" users who desire mi!ima =code separatio!= from their machi!e. License Arch ,i!u", pacma!, docume!tatio!, a!d scripts are copyright >200222007 'y ?udd -i!et, >200722009 'y Aaro! %riffi! a!d are ice!sed u!der the %() %e!era &u' ic ,ice!se -ersio! 2. The Arch 1ay The design principles behind Arch are aimed at keeping it simple. =/imp e=, i! this co!te"t, sha mea! =without u!!ecessary additio!s, modificatio!s, or comp icatio!s=.. 1!. short0 a! e ega!t, mi!ima ist approach. o!e thoughts to kee" in !ind: " 'Simple' is defined from a technical standpoint, not a usability standpoint. It is better to be technically elegant with a higher learning curve, than to be easy to use and technically [inferior]." - aron !riffin "ntia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem or 4@!tities shou d !ot 'e mu tip ied u!!ecessari y.4 2Accam=s ra9or. 3he term ra#or refers to the act of shavi!g away u!!ecessary comp icatio!s to arrive at the simp est e"p a!atio!, method or theory.

"$he e%traordinary part of [my method] lies in its simplicity..$he height of cultivation always runs to simplicity." 2 #ruce ,ee About This 3uide 3he Arch wiki is a! e"ce e!t resource a!d shou d 'e co!su ted for issues first0 1RC ;free!ode Barch i!u"<, a!d the forums are a so avai a' e if the a!swer ca!!ot 'e fou!d. -ote: *o owi!g this guide c ose y is esse!tia i! order to successfu y i!sta a proper y co!figured Arch ,i!u" system, so p ease read it thorough y. 1t is stro!g y recomme!ded you read each sectio! comp ete y 'efore carryi!g out the tasks co!tai!ed. /i!ce %()/,i!u" +istri'utio!s are fu!dame!ta y =modu ar= 'y desig!, the guide is ogica y divided i!to C mai! compo!e!ts of a desktop UNIX2 ike operati!g system: Part /: /nstalling the (ase syste! Part //: Configure4+"date the -ew Arch Linux base syste! Part ///: /nstalling 5 and configuring AL A Part /6: /nstalling a )eskto" Environ!ent Welcome to Arch! Enjoy the installation; take your time and have fun! No ! let"s get started....

Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

Part /: /nstall the (ase yste!

te" 7: ,btain the latest /nstallation !edia
:ou ca! o'tai! Arch=s officia i!sta atio! media from http://arch i!u".org/dow! oad/. 3he atest versio! is 2009.0D #oth the Core i!sta er a!d the *3&/833&2dow! oads provide o! y the !ecessary packages to create a! Arch Linux base syste!. &ote that the 'ase System does not include a !(I. It is mainly comprised of the !&( toolchain )compiler, assembler, lin*er, libraries, shell, and a few useful utilities+, the ,inu% *ernel, and a few e%tra libraries and modules. 3he iso i!u" images are provided for peop e who e"perie!ce trou' e usi!g the gru' versio!. 3here are !o other differe!ces. 3he ArchEC *AF ;http://wiki.arch i!u".org/i!de".php/ArchEC$*AF < ca! he p you chose 'etwee! the G22 a!d EC2'it versio!s.

#$ installer
#ur! the .iso to a C+ with your preferred 'ur!er, a!d co!ti!ue with /tep 2: #oot Arch ,i!u" 1!sta er -ote: Aptica drives as we as C+ media 7ua ity vary great y, 'ut ge!era y, usi!g a s ow 'ur! speed is recomme!ded for re ia' e 'ur!s0 /ome users recomme!d speeds as ow as C" or 2". 1f you are e"perie!ci!g u!e"pected 'ehavior from the C+, try 'ur!i!g at the mi!imum speed supported 'y your system.

Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook %&' stick

6ar!i!g: 3his wi irrevoca' y destroy a data o! your )/# stick. UNIX 8ethod: 1!sert a! empty or e"pe!da' e )/# stick, determi!e its path, a!d dump the .img to the )/# stick with the /bin/dd program:
dd if=archlinux-2009.08-[core_or_ftp]-i686.img of=/dev/ dx

where if- is the path to the img fi e a!d of- is your )/# device. Hake sure to use /dev/sd% a!d !ot /dev/sd%.. Check !d9su! :o"tional;: Hake a !ote of the !um'er of records ;' ocks< read i! a!d writte! out, the! perform the fo owi!g check:
dd if=/dev/ dx count=number_of_records md" um tatu =noxfer !

3he mdIsum retur!ed shou d match the mdIsum of the dow! oaded arch i!u" image fi e0 they 'oth shou d match the mdIsum of the image as isted i! the mdIsums fi e i! the mirror distri'utio! site. 1indows 8ethod: +ow! oad +isk 1mager from https:// au!chpad.!et/wi!G22image2 writer/Jdow! oad. 1!sert f ash media. /tart the +isk 1mager a!d se ect the image fi e. /e ect the +rive etter associated with the f ash drive. C ick 4write4. Co!ti!ue with /tep 2: #oot Arch ,i!u" 1!sta er


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

te" <: (oot Arch Linux /nstaller

1!sert the C+ or )/# stick a!d 'oot from it. :ou may have to cha!ge the 'oot order i! your computer #1A/ or press a key ;usua y +@,, *., *2, *.. or *.2< duri!g the #1A/ &A/3 phase. Hemory re7uireme!ts: CAR@ : .E0 H# RAH "DE$EC/iEDE ;a packages se ected, with swap partitio!< *3& : .E0 H# RAH "DE$EC/iEDE ;a packages se ected, with swap partitio!< Choose #oot Arch ive or #oot Arch ive K egacy 1+@L if you have trou' e with i'ata/&A3A. 3o cha!ge 'oot optio!s press e for editi!g the 'oot i!es. Ha!y users may wish to cha!ge the reso utio! of the frame'uffer, for more reada' e co!so e output. Appe!d:

to the ker!e i!e, fo owed 'y M@(3@RN, for a .02C"7ED frame'uffer. 8it b to 'oot. 3he system wi !ow 'oot a!d prese!t a ogi! prompt. ,ogi! as =root= without 7uotes. 1f your system has errors tryi!g to 'oot from the ive C+ or there are other hardware errors, refer to the 1!sta atio! 3rou' eshooti!g wiki page.

#hanging the keymap

1f you have a !o!2)/ key'oard ayout you ca! i!teractive y choose your keymap/co!so e fo!t with the comma!d:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% &m

or use the oadkeys comma!d:

% load&e' layout

;rep ace layout with your key'oard ayout such as 4fr4 or 4belatin14<

3he officia i!sta guide is avai a' e o! the ive system. 3he officia guide covers i!sta atio! a!d co!figuratio! of the 'ase system o! y. Cha!ge to vc/2 ;virtua co!so e B2< with MA,3NJ*2 a!d i!voke /usr/bin/less:
% le /arch/doc /official_in tallation_guide_en

less wi a ow you to page through the docume!t. Cha!ge 'ack to vc/. with MA,3NJ*.. Cha!ge 'ack to vc/2 if you !eed to refere!ce the Afficia %uide at a!y time.

te" =: tart the /nstallation

As root, ru! the i!sta er script from vc/.:
% /arch/ etup

A: elect an installation source

After a we come scree!, you wi 'e prompted for a! i!sta atio! source. Choose the appropriate source for the i!sta er you are usi!g.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

1f you chose the CAR@ i!sta er, co!ti!ue 'e ow with C: &repare 8ard +rive. *3&/833& o! y: :ou sha 'e prompted to oad ether!et drivers ma!ua y, if desired. )dev is 7uite effective at oadi!g the re7uired modu es, so you may assume it has a ready do!e so. :ou may verify this 'y i!voki!g ifco!fig 2a from vc/G. ;/e ect AO to co!ti!ue.<

#onfigure Net ork ()T*+,TT*Avai a' e 1!terfaces wi 'e prese!ted. 1f a! i!terface a!d 86addr ;Hard1are address< is isted, the! your modu e has a ready 'ee! oaded. 1f your i!terface is !ot isted, you may pro'e it from the i!sta er, or ma!ua y do so from a!other virtua co!so e. 3he fo owi!g scree! wi prompt you to Select the interface, /robe, or 0ancel. Choose the appropriate i!terface a!d co!ti!ue. 3he i!sta er wi the! ask if you wish to use +8C&. Choosi!g :es wi ru! dhc"cd to discover a! avai a' e gateway a!d re7uest a! 1& address0 Choosi!g (o wi prompt you for your static 1&, !etmask, 'roadcast, gateway +(/ 1&, 833& pro"y, a!d *3& pro"y. ,ast y, you wi 'e prese!ted with a! overview to e!sure your e!tries are correct. 1ireless >uickstart ?or the Live Environ!ent :/f you need wireless connectivity during the installation "rocess; 3he wire ess drivers a!d uti ities are !ow avai a' e to you i! the ive e!viro!me!t of the i!sta atio! media. A good k!ow edge of your wire ess hardware wi 'e of key importa!ce to successfu co!figuratio!. (ote that the fo owi!g 7uickstart procedure wi i!itia i9e your wire ess hardware for use in the live environment. 3he 'asic procedure wi 'e: /witch to a free virtua co!so e, e.g.: MA,3NJ*G @!sure udev has oaded the driver, a!d that the driver has created a usa' e wire ess ker!e i!terface with /usr/sbin/iwconfig:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% i(config

;Autput shou d show a! avai a' e wire ess i!terface< #ri!g the i!terface up with /sbin/ifconfig <interface> up. A! e"amp e, usi!g a! atheros card a!d madwifi driver:
% ifconfig ath0 up

;Remem'er, your i!terface may 'e !amed somethi!g e se, depe!di!g o! your modu e ;driver< a!d chipset: w a!0, eth., etc.< /pecify the id of the wire ess !etwork with iwco!fig Mi!terfaceN essid 4MyouressidN4 key MyourwepkeyN ;give the essid ;the =!etwork !ame=< of the !etwork i! 7uotes<. A! e"amp e usi!g 6@&:
% i(config ath0 e id )lin& ' ) &e' 02*+,af$*c

A! e"amp e usi!g a! u!secured !etwork:

% i(config ath0 e id )lin& ' )

Re7uest a!d ac7uire a! 1& address with /sbin/dhcpcd <interface> . e.g.:

% dhcpcd ath0

@!sure you ca! route usi!g /bin/ping:

% ping -c $ (((



Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

-ote: 1! additio! to the wire ess modu e, some wire ess chipsets, ike ipw2.00 a!d ipw2200, re7uire correspo!di!g firmware i!sta atio!. 3he firmware packages must 'e e"p icit y i!sta ed to your actua system to provide wire ess fu!ctio!a ity after you re'oot i!to your i!sta ed system. ;+ue to the firmware i!sta atio! re7uireme!t, these chipsets may !ot work i! the ive e!viro!me!t.< &ackage se ectio! a!d i!sta atio! is covered 'e ow. @!sure i!sta atio! of 'oth your wire ess modu e a!d firmware duri!g the package se ectio! stepP /ee 6ire ess /etup if you are u!sure a'out the re7uireme!t of correspo!di!g firmware i!sta atio! for your particu ar chipset. 3his is a very commo! error. After the i!itia Arch i!sta atio! is comp ete, you may wish to refer to 6ire ess /etup to e!sure a perma!e!t co!figuratio! so utio! for your i!sta ed system. Retur! to vc/. with MA,3NJ*.. Co!ti!ue with C: &repare 8ard +rive

(: et Clock
)3C 2 Choose )3C if ru!!i!g o! y UNIX2 ike operati!g system;s<. oca time 2 Choose oca if mu ti2'ooti!g with a Hicrosoft 6i!dows A/.

C: Pre"are Hard )rive

1arning: &artitio!i!g hard drives ca! destroy data. :ou are stro!g y cautio!ed a!d advised to 'ackup your critica data if app ica' e. -erify curre!t disk ide!tities a!d ayout 'y i!voki!g /sbin/fdisk with the -l ; ower2case ,< switch. Ape! a!other virtua co!so e ;MA,3NJ*G< a!d e!ter:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% fdi & -l

3ake !ote of the disk;s</partitio!;s< to uti i9e for the Arch i!sta atio!. /witch 'ack to the i!sta atio! script with MA,3NJ*. /e ect the first me!u e!try 4&repare 8ard +rive4. Aptio! .: Auto &repare Auto2&repare divides the disk i!to the fo owi!g co!figuratio!: e"t2 /'oot partitio!, defau t si9e G2H#. 1ou will be prompted to modify the si#e to your re2uirement. swap partitio!, defau t si9e 2IEH#. 1ou will be prompted to modify the si#e to your re2uirement. A /eparate / a!d /home partitio!, ;si9es ca! a so 'e specified<. Avai a' e fi esystems i!c ude e"t2, e"tG, e"tC, reiserfs, "fs a!d Qfs, 'ut !ote that both 3 and 3home shall share the same fs type if choosi!g the Auto &repare optio!. #e war!ed that Auto2prepare wi comp ete y erase the chose! hard drive. Read the war!i!g prese!ted 'y the i!sta er very carefu y, a!d make sure the correct device is a'out to 'e partitio!ed. Aptio! 2: :*eco!!ended; &artitio! 8ard +rives ;with cfdisk< 3his optio! wi a ow for the most ro'ust a!d customi9ed partitio!i!g so utio! for your perso!a !eeds. t this point, more advanced !&(3,inu% users who are familiar and comfortable with manually partitioning may wish to s*ip down to $. &elect *ackages below. -ote: 1f you are i!sta i!g to a )/# f ash key, see 41!sta i!g Arch ,i!u" o! a )/# key4.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste *artition ,ard $rives

Partition /nfo &artitio!i!g a hard disk drive defi!es specific areas ;the partitio!s< withi! the disk, that wi each appear a!d 'ehave as a separate disk a!d upo! which a fi esystem may 'e created ;formatted<. 3here are G types of disk partitio!s: .. &rimary 2. @"te!ded G. ,ogica Pri!ary partitio!s ca! 'e 'oota' e, a!d are imited to C partitio!s per disk or raid vo ume. 1f a partitio!i!g scheme re7uires more tha! C partitio!s, a! extended partitio! which wi co!tai! logical partitio!s wi 'e re7uired. @"te!ded partitio!s are !ot usa' e 'y themse ves0 they are mere y a 4co!tai!er4 for ogica partitio!s. 1f re7uired, a hard disk sha co!tai! o! y o!e e"te!ded partitio!0 which sha the! 'e su'2divided i!to ogica partitio!s. 6he! partitio!i!g a disk, o!e ca! o'serve this !um'eri!g scheme 'y creati!g primary partitio!s sda.2G fo owed 'y creati!g a! e"te!ded partitio!, sdaC, a!d su'se7ue!t y creati!g ogica partitio!;s< withi! the e"te!ded partitio!0 sdaI, sdaE, a!d so o!. wa" Partition A swap partitio! is a p ace o! the drive where virtua ram resides, a owi!g the ker!e to easi y use disk storage for data that does !ot fit i!to physica RAH. 8istorica y, the ge!era ru e for swap partitio! si9e was 2" the amou!t of physica RAH. Aver time, as computers have gai!ed ever arger memory capacities, this ru e has 'ecome i!creasi!g y deprecated. %e!era y, o! machi!es with up to I.2H# RAH, the 2" ru e is usua y 7uite sufficie!t. A! machi!es with .%# RAH, ge!era y a ." ru e is ade7uate. 1f the i!sta atio! machi!e provides gratuitous amou!ts of RAH ;more tha! .02C H#< it may 'e


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

possi' e to comp ete y forget a swap partitio! a together, though this is !ot recomme!ded. A . %# swap partitio! wi 'e used i! this e"amp e. -ote: 1f usi!g suspe!d2to2disk, ;hi'er!ate< a swap partitio! at east e@ual i! si9e to the amou!t of physica RAH is re7uired. /ome Arch users eve! recomme!d oversi9i!g it 'eyo!d the amou!t of physica RAH 'y .02.IR, to a ow for possi' e 'ad sectors.

Partition che!e A disk partitio!i!g scheme is a very perso!a i9ed prefere!ce. @ach user=s choices wi 'e u!i7ue to their ow! computi!g ha'its a!d re7uireme!ts. *i esystem ca!didates for separate partitio!s i!c ude: % ;root< $he root filesystem is the primary filesystem from which all other filesystems stem4 the top of the hierarchy. ll files and directories appear under the root directory "3", even if they are stored on different physical devices. $he contents of the root filesystem must be ade2uate to boot, restore, recover, and3or repair the system. %boot $his directory contains the *ernel and ramdis* images as well as the bootloader configuration file, and bootloader stages. 3boot also stores data that is used before the *ernel begins e%ecuting userspace programs. $his may include saved master boot sectors and sector map files. %ho!e (ser data and user specific configuration files for applications are stored in each user's home directory in a file that starts with the '.' character )a "dot file"+. %usr 5hile root is the primary filesystem, 3usr is the secondary hierarchy, for user data, containing the ma6ority of )multi-+user utilities and applications. 3usr is shareable, read-only data. $his means that 3usr shall be shareable between various hosts and must not be written to, e%cept in the case of system update3upgrade. ny


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

information that is host-specific or varies with time is stored elsewhere. %t!" directory for programs that re2uire temporary files %var contains variable data4 spool directories and files, administrative and logging data, pacman's cache, the 'S tree, etc. -ote: #esides /'oot, directories esse!tia for 'ooti!g are: =/'i!=, =/dev=, =/etc=, =/ i'=, =/proc= a!d =/s'i!=. 3herefore, they must !ot reside o! a separate partitio! from /. There are several advantages for using discrete filesystems! rather than combining all into one partition: /ecurity: @ach fi esystem may 'e co!figured i! /etc/fsta' as =!osuid=, =!odev=, =!oe"ec=, =reado! y=, etc. /ta'i ity: A user, or ma fu!ctio!i!g program ca! comp ete y fi a fi esystem with gar'age if they have write permissio!s for it. Critica programs, which reside o! a differe!t fi esystem remai! u!affected. /peed: A fi esystem which gets writte! to fre7ue!t y may 'ecome somewhat fragme!ted. ;A! effective method of avoidi!g fragme!tatio! is to e!sure that each fi esystem is !ever i! da!ger of fi i!g up comp ete y.< /eparate fi esystems remai! u!affected, a!d each ca! 'e defragme!ted separate y as we . 1!tegrity: 1f o!e fi esystem 'ecomes corrupted, separate fi esystems remai! u!affected. -ersati ity: /hari!g data across severa systems 'ecomes more e"pedie!t whe! i!depe!de!t fi esystems are used. /eparate fi esystem types may a so 'e chose! 'ased upo! the !ature of data a!d usage. 1! this e"amp e, we sha use separate partitio!s for /, /var, /home, a!d a swap partitio!.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

-ote: /var co!tai!s ma!y sma fi es. 3his shou d 'e take! i!to co!sideratio! whe! choosi!g a fi esystem type for it, ;if creati!g its ow! separate partitio!<.

How big should !y "artitions beA 3his 7uestio! is 'est a!swered 'ased upo! i!dividua !eeds. :ou may wish to simp y create one "artition for root and one "artition for swa" or only one root "artition without swa" or refer to the fo owi!g e"amp es a!d co!sider these guide i!es to provide a frame of refere!ce: 3he root fi esystem ;/< i! the e"amp e wi co!tai! the /usr directory, which ca! 'ecome moderate y arge, depe!di!g upo! how much software is i!sta ed. .I220 %# shou d 'e sufficie!t for most users. 3he /var fi esystem wi co!tai!, amo!g other data, the A#/ tree a!d the pacma! cache. Oeepi!g cached packages is usefu a!d versati e0 it provides the a'i ity to dow!grade packages if !eeded. /var te!ds to grow i! si9e0 the pacma! cache ca! grow arge over o!g periods of time, 'ut ca! 'e safe y c eared if !eeded. A!other adva!tage of havi!g a dedicated /var partitio! is if you=re usi!g a! //+. ,ocate your /var o! a! 8++ a!d keep the / a!d /home partitio!s o! your //+ to avoid !eed ess read/writes to the //+. E2D %igs o! a desktop system shou d therefore 'e sufficie!t for /var. /ervers te!d to have e"treme y arge /var fi esystems. 3he /home fi esystem is typica y where user data, dow! oads, a!d mu timedia reside. A! a desktop system, /home is typica y the argest fi esystem o! the drive 'y a arge margi!. Remem'er that if you chose to rei!sta Arch, a the data o! your /home partitio! wi 'e u!touched ;so o!g as you have a separate /home partitio!<.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

A! e"tra 2IR of space added to each fi esystem wi provide a cushio! for u!foresee! occurre!ce, e"pa!sio!, a!d serve as a preve!tive agai!st fragme!tatio!. )rom the guidelines above! the e/ample system shall contain a 0123' root (+- partition! 043' +var! 13' s ap! and a +home containing the remaining disk space. Create Partition:cfdisk /tart 'y creati!g the primary partitio! that wi co!tai! the root, ;/< fi esystem. Choose -ew 2N &rimary a!d e!ter the desired si9e for root ;/<. &ut the partitio! at the 'egi!!i!g of the disk. A so choose the Type 'y desig!ati!g it as =DG ,i!u"=. 3he created / partitio! sha appear as sda. i! our e"amp e. (ow create a primary partitio! for /var, desig!ati!g it as Type DG ,i!u". 3he created /var partitio! sha appear as sda2 (e"t, create a partitio! for swap. /e ect a! appropriate si9e a!d specify the Type as D2 ;,i!u" swap / /o aris<. 3he created swap partitio! sha appear as sdaG. ,ast y, create a partitio! for your /home directory. Choose a!other primary partitio! a!d set the desired si9e. ,ikewise, se ect the Type as DG ,i!u". 3he created /home partitio! sha appear as sdaC. @"amp e:
-ame .lag /art 0'pe .1 0'pe [2a,el] 1i3e 4567 -------------------------------------------------------da+ /rimar' 2inux +"**0 %root da2 /rimar' 2inux 62"6 %/var da$ /rimar' 2inux (ap +02* % (ap da* /rimar' 2inux +*0*80 %/home

Choose 1rite a!d type =yes.. #eware that this operatio! may destroy data o! your disk. Choose >uit to eave the partitio!er.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

Choose +o!e to eave this me!u a!d co!ti!ue with 4/et *i esystem Hou!tpoi!ts4. -ote: /i!ce the atest deve opme!ts of the ,i!u" ker!e which i!c ude the i'ata a!d &A3A modu es, a 1+@, /A3A a!d /C/1 drives have adopted the sd" !ami!g scheme. 3his is perfect y !orma a!d shou d !ot 'e a co!cer!.

&et )ilesystem 5ountpoints

*irst you wi 'e asked for your swap partitio!. Choose the appropriate partitio! ;sdaG i! this e"amp e<. :ou wi 'e asked if you wa!t to create a swap fi esystem0 se ect yes. (e"t, choose where to mou!t the / ;root< directory ;sda. i! the e"amp e<. At this time, you wi 'e asked to specify the fi esystem type. ?ilesyste! Ty"es Agai!, a fi esystem type is a very su'Qective matter which comes dow! to perso!a prefere!ce. @ach has its ow! adva!tages, disadva!tages, a!d u!i7ue idiosy!crasies. 8ere is a very 'rief overview of supported fi esystems: .. ext< Second "%tended 7ilesystem2 A d, re ia' e %()/,i!u" fi esystem. -ery sta' e, 'ut without 6ournaling support. Hay 'e i!co!ve!ie!t for root ;/< a!d /home, due to very o!g fsck=s. n e%t8 filesystem can easily be converted to e%t9. %e!era y regarded as a good choice for /'oot/. 2. ext= $hird "%tended 7ilesystem2 @sse!tia y the e"t2 system, 'ut with Qour!a i!g support. e"tG is comp ete y compati' e with e"t2. "%tremely sta' e, mature, a!d 'y far the most wide y used, supported a!d deve oped %()/,i!u" */. High Perfor!ance ?ilesyste!s: G. ext' 7ourth "%tended 7ilesystem2 #ackward compati' e with e"t2 a!d e"tG, 1!troduces support for vo umes with si9es up to . e"a'yte a!d fi es with si9es up to .E tera'yte. 1!creases the G2,000


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

su'directory imit i! e"tG to EC,000. Affers o! i!e defragme!tatio! a'i ity. -ote: e"tC is a !ew fi esystem a!d may have some 'ugs. C. *eiser? ;-G<2 8a!s Reiser=s high2performa!ce Qour!a i!g */ uses a very i!teresti!g method of data throughput 'ased o! a! u!co!ve!tio!a a!d creative a gorithm. Reiser*/ is touted as very fast, especia y whe! dea i!g with ma!y sma fi es. Reiser*/ is fast at formatti!g, yet comparative y s ow at mou!ti!g. Fuite mature a!d sta' e. Reiser*/ is !ot active y deve oped at this time ;ReiserC is the !ew Reiser fi esystem<. %e!era y regarded as a good choice for /var/. I. B? 2 1#H=s Bour!a ed ?i e ystem2 3he first fi esystem to offer Qour!a i!g. ?*/ had ma!y years of use i! the 1#H A1ST A/ 'efore 'ei!g ported to ,i!u". ?*/ curre!t y uses the east C&) resources of a!y %()/,i!u" fi esystem. -ery fast at formatti!g, mou!ti!g a!d fsck=s, a!d very good a 2arou!d performa!ce, especia y i! co!Qu!ctio! with the dead i!e 1/A schedu er. ;/ee ?*/.< (ot as wide y supported as e"t or Reiser*/, 'ut very mature a!d sta' e. E. 5? 2 A!other ear y Qour!a i!g fi esystem origi!a y deve oped 'y /i ico! %raphics for the 1R1S A/ a!d ported to ,i!u". S*/ offers very fast throughput o! arge fi es a!d arge fi esystems. -ery fast at formatti!g a!d mou!ti!g. %e!era y 'e!chmarked as s ower with ma!y sma fi es, i! compariso! to other fi esystems. S*/ is very mature a!d offers o! i!e defragme!tatio! a'i ity. ?*/ a!d S*/ fi esystems ca!!ot 'e shrun* 'y disk uti ities ;such as gparted or parted magic< A note on Bournaling A a'ove fi esystems, e"cept e"t2, use Qour!a i!g. ?our!a i!g fi e systems are fau t2resi ie!t fi e systems that use a Qour!a to og cha!ges 'efore they are committed to the fi e system to avoid metadata corruptio! i! the eve!t of a crash. (ote that !ot a Qour!a i!g tech!i7ues are a ike0 specifica y, o! y e"tG a!d e"tC offer data-mode 6ournaling, ;though, !ot 'y defau t<, which Qour!a s


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

both data and meta2data ;'ut with a sig!ifica!t speed pe!a ty<. 3he others o! y offer ordered-mode 6ournaling, which Qour!a s meta2 data o! y. 6hi e a wi retur! your fi esystem to a va id state after recoveri!g from a crash, data-mode 6ournaling offers the greatest protectio! agai!st fi e system corruptio! a!d data oss 'ut ca! suffer from performa!ce degradatio!, as a data is writte! twice ;first to the Qour!a , the! to the disk<. +epe!di!g upo! how importa!t your data is, this may 'e a co!sideratio! i! choosi!g your fi esystem type. 5oving on... Choose a!d create the fi esystem ;format the partitio!< for / 'y se ecti!g yes. :ou wi !ow 'e prompted to add a!y additio!a partitio!s. 1! our e"amp e, sda2 a!d sdaC remai!. *or sda2, choose a fi esystem type a!d mou!t it as /var. *i!a y, choose the fi esystem type for sdaC, a!d mou!t it as /home. Retur! to mai! me!u.

): elect Packages
(ow we sha se ect packages to i!sta i! our system. Core 1/A: Choose C+ as source a!d se ect the appropriate C+ drive if you have more tha! o!e. *3& 1/A: /e ect a! *3&/833& mirror. &ote that is throttled to :;<'3s. &ackage se ectio! is sp it i!to two stages. *irst, se ect the package category: -ote: *or e"pedie!ce, a packages i! 'ase are se ected 'y defau t (ase: 3he mi!ima 'ase e!viro!me!t. lways select it and only remove pac*ages that you don't use. (ase&devel: @"tra too s such as !ake, auto!ake a!d wireless&tools as we as wire ess firmwares. =ost beginners should choose to install it, and will probably need it later.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

After category se ectio!, you wi 'e prese!ted with the fu ists of packages, a owi!g you to fi!e2tu!e your se ectio!s. )se the space 'ar to se ect a!d u!se ect. -ote: 1f you are goi!g to re7uire co!!ectio! to a wire ess !etwork with 6&A e!cryptio!, co!sider i!sta i!g !etcfg2 ;as we as wire ess$too s<, which wi e!a' e you to do so. A!ce you=re do!e se ecti!g the packages you !eed, eave the se ectio! scree! a!d co!ti!ue to the !e"t step, 1!sta &ackages.

E: /nstall Packages
(e"t, choose =1!sta &ackages=. :ou wi 'e asked if you wish to keep the packages i! the pacma! cache. 1f you choose =yes=, you wi have the f e"i'i ity to dow!grade to previous package versio!s i! the future, so this is recomme!ded ;you ca! a ways c ear the cache i! the future<. 3he i!sta er script wi !ow i!sta the se ected packages, as we as the defau t Arch 2.E ker!e , to your system. *3& 1/A: 3he &acma! package ma!ager wi !ow dow! oad a!d i!sta your se ected packages. ;/ee vc/I for output, vc/. to retur! to the i!sta er< CAR@ 1/A: 3he packages wi 'e i!sta ed from the C+.

?: Configure the yste!

0losely following and understanding these steps is of *ey importance to ensure a properly configured system. At this stage of the i!sta atio!, you wi co!figure the primary co!figuratio! fi es of your Arch ,i!u" 'ase system. &revious versio!s of the i!sta er i!c uded hwdetect to gather i!formatio! for your co!figuratio!. 3his has 'ee! deprecated, a!d udev shou d ha!d e most modu e oadi!g automatica y at 'oot.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook The initramfs

3he i!itia ram fi esystem, or i!itramfs, is a temporary fi e system used 'y the ker!e duri!g 'oot. 1t is used for maki!g preparatio!s, ike hardware detectio! a!d modu e oadi!g, 'efore the rea root fi e system ca! 'e mou!ted. 3herefore, a! i!itramfs a ows for the use of a ge!eric modu ar ker!e for a wide variety of hardware, a!d without the !eed to compi e a custom ker!e for each e!d user. :ou wi 'e prompted 'y a series of 7uestio!s re ated to the co!figuratio! of your i!itramfs. :ou wi 'e asked if you !eed support for 'ooti!g from )/# devices, *ire6ire devices, &CHC1A devices, (*/ shares, software RA1+ arrays, ,-H2 vo umes, e!crypted vo umes, a!d +/+3 support. Choose yes if you !eed it0 i! our e"amp e !othi!g is !eeded. Choosi!g =yes= for a!y of the a'ove wi cause the i!sta er script to p ace the appropriate hook;s< withi! the /etc/mkinitcpio.conf fi e. (ow you wi 'e asked which te"t editor you wa!t to use0 choose !a!o or, if you are fami iar with it, vim. :ou wi 'e prese!ted with a me!u i!c udi!g the mai! co!figuratio! fi es for your system. -ote: 1t is very importa!t at this poi!t to edit, or at east verify 'y ope!i!g, every co!figuratio! fi e. 3he i!sta er script re ies o! your i!put to create these fi es o! your i!sta atio!. A commo! error is to skip over these critica steps of co!figuratio!.

Can the installer handle this !ore auto!aticallyA 8idi!g the process of system co!figuratio! is i! direct oppositio! to 3he Arch 6ay. 6hi e it is true that rece!t versio!s of the ker!e a!d hardware pro'i!g too s offer e"ce e!t hardware support a!d auto2co!figuratio!, Arch prese!ts the user a perti!e!t co!figuratio! fi es duri!g i!sta atio! for the purposes of transparency and system resource control. #y the time you have fi!ished modifyi!g these fi es to your specificatio!s, you wi have ear!ed the simp e method of ma!ua Arch ,i!u" system co!figuratio! a!d 'ecome more fami iar with the 'ase structure,


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

eavi!g you 'etter prepared to use a!d mai!tai! your !ew i!sta atio! productive y.

Arch ,i!u" uses the fi e %etc%rc2conf as the pri!cipa ocatio! for system co!figuratio!. 3his o!e fi e co!tai!s a wide ra!ge of co!figuratio! i!formatio!, pri!cipa y used at system startup. As its !ame direct y imp ies, it a so co!tai!s setti!gs for a!d i!vokes the /etc/rcU fi es, a!d is, of course, sourced by these fi es. L,CAL/CAT/,- section L,CALEV: 3his sets your system oca e, which wi 'e used 'y a i.D!2aware app icatio!s a!d uti ities. :ou ca! get a ist of the avai a' e oca es 'y ru!!i!g = oca e 2a= from the comma!d i!e. 3his setti!g=s defau t is fi!e for )/ @!g ish users. HA*)1A*ECL,CDV: /pecifies whether the hardware c ock, which is sy!chro!i9ed o! 'oot a!d o! shutdow!, stores +TC time, or the localti!e. )3C makes se!se 'ecause it great y simp ifies cha!gi!g time9o!es a!d day ight savi!gs time. oca time is !ecessary if you dua 'oot with a! operati!g system such as 6i!dows, that o! y stores oca time to the hardware c ock. + E)/*ECT/ A: )se direct 1/A re7uest i!stead of /dev/rtc for hwc ock T/8EC,-EV: /pecify your 31H@WA(@. ;A avai a' e 9o!es are u!der /usr/share/9o!ei!fo/<. DEE8APV: 3he avai a' e keymaps are i! /usr/share/k'd/keymaps. & ease !ote that this setti!g is o! y va id for your 33:s, !ot a!y graphica wi!dow ma!agers or 5. C,- ,LE?,-TV: Avai a' e co!so e fo!ts reside u!der /usr/share/k'd/co!so efo!ts/ if you must cha!ge. 3he defau t ;' a!k< is safe. C,- ,LE8APV: +efi!es the co!so e map to oad with the setfo!t program at 'oot. &ossi' e maps are fou!d i!


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

/usr/share/k'd/co!so etra!s, if !eeded. 3he defau t ;' a!k< is safe. + EC,L,*V: /e ect 4yes4 if you have a co or mo!itor a!d wish to have co ors i! your co!so es.
289:2;=)en_<1.utf8) =:>?@:>;9289A=)localtime) <1;?B>;90B1:=)no) 0B5;C8-;=)<1/;a tern) A;D5:/=)u ) 98-182;.8-0= 98-182;5:/= <1;9828>=)'e )

HA*)1A*E ection 8,)FA+T,L,A)V: /etti!g this to 4yes4 wi use udev to automatica y pro'e hardware a!d oad the appropriate modu es duri!g 'oot2up, ;co!ve!ie!t with the defau t modu ar ker!e <. /etti!g this to 4!o4 wi re y o! the user=s a'i ity to specify this i!formatio! ma!ua y, or compi e their ow! custom ker!e a!d modu es, etc. 8,)F(LACDL/ TV: 3his has 'ecome deprecated i! favor of addi!g ' ack isted modu es direct y to the 8,)+LE G i!e 'e ow. 8,)+LE V: /pecify additio!a HA+),@/ if you k!ow that a! importa!t modu e is missi!g. 1f your system has a!y f oppy drives, add 4f oppy4. 1f you wi 'e usi!g oop'ack fi esystems, add 4 oop4. A so specify a!y ' ack isted modu es 'y prefi"i!g them with a 'a!g ;P<. )dev wi 'e forced (A3 to oad ' ack isted modu es. 1! the e"amp e, the 1&vE modu e as we as the a!!oyi!g pcspeaker are ' ack isted.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

% 1can hard(are and load reEuired module at ,oot 58?_:<0828:?=)'e ) % 5odule 6lac&li t - ?eprecated 58?_62:9A2B10=47 % 58?<2;1=4Fnet-pf-+0 F nd_pc p Fpc p&r loop7

-ET1,*D/-3 ection H, T-A8EV:/et your 8A/3(AH@ to your iki!g. ethHV: =@ther!et, card 0=. AdQust the i!terface 1& address, !etmask a!d 'roadcast address if you are usi!g static /P. /et eth0V4dhcp4 if you wa!t to use )HCP /-TE*?ACE V: /pecify a i!terfaces here. gatewayV: 1f you are usi!g static /P, set the gateway address. 1f usi!g )HCP, you ca! usua y ig!ore this varia' e, though some users have reported the !eed to defi!e it. *,+TE V: 1f you are usi!g static /P, remove the 0 i! fro!t of =gateway=. 1f usi!g )HCP, you ca! usua y eave this varia' e comme!ted out with the 'a!g ;P<, 'ut agai!, some users re7uire the gateway a!d RA)3@/ defi!ed. 1f you e"perie!ce !etworki!g issues with pacma!, for i!sta!ce, you may wa!t to retur! to these varia' es.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

Exa!"le, using a dyna!ically assigned /P address :)HCP;

=810-:5;=)arch) %eth0=)eth0 +92.+68.0.2 netma & 2"".2"".2"".0 ,roadca t +92.+68.0.2"") eth0=)dhcp) B-0;>.:9;1=4eth07 gate(a'=)default g( +92.+68.0.+) >8<0;1=4Fgate(a'7

-ote: Arch uses the dhcpcd +8C& c ie!t. A ter!ative y, dhc ie!t is avai a' e from the Ke"traL repository via pacma!.

Exa!"le, using a static /P address

=810-:5;=)arch) eth0=)eth0 +92.+68.0.2 netma & 2"".2"".2"".0 ,roadca t +92.+68.0.2"") B-0;>.:9;1=4eth07 gate(a'=)default g( +92.+68.0.+) >8<0;1=4gate(a'7

Ti": 1f you a so re7uire usi!g a !o!2sta!dard H3) si9e ;a.k.a. Qum'o frames< to speed up i!tra!et "fers A(+ your hardware supports them, see the ?um'o *rames wiki artic e for further co!figuratio!.

-ote: 1! some cases, users wi !eed to modify their /etc/res!f to preve!t the dhcpcd daemo! from overwriti!g the +(/ e!tries. Hodify your /etc/reslo .conf to co!tai! i!es to your the +(/=s that your 1/& uses.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

earch m'.ip .net. name erver a.,.c.d name erver a.,.c.d name erver a.,.c.d

Ti": 1f you are u!sure what va ues to use i! the /etc/reslo .conf simp y co!figure your system to use +8C& a!d ook at the /etc/reslo .conf which shou d 'e automatica y set for you. :ou may use these va ues. *i!a y, /etc/conf.d/dhcpcd !eeds to 'e tweaked to keep the dhcpcd from overwriti!g your /etc/reslo .conf which wi happe! without this modificatio!:
% :rgument % to ,e pa ed to the ?=9/ client daemon

% ?=9/9?_:>G1=)-E) ?=9/9?_:>G1=)-9 re olv.conf -E)



3his array simp y ists the !ames of those scripts co!tai!ed i! /etc/rc.d/ which are to 'e started duri!g the 'oot process, a!d the order i! which they start.
?:;58-1=4net(or& H ' log-ng netf Hcrond7

1f a script !ame is prefi"ed with a 'a!g ;P<, it is !ot e"ecuted. 1f a script is prefi"ed with a! 4at4 sym'o ;5<, it sha 'e e"ecuted i! the 'ackgrou!d0 the startup se7ue!ce wi !ot wait for successfu comp etio! of each daemo! 'efore co!ti!ui!g to the !e"t. ;)sefu for speedi!g up system 'oot<. +o !ot 'ackgrou!d daemo!s that are !eeded 'y other


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

daemo!s. *or e"amp e 4mpd4 depe!ds o! 4!etwork4, therefore 'ackgrou!di!g !etwork may cause mpd to 'reak. @dit this array whe!ever !ew system services are i!sta ed, if starti!g them automatica y duri!g 'oot is desired. 3his =#/+2sty e= i!it, is the Arch way of ha!d i!g what other distri'utio!s ha!d e with various sym i!ks to a! /etc/i!it.d directory.
About )AE8,-

:ou do !ot have to cha!ge the daemo!s i!e at this time, 'ut it is usefu to e"p ai! what daemo!s are, 'ecause we !eed them ater i! this guide. A daemon is a program that ru!s i! the 'ackgrou!d, waiti!g for eve!ts to occur a!d offeri!g services. A good e"amp e is a we'server that waits for a re7uest to de iver a page or a! //8 server waiti!g for someo!e tryi!g to og i!. 6hi e these are fu 2 featured app icatio!s, there are daemo!s whose work is !ot that visi' e. @"amp es are a daemo! which writes messages i!to a og fi e ;e.g. sys og, meta og<, a daemo! which owers your C&)=s fre7ue!cy if your system has !othi!g to do ;e.g.:cpufre7<, a!d a daemo! which offers you a graphica ogi! ;e.g.: gdm, kdm<. A these programs ca! 'e added to the daemo!s i!e a!d wi 'e started whe! the system 'oots. )sefu daemo!s wi 'e prese!ted duri!g this guide. 8istorica y, the term daemon was coi!ed 'y the programmers of H13=s &roQect HAC. 3hey took the !ame from =a%well's demon, a! imagi!ary 'ei!g from a famous thought e"perime!t that co!sta!t y works i! the 'ackgrou!d, sorti!g mo ecu es. UNIX systems i!herited this termi!o ogy a!d created the 'ackro!ym disk a!d e"ecutio! !onitor. Ti": A Arch daemo!s reside u!der /etc/rc.d/

3he fstab ;for fi e systems tab e< is part of the system co!figuratio! isti!g a avai a' e disks a!d disk partitio!s, a!d i!dicati!g how they are to 'e i!itia i9ed or otherwise i!tegrated i!to the overa


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

system=s fi esystem. 3he %etc%fstab fi e is most commo! y used 'y the !ount comma!d. 3he mou!t comma!d takes a fi esystem o! a device, a!d adds it to the mai! system hierarchy that you see whe! you use your system. !ount &a is ca ed from /etc/rc.sysi!it, a'out G/C of the way through the 'oot process, a!d reads /etc/fsta' to determi!e which optio!s shou d 'e used whe! mou!ti!g the specified devices therei!. 1f noauto is appe!ded to a fi esystem i! /etc/fsta', !ount &a wi !ot mou!t it at 'oot. An exa!"le %etc%fstab
% Ifile ' temJ IdirJ Ioption J IdumpJ none /dev/pt default 0 none /dev/ hm default 0 %/dev/cdrom /media/cdrom roKu erKnoautoKunhide 0 %/dev/dvd /media/dvd roKu erKnoautoKunhide 0 %/dev/fd0 /media/fl u erKnoauto 0 /dev/di &/,'-uuid/0ec-9$$.. / default Knoatime 0 /dev/di &/,'-uuid/#ef-22$.. /home default Knoatime 0 /dev/di &/,'-uuid/"$0-+e-.. (ap default 0 /dev/di &/,'-uuid/*fe-++0.. /var default KnoatimeKnotail 0 It'peJ Ipa J devpt 0 tmpf 0 auto 0 auto 0 auto 0 Lf + Lf 2 (ap 0 rei erf 2

-ote: 3he =!oatime= optio! disa' es writi!g read access times to the metadata of fi es a!d may safe y 'e appe!ded to / a!d /home regard ess of your specified fi esystem type for i!creased speed, performa!ce, a!d power efficie!cy. =!otai = disa' es the Reiser*/ tai packi!g feature, for added performa!ce at the cost of s ight y ess efficie!t disk usage.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

-ote: 1t may 'e 'e!eficia to make a !ote of the ))1+ of the root ;/< partitio!, as this may 'e re7uired duri!g %R)# co!figuratio!. Ifile syste!J: descri'es the ' ock device or remote fi esystem to 'e mou!ted. *or regu ar mou!ts, this fie d wi co!tai! a i!k to a ' ock device !ode ;as created 'y mk!od which is ca ed 'y udev at 'oot< for the device to 'e mou!ted0 for i!sta!ce, =/dev/cdrom= or =/dev/sda.=. 1!stead of givi!g the device e"p icit y, the Arch i!sta er i!dicates the fi esystem that is to 'e mou!ted 'y its ))1+ 'y defau t. -ote: As of 200D20Crc, Arch is !ow uti i9i!g the ))1+, or )!iversa y )!i7ue 1de!tifier !ami!g co!ve!tio!, for co!siste!t device mappi!g. 3his is due to active deve opme!ts i! the ker!e a!d a so udev, which may ra!dom y cha!ge the orderi!g i! which drivers for storage co!tro ers are oaded, yie di!g a! u!'oota' e system/ker!e pa!ic. (ear y every mother'oard has severa co!tro ers ;o!'oard /A3A, o!'oard 1+@<, a!d due to the aforeme!tio!ed deve opme!t updates, /dev/sda may 'ecome /dev/sd' o! the !e"t re'oot2 he!ce the persiste!t device !ami!g co!ve!tio! of ))1+ has 'ee! adopted for re ia'i ity. If you do not need nor wish to use ((I>, simply change your fstab to use whatever naming convention desired. ;/ee this wiki artic e for more i!formatio! o! persiste!t ' ock device !ami!g. <
l -l. /dev/di &/,'-uuid/


ist a partitio!s 'y ))1+, whi e


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

/ ,in/,l&id

wi show a ist corre ati!g each partitio! with its a'e , fi esystem type a!d ))1+. &ote? this command is installed by the e6fsprogs pac*age. IdirJ: descri'es the mou!t poi!t for the fi esystem. *or swap partitio!s, this fie d shou d 'e specified as =swap=0 ;/wap partitio!s are !ot actua y mou!ted.< Ity"eJ: descri'es the type of the fi esystem. 3he ,i!u" ker!e supports ma!y fi esystem types. ;*or the fi esystems curre!t y supported 'y the ru!!i!g ker!e , see /proc/fi esystems<. A! e!try =swap= de!otes a fi e or partitio! to 'e used for swappi!g. A! e!try =ig!ore= causes the i!e to 'e ig!ored. 3his is usefu to show disk partitio!s which are curre!t y u!used. Io"tionsJ: descri'es the mou!t optio!s associated with the fi esystem. 1t is formatted as a comma separated ist of optio!s with !o i!terve!i!g spaces. 1t co!tai!s at east the type of mou!t p us a!y additio!a optio!s appropriate to the fi esystem type. *or docume!tatio! o! the avai a' e optio!s for !o!2!fs fi e systems, see mou!t;D<. Idu!"J: used 'y the dump;D< comma!d to determi!e which fi esystems are to 'e dumped. dump is a 'ackup uti ity. 1f the fifth fie d is !ot prese!t, a va ue of 9ero is retur!ed a!d dump wi assume that the fi esystem does !ot !eed to 'e 'acked up. &ote that dump is not installed by default. I"assJ: used 'y the fsck;D< program to determi!e the order i! which fi esystem checks are do!e at 'oot time. 3he root fi esystem shou d 'e specified with a MpassN of ., a!d other fi esystems shou d have a MpassN of 2 or 0. *i esystems withi! a drive wi 'e checked se7ue!tia y, 'ut fi esystems o! differe!t drives wi 'e checked at the same time to uti i9e para e ism avai a' e i! the hardware. 1f the si"th fie d is !ot prese!t or 9ero, a va ue of 9ero is retur!ed a!d


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

fsck wi assume that the fi esystem does !ot !eed to 'e checked. 1f you p a! o! usi!g hal to automou!t media such as +-+s, you may wish to comme!t out the cdrom a!d dvd e!tries i! preparatio! for hal, which wi 'e i!sta ed ater i! this guide. @"pa!ded i!formatio! avai a' e i! the *sta' wiki e!try.

3his fi e a ows you to fi!e2tu!e the i!itia ram fi esystem ;a so commo! y referred to as the i!itia ramdisk or 4i!itrd4< for your system. 3he i!itrd is a g9ipped image that is read 'y the ker!e duri!g 'oot. 3he purpose of the i!itrd is to 'ootstrap the system to the poi!t where it ca! access the root fi esystem. 3his mea!s it has to oad a!y modu es that are re7uired for devices ike 1+@, /C/1, or /A3A drives ;or )/#/*6, if you are 'ooti!g off a )/#/*6 drive<. A!ce the i!itrd oads the proper modu es, either ma!ua y or through udev, it passes co!tro to the Arch system a!d your 'oot co!ti!ues. *or this reaso!, the i!itrd o! y !eeds to co!tai! the modu es !ecessary to access the root fi esystem. 1t does !ot !eed to co!tai! every modu e you wou d ever wa!t to use. 3he maQority of your everyday modu es wi 'e oaded ater o! 'y udev, duri!g the i!it process. !kinitc"io is the !e"t ge!eratio! of initra!fs creation. 1t has ma!y adva!tages over the o d !kinitrd a!d !kinitra!fs scripts. 1t uses klibc a!d kinit which are deve oped 'y ,i!u" ker!e devs to provide a sma a!d ightweight 'ase for ear y userspace. 1t ca! use udev for hardware autodetectio! at ru!time, thus preve!ts you from havi!g to!s of u!!ecessary modu es oaded. 1ts hook2'ased i!it script is easi y e"te!da' e with custom hooks, which ca! easi y 'e i!c uded i! pacma! packages without havi!g to modifiy mki!itcpio itse f.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

1t a ready supports lv!<, d!&cry"t for 'oth egacy a!d uks vo umes, raid, swsus" a!d sus"end< resumi!g a!d 'ooti!g from usb !ass storage devices. Ha!y features ca! 'e co!figured from the ker!e comma!d i!e without havi!g to re'ui d the image. 3he !kinitc"io script makes it possi' e to i!c ude the image i! a ker!e , thus maki!g a se f2co!tai!ed ker!e image is possi' e. 1ts f e"i'i ity makes recompi i!g a ker!e u!!ecessary i! ma!y cases. 1f you are usi!g a !o!2)/ key'oard you may wa!t to add 4ke!map4 to the 4"##$%&4 sectio! of %etc%!kinitc"io2conf to oad your oca keymap duri!g 'oot, e.g.:
=88A1=),a e udev autodetect pata &e'map) c i ata file ' tem

Atherwise if 'oot fai s for some reaso! you wi 'e asked to e!ter root=s password for system mai!te!a!ce 'ut wi 'e u!a' e to do so. If you are using a (S *eyboard editing this configuration should be unnecessary at this point. !kinitc"io was deve oped 'y Aaro! %riffi! a!d 3o'ias &owa owski with some he p from the commu!ity.

1t is u!!ecessary to co!figure this fi e at this time. !od"robe2conf ca! 'e used to set specia co!figuratio! optio!s for the ker!e modu es -ote: 3he !ew modu e2i!it2too s G.D package cha!ges the ocatio! of the co!figuratio! fi e: /etc/modpro'!f is !o o!ger read, i!stead /etc/modpro'e.d/modpro'!f is used. i!k


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook +etc+resolv.conf (for &tatic 7*3he resolver is a set of routi!es i! the C i'rary that provide access to the 1!ter!et +omai! (ame /ystem ;+(/<. A!e of the mai! fu!ctio!s of +(/ is to tra!s ate domai! !ames i!to 1& addresses, to make the 6e' a frie!d ier p ace. 3he reso ver co!figuratio! fi e, or /etc/reso!f, co!tai!s i!formatio! that is read 'y the reso ver routi!es the first time they are i!voked 'y a process. If you are using >@0/, you may safely ignore this file, as by default, it will be dynamically created and destroyed by the dhcpcd daemon. 1ou may change this default behavior if you wish. )See &etwor*]+. 1f you use a static 1&, set your +(/ servers i! /etc/reso!f ;!ameserver Mip2addressN<. :ou may have as ma!y as you wish. A! e"amp e, usi!g Ape!+(/:
name erver 208.6#.222.222 name erver 208.6#.220.220

1f you are usi!g a router, you wi pro'a' y wa!t to specify your +(/ servers i! the router itse f, a!d mere y poi!t to it from your %etc%resolv2conf, usi!g your router=s 1& ;which is a so your gateway from %etc%rc2conf<, e.g.:
name erver +92.+68.+.+

1f usi!g )HCP, you may a so specify your +(/ servers i! the router, or a ow automatic assig!me!t from your 1/&, if your 1/& is so e7uipped.

3his fi e associates 1& addresses with host!ames a!d a iases, o!e i!e per 1& address. *or each host a si!g e i!e shou d 'e prese!t with the fo owi!g i!formatio!:


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

IB/-addre J Iho tnameJ [alia e ...]

Add your hostname, coi!cidi!g with the o!e specified i! /etc/!f, as a! a ias, so that it ooks ike this:
+2#.0.0.+ localho t.localdomain yourhostname localho t

3his format, including the .localhost. and your actual host na!e, is re7uired for program compati'i ityP /o, if you have !amed your computer Archhost, the! that i!e a'ove shou d ook ike this:
+2#.0.0.+ localho t.localdomain localho t :rchho t

@rrors i! this e!try may cause poor !etwork performa!ce a!d/or certai! programs to ope! very s ow y, or !ot work at a . 3his is a very commo! error for 'egi!!ers. 1f you use a static 1&, add a!other i!e usi!g the sy!ta": Mstatic21&N Mhost!ame.domai!!ame.orgN Mhost!ameN e.g.:
+92.+68.+.+00 yourhostname

Ti": *or co!ve!ie!ce, you may a so use /etc/hosts a iases for hosts o! your !etwork, a!d/or o! the 6e', e.g.:
6*.2$$.+69.+0$ ((( +92.+68.+.90 media +92.+68.+.88 data g

3he a'ove e"amp e wou d a ow you to access goog e simp y 'y typi!g =g= i!to your 'rowser, a!d access to a media a!d data server o! your !etwork 'y !ame a!d without the !eed for typi!g out their respective 1& addresses.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook +etc+hosts.deny and +etc+hosts.allo

Hodify these co!figuratio!s accordi!g to your !eeds if you p a! o! usi!g the ssh daemo!. 3he defau t co!figuratio! wi reQect a i!comi!g co!!ectio!s, !ot o! y ssh co!!ectio!s. @dit your %etc%hosts2allow fi e a!d add the appropriate parameters: et everyo!e co!!ect to you

hdM :22

restrict it to a certai! ip
hdM +92.+68.0.+

restrict it to your oca ,A( !etwork ;ra!ge .92..ED.0.0 to .92..ED.0.2II<

hdM +92.+68.0.

AR restrict for a! 1& ra!ge

hdM +"".2"".2"".0

1f you do !ot p a! o! usi!g the ssh daemo!, eave this fi e at the defau t, ;empty<, for added security.

3he %usr%sbin%locale&gen comma!d reads from %etc%locale2gen to ge!erate specific oca es. 3hey ca! the! 'e used 'y glibc a!d a!y other oca e2aware program or i'rary for re!deri!g 4pecu iar4 te"t, correct y disp ayi!g regio!a mo!etary va ues, time a!d date formats, a pha'etic idiosy!crasies, a!d other oca e2specific sta!dards. 3he a'i ity to setup a defau t oca e is a great 'ui t2i! privi ege of usi!g a UNIX2 ike operati!g system.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

#y defau t /etc/ oca! is a! empty fi e with comme!ted docume!tatio!. A!ce edited, the fi e remai!s u!touched. locale&gen ru!s o! every glibc upgrade, ge!erati!g a the oca es specified i! /etc/ oca!. Choose the oca e;s< you !eed ;remove the B i! fro!t of the i!es you wa!t<, e.g.:
en_<1 B18-88"9-+ en_<1.<0.-8

3he i!sta er wi !ow ru! the oca e2ge! script, which wi ge!erate the oca es you specified. :ou may cha!ge your oca e i! the future 'y editi!g /etc/ oca! a!d su'se7ue!t y ru!!i!g = oca e2ge!= as root. -ote: 7f you fail to choose your locale! this ill lead to a 8The current locale is invalid...8 error. This is perhaps the most common mistake by ne Arch users! and also leads to the most commonly asked 9uestions on the forum.

:oot pass ord

*i!a y, set a root password a!d make sure that you remem'er it ater. Retur! to the mai! me!u a!d co!ti!ue with i!sta i!g 'oot oader.

Choose a mirror repository for "ac!an. is throttled, limiting downloads to :;<'3s Retur! to the mai! me!u.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3: /nstall (ootloader
#ecause we have !o seco!dary operati!g system i! our e"amp e, we wi !eed a 'oot oader. %() %R)# is the recomme!ded 'oot oader. A ter!ative y, you may choose ,1,A.

3he provided 3*+( co!figuratio! ;%boot%grub%!enu2lst< shou d 'e sufficie!t, 'ut verify its co!te!ts to e!sure accuracy ;specifica y, e!sure that the root ;/< partitio! is specified 'y ))1+ o! i!e G<. :ou may wa!t to a ter the reso utio! of the co!so e 'y addi!g a vgaVM!um'erN ker!e argume!t correspo!di!g to your desired virtua co!so e reso utio!. ;A ta' e of reso utio!s a!d the correspo!di!g !um'ers is pri!ted i! the me!u. st.< @"amp e:
title root &ernel 9$$9.. initrd :rch 2inux 45ain7 4hd0K07 /,oot/vmlinu326 root=/dev/di &/,'-uuid/0ec+ro vga=##$ /,oot/&ernel26.img

-ote: $he linu% *ernel, 'vmlinu#', is so named because it incorporated virtual memory capability early in its development. $he < denotes a #ipped )compressed+ image. @"p a!atio!: ,i!e .: title: A pri!ted me!u se ectio!. 4Arch ,i!u" ;Hai!<4 wi 'e pri!ted o! the scree! as a me!u se ectio!. ,i!e 2: root: 3*+(.s root0 the drive a!d partitio! where the ker!e ;/'oot< resides, accordi!g to system #1A/. ;Hore accurate y, where %R)#=s stage2 fi e resides<. -,T necessarily the root ;/< fi e system, as they ca! reside o! separate partitio!s. %R)#=s !um'eri!g scheme starts at 0, a!d uses a! hd%,% format regard ess of 1+@ or /A3A, a!d e!c osed withi! pare!theses.


Part .( .nstall the Base Syste

3he e"amp e i!dicates that /'oot is o! the first partitio! of the first drive, accordi!g to #1A/, or, ;hd0,0<. ,i!e G: kernel: 3his i!e specifies: 3he path a!d fi e!ame of the ker!e relative to 3:%'"s root. 1! the e"amp e, /'oot is mere y a directory residi!g o! the same partitio! as / a!d v!linuK<# is the ker!e fi e!ame0 %boot%v!linuK<#. If 3boot were on a separate partition, the path and filename would be simply +vmlinu<6=, being relative to 3:%'"s root. 3he rootV argume!t to the ker!e stateme!t specifies the partitio! co!tai!i!g the root ;/< directory i! the 'ooted system, ;more accurate y, the partitio! co!tai!i!g %sbin%init<. 1f !ot a ready specified, you shou d e!ter the !ame of the partitio!, accordi!g to the ))1+ !um'eri!g scheme, usi!g the 3dev3dis*3by-uuid3%%%%-%%%%-%%%% format. 3his ))1+ was fou!d i! the previous sectio! regardi!g co!figuratio! of 3etc3fstab. A! easy way to disti!guish the 2 appeara!ces of =root= i! /'oot/gru'/me!u. st is to remem'er that the first root stateme!t informs !A(' where the *ernel resides, whereas the seco!d rootV ker!e argume!t tells the *ernel where the root filesystem )3+ resides. Oer!e optio!s. 1! our e"amp e, ro mou!ts the fi esystem as read o! y duri!g startup, a!d the LvgaGMM=L argume!t wi give a .02C"7ED frame'uffer with 2IE co or depth. ,i!e C: initrd: ;*or 1!itia RAH disk< 3he path a!d fi e!ame of the i!itia RAH fi esystem relative to 3*+(.s root. Agai!, i! the e"amp e, /'oot is mere y a directory residi!g o! the same partitio! as / a!d kernel<#2i!g is the i!itrd fi e!ame0 %boot%kernel<#2i!g. If 3boot were on a separate partition, the path and filename would be simply +kernel6=.img, being relative to 3:%'"s root. 1!sta the 3*+( 'oot oader ;to the master 'oot record, sda i! our e"amp e<.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

Ti": *or more detai s, see the %R)# wiki page.

H: *eboot
3hat=s it0 :ou have co!figured a!d i!sta ed your Arch ,i!u" 'ase system. @"it the i!sta , a!d re'oot:
% re,oot

;#e sure to remove the i!sta er C+<


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

Part //: Configure4+"date the -ew Arch Linux base syste!

:our !ew Arch ,i!u" system wi 'oot up a!d fi!ish with a ogi! prompt ;you may wa!t to cha!ge the 'oot order i! your (/, 'ack to 'ooti!g from hard disk<. Congratulations, and welco!e to your new Arch Linux base syste!0 :our !ew Arch ,i!u" 'ase system is !ow a fu!ctio!a %()/,i!u" e!viro!me!t ready for customi9atio!. *rom here, you may 'ui d this e ega!t set of too s i!to whatever you wish or re7uire for your purposes. ,ogi! with the root accou!t. 6e wi co!figure pacma! a!d update the system as root, the! add a !orma user. -ote: -irtua co!so es .2E are avai a' e. :ou may swap 'etwee! them with A,3J*....*E

te" 7: Configuring the network :if necessary;

$his section will assist you in configuring most types of networ*s, if your networ* configuration is not wor*ing for you. 1f you proper y co!figured your system, you shou d have a worki!g !etwork. 3ry to pi!g to verify this.
% ping -c $ (((

If you have successfully established a networ* connection, continue with %pdate! &ync and %pgrade the system ith pacman. 1f, after tryi!g to pi!g, a! 4u!k!ow! host4 error is received, you may co!c ude that your !etwork is !ot proper y


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

co!figured. :ou may choose to dou' e2check the fo owi!g fi es for i!tegrity a!d proper setti!gs: %etc%rc2conf B /pecifica y, check your 8A/3(AH@V a!d (@36ARO1(% sectio! for typos a!d errors. %etc%hosts B +ou' e2check your format. ;/ee a'ove.< %etc%resolv2conf B 1f you are usi!g a static 1&. 1f you are usi!g +8C&, this fi e wi 'e dy!amica y created a!d destroyed 'y defau t, 'ut ca! 'e cha!ged to your prefere!ce. ;/ee (etwork.< Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for co!figuri!g the !etwork ca! 'e fou!d i! the (etwork artic e.

Wired >AN
Check your @ther!et with
% ifconfig -a

A i!terfaces wi 'e isted. :ou shou d see a! e!try for eth0, or perhaps eth.. tatic /P 1f re7uired, you ca! set a !ew static 1& with:
% ifconfig eth0 Iip addre J netma & Inetma &J up

a!d the defau t gateway with

% route add default g( Iip addre of the gate(a'J

-erify that /etc/reso!f co!tai!s your +(/ server a!d add it if it is missi!g. Check your !etwork agai! with pi!g 1f everythi!g is worki!g !ow, adQust /etc/!f as descri'ed a'ove for static 1&.


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

)HCP 1f you have a +8C& server/router i! your !etwork try:
% dhcpcd eth0

1f this is worki!g, adQust /etc/!f as descri'ed a'ove, for dy!amic 1&.

Wireless >AN
@!sure the driver has created a usa' e i!terface:
% i(config

#ri!g the i!terface up with ifconfig <interface> up. e.g.:

% ifconfig (lan0 up

;Aptio!a < /ca! for avai a' e access poi!ts:

% i(li t (lan0 can ! le

/pecify the id of the wire ess !etwork with iwconfig <interface> essid <!ouressid>. Ar, if usi!g 6@&0 iwconfig <interface> essid <!ouressid> ke! <!ourwepke!>, e.g.:
% i(config (lan0 e id lin& ' &e' :69?;.0+2$*

Re7uest a! 1& address with dhcpcd <interface>. e.g.:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% dhcpcd (lan0

@!sure you ca! route:

N ping -c $ (((

+o!e. +etai ed setup guide: 6ire ess /etup

Analog 5odem
3o 'e a' e to use a 8ayes2compati' e, e"ter!a , a!a og modem, you !eed to at east have the ppp package i!sta ed. Hodify the fi e /etc/ppp/optio!s to suit your !eeds a!d accordi!g to ma! pppd. :ou wi !eed to defi!e a chat script to supp y your user!ame a!d password to the 1/& after the i!itia co!!ectio! has 'ee! esta' ished. 3he ma!pages for pppd a!d chat have e"amp es i! them that shou d suffice to get a co!!ectio! up a!d ru!!i!g if you=re either e"perie!ced or stu''or! e!ough. 6ith udev, your seria ports usua y are /dev/tts/0 a!d /dev/tts/.. 1!stead of fighti!g a g orious 'att e with the p ai! pppd, you may opt to i!sta wvdia or a simi ar too to ease the setup process co!sidera' y. 1! case you=re usi!g a so2ca ed 6i!Hodem, which is 'asica y a &C1 p ugi! card worki!g as a! i!ter!a a!a og modem, you shou d i!du ge i! the vast i!formatio! fou!d o! the ,i!Hodem homepage.

/etti!g up 1/+( is do!e i! three steps: .. 1!sta a!d co!figure hardware 2. 1!sta a!d co!figure the 1/+( uti ities G. Add setti!gs for your 1/& 3he curre!t Arch stock ker!e s i!c ude the !ecessary 1/+( modu es, mea!i!g that you wi !ot !eed to recompi e your ker!e


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

u! ess you=re a'out to use rather odd 1/+( hardware. After physica y i!sta i!g your 1/+( card i! your machi!e or p uggi!g i! your )/# 1/+(2#o", you ca! try oadi!g the modu es with modpro'e. (ear y a passive 1/+( &C1 cards are ha!d ed 'y the hisa" modu e, which !eeds two parameters: type a!d protoco . :ou must set protoco to =.= if your cou!try uses the .3RE sta!dard, =2= if it uses @uro1/+( ;@+//.<, =G= if you=re hooked to a so2ca ed eased2 i!e without +2cha!!e , a!d =C= for )/ (1.. +etai s o! a those setti!gs a!d how to set them is i!c uded i! the ker!e docume!tatio!, more specifica y i! the isd! su'directory, a!d avai a' e o! i!e. 3he type parameter depe!ds o! your card0 a ist of a possi' e types ca! 'e fou!d i! the R@A+H@.8i/a" ker!e docume!tatio!. Choose your card a!d oad the modu e with the appropriate optio!s ike this:
% modpro,e hi ax t'pe=+8 protocol=2

3his wi oad the hisa" modu e for my @,/A Fuickstep .000&C1, 'ei!g used i! %erma!y with the @+//. protoco . :ou shou d fi!d he pfu de'uggi!g output i! your /var/ og/everythi!g. og fi e, i! which you shou d see your card 'ei!g prepared for actio!. & ease !ote that you wi pro'a' y !eed to oad some )/# modu es 'efore you ca! work with a! e"ter!a )/# 1/+( Adapter. A!ce you have co!firmed that your card works with certai! setti!gs, you ca! add the modu e optio!s to your /etc/modpro'!f:
alia ippp0 hi ax option hi ax t'pe=+8 protocol=2

A ter!ative y, you ca! add o! y the optio!s i!e here, a!d add hisa" to your HA+),@/ array i! the!f. 1t=s your choice, rea y, 'ut this e"amp e has the adva!tage that the modu e wi !ot 'e oaded u!ti it=s rea y !eeded. 3hat 'ei!g do!e, you shou d have worki!g, supported hardware. (ow you !eed the 'asic uti ities to actua y use itP


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

1!sta the isd!Ck2uti s package, a!d read the ma!page to isd!ctr 0 it= get you started. *urther dow! i! the ma!page you wi fi!d e"p a!atio!s o! how to create a co!figuratio! fi e that ca! 'e parsed 'y isd!ctr , as we as some he pfu setup e"amp es. & ease !ote that you have to add your /&1+ to your H/( setti!g separated 'y a co o! if you use )/ (1.. After you have co!figured your 1/+( card with the isd!ctr uti ity, you shou d 'e a' e to dia i!to the machi!e you specified with the &8A(@$A)3 parameter, 'ut fai the user!ame a!d password authe!ticatio!. 3o make this work add your user!ame a!d password to /etc/ppp/pap2secrets or /etc/ppp/chap2secrets as if you were co!figuri!g a !orma a!a ogous &&& i!k, depe!di!g o! which protoco your 1/& uses for authe!ticatio!. 1f i! dou't, put your data i!to 'oth fi es. 1f you set up everythi!g correct y, you shou d !ow 'e a' e to esta' ish a dia 2up co!!ectio! with
% i dnctrl dial ippp0

as root. 1f you have a!y pro' ems, remem'er to check the ogfi esP

$&> (***oE3hese i!structio!s are re eva!t to you o! y if your &C itse f is supposed to ma!age the co!!ectio! to your 1/&. :ou do !ot !eed to do a!ythi!g 'ut defi!e a correct defau t gateway if you are usi!g a separate router of some sort to do the gru!t work. #efore you ca! use your +/, o! i!e co!!ectio!, you wi have to physica y i!sta the !etwork card that is supposed to 'e co!!ected to the +/,2Hodem i!to your computer. After addi!g your !ew y i!sta ed !etwork card to the modu!f/modpro'!f or the HA+),@/ array, you shou d i!sta the rp2pppoe package a!d ru! the pppoe2setup script to co!figure your co!!ectio!. After you have e!tered a the data, you ca! co!!ect a!d disco!!ect your i!e with


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

% /etc/rc.d/ad l tart

% /etc/rc.d/ad l top

respective y. 3he setup usua y is rather easy a!d straightforward, 'ut fee free to read the ma!pages for hi!ts. 1f you wa!t to automatica y =dia i!= o! 'oot2up, add ads to your +A@HA(/ array, a!d put a P 'efore the !etwork e!try, si!ce the !etwork is ha!d ed 'y ads !ow.

te" <: +"date, ync and +"grade the syste! with "ac!an
(ow we wi update the system usi!g pacma!.

What is pacman ?
&acma! is the "ackage !anager of Arch ,i!u". &acma! is writte! i! 0 a!d is desig!ed from the grou!d up to 'e ightweight with a very modest memory footpri!t, fast, simp e, a!d versati e. 1t ma!ages your e!tire package system a!d ha!d es i!sta atio!, remova , package dow!grade ;through cache<, custom compi ed package ha!d i!g, automatic depe!de!cy reso utio!, remote a!d oca searches a!d much more. &acma!=s output is stream i!ed, very reada' e a!d provides @3A for each package dow! oad. Arch uses the .tar.g9 package format, which further e!ha!ces pacma!=s speed0 %9ipped tar'a s, though s ight y arger, are decompressed ma!y times faster tha! their #9ipped cou!terparts, a!d are therefore i!sta ed much more e"pedie!t y. 6e wi use pacma! to dow! oad software packages from remote repositories a!d i!sta them o!to your system.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

&acma! is the most importa!t too i! your Arch ,i!u" too 'o" for 'ui di!g the 'ase system i!to whatsoever you p ease.

*ackage :epositories and +etc+pacman.conf

Arch curre!t y offers the fo owi!g C repositories readi y accessi' e through pacma!: NcoreO 3he simp e pri!cip e 'ehi!d KcoreL is to provide o! y o!e of each !ecessary too for a 'ase Arch ,i!u" system0 3he %() too chai!, the ,i!u" ker!e , o!e editor, o!e comma!d i!e 'rowser, etc. ;3here are a few e"ceptio!s to this. *or i!sta!ce, 'oth vi a!d !a!o are provided, a owi!g the user to choose o!e or 'oth.< 1t co!tai!s a the packages that H)/3 'e i! perfect worki!g order to e!sure the system remai!s i! a usa' e state. 3hese are the a'so ute system2 critica packages. +eve oper mai!tai!ed A 'i!ary packages pacma! accessi' e $he 0ore installation media simply contains an installer script, and a snapshot of the core repository at the time of release.

NextraO 3he Ke"traL repository co!tai!s a Arch packages that are !ot themse ves !ecessary for a 'ase Arch system, 'ut co!tri'ute to a more fu 2featured e!viro!me!t. 5, O+@, a!d Apache, for i!sta!ce, ca! 'e fou!d here. +eve oper mai!tai!ed A 'i!ary packages pacma! accessi' e NtestingO 3he Ktesti!gL repository co!tai!s packages that are ca!didates for the KcoreL or Ke"traL repositories. (ew packages go i!to Ktesti!gL if:


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

U they are e"pected to 'reak somethi!g o! update a!d !eed to 'e tested first. U they re7uire other packages to 'e re'ui t. 1! this case, a packages that !eed to 'e re'ui t are put i!to Ktesti!gL first a!d whe! a re'ui ds are do!e, they are moved 'ack to the other repositories. +eve oper mai!tai!ed A 'i!ary packages pacma! accessi' e -ote: U Ktesti!gL is the o! y repository that ca! have !ame co isio!s with a!y of the other officia repositories. 3herefore, if e!a' ed, Ktesti!gL must 'e the first repo isted i! pacman.conf.

1arning: A! y e"perie!ced users shou d use Ktesti!gL. Nco!!unityO 3he Kcommu!ityL repository is mai!tai!ed 'y the $rusted (sers )$(s+ a!d is simp y the 'i!ary 'ra!ch of the rch (ser Aepository ) (A+. 1t co!tai!s 'i!ary packages which origi!ated as &O%#)1,+s from (A Ku!supportedL that have ac7uired e!ough votes a!d were adopted 'y a $(. ,ike a repos isted a'ove, Kcommu!ityL may 'e readi y accessed 'y pacma!. 3) mai!tai!ed A 'i!ary packages pacma! accessi' e A+* :unsu""orted; 3he A+* a so co!tai!s the unsu""orted 'ra!ch, which ca!!ot 'e accessed direct y 'y pacma!U. A+* Ku!supportedL does !ot co!tai! 'i!ary packages. Rather, it provides more tha! si"tee! thousa!d &O%#)1,+ scripts for 'ui di!g packages from source, that may 'e u!avai a' e through the other repos. 6he! a! A)R u!supported


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

package ac7uires e!ough popu ar votes, it may 'e moved to the A)R Kcommu!ityL 'i!ary repo, if a 3) is wi i!g to adopt a!d mai!tai! it there. 3) mai!tai!ed A &O%#)1,+ 'ash 'ui d scripts Not pacma! accessi' e 'y defau t U pacma! wrappers ;A%: ,elpers< ca! he p you seam ess y access A)R. %etc%"ac!an2conf pacma! wi attempt to read /etc/pacma!.co!f each time it is i!voked. 3his co!figuratio! fi e is divided i!to sectio!s, or repositories. @ach sectio! defi!es a package repository that pacma! ca! use whe! searchi!g for packages. 3he e"ceptio! to this is the optio!s sectio!, which defi!es g o'a optio!s.
% nano /etc/pacman.conf

@"amp e:


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

% % /etc/pacman.conf % % 1ee the pacman.conf4"7 manpage for option and repo itor' directive % % G;-;>:2 8/0B8-1 % [option ] % 0he follo(ing path are commented out (ith their default value li ted. % Bf 'ou (i h to u e different path K uncomment and update the path . %>oot?ir = / %?6/ath = /var/li,/pacman/ %9ache?ir = /var/cache/pacman/p&g/ %2og.ile = /var/log/pacman.log =old/&g = pacman gli,c % Bf upgrade are availa,le for the e pac&age the' (ill ,e a &ed for fir t 1' t = pacman %Ofer9ommand = /u r/,in/(get --pa ive-ftp -c -8 Po Pu %Ofer9ommand = /u r/,in/curl Pu J Po % /acman (onQt upgrade pac&age mem,er of BgnoreGroup %Bgnore/&g = %BgnoreGroup = li ted in Bgnore/&g and


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

%-o<pgrade %-o;xtract = =

% 5i c option 4all di a,led ,' default7 %-o/a %< e1' log %1ho(1i3e %< e?elta %0otal?o(nload %


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

% >;/81B08>B;1 % - can ,e defined here or included from another file % - pacman (ill earch repo itorie in the order defined here % - local/cu tom mirror can ,e added here or in eparate file % - repo itorie li ted fir t (ill ta&e precedence (hen pac&age % have identical name K regardle of ver ion num,er % - <>2 (ill have Nrepo replaced ,' the name of the current repo % % >epo itor' entrie are of the formatM % [repo-name] % 1erver = 1erver-ame % Bnclude = Bnclude/ath % % 0he header [repo-name] i crucial - it mu t ,e pre ent and % uncommented to ena,le the repo. % % 0e ting i di a,led ,' default. 0o ena,leK uncomment the follo(ing % t(o line . Dou can add preferred erver immediatel' after the headerK % and the' (ill ,e u ed ,efore the default mirror . %[te ting] %Bnclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorli t [core] % :dd 'our preferred erver hereK the' (ill ,e u ed fir t Bnclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorli t [extra] % :dd 'our preferred erver hereK the' (ill ,e u ed fir t Bnclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorli t [communit'] % :dd 'our preferred erver hereK the' (ill ,e u ed fir t Bnclude = /etc/pacman.d/mirrorli t


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% :n example of a cu tom pac&age repo itor'. pacman manpage for % tip on creating 'our o(n repo itorie . %[cu tom] %1erver = fileM///home/cu tomp&g

1ee the

@!a' e a desired repositories ;remove the B i! fro!t of the =1!c ude V= a!d =KrepositoryL= i!es<. When choosing repos! be sure to uncomment both the repository header lines in @bracketsA as ell as the "7nclude B" lines. )ailure to do so ill result in the selected repository being omitted! This is a very common error.

*aster mirrors wi dramatica y improve pacma! performa!ce, a!d your overa Arch ,i!u" e"perie!ce. @dit /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist: 8anually:
% nano /etc/pacman.d/mirrorli t

Remove a mirrors which are !ot o! your co!ti!e!t, or are e"treme y dista!t. 1! !a!o, KC3R,LJO wi cut each u!!eeded i!e. @dit /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist 'y p aci!g the 'est mirror at the top of the ist. ;Reca that arch i!u".org is thrott ed to I0O#/s<. 1! !a!o, KA,3LJA se ects a! area, cursor dow! marks the i!es, KC3R,LJO cuts the se ected area a!d KC3R,LJ) u!cuts, or pastes it. Alternative, using the rank!irrors scri"t: /usr/bin/rankmirrors is a pytho! script which wi attempt to detect the mirrors which are c osest to you.


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

*irst, use pacma! to i!sta pytho!:
% pacman -1' p'thon

cd to the /etc/pacma!.d/ directory:

% cd /etc/pacman.d

#ackup your e"isti!g /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist:

% cp mirrorli t mirrorli t.,ac&up

@dit mirror ist.'ackup a!d u!comme!t mirrors you wa!t to test with ra!kmirrors. Ru! the script agai!st the mirror ist.'ackup with the 2! switch a!d redirect output to a !ew /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist fi e:
% ran&mirror -n 6 mirrorli t.,ac&up J mirrorli t

&n #: ra!k the E fastest mirrors ?orce "ac!an to refresh the "ackage lists After creati!g/editi!g your /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist, ;ma!ua y or 'y /usr/bin/rankmirrors< issue the fo owi!g comma!d:
% pacman -1''

&assi!g two 22refresh or 2y f ags forces pacma! to refresh a package ists eve! if they are co!sidered to 'e up to date. 1ssui!g pacma! 2/yy whenever a mirror is changed, is good practice a!d wi avoid possi' e headaches.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook 5irrorcheck for up;to;date packages

/ome of the officia mirrors may co!tai! packages that are out2of2 date. KArch,i!u" HirrorcheckL reports various aspects a'out the mirrors such as, those e"perie!ci!g !etwork pro' ems, data co ectio! pro' ems, reports the ast time they have 'ee! sy!ced, etc. A!e may wish to ma!ua y i!spect the mirrors i! the /etc/pacma!.d/mirror ist i!suri!g that it o! y co!tai!s up2to2date mirrors if havi!g the atest a!d greatest package versio!s is importa!t to you.

7gnoring packages
6he! you e"ecute the comma!d 4pacma! 2/yu4, your e!tire system wi 'e updated. 1t is possi' e that you wa!t to preve!t a package from 'ei!g upgraded. A! e"amp e cou d 'e the ker!e ;ker!e 2E< or a package for which a! upgrade may prove pro' ematic for your system. 1! this case, you have two optio!s0 i!dicate the package;s< you wa!t to skip i! the pacma! comma!d i!e usi!g the 22ig!ore switch ;do pacma! 2/ 22he p for detai s< or perma!e!t y i!dicate the package;s< you wa!t to skip i! your /etc/pacma!.co!f fi e i! the 1g!ore&kg array. ,ist each package, with o!e i!terve!i!g space :
Bgnore/&g = (ine

3he typica way to use Arch is to use pacma! to i!sta a packages u! ess there is !o package avai a' e, i! which case you ca! 'ui d your ow! package usi!g A#/. Ha!y user2co!tri'uted package 'ui d scripts are a so avai a' e i! the A)R. :ou are e"pected to keep your system up to date with pacma! 2/yu, rather tha! se ective y upgradi!g packages. :ou may diverge from this typica usage as you wish0 Qust 'e war!ed that there is a greater cha!ce that thi!gs wi !ot work as i!te!ded a!d that it cou d 'reak your system. 3he maQority of comp ai!ts happe! whe! se ective upgradi!g, u!usua compi atio! or improper software i!sta atio! is performed. )se of /gnorePkg i! /etc/pacma!.co!f is therefore


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

discouraged, a!d shou d o! y 'e used spari!g y, if you k!ow what you are doi!g.

7gnoring #onfiguration )iles

1! the same vei!, you ca! a so 4protect4 your co!figuratio!/system fi es from 'ei!g overwritte! duri!g 4pacma! 2/u4 usi!g the fo owi!g optio! i! your /etc/pacma!.co!f
-o<pgrade = etc/lilo.conf ,oot/gru,/menu.l t

3et familiar ith pacman

pacma! is the Arch user=s 'est frie!d. 1t is high y recomme!ded to study a!d ear! how to use the pacma!;D< too . 3ry:
N man pacman

*or more i!formatio!,p ease ook up the pacma! wiki e!tries at your eisure.

*o erpill! a pacman rapper script

#efore you co!ti!ue, co!sider i!sta i!g Sy!e=s powerpi ;!ow i! Kcommu!ityL< which is a pacma! wrapper script that speeds up package retrieva 'y usi!g aria2c ;a! e"ter!a dow! oad he per< for co!curre!t/segme!ted dow! oads. 1! other words, powerpi pu s packages i! para e effective y speedi!g up your dow! oads. 3his is particu ar y adva!tageous o! !ew i!sta s whe! pu i!g dow! hu!dreds of megs of packages.
% pacman -1 po(erpill

3reat powerpi as pacma! as you co!sider i!sta atio!s, for e"amp e, the fo owi!g wi update your system:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% po(erpill -1'u

/ee the &owerpi wiki artic e for more.

te" =: +"date yste!

:ou are !ow ready to upgrade your e!tire system. #efore you do, read through the !ews ;a!d optio!a y the a!!ou!ce mai i!g ist<. Afte! the deve opers wi provide importa!t i!formatio! a'out fi"es for k!ow! issues. Co!su ti!g these pages 'efore a!y upgrade is good practice. /y!c, refresh, a!d upgrade your e!tire !ew system with:
% pacman -1'u

you may a so use:

% pacman -- 'nc --refre h -- ' upgrade

pacma! wi !ow dow! oad a fresh copy of the master package ist from the server;s< defi!ed i! pacma!.co!f;I< a!d perform a avai a' e upgrades. ;:ou may 'e prompted to upgrade pacma! itse f at this poi!t. 1f so, say yes, a!d the! reissue the pacma! 2/yu comma!d whe! fi!ished.< Re'oot if a ker!e upgrade has occurred. -ote: Accasio!a y, co!figuratio! cha!ges may take p ace re7uiri!g user actio! duri!g a! update0 read pacma!=s output for a!y perti!e!t i!formatio!. &acma! output is saved i! /var/ og/pacma!. og. /ee &ackage Ha!ageme!t *AFs for a!swers to fre7ue!t y asked 7uestio!s regardi!g updati!g a!d ma!agi!g your packages.


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

The Arch rolling release !odel Oeep i! mi!d that Arch is a rolling release distri'utio!. 3his mea!s there is !ever a reaso! to rei!sta or perform e a'orate system re'ui ds to upgrade to the !ewest versio!. /imp y issui!g "ac!an & yu periodica y keeps your e!tire system up2to2date a!d o! the ' eedi!g edge. At the e!d of this upgrade, your system is comp ete y curre!t. *eboot if a ker!e upgrade has occurred. -etwork Ti!e Protocol :ou may wish to set the system time !ow usi!g Ape!(3&+ to sy!c the oca c ock to remote (3& servers. Ape!(3&+ may a so 'e added to the +A@HA(/V array i! /etc/!f to provide this service at each 'oot. ;/ee the (etwork 3ime &rotoco artic e.<

te" ': Add a user and setu" grou"s

UNIX is a mu ti2user e!viro!me!t. :ou shou d !ot do your everyday work usi!g the root accou!t. 1t is more tha! poor practice0 it is da!gerous. Root is for admi!istrative tasks. 1!stead, add a !orma , !o!2root user accou!t usi!g the /usr/sbin/useradd program:
% u eradd -m -G [group ] [login_ hell] [u ername]

&! Creates user home directory as /home/userna!e. 6ithi! their home directory, a user ca! write fi es, de ete them, i!sta programs, etc. )sers= home directories sha co!tai! their data a!d perso!a co!figuratio! fi es, the so2 ca ed =dot fi es= ;their !ame is preceded 'y a dot<, which are =hidde!=. ;3o view dotfi es, e!a' e the appropriate optio! i! your fi e ma!ager or ru! s with the 2a switch.< 1f there is a co!f ict 'etwee! user ;u!der /home/user!ame< a!d global co!figuratio! fi es, ;usua y u!der /etc/< the setti!gs i! the user fi e wi prevai . +otfi es ike y to 'e a tered 'y the e!d user i!c ude ."i!itrc a!d .'ashrc fi es. 3he co!figuratio! fi es for "i!it a!d #ash respective y.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3hey a ow the user the a'i ity to cha!ge the wi!dow ma!ager to 'e started upo! ogi! a!d a so a iases, user2 specified comma!ds a!d e!viro!me!t varia' es respective y. 6he! a user is created, their dotfi es sha 'e take! from the /etc/ske directory where system samp e fi es reside. &3 A ist of supp eme!tary groups which the user is a so a mem'er of. "ach group is separated from the ne%t by a comma, with no intervening spaces. 3he defau t is for the user to 'e o!g o! y to the i!itia group ;users<. &s 3he path a!d fi e!ame of the userXs defau t ogi! she . )sefu groups for your !o!2root user i!c ude: audio 2 for tasks i!vo vi!g sou!d card a!d re ated software flo""y 2 for access to a f oppy if app ica' e l" 2 for ma!agi!g pri!ti!g tasks o"tical 2 for ma!agi!g tasks pertai!i!g to the optica drive;s< storage 2 for ma!agi!g storage devices video 2 for video tasks a!d Gd acce eratio! wheel 2 for usi!g sudo "ower 2 used w/ power optio!s ;ie. shutdow! w/ off 'utto!<

A typica desktop system e"amp e, addi!g a user !amed 4archie4 specifyi!g 'ash as the ogi! she :
% u eradd -m -G u er KaudioKlpKopticalK torageKvideoK(heelKpo(er /,in/,a h archie

(e"t, add a password for your !ew user usi!g /usr/bin/passwd. A! e"amp e for our user, =archie=:
% pa (d archie

;:ou wi 'e prompted to provide the !ew UNIX password.<


Part ..( Con0igure8Update the $e9 Ar"h 2inu3 base syste

:our !ew !o!2root user has !ow 'ee! created, comp ete with a home directory a!d a ogi! password. Alternative !ethod, using /usr/sbin/adduser: A ter!ative y, you may use adduser, a! i!teractive user addi!g program which wi prompt you for the a'ove data: )recommended for beginners+
% addu er

)eleting the user account: 1! the eve!t of error, or if you wish to de ete this user accou!t i! favor of a differe!t !ame or for a!y other reaso!, use /usr/sbin/userdel:
% u erdel -r [u ername]

&r *i es i! the userXs home directory wi 'e removed a o!g with the home directory itse f a!d the userXs mai spoo . 1f you wa!t to cha!ge the !ame of your user or a!y e"isti!g user, see the Cha!ge user!ame page of the wiki a!d/or the %roups a!d )ser Ha!ageme!t artic es for further i!formatio!. :ou may a so check the ma! pages for usermod'() a!d gpasswd'().

te" 9: /nstall and setu" udo :,"tional;

3o i!sta /udo:
% pacman -1 udo

3o add a user as a sudo user ;a 4sudoer4<, the visudo comma!d must 'e ru! as root. 1f you do !ot k!ow how to use vi, you may set the @+13AR e!viro!me!t varia' e to the editor of your choice 'efore ru!!i!g visudo. e.g.:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% ;?B08>=nano vi udo

1f you are comforta' e usi!g vi, issue the visudo comma!d without the @+13ARV!a!o varia' e:
% vi udo

3his wi ope! the fi e /etc/sudoers i! a specia sessio! of vi. visudo copies the fi e to 'e edited to a temporary fi e, edits it with a! editor, ;vi 'y defau t<, a!d su'se7ue!t y ru!s a sa!ity check. 1f it passes, the temporary fi e overwrites the origi!a with the correct permissio!s. 1arning: +o !ot edit /etc/sudoers direct y with a! editor0 @rrors i! sy!ta" ca! cause a!!oya!ces ; ike re!deri!g the root accou!t u!usa' e<. :ou must use the visudo comma!d to edit /etc/sudoers. 3o give the user fu root privi eges whe! he/she precedes a comma!d with 4sudo4, add the fo owi!g i!e:
<1;>_-:5; :22=4:227 :22

where )/@R$(AH@ is the user!ame of the i!dividua . *or more i!formatio!, such as sudoer M3A#N comp etio!, see /udo


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

Part ///: /nstall 5 and configure AL A

te" 7: Configure sound with alsa!ixer
3he Adva!ced ,i!u" /ou!d Architecture ;k!ow! 'y the acro!ym AL A< is a ,i!u" ker!e compo!e!t i!te!ded to rep ace the origi!a Ape! /ou!d /ystem ;A//< for providi!g device drivers for sou!d cards. #esides the sou!d device drivers, AL A a so 'u!d es a user space i'rary for app icatio! deve opers who wa!t to use driver features with a higher eve A&1 tha! direct i!teractio! with the ker!e drivers. -ote: A sa is i!c uded i! the Arch mai! i!e ker!e a!d udev wi automatica y pro'e your hardware o! 'oot2up, oadi!g the correspo!di!g ker!e modu e for your audio card. 3herefore, your sou!d shou d a ready 'e worki!g, 'ut upstream sources mute a cha!!e s 'y defau t. -ote: A//C.. has 'ee! re eased u!der a free ice!se a!d is ge!era y co!sidered a sig!ifica!t improveme!t over o der A// versio!s. 1f you have issues with A,/A, or simp y wish to e"p ore a!other optio!, you may choose A//C.. i!stead. 1!structio!s ca! 'e fou!d i! A// 3he a sa2uti s package co!tai!s the a sami"er userspace too , which a ows co!figuratio! of the sou!d device from the co!so e or termi!a . #y defau t the upstream ker!e sources ship with s!d$pcsp, the a sa pc speaker modu e. s!d$pcsp is usua y oaded 'efore your 4actua 4 sou!d card modu e. 1! most cases, it wi 'e more co!ve!ie!t if this modu e is oaded ast, as it wi a ow a sami"er to correct y co!tro the desired sou!d card. 3o have s!d$pcsp oad ast, add the fo owi!g to /etc/modpro'e.d/modpro'!f:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

option nd-pc p index=2

A ter!ative y, if you do !ot wa!t s!d$pcsp to oad at a , ' ack ist it 'y addi!g the fo owi!g to /etc/!f:
58?<2;1=4... F nd_pc p7

-ote: :ou wi !eed to u! oad a your sou!d modu es a!d re oad them for the cha!ges to take effect. 1t might 'e easier to re'oot. :our choice. 1!sta the a sa2uti s package:
% pacman -1 al a-util

A so, you may wa!t to i!sta the a sa2oss package, which wraps app icatio!s writte! for A// i! a compati'i ity i'rary, a owi!g them to work with A,/A. 3o i!sta the a sa2oss package:
% pacman -1 al a-o

+id you add your !orma user to the audio groupY 1f !ot, use /usr/bin/gpasswd. As root do:
% gpa (d -a yourusername audio

As normal! non;root user, i!voke /usr/bin/alsami*er:

% u - yourusername $ al amixer

)!mute the Haster a!d &CH cha!!e s 'y scro i!g to them with cursor eft/right a!d pressi!g 8. 1!crease the vo ume eve s with the


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

cursor2up key. ;70290 /hou d 'e a safe ra!ge.< /ome machi!es, ; ike the 3hi!kpad 3E.<, have a "eaker cha!!e which must 'e u!muted a!d adQusted as we . ,eave a sami"er 'y pressi!g @/C.

&ound test
@!sure your speakers are proper y co!!ected, a!d test your sou!d co!figuratio! as !orma user usi!g /usr/bin/apla!:
N apla' /u r/ hare/ ound /al a/.ront_9enter.(av

:ou shou d hear a very e o7ue!t woma! say, 4*ro!t, ce!ter.4

&aving the &ound &ettings

@"it your !orma user she a!d ru! /usr/sbin/alsactl as root:
N exit % al actl tore

3his wi create the fi e =/etc/asou!d.state=, savi!g the a sami"er setti!gs. A so, add the a sa daemon to your +A@HA(/ sectio! i! /etc/!f to automatica y restore the mi"er setti!gs o! 'oot2up.
% nano /etc/rc.conf ?:;58-1=4 ' log-ng net(or& crond alsa7

&ote that the alsa daemon merely restores your volume mi%er levels on boot up by reading 3etc3asound.state. It is separate from the alsa audio library )and *ernel level /I+. @"pa!ded i!formatio! avai a' e i! the A,/A wiki e!try.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

te" <: /nstall 5

3he 5 6i!dow /ystem versio! .. ;commo! y 577, or Qust simp y 5< is a !etworki!g a!d disp ay protoco which provides wi!dowi!g o! 'itmap disp ays. 1t provides the sta!dard too kit a!d protoco to 'ui d graphica user i!terfaces ;%)1s< o! UNIX2 ike operati!g systems. 5 provides the 'asic framework, or primitives, for 'ui di!g %)1 e!viro!me!ts: drawi!g a!d movi!g wi!dows o! the scree! a!d i!teracti!g with a mouse a!d/or key'oard. 5 does !ot ma!date the user i!terface Z i!dividua c ie!t programs ha!d e this. 5 is so !amed 'ecause it was preceded 'y the 1 6i!dow /ystem, origi!a y deve oped at /ta!ford )!iversity. -ote: 1f you p a! o! usi!g a! o"en&source video driver, a!d !eed Gd acce eratio!, it is recomme!ded to i!sta the i'g i'rary 'efore i!sta i!g Sorg:
% pacman -1 li,gl

)/roprietary video drivers provide their own gl library implementations.+

A. 7nstall C
(ow we wi i!sta the 'ase Sorg packages usi!g pacma!. 3his is the first step i! 'ui di!g a %)1.
% pacman -1 xorg

6ith !ewer versio!s of "org, it is suggested ;a!d possi' y !ecessary i! most cases< to i!sta the i!put driver evdev, which shou d 'e i!sta ed as a depe!de!cy for "org2server, 'ut ma!y seem to 'e acki!g somehow:


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

% pacman -1 xf86-input-evdev

3he Gd uti ities g "gears a!d g "i!fo are i!c uded i! the !esa package:
% pacman -1 me a

'. 7nstall Dideo $river *ackage

(ow we have the 'ase packages we !eed for ru!!i!g the 5 /erver. :ou shou d add the driver for your graphics card !ow ;e.g. "fDE2 video2M!ameN<. 3he easiest way to co!figure is 'y i!sta i!g the correct driver packages first, a!d the! ge!erati!g /etc/S../"!f usi!g a! autoco!figuratio! script, ike Sorg 2co!figure. :ou wi !eed k!ow edge of which video chipset your machi!e has. 1f you do !ot k!ow, use the /usr/sbin/lspci program:
% l pci ! grep RG:

1f you !eed a ist of a o"en&source video drivers, do:

% pacman -1 xf86-video ! le

8ere is a ist of o"en source drivers, a!d the correspo!di!g video chipsets. xf$#&video&a"! Z A ia!ce &roHotio! video driver xf$#&video&ark Z ark video driver xf$#&video&ati Z A31;AH+< video driver xf$#&video&r7<$ Z A31;AH+< video driver for ati Rage.2D video xf$#&video&!ach#' Z A31;AH+< video driver for machEC video


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

xf$#&video&radeonhd Z ope! source radeo!hd driver xf$#&video&chi"s Z Chips a!d 3ech!o ogies video driver xf$#&video&cirrus Z Cirrus ,ogic video driver xf$#&video&du!!y Z dummy video driver xf$#&video&fbdev Z frame'uffer video driver xf$#&video&glint Z %,1(3/&ermedia video driver xf$#&video&i7<$ Z (um'er 0 i.2D video driver xf$#&video&iM'H Z 1!te i7C0 video driver xf$#&video&i$7H Z 1!te iD.0/iDG0/i9"" video drivers ;deprecated 2 use 2i!te < xf$#&video&intel Z (ewer -ersio! of 1!te iD.0/iDG0/i9"" video drivers xf$#&video&intel&legacy Z ,egacy2driver for o der i!te cards as D2DEI% ;"fDE2video2i!te curre!t y crashes with o der cards< xf$#&video&i!stt Z 1!tegrated Hicro /o utio!s 3wi! 3ur'o video driver xf$#&video&!ga Z mga video driver ;Hatro" %raphics Adapter< xf$#&video&neo!agic Z !eomagic video driver xf$#&video&nv Z (vidia !v video driver xf$#&video&nouveau Z Ape! /ource G+ acce eratio! driver for !-idia cards ;e"perime!ta <, check: K.L for Curre!t /tatus xf$#&video&o"enchro!e Z -1A//G% )!iChrome, )!iChrome &ro a!d Chrome9 video driver xf$#&video&rendition Z Re!ditio! video driver xf$#&video&s= Z /G video driver xf$#&video&s=virge Z /G -irge video driver xf$#&video&savage Z savage video driver xf$#&video&silicon!otion Z si ico!motio! video driver xf$#&video&sis Z /i/ video driver xf$#&video&sisusb Z /i/ )/# video driver xf$#&video&tdfx Z tdf" video driver xf$#&video&trident Z 3ride!t video driver xf$#&video&tseng Z tse!g video driver


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

xf$#&video&unichro!e Z -1A /G )!ichrome video drivers xf$#&video&v'l Z vC video driver xf$#&video&vesa Z vesa video driver xf$#&video&vga Z -%A .E co or video driver xf$#&video&v!ware Z vmware video driver xf$#&video&voodoo Z voodoo video driver Note: 3he vesa driver is the most ge!eric, a!d shou d work with a most a!y moder! video chipset. 1f you ca!!ot fi!d a suita' e driver for your video chipset, vesa should work. )se pacma! to i!sta the appropriate video driver for your video card/o!'oard video. e.g.:
% pacman -1 xf86-video- avage

;for the /avage driver.< 1f you have a! (-1+1A or A31 graphics card you may wish to i!sta the proprietary (-1+1A or A31 drivers. /nstalling "ro"rietary video drivers is covered below2. 1f you do !ot wa!t to i!sta the proprietary drivers or do !ot have a! (-1+1A or A31 graphics card, you shou d skip dow! to te" =: Configure 5. -6/)/A 3ra"hics Cards 3he (-1+1A proprietary drivers are ge!era y co!sidered to 'e of good 7ua ity, a!d offer G+ performa!ce, whereas the ope! source nv driver offers o! y 2d support at this time. #efore you co!figure your %raphics Card you wi !eed to k!ow which driver fits. Arch curre!t y has severa differe!t driver packages that each match a certai! su'set of Cards: 72 nvidia&P#xx slightly newer cards up to the !7 B. <2 nvidia&7M=xx !eforce 7C series cards =2 nvidia newest !/(s after the !7 7C


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

-ote: (vidia27."" series proprietary drivers, which are re7uired 'y e"treme y o d cards ike 3(3 a!d 3(32, have 'ee! removed 'ecause they do !ot work with the !ew Sorg that Arch makes use of a!d !vidia has disco!ti!ued support for such. :ou shou d use the "fDE2video2!v or "fDE2video2vesa drivers i!stead. Co!su t the (-1+1A we'site to see which o!e is for you. 3he differe!ce is o! y for the i!sta atio!0 Co!figuratio! works the same with every driver. /e ect a!d i!sta the appropriate (-1+1A driver for your card, e.g.:
% pacman -1 nvidia-96xx

3he (-1+1A package has a uti ity for updati!g your e"isti!g /etc/S../"!f for use with the (-1+1A driver:
% nvidia-xconfig

1t a so has severa optio!s which wi further specify the co!te!ts a!d optio!s of the "!f fi e. *or e"amp e,
% nvidia-xconfig --compo ite --add-arg,-glx-vi ual

*or more detai ed i!formatio!, see !vidia2"co!fig;.<. /ome usefu tweaki!g optio!s i! the device sectio! are ;'eware that these may !ot work o! your system<:
8ption 8ption 8ption 8ption )>ender:ccel) )true) )-o2ogo) )true) ):G/.a t@rite) )true) );na,le/age.lip) )true)

Hake sure a i!sta!ces of +R1 are comme!ted out:


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

% 2oad )dri)

+ou' e check your /etc/S../"!f to make sure your defau t depth, hori9o!ta sy!c, vertica refresh, a!d reso utio!s are accepta' e. )pdate ker!e modu e depe!de!cies usi!g /sbin/depmod:
% depmod -a

;A re'oot may 'e !ecessary.< Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for (-1+1A co!figuratio! ca! 'e fou!d i! the (-1+1A artic e. :ou may !ow co!ti!ue with te" =: Configure 5 to fami iari9e yourse f further, or co!ti!ue the i!sta atio! process with Test 5. AT/ 3ra"hics Cards A31 ow!ers have mu tip e optio!s for drivers. 3he ope! source radeon driver provided 'y the xf$#&video& ati package. 3his is the origi!a , reverse2e!gi!eered ope! source driver which fu y supports Radeo! chipsets up to S.9I0 ; atest RI00 chipsets<. Cards up to the 9200 series are fu y supported, sta' e, a!d provide fu 2+ a!d G+ acce eratio!. Cards from 9I00 to S.9I0 feature fu 2+ acce eratio!, a!d good G+ acce eratio!, 'ut ack certai! features provided 'y the proprietary driver, ;for e"amp e, powersavi!g is sti i! a testi!g phase<. Cards from 8+2""" ;RE""< to the !ewest are supported 'y "fDE2video2 ati, 'ut o! y offer 2d support at this time. 3he ope! source radeonhd driver provided 'y the xf$#& video&radeonhd package.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3his driver supports A31 RI00 chipsets ;Radeo! S.000 series< a!d !ewer. 1t is writte! 'y (ove with specificatio!s provided to the pu' ic 'y AH+. 1t supports Ra!dR ..2 a!d deve opme!t is curre!t y very active. 3herefore, fu!ctio!a ity may 'e i!co!siste!t across the spectrum of cards supported. ;/ome users report e"ce e!t performa!ce a!d re ia'i ity whi e others e"perie!ce trou' e.< 1t a so supports 8+H1, with sou!d. 3he proprietary fglr/ driver provided 'y the Cata yst package ocated i! the A)R. 3he proprietary driver is covered 'e ow. 3he ope!2source drivers wi usua y suit most !eeds a o!g with 'ei!g ge!era y ess pro' ematic. 1!sta the radeon A31 +river with
% pacman -1 xf86-video-ati li,gl ati-dri

1!sta the radeonhd A3i +river with

% pacman -1 xf86-video-radeonhd li,gl ati-dri

3he proprietary A31 driver Catalyst was o!ce a precompi ed package offered 'y Arch i! the e*tra repository, 'ut as of Harch 2009, officia support has 'ee! dropped 'ecause of dissatisfactio! with the 7ua ity a!d speed of deve opme!t of the proprietary driver.3he cata yst driver is !ow avai a' e i! A)R. 1!sta atio! i!formatio! for Cata yst driver is avai a' e here 1arning: 3he proprietary A31 driver supports o! y RE00 a!d !ewer devices ;that mea!s, 8+2""" a!d !ewer<. 3he o der o!es ;S.""" a!d o der< are!=t supported. Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for A31 co!figuratio! ca! 'e fou!d i! the A31 wiki artic e.


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA #. 7nstall 7nput $river *ackages
3he atest S re7uires you to i!sta drivers for your i!put devices, key'oard a!d mouse i!c uded. *or a comp ete ist of avai a' e i!put drivers,
% pacman -1 xf86-input ! le

*or most users, "fDE2i!put2key'oard a!d "fDE2i!put2mouse shou d 'e sufficie!t for a 'asic setup. )se pacma! to i!sta your desired drivers for your i!put devices. e.g.:
% pacman -1 xf86-input-&e',oard

te" =: Configure 5
A. The /org.conf file
/etc/S../"!f is the mai! co!figuratio! fi e for your 5 6i!dow /ystem, the fou!datio! of your 3raphica +ser /!terface. 1t is a p ai! te"t fi e ordered i!to sectio!s a!d su'sectio!s. 1mporta!t sectio!s are 7iles, Input>evice, =odule, =onitor, =odes, Screen, >evice, and Server,ayout. /ectio!s ca! appear i! a!y order a!d there may 'e more tha! o!e sectio! of each ki!d, for e"amp e, if you have more tha! o!e mo!itor, or if your aptop has a trackpoi!t as we as a mouse. /i!ce S..R7.2 the S.Arg S /erver features autoco!figuratio!. 3herefore, it ca! fu!ctio! without a! "!f fi e i! ma!y cases. If the autoco!figuratio! wor*s satisfactorily a!d you do !ot !eed to specify specia features such as aig ", compositi!g a!d so forth, you may forgo creati!g a! "!f fi e.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

tandard xorg2conf generation Adva!ced users may wish to ma!ua y create their ow! "!f fi e. :ou may a so use the /usr/bin/Xorg program with the 2co!figure optio! to ge!erate a 'asic co!fig fi e0 As root, do:
% Oorg -configure

3his wi create a co!fig fi e at /root/"!f.!ew Copy the fi e to /etc/X11/:

% cp /root/ /etc/O++/xorg.conf

Alternative xorg2conf generation (ewer versio!s of the Sorg /erver;N..E< do !ot i!c ude the /usr/'i!/"orgco!fig or /usr/'i!/"orgcfg scripts. 1f you ru! i!to pro' ems ge!erati!g/usi!g a! "!f fi e, you might wa!t to co!sider usi!g this guide. /ee the artic e o! S.Arg, sectio! 46ithout "!f4. (ote that if you are i! possessio! of a proper y co!figured "!f u!der a!other distri'utio! a!d with the same Sorg versio!, you may easi y copy it over to your curre!t Arch system=s /etc/X11/ directory.

'. 7nput hotplugging

1!put hotp uggi!g is supported si!ce the ..C versio! of the S.Arg S /erver a!d e!a' ed 'y defau t. 6he! e!a' ed, S wi uti i9e ha to a ow for the hotp uggi!g a!d remova of huma! i!terface devices without havi!g to restart S.


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

1arning: /tarti!g the 5 server usi!g i!put hotp uggi!g without the HAL daemo! i!sta ed a!d ru!!i!g may resu t i! the i!a'i ity to use the mouse a!d/or key'oard, a!d the 5 server appeari!g to free9e as a resu t . :ou must decide whether you wi use i!put hotp uggi!g ;e!a' ed 'y defau t<, or disa' e it. 1!put hotp uggi!g is co!ve!ie!t for ma!y users, especia y those with mo'i e machi!es ike aptops a!d !et'ooks. Ather users may wish to disa' e it i! favor of ma!ua or more static device co!figuratio! withi! /etc/"!f. Ti": /ee the artic e o! Sorg i!put hotp uggi!g for fu detai s.

+sing in"ut hot"lugging 1!sta 8A,, d'us a!d the evdev i!put driver:
% pacman -1 hal d,u xf86-input-evdev

/et the key'oard ayout ;if you do !ot use a sta!dard )/ key'oard<
% cp /u r/ hare/hal/fdi/polic'/+0o vendor/+0&e'map.fdi /etc/hal/fdi/polic'/ % nano /etc/hal/fdi/polic'/+0-&e'map.fdi

@dit the 4i!put."k'. ayout4 key a!d possi' y the 4i!put."k'.varia!t4 key i! this fi e. ,aptop users wi a so !eed the sy!aptics package to a ow S to co!figure the touchpad:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% pacman -1 xf86-input- 'naptic

Ti": *or i!structio!s o! fi!e tu!i!g or trou' eshooti!g touchpad setti!gs, see the 3ouchpad /y!aptics artic e.

The HAL dae!on 3he ha daemo! !ust 'e started before the 5 server:
% /etc/rc.d/hal tart

Add the ha daemo! to the +A@HA(/ array i! /etc/!f to start it at every 'oot. )isable in"ut hot"lugging +isa' i!g i!put hotp uggi!g wi skip devices detected 'y ha a!d wi use the key'oard/mouse co!figuratio! from "!f:
% nano /etc/O++/xorg.conf

add the fo owi!g:

1ection )1erver.lag ) 8ption ):uto:dd?evice ) ).al e) ;nd1ection

et the keyboard layout if not using a standard + keyboard

Add optio! i!es i! the 41!put+evice4 sectio! of the /etc/S../"!f fi e specifyi!g the key'oard ayout a!d varia!t:


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

8ption )O&,2a'out) ),e) 8ption )O&,Rariant) ))

A ter!ative method usi!g the set"k'map comma!d:

% etx&,map pl

;with the proper key'oard ayout i!stead of pl of course< shou d switch your key'oard ayout i! ". 3o make this perma!e!t, add this comma!d to /home/<!ouruser>/.*initrc 'efore starti!g the wi!dow ma!ager ;'efore comma!d ike e*ec start*fce+<.

#. Test C
*irst, read the war!i!g a'out i!put hotp uggi!g i! the previous sectio!. 3o test the S server, ru! the 5 script with the -config f ag agai!st the path3to3%org.conf fi e. e.g.:
% O -config /etc/O++/xorg.conf

5 shou d start with the white ho ow vector 5 i! the ce!ter of the scree!, which shou d respo!d to mouse, trackpoi!t or touchpad moveme!t. )se C3R,2A t2#ackspace to e"it 5. -ote: /ome users have fou!d after the upgrade to Sorg ..E that this test fai s ;!o ho ow S appears a!d !o capacity for cursor moveme!t is e!a' ed<, 'ut this does !ot i!dicate a pro' em with the i!sta atio! of S. :ou may wa!t to dou' e check 'y ru!!i!g the !e"t test i! this guide.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

-ote: 6ith Sorg ..E C3R,2A t2#ackspace has 'ee! deprecated a!d wi !ot work to e"it out of this test. A somewhat messy work arou!d is to switch to a differe!t virtua co!so e ;C3R,2A t2*2, for e"amp e< a!d the! switch 'ack to the co!so e the test is ru!!i!g i! ;pro'a' y C3R,2A t2*.<. :ou wi the! 'e a' e to use C3R,2C to ki the S test. :ou ca! e!a' e C3R,2A t2#ackspace 'y editi!g "!f, as descri'ed here.

/n case of errors 1!spect the co!fig fi e:

% nano /etc/O++/xorg.conf

@!sure the video driver is proper y specified. e.g.:

1ection )?evice) ... ?river ... ;nd1ection ) avage)

@!sure there are hori9o!ta sy!c a!d vertica refresh specs u!der sectio! 4Ho!itor4. 1f !ot, add them:


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

1ection )5onitor) Bdentifier Rendor-ame 5odel-ame =ori31'nc Rert>efre h mo t 9>0Q . ;nd1ection

)5onitor0) )5onitor Rendor) )5onitor 5odel) $0.0 - +$0.0 % 1afe for 29?Q "0.0 - +00.0 % 1afe for 29?Q


;1f these specs are u!k!ow!, co!su t the docume!tatio! of the computer mo!itor.< /pecify your defau t co or depth u!der sectio! 4/cree!4:
1ection )1creen) Bdentifier )1creen0) ?evice )9ard0) 5onitor )5onitor0) ?efault?epth 2*

;3ypica y, this wi 'e set to 2C for true co or.< A so add your desired Hodes to your 4+isp ay4 su'sectio!, at east u!der the +epth 2C header, e.g.:
1u,1ection )?i pla') Rie(port 0 0 ?epth 2* 5ode )+02*x#68) )800x600) )6*0x*80)

Add the fo owi!g sectio!, if eye ca!dy which re7uires the composite e"te!sio! is desired:
1ection );xten ion ) 8ption )9ompo ite) );na,le) ;nd1ection

3ry the co!fig agai!, after modifyi!g:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

% O -config /etc/O++/xorg.conf

+etai ed i!structio!s i! the Sorg artic e. +sing wget"aste 1f you are sti havi!g trou' e after co!su ti!g the Sorg artic e a!d !eed assista!ce via the Arch forums, 'e sure to i!sta a!d use wgetpaste:
% pacman -1 (getpa te

)se wgetpaste a!d provide i!ks for the fo owi!g fi es whe! aski!g for he p i! your forum post: [/."i!itrc /etc/S../"!f /var/ og/Sorg.0. og.o d )se wgetpaste ike so:
N (getpa te I/path/to/fileJ

&ost the correspo!di!g i!ks give! withi! your forum post. #e sure to provide appropriate hardware a!d driver i!formatio! as we .

i!"le baseline 5 test:if necessary;

At this poi!t, you shou d have "org i!sta ed, with a suita' e video driver a!d a! /etc/S../"!f co!figuratio! fi e. 1f you wa!t to test your co!figuratio! 7uick y, to e!sure your a'i ity to successfu y start 5 from the comma!d i!e 'efore i!sta i!g a comp ete desktop e!viro!me!t, you ca! do so 'y co!figuri!g [/."i!itrc to i!voke 5ter!. Sterm is a very simp e termi!a emu ator which ru!s i! the 5 /erver e!viro!me!t0 it is i!sta ed as part of the 'ase "org packages. Hore adva!ced users who are comforta' e with 5 co!figuratio! may choose to skip this optio!a step.


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA *repare for the test by configuring 0+./initrc
A!e of the mai! fu!ctio!s of this fi e is to dictate what 5 6i!dow c ie!t is i!voked with the %usr%bin%startx a!d/or %usr%bin%xinit program on a per-user basis. ;3he startx script is mere y a fro!t e!d to the more versati e xinit comma!d.< 3here are vast amou!ts of additio!a co!figura' e specificatio!s a!d comma!ds that may a so 'e added to [/."i!itrc as you further customi9e your system. -ote: 2xinitrc is a so2ca ed =dot= ;.< fi e. *i es i! a )(1S fi esystem which are preceded with a dot ;.< are =hidde!=, a!d wi !ot show up with a regu ar = s= comma!d, usua y for the sake of keepi!g directories tidy. +ot fi es may 'e see! 'y issui!g ls &a. 3he =rc= de!otes Aun 0ommands a!d simp y i!dicates that it is a co!figuratio! fi e. /i!ce it co!tro s how a program ru!s, it is ;a though historica y i!correct< a so said to sta!d for 4Ru! Co!tro 4. startx%xinit wi start the 5 server a!d c ie!ts. 3o determi!e the c ie!t to ru!, startx%xinit wi first ook to parse a ."i!itrc fi e i! the user=s home directory. 1! the a'se!ce of fi e [/."i!itrc, it defau ts to the g o'a "i!itrc i! the "i!it i'rary directory0 /etc/S../"i!it/"i!itrc, which defau ts to usi!g the 36H wi!dow ma!ager. ;8e!ce, if you i!voke start" without a [/."i!itrc fi e, a 36H sessio! wi start.< *urther detai s i! the ."i!itrc wiki e!try. /witch to your normal! non;root user:
% u - yourusername

/etc/ske / co!tai!s fi es a!d directories to provide sa!e defau ts for !ew y created user accou!ts. 3he !ame skel is derived from the word skeleton, 'ecause the fi es it co!tai!s form the 'asic structure for users= home directories. 1f you i!sta ed from a fresh ;Core< i!sta , it does !ot i!c ude the S wi!dow ma!ager, so ."i!itrc does !ot e"ist i! /etc/ske . 1!stead, use the samp e provided here ;1f you=ve


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

fo owed the guide step 'y step you shou d have a 'asic ."i!itrc fi e i! /etc/ske <.

Copy the samp e "i!itrc fi e from /etc/ske / to your home directory:

N cp /etc/ &el/.xinitrc S/

@dit the fi e:
N nano S/.xinitrc

a!d add 4e*ec *term4 so that it ooks ike this:

%F/,in/ h % % S/.xinitrc % % ;xecuted ,' tartx 4run 'our (indo( manager from here7 % % exec (ma&er % exec tart&de % exec ice(m % exec ,lac&,ox % exec flux,ox % exec xterm

-ote: 'e sure to have only one uncommented e/ec line in your D3.%initrc. #e ow, we sha edit this fi e agai! to specify the appropriate desktop e!viro!me!t/wi!dow ma!ager of your choice.

*erform the test

3est your co!figuratio!s 'y starti!g 5 as nor!al, non&root user, with:


Part ...( .nstall = and "on0igure A2SA

N tartx

N xinit

:ou shou d have a! xter! sessio! ope! up. :ou ca! test your key'oard a!d its ayout i! it. :ou may have to move your mouse arou!d u!ti it e!ters the "term area 'efore you see the mouse cursor or "term respo!ds to your key'oard. :ou ca! e"it the 5 /erver with Ctr JA tJ#ackspace, or 'y typi!g 4e"it4. 1f you have pro' ems starti!g 5, you ca! ook for errors i! the /var/ og/Sorg.0. og fi e a!d o! the co!so e output of the co!so e you started 5 from. 1f you prove a proper y co!figured /etc/S../"!f 'y successfu y ru!!i!g the test, you ca! 'e assured that your +@/6H of choice wi work smooth y. Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for Sorg co!figuratio! ca! 'e fou!d i! the Sorg artic e.


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

Part /6: /nstalling and configuring a )eskto" Environ!ent

6hi e 3he 5 6i!dow /ystem provides the 'asic framework for 'ui di!g a graphical user interface ;%)1<, a )eskto" Environ!ent ;+@<, works atop a!d i! co!Qu!ctio! with 5, to provide a comp ete y fu!ctio!a a!d dy!amic %)1. A +@ typica y provides a wi!dow ma!ager, ico!s, app ets, wi!dows, too 'ars, fo ders, wa papers, a suite of app icatio!s a!d a'i ities ike drag a!d drop. 3he particu ar fu!ctio!a ities a!d desig!s of each +@ wi u!i7ue y affect your overa e!viro!me!t a!d e"perie!ce. 3herefore, choosi!g a +@ is a very su'Qective a!d perso!a decisio!. Choose the 'est e!viro!me!t for your !eeds. 1f you wa!t somethi!g fu 2featured a!d simi ar to 6i!dows a!d Hac A/S, D)E is a good choice 1f you wa!t somethi!g s ight y more mi!ima ist, which fo ows the O.1././. pri!cip e more c ose y, 3-,8E is a good choice 5fce is ge!era y perceived as simi ar to %(AH@, 'ut ighter a!d ess dema!di!g o! system resources, yet sti visua y p easi!g a!d providi!g a very comp ete e!viro!me!t. L5)E is a mi!ima +@ 'ased o! the Ape!'o" wi!dow ma!ager. 1t provides most thi!gs you !eed for a moder! desktop whi e keepi!g re ative y ow system resource usage. ,S+@ is a good choice for those who wa!t a 7uick way of setti!g up a pre2co!figured Ape!'o" system. 1f you desire a ighter, ess dema!di!g %)1 to co!figure ma!ua y, you may choose to simp y i!sta a 1indow 8anager, or 6H. A 6H co!tro s the p aceme!t a!d appeara!ce of app icatio! wi!dows i! co!Qu!ctio! with the S 6i!dow /ystem 'ut does (A3 i!c ude such features as pa!e s, app ets, ico!s, app icatio!s, etc., 'y defau t. ,ightweight f oati!g 6H=s i!c ude: ,"enbox, ?luxbox, fvw!<, "ekw!, evilw!, 1indow!aker, and T18.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

1f you !eed somethi!g comp ete y differe!t, try a ti i!g 6H ike aweso!e, ion=, w!ii, dw!, x!onad, or rat"oison.

te" 7: /nstall ?onts

At this poi!t, you may wish to save time 'y i!sta i!g visua y p easi!g, true type fo!ts, 'efore i!sta i!g a desktop e!viro!me!t/wi!dow ma!ager. +eQavu a!d 'itstream2vera are good, ge!era 2purpose fo!t sets. :ou may a so wa!t to have the Hicrosoft fo!t sets, which are especia y popu ar o! we'sites. 1!sta with:
% pacman -1 ttf-m -font ttf-deLavu ttf-,it tream-vera

te" <: Q%2xinitrc :again;

As non&root user, edit your /home/user!ame/."i!itrc to specify the +@ you wish to use. 3his wi a ow you to use startx%xinit from the she , i! the future, to ope! your +@/6H of choice:
N nano S/.xinitrc

)!comme!t or add the =exec ..= i!e of the appropriate desktop e!viro!me!t/wi!dow ma!ager. /ome e"amp es are 'e ow: *or the SfceC desktop e!viro!me!t:
exec tartxfce*

*or the O+@ desktop e!viro!me!t:


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

exec tart&de

A startkde or startxfce' comma!d starts the O+@ or SfceC desktop e!viro!me!t. 3his comma!d does !ot fi!ish u!ti you ogout of the +@. (orma y the she wou d wait for O+@ to fi!ish, the! ru! the !e"t comma!d. 3he 4e"ec4 prefi" to this comma!d te s the she that this is the ast comma!d, so the she does !ot !eed to wait to ru! a su'se7ue!t comma!d. 1f you have trou' e with automou!ti!g, use the fo owi!g comma!d i!stead. Rep ace 4start"fceC4 with the comma!d that is appropriate for your wi!dow ma!ager.
exec c&-launch- e ion tartxfce*

Remem'er to have o! y o!e u!comme!ted exec i!e i! your [/."i!itrc.

te" =: /nstall a )eskto" Environ!ent

Co!ti!ue 'e ow, i!sta i!g the +@/6H of your choice. 3-,8E D)E 5fce L5)E ,"enbox ?luxbox fvw!<

About 3-,8E 3he 3() -etwork ,'Qect 8ode E!viro!me!t. 3he %(AH@ proQect provides two thi!gs: 3he %(AH@ desktop e!viro!me!t, a! i!tuitive a!d attractive desktop for e!d2users, a!d the %(AH@


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

deve opme!t p atform, a! e"te!sive framework for 'ui di!g app icatio!s that i!tegrate i!to the rest of the desktop. /nstallation 1!sta the 'ase %(AH@ e!viro!me!t with:
% pacman -1 gnome

Additio!a y, you ca! i!sta the e"tras:

% pacman -1 gnome-extra

1t=s safe to choose a packages show! i! the e"tra package. +seful )AE8,- for 3-,8E Reca from a'ove that a daemo! is a program that ru!s i! the 'ackgrou!d, waiti!g for eve!ts to occur a!d offeri!g services. /ome users prefer to use the hal daemo!. 3he hal daemo!, amo!g other thi!gs, wi automate the mou!ti!g of disks, optica drives, a!d )/# drives/thum'drives for use i! the %)1. 3he fa! daemo! wi a ow rea 2time represe!tatio! of fi e a teratio!s i! the %)1, a owi!g i!sta!t access to rece!t y i!sta ed programs, or cha!ges i! the fi e system. #oth hal a!d fa! ca! make ife easier for the %(AH@ user. 3he ha a!d fam packages are i!sta ed whe! you i!sta %(AH@, 'ut must 'e i!voked to 'ecome usefu . :ou may wa!t to i!sta a graphica ogi! ma!ager. *or %(AH@, the gd! daemo! is a good choice. As root:
% pacman -1 gdm

/tart ha a!d fam:


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

% /etc/rc.d/hal % /etc/rc.d/fam tart tart

Add them to your /etc/!f +A@HA(/ sectio!, so they wi 'e i!voked at 'oot:
% nano /etc/rc.conf ?:;58-1=4 ' log-ng net(or& crond al a hal fam gdm7

;1f you prefer to og i!to the co!so e a!d ma!ua y start S, eave out gdm.< 3he! edit your /etc/gdm/!f a!d i! the NserversO sectio! add:
0=1tandard vt#

As !orma user, start S:

N tartx

N xinit

1f [/."i!itrc is !ot co!figured for %(AH@, you may a ways start it with xinit, fo owed 'y the path to %(AH@:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

N xinit /u r/,in/gnome- e ion

Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for i!sta i!g a!d co!figuri!g %(AH@ ca! 'e fou!d i! the %!ome artic e. Co!gratu atio!sP 6e come to your %(AH@ desktop e!viro!me!t o! your !ew Arch ,i!u" systemP :ou may wish to co!ti!ue 'y viewi!g Tweaks and finishing touches, or the rest of the i!formatio! 'e ow. :ou may a so 'e i!terested i! the &ost 1!sta atio! 3ips wiki artic e. Eye Candy #y defau t, %(AH@ does !ot come with ma!y themes a!d ico!s. :ou may wish to i!sta some more attractive artwork for %(AH@: A !ice gtk ;gui widget< theme e!gi!e ;i!c udes themes< is the murri!e e!gi!e. 1!sta with:
% pacman -1 gt&-engine-murrine

Aptio!a for more themes:

% pacman -1 murrine-theme -collection

A!ce it has 'ee! i!sta ed, se ect it with /ystem 2N &refere!ces 2N Appeara!ce 2N 3heme ta'. 3he Arch ,i!u" repositories a so have a few more !ice themes a!d e!gi!es. 1!sta the fo owi!g to see for yourse f:
% pacman -1 gt&-engine gt&-aurora-engine gt&-candidoengine gt&-re3loo& -engine

:ou ca! fi!d ma!y more themes, ico!s, a!d wa papers at %(AH@2,ook.


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent F$E

About D)E 3he D )esktop E!viro!me!t. O+@ is a powerfu *ree /oftware graphica desktop e!viro!me!t for %()/,i!u" a!d UNIX workstatio!s. 1t com'i!es ease of use, co!temporary fu!ctio!a ity, a!d outsta!di!g graphica desig! with the tech!o ogica superiority of UNIX2 ike operati!g systems. /nstallation Choose o!e of the fo owi!g, the! co!ti!ue 'e ow with +seful D)E )AE8,- : .. 3he package kde is the officia a!d comp ete va!i a O+@ C.2 residi!g u!der the Arch Ke"traL repo. 1!sta 'ase kde:
% pacman -1 &de,a e-(or& pace

1!sta the who e +esktop @!viro!me!t:

% pacman -1 &de

% pacman -1 &de-meta

2. A ter!ative y, there e"ists a proQect ca ed D)E!od ;rece!t y referred to co ective y as the Chakra proQect<. 1t is a! Arch ,i!u" e"c usive, commu!ity2drive! system, desig!ed for modu arity a!d offers a choice 'etwee! O+@ G.I..0 or C.".". O+@mod ca! 'e i!sta ed with pacma!, after addi!g the proper repository to /etc/pacma!.co!f. 3he proQect we'site, i!c udi!g comp ete i!sta atio! i!structio!s, ca! 'e fou!d at http://www.chakra2


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

+seful D)E )AE8,Reca from a'ove that a daemo! is a program that ru!s i! the 'ackgrou!d, waiti!g for eve!ts to occur a!d offeri!g services. O+@ wi re7uire the hal ;Hardware A'stractio! Layer< daemo! for optima fu!ctio!a ity. 3he ha daemo!, amo!g other thi!gs, wi faci itate the automatic mou!ti!g of disks, optica drives, a!d )/# drives/thum'drives for use i! the %)1. 3he ha package is i!sta ed whe! you i!sta "org2server, 'ut must 'e i!voked to 'ecome usefu . 3he kd! daemo! is the D )isp ay 8a!ager, which provides a gra"hical login, if desired.

/tart ha :
% /etc/rc.d/hal tart

-ote: 3he ha daemo! re ies o!, a!d wi automatica y start, the d'us daemo!. @dit your +A@HA(/ array i! /etc/!f:
% nano /etc/rc.conf

Add hal to your +A@HA(/ array, to i!voke it o! 'oot. 1f you prefer a graphica ogi!, add kd! as we :
?:;58-1=4 ' log-ng hal net(or& crond al a kdm7

-ote: 1f you i!sta ed O+@modG i!stead of !orma O+@, use kdmG i!stead of kdm.


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

3his method wi start the system at ru! eve G, ;/etc/i!itta' defau t, mu tiuser mode<, a!d the! start O+H as a daemo!. /ome users prefer a! a ter!ative method of starti!g a disp ay ma!ager ike O+H o! 'oot 'y uti i9i!g the /etc/i!itta' method a!d starti!g the system at ru! eve I. /ee Addi!g a ogi! ma!ager ;O+H, %+H, or S+H< to automatica y 'oot o! startup for more. 1f you prefer to og i!to the console at ru! eve G, a!d ma!ua y start S, eave out kdm, or comme!t it out with a 'a!g, ; P <. (ow try starti!g your S /erver as !orma user:
N tartx

N xinit

Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for i!sta i!g a!d co!figuri!g O+@ ca! 'e fou!d i! the O+@ artic e. Co!gratu atio!sP 6e come to your O+@ desktop e!viro!me!t o! your !ew Arch ,i!u" systemP :ou may wish to co!ti!ue 'y viewi!g The (eginners 3uide A""endix, or the rest of the i!formatio! 'e ow. :ou may a so 'e i!terested i! the &ost 1!sta atio! 3ips wiki artic e.

About 5fce 3he cho estero 2free 5 e!viro!me!t. Sfce, ike %(AH@ or O+@, is a desktop e!viro!me!t, 'ut aims to 'e fast a!d ightweight whi e remai!i!g visua y appea i!g a!d easy to use. 1t co!tai!s a suite of


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

apps ike a root wi!dow app, wi!dow ma!ager, fi e ma!ager, pa!e , etc. Sfce is writte! usi!g the %3O2 too kit ; ike %(AH@< a!d co!tai!s its ow! deve opme!t e!viro!me!t ; i'raries, daemo!s, etc< simi ar to other 'ig +@s. )! ike %(AH@ or O+@, Sfce is ightweight a!d desig!ed more arou!d C+@ tha! 6i!dows or Hac. 1t has a much s ower deve opme!t cyc e, 'ut is very sta' e a!d fast. Sfce is great for o der hardware, a!d wi perform e"ce e!t y o! !ewer machi!es as we . /nstallation 1!sta Sfce:
% pacman -1 xfce*

:ou may a so wish to i!sta themes a!d e"tras:

% pacman -1 xfce*-goodie gt&2-theme -collection

(ote: xfce'&xfa""let&"lugin ;a p ugi! that a ows the use of %(AH@ app ets i! the SfceC pa!e < is part of the xfce'&goodies group a!d depe!ds o! gno!e&"anel, which i! tur! depe!ds o! gno!e&deskto". :ou may wish to take this i!to co!sideratio! 'efore i!sta i!g, si!ce it represe!ts a sig!ifica!t !um'er of e"tra depe!de!cies. 1f you get errors a'out d'us2 au!ch the! you !eed to i!sta d'us aswe :
% pacman -1 d,u

1f you wish to admire =3ips a!d 3ricks= o! ogi!, i!sta the fortune& !od package:


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

% pacman -1 fortune-mod

+seful )AE8,Reca from a'ove that a daemo! is a program that ru!s i! the 'ackgrou!d, waiti!g for eve!ts to occur a!d offeri!g services. /ome Sfce users prefer to use the hal daemo!. 3he ha daemo!, amo!g other thi!gs, wi automate the mou!ti!g of disks, optica drives, a!d )/# drives/thum'drives for use i! the %)1. 3he fam daemo! wi a ow rea 2time represe!tatio! of fi e a teratio!s i! the %)1, a owi!g i!sta!t access to rece!t y i!sta ed programs, or cha!ges i! the fi e system. 3he ha a!d fam packages are i!sta ed whe! you i!sta Sfce, 'ut must 'e i!voked to 'ecome usefu . /tart ha a!d fam:
% /etc/rc.d/hal % /etc/rc.d/fam tart tart

-ote: 3he ha daemo! re ies o!, a!d wi automatica y start, the d'us daemo!. @dit your +A@HA(/ array i! /etc/!f:
% nano /etc/rc.conf

Add hal a!d fa! to your +A@HA(/ array, to i!voke them at 'oot. Ti": Adva!ced i!structio!s for i!sta i!g a!d co!figuri!g Sfce ca! 'e fou!d i! the Sfce artic e. 1f you wish to i!sta o!e, see Addi!g a ogi! ma!ager ;O+H, %+H, or S+H< to automatica y 'oot o! startup. Atherwise you ca! ogi! i! via the co!so e a!d ru!:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

N tartxfce*

Co!gratu atio!sP 6e come to your Sfce desktop e!viro!me!t o! your !ew Arch ,i!u" systemP :ou may a so 'e i!terested i! the &ost 1!sta atio! 3ips wiki artic e.

About L5)E ,S+@, ;for ,ightweight C.. >esktop "!viro!me!t<, is a !ew proQect focused o! providi!g a moder! desktop e!viro!me!t which aims to 'e ightweight, fast, i!tuitive a!d fu!ctio!a whi e keepi!g system resource usage ow. ,S+@ is 7uite differe!t from other desktop e!viro!me!ts, si!ce each compo!e!t of ,S+@ is a discrete a!d i!depe!de!t app icatio!, a!d each ca! 'e easi y su'stituted 'y other programs. 3his modu ar desig! e imi!ates a u!!ecessary depe!de!cies a!d provides more f e"i'i ity. +etai s a!d scree!shots avai a' e at: http:// " ,S+@ provides: .. 2. G. C. I. E. 7. D. 3he Ape!#o" wi!dowma!ager &CHa!*H *i e ma!ager ,Spa!e system pa!e ,S/essio! sessio! ma!ager ,SAppeara!ce %3OJ theme switcher %&ic-iew image viewer ,eafpad simp e te"t editor SArchiver: ,ightweight, fast, a!d desktop2i!depe!de!t gtkJ2'ased fi e archiver 9. ,S(H ;sti u!der deve opme!t<: ,ightweight !etwork ma!ager for ,S+@ supporti!g wire ess co!!ectio!s 3hese ightweight a!d versati e too s com'i!e for 7uick setup, modu arity a!d simp icity. 1!sta ,S+@ with:


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

% pacman -1 lxde

exec tartlxde

1f you p a! o! ru!!i!g n!&a""let, the fo owi!g comma!d shou d 'e used i!stead
exec c&-launch- e ion tartlxde

to your [/."i!itrc a!d start with start% or %init Ti": *urther i!formatio! avai a' e at the ,S+@ wiki artic e.

?luxbox * u"'o" > is yet a!other wi!dowma!ager for S. 1t=s 'ased o! the # ack'o" 0.E... code. * u"'o" ooks ike ' ack'o" a!d ha!d es sty es, co ors, wi!dow p aceme!t a!d simi ar thi!gs e"act y ike ' ack'o" ;.00R theme/sty e compa'i ity<. 1!sta * u"'o" usi!g
% pacman -1 flux,ox fluxconf

1f you use gdm/kdm a !ew f u"'o" sessio! wi 'e automatica y added. Atherwise, you shou d modify your user=s ."i!itrc a!d add this to it:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

exec tartflux,ox

Hore i!formatio! is avai a' e i! the * u"'o" artic e. ,"enbox Ape!'o" is a sta!dards comp ia!t, fast, ight2weight, e"te!si' e wi!dow ma!ager. Ape!'o" works with your app icatio!s, a!d makes your desktop easier to ma!age. 3his is 'ecause the approach to its deve opme!t was the opposite of what seems to 'e the ge!era case for wi!dow ma!agers. Ape!'o" was writte! first to comp y with sta!dards a!d to work proper y. A! y whe! that was i! p ace did the team tur! to the visua i!terface. Ape!'o" is fu y fu!ctio!a as a sta!d2a o!e worki!g e!viro!me!t, or ca! 'e used as a drop2i! rep aceme!t for the defau t wi!dow ma!ager i! the %(AH@ or O+@ desktop e!viro!me!ts. 1!sta ope!'o" usi!g
% pacman -1 open,ox

Additio!a co!figuratio! too s are a so avai a' e, if desired:

% pacman -1 o,conf o,menu

A!ce ope!'o" is i!sta ed you wi get a message to move me!u."m \ rc."m to [/.co!fig/ope!'o"/ i! your home directory:


Part .>( .nstalling and "on0iguring a Desktop #nviron ent

% u - yourusername N m&dir -p S/.config/open,ox/ N cp /etc/xdg/open,ox/rc.xml S/.config/open,ox/ N cp /etc/xdg/open,ox/menu.xml S/.config/open,ox/

rc2x!l is the mai! co!figuratio! fi e for Ape!#o". 1t may 'e ma!ua y edited, ;or you ca! use A#co!f<. !enu2x!l co!figures the right2c ick me!u. :ou may og i!to Ape!#o" via graphica ogi! usi!g O+H/%+H, or from the she usi!g startx, i! which case you wi !eed to edit your [/."i!itrc ;as !o!2root user< a!d add the fo owi!g:
exec open,ox- e ion

(A3@: 1f you p a! o! ru!!i!g d'us ;which is re7uired 'y ha < the! make sure your [/."i!itrc reads:
exec d,u -launch --exit-(ith- e ion open,ox- e ion

:ou may a so start Ape!#o" from the she usi!g xinit:

N xinit /u r/,in/open,ox- e ion

Ape!'o" may a so 'e used as the wi!dow ma!ager for %(AH@, O+@, a!d Sfce. *or O+H there is !othi!g eft to do0 ope!'o" is isted i! the sessio!s me!u i! O+H. /ome usefu , ightweight programs for Ape!#o" are: &y&a!e , 3i!t2, or ,Spa!e if you wa!t a pa!e feh if you wa!t to set the 'ackgrou!d RAS if you wa!t a simp e fi e ma!ager ;a so provides simp e ico!s< &cma!*H a ightweight 'ut versati e fi e ma!ager ;a so provides desktop ico! fu!ctio!a ity<


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

i+esk ;avai a' e i! A)R< for providi!g desktop ico!s %ravema! for 'ur!i!g C+=s or +-+=s Ti": Hore i!formatio! is avai a' e i! the Ape!'o" artic e.

fv m6
*-6H is a! e"treme y powerfu 1CCCH2comp ia!t mu tip e virtua desktop wi!dow ma!ager for the S 6i!dow system. +eve opme!t is active, a!d support is e"ce e!t. 1!sta fvwm2 with
% pacman -1 fv(m

fvwm wi automatica y 'e isted i! kdm/gdm i! the sessio!s me!u. Atherwise, add
exec fv(m

to your user=s ."i!itrc.


Use0ul Appli"ations

+seful A""lications
3his page wi !ever 'e comp ete. 1t Qust shows some good app icatio!s for the everyday user. 1t might a so 'e worthwhi e to check out ,ightweight /oftware as we .

1eb browser
3he ever2popu ar *irefo" we' 'rowser is avai a' e through pacma!, a though it does !ot have its officia 'ra!di!g. 3herefore, the program appears as its deve opme!t code!ame, Shireto*o, whe! ope!ed. 1!sta with:
pacman -1 firefox

#e sure a!d i!sta =f ashp ugi!=,a!d the =mp ayer2p ugi!=packages for a comp ete we' e"perie!ce:
pacman -1 fla hplugin mpla'er-plugin

3ecko 5edia *layer

A good rep aceme!t of the !ow agei!g mplayer-plugin, is %ecko Hedia & ayer. Hore sta' e com'i!ed with H& ayer ..0RC2. )&o more crashes with pple $railers.+


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

pacman -1 gec&o-mediapla'er

)Note! 'e sure to remove mplayer-plugin if it is already installed.+ 3hu!der'ird is usefu for ma!agi!g your emai s. 1f you are usi!g %(AH@ you may wa!t to take a ook at @pipha!y a!d @vo utio!0 if you are usi!g O+@ Oo!7ueror a!d OHai cou d 'e your choice. 1f you wa!t somethi!g comp ete y differe!t you ca! sti use Apera. *i!a y, if you are worki!g o! the system co!so e 2 or i! a termi!a sessio! 2 you cou d use various te"t2'ased 'rowsers ike @,i!ks, ,i!ks a!d ,y!", a!d ma!age your emai s with Hutt. &idgi! ;previous y k!ow! as %aim< a!d Oopete are good i!sta!t messe!gers for %(AH@ a!d O+@, respective y. &/1 a!d %aQim are perfect if you are usi!g o! y ?a''er or %oog e 3a k.

A fu set of ,a3eS &rograms: tete" has 'ee! popu ar for ma!y years a!d sti works, a!d its successor 3e" ive is avai a' e from the e"tra repository. OAffice is a revo utio!ary office suite. 1t is sharp y deve opi!g to koffice2. Ape! is a comp ete office suite ;simi ar to Hicrosoft Affice<. A'iword is a good, sma a ter!ative word processor, a!d %!umeric a! @"ce rep aceme!t for the %(AH@ desktop. %o2 ope!office %1H& ;or %1H&/hop< is a pi"e 2'ased graphics program ;simi ar to Ado'e &hotoshop<, whi e 1!kscape is a vector2'ased graphics program ; ike Ado'e 1 ustrator<.

6ideo Player
-,C & ayer is a versati e mu timedia p ayer which ca! ma!y differe!t formats, from a disc or fi e. 1t a so provides the a'i ity to


Use0ul Appli"ations
stream mu timedia over a a!. 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow.
pacman -1 vlc

H& ayer is a mu timedia p ayer for ,i!u". 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow.
pacman -1 mpla'er

1t a so has a Ho9i a p ug2i! for videos a!d streams em'edded i! we' pages. 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow. -,TE: mp ayer2p ugi! is co!sidered to 'e o'so ete, p ease see %ecko Hedia & ayer a'ove.
pacman -1 mpla'er-plugin

1f you use O+@, OHp ayer is a 'etter choice. 1t comes with a p ug2 i! for videos a!d streams em'edded i! we' pages, which works with Oo!7ueror. 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow.
pacman -1 &mpla'er

Si!e is a! e"ce e!t p ayer, especia y for +-+s.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

pacman -1 xine-ui

3he i'dvdcss i'rary provides +-+ decodi!g for e!crypted +-+s. "nsure the legality of using libdvdcss in your country before installingE
pacman -1 li,dvdc

3otem is the officia movie p ayer of the %(AH@ desktop e!viro!me!t 'ased o! "i!e2 i' or %/treamer ;gstreamer is the defau t which i!sta s with the arch totem package<. 1t features a p ay ist, a fu 2scree! mode, seek a!d vo ume co!tro s, as we as key'oard !avigatio!. 1t comes with added fu!ctio!a ity such as: -ideo thum'!ai er for the fi e ma!ager (auti us properties ta' @pipha!y / Ho9i a ;*irefo"< p ugi! to view movies i!side your 'rowser 6e'cam uti ity ;i! deve opme!t< 3otem2"i!e is sti the 'etter choice if you wa!t to watch +-+s. 3otem is part of the g!ome2e"tra group0 the 3otem we''rowser p ugi! is !ot. 3o i!sta separate y:
pacman -1 totem

3o i!sta the 3otem we''rowser p ugi!:


Use0ul Appli"ations
pacman -1 totem-plugin

Oaffei!e is a good optio! for O+@ users. 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow.
pacman -1 &affeine

Audio Player
Amarok is o!e of the 'est audio p ayers a!d music i'rary systems avai a' e for O+@. 3o i!sta it, simp y type the code 'e ow.
pacman -1 amaro&

@"ai e is a music p ayer writte! i! &ytho! that makes use of the %3OJ too kit. 1t tries to 'e c ose to the popu ar Amarok, 'ut i! %3O. 1t is i! Kcommu!ityL, so i!sta with:
pacman -1 exaile

Rhythm'o" is a! i!tegrated music ma!ageme!t app icatio!, origi!a y i!spired 'y App e=s i3u!es. 1t is free software, desig!ed to work we u!der the %(AH@ +esktop, a!d 'ased o! the powerfu %/treamer media framework.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

Rhythm'o" has a !um'er of features, i!c udi!g: @asy2to2use music 'rowser /earchi!g a!d sorti!g Comprehe!sive audio format support through %/treamer 1!ter!et radio support & ay ists

3o i!sta rhythm'o":
pacman -1 rh'thm,ox

Huod >ibet
Fuod ,i'et is a music ma!ager that uses the %/treamer media framework to p ay audio fi es. 3his a ows it to p ay a the fi e2 types that Rhythm'o" ;which uses %/treamer too< ca! p ay. Fuod ,i'et is more suited to !o!2%!ome desktops si!ce it has a sma er footpri!t a!d fewer depe!de!cies tha! Rhythm'o" ;Rhythm'o" depe!ds o! !auti us, which re7uires a ot of %(AH@ to 'e i!sta ed<. 1! additio! to the music p ayer/ma!ager, Fuod ,i'et a so i!c udes @" *a so, a tag editor. Fuod ,i'et=s features i!c ude: @asy2to2use music 'rowser /earchi!g Comprehe!sive audio format support through %/treamer @asy & ay ist ma!ageme!t

3o i!sta Fuod ,i'et:

pacman -1 Euodli,et

Ather good audio p ayers are #a!shee a!d ,iste!. /ee %!omefi es to compare them.


Use0ul Appli"ations
Hoc is a !curses2'ased audio p ayer for the co!so e. Ather e"ce e!t choices are mpd, cmus, a!d herrie.

Codecs and other !ulti!edia content ty"es :i#$# only;

:ou ca! use "i!e2ui, totem2"i!e, mp ayer or kaffei!e ;Qust to !ame three of the 'ig o!es< to watch +-+s. 3he o! y thi!g you may miss is i'dvdcss. #eware that usi!g it may 'e i ega i! some cou!tries.

1!sta the f ash p ugi! usi!g
pacman -1 fla hplugin

to e!a' e Hacromedia ;!ow Ado'e< * ash i! your 'rowser, if you ru! O+@ you shou d see this after i!sta i!g f ash.

Fuicktime codecs are co!tai!ed i! the codecs package. ?ust type
pacman -1 codec

to i!sta them.

3he codec for Rea p ayer 9 is co!tai!ed i! the codecs package. ?ust type


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

pacman -1 codec

to i!sta them. Rea p ayer .0 is avai a' e as a 'i!ary package for ,i!u". :ou ca! get it from A)R here.

C) and )6) (urning

OG' ;from D+@ (ur! (a'y (ur!< is a free software C+ a!d +-+ authori!g app icatio! for %()/,i!u" a!d other UNIX2 ike operati!g systems desig!ed for O+@. As is the case with most O+@ app icatio!s, OG' is writte! i! the CJJ programmi!g a!guage a!d uses the Ft %)1 too kit. OG' provides a graphica user i!terface to perform most C+/+-+ 'ur!i!g tasks ike creati!g a! Audio C+ from a set of audio fi es or copyi!g a C+/+-+, as we as more adva!ced tasks such as 'ur!i!g eHoviS C+/+-+s. 1t ca! a so perform direct disc2to2disc copies. 3he program has ma!y defau t setti!gs which ca! 'e customi9ed 'y more e"perie!ced users. 3he actua disc recordi!g i! OG' is do!e 'y the comma!d i!e uti ities cdrecord or wodim, cdrdao, a!d growisofs. As of versio! ..0, OG' features a 'ui t2i! +-+ ripper.2 ice!sed u!der the %&,. OG' was voted ,i!u"Fuestio! Hu timedia )ti ity of the :ear ;200E< 'y the maQority ;70R< of voters.

3o i!sta :
pacman -1 &$,

#rasero is a! app icatio! that 'ur!s C+s/+-+s for the %(AH@ +esktop. 1t is desig!ed to 'e as simp e as possi' e a!d has some


Use0ul Appli"ations
u!i7ue features to e!a' e users to create their discs easi y a!d 7uick y. 3o i!sta :
pacman -1 ,ra ero

A'cde is a co!so e2'ased app icatio! for rippi!g C+s. 1t supports e!codi!g immediate y after rippi!g, C++#, a!d writi!g tags o!2 the2f y. #ash'ur! is a co!so e2'ased app icatio! for 'ur!i!g isos, C+s, a!d +-+s. 1t supports ma!y, if !ot a of the same thi!gs as #rasero a!d OG'. Host C+ 'ur!ers are wrappers for cdrecord:
pacman -1 cdr&it

1f you i!sta packages for C+/+-+ 'ur!i!g app icatio!s ike #rasero or OG# it a so i!sta s the C+/+-+ 'ur!i!g i'rary for it, ike i''ur! or cdrkit. A good comma!d2 i!e +-+2'ur!i!g too is growisofs:
pacman -1 dvdTr(-tool

A good !etwork ma!ager for ,i!u" is wicd. 1t has few depe!de!cies ;compared to !etwork2ma!ager<, is fast a!d ightweight a!d makes a great too for a!y aptop or desktop usi!g wire ess !etworks.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3here are severa thi!gs to do if you wa!t to watch 3- u!der ;Arch< ,i!u". 3he most importa!t task is to fi!d out which chip your tu!er is usi!g. 8owever, 7uite a ot are supported. #e sure to check at a 8ardware +ata'ase to 'e sure ;see this ist, for e"amp e<. A!ce you k!ow your Hode , there are Qust a few steps ahead to get you goi!g. 1! most cases, you wi !eed to use the 'ttv2drivers ;other drivers e"ist, ike -C,< together with the 12C2modu es. Co!figuri!g those is the hardest task. 1f you are ucky, a
modpro,e ,ttv

wi autodetect the card ;check dmesg for resu ts<. 1! that case, you !eed o! y to i!sta a! app icatio! to watch 3-. 6e wi ook at that ater, though. 1f the autodetectio! did !ot work, you wi !eed to check the fi e CAR+,1/3, which is i!c uded i! the tar'a of 'ttv to fi!d out the right parameters for your card. A &-9I. without radio support wou d !eed this i!e:
modpro,e ,ttv card=*2 radio=0

/ome cards !eed the fo owi!g i!e to produce sou!d:

modpro,e tvaudio

8owever, that varies. /o Qust try it out. /ome other cards dema!d the fo owi!g i!e:
modpro,e tuner

3his is su'Qect to tria 2a!d2error, too. 3o actua y watch 3-, i!sta the tvtime2package with


Use0ul Appli"ations
pacman -1 tvtime

a!d read its ma!page.

)igital Ca!eras
Host newer digita cameras are supported as )/# mass storage devices, which mea!s that you ca! simp y p ug it i! a!d copy the images as you wou d with e"ter!a hard drives, or )/# sticks. ,lder cameras may use the &3& ;&icture 3ra!sfer &rotoco < which re7uires a 4specia driver4. gPhoto< provides this driver a!d a ows a she 2'ased tra!sfer of the images. /evera %raphica 1!terfaces are avai a' e for use with g&hoto2: digikam ;O+@< gthum' ;%(AH@< gtkam ;%(AH@< 1!sta atio!:
pacman -1 gphoto2

+ ( 8e!ory ticks % Hard )isks

)/# Hemory /ticks a!d hard disks are supported out of the 'o" with the )/# mass storage device driver a!d wi appear as a !ew /C/1 device ;/dev/sdS<. 1f you are usi!g O+@ or %(AH@ you shou d use d'us a!d ha ;add them to your daemo!s i! /etc/!f<, a!d they wi 'e automatica y mou!ted. 1f you use a differe!t +esktop @!viro!me!t you may have a ook at ivma!.


An .ntrodu"tion to ABS

An /ntroduction to A(
A#/ is the Arch ,i!u" #ui d /ystem. 1t is a ports2 ike system for compi i!g sources i!to i!sta a' e packages. =&orts= is a system used 'y U#/+, which uses simp e 'ui d scripts residi!g i! a directory tree o! the oca machi!e. @ach port is simp y a directory, !amed for the i!sta a' e Grd party software, a!d co!tai!i!g a 'ui d script. 3ypica y, a U#/+ user who wa!ted to 'ui d a!d i!sta firefo%, wou d cd i!to the correspo!di!g firefo" port residi!g u!der /usr/ports a!d do make install clean. 3he firefo% sourcecode wou d the! 'e dow! oaded from a Grd party source. Accordi!g to the port 'ui d script, the sources wou d the! 'e compi ed, patched ;if directed<, a!d fi!a y, i!sta ed to the system. A#/ offers the same fu!ctio!a ity 'y providi!g 'ui d scripts ca ed &O%#)1,+s, which co!tai! a i!formatio! for a give! piece of software0 3he mdIsums, source )R,, versio!, ice!se a!d compi atio! i!structio!s. 1! additio!, A#/ provides the adva!tage of compi i!g the sources into an installable pac*age with the e"te!sio! .p*g.tar.g#. A'vious y, it is a simp e g29ipped tar'a , 'ut it is c ea! y i!sta a' e/remova' e/tracka' e via pacma!. 1!sta the a's package:
% pacman -1' a,

After i!sta i!g the abs package with pacma!, ru! the /usr/bin/abs script as root:
% a,

3he 'S tree is the! e"tracted u!der /var/a's, orga!i9ed accordi!g to the i!sta a' e software. 3o 'ui d a package from source, create a 'ui d directory a!d copy the a's directory for a give! app icatio! to the 'ui d directory:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

N m&dir S/a, N cp -r /var/a, /extra/ lim S/a,

3his wi move the s im su'dir a!d &O%#)1,+ script for s im to the 'ui d directory. -ote: 1! additio! to &O%#)1,+s, some software re7uires a! additio!a U.i!sta fi e. /ee the A( a!d !ake"kg wiki e!tries for more i!formatio! !avigate to the s im 'ui d directory a!d, after modifyi!g the &O%#)1,+ if desired or !ecessary, i!voke the a's /usr/bin/makepkg too
N ma&ep&g -c

2c C ea!s up a!y eftover fi es from the source compi atio! 2s +ow! oads a!d i!sta s a!y missi!g depe!de!cies 'y i!voki!g pacma! 1!sta with pacma!=s 2) ;upgrade< switch:
% pacman -< lim-Iver ionJ.p&g.tar.g3

+o!e. / im sources are dow! oaded, compi ed, compressed i!to a package a!d fi!a y, i!sta ed. -ote: :ou may 'ui d, c ea!, i!sta a!y !eeded depe!de!cies a!d fi!a y i!sta the package with o!e comma!d: !ake"kg &csi. 3he a'ove e"amp e used pacma! 2) to i!sta as a separate step for i!formatio!a purposes. /ee the !ake"kg:$; ma! page. F: 6hy wou d 1 !eed A#/ to compi e a!d create a! i!sta a' e package from source, whe! 1 have access to a of the same software via pacma! a!d the 'i!ary reposY


An .ntrodu"tion to ABS
A: A few reaso!s: *or i!sta i!g !ewer, u!sta' e, custom, or deve opme!t versio!s of a! app icatio!. &O%#)1,+s are tra!spare!t a!d simp e. @dit the software versio! a!d the mdIsums of the desired versio!s withi! the &O%#)1,+, a!d 'ui d a!d i!sta your custom packages. *or patchi!g. Copy the correspo!di!g &O%#)1,+ to a 'ui d directory a o!g with your patch, edit the &O%#)1,+, a!d 'ui d/i!sta with /usr/bin/makepkg. *or creati!g your ow! packages for yourse f, or to share with the commu!ity o! the A)R. :ou are !ot imited to the &O%#)1,+s u!der /var/a's. Create your ow! to 'ui d from Grd party sourcecode. 3hey are simp e, ope! a!d tra!spare!t. @"p ore the prototype &O%#)1,+ provided at /usr/share/pacma!/&O%#)1,+.proto A#/ provides a! e"pedie!t method for recompi i!g, if !ecessary. *or e"amp e, to recompi e your video or wire ess drivers. 3o 'ui d a! i!sta a' e package with custom co!figuratio!s @!a' e or disa' e optio!s i! a!y package 'y modifyi!g the &O%#)1,+ 3o 'ui d a! i!sta a' e package, further optimi9ed for your machi!e=s architecture, /pecify your C*,A%/ i! /etc/!f. 3o re'ui d your e!tire system, #/+2sty e, further optimi9ed for your machi!e=s architecure. )se the makewor d script, or the commu!ity2co!tri'uted pac'ui der


An .ntrodu"tion to /he AU7

An /ntroduction to The A+*

3he Arch +ser *epository 3he A#/ tree provides the a'i ity to 'ui d a Arch software avai a' e i! the KcoreL, Ke"traL, Kcommu!ityL, a!d Ktesti!gL repositories 'y providi!g 'ui d scripts o! the oca machi!e. 1! co!trast, the A)R does !ot provide a tree o! the oca machi!e, 'ut rather, a! u!supported repository of 'ui d scripts, sporti!g a ha!dsome we' i!terface at http://aur.arch i!u".org/i!de".php A so, there is a! A)R i!k ta' at the top right of every page o! the Arch site. A!ce you have !avigated to the A)R we' page, c ick o! the Packages 'utto! o! the top right. :ou wi 'e 'rought to the packages search page. 3he ge!era procedure wi 'e: .. @!ter the search criteria i!to the keywords fie d a!d c ick o! go. 3he !e"t scree! wi prese!t a re ated resu ts. 2. 3ake !ote of the Location o! the package isti!g. 1f the package ocatio! is i! co!!unity, you have !ot do!e your homework, a!d shou d simp y use pacma! or A#/ to i!sta . 1f the ocatio! is unsu""orted, co!ti!ue. G. C ick o! the !ame of the package o! the package isti!g. :ou wi 'e 'rought to the &ackage +etai s page. A! e"amp e for the yaourt package:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

'aourt 0.9-2 httpM//((('aourt-en/ : /acman frontend (ith more feature and :<> upport un upported MM ' tem 5aintainerM (ain Rote M 9*$ 2icen eM G/2 2a t <pdatedM 1atK +" 5ar 2008 +#M+"M20 T0000 .ir t 1u,mittedM 0ueK 0* Uul 2006 20M$#M"8 T0000 0ar,all MM .ile MM /AG6<B2?

C ick o! the Tarball i!k i! the ast i!e of the detai s, a!d save to a 'ui d directory. (avigate to, a!d e"tract the tar'a :
N tar -xvf 'aourt.tar.g3

@!ter the 'ui d directory a!d i!voke makepkg, which wi dow! oad the sources, compi e, a!d compress the i!sta atio! i!to a! i!sta a' e .pkg.tar.g9 package:
N ma&ep&g -c

2c C ea!s up a!y eftover fi es from the source compi atio! 2s +ow! oads a!d i!sta s a!y missi!g depe!de!cies 'y i!voki!g pacma! 1!sta with pacma!=s &+ ;upgrade< switch:
% pacman -< 'aourtIver ionJ.p&g.tar.g3

+o!e. /ee the A)R wiki e!try for more i!formatio!.


An .ntrodu"tion to /he AU7

/nstall an A+* Hel"er

A)R 8e pers ike :aourt a!d aur'ui d add seam ess access to the A)R. 3hey vary i! their features, 'ut ca! ease i! searchi!g, fetchi!g, 'ui di!g, a!d i!sta i!g from over 9000 &O%#)1,+s fou!d i! A)R.


5ile and dire"tory e3planation

?ile and directory ex"lanation

4/harea' e4 fi es are defi!ed as those that ca! 'e stored o! o!e host a!d used o! others. 4)!sharea' e4 fi es are those that are !ot sharea' e. *or e"amp e, the fi es i! user home directories are sharea' e whereas device ock fi es are !ot. 4/tatic4 fi es i!c ude 'i!aries, i'raries, docume!tatio! fi es a!d other fi es that do !ot cha!ge without system admi!istrator i!terve!tio!. 4-aria' e4 fi es are defi!ed as fi es that are !ot static. % ;root< 3he root fi esystem, represe!ted 'y the s ash sym'o 'y itse f, is the primary fi esystem from which a other fi esystems stem0 the top of the hierarchy. A fi es a!d directories appear u!der the root directory 4/4, eve! if they are stored o! differe!t physica devices. 3he co!te!ts of the root fi esystem must 'e ade7uate to 'oot, restore, recover, a!d/or repair the system. %bin% @sse!tia comma!d 'i!aries that must 'e avai a' e i! si!g e user mode0 for a users ;e.g., cat, s, cp<. /'i!/ provides programs that must 'e avai a' e eve! if o! y the partitio! co!tai!i!g / is mou!ted. 3his situatio! may arise shou d o!e !eed to repair other partitio!s 'ut have !o access to shared directories ;i.e. you are i! si!g e user mode a!d therefore have !o !etwork access<. )! ike /s'i!, the /'i! directory co!tai!s severa usefu comma!ds that are of use to 'oth the root user as we as !o!2root users. %boot% )!sharea' e, static directory co!tai!i!g the ker!e a!d ramdisk images as we as the 'oot oader co!figuratio! fi e, a!d 'oot oader stages. /'oot a so stores data that is used 'efore the ker!e 'egi!s e"ecuti!g userspace programs. 3his may i!c ude saved master 'oot sectors a!d sector map fi es. %dev% @sse!tia device !odes created 'y udev duri!g the 'oot process a!d as machi!e hardware is discovered 'y eve!ts. 3his directory high ights o!e importa!t aspect of the UNIX fi esystem 2 everythi!g is a fi e or a directory. @"p ori!g this directory wi revea ma!y fi es, each represe!ti!g a hardware compo!e!t of the system. 3he maQority of devices are either ' ock or character devices0 however other types of devices e"ist a!d ca! 'e created. 1! ge!era , =' ock devices= are devices that store or ho d data, whereas


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

=character devices= ca! 'e thought of as devices that tra!smit or tra!sfer data. *or e"amp e, hard disk drives a!d optica drives are categori9ed as ' ock devices whi e seria ports, mice a!d )/# ports are a character devices. %etc% 8ost2specific, u!sharea' e g o'a co!figuratio! fi es sha 'e p aced i! the /etc directory. 1f more tha! o!e co!figuratio! fi e is re7uired for a! app icatio!, it is customary to use a su'directory i! order to keep the /etc/ area as c ea! as possi' e. 1t is co!sidered good practice to make fre7ue!t 'ackups of this directory as it co!tai!s a system re ated co!figuratio! fi es.

/etc/conf.d/ So e dae on s"ripts 9ill have a at"hing "on0iguration 0ile in this dire"tory that "ontains so e use0ul de0ault values. Ahen a dae on is started< it 9ill 0irst sour"e the settings 0ro its "on0ig 0ile 9ithin this dire"tory< and then sour"e @et"@r"."on0. Ar"hCs si ple< transparent s"ripting approa"h eans you "an easily "entrali!e all your dae on "on0iguration options in your @et"@r"."on0 si ply by setting an appropriate variable value< or< split up your "on0iguration over ultiple 0iles i0 you pre0er a de"entrali!ed approa"h to this issue. /etc/rc.d/ All Ar"h dae ons reside here. Custo s"ripts ay also be pla"ed here and invoked 0ro the DA#B1$SG array in @et"@r"."on0 /etc/X11/ Con0iguration 0iles 0or the = Aindo9 Syste /etc/X11/xinit/ 3init "on0iguration 0iles. C3initC is a "on0iguration ethod o0 starting up an = session that is designed to be used as part o0 a s"ript. /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc 6lobal 3initr" 0ile< used by all = sessions started by 3init :start3;. .ts usage is o0 "ourse overridden by a .3initr" 0ile lo"ated in the ho e dire"tory o0 a user.


5ile and dire"tory e3planation

%ho!e% UNIX is a mu ti2user e!viro!me!t. 3herefore, each user is a so assig!ed a specific directory that is accessi' e o! y to them a!d to the root user. 3hese are the user home directories, which ca! 'e fou!d u!der =/home/])/@R= ;[/<. 6ithi! their home directory, a user ca! write fi es, de ete them, i!sta programs, etc. )sers= home directories co!tai! their data a!d perso!a co!figuratio! fi es, the so2ca ed =dot fi es= ;their !ame is preceded 'y a dot<, which are =hidde!=. 3o view dotfi es, e!a' e the appropriate optio! i! your fi e ma!ager or ru! s with the 2a switch. 1f there is a co!f ict 'etwee! perso!a a!d system wide co!figuratio! fi es, the setti!gs i! the perso!a fi e wi prevai . +otfi es most ike y to 'e a tered 'y the e!d user i!c ude ."i!itrc a!d .'ashrc fi es. 3he co!figuratio! fi es for "i!it a!d #ash respective y. 3hey a ow the user the a'i ity to cha!ge the wi!dow ma!ager to 'e started upo! ogi! a!d a so a iases, user2specified comma!ds a!d e!viro!me!t varia' es respective y. 6he! a user is created, their dotfi es sha 'e take! from the /etc/ske directory where system samp e fi es reside. %ho!e ca! 'ecome 7uite arge as it is typica y used for stori!g dow! oads, compi i!g, i!sta i!g a!d ru!!i!g programs, mai , co ectio!s of mu timedia fi es etc. %lib% Co!tai!s ker!e modu es a!d esse!tia shared i'rary images ;the C programmi!g code i'rary< !eeded to 'oot the system a!d ru! the comma!ds u!der /'i!/ a!d /s'i!/. ,i'raries are co ectio!s of fre7ue!t y used program routi!es a!d are readi y ide!tifia' e through their fi e!ame e"te!sio! of 3hey are esse!tia for 'asic system fu!ctio!a ity. Oer!e modu es ;drivers< are i! the su'directory / i'/modu es/Mker!e 2versio!N. %lostRfound UNIX2 ike operati!g systems must e"ecute a proper shutdow! se7ue!ce. At times, a system might crash or a power fai ure might take the machi!e dow!. @ither way, at the !e"t 'oot, a fi esystem check usi!g the fsc* program sha 'e performed. 7sc* wi go through the system a!d try to recover a!y corrupt fi es that it fi!ds. 3he resu t of this recovery operatio! wi 'e p aced i! this directory. 3he fi es recovered are !ot ike y to 'e comp ete or make much se!se 'ut there a ways is a cha!ce that somethi!g worthwhi e is recovered. %!edia% Hou!t poi!ts for remova' e media. C+RAHs, +-+=s, a!d )/# sticks sha have a! appropriate mou!t poi!t u!der /media/.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3he motivatio! for the creatio! of this directory has 'ee! that historica y there have 'ee! a !um'er of other differe!t p aces used to mou!t removea' e media such as /cdrom, /m!t or /m!t/cdrom. & aci!g the mou!t poi!ts for a remova' e media direct y i! the root directory wou d pote!tia y resu t i! a arge !um'er of e"tra directories i! /. A though the use of su'directories i! /m!t as a mou!t poi!t has rece!t y 'ee! commo!, it co!f icts with a much o der traditio! of usi!g /m!t direct y as a temporary mou!t poi!t. 3herefore, Arch a ocates /media as the mou!tpoi!t for remova' e media. A! systems where more tha! o!e device e"ists for mou!ti!g a certai! type of media, mou!t directories sha 'e created 'y appe!di!g a digit to the !ame of those avai a' e a'ove starti!g with =0=, 'ut the u!7ua ified !ame must a so e"ist. 3he 4ha 4 ;8ardware A'stractio! ,ayer< daemo! mou!ts remova' e media to /media as /media/M!ame$of$remova' e$fi esystemN %!nt% 3his is a ge!eric mou!t poi!t for temporary fi esystems or devices. Hou!ti!g is the process of maki!g a fi esystem avai a' e to the system. After mou!ti!g, fi es wi 'e accessi' e u!der the mou!t2poi!t. Additio!a mou!t2poi!ts ;su'directories< may 'e created u!der /m!t/. 3here is !o imitatio! to creati!g a mou!t2poi!t a!ywhere o! the system, 'ut 'y co!ve!tio! a!d for practica ity, itteri!g a fi e system with mou!t2poi!ts shou d 'e avoided. %o"t% &ackages a!d arge static fi es that do !ot fit c ea! y i!to the a'ove %() fi esystem ayout ca! 'e p aced i! /opt. A package p aci!g fi es i! the /opt/ directory creates a directory 'eari!g the same !ame as the package. 3his directory i! tur! ho ds fi es that otherwise wou d 'e scattered throughout the fi e system. *or e"amp e, the acro'at package has #rowser, Reader, a!d Resource directories sitti!g at the same eve as the 'i! directory. 3his does!=t fit i!to a !orma %() fi esystem ayout, so Arch p aces a the fi es i! a su'directory of /opt. %"roc% /proc is very specia i! that it is a so a virtua fi esystem. 1t is sometimes referred to as the process information pseudo-file system. 1t does!=t co!tai! =rea = fi es, 'ut rather, ru!time system i!formatio! ;e.g. system memory, devices mou!ted, hardware co!figuratio!, etc<. *or this reaso! it ca! 'e regarded as a co!tro a!d i!formatio! ce!ter for the ker!e . 1! fact, 7uite a ot of system uti ities are


5ile and dire"tory e3planation

simp y ca s to fi es i! this directory. *or e"amp e, = smod= is the same as =cat /proc/modu es= whi e = spci= is a sy!o!ym for =cat /proc/pci=. #y a teri!g fi es ocated i! this directory, ker!e parameters may 'e read/cha!ged ;sysct < whi e the system is ru!!i!g. 3he most disti!ctive facet a'out fi es i! this directory is the fact that a of them have a fi e si9e of 0, with the e"ceptio! of kcore, !ounts a!d self. %root% 8ome directory of the /ystem Admi!istrator, =root=. 3his may 'e somewhat co!fusi!g, ;=/root u!der root=< 'ut historica y, =/= was root=s home directory ;he!ce the !ame of the Admi!istrator accou!t<. 3o keep thi!gs tidier, =root= eve!tua y got his ow! home directory. 6hy !ot i! =/home=Y #ecause =/home= is ofte! ocated o! a differe!t partitio! or eve! o! a!other system a!d wou d thus 'e i!accessi' e to =root= whe! 2 for some reaso! 2 o! y =/= is mou!ted. %sbin% UNIX discrimi!ates 'etwee! =!orma = e"ecuta' es a!d those used for system mai!te!a!ce a!d/or admi!istrative tasks. 3he atter reside either here or 2 the ess importa!t o!es 2 i! /usr/s'i!. &rograms e"ecuted after /usr is k!ow! to 'e mou!ted ;whe! there are !o pro' ems< are ge!era y p aced i!to /usr/s'i!. 3his directory co!tai!s 'i!aries that are esse!tia to the worki!g of the system. 3hese i!c ude system admi!istratio! as we as mai!te!a!ce a!d hardware co!figuratio! programs. gru' ;the comma!d<, fdisk, i!it, route, ifco!fig, etc., a reside here. %srv% /ite2specific data which is served 'y the system. 3he mai! purpose of specifyi!g this is so that users may fi!d the ocatio! of the data fi es for a particu ar service, a!d so that services which re7uire a si!g e tree for reado! y data, writa' e data a!d scripts ;such as cgi scripts< ca! 'e reaso!a' y p aced. +ata of i!terest to a specific user sha 'e p aced i! that user=s home directory. %t!" 3his directory co!tai!s fi es that are re7uired temporari y. Ha!y programs use this to create ock fi es a!d for temporary storage of data. +o !ot remove fi es from this directory u! ess you k!ow e"act y what you are doi!gP Ha!y of these fi es are importa!t for curre!t y ru!!i!g programs a!d de eti!g them may resu t i! a system crash. A! most systems, this directory is c eared out at 'oot


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

or at shutdow! 'y the oca system. 3he 'asis for this was historica precede!t a!d commo! practice. %usr% 6hi e root is the primary fi esystem, /usr is the seco!dary hierarchy, for user data, co!tai!i!g the maQority of ;mu ti2<user uti ities a!d app icatio!s. /usr is sharea' e, read2o! y data. 3his mea!s that /usr sha 'e sharea' e 'etwee! various hosts a!d must !ot 'e writte! to, e"cept i! the case of system admi!istrator i!terve!tio! ;i!sta atio!, update, upgrade<. A!y i!formatio! that is host2specific or varies with time is stored e sewhere. Aside from /home/, /usr/ usua y co!tai!s 'y far the argest share of data o! a system. 8e!ce, this is o!e of the most importa!t directories i! the system as it co!tai!s a the user 'i!aries, their docume!tatio!, i'raries, header fi es, etc. S a!d its supporti!g i'raries ca! 'e fou!d here. )ser programs ike te !et, ftp, etc., are a so p aced here. 1! the origi!a UNIX imp eme!tatio!s, /usr/ ;for user<, was where the home directories of the system=s users were p aced ;that is to say, /usr/someone was the! the directory !ow k!ow! as /home/someone<. Aver time, /usr/ has 'ecome where userspace programs a!d data ;as opposed to =ker!e space= programs a!d data< reside. 3he !ame has !ot cha!ged, 'ut its mea!i!g has !arrowed a!d e!gthe!ed from everything user related to user usable programs and data. As such, the 'ackro!ym =+ser ystem *esources= was created.

/usr/bin/ $on%essential "o and binaries :not needed in single user ode;H 0or all users. /his dire"tory "ontains the vast aDority o0 binaries :appli"ations; on your syste . #3e"utables in this dire"tory vary 9idely. 5or instan"e vi< g""< and gno e%session reside here. /usr/include/ 4eader 0iles needed 0or "o piling userspa"e sour"e "ode.. /usr/lib/ 2ibraries 0or the binaries in @usr@bin@ and @usr@sbin@. /usr/sbin/ $on%essential syste binaries o0 use to the syste ad inistrator. /his is 9here the net9ork dae ons 0or the syste reside< along &'0

5ile and dire"tory e3planation 9ith other binaries that :generally; only the syste ad inistrator has a""ess to< but 9hi"h are not reFuired 0or syste aintenan"e and repair. $or ally< these dire"tories are never part o0 nor al userCs IPA/4s< only o0 rootCs :PA/4 is an environ ent variable that "ontrols the seFuen"e o0 lo"ations that the syste 9ill atte pt to look in 0or "o ands;. /usr/share/ /his dire"tory "ontains CshareableC< ar"hite"ture%independent 0iles :do"s< i"ons< 0onts et";. $ote< ho9ever< that C@usr@shareC is generally not intended to be shared by di00erent operating syste s or by di00erent releases o0 the sa e operating syste . Any progra or pa"kage 9hi"h "ontains or reFuires data that donCt need to be odi0ied should store these data in C@usr@share@C :or C@usr@lo"al@share@C< i0 anually installed % see belo9;. .t is re"o ended that a subdire"tory be used in @usr@share 0or this purpose. /usr/src/ /he Clinu3C sub%dire"tory holds the 2inu3 kernel sour"es< and header%0iles. /usr/local/ 1ptional tertiary hierar"hy 0or lo"al data. /he original idea behind C@usr@lo"alC 9as to have a separate :Clo"alC; C@usr@C dire"tory on every a"hine besides C@usr@C< 9hi"h ight be ounted read%only 0ro so e9here else. .t "opies the stru"ture o0 C@usr@C. /hese days< C@usr@lo"al@C is 9idely regarded as a good pla"e in 9hi"h to keep sel0%"o piled or third%party progra s. /his dire"tory is e pty by de0ault in Ar"h 2inu3. .t ay be used 0or anually "o piled so0t9are installations i0 desired. Pa" an installs to @usr@< there0ore< anually &'&

Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook "o piled@installed so0t9are installed to @usr@lo"al@ ay pea"e0ully "o%e3ist 9ith pa" an%tra"ked syste so0t9are.
%var% -aria' e fi es, such as ogs, spoo fi es, a!d temporary e2mai fi es. A! Arch, the A#/ tree a!d pacma! cache a so reside here. 6hy !ot put the varia' e a!d tra!sie!t data i!to /usr/Y #ecause there might 'e circumsta!ces whe! /usr/ is mou!ted as read2o! y, e.g. if it is o! a C+ or o! a!other computer. =/var/= co!tai!s varia' e data, i.e. fi es a!d directories the system must 'e a' e to write to duri!g operatio!, whereas /usr/ sha o! y co!tai! static data. /ome directories ca! 'e put o!to separate partitio!s or systems, e.g. for easier 'ackups, due to !etwork topo ogy or security co!cer!s. Ather directories have to 'e o! the root partitio!, 'ecause they are vita for the 'oot process. =Hou!ta' e= directories are: =/home=, =/m!t=, =/tmp=, =/usr= a!d =/var=. @sse!tia for 'ooti!g are: =/'i!=, =/'oot=, =/dev=, =/etc=, =/ i'=, =/proc= a!d =/s'i!=.

/var/abs/ /he ABS tree. A ports%like pa"kage build syste hierar"hy "ontaining build s"ripts 9ithin subdire"tories "orresponding to all installable Ar"h so0t9are. /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ /he pa" an pa"kage "a"he. /var/lib/ State in0or ation. Persistent data odi0ied by progra s as they run :e.g. databases< pa"kaging syste etadata et".;. /var/lock/ Unsharable 2o"k 0iles data. 5iles keeping tra"k o0 resour"es "urrently in use. /var/log/ 2og 0iles. /var/mail/ Shareable dire"tory 0or usersC ailbo3es. /var/run/ Unshareable data about the running syste sin"e last boot :e.g. "urrently logged%in users and running dae ons;. /var/spool/ Spool 0or tasks 9aiting to be pro"essed :e.g. print Fueues and unread ail;. &'2

5ile and dire"tory e3planation /var/spool/mail/ Depre"ated lo"ation 0or usersC ailbo3es. /var/tmp/ /e porary 0iles to be preserved bet9een reboots.


Ar"h Boot Pro"ess

Arch (oot Process

After the i!itia &A/3, the #1A/ directs the computer to oad a 'oot sector from the hard drive. Actua y, a sma program ca ed %R)# stage. is withi! this sector. 3his is a ti!y program. 1ts o! y fu!ctio! is to oad %R)# stage..I or stage2 ;depe!di!g o! fi esystem type<. %R)# stage..I/stage2 wi prese!t a 'oot me!u with various ;customi9a' e< choices of operati!g systems to 'oot. 3he path to the device, partitio! a!d fi e!ame of the ker!e a!d i!itia ram fi esystem is co!tai!ed for %R)# i! /'oot/gru'/me!u. st. After choosi!g a! Arch ,i!u" e!try, %R)# oads the ,i!u" ker!e . 3he ker!e is the core of a! operati!g system. 1t fu!ctio!s o! a ow eve ;*ernelspace< i!teracti!g 'etwee! the hardware of the machi!e, a!d the programs which use the hardware to ru!. 3o make efficie!t use of the cpu, the ker!e uses a schedu er to ar'itrate which tasks take priority at a!y give! mome!t, creati!g the i usio! ;to huma! perceptio!< of ma!y tasks 'ei!g e"ecuted simu ta!eous y. After the ker!e is oaded, it reads from the i!itramfs. 3he purpose of the i!itramfs is to 'ootstrap the system to the poi!t where it ca! access the root fi esystem. 3his mea!s it has to oad a!y modu es that are re7uired for devices ike 1+@, /C/1, or /A3A drives ;or )/#/*6, if you are 'ooti!g off a )/#/*6 drive<. A!ce the i!itramfs oads the proper modu es, either ma!ua y or through udev, it passes co!tro to the ker!e a!d the 'oot process co!ti!ues. *or this reaso!, the i!itrd o! y !eeds to co!tai! the modu es !ecessary to access the root fi esystem. 1t does !ot !eed to co!tai! every modu e you wou d ever wa!t to use. 3he maQority of your everyday modu es wi 'e oaded ater o! 'y udev, duri!g the i!it process. 3he ker!e the! ooks for the program init which resides at /sbin/init. init re ies o! glibc, the %() C i'rary. ,i'raries are co ectio!s of fre7ue!t y used program routi!es a!d are readi y ide!tifia' e through their fi e!ame e"te!sio! of 3hey are esse!tia for 'asic system fu!ctio!a ity. 3his part of the 'oot process is ca ed early userspace.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3he purpose of init is to 'ri!g ;a!d keep< the system up i!to a usa' e state. 1t uses the 'oot scripts to do so. As you may 'e aware, Arch uses #/+2sty e 'oot scripts. init reads the fi e /etc/inittab, which te s it what to do. ,ooki!g over the inittab script, you wi fi!d that the first u!comme!ted i!e defi!es the defau t system ru! eve , or, G. 3he !e"t thi!g it is to d to do is to ru! a! i!itia i9atio! script. 3he program that e"ecutes ;or i!terprets< this script is 'ash, the same program that gives you a comma!d prompt. 1! Arch ,i!u", the mai! i!itia i9atio! script is /etc/rc.s!sinit. /etc/inittab a so defi!es your virtua co!so es, which are =respaw!ed= 'y /sbin/init if termi!ated. ,ast y, inittab defi!es a ogi! ma!ager, if starti!g the system at ru! eve I is desired. #y defau t the ogi! ma!ager is a so respaw!ed 'y /sbin/init if termi!ated. /etc/inittab directs init to ca the first 'oot script, /etc/rc.s!sinit, after which /etc/rc.multi wi 'e ca ed ;i! a !orma 'oot<. 3he ast script to ru! wi 'e /etc/rc.local, which is empty 'y defau t. 6he! started i! ru! eve ., the si!g e user mode, the script /etc/rc.single is ru! i!stead of /etc/rc.multi. :ou wi !ot fi!d a! e!d ess sym i!k co ectio! i! the /etc/rcY.d/ directories to defi!e the 'oot se7ue!ce for a possi' e ru! eve s. 1! fact, due to this approach Arch o! y rea y has three ru! eve s, if you take starti!g up S i! ru! eve I i!to accou!t. 3he 'oot scripts are usi!g the varia' es a!d defi!itio!s fou!d i! the /etc/rc.conf fi e a!d a so a set of ge!era fu!ctio!s defi!ed i! the /etc/rc.d/functions script. 1f you p a! to write your ow! daemo! fi es, you shou d co!sider havi!g a ook at this fi e a!d e"isti!g daemo! scripts.

(oot cri"t ,verview

.. 2. G. C. I. E. /etc/i!itta' ;covered a'ove< /etc/rc.sysi!it /etc/!g e /etc/ ti /etc/rc. oca /etc/profi e


Ar"h Boot Pro"ess

7. /etc/rc.shutdow! D. /etc/rc. oca .shutdow! 9. /etc/rc.d/U %etc%rc2sysinit 3he mai! system 'oot script, which mou!ts fi esystems, ru!s udev, activates swap, oads modu es, sets oca i9atio! parameters, etc. 6he! ca ed, udev sha pro'e system hardware, oadi!g appropriate ker!e modu es a!d creati!g device !odes u!der /dev. *or more, ope! /etc/rc.sysi!it i! your editor of choice0 the fi e is we comme!ted. %etc%rc2single /i!g e2user startup. (ot used i! a !orma 'oot2up. 1f the system is started i! si!g e2user mode, for e"amp e with the ker!e parameter . 'efore 'ooti!g or duri!g !orma mu ti2user operatio! with the comma!d i!it ., this script makes sure !o daemo!s are ru!!i!g e"cept for the 'are mi!imum0 sys og2!g a!d udev. 3he si!g e2user mode is usefu if you !eed to make a!y cha!ges to the system whi e maki!g sure that !o remote user ca! do a!ythi!g that might cause data oss or damage. *or desktop users, this mode is usua y 7uite use ess. %etc%rc2!ulti Hu ti2user startup script. 1t starts a daemo!s ;such as a ogger, a !etwork script, etc< specified i! the +A@HA(/V array i! /etc/!f, after which it ca s /etc/rc. oca . %etc%rc2local ,oca mu ti2user startup script. @mpty 'y defau t. 1t is a good p ace to put a!y ast2mi!ute comma!ds you wa!t the system to ru! at the very e!d of the 'oot process. Host commo! system co!figuratio! tasks, ike oadi!g modu es, cha!gi!g the co!so e fo!t or setti!g up devices, usua y have a dedicated p ace where they 'e o!g. 3o avoid co!fusio!, you shou d make sure that whatever you i!te!d to add to your rc. oca is !ot a ready residi!g i! /etc/profi e.d/, or a!y other e"isti!g co!figuratio! ocatio! i!stead.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

%etc%"rofile 3his script is ru! o! each user ogi! to i!itia i9e the system. 1t g o'a y defi!es &/., ]&A38, 'ash a iases, etc. 1t is kept 7uite simp e u!der Arch ,i!u", as most thi!gs are. :ou may wish to edit or customi9e it to suit your !eeds. %etc%rc2shutdown /ystem shutdow! script. 1t stops daemo!s, u!mou!ts fi esystems, deactivates the swap, etc. %etc%rc2local2shutdown ;Aptio!a < A!a ogous to the /etc/rc. oca fi e, this fi e may co!tai! a!y comma!ds you wa!t to ru! right 'efore the commo! rc.shutdow! is e"ecuted. & ease !ote that this fi e does !ot e"ist 'y defau t, a!d for it to work proper y, it must 'e set as e"ecuta' e. %etc%rc2d%S 3his directory co!tai!s the daemo! scripts referred to from the!f=s +A@HA(/V array. 1! additio! to 'ei!g ca ed o! 'oot, you ca! use these scripts whe! the system is ru!!i!g to ma!age the services of your system. *or e"amp e the comma!d
/etc/rc.d/po tfix top

wi stop the postfi" daemo!. 3his directory is !ot i! the ]&A38 'y defau t, 'ut may 'e added for co!ve!ie!ce. A'vious y a correspo!di!g daemo! script o! y e"ists whe! the appropriate package has 'ee! i!sta ed ;i! this case postfi"<. 6ith a 'ase system i!sta , there are few scripts i! here, 'ut rest assured that a re eva!t daemo! scripts e!d up here. 1f you wish, you ca!, of course, create your ow! scripts a!d p ace them here, to 'e ca ed 'y the +A@HA(/V array i! /etc/!f o! system startup. 3his directory is pretty much the e7uiva e!t to the /etc/rcG.d/ or /etc/i!it.d/ directories of other distri'utio!s, 'ut without a the sym i!k hass e. 3he ack of sym i!k re7uireme!t is a defi!i!g differe!ce of a U#/+2sty e i!it framework, vs a sysvi!it.


Ar"h Boot Pro"ess

agetty and login

After the Arch 'oot scripts are comp eted, the agett! program prompts you for a ogi! !ame. After a ogi! !ame is received, agett! ca s login to prompt for the ogi! password. *i!a y, with a successfu ogi!, the login program starts your defau t she . 3he defau t she a!d e!viro!me!t varia' es may 'e g o'a y defi!ed withi! /etc/profi e. A varia' es withi! a users home directory sha take precede!ce over those g o'a y defi!ed u!der /etc. *or i!sta!ce, if 2 co!f icti!g varia' es are specified withi! /etc/profi e a!d [/.'ashrc, the o!e dictated 'y [/.'ashrc sha prevai .


Baintaining the syste

8aintaining the syste!

su or su & Y 3he defau t 'ehavior of

is to remai! withi! the curre!t directory a!d to mai!tai! the e!viro!me!ta varia' es of the origi!a user ;rather tha! switch to those of the !ew user<. 1t sometimes ca! 'e adva!tageous for a system admi!istrator to use the she accou!t of a! ordi!ary user rather tha! its ow!. 1! particu ar, occasio!a y the most efficie!t way to so ve a user=s pro' em is to og i!to that user=s accou!t i! order to reproduce or de'ug the pro' em. 8owever, i! ma!y situatio!s it is !ot desira' e, or it ca! eve! 'e da!gerous, for the root user to 'e operati!g from a! ordi!ary user=s she accou!t a!d with that accou!t=s e!viro!me!ta varia' es rather tha! from its ow!. 6hi e i!adverte!t y usi!g a! ordi!ary user=s she accou!t, root cou d i!sta a program or make other cha!ges to the system that wou d !ot have the same resu t as if they were made whi e usi!g the root accou!t. *or i!sta!ce, a program cou d 'e i!sta ed that cou d give the ordi!ary user power to accide!ta y damage the system or gai! u!authori9ed access to certai! data. 3hus, it is advisa' e that admi!istrative users, as we as a!y other users that are authori9ed to use su ;of which there shou d 'e very few, if a!y<, ac7uire the ha'it of a ways fo owi!g the su comma!d with a space a!d the! a hyphe!. ; ogi! she optio!< 3he hyphe! has two effects: ;.< it switches from the curre!t directory to the home directory of the !ew user ;e.g., to /root i! the case of the root user< 'y logging in as that user, a!d ;2< it cha!ges the e!viro!me!ta varia' es to those of the !ew user as dictated 'y their [/.'ashrc. 3hat is, if the first argume!t to su is a hyphe!, the curre!t directory a!d e!viro!me!t wi 'e cha!ged to what wou d 'e e"pected if the


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

!ew user had actua y ogged o! to a !ew sessio! ;rather tha! Qust taki!g over a! e"isti!g sessio!<. Thus! administrators should generally use su as follo s:
N u -

A! ide!tica resu t is produced 'y addi!g the user!ame root, i.e.,

N u - root

,ikewise, the same ca! 'e do!e for a!y other user, e.g., for a user !amed archie:
% u - archie

&acma! is 'oth a 'i!ary a!d source package ma!ager which is a' e to dow! oad, i!sta , a!d upgrade packages from 'oth remote a!d oca repositories with fu depe!de!cy ha!d i!g, a!d has easy2to2 u!dersta!d too s for crafti!g your ow! packages too. A more2detai ed descriptio! of &acma! ca! 'e fou!d i! its artic e.

%seful commands
3o view the optio!s avai a' e for a particu ar operatio!a comma!d, say &>, Qust appe!d it with &h:
pacman -Vh

3o sy!chro!i9e a!d update the oca packages data'ase with the remote repositories ;it is a good idea to do this 'efore i!sta i!g a!d upgradi!g packages<:


Baintaining the syste

pacman -1'

3o u"grade a packages o! the system:

pacman -1u

3o sy!c, update, a!d u"grade a the packages o! the system with o!e comma!d:
pacman -1'u

3o i!sta or upgrade a si!g e package or ist of packages ;i!c udi!g depe!de!cies<:

pacman -1 pac&age: pac&age6

:ou ca! a so sy!c, update the package data'ase, a!d i!sta packages i! o!e comma!d:
pacman -1' pac&age: pac&age6

3o remove a si!g e package, eavi!g a of its depe!de!cies i!sta ed:

pacman -> pac&age

3o remove a package a!d a of the package=s depe!de!cies which are !ot used 'y a!y other i!sta ed package:
pacman -> pac&age

;&*s is typica y preferred vs * to remove a!y package as it wi c ea! up a u!used depe!de!cies<


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

3o remove a of the package=s !ow u!!eeded depe!de!cies a!d a so i!struct pacma! to ig!ore fi e 'ackup desig!atio!s. ;(orma y, whe! a fi e is removed from the system the data'ase is checked to see if the fi e shou d 'e re!amed with a 4.pacsave4 e"te!sio!.<:
pacman -> n pac&age

3o search the remote ;repo< package data'ase for a ist of packages matchi!g a give! keyword:
pacman -1 &e'(ord

,ist a avai a' e packages i! a give! repo. e.g., core:

pacman -1l core

3o ist a packages o! your system

pacman -V

3o ist a packages o! your system without the versio! stri!gs, we add the &@ optio!:
pacman -VE

3o search ;7uery< the oca ;your machi!e< package data'ase for a give! package:
pacman -V pac&age

3o search ;7uery< the oca ;your machi!e< package data'ase for a give! package a!d ist a perti!e!t i!formatio!:


Baintaining the syste

pacman -Vi pac&age

3o ist a fi es i!sta ed 'y a give! pac*age:

pacman -,l package

Co!verse y, to fi!d the package that ow!s a give! fi e ;i! this e"amp e, the ls e"ecuta' e<:
pacman -,o /bin/ls

,ist a u!used packages !o o!ger re7uired as depe!de!cies, ;orpha!s<:

pacman -Vdt

Remove a orpha!s: ;Recomme!ded for e"perie!ced users o! y.<

pacman -> n N4pacman -VdtE7

Hissi!g i'raries: /uppose you receive a! error message ike this:

mpla!er- error while loading shared cannot open shared ob.ect file- No such file or director!

3his may 'e a! i!dicatio! that a package you have previous y i!sta ed is !ow corrupt ;some or a of its fi es are missi!g<. :ou shou d try to fi!d the package !ame that provides the missi!g shared i'rary. 1! this e"amp e, you cou d type:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

pacman -,l / grep

3he first co um! i! the output is the package !ame:

heimdal /usr/lib/ heimdal /usr/lib/

3he!, you ca! Qust re2i!sta it:

pacman -%! heimdal

3o defragme!t pacma!=s cache data'ase a!d optimi9e for speed:


3o cou!t how ma!y packages are curre!t y o! your system:

pacman -V ! (c -l

3o i!sta a package compi ed from source usi!g A#/ a!d makepkg:

pacman -< pac&agename.p&g.tar.g3

(ote: 3here are cou!t ess additio!a pacma! fu!ctio!s a!d comma!ds. 3ry ma! pacma! a!d co!su t the pacma! wiki e!tries.

3here are a !um'er of fi es eft a!d created 'y pacma! a!d other programs to faci itate mai!te!a!ce a!d to co!form to a safe computi!g practice. 6he! pacma! is i!sta i!g somethi!g, the package co!tai!s i!formatio! o! whether to 'ack up a particu ar


Baintaining the syste

fi e. /uch fi es wi have the 2"acsave e"te!sio!. 6he! you force a 4(o)pgrade4 o! a fi e via pacma!.co!f, it wi !ot 'e rep aced duri!g a! upgrade a!d the !ew fi e wi come with the 2"acnew e"te!sio!. *or e"amp e, you have edited a co!figuratio! fi e thorough y a!d you do !ot wa!t a! upgrade of the respective package to rep ace the fi e with a !ew o!e, we must have the fo owi!g i!e i! %etc%"ac!an2conf:
-o<pgrade = /path/to/config/file

3o view the differe!ces of the o d a!d !ew versio!s of these fi es, we ca! either edit them ma!ua y or use a diff uti ity to take !ote of the differe!ces. 3here is a! automated too to fi!d a!d view such fi es avai a' e from the co!!unity repository:
pacman -1 pacman-contri, cd S/ pacdiff % a root

3here is a 'ug i! the a'ove too where if you !avigate to %etc a!d ru! it from there, the paths wi 'e messed up. 6e remai! o! the safer side 'y 'ei!g at 4home4. :ou may wa!t to ru! it as user first i! case you happe! to 'e a care ess perso! ;you may Qust overwrite or remove fi es 'ecause you thin* that is the right way<. 3here are other types of eftovers depe!di!g o! the programs avai a' e o! your system. /ome wi create 'ackups with a 2bak e"te!sio!, whi e others with somethi!g ike 4Q4 or 4&4. )!fortu!ate y, there is curre!t y !o way to 4automatica y4 fi!d a!d review them. *ear !ot, as we have !o !eed for automated too s to dea with such trivia tasks. /imp y use locate to search for them:
locate -e W.S W.- W.,a&

A!d we ca! use somethi!g usefu ike vi!diff to ook at the differe!ces ma!ua y:


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

pacman -1 vim vimdiff file+ file2


/9eaks@5inishing tou"hes

Tweaks%?inishing touches
/i!ce you have !ow i!sta ed a desktop e!viro!me!t/wi!dow ma!ager, a!d if you did !ot do so ear ier, !ow wou d 'e a good time to a so i!sta 8A,. 8A, a ows p ug2a!d2p ay for your mo'i e pho!e, your i&od, your e"ter!a 8+=s, etc. 1t wi mou!t the device a!d make a !ice visua ico! o! your desktop a!d/or i! =Hy Computer=, a owi!g you to access the device after you have p ugged it i! i!stead of havi!g to ma!ua y co!figure the /etc/fsta' fi e or udev ru es for each a!d every !ew device. O+@, %(AH@ a!d S*C@ a use 8A,. 3he i!sta atio! procedure is descri'ed i! the 8A, artic e. /ome i!formatio! ca! a so 'e fou!d at 6ikipedia.

(ackgrounding )AE8,- on startu"

3o speed up system start up procedure, 'ackgrou!d se ected +A@HA(/ i! /etc/!f 'y prefi"i!g them with a =5= e.g.:
?:;58-1=4 ' log-ng Hnet(or& crond Hal a Hhal Hfam H&dm7

3his wi e!a' e daemo!s to oad i! the 'ackgrou!d, without waiti!g for the precedi!g daemo! to oad first. 1! some cases, this may cause issues, especia y if you re7uire daemo!s to start i! the specified order. &refi" a!y daemo!s which you do !ot !eed with a 'a!g ;P< e.g.:
?:;58-1=4 ' log-ng Hnet(or& Fnetf Hfam H&dm7 Fcrond Hal a Hhal

;A ter!ative y, you may a so simp y remove u!!eeded daemo!s from the array<.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

Turn off Control Echo in (ash

/ome users may have !oticed that si!ce the read i!e update their termi!a has 'ee! disp ayi!g ^C after ctr Jc has 'ee! pressed. 6hi e this is !ot a pro' em, it ca! 'e a!!oyi!g. *or a!y users who wish to disa' e this, simp y add the fo owi!g to /etc/profi e or ]8AH@/.'ash$profi e:
tt' -ctlecho

(eautifying ?onts for LC).s

/ee *o!ts

AdTusting 8ouse for scroll wheel

6hi e your mouse shou d 'e worki!g out of the 'o", you may wa!t to use your scro whee . Add this to your 1!put /ectio! ;mouse0<:
8ption )C:xi 5apping) )* " 6 #)

3et All 8ouse (uttons 1orking

/ee %et A House #utto!s 6orki!g

Configuring Touch"ad for La"to"s

/ee 3ouchpad /y!aptics

AdTusting Deyboard Layout

:ou may wa!t to cha!ge your key'oard ayout. 3o do this edit your /etc/S../"!f a!d add these i!es i! the 1!put+evice /ectio! ;Oey'oard0< ;the e"amp e shows a %erma! key'oard ayout with !o dead keys0 a ter this to fit your !eeds<.


/9eaks@5inishing tou"hes
8ption 8ption )O&,2a'out) )O&,Rariant) )de) )nodead&e' )

Additional tweaks for la"to"s

AC&1 support is !eeded if you wa!t to use some specia fu!ctio!s o! your !ote'ook ;e.g. s eep, s eep whe! id is c osed, specia keys...<. 1!sta acpid usi!g
pacman -1 acpid

a!d add it to the daemo!s i! /etc/!f. 1f you a ready have hal specified i! your +A@HA(/, there is !o !eed to add ac"id. 8A, wi automatica y detect a!d oad the acpid daemo!. Ha!ua y, it ca! 'e started 'y
/etc/rc.d/acpid tart

Hore2specific i!formatio! a'out Arch ,i!u" o! various ,aptops ca! 'e fou!d at Category:,aptops ;@!g ish<

Configuring CP+ fre@uency scaling

Hoder! processors ca! decrease their fre7ue!cy a!d vo tage to reduce heat a!d power co!sumptio!. ,ess heat eads to a 7uieter system0 ,aptop users wi defi!ite y wa!t this, 'ut eve! a desktop system wi 'e!efit from it. 1!sta cpufre7uti s with
pacman -1 cpufreEutil

@dit the co!fig fi e /etc/co!f.d/cpufre7 a!d cha!ge


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook


which dy!amica y i!creases the C&) fre7ue!cy if !eeded ;which is a safe choice o! desktop systems too<. A ter mi!$fre7 a!d ma"$fre7 to match your system=s C&) spec. 1f you do !ot k!ow the fre7ue!cies, ru! cpufre2-info after oadi!g o!e of the fre7ue!cy sca i!g modu es. :ou ca! a so comme!t out or de ete the mi!$fre7 a!d ma"$fre7 i!es: thi!gs wi work automatica y. Add the fre7ue!cy sca i!g modu es to your /etc/!f modu es i!e. Host moder! !ote'ooks a!d desktops ca! simp y use the acpi-cpufre2 driver, however other optio!s i!c ude the pB-cloc*mod, powernow*F, powernow-*G, powernow-*H, and speedstep-centrino drivers. ,oad the modu e with
modpro,e ImodulnameJ

a!d start cpufre7 with

/etc/rc.d/cpufreE tart

*or more detai s, see Cpufre7uti s

3he pm2uti s package wi a ow you to suspe!d2to2RAH a!d hi'er!ate:
pacman -1 pm-util

&m2uti s wiki page.

3he aptop2mode2too s package is sort of a o!e2stop co!figuratio! for a aptop power ma!ageme!t uti ities. 1t works i! co!Qu!ctio!


/9eaks@5inishing tou"hes
with other i!sta ed too s to fu y co!figure everythi!g from hard disk spi!2dow! to S disp ay +&H/ sta!d'y times, if desired.
pacman -1 laptop-mode-tool

Add aptop2mode to your +A@HA(/V i!e i! /etc/!f a!d co!figure /etc/ aptop2mode/!f.

Add additional re"ositories

1! severa specia cases, a package may !ot 'e i! the officia repositories for certai! reaso!s, e.g. si9e or popu arity. 1! these cases, you might fi!d a specia i9ed user repository that mai!tai!s the package you wa!t. /ee )!officia user repositories for a mai!tai!ed ist of additio!a repos. #e aware that usi!g the packages you wa!t from A)R might 'e 'etter i! some cases, depe!di!g o! the type of package you wa!t.


6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense

3-+ ?ree )ocu!entation License

3-+ ?ree )ocu!entation License
-ersio! ..2, (ovem'er 2002
9op'right 497 2000K200+K2002 .ree 1oft(are .oundationK Bnc."+ .ran&lin 1tK .ifth .loorK 6o tonK 5: 02++0-+$0+ <1: ;ver'one i permitted to cop' and di tri,ute ver,atim copie of thi licen e documentK ,ut changing it i not allo(ed.

H2 P*EA8(LE 3he purpose of this ,ice!se is to make a ma!ua , te"t'ook, or other fu!ctio!a a!d usefu docume!t 4free4 i! the se!se of freedom: to assure everyo!e the effective freedom to copy a!d redistri'ute it, with or without modifyi!g it, either commercia y or !o!commercia y. /eco!dari y, this ,ice!se preserves for the author a!d pu' isher a way to get credit for their work, whi e !ot 'ei!g co!sidered respo!si' e for modificatio!s made 'y others. 3his ,ice!se is a ki!d of 4copy eft4, which mea!s that derivative works of the docume!t must themse ves 'e free i! the same se!se. 1t comp eme!ts the %() %e!era &u' ic ,ice!se, which is a copy eft ice!se desig!ed for free software. 6e have desig!ed this ,ice!se i! order to use it for ma!ua s for free software, 'ecause free software !eeds free docume!tatio!: a free program shou d come with ma!ua s providi!g the same freedoms that the software does. #ut this ,ice!se is !ot imited to software ma!ua s0 it ca! 'e used for a!y te"tua work, regard ess of su'Qect matter or whether it is pu' ished as a pri!ted 'ook. 6e recomme!d this ,ice!se pri!cipa y for works whose purpose is i!structio! or refere!ce. 72 APPL/CA(/L/TE A-) )E?/-/T/,3his ,ice!se app ies to a!y ma!ua or other work, i! a!y medium, that co!tai!s a !otice p aced 'y the copyright ho der sayi!g it ca! 'e distri'uted u!der the terms of this ,ice!se. /uch a !otice gra!ts a


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

wor d2wide, roya ty2free ice!se, u! imited i! duratio!, to use that work u!der the co!ditio!s stated herei!. 3he 4+ocume!t4, 'e ow, refers to a!y such ma!ua or work. A!y mem'er of the pu' ic is a ice!see, a!d is addressed as 4you4. :ou accept the ice!se if you copy, modify or distri'ute the work i! a way re7uiri!g permissio! u!der copyright aw. A 4Hodified -ersio!4 of the +ocume!t mea!s a!y work co!tai!i!g the +ocume!t or a portio! of it, either copied ver'atim, or with modificatio!s a!d/or tra!s ated i!to a!other a!guage. A 4/eco!dary /ectio!4 is a !amed appe!di" or a fro!t2matter sectio! of the +ocume!t that dea s e"c usive y with the re atio!ship of the pu' ishers or authors of the +ocume!t to the +ocume!t=s overa su'Qect ;or to re ated matters< a!d co!tai!s !othi!g that cou d fa direct y withi! that overa su'Qect. ;3hus, if the +ocume!t is i! part a te"t'ook of mathematics, a /eco!dary /ectio! may !ot e"p ai! a!y mathematics.< 3he re atio!ship cou d 'e a matter of historica co!!ectio! with the su'Qect or with re ated matters, or of ega , commercia , phi osophica , ethica or po itica positio! regardi!g them. 3he 41!varia!t /ectio!s4 are certai! /eco!dary /ectio!s whose tit es are desig!ated, as 'ei!g those of 1!varia!t /ectio!s, i! the !otice that says that the +ocume!t is re eased u!der this ,ice!se. 1f a sectio! does !ot fit the a'ove defi!itio! of /eco!dary the! it is !ot a owed to 'e desig!ated as 1!varia!t. 3he +ocume!t may co!tai! 9ero 1!varia!t /ectio!s. 1f the +ocume!t does !ot ide!tify a!y 1!varia!t /ectio!s the! there are !o!e. 3he 4Cover 3e"ts4 are certai! short passages of te"t that are isted, as *ro!t2Cover 3e"ts or #ack2Cover 3e"ts, i! the !otice that says that the +ocume!t is re eased u!der this ,ice!se. A *ro!t2Cover 3e"t may 'e at most I words, a!d a #ack2Cover 3e"t may 'e at most 2I words. A 43ra!spare!t4 copy of the +ocume!t mea!s a machi!e2reada' e copy, represe!ted i! a format whose specificatio! is avai a' e to the ge!era pu' ic, that is suita' e for revisi!g the docume!t straightforward y with ge!eric te"t editors or ;for images composed of pi"e s< ge!eric pai!t programs or ;for drawi!gs< some wide y avai a' e drawi!g editor, a!d that is suita' e for i!put to te"t


6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense

formatters or for automatic tra!s atio! to a variety of formats suita' e for i!put to te"t formatters. A copy made i! a! otherwise 3ra!spare!t fi e format whose markup, or a'se!ce of markup, has 'ee! arra!ged to thwart or discourage su'se7ue!t modificatio! 'y readers is !ot 3ra!spare!t. A! image format is !ot 3ra!spare!t if used for a!y su'sta!tia amou!t of te"t. A copy that is !ot 43ra!spare!t4 is ca ed 4Apa7ue4. @"amp es of suita' e formats for 3ra!spare!t copies i!c ude p ai! A/C11 without markup, 3e"i!fo i!put format, ,a3eS i!put format, /%H, or SH, usi!g a pu' ic y avai a' e +3+, a!d sta!dard2 co!formi!g simp e 83H,, &ost/cript or &+* desig!ed for huma! modificatio!. @"amp es of tra!spare!t image formats i!c ude &(%, SC* a!d ?&%. Apa7ue formats i!c ude proprietary formats that ca! 'e read a!d edited o! y 'y proprietary word processors, /%H, or SH, for which the +3+ a!d/or processi!g too s are !ot ge!era y avai a' e, a!d the machi!e2ge!erated 83H,, &ost/cript or &+* produced 'y some word processors for output purposes o! y. 3he 43it e &age4 mea!s, for a pri!ted 'ook, the tit e page itse f, p us such fo owi!g pages as are !eeded to ho d, egi' y, the materia this ,ice!se re7uires to appear i! the tit e page. *or works i! formats which do !ot have a!y tit e page as such, 43it e &age4 mea!s the te"t !ear the most promi!e!t appeara!ce of the work=s tit e, precedi!g the 'egi!!i!g of the 'ody of the te"t. A sectio! 4@!tit ed S:W4 mea!s a !amed su'u!it of the +ocume!t whose tit e either is precise y S:W or co!tai!s S:W i! pare!theses fo owi!g te"t that tra!s ates S:W i! a!other a!guage. ;8ere S:W sta!ds for a specific sectio! !ame me!tio!ed 'e ow, such as 4Ack!ow edgeme!ts4, 4+edicatio!s4, 4@!dorseme!ts4, or 48istory4.< 3o 4&reserve the 3it e4 of such a sectio! whe! you modify the +ocume!t mea!s that it remai!s a sectio! 4@!tit ed S:W4 accordi!g to this defi!itio!. 3he +ocume!t may i!c ude 6arra!ty +isc aimers !e"t to the !otice which states that this ,ice!se app ies to the +ocume!t. 3hese 6arra!ty +isc aimers are co!sidered to 'e i!c uded 'y refere!ce i! this ,ice!se, 'ut o! y as regards disc aimi!g warra!ties: a!y other imp icatio! that these 6arra!ty +isc aimers may have is void a!d has !o effect o! the mea!i!g of this ,ice!se.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

<2 6E*(AT/8 C,PE/-3 :ou may copy a!d distri'ute the +ocume!t i! a!y medium, either commercia y or !o!commercia y, provided that this ,ice!se, the copyright !otices, a!d the ice!se !otice sayi!g this ,ice!se app ies to the +ocume!t are reproduced i! a copies, a!d that you add !o other co!ditio!s whatsoever to those of this ,ice!se. :ou may !ot use tech!ica measures to o'struct or co!tro the readi!g or further copyi!g of the copies you make or distri'ute. 8owever, you may accept compe!satio! i! e"cha!ge for copies. 1f you distri'ute a arge e!ough !um'er of copies you must a so fo ow the co!ditio!s i! sectio! G. :ou may a so e!d copies, u!der the same co!ditio!s stated a'ove, a!d you may pu' ic y disp ay copies. =2 C,PE/-3 /- >+A-T/TE 1f you pu' ish pri!ted copies ;or copies i! media that commo! y have pri!ted covers< of the +ocume!t, !um'eri!g more tha! .00, a!d the +ocume!t=s ice!se !otice re7uires Cover 3e"ts, you must e!c ose the copies i! covers that carry, c ear y a!d egi' y, a these Cover 3e"ts: *ro!t2Cover 3e"ts o! the fro!t cover, a!d #ack2Cover 3e"ts o! the 'ack cover. #oth covers must a so c ear y a!d egi' y ide!tify you as the pu' isher of these copies. 3he fro!t cover must prese!t the fu tit e with a words of the tit e e7ua y promi!e!t a!d visi' e. :ou may add other materia o! the covers i! additio!. Copyi!g with cha!ges imited to the covers, as o!g as they preserve the tit e of the +ocume!t a!d satisfy these co!ditio!s, ca! 'e treated as ver'atim copyi!g i! other respects. 1f the re7uired te"ts for either cover are too vo umi!ous to fit egi' y, you shou d put the first o!es isted ;as ma!y as fit reaso!a' y< o! the actua cover, a!d co!ti!ue the rest o!to adQace!t pages. 1f you pu' ish or distri'ute Apa7ue copies of the +ocume!t !um'eri!g more tha! .00, you must either i!c ude a machi!e2 reada' e 3ra!spare!t copy a o!g with each Apa7ue copy, or state i! or with each Apa7ue copy a computer2!etwork ocatio! from which the ge!era !etwork2usi!g pu' ic has access to dow! oad usi!g pu' ic2sta!dard !etwork protoco s a comp ete 3ra!spare!t copy of


6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense

the +ocume!t, free of added materia . 1f you use the atter optio!, you must take reaso!a' y prude!t steps, whe! you 'egi! distri'utio! of Apa7ue copies i! 7ua!tity, to e!sure that this 3ra!spare!t copy wi remai! thus accessi' e at the stated ocatio! u!ti at east o!e year after the ast time you distri'ute a! Apa7ue copy ;direct y or through your age!ts or retai ers< of that editio! to the pu' ic. 1t is re7uested, 'ut !ot re7uired, that you co!tact the authors of the +ocume!t we 'efore redistri'uti!g a!y arge !um'er of copies, to give them a cha!ce to provide you with a! updated versio! of the +ocume!t. '2 8,)/?/CAT/,:ou may copy a!d distri'ute a Hodified -ersio! of the +ocume!t u!der the co!ditio!s of sectio!s 2 a!d G a'ove, provided that you re ease the Hodified -ersio! u!der precise y this ,ice!se, with the Hodified -ersio! fi i!g the ro e of the +ocume!t, thus ice!si!g distri'utio! a!d modificatio! of the Hodified -ersio! to whoever possesses a copy of it. 1! additio!, you must do these thi!gs i! the Hodified -ersio!: A2 )se i! the 3it e &age ;a!d o! the covers, if a!y< a tit e disti!ct from that of the +ocume!t, a!d from those of previous versio!s ;which shou d, if there were a!y, 'e isted i! the 8istory sectio! of the +ocume!t<. :ou may use the same tit e as a previous versio! if the origi!a pu' isher of that versio! gives permissio!. (2 ,ist o! the 3it e &age, as authors, o!e or more perso!s or e!tities respo!si' e for authorship of the modificatio!s i! the Hodified -ersio!, together with at east five of the pri!cipa authors of the +ocume!t ;a of its pri!cipa authors, if it has fewer tha! five<, u! ess they re ease you from this re7uireme!t. C2 /tate o! the 3it e page the !ame of the pu' isher of the Hodified -ersio!, as the pu' isher. )2 &reserve a the copyright !otices of the +ocume!t. . E2 Add a! appropriate copyright !otice for your modificatio!s adQace!t to the other copyright !otices.


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

?2 1!c ude, immediate y after the copyright !otices, a ice!se !otice givi!g the pu' ic permissio! to use the Hodified -ersio! u!der the terms of this ,ice!se, i! the form show! i! the Adde!dum 'e ow. 32 &reserve i! that ice!se !otice the fu ists of 1!varia!t /ectio!s a!d re7uired Cover 3e"ts give! i! the +ocume!t=s ice!se !otice. H2 1!c ude a! u!a tered copy of this ,ice!se. /2 &reserve the sectio! @!tit ed 48istory4, &reserve its 3it e, a!d add to it a! item stati!g at east the tit e, year, !ew authors, a!d pu' isher of the Hodified -ersio! as give! o! the 3it e &age. 1f there is !o sectio! @!tit ed 48istory4 i! the +ocume!t, create o!e stati!g the tit e, year, authors, a!d pu' isher of the +ocume!t as give! o! its 3it e &age, the! add a! item descri'i!g the Hodified -ersio! as stated i! the previous se!te!ce. B2 &reserve the !etwork ocatio!, if a!y, give! i! the +ocume!t for pu' ic access to a 3ra!spare!t copy of the +ocume!t, a!d ikewise the !etwork ocatio!s give! i! the +ocume!t for previous versio!s it was 'ased o!. 3hese may 'e p aced i! the 48istory4 sectio!. :ou may omit a !etwork ocatio! for a work that was pu' ished at east four years 'efore the +ocume!t itse f, or if the origi!a pu' isher of the versio! it refers to gives permissio!. D2 *or a!y sectio! @!tit ed 4Ack!ow edgeme!ts4 or 4+edicatio!s4, &reserve the 3it e of the sectio!, a!d preserve i! the sectio! a the su'sta!ce a!d to!e of each of the co!tri'utor ack!ow edgeme!ts a!d/or dedicatio!s give! therei!. L2 &reserve a the 1!varia!t /ectio!s of the +ocume!t, u!a tered i! their te"t a!d i! their tit es. /ectio! !um'ers or the e7uiva e!t are !ot co!sidered part of the sectio! tit es. 82 +e ete a!y sectio! @!tit ed 4@!dorseme!ts4. /uch a sectio! may !ot 'e i!c uded i! the Hodified -ersio!. -2 +o !ot retit e a!y e"isti!g sectio! to 'e @!tit ed 4@!dorseme!ts4 or to co!f ict i! tit e with a!y 1!varia!t /ectio!. ,2 &reserve a!y 6arra!ty +isc aimers.


6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense

1f the Hodified -ersio! i!c udes !ew fro!t2matter sectio!s or appe!dices that 7ua ify as /eco!dary /ectio!s a!d co!tai! !o materia copied from the +ocume!t, you may at your optio! desig!ate some or a of these sectio!s as i!varia!t. 3o do this, add their tit es to the ist of 1!varia!t /ectio!s i! the Hodified -ersio!=s ice!se !otice. 3hese tit es must 'e disti!ct from a!y other sectio! tit es. :ou may add a sectio! @!tit ed 4@!dorseme!ts4, provided it co!tai!s !othi!g 'ut e!dorseme!ts of your Hodified -ersio! 'y various parties22for e"amp e, stateme!ts of peer review or that the te"t has 'ee! approved 'y a! orga!i9atio! as the authoritative defi!itio! of a sta!dard. :ou may add a passage of up to five words as a *ro!t2Cover 3e"t, a!d a passage of up to 2I words as a #ack2Cover 3e"t, to the e!d of the ist of Cover 3e"ts i! the Hodified -ersio!. A! y o!e passage of *ro!t2Cover 3e"t a!d o!e of #ack2Cover 3e"t may 'e added 'y ;or through arra!geme!ts made 'y< a!y o!e e!tity. 1f the +ocume!t a ready i!c udes a cover te"t for the same cover, previous y added 'y you or 'y arra!geme!t made 'y the same e!tity you are acti!g o! 'eha f of, you may !ot add a!other0 'ut you may rep ace the o d o!e, o! e"p icit permissio! from the previous pu' isher that added the o d o!e. 3he author;s< a!d pu' isher;s< of the +ocume!t do !ot 'y this ,ice!se give permissio! to use their !ames for pu' icity for or to assert or imp y e!dorseme!t of a!y Hodified -ersio!. 92 C,8(/-/-3 ),C+8E-T :ou may com'i!e the +ocume!t with other docume!ts re eased u!der this ,ice!se, u!der the terms defi!ed i! sectio! C a'ove for modified versio!s, provided that you i!c ude i! the com'i!atio! a of the 1!varia!t /ectio!s of a of the origi!a docume!ts, u!modified, a!d ist them a as 1!varia!t /ectio!s of your com'i!ed work i! its ice!se !otice, a!d that you preserve a their 6arra!ty +isc aimers. 3he com'i!ed work !eed o! y co!tai! o!e copy of this ,ice!se, a!d mu tip e ide!tica 1!varia!t /ectio!s may 'e rep aced with a si!g e copy. 1f there are mu tip e 1!varia!t /ectio!s with the same !ame


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

'ut differe!t co!te!ts, make the tit e of each such sectio! u!i7ue 'y addi!g at the e!d of it, i! pare!theses, the !ame of the origi!a author or pu' isher of that sectio! if k!ow!, or e se a u!i7ue !um'er. Hake the same adQustme!t to the sectio! tit es i! the ist of 1!varia!t /ectio!s i! the ice!se !otice of the com'i!ed work. 1! the com'i!atio!, you must com'i!e a!y sectio!s @!tit ed 48istory4 i! the various origi!a docume!ts, formi!g o!e sectio! @!tit ed 48istory40 ikewise com'i!e a!y sectio!s @!tit ed 4Ack!ow edgeme!ts4, a!d a!y sectio!s @!tit ed 4+edicatio!s4. :ou must de ete a sectio!s @!tit ed 4@!dorseme!ts.4 #2 C,LLECT/,- ,? ),C+8E-T :ou may make a co ectio! co!sisti!g of the +ocume!t a!d other docume!ts re eased u!der this ,ice!se, a!d rep ace the i!dividua copies of this ,ice!se i! the various docume!ts with a si!g e copy that is i!c uded i! the co ectio!, provided that you fo ow the ru es of this ,ice!se for ver'atim copyi!g of each of the docume!ts i! a other respects. :ou may e"tract a si!g e docume!t from such a co ectio!, a!d distri'ute it i!dividua y u!der this ,ice!se, provided you i!sert a copy of this ,ice!se i!to the e"tracted docume!t, a!d fo ow this ,ice!se i! a other respects regardi!g ver'atim copyi!g of that docume!t. M2 A33*E3AT/,- 1/TH /-)EPE-)E-T 1,*D A compi atio! of the +ocume!t or its derivatives with other separate a!d i!depe!de!t docume!ts or works, i! or o! a vo ume of a storage or distri'utio! medium, is ca ed a! 4aggregate4 if the copyright resu ti!g from the compi atio! is !ot used to imit the ega rights of the compi atio!=s users 'eyo!d what the i!dividua works permit. 6he! the +ocume!t is i!c uded i! a! aggregate, this ,ice!se does !ot app y to the other works i! the aggregate which are !ot themse ves derivative works of the +ocume!t. 1f the Cover 3e"t re7uireme!t of sectio! G is app ica' e to these copies of the +ocume!t, the! if the +ocume!t is ess tha! o!e ha f of the e!tire aggregate, the +ocume!t=s Cover 3e"ts may 'e p aced o! covers that 'racket the +ocume!t withi! the aggregate, or the e ectro!ic e7uiva e!t of covers if the +ocume!t is i! e ectro!ic


6$U 5ree Do"u entation 2i"ense

form. Atherwise they must appear o! pri!ted covers that 'racket the who e aggregate. $2 T*A- LAT/,3ra!s atio! is co!sidered a ki!d of modificatio!, so you may distri'ute tra!s atio!s of the +ocume!t u!der the terms of sectio! C. Rep aci!g 1!varia!t /ectio!s with tra!s atio!s re7uires specia permissio! from their copyright ho ders, 'ut you may i!c ude tra!s atio!s of some or a 1!varia!t /ectio!s i! additio! to the origi!a versio!s of these 1!varia!t /ectio!s. :ou may i!c ude a tra!s atio! of this ,ice!se, a!d a the ice!se !otices i! the +ocume!t, a!d a!y 6arra!ty +isc aimers, provided that you a so i!c ude the origi!a @!g ish versio! of this ,ice!se a!d the origi!a versio!s of those !otices a!d disc aimers. 1! case of a disagreeme!t 'etwee! the tra!s atio! a!d the origi!a versio! of this ,ice!se or a !otice or disc aimer, the origi!a versio! wi prevai . 1f a sectio! i! the +ocume!t is @!tit ed 4Ack!ow edgeme!ts4, 4+edicatio!s4, or 48istory4, the re7uireme!t ;sectio! C< to &reserve its 3it e ;sectio! .< wi typica y re7uire cha!gi!g the actua tit e. P2 TE*8/-AT/,:ou may !ot copy, modify, su' ice!se, or distri'ute the +ocume!t e"cept as e"press y provided for u!der this ,ice!se. A!y other attempt to copy, modify, su' ice!se or distri'ute the +ocume!t is void, a!d wi automatica y termi!ate your rights u!der this ,ice!se. 8owever, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you u!der this ,ice!se wi !ot have their ice!ses termi!ated so o!g as such parties remai! i! fu comp ia!ce. 7H2 ?+T+*E *E6/ /,- ,? TH/ L/CE- E 3he *ree /oftware *ou!datio! may pu' ish !ew, revised versio!s of the %() *ree +ocume!tatio! ,ice!se from time to time. /uch !ew versio!s wi 'e simi ar i! spirit to the prese!t versio!, 'ut may differ i! detai to address !ew pro' ems or co!cer!s. /ee http://www.g! eft/. @ach versio! of the ,ice!se is give! a disti!guishi!g versio! !um'er. 1f the +ocume!t specifies that a particu ar !um'ered versio! of this ,ice!se 4or a!y ater versio!4 app ies to it, you have


Ar"h 2inu3 4andbook

the optio! of fo owi!g the terms a!d co!ditio!s either of that specified versio! or of a!y ater versio! that has 'ee! pu' ished ;!ot as a draft< 'y the *ree /oftware *ou!datio!. 1f the +ocume!t does !ot specify a versio! !um'er of this ,ice!se, you may choose a!y versio! ever pu' ished ;!ot as a draft< 'y the *ree /oftware *ou!datio!.

How to use this License for your docu!ents

3o use this ,ice!se i! a docume!t you have writte!, i!c ude a copy of the ,ice!se i! the docume!t a!d put the fo owi!g copyright a!d ice!se !otices Qust after the tit e page:
9op'right 4c7 D;:> D8<> -:5;. /ermi ion i granted to cop'K di tri,ute and/or modif' thi document under the term of the G-< .ree ?ocumentation 2icen eK Rer ion +.2 or an' later ver ion pu,li hed ,' the .ree 1oft(are .oundationX (ith no Bnvariant 1ection K no .ront-9over 0ext K and no 6ac&9over 0ext . : cop' of the licen e i included in the ection entitled )G-< .ree ?ocumentation 2icen e).

1f you have 1!varia!t /ectio!s, *ro!t2Cover 3e"ts a!d #ack2Cover 3e"ts, rep ace the 4with...3e"ts.4 i!e with this:
(ith the Bnvariant 1ection ,eing 2B10 0=;B> 0B02;1K (ith the .ront-9over 0ext ,eing 2B10K and (ith the 6ac&-9over 0ext ,eing 2B10.

1f you have 1!varia!t /ectio!s without Cover 3e"ts, or some other com'i!atio! of the three, merge those two a ter!atives to suit the situatio!. 1f your docume!t co!tai!s !o!trivia e"amp es of program code, we recomme!d re easi!g these e"amp es i! para e u!der your choice of free software ice!se, such as the %() %e!era &u' ic ,ice!se, to permit their use i! free software.


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