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1. Define a computer. 2. What is GIGO? 3. What is diligence? 4. Define Versatility. . Gi!e the full form of "#I$%& "DV$%. '. Gi!e the full form of "D($%& )#IV$%. *. What are the ad!antages of transistors o!er !acuum tu+es? ,. (tate any four characteristics of first generation computers. -. (tate any four characteristics of second generation computers. 1.. (tate any four characteristics of third generation computers. 11. (tate any four characteristics of fourth generation computers. 12. (tate any four characteristics of fifth generation computers. 13. Define an I%. 14. What is a transistor? 1 . Gi!e the full form of /(I& V/(I& )/(I& and (/(I. 1'. What are the ad!antages of micro computers and mini computers o!er mainframes? 1*. Descri+e the largest computer of the computer family. 1,. "0plain the second largest computer of the computer family. 1-. Which computer is 1no2n as 3%? 2.. Which computer is 1no2n as note+oo1? Why? 21. Which computer is 1no2n as palmtop? Why? 22. 4o2 the computers can +e used effecti!ely in the field of science 5 education? 23. 4o2 the computers can +e used effecti!ely in the field of medicine 5 health care? 24. 4o2 the computers can +e used effecti!ely in the field of "ngineering 5 entertainment?

2 . 4o2 the computers can +e used effecti!ely in the field of communication 5 +an1ing? 2'. What are the ad!antages of secondary storage o!er primary storage? 2*. What are the functions performed +y Input unit? 2,. What are the functions performed +y output unit? 2-. What are the functions performed +y control unit? 3.. What are the functions performed +y storage unit? 31. What are the functions performed +y arithmetic and logic unit? 32. What is %3)? What are the su+systems in it? 33. Define soft2are. What are the categories of soft2are? 34. What is system soft2are? 3 . What is an operating system? Gi!e one eg. 3'. What are de!ice dri!ers? 3*. Differentiate +et2een machine language and high le!el language. 3,. Difference +et2een compiler and interpreter. 3-. What are system utility programs? 4.. What is application soft2are? /ist out some of the application soft2are. 41. /ist out any four features of 2ord processors. Gi!e one eg. 42. /ist out any four features of spreadsheets. Gi!e one eg. 43. /ist out any four features of image editors. Gi!e one eg. 44. /ist out any four features of D67(. Gi!e one eg. 4 . /ist out any four features of presentation applications. Gi!e one eg. 4'. /ist out any four features of des1top pu+lishing soft2are. Gi!e one eg. 4*. Define pu+lic domain soft2are. 4,. What is free2are? 4-. "0plain donation2are 5 postcard2are. .. "0plain a+andon2are 5 $d2are. 1. What is share2are? 2. What is commercial soft2are? 3. What is open source soft2are? 4. Difference +et2een open source soft2are and closed source soft2are.

. What is proprietary soft2are? '. What is a firm2are? *. Define soft2are piracy. ,. "numerate the steps in!ol!ed in program de!elopment cycle. -. What is a +ase of num+er system? '.. What is a radi0 of num+er system? '1. Determine the +inary e8ui!alent of 93':1. '2. Determine the octal e8ui!alent of 93 -:1. '3. Determine the he0adecimal e8ui!alent of 9 112:1. '4. Determine the decimal e8ui!alent of 911.1.:2 ' . Determine the decimal e8ui!alent of 94 ':, ''. Determine the decimal e8ui!alent of 9614:1' '*. Determine the octal e8ui!alent of 91.111:2 ',. Determine the he0adecimal e8ui!alent of 911..1.11:2 '-. Determine the +inary e8ui!alent of 9231:, *.. Determine the +inary e8ui!alent of 9 $;:1' *1. Determine the he0adecimal e8ui!alent of 9232*:, *2. Determine the octal e8ui!alent of 926':1' *3. 3erform +inary addition for the num+ers 1.1. 5 1111 *4. (u+tract the +inary num+er 1.1 from 1111 * . What is the ones complement of 1.1.? *'. su+tract 1.1. from 1... using ones complement method **. What is the t2os complement of 1.1.? *,. su+tract 1.1. from 1... using t2os complement method *-. What is -<s complement of a num+er? ,.. What is 1.<s complement of a num+er?


1. With a neat +loc1 diagram e0plain the +asic organi=ation of a computer and list out the functions performed +y each unit. 2. Discuss important features of !arious generations of computer system. Gi!e some e0amples of computers for each generation. 3. "0plain the classification of computers in detail. 4. Descri+e the e!olution of computers. . "0plain the importance of system soft2are for a computer system. /ist out the features of some of the most commonly 1no2n types of system soft2are. '. What is application soft2are? Descri+e +riefly some of the most commonly 1no2n types of application soft2are. *. "0plain the steps in!ol!ed in soft2are de!elopment.

PART A 1. What is the internet? 4o2 did it e!ol!e? 2. In 2hat manner is e>mail similar to postal mail ser!ice? In 2hat manner are the t2o different from each other? 3. /ist out some of the ad!antages 5 disad!antages of e>mail ser!ice against telephone ser!ice? 4. "0plain the difference +et2een ?do2nloading@ and ?uploading ?of information. . What is $A3$#"B? '. What is )("#"B? *. What is a ne2sgroup? 4o2 is it useful? ,. What is hyperte0t? 4o2 is it useful? -. "0plain a typical structure of )A/. 1.. What is the use of telnet ser!ice offered +y internet? 11. What is ;B3? 12. Define the terms online and offline. 13. What are the elements that are common to all !ideo conferencing endpoint?

14. Gi!e the full form of ;B3& WWW& 4B7/& 4BB3& )A/& B%3CI3& I(D#& and D(/. 1 . Descri+e the follo2ing terms 2ith respect to the internet 4B7/ 4BB3 We+ ser!er We+ +ro2ser We+page We+site 4omepage Inde0 page I(3

PART B 1. #ame some of the +asic ser!ices pro!ided +y the internet. "0plain ho2 each of these ser!ices helps the internet users. 2. Descri+e the e!olution of internet in detail.

1. Why is it ad!isa+le to plan the logic of a program +efore 2riting it? 2. Define an algorithm. What are the characteristics necessary for a se8uence of instructions to 8ualify as an algorithm? 3. What is a flo2chart? 4. What are the !arious +asic sym+ols used in flo2charting? Gi!e their pictorial representation. . Descri+e the function of !arious +asic flo2charting sym+ols. '. /ist out any some of the guidelines used for preparing flo2charts. *. What are the +enefits of flo2charts? ,. What are the limitations of flo2charts? -. Define a pseudocode. 1.. /ist out any some of the guidelines used for 2riting pseudocode. 11. What are the +enefits of pseudocode? 12. What are the limitations of pseudocode? 13. What are control structures? 14. What are the three +asic logic structures used in 2riting structured programs? Discuss the use of each. 1 . What is a se8uence control structure? 1'. What is a selection control structure? 1*. What is a repetition control structure? 1,. What is application soft2are?

1-. What is a 2ord processing pac1age? /ist out some of the 1ey features supported +y modern 2ord processing pac1ages. 2.. What is a spreadsheet pac1age? /ist out some of the 1ey features supported +y spreadsheet pac1ages. 21. What is an image editor? Gi!e e0ample. 22. What is D67(? Gi!e e0ample. 23. What is the use of presentation applications? Gi!e e0ample. 24. What is des1top pu+lishing soft2are? Gi!e e0ample. 2 . Write the algorithm& dra2 the flo2chart& and 2rite the pseudocode for the follo2ing. Bo find the area of a rectangle Bo find the area of a circle Bo find the circumference of a circle Bo find the centigrade !alue for the corresponding ;arenheit !alue Bo find the ;arenheit !alue for the corresponding centigrade !alue Bo find the sum and product of t2o gi!en !alues Bo find 2hether the gi!en year is leap year or not Bo find the largest of t2o num+ers Bo find the largest of three num+ers Bo find 2hether the gi!en no is positi!e or not Bo find 2hether the gi!en no is odd or e!en Bo find the factorial of a gi!en no Bo find the sum of all the digits in a gi!en no Bo find 2hether the gi!en no is $rmstrong or not Bo find the re!erse of a gi!en no Bo calculate 1D2D3DEEn Bo calculate 12D22D32DE.Dn2

PROGRAMS IN C 1. Write a % program to find the sum of t2o num+ers. 2. Write a % program to find the a!erage of three float num+ers. 3. Write a % program to s2ap t2o num+ers using third !aria+le. 4. Write a % program to s2ap t2o num+ers 2ithout using temporary !aria+le. . Write a % program to find the area and circumference of a circle. '. Write a % program to find the +iggest of t2o num+ers using ternary operator. *. Write a % program to con!ert centigrade to ;ahrenheit. ,. Write a % program to con!ert ;ahrenheit to centigrade. -. Write a % program to calculate the simple interest. 1.. Write a % program to find the area of a rectangle.

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