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"Nazis were Against Freemasonry" -Masonic Ruse

May 24, 2012 (left, Masonic compass on post-war E. German Flag) The Nazis only persecuted fringe lodges associated with the Communists. Mainstream German Freemasonry, which was allied with American and British masonry, was e empted. This !ecause "itler himself secretly was aligned with them. #ndeed he was their agent. A $%%& edition of the Freemasonic 'ournal Philalthes featured an article titled (German Freemasonry and Its Attitudes Toward The Nazi Regime (, that re)eals the demographics of the Fraternity in $%*+s Germany. (,e)eral Masonic spiritual families e isted side !y side in Germany, -and. were treated differently !y the Nazis.( (A!out two/thirds of the !rethren !elonged to the three oldest, always Christian/ oriented and at that time strongly nationalistic Grand 0odges founded in the $1th century which were called (2ld 3russian( !ecause they were founded and had their seats in Berlin. They ne)er initiated (non Christians(, that is, 4ews.( This faction was 3ro/Nazi. #t contained the captains of industry, commerce and finance, 5oyalty and leading citizens who !ac6ed "itler. Many of these men were high/ran6ing mem!ers of the Nazi 3arty. These lodges were not persecuted, !ut they did ha)e to ma6e a few minor ad'ustments consistent with anti/Masonic policy. Their Grand Master(s sent formal written oaths of allegiance to "itler and they remo)ed "e!raic wording from their rituals. (Anti-Semitic Nazi illustration. They could add Nazis to the list. FREEMASONRY BRIDGED ALLIES & NAZIS The 3russian 0odges were the only German 0odges recognized !y British and American Freemasonry. They share a common history. 3russian 7ing Frederic6 the Great played an important role in the creation of the ,cottish 5ite of Freemasonry. 2fficial Masonic history records8 !The Scottish Rite had its "eginning in France# when in $%&'# the (he)alier de *onne)ille esta"lished in Paris# a cha+ter o, twenty-,i)e so-called -igh .egrees which# including the three sym"olic .egrees# these -igh .egrees were called the Rite o, Per,ection. In $%&/ these .egrees were ta0en to *erlin and +laced under a "ody called the (ouncil o, 1m+erors o, the 1ast and 2est# and in $%34 Frederic0 the Great o, Prussia "ecame the head o, the Rite and +romulgated what is 0nown as the

(onstitution o, $%34. In $%/3 a reorganization too0 +lace in which eight .egrees were added to the twenty-,i)e# and the name changed to the Ancient and Acce+ted Scottish Rite o, Freemasonry.! The 3russian 0odges were what tied the 9estern powers to Nazi Germany. This is why Freemasons li6e "enry Ford aided "itler. The lodges had particularly strong ties with the 3russian 5oyal family in Britain. #t is well 6nown that the British 5oyals were Nazi sympathizers, for instance, all four of 3rince 3hilip(s sisters married high/ran6ing Nazis. "owe)er, some 5oyals were pri)y to the agenda for 99: and some weren(t. The #lluminati planned for Germany to lose the war, so the genuine Nazi colla!orators had to !e purged in case they sa!otaged the script. FPRIVATE "TYPE=PICT;ALT=geo.jpeg" 2ne of the most infamous murders of 99: was of 3rince George, ;u6e of 7ent. The ;u6e was a )irulent Nazi supporter. #n $%*%, he was elected Grand Master of the <nited Grand 0odge of =ngland. #n $%>$, 3rince George and the ;u6e of "amilton conducted a secret meeting with 5udolf "ess in ,cotland in an attempt to negotiate a peace treaty !etween the ri)al powers. The British go)ernment arrested "ess and put him in prison for the rest of his life. The repercussions for 3rince George were e)en more se)ere. ,i months after this meeting, his plane was shot down. ,ir Anthony Blunt claims that the 3rince was murdered on the orders of #lluminati/Gofer 9inston Churchill. CONCLUSION Freemasonry was !ehind all of the ma'or players in 99: Freemasonry was !ehind the (right/wing( Fascist Nazis. The 3russian 0odges in Germany were integral to !uilding up the Nazi party. The ,wasti6a is a sym!ol used in high Masonic ;egrees today? apparently it is the ancient @Furthore@ 5une ,cript for the letter @G@, the most important and uni)ersal sym!ol in Freemasonry. Freemasonry was also !ehind the (left/wing( ,o)iets. 7arl Mar , 0enin and Trots6y were all Masons. The flag of Communist =ast Germany featured the Masonic compass. Freemasonry was also !ehind he (Capitalists.( Both Churchill and F;5 were Masons. Poli i!" a#$ %i" o&y a&e a !%a&a$e. 3hotos are freAuently pu!lished of our (opposing( leaders e changing a Masonic handsha6eB Freemasonry organizes our wars so nations and heroes are destroyed to ad)ance of the Masonic New 9orld 2rder. //// Rela e$ ' (i" o&ia# )&o*g% F&ee+a"o#" o (eel

T%e ",gly -e!&e " o. //2 Reference 'The Rainbow Swasti a' 0y (a##a% 1e*+a# %a" a# i#.o&+a i2e !%ap e& o# (i le& 3 %e o!!*l % p455"ea&!%lig% .i6a&p.!o+5a& i!le"5#a7#a8i"+.% +l9#a8i"+ Freemasonic and Nazi "istory / http8CCfreemasonrywatch.orgC3:.html "istory of the ,cottish 5ite / http8CCwww.stoc6tonscottishrite.orgCa!outChistory.htm ,ome similarities !etween Freemasonry and Nazism / http8CCwww.cuttingedge.orgCfree$&.htm Freemasonry and Communism / http8CCwww.freemasonrywatch.orgCcommunism.html '' First Comment by Eliezer
3ursuant to @Nazis were Against Freemasonry // Masonic 5use !y ;a)id 5ichards,@ many are those who ha)e mista6en the Nazi mo)ement for a right/wing conser)ati)e ideological mo)ement. Nothing could !e further from the truth. As researcher 5a!!i Mar)in Antelman writes... @#ndeed, e)en though "itler in his later years did condemn 7arl Mar and Mar ism, the fact of the matter is that National ,ocialism was ,ocialism and that, indeed...@ early Nazi regalia com!ined !usts of 7arl Mar and Nazi =m!lems along with the hammer and sic6le, as shown in the $%*> Nazi 0a!or ;ay Medal ;epicting a dominant !ust of a young 7arl Mar , "ammer and ,ic6le, Nazi =agle and ,wasti6a !"a#$"ha!!e .ht!l%Na&'D . -Nazi 5egalia, Ballantine $%&$. F*& %e&, A# el+a# 6&i e", ":#!e 6e &eali8e %e &egalia i" a $ea$ gi2ea6ay o. %e 1a8i !o##e! io# ;6i % Ma&<i"+=, 6e !a# 0e e& 0egi# o *#$e&" a#$ 6%y %e&e 6a" a &ea y 0e 6ee# Co++*#i" - ali# a#$ (i le&. T%e &ea y p&o2i$e$ %a - ali# 6o*l$ &e+ai# #e* &al agai#" (i le&. I 0ega# i# A*g*" , 1>?>, a#$ e&+i#a e$ 6i % %e i#2a"io# o. R*""ia 0y (i le& i# @*#e o. 1>41. I 6o*l$ al"o 0e e& e<plai# 6%y le. i" " '' !oope&a e$ 6i % (i le&. T%i" i#!l*$e" "*!% i#.a+o*" pe&"o#ali ie" a" a p&a! i!i#g C%&i" ia# #a+e$ /ale&#e& Vo# :ppe#%ei+. (e 6a" a +e+0e& o. %e )oa&$ o. Ai&e! o&" o. I.B. Fa&0e#, "e# e#!e$ o $ea % a %e 1*&e+0e&g &ial" a#$ e<e!* e$. (e 6a" !o#"i$e&e$ a @e6 *#$e& %e 1*&e+0e&g La6", 0* (i le& %a$ %i+ e<e+p e$ a" a# "(o#o&a&y A&ya#." CRa00i Ma&2i# -. A# el+a#, To Eli+i#a e T%e :pia e, Vol. 2, 2002421D'21EF Ra00i A# el+a# e<plai#", "/%a i" o. e# .o&go e# i" %a +*!% o. A+e&i!a# a# i'-e+i i"+ $*&i#g %e 1> % !e# *&y 6a" agg&a2a e$ 0y #o#e o %e& %a# Ga&l Ma&<, 6%o 6a" gi2e# a .&ee %a#$ i# (o&a!e B&eelyH" (e&al$ T&i0*#e https: en!wi"ipe#ia!org wi"i $orace%&reeley o 6&i e $ia &i0e" a0o* @e6", a#$ 6%i!% Ma&< p*0li"%e$ i# %i" i#.a+o*" "A /o&l$ /i %o* @e6"." Ci0i$F /%e# i !o+e" o a# o!!*l i! %i" o&y o. (i le&H" +o&e pla*"i0le o&igi#", a#$ %e &*e +aIe*p a#$ +o i2e" .o& %e (olo!a*" i "el., Ra00i A# el+a# aIe" *" .*& %e& $o6# %e &a00i %ole %a# a#y +a# i# &e!e# %i" o&y. I#$ee$, A# el+a# e<plai#" %o6... "T%e -a00a ia# &i *al 6%i!% !o#!ei2e$ A$olp% (i le& o# %e > % o. A2, .a" Aay .o& %e $e" &*! io# o. %e Fi&" a#$ -e!o#$ Te+ple" o# @*ly 20, 1JJJ, (i le& 6a" 0o&# > +o# %" la e& Ap&il 20, 1JJ>. A!!o&$i#gly, %i" &eal .a %e& 6a" #o Aloi" -%i!Ielg&*0e& a#$ %i" -a00a ia# &oo " a&e al"o +a e&#al " e++i#g .&o+ %e - &o#e" .a+ily." Fo& .*& %e& &ea$i#g... -ee, 'o Eliminate 'he (piate) *ols + , - ' http: www!zionistboo"club!com eliminatetheopiate-!htm Al"o, Li" e# o I# e&2ie6 6i % Ra00i A# el+a# K http: www!israelnationalnews!com News News!asp. +-/001

To Eli+i#a e T%e :pia e Vol 1, !o+ple e 0ooI o#li#e %e&e... http: www!scrib#!com #oc -231455+ R-Moshe-Antelman-+403-'o-Eliminate-the-(piate-6ol-+ I# e&e" i#gly... "...)e %i" a" i +ay, %e FL%&e&H" o&igi# &e+ai#" ;" ill= +o&e o& le"" "%&o*$e$ i# $a&I#e"", a" i i" #o po""i0le o &a!e a#y .*& %e& %a# o %o"e $a e" a#$ i#$i2i$*al" +e# io#e$ a0o2e, a lea" #o 6i % a#y !e& ai# y. E2e# %e 2illage - &o#e", %e "!e#e o. %i" .a e.*l !%il$0i& % e<i" " #o lo#ge&''A$ol. (i le& o&$e&e$ i $e" &oye$ ... http: www!porges!net $itlers(rigin!html -o .a&, o#e !a# .i#$ #o +e# io# o& %i" o&y o. a "- &o#e" Fa+ily" o# "ea&!% e#gi#e", o" e#"i0ly a. e& 6%i!% %e o6# o. - &o#e" 6a" #a+e$. :#e $oe" %o6e2e&, gai# a $i" i#! 0* g*a&$e$ i+p&e""io#, (i le& 6a" !o#!ei2e$ "pe!i.i!ally .o& 6%a %e 0e!a+e. )y 6ay o. !*&io"i y, o#e a"I" 6%i!% o %e& #a io#al lea$e&H" 0a!Ig&o*#$ " ill &e+ai#" "%&o*$e$ i# $a&I#e"" 3 o0.*"!a io# ' a lea$e& 6%o appa&e# ly I#e6 %e 6a" goi#g o 0e P&e"i$e# o. %e ,#i e$ - a e" i# 1>J>, 20 yea&" 0e.o&e %e 6a" "ele! e$M" A&e %e -a00a ea#" *p o %ei& ol$ &i!I"M /a" )a&&y -oe o&o al"o g&oo+e$ .&o+ 0i& %M

'' 7econ# Comment by 8a6i# 9i6ingstone: Ra00i A# el+a# "ay", i# To Eliminate the !piate, %a (i le& 6a" $eli0e&a ely p&o$*!e$ %&o*g% a F&a#Ii" &i *al, o# %ei& &a$i io#al %oli$ay, Ti"%a )a2, !ele0&a e$ a" -%a00e ai Ne2iH" 0i& %$ay. T*&#" o* ge#e i! e" " %a2e p&o2e# (i le& %a$ -ep%a&$i! A1A, o. %e E1010 %aplog&o*p. ;"o*&!e4 1e0el; Filo#, A; )&i#I+a##, ); Maj*+$e&, P; Fae&+a#, M; :ppe#%ei+, A ;2001=, "T%e Y C%&o+o"o+e Pool o. @e6" a" Pa& o. %e Be#e i! La#$"!ape o. %e Mi$$le Ea" ", A+e&i!a# @o*&#al o. (*+a# Be#e i!" E> ;D=4 10>D'1112= T%a (aplog&o*p al"o %appe#" o 0e %e e<a! "a+e a" .o*#$ i# 1apoleo#. T%i" i" #o a!!i$e# . )o % (i le& a#$ 1apoleo# &ep&e"e# %e 6o +ajo& a e+p o "e *p 6o&l$ o&$e&" ;o& $eli0e&a ely "e *p o .ail $oi#g "o=. 1apoleo# 6a" 6o&"%ippe$ 0y %e Poli"% F&a#Ii" " a" a +e""ia%. (e 6a" !alle$ %e "/o&l$ -o*l" 0y Ill*+i#a i o&a!le (egel. LiIe6i"e, 6e %a2e o &e+e+0e& %a (i le&H" A&io"p%y 6a" %e @e6i"% Ga00ala% o. %e F&a#Ii" 2a&ie y, p&o$*!e$ 0y )la2a "Iy, a*g% o %e& 0y @a+al A.g%a#i, a#$ i#%e&i e$ .&o+ %e A"ia i! )&e %&e#, .o*#$e$ 0y @a!o0 F&a#IH" #ep%e6. (i le& i" !o++o#ly 0elie2e$ i# o!!*l !i&!le" o %a2e 0ee# po""e""e$. Co#"i$e& Ca&l @*#gH" opi#io# o# %e "*0je! . IH+ 6illi#g o 0elie2e @*#g 6a" a -a00a ea#, a" i %a" 0ee# p&o2e# %a F&e*$ !e& ai#ly 6a". -ee /iIipe$ia a& i!le o# E"o e&i! (i le&i"+

Comments for " "Nazis were Against Freemasonry" -- Masonic Ruse "
:oe "ai$ ;May 2E, 2012=4 I !a#H p&o2e %i",o. !o*&"e, I j*" %a2e a .eeli#g %a (i le& 6a" "e# i# o *#$e&+i#e a#$

*"*&p a#y !olle! i2e a! io# o# %e pa& o. pa &io i! Be&+a#" o "a2e %e+"el2e" .&o+ %e! io#" i+po"e$ o# Be&+a#y a Ve&"aille" a#$ al"o o p&o e! %e+"el2e" .&o+ %e !o++*#i" " %a %a$ j*" 6o# i# R*""ia a#$ 6e&e %&ea e#i#g Be&+a#y. .E2e&y +ajo& $e!i"io# %a (i le& +a$e 6a" a +i" aIe a#$ lea$ Be&+a#y o $e" &*! io#. T%i" i" j*" #o %i$"ig% . I 6a" o02io*" o a lea" "o+e Be&+a#" a %e i+e %a (i le&H" a! io# 6o*l$ lea$ o &*i#. T%e Be&+a#" 6%o !o*l$ "ee %i" !lea&ly 6e&e !o#2e#ie# ly "$i"appea&e$". My g*e"" i" %a (i le& 6a" a# age# .o& %e Ro %"!%il$" ;6%o al"o "*ppo& e$ %e !o++*#i" "=. May0e %e !o##e! io# 0e 6ee# %e Ro %"!%il$" a#$ (i le& 6a" +a$e %&o*g% %e F&ee+a"o#". /%a e2e& (i le& 6a", $eep i# %i" %ea& , %e $i$ #o %a2e %e 0e" i# e&e" " o. Be&+a#y i# +i#$. (e 6a# e$ Be&+a#y $e" &oye$. (e 6a" o# o#e %a#$ 2e&y i# ellige# a#$ a ge#i*",o. "o& ". :# %e o %e& %a#$, %e 6a" 2e&y "i!I a#$ pe&2e& e$ i# %i" +i#$. (e 6a" a +o#" e&. I 6a" al6ay" 2e&y " &a#ge o +e o &ea$ i# %e %i" o&y 0ooI" %o6 (i le& 6a" a pe##ile"" a#$ .&ie#$le"" a& i" 52aga0o#$ li2i#g i# a "i#gle'&oo+'o!!*pa#!y 0*il$i#g i# Vie##a, ye o* o. #o6%e&e, all o. a "*$$e#, (e i" +a&!%i#g $o6# %e +ai# 0o*le2a&$ o. )e&li# 6i % D,000 +e#, all 6ell'.e$, i# .*ll *#i.o&+", %o&"e" ;2e&y e<pe#"i2e %o&"e", oo 0oo , a#$ 2e&y 6ell g&oo+e$=, 6ell a&+e$ 6i % e<pe#"i2e 6eapo#&y. T%i" (i le&, .&ie#$le"" a#$ pe##ile"" o#e $ay, %e #e< $ay %a" p* oge %e& a 0a alio# !o" i#g a .o& *#e. A a i+e, #o le"",6%e# io# 6a" $e" &oyi#g %e a2e&age 6o&Ii#g people o. Be&+a#y, %i" poo& a#$ pe##ile"" a#$ .&ie#$le"" (i le& %a" %e +o#ey o .o&+ a li le a&+y .o& %i+"el.. A+a8i#g.,#0elie2a0leO T%e %i" o&y 0ooI" #e2e& e<plai# %e i#!o#"i" e#!ie" o. %i" a0"*&$i y.Pe##ile"" a#$ po6e&le"" +e# a %e 0o o+ o. "o!ie y $o #o j*" o#e $ay %a2e %e 6%e&e6%i %al a#$ %e +ea#" o .o&+ .o& %e+"el2e" a 0a alio# a#$ %e# +a&!% $o6# %e +ai# 0o*le2a&$ o. a !api al !i y, o& a#y !i y, j*" liIe %a . T%e %i" o&y 0ooI" #e2e& e<plai# 6%o e<a! ly 6a" .i#a#!i#g (i le&. T%e 0ooI" $o#H o*!% *po# %a "*0je! a all. /e a&e "i+ply e<pe! e$ o 0elie2e %i" .ai&y ale, al0ei "i!I a#$ pe&2e& e$ .ai&y ale I $e e" (i le&. I $e e" %i+ 0e!a*"e i# %i" %ea& %e 6a# e$ Be&+a#y $e" &oye$. Cliffor# 7hac" "ai$ ;May 2E, 2012=4 ,#$e&" a#$i#g +o$e&# %i" o&y !o*l$ #o 0e "i+ple&. -o+e people "ay, "Follo6 %e +o#ey," 0* i i" "i+ple& %a# e2e# %a . T%e !le2e& .olI" 6%o .a"%io# "+o#ey" o* o. #o %i#g &*le *" all. I i" %ey %a al"o .a"%io# "%i" o&y" o* o. #o %i#g. Mo$e&# %i" o&y a#$ +o$e&# +o#ey a&e j*" 6o a+o#g %e o %e& 0&a8e#, ill*"io#a&y i$ea" %a !o# &ol *" .&o+ !&a$le o g&a2e. A#am "ai$ ;May 2D, 2012=4 Co&&e! +e 6%e&e I a+ 6&o#g %e&e. I $o #o i# e#$ o !o+e'o.. a" a HI#o6'i 'allH i# %e"e +a e&" 0* I a+ "%a&i#g 6%a IH2e lea&#e$. Ai""e! i#g %i" o&ga#i8a io# %a %a" *" 0y o*&

!olle! i2e %&oa " i", a" i# e#$e$, #o "i+ple. /i %i# %e Ill*+i#a i %e&e a&e +a#y :&$e&" %a +aIe'*p %e 6%ole 6i % Ma"o#&y 0ei#g %e +o" p&e$o+i#a# o. %e+. Beo&ge /. )*"%, .o& e<a+ple, 6a" a +e+0e& o. -I*ll a#$ )o#e" 6%i!% i" a 0&a#!% o. %e Ill*+i#a i 0* "o+e +ay a&g*e %a i i" #o &ela e$ o Ma"o#&y. LiIe6i"e, (i le& 6a" a +e+0e& o. %e T%*le "o!ie y 6%i!% "%a&e" !o++o# &ai " 6i % -I*ll a#$ )o#e". /i %i# Ma"o#&y, a" 6ell a" %e g&ea e& 0o$y o. %e Ill*+i#a i, a&e Le. a#$ Rig% "pa %"" ;"o+e Ma"o#" e2e# *"e %e e&+ %e Le. a#$ Rig% 0o$y o. Ma"o#&y=. T%i" i" %e $iale! i! a 6o&I...I "*"pe! %ey 0elie2e H&eligio*"lyH %a %e $iale! i! i" a# i# eg&al pa& o. %ei& "C&a. "...I. #o %i#g el"e, %e $iale! i! Ieep" %e +a""e" !o#.*"e$ a0o* 6%o o 0la+e .o& 6%a e2e& !&i"i" i" a %a#$ '' o#e 0&a#!% !&ea e" a p&o0le+ 6%ile %e o %e& !o#$e+#" a#$ o..e&" %ei& "ol* io# a#$ %e +a""e" a&e +e"+e&i8e$ 0y %e %ea &i!" o. i . :ohn "ai$ ;May 2D, 2012=4 (i (e#&y. T%e a& i!le a0o* %e Ma"o#" i# //II 6a" 6%e&e yo*& 6&i e& %a" a +i"*#$e&" a#$i#g. A#$ i i" pa& o. a #a&&a i2e %a yo* al"o e"po*"e a#$ %a i" " oo !o#"pi&a o&ial 0y %al.". //II 6a" #o a !o#"pi&a!y. I 6a" a &eal 6a& a#$ %e +a"o#" a#$ "a00a ea# @e6" 6o#. T%e pi#Io" a#$ !o++ie" 6o#, o *"e a#o %e& e&+i#ology. To &y a#$ "ay %a 0o % "i$e" 6e&e Ma"o#" a#$ i 6a" all !o# &i2e$ i" j*" !%il$i"%. Rea$i#g %e .a! " i i" ea"y o *#$e&" a#$ %a , ye", %e&e 6e&e a %e i+e 6o ype" o. Ma"o#&y. A#$ o %e& 0ooI" 6&i e# 0e.o&e %e#, a. e& %e F&e#!% Re2ol* io# all*$e o %i". )* "pe!i.i!ally a %e i+e 0e 6ee# %e 6a&", %e&e 6a" a ype o. +a"o#&y %a 6a" 0a"i!ally goy" 0ei#g goy" a#$ !a&&yi#g o# a0o* ".&ee 6ill", %e "&ig% " o. +a#" a#$ all %a ype o. "illy " *... A#$ %e# %e&e 6e&e lo$ge" %a 6e&e !o# &olle$ 0y "a00a ea#" %a %a$ a# age#$a, T(E age#$a. A#$ i 6a" %e"e la e& o#e" %a 6e&e %e &eal %&ea a#$ i 6a" %e"e o#e" %a (i le& "%* $o6#. T%e o %e& o#e" 6e&e &e.o&+a0le a#$ i#!l*$e$ i# %e #a io#ali" p&og&a++e. -a+e %i#g i# E#gla#$. T%o"e +a"o#" %a 6e&e j*" i$le goy" e#gagi#g i# .&*i le"" alI 6e&e o#e %i#g. T%e# %e&e 6e&e %e o %e&" !o# &olle$ 0y %e "a00a ea#". P&i#!e Beo&ge 6a" +*&$e&e$ 0y %e "a00a ea# +a"o#". T%e #ai2e goy +a"o#" %a &eally $i$#H I#o6 6%a 6a" goi#g o# ; %e $*pe", *"e.*l i$io "= .o*#$ %e+"el2e" o# %e "6&o#g" "i$e o. %e &eal +a"o#", %e o#e" !o# &olle$ 0y %e -a00a ea#". A#$ i i" %e"e "a00a ea# +a"o#" %a 6o# //II. A#$ %a i" " ill 6%e&e 6e a&e o$ay. T%a#I" .o& all %e goo$ " *.. yo* p* o* %e&e .o& people o e$*!a e %e+"el2e".

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