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Simplification Via Multiplexing

(a coded encoding and decoding process for humans!)

(I purposely did not make a good filter out I will let you do that )

This writing is presenting a method of general simplification.

Filtering out is just one method of simplification
There are others too, for whoever chooses to, many or one can be used.

Another one is knowing.

Unless everything (you know) and i mean everything you choose to know,
is (seems) simple and solid to you you don't need to read this.
Isn't there always a voice in your head saying: stop now please, thank you?
Its yourself and if it says so listen to that voice its not lying
You cannot fool (confuse) yourself which knows more than you think.

//well i should find other ways too before i say //

//i simplified every method i could find to come up to this simple one.//
//which isn't the simplest its just a method (and i haven't searched and might
never find other ways)//
//about finding the simplest and its a fact it could be used on its self
//and it answers the previous question (that i might never find other ways...) //
//The fact is i don't need to,besides its not my job to perfect it it will, if
needed, perfect itself "in time"//
//Its a method that works, all you need to do (in order to prove it or not) is
make a little test! //
//(before reading this (you might deny accepting everything you read which is
\ | / (if so, you already simplified by filtering out me(and my writing)))
(after reading this (you might just be thinking of simplification for a while
which is normal too))
I didn't begin writing "simplification via multiplexing" for fun or because it
sounds cool,
i don't think its something really serious (i know it is) and its way bigger that
just these finite words) //
//the infinite evolution process (active or inactive) is in everyone //
//again its a mater of choice to activate or stall it //

This is the process of making things simple by mixing them up (both ways) !

So lets just simply Begin.

Part 1.

simplification... (nice word nice thoughts nice actions, nice? No! Real replace
the ..(i was speaking to myself).. )
simplification... (real word real thoughts real actions, real? yes! Real! OK. )
(a small example of filtering)


Filter out the useless information from the next or previous data
to come in and out your mind and filter out again
and if you do a "never ending"
(it has to end some day to continue another and even on
the last day of your life on this planet it will happen no mater
if you realize it or not)

By continued filtering, you come up to

solid data
the cleared thing
The original.

but not literally 100% because that would be becoming a God

and finding the divine matter or whatever...
you can only become a good percentage of about 50% God lets say!
no mater what you believe you are there is the fact of what
you are and thats painful to accept when you feel and actually are grater.
but a must. Even “God” knows this and thats why he's not around often.
so to move on...

and from then on you can begin constructing

new things and as you filter them they become
solid so that knowledge or that whatever creation or task
you make is done with and consisted of original data...
And thats what makes this process worth doing.
The conclusion. Clearing things up. Getting to the the original.

(you cannot read the conclusion of a book and understand the book
but you can understand what it is about and then you know if you
need to read it or not. Else you read the introduction which is
what you need to know if you do. And all these happen because of the title of
[like this one
(in your thoughts): What is he saying?(a question) I am curious. (a fact) Will
this help anything? (a question) it will (a fact) will it? (a question) it wont (a
fact)....... ) ] You select what to believe but the facts you conclude to must be
filtered and questioned until proven actual, real, original.
(if I'm right or wrong it doesn't mater what matters is what is a fact and what
and human cannot accept things easily too much fear and too much ego)
There is a way to filter all your feelings and come up to the original...!
Its painful and dangerous. And this is a fact.
Never is anything impossible. a fact too.
If you know 100% what you want, you are ready for ANYTHING [like love and or war].


multiplexing (like in digital logic) is

to mix many data together to make one output data
(that is consistent, but consists of the data that formed it)

inverse multiplexing is

To break one (already multiplexed or not) data into many data and (re)create the
original data.
(this means you can manipulate whatever you mixed up)

so if you do all these processes

you can find, analyze, define, keep, control and (re)create , find ... its a
circular process
like Darwin's studies : the evolution inside him made him study the evolution
and that was a part of evolution of knowledge about evolution
This if filtered becomes general and like a law.
“ The inner evolution provokes the outer and backwards and these happen an the
same time.”
but Darwin never got to The Original, he only studied and got to the the origins.
The original was found 150 years later. DNA,

Simple! (like cleaning and sorting at home) (clean house “clean”


You always begin with a pile of data

Lets make things a bit mixed up then by beginning with a few questions.

1.Why filter out?

We assume you are in a noisy factory.

Try to listen to a song inside a heavy industry factory while its working.
If your song is the sound of the factory then you do not need to filter anything
But if you want to listen to your song in piece and quiet
you must filter out those other sounds you don't want.
if you want.

2.How do i know what to filter out?

You don't just begin filtering out randomly.

That is answered by a question which is what do you want to keep?

3.How do i know what i want to keep?

Its simple you just make a choice of what

you want from all the data in hand.
if you want everything you filter out nothing.

4.What is the reason you want to filter out data?

To simplify and clear the not wanted from the whole,

and finally perform a task that needs clear data.

5.When do i stop filtering and keeping data?

You must know what the solid data should be like.

And when you see that all the data you wanted to filter out are gone,
you begin the process of testing. If your task is done properly with the data in
And if the test succeeds you have a fully functional task.
Else you recycle everything or begin again from 0 (while you the tusk isn't

(All these would be simpler if i just thought before i wrote like the old saying
"think before you act")
But that doesn't work if your thoughts are deeply mixed up (by whom or what its
another process) ...
Then what will be the action? A result of a mixed up mind.
All the codes are out there for us to brake. And not just for braking... Not just
for understanding...
For evolution sake...

A whole circle of what is described here would be,

I have a pile of data (or selections to make in general) and if I want to (or
must) select something to do or store then I must check if its pure and free of
excess time and space that will lower the quality of the general field on which to
be aplied. When you find similarities , you merge their identicals, when you find
anything useless you do not select it and simply skip or discard. In the end you
wil have a pile of data (and selections that led to an action that led to
selections…) that will be completely functional and ready to be used without any
tiring repairments by anyone!

part 2

it can be applied to every process and it will never fail because its an
originalizing method.
but not The original it doesn't have to be The original.
There are many originals to choose from, its a mater of choice in the end
(selecting the filtering process that suits (theory of suit) you) (in the
beginning of the process).

everyday life examples...

1. In long and deep discussions

2. In memorisiing important things , numbers names
3. In the viewing of all around
4. In all the actions we do
5. Everywhere!
6. Done by the laws of nature within billions of years of universal evolution

Everything is so vast and general that when it was simplified it became small and
simple, but solid.
When all the simple things (everything) reunited again , they formed everything
over again… all different and all the same. Expanding and contracting is a natural
act, simplification just happens... like life and death.

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