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SEO: Principal Jerri Potter recalls Tornado Adams Elementary School staff survive yesterdays twister Yesterdays tornado

claims three lives, and ruins Adams Grade School

The severe tornado that ravaged Chucktown yesterday is responsible for three fatalities, 28 injuries and an estimated $10 million to $12 million in area damage, including the destruction of Adams Elementary School. Shirley Snow of the National Weather Service says the tornado reached over 165 mph, and occurred at approximately 11 a.m. At deadline, authorities reported the following damages: 3 fatalities: Rhonda Tracey, 16, of Patterson Ave., Victor James, 36, of Longview Rd, and an unidentified third victim. 3,000 homes and 100 businesses left without electricity Adams Elementary School almost completely destroyed

Reliving the tornado Principal of Adams Grade School and tornado survivor, Jerri Potter, recalls the event: Students and faculty members had a retreat at the local conference center, so the school was mostly empty, except for six staff members. Potter was in her office doing paperwork when she heard the siren warnings go off at about 10:30 a.m. She disregarded the alarms until it got deadly quiet and sounded like a freight train was outside. I dove under my desk just as the ceiling and walls came tumbling in, said Potter. (more)

A. Chesser Crisis p.2 After the tornado, Potter dug out of the rubble, and retained only a few scratches. Rescuing co-workers Next Potter spotted her secretary Karen Klausen, whose arm appeared broken, from under the schools remains. The principal called for help on her cell phone, and EMTs arrived about ten minutes later. As Potter continued to search for staff members, she heard guidance counselor Thomas Tibbits voice from under the rubble. During the tornado, debris fell on Tibbet, which made him bleed and impaired his breathing. Tibbet was taken to the hospital soon after. Other staff members managed to ride out the storm, like Potter, and avoid injury. However, Adams Grade School remains in ruins, and will cost an estimated $6.3 million to rebuild. In the meantime, Potter has cancelled class. We are totally wiped out here. To report information regarding yesterdays tornado, contact J. Edgar Ness of the Emergency Services and Disaster Agency at ### During a tornado: Stay away from windows Move to a predesignated shelter, like a basement Get under a sturdy piece of furniture If outside, lay flat in a nearby ditch Abandon mobile homes Source: ctsheets/whattodoinato rnado.htm

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