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Owner's ManuaI for

The UItimate Driving
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Hosted at
Owner's ManuaI for VehicIe
Thank you for choosing a BMW M5.
The more familiar you are wiIh your vehicle, Ihe beIIer conIrol you
will have on Ihe road. We Iherefore sIrongly suggesI:
Read Ihis Owner's Manual before sIarIing off in your new
BMW M5. Also use Ihe lnIegraIed Owner's Manual in your vehicle.
lI conIains imporIanI informaIion on vehicle operaIion IhaI will
help you make full use of Ihe Iechnical feaIures available in your
BMW M5. The manual also conIains informaIion designed Io en
hance operaIing reliabiliIy and road safeIy, and Io conIribuIe Io
mainIaining Ihe value of your BMW M5.
Any updaIes made afIer Ihe ediIorial deadline for Ihe prinIed or
inIegraIed Owner's Manual are locaIed in Ihe appendix of Ihe
prinIed quick reference for Ihe vehicle.
SupplemenIary informaIion can be found in Ihe addiIional bro
chures in Ihe onboard liIeraIure.
We wish you a safe and enjoyable drive.
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
2012 Bayerische MoIoren Werke
Munich, Germany
ReprinIing, including excerpIs, only wiIh Ihe wriIIen
consenI of BMW AG, Munich.
US English Vl/12, 07 12 490
PrinIed on environmenIally friendly paper, bleached
wiIhouI chlorine, suiIable for recycling.
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The fasIesI way Io find informaIion on a parIic
ular Iopic or iIem is by using Ihe index, refer Io
page 216.
6 NoIes
At a gIance
12 CockpiI
16 iDrive
22 Voice acIivaIion sysIem
25 lnIegraIed Owner's Manual in Ihe vehicle
30 Opening and closing
47 AdjusIing
58 TransporIing children safely
62 Driving
76 Displays
91 Lamps
96 SafeIy
112 Driving sIabiliIy conIrol sysIems
116 Driving comforI
128 ClimaIe conIrol
135 lnIerior equipmenI
144 SIorage comparImenIs
Driving tips
150 BMW M5 Iechnology
152 Things Io remember when driving
156 Loading
159 Saving fuel
164 Refueling
166 Fuel
167 Wheels and Iires
176 Engine comparImenI
178 Engine oil
181 CoolanI
182 MainIenance
185 Replacing componenIs
191 Breakdown assisIance
197 Care
204 Technical daIa
207 ShorI commands of Ihe voice acI. sysIem
216 EveryIhing from A Io Z
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Hosted at
Using this Owner's ManuaI
The fasIesI way Io find informaIion on a parIic
ular Iopic is by using Ihe index.
An iniIial overview of Ihe vehicle is provided in
Ihe firsI chapIer.
Updates made after the editoriaI
Any updaIes made afIer Ihe ediIorial deadline for
Ihe Owner's Manuals are locaIed in Ihe appen
dix of Ihe prinIed quick reference for Ihe vehicle.
User's manuaI for Navigation,
Entertainment, Oommunication
The Iopics of NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI and
CommunicaIion are described in a separaIe us
er's manual, which is also included wiIh Ihe on
board liIeraIure.
AdditionaI sources of information
Should you have any quesIions, your service
cenIer will be glad Io advise you aI any Iime.
lnformaIion on BMW, e.g., on Iechnology, is
available on Ihe lnIerneI:
lndicaIes precauIions IhaI musI be followed
precisely in order Io avoid Ihe possibiliIy of per
sonal injury and serious damage Io Ihe vehicle.
Marks Ihe end of a specific iIem of informa
"..." ldenIifies ConIrol Display IexIs used Io se
lecI individual funcIions.
Refers Io measures IhaI can be Iaken Io help
proIecI Ihe environmenI.
SymboIs on vehicIe components
lndicaIes IhaI you should consulI Ihe rele
vanI secIion of Ihis Owner's Manual for infor
maIion on a parIicular parI or assembly.
VehicIe equipment
This Owner's Manual describes all models and
all sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series.
Therefore, in Ihis Owner's Manual, equipmenI is
also described and illusIraIed IhaI is noI availa
ble in your vehicle, e.g. because of Ihe selecIed
opIional equipmenI or Ihe counIry-specific var
This also applies for safeIy-relaIed funcIions
and sysIems.
For opIions and equipmenI noI described in Ihis
Owner's Manual, please refer Io Ihe Supple
menIary Owner's Manuals.
On righI-hand drive vehicles, some conIrols are
arranged differenIly Ihan shown in Ihe illusIra
Status of the Owner's ManuaI
The manufacIurer of your vehicle pursues a pol
icy of consIanI developmenI IhaI is conceived
Io ensure IhaI our vehicles conIinue Io embody
Ihe highesI qualiIy and safeIy sIandards. ln rare
cases, Iherefore, Ihe feaIures described in Ihis
Owner's Manual may differ from Ihose in your
Updates made after the editoriaI
Any updaIes made afIer Ihe ediIorial deadline for
Ihe Owner's Manuals are locaIed in Ihe appen
dix of Ihe prinIed quick reference for Ihe vehicle.
SeiIe 6
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
For your own safety
Maintenance and repairs
Advanced Iechnology, e.g., Ihe use of modern
maIerials and high-performance elecIronics, re
quires suiIable mainIenance and repair meIh
Therefore, have Ihis work performed only by a
BMW cenIer or a workshop IhaI works accord
ing Io BMW repair procedures wiIh appropri
aIely Irained personnel.
lf Ihis work is noI carried ouI properly, Ihere is
Ihe danger of subsequenI damage and relaIed
safeIy hazards.
Parts and Accessories
For your own safeIy, use genuine parIs and ac
cessories approved by BMW. When you pur
chase accessories IesIed and approved by
BMW and Genuine BMW ParIs, you simulIane
ously acquire Ihe assurance IhaI Ihey have been
Ihoroughly IesIed by BMW Io ensure opIimum
performance when insIalled on your vehicle.
BMW warranIs Ihese parIs Io be free from de
fecIs in maIerial and workmanship. BMW will noI
accepI any liabiliIy for damage resulIing from in
sIallaIion of parIs and accessories noI approved
by BMW. BMW cannoI IesI every producI made
by oIher manufacIurers Io verify if iI can be used
on a BMW safely and wiIhouI risk Io eiIher Ihe
vehicle, iIs operaIion, or iIs occupanIs. Genuine
BMW ParIs, BMW Accessories and oIher prod
ucIs approved by BMW, IogeIher wiIh profes
sional advice on using Ihese iIems, are available
from all BMW cenIers. lnsIallaIion and operaIion
of non-BMW approved accessories such as
alarms, radios, amplifiers, radar deIecIors,
wheels, suspension componenIs, brake dusI
shields, Ielephones, including operaIion of any
mobile phone from wiIhin Ihe vehicle wiIhouI
using an exIernally mounIed anIenna, or Irans
ceiver equipmenI, for insIance, CBs, walkie-
Ialkies, ham radios or similar accessories, may
cause exIensive damage Io Ihe vehicle, com
promise iIs safeIy, inIerfere wiIh Ihe vehicle's
elecIrical sysIem or affecI Ihe validiIy of Ihe
BMW LimiIed WarranIy. See your BMW cenIer
for addiIional informaIion. MainIenance, re
placemenI, or repair of Ihe emission conIrol de
vices and sysIems may be performed by any au
IomoIive repair esIablishmenI or individual
using any cerIified auIomoIive parI.
OaIifornia Proposition 65 Warning
California laws require us Io sIaIe Ihe following
Engine exhausI and a wide varieIy of auIomobile
componenIs and parIs, including componenIs
found in Ihe inIerior furnishings in a vehicle, con
Iain or emiI chemicals known Io Ihe SIaIe of Cal
ifornia Io cause cancer and birIh defecIs and re
producIive harm. ln addiIion, cerIain fluids
conIained in vehicles and cerIain producIs of
componenI wear conIain or emiI chemicals
known Io Ihe SIaIe of California Io cause cancer
and birIh defecIs or oIher reproducIive harm.
BaIIery posIs, Ierminals and relaIed accessories
conIain lead and lead compounds. Wash your
hands afIer handling. Used engine oil conIains
chemicals IhaI have caused cancer in laboraIory
animals. Always proIecI your skin by washing
Ihoroughly wiIh soap and waIer.
Service and warranty
We recommend IhaI you read Ihis publicaIion
Ihoroughly. Your vehicle is covered by Ihe fol
lowing warranIies:
New Vehicle LimiIed WarranIy.
RusI PerforaIion LimiIed WarranIy.
Federal Emissions SysIem DefecI WarranIy.
Federal Emissions Performance WarranIy.
California Emission ConIrol SysIem LimiIed
DeIailed informaIion abouI Ihese warranIies is
lisIed in Ihe Service and WarranIy lnformaIion
BookleI for US models or in Ihe WarranIy and
Service Guide BookleI for Canadian models.
Your vehicle has been specifically adapIed and
designed Io meeI Ihe parIicular operaIing con
SeiIe 7
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
diIions and homologaIion requiremenIs in your
counIry and conIinenIal region in order Io deliver
Ihe full driving pleasure while Ihe vehicle is op
eraIed under Ihose condiIions. lf you wish Io op
eraIe your vehicle in anoIher counIry or region,
you may be required Io adapI your vehicle Io
meeI differenI prevailing operaIing condiIions
and homologaIion requiremenIs. You should
also be aware of any applicable warranIy limiIa
Iions or exclusions for such counIry or region. ln
such case, please conIacI CusIomer RelaIions
for furIher informaIion.
MainIain Ihe vehicle regularly Io susIain Ihe road
safeIy, operaIional reliabiliIy and Ihe New Vehi
cle LimiIed WarranIy.
SpecificaIions for required mainIenance meas
BMW MainIenance sysIem
Service and WarranIy lnformaIion BookleI
for US models
WarranIy and Service Guide BookleI for
Canadian models
lf Ihe vehicle is noI mainIained according Io
Ihese specificaIions, Ihis could resulI in serious
damage Io Ihe vehicle. Such damage is noI cov
ered by Ihe BMW New Vehicle LimiIed War
Reporting safety defects
For US customers
The following only applies Io vehicles owned
and operaIed in Ihe US.
lf you believe IhaI your vehicle has a defecI
which could cause a crash or could cause injury
or deaIh, you should immediaIely inform Ihe Na
Iional Highway Traffic SafeIy AdminisIraIion
NHTSA, in addiIion Io noIifying BMW of NorIh
America, LLC, P.O. Box 1227, WesIwood, New
Jersey 07675-1227, Telephone
lf NHTSA receives similar complainIs, iI may
open an invesIigaIion, and if iI finds IhaI a safeIy
defecI exisIs in a group of vehicles, iI may order
a recall and remedy campaign.
However, NHTSA cannoI become involved in
individual problems beIween you, your dealer,
or BMW of NorIh America, LLC.
To conIacI NHTSA, you may call Ihe Vehicle
SafeIy HoIline Ioll-free aI 1-888-327-4236
(TTY: 1-800-424-9153); go Io hIIp://; or wriIe Io: AdminisIraIor, NHTSA, 400
SevenIh SIreeI, SW., WashingIon, DC 20590.
You can also obIain oIher informaIion abouI mo
Ior vehicle safeIy from hIIp://
For Oanadian customers
Canadian cusIomers who wish Io reporI a
safeIy-relaIed defecI Io TransporI Canada, De
fecI lnvesIigaIions and Recalls, may Ielephone
Ihe Ioll-free hoIline 1-800-333-0510. You can
also obIain oIher informaIion abouI moIor vehi
cle safeIy from hIIp://
SeiIe 8
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SeiIe 9
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490

Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
At a gIance
These overviews of buIIons, swiIches and
displays are inIended Io familiarize you wiIh your
vehicle. You will also become quickly acquainIed
wiIh Ihe available conIrol concepIs and opIions.
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
AII around the steering wheeI
1 SeaIing comforI funcIions
SeaI, mirror, sIeering wheel mem
AcIive seaI49
2 Roller sunblinds44
3 Rear window safeIy swiIch44
4 Power windows43
5 ExIerior mirror operaIion54
6 Driver assisIance sysIems
AcIive Blind SpoI DeIec
Collision warning103,
Lane deparIure warning107
NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian de
Head-up Display126
7 Lamps
SeiIe 12
At a gIance Oockpit
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Parking lamps91
Low beams91
AuIomaIic headlamp con
DayIime running lighIs92
AdapIive lighI conIrol93
High-beam AssisIanI93
lnsIrumenI lighIing94
S SIeering column sIalk, lefI
Turn signal67
High beams, head
lamp flasher67
High-beam AssisIanI93
Roadside parking lamps92
9 ShifI paddles72
10 SIeering wheel buIIons, lefI
M Drive 1 acIivaIion57
M Drive 2 acIivaIion57
SIore speed116
Resume speed117
Cruise conIrol on/off, inIerrupI
Cruise conIrol rocker swiIch117
11 lnsIrumenI clusIer76
12 SIeering wheel buIIons, righI
EnIerIainmenI source
Voice acIivaIion22
Phone, see user's manual for Nav
igaIion, EnIerIainmenI and Com
Thumbwheel for selecIion lisIs85
13 SIeering column sIalk, righI
Windshield wipers68
Rain sensor69
Clean Ihe windshields and head
14 SIarI/sIop Ihe engine and swiIch
Ihe igniIion on/off63
AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion64
15 Horn
16 SIeering wheel heaIing56
17 AdjusI Ihe sIeering wheel56
1S Open Ihe Irunk lid37
19 Unlocking Ihe hood
SeiIe 13
Oockpit At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
AII around the center consoIe
1 Headliner15
2 ConIrol Display16
3 Glove comparImenI144
4 VenIilaIion131
5 Hazard warning sysIem191
CenIral locking sysIem37
6 Radio/CD/MulIimedia, see user's manual for
NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI and Communi
7 AuIomaIic climaIe conIrol128
S ConIroller wiIh buIIons16
9 PDC Park DisIance ConIrol118
Top View123
Backup camera120
Side View124
10 Parking brake66
11 Drivelogic72
12 DSC Dynamic SIabiliIy Con
Engine Dynamics75
ElecIronic Damper ConIrol
13 Transmission selecIor lever
SeiIe 14
At a gIance Oockpit
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
AII around the headIiner
1 Emergency RequesI191
2 Glass sunroof, powered45
3 lndicaIor lamp, fronI passenger
4 Reading lamps95
5 lnIerior lamps94
SeiIe 15
Oockpit At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
The concept
The iDrive combines Ihe funcIions of a mulIiIude
of swiIches. Thus, Ihese funcIions can be oper
aIed from a cenIral locaIion.
Using Ihe iDrive during a Irip
To avoid becoming disIracIed and posing
an unnecessary hazard Io your vehicle's occu
panIs and Io oIher road users, never aIIempI Io
use Ihe conIrols or enIer informaIion unless Iraf
fic and road condiIions allow Ihis.
OontroIs at a gIance
1 ConIrol Display
2 ConIroller wiIh buIIons
The buIIons can be used Io open Ihe menus
direcIly. The conIroller can be used Io selecI
menu iIems and creaIe Ihe seIIings.
OontroI DispIay
To clean Ihe ConIrol Display, follow Ihe care
Do noI place objecIs close Io Ihe ConIrol
Display; oIherwise, Ihe ConIrol Display can
be damaged.
Switching off
1. Press Ihe buIIon.
2. "SwiIch off conIrol display"
Switching on
Press Ihe conIroller again Io swiIch Ihe screen
back on.
SelecI menu iIems and creaIe seIIings.
1. Turn.
SeiIe 16
At a gIance iDrive
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
2. Press.
3. Move in four direcIions.
Buttons on controIIer
Press Ihe buIIon FuncIion
MENU Open Ihe main menu.
RADlO Opens Ihe Radio menu.
MEDlA Opens Ihe CD/MulIimedia
NAV Opens Ihe NavigaIion
TEL Opens Ihe Telephone
BACK Displays Ihe previous
OPTlON Opens Ihe OpIions menu.
Operating concept
Opening the main menu
Press Ihe buIIon.
The main menu is displayed.
All iDrive funcIions can be called up via Ihe main
SeIecting menu items
Menu iIems shown in whiIe can be selecIed.
1. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired menu
iIem is highlighIed.
2. Press Ihe conIroller.
Menu items in the Owner's ManuaI
ln Ihe Owner's Manual, menu iIems IhaI can be
selecIed are seI in quoIaIion marks, e.g.,
Ohanging between paneIs
AfIer a menu iIem is selecIed, e.g., "Radio", a
new panel is displayed. Panels can overlap.
Move Ihe conIroller Io Ihe lefI.
SeiIe 17
iDrive At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The currenI panel is closed and Ihe previous
panel is displayed.
The previous panel is opened again by
pressing Ihe BACK buIIon. ln Ihis case, Ihe
currenI panel is noI closed.
Move Ihe conIroller Io Ihe righI.
A new panel is opened on Iop of Ihe previous
WhiIe arrows poinIing Io Ihe lefI or righI indicaIe
IhaI addiIional panels can be opened.
View of an opened menu
When a menu is opened, iI generally opens wiIh
Ihe panel IhaI was lasI selecIed in IhaI menu. To
display Ihe firsI panel of a menu:
Move Ihe conIroller Io Ihe lefI repeaIedly
unIil Ihe firsI panel is displayed.
Press Ihe menu buIIon on Ihe conIroller
Opening the Options menu
Press Ihe buIIon.
The "OpIions" menu is displayed.
AddiIional opIions: move Ihe conIroller Io Ihe
righI repeaIedly unIil Ihe "OpIions" menu is dis
Options menu
The "OpIions" menu consisIs of various areas:
Screen seIIings, e.g., "SpliI screen".
This area remains unchanged.
ConIrol opIions for Ihe selecIed main menu,
e.g., for "Radio".
lf applicable, furIher operaIing opIions for
Ihe selecIed menu, e.g., "SIore sIaIion".
Ohanging settings
1. SelecI a field.
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is displayed.
3. Press Ihe conIroller.
Activatingldeactivating the functions
Several menu iIems are preceded by a check
box. lI indicaIes wheIher Ihe funcIion is acIi
vaIed or deacIivaIed. SelecIing Ihe menu iIem
acIivaIes or deacIivaIes Ihe funcIion.
The funcIion is acIivaIed.
The funcIion is deacIivaIed.
SeiIe 18
At a gIance iDrive
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ExampIe: setting the cIock
Setting the cIock
1. Press Ihe buIIon. The main menu is
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil "SeIIings" is high
lighIed, and Ihen press Ihe conIroller.
3. lf necessary, move Ihe conIroller Io Ihe lefI
Io display "Time/DaIe".
4. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil "Time/DaIe" is high
lighIed, and Ihen press Ihe conIroller.
5. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil "Time:" is high
lighIed, and Ihen press Ihe conIroller.
6. Turn Ihe conIroller Io seI Ihe hours and
press Ihe conIroller.
7. Turn Ihe conIroller Io seI Ihe minuIes and
press Ihe conIroller.
Status information
Status fieId
The following informaIion is displayed in Ihe sIa
Ius field aI Ihe Iop righI:
CurrenI enIerIainmenI source.
Sound ouIpuI, on/off.
Wireless neIwork recepIion sIrengIh.
Telephone sIaIus.
Traffic bulleIin recepIion.
Status fieId symboIs
The symbols are grouped as follows.
Radio symboIs
Symbol Meaning
HD Radio" is swiIched on.
SaIelliIe radio is swiIched on.
TeIephone symboIs
Symbol Meaning
lncoming or ouIgoing call.
Missed call.
Wireless neIwork recepIion sIrengIh
Symbol flashes: searching for neI
Wireless neIwork is noI available.
BlueIooIh is swiIched on.
Roaming is acIive.
SeiIe 19
iDrive At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Symbol Meaning
TexI message was received.
Check Ihe SlM card.
SlM card is blocked.
SlM card is missing.
EnIer Ihe PlN.
Entertainment symboIs
Symbol Meaning
CD/DVD player.
Music collecIion.
GracenoIe daIabase.
AUX-lN porI.
Rear AUX-lN porI on Ihe lefI.
Rear AUX-lN porI on Ihe righI.
AdditionaI symboIs
Symbol Meaning
Spoken insIrucIions are swiIched off.
RequesI of Ihe currenI vehicle posi
SpIit screen
GeneraI information
AddiIional informaIion can be displayed on Ihe
righI side of Ihe spliI screen, e.g., informaIion
from Ihe onboard compuIer.
ln Ihe divided screen view, Ihe so-called spliI
screen, Ihis informaIion remains visible even
when you change Io anoIher menu.
Switching the spIit screen on and off
1. Press Ihe buIIon.
2. "SpliI screen"
SeIecting the dispIay
1. Press Ihe buIIon.
2. "SpliI screen"
3. Move Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe spliI screen is
4. Press Ihe conIroller or selecI "SpliI screen
5. SelecI Ihe desired menu iIem.
ProgrammabIe memory
GeneraI information
The iDrive funcIions can be sIored on Ihe pro
grammable memory buIIons and called up di
recIly, e.g., radio sIaIions, navigaIion desIina
Iions, phone numbers and enIry poinIs inIo Ihe
The seIIings are sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol
currenIly in use.
Saving a function
1. HighlighI Ihe funcIion via Ihe iDrive.
2. Press Ihe desired buIIon for more
Ihan 2 seconds.
SeiIe 20
At a gIance iDrive
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Running a function
Press Ihe buIIon.
The funcIion will run immediaIely. This
means, for example, IhaI Ihe number is dialed
when a phone number is selecIed.
DispIaying the button assignment
Use a finger Io Iouch Ihe buIIons. Do noI wear
gloves or use objecIs.
The key assignmenI is displayed aI Ihe Iop edge
of Ihe screen.
To display shorI informaIion: Iouch Ihe buI
To display deIailed informaIion: Iouch Ihe
buIIon for an exIended period.
DeIeting the button assignments
1. Press buIIons 1 and 8 simulIaneously for
approx. five seconds.
2. "OK"
Entering Ietters and numbers
GeneraI information
1. Turn Ihe conIroller: selecI leIIers or num
2. SelecI addiIional leIIers or numbers if
3. "OK": confirm Ihe enIry.
Depending on Ihe menu, you can swiIch be
Iween enIering upper and lower case, leIIers
and numbers:
Symbol FuncIion
Press Ihe conIroller: deleIe Ihe leIIer
or number.
Press Ihe conIroller for an exIended
period: deleIe all leIIers or numbers.
Entry comparison
EnIry of names and addresses: Ihe selecIion is
narrowed down every Iime a leIIer is enIered and
leIIers may be added auIomaIically.
The enIries are conIinuously compared Io Ihe
daIa sIored in Ihe vehicle.
Only Ihose leIIers are offered during Ihe en
Iry for which daIa is available.
DesIinaIion search: Iown/ciIy names can be
enIered using Ihe spelling of language avail
able on Ihe ConIrol Display.
SeiIe 21
iDrive At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Voice activation system
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
The concept
MosI funcIions IhaI are displayed on Ihe
ConIrol Display can be operaIed by spoken
commands via Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem.
The sysIem prompIs you Io make your en
FuncIions IhaI can only be used when Ihe
vehicle is sIaIionary cannoI be operaIed us
ing Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem.
The sysIem uses a special microphone on
Ihe driver's side.
... Verbal insIrucIions in Ihe Owner's
Manual Io use wiIh Ihe voice acIivaIion sys
Via Ihe ConIrol Display, seI a language IhaI is
also supporIed by Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem
so IhaI Ihe spoken commands can be idenIified.
SeI Ihe language, refer Io page 89.
Using voice activation
Activating the voice activation system
1. Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe sIeering
2. WaiI for Ihe signal.
3. Say Ihe command.
The command is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI
This symbol in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer indi
caIes IhaI Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem is acIive.
lf no oIher commands are available, operaIe Ihe
funcIion in Ihis case via iDrive.
Terminating the voice activation
Briefly press Ihe buIIon on Ihe sIeering
wheel or Cancel.
PossibIe commands
MosI menu iIems on Ihe ConIrol Display can be
voiced as commands.
The available commands depend on which
menu is currenIly displayed on Ihe ConIrol Dis
ShorI commands exisI for many funcIions.
Some lisI enIries, e.g., Phone book enIries, can
also be selecIed via Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem.
Speak Ihese lisI enIries exacIly as Ihey are dis
played in Ihe respecIive lisI.
Having possibIe commands read aIoud
You can have Ihe available commands read ouI
loud for you: Voice commands
For example, if Ihe "SeIIings" menu is displayed,
Ihe commands for Ihe seIIings are read ouI loud.
Executing functions using short
FuncIions on Ihe main menu can be performed
direcIly by means of shorI commands, nearly ir
respecIive of which menu iIem is currenIly se
lecIed, e.g., Vehicle sIaIus.
SeiIe 22
At a gIance Voice activation system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
LisI of shorI commands of Ihe voice acIivaIion
sysIem, refer Io page 207.
HeIp diaIog for the voice activation
Calling up help dialog: Help
AddiIional commands for Ihe help dialog:
Help wiIh examples: informaIion abouI Ihe
currenI operaIing opIions and Ihe mosI im
porIanI commands for Ihem are announced.
Help wiIh voice acIivaIion: informaIion
abouI Ihe principle of operaIion for Ihe voice
acIivaIion sysIem is announced.
ExampIe: pIaying back a OD
Via the main menu
The commands of Ihe menu iIems are spoken
jusI as Ihey are selecIed via Ihe conIroller.
1. SwiIch on Ihe EnIerIainmenI sound ouIpuI
if necessary.
2. Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe sIeering
3. MulIimedia
The medium lasI played is played back.
4. C D
5. C D drive
6. Track ..., e.g., CD Irack 4.
Via short command
Playback of Ihe CD can also be sIarIed via a shorI
1. SwiIch on Ihe EnIerIainmenI sound ouIpuI
if necessary.
2. Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe sIeering
3. C D drive Irack ..., e.g., CD Irack 4.
Setting the voice diaIog
You can seI wheIher Ihe sysIem should use Ihe
sIandard dialog or a shorIer version.
ln Ihe shorIer varianI of Ihe voice dialog, Ihe an
nouncemenIs from Ihe sysIem are issued in an
abbreviaIed form.
On Ihe ConIrol Display:
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Language/UniIs"
3. "Speech m.:"
4. SelecI Ihe seIIing.
Adjusting the voIume
Turn Ihe volume buIIon while giving an insIruc
Iion unIil Ihe desired volume is seI.
The volume remains consIanI even if Ihe
volume of oIher audio sources is changed.
The volume is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol
currenIly in use.
Notes on Emergency
Do noI use Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem Io iniIiaIe
an Emergency RequesI. ln sIressful siIuaIions,
Ihe voice and vocal piIch can change. This can
unnecessarily delay Ihe esIablishmenI of a Ie
lephone connecIion.
lnsIead, use Ihe SOS buIIon, refer Io
page 191, in Ihe viciniIy of Ihe inIerior mirror.
SeiIe 23
Voice activation system At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
EnvironmentaI conditions
Say Ihe commands, numbers, and leIIers
smooIhly and wiIh normal volume, empha
sis, and speed.
Always say commands in Ihe language of
Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem.
When selecIing Ihe radio sIaIion, use Ihe
sIandard pronunciaIion for Ihe sIaIion name,
ideally as Ihe name appears on Ihe ConIrol
// NOT FOR US e. g. Classic Radio sIaIion
Keep Ihe doors, windows, and glass sunroof
closed Io prevenI noise inIerference.
Avoid making oIher noise in Ihe vehicle
while speaking.
SeiIe 24
At a gIance Voice activation system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
lntegrated Owner's ManuaI in the vehicIe
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
lntegrated Owner's ManuaI in
the vehicIe
The inIegraIed Owner's Manual can be dis
played on Ihe ConIrol Display. The equipmenI
and funcIions IhaI are in Ihe vehicle are descri
bed Iherein.
Oomponents of the integrated Owner's
The inIegraIed Owner's Manual consisIs of
Ihree parIs, which offer various levels of infor
maIion or access possibiliIies.
Quick Reference Guide
LocaIed in Ihe Quick Reference is imporIanI in
formaIion for Ihe operaIion of Ihe vehicle, Ihe
operaIion of basic vehicle funcIions or for whaI
Io do in Ihe evenI of a flaI Iire. This informaIion
can also be displayed during driving.
Search by pictures
lnformaIion and descripIions based on illusIra
Iions can be searched via search by picIures.
This is helpful, for example, if Ihe descripIion of
an ouIfiIIing package IhaI cannoI be named is
Owner's ManuaI
lnformaIion and descripIions can be searched
by direcI enIry of a search Ierm via Ihe index.
SeIect components
1. Press Ihe buIIon.
2. Turn Ihe conIroller: open "Vehicle lnfo".
3. Press Ihe conIroller.
4. SelecIing desired range:
"Quick reference"
"Search by picIures"
"Owner's Manual"
Leafing through the Owner's ManuaI
Page by page with Iink access
Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe nexI or previous
page is displayed.
Page by page without Iink access
Leaf Ihrough Ihe pages direcIly while skipping
Ihe links.
HighlighI Ihe symbol once. Now simply press
Ihe conIroller Io leaf from page Io page.
Leaf back.
Leaf forward.
Oontext heIp - Owner's ManuaI to the
temporariIy seIected function
The relevanI informaIion can be opened direcIly.
SeiIe 25
lntegrated Owner's ManuaI in the vehicIe At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Opening via the iDrive
To move direcIly from Ihe applicaIion on Ihe
ConIrol Display Io Ihe opIions menu:
1. Press Ihe buIIon or move Ihe conIroller
Io Ihe righI repeaIedly unIil Ihe "OpIions"
menu is displayed.
2. "Display Owner's Manual"
Opening when a Oheck OontroI
message is dispIayed
DirecIly from Ihe Check ConIrol message on Ihe
ConIrol Display:
"Display Owner's Manual"
Ohanging between a function and the
Owner's ManuaI
To change from a funcIion, e.g., radio, Io Ihe
Owner's Manual on Ihe ConIrol Display and Io
swiIch beIween Ihe Iwo displays:
1. Press Ihe buIIon or move Ihe conIroller
Io Ihe righI repeaIedly unIil Ihe "OpIions"
menu is displayed.
2. "Display Owner's Manual"
3. SelecI Ihe desired page in Ihe Owner's
4. Press Ihe buIIon again Io reIurn Io Ihe
funcIion displayed lasI.
5. Press Ihe buIIon Io reIurn Io Ihe page
of Ihe Owner's Manual displayed lasI.
To swiIch back and forIh repeaIedly beIween
Ihe funcIion displayed lasI and Ihe page of Ihe
Owner's Manual displayed lasI, repeaI sIeps 4
and 5. This opens a new panel every Iime.
ProgrammabIe memory buttons
GeneraI information
The Owner's Manual can be sIored on Ihe pro
grammable memory buIIons and called up di
1. "Owner's Manual" SelecI via Ihe iDrive.
2. Press Ihe desired buIIon for more
Ihan 2 seconds.
Press Ihe buIIon.
The Owner's Manual is displayed im
SeiIe 26
At a gIance lntegrated Owner's ManuaI in the vehicIe
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SeiIe 27
lntegrated Owner's ManuaI in the vehicIe At a gIance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490

Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
This chapIer is inIended Io provide you wiIh
informaIion IhaI will give you compleIe conIrol of
your vehicle. All feaIures and accessories IhaI are
useful for driving and your safeIy, comforI and
convenience are described here.
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Opening and cIosing
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Remote controIlkey
Buttons on the remote controI
1 Unlocking
2 Locking
3 Trunk lid
4 Panic mode, headl. courIesy delay feaI.
GeneraI information
The vehicle is supplied wiIh Iwo remoIe conIrols
wiIh keys.
Every remoIe conIrol conIains a replaceable
The seIIings called up and implemenIed when
Ihe vehicle is unlocked depend on which remoIe
conIrol is used Io unlock Ihe vehicle, Personal
Profile, refer Io page 31.
ln addiIion, informaIion abouI service require
menIs is sIored in Ihe remoIe conIrol, Service
daIa in Ihe remoIe conIrol, refer Io page 182.
lntegrated key
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe back of Ihe remoIe con
Irol, arrow 1, and pull ouI Ihe key, arrow 2.
The inIegraIed key fiIs Ihe following locks:
Driver's door.
SIorage comparImenI in Ihe fronI cenIer
The sIorage comparImenI conIains a swiIch for
separaIely securing Ihe Irunk lid, refer Io
page 39.
RepIacing the battery
1. Take Ihe inIegraIed key ouI of Ihe remoIe
2. Push in Ihe caIch wiIh Ihe key, arrow 1.
3. Remove Ihe cover of Ihe baIIery comparI
menI; see arrow 2.
4. lnserI a baIIery of Ihe same Iype wiIh Ihe
posiIive side facing upwards.
5. Press Ihe cover closed.
SeiIe 30
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Take Ihe used baIIery Io a recycling cen
Ier or Io your service cenIer.
New remote controIs
You can obIain new remoIe conIrols from your
service cenIer.
Loss of the remote controIs
LosI remoIe conIrols can be blocked by your
service cenIer.
Emergency detection of remote controI
lI is possible Io swiIch on Ihe igniIion or sIarI Ihe
engine in siIuaIions such as Ihe following:
lnIerference of radio Iransmission Io remoIe
conIrol by exIernal sources.
Discharged baIIery in Ihe remoIe conIrol.
lnIerference of radio Iransmission by mobile
devices in close proximiIy Io Ihe remoIe
lnIerference of radio Iransmission by
charger while charging iIems such as mobile
devices in Ihe vehicle.
A Check ConIrol message is displayed if an aI
IempI is made Io swiIch on Ihe igniIion or sIarI
Ihe engine.
Starting the engine in case of
emergency detection of remote controI
Double-cluIch Iransmission: if a corresponding
Check ConIrol message appears, hold Ihe re
moIe conIrol, as shown, againsI Ihe marked area
on Ihe sIeering column and press Ihe SIarI/SIop
buIIon wiIhin 10 seconds while pressing Ihe
Manual Iransmission: if a corresponding Check
ConIrol message appears, hold Ihe remoIe con
Irol, as shown, againsI Ihe marked area on Ihe
sIeering column and press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon
wiIhin 10 seconds while pressing Ihe cluIch
PersonaI ProfiIe
The concept
You can seI several of your vehicle's funcIions
Io suiI your personal needs and preferences.
The seIIings are auIomaIically saved in Ihe
profile currenIly acIivaIed.
The remoIe conIrol used is deIecIed when
Ihe vehicle is unlocked and Ihe sIored profile
is called up.
Your personal seIIings will be recognized
and called up again even if Ihe vehicle has
been used in Ihe meanIime by someone else
wiIh anoIher remoIe conIrol.
The individual seIIings are sIored for Ihree Per
sonal Profiles and one guesI profile.
Transmitting the settings
Your personal seIIings can be Iaken wiIh you Io
anoIher vehicle equipped wiIh Ihe Personal Pro
file funcIion. For more informaIion, conIacI your
service cenIer.
Transmission Iakes place via:
The USB inIerface in Ihe cenIer armresI
onIo a USB device.
SeiIe 31
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ProfiIe management
Opening the profiIes
A differenI profile can be called up Ihan Ihe one
associaIed wiIh Ihe remoIe conIrol currenIly in
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
3. SelecI a profile.
The profile IhaI is opened is assigned Io Ihe re
moIe conIrol currenIly in use.
Renaming profiIes
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
The currenI profile is selecIed.
3. Open "OpIions".
4. "Rename currenI profile"
Resetting profiIes
The seIIings of Ihe acIive profile are reseI Io
Iheir defaulI values.
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. "SeIIings"
3. "Profiles"
The currenI profile is selecIed.
4. Open "OpIions".
5. "ReseI currenI profile"
lmporting profiIes
ExisIing seIIings and conIacIs are overwriIIen
wiIh Ihe imporIed profile.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
3. "lmporI profile"
4. USB inIerface, refer Io page 140: "USB
Exporting profiIes
MosI seIIings of Ihe acIive profile and Ihe saved
conIacIs can be exporIed.
This can be useful for sIoring and opening per
sonal seIIings, e.g. if seIIings are accidenIally
changed or deleIed.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
3. "ExporI profile"
4. USB inIerface, refer Io page 140: "USB
SeiIe 32
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Using the guest profiIe
The guesI profile can be used Io make individual
seIIings wiIhouI affecIing Ihe Ihree Personal
This can be useful for drivers who are using Ihe
vehicle Iemporarily and do noI have Iheir own
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
3. The currenI profile is selecIed.
4. Open "GuesI".
5. AdjusI Ihe seIIings.
NoIe: Ihe guesI profile cannoI be renamed.
DispIay profiIe Iist during start
The profile lisI can be displayed during each
sIarI for selecIing Ihe desired profile.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Profiles"
3. Open "OpIions".
4. "Display user lisI aI sIarIup"
PersonaI ProfiIe settings
The following funcIions and seIIings can be
sIored in a profile.
More informaIion on Ihe seIIings can be found
Collision warning: warning Iime, lasI seIIing
ExIerior mirror posiIion.
CD/MulIimedia: audio source lisIened Io
Driver's seaI posiIion: auIomaIic reIrieval af
Ier unlocking.
Programmable memory buIIons: assign
Head-up Display: selecIion, brighIness, po
siIion and roIaIion of Ihe display.
Headlamp courIesy delay feaIure: Iime seI
Tone: Ione seIIings.
AuIomaIic climaIe conIrol: seIIings.
SIeering wheel posiIion.
M Drive: configuraIions.
NavigaIion: map views, rouIe criIeria, voice
ouIpuI on/off.
NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian deIecIion: se
lecIion of funcIions and Iype of display.
Park DisIance ConIrol PDC: adjusIing Ihe
signal Ione volume.
Radio: sIored sIaIions, sIaIion lisIened Io
lasI, special seIIings.
Backup camera: selecIion of funcIions and
Iype of display.
Side View: selecIion of Ihe display Iype.
Language on Ihe ConIrol Display.
Lane deparIure warning: lasI seIIing, on/off.
AcIive Blind SpoI DeIecIion: lasI seIIing, on/
DayIime running lighIs: currenI seIIing.
Triple Iurn signal acIivaIion.
Locking Ihe vehicle: afIer a brief period or
afIer sIarIing Io drive.
OentraI Iocking system
The concept
The cenIral locking sysIem becomes acIive
when Ihe driver's door is closed.
The sysIem simulIaneously engages and re
leases Ihe locks on Ihe following:
Trunk lid.
Fuel filler flap.
Operating from the outside
Via Ihe remoIe conIrol.
Via Ihe driver's door lock.
Via Ihe door handles.
SeiIe 33
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Via Ihe buIIon in Ihe Irunk lid.
The following Iakes place simulIaneously when
locking/unlocking Ihe vehicle via Ihe remoIe
Depending on how Ihe vehicle is equipped,
Ihe IhefI proIecIion is acIivaIed/deacIivaIed.
ThefI proIecIion prevenIs Ihe doors from
being unlocked using Ihe lock buIIons or Ihe
door opener.
The welcome lamps, inIerior lamps and
courIesy lamps are swiIched on and off.
The alarm sysIem, refer Io page 42, is
armed or disarmed.
Operating from the inside
Via Ihe buIIon for Ihe cenIral locking sysIem.
lf Ihe vehicle has been locked from inside, Ihe
fuel filler flap remains unlocked.
lf an accidenI of a cerIain severiIy occurs, Ihe
cenIral locking sysIem unlocks auIomaIically.
The hazard warning sysIem and inIerior lamps
come on.
Opening and cIosing: from the
Using the remote controI
GeneraI information
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you
People or animals lefI unaIIended in a
parked vehicle can lock Ihe doors from Ihe in
side. Always Iake Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you
when leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI Ihe vehicle can
Ihen be opened from Ihe ouIside.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol.
The vehicle is unlocked.
Welcome lamps, inIerior lamp and courIesy
lamps are swiIched on.
You can seI how Ihe vehicle is Io be unlocked.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Doors/key"
3. SelecI a symbol.
4. SelecI Ihe desired funcIion:
"Driver's door only"
Only Ihe driver's door and Ihe fuel filler
flap are unlocked. Pressing again un
locks Ihe enIire vehicle.
"All doors"
The enIire vehicle is unlocked.
Depending on how Ihe vehicle is equipped or Ihe
counIry-specific varianI, you can seI wheIher
Ihe doors are also unlocked wiIh Ihe buI
Ion on Ihe remoIe conIrol.
Oonvenient opening
The remoIe conIrol can be used Io simulIane
ously open Ihe windows and Ihe glass sunroof.
SeiIe 34
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Press and hold Ihe buIIon on Ihe re
moIe conIrol.
The windows and Ihe glass sunroof open.
Releasing Ihe buIIon sIops Ihe moIion.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol.
Locking from Ihe ouIside
Do noI lock Ihe vehicle from Ihe ouIside if
Ihere are people in iI, as Ihe vehicle cannoI be
unlocked from inside wiIhouI special knowl
Switching on interior Iamps and
courtesy Iamps
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol
wiIh Ihe vehicle locked.
Panic mode
You can Irigger Ihe alarm sysIem if you find
yourself in a dangerous siIuaIion.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol
for aI leasI 3 seconds.
To swiIch off Ihe alarm: press any buIIon.
Switching on the headIamp courtesy
deIay feature
Briefly press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe
The duraIion can be seI in Ihe ConIrol Display.
Opening the trunk Iid
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol
for approx. 1 second.
The Irunk lid opens, regardless of wheIher iI was
previously locked or unlocked.
During opening, Ihe Irunk lid pivoIs back and up.
Ensure IhaI adequaIe clearance is available be
fore opening.
ln some vehicle equipmenI varianIs, Ihe Irunk lid
can only be opened using Ihe remoIe conIrol if
Ihe vehicle was unlocked firsI.
To avoid locking yourself ouI of Ihe vehicle, do
noI place Ihe remoIe conIrol inIo Ihe cargo area.
The Irunk lid is locked again as soon as iI is
pushed closed.
Oonfirmation signaIs from the vehicIe
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Doors/key"
3. DeacIivaIe or acIivaIe Ihe desired confirma
Iion signals.
"AcousIic sig. lock/unlock"
"Flash when lock/unlock"
Retrieving the seat, mirror, and
steering wheeI settings
The driver's seaI, exIerior mirror, and sIeering
wheel posiIions selecIed lasI are sIored for Ihe
currenIly used remoIe conIrol.
When Ihe vehicle is unlocked, Ihese posiIions
are auIomaIically reIrieved if Ihis funcIion was
Pinch hazard when moving back Ihe seaI
lf Ihis funcIion is used, firsI make sure IhaI
Ihe fooIwell behind Ihe driver's seaI is empIy.
OIherwise, people can be injured or objecIs
damaged when Ihe seaI is moved back.
The adjusImenI procedure is inIerrupIed:
When a seaI posiIion swiIch is pressed.
When a buIIon of Ihe seaI, mirror, and sIeer
ing wheel memory is pressed briefly.
Activating the setting
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Doors/key"
3. "LasI seaI posiIion auIo."
SeiIe 35
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
lf Ihe vehicle can no longer be locked or un
locked wiIh Ihe remoIe conIrol, Ihe baIIery may
be discharged or Ihere may be inIerference from
exIernal sources such as mobile phones, meIal
objecIs, overhead power lines, Iransmission
Iowers, eIc.
lf Ihis occurs, unlock or lock Ihe vehicle aI Ihe
door lock using Ihe inIegraIed key.
For US owners onIy
The IransmiIIer and receiver uniIs comply wiIh
parI 15 of Ihe FCC/Federal CommunicaIion
Commission regulaIions. OperaIion is governed
by Ihe following:
Compliance sIaIemenI:
This device complies wiIh parI 15 of Ihe FCC
Rules. OperaIion is subjecI Io Ihe following Iwo
This device may noI cause harmful inIerfer
ence, and
Ihis device musI accepI any inIerference re
ceived, including inIerference IhaI may
cause undesired operaIion.
Any unauIhorized modificaIions or changes Io
Ihese devices could void Ihe user's auIhoriIy Io
operaIe Ihis equipmenI.
Using the door Iock
GeneraI information
Locking from Ihe ouIside
Do noI lock Ihe vehicle from Ihe ouIside if
Ihere are people in iI, as Ihe vehicle cannoI be
unlocked from inside wiIhouI special knowl
Remove Ihe key before pulling Ihe door
Before pulling Ihe ouIside door handle, remove
Ihe key Io avoid damaging Ihe painIwork and Ihe
ln some counIry-specific versions, Ihe alarm
sysIem is Iriggered if Ihe vehicle is unlocked via
Ihe door lock.
ln order Io IerminaIe Ihis alarm, unlock vehicle
wiIh Ihe remoIe conIrol, or swiIch on Ihe igni
Iion, if necessary, by emergency deIecIion of Ihe
remoIe conIrol.
ln some vehicle equipmenI versions, only Ihe
driver's door can be unlocked or locked via Ihe
door lock.
Locking the doors and trunk Iid at once
To lock all doors and Ihe Irunk lid aI once:
1. WiIh Ihe doors closed, lock Ihe vehicle using
Ihe buIIon for Ihe cenIral locking sysIem in
Ihe inIerior.
2. Unlock and open Ihe driver's or fronI pas
senger door.
3. Lock Ihe vehicle.
SeiIe 36
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
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Lock Ihe driver's door using Ihe
inIegraIed key in Ihe door lock, or
Press down Ihe lock buIIon of Ihe fronI
passenger door and close Ihe door from
Ihe ouIside.
The fuel filler flap can only be locked using Ihe
remoIe conIrol.
ManuaI operation
lf an elecIrical malfuncIion occurs, lock or unlock
Ihe vehicle using Ihe inIegraIed key via Ihe door
lock on Ihe driver's door.
Opening and cIosing: from the
Locking and unIocking
Pressing Ihe buIIons locks and unlocks Ihe
doors and Ihe Irunk lid when Ihe fronI doors are
closed, buI Ihey are noI secured againsI IhefI.
The fuel filler flap remains unlocked.
UnIocking and opening
EiIher unlock Ihe doors IogeIher using Ihe
buIIon for Ihe cenIral locking sysIem and
Ihen pull Ihe door handle above Ihe armresI
Pull Ihe door opener Iwice individually on
each door: Ihe firsI Iime unlocks Ihe door,
Ihe second Iime opens iI.
Automatic Iocking
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Doors/key"
3. SelecI Ihe desired funcIion:
"Lock if no door opened"
The vehicle locks auIomaIically afIer a
shorI period of Iime if a door is noI
"Lock afIer sIarI driving"
The vehicle locks auIomaIically afIer
you drive away.
Automatic Soft OIosing
To close Ihe doors, push lighIly.
lI is closed auIomaIically.
Danger of pinching
Make sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe
doors is clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Trunk Iid
During opening, Ihe Irunk lid pivoIs back and up.
Ensure IhaI adequaIe clearance is available be
fore opening.
SeiIe 37
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Opening from the outside
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe Irunk lid.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe
conIrol for approx. 1 second.
WiIh ComforI Access Ihe Irunk lid opens
wiIh no-Iouch acIivaIion, refer Io page 41.
Opening from the inside
Push Ihe buIIon in Ihe driver's fooIwell.
lf Ihe vehicle is sIaIionary, Ihe Irunk lid opens if
iI is noI locked.
Recessed grips in Ihe inIerior Irim of Ihe Irunk
lid make iI easier Io pull down Ihe lid.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
Make sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe
Irunk lid is clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Do noI place Ihe remoIe conIrol in Ihe
cargo area
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you and do noI
leave iI in Ihe cargo area; oIherwise, Ihe remoIe
conIrol is locked inside Ihe vehicle when Ihe
Irunk lid is closed.
Locking the vehicIe
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe inside of Ihe Irunk lid.
When Ihe driver's door is closed, Ihe vehicle is
compleIely locked.
Automatic taiIgate operation
The Irunk lid opens fully.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe exIerior of Ihe Irunk
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe
conIrol for approx. 1 second.
Push Ihe buIIon in Ihe driver's fooI
Pressing Ihe buIIon again sIops Ihe moIion.
The opening procedure is likewise inIerrupIed:
When sIarIing Ihe engine.
When Ihe vehicle sIarIs moving.
SeiIe 38
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
By pressing Ihe buIIon in Ihe driver's fooI
By pressing Ihe buIIon on Ihe inside of Ihe
Irunk lid.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe inside of Ihe Irunk
The Irunk lid closes auIomaIically.
Pressing again sIops Ihe moIion.
WiIh ComforI Access:
Press Ihe buIIon, arrow 1, on Ihe inside of
Ihe Irunk lid.
The Irunk lid closes auIomaIically.
Pressing again sIops Ihe moIion.
Press Ihe buIIon, arrow 2.
The Irunk lid closes auIomaIically and Ihe
vehicle is locked.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe exIerior of Ihe Irunk
Pressing again sIops Ihe moIion.
The closing operaIion is inIerrupIed:
When sIarIing Ihe engine.
The vehicle sIarIs off wiIh jerks.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
Make sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe
Irunk lid is clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Do noI place Ihe remoIe conIrol in Ihe
cargo area
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you and do noI
leave iI in Ihe cargo area; oIherwise, Ihe remoIe
conIrol is locked inside Ihe vehicle when Ihe
Irunk lid is closed.
ManuaI operation
ln Ihe evenI of an elecIrical faulI, manually op
eraIe Ihe unlocked Irunk lid slowly and
To close iI compleIely, push Ihe Irunk lid down
lI is closed auIomaIically.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
Make sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh is clear;
oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Locking separateIy
The Irunk lid can be locked separaIely using Ihe
swiIch in Ihe fronI cenIer armresI.
SeiIe 39
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Trunk lid secured, arrow 1.
Trunk lid noI secured, ar
row 2.
Slide Ihe swiIch inIo Ihe arrow 1 posiIion. This
secures Ihe Irunk lid and disconnecIs iI from Ihe
cenIral locking sysIem.
When Ihe cenIer armresI is locked, Ihe Irunk lid
cannoI be opened.
This is beneficial when Ihe vehicle is parked us
ing valeI service. The infrared remoIe conIrol
can be handed ouI wiIhouI Ihe key.
Emergency unIocking
Pull Ihe handle inside Ihe cargo area.
The Irunk lid unlocks.
Oomfort Access
The concept
The vehicle can be accessed wiIhouI acIivaIing
Ihe remoIe conIrol.
All you need Io do is Io have Ihe remoIe conIrol
wiIh you, e.g., in your jackeI pockeI.
The vehicle auIomaIically deIecIs Ihe remoIe
conIrol when iI is nearby or in Ihe passenger
ComforI Access supporIs Ihe following func
Unlocking/locking of Ihe vehicle.
ConvenienI closing.
Unlocking of Ihe Irunk lid separaIely.
Open Irunk lid wiIh no-Iouch acIivaIion.
SIarIing Ihe engine.
FunctionaI requirements
There are no exIernal sources of inIerfer
ence nearby.
To lock Ihe vehicle, Ihe remoIe conIrol musI
be locaIed ouIside of Ihe vehicle.
The nexI unlocking and locking cycle is noI
possible unIil afIer approx. 2 seconds.
The engine can only be sIarIed if Ihe remoIe
conIrol is inside Ihe vehicle.
Oomparison with ordinary remote
The funcIions can be conIrolled by pressing Ihe
buIIons of Ihe remoIe conIrol or ComforI Ac
Fully grasp a door handle, arrow 1. This corre
sponds Io pressing Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe
SeiIe 40
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Press Ihe area on Ihe door handle, arrow 2, wiIh
your finger for approx. 1 second.
This corresponds Io pressing Ihe buIIon on
Ihe remoIe conIrol.
To save baIIery power, ensure IhaI Ihe igniIion
and all elecIronic sysIems and/or power con
sumers are swiIched off before locking Ihe ve
Oonvenient cIosing
Press Ihe area on Ihe door handle, arrow 2, wiIh
Ihe finger and hold iI down.
ln addiIion Io locking, Ihe windows and Ihe glass
sunroof are closed.
MoniIor Ihe closing process
MoniIor Ihe closing process Io ensure IhaI
no one becomes Irapped.
UnIocking the trunk Iid separateIy
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe exIerior of Ihe Irunk lid,
refer Io page 37.
This corresponds Io pressing Ihe buIIon
on Ihe remoIe conIrol.
Do noI place Ihe remoIe conIrol in Ihe
cargo area
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you and do noI
leave iI in Ihe cargo area; oIherwise, Ihe remoIe
conIrol is locked inside Ihe vehicle when Ihe
Irunk lid is closed.
Open trunk Iid with no-touch activation
WiIh ComforI Access, Ihe Irunk lid can be
opened wiIh no-Iouch acIivaIion using Ihe re
moIe conIrol you are carrying.
A sensor deIecIs a direcIed fooI moIion in Ihe
cenIer of Ihe area aI Ihe rear of Ihe car and Ihe
Irunk lid opens.
During opening, Ihe Irunk lid pivoIs back and up.
Ensure IhaI adequaIe clearance is available be
fore opening.
Do noI Iouch vehicle
WiIh Ihe fooI moIion, make sure Ihere is
sIeady sIance and do noI Iouch Ihe vehicle; oIh
erwise, Ihere is a danger of injury, e. g. from hoI
exhausI sysIem parIs.
1. PosiIion in Ihe cenIer behind Ihe vehicle.
2. Move fooI in Ihe direcIion of Iravel under
neaIh Ihe bumper and immediaIely back.
The hazard warning sysIem flashes Ihree
The Irunk lid opens, regardless of wheIher iI was
previously locked or unlocked.
PrevenIing inadverIenI opening
ln siIuaIions where Ihe Irunk lid should is
noI Io be opened wiIh no-Iouch acIivaIion, en
sure IhaI Ihe remoIe conIrol is locaIed beyond
Ihe range of Ihe sensor, aI leasI 5 fI/1.50 m from
Ihe rear of Ihe car.
OIherwise, Ihe Irunk lid may be opened inad
verIenIly, for example by an uninIenIional or
misinIerpreIed movemenI of Ihe fooI.
SeiIe 41
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ComforI Access may noI funcIion properly if iI
experiences inIerference from exIernal sources
such as mobile phones, meIal objecIs, overhead
power lines, Iransmission Iowers, eIc.
ln Ihis case, open or close Ihe vehicle using Ihe
buIIons on Ihe remoIe conIrol or use Ihe
inIegraIed key in Ihe door lock.
lf Ihere is a malfuncIion, open Ihe Irunk lid wiIh
Ihe remoIe conIrol buIIon or wiIh Ihe buIIon on
Ihe Irunk lid.
AIarm system
The concept
The vehicle alarm sysIem responds Io:
Opening of a door, Ihe hood or Ihe Irunk lid.
MovemenIs in Ihe vehicle.
Changes in Ihe vehicle IilI, e.g., during aI
IempIs Io sIeal a wheel or when Iowing Ihe
lnIerrupIions in baIIery volIage.
The alarm sysIem briefly indicaIes Iampering:
By sounding an acousIic alarm.
By swiIching on Ihe hazard warning sysIem.
By flashing Ihe high beams.
Arming and disarming the aIarm
GeneraI information
When you lock or unlock Ihe vehicle, eiIher wiIh
Ihe remoIe conIrol, ComforI Access or aI Ihe
door lock Ihe alarm sysIem is armed or disarmed
aI Ihe same Iime.
Door Iock and armed aIarm system
Unlocking via Ihe door lock will Irigger Ihe alarm
on some counIry-specific versions.
ln order Io IerminaIe Ihis alarm, unlock vehicle
wiIh Ihe remoIe conIrol or swiIch on Ihe igniIion,
if necessary, by emergency deIecIion of Ihe re
moIe conIrol.
Trunk Iid and armed aIarm system
The Irunk lid can be opened using Ihe remoIe
conIrol, even if Ihe alarm sysIem is armed.
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol
for approx. 1 second.
AfIer Ihe Irunk lid is closed, iI is locked and
moniIored again by Ihe alarm sysIem. The haz
ard warning sysIem flashes once.
ln some vehicle equipmenI varianIs, Ihe Irunk lid
can only be opened using Ihe remoIe conIrol if
Ihe vehicle was unlocked firsI.
Panic mode
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol
for aI leasI 3 seconds.
Switching off the aIarm
Unlock Ihe vehicle using Ihe remoIe conIrol.
WiIh ComforI Access: if you are carrying Ihe
remoIe conIrol wiIh you, pull on Ihe door
lndicator Iamp on the interior rearview
The indicaIor lamp flashes briefly every
2 seconds:
The sysIem is armed.
The indicaIor lamp flashes afIer locking:
SeiIe 42
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The doors, hood or Irunk lid is noI closed
properly, buI Ihe resI of Ihe vehicle is se
AfIer 10 seconds, Ihe indicaIor lamp flashes
conIinuously. lnIerior moIion sensor and IilI
alarm sensor are noI acIive.
The indicaIor lamp goes ouI afIer unlocking:
The vehicle has noI been Iampered wiIh.
The indicaIor lamp flashes afIer unlocking
unIil Ihe engine is sIarIed, buI no longer Ihan
approx. 5 minuIes:
An alarm has been Iriggered.
TiIt aIarm sensor
The IilI of Ihe vehicle is moniIored.
The alarm sysIem responds in siIuaIions such
as aIIempIs Io sIeal a wheel or when Ihe car is
lnterior motion sensor
The windows and glass sunroof musI be closed
for Ihe sysIem Io funcIion properly.
Avoiding unintentionaI aIarms
The IilI alarm sensor and inIerior moIion sensor
can be swiIched off IogeIher, such as in Ihe fol
lowing siIuaIions:
ln auIomaIic car washes.
ln duplex garages.
During IransporI on car-carrying Irains, aI
sea or on a Irailer.
When animals are Io remain in Ihe vehicle.
Switching off the tiIt aIarm sensor and
interior motion sensor
Press Ihe remoIe conIrol buIIon again
wiIhin 10 seconds as soon as Ihe vehicle
is locked.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up for approx. 2 sec
onds and Ihen conIinues Io flash.
The IilI alarm sensor and inIerior moIion sensor
are swiIched off unIil Ihe vehicle is locked again.
Power windows
GeneraI information
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you when
leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI children, for example,
cannoI operaIe Ihe power windows and injure
Press Ihe swiIch Io Ihe resisIance
The window opens while Ihe swiIch is held.
Press Ihe swiIch beyond Ihe resisI
ance poinI.
The window opens auIomaIically.
Pressing again sIops Ihe moIion.
ConvenienI opening, refer Io page 34, via Ihe
remoIe conIrol.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
MoniIor Ihe closing process and make
sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe window is clear;
oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Pull Ihe swiIch Io Ihe resisIance poinI.
SeiIe 43
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
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The window closes while Ihe swiIch is held.
Pull Ihe swiIch beyond Ihe resisIance
The window closes auIomaIically.
Pressing Ihe swiIch sIops Ihe moIion.
ConvenienI operaIion, refer Io page 34, via Ihe
remoIe conIrol.
ConvenienI closing, refer Io page 41, wiIh Com
forI Access.
Pinch protection system
lf Ihe closing force exceeds a specific value as a
window closes, Ihe closing acIion is inIerrupIed.
The window reopens slighIly.
Danger of pinching even wiIh pinch pro
Even wiIh Ihe pinch proIecIion sysIem, check
IhaI Ihe window's closing paIh is clear; oIher
wise, Ihe closing acIion may noI sIop in cerIain
siIuaIions, e.g., if Ihin objecIs are presenI.
No window accessories
Do noI insIall any accessories in Ihe range
of movemenI of Ihe windows; oIherwise, Ihe
pinch proIecIion sysIem will be impaired.
OIosing without the pinch protection
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
MoniIor Ihe closing process and make
sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe window is clear;
oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
For example, if Ihere is an exIernal danger or if
ice on Ihe windows prevenIs a window from
closing normally, proceed as follows:
1. Pull Ihe swiIch pasI Ihe resisIance poinI and
hold iI Ihere.
Pinch proIecIion is limiIed and Ihe window
reopens slighIly if Ihe closing force exceeds
a cerIain value.
2. Pull Ihe swiIch pasI Ihe resisIance poinI
again wiIhin approx. 4 seconds and hold iI
The window closes wiIhouI pinch proIec
Safety switch
The safeIy swiIch in Ihe driver's door can be
used Io prevenI children, for example, from
opening and closing Ihe rear windows using Ihe
swiIches in Ihe rear.
Switching on and off
Press Ihe buIIon.
The LED lighIs up if Ihe safeIy funcIion
is swiIched on.
SafeIy swiIch for rear operaIion
Press Ihe safeIy swiIch when IransporIing
children in Ihe rear; oIherwise, injury may resulI
if Ihe windows are closed wiIhouI supervision.
RoIIer sunbIinds
GeneraI information
lf you are no longer able Io move Ihe roller sun
blind for Ihe rear window afIer having acIivaIed
iI a number of Iimes in a row, Ihe sysIem is
blocked for a limiIed Iime Io prevenI overheaI
ing. LeI Ihe sysIem cool.
The roller sunblind for Ihe rear window cannoI
be moved aI low inIerior IemperaIures.
SeiIe 44
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Driver's door controIs
RoIIer bIind for rear window
Press Ihe buIIon.
RoIIer sunbIinds for the rear side
Pull ouI Ihe roller sunblind aI Ihe loop and hook
iI onIo Ihe brackeI.
Do noI open Ihe window while Ihe roller
sunblind is raised.
Do noI open Ihe window while Ihe roller sunblind
is raised; oIherwise, Ihere is a risk of damage aI
high speeds IhaI may resulI in personal injury.
GIass sunroof, powered
GeneraI information
The glass sunroof and Ihe sliding visor can be
operaIed IogeIher or separaIely, using Ihe same
The glass sunroof is operaIional when Ihe igni
Iion is swiIched on.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
MoniIor Ihe closing process and make
sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe glass sunroof is
clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you when
leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI children, for example,
cannoI operaIe Ihe roof and injure Ihemselves.
TiIting the gIass sunroof
Push swiIch upward briefly.
The closed roof is IilIed and
Ihe sliding visor opens
The opened roof closes unIil
iI is in iIs IilIed posiIion. The
sliding visor sIays compleIely
OpeninglcIosing the sIiding visor
Press Ihe swiIch in Ihe de
sired direcIion Io Ihe resisI
ance poinI and hold iI Ihere.
The sliding visor moves while
Ihe swiIch is being held.
Press Ihe swiIch in Ihe desired direcIion
pasI Ihe resisIance poinI.
The sliding visor moves auIomaIically.
Pressing Ihe swiIch again sIops Ihe moIion.
OpeninglcIosing the gIass sunroof
When Ihe sliding visor is open, proceed as de
scribed under Sliding visor.
SeiIe 45
Opening and cIosing OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
OpeninglcIosing the gIass sunroof and
sIiding visor together
Briefly press Ihe swiIch Iwice in
succession in Ihe desired direc
Iion pasI Ihe resisIance poinI.
The glass sunroof and sliding vi
sor move IogeIher. Pressing Ihe
swiIch again sIops Ihe moIion.
ConvenienI operaIion, refer Io page 34, via Ihe
remoIe conIrol.
ConvenienI closing, refer Io page 41, wiIh Com
forI Access.
Pinch protection system
lf Ihe closing force when closing Ihe glass sun
roof exceeds a cerIain value, Ihe closing move
menI is sIopped, beginning aI approximaIely Ihe
middle of Ihe opening in Ihe roof, or from Ihe
IilIed posiIion during closing.
The glass sunroof opens again slighIly.
Danger of pinching even wiIh pinch pro
DespiIe Ihe pinch proIecIion sysIem, check IhaI
Ihe roof's closing paIh is clear; oIherwise, Ihe
closing acIion may noI be inIerrupIed in cerIain
exIreme siIuaIions, such as when Ihin objecIs
are presenI.
OIosing from the open position without
pinch protection
For example, if Ihere is an exIernal danger, pro
ceed as follows:
1. Press Ihe swiIch forward beyond Ihe resisI
ance poinI and hold.
Pinch proIecIion is limiIed and Ihe roof re
opens slighIly if Ihe closing force exceeds a
cerIain value.
2. Press Ihe swiIch forward again beyond Ihe
resisIance poinI and hold unIil Ihe roof
closes wiIhouI pinch proIecIion.
OIosing from the raised position
without pinch protection
lf Ihere is an exIernal danger, push Ihe swiIch
forward pasI Ihe resisIance poinI and hold iI.
The roof closes wiIhouI pinch proIecIion.
lnitiaIizing after a power faiIure
AfIer a power failure during Ihe opening or clos
ing process, Ihe roof can only be operaIed Io a
limiIed exIenI.
lnitiaIizing the system
The sysIem can be iniIialized when Ihe vehicle
is sIaIionary and Ihe engine is running.
During Ihe iniIializaIion, Ihe roof closes wiIhouI
pinch proIecIion.
Keep Ihe closing paIh clear
MoniIor Ihe closing process and make
sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe glass sunroof is
clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
Press Ihe swiIch up and hold iI
unIil Ihe iniIializaIion is compleIe:
lniIializaIion begins wiIhin
15 seconds and is compleIed
when Ihe sunroof and sliding
visor are compleIely closed.
The roof closes wiIhouI pinch proIecIion.
SeiIe 46
OontroIs Opening and cIosing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Sitting safeIy
The ideal seaIing posiIion can make a viIal con
IribuIion Io relaxed, faIigue-free driving.
The seaIing posiIion plays an imporIanI role in
an accidenI in combinaIion wiIh:
SafeIy belIs, refer Io page 50.
Head resIrainIs, refer Io page 51.
Airbags, refer Io page 96.
GeneraI information
Do noI adjusI Ihe seaI while driving
Do noI adjusI Ihe driver's seaI while driv
ing, or Ihe seaI could respond wiIh unexpecIed
movemenI and Ihe ensuing loss of vehicle con
Irol could lead Io an accidenI.
Do noI incline Ihe backresI Ioo far Io Ihe
Also on Ihe fronI passenger side, do noI incline
Ihe backresI on Ihe fronI passenger side Ioo far
Io Ihe rear during driving, or Ihere is a risk of
slipping under Ihe safeIy belI in Ihe evenI of an
accidenI. This would eliminaIe Ihe proIecIion
normally provided by Ihe belI.
EIectricaIIy adjustabIe seats
At a gIance
1 Lumbar supporI
2 BackresI widIh
3 Shoulder supporI
4 BackresI
5 Forward/back, heighI, IilI
6 Thigh supporI
The seaI seIIing for Ihe driver's seaI is sIored for
Ihe remoIe conIrol currenIly in use. When Ihe
vehicle is unlocked via Ihe remoIe conIrol, Ihe
posiIion is auIomaIically reIrieved if Ihe Func
Iion, refer Io page 35, for Ihis is acIivaIed.
Adjustments in detaiI
1. Forward/back.
SeiIe 47
Adjusting OontroIs
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2. HeighI.
3. SeaI IilI.
4. BackresI IilI.
5. Thigh supporI.
Lumbar support
The curvaIure of Ihe seaI backresI can be ad
jusIed in such a way IhaI iI supporIs Ihe lumbar
region of Ihe spine. The lower back and Ihe
spine are supporIed for uprighI posIure.
Press Ihe fronI/rear secIion of
Ihe swiIch.
The curvaIure is increased/
Press Ihe upper/lower sec
Iion of Ihe swiIch.
The curvaIure is shifIed up/
Backrest width
Change Ihe widIh of Ihe backresI using Ihe side
wings Io adjusI Ihe laIeral supporI.
To make iI easier Io enIer and exiI Ihe vehicle,
Ihe backresI widIh Iemporarily opens fully.
ShouIder support
Also supporIs Ihe back in Ihe shoulder area:
ResulIs in a relaxed seaIing posiIion.
SeiIe 48
OontroIs Adjusting
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Reduces sIrain on Ihe shoulder muscles.
Active seat
AcIive adjusImenI of Ihe seaI cushion's con
Iours reduces muscular Iension and faIigue Io
help prevenI lower back pain.
Press Ihe buIIon. The LED lighIs up.
Front seat heating
Switching on
Press Ihe buIIon once for each Iemper
aIure level.
The maximum IemperaIure is reached when
Ihree LEDs are liI.
lf Ihe drive is conIinued wiIhin approx. 15 mi
nuIes, Ihe seaI heaIing is acIivaIed auIomaIi
cally wiIh Ihe IemperaIure selecIed lasI.
Switching off
Press Ihe buIIon longer.
The LEDs go ouI.
Temperature distribution
The heaIing acIion in Ihe seaI cushion and back
resI can be disIribuIed in differenI ways.
1. "ClimaIe"
2. "SeaI heaIing disIribuIion"
3. SelecI Ihe required seaI.
4. Turn Ihe conIroller Io seI Ihe IemperaIure
Rear seat heating
Switching on
Press Ihe buIIon once for each Iemper
aIure level.
The maximum IemperaIure is reached when
Ihree LEDs are liI.
lf Ihe drive is conIinued wiIhin approx. 15 mi
nuIes, Ihe seaI heaIing is acIivaIed auIomaIi
cally wiIh Ihe IemperaIure selecIed lasI.
Switching off
Press Ihe buIIon longer.
The LEDs go ouI.
SeiIe 49
Adjusting OontroIs
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Active seat ventiIation, front
The seaI cushion and backresI surfaces are
cooled by means of inIegraIed fans.
The venIilaIion rapidly cools Ihe seaI, e. g., if Ihe
vehicle inIerior is overheaIed or for conIinuous
cooling aI high IemperaIures.
Switching on
Press Ihe buIIon once for each venIila
Iion level.
The highesI level is acIive when Ihree LEDs are
lf when Ihe seaI venIilaIion is Iurned on Ihe Max
imum Cooling funcIion is acIivaIed, Ihe seaI
venIilaIion auIomaIically swiIches Io Ihe highesI
level. When Ihe Maximum Cooling funcIion is
swiIched off, Ihe uniI swiIches back Io Ihe pre
viously seI level.
AfIer a shorI Iime, Ihe sysIem auIomaIically
moves down one level in order Io prevenI ex
cessive cooling.
Switching off
Press Ihe buIIon longer.
The LEDs go ouI.
Safety beIts
Seats with safety beIt
The vehicle has five seaIs, each of which is
equipped wiIh a safeIy belI.
Always make sure IhaI safeIy belIs are being
worn by all occupanIs before driving away.
AlIhough airbags enhance safeIy by providing
added proIecIion, Ihey are noI a subsIiIuIe for
safeIy belIs.
The shoulder sIrap's anchorage poinI will be
correcI for adulI seaI occupanIs of every
build if Ihe seaI is correcIly adjusIed.
The Iwo ouIer safeIy belI buckles,
inIegraIed inIo Ihe rear seaI, are for passen
gers siIIing on Ihe lefI and righI.
The cenIer rear seaI belI buckle is solely in
Iended for Ihe cenIer passenger.
One person per safeIy belI
Never allow more Ihan one person Io wear
a single safeIy belI. Never allow infanIs or small
children Io ride on a passenger's lap.
PuIIing on Ihe belI
Lay Ihe belI, wiIhouI IwisIing, snugly
across Ihe lap and shoulders, as close Io Ihe
body as possible. Make sure IhaI Ihe belI lies low
around Ihe hips in Ihe lap area and does noI
press on Ihe abdomen. OIherwise, Ihe belI can
slip over Ihe hips in Ihe lap area in a fronIal im
pacI and injure Ihe abdomen.
The safeIy belI musI noI lie across Ihe neck, rub
on sharp edges, be rouIed over solid or breaka
ble objecIs, or be pinched.
ReducIion of resIraining effecI
Avoid wearing cloIhing IhaI prevenIs Ihe
belI from fiIIing properly, and pull Ihe shoulder
belI periodically Io readjusI Ihe Iension across
your lap; oIherwise, Ihe reIenIion effecI of Ihe
safeIy belI may be reduced.
SeiIe 50
OontroIs Adjusting
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
BuckIing the beIt
Make sure you hear Ihe laIch plaIe engage in Ihe
belI buckle.
UnbuckIing the beIt
1. Hold Ihe belI firmly.
2. Press Ihe red buIIon in Ihe belI buckle.
3. Guide Ihe belI back inIo iIs reel.
Safety beIt reminder for driver's seat
and front passenger seat
The indicaIor lamp flashes or lighIs up
and a signal sounds. Make sure IhaI Ihe
safeIy belIs are posiIioned correcIly.
The safeIy belI reminder is acIive aI speeds
above approx. 5 mph/8 km/h. lI can also be ac
IivaIed if objecIs are placed on Ihe fronI pas
senger seaI.
Damage to safety beIts
ln Ihe case of sIrain caused by accidenIs or
Have Ihe safeIy belIs, including Ihe safeIy belI
Iensioners, replaced and have Ihe belI anchors
Checking and replacing safeIy belIs
Have Ihe work performed only by your
service cenIer; oIherwise, iI cannoI be ensured
IhaI Ihis safeIy feaIure will funcIion properly.
Front head restraints
OorrectIy adjusted head restraint
A correcIly adjusIed head resIrainI reduces Ihe
risk of injury Io cervical verIebrae in Ihe evenI of
an accidenI.
AdjusIing Ihe head resIrainI
CorrecIly adjusI Ihe head resIrainIs of all
occupied seaIs; oIherwise, Ihere is an increased
risk of injury in an accidenI.
AdjusI Ihe head resIrainI so IhaI iIs cenIer is ap
proximaIely aI ear level.
AdjusI Ihe disIance so IhaI Ihe head resIrainI is
as close as possible Io Ihe back of Ihe head.
Active head restraint
ln Ihe evenI of a rear-end collision wiIh a cerIain
severiIy, Ihe acIive head resIrainI auIomaIically
reduces Ihe disIance from Ihe head.
Reduced proIecIive funcIion
Do noI use seaI or head resIrainI cov
Do noI hang objecIs, e.g., cloIhes hangers,
on Ihe head resIrainIs.
Only aIIach accessories approved by BMW
Io Ihe seaI or head resIrainI.
OIherwise, Ihe proIecIive funcIion of Ihe acIive
head resIrainI will be impaired and Ihe personal
safeIy of Ihe occupanIs will be endangered.
SeiIe 51
Adjusting OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Adjusting the height
AdjusIing elecIrically.
Distance to back of head: manuaI head
Forward: by pulling
Back: press Ihe buIIon and push Ihe head
resIrainI Ioward Ihe rear.
Distance to back of head: eIectricaI
head restraints
The head resIrainI is auIomaIically reposiIioned
when Ihe shoulder supporI is adjusIed.
Adjusting the side extensions
Fold forward for increased laIeral supporI in Ihe
resIing posiIion.
The head resIrainIs cannoI be removed.
Rear head restraints
OorrectIy adjusted head restraint
A correcIly adjusIed head resIrainI reduces Ihe
risk of injury Io cervical verIebrae in Ihe evenI of
an accidenI.
AdjusIing Ihe head resIrainI
CorrecIly adjusI Ihe head resIrainIs of all
occupied seaIs; oIherwise, Ihere is an increased
risk of injury in an accidenI.
AdjusI Ihe head resIrainI so IhaI iIs cenIer is ap
proximaIely aI ear level.
AdjusI Ihe disIance so IhaI Ihe head resIrainI is
as close as possible Io Ihe back of Ihe head.
SeiIe 52
OontroIs Adjusting
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Adjusting the height
To raise: pull.
To lower: press Ihe buIIon, arrow 1, and
push Ihe head resIrainI down.
FoIding forward
Press Ihe buIIon, arrow 1, and fold Ihe head re
sIrainI forward.
Only remove Ihe head resIrainI if no one will be
siIIing in Ihe seaI in quesIion.
1. Pull Ihe head resIrainI upward as far as pos
2. Press Ihe buIIon, arrow 1, and pull Ihe head
resIrainI ouI compleIely.
Before IransporIing passengers
ReinsIall Ihe head resIrainI before Irans
porIing anyone in Ihe seaI; oIherwise, Ihe pro
IecIive funcIion of Ihe head resIrainI is unavail
Seat, mirror, and steering
wheeI memory
GeneraI information
Two differenI driver's seaI, exIerior mirror, and
sIeering wheel posiIions can be sIored and re
Irieved for each remoIe conIrol. The adjusImenI
of Ihe lumbar supporI is noI sIored.
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. SeI Ihe desired posiIion.
3. Press Ihe buIIon. The LED in Ihe
buIIon lighIs up.
4. Press Ihe desired buIIon 1 or 2. The LED
goes ouI.
lf Ihe M buIIon is pressed accidenIally:
Press Ihe buIIon again.
The LED goes ouI.
SeiIe 53
Adjusting OontroIs
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OaIIing up settings
Do noI reIrieve Ihe memory while driving
Do noI reIrieve Ihe memory seIIing while
driving, as an unexpecIed movemenI of Ihe seaI
or sIeering wheel could resulI in an accidenI.
Oomfort function
1. Open Ihe driver's door.
2. SwiIch off Ihe igniIion.
3. Briefly press Ihe desired buIIon 1 or 2.
The corresponding seaI posiIion is performed
The procedure sIops when a swiIch for adjusI
ing Ihe seaI or one of Ihe buIIons is pressed.
Safety mode
1. Close Ihe driver's door or swiIch on Ihe ig
2. Press and hold Ihe desired buIIon 1 or 2 unIil
Ihe adjusImenI procedure is compleIed.
OaIIing up of a seat position
AfIer a brief period, Ihe calling up of sIored seaI
posiIions is deacIivaIed Io save baIIery power.
To reacIivaIe calling up of a seaI posiIion:
Open or close Ihe door or Irunk lid.
Press a buIIon on Ihe remoIe conIrol.
Press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
Exterior mirrors
At a gIance
1 AdjusIing
2 LefI/righI, AuIomaIic Curb MoniIor
3 Fold in and ouI
GeneraI information
The mirror on Ihe passenger side is more curved
Ihan Ihe driver's side mirror.
EsIimaIing disIances correcIly
ObjecIs reflecIed in Ihe mirror are closer
Ihan Ihey appear. Do noI esIimaIe Ihe disIance
Io Ihe Iraffic behind you based on whaI you see
in Ihe mirror, as Ihis will increase your risk of an
Depending on how Ihe vehicle is equipped, Ihe
mirror seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol in
use. When Ihe vehicle is unlocked via Ihe remoIe
conIrol, Ihe posiIion is auIomaIically reIrieved if
Ihe seIIing for Ihis funcIion is acIive.
SeIecting a mirror
To change over Io Ihe oIher mirror:
Slide Ihe mirror changeover swiIch.
Adjusting eIectricaIIy
The seIIing corresponds Io Ihe direcIion
in which Ihe buIIon is pressed.
SeiIe 54
OontroIs Adjusting
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Saving positions
SeaI, mirror, and sIeering wheel memory, refer
Io page 53.
Adjusting manuaIIy
lf an elecIrical malfuncIion occurs, for example,
press Ihe edges of Ihe mirror glass.
Automatic Ourb Monitor
When Ihe reverse gear is engaged, Ihe mirror
glass IilIs downward slighIly on Ihe fronI pas
senger side. This improves your view of Ihe curb
and oIher low-lying obsIacles when parking, for
1. Slide Ihe mirror changeover swiIch
Io Ihe driver's side mirror posiIion.
2. Engage Iransmission posiIion R.
Slide Ihe mirror changeover swiIch Io Ihe pas
senger's side mirror posiIion.
FoId in and out
Press Ihe buIIon.
Possible up Io approx. 15 mph/20 km/h.
For example, Ihis is advanIageous
ln car washes.
ln narrow sIreeIs.
For folding back mirrors IhaI were folded
away manually.
Mirrors IhaI were folded in are folded ouI auIo
maIically aI a speed of approx. 25 mph/40 km/h.
Fold in Ihe mirror in a car wash
Before enIering an auIomaIic car wash,
fold in Ihe exIerior mirrors by hand or wiIh Ihe
buIIon; oIherwise, Ihey could be damaged, de
pending on Ihe widIh of Ihe vehicle.
Automatic heating
BoIh exIerior mirrors are auIomaIically heaIed
whenever Ihe engine is running.
Automatic dimming feature
BoIh exIerior mirrors are auIomaIically dimmed.
PhoIocells are used for conIrol in Ihe lnIerior rear
view mirror, refer Io page 55.
lnterior rearview mirror
Reducing the bIinding effect
From behind when driving aI nighI: Iurn Ihe
lnterior rearview mirror, automatic
dimming feature
The concept
PhoIocells are used for conIrol:
ln Ihe mirror glass.
On Ihe back of Ihe mirror.
SeiIe 55
Adjusting OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FunctionaI requirement
For proper operaIion:
Keep Ihe phoIocells clean.
Do noI cover Ihe area beIween Ihe inside
rearview mirror and Ihe windshield.
Steering wheeI
GeneraI information
Do noI adjusI while driving
Do noI adjusI Ihe sIeering wheel while
driving; oIherwise, an unexpecIed movemenI
could resulI in an accidenI.
Power steering wheeI adjustment
The sIeering wheel can be adjusIed in four di
Storing the position
SeaI, mirror, and sIeering wheel memory, refer
Io page 53.
Steering wheeI heating
Switching onloff
Press Ihe buIIon.
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
M Drive
The concept
lndividual seIIings can be carried ouI in Iwo pre
assigned configuraIions for Ihe vehicle.
When Ihe engine is sIarIed, an efficienI driving
sIaIe is acIive by defaulI. M Drive is deacIivaIed.
At a gIance
The configuraIions are preassigned as follows:
"M Drive 1": relaxed, comforIable driving.
"M Drive 2": sporIy, dynamic driving.
Setting options
Symbol Meaning
Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol DSC, refer
Io page 112, and M Dynamic Mode
Programs of M Engine Dynamics
ConIrol, refer Io page 75.
Programs of ElecIronic Damper Con
Irol EDC, refer Io page 114.
Programs of ServoIronic, refer Io
page 115.
M double-cluIch Iransmission wiIh
Drivelogic, refer Io page 70: shifI
modes and Drivelogic driving pro
Views of Ihe Head-Up Display, refer
Io page 126.
SeiIe 56
OontroIs Adjusting
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Oonfiguring M Drive
The preassigned configuraIions can be individ
ually adjusIed.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe desired seIIing opIion.
4. SelecI Ihe desired channel.
The individual seIIings are sIored for Ihe remoIe
conIrol currenIly in use.
lf M Drive is acIivaIed, a change in Ihe seIIing on
Ihe ConIrol Display is immediaIely adopIed.
Activatingldeactivating M Drive
Press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering
AcIivaIe M Drive 1.
AcIivaIe M Drive 2.
lf DSC OFF or MDM is seI in M Drive, a message
appears in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer. This message
is confirmed by pressing Ihe buIIon again.
Press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering
lndicator Iamps
lndicaIor lamp comes on: corre
sponding M Drive is acIivaIed.
lndicaIor lamp flashes: M Drive could
noI be acIivaIed. AnIilock braking
sysIem ABS or Dynamic SIabiliIy
ConIrol DSC direcIly regulaIe Ihe
driving sIabiliIy.
ReacIivaIe M Drive if indicaIor lamp
is no longer flashing.
lf M Drive is acIivaIed, individual seIIings can
also be modified ouIside of M Drive, e. g. using
Ihe buIIons in Ihe cenIer console. This deacIi
vaIes M Drive.
To reacIivaIe all seIIings made for M Drive on
Ihe ConIrol Display, briefly press one of Ihe fol
lowing buIIons:

To adopI Ihe changed seIIings in M Drive, press

and hold Ihe corresponding buIIon.
Resetting M Drive
lndividual seIIings can be reseI Io defaulI values.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. "ReseI M Drive 1" or"ReseI M Drive 2"
4. "Yes"
To cancel reseIIing: "No"
SeiIe 57
Adjusting OontroIs
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Transporting chiIdren safeIy
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
The right pIace for chiIdren
Children in Ihe vehicle
Do noI leave children unaIIended in Ihe
vehicle; oIherwise, Ihey could endanger Ihem
selves and oIher persons, e.g., by opening Ihe
OhiIdren shouId aIways be in the rear
AccidenI research shows IhaI Ihe safesI place
for children is in Ihe back seaI.
TransporIing children in Ihe rear
Only IransporI children younger Ihan
13 years of age or shorIer Ihan 5 fI/150 cm in Ihe
rear in child resIrainI fixing sysIems provided in
accordance wiIh Ihe age, weighI and size of Ihe
child; oIherwise, Ihere is an increased risk of in
jury in an accidenI.
Children 13 years of age or older musI wear a
safeIy belI as soon as a suiIable child resIrainI
fixing sysIem can no longer be used, due Io Iheir
age, weighI and size.
OhiIdren on the front passenger seat
Should iI ever be necessary Io use a child re
sIrainI fixing sysIem in Ihe fronI passenger seaI,
make sure IhaI Ihe fronI, knee and side airbags
on Ihe fronI passenger side are deacIivaIed. Au
IomaIic deacIivaIion of fronI passenger airbags,
refer Io page 98.
DeacIivaIing Ihe fronI passenger airbags
lf a child resIrainI fixing sysIem is used in
Ihe fronI passenger seaI, Ihe fronI passenger
airbags musI be deacIivaIed; oIherwise, Ihere is
an increased risk of injury Io Ihe child when Ihe
airbags are Iriggered, even wiIh a child resIrainI
fixing sysIem.
lnstaIIing chiId restraint fixing
Before mounting
lf Ihe rear seaI backresIs are adjusIable:
Before mounIing child resIrainI fixing sysIems,
reIurn all of Ihe rear seaI backresIs Io Ihe basic
ManufacIurer's informaIion for child re
sIrainI fixing sysIems
To selecI, mounI and use child resIrainI fixing
sysIems, observe Ihe informaIion provided by
Ihe sysIem manufacIurer; oIherwise, Ihe pro
IecIive effecI can be impaired.
On the front passenger seat
Deactivating airbags
AfIer insIalling a child resIrainI fixing sysIem in
Ihe fronI passenger seaI, make sure IhaI Ihe
fronI, knee and side airbags on Ihe fronI pas
senger side are deacIivaIed.
DeacIivaIe Ihe fronI passenger airbags auIo
maIically, refer Io page 98
SeiIe 58
OontroIs Transporting chiIdren safeIy
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
DeacIivaIing Ihe fronI passenger airbags
lf a child resIrainI fixing sysIem is used in
Ihe fronI passenger seaI, Ihe fronI passenger
airbags musI be deacIivaIed; oIherwise, Ihere is
an increased risk of injury Io Ihe child when Ihe
airbags are Iriggered, even wiIh a child resIrainI
fixing sysIem.
Seat position and height
Before insIalling a child resIrainI fixing sysIem,
move Ihe fronI passenger seaI as far back as
possible and bring iI up Io medium heighI Io ob
Iain Ihe besI possible posiIion for Ihe belI and Io
offer opIimal proIecIion in Ihe evenI of an acci
Do noI change Ihe seaI posiIion and heighI afIer
OhiId seat security
The rear safeIy belIs and Ihe fronI passenger
safeIy belI can be locked againsI pulling ouI for
mounIing Ihe child resIrainI fixing sysIems.
Locking the safety beIt
1. Pull ouI Ihe belI webbing compleIely.
2. Secure Ihe child resIrainI fixing sysIem wiIh
Ihe belI.
3. Allow Ihe belI webbing Io be pulled in and
pull iI IauI againsI Ihe child resIrainI fixing
sysIem. The safeIy belI is locked.
UnIocking the safety beIt
1. Unbuckle Ihe belI buckle.
2. Remove Ihe child resIrainI fixing sysIem.
3. Allow Ihe belI webbing Io be pulled in com
LATOH chiId restraint fixing
LATCH: Lower Anchors and TeIher for Children.
ManufacIurer's informaIion for LATCH
child resIrainI fixing sysIems
To mounI and use Ihe LATCH child resIrainI fix
ing sysIems, observe Ihe operaIing and safeIy
informaIion from Ihe sysIem manufacIurer; oIh
erwise, Ihe level of proIecIion may be reduced.
Mounts for the Iower LATOH anchors
CorrecIly engage Ihe lower LATCH an
Make sure IhaI Ihe lower LATCH anchors have
properly engaged and IhaI Ihe child resIrainI fix
ing sysIem is resIing snugly againsI Ihe back
resI; oIherwise, Ihe degree of proIecIion offered
may be reduced.
Before mounIing Ihe LATCH child resIrainI fix
ing sysIem, pull Ihe belI away from Ihe child re
sIrainI fixing sysIem.
Without a through-Ioading system:
MounIs for Ihe lower LATCH anchors are lo
caIed in Ihe gap beIween Ihe seaI and backresI.
SeiIe 59
Transporting chiIdren safeIy OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
With a through-Ioading system:
MounIs for Ihe lower LATCH anchors are lo
caIed behind Ihe indicaIed covers.
Mounting LATOH chiId restraint fixing
1. MounI Ihe child resIrainI fixing sysIem; refer
Io Ihe operaIing insIrucIions of Ihe sysIem.
2. Ensure IhaI boIh LATCH anchors are prop
erly connecIed.
OhiId restraint fixing systems with a
tether strap
Mounting points
Depending on Ihe vehicle equipmenI, Ihere are
Iwo ouIer or Ihree mounIing poinIs for child re
sIrainI fixing sysIems wiIh a IeIher sIrap.
LATCH mounIing eyes
Only use Ihe mounIing eyes for Ihe upper
LATCH reIaining sIrap Io secure child resIrainI
fixing sysIems; oIherwise, Ihe mounIing eyes
could be damaged.
Retaining strap guide
ReIaining sIrap
Make sure Ihe upper reIaining sIrap does
noI run over sharp edges and is noI IwisIed as iI
passes Io Ihe Iop anchor. OIherwise, Ihe sIrap
will noI properly secure Ihe child resIrainI fixing
sysIem in Ihe evenI of an accidenI.
1 DirecIion of Iravel
2 Head resIrainI.
3 Hook for upper reIaining sIrap
4 MounIing poinI/eye
5 Rear window shelf
6 SeaI backresI
7 Upper reIaining sIrap
Attaching the upper retaining strap to
the mounting point
1. Remove Ihe mounIing poinI cover.
2. Raise Ihe head resIrainI. Do noI change Ihe
middle head resIrainI.
3. Guide Ihe upper reIaining sIrap beIween Ihe
supporIs of Ihe head resIrainI.
Guide iI over Ihe head resIrainI of Ihe middle
4. AIIach Ihe hook of Ihe reIaining sIrap Io Ihe
mounIing eye.
5. TighIen Ihe reIaining sIrap by pulling iI
6. Lower Ihe head resIrainI.
SeiIe 60
OontroIs Transporting chiIdren safeIy
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Locking the doors and
Rear doors
Push Ihe locking lever on Ihe rear doors down.
The door can now be opened from Ihe ouIside
Safety switch for the rear
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe driver's door if
children are being IransporIed in Ihe
This locks various funcIions so IhaI Ihey cannoI
be operaIed from Ihe rear: safeIy swiIch, refer Io
page 44.
SeiIe 61
Transporting chiIdren safeIy OontroIs
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VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
StartlStop button
The concept
Pressing Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon
swiIches Ihe igniIion on or off and
sIarIs Ihe engine.
Double cluIch Iransmission: The
engine sIarIs if Ihe brake is de
pressed while pressing Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
Manual Iransmission: Ihe engine sIarIs if Ihe
cluIch pedal is depressed when Ihe SIarI/SIop
buIIon is pressed.
lgnition on
Double-cluIch Iransmission: Press Ihe SIarI/
SIop buIIon buI do noI depress Ihe brake.
Manual-shifI Iransmission: press Ihe SIarI/SIop
buIIon, and do noI press on Ihe cluIch pedal aI
Ihe same Iime.
All vehicle sysIems are ready for operaIion.
MosI of Ihe indicaIor and warning lamps in Ihe
insIrumenI clusIer lighI up for varying lengIhs of
To save baIIery power when Ihe engine is off,
swiIch off Ihe igniIion and any unnecessary
elecIronic sysIems/power consumers.
The igniIion swiIches off auIomaIically:
When Ihe vehicle is locked, if Ihe low beams
are swiIched on.
ShorIly before Ihe baIIery is discharged
compleIely, so IhaI Ihe engine can sIill be
lf Ihe engine is swiIched off and Ihe igniIion
is swiIched on, Ihe sysIem auIomaIically
swiIches Io Ihe radio ready sIaIe when Ihe
door is opened if Ihe lighIs are swiIched off
or Ihe dayIime running lighIs are swiIched
lgnition off
Double-cluIch Iransmission: Press Ihe SIarI/
SIop buIIon again, buI do noI depress Ihe brake.
Manual-shifI Iransmission: press Ihe SIarI/SIop
buIIon again, and do noI press on Ihe cluIch
pedal aI Ihe same Iime.
All indicaIor lamps in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer go
To save baIIery power when Ihe engine is off,
swiIch off Ihe igniIion and any unnecessary
elecIronic sysIems/power consumers.
Transmission posiIion P wiIh Ihe igniIion
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched off, posiIion P is
engaged auIomaIically. When in an auIomaIic
car wash, for example, ensure IhaI Ihe igniIion is
noI swiIched off accidenIally.
lgniIion auIomaIically cuIs off while Ihe vehicle
is sIaIionary and Ihe engine is sIopped:
During locking, also wiIh Ihe low beams ac
ShorIly before Ihe baIIery is discharged
compleIely, so IhaI Ihe engine can sIill be
sIarIed. This funcIion is only available when
Ihe low beams are swiIched off.
When opening and closing Ihe driver door, if
Ihe driver's seaI belI is unbuckled and Ihe
low beams are swiIched off.
SeiIe 62
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While Ihe driver's seaI belI is unbuckled, if
Ihe driver's door is open and Ihe low beams
are swiIched off.
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched off, by opening or
closing Ihe driver's door or unbuckling Ihe driv
er's seaI belI, Ihe radio ready sIaIe remains ac
Radio ready state
AcIivaIe radio ready sIaIe:
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched off: press ON/
OFF buIIon on Ihe radio.
When Ihe engine is running: press Ihe SIarI/
SIop buIIon.
Some elecIronic sysIems/power consumers re
main ready for operaIion.
Radio ready sIaIe swiIches off auIomaIically:
AfIer approx. 8 minuIes.
When Ihe vehicle is locked using Ihe cenIral
locking sysIem.
ShorIly before Ihe baIIery is discharged
compleIely, so IhaI Ihe engine can sIill be
Starting the engine
GeneraI information
Enclosed areas
Do noI leI Ihe engine run in enclosed
areas; oIherwise, breaIhing of exhausI fumes
may lead Io loss of consciousness and deaIh.
The exhausI gases conIain carbon monoxide, an
odorless and colorless buI highly Ioxic gas.
UnaIIended vehicle
Do noI leave Ihe vehicle unaIIended wiIh
Ihe engine running; doing so poses a risk of dan
Before leaving Ihe vehicle wiIh Ihe engine run
ning, seI Ihe parking brake and engage Irans
mission posiIion P; oIherwise, Ihe vehicle may
begin Io roll.
RepeaIed sIarIing in quick succession
Avoid repeaIed unsuccessful aIIempIs Io
sIarI Ihe vehicle or sIarIing Ihe vehicle several
Iimes in quick succession. OIherwise, Ihe fuel is
noI burned or is inadequaIely burned, posing a
risk of overheaIing and damage Io Ihe caIalyIic
Do noI waiI for Ihe engine Io warm up while Ihe
vehicle remains sIaIionary. SIarI driving aI mod
eraIe engine speeds.
ManuaI transmission
Starting the engine
1. Depress Ihe brake pedal.
2. Press on Ihe cluIch and shifI Io neuIral.
3. Press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
The igniIion is acIivaIed auIomaIically for a cer
Iain Iime and is sIopped as soon as Ihe engine
DoubIe-cIutch transmission
Starting the engine
1. Depress Ihe brake pedal.
2. Press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
The igniIion is acIivaIed auIomaIically for a cer
Iain Iime and is sIopped as soon as Ihe engine
Engine stop
GeneraI information
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you when
leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI children, for example,
cannoI sIarI Ihe engine.
SeI Ihe parking brake and furIher secure
Ihe vehicle as required
SeI Ihe parking brake firmly when parking; oIh
erwise, Ihe vehicle could roll. On sIeep upward
SeiIe 63
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and downward inclines, furIher secure Ihe vehi
cle, for example, by Iurning Ihe sIeering wheel in
Ihe direcIion of Ihe curb.
Before driving into a car wash
ln order for Ihe vehicle Io be able Io roll inIo a car
wash, heed Ihe informaIion regarding Washing
in auIomaIic car washes, refer Io page 197.
ManuaI transmission
Switching off the engine
1. WiIh Ihe vehicle aI a sIandsIill, press Ihe
SIarI/SIop buIIon.
2. ShifI inIo firsI gear or reverse.
3. SeI Ihe parking brake.
DoubIe-cIutch transmission
Switching off the engine
1. Apply Ihe brakes unIil Ihe vehicle comes Io
a sIop.
2. Press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
The engine is swiIched off.
The radio ready sIaIe is swiIched on.
3. SeI Ihe parking brake.
Auto StartlStop function
The concept
The AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion helps save fuel.
The sysIem swiIches off Ihe engine during a
sIop, e.g., in a Iraffic congesIion or aI Iraffic
lighIs. The igniIion remains swiIched on. The
engine sIarIs again auIomaIically for driving off.
CerIain vehicle componenIs may experience
addiIional wear as a resulI of Ihis sysIem.
Semi-automatic mode
AfIer every sIarI of Ihe engine, Ihe AuIo SIarI
SIop funcIion is in Ihe lasI selecIed sIaIe, refer
Io page 66. When Ihe AuIo SIarI SIop funcIion
is acIive, iI is available when Ihe vehicle is Irav
eling fasIer Ihan abouI 3 mph, approx. 5 km/h.
Engine stop
The engine is swiIched off auIomaIically during
a sIop under Ihe following condiIions:
Manual Iransmission:
NeuIral is engaged and Ihe cluIch pedal is
noI pressed.
The driver's safeIy belI is buckled or Ihe
driver's door is closed.
Double-cluIch Iransmission:
The selecIor lever is in Iransmission posiIion
Brake pedal remains depressed while Ihe
vehicle is sIopped.
The driver's safeIy belI is buckled or Ihe
driver's door is closed.
The air flow of Ihe air condiIioner is reduced
when Ihe engine is swiIched off.
DispIays in the instrument cIuster
The display indicaIes IhaI Ihe
AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion is ready
for an auIomaIic engine sIarI.
The display indicaIes IhaI Ihe
condiIions for an auIomaIic en
gine sIop have noI been saIisfied.
The engine is noI swiIched off auIomaIically in
Ihe following siIuaIions:
ExIernal IemperaIure below approx.
+37 /+3 .
The exIernal IemperaIure is high and auIo
maIic climaIe conIrol is running.
The passenger comparImenI has noI yeI
been heaIed or cooled Io Ihe required level.
SeiIe 64
OontroIs Driving
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The engine is noI yeI aI operaIing Iempera
The wheels are aI a sharp angle or Ihe sIeer
ing wheel is being Iurned.
AfIer driving in reverse.
Fogging of Ihe windows when Ihe auIomaIic
climaIe conIrol is swiIched on.
The vehicle baIIery charge is very low.
The engine comparImenI lid is unlocked.
SIop-and-go Iraffic.
Starting the engine
The engine sIarIs auIomaIically under Ihe fol
lowing condiIions:
Manual Iransmission:
The cluIch pedal is pressed.
Double-cluIch Iransmission:
By releasing Ihe brake pedal.
AfIer Ihe engine sIarIs, acceleraIe as usual.
Safety mode
AfIer Ihe engine swiIches off auIomaIically, iI
will noI sIarI again auIomaIically if any one of Ihe
following condiIions are meI.
The driver's safeIy belI is unbuckled and Ihe
driver's door is open.
The hood was unlocked.
Some indicaIor lamps lighI up for varying
lengIhs of Iime.
The engine can only be sIarIed via Ihe SIarI/
SIop buIIon.
Even if driving away was noI inIended, Ihe de
acIivaIed engine sIarIs up auIomaIically in Ihe
following siIuaIions:
Excessive warming of Ihe passenger com
parImenI when Ihe cooling funcIion is
swiIched on.
The sIeering wheel is Iurned.
Double-cluIch Iransmission: Change of Ihe
Iransmission from D Io N, R or D/S.
Double-cluIch Iransmission: AcceleraIing
while simulIaneously applying Ihe brake.
The vehicle begins rolling.
Fogging of Ihe windows when Ihe auIomaIic
climaIe conIrol is swiIched on.
The vehicle baIIery charge is very low.
Excessive cooling of Ihe passenger com
parImenI when Ihe heaIing is swiIched on.
Low brake vacuum pressure; Ihis can occur,
for example, if Ihe brake pedal is depressed
a number of Iimes in succession.
Preventing an automatic engine stop
with a doubIe-cIutch transmission
The concept
To make iI possible Io drive away very quickly,
such as aI an inIersecIion, Ihe auIomaIic engine
sIop can be acIively prevenIed.
Preventing an engine stop using the
brake pedaI
The engine sIop can be acIively prevenIed
wiIhin one second afIer Ihe vehicle comes Io a
lmmediaIely afIer Ihe vehicle comes Io a
sIandsIill, briefly press Ihe brake pedal
Then press Ihe brake pedal wiIh normal
braking force.
SeiIe 65
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Activatingldeactivating the system
Using the button
Press Ihe buIIon.
LED comes on: AuIo SIarI SIop funcIion is
The engine is sIarIed during an auIomaIic
engine sIop.
The engine can only be sIopped or sIarIed
via Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon.
LED goes ouI: AuIo SIarI SIop funcIion is
Switching off the vehicIe during an
automatic engine stop
During an auIomaIic engine sIop, Ihe vehicle
can be swiIched off permanenIly, e.g., when
leaving iI.
1. Press Ihe SIarI/SIop buIIon. The igniIion is
swiIched off. The AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion
is deacIivaIed.
Double-cluIch Iransmission: Iransmission
posiIion P is engaged auIomaIically.
2. SeI Ihe parking brake.
Engine sIarI as usual via SIarI/SIop buIIon.
Automatic deactivation
ln cerIain siIuaIions, Ihe AuIo SIarI/SIop func
Iion is deacIivaIed auIomaIically for safeIy rea
sons, such as when Ihe driver is deIecIed Io be
The AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion no longer
swiIches of Ihe engine auIomaIically. A Check
ConIrol message is displayed. lI is possible Io
conIinue driving. Have Ihe sysIem checked.
Parking brake
The concept
The parking brake is used Io prevenI Ihe vehicle
from rolling when iI is parked.
Pull Ihe swiIch.
The LED lighIs up.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up red. The
parking brake is seI.
Lower lamp: indicaIor lamp in Canadian
SeI Ihe parking brake and furIher secure
Ihe vehicle as required
SeI Ihe parking brake firmly when parking; oIh
erwise, Ihe vehicle could roll. On sIeep upward
and downward inclines, furIher secure Ihe vehi
cle, for example, by Iurning Ihe sIeering wheel in
Ihe direcIion of Ihe curb.
WhiIe driving
Use while driving serves as an emergency brak
ing funcIion:
SeiIe 66
OontroIs Driving
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Pull Ihe swiIch and hold iI. The vehicle brakes
hard while Ihe buIIon is being pulled.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up red, a signal
sounds and Ihe brake lamps lighI up.
Lower lamp: indicaIor lamp in Canadian
lf Ihe vehicle is braked Io a speed of approx.
2 mph/3 km/h, Ihe parking brake remains seI.
WiIh Ihe igniIion swiIched on:
Manual Iransmission: Press Ihe swiIch
while Ihe brake or cluIch is pressed.
Double-cluIch Iransmission: Press Ihe swiIch
while pressing on Ihe brake pedal.
The LED and indicaIor lamp go ouI.
The parking brake is released.
Automatic ReIease
For auIomaIic release, operaIe Ihe acceleraIor
The LED and indicaIor lamp go ouI.
SubjecI Io Ihe following requiremenIs, Ihe park
ing brake is auIomaIically released by operaIion
of Ihe acceleraIor pedal:
Engine on.
Drive posiIion engaged.
Driver buckled in and doors closed.
lnadverIenI operaIion of Ihe acceleraIor
Make sure IhaI Ihe acceleraIor pedal is noI op
eraIed uninIenIionally; oIherwise, Ihe vehicle is
seI in moIion and Ihere is a risk of an accidenI.
ln Ihe evenI of a failure or malfuncIion of Ihe
parking brake, secure Ihe vehicle againsI rolling
using a wheel chock, for example, when leaving
Turn signaI, high beams,
headIamp fIasher
Turn signaI
Using turn signaIs
Press Ihe lever beyond Ihe resisIance poinI.
To swiIch off manually, press Ihe lever Io Ihe re
sisIance poinI.
Unusually rapid flashing of Ihe indicaIor lamp in
dicaIes IhaI a Iurn signal bulb has failed.
TripIe turn signaI activation
Press Ihe lever Io Ihe resisIance poinI.
The Iurn signal flashes Ihree Iimes.
The funcIion can be acIivaIed or deacIivaIed:
1. "SeIIings"
2. "LighIing"
3. "Triple Iurn signal"
SeiIe 67
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SignaIing briefIy
Press Ihe lever Io Ihe resisIance poinI and hold
iI Ihere for as long as you wanI Ihe Iurn signal Io
High beams, headIamp fIasher
High beams, arrow 1.
Headlamp flasher, arrow 2.
Washerlwiper system
Switching the wipers onloff and brief
Do noI swiIch on Ihe wipers if frozen
Do noI swiIch on Ihe wipers if Ihey are fro
zen onIo Ihe windshield; oIherwise, Ihe wiper
blades and Ihe windshield wiper moIor may be
No wiper operaIion on dry windshield
Do noI use Ihe windshield wipers if Ihe
windshield is dry, as Ihis may damage Ihe wiper
blades or cause Ihem Io become worn more
Switching on
Press Ihe wiper levers up.
The lever auIomaIically reIurns Io iIs iniIial po
siIion when released.
Normal wiping speed: press up once.
The wipers swiIch Io inIermiIIenI operaIion
when Ihe vehicle is sIaIionary.
FasI wiping speed: press up Iwice or press
once beyond Ihe resisIance poinI.
The wipers swiIch Io normal speed when Ihe
vehicle is sIaIionary.
Switching off and brief wipe
Press Ihe wiper levers down.
The lever auIomaIically reIurns Io iIs iniIial po
siIion when released.
Brief wipe: press down once.
To swiIch off normal wipe: press down once.
To swiIch off fasI wipe: press down Iwice.
SeiIe 68
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Rain sensor
The concept
The rain sensor auIomaIically conIrols Ihe Iime
beIween wipes depending on Ihe inIensiIy of
Ihe rainfall. The sensor is locaIed on Ihe wind
shield, direcIly behind Ihe inIerior rearview mir
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe wiper lever.
The LED in Ihe sIeering column sIalk lighIs up.
DeacIivaIe Ihe rain sensor in car washes
DeacIivaIe Ihe rain sensor when passing
Ihrough an auIomaIic car wash; oIherwise, dam
age could be caused by undesired wiper acIiva
Rain sensor, sensitivity
Turn Ihe Ihumbwheel.
OIean the windshieId, headIamps
Pull Ihe lever.
The sysIem sprays washer fluid on Ihe wind
shield and acIivaIes Ihe wipers briefly.
ln addiIion, Ihe headlamps are cleaned aI regular
inIervals when Ihe vehicle lighIs are swiIched
Do noI use Ihe washer sysIem aI freezing
Do noI use Ihe washers if Ihere is any danger
IhaI Ihe fluid will freeze on Ihe windshield; oIh
erwise, your vision could be obscured. For Ihis
reason, use anIifreeze.
Avoid using Ihe washer when Ihe reservoir is
empIy; oIherwise, you could damage Ihe
WindshieId washer nozzIes
The windshield washer nozzles are auIomaIi
cally heaIed while Ihe igniIion is swiIched on.
FoId-out position of the wipers
Required when changing Ihe wiper blades or
under frosIy condiIions, for example.
1. SwiIch off Ihe igniIion.
2. Under frosIy condiIions, ensure IhaI Ihe
wiper blades are noI frozen onIo Ihe wind
3. Press Ihe wiper lever up beyond Ihe poinI of
resisIance and hold iI for approx. 3 seconds,
unIil Ihe wiper remains in a nearly verIical
SeiIe 69
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AfIer Ihe wipers are folded back down, Ihe wiper
sysIem musI be reacIivaIed.
Fold Ihe wipers back down
Before swiIching Ihe igniIion on, fold Ihe
wipers back down Io Ihe windshield; oIherwise,
Ihe wipers may become damaged when Ihey are
swiIched on.
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. Press Ihe wiper levers down. The wipers
move Io Iheir resIing posiIion and are ready
for operaIion.
Washer fIuid
GeneraI information
AnIifreeze for washer fluid
AnIifreeze is flammable. Therefore, keep
iI away from sources of igniIion.
Only keep iI in Ihe closed original conIainer and
inaccessible Io children.
Follow Ihe insIrucIions on Ihe conIainer.
Washer fIuid reservoir
Adding washer fluid
Only add washer fluid when Ihe engine is
cool, and Ihen close Ihe cover compleIely Io
avoid conIacI beIween Ihe washer fluid and hoI
engine parIs.
OIherwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of fire and a risk
Io personal safeIy if Ihe fluid is spilled.
All washer nozzles are supplied from one reser
Fill wiIh waIer and - if required - wiIh a washer
anIifreeze, according Io Ihe manufacIurer's rec
Mix Ihe washer fluid before adding Io mainIain
Ihe correcI mixing raIio.
For Ihe capaciIy, refer Io Iechnical daIa.
M doubIe-cIutch
transmission with DriveIogic
The concept
The M double-cluIch Iransmission wiIh Drive
logic is an auIomaIic shifI Iransmission wiIh Iwo
cluIches and parIial Iransmissions in which Ihe
gears can be changed wiIhouI inIerrupIing Ihe
IracIive force.
The operaIion is via Ihe shifI lever or Iwo shifI
paddles on Ihe sIeering wheel.
SequenIial mode or drive mode.
Various drive programs, Drivelogic.
UpshifIing display, ShifI LighIs.
AuIomaIic downshifIing and proIecIion
from misshifIing even in sequenIial mode.
AcceleraIion assisIanI, Launch ConIrol.
AuIomaIic double cluIching.
Low Speed AssisIanI.
SeiIe 70
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SeIector Iever, transmission positions
At a gIance
R: reverse gear.
N: neuIral.
CenIer posiIion, forward posiIion.
+: manual upshifIing.
-: manual downshifIing.
D/S: swiIch beIween drive mode and se
quenIial mode.
Engaging the transmission position
Pull or push lever in Ihe corresponding direcIion.
As soon as Ihe selecIor lever is released, iI re
verIs Io Ihe cenIer posiIion. ln posiIion R, Ihe
selecIor lever locks.
The engaged Iransmission posiIion is displayed
in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer and on Ihe selecIor
Shift Iock
To shifI ouI of neuIral, apply Ihe brake while Ihe
vehicle is sIaIionary.
R is Reverse
SelecI only when Ihe vehicle is sIaIionary.
Also possible Io rock Ihe vehicle up Io
7 mph/12 km/h. To do Ihis, swiIch beIween for
ward and reverse gear.
N is NeutraI
Use in auIomaIic car washes, for example. The
vehicle can Ihen roll.
S SequentiaI mode
Use Ihe shifI paddles or Ihe shifI lever Io upshifI
or downshifI wiIhouI leIIing off Ihe gas.
AuIomaIic FuncIions:
UpshifIing or downshifIing is done only if Ihe
rpm and vehicle speed are appropriaIe.
For example, Ihere is no downshifIing if Ihe
engine speed is Ioo high.
ShorIly before falling below a gear-depend
enI minimum speed, Ihe Iransmission is au
IomaIically downshifIed.
lI is also possible Io sIarI ouI in 2nd gear, e. g. on
icy roads.
Kickdown: for maximum acceleraIion, e. g. when
passing. To do Ihis, depress Ihe acceleraIor
pedal pasI Ihe resisIance poinI, and pull Ihe lefI
shifI paddle once or push Ihe shifI lever forward
SwiIch Io Drive mode: push selecIor lever in D/
S direcIion.
D Drive-mode
ln Drive mode, all forward gears are auIomaIi
cally changed.
Kickdown: for maximum acceleraIion, e. g. when
passing. To do Ihis, depress Ihe acceleraIor
pedal pasI Ihe resisIance poinI.
SwiIch Io SequenIial mode: shifI using Ihe shifI
paddles or Ihe selecIor lever, or push Ihe selec
Ior lever in Ihe D/S direcIion.
P Park
The drive wheels are blocked.
P is engaged auIomaIically:
AfIer Ihe engine is swiIched off in igniIion
off, refer Io page 62, if posiIion R or D is en
lf Ihe igniIion is swiIched off and posiIion N
is engaged.
SeiIe 71
Driving OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
DispIays in the instrument cIuster
SequentiaI mode
Engaged gear, arrow 1.
SelecIed driving program,
Drivelogic, refer Io
page 72, arrow 2.
Drive mode
Engaged gear IogeIher wiIh a
D, arrow 1.
SelecIed driving program,
Drivelogic, refer Io
page 72, arrow 2.
When Ihe exIernal IemperaIure is very low, Ihe
display may noI work. CurrenI driving direcIion
is recognizable aI Ihe engaged selecIor lever
Gear change
ShifIing in SequenIial mode possible.
A shifI in Drive mode causes a swiIch Io Se
quenIial mode.
Using the seIector Iever
To shifI up: pull Ihe selecIor lever rearwards.
To shifI down: press Ihe selecIor lever for
Using the shift paddIes on the steering
ShifI up: pull righI shifI paddle.
ShifI down: pull lefI shifI paddle.
Various driving programs are available.
AfIer each swiIch beIween SequenIial mode
and Drive mode, Ihe lasI program selecIed is an
ExcepIion: afIer each engine sIarI, driving pro
gram 1 is acIive in Drive mode.
ln Drive mode
Choice of Ihree driving programs:
1: ffficienI driving.
2: relaxed driving.
3: sporIy driving.
ln SequentiaI mode
Choice of Ihree driving programs:
1: comparable, smooIh shifIing operaIions.
2: sporIy, fasI shifIing operaIions.
3: maximum shifIing speed, Launch ConIrol,
refer Io page 73.
SeIecting driving program using rocker
switch in center consoIe
Press buIIon repeaIedly unIil Ihe de
sired driving program is displayed in Ihe
insIrumenI clusIer.
SeiIe 72
OontroIs Driving
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SeIecting driving program using
M Drive
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. "SeIIings"
3. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
4. SelecI Ihe symbol.
5. "Mode"
6. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
"D": drive mode
"S": sequenIial mode.
7. "ShifI posiIion"
8. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
9. SelecIing anoIher driving program.
When M Drive is acIive, seIIing is immedi
aIely applied.
To acIivaIe M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

Risk of an accidenI
Use Ihe seIIings for DSC in M Drive; oIh
erwise, driving sIabiliIy may be impaired, and
Ihere is risk of an accidenI.
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
SelecIed driving program corre
sponds Io Ihe number of illumi
naIed fields.
Launch OontroI
The concept
Launch ConIrol enables opIimum acceleraIion
on surfaces wiIh good IracIion.
ComponenI wear
Do noI use Launch ConIrol Ioo ofIen; oIh
erwise, Ihis may resulI in premaIure wear of
componenIs due Io Ihe high sIress placed on
Ihe vehicle.
Activate Launch OontroI
Launch ConIrol is available when Ihe engine is
warmed up, IhaI is, afIer uninIerrupIed driving of
aI leasI 6 miles/10 km.
1. DeacIivaIe Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol, refer
Io page 113.
2. SelecI SequenIial mode wiIh driving pro
gram 3.
3. WiIh Ihe engine running, lighIly apply Ihe
brakes wiIh Ihe lefI fooI.
4. While Ihe vehicle is sIaIionary, press Ihe se
lecIor lever forward and hold iI.
A flag symbol appears in Ihe insIrumenI
5. Fully depress Ihe acceleraIor pedal.
The sIarIing engine speed adjusIs.
6. lf necessary, change Ihe sIarIing engine
speed by 500 rpm via cruise conIrol.
7. Release brake. When Ihe selecIor lever is
released, Ihe vehicle acceleraIes. Keep Ihe
acceleraIor pedal depressed.
UpshifIing occurs auIomaIically as long as
Ihe acceleraIor pedal is fully depressed.
Launch ConIrol is available only afIer a cerIain
disIance has been driven.
Did noI use Launch ConIrol during Ihe break-in,
refer Io page 152, period.
To mainIain driving sIabiliIy, always acIivaIe
DSC if possible.
SeiIe 73
Driving OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Shift Lights
The concept
ShifI LighIs in Ihe Head-Up Display indicaIe Ihe
opIimum shifIing poinI in SequenIial mode, refer
Io page 71. Thus, wiIh a sporIy driving sIyle, Ihe
besI possible vehicle acceleraIion is achieved.
DispIay in the Head-up DispIay
CurrenI engine speed is lighIly highlighIed
in Ihe display.
Arrow 1: successive yellow illuminaIed
fields indicaIe Ihe upcoming upshifI mo
Arrow 2: fields are illuminaIed in red. Do noI
waiI any furIher Io shifI.
When Ihe maximum possible speed is reached,
Ihe enIire speed display flashes.
When Ihe maximum speed is exceeded, Ihe
supply of fuel is inIerrupIed in order Io proIecI
Ihe engine. Speeds in Ihis range musI be
DispIaying Shift Lights
ShifI LighIs can only be displayed in M view, re
fer Io page 126.
1. SwiIch on Head-Up Display, refer Io
page 126.
2. "SeIIings"
3. "Head-Up Display"
4. "Displayed informaIion"
5. "M View"
Low Speed Assistant
The Low Speed AssisIanI gives assisIance aI
very low speeds. The vehicle Iravels aI walking
speed and auIomaIically conIrols Ihe speed of
Ihe engine.
This can also be used for rocking Ihe vehicle in
Ihe snow. To do Ihis, swiIch beIween reverse
gear and forward gear wiIhouI sIepping on Ihe
brakes in Ihe process.
1. Engage a driving posiIion.
2. Briefly Iap Ihe acceleraIor peIal.
The vehicle rolls aI minimum speed.
This is possible in 1sI and 2nd gear and in re
verse gear.
Do noI ride Ihe brake; oIherwise, Ihe Irans
mission may overheaI.
Apply Ihe brakes unIil Ihe vehicle comes Io a
System Iimits
This Iransmission has an overheaIing proIecIion
mechanism, which proIecIs Ihe cluIch from ex
Ireme sIress.
lndicaIor lamp lighIs up yellow:
Iransmission Ioo hoI.
Avoid high engine sIress and fre
quenI sIarIs.
lndicaIor lamp lighIs up red: Iransmission is
FurIher driving aI a moderaIe pace is possi
ble. AI Ihe nexI opporIuniIy, sIop Ihe car,
shuI off Ihe engine and allow Ihe Iransmis
sion Io cool down.
Avoid fasI sIarIs, and on inclines did noI accel
eraIe lighIly while leIIing Ihe cluIch slip; oIher
wise, Ihe Iransmission may overheaI.
SeiIe 74
OontroIs Driving
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
During Iraffic jams or aI very low speeds, use Ihe
Low Speed AssisIanI, refer Io page 74.
M Driving Dynamics OontroI
The concept
The M Driving Dynamics ConIrol affecIs Ihe re
sponse of Ihe vehicle Io acceleraIor pedal move
Response behavior opIions:
"EfficienI": comforIable. Minimal fuel con
ldeal e. g. in ciIy Iraffic or on snow.
"SporI": sporIy, dynamic.
"SporI Plus": sponIaneous, direcI. Maxi
mum dynamics.
SeIecting a channeI
Via M Drive
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe symbol.
4. SelecI Ihe desired channel.
When M Drive is acIive, seIIing is immedi
aIely applied.
To acIivaIe M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

Using the button

Press buIIon repeaIedly unIil Ihe desired
program is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
Engine Dynamics ConIrol wiIh selecIed
program wiIh acIivaIed Display of Ihe
sysIem sIaIes of Ihe driving dynamics,
refer Io page 82.
ManuaI transmission
ShifIing inIo 5Ih or 6Ih gear
When shifIing inIo 5Ih or 6Ih gear, push
Ihe gearshifI lever Io Ihe righI; oIherwise inad
verIenI shifIing inIo Ihe 3rd or 4Ih gear could
lead Io engine damage.
Reverse gear
SelecI only when Ihe vehicle is sIaIionary. When
Ihe gearshifI lever is pressed Io Ihe lefI, a slighI
resisIance needs Io be overcome.
SeiIe 75
Driving OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
lnstrument cIuster
Overview, instrument cIuster
1 Fuel gauge80
2 SpeedomeIer
3 lndicaIor/warning lamps78
4 TachomeIer80
5 Engine oil IemperaIure80
6 ElecIronic displays77
7 Display/reseI miles80
SeiIe 76
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
EIectronic dispIays
Overview, instrument cIuster
1 Messages, e.g. Check ConIrol77
DigiIal IachomeIer81
2 Range81
3 CompuIer86
Speed limiI deIecIion84
4 Transmission display, Drivelogic81
Gear shifI indicaIor83
Service requiremenIs83
Miles/Irip miles80
5 SelecIion lisI, such as for Ihe radio85
SysIem sIaIes of driving dynamics82
CurrenI fuel consumpIion81
Energy recovery82
ExIernal IemperaIure80
AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion64
Oheck OontroI
The concept
The Check ConIrol sysIem moniIors funcIions
in Ihe vehicle and noIifies you of malfuncIions in
Ihe moniIored sysIems.
A Check ConIrol message is displayed as a
combinaIion of indicaIor or warning lamps and
IexI messages in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer and in
Ihe Head-up Display.
ln addiIion, an acousIic signal may be ouIpuI and
a IexI message may appear on Ihe ConIrol Dis
SeiIe 77
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
lndicatorlwarning Iamps
lnstrument cIuster
The indicaIor and warning lamps can lighI up in
a varieIy of combinaIions and colors.
Several of Ihe lamps are checked for proper
funcIioning and lighI up Iemporarily when Ihe
engine is sIarIed or Ihe igniIion is swiIched on.
Overview: indicatorlwarning Iamps
Symbol FuncIion or sysIem
Turn signal
Parking brake
Parking brake in Canadian models
High beams
High-beam AssisIanI
Parking lamps, headlamp conIrol
Cruise conIrol
Lane deparIure warning
Symbol FuncIion or sysIem
DSC Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol
DSC Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol
Tire Pressure MoniIor
FlaI Tire MoniIor
SafeIy belIs
Airbag sysIem
SIeering sysIem
Emissions in Canadian models
Brake sysIem
Brake sysIem in Canadian models
ABS AnIilock Brake SysIem
ABS AnIilock Brake SysIem in Cana
dian models
AI leasI one Check ConIrol message
is displayed or is sIored
M Drive 1
SeiIe 78
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Symbol FuncIion or sysIem
M Drive 2
M Dynamic Mode
Text messages
TexI messages in combinaIion wiIh a symbol in
Ihe insIrumenI clusIer explain a Check ConIrol
message and Ihe meaning of Ihe indicaIor and
warning lamps.
SuppIementary text messages
AddiIion informaIion, such as on Ihe cause of a
faulI or Ihe required acIion, can be called up via
Check ConIrol.
The supplemenIary IexI of urgenI messages is
displayed on Ihe ConIrol Display auIomaIically.
Depending on Ihe Check ConIrol message, Ihe
following funcIions can be selecIed.
"Owner's Manual"
Display addiIional informaIion abouI Ihe
Check ConIrol message in Ihe inIegraIed
owner's manual.
"Service requesI"
ConIacI Ihe service parIner.
"Roadside AssisIance"
ConIacI Roadside AssisIance.
Hiding Oheck OontroI messages
Press Ihe compuIer buIIon on Ihe Iurn signal
Some Check ConIrol messages are dis
played conIinuously and are noI cleared un
Iil Ihe malfuncIion is eliminaIed. lf several
malfuncIions occur aI once, Ihe messages
are displayed consecuIively.
These messages can be hidden for approx.
8 seconds. AfIer Ihis Iime, Ihey are dis
played again auIomaIically.
OIher Check ConIrol messages are hidden
auIomaIically afIer approx. 20 seconds.
They are sIored and can be displayed again
DispIaying stored Oheck OontroI
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Check ConIrol"
4. SelecI Ihe IexI message.
Messages after trip compIetion
Special messages IhaI are displayed during
driving are displayed again afIer Ihe igniIion is
swiIched off.
SeiIe 79
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FueI gauge
The vehicle inclinaIion may
cause Ihe display Io vary.
NoIes on refueling, refer Io
page 164.
Always avoid engine speeds in
Ihe red warning field. ln Ihis
range, Ihe fuel supply is inIer
rupIed Io proIecI Ihe engine.
Engine oiI temperature
Cold engine: Ihe poinIer is aI
Ihe low IemperaIure end.
Drive aI moderaIe engine and
vehicle speeds.
Normal operaIing Iempera
Iure: Ihe poinIer is in Ihe mid
dle or in Ihe lefI half of Ihe
IemperaIure display.
HoI engine: Ihe poinIer is aI Ihe high Iem
peraIure end. A Check ConIrol message is
displayed in addiIion.
OooIant temperature
lf Ihe coolanI along wiIh Ihe engine becomes Ioo
hoI, a Check ConIrol message is displayed.
Check Ihe coolanI level, refer Io page 181.
Odometer and trip odometer
OdomeIer, arrow 1.
Trip odomeIer, arrow 2.
DispIaylreset miIes
Press Ihe knob.
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched
off, Ihe Iime, exIernal Iemper
aIure and odomeIer are dis
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched on, Ihe Irip
odomeIer is reseI.
ExternaI temperature
ExternaI temperature warning
lf Ihe indicaIor drops Io
+37 /+3 , a signal sounds.
A Check ConIrol message is dis
There is an increased risk of ice
on roads.
lce on roads
Even aI IemperaIures above +37 /+3 ,
Ihere can be a risk of ice on roads.
Therefore, drive carefully on bridges and shaded
roads, for example, Io avoid Ihe increased risk of
an accidenI.
The Iime is displayed aI Ihe boI
Iom of Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
SeIIing Ihe Iime and Iime formaI,
refer Io page 88.
The daIe is displayed in Ihe in
sIrumenI clusIer.
SeIIing Ihe daIe and daIe formaI,
refer Io page 89.
SeiIe 80
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
DigitaI tachometer
The currenI speed is displayed in
Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
Activate dispIay
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. "DigiIal IachomeIer"
Adjusting the unit
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Language/UniIs"
3. "DigiIal Iach.:"
4. SelecI Ihe desired uniI.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Gear dispIay with DriveIogic
SequentiaI mode
Engaged gear, arrow 1.
SelecIed driving program,
Drivelogic, refer Io page 72,
arrow 2.
Drive mode
Engaged gear IogeIher wiIh a
D, arrow 1.
SelecIed driving program,
Drivelogic, refer Io page 72,
arrow 2.
AfIer Ihe reserve range is
A Check ConIrol message is
displayed briefly.
The remaining range is
shown on Ihe onboard com
When a dynamic driving sIyle is used, such
as when cornering quickly, operaIion of Ihe
engine is noI always ensured.
The Check ConIrol message appears conIinu
ously below a range of approx. 30 miles/50 km.
Refuel prompIly
Refuel no laIer Ihan aI a range of
30 miles/50 km, or operaIion of Ihe engine is noI
ensured and damage may occur.
DispIaying the cruising range
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. "Range"
The range is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
Ourrent fueI consumption
Displays Ihe currenI fuel con
sumpIion. You can check
wheIher you are currenIly driving
in an efficienI and environmen
Ially-friendly manner.
DispIaying the current fueI
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. lf necessary, "M dynamic driving sysI."
The display for Ihe currenI fuel consump
Iion is acIive.
SeiIe 81
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Display of Ihe dynamic driving sysIems,
refer Io page 82.
The bar display for Ihe currenI fuel consumpIion
is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
Energy recovery
The kineIic energy of Ihe vehicle
is converIed Io elecIrical energy
while coasIing. The vehicle baI
Iery is parIially charged and fuel
consumpIion can be reduced.
DispIaying energy recovery
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. lf necessary, "M dynamic driving sysI."
The display for Ihe energy recovery is
Display of Ihe dynamic driving sysIems,
refer Io page 82.
EfficientDynamics dispIay
lnformaIion on fuel consumpIion and Iechnol
ogy can be displayed during driving.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "EfficienIDynamics"
DispIaying fueI consumption history
The average fuel consumpIion can be displayed
wiIhin an adjusIable Iime frame.
"ConsumpIion hisIory"
Adjusting fueI consumption history
time frame
SelecI Ihe symbol.
Resetting fueI consumption history
1. Open "OpIions".
2. "ReseI consumpIion hisIory"
DispIaying EfficientDynamics info
The currenI efficiency can be displayed.
"EfficienIDynamics lnfo"
The following sysIems are displayed:
AuIomaIic engine SIarI/SIop funcIion.
Energy recovery.
ClimaIe conIrol ouIpuI.
Driving dynamics systems
The sysIem sIaIes of Ihe driving
dynamics are displayed in Ihe in
sIrumenI clusIer.
Symbols DescripIion
Engine Dynamics ConIrol, refer Io
page 75.
ElecIronic Damper ConIrol EDC, re
fer Io page 114.
ServoIronic, refer Io page 115.
Activate dispIay
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. lf necessary. "M dynamic driving sysI."
The display for Ihe Driving Dynamics
SysIem is acIive.
Display CurrenI fuel consumpIion, refer
Io page 81, and Energy recovery, refer Io
page 82.
SeiIe 82
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Service requirements
The driving disIance or Ihe Iime
Io Ihe nexI scheduled mainIe
nance is displayed briefly afIer
Ihe igniIion is swiIched on.
The currenI service require
menIs can be read ouI from Ihe remoIe conIrol
by Ihe service specialisI.
WiIh TeleService, daIa regarding Ihe service
sIaIus or legally mandaIed inspecIions of your
vehicle are auIomaIically IransmiIIed Io your
service cenIer before Ihe service due daIe.
DetaiIed information on service
More informaIion on Ihe scope of service re
quired can be displayed on Ihe ConIrol Display.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Service required"
Required mainIenance procedures and le
gally mandaIed inspecIions are displayed.
4. SelecI an enIry Io call up deIailed informa
Symbols DescripIion
No service is currenIly required.
The deadline for service or a le
gally mandaIed inspecIion is
The service deadline has al
ready passed.
Entering appointment dates
EnIer Ihe daIes for Ihe required inspecIions.
Ensure IhaI Ihe vehicle daIe and Iime are seI
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Service required"
4. " Vehicle inspecIion"
5. "DaIe:"
6. AdjusI Ihe seIIings.
7. Confirm.
The enIered daIe is sIored.
Automatic Service Request
DaIa regarding Ihe service sIaIus or legally man
daIed inspecIions of Ihe vehicle are auIomaIi
cally IransmiIIed Io your service cenIer before a
service due daIe.
You can check when your service cenIer was
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. Open "OpIions".
4. "LasI Service RequesI"
Gear shift indicator
The concept
The sysIem recommends Ihe mosI fuel efficienI
gear in Ihe currenI driving siIuaIion.
lndicaIors Io shifI up or down are displayed in
Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
SeiIe 83
DispIays OontroIs
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Symbols DescripIion
Fuel efficienI gear is engaged.
ShifI up Io fuel efficienI gear.
ShifI down Io fuel efficienI gear.
ShifI inIo neuIral.
Speed Iimit detection with No
Passing lnformation
The concept
Speed Iimit detection
Speed limiI deIecIion uses a symbol in Ihe
shape of a Iraffic sign Io display Ihe currenIly
deIecIed speed limiI. The camera aI Ihe base of
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror deIecIs Iraffic signs
aI Ihe edge of Ihe road as well as variable over
head sign posIs. Traffic signs wiIh exIra symbols
for weI road condiIions, eIc. are also deIecIed
and compared wiIh vehicle inIerior daIa, such as
for Ihe rain sensor, and are displayed depending
on Ihe siIuaIion. The sysIem Iakes inIo accounI
Ihe informaIion sIored in Ihe navigaIion sysIem
and also displays speed limiIs presenI on rouIes
wiIhouI signs.
No Passing lnformation
No Passing lnformaIion displays in Ihe insIru
menI clusIer Ihe beginnings and ends of no
passing zones deIecIed by Ihe camera. The sys
Iem accounIs for only Ihe beginnings and ends
of No Passing zones marked by signs.
No display is shown:
ln counIries where No Passing zones are
primarily idenIified wiIh road markings.
On rouIes wiIhouI signage.
Where Ihere are railroad crossings, highway
markings or oIher siIuaIions where no sig
nage is presenI, buI passing would noI be
Personal judgmenI
The sysIem cannoI serve as a subsIiIuIe
for Ihe driver's personal judgmenI of Ihe Iraffic
The sysIem assisIs Ihe driver and does noI re
place Ihe human eye.
At a gIance
The camera is locaIed near Ihe base of Ihe mir
Keep Ihe windshield in Ihe area behind Ihe in
Ierior rear view mirror clean and clear.
Switching onloff
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. "Speed limiI informaIion"
lf speed limiI deIecIion is swiIched on, iI can be
displayed on Ihe info display in Ihe insIrumenI
clusIer via Ihe onboard compuIer. No Passing
lnformaIion is displayed IogeIher wiIh acIivaIed
speed limiI informaIion.
SeiIe 84
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The following is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI
Speed Iimit detection
CurrenI speed limiI.
Speed limiI deIecIion is noI avail
Speed limiI deIecIion can also be displayed in
Ihe Head-up Display.
No Passing lnformation
SIarI of No Passing zone.
End of No Passing zone.
No Passing lnformaIion noI
No Passing lnformaIion can also be displayed in
Ihe Head-up Display.
System Iimits
The sysIem may noI be fully funcIional and may
provide incorrecI informaIion in Ihe following
ln heavy fog, rain or snowfall.
When signs are concealed by objecIs.
When driving very close Io Ihe vehicle in
fronI of you.
When driving Ioward brighI lighIs.
When Ihe windshield behind Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror is fogged over, dirIy or cov
ered by a sIicker, eIc.
ln Ihe evenI of incorrecI deIecIion by Ihe
lf Ihe speed limiIs sIored in Ihe navigaIion
sysIem are incorrecI.
ln areas noI covered by Ihe navigaIion sys
When roads differ from Ihe navigaIion, such
as due Io changes in Ihe road neIwork.
When passing buses or Irucks wiIh a speed
lf Ihe Iraffic signs are non-conforming.
During calibraIion of Ihe camera immedi
aIely afIer vehicle shipmenI.
SeIection Iists in the
instrument cIuster
The concept
The following can be operaIed using Ihe buIIons
and Ihe Ihumbwheel on Ihe sIeering wheel:
CurrenI audio source.
Redial on Ielephone.
AcIivaIion of Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem.
SeiIe 85
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Activating a Iist and adjusting the
On Ihe righI side of Ihe sIeering wheel, Iurn Ihe
Ihumbwheel Io acIivaIe Ihe corresponding lisI.
Using Ihe Ihumbwheel, selecI Ihe desired seI
Iing and confirm iI by pressing Ihe Ihumbwheel.
lndication in the info dispIay
The informaIion from Ihe on
board compuIer is shown in Ihe
info display in Ihe insIrumenI
OaIIing up information on the info
Press Ihe onboard compuIer buIIon on Ihe Iurn
signal lever.
lnformaIion is displayed on Ihe info display of Ihe
insIrumenI clusIer.
lnformation at a gIance
RepeaIedly pressing Ihe buIIon on Ihe Iurn sig
nal lever calls up Ihe following informaIion on Ihe
info display:
Average fuel consumpIion.
Average speed.
Speed limiI deIecIion.
Time of arrival.
When desIinaIion guidance is acIivaIed in
Ihe navigaIion sysIem.
DisIance Io desIinaIion.
When desIinaIion guidance is acIivaIed in
Ihe navigaIion sysIem.
Arrow view of navigaIion sysIem.
When desIinaIion guidance is acIivaIed in
Ihe navigaIion sysIem.
When Ihe arrow view in Ihe Head-up Display
is inacIive.
Adjusting the info dispIay
You can selecI whaI informaIion from Ihe on
board compuIer is Io be displayed on Ihe info
display of Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "lnfo display"
3. SelecI Ihe desired displays.
lnformation in detaiI
Displays Ihe esIimaIed cruising range available
wiIh Ihe remaining fuel.
lI is calculaIed based on your driving sIyle over
Ihe lasI 20 miles/30 km.
Average fueI consumption
This is calculaIed for Ihe period during which Ihe
engine is running.
SeiIe 86
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The average fuel consumpIion is calculaIed on
Ihe basis of various disIances.
Average speed
Periods in which Ihe vehicle is parked wiIh Ihe
engine manually sIopped do noI enIer inIo Ihe
calculaIion of Ihe average speed.
Resetting average vaIues
Press and hold Ihe compuIer buIIon on Ihe Iurn
signal lever.
Distance to destination
The disIance remaining Io Ihe desIinaIion is dis
played if a desIinaIion is enIered in Ihe naviga
Iion sysIem before Ihe Irip is sIarIed.
The disIance Io Ihe desIinaIion is adopIed au
Time of arrivaI
The esIimaIed Iime of arrival is
displayed if a desIinaIion is en
Iered in Ihe navigaIion sysIem
before Ihe Irip is sIarIed.
The Iime musI be correcIly seI.
Speed Iimit detection
DescripIion of Ihe speed limiI deIecIion, refer Io
page 84, funcIion.
Speed Iimit
Display of a speed limiI which, when reached,
should cause a warning Io be issued.
The warning is repeaIed if Ihe vehicle speed
drops below Ihe seI speed limiI once by aI leasI
3 mph/5 km/h.
DispIaying, setting or changing the
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Speed"
3. "Warning aI:"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired limiI is
5. Press Ihe conIroller.
The speed limiI is sIored.
Activatingldeactivating the Iimit
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Speed"
3. "Warning"
4. Press Ihe conIroller.
Setting your current speed as the Iimit
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Speed"
3. "SelecI currenI speed"
4. Press Ihe conIroller.
The currenI vehicle speed is sIored as Ihe
Trip computer
The vehicle feaIures Iwo Iypes of compuIer.
"Onboard info": Ihe values can be reseI as
ofIen as necessary.
"Trip compuIer": Ihe values provide an over
view of Ihe currenI Irip.
Resetting the trip computer
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Trip compuIer"
3. "ReseI": all values are reseI.
SeiIe 87
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
"AuIomaIically reseI": all values are reseI
approx. 4 hours afIer Ihe vehicle comes Io a
DispIay on the OontroI DispIay
Display Ihe onboard compuIer or Irip compuIer
on Ihe ConIrol Display.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Onboard info" or "Trip compuIer"
Resetting the fueI consumption or
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Onboard info"
3. "Cons." or "Speed"
4. "Yes"
Settings on the OontroI
Setting the time zone
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Time/DaIe"
3. "Time zone"
4. SelecI Ihe desired Iime zone.
The Iime zone is sIored.
Setting the time
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Time/DaIe"
3. "Time:"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired hours
are displayed.
5. Press Ihe conIroller.
6. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired minuIes
are displayed.
7. Press Ihe conIroller.
The Iime is sIored.
Setting the time format
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Time/DaIe"
3. "FormaI:"
4. SelecI Ihe desired formaI.
The Iime formaI is sIored.
SeiIe 88
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Setting the date
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Time/DaIe"
3. "DaIe:"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired day is
5. Press Ihe conIroller.
6. Make Ihe necessary seIIings for Ihe monIh
and year.
The daIe is sIored.
Setting the date format
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Time/DaIe"
3. "FormaI:"
4. SelecI Ihe desired formaI.
The daIe formaI is sIored.
Setting the Ianguage
To seI Ihe language on Ihe ConIrol Display:
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Language/UniIs"
3. "Language:"
4. SelecI Ihe desired language.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Units of measure
Setting the units of measure
To seI Ihe uniIs for fuel consumpIion, rouIe/dis
Iance and IemperaIure:
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Language/UniIs"
3. SelecI Ihe desired menu iIem.
4. SelecI Ihe desired uniI.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Setting the brightness
To seI Ihe brighIness of Ihe ConIrol Display:
1. "SeIIings"
2. "ConIrol display"
SeiIe 89
DispIays OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
3. "BrighIness"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired brighI
ness is seI.
5. Press Ihe conIroller.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Depending on Ihe lighI condiIions, Ihe brighI
ness conIrol may noI be clearly visible.
SeiIe 90
OontroIs DispIays
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
At a gIance
1 Rear fog lamps
2 AuIomaIic headlamp conIrol, AdapIive LighI
ConIrol, High-beam AssisIanI, Welcome
lamps, DayIime running lighIs
3 Lamps off, dayIime running lighIs
4 Parking lamps, dayIime running lighIs
5 Low beams, welcome lamps, High-beam
6 lnsIrumenI lighIing
Parking IampslIow beams,
headIamp controI
GeneraI information
SwiIch posiIion: 0, ,
lf Ihe driver door is opened wiIh Ihe igniIion
swiIched off, Ihe exIerior lighIing is auIomaIi
cally swiIched off aI Ihese swiIch seIIings.
Parking Iamps
SwiIch posiIion : Ihe vehicle lamps lighI
up on all sides, e.g., for parking.
Do noI use Ihe parking lamps for exIended pe
riods; oIherwise, Ihe baIIery may become dis
charged and iI would Ihen be impossible Io sIarI
Ihe engine.
When parking, iI is preferable Io swiIch on Ihe
one-sided roadside parking lamps, refer Io
page 92.
Low beams
SwiIch posiIion wiIh Ihe igniIion swiIched
on: Ihe low beams lighI up.
WeIcome Iamps
When parking Ihe vehicle, leave Ihe swiIch in
posiIion or : Ihe parking and inIerior
lamps lighI up briefly when Ihe vehicle is un
1. "SeIIings"
2. "LighIing"
3. "Welcome lighIs"
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
SeiIe 91
Lamps OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
HeadIamp courtesy deIay feature
The low beams sIay liI for a shorI while afIer Ihe
igniIion is swiIched off, if Ihe lamps are swiIched
off and Ihe headlamp flasher is swiIched on.
Setting the duration
1. "SeIIings"
2. "LighIing"
3. "PaIhway lighI.: s"
4. SeI Ihe duraIion.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Automatic headIamp controI
SwiIch posiIion : Ihe low beams are swiIched
on and off auIomaIically, e.g., in Iunnels, in Iwi
lighI or if Ihere is precipiIaIion. The indicaIor
lamp in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer lighIs up.
A blue sky wiIh Ihe sun low on Ihe horizon can
cause Ihe lighIs Io be swiIched on.
The low beams always sIay on when Ihe fog
lamps are swiIched on.
Personal responsibiliIy
The auIomaIic headlamp conIrol cannoI
serve as a subsIiIuIe for your personal judgmenI
in deIermining when Ihe lamps should be
swiIched on in response Io ambienI lighIing
For example, Ihe sensors are unable Io deIecI
fog or hazy weaIher. To avoid safeIy risks, you
should always swiIch on Ihe lamps manually un
der Ihese condiIions.
Daytime running Iights
WiIh Ihe igniIion swiIched on, Ihe dayIime run
ning lighIs lighI up in posiIion 0, or .
AfIer Ihe igniIion is swiIched off, Ihe parking
lamps lighI up in posiIion .
1. "SeIIings"
2. "LighIing"
3. "DayIime running lamps"
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Roadside parking Iamps
The vehicle can be illuminaIed on one side.
Switching on
WiIh Ihe igniIion swiIched off, press Ihe lever
eiIher up or down pasI Ihe resisIance poinI for
approx. 2 seconds.
Switching off
Briefly press Ihe lever Io Ihe resisIance poinI in
Ihe opposiIe direcIion.
SeiIe 92
OontroIs Lamps
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Adaptive Iight controI
The concept
AdapIive lighI conIrol is a variable headlamp
conIrol sysIem IhaI enables dynamic illumina
Iion of Ihe road surface.
Depending on Ihe sIeering angle and oIher pa
rameIers, Ihe lighI from Ihe headlamp follows
Ihe course of Ihe road.
ln IighI curves, e.g., on mounIainous roads or
when Iurning, an addiIional, corner-illuminaIing
lamp is swiIched on IhaI lighIs up Ihe inside of
Ihe curve when Ihe vehicle is moving below a
cerIain speed.
SwiIch posiIion wiIh Ihe igniIion swiIched
The Iurning lamps are auIomaIically swiIched
on depending on Ihe sIeering angle or Ihe use
of Iurn signals.
To avoid blinding oncoming Iraffic, Ihe AdapIive
LighI ConIrol does noI swivel Io Ihe driver's side
when Ihe vehicle is aI a sIandsIill.
When driving in reverse, only Ihe Iurning lamp is
SeIf-IeveIing headIights
The self-leveling headlighIs feaIure adapIs Ihe
lighI disIribuIion Io Ihe conIours of Ihe road.
The lighI disIribuIion is lowered on hillIops Io
avoid blinding oncoming Iraffic and IilIed in de
pressions Io increase visibiliIy.
A Check ConIrol message is displayed.
AdapIive lighI conIrol is malfuncIioning or has
failed. Have Ihe sysIem checked as soon as pos
High-beam Assistant
The concept
When Ihe low beams are swiIched on, Ihis sys
Iem auIomaIically swiIches Ihe high beams on
and off. The procedure is conIrolled by a sensor
on Ihe fronI of Ihe inIerior rearview mirror. The
assisIanI ensures IhaI Ihe high beams are
swiIched on whenever Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion al
lows. The driver can inIervene aI any Iime and
swiIch Ihe high beams on and off as usual.
1. Turn Ihe lighI swiIch Io or .
2. Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe Iurn signal lever, ar
The indicaIor lamp in Ihe insIrumenI
clusIer lighIs up.
When Ihe lighIs are swiIched on, Ihe
high beams are swiIched on and off auIomaIi
The sysIem responds Io lighI from oncoming
Iraffic and Iraffic driving ahead of you, and Io ad
equaIe illuminaIion, e.g., in Iowns and ciIies.
SeiIe 93
Lamps OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Switching the high beams on and off
High beams on, arrow 1.
High beams off/headlamp flasher, arrow 2.
The High-beam AssisIanI can be swiIched off
when manually adjusIing Ihe lighI. To reacIivaIe
Ihe High-beam AssisIanI, press Ihe buIIon on
Ihe Iurn signal lever.
System Iimits
Personal responsibiliIy
The high-beam assisIanI cannoI serve as
a subsIiIuIe for Ihe driver's personal judgmenI
of when Io use Ihe high beams. Therefore, man
ually swiIch off Ihe high beams in siIuaIions
where Ihis is required Io avoid a safeIy risk.
The sysIem is noI fully funcIional in siIuaIions
such as Ihe following, and driver inIervenIion
may be necessary:
ln very unfavorable weaIher condiIions,
such as fog or heavy precipiIaIion.
ln deIecIing poorly-liI road users, such as
pedesIrians, cyclisIs, horseback riders and
wagons; when driving close Io Irain or ship
Iraffic; and aI animal crossings.
ln IighI curves, on hillIops or in depressions,
in cross Iraffic or half-obscured oncoming
Iraffic on freeways.
ln poorly-liI Iowns and ciIies and in Ihe pres
ence of highly reflecIive signs.
AI low speeds.
When Ihe windshield in fronI of Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror is fogged over, dirIy or cov
ered wiIh sIickers, eIc.
The camera is locaIed near Ihe base of Ihe mir
Keep Ihe windshield in Ihe area behind Ihe in
Ierior rear view mirror clean and clear.
lnstrument Iighting
The parking lamps or low beams
musI be swiIched on Io adjusI Ihe
AdjusI Ihe brighIness using Ihe
lnterior Iamps
GeneraI information
The inIerior lamps, fooIwell lamps, enIry lamps
and courIesy lamps are conIrolled auIomaIi
The brighIness of some of Ihese lamps is influ
enced by Ihe Ihumbwheel for Ihe insIrumenI
SeiIe 94
OontroIs Lamps
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
1 lnIerior lamps
2 Reading lamp
Switching the interior Iamps on and off
Press Ihe buIIon.
To swiIch off permanenIly: press Ihe buIIon for
approx. 3 seconds.
SwiIch back on: press buIIon.
Reading Iamps
Press Ihe buIIon.
Reading lamps are locaIed aI Ihe fronI and rear
nexI Io Ihe inIerior lamps.
When Ihe inIerior lamps are swiIched off per
manenIly, Ihe reading lamps cannoI be swiIched
Bang & OIufsen High End Surround
Sound System
Adjusting speaker Iighting
All speakers in Ihe vehicle are illuminaIed. The
lighIing can be individually seI.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "LighIing"
3. "Bang & Olufsen"
4. SelecI Ihe desired lighIing seIIing.
"Off": no lighIing.
"Reduced": all speakers in Ihe field of
view are hidden while driving.
"On": all speakers are always illumi
SeiIe 95
Lamps OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
1 FronI airbag, driver
2 FronI airbag, fronI passenger
3 Head airbag
4 Side airbag
5 Knee airbags
Front airbags
FronI airbags help proIecI Ihe driver and fronI
passenger by responding Io fronIal impacIs in
which safeIy belIs alone cannoI provide ade
quaIe resIrainI.
Side airbags
ln a laIeral impacI, Ihe side airbag supporIs Ihe
side of Ihe body in Ihe chesI and lap area.
Head airbags
ln a laIeral impacI, Ihe head airbag supporIs Ihe
ln Ihe evenI of a rollover accidenI, Ihe head air
bag can help Io prevenI Ihe person from being
Ihrown ouI of Ihe vehicle.
SeiIe 96
OontroIs Safety
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Knee airbag
The knee airbag supporIs Ihe legs in a fronIal
Protective action
Airbags are noI Iriggered in every impacI siIua
Iion, e.g., in less severe accidenIs or rear-end
lnformaIion on how Io ensure Ihe opIimal
proIecIive effecI of Ihe airbags
Keep aI a disIance from Ihe airbags.
Always grasp Ihe sIeering wheel on Ihe
sIeering wheel rim, holding your hands aI
Ihe 3 o'clock and 9 o'clock posiIions, Io keep
Ihe danger of injury Io your hands or arms as
low as possible if Ihe airbag is Iriggered.
There should be no people, animals, or ob
jecIs beIween an airbag and a person.
Do noI use Ihe cover of Ihe fronI airbag on
Ihe fronI passenger side as a sIorage area.
Keep Ihe dashboard and window on Ihe
fronI passenger side clear, i.e., do noI cover
wiIh adhesive labels or coverings, and do noI
aIIach holders such as for navigaIion insIru
menIs and mobile phones.
Make sure IhaI Ihe fronI passenger is siIIing
correcIly, i.e., keeps his or her feeI and legs
in Ihe fooIwell; oIherwise, leg injuries can
occur if Ihe fronI airbag is Iriggered.
Do noI place slip covers, seaI cushions or
oIher objecIs on Ihe fronI passenger seaI
IhaI are noI approved specifically for seaIs
wiIh inIegraIed side airbags.
Do noI hang pieces of cloIhing, such as jack
eIs, over Ihe backresIs.
Make sure IhaI occupanIs keep Iheir heads
away from Ihe side airbag and do noI resI
againsI Ihe head airbag; oIherwise, injuries
can occur if Ihe airbags are Iriggered.
Do noI remove Ihe airbag resIrainI sysIem.
Do noI remove Ihe sIeering wheel.
Do noI apply adhesive maIerials Io Ihe air
bag cover panels, cover Ihem or modify
Ihem in any way.
Never modify eiIher Ihe individual compo
nenIs or Ihe wiring in Ihe airbag sysIem. This
also applies Io sIeering wheel covers, Ihe
dashboard, Ihe seaIs, Ihe roof pillars and Ihe
sides of Ihe headliner.
Even when all insIrucIions are followed closely,
injury from conIacI wiIh Ihe airbags cannoI be
ruled ouI in cerIain siIuaIions.
The igniIion and inflaIion noise may lead Io
shorI-Ierm and, in mosI cases, Iemporary hear
ing impairmenI in sensiIive individuals.
ln Ihe case of a malfuncIion, deacIivaIion
and afIer Iriggering of Ihe airbags
Do noI Iouch Ihe individual componenIs imme
diaIely afIer Ihe sysIem has been Iriggered; oIh
erwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of burns.
Only have Ihe airbags checked, repaired or dis
manIled and Ihe airbag generaIor scrapped by
your service cenIer or a workshop IhaI has Ihe
necessary auIhorizaIion for handling explosives.
Non-professional aIIempIs Io service Ihe sys
Iem could lead Io failure in an emergency or un
desired Iriggering of Ihe airbag, eiIher of which
could resulI in injury.
Warnings and informaIion on Ihe airbags are
also found on Ihe sun visors.
FunctionaI readiness of the airbag
When Ihe igniIion is swiIch on, Ihe warn
ing lamp in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer lighIs
up briefly and Ihereby indicaIes Ihe op
eraIional readiness of Ihe enIire airbag sysIem
and Ihe belI Iensioner.
Airbag system maIfunctioning
Warning lamp does noI come on when Ihe
igniIion is Iurned on.
The warning lamp lighIs up conIinuously.
SeiIe 97
Safety OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
When Ihere is a malfuncIion, have Ihe air
bag sysIem checked immediaIely
When Ihere is a malfuncIion, have Ihe airbag
sysIem checked immediaIely; oIherwise, Ihere
is a risk IhaI Ihe sysIem does noI funcIion as ex
pecIed in Ihe evenI of an accidenI despiIe cor
responding severiIy of Ihe accidenI.
Automatic deactivation of the front
passenger airbags
The sysIem deIermines wheIher Ihe fronI pas
senger seaI is occupied by measuring Ihe re
sisIance of Ihe human body.
The fronI, knee, and side airbag on Ihe fronI
passenger side are acIivaIed or deacIivaIed ac
Leave feeI in Ihe fooIwell
Make sure IhaI Ihe fronI passenger keeps
his or her feeI in Ihe fooIwell; oIherwise, Ihe fronI
passenger airbags may noI funcIion properly.
Child resIrainI fixing sysIem in Ihe fronI
passenger seaI
Before IransporIing a child on Ihe fronI passen
ger seaI, see Ihe safeIy noIes and insIrucIions
under Children on Ihe fronI passenger seaI.
MaIfunction of the automatic
deactivation system
When IransporIing older children and adulIs, Ihe
fronI passenger airbags may be deacIivaIed in
cerIain siIIing posiIions. ln Ihis case, Ihe indica
Ior lamp for Ihe fronI passenger airbags lighIs
ln Ihis case, change Ihe siIIing posiIion so IhaI
Ihe fronI passenger airbags are acIivaIed and
Ihe indicaIor lamp goes ouI.
lf iI is noI possible Io acIivaIe Ihe airbags, have
Ihe person siI in Ihe rear.
To make sure IhaI Ihe occupied seaI cushion
can be evaluaIed correcIly
Do noI aIIach covers, cushions, ball maIs or
oIher iIems Io Ihe fronI passenger seaI un
less Ihey are specifically recommended by
Ihe manufacIurer of your vehicle.
Do noI place any elecIronic devices on Ihe
passenger seaI if a child resIrainI sysIem is
Io be insIalled on iI.
Do noI place objecIs under Ihe seaI IhaI
could press againsI Ihe seaI from below.
lndicator Iamp for the front passenger
The indicaIor lamp for Ihe fronI passenger air
bags indicaIes Ihe operaIing sIaIe of Ihe fronI
passenger airbags.
The lamp indicaIes wheIher Ihe airbags are ac
IivaIed or deacIivaIed.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up
when a child who is properly
seaIed in a child resIrainI fix
ing sysIem inIended for IhaI
purpose is deIecIed on Ihe
seaI or Ihe seaI is empIy. The
airbags on Ihe fronI passen
ger side are noI acIivaIed.
The indicaIor lamp does noI lighI up when,
for example, a correcIly seaIed person of
sufficienI size is deIecIed on Ihe seaI. The
airbags on Ihe fronI passenger side are ac
Detected chiId seats
The sysIem generally deIecIs children seaIed in
a child seaI, especially in Ihe child seaIs IhaI
were required by NHTSA when Ihe vehicle was
manufacIured. AfIer insIalling a child seaI, make
SeiIe 98
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sure IhaI Ihe indicaIor lamp for Ihe fronI pas
senger airbags lighIs up. This indicaIes IhaI Ihe
child seaI has been deIecIed and Ihe fronI pas
senger airbags are noI acIivaIed.
Strength of the driver's and front
passenger airbag
The sIrengIh wiIh which Ihe driver's and fronI
passenger airbags are Iriggered depends on Ihe
posiIion of Ihe driver's and fronI passenger
To mainIain Ihe accuracy of Ihis funcIion over
Ihe long-Ierm, calibraIe Ihe fronI seaIs when a
corresponding message appears on Ihe ConIrol
OaIibrating the front seats
A corresponding message appears on Ihe Con
Irol Display.
1. Move Ihe respecIive seaI forward all Ihe
2. Move Ihe respecIive seaI forward again. lI
moves forward briefly.
3. ReadjusI Ihe seaI Io Ihe desired posiIion.
The calibraIion procedure is compleIed when
Ihe message on Ihe ConIrol Display disappears.
lf Ihe message conIinues Io be displayed, repeaI
Ihe calibraIion.
lf Ihe message does noI disappear afIer a repeaI
calibraIion, have Ihe sysIem checked as soon as
UnobsIrucIed area of movemenI
Ensure IhaI Ihe area of movemenI of Ihe
seaIs is unobsIrucIed Io avoid personal injury or
damage Io objecIs.
Tire Pressure Monitor TPM
The concept
The Iire inflaIion pressure is measured in Ihe
four mounIed Iires. The sysIem noIifies you if
Ihere is a significanI loss of pressure in one or
more Iires.
FunctionaI requirements
The sysIem musI have been reseI when Ihe in
flaIion pressure was correcI; oIherwise, reliable
signaling of a flaI Iire is noI ensured. Always use
wheels wiIh TPM elecIronics Io ensure IhaI Ihe
sysIem will operaIe properly. ReseI Ihe sysIem
afIer each correcIion of Ihe Iire inflaIion pres
sure and afIer every Iire or wheel change.
System Iimits
Sudden Iire damage
Sudden serious Iire damage caused by
exIernal influences cannoI be indicaIed in ad
The sysIem does noI operaIe correcIly if iI has
noI been reseI. For example, a flaI Iire may be
indicaIed despiIe correcI Iire inflaIion pres
The sysIem is inacIive and cannoI indicaIe a flaI
For a mounIed wheel wiIhouI TPM elecIron
When Ihe TPM is disIurbed by oIher sys
Iems or devices wiIh Ihe same radio fre
Status dispIay
The currenI sIaIus of Ihe Tire Pressure MoniIor
TPM can be displayed on Ihe ConIrol Display,
e.g., wheIher or noI Ihe TPM is acIive.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Tire Pressure MoniIor - TPM"
The sIaIus is displayed.
Status dispIay
The Iire and sysIem sIaIus is indicaIed by Ihe
color of Ihe Iires.
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A change in Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure during
driving is Iaken inIo accounI.
A correcIion is only necessary if Ihis is indicaIed
by Ihe TPM
WheeIs, green
The Iire inflaIion pressure is equal Io Ihe IargeI
One wheeI is yeIIow
A flaI Iire or major drop in inflaIion pressure in
Ihe indicaIed Iire.
AII wheeIs are yeIIow
A flaI Iire or major drop in inflaIion pressure
in several Iires.
The sysIem was noI reseI afIer a wheel
change and Ihus warns based on Ihe infla
Iion pressures iniIialized lasI.
A flaI Iire in one or more Iires while Ihe sys
Iem is being reseI.
WheeIs, gray
The sysIem cannoI deIecI a flaI Iire. Reasons for
Ihis may be:
TPM is being reseI.
DisIurbance by sysIems or devices wiIh Ihe
same radio frequency.
For Oanadian modeIs: additionaI
The sIaIus display addiIionally shows Ihe cur
renI Iire inflaIion pressures and Iire Iempera
When correcIing Ihe Iire inflaIion pressures,
noIe Ihe following:
The Iire pressure increases as Ihe Iire Iemper
aIure increases.
Therefore, only correcI Ihe Iire inflaIion pres
sure when Ihe Iire is aI Ihe ambienI IemperaIure.
Compare Ihe displayed Iire IemperaIure wiIh
Ihe exIernal IemperaIure in Ihe insIrumenI clus
Resetting the system
ReseI Ihe sysIem afIer each correcIion of Ihe
Iire inflaIion pressure and afIer every Iire or
wheel change.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "ReseI"
4. SIarI Ihe engine - do noI drive away.
5. ReseI Ihe Iire pressure using "ReseI".
6. Drive away.
The Iires are shown in gray and "ReseIIing
TPM..." is displayed.
AfIer driving for a few minuIes, Ihe seI Iire infla
Iion pressures are applied as seI values. The re
seIIing process is compleIed auIomaIically dur
ing driving. The Iires are shown in green and
"TPM acIive" is shown on Ihe ConIrol Display.
The Irip can be inIerrupIed aI any Iime. lf you
drive away again, Ihe process resumes auIo
lf a flaI Iire is deIecIed during a reseI, all Iires are
displayed in yellow.
Low tire pressure message
The yellow warning lamp lighIs up. A
Check ConIrol message is displayed.
There is a flaI Iire or a major loss in
Iire inflaIion pressure.
The sysIem was noI reseI afIer a wheel
change and Ihus warns based on Ihe infla
Iion pressures iniIialized lasI.
1. Reduce your speed and sIop cauIiously.
Avoid sudden braking and sIeering maneu
2. ldenIify Ihe damaged wheel. Do so by
checking Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure using Ihe
MobiliIy SysIem. CorrecIing Ihe Iire inflaIion
pressure, refer Io page 174.
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3. Repair flaI Iire wiIh Ihe MobiliIy SysIem, re
fer Io page 172, or replace Ihe damaged
Message when the system was not
A Check ConIrol message is displayed.
The sysIem deIecIed a wheel change buI was
noI reseI.
Warnings regarding Ihe currenI Iire inflaIion
pressure are noI reliable.
Check Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure and reseI Ihe
The yellow warning lamp flashes and
Ihen lighIs up conIinuously. A Check
ConIrol message is displayed. No flaI
Iire can be deIecIed.
Display in Ihe following siIuaIions:
A wheel wiIhouI TPM elecIronics is fiIIed:
have Ihe service cenIer check iI if necessary.
MalfuncIion: have Ihe sysIem checked by
your service cenIer.
TPM could noI be fully reseI. ReseI Ihe sys
Iem again.
DisIurbance by sysIems or devices wiIh Ihe
same radio frequency: afIer leaving Ihe area
of Ihe disIurbance, Ihe sysIem auIomaIically
becomes acIive again.
DecIaration according to NHTSAl
FMVSS 13S Tire Pressure Monitoring
Each Iire, including Ihe spare (if provided)
should be checked monIhly when cold and in
flaIed Io Ihe inflaIion pressure recommended by
Ihe vehicle manufacIurer on Ihe vehicle placard
or Iire inflaIion pressure label. (lf your vehicle has
Iires of a differenI size Ihan Ihe size indicaIed on
Ihe vehicle placard or Iire inflaIion pressure la
bel, you should deIermine Ihe proper Iire infla
Iion pressure for Ihose Iires.) As an added safeIy
feaIure, your vehicle has been equipped wiIh a
Iire pressure moniIoring sysIem (TPMS) IhaI il
luminaIes a low Iire pressure IellIale when one
or more of your Iires is significanIly under-in
flaIed. Accordingly, when Ihe low Iire pressure
IellIale illuminaIes, you should sIop and check
your Iires as soon as possible, and inflaIe Ihem
Io Ihe proper pressure. Driving on a significanIly
under-inflaIed Iire causes Ihe Iire Io overheaI
and can lead Io Iire failure. Under-inflaIion also
reduces fuel efficiency and Iire Iread life, and
may affecI Ihe vehicle's handling and sIopping
abiliIy. Please noIe IhaI Ihe TPMS is noI a sub
sIiIuIe for proper Iire mainIenance, and iI is Ihe
driver's responsibiliIy Io mainIain correcI Iire
pressure, even if under-inflaIion has noI reached
Ihe level Io Irigger illuminaIion of Ihe TPMS low
Iire pressure IellIale. Your vehicle has also been
equipped wiIh a TPMS malfuncIion indicaIor Io
indicaIe when Ihe sysIem is noI operaIing prop
erly. The TPMS malfuncIion indicaIor is com
bined wiIh Ihe low Iire pressure IellIale. When
Ihe sysIem deIecIs a malfuncIion, Ihe IellIale will
flash for approximaIely one minuIe and Ihen re
main conIinuously illuminaIed. This sequence
will conIinue upon subsequenI vehicle sIarI-ups
as long as Ihe malfuncIion exisIs. When Ihe mal
funcIion indicaIor is illuminaIed, Ihe sysIem may
noI be able Io deIecI or signal low Iire pressure
as inIended. TPMS malfuncIions may occur for
a varieIy of reasons, including Ihe insIallaIion of
replacemenI or alIernaIe Iires or wheels on Ihe
vehicle IhaI prevenI Ihe TPMS from funcIioning
properly. Always check Ihe TPMS malfuncIion
IellIale afIer replacing one or more Iires or
wheels on your vehicle Io ensure IhaI Ihe re
placemenI or alIernaIe Iires and wheels allow
Ihe TPMS Io conIinue Io funcIion properly.
FTM FIat Tire Monitor
The concept
The sysIem does noI measure Ihe acIual infla
Iion pressure in Ihe Iires.
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lI deIecIs a pressure loss in a Iire by comparing
Ihe roIaIional speeds of Ihe individual wheels
while moving.
ln Ihe evenI of a pressure loss, Ihe diameIer and
Iherefore Ihe roIaIional speed of Ihe corre
sponding wheel change. This is deIecIed and
reporIed as a flaI Iire.
FunctionaI requirements
The sysIem musI have been iniIialized when Ihe
Iire inflaIion pressure was correcI; oIherwise,
reliable signaling of a flaI Iire is noI ensured. ln
iIialize Ihe sysIem afIer each correcIion of Ihe
Iire inflaIion pressure and afIer every Iire or
wheel change.
System Iimits
Sudden Iire damage
Sudden serious Iire damage caused by
exIernal influences cannoI be indicaIed in ad
A naIural, even pressure loss in all four Iires can
noI be deIecIed. Therefore, check Ihe Iire infla
Iion pressure regularly.
The sysIem could be delayed or malfuncIion in
Ihe following siIuaIions:
When Ihe sysIem has noI been iniIialized.
When driving on a snowy or slippery road
SporIy driving sIyle: slip in Ihe drive wheels,
high laIeral acceleraIion.
When driving wiIh snow chains.
Status dispIay
The currenI sIaIus of Ihe FlaI Tire MoniIor can
be displayed on Ihe ConIrol Display, e.g.,
wheIher or noI Ihe FTM is acIive.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "FlaI Tire MoniIor"
The sIaIus is displayed.
The iniIializaIion process adopIs Ihe seI inflaIion
Iire pressures as reference values for Ihe deIec
Iion of a flaI Iire. lniIializaIion is sIarIed by con
firming Ihe inflaIion pressures.
Do noI iniIialize Ihe sysIem when driving wiIh
snow chains.
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "ReseI"
4. SIarI Ihe engine - do noI drive away.
5. SIarI Ihe iniIializaIion wiIh "ReseI".
6. Drive away.
The iniIializaIion is compleIed while driving,
which can be inIerrupIed aI any Iime.
The iniIializaIion auIomaIically conIinues when
driving resumes.
lndication of a fIat tire
The yellow warning lamp lighIs up. A
Check ConIrol message is displayed.
There is a flaI Iire or a major loss in Iire
inflaIion pressure.
1. Reduce your speed and sIop cauIiously.
Avoid sudden braking and sIeering maneu
2. ldenIify Ihe damaged wheel. Do so by
checking Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure using Ihe
MobiliIy SysIem. lf Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure
in all Iires is correcI, Ihe FlaI Tire MoniIor
may noI have been iniIialized. ln Ihis case,
iniIialize Ihe sysIem.
3. Repair flaI Iire wiIh Ihe MobiliIy SysIem, re
fer Io page 172, or replace Ihe damaged
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OoIIision warning
The concept
lf Ihe vehicle does noI include AcIive Cruise
ConIrol wiIh SIop & Go, Ihe collision warning is
conIrolled via Ihe camera in Ihe base of Ihe in
Ierior rearview mirror.
The sysIem issues a Iwo-phase warning of a
danger of collision aI speeds above approx.
10 mph/15 km/h. The Iime of Ihese warnings
may vary depending on Ihe currenI driving siI
ln Ihe process, vehicles in a similar direcIion of
movemenI are observed if Ihey are locaIed
wiIhin Ihe deIecIion range of Ihe sysIem.
When Ihe vehicle is inIenIionally broughI inIo
conIacI wiIh a vehicle, Ihe collision warning is
delayed Io avoid misleading warnings.
Warning stages
This warning is issued, for example, when Ihere
is Ihe impending danger of a collision or Ihe dis
Iance Io Ihe vehicle ahead is Ioo small.
Acute warning
Warning of Ihe imminenI danger of a collision
when Ihe vehicle approaches anoIher vehicle aI
a relaIively high differenIial speed.
Switching the warning function onloff
Press Ihe buIIon
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
The sIaIe is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Setting the warning time
The .
1. AcIivaIe collision warning.
2. AcIivaIe Ihe desired warning Iime on Ihe
ConIrol Display.
The selecIed channel is sIored for Ihe remoIe
conIrol currenIly in use.
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
The collision warning can be issued in Ihe in
sIrumenI clusIer, in Ihe Head-up Display, and
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Warning stages
Symbol Measure
The vehicle lighIs up red: prewarn
lncrease disIance.
The vehicle flashes red and an
acousIic signal sounds: acuIe warn
You are requesIed Io inIervene by
braking or making an evasive maneu
AdapIing your speed and driving sIyle
The display does noI relieve Ihe driver of
Ihe responsibiliIy Io adapI his or her driving
speed and sIyle Io Ihe Iraffic condiIions.
System Iimits
Be alerI
Due Io sysIem limiIaIions, warnings may
be noI be issued aI all, or may be issued laIe or
improperly. Therefore, always be alerI and ready
Io inIervene; oIherwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of an
accidenI occurring.
Detection range
The deIecIion capaciIy of Ihe camera and Ihe
collision warning has limiIaIions.
This may resulI in Ihe warning noI being issued
or being issued laIe.
For example, Ihe following siIuaIions may noI be
Slow moving vehicles when you approach
Ihem aI high speed.
Vehicles IhaI suddenly swerve in fronI of you
or sharply deceleraIing vehicles.
Vehicles wiIh an unusual rear appearance.
Two-wheeled vehicles ahead of you.
FunctionaI Iimitations
The sysIem may noI be fully funcIional in Ihe
following siIuaIions:
ln heavy fog, rain, sprayed waIer or snowfall.
ln IighI curves.
lf Ihe camera view field or Ihe fronI wind
shield are dirIy or covered.
When driving Ioward brighI lighIs.
ln Ihe case of vehicles wiIh insufficienIly visi
ble Iail lamps.
ln Ihe case of parIially covered vehicles.
Up Io 10 seconds afIer Ihe sIarI of Ihe en
gine, via Ihe SIarI/SIop knob.
During Ihe calibraIion process of Ihe camera
immediaIely afIer vehicle shipmenI.
Prewarning sensitivity
Depending on Ihe seI prewarning Iime, Ihis may
resulI in increased false warnings.
The camera is locaIed near Ihe base of Ihe mir
Keep Ihe windshield in Ihe area behind Ihe in
Ierior rear view mirror clean and clear.
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Night Vision with pedestrian
The concept
NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian deIecIion is a nighI
vision sysIem.
An infrared camera records Ihe area in fronI of
Ihe vehicle and displays Ihe image on Ihe Con
Irol Display.
The picIure is a heaI image. The sysIem has an
inIegraIed pedesIrian deIecIion funcIion IhaI
deIecIs pedesIrians and cyclisIs. Warm objecIs
IhaI are similar in shape Io human beings are
deIecIed by Ihe sysIem.
Personal responsibiliIy
NighI Vision cannoI replace Ihe driver's
personal judgmenI of Ihe visibiliIy condiIions
and Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion. The view ahead and Ihe
acIual visibiliIy condiIions musI always be Ihe
basis on which Ihe vehicle speed is adjusIed;
oIherwise, Ihere is a risk Io road safeIy.
Heat image
The image shows Ihe heaI radiaIed by objecIs
in Ihe field of view of Ihe camera.
Warm objecIs have a lighI appearance and cold
objecIs, a dark appearance.
The abiliIy Io deIecI an objecI depends on Ihe
IemperaIure difference beIween Ihe objecI and
Ihe background and on Ihe level of heaI radiaIion
emiIIed by Ihe objecI. ObjecIs IhaI are similar in
IemperaIure Io Ihe environmenI or IhaI radiaIe
very liIIle heaI are difficulI Io deIecI.
For safeIy reasons, when driving aI speeds
above approx. 3 mph/5 km/h and in low ambienI
lighI, Ihe image is only displayed when Ihe low
beams are swiIched on.
A sIill image is displayed aI regular inIervals for
a fracIion of a second.
Pedestrian detection
The pedesIrian deIecIion and warning sysIem
only operaIes in darkness and only when a heaI
image is displayed.
Warm objecIs IhaI are similar in shape Io human
beings are deIecIed by Ihe sysIem.
People deIecIed by Ihe sysIem are displayed
wiIh a slighI yellow hue.
Under good ambienI condiIions, Ihe pedesIrian
deIecIion sysIem operaIes wiIhin a range of ap
prox. 50 fI/15 m Io approx. 330 fI/100 m.
EnvironmenIal influences can limiI Ihe availabil
iIy of pedesIrian deIecIion.
lf pedesIrian deIecIion is noI available, a symbol
is displayed in Ihe heaI image.
This symbol disappears when Ihe funcIion be
comes available again.
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Warning of peopIe in danger
lf Ihe sysIem deIecIs a person in a defined area
in fronI of Ihe vehicle and if Ihere is Ihe danger
of collision wiIh Ihis person, a warning symbol
appears on Ihe ConIrol Display and in Ihe Head-
up Display.
AlIhough boIh Ihe shape and Ihe heaI radiaIion
are analyzed, false warnings cannoI be ruled ouI.
Warning area in front of the vehicIe
The warning area in fronI of Ihe vehicle is divided
inIo Iwo areas.
CenIral area 1 direcIly in fronI of Ihe vehicle.
Expanded area 2 Io Ihe righI and lefI.
The enIire area moves along wiIh Ihe vehicle in
Ihe direcIion of Ihe sIeering angle and changes
wiIh Ihe vehicle speed. As Ihe vehicle speed in
creases, Ihe area becomes longer and wider, for
The yellow symbol is displayed when a
person is deIecIed in Ihe cenIral area,
arrow 1, immediaIely in fronI of Ihe vehicle.
The yellow symbol is displayed when a
person deIecIed in Ihe exIended area,
arrow 2, is moving from Ihe righI or lefI
Io Ihe cenIral area.
Acute warning
The red symbol is displayed and a signal
sounds. You are requesIed Io inIervene
immediaIely by braking or making an
evasive maneuver.
DispIay in the Head-up DispIay
The warning is displayed simulIane
ously in Ihe Head-Up Display and on Ihe
ConIrol Display. The displayed symbol
can vary wiIh Ihe people deIecIed. For people
locaIed in Ihe cenIral area, Ihe disIance Io Ihe
person is indicaIed by Ihe size of Ihe symbol.
System Iimits
Basic Iimits
SysIem operaIion is limiIed in siIuaIions such as
Ihe following:
On sIeep hills, in sIeep depressions or in
IighI curves.
When Ihe camera is dirIy or Ihe proIecIive
glass is damaged.
ln heavy fog, rain or snowfall.
AI very high exIernal IemperaIures.
Limits of pedestrian detection
Animals are noI deIecIed by Ihe pedesIrian de
IecIion funcIion, even if Ihey are clearly visible in
Ihe image.
LimiIed pedesIrian deIecIion:
People who are fully or parIially covered, es
pecially when Iheir heads are covered.
People who are noI in an uprighI posiIion,
e.g., lying down.
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CyclisIs on unconvenIional bicycles (e.g.,
recumbenI bicycles).
AfIer physical damage Io Ihe sysIem, e.g.,
afIer an accidenI.
No dispIay on the rear screen
The image from NighI Vision wiIh people deIec
Iion cannoI be displayed on Ihe rear screen.
Press Ihe buIIon.
NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian deIecIion is noI
available on Ihe rear screen.
Adjustments via the iDrive
WiIh NighI Vision swiIched on:
1. AcIivaIe NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian deIec
2. Press Ihe conIroller.
3. Open Ihe desired menu iIem.
"PedesIrian deIecIion"
The seIIings are sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol
currenIly in use.
Rain, dirI, snow, or ice can impair camera oper
The camera is auIomaIically heaIed when Ihe
exIernal IemperaIures are low.
The camera is auIomaIically cleaned IogeIher
wiIh Ihe headlamps.
Clean Ihe lens, refer Io page 200.
Lane departure warning
The concept
SIarIing aI a specific speed, Ihis sysIem alerIs
you when Ihe vehicle on sIreeIs wiIh lane mark
ings is abouI Io leave Ihe lane. Depending on Ihe
counIry-specific version of Ihe vehicle, Ihe
speed is beIween 35 mph/55 km/h and
45 mph/70 km/h. When swiIching on Ihe sysIem
below Ihis speed, a message appears in Ihe in
sIrumenI clusIer.
The sIeering wheel begins vibraIing genIly in Ihe
evenI of warnings. The Iime of Ihe warning may
vary depending on Ihe currenI driving siIuaIion.
The sysIem does noI provide a warning if Ihe
Iurn signal is seI before leaving Ihe lane.
Personal responsibiliIy
The sysIem cannoI serve as a subsIiIuIe
for Ihe driver's personal judgmenI of Ihe course
of Ihe road and Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion.
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ln Ihe evenI of a warning, do noI jerk Ihe sIeering
wheel, as you may lose conIrol of Ihe vehicle.
At a gIance
Button in the vehicIe
Lane deparIure warning
The camera is locaIed near Ihe base of Ihe mir
Keep Ihe windshield in Ihe area behind Ihe in
Ierior rear view mirror clean and clear.
Switching onloff
Press Ihe buIIon
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
The sIaIe is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
Lines: sysIem is acIivaIed.
Arrows: aI leasI one lane marking
was deIecIed and warnings can be
lssued warning
lf you leave Ihe lane and if a lane marking has
been deIecIed, Ihe sIeering wheel begins vi
lf Ihe Iurn signal is seI before changing Ihe lane,
a warning is noI issued.
End of warning
The warning ends:
AuIomaIically afIer approx. 3 seconds.
When reIurning Io your own lane.
When braking hard.
When using Ihe Iurn signal.
System Iimits
The sysIem may noI be fully funcIional in Ihe
following siIuaIions:
ln heavy fog, rain or snowfall.
ln Ihe evenI of worn, poorly visible, merging,
diverging, or mulIiple lane markings such as
in consIrucIion areas.
When lane markings are covered in snow,
ice, dirI or waIer.
ln IighI curves or on narrow lanes.
When Ihe lane markings are covered by ob
When driving very close Io Ihe vehicle in
fronI of you.
When driving Ioward brighI lighIs.
When Ihe windshield behind Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror is fogged over, dirIy or cov
ered wiIh sIickers, eIc.
During calibraIion of Ihe camera immedi
aIely afIer vehicle shipmenI.
SeiIe 108
OontroIs Safety
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Active BIind Spot Detection
The concept
Two radar sensors below Ihe rear bumper mon
iIor Ihe area behind and nexI Io Ihe vehicle aI
speeds above approx. 30 mph/50 km/h.
The sysIem indicaIes wheIher Ihere are vehicles
in Ihe blind spoI, arrow 1, or approaching from
behind on Ihe adjacenI lane, arrow 2.
The lamp in Ihe exIerior mirror housing lighIs up
Before you change lanes afIer seIIing Ihe Iurn
signal, Ihe sysIem issues a warning in Ihe siIua
Iions described above.
The lamp in Ihe housing of Ihe exIerior mirror
flashes and Ihe sIeering wheel vibraIes.
Personal responsibiliIy
The sysIem does noI serve as a subsIiIuIe
for Ihe driver's personal judgmenI of Ihe Iraffic
Be aware of Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion and Ihe vehicle's
surroundings aI all Iimes, oIherwise an accidenI
is sIill possible despiIe all warnings.
At a gIance
Radar sensors
The radar sensors are locaIed under Ihe rear
Switching onloff
Press Ihe buIIon.
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
The sysIem can issue warnings aI speeds above
approx. 30 mph/50 km/h.
The sIaIe is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
SeiIe 109
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lnformation stage
The dimmed lamp in Ihe mirror housing indi
caIes when Ihere are vehicles in Ihe blind spoI
or approaching from behind.
lf Ihe Iurn signal is seI while a vehicle is in Ihe
criIical zone, Ihe sIeering wheel vibraIes briefly
and Ihe lamp in Ihe mirror housing flashes
The warning sIops when Ihe Iurn signal is
swiIched off, or Ihe oIher vehicle leaves Ihe criI
ical zone.
System Iimits
The sysIem may noI be fully funcIional in Ihe
following siIuaIions:
When a vehicle is approaching aI a speed
much fasIer Ihan your own.
ln heavy fog, rain or snowfall.
ln IighI curves or on narrow lanes.
lf Ihe bumper is dirIy or iced up, or covered
wiIh sIickers.
For US owners onIy
The IransmiIIer and receiver uniIs comply wiIh
parI 15 of Ihe FCC/Federal CommunicaIion
Commission regulaIions. OperaIion is governed
by Ihe following:
Compliance sIaIemenI:
This device complies wiIh parI 15 of Ihe FCC
Rules. OperaIion is subjecI Io Ihe following Iwo
This device may noI cause harmful inIerfer
ence, and
Ihis device musI accepI any inIerference re
ceived, including inIerference IhaI may
cause undesired operaIion.
Any unauIhorized modificaIions or changes Io
Ihese devices could void Ihe user's auIhoriIy Io
operaIe Ihis equipmenI.
Brake force dispIay
The concept
During normal brake applicaIion, Ihe ouIer
brake lamps lighI up.
During heavy brake applicaIion, Ihe inner
brake lamps lighI up in addiIion.
Active Protection
The concept
The AcIive ProIecIion safeIy package consisIs
of sysIems IhaI are independenI of each oIher:
SeiIe 110
OontroIs Safety
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The concept
WiIh Ihis sysIem criIical driving siIuaIions IhaI
mighI resulI in an accidenI can be deIecIed
above a speed of approx. 19 mph/30 km/h. ln in
Ihese siIuaIions, prevenIaIive proIecIion meas
ures are auIomaIically underIaken Io minimize
Ihe risk in Ihe evenI of an accidenI as much as
CriIical driving siIuaIions may include:
Full applicaIion of Ihe brakes.
Severe undersIeering.
Severe oversIeering.
lf Ihe vehicle includes Ihe collision warning or
collision warning wiIh braking feaIure, impend
ing collisions wiIh vehicles driving ahead or
sIopped in fronI of you can also be deIecIed
wiIhin Ihe sysIem's range.
Personal responsibiliIy
The sysIem cannoI serve as a subsIiIuIe
for Ihe driver's personal judgmenI of Ihe Iraffic
siIuaIion. The sysIem may noI always deIecI
criIical siIuaIions reliably and in a Iimely manner.
AdapI speed Io Iraffic siIuaIion and drive alerIly;
oIherwise, a risk Io safeIy may resulI.
AfIer Ihe safeIy belI is buckled, Ihe fronI belIs
are auIomaIically preIensioned once afIer Ihe
vehicle is driven is away.
ln criIical driving siIuaIions, Ihe following indi
vidual funcIions become acIive as needed:
The fronI belIs are auIomaIically preIen
AuIomaIic closing of Ihe windows.
AuIomaIic closing of Ihe glass sunroof.
AuIomaIic PosiIioning of Ihe backresI for
Ihe fronI passenger seaI.
AfIer a criIical driving siIuaIion wiIhouI an acci
denI, Ihe fronI belIs are loosened again. All oIher
sysIems can be resIored Io Ihe desired seIIing.
lf Ihe belI Iension does noI loosen auIomaIically,
sIop Ihe vehicle and unbuckle Ihe belI using Ihe
red buIIon in Ihe buckle. FasIen Ihe belI before
conIinuing on your Irip.
ln Ihe evenI of an accidenI, Ihe sysIem can bring
Ihe car Io a halI auIomaIically wiIhouI inIerven
Iion by Ihe driver in cerIain siIuaIions. This can
reduce Ihe risk of a furIher collision.
Depressing Ihe brake pedal can cause Ihe vehi
cle Io brake harder. This inIerrupIs auIomaIic
braking. Depressing Ihe acceleraIor pedal also
inIerrupIs auIomaIic braking.
AfIer coming Io a halI, Ihe brake is released au
IomaIically. Secure Ihe vehicle againsI rolling.
SeiIe 111
Safety OontroIs
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Driving stabiIity controI systems
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
AntiIock Brake System ABS
ABS prevenIs locking of Ihe wheels during brak
The vehicle remains sIeerable even during full
brake applicaIions, Ihus increasing acIive
ABS is operaIional every Iime you sIarI Ihe en
Brake assistant
When you apply Ihe brakes rapidly, Ihis sysIem
auIomaIically produces Ihe maximum braking
force boosI. lI Ihus helps Io achieve Ihe shorIesI
possible braking disIance during full braking.
This sysIem uIilizes all of Ihe benefiIs provided
by ABS.
Do noI reduce Ihe pressure on Ihe brake pedal
for Ihe duraIion of Ihe full braking.
Drive-off assistant
This sysIem supporIs driving away on gradienIs.
The parking brake is noI required.
1. Hold Ihe vehicle in place wiIh Ihe fooI brake.
2. Release Ihe fooI brake and drive away wiIh
ouI delay.
AfIer Ihe fooI brake is released, Ihe vehicle is
held in place for approx. 2 seconds.
Depending on Ihe vehicle load or when a Irailer
is being used, Ihe vehicle may roll back slighIly.
Driving off wiIhouI delay
AfIer releasing Ihe fooI brake, sIarI driving
wiIhouI delay, since Ihe drive-off assisIanI will
noI hold Ihe vehicle in place for more Ihan ap
prox. 2 seconds and Ihe vehicle will begin rolling
DSO Dynamic StabiIity
The concept
DSC prevenIs IracIion loss in Ihe driving wheels
when driving away and acceleraIing.
DSC also recognizes unsIable vehicle condi
Iions, such as fishIailing or nose-diving. SubjecI
Io physical limiIs, DSC helps Io keep Ihe vehicle
on a sIeady course by reducing engine speed
and by applying brakes aI individual wheels.
AdjusI your driving sIyle Io Ihe siIuaIion
An appropriaIe driving sIyle is always Ihe
responsibiliIy of Ihe driver.
The laws of physics cannoI be repealed, even
wiIh DSC.
Therefore, do noI reduce Ihe addiIional safeIy
margin by driving in a risky manner.
lndicatorlwarning Iamps
The indicaIor lamp flashes: DSC con
Irols Ihe drive forces and brake forces.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up: DSC has
SeiIe 112
OontroIs Driving stabiIity controI systems
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M Dynamic Mode MDM
M Dynamic Mode makes iI possible Io drive on
a dry roadway wiIh high longiIudinal and Irans
verse acceleraIion buI wiIh limiIed driving sIa
Only in Ihe absoluIe limiI area does Ihe sysIem
inIervene for sIabilizaIion by reducing Ihe en
gine power and by braking inIervenIions on Ihe
wheels. ln Ihis driving condiIion, addiIional
sIeering correcIions may be necessary.
LimiIed sIabilizing inIervenIions
When M Dynamic Mode is acIivaIed, sIa
bilizing inIervenIions are carried ouI only Io a re
duced exIenI. You musI reacI yourself; oIher
wise, Ihere is Ihe danger of an accidenI
To increase vehicle sIabiliIy, acIivaIe DSC again
as soon as possible.
Activating MDM
Press Ihe buIIon briefly.
The MDM and DSC OFF indicaIor lamps
on Ihe insIrumenI clusIer lighI up.
Deactivating MDM
Press Ihe buIIon.
The MDM and DSC OFF indicaIor lamps
go ouI.
Via M Drive
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe symbol.
4. "MDM"
To open M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

A message appears in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.

This message is confirmed by pressing Ihe buI
Ion again.
Deactivating MDM
Press Ihe appropriaIe buIIon 1 or buIIon 2 on
Ihe sIeering wheel again.
M Dynamic Mode and Ihe seIIings selecIed un
der M Drive are deacIivaIed.
lndicatorlwarning Iamps
lndicaIor lamps lighI up:
M Dynamic Mode is acIivaIed.
DSC indicaIor lamp also flashes:
M Dynamic Mode conIrols Ihe drive
forces and brake forces.
lndicaIor lamps lighI up:
M Dynamic Mode or DSC has failed.
Deactivating DSO: DSO OFF
When DSC is deacIivaIed, driving sIabiliIy is re
duced during acceleraIion and when driving in
To increase vehicle sIabiliIy, acIivaIe DSC again
as soon as possible.
Deactivating DSO
Press and hold Ihe buIIon, buI noI longer
Ihan approx. 10 seconds, unIil Ihe indica
Ior lamp for DSC OFF lighIs up in Ihe insIrumenI
clusIer and DSC OFF is displayed.
The DSC sysIem is swiIched off.
SeiIe 113
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Activating DSO
Press Ihe buIIon.
DSC OFF and Ihe DSC OFF indicaIor lamp
go ouI.
Via M Drive
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe symbol.
4. "DSC OFF"
To open M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

A message appears in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.

This message is confirmed by pressing Ihe buI
Ion again.
lndicatorlwarning Iamps
When DSC is deacIivaIed, DSC OFF is dis
played in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer.
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up: DSC is de
HiII Start Assistant
The Hill SIarI AssisIanI provides assisIance wiIh
sIarIing off on a hill, Drive-off assisIanI, refer Io
page 112.
Active M differentiaI
The concept
The acIive M differenIial assures conIinuously
variable locking of Ihe rear axle differenIial de
pending on Ihe driving siIuaIion. This prevenIs
individual rear wheels from spinning even when
DSC is swiIched off and in M Dynamic Mode, so
IhaI opIimum IracIion is always assured in all
driving siIuaIions.
The driver is responsible adapIing his or her
driving behavior Io Ihe siIuaIion.
EIectronic Damper OontroI
The concept
This sysIem reduces undesirable vehicle mo
Iion when using a dynamic driving sIyle or Irav
eling on uneven road surfaces.
The sysIem enhances driving dynamics and
comforI as required for Ihe road surface and
driving sIyle.
SeIIing opIions for calibraIing Ihe shock absorb
"ComforI": comforI-orienIed.
"SporI": balanced ouI.
"SporI Plus": consisIenIly sporIy.
SeIecting a channeI
Via M Drive
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe symbol.
4. SelecI Ihe desired channel.
When M Drive is acIive, seIIing is immedi
aIely applied.
To acIivaIe M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

SeiIe 114
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Using the button
Press buIIon repeaIedly unIil Ihe desired
program is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
ElecIronic Damper ConIrol EDC wiIh se
lecIed program SysIem sIaIes of Ihe
driving dynamics, refer Io page 82.
The concept
The ServoIronic varies Ihe sIeering force re
quired Io Iurn Ihe wheels in accordance wiIh Ihe
vehicle speed. AI low speeds, Ihe sIeering force
is sIrongly supporIed, i. e. during sIeering, low
force is required. As Ihe speed increases, Ihe
assisIance of Ihe sIeering force is reduced.
SIeering force seIIing opIions:
"ComforI": low.
"SporI": medium.
"SporI Plus": high.
SeIecting a channeI
Via M Drive
1. "SeIIings"
2. "M Drive 1" or"M Drive 2"
3. SelecI Ihe symbol.
4. SelecI Ihe desired channel.
When M Drive is acIive, seIIing is immedi
aIely applied.
To acIivaIe M Drive wiIh Ihe selecIed seIIings,
press Ihe corresponding buIIon on Ihe sIeering

Using the button

Press buIIon repeaIedly unIil Ihe desired
program is displayed in Ihe insIrumenI
DispIay in the instrument cIuster
ServoIronic wiIh selecIed program wiIh
acIivaIed display of Ihe SysIem sIaIes of
Ihe driving dynamics, refer Io page 82.
SeiIe 115
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Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Driving comfort
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Oruise controI
The concept
The sysIem is funcIional aI speeds beginning aI
approx. 20 mph/30 km/h.
lI mainIains Ihe speed IhaI was seI using Ihe
conIrol elemenIs on Ihe sIeering wheel.
The sysIem brakes on downhill gradienIs if en
gine braking acIion is insufficienI.
Unfavorable condiIions
Do noI use Ihe sysIem if unfavorable con
diIions make iI impossible Io drive aI a consIanI
speed, for insIance:
On curvy roads.
ln heavy Iraffic.
On slippery roads, in fog, snow or rain, or on
a loose road surface.
OIherwise, you could lose conIrol of Ihe vehicle
and cause an accidenI.
At a gIance
1 SysIem on/off, inIerrupI
2 Resume speed
3 SIore, mainIain/change speed
Switching on
Press Ihe buIIon on Ihe sIeering wheel.
The marking in Ihe speedomeIer is seI Io Ihe
currenI speed.
Cruise conIrol can be used.
Switching off
DeacIivaIed or inIerrupIed sysIem
lf Ihe sysIem is deacIivaIed or inIerrupIed,
acIively inIervene by braking and, if necessary,
wiIh evasive maneuvers; oIherwise, Ihere is Ihe
danger of an accidenI occurring.
Press Ihe buIIon.
lf acIive: press Iwice.
lf inIerrupIed: press once.
The displays go ouI. The sIored desired speed
is deleIed.
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lnterrupting the system
When acIive, press Ihe buIIon.
The sysIem is auIomaIically inIerrupIed if:
The brakes are applied.
The Iransmission posiIion D is disengaged.
MDM is acIivaIed or DSC is deacIivaIed.
DSC is acIively conIrolling sIabiliIy.
Maintaininglstoring the current speed
Press Ihe rocker swiIch while Ihe sysIem is in
When Ihe sysIem is swiIched on, Ihe currenI
speed is mainIained and sIored as Ihe desired
lI is displayed in Ihe speedomeIer and briefly
displayed in Ihe insIrumenI clusIer, Displays in
Ihe speedomeIer, refer Io page 117.
When cruise conIrol is mainIained or sIored,
DSC Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol is swiIched on, if
Ohanginglmaintaining speed
The rocker swiIch can be pressed while Ihe sys
Iem is inIerrupIed in order Io mainIain and sIore
Ihe currenI speed.
AdapIing Ihe desired speed
AdapI Ihe desired speed Io Ihe road con
diIions and be ready Io brake aI all Iimes; oIher
wise, Ihere is Ihe danger of an accidenI occur
Press Ihe rocker swiIch up or down repeaIedly
unIil Ihe desired speed is seI.
lf acIive, Ihe displayed speed is sIored and Ihe
vehicle reaches Ihe sIored speed if Ihe road is
Each Iime Ihe rocker swiIch is pressed Io Ihe
poinI of resisIance, Ihe desired speed in
creases or decreases by approx.
1 mph/1 km/h.
Each Iime Ihe rocker swiIch is pressed pasI
Ihe poinI of resisIance, Ihe desired speed
increases or decreases by a maximum of
5 mph/10 km/h.
Max. adjusIable speed: 140 mph/230 km/h.
Pressing Ihe rocker swiIch Io Ihe resisIance
poinI and holding iI Ihere acceleraIes or de
celeraIes Ihe vehicle wiIhouI requiring pres
sure on Ihe acceleraIor. AfIer Ihe rocker
swiIch is released, Ihe vehicle mainIains iIs
final speed. Pressing Ihe swiIch beyond Ihe
resisIance poinI causes Ihe vehicle Io ac
celeraIe more rapidly.
Resuming the desired speed
Press Ihe buIIon.
The sIored speed is reached and mainIained.
DispIays in the instrument cIuster
lndicator Iamp
Depending on how Ihe vehicle is equip
ped, Ihe indicaIor lamp in Ihe insIrumenI
SeiIe 117
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clusIer indicaIes wheIher Ihe sysIem is
swiIched on.
Desired speed
The marking lighIs up green:
Ihe sysIem is acIive.
The marking lighIs up or
ange: Ihe sysIem has been
The marking does noI lighI up: Ihe sysIem is
swiIched off.
Brief status dispIay
SelecIed desired speed.
lf --- appears briefly on Ihe display for Check
ConIrol messages, iI is possible IhaI Ihe sysIem
requiremenIs for operaIion are currenIly noI
PDO Park Distance OontroI
The concept
PDC supporIs you when parking. ObjecIs IhaI
you are approaching slowly in fronI of or behind
your vehicle are indicaIed by:
Signal Iones.
Visual display.
GeneraI information
MeasuremenIs are made by ulIrasound sensors
in Ihe bumpers.
The range is approx. 6 fI/2 m.
An acousIic warning is firsI given:
By Ihe fronI sensors and Ihe Iwo rear corner
sensors aI approx. 24 in/60 cm.
By Ihe rear middle sensors aI approx.
5 fI/1.50 m.
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion as well
PDC cannoI serve as a subsIiIuIe for Ihe
driver's personal judgmenI of Ihe Iraffic siIua
Iion. Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion around Ihe vehi
cle wiIh your own eyes. OIherwise, an accidenI
could resulI from road users or objecIs locaIed
ouIside of Ihe PDC deIecIion range.
Loud noises from ouIside and inside Ihe vehicle
may prevenI you from hearing Ihe PDC's signal
Avoid driving quickly wiIh PDC
Avoid approaching an objecI quickly.
Avoid driving away quickly while PDC is noI yeI
For Iechnical reasons, Ihe sysIem may oIher
wise be Ioo laIe in issuing a warning.
At a gIance
Button in the vehicIe
PDC Park DisIance ConIrol
Switching onloff
Switching on automaticaIIy
SelecI Iransmission posiIion R wiIh Ihe engine
SeiIe 118
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Automatic deactivation during forward
The sysIem swiIches off when a cerIain driving
disIance or speed is exceeded.
SwiIch Ihe sysIem back on if necessary.
Switching onloff manuaIIy
Press Ihe buIIon.
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
ln addiIion Io Ihe PDC Park DisIance ConIrol, Ihe
backup camera, refer Io page 120, can be
swiIched on.
Switching on the backup camera via the
WiIh PDC acIivaIed:
"Rear view camera"
The backup camera image is displayed. The seI
Iing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol currenIly in
SignaI tones
When approaching an objecI, an inIermiIIenI
Ione is sounded IhaI indicaIes Ihe posiIion of Ihe
objecI. For example, if an objecI is deIecIed Io
Ihe lefI rear of Ihe vehicle, a signal Ione sounds
from Ihe lefI rear speaker.
The shorIer Ihe disIance Io Ihe objecI becomes,
Ihe shorIer Ihe inIervals.
lf Ihe disIance Io a deIecIed objecI is less Ihan
approx. 10 in/25 cm, a conIinuous Ione is
lf objecIs are locaIed boIh in fronI of and behind
Ihe vehicle, an alIernaIing conIinuous signal is
The inIermiIIenI Ione is inIerrupIed afIer approx.
3 seconds:
lf Ihe vehicle sIops in fronI of an objecI IhaI
is deIecIed by only one of Ihe corner sen
lf moving parallel Io a wall.
The signal Ione is swiIched off:
When Ihe vehicle moves away from an ob
jecI by more Ihan approx. 4 in/10 cm.
The volume of Ihe PDC signal can be adjusIed,
refer Io user's manual for NavigaIion, EnIerIain
menI and CommunicaIion.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
VisuaI warning
The approach of Ihe vehicle Io an objecI can be
shown on Ihe ConIrol Display. ObjecIs IhaI are
farIher away are displayed on Ihe ConIrol Dis
play before a signal Ione sounds.
A display appears as soon as Park DisIance
ConIrol (PDC) is acIivaIed.
The range of Ihe sensors is represenIed in col
ors: red, green and yellow.
lf Ihe backup camera image was selecIed lasI, iI
again appears on Ihe display. To swiIch Io PDC:
1. "Rear view camera" SelecI Ihe symbol
on Ihe ConIrol Display.
2. Press Ihe conIroller.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
System Iimits
Limits of uItrasonic measurement
The deIecIion of objecIs can reach Ihe physical
limiIs of ulIrasonic measuremenI, e.g.:
WiIh Iow bars and Irailer hiIches.
WiIh Ihin or wedge-shaped objecIs.
WiIh low objecIs.
WiIh objecIs wiIh corners and sharp edges.
SeiIe 119
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Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Low objecIs already displayed, e.g., curbs, can
move inIo Ihe blind area of Ihe sensors before or
afIer a conIinuous Ione sounds.
High, proIruding objecIs such as ledges may noI
be deIecIed.
FaIse warnings
PDC may issue a warning under Ihe following
condiIions even Ihough Ihere is no obsIacle
wiIhin Ihe deIecIion range:
ln heavy rain.
When sensors are very dirIy or covered in
When sensors are covered in snow.
On rough road surfaces.
ln large buildings wiIh righI angles and
smooIh walls, e.g., in underground garages.
ln heavy exhausI.
Due Io oIher ulIrasound sources, e.g.,
sweeping machines, high pressure sIeam
cleaners or neon lighIs.
A Check ConIrol message is displayed.
The range of Ihe sensors is shown as a shaded
area on Ihe ConIrol Display.
PDC has failed. Have Ihe sysIem checked.
To ensure full operabiliIy:
Keep Ihe sensors clean and free of ice.
When using high-pressure washers, do noI
spray Ihe sensors for long periods and main
Iain a disIance of aI leasI 12 in/30 cm.
Surround View
The concept
Surround View includes Ihe following sysIems:
Backup camera, refer Io page 120.
Side View, refer Io page 124.
Top View, refer Io page 123.
lI assisIs Ihe driver when parking, maneuvering
and on blind driveways and inIersecIions.
Backup camera
The concept
The backup camera provides assisIance in park
ing and maneuvering backwards. The area be
hind Ihe vehicle is shown on Ihe ConIrol Display.
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion as well
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion around Ihe ve
hicle wiIh your own eyes. OIherwise, an accidenI
could resulI from road users or objecIs locaIed
ouIside Ihe picIure area of Ihe backup camera.
At a gIance
Button in the vehicIe
Backup camera
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The camera lens is locaIed in Ihe handle of Ihe
Irunk lid. The image qualiIy may be impaired by
Clean Ihe lens, refer Io page 200.
Switching onloff
Switching on automaticaIIy
SelecI Iransmission posiIion R wiIh Ihe engine
The backup camera image is displayed if Ihe
sysIem was swiIched on via Ihe iDrive.
Automatic deactivation during forward
The sysIem swiIches off when a cerIain driving
disIance or speed is exceeded.
SwiIch Ihe sysIem back on if necessary.
Switching onloff manuaIIy
Press Ihe buIIon.
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
The PDC is shown on Ihe ConIrol Display.
SwiIch on Ihe backup camera via Ihe iDrive, refer
Io page 119.
Switching on the backup camera via the
WiIh PDC acIivaIed:
"Rear view camera"
The backup camera image is displayed. The seI
Iing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol currenIly in
DispIay on the OontroI DispIay
FunctionaI requirement
The backup camera is swiIched on.
The Irunk lid is fully closed.
Activating the assistance functions
More Ihan one assisIance funcIion can be acIive
aI Ihe same Iime.
Parking aid lines
"Parking aid lines"
PaIhway and Iurning circle lines are dis
ObsIacle marking
"ObsIacle marking"
SpaIially-shaped markings are displayed.
Pathway Iines
Can be shown in Ihe backup camera image
when in Iransmission posiIion R.
Help you Io esIimaIe Ihe space required
when parking and maneuvering on level
Are dependenI on Ihe currenI sIeering angle
and are conIinuously adjusIed Io Ihe sIeer
ing wheel movemenIs.
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Turning circIe Iines
Can be shown in Ihe backup camera image.
Show Ihe course of Ihe smallesI possible
Iurning circle on a level road.
Only one Iurning circle line is displayed
when Ihe sIeering wheel is Iurned.
ObstacIe marking
SpaIially-shaped markings can be shown in
Ihe backup camera image.
Their colored sIeps maIch Ihe markings of Ihe
PDC. This simplifies esIimaIion of Ihe disIance
Io Ihe objecI shown.
Parking using pathway and turning
circIe Iines
1. PosiIion Ihe vehicle so IhaI Ihe Iurning circle
lines lead Io wiIhin Ihe limiIs of Ihe parking
2. Turn Ihe sIeering wheel Io Ihe poinI where
Ihe paIhway line covers Ihe corresponding
Iurning circle line.
DispIay settings
WiIh Ihe backup camera swiIched on:
1. SelecI Ihe symbol.
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
WiIh Ihe backup camera swiIched on:
1. SelecI Ihe symbol.
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
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System Iimits
Detection of objects
High, proIruding objecIs such as ledges may noI
be deIecIed by Ihe backup camera.
Top View
The concept
Top View assisIs you in parking and maneuver
ing. The area around Ihe doors and Ihe road area
around Ihe vehicle are shown on Ihe ConIrol
Display for Ihis purpose.
GeneraI information
The image is capIured by Iwo cameras
inIegraIed in Ihe exIerior mirrors and by Ihe
backup camera.
The range is aI leasI 7 fI/2 m Io Ihe side and rear.
ln Ihis way, obsIacles up Io Ihe heighI of Ihe ex
Ierior mirrors are deIecIed early.
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion as well
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion around Ihe ve
hicle wiIh your own eyes. OIherwise, an accidenI
could resulI from road users or objecIs locaIed
ouIside Ihe picIure area of Ihe cameras.
At a gIance
Button in the vehicIe
Top View
The lenses of Ihe Top View cameras are locaIed
aI Ihe boIIom of Ihe exIerior mirror housings.
The image qualiIy may be impaired by dirI.
Clean Ihe lens, refer Io page 200.
Switching onloff
Switching on automaticaIIy
SelecI Iransmission posiIion R wiIh Ihe engine
The Top View and PDC images are displayed if
Ihe sysIem is swiIched on via iDrive.
Automatic deactivation during forward
The sysIem swiIches off when a cerIain driving
disIance or speed is exceeded.
SwiIch Ihe sysIem back on if necessary.
Switching onloff manuaIIy
Press Ihe buIIon.
On: Ihe LED lighIs up.
Off: Ihe LED goes ouI.
Top View is displayed, swiIch on Ihe backup
camera via Ihe iDrive, refer Io page 124.
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Switching on the backup camera via the
WiIh Top View swiIched on:
"Rear view camera"
The backup camera image is displayed. The seI
Iing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol currenIly in
VisuaI warning
The approach of Ihe vehicle Io an objecI can be
shown on Ihe ConIrol Display.
When Ihe disIance Io an objecI is small, a red bar
is shown in fronI of Ihe vehicle, as iI is in Ihe PDC
The display appears as soon as Top View is ac
lf Ihe backup camera image was selecIed lasI, iI
again appears on Ihe display when reverse gear
is selecIed. To swiIch Io Top View:
"Rear view camera" SelecI Ihe symbol on
Ihe ConIrol Display.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
WiIh Top View swiIched on:
1. "BrighIness"
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
WiIh Top View swiIched on:
1. "ConIrasI"
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
DispIaying the turning circIe and
pathway Iines
The sIaIic, red Iurning circle line shows Ihe
space needed Io Ihe side of Ihe vehicle
when Ihe sIeering wheel is Iurned all Ihe
The variable, green paIhway line assisIs you
in assessing Ihe amounI of space acIually
needed Io Ihe side of Ihe vehicle.
The paIhway line is dependenI on Ihe cur
renI sIeering angle and is conIinuously ad
jusIed wiIh Ihe sIeering wheel movemenI.
"Parking aid lines"
Turning circle and paIhway lines are displayed.
System Iimits
Top View cannoI be used in Ihe following siIua
WiIh a door open.
WiIh Ihe Irunk lid open.
WiIh an exIerior mirror folded in.
ln poor lighI.
A Check ConIrol message is displayed in some
of Ihese siIuaIions.
Side View
The concept
Side View provides an early look aI cross Iraffic
aI blind driveways and inIersecIions. Road users
concealed by obsIacles Io Ihe lefI and righI of
Ihe vehicle can only be deIecIed relaIively laIe
from Ihe driver's seaI. To improve visibiliIy, Iwo
cameras in Ihe fronI of Ihe vehicle record Ihe
Iraffic siIuaIion on each side.
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The images from boIh cameras are shown si
mulIaneously on Ihe ConIrol Display.
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion as well
Check Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion around Ihe ve
hicle on blind driveways and inIersecIions wiIh
your own eyes. OIherwise, an accidenI could re
sulI from road users or objecIs locaIed ouIside
Ihe picIure area of Ihe Side View cameras.
At a gIance
Button in the vehicIe
Side View
Two cameras inIegraIed in Ihe bumpers capIure
Ihe image.
The Iwo camera lenses are locaIed on Ihe sides
of Ihe bumper.
The image qualiIy may be impaired by dirI.
Clean Ihe lens, refer Io page 200.
Switching onloff
Switching onloff manuaIIy
Press Ihe buIIon.
Automatic deactivation during forward
The sysIem swiIches off when a cerIain driving
disIance or speed is exceeded.
SwiIch Ihe sysIem back on if necessary.
The Iraffic area Io Ihe lefI and righI is displayed
on Ihe ConIrol Display.
Guidelines aI Ihe boIIom of Ihe image show Ihe
posiIion of Ihe fronI of Ihe vehicle.
WiIh Ihe Side View swiIched on:
1. "BrighIness"
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
WiIh Ihe Side View swiIched on:
1. "ConIrasI"
2. Turn Ihe conIroller unIil Ihe desired seIIing
is reached and press Ihe conIroller.
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System Iimits
The cameras capIure a maximum range of
330 fI/100 m.
Head-up DispIay
The concept
This sysIem projecIs imporIanI informaIion inIo
Ihe driver's field of vision, e.g., Ihe speed.
ln Ihis way, Ihe driver can geI informaIion wiIh
ouI averIing his or her eyes from Ihe road.
DispIay visibiIity
The visibiliIy of Ihe displays in Ihe Head-up Dis
play is influenced by:
CerIain siIIing posiIions.
ObjecIs on Ihe cover of Ihe Head-up Dis
Sunglasses wiIh cerIain polarizaIion filIers.
WeI roads.
Unfavorable lighI condiIions.
lf Ihe image is disIorIed, check Ihe basic seI
Switching onloff
Press Ihe buIIon.
Standard view
NavigaIion sysIem.
Check ConIrol messages.
Speed limiI deIecIion.
Cruise conIrol.
Lane deparIure warning.
Some of Ihis informaIion is only displayed briefly
as needed.
M view
1 CurrenI engine speed, highlighIed
2 ShifI LighIs
3 Pre-warning field, speed display
4 Red warning field, speed display
5 Speed
6 Gear display
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AcIivaIe M view:
SelecI displays in Ihe Head-up Display.
M Drive, refer Io page 56.
SeIecting dispIays in the Head-up
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Head-Up Display"
3. "Displayed informaIion"
4. SelecI Ihe desired displays in Ihe Head-up
The seIIings are sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol
currenIly in use.
Setting the brightness
The brighIness is auIomaIically adjusIed Io Ihe
ambienI lighI.
The basic seIIing can be adjusIed manually.
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Head-Up Display"
3. "BrighIness"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller.
The brighIness is adjusIed.
When Ihe low beams are swiIched on, Ihe
brighIness of Ihe Head-up Display can be addi
Iionally influenced using Ihe insIrumenI lighIing,
refer Io page 94.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Adjusting the height
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Head-Up Display"
3. "HeighI"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller.
The heighI is adjusIed.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
Setting the rotation
1. "SeIIings"
2. "Head-Up Display"
3. "RoIaIion"
4. Turn Ihe conIroller.
RoIaIion is seI.
The seIIing is sIored for Ihe remoIe conIrol cur
renIly in use.
SpeciaI windshieId
The windshield is parI of Ihe sysIem.
The shape of Ihe windshield makes iI possible
Io display a precise image.
A film in Ihe windshield prevenIs double images
from being displayed.
Therefore, have Ihe special windshield replaced
by a service cenIer only.
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OIimate controI
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Automatic cIimate controI
1 Air disIribuIion, lefI
2 TemperaIure, lefI
3 AUTO program, lefI
4 Air flow, AUTO inIensiIy, residual heaI, lefI
5 Remove ice and condensaIion
6 Maximum cooling
7 Display
S Air flow, AUTO inIensiIy, righI
9 AUTO program, righI
10 TemperaIure, righI
11 Air disIribuIion, righI
12 SeaI heaIing, righI49
13 AcIive seaI venIilaIion, righI50
14 AuIomaIic recirculaIed-air conIrol/recircu
laIed-air mode
15 Cooling funcIion
16 Rear window defrosIer
17 ALL program
1S AcIive seaI venIilaIion, lefI50
19 SeaI heaIing, lefI49
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OIimate controI functions in detaiI
ManuaI air distribution
Press Ihe buIIon repeaIedly Io selecI a
Upper body region.
Upper body region and fooIwell.
Windows and fooIwell: driver's side only.
Windows, upper body region and fooIwell:
driver's side only.
lf Ihe windows are fogged over, press Ihe AUTO
buIIon on Ihe driver's side Io uIilize Ihe conden
saIion sensor.
Turn Ihe wheel Io seI Ihe desired
The auIomaIic climaIe conIrol achieves Ihis
IemperaIure as quickly as possible, if necessary
wiIh Ihe maximum cooling or heaIing capaciIy,
and Ihen keeps iI consIanI.
Avoid rapidly swiIching beIween differenI Iem
peraIure seIIings. The auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
will noI have sufficienI Iime Io adjusI Ihe seI
AUTO program
Press Ihe buIIon.
Air flow, air disIribuIion, and Iempera
Iure are conIrolled auIomaIically.
Depending on Ihe selecIed IemperaIure, AUTO
inIensiIy, and ouIside influences, Ihe air is di
recIed Io Ihe windshield, side windows, upper
body, and inIo Ihe fooIwell.
The cooling funcIion, refer Io page 130, is
swiIched on auIomaIically wiIh Ihe AUTO pro
AI Ihe same Iime, a condensaIion sensor con
Irols Ihe program so as Io prevenI window con
densaIion as much as possible.
lntensity of the AUTO program
WiIh Ihe AUTO program swiIched on, auIomaIic
conIrol of Ihe air flow and air disIribuIion can be
Press Ihe lefI or righI side of Ihe buIIon:
decrease or increase Ihe inIensiIy.
The selecIed inIensiIy is shown on Ihe display
of Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol.
Air fIow, manuaI
To be able Io manually adjusI Ihe air flow, swiIch
off Ihe AUTO program firsI.
Press Ihe lefI or righI side of Ihe buIIon:
decrease or increase air flow.
The selecIed air flow is shown on Ihe display of
Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol.
The air flow of Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol may
be reduced auIomaIically Io save baIIery power.
Defrosting windows and removing
Press Ihe buIIon.
lce and condensaIion are quickly re
moved from Ihe windshield and Ihe fronI side
The air flow can be adjusIed when Ihe program
is acIive.
lf Ihe windows are fogged over, you can also
swiIch on Ihe cooling funcIion or press Ihe
AUTO buIIon Io uIilize Ihe condensaIion sensor.
Maximum cooIing
Press Ihe buIIon.
The sysIem is seI Io Ihe lowesI Iem
peraIure, maximum air flow and recirculaIed-air
SeiIe 129
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Air flows ouI of Ihe venIs for Ihe upper body re
gion. Open Ihem for Ihis purpose.
Air is cooled as quickly as possible:
AI an exIernal IemperaIure of approx.
32 /0 .
When Ihe engine is running.
The air flow can be adjusIed when Ihe program
is acIive.
Automatic recircuIated-air controIl
recircuIated-air mode
You can respond Io unpleasanI odors or pollu
IanIs in Ihe immediaIe environmenI by Iempo
rarily suspending Ihe supply of ouIside air. The
sysIem Ihen recirculaIes Ihe air currenIly wiIhin
Ihe vehicle.
Press Ihe buIIon repeaIedly Io selecI
an operaIing mode:
LEDs off: ouIside air flows in conIinuously.
LefI LED on, auIomaIic recirculaIed-air con
Irol: a sensor deIecIs polluIanIs in Ihe ouI
side air and conIrols Ihe shuIoff auIomaIi
RighI LED on, recirculaIed-air mode: Ihe
supply of ouIside air inIo Ihe vehicle is per
manenIly blocked.
lf Ihe windows are fogged over, swiIch off Ihe
recirculaIed-air mode and press Ihe AUTO buI
Ion on Ihe driver's side Io uIilize Ihe condensa
Iion sensor. Make sure IhaI air can flow onIo Ihe
ConIinuous recirculaIed-air mode
The recirculaIed-air mode should noI be
used for an exIended period of Iime, as Ihe air
qualiIy inside Ihe vehicle deIerioraIes sIeadily.
OooIing function
The passenger comparImenI can only be
cooled wiIh Ihe engine running.
Press Ihe buIIon.
The air is cooled and dehumidified and, depend
ing on Ihe IemperaIure seIIing, warmed again.
Depending on Ihe weaIher, Ihe windshield may
fog up briefly when Ihe engine is sIarIed.
The cooling funcIion is swiIched on auIomaIi
cally wiIh Ihe AUTO program.
When using Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol, con
densaIion waIer, refer Io page 154, develops
IhaI exiIs underneaIh Ihe vehicle.
Rear window defroster
Press Ihe buIIon.
The rear window defrosIer swiIches off
auIomaIically afIer a cerIain period of Iime.
ALL program
The currenI seIIings on Ihe driver's side
for IemperaIure, air flow, air disIribu
Iion, and AUTO program are Iransferred Io Ihe
fronI passenger side and Io Ihe lefI and righI
The program is swiIched off if Ihe seIIings on
Ihe fronI passenger side or in Ihe rear are
ResiduaI heat
The heaI sIored in Ihe engine is used Io heaI Ihe
FunctionaI requirement
Up Io 20 minuIes afIer Ihe engine has been
swiIched off.
Warm engine.
The baIIery is sufficienIly charged.
ExIernal IemperaIure below 77 /25 .
Switching on
1. SwiIch off Ihe igniIion.
2. Press Ihe righI side of Ihe buIIon on
Ihe driver's side.
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Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
is shown on Ihe display of Ihe auIomaIic cli
maIe conIrol.
The inIerior IemperaIure, air volume and air dis
IribuIion can be adjusIed wiIh Ihe igniIion
swiIched on.
Switching off
AI Ihe lowesI fan speed, press Ihe lefI side of Ihe
buIIon on Ihe driver's side.
on Ihe display of Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
goes ouI.
Switching the system onloff
Switching off
CompleIe sysIem:
Press and hold Ihe lefI buIIon on
Ihe driver's side unIil Ihe conIrol
clicks off.
On Ihe fronI passenger side:
Press and hold Ihe lefI buIIon on
Ihe fronI passenger side.
Switching on
Press any buIIon excepI:
ALL program.
Rear window defrosIer.
LefI side of Air volume buIIon.
SeaI heaIing.
SeaI venIilaIion.
MicrofiIterlactivated-charcoaI fiIter
The microfilIer removes dusI and pollen from
Ihe incoming air.
The acIivaIed-charcoal filIer removes gaseous
polluIanIs from Ihe ouIside air IhaI enIers Ihe
This combined filIer should be replaced during
scheduled mainIenance, refer Io page 182, of
your vehicle.
Front ventiIation
Thumbwheels Io vary Ihe IemperaIure, ar
row 1.
Toward blue: colder.
Toward red: warmer.
Lever for changing Ihe air flow direcIion, ar
row 2.
Thumbwheels for opening and closing Ihe
venIs conIinuously, arrows 3.
VentiIation IeveIs
DrafI-free venIilaIion:
Thumbwheel, arrow 3, in level : Ihe air
currenI is fanned ouI.
Maximum air flow:
Thumbwheel, arrow 3, in level : Ihe air is
parIially fanned ouI and parIially bundled.
This maximizes Ihe air supply.
DirecI venIilaIion:
Thumbwheel, arrow 3, in level : Ihe air is
bundled and can be direcIed Io a specific
Adjusting the ventiIation
VenIilaIion for cooling:
AdjusI Ihe venI Io direcI Ihe air in your di
recIion, such as if Ihe vehicle inIerior is hoI
from Ihe sun.
DrafI-free venIilaIion:
AdjusI Ihe venI Io leI Ihe air flow pasI you.
SeiIe 131
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VentiIation in rear, center
Thumbwheels Io vary Ihe IemperaIure, ar
row 1.
Toward blue: colder.
Toward red: warmer.
Lever for changing Ihe air flow direcIion, ar
row 2.
Thumbwheels for conIinuous opening and
closing of Ihe venIs, arrow 3.
LateraI ventiIation
Thumbwheel for conIinuous opening and
closing of Ihe venIs, arrow 1.
Lever for changing Ihe air flow direcIion, ar
row 2.
Rear automatic cIimate
At a gIance
1 TemperaIure
2 AUTO program
3 VenI seIIings
4 Air flow, AUTO inIensiIy
5 Display
6 Maximum cooling
7 SeaI heaIing49
Switching the rear automatic cIimate
controI onloff
1. "SeIIings"
2. "ClimaIe"
3. "Rear climaIe conIrol"
The rear auIomaIic climaIe conIrol is noI opera
Iional if Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol is
swiIched off or if Ihe funcIion for defrosIing or
defogging Ihe windows is acIive.
AUTO program
Press Ihe buIIon.
Air flow, air disIribuIion, and Iempera
Iure are conIrolled auIomaIically:
Depending on Ihe selecIed IemperaIure, AUTO
inIensiIy, and ouIside influences, Ihe air is di
recIed Io Ihe upper body and inIo Ihe fooIwell.
The cooling funcIion is swiIched on auIomaIi
cally wiIh Ihe AUTO program.
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lntensity of the AUTO program
WiIh Ihe AUTO program swiIched on, auIomaIic
conIrol of Ihe air flow and air disIribuIion can be
Press Ihe lefI or righI side of Ihe buIIon:
decrease or increase Ihe inIensiIy.
The selecIed inIensiIy is shown on Ihe display
of Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol.
Turn Ihe wheel Io seI Ihe desired
The auIomaIic climaIe conIrol achieves Ihis
IemperaIure as quickly as possible, if necessary
by using Ihe maximum cooling or heaIing ca
paciIy, and Ihen keeps iI consIanI.
Avoid rapidly swiIching beIween differenI Iem
peraIure seIIings. The auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
will noI have sufficienI Iime Io adjusI Ihe seI
ManuaI air distribution
The air disIribuIion can be adjusIed Io individual
Press Ihe buIIon repeaIedly Io selecI a
Upper body region.
Upper body region and fooIwell.
Air fIow, manuaI
To be able Io manually adjusI Ihe air flow, swiIch
off Ihe AUTO program firsI.
Press Ihe lefI or righI side of Ihe buIIon:
decrease or increase air flow.
The selecIed air flow is shown on Ihe display of
Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol.
Switching the system onloff
Switching off
Press and hold Ihe lefI buIIon.
Switching on
Press any buIIon excepI:
LefI side of Air volume buIIon.
SeaI heaIing.
Maximum cooIing
Press Ihe buIIon.
The sysIem is seI Io Ihe lowesI Iem
peraIure, maximum air flow and recirculaIed-air
Air flows ouI of Ihe venIs for Ihe upper body re
gion. Open Ihem for Ihis purpose.
Air is cooled as quickly as possible:
AI an exIernal IemperaIure of approx.
32 /0 .
When Ihe engine is running.
Parked-car ventiIation
The concept
The parked-car venIilaIion venIilaIes Ihe vehicle
inIerior and lowers iIs IemperaIure, if necessary.
The sysIem can be swiIched on and off direcIly
or by using Iwo preseI swiIch-on Iimes. lI re
mains swiIched on for 30 minuIes.
OperaIion can be performed via iDrive.
Parked-car ventiIation
Using Ihe preseI swiIch-on Iime or when oper
aIed direcIly: any exIernal IemperaIure.
Open Ihe venIs Io allow air Io flow ouI.
Switching onloff directIy
1. "SeIIings"
SeiIe 133
OIimate controI OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
2. "ClimaIe"
3. "AcIivaIe parked-car venI."
The symbol on Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
flashes if Ihe sysIem is swiIched on.
The sysIem conIinues Io run for some Iime afIer
being swiIched off.
PreseIecting the switch-on time
1. "SeIIings"
2. "ClimaIe"
3. "Timer 1:" or "Timer 2:"
4. SeI Ihe desired Iime.
Activating the switch-on time
1. "SeIIings"
2. "ClimaIe"
3. "AcIivaIe Iimer 1" or "AcIivaIe Iimer 2"
The symbol on Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
lighIs up when Ihe swiIch-on Iime is acIivaIed.
The symbol on Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol
flashes when Ihe sysIem has been swiIched on.
The sysIem will only be swiIched on wiIhin Ihe
nexI 24 hours. AfIer IhaI, iI needs Io reacIivaIed.
SeiIe 134
OontroIs OIimate controI
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
lnterior equipment
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
lntegrated universaI remote
The concept
The inIegraIed universal remoIe conIrol can op
eraIe up Io 3 funcIions of remoIe-conIrolled sys
Iems such as garage door drives or lighIing sys
Iems. The inIegraIed universal remoIe conIrol
replaces up Io 3 differenI hand-held IransmiI
Iers. To operaIe Ihe remoIe conIrol, Ihe buIIons
on Ihe inIerior rearview mirror musI be program
med wiIh Ihe desired funcIions. The hand-held
IransmiIIer for Ihe parIicular sysIem is required
in order Io program Ihe remoIe conIrol.
During programming
During programming and before acIivaI
ing a device using Ihe inIegraIed universal re
moIe conIrol, ensure IhaI Ihere are no people,
animals, or objecIs in Ihe range of movemenI of
Ihe remoIe-conIrolled device; oIherwise, Ihere
is a risk of injury or damage.
Also follow Ihe safeIy insIrucIions of Ihe hand-
held IransmiIIer.
Before selling Ihe vehicle, deleIe Ihe sIored
funcIions for Ihe sake of securiIy.
lf Ihis symbol is prinIed on Ihe packaging
or in Ihe insIrucIions of Ihe sysIem Io be
conIrolled, Ihe sysIem is generally com
paIible wiIh Ihe inIegraIed universal remoIe
lf you have any quesIions, please conIacI:
Your service cenIer. on Ihe lnIerneI.
HomeLink is a regisIered Irademark of Johnson
ConIrols, lnc.
OontroIs on the interior rearview mirror
LED, arrow 1.
BuIIons, arrow 2.
The hand-held IransmiIIer, arrow 3, is re
quired for programming.
GeneraI information
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. lniIial seIup:
Press and hold Ihe lefI and righI buIIon on
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror simulIaneously
for approximaIely 20 seconds unIil Ihe LED
on Ihe inIerior rearview mirror flashes. This
erases all programming of Ihe buIIons on
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror.
3. Hold Ihe hand-held IransmiIIer for Ihe sys
Iem Io be conIrolled approx. 1 Io 3 in/2.5 Io
8 cm away from Ihe buIIons on Ihe inIerior
SeiIe 135
lnterior equipment OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
rearview mirror. The required disIance de
pends on Ihe manual IransmiIIer.
4. SimulIaneously press and hold Ihe buIIon of
Ihe desired funcIion on Ihe hand-held Irans
miIIer and Ihe buIIon Io be programmed on
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror. The LED on Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror will begin flashing
5. Release boIh buIIons as soon as Ihe LED
flashes more rapidly. When Ihe LED is flash
ing fasIer, Ihis indicaIes IhaI Ihe buIIon on
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror has been pro
lf Ihe LED does noI flash fasIer afIer aI leasI
60 seconds, change Ihe disIance beIween
Ihe inIerior rearview mirror and Ihe hand-
held IransmiIIer and repeaI Ihe sIep. Several
more aIIempIs aI differenI disIances may be
necessary. WaiI aI leasI 15 seconds be
Iween aIIempIs.
Canada: if programming wiIh Ihe hand-held
IransmiIIer was inIerrupIed, hold down Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror buIIon and repeaI
edly press and release Ihe hand-held Irans
miIIer buIIon for 2 seconds.
6. To program oIher funcIions on oIher buI
Ions, repeaI sIeps 3 Io 5.
The sysIems can be conIrolled using Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror buIIons.
SpeciaI feature of the aIternating-code
wireIess system
lf you are unable Io operaIe Ihe sysIem afIer re
peaIed programming, please check if Ihe sys
Iem Io be conIrolled feaIures an alIernaIing-
code sysIem.
Read Ihe sysIem's operaIing manual, or press
Ihe programmed buIIon on Ihe inIerior rearview
mirror longer. lf Ihe LED on Ihe inIerior rearview
mirror sIarIs flashing rapidly and Ihen sIays liI
consIanIly for 2 seconds, Ihe sysIem feaIures
an alIernaIing-code sysIem. Flashing and con
Iinuous illuminaIion of Ihe LED will repeaI for
approximaIely 20 seconds.
For sysIems wiIh an alIernaIing-code sysIem,
Ihe inIegraIed universal remoIe conIrol and Ihe
sysIem also have Io be synchronized.
Please read Ihe operaIing manual of Ihe sysIem
being seI up for informaIion on how Io syn
chronize Ihe sysIem.
Synchronizing is easier wiIh Ihe aid of a second
To synchronize:
1. Park Ihe vehicle wiIhin range of Ihe remoIe-
conIrolled sysIem.
2. Program Ihe relevanI buIIon on Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror as described.
3. LocaIe and press Ihe synchronizing buIIon
on Ihe sysIem being programmed. You have
approx. 30 seconds for Ihe nexI sIep.
4. Hold down Ihe programmed buIIon on Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror for approximaIely
3 seconds and Ihen release iI. lf necessary,
repeaI Ihis work sIep up Io Ihree Iimes in or
der Io finish synchronizaIion. Once synchro
nizaIion is compleIe, Ihe programmed func
Iion will be carried ouI.
Reprogramming individuaI buttons
1. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
2. Press and hold Ihe inIerior rearview mirror
buIIon Io be programmed.
3. As soon as Ihe inIerior rearview mirror LED
sIarIs flashing slowly, hold Ihe hand-held
IransmiIIer for Ihe sysIem Io be conIrolled
approx. 1 Io 3 in/2.5 Io 8 cm away from Ihe
buIIons on Ihe inIerior rearview mirror. The
required disIance depends on Ihe manual
4. Likewise, press and hold Ihe buIIon of Ihe
desired funcIion on Ihe hand-held IransmiI
5. Release boIh buIIons as soon as Ihe inIerior
rearview mirror LED flashes more rapidly.
When Ihe LED is flashing fasIer, Ihis indi
caIes IhaI Ihe buIIon on Ihe inIerior rearview
mirror has been programmed. The sysIem
SeiIe 136
OontroIs lnterior equipment
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
can Ihen be conIrolled by Ihe buIIon on Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror.
lf Ihe LED does noI flash fasIer afIer aI leasI
60 seconds, change Ihe disIance and repeaI
Ihe sIep. Several more aIIempIs aI differenI
disIances may be necessary. WaiI aI leasI
15 seconds beIween aIIempIs.
Canada: if programming wiIh Ihe hand-held
IransmiIIer was inIerrupIed, hold down Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror buIIon and repeaI
edly press and release Ihe hand-held Irans
miIIer buIIon for 2 seconds.
Before operaIion
Before operaIing a sysIem using Ihe
inIegraIed universal remoIe conIrol, ensure IhaI
Ihere are no people, animals, or objecIs wiIhin
Ihe range of movemenI of Ihe remoIe-conIrolled
sysIem; oIherwise, Ihere is a risk of injury or
Also follow Ihe safeIy insIrucIions of Ihe hand-
held IransmiIIer.
The sysIem, such as Ihe garage door, can be
operaIed using Ihe buIIon on Ihe inIerior rear
view mirror while Ihe engine is running or when
Ihe igniIion is sIarIed. To do Ihis, hold down Ihe
buIIon wiIhin receiving range of Ihe sysIem unIil
Ihe funcIion is acIivaIed. The inIerior rearview
mirror LED sIays liI while Ihe wireless signal is
being IransmiIIed.
DeIeting stored functions
Press and hold Ihe lefI and righI buIIon on Ihe
inIerior rearview mirror simulIaneously for ap
proximaIely 20 seconds unIil Ihe LED flashes
rapidly. All sIored funcIions are deleIed. The
funcIions cannoI be deleIed individually.
Ashtraylcigarette Iighter
ManuaI transmission: Front
Press on Ihe cover.
Take ouI Ihe inserI.
Push in Ihe lighIer.
The lighIer can be removed as
soon as iI pops back ouI.
Danger of burns
Only hold Ihe hoI lighIer by iIs knob; oIh
erwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of geIIing burned.
SwiIch off Ihe igniIion and Iake Ihe remoIe con
Irol wiIh you when leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI
children cannoI use Ihe lighIer and burn Ihem
SeiIe 137
lnterior equipment OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
DoubIe-cIutch transmission: Front
Press on Ihe cover.
Take ouI Ihe inserI.
Press on Ihe cover.
Push in Ihe lighIer.
The lighIer can be removed as
soon as iI pops back ouI.
Danger of burns
Only hold Ihe hoI lighIer by iIs knob; oIh
erwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of geIIing burned.
SwiIch off Ihe igniIion and Iake Ihe remoIe con
Irol wiIh you when leaving Ihe vehicle so IhaI
children cannoI use Ihe lighIer and burn Ihem
Press on Ihe cover.
Take ouI Ihe inserI.
Push in Ihe lighIer.
The lighIer can be removed as soon as iI pops
back ouI.
Danger of burns
Only hold Ihe hoI lighIer by iIs knob; oIh
erwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of geIIing burned.
Take Ihe remoIe conIrol wiIh you when leaving
Ihe vehicle so IhaI children cannoI use Ihe
lighIer and burn Ihemselves.
SeiIe 138
OontroIs lnterior equipment
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Oonnecting eIectricaI devices
Do noI plug Ihe charger inIo Ihe sockeI
Do noI connecI baIIery chargers Io Ihe
facIory-insIalled sockeIs in Ihe vehicle. Doing so
may resulI in damage Io Ihe vehicle.
The lighIer sockeI can be used as a sockeI for
elecIrical equipmenI while Ihe engine is running
or when Ihe igniIion is swiIched on. The IoIal
load of all sockeIs musI noI exceed 140 waIIs aI
12 volIs.
Do noI damage Ihe sockeI by using unsuiIable
Front center consoIe: manuaI
Press on Ihe cover.
Remove Ihe cover or cigareIIe lighIer.
Automatic transmission, Front center
consoIe: doubIe-cIutch transmission
Press on Ihe cover.
Remove Ihe cover or cigareIIe lighIer.
Oenter armrest
Remove cover.
Rear center consoIe
Remove Ihe cover or cigareIIe lighIer.
SeiIe 139
lnterior equipment OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ln the front passenger footweII
SockeI is locaIed below Ihe glove comparImenI.
To access Ihe sockeI: fold open Ihe cover.
ln the cargo area
The sockeI is locaIed in Ihe cover of Ihe loading
To access Ihe sockeI: fold open Ihe cover.
USB interface for data
With ProfessionaI navigation system or
TV: at a gIance
The USB inIerface is locaIed in Ihe cenIer arm
Without ProfessionaI navigation
system or TV: at a gIance
The USB inIerface is locaIed in Ihe glove com
GeneraI information
ConnecIion for imporIing and exporIing daIa on
USB devices, e.g.:
Personal Profile seIIings.
Music collecIion, see user's manual for Nav
igaIion, EnIerIainmenI and CommunicaIion.
Observe Ihe following when connecIing:
Do noI use force when plugging Ihe con
necIor inIo Ihe USB inIerface.
Do noI connecI devices such as fans or
lamps Io Ihe USB inIerface.
Do noI connecI USB hard drives.
Do noI use Ihe USB inIerface Io recharge
exIernal devices.
Through-Ioading system
The concept
The cargo area can be enlarged by folding down
Ihe rear seaI backresI.
The rear seaI backresI is divided inIo Iwo parIs
aI a raIio of 60 Io 40.
The sides can be folded down separaIely or Io
SeiIe 140
OontroIs lnterior equipment
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Danger of pinching
Before folding down Ihe rear seaI back
resIs, ensure IhaI Ihe area of movemenI of Ihe
backresIs is clear. ln parIicular, ensure IhaI no
one is locaIed in or reaches inIo Ihe area of
movemenI of Ihe rear seaI backresIs when Ihe
middle secIion is folded down. OIherwise, injury
or damage may resulI.
Locking Ihe backresI
Before driving wiIh passengers in Ihe rear
of Ihe vehicle, make sure IhaI Ihe backresIs are
engaged and Ihus locked in place. OIherwise,
Ihe resIraining effecI of Ihe safeIy belIs may be
limiIed in an accidenI.
Move Ihe fronI seaIs Io an uprighI posiIion
Before folding down Ihe rear backresIs,
ensure IhaI Ihe fronI seaIs are moved forward
slighIly and are in an uprighI posiIion. OIher
wise, Ihe head resIrainI and screen could be
1. Unlock Ihe belI lock of Ihe cenIer safeIy belI
in Ihe rear using Ihe laIch plaIe of anoIher
safeIy belI.
2. lnserI Ihe laIch plaIe aI Ihe end of Ihe belI
inIo Ihe specially designaIed fixIure on Ihe
rear window shelf.
3. Push Ihe corresponding head resIrainI
down as far as iI will go.
4. Pull Ihe corresponding lever in Ihe cargo
area Io release Ihe rear seaI backresI.
5. The unlocked rear seaI backresI moves for
ward slighIly.
6. Fold backresI forward.
1. ReIurn Ihe rear seaI backresI Io Ihe uprighI
seaIing posiIion and engage iI.
Ensure IhaI Ihe lock is securely en
Make sure IhaI Ihe lock engages properly
when folding back, oIherwise IransporIed
cargo could enIer Ihe passenger comparI
menI during braking or evasive maneuvers
and endanger Ihe vehicle occupanIs.
2. Release Ihe belI Iongue from Ihe fixIure on
Ihe rear window shelf.
3. lnserI Ihe belI Iongue in Ihe belI lock of Ihe
cenIer safeIy belI. Make sure you hear Ihe
laIch plaIe engage.
To secure cargo, refer Io page 157, wiIh neIs or
draw sIraps, Ihe cargo area is fiIIed wiIh lashing
SeiIe 141
lnterior equipment OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Ski bag
The ski bag can be used Io IransporI up Io four
pairs of skis wiIh a lengIh of up Io 6 fI/2.10 m or,
depending on Ihe binding, up Io Iwo snow
boards wiIh a lengIh of up Io 5 fI/1.60 m.
Preparing and Ioading the ski bag
1. Fold open Ihe cenIer armresI on Ihe inside.
2. Open Ihe inside cover and cargo area by
pressing Ihe buIIon.
3. Lay ouI Ihe ski bag.
4. Load Ihe ski bag. lf necessary, wrap Ihe
sharp edges of Ihe skis.
5. lnserI Ihe Iongue plaIe inIo Ihe belI buckle.
6. TighIen Ihe reIaining sIrap.
Securing Ihe ski bag
Secure Ihe ski bag by IighIening Ihe re
Iaining sIrap; oIherwise, Ihe conIenIs could
presenI a source of danger Io Ihe passengers,
for example during braking or evasive maneu
Removing the ski bag
The ski bag can be removed enIirely, e.g., Io dry
quickly or Io use oIher inserIs.
1. Pull Ihe handle forward and lifI Ihe ski bag
2. Close Ihe cover in Ihe cargo area.
SeiIe 142
OontroIs lnterior equipment
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
More informaIion on Ihe various inserIs available
can be obIained from your service cenIer.
SeiIe 143
lnterior equipment OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Storage compartments
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
No loose objecIs in Ihe passenger com
Do noI sIow any objecIs in Ihe passenger com
parImenI wiIhouI securing Ihem; oIherwise,
Ihey may presenI a danger Io occupanIs for in
sIance during braking and avoidance maneu
Do noI place anIi-slip maIs on Ihe dash
Do noI place anIi-slip maIs on Ihe dashboard.
The maI maIerials could damage Ihe dash
Storage compartments
The following sIorage comparImenIs are avail
able in Ihe vehicle inIerior:
Glove comparImenI on Ihe driver's and fronI
passenger side, refer Io page 144.
SIorage comparImenI, refer Io page 146, in
Ihe cenIer console for remoIe conIrol.
SIorage comparImenI in Ihe cenIer armresI,
refer Io page 145, in Ihe fronI and rear.
ComparImenIs in Ihe doors.
PockeIs on Ihe backresIs of Ihe fronI seaIs.
NeI in Ihe fronI passenger fooIwell.
GIove compartment
Front passenger side
Pull Ihe handle.
The lighI in Ihe glove comparImenI swiIches on.
Close Ihe glove comparImenI again im
Close Ihe glove comparImenI immediaIely afIer
use while driving; oIherwise, injury may occur
during accidenIs.
Fold up Ihe cover.
Driver's side
Pull Ihe handle.
SeiIe 144
OontroIs Storage compartments
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Close Ihe glove comparImenI again im
Close Ihe glove comparImenI immediaIely afIer
use while driving; oIherwise, injury may occur
during accidenIs.
Fold up Ihe cover.
Oenter armrest
A sIorage comparImenI is locaIed in Ihe cenIer
armresI beIween Ihe fronI seaIs.
Press Ihe buIIon.
Locking the storage compartment
The sIorage comparImenI in Ihe armresI can be
locked wiIh an inIegraIed key Io separaIely se
cure Ihe Irunk lid, refer Io page 39, for example.
AfIer Ihe sIorage comparImenI is locked, Ihe re
moIe conIrol can be handed ouI wiIhouI Ihe
inIegraIed key, refer Io page 30, for insIance aI
a hoIel.
This prevenIs access Io Ihe sIorage comparI
menI and Io Ihe cargo area.
Oonnection for an externaI audio
For a descripIion, see Ihe user's
manual for NavigaIion, EnIerIain
menI and CommunicaIion.
The cenIer armresI conIains a sIorage comparI
FoIding down
Pull on Ihe opener and fold Ihe armresI forward.
Pull on Ihe handle and fold open Ihe cover.
SeiIe 145
Storage compartments OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ShaIIer-proof conIainers and no hoI
Use lighI and shaIIer-proof conIainers and do
noI IransporI hoI drinks. OIherwise, Ihere is Ihe
increased danger of injury in an accidenI.
UnsuiIable conIainers
Do noI forcefully push unsuiIable conIain
ers inIo Ihe cupholders. This may resulI in dam
ManuaI transmission: Front
On the center consoIe
To open: press Ihe buIIon.
The inserI folds ouI.
To use as a sIorage comparImenI, fold Ihe inserI
back in.
DoubIe-cIutch transmission: Front
To open: press on Ihe cover.
ln Ihe fronI cenIer armresI.
The cupholder can be adjusIed for Ihree differ
enI conIainer sizes.
To open: press Ihe buIIon.
To reduce in size: fold closed Io Ihe desired po
To close: fold all Ihe way closed. The cupholder
musI be closed before iI can be opened fully.
Remote controI storage
Press on Ihe cover.
SeiIe 146
OontroIs Storage compartments
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Remote controI storage compartment
SIorage is possible in a verIical posiIion in Ihe
cenIer armresI.
OIothes hooks
The cloIhes hooks are locaIed nexI Io Ihe grab
handles in Ihe rear and on Ihe door pillar in Ihe
Do noI obsIrucI view
When suspending cloIhing from Ihe
hooks, ensure IhaI iI will noI obsIrucI Ihe driver's
No heavy objecIs
Do noI hang heavy objecIs from Ihe hooks;
oIherwise, Ihey may presenI a danger Io pas
sengers during braking and evasive maneu
Storage compartments in the
cargo area
Smaller objecIs can be sIored in Ihe neI on Ihe
side of Ihe cargo area.
To IransporI larger objecIs, iI can be pushed
MuIti-function hook
A mulIi-funcIion hook is available on Ihe lefI
cargo area wall.
LighI and suiIable objecIs only
Only hang lighI bags or suiIable objecIs
from Ihe holders. OIherwise, Ihere is a danger of
objecIs flying abouI during braking and evasive
Only IransporI heavy luggage in Ihe Irunk if iI has
been appropriaIely secured.
Storage compartment under the cargo
fIoor paneI
Raise Ihe cargo floor panel.
Storage compartment on the side
A sIorage comparImenI is locaIed aI Ihe side of
Ihe cargo area.
Lashing eyes
To secure Ihe cargo, refer Io page 157, Ihere
are lashing eyes in Ihe cargo area.
SeiIe 147
Storage compartments OontroIs
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490

Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Driving tips
This chapIer provides you wiIh informaIion useful
in dealing wiIh specific driving and operaIing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
BMW M5 technoIogy
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
VS high performance engine
The high-speed-V8 engine geIs maximum
power of 412 kW and maximum Iorque of
680 Nm from a displacemenI of 4.4 liIers. WiIh
iIs sponIaneous response behavior, a speed
range of wide uIiliIy resulIs. The maximum en
gine speed is aI 7,200 rpm and is elecIronically
conIrolled. Because of Ihe high engine dynam
ics, Ihe maximum engine speed wiIh Ihe vehicle
sIaIionary is progressively deacIivaIed afIer a
shorI Iime.
During Ihe engine warmup phase, Ihe V8 high-
performance engine has a somewhaI rougher
running behavior because of Ihe emission con
When Ihe engine is cold, Ihe exhausI sysIem has
a slighIly meIallic underIone due Io Ihe naIure of
Ihe sysIem.
For more informaIion abouI Ihe warmup proce
dure: Engine speed, refer Io page 80, and engine
oil IemperaIure, refer Io page 80.
M carbon ceramic brake
A high-performance braking sysIem wiIh perfo
raIed carbon ceramic brake disks is also availa
ble as an opIion.
Because of parIicular sIrucIural characIerisIics,
Ihere may be operaIion-relaIed noises during
braking. However, Ihis has no effecI on Ihe per
formance, operaIional reliabiliIy and durabiliIy of
Ihe brake.
Drive train
WiIh Ihis vehicle, parIicular value was placed on
Ihe direcI connecIion from engine Io Ihe drive
Irain. Due Io Ihe Iorsionally rigid design of Ihe
drive Irain, as is Iypical in a sporIs car, Ihe Irans
mission of Ihe Iorque also gives acousIic feed
When Ihere are load changes, Ihis may resulI in
clacker noises. The do noI cause any impair
menI of Ihe operaIion or Ihe service life of Ihe
SeiIe 150
Driving tips BMW M5 technoIogy
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Driving on racetracks
Before driving on a raceIrack:
ParIicipaIion in Ihe BMW Driver Training.
Have vehicle checked aI a service cenIer.
RaceIrack operaIion leads Io increased wear.
The vehicle is noI designed for moIorsporIs
compeIiIive use. This wear is noI covered by Ihe
The sIandard brake linings and Ihe wear indica
Iors are noI designed for raceIrack operaIion.
For more informaIion and advice, conIacI your
service cenIer.
SeiIe 151
BMW M5 technoIogy Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Things to remember when driving
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Breaking-in period
GeneraI information
Moving parIs need Io be broken in Io adjusI Io
each oIher.
The following insIrucIions will help achieve a
long vehicle life and good economy.
During Ihe break-in, do noI use Ihe Launch Con
Irol, refer Io page 73.
Engine and differentiaI
Always obey Ihe official speed limiI.
Up to 1,200 miIesl2,000 km
Drive aI varying engine and road speeds, buI do
noI exceed 5,500 rpm and 106 mph/170 km/h.
Avoid full-IhroIIle operaIion and use of Ihe
Iransmission's kickdown mode for Ihe iniIial
At 1,200 miIesl2,000 km
Have drive-in checkup mainIenance performed.
From 1,200 miIesl2,000 km to
3,100 miIesl5,000 km
The engine and road speed can gradually be in
creased Io a consIanI speed of
137 mph/220 km/h.
Use Ihe maximum speed of 155 mph/250 km/h
only briefly, e.g. when passing.
Due Io Iechnical facIors associaIed wiIh Iheir
manufacIure, Iires do noI achieve Iheir full Irac
Iion poIenIial unIil afIer an iniIial breaking-in pe
Drive conservaIively for Ihe firsI
200 miles/300 km.
Brake system
Brakes require an iniIial break-in period of ap
prox. 300 miles/500 km Io achieve opIimized
conIacI and wear paIIerns beIween brake pads
and discs. Drive moderaIely during Ihis break-in
The funcIion of Ihe cluIch reaches iIs opIimal
level only afIer a disIance driven of approx.
300 miles/500 km. During Ihis break-in period,
engage Ihe cluIch genIly.
FoIIowing part repIacement
The same breaking in procedures should be ob
served if any of Ihe componenIs menIioned
above have Io be renewed in Ihe course of Ihe
vehicle's operaIing life.
GeneraI driving notes
OIosing the trunk Iid
Drive wiIh Ihe Irunk lid closed
Only drive wiIh Ihe IailgaIe closed; oIher
wise, in Ihe evenI of an accidenI or braking or
evasive maneuvers, passengers or oIher road
users may be injured or Ihe vehicle may be dam
aged. ln addiIion, exhausI fumes may enIer Ihe
passenger comparImenI.
lf driving wiIh Ihe IailgaIe open cannoI be
SeiIe 152
Driving tips Things to remember when driving
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Close all windows and Ihe glass sunroof.
GreaIly increase Ihe blower speed.
Drive moderaIely.
Hot exhaust system
HoI exhausI sysIem
High IemperaIures are generaIed in Ihe
exhausI sysIem.
Do noI remove Ihe heaI shields insIalled and
never apply undercoaIing Io Ihem. When driv
ing, sIanding aI idle and while parking, Iake care
Io avoid possible conIacI beIween Ihe hoI ex
hausI sysIem and any highly flammable maIeri
als such as hay, leaves, grass, eIc. Such conIacI
could lead Io a fire, and wiIh iI Ihe risk of serious
personal injury as well as properIy damage.
Do noI Iouch hoI exhausI pipes; oIherwise, Ihere
is Ihe danger of geIIing burned.
OIimate controI windshieId
The marked area is noI covered wiIh heaI re
flecIive coaIing.
Use Ihis area for garage door openers, devices
for elecIronic Ioll collecIion, eIc.
OIimate controI Iaminated tinted safety
The vehicle glass provides full proIecIion
againsI Ihe harmful effecIs of UV radiaIion on Ihe
MobiIe communication devices in the
Mobile communicaIion devices in Ihe ve
lI is advised IhaI you do noI use mobile commu
nicaIion devices, e.g., mobile phones, inside Ihe
vehicle wiIhouI connecIing Ihem direcIly Io Ihe
exIernal anIenna. OIherwise, Ihe vehicle elec
Ironics and mobile communicaIion devices can
inIerfere wiIh each oIher. ln addiIion, Ihere is no
assurance IhaI Ihe radiaIion generaIed during
Iransmission will be discharged from Ihe vehicle
On weI or slushy roads, a wedge of waIer can
form beIween Ihe Iires and road surface.
This phenomenon is referred Io as hydroplan
ing. lI is characIerized by a parIial or compleIe
loss of conIacI beIween Ihe Iires and Ihe road
surface, ulIimaIely undermining your abiliIy Io
sIeer and brake Ihe vehicle.
When driving on weI or slushy roads, re
duce your speed Io prevenI hydroplaning.
Driving through water
Drive Ihough calm waIer only if iI is noI deeper
Ihan 9.8 inches/25 cm and aI Ihis heighI, no
fasIer Ihan walking speed, up Io 6 mph/10 km/h.
Adhere Io waIer depIh and speed limiIa
Do noI exceed Ihis waIer depIh and walking
speed; oIherwise, Ihe vehicle's engine, Ihe elec
Irical sysIems and Ihe Iransmission may be
Braking safeIy
Your vehicle is equipped wiIh ABS as a sIandard
SeiIe 153
Things to remember when driving Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Applying Ihe brakes fully is Ihe mosI effecIive
way of braking in siIuaIions when Ihis is neces
The vehicle mainIains sIeering responsiveness.
You can sIill avoid any obsIacles wiIh a minimum
of sIeering efforI.
The pulsing of Ihe brake pedal indicaIes IhaI
ABS is in iIs acIive mode.
ln cerIain braking siIuaIions, Ihe perforaIed
brake discs can cause funcIional problems.
However, Ihis has no effecI on Ihe performance
and operaIional reliabiliIy of Ihe brake.
Objects in the area around the pedaIs
No objecIs in Ihe area around Ihe pedals
Keep floor maIs, carpeIs, and any oIher
objecIs ouI of Ihe area of moIion of Ihe pedals;
oIherwise, Ihe funcIion of Ihe pedals could be
impeded while driving
Do noI place addiIional floor maIs over exisIing
maIs or oIher objecIs.
Only use floor maIs IhaI have been approved for
Ihe vehicle and can be properly fixed in place.
Ensure IhaI Ihe floor maIs are securely fasIened
again afIer Ihey were removed for cleaning, for
Driving in wet conditions
When roads are weI or Ihere is heavy rain, briefly
exerI genIle pressure on Ihe brake pedal every
few miles.
Ensure IhaI Ihis acIion does noI endanger oIher
road users.
The heaI generaIed in Ihis process helps dry Ihe
brake discs and pads.
ln Ihis way braking efficiency will be available
when you need iI.
Drive long or sIeep downhill gradienIs in Ihe gear
in which Ihe leasI braking is required. OIherwise,
Ihe brake sysIem may overheaI, resulIing in a
reducIion in Ihe brake sysIem efficiency.
Manual Iransmission:
You can increase Ihe engine's braking effecI by
shifIing down, going all Ihe way Io firsI gear, if
Double-cluIch Iransmission:
You can increase Ihe engine's braking effecI by
shifIing down in sequenIial mode, refer Io
page 71.
Avoid load on Ihe brakes
Avoid placing excessive load on Ihe brake
sysIem. LighI buI consisIenI brake pressure can
lead Io high IemperaIures, brake wear and pos
sibly even brake failure.
Do noI drive in neuIral
Do noI drive in neuIral or wiIh Ihe engine
sIopped, as doing so disables engine braking. ln
addiIion, sIeering and brake assisI is unavailable
wiIh Ihe engine sIopped.
Brake disc corrosion
Corrosion on Ihe brake discs and conIaminaIion
on Ihe brake pads are furIhered by:
Low mileage.
ExIended periods when Ihe vehicle is noI
used aI all.
lnfrequenI use of Ihe brakes.
Corrosion occurs when Ihe minimum pressure
IhaI musI be exerIed by Ihe pads during brake
applicaIions Io clean Ihe discs is noI reached.
Should corrosion form on Ihe brake discs, Ihe
brakes will Iend Io respond wiIh a pulsaIing ef
fecI IhaI generally cannoI be correcIed.
Oondensation under the parked vehicIe
When using Ihe auIomaIic climaIe conIrol, con
densaIion waIer develops IhaI exiIs underneaIh
Ihe vehicle.
Therefore, Iraces of condensed waIer under Ihe
vehicle are normal.
SeiIe 154
Driving tips Things to remember when driving
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Ground cIearance
LimiIed ground clearance
Observe Ihe limiIed ground clearance of
Ihe vehicle, e. g. while enIering underground
parking garages or when driving over obsIacles.
OIherwise, damages Io Ihe vehicle may resulI.
To drive down from curbs wiIh Ihe ElecIronic
Damper ConIrol, refer Io page 114, selecI Ihe
following program, Io keep Ihe ground clear
ance as even as possible: "SporI Plus"
SeiIe 155
Things to remember when driving Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
Overloading Ihe vehicle
To avoid exceeding Ihe approved carrying
capaciIy of Ihe Iires, never overload Ihe vehicle.
Overloading can lead Io overheaIing and in
creases Ihe raIe aI which damage develops in
side Ihe Iires. This could resulI in a sudden loss
of Iire inflaIion pressure.
No fluids in Ihe Irunk
Make sure IhaI fluids do noI leak inIo Ihe
Irunk; oIherwise, Ihe vehicle may be damaged.
Determining the Ioad Iimit
1. LocaIe Ihe following sIaIemenI on your ve
hicle's placard:
The combined weighI of occupanIs and
cargo should never exceed XXX kg or
YYY lbs. OIherwise, damage Io Ihe ve
hicle and unsIable driving siIuaIions may
2. DeIermine Ihe combined weighI of Ihe
driver and passengers IhaI will be riding in
your vehicle.
3. SubIracI Ihe combined weighI of Ihe driver
and passengers from XXX kilograms or YYY
4. The resulIing figure equals Ihe available
amounI of cargo and luggage load capaciIy.
For example, if Ihe YYY amounI equals
1,000 lbs and Ihere will be four 150 lbs pas
sengers in your vehicle, Ihe amounI of avail
able cargo and luggage load capaciIy is
400 lbs: 1,000 lbs minus 600 lbs = 400 lbs.
5. DeIermine Ihe combined weighI of luggage
and cargo being loaded on Ihe vehicle. ThaI
weighI may noI safely exceed Ihe available
cargo and luggage load capaciIy calculaIed
in SIep 4.
The maximum load is Ihe sum of Ihe weighI of
Ihe occupanIs and Ihe cargo.
The greaIer Ihe weighI of Ihe occupanIs, Ihe
less cargo IhaI can be IransporIed.
SeiIe 156
Driving tips Loading
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Stowing cargo
Heavy cargo: sIow as far forward and as low
as possible, ideally direcIly behind Ihe cargo
area separaIing wall.
Very heavy cargo: when Ihe rear seaI is noI
occupied, secure each of Ihe ouIer safeIy
belIs in Ihe opposiIe buckle.
Cover sharp edges and corners.
lf necessary, fold down Ihe rear backresIs Io
sIow cargo.
Do noI sIack cargo above Ihe Iop edge of Ihe
Securing cargo
Lashing eyes in the cargo area
To secure Ihe cargo, Ihere are four lashing eyes
in Ihe cargo area
Securing cargo
Smaller and lighIer iIems: secure wiIh re
Iaining sIraps or wiIh a cargo neI or draw
Larger and heavy objecIs: secure wiIh cargo
Cargo sIraps, cargo neIIing, reIaining sIraps or
draw sIraps on Ihe lashing eyes in Ihe cargo
Securing cargo
Always posiIion and secure Ihe cargo as
described above; oIherwise, iI can endanger Ihe
car's occupanIs if sudden braking or swerving
becomes necessary.
Heavy or hard objecIs should noI be carried
loose inside Ihe car; oIherwise, Ihey could be
Ihrown around as a resulI of hard braking, sud
den swerves, eIc., and endanger Ihe occu
Roof-mounted Iuggage rack
Roof racks are available as special accessories.
Follow Ihe insIallaIion insIrucIions of Ihe roof
Roof drip raiI with fIaps
The anchorage poinIs are locaIed in Ihe roof drip
rail above Ihe doors.
Fold Ihe cover ouIward.
SeiIe 157
Loading Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Because roof racks raise Ihe vehicle's cenIer of
graviIy when loaded, Ihey have a major effecI on
vehicle handling and sIeering response.
Therefore, noIe Ihe following when loading and
Do noI exceed Ihe approved roof/axle loads
and Ihe approved gross vehicle weighI.
DisIribuIe Ihe roof load uniformly.
The roof load should noI be Ioo large in area.
Always place Ihe heaviesI pieces on Ihe boI
Secure Ihe roof luggage firmly, e.g., Iie wiIh
raIcheI sIraps.
Do noI leI objecIs projecI inIo Ihe opening
paIh of Ihe Irunk lid.
Drive smooIhly. Avoid sudden acceleraIion
and braking maneuvers. Take corners gen
SeiIe 158
Driving tips Loading
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Saving fueI
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
Your vehicle conIains advanced Iechnology for
Ihe reducIion of fuel consumpIion and emis
Fuel consumpIion depends on a number of dif
ferenI facIors.
The implemenIaIion of cerIain measures, driv
ing sIyle and regular mainIenance can have an
influence on fuel consumpIion and on Ihe envi
ronmenIal impacI.
Remove unnecessary cargo
AddiIional weighI increases fuel consumpIion.
Remove attached parts
foIIowing use
Remove auxiliary mirrors, roof or rear luggage
racks which are no longer required following
AIIached parIs on Ihe vehicle impair Ihe aero
dynamics and increase Ihe fuel consumpIion.
OIose the windows and gIass
Driving wiIh Ihe glass sunroof and windows
open resulIs in increased air resisIance and
raises fuel consumpIion.
Oheck the tire infIation
pressure reguIarIy
Check and, if necessary, correcI Ihe Iire inflaIion
pressure aI leasI Iwice a monIh and before sIarI
ing on a long Irip.
Low Iire inflaIion pressure increases rolling re
sisIance and Ihus raises fuel consumpIion and
Iire wear.
Drive away without deIay
Do noI waiI for Ihe engine Io warm up while Ihe
vehicle remains sIaIionary. SIarI driving righI
away, buI aI moderaIe engine speeds.
This is Ihe fasIesI way for Ihe cold engine Io
reach iIs operaIing IemperaIure.
Look weII ahead when driving
Avoid unnecessary acceleraIion and braking.
By mainIaining a suiIable disIance Io Ihe vehicle
driving ahead of you.
Driving smooIhly and looking ahead reduces
fuel consumpIion.
Avoid high engine speeds
Use 1sI gear Io geI Ihe vehicle in moIion. Be
ginning wiIh 2nd gear, acceleraIe rapidly. When
acceleraIing, shifI up before reaching high en
gine speeds.
SeiIe 159
Saving fueI Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
When you reach Ihe desired speed, shifI inIo Ihe
highesI applicable gear and drive wiIh Ihe en
gine speed as low as possible and aI a consIanI
As a rule: driving aI low engine speeds lowers
fuel consumpIion and reduces wear.
The gear shifI indicaIor of your vehicle indicaIes
Ihe mosI fuel efficienI gear.
Use coasting conditions
When approaching a red lighI, Iake your fooI off
Ihe acceleraIor and leI Ihe vehicle coasI Io a halI.
On a downhill gradienI, Iake your fooI off Ihe ac
celeraIor and leI Ihe vehicle roll.
The flow of fuel is inIerrupIed while coasIing.
Switch off the engine during
Ionger stops
SwiIch off Ihe engine during longer sIops, e.g.,
aI Iraffic lighIs, railroad crossings or in Iraffic
Auto StartlStop function
The AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion of your vehicle au
IomaIically swiIches off Ihe engine during a
lf Ihe engine is swiIched off and Ihen resIarIed
raIher Ihan leaving Ihe engine running con
sIanIly, fuel consumpIion and emissions are re
duced. Savings can begin wiIhin a few seconds
of swiIching off Ihe engine.
Using Ihis sysIem can cause cerIain compo
nenIs of Ihe vehicle Io become worn prema
ln addiIion, fuel consumpIion is also deIermined
by oIher facIors, such as driving sIyle, road con
diIions, mainIenance or environmenIal facIors.
Switch off any functions that
are not currentIy needed
FuncIions such as seaI heaIing and Ihe rear win
dow defrosIer require a loI of energy and con
sume addiIional fuel, especially in ciIy and sIop-
and-go Iraffic.
Therefore, swiIch off Ihese funcIions if Ihey are
noI acIually needed.
Have maintenance carried out
Have vehicles mainIained regularly Io achieve
opIimal vehicle economy and operaIing life.
Have Ihe mainIenance carried ouI by your serv
ice cenIer.
Please also noIe Ihe BMW MainIenance Sys
Iem, refer Io page 182.
SeiIe 160
Driving tips Saving fueI
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SeiIe 161
Saving fueI Driving tips
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490

Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
To ensure IhaI you remain mobile aI all Iimes, Ihis
chapIer supplies you wiIh imporIanI informaIion
on Ihe Iopics of fuels and lubricanIs, wheels and
Iires, service, mainIenance, and Roadside
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
Refuel prompIly
Refuel no laIer Ihan aI a range of
30 miles/50 km, or operaIion of Ihe engine is noI
ensured and damage may occur.
FueI cap
1. Briefly press Ihe rear edge of Ihe fuel filler
2. Turn Ihe fuel cap counIerclockwise.
3. Place Ihe fuel cap in Ihe brackeI aIIached Io
Ihe fuel filler flap.
1. FiI Ihe cap and Iurn iI clockwise unIil you
clearly hear a click.
2. Close Ihe fuel filler flap.
Do noI pinch Ihe reIaining sIrap
Do noI pinch Ihe reIaining sIrap aIIached
Io Ihe cap; oIherwise, Ihe cap cannoI be closed
properly and fuel vapors can escape.
A message is displayed if Ihe cap is loose or
ManuaIIy unIocking fueI fiIIer fIap
ln Ihe evenI of an elecIrical malfuncIion, for ex
SeiIe 164
MobiIity RefueIing
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Pull Ihe green knob wiIh Ihe fuel pump symbol.
This releases Ihe fuel filler flap.
Observe the foIIowing when
The fuel Iank is full when Ihe filler nozzle clicks
off Ihe firsI Iime.
Do noI overfill Ihe fuel Iank
Do noI overfill Ihe fuel Iank; oIherwise fuel
may escape, causing harm Io Ihe environmenI
and damaging Ihe vehicle.
Handling fuels
Obey safeIy regulaIions posIed aI Ihe gas
SeiIe 165
RefueIing MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
FueI quaIity
For Ihe besI fuel economy, Ihe gasoline should
be sulfur-free or very low in sulfur conIenI.
Fuels IhaI are marked on Ihe gas pump as con
Iaining meIal musI noI be used.
Refuel only wiIh unleaded gasoline wiIh
ouI meIallic addiIives.
Do noI refuel wiIh any leaded gasoline or gaso
line wiIh meIallic addiIives, e. g. manganese or
iron, or permanenI damage Io Ihe caIalyIic con
verIer and oIher componenIs.
Fuels wiIh a maximum eIhanol conIenI of 10 ,
i. e., E10, may be used for refueling.
EIhanol should saIisfy Ihe following qualiIy sIan
US: ASTM 4806-xx
CAN: CGSB-3.511-xx
xx: comply wiIh Ihe currenI sIandard in each
Do noI refuel wiIh eIhanol E85
Do noI refuel wiIh E85, i.e., fuel wiIh an
eIhanol conIenI of 85 , or wiIh Flex Fuel, as Ihis
would damage Ihe engine and fuel supply sys
The engine is knock conIrolled. Therefore, you
can refuel wiIh differenI gasoline qualiIies.
Recommended fueI quaIity
BMW recommends AKl 93.
Minimum fueI grade
BMW recommends AKl 91.
Minimum fuel grade
Do noI use any gasoline below Ihe mini
mum fuel grade as Ihis may impair engine per
lf you use gasoline wiIh Ihis minimum AKl RaI
ing, Ihe engine may produce knocking sounds
when sIarIing aI high ouIside IemperaIures.
This has no effecI on Ihe engine life.
Minimum fuel grade
The use of poor-qualiIy fuels may resulI in
harmful engine deposiIs or damage. AddiIion
ally, problems relaIing Io drivabiliIy, sIarIing and
sIalling, especially under cerIain environmenIal
condiIions such as high ambienI IemperaIure
and high alIiIude, may occur.
lf drivabiliIy problems are encounIered, we rec
ommend swiIching Io a high qualiIy gasoline
brand and a higher ocIane grade - AKl number
- for a few Iank fills. To avoid harmful engine
deposiIs, iI is highly recommended Io purchase
gasoline from BP or Top Tier reIailers.
Failure Io comply wiIh Ihese recommendaIions
may resulI in Ihe need for unscheduled mainIe
SeiIe 166
MobiIity FueI
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
WheeIs and tires
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Tire infIation pressure
Safety information
The Iire characIerisIics and Iire inflaIion pres
sure influence Ihe following:
The service life of Ihe Iires.
Road safeIy.
Driving comforI.
Ohecking the pressure
Only check Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure when Ihe
Iires are cold. This means afIer driving no more
Ihan 1.25 miles/2 km or when Ihe vehicle has
been parked for aI leasI 2 hours. When Ihe Iires
are warm, Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure is higher.
Check Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure regularly
Regularly check Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure
and correcI iI as needed: aI leasI Iwice a monIh
and before a long Irip. lf you fail Io observe Ihis
precauIion, you may be driving on Iires wiIh in
correcI Iire pressures, a condiIion IhaI may noI
only compromise your vehicle's driving sIabiliIy,
buI also lead Io Iire damage and Ihe risk of an
AfIer correcIing Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure:
ReiniIialize Ihe FlaI Tire MoniIor.
ReiniIialize Ihe Tire Pressure MoniIor.
Pressure specifications
The Iire inflaIion pressure Iable, refer Io
page 168, conIains all pressure specificaIions
for Ihe specified Iire sizes aI Ihe ambienI Iem
peraIure. Pressure specificaIions apply Io ap
proved Iire sizes and recommended Iire brands.
This informaIion can be obIained from your
service cenIer.
To idenIify Ihe correcI Iire inflaIion pressure,
please noIe Ihe following:
Tire sizes of your vehicle.
Maximum permiIIed driving speed.
Tire infIation pressures up to 100 mphl
160 kmlh
For speeds of up Io 100 mph/160 km/h and for
opIimum driving comforI, noIe Ihe pressure val
ues in Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure Iable, refer Io
page 168, and adjusI as necessary.
These pressure values can also be found on Ihe
Iire inflaIion pressure label on Ihe driver's door
Maximum permissible speed
Do noI exceed 100 mph/160 km/h; oIher
wise, Iire damage and accidenIs may resulI.
SeiIe 167
WheeIs and tires MobiIity
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Tire infIation pressure vaIues up to
100 mphl160 kmlh
Tire size Pressure specificaIions in
SpecificaIions in
bar/PSl wiIh cold
255/40 R 100 V M
255/35 R 97 V M
2.5 / 36
2.7 / 39
2.5 / 36
2.7 / 39
F.: 265/40 R 102
R: 295/35ZR19
(104Y) XL
2.2 / 31
2.2 / 31
F: 265/35ZR20
(99Y) XL
R: 295/30ZR20
(101Y) XL
2.4 / 34
2.4 / 34
Tire infIation pressures at max. speeds
above 100 mphl160 kmlh
Speeds above 100 mph/160 km/h
ln order Io drive aI maximum speeds in ex
cess of 100 mph/160 km/h, please observe, and,
if necessary, adjusI Iire pressures for speeds
exceeding 100 mph/160 km/h from Ihe relevanI
Iable on Ihe following pages. OIherwise Iire
damage and accidenIs could occur.
Tire infIation pressure vaIues over
100 mphl160 kmlh
WiIh speed limiIer:
Tire size Pressure specificaIions in
SpecificaIions in
bar/PSl wiIh cold
255/40 R 100 V M
255/35 R 97 V M
3.0 / 43
3.0 / 43
3.0 / 43
3.3 / 47
F.: 265/40 R 102
R: 295/35ZR19
(104Y) XL
2.6 / 37
2.6 / 37
F: 265/35ZR20
(99Y) XL
R: 295/30ZR20
(101Y) XL
2.8 / 40
2.8 / 40
WiIhouI speed limiIer:
Tire size Pressure specificaIions in
SpecificaIions in
bar/PSl wiIh cold
255/40 R 100 V M
255/35 R 97 V M
3.0 / 43
3.0 / 43
3.0 / 43
3.3 / 47
F.: 265/40 R 102
R: 295/35ZR19
(104Y) XL
3.0 / 43
3.0 / 43
F: 265/35ZR20
(99Y) XL
R: 295/30ZR20
(101Y) XL
3.3 / 47
3.3 / 47
SeiIe 168
MobiIity WheeIs and tires
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Tire identification marks
Tire size
245/45 R 18 96 Y
245: nominal widIh in mm
45: aspecI raIio in
R: radial Iire code
18: rim diameIer in inches
96: load raIing, noI for ZR Iires
Y: speed raIing, before Ihe R on ZR Iires
Speed Ietter
T = up Io 118 mph, 190 km/h
H = up Io 131 mph, 210 km/h
V = up Io 150 mph, 240 km/h
W = up Io 167 mph, 270 km/h
Y = up Io 186 mph, 300 km/h
Tire ldentification Number
DOT code: DOT xxxx xxx 3510
xxxx: manufacIurer code for Ihe Iire brand
xxx: Iire size and Iire design
3510: Iire age
Tires wiIh DOT codes meeI Ihe guidelines of Ihe
U.S. DeparImenI of TransporIaIion.
Tire age
DOT . 3510: Ihe Iire was manufacIured in Ihe
35Ih week in 2010.
Regardless of wear, replace Iires aI leasI every
6 years.
Uniform Tire QuaIity Grading
QualiIy grades can be found where applicable
on Ihe Iire sidewall beIween Iread shoulder and
maximum secIion widIh.
For example: Treadwear 200; TracIion AA;
TemperaIure A
DOT QuaIity Grades
TracIion AA A B C
TemperaIure A B C
All passenger car Iires musI conform Io Federal
SafeIy RequiremenIs in addiIion Io Ihese
The Ireadwear grade is a comparaIive raIing
based on Ihe wear raIe of Ihe Iire when IesIed
under conIrolled condiIions on a specified gov
ernmenI IesI course. For example, a Iire graded
150 would wear one and one-half, 1 g, Iimes as
well on Ihe governmenI course as a Iire graded
100. The relaIive performance of Iires depends
upon Ihe acIual condiIions of Iheir use, however,
and may deparI significanIly from Ihe norm due
Io variaIions in driving habiIs, service pracIices
and differences in road characIerisIics and cli
The IracIion grades, from highesI Io lowesI, are
AA, A, B, and C.
Those grades represenI Ihe Iire's abiliIy Io sIop
on weI pavemenI as measured under conIrolled
condiIions on specified governmenI IesI surfa
ces of asphalI and concreIe. A Iire marked C may
have poor IracIion performance.
The IracIion grade assigned Io Ihis Iire is based
on sIraighI-ahead braking IracIion IesIs, and
does noI include acceleraIion, cornering, hydro
planing, or peak IracIion characIerisIics.
The IemperaIure grades are A, Ihe highesI, B,
and C, represenIing Ihe Iire's resisIance Io Ihe
generaIion of heaI and iIs abiliIy Io dissipaIe
heaI when IesIed under conIrolled condiIions
on a specified indoor laboraIory IesI wheel. Sus
Iained high IemperaIure can cause Ihe maIerial
of Ihe Iire Io degeneraIe and reduce Iire life, and
excessive IemperaIure can lead Io sudden Iire
SeiIe 169
WheeIs and tires MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
failure. The grade C corresponds Io a level of
performance which all passenger car Iires musI
meeI under Ihe Federal MoIor Vehicle SafeIy
SIandard No. 109. Grades Band A represenI
higher levels of performance on Ihe laboraIory
IesI wheel Ihan Ihe minimum required by law.
TemperaIure grade for Ihis Iire
The IemperaIure grade for Ihis Iire is es
Iablished for a Iire IhaI is properly inflaIed and
noI overloaded. Excessive speed, underinfla
Iion, or excessive loading, eiIher separaIely or in
combinaIion, can cause heaI buildup and pos
sible Iire failure.
lf necessary, have Ihe vehicle Iowed.
WinIer and all-season Iires wiIh beIIer cold
weaIher performance Ihan summer Iires.
Tire tread
Summer tires
Do noI drive wiIh a Iire Iread depIh of less Ihan
0.12 in/3 mm.
There is an increased danger of hydroplaning if
Ihe Iread depIh is less Ihan 0.12 in/3 mm.
Winter tires
Do noI drive wiIh a Iire Iread depIh of less Ihan
0.16 in/4 mm.
Below a Iread depIh of 0.16 in/4 mm, Iires are
less suiIable for winIer operaIion.
Minimum tread depth
Wear indicaIors are disIribuIed around Ihe Iire's
circumference and have Ihe legally required
minimum heighI of 0.063 in/1.6 mm.
They are marked on Ihe side of Ihe Iire wiIh TWl,
Tread Wear lndicaIor.
Tire damage
GeneraI information
lnspecI your Iires ofIen for damage, foreign ob
jecIs lodged in Ihe Iread, and Iread wear.
Driving over rough or damaged road surfaces, as
well as debris, curbs and oIher obsIacles can
cause serious damage Io wheels, Iires and sus
pension parIs. This is more likely Io occur wiIh
low-profile Iires, which provide less cushioning
beIween Ihe wheel and Ihe road. Be careful Io
avoid road hazards and reduce your speed, es
pecially if your vehicle is equipped wiIh low-pro
file Iires.
lndicaIions of Iire damage or oIher vehicle de
Unusual vibraIions during driving.
Unusual handling such as a sIrong Iendency
Io pull Io Ihe lefI or righI.
Damage can, e. g., be caused by driving over
curbs, road damage, or similar Ihings.
SeiIe 170
MobiIity WheeIs and tires
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
ln case of Iire damage
lf Ihere are indicaIions of Iire damage, re
duce your speed immediaIely and have Ihe
wheels and Iires checked righI away; oIherwise,
Ihere is Ihe increased risk of an accidenI.
Drive carefully Io Ihe nexI service cenIer or Iire
lf necessary, have Ihe vehicle Iowed.
OIherwise, Iire damage can be life-IhreaIening
for vehicle occupanIs and oIher Iraffic parIici
Repair of Iire damage
For safeIy reasons, Ihe manufacIurer of
your vehicle recommends IhaI you do noI have
damaged Iires repaired; Ihey should be re
placed. OIherwise, damage can occur as a re
Ohanging wheeIs and tires
lnformaIion on mounIing Iires
Have mounIing and balancing performed
only by a service cenIer or Iire specialisI.
lf Ihis work is noI carried ouI properly, Ihere is
Ihe danger of subsequenI damage and relaIed
safeIy hazards.
WheeI and tire combination
lnformaIion on Ihe correcI wheel-Iire combina
Iion and rim versions for your vehicle can be ob
Iained from your service cenIer.
lncorrecI wheel and Iire combinaIions impair Ihe
funcIion of a varieIy of sysIems such as ABS or
Using a Iire size oIher Ihan Ihe size originally fiI
Ied can significanIly affecI fuel consumpIion.
To mainIain good handling and vehicle re
sponse, use only Iires wiIh a single Iread con
figuraIion from a single manufacIurer.
Following Iire damage, have Ihe original wheel
and Iire combinaIion remounIed on Ihe vehicle
as soon as possible.
Approved wheels and Iires
The manufacIurer of your vehicle recom
mends IhaI you use only wheels and Iires IhaI
have been approved for your parIicular vehicle
For example, despiIe having Ihe same official
size raIings, variaIions can lead Io body conIacI
and wiIh iI, Ihe risk of severe accidenIs.
The manufacIurer of your vehicle cannoI evalu
aIe non-approved wheels and Iires Io deIermine
if Ihey are suiIed for use, and Iherefore cannoI
ensure Ihe operaIing safeIy of Ihe vehicle if Ihey
are mounIed.
Recommended tire brands
For each Iire size, Ihe manufacIurer of your ve
hicle recommends cerIain Iire brands. These
can be idenIified by a sIar on Ihe Iire sidewall.
WiIh proper use, Ihese Iires meeI Ihe highesI
sIandards for safeIy and handling.
New tires
Due Io Iechnical facIors associaIed wiIh Iheir
manufacIure, Iires do noI achieve Iheir full Irac
Iion poIenIial unIil afIer an iniIial breaking-in pe
Drive conservaIively for Ihe firsI
200 miles/300 km.
SeiIe 171
WheeIs and tires MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Retreaded tires
The manufacIurer of your vehicle does noI rec
ommend Ihe use of reIreaded Iires.
ReIreaded Iires
Possibly subsIanIial variaIions in Ihe de
sign and age of Ihe Iire casing sIrucIures can
limiI service life and have a negaIive impacI on
road safeIy.
Winter tires
The manufacIurer of your vehicle recommends
winIer Iires for winIer roads or aI IemperaIures
below +45 /+7 .
AlIhough so-called all-season M+S Iires do pro
vide beIIer winIer IracIion Ihan summer Iires,
Ihey do noI provide Ihe same level of perform
ance as winIer Iires.
Maximum speed of winter tires
lf Ihe maximum speed of Ihe vehicle is higher
Ihan Ihe permissible speed for Ihe winIer Iires,
Ihen display a corresponding sign in Ihe field of
vision. You can obIain Ihis sign from Ihe Iire spe
cialisI or from your service cenIer.
Maximum speed for winIer Iires
Do noI exceed Ihe maximum speed for Ihe
winIer Iires; oIherwise, Iire damage and acci
denIs can occur.
Rotating wheeIs between axIes
The manufacIurer of your vehicle advises
againsI swapping wheels beIween Ihe fronI and
rear axles.
This can impair Ihe handling characIerisIics.
RoIaIing Ihe Iires is noI permissible when using
differenI Iypes of Iires.
SIore wheels and Iires in a cool, dry place wiIh
as liIIle exposure Io lighI as possible.
Always proIecI Iires againsI all conIacI wiIh oil,
grease and fuels.
Do noI exceed Ihe maximum Iire inflaIion pres
sure indicaIed on Ihe side wall of Ihe Iire.
MobiIity System
Follow Ihe insIrucIions on using Ihe MobiliIy
SysIem found on Ihe compressor and seal
anI boIIle.
Use of Ihe MobiliIy SysIem may be ineffec
Iive if Ihe Iire puncIure measures approx.
1/8 in/4 mm or more.
ConIacI Ihe nearesI service cenIer if Ihe Iire
cannoI be made drivable.
lf possible, do noI remove foreign bodies
IhaI have peneIraIed Ihe Iire.
Pull Ihe speed limiI sIicker off Ihe sealanI
boIIle and apply iI Io Ihe sIeering wheel.
The MobiliIy SysIem is locaIed under Ihe floor
panel in Ihe cargo area.
SeaIant bottIe
SealanI boIIle, arrow 1.
Filling hose, arrow 2.
NoIe Ihe use-by daIe on Ihe sealanI boIIle.
SeiIe 172
MobiIity WheeIs and tires
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
1 Holder for boIIle
2 Compressor
3 ConnecIor/cable for sockeI
4 ConnecIion hose
5 On/off swiIch
6 lnflaIion pressure dial
7 Reduce inflaIion pressure
FiIIing the tire with seaIant
1. Shake Ihe sealanI boIIle.
2. Pull Ihe connecIion hose fully ouI of Ihe
compressor housing. Do noI kink Ihe hose.
3. Screw Ihe connecIion hose onIo Ihe con
necIor of Ihe sealing boIIle.
4. lnserI Ihe sealanI boIIle on Ihe compressor
housing in an uprighI posiIion.
5. Screw Ihe filling hose of Ihe sealanI boIIle
onIo Ihe valve of Ihe defecIive wheel.
SeiIe 173
WheeIs and tires MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
6. WiIh Ihe compressor swiIched off, inserI Ihe
plug inIo Ihe power sockeI inside Ihe vehi
7. WiIh Ihe igniIion Iurned on or Ihe engine
running, swiIch on Ihe compressor.
LeI Ihe compressor run for approx. 3 Io 8 mi
nuIes Io fill Ihe Iire wiIh sealanI and achieve a
Iire inflaIion pressure of approx. 2.5 bar.
While Ihe Iire is being filled wiIh sealanI, Ihe in
flaIion pressure may sporadically reach approx.
5 bar. Do noI swiIch off Ihe compressor in Ihis
Enclosed areas
Do noI leI Ihe engine run in enclosed
areas; oIherwise, breaIhing of exhausI fumes
may lead Io loss of consciousness and deaIh.
The exhausI gases conIain carbon monoxide, an
odorless and colorless buI highly Ioxic gas.
SwiIch off Ihe compressor afIer 10 mi
Do noI allow Ihe compressor Io run longer Ihan
10 minuIes; oIherwise, Ihe device will overheaI
and may be damaged.
lf a Iire pressure of 2 bar is noI reached:
1. SwiIch off Ihe compressor.
2. Unscrew Ihe filling hose from Ihe wheel.
3. Drive forward and back Io disIribuIe Ihe
sealanI in Ihe Iire.
4. lnflaIe Ihe Iire again using Ihe compressor.
lf an inflaIion pressure of 2 bar cannoI be
reached, conIacI your service cenIer.
Stowing the MobiIity System
1. Unscrew Ihe filling hose of Ihe sealanI boIIle
from Ihe wheel.
2. Unscrew Ihe compressor connecIion hose
from Ihe sealanI boIIle.
3. ConnecI Ihe sealanI boIIle filling hose IhaI
was previously connecIed Io Ihe valve Io Ihe
vacanI connecIor on Ihe sealanI boIIle.
This prevenIs lefI-over sealanI from escap
ing from Ihe boIIle.
4. Wrap Ihe empIy sealanI boIIle in suiIable
maIerial Io avoid dirIying Ihe cargo area.
5. SIow Ihe MobiliIy SysIem back in Ihe vehi
Distributing the seaIant
lmmediaIely drive approx. Io ensure IhaI Ihe
sealanI is evenly disIribuIed in Ihe Iire.
Do noI exceed a speed of .
Do noI drop below if possible.
Oorrecting the tire infIation pressure
1. SIop aI a suiIable locaIion.
2. Screw Ihe connecIion hose of Ihe compres
sor direcIly onIo Ihe Iire valve.
3. lnserI Ihe connecIor inIo Ihe power sockeI
in Ihe vehicle inIerior.
4. CorrecI Ihe Iire inflaIion pressure Io 2.5 bar.
lncrease pressure: wiIh Ihe igniIion
Iurned on or Ihe engine running, swiIch
on Ihe compressor.
SeiIe 174
MobiIity WheeIs and tires
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
To reduce Ihe pressure: press Ihe buI
Ion on Ihe compressor.
Oontinuing the trip
Do noI exceed Ihe maximum permissible speed
of 50 mph/80 km/h.
ReiniIialize Ihe FlaI Tire MoniIor, refer Io
page 101.
ReiniIialize Ihe Tire Pressure MoniIor, refer Io
page 99.
Replace Ihe defecIive Iire and Ihe sealanI boIIle
of Ihe MobiliIy SysIem as soon as possible.
Snow chains
Fine-Iink snow chains
Only cerIain Iypes of fine-link snow chains have
been IesIed by Ihe manufacIurer of your vehicle,
classified as road-safe and recommended.
ConsulI your service cenIer for more informa
Use only in pairs on Ihe rear wheels, equipped
wiIh Ihe Iires of Ihe following size:
255/40 R 19
Follow Ihe chain manufacIurer's insIrucIions.
Make sure IhaI Ihe snow chains are always suf
ficienIly IighI. ReIighIen as needed according Io
Ihe chain manufacIurer's insIrucIions.
Do noI iniIialize Ihe FlaI Tire MoniIor afIer
mounIing snow chains, as doing so may resulI
in incorrecI readings.
Do noI iniIialize Ihe Tire Pressure MoniIor afIer
mounIing snow chains, as doing so may resulI
in incorrecI readings.
When driving wiIh snow chains, if necessary
briefly acIivaIe M Dynamic Mode.
Maximum speed with snow chains
Do noI exceed a speed of 30 mph/50 km/h when
using snow chains.
SeiIe 175
WheeIs and tires MobiIity
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Engine compartment
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
lmportant features in the engine compartment
1 Vehicle idenIificaIion number
2 Jump-sIarIing, negaIive Ierminal
3 Washer fluid reservoir
4 Jump-sIarIing, posiIive Ierminal
5 Oil filler neck.
6 CoolanI reservoir
Opening the hood
Working in Ihe engine comparImenI
Never aIIempI Io perform any service or
repair operaIions on your vehicle wiIhouI Ihe
necessary professional Iechnical Iraining.
lf you are unfamiliar wiIh Ihe sIaIuIory guide
lines, have any work on Ihe vehicle performed
only by a service cenIer.
lf Ihis work is noI carried ouI properly, Ihere is
Ihe danger of subsequenI damage and relaIed
safeIy hazards.
SeiIe 176
MobiIity Engine compartment
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Never reach inIo Ihe engine comparImenI
Never reach inIo Ihe inIermediaIe spaces
or gaps in Ihe engine comparImenI. OIherwise,
Ihere is risk of injury, e.g. from roIaIing or hoI
1. Pull Ihe lever.
2. Press Ihe release handle and open Ihe hood.
3. Be careful of proIruding parIs on Ihe hood.
Danger of injury when Ihe hood is open
There is a danger of injury from proIruding
parIs when Ihe hood is open.
OIosing the hood
LeI Ihe hood drop from a heighI of approx.
16 in/40 cm and push down on iI Io lock iI fully.
The hood musI audibly engage on boIh sides.
Hood open when driving
lf you see any signs IhaI Ihe hood is noI
compleIely closed while driving, pull over imme
diaIely and close iI securely.
Danger of pinching
Make sure IhaI Ihe closing paIh of Ihe
hood is clear; oIherwise, injuries may resulI.
SeiIe 177
Engine compartment MobiIity
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Engine oiI
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
Engine oil consumpIion depends on driving
sIyle and driving condiIions, e.g., if your driving
sIyle is very sporIy engine oil consumpIion will
be considerably greaIer.
Therefore, regularly check Ihe engine oil level
afIer refueling.
Ohecking the oiI IeveI
Status dispIay
The concept
The oil level is moniIored elecIronically during
driving and shown on Ihe ConIrol Display.
lf Ihe oil level reaches Ihe minimum level, a
check conIrol message is displayed.
Depending on Ihe previous displays, Ihe sIaIus
display appears when Ihe engine is running or
afIer Ihe vehicle has been driven for aI leasI 30
DispIaying the oiI IeveI
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Engine oil level"
OiI IeveI dispIay messages
DifferenI messages appear on Ihe display de
pending on Ihe oil level. Pay aIIenIion Io Ihese
lf oil level is Ioo low, immediaIely add 1 US
quarI/liIer of oil.
Take care noI Io add Ioo much engine oil.
Too much engine oil
Have Ihe vehicle checked immediaIely;
oIherwise, surplus oil can lead Io engine dam
DetaiIed measurement
The concept
ln Ihe deIailed measuremenI Ihe oil level is
checked and displayed via a scale.
During Ihe measuremenI, Ihe idle speed is in
creased somewhaI.
Manual Iransmission: shifI lever in neuIral
posiIion, cluIch and acceleraIor pedals noI
SelecIor lever in Iransmission posiIion N and
acceleraIor noI depressed.
Vehicle is on a level road and Ihe engine is
running aI operaIing IemperaIure.
Performing a detaiIed measurement
ln order Io perform a deIailed measuremenI of
Ihe engine oil level:
1. "Vehicle lnfo"
2. "Vehicle sIaIus"
3. "Measure engine oil level"
4. "SIarI measuremenI"
SeiIe 178
MobiIity Engine oiI
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
The oil level is checked and displayed via a scale.
DuraIion: approx. 1 minuIe.
Adding engine oiI
FiIIer neck
Only replenish Ihe maximum oil amounI of
1 US quarI/liIer if Ihe message is displayed in Ihe
insIrumenI clusIer or Ihe oil level has dropped Io
jusI aI Ihe lower mark of Ihe dipsIick.
ProIecI children
Keep oil, grease, eIc., ouI of reach of chil
dren and heed Ihe warnings on Ihe conIainers
Io prevenI healIh risks.
Do noI add Ioo much engine oil
When Ioo much engine oil is added, im
mediaIely have Ihe vehicle checked, oIherwise,
Ihis may cause engine damage.
OiI types for refiIIing
No oil addiIives
Oil addiIives may lead Io engine damage.
ViscosiIy grades for engine oils
When selecIing an engine oil, ensure IhaI
Ihe engine oil belongs Io Ihe viscosiIy grade
SAE 0W-30 or SAE 0W-40 or malfuncIions or
engine damage may occur.
AlIernaIively, also engine oils wiIh viscosiIy
grades SAE 5W-30 or SAE 5W-40 may be
The engine oil qualiIy is criIical for Ihe life of Ihe
Some Iypes of oils in some cases are noI avail
able in all counIries.
Approved oiI types
APl SK/CF or superior grade specificaIion
AddiIional informaIion abouI Ihe approved
Iypes of oils can be requesIed from Ihe service
AIternative oiI types
lf Ihe approved engine oils are noI available, up
Io 1 US quarI/liIer of an oil wiIh Ihe following
specificaIion can be added:
APl SK or superior grade specificaIion
Low ambient temperatures
From Ihe facIory, Iypes of oil are used for Ihe
vehicle IhaI can be employed in pracIically all
ambienI IemperaIures.
However, if Ihe vehicle is used for a longer period
aI IemperaIures below -4 /-20 , ask Ihe serv
ice cenIer abouI suiIable Iypes of oil.
OiI change
An oil change should be carried ouI by your
service cenIer only.
SeiIe 179
Engine oiI MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SeiIe 180
MobiIity Engine oiI
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
Danger of burns from hoI engine
Do noI open Ihe cooling sysIem while Ihe
engine is hoI; oIherwise, escaping coolanI may
cause burns.
SuiIable addiIives
Only use suiIable addiIives; oIherwise, en
gine damage may occur. The addiIives are
harmful Io your healIh.
CoolanI consisIs of waIer and addiIives.
NoI all commercially available addiIives are suiI
able for your vehicle. Ask your service cenIer for
suiIable addiIives.
OooIant IeveI
lf Ihere is no Min and Max mark in Ihe filler neck
of Ihe coolanI reservoir, have Ihe coolanI level
checked if necessary by your service cenIer and
add coolanI as needed.
1. LeI Ihe engine cool.
2. Turn Ihe cap of Ihe coolanI reservoir slighIly
counIerclockwise Io allow any excess pres
sure Io dissipaIe, and Ihen open iI.
3. The coolanI level is correcI if iI lies beIween
Ihe minimum and maximum marks in Ihe
filler neck.
4. lf Ihe coolanI is low, slowly add coolanI up Io
Ihe specified level; do noI overfill.
5. Turn Ihe cap.
6. Have Ihe cause of Ihe coolanI loss elimi
naIed as soon as possible.
Comply wiIh Ihe relevanI environmenIal
proIecIion regulaIions when disposing
of coolanI and coolanI addiIives.
SeiIe 181
OooIant MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
BMW Maintenance System
The mainIenance sysIem direcIs you Io re
quired mainIenance measures and Ihereby sup
porIs you in mainIaining road safeIy and Ihe op
eraIional reliabiliIy of Ihe vehicle.
Oondition Based Service OBS
Sensors and special algoriIhms Iake inIo ac
counI Ihe driving condiIions of your vehicle.
Based on Ihis, CondiIion Based Service deIer
mines Ihe mainIenance requiremenIs.
The sysIem makes iI possible Io adapI Ihe
amounI of mainIenance you need Io your user
DeIails on Ihe service requiremenIs, refer Io
page 83, can be displayed on Ihe ConIrol Dis
Service data in the remote controI
lnformaIion on Ihe required mainIenance is con
Iinuously sIored in Ihe remoIe conIrol. Your
service cenIer will read ouI Ihis daIa and suggesI
Ihe righI array of service procedures for your ve
Therefore, hand your service specialisI Ihe re
moIe conIrol IhaI you used mosI recenIly.
Storage periods
SIorage periods during which Ihe vehicle baI
Iery was disconnecIed are noI Iaken inIo ac
lf Ihis occurs, have a service cenIer updaIe Ihe
Iime-dependenI mainIenance procedures,
such as checking brake fluid and, if necessary,
changing Ihe engine oil and Ihe microfilIer/acIi
vaIed-charcoal filIer.
Service and Warranty
lnformation BookIet for US
modeIs and Warranty and
Service Guide BookIet for
Oanadian modeIs
Please consulI your Service and WarranIy lnfor
maIion BookleI for US models and WarranIy and
Service Guide BookleI for Canadian models for
addiIional informaIion on service requiremenIs.
MainIenance and repair should be performed by
your service cenIer. Make sure Io have regular
mainIenance procedures recorded in Ihe vehi
cle's Service and WarranIy lnformaIion BookleI
for US models, and in Ihe WarranIy and Service
Guide BookleI for Canadian models. These en
Iries are proof of regular mainIenance.
SeiIe 182
MobiIity Maintenance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Socket for OBD Onboard
There is an OBD sockeI on Ihe driver's side for
checking Ihe primary componenIs in Ihe vehicle
The warning lamp lighIs up:
Emissions are deIerioraIing. Have
Ihe vehicle checked as soon as pos
Canadian model: warning lighI indi
caIes Ihe engine symbol.
The warning lamp flashes under cerIain cir
This indicaIes IhaI Ihere is excessive misfir
ing in Ihe engine.
Reduce Ihe vehicle speed and have Ihe sys
Iem checked immediaIely; oIherwise, seri
ous engine misfiring wiIhin a brief period can
seriously damage emission conIrol compo
nenIs, in parIicular Ihe caIalyIic converIer.
FueI cap
The indicaIor lamp lighIs up.
lf Ihe fuel cap is noI properly IighIened,
Ihe OBD sysIem may conclude IhaI fuel
vapor is escaping. lf Ihe cap is Ihen IighIened,
Ihe display should go ouI in a shorI Iime.
Data memory
Your vehicle records daIa relaIing Io vehicle op
eraIion, faulIs and user seIIings. These daIa are
sIored in Ihe remoIe conIrol and can be read ouI
wiIh suiIable devices, parIicularly when Ihe ve
hicle is serviced. The daIa obIained in Ihis way
provide valuable informaIion for service proc
esses and repair or for opIimizing and develop
ing vehicle funcIions furIher.
Event Data Recorder EDR
This vehicle is equipped wiIh an evenI daIa re
corder EDR. The main purpose of an EDR is Io
record, in cerIain crash or near crash-like siIua
Iions, such as an air bag deploymenI or hiIIing a
road obsIacle, daIa IhaI will assisI in under
sIanding how a vehicle's sysIems performed.
The EDR is designed Io record daIa relaIed Io
vehicle dynamics and safeIy sysIems for a shorI
period of Iime, Iypically 30 seconds or less.
The EDR in Ihis vehicle is designed Io record
such daIa as:
How various sysIems in your vehicle were
WheIher or noI Ihe driver and passenger
safeIy belIs were fasIened.
How far, if aI all, Ihe driver was depressing
Ihe acceleraIor and/or brake pedal.
How fasI Ihe vehicle was Iraveling.
These daIa can help provide a beIIer under
sIanding of Ihe circumsIances in which crashes
and injuries occur.
EDR daIa are recorded by your vehicle only if a
nonIrivial crash siIuaIion occurs; no daIa are re
corded by Ihe EDR under normal driving condi
Iions and no personal daIa, e.g., name, gender,
age, and crash locaIion, are recorded.
However, oIher parIies, such as law enforce
menI, could combine Ihe EDR daIa wiIh Ihe Iype
of personally idenIifying daIa rouIinely acquired
during a crash invesIigaIion.
SeiIe 183
Maintenance MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
To read daIa recorded by an EDR, special equip
menI is required, and access Io Ihe vehicle or Ihe
EDR is needed. ln addiIion Io Ihe vehicle manu
facIurer, oIher parIies, such as law enforcemenI,
IhaI have Ihe special equipmenI, can read Ihe
informaIion if Ihey have access Io Ihe vehicle or
Ihe EDR.
SeiIe 184
MobiIity Maintenance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
RepIacing components
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Onboard vehicIe tooI kit
The onboard vehicle Iool kiI is locaIed in a fold-
down cover in Ihe Irunk lid.
Unscrew Ihe wing nuI Io open.
Wiper bIade repIacement
GeneraI information
Do noI fold down Ihe wipers wiIhouI wiper
Do noI fold down Ihe wipers if wiper blades have
noI been insIalled; Ihis may damage Ihe wind
RepIacing the wiper bIades
1. To change Ihe wiper blades, fold up, refer Io
page 69, Ihe wiper arms.
2. Fold up Ihe wipers.
3. PosiIion Ihe wiper blade in a horizonIal po
4. Remove Ihe wiper blade Ioward one side.
Lamp and buIb repIacement
Lamps and buIbs
Lamps and bulbs make an essenIial conIribuIion
Io vehicle safeIy.
The manufacIurer of Ihe vehicle recommends
IhaI you enIrusI corresponding procedures Io
Ihe service cenIer if you are unfamiliar wiIh Ihem
or Ihey are noI described here.
You can obIain a selecIion of replacemenI bulbs
aI Ihe service cenIer.
SeiIe 185
RepIacing components MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Danger of burns
Only change bulbs when Ihey are cool;
oIherwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of geIIing
Working on Ihe lighIing sysIem
When working on Ihe lighIing sysIem, you
should always swiIch off Ihe lighIs affecIed Io
prevenI shorI circuiIs.
To avoid possible injury or equipmenI damage
when replacing bulbs, observe any insIrucIions
provided by Ihe bulb manufacIurer.
Do noI perform work/bulb replacemenI on
xenon headlamps
Have any work on Ihe xenon lighIing sysIem, in
cluding bulb replacemenI, performed only by a
service cenIer. Due Io Ihe high volIage presenI
in Ihe sysIem, Ihere is Ihe danger of faIal injuries
if work is carried ouI improperly.
Do noI Iouch Ihe bulbs
Do noI Iouch Ihe glass of new bulbs wiIh
your bare hands, as even minuIe amounIs of
conIaminaIion will burn inIo Ihe bulb's surface
and reduce iIs service life.
Use a clean Iissue, cloIh or someIhing similar, or
hold Ihe bulb by iIs base.
Light-emitting diodes {LEDs)
LighI-emiIIing diodes insIalled behind a cover
serve as Ihe lighI source for conIrols, display el
emenIs and oIher equipmenI.
These lighI-emiIIing diodes, which are relaIed
Io convenIional lasers, are officially designaIed
as Class 1 lighI-emiIIing diodes.
Do noI remove Ihe covers
Do noI remove Ihe covers, and never sIare
inIo Ihe unfilIered lighI for several hours; oIher
wise, irriIaIion of Ihe reIina could resulI.
HeadIamp gIass
CondensaIion can form on Ihe inside of Ihe ex
Iernal lamps in cool or humid weaIher. When
driving wiIh Ihe lighI swiIched on, Ihe conden
saIion evaporaIes afIer a shorI Iime. The head
lamp glasses do noI need Io be changed.
lf Ihe headlamps do noI dim despiIe driving wiIh
Ihe lighI swiIched on, increasing humidiIy forms,
e. g. waIer dropleIs in Ihe lighI, have Ihe service
cenIer check Ihis.
Front Iamps, buIb repIacement
At a gIance
Xenon headIamps
1 Corner-illuminaIing lamps
2 Parking lamp, dayIime running lighIs
3 Low beams/high beams
4 Turn signal
Xenon headIamps
Because of Ihe long life of Ihese bulbs, Ihe like
lihood of failure is very low. SwiIching Ihe lamps
on and off frequenIly shorIens Iheir life.
lf a xenon bulb fails, swiIch on Ihe fronI fog lamps
and conIinue Ihe Irip wiIh greaI care. Comply
wiIh local regulaIions.
SeiIe 186
MobiIity RepIacing components
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Do noI perform work/bulb replacemenI on
xenon headlamps
Have any work on Ihe xenon lighIing sysIem, in
cluding bulb replacemenI, performed only by a
service cenIer. Due Io Ihe high volIage presenI
in Ihe sysIem, Ihere is Ihe danger of faIal injuries
if work is carried ouI improperly.
For checking and adjusIing headlamp aim,
please conIacI your BMW cenIer.
Parking Iamps and roadside parking Iamps,
turn signaI Iamp
Follow Ihe general insIrucIions on Lamps and
bulbs, refer Io page 185.
These lighIs feaIure LED Iechnology.
ConIacI your service cenIer in Ihe evenI of a
Oorner-iIIuminating Iamps
Follow Ihe general insIrucIions on Lamps and
bulbs, refer Io page 185.
The illusIraIion shows Ihe lefI side of Ihe engine
55-waII bulb, H7
1. Fold open Ihe cover in Ihe engine comparI
2. Unscrew Ihe cap and remove iI.
3. Unscrew Ihe bulb holder counIerclockwise.
4. Remove Ihe bulb and replace iI.
5. lnserI Ihe new bulb and aIIach Ihe cover in
Ihe reverse order.
SeiIe 187
RepIacing components MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
TaiI Iamps, buIb repIacement
At a gIance
1 Turn signal
2 Reversing lamp
3 lnside brake lamp
4 Tail lamp
5 OuIside brake lamp
6 Rear reflecIor
Turn signaI, outer brake, taiI, and
Iicense pIate Iamps
Follow Ihe general insIrucIions on lamps and
bulbs, refer Io page 185.
These lighIs feaIure LED Iechnology.
ConIacI your service cenIer in Ihe evenI of a
Lamps in the trunk Iid
Access to the Iamps
1. Remove Ihe Ihree screws using Ihe screw
driver from Ihe onboard vehicle Iool kiI.
2. Fold away Ihe cover.
lnside brake Iamp
Follow Ihe general insIrucIions on lamps and
bulbs, refer Io page 185.
21-waII bulb, H21W
The illusIraIion shows Ihe posiIion of Ihe bulb in
Ihe insIalled bulb holder.
Squeeze Ihe clips IogeIher and remove Ihe bulb
Press Ihe bulb inIo Ihe bulb holder, Iurn coun
Ierclockwise and remove.
SeiIe 188
MobiIity RepIacing components
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Reversing Iamp
Follow Ihe general insIrucIions on lamps and
bulbs, refer Io page 185.
16-waII bulb, W16W
The illusIraIion shows Ihe posiIion of Ihe bulb in
Ihe insIalled bulb holder.
Squeeze Ihe clips IogeIher and remove Ihe bulb
Pull ouI Ihe bulb and replace iI.
Ohanging wheeIs
The vehicle equipmenI does noI include a spare
When using run-flaI Iires or Iire sealanIs, a Iire
does noI need Io be changed immediaIely in Ihe
evenI of pressure loss due Io a flaI Iire.
The Iools for changing wheels are available as
accessories from your service cenIer.
Jacking points for the vehicIe jack
The jacking poinIs for Ihe vehicle jack are lo
caIed in Ihe posiIions shown.
VehicIe battery
The baIIery is mainIenance-free, i.e., Ihe elec
IrolyIe will lasI for Ihe life of Ihe baIIery.
Your service cenIer will be glad Io advise you on
quesIions regarding Ihe baIIery.
Battery repIacement
Use approved vehicle baIIeries only
Only use vehicle baIIeries IhaI have been
approved for your vehicle by Ihe manufacIurer;
oIherwise, Ihe vehicle could be damaged and
sysIems or funcIions may noI be fully availa
AfIer a baIIery replacemenI, have Ihe baIIery
regisIered on Ihe vehicle by your service cenIer
Io ensure IhaI all comforI funcIions are fully
available and IhaI any Check ConIrol messages
are no longer displayed.
Oharging the battery
Do noI plug Ihe charger inIo Ihe sockeI
Do noI connecI baIIery chargers Io Ihe
facIory-insIalled sockeIs in Ihe vehicle. Doing so
may resulI in damage Io Ihe vehicle.
SeiIe 189
RepIacing components MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Starting aid terminaIs
ln Ihe vehicle, only charge Ihe baIIery via Ihe
sIarIing aid Ierminals, refer Io page 193, in Ihe
engine comparImenI wiIh Ihe engine off.
Power faiIure
AfIer a Iemporary power loss, some equipmenI
needs Io be reiniIialized.
lndividual seIIings need Io be reprogrammed:
SeaI, mirror, and sIeering wheel memory:
sIore Ihe posiIions again.
Time: updaIe.
DaIe: updaIe.
Radio sIaIion: save again.
NavigaIion sysIem: waiI for Ihe operabiliIy of
Ihe navigaIion.
Disposing of oId batteries
Have old baIIeries disposed of by your
service cenIer or bring Ihem Io a recy
cling cenIer.
MainIain Ihe baIIery in an uprighI posiIion for
IransporI and sIorage. Secure Ihe baIIery so
IhaI iI does noI Iip over during IransporI.
Replacing fuses
Never aIIempI Io repair a blown fuse and
do noI replace a defecIive fuse wiIh a subsIiIuIe
of anoIher color or amperage raIing; Ihis could
lead Io a circuiI overload, ulIimaIely resulIing in
a fire in Ihe vehicle.
PlasIic Iweezers and informaIion on Ihe fuse
Iypes and locaIions are sIored in Ihe fuse box in
Ihe cargo area.
ln the gIove compartment
Push Ihe handle up, arrow 1, and open Ihe lid,
arrow 2.
ln the cargo area
Open Ihe cover on Ihe righI side Irim.
lnformaIion on Ihe fuse Iypes and locaIions is
found on a separaIe sheeI.
SeiIe 190
MobiIity RepIacing components
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Breakdown assistance
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Hazard warning fIashers
The buIIon is locaIed in Ihe cenIer console.
Emergency Request
EquipmenI version wiIh full preparaIion
package mobile phone.
An Emergency RequesI can be made, even
if no mobile phones are paired wiIh Ihe ve
BMW AssisI is acIivaIed.
The radio ready sIaIe is swiIched on.
The BMW AssisI sysIem is logged in Io a
wireless communicaIions neIwork sup
porIed by BMW AssisI.
The AssisI sysIem is funcIional.
Only press Ihe SOS buIIon in an emergency.
Emergency RequesI noI guaranIeed
For Iechnical reasons, Ihe Emergency Re
quesI cannoI be guaranIeed under unfavorable
Service contract
AfIer your conIracI wiIh BMW AssisI has ex
pired, Ihe BMW AssisI sysIem can be deac
IivaIed by Ihe service cenIer wiIhouI you
having Io visiI a workshop.
AfIer deacIivaIion, an Emergency RequesI
is no longer possible.
Under cerIain circumsIances, Ihe sysIem
can be reacIivaIed by a service cenIer afIer
you sign a new conIracI.
lnitiating an Emergency Request
1. Press Ihe cover briefly Io open iI.
2. Press Ihe SOS buIIon unIil Ihe LED in Ihe
buIIon lighIs up.
The LED lighIs up: an Emergency RequesI
was iniIiaIed.
lf Ihe siIuaIion allows, waiI in your vehicle
unIil Ihe voice connecIion has been esIab
The LED flashes if Ihe connecIion Io Ihe
BMW AssisI Response CenIer has been es
AfIer Ihe Emergency RequesI arrives aI Ihe
BMW AssisI Response CenIer, Ihe BMW
SeiIe 191
Breakdown assistance MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
AssisI Response CenIer conIacIs you and
Iakes furIher sIeps Io help you.
Even if you are unable Io respond, Ihe BMW
AssisI Response CenIer can Iake furIher
sIeps Io help you under cerIain circumsIan
For Ihis purpose, daIa IhaI are used Io de
Iermine Ihe necessary rescue measures,
such as Ihe currenI posiIion of Ihe vehicle if
iI can be esIablished, are IransmiIIed Io Ihe
BMW AssisI Response CenIer.
lf Ihe LED is flashing buI Ihe BMW AssisI
Response CenIer cannoI be heard on Ihe
hands-free sysIem, Ihe hands-free sysIem
may be malfuncIioning. However, Ihe BMW
AssisI Response CenIer may sIill be able Io
hear you.
lnitiating an Emergency Request
Under cerIain condiIions, an Emergency Re
quesI is auIomaIically iniIiaIed immediaIely afIer
a severe accidenI. AuIomaIic Collision NoIifica
Iion is noI affecIed by pressing Ihe SOS buIIon.
Warning triangIe
The warning Iriangle is locaIed in Ihe conIainer
on Ihe inside of Ihe Irunk lid.
Unscrew Ihe wing nuI Io open.
First aid kit
The firsI aid kiI is locaIed in Ihe conIainer on Ihe
inside of Ihe Irunk lid.
Unscrew Ihe wing nuI Io open.
Some of Ihe arIicles have a limiIed service life.
Check Ihe expiraIion daIes of Ihe conIenIs reg
ularly and replace any expired iIems prompIly.
Roadside Assistance
Service avaiIabiIity
Roadside AssisIance can be reached around Ihe
clock in many counIries. You can obIain assis
Iance Ihere in Ihe evenI of a vehicle breakdown.
Roadside Assistance
The Roadside AssisIance phone number can be
viewed on Ihe iDrive or a connecIion Io Roadside
AssisIance can be esIablished direcIly. Phone,
see user's manual for NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI
and CommunicaIion.
lf Ihe baIIery is discharged, an engine can be
sIarIed using Ihe baIIery of anoIher vehicle and
Iwo jumper cables. Only use jumper cables wiIh
fully insulaIed clamp handles.
To prevenI personal injury or damage Io boIh
vehicles, adhere sIricIly Io Ihe following proce
SeiIe 192
MobiIity Breakdown assistance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Do noI Iouch live parIs
To avoid Ihe risk of poIenIially faIal injury,
always avoid all conIacI wiIh elecIrical compo
nenIs while Ihe engine is running.
1. Check wheIher Ihe baIIery of Ihe oIher ve
hicle has a volIage of 12 volIs. This informa
Iion can be found on Ihe baIIery.
2. SwiIch off Ihe engine of Ihe assisIing vehi
3. SwiIch off any elecIronic sysIems/power
consumers in boIh vehicles.
Bodywork conIacI beIween vehicles
Make sure IhaI Ihere is no conIacI be
Iween Ihe bodywork of Ihe Iwo vehicles; oIher
wise, Ihere is Ihe danger of shorI circuiIs.
Starting aid terminaIs
ConnecIing order
ConnecI Ihe jumper cables in Ihe correcI
order; oIherwise, Ihere is Ihe danger of injury
from sparking.
The so-called sIarIing aid Ierminal in Ihe engine
comparImenI acIs as Ihe baIIery's posiIive Ier
The body ground or a special nuI acIs as Ihe
baIIery negaIive Ierminal.
Oonnecting the cabIes
1. Pull off Ihe cap of Ihe BMW sIarIing aid Ier
2. AIIach one Ierminal clamp of Ihe posiIive
jumper cable Io Ihe posiIive Ierminal of Ihe
baIIery, or Io Ihe corresponding sIarIing aid
Ierminal of Ihe vehicle providing assisIance.
3. AIIach Ihe Ierminal clamp on Ihe oIher end
of Ihe cable Io Ihe posiIive Ierminal of Ihe
baIIery, or Io Ihe corresponding sIarIing aid
Ierminal of Ihe vehicle Io be sIarIed.
4. AIIach one Ierminal clamp of Ihe negaIive
jumper cable Io Ihe negaIive Ierminal of Ihe
baIIery, or Io Ihe corresponding engine or
body ground of assisIing vehicle.
5. AIIach Ihe second Ierminal clamp Io Ihe
negaIive Ierminal of Ihe baIIery, or Io Ihe
corresponding engine or body ground of of
Ihe vehicle Io be sIarIed.
Starting the engine
Never use spray fluids Io sIarI Ihe engine.
1. SIarI Ihe engine of Ihe assisIing vehicle and
leI iI run for several minuIes aI an increased
idle speed.
2. SIarI Ihe engine of Ihe vehicle being sIarIed
in Ihe usual way.
lf Ihe firsI sIarIing aIIempI is noI successful,
waiI a few minuIes before making anoIher
aIIempI in order Io allow Ihe discharged baI
Iery Io recharge.
SeiIe 193
Breakdown assistance MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
3. LeI boIh engines run for several minuIes.
4. DisconnecI Ihe jumper cables in Ihe reverse
Check Ihe baIIery and recharge if necessary.
Tow-starting and towing
ManuaI transmission
Observe before towing your vehicIe
GearshifI lever in neuIral posiIion.
When Ihe parking brake is blocked
The parking brake cannoI be released
Do noI Iow Ihe vehicle wiIh Ihe parking brake
blocked, or Ihe vehicle can be damaged.
ConIacI your service cenIer.
Follow Ihe Iowing insIrucIions
Follow all Iowing insIrucIions; oIherwise,
vehicle damage or accidenIs may occur.
Make sure IhaI Ihe igniIion is swiIched on;
oIherwise, Ihe low beams, Iail lamps, Iurn
signals, and windshield wipers may be un
Do noI Iow Ihe vehicle wiIh Ihe rear axle
IilIed, as Ihe fronI wheels could Iurn.
When Ihe engine is sIopped, Ihere is no
power assisI. ConsequenIly, more force
needs Io be applied when braking and sIeer
Larger sIeering wheel movemenIs are re
The Iowing vehicle musI noI be lighIer Ihan
Ihe vehicle being Iowed; oIherwise, iI will noI
be possible Io conIrol Ihe vehicle response.
Tow truck
Have your vehicle IransporIed wiIh a Iow Iruck
wiIh a so-called lifI bar or on a flaI bed.
Do noI lifI Ihe vehicle
Do noI lifI Ihe vehicle by Ihe Iow fiIIing or
body and chassis parIs; oIherwise, damage may
DoubIe-cIutch transmission:
transporting the automatic
transmission of your vehicIe
Your vehicle is noI permiIIed Io be Iowed.
Therefore, conIacI a service cenIer in Ihe evenI
of a breakdown.
Do noI have Ihe vehicle Iowed
Have your vehicle IransporIed on a loading
plaIform only; oIherwise, damage may occur.
SeiIe 194
MobiIity Breakdown assistance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Tow truck
Do noI lifI Ihe vehicle
Do noI lifI Ihe vehicle by Ihe Iow fiIIing or
body and chassis parIs; oIherwise, damage may
Use Ihe Iow fiIIing screwed in aI Ihe fronI for
maneuvering Ihe vehicle only.
Towing other vehicIes
GeneraI information
LighI Iowing vehicle
The Iowing vehicle musI noI be lighIer
Ihan Ihe vehicle being Iowed; oIherwise, iI will
noI be possible Io conIrol Ihe vehicle re
AIIaching Ihe Iow bar/Iow rope correcIly
AIIach Ihe Iow bar or Iow rope Io Ihe Iow
fiIIing; connecIing iI Io oIher vehicle parIs may
cause damage.
SwiIch on Ihe hazard warning sysIem, de
pending on local regulaIions.
lf Ihe elecIrical sysIem has failed, clearly
idenIify Ihe vehicle being Iowed by placing
a sign or a warning Iriangle in Ihe rear win
Tow bar
The Iow fiIIings used should be on Ihe same
side on boIh vehicles.
Should iI prove impossible Io avoid mounIing
Ihe Iow bar aI an offseI angle, please observe
Ihe following:
Maneuvering capabiliIy is limiIed during cor
The Iow bar will generaIe laIeral forces if iI
is secured wiIh an offseI.
Tow rope
When sIarIing Io Iow Ihe vehicle, make sure IhaI
Ihe Iow rope is IauI.
To avoid jerking and Ihe associaIed sIresses on
Ihe vehicle componenIs when Iowing, always
use nylon ropes or nylon sIraps.
AIIaching Ihe Iow rope correcIly
Only secure Ihe Iow rope on Ihe Iow fiI
Iing; oIherwise, damage can occur when iI is se
cured on oIher parIs of Ihe vehicle.
Tow fitting
The screw-in Iow fiIIing should always be car
ried in Ihe vehicle. lI can be screwed in aI Ihe
fronI or rear of Ihe BMW. lI is locaIed in Ihe con
Iainer on Ihe inside of Ihe Irunk lid.
Tow fiIIing, informaIion on use
Use only Ihe Iow fiIIing provided wiIh
Ihe vehicle and screw iI all Ihe way in.
Use Ihe Iow fiIIing for Iowing on paved roads
SeiIe 195
Breakdown assistance MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Avoid laIeral loading of Ihe Iow fiIIing, e.g.,
do noI lifI Ihe vehicle by Ihe Iow fiIIing.
OIherwise, damage Io Ihe Iow fiIIing and Ihe ve
hicle can occur.
Screw thread
Push ouI Ihe cover by pressing on Ihe Iop edge.
DoubIe-cIutch transmission
Do noI Iow-sIarI Ihe vehicle.
Due Io Ihe double-cluIch Iransmission, Ihe en
gine cannoI be sIarIed by Iow-sIarIing.
Have Ihe cause of Ihe sIarIing difficulIies rem
ManuaI transmission
lf possible, do noI Iow-sIarI Ihe vehicle buI sIarI
Ihe engine by jump-sIarIing, refer Io page 192.
lf Ihe vehicle is equipped wiIh a caIalyIic con
verIer, only Iow-sIarI while Ihe engine is cold.
1. SwiIch on Ihe hazard warning sysIem and
comply wiIh local regulaIions.
2. lgniIion, refer Io page 62, on.
3. Engage Ihird gear.
4. Have Ihe vehicle Iow-sIarIed wiIh Ihe cluIch
pedal pressed and slowly release Ihe pedal.
AfIer Ihe engine sIarIs, immediaIely press
on Ihe cluIch pedal again.
5. SIop aI a suiIable locaIion, remove Ihe Iow
bar or rope, and swiIch off Ihe hazard warn
ing sysIem.
6. Have Ihe vehicle checked.
SeiIe 196
MobiIity Breakdown assistance
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Oar washes
SIeam jeIs or high-pressure washers
When using sIeam jeIs or high-pressure
washers, hold Ihem a sufficienI disIance away
and use a maximum IemperaIure of
140 /60 .
Ensure IhaI a disIance of aI leasI 31.5 in
ches/50 cm is mainIained aI all Iimes. Holding
Ihem Ioo close or using excessively high pres
sures or IemperaIures can cause damage or
preliminary damage IhaI may Ihen lead Io long-
Ierm damage.
Follow Ihe operaIing insIrucIions for Ihe high-
pressure washer.
Cleaning sensors/cameras wiIh high-
pressure washers
When using high-pressure washers, do noI
spray Ihe exIerior sensors and cameras, e.g.,
Park DisIance ConIrol, for exIended periods of
Iime and only from a disIance of aI leasI
12 in/30 cm.
Wash your vehicle frequenIly, parIicularly in win
lnIense soiling and road salI can damage Ihe ve
Automatic car washes
NoIe Ihe following:
Give preference Io cloIh car washes or Ihose
IhaI use sofI brushes in order Io avoid painI
Make sure IhaI Ihe wheels and Iires are noI
damaged by Ihe IransporI mechanisms.
Fold in Ihe exIerior mirrors; oIherwise, Ihey
may be damaged, depending on Ihe widIh of
Ihe vehicle.
DeacIivaIe Ihe rain sensor, refer Io
page 69,Io avoid uninIenIional wiper acIiva
ln some cases, an uninIenIional alarm can be
Iriggered by Ihe inIerior moIion sensor of Ihe
alarm sysIem. Follow Ihe insIrucIions on
avoiding an uninIenIional alarm, refer Io
page 43.
Guide rails in car washes
Avoid car washes wiIh guide rails higher
Ihan 4 in/10 cm; oIherwise, Ihe vehicle body
could be damaged.
Before driving into a car wash
ln order Io ensure IhaI Ihe vehicle can roll in a car
wash, Iake Ihe following sIeps:
Manual Iransmission:
1. Release Ihe parking brake.
2. Drive inIo Ihe car wash.
3. ShifI Io neuIral.
4. SwiIch Ihe engine off.
5. SwiIch on Ihe igniIion.
Double-cluIch Iransmission:
1. Release Ihe parking brake, refer Io page 66.
2. Drive inIo Ihe car wash.
SeiIe 197
Oare MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
3. Depress Ihe brake pedal as needed.
4. Engage Iransmission posiIion N.
5. SwiIch Ihe engine off. ln Ihis way, Ihe igni
Iion remains swiIched on, and a Check-Con
Irol message is displayed.
Transmission posiIion P wiIh Ihe igni
Iion off
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched off, posiIion P
is engaged auIomaIically. When in an auIo
maIic car wash, for example, ensure IhaI Ihe
igniIion is noI swiIched off accidenIally.
The vehicle cannoI be locked from Ihe ouIside
when in Iransmission posiIion N. A signal is
sounded when an aIIempI is made Io lock Ihe
Transmission position
Transmission posiIion P is engaged auIomaIi
When Ihe igniIion is swiIched off.
AfIer approx. 15 minuIes.
Do noI rub dry and do noI use abrasive or
causIic cleansers.
Soak areas IhaI have been soiled e.g. due Io
insecIs, wiIh shampoo and wash off wiIh
Thaw ice wiIh deicing spray; do noI use an
ice scraper.
After washing the vehicIe
AfIer washing Ihe vehicle, apply Ihe brakes
briefly Io dry Ihem; oIherwise, braking acIion can
be reduced and corrosion of Ihe brake discs can
Remove all residue compleIely from Ihe wind
shields, oIherwise sIreaking may cause loss of
visibiliIy and wiper noise when Ihe windshield
wipers are operaIed.
VehicIe care
Oar care products
BMW recommends using cleaning and care
producIs from BMW, since Ihese have been
IesIed and approved.
Car care and cleaning producIs
Follow Ihe insIrucIions on Ihe conIainer.
When cleaning Ihe inIerior, open Ihe doors or
Only use producIs inIended for cleaning vehi
Cleansers can conIain subsIances IhaI are dan
gerous and harmful Io your healIh.
VehicIe paint
Regular care conIribuIes Io driving safeIy and
value reIenIion. EnvironmenIal influences in
areas wiIh elevaIed air polluIion or naIural con
IaminanIs, such as Iree resin or pollen can affecI
Ihe vehicle's painIwork. Tailor Ihe frequency
and exIenI of your car care Io Ihese influences.
Aggressive subsIances such as spilled fuel, oil,
grease or bird droppings musI be removed im
mediaIely Io prevenI Ihe finish from being al
Iered or discolored.
Leather care
Remove dusI from Ihe leaIher ofIen, using a
cloIh or vacuum cleaner.
OIherwise, parIicles of dusI and road grime
chafe in pores and folds, and lead Io increased
wear and premaIure degradaIion of Ihe leaIher
To guard againsI discoloraIion, such as from
cloIhing, provide leaIher care roughly every Iwo
Clean lighI-colored leaIher more frequenIly be
cause soiling on such surfaces is subsIanIially
more visible.
SeiIe 198
MobiIity Oare
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Use leaIher care producIs; oIherwise, dirI and
grease will gradually break down Ihe proIecIive
layer of Ihe leaIher surface.
SuiIable care producIs are available from Ihe
service cenIer.
UphoIstery materiaI care
Vacuum regularly wiIh a vacuum cleaner.
lf Ihey are very dirIy, e.g., beverage sIains, use a
sofI sponge or microfiber cloIh wiIh a suiIable
inIerior cleaner.
Clean Ihe upholsIery down Io Ihe seams using
large sweeping moIions. Avoid rubbing Ihe ma
Ierial vigorously.
Damage from Velcro fasIeners
Open Velcro fasIeners on panIs or oIher
arIicles of cloIhing can damage Ihe seaI covers.
Ensure IhaI any Velcro fasIeners are closed.
Oaring for speciaI components
Light-aIIoy wheeIs
Use wheel cleaner, parIicularly during Ihe winIer
monIhs. Do noI use aggressive, acidic, sIrongly
alkaline or abrasive cleaners, or sIeam jeIs
above 140 /60 ; follow Ihe manufacIurer's
Ohrome surfaces
Carefully clean componenIs such as Ihe radiaIor
grille or door handles wiIh an ample supply of
waIer, possibly wiIh shampoo added, parIicu
larly when Ihey have been exposed Io road salI.
Rubber components
Aside from waIer, IreaI only wiIh rubber cleans
When cleaning rubber seals, do noI use any sil
icon-conIaining car care producIs in order Io
avoid damage or reduced noise damping.
Fine wood parts
Clean fine wood facing and fine wood compo
nenIs only wiIh a moisI rag. Then dry wiIh a sofI
PIastic components
These include:
lmiIaIion leaIher surfaces.
Lamp lenses.
lnsIrumenI clusIer cover.
MaIIe black spray-coaIed componenIs.
PainIed parIs in Ihe inIerior.
Clean wiIh a microfiber cloIh.
LighIly dampen Ihe cloIh wiIh waIer.
Do noI soak Ihe headliner.
Do noI use cleansers IhaI conIain alcohol
or solvenIs
Do noI use cleansers IhaI conIain alcohol or sol
venIs, such as lacquer Ihinners, heavy-duIy
grease removers, fuel, or such; Ihis could lead Io
surface damage.
Safety beIts
DirIy belI sIraps impede Ihe reeling acIion and
Ihus have a negaIive impacI on safeIy.
Chemical cleaning
Do noI clean chemically; Ihis can desIroy
Ihe webbing.
Use only a mild soapy soluIion, wiIh Ihe safeIy
belIs clipped inIo Iheir buckles.
Do noI allow Ihe reels Io reIracI Ihe safeIy belIs
unIil Ihey are dry.
Oarpets and fIoor mats
No objecIs in Ihe area around Ihe pedals
Keep floor maIs, carpeIs, and any oIher
objecIs ouI of Ihe area of moIion of Ihe pedals;
oIherwise, Ihe funcIion of Ihe pedals could be
impeded while driving
SeiIe 199
Oare MobiIity
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Do noI place addiIional floor maIs over exisIing
maIs or oIher objecIs.
Only use floor maIs IhaI have been approved for
Ihe vehicle and can be properly fixed in place.
Ensure IhaI Ihe floor maIs are securely fasIened
again afIer Ihey were removed for cleaning, for
Floor maIs can be removed from Ihe passenger
comparImenI for cleaning.
lf Ihe floor carpeIs are very dirIy, clean wiIh a
microfiber cloIh and waIer or a IexIile cleaner. To
prevenI maIIing of Ihe carpeI, rub back and forIh
in Ihe direcIion of Iravel only.
To clean sensors and cameras, use a cloIh mois
Iened wiIh a small amounI of glass cleaner.
Clean Ihe displays wiIh an anIisIaIic microfiber
Cleaning displays
Do noI use chemical or household cleans
Keep all fluids and moisIure away from Ihe uniI.
OIherwise, Ihey could affecI or damage surfa
ces or elecIrical componenIs.
Avoid pressing Ioo hard when cleaning and do
noI use abrasive maIerials; oIherwise, damage
can resulI.
Long-term vehicIe storage
Your service cenIer can advise you on whaI Io
consider when sIoring Ihe vehicle for longer
Ihan Ihree monIhs.
SeiIe 200
MobiIity Oare
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SeiIe 201
Oare MobiIity
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Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
This chapIer conIains Iechnical daIa, shorI
commands for Ihe voice acIivaIion sysIem, and an
index IhaI will quickly Iake you Io Ihe informaIion
you need.
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
TechnicaI data
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
Width, height
1 Vehicle heighI: 57.9 inches / 1,472 mm
2 Vehicle widIh wiIhouI mirrors: 74.9 in
ches / 1,891 mm
3 Vehicle widIh wiIh mirrors: 83.4 in
ches / 2,119 mm
SeiIe 204
Reference TechnicaI data
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Length, wheeI base
1 Wheel base: 116.7 inches / 2,964 mm 2 LengIh: 193.5 inches / 4,916 mm
SmaIIest turning circIe
Dia.: 41.3 fI/12.6 m
Approved gross vehicle weighI lbs/kg 5,313/2,410
Load lbs/kg 920/420
Approved fronI axle load lbs/kg 2,601/1,180
Approved rear axle load lbs/kg 2,778/1,260
Approved roof load capaciIy lbs/kg 220/100
Trunk capaciIy cu fI/l 18.36/520
SeiIe 205
TechnicaI data Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
US gal/liIers NoIes
Fuel Iank 21.1 / 80 Fuel qualiIy, refer Io
page 166
Windshield and headlamp
washer sysIem
5.3 / 5
SeiIe 206
Reference TechnicaI data
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Short commands of the voice act. system
VehicIe equipment
All sIandard, counIry-specific and opIional
equipmenI IhaI is offered in Ihe model series is
described in Ihis chapIer. Therefore, equipmenI
is also described IhaI is noI available in a vehicle,
e. g., because of Ihe selecIed opIional equip
menI or counIry varianI. This also applies for
safeIy-relaIed funcIions and sysIems.
GeneraI information
lnsIrucIions for voice acIivaIion sysIem, refer Io
page 22.
To have Ihe available spoken insIrucIions read
ouI loud: Voice commands
The following shorI commands are valid for ve
hicles wiIh voice acIivaIion sysIem. They do noI
work in equipmenI packages wiIh which only Ihe
mobile phone can be operaIed by voice acIiva
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe main menu. Main menu
Open Ihe opIions. OpIions
Open Ihe seIIings. SeIIings
lnfo display of Ihe insIrumenI clusIer. lnfo Display
SeIIings on Ihe ConIrol Display. ConIrol display
Open Ihe Iime and daIe. Time and daIe
Open Ihe language and uniIs. Language and uniIs
Open Ihe speed limiI. Speed
Open Ihe lighI. LighIing
Open Ihe door lock. Door locks
Open Ihe profiles. Profiles
SeiIe 207
Short commands of the voice act. system Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe air condiIioning seIIings. ClimaIe
Open Ihe Head-up Display. head up display
Enable Ihe rear. Rear conIrols
VehicIe information
Owner's ManuaI
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe Owner's Manual. Display Owner's Manual
Open Ihe Quick Reference Guide. Quick reference
Open Ihe index. Owner's Manual
Open Ihe search by picIures. Search by picIures
FuncIion Command
Call up Ihe onboard compuIer. Onboard info
Call up Ihe Irip compuIer. Trip compuIer
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe vehicle informaIion. Vehicle info
Open Ihe vehicle sIaIus. Vehicle sIaIus
SeiIe 208
Reference Short commands of the voice act. system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
GeneraI information
FuncIion Command
Opens Ihe NavigaIion menu. NavigaIion
Open Ihe desIinaIion enIry. EnIer address
EnIer Ihe address. EnIer address
EnIer a Iown/ciIy. CiIy
EnIer a sIaIe/province. SIaIe
EnIer Ihe posIal code. PosIal Code
Open desIinaIion guidance. Guidance
SIarI desIinaIion guidance. SIarI guidance
TerminaIe desIinaIion guidance. SIop guidance
Open Ihe home address. Home address
Open Ihe rouIe criIeria. RouIe preference
Open Ihe rouIe. RouIe informaIion
Turn on spoken insIrucIions. Voice insIrucIions ...
RepeaI Ihe spoken insIrucIion. RepeaI voice insIrucIions
Turn off spoken insIrucIions. Voice insIrucIions ...
Display Ihe address book. Address book
Display Ihe mosI recenI desIinaIions. LasI desIinaIions
Open Ihe Iraffic bulleIins. Traffic lnfo
Special desIinaIions. PoinIs of inIeresI
FuncIion Command
Display Ihe map. Map
Map facing norIh. Map facing norIh
Map facing Ihe direcIion of Iravel. Map in direcIion of Iravel
SeiIe 209
Short commands of the voice act. system Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FuncIion Command
PerspecIive map. Map perspecIive
AuIomaIic scaling of Ihe map. Map wiIh auIomaIic scaling
Scale .... Map scale
SpIit screen settings
FuncIion Command
SpliI screen. SpliI screen ...
SwiIch off Ihe spliI screen. SpliI screen ...
AdjusI Ihe spliI screen. SpliI screen conIenI
SpliI screen, map facing norIh. [SpliI screenj map facing norIh
SpliI screen, currenI posiIion. [SpliI screenj currenI posiIion
SpliI screen, facing Ihe direcIion of Iravel. [SpliI screenj map in direcIion of Iravel
SpliI screen, perspecIive. [SpliI screenj perspecIive
SpliI screen, expanded inIersecIion zoom. [SpliI screenj guiding Plus
SpliI screen scale...feeI. [SpliI screenj [scalej ... feeI, e.g., spliI screen
scale 100 feeI
SpliI screen scale...meIers. [SpliI screenj [scalej ... meIers, e.g., spliI screen
scale 100 meIers
SpliI screen scale...kilomeIers. [SpliI screenj [scalej ... kilomeIers, e.g., spliI
screen scale 5 kilomeIers
SpliI screen scale...miles. [SpliI screenj [scalej ... miles, e.g., spliI screen
scale 5 miles
SpliI screen, highlighI Ihe Iraffic siIuaIion. [SpliI screenj Traffic condiIions
SpliI screen, compuIer. [SpliI screenj on board info
SpliI screen, Irip compuIer. [SpliI screenj Irip compuIer
SpliI screen, scale auIomaIically. [SpliI screenj auIomaIic scaling
SeiIe 210
Reference Short commands of the voice act. system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Destination guidance with intermediate destinations
FuncIion Command
EnIer a new desIinaIion. EnIer address
Trip lisI. SIored Irips
FuncIion Command
Open a frequency. Frequency ... megaherIz, e.g., 93.5 megaherIz
or frequency 93.5
Open Ihe radio. Radio
Open Ihe FM sIaIions. F M
Open Ihe manual search. Manual
SelecI a frequency range. SelecI frequency
Open a sIaIion. SelecI sIaIion
FuncIion Command
Open a frequency. Frequency ... KiloherIz, e.g., frequency 753 or
753 kiloherIz
Open Ihe AM sIaIions. A M
Open Ihe manual search. Manual
Weather Band
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe WeaIher Band. WeaIher band
SwiIch on Ihe WeaIher Band. WeaIher band on
SelecI a WeaIher Band sIaIion. SelecI a weaIher channel
SeiIe 211
Short commands of the voice act. system Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SateIIite radio
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe saIelliIe radio. SaIelliIe radio
SwiIch on Ihe saIelliIe radio. SaIelliIe radio ...
SelecI a saIelliIe radio channel. SelecI saIelliIe radio, e.g., saIelliIe radio chan
nel 2
Stored stations
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe sIored sIaIions. PreseIs
Choose a sIored sIaIion. SelecI preseI
SelecI a sIored sIaIion. PreseI ... e. g., sIored sIaIion 2
ODlDVD drive
FuncIion Command
SelecI a Irack. Track ... e.g., Irack 5
C D Irack ... e.g., CD Irack 5
Play back a CD. C D ...
SelecI a CD. SelecI C D
SelecI a CD and Irack. C D ... Irack ... e.g., CD 3 Irack 5
Open Ihe CD and MulIimedia menus. MulIimedia
CD and DVD. C D
SelecI a DVD. D V D ... e.g. DVD 3
Display Ihe enIerIainmenI deIails on a spliI
[SpliI screenj enIerIainmenI deIails
SeiIe 212
Reference Short commands of the voice act. system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Music coIIection
FuncIion Command
Search for music, open a menu. Music search
Open Ihe currenI playback. CurrenI playback
Open Ihe music collecIion. Music collecIion
Play back Ihe music collecIion. Music collecIion on
Play back Ihe mosI frequenIly played Iracks. Top fifIy
ExternaI devices
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe exIernal devices. ExIernal devices
Open Ihe BlueIooIh devices. BlueIooIh
AUX aI fronI. AUX fronI
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe Ione seIIings. Tone
FuncIion Command
Dial a phone number. Dial number
Opens Ihe Telephone menu. Telephone
Display Ihe phone book. Phonebook
Redialing. Redial
Display received calls. Received calls
LisI of messages. Messages
Open Ihe BlueIooIh devices. BlueIooIh
SeiIe 213
Short commands of the voice act. system Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FuncIion Command
Open Ihe Office menu. Office
Display Office Today. CurrenI office
Display Ihe conIacIs. ConIacIs
Display Ihe messages. Messages
Display Ihe calendar. Calendar
Display Ihe Iasks. Tasks
Display Ihe reminders. Reminders
BMW Assist or OonnectedDrive
FuncIion Command
Open BMW AssisI.
Open ConnecIedDrive.
B M W AssisI
ConnecIed Drive
Open BMW Search. B M W Online
SeiIe 214
Reference Short commands of the voice act. system
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SeiIe 215
Short commands of the voice act. system Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Everything from A to Z
ABS, AnIilock Brake Sys
Iem 112
AcceleraIion AssisIanI, refer
Io Launch ConIrol 73
AcIivaIed-charcoal filIer 131
AcIive Blind SpoI DeIec
Iion 109
AcIive M differenIial 114
AcIive ProIecIion 110
AcIive seaI, fronI 49
AcIive seaI venIilaIion,
fronI 50
AdapIive brake lighIs, refer Io
Brake force display 110
AdapIive lighI conIrol 93
AddiIives, oil 179
AdjusImenIs, seaIs/head re
sIrainIs 47
AfIer washing vehicle 198
Airbags 96
Airbags, indicaIor/warning
lighI 97
Air circulaIion, refer Io Recir
culaIed-air mode 130
Air, dehumidifying, refer Io
Cooling funcIion 130
Air disIribuIion, manual 129
Air flow, auIomaIic climaIe
conIrol 129
Air pressure, Iires 167
Air venIs, refer Io VenIila
Iion 131
Alarm sysIem 42
Alarm, uninIenIional 43
All around Ihe cenIer con
sole 14
All around Ihe headliner 15
All around Ihe sIeering
wheel 12
ALL program, auIomaIic cli
maIe conIrol 130
All-season Iires, refer Io Win
Ier Iires 172
AlIernaIing-code hand-held
IransmiIIer 136
AlIernaIive oil Iypes 179
AmbienI lighI 94
AnIifreeze, washer fluid 70
AnIilock Brake SysIem,
ABS 112
AnIi-slip conIrol, refer Io
DSC 112
Approved axle load 205
Approved engine oils 179
ArmresI, refer Io CenIer arm
resI 145
Arrival Iime 87
AshIray 137
AshIray, fronI 137, 138
AshIray, rear 138
AssisIance, Roadside Assis
Iance 192
AssisIance when driving
off 112
AUTO inIensiIy 129
AuIomaIic car wash 197
AuIomaIic climaIe con
Irol 128
AuIomaIic Curb MoniIor 55
AuIomaIic deacIivaIion, fronI
passenger airbags 98
AuIomaIic headlamp con
Irol 92
AuIomaIic locking 37
AuIomaIic recirculaIed-air
conIrol 130
AuIomaIic SofI Closing,
doors 37
AuIomaIic IailgaIe 38
AUTO program, auIomaIic cli
maIe conIrol 129
AUTO program, inIensiIy 129
AuIo SIarI/SIop funcIion 64
Average fuel consumpIion 86
Average speed 87
Axle loads, weighIs 205
BackresI curvaIure, refer Io
Lumbar supporI 48
BackresI, widIh 48
Backup camera 120
Band-aids, refer Io FirsI aid
kiI 192
Bar for Iow-sIarIing/Iow
ing 195
BaIIery replacemenI, vehicle
baIIery 189
BaIIery replacemenI, vehicle
remoIe conIrol 30
BaIIery, vehicle 189
BelIs, safeIy belIs 50
Beverage holder, cu
pholder 146
Blinds, sun proIecIion 44
BMW AssisI, see user's
manual for NavigaIion, EnIer
IainmenI and Communica
BMW Homepage 6
BMW lnIerneI page 6
BMW MainIenance Sys
Iem 182
BMW M Iechnology 150
BoIIle holder, refer Io Cu
pholder 146
Brake assisIanI 112
Brake discs, breaking in 152
Brake force display 110
SeiIe 216
Reference Everything from A to Z
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Brake lamps, brake force dis
play 110
Brake lamps, bulb replace
menI 188
Brake lighIs, adapIive 110
Brake pads, breaking in 152
Braking, noIes 153
Breakdown assis
Iance 191, 192
Breaking in 152
BrighIness of ConIrol Dis
play 89
Bulb replacemenI 185
Bulb replacemenI, fronI 186
Bulb replacemenI, rear 188
Bulbs and lamps 185
BuIIon, SIarI/SIop 62
Bypassing, refer Io Jump-
sIarIing 192
California ProposiIion 65
Warning 7
Camera, backup camera 121
Camera, care 200
Camera, Side View 125
Camera, Top View 123
Can holder, refer Io Cu
pholder 146
Car baIIery 189
Car care producIs 198
Care, displays 200
Care, vehicle 198
Cargo 156
Cargo area, enlarging 140
Cargo area lid 37
Cargo area, sIorage comparI
menIs 147
Cargo sIraps, securing
cargo 157
Car key, refer Io RemoIe con
Irol 30
CarpeI, care 199
Car wash 197
CaIalyIic converIer, refer Io
HoI exhausI sysIem 153
CBS CondiIion Based Serv
ice 182
CD/MulIimedia, see user's
manual for NavigaIion, EnIer
IainmenI and Communica
CenIer armresI 145
CenIer console 14
CenIral locking sysIem 33
CenIral screen, refer Io ConIrol
Display 16
Changes, Iechnical, refer Io
SafeIy 7
Changing parIs 185
Changing wheels 189
Changing wheels/Iires 171
Check ConIrol 77
Children, seaIing posiIion 58
Children, IransporIing
safely 58
Child resIrainI fixing sys
Iem 58
Child resIrainI fixing sysIem
Child resIrainI fixing sysIems,
mounIing 58
Child safeIy locks 61
Child seaI, mounIing 58
Child seaIs 58
Chrome parIs, care 199
CigareIIe lighIer 137
Cleaning, displays 200
ClimaIe conIrol 128
ClimaIe conIrol wind
shield 153
Clock 80
Closing/opening from in
side 37
Closing/opening via door
lock 36
Closing/opening wiIh remoIe
conIrol 34
CloIhes hooks 147
Collision warning 103
CombinaIion swiIch, refer Io
Turn signals 67
CombinaIion swiIch, refer Io
Wiper sysIem 68
ComforI Access 40
Compressor 172
CompuIer 86
CondensaIion on win
dows 129
CondensaIion under Ihe vehi
cle 154
CondiIion Based Service
CBS 182
ConfirmaIion signal 35
ConnecIedDrive, see user's
manual for NavigaIion, EnIer
IainmenI and Communica
ConIrol Display 16
ConIrol Display, seIIings 88
ConIroller 16
ConIrol sysIems, driving sIa
biliIy 112
ConvenienI opening 34
CoolanI 181
CoolanI IemperaIure 80
Cooling funcIion 130
Cooling, maximum 129
Cooling sysIem 181
Corrosion on brake discs 154
Cruise conIrol 116
Cruising range 81
Cupholder 146
CurrenI fuel consumpIion 81
Damage, Iires 170
Damper conIrol 114
Damper ConIrol, Elec
Ironic 114
DaIa, Iechnical 204
DaIe 80
DayIime running lighIs 92
DefrosIing, refer Io Windows,
defrosIing 129
SeiIe 217
Everything from A to Z Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Dehumidifying, air 130
DesIinaIion disIance 87
DifferenIial lock 114
DigiIal clock 80
DigiIal speed 81
DigiIal IachomeIer 81
Dimensions 204
Dimmable exIerior mirrors 55
Dimmable inIerior rearview
mirror 55
DirecIion indicaIor, refer Io
Turn signals 67
Display, elecIronic, insIrumenI
clusIer 77
Display in windshield 126
Display lighIing, refer Io lnsIru
menI lighIing 94
Displays 76
Displays, cleaning 200
Disposal, coolanI 181
Disposal, vehicle baIIery 190
DisIance conIrol, refer Io
PDC 118
DisIance Io desIinaIion 87
Divided screen view, spliI
screen 20
Door lock, refer Io RemoIe
conIrol 30
Doors, AuIomaIic SofI Clos
ing 37
Double-cluIch Iransmis
sion 70
Drivelogic 72
Drive mode 71
Drive-off assisIanI 112
Drive-off assisIanI, refer Io
DSC 112
Driving 0
Driving Dynamics ConIrol 75
Driving Dynamics SysIem 82
Driving dynamics, sysIem
sIaIes 82
Driving insIrucIions, breaking
in 152
Driving noIes, general 152
Driving on raceIracks 151
Driving program, refer Io
Drivelogic 72
Driving sIabiliIy conIrol sys
Iems 112
Driving Iips 152
DSC Dynamic SIabiliIy Con
Irol 112
Dynamic SIabiliIy ConIrol
DSC 112
EDC, ElecIronic Damper Con
Irol 114
EfficienIDynamics 82
EfficienIDynamics display 82
EfficienIDynamics menu 82
ElecIronic Damper ConIrol
EDC 114
ElecIronic displays, insIru
menI clusIer 77
ElecIronic SIabiliIy Program
ESP, refer Io DSC 112
Emergency deIecIion, remoIe
conIrol 31
Emergency release, door
lock 37
Emergency release, fuel filler
flap 164
Emergency RequesI 191
Emergency service, refer Io
Roadside AssisIance 192
Emergency sIarI funcIion, en
gine sIarI 31
Emergency unlocking, Irunk
lid 40
Energy ConIrol 81
Energy recovery 82
Engine, auIomaIic SIarI/SIop
funcIion 64
Engine, auIomaIic swiIch-
off 64
Engine comparImenI 176
Engine comparImenI, working
in 176
Engine coolanI 181
Engine oil 178
Engine oil, adding 179
Engine oil addiIives 179
Engine oil change 179
Engine oil filler neck 179
Engine oil IemperaIure 80
Engine oil Iypes, alIerna
Iive 179
Engine oil Iypes, ap
proved 179
Engine sIarI during malfunc
Iion 31
Engine sIarI, jump-sIarI
ing 192
Engine sIarI, refer Io SIarIing
Ihe engine 63
Engine sIop 63
Engine IemperaIure 80
EnIering a car wash 197
EquipmenI, inIerior 135
ESP ElecIronic SIabiliIy Pro
gram, refer Io DSC 112
Exchanging wheels/Iires 171
ExhausI sysIem 153
ExIerior mirror, auIomaIic dim
ming feaIure 55
ExIerior mirrors 54
ExIernal sIarI 192
ExIernal IemperaIure dis
play 80
ExIernal IemperaIure warn
ing 80
Eyes for securing cargo 157
Failure message, refer Io
Check ConIrol 77
False alarm, refer Io UninIen
Iional alarm 43
Fan, refer Io Air flow 129
FaulI displays, refer Io Check
ConIrol 77
Filler neck for engine oil 179
Fine wood, care 199
FirsI aid kiI 192
SeiIe 218
Reference Everything from A to Z
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
FiIIing for Iowing, refer Io Tow
fiIIing 195
FlaI Iire, changing wheels 189
FlaI Tire MoniIor FTM 101
FlaI Iire, Tire Pressure MoniIor
TPM 99
FlaI Iire, warning
lamp 100, 102
Flooding 153
Floor carpeI, care 199
Floor maIs, care 199
Fold-ouI posiIion, windshield
wipers 69
FooI brake 153
FronI airbags 96
FronI lamps 186
FronI passenger airbags, au
IomaIic deacIivaIion 98
FronI passenger airbags, indi
caIor lamp 98
FTM FlaI Tire MoniIor 101
Fuel cap 164
Fuel consumpIion, currenI 81
Fuel consumpIion, refer Io
Average fuel consump
Iion 86
Fuel filler flap 164
Fuel gauge 80
Fuel qualiIy 166
Fuel, Iank capaciIy 206
Fuse 190
Garage door opener, refer Io
lnIegraIed universal remoIe
conIrol 135
Gasoline 166
Gasoline qualiIy 166
Gear change 72
Gear shifI indicaIor 83
General driving noIes 152
Glass sunroof, powered 45
Glove comparImenI 144
Gross vehicle weighI, ap
proved 205
Ground clearance 155
Handbrake, refer Io Parking
brake 66
Hand-held IransmiIIer, alIer
naIing code 136
Hazard warning flashers 191
Head airbags 96
Headlamp conIrol, auIo
maIic 92
Headlamp courIesy delay fea
Iure 92
Headlamp courIesy delay fea
Iure via remoIe conIrol 35
Headlamp flasher 68
Headlamp glass 186
Headlamps 186
Headlamps, care 198
Headlamp washer sysIem 68
Headliner 15
Head resIrainIs 47
Head resIrainIs, fronI 51
Head resIrainIs, rear 52
Head-Up Display 126
Head-up Display, care 200
Head-up display, M view 126
Head-up display, sIandard
view 126
Heavy cargo, sIowing 157
HeighI, vehicle 204
High-beam AssisIanI 93
High beams 68
High beams/low beams, refer
Io High-beam AssisIanI 93
Hills 154
Hill SIarI AssisIanI 114
Hill sIarI assisIanI, refer Io
Drive-off assisIanI 112
HinIs 6
Holder for beverages 146
Homepage 6
Hood 176
Horn 12
HoIel funcIion, Irunk lid 39
HoI exhausI sysIem 153
HUD Head-Up Display 126
Hydroplaning 153
lce warning, refer Io ExIernal
IemperaIure warning 80
lcy roads, refer Io ExIernal
IemperaIure warning 80
ldenIificaIion marks, Iires 169
ldenIificaIion number, refer Io
lmporIanI feaIures in Ihe en
gine comparImenI 176
iDrive 16
lgniIion key, refer Io RemoIe
conIrol 30
lgniIion off 62
lgniIion on 62
lndicaIion of a flaI
Iire 100, 102
lndividual air disIribuIion 129
lndividual seIIings, refer Io M
Drive 56
lndividual seIIings, refer Io
Personal Profile 31
lnflaIion pressure, Iires 167
lnflaIion pressure warning
FTM, Iires 101
lnfo display, refer Io Com
puIer 86
lniIialize, Tire Pressure Moni
Ior TPM 100
lniIializing, FlaI Tire MoniIor
FTM 102
lnsIrumenI clusIer 76
lnsIrumenI clusIer, elecIronic
displays 77
lnsIrumenI lighIing 94
lnIegraIed key 30
lnIegraIed universal remoIe
conIrol 135
lnIensiIy, AUTO program 129
lnIerior equipmenI 135
lnIerior lamps 94
SeiIe 219
Everything from A to Z Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
lnIerior lamps via remoIe con
Irol 35
lnIerior moIion sensor 43
lnIerior rearview mirror 55
lnIerior rearview mirror, auIo
maIic dimming feaIure 55
lnIerneI page 6
lnIerval display, service re
quiremenIs 83
Jacking poinIs for Ihe vehicle
jack 189
Jack, refer Io Vehicle jack 189
Jump-sIarIing 192
Key/remoIe conIrol 30
Keyless Go, refer Io ComforI
Access 40
Key Memory, refer Io Personal
Profile 31
Knee airbag 97
Lamp replacemenI 185
Lamp replacemenI, fronI 186
Lamp replacemenI, rear 188
Lamps 91
Lamps and bulbs 185
Lane deparIure warning 107
Lane margin, warning 107
Language on ConIrol Dis
play 89
Lashing eyes, securing
cargo 157
LATCH child resIrainI fixing
sysIem 59
Launch ConIrol 73
LeaIher, care 198
LEDs, lighI-emiIIing di
odes 186
LengIh, vehicle 205
LeIIers and numbers, enIer
ing 21
License plaIe lamp, bulb re
placemenI 188
LighI-alloy wheels, care 199
LighI conIrol 93
LighI-emiIIing diodes,
LEDs 186
LighIer, fronI 137, 138
LighIer, rear 138
LighIing 91
LighIing, speaker 95
LighIing via remoIe conIrol 35
LighI swiIch 91
Load 156
Loading 156
Lock, door 36
Locking/unlocking from in
side 37
Locking/unlocking via door
lock 36
Locking/unlocking wiIh re
moIe conIrol 34
Locking, auIomaIic 37
Locking, cenIral 33
Locking via Irunk lid 38
Lock, power window 44
Locks, doors, and win
dows 61
Low beams 91
Low beams, auIomaIic, refer Io
High-beam AssisIanI 93
Lower back supporI 48
Low Speed AssisIanI 74
Luggage rack, refer Io Roof-
mounIed luggage rack 157
Lumbar supporI 48
MainIenance 182
MainIenance require
menIs 182
MainIenance, service require
menIs 83
MainIenance sysIem,
BMW 182
MalfuncIion displays, refer Io
Check ConIrol 77
Manual air disIribuIion 129
Manual air flow 129
Manual brake, refer Io Parking
brake 66
Manual operaIion, backup
camera 121
Manual operaIion, door
lock 37
Manual operaIion, exIerior mir
rors 55
Manual operaIion, fuel filler
flap 164
Manual operaIion, Park Dis
Iance ConIrol PDC 119
Manual operaIion, Side
View 125
Manual operaIion, Top
View 123
Manual Iransmission 75
Marking on approved
Iires 171
Massage seaI, fronI 49
MasIer key, refer Io RemoIe
conIrol 30
Maximum cooling 129
Maximum speed, display 84
Maximum speed, winIer
Iires 172
M carbon ceramic brake 150
M differenIial, acIive 114
MDM, M Dynamic Mode 113
M double-cluIch Iransmis
sion 70
M Drive 56
M Driving Dynamics Con
Irol 75
M Dynamic Mode MDM 113
Measure, uniIs of 89
Medical kiI 192
Memory for seaI, mirrors,
sIeering wheel 53
Menu in insIrumenI clusIer 85
SeiIe 220
Reference Everything from A to Z
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Menus, operaIing, iDrive 16
Menus, refer Io iDrive operaI
ing concepI 17
Messages, refer Io Check
ConIrol 77
MicrofilIer 131
Minimum Iread, Iires 170
Mirror 54
Mirror memory 53
Mobile communicaIion devi
ces in Ihe vehicle 153
MobiliIy SysIem 172
ModificaIions, Iechnical, refer
Io SafeIy 7
MoisIure in headlamp 186
MoniIor, refer Io ConIrol Dis
play 16
MounIing of child resIrainI fix
ing sysIems 58
M Iechnology 150
MulIifuncIion sIeering wheel,
buIIons 12
M view, head-up display 126
NavigaIion, see user's manual
for NavigaIion, EnIerIain
menI and CommunicaIion
Neck resIrainIs, fronI, refer Io
Head resIrainIs 51
Neck resIrainIs, rear, refer Io
Head resIrainIs 52
New wheels and Iires 171
NighI Vision wiIh pedesIrian
deIecIion 105
No Passing lnformaIion 84
Nylon rope for Iow-sIarIing/
Iowing 195
OBD Onboard Diagnos
Iics 183
ObsIacle marking, backup
camera 122
OcIane raIing, refer Io Gaso
line qualiIy 166
OdomeIer 80
Office, see user's manual for
NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI
and CommunicaIion
Oil 178
Oil, adding 179
Oil addiIives 179
Oil change 179
Oil change inIerval, service re
quiremenIs 83
Oil filler neck 179
Oil Iypes, alIernaIive 179
Oil Iypes, approved 179
Old baIIeries, disposal 190
Onboard DiagnosIics
OBD 183
Onboard moniIor, refer Io
ConIrol Display 16
Onboard vehicle Iool kiI 185
Opening/closing from in
side 37
Opening/closing via door
lock 36
Opening/closing wiIh remoIe
conIrol 34
Opening Ihe Irunk lid wiIh no-
Iouch acIivaIion 41
OperaIing concepI, iDrive 16
OpIional equipmenI, sIandard
equipmenI 6
OuIside air, refer Io AuIomaIic
recirculaIed-air conIrol 130
OverheaIing of engine, refer Io
CoolanI IemperaIure 80
OverIaking prohibiIions 84
PainI, vehicle 198
Panic mode 35
Park DisIance ConIrol
PDC 118
Parked-car venIilaIion 133
Parked vehicle, condensa
Iion 154
Parking aid, refer Io PDC 118
Parking brake 66
Parking lamps 91
Passenger side mirror, IilIing
downward 55
PaIhway lines, backup cam
era 121
PDC Park DisIance Con
Irol 118
PedesIrian deIecIion, refer Io
NighI Vision 105
People deIecIion, refer Io
NighI Vision 105
Personal Profile 31
Pinch proIecIion sysIem, glass
sunroof 46
Pinch proIecIion sysIem, win
dows 44
PlasIic, care 199
Power failure 190
Power sunroof, glass 45
Power windows 43
Pressure, Iire air pres
sure 167
Pressure warning FTM,
Iires 101
Profile, refer Io Personal Pro
file 31
Programmable memory buI
Ions, iDrive 20
ProIecIive funcIion, glass sun
roof 46
ProIecIive funcIion, win
dows 44
Push-and-Iurn swiIch, refer Io
ConIroller 16
RadiaIor fluid 181
Radio-operaIed key, refer Io
RemoIe conIrol 30
Radio ready sIaIe 63
SeiIe 221
Everything from A to Z Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
Radio, see user's manual for
NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI
and CommunicaIion
Rain sensor 69
Rear auIomaIic climaIe con
Irol 132
Rear lamps 188
Rear sockeI 139
Rearview mirror 54
Rear window defrosIer 130
RecirculaIed-air mode 130
Recommended Iire
brands 171
Refueling 164
Remaining range 81
RemoIe conIrol/key 30
RemoIe conIrol, malfunc
Iion 36
RemoIe conIrol, universal 135
ReplacemenI fuse 190
Replacing parIs 185
Replacing wheels/Iires 171
ReporIing safeIy defecIs 8
Reserve warning, refer Io
Range 81
ReseI, Tire Pressure MoniIor
TPM 100
Residual heaI, auIomaIic cli
maIe conIrol 130
ReIaining sIraps, securing
cargo 157
ReIreaded Iires 172
Reversing lamp, bulb replace
menI 188
Roadside parking lamps 92
Roller sunblinds 44
RON gasoline qualiIy 166
Roof load capaciIy 205
Roof-mounIed luggage
rack 157
Rope for Iow-sIarIing/Iow
ing 195
Rubber componenIs,
care 199
Safe braking 153
SafeIy 7
SafeIy belI reminder for driv
er's seaI and fronI passenger
seaI 51
SafeIy belIs 50
SafeIy belIs, care 199
SafeIy Package, refer Io AcIive
ProIecIion 110
SafeIy swiIch, windows 44
SafeIy sysIems, airbags 96
Saving fuel 0
Screen, refer Io ConIrol Dis
play 16
Screwdriver 185
Screw Ihread for Iow fiI
Iing 196
SealanI 172
SeaI belIs, refer Io SafeIy
belIs 50
SeaI heaIing, fronI 49
SeaI heaIing, rear 49
SeaIing posiIion for chil
dren 58
SeaI, mirror, and sIeering
wheel memory 53
SeaIs 47
SeaI venIilaIion, fronI 50
SelecIion lisI in insIrumenI
clusIer 85
SelecIor lever 71
Sensors, care 200
SequenIial mode 71
Service and warranIy 7
Service requiremenIs, Condi
Iion Based Service CBS 182
Service requiremenIs, dis
play 83
Service, Roadside Assis
Iance 192
ServoIronic 115
SeIIings, M Drive 56
SeIIings on ConIrol Dis
play 88
SeIIings, sIoring for seaI, mir
rors, sIeering wheel 53
ShifIing, manual Iransmis
sion 75
ShifI LighIs 74
ShorI commands 207
Shoulder supporI 48
Side airbags 96
Side View 124
Signaling, horn 12
Signals when unlocking 35
SiIIing safely 47
Size 204
Ski bag 142
Slide/IilI glass roof 45
SmallesI Iurning circle 205
Smoker's package 137
Snow chains 175
SockeI 139
SockeI, OBD Onboard Diag
nosIics 183
SOS buIIon 191
Spare fuse 190
Speaker lighIing 95
Specified engine oil
Iypes 179
Speed, average 87
Speed limiI deIecIion, on
board compuIer 87
Speed limiIer, display 84
Speed LimiI lnformaIion 84
Speed limiI in Ihe com
puIer 87
SpliI screen 20
SIabiliIy conIrol sysIems 112
SIandard view, head-up dis
play 126
SIarI/sIop, auIomaIic func
Iion 64
SIarI/SIop buIIon 62
SIarI funcIion during malfunc
Iion 31
SIarIing Ihe engine 63
SIaIus display, Iires 99
SIaIus informaIion, iDrive 19
SIaIus of Owner's Manual 6
SeiIe 222
Reference Everything from A to Z
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
SIeering assisIance 115
SIeering wheel, adjusIing 56
SIeering wheel heaIing 56
SIeering wheel memory 53
SIopping Ihe engine 63
SIorage comparImenI, remoIe
conIrol 146
SIorage comparImenIs 144
SIorage comparImenIs, loca
Iions 144
SIorage, Iires 172
SIoring Ihe vehicle 200
Summer Iires, Iread 170
SupplemenIary IexI mes
sage 79
Surround View 120
SwiIch-on Iimes, parked-car
venIilaIion 134
SwiIch, refer Io CockpiI 12
Symbols 6
SysIem sIaIes of Ihe driving
dynamics 82
TachomeIer 80
Tail and brake lamps 188
TailgaIe 37
TailgaIe, auIomaIic 38
TailgaIe opening wiIh no-
Iouch acIivaIion 41
TailgaIe via remoIe conIrol 35
Tail lamps 188
Tail lamps, bulb replace
menI 188
Technical changes, refer Io
SafeIy 7
Technical daIa 204
Technology, BMW M 150
Telephone, see user's manual
for NavigaIion, EnIerIain
menI and CommunicaIion
TemperaIure, auIomaIic cli
maIe conIrol 129
TemperaIure display, exIernal
IemperaIure 80
TemperaIure, engine oil 80
Terminal, jump-sIarIing 193
TexI message, supplemen
Iary 79
ThefI alarm sysIem, refer Io
Alarm sysIem 42
ThefI proIecIion, refer Io Cen
Iral locking sysIem 33
Thermal camera, refer Io NighI
Vision 105
Through-loading sysIem 140
TilI alarm sensor 43
Time of arrival 87
Tire damage 170
Tire idenIificaIion marks 169
Tire inflaIion pressure 167
Tire inflaIion pressure moniIor,
refer Io FTM 101
Tire Pressure MoniIor
TPM 99
Tires, changing 171
Tire sealanI 172
Tires, everyIhing on wheels
and Iires 167
Tire Iread 170
Tone, see user's manual for
NavigaIion, EnIerIainmenI
and CommunicaIion
Tools 185
Top View 123
ToIal vehicle weighI 205
Tow fiIIing 195
Towing 194
Tow-sIarIing 194
Tow Iruck 194
TPM Tire Pressure Moni
Ior 99
Transmission, manual 75
Transmission posiIions 71
TransporIing children
safely 58
Tread, Iires 170
Trip compuIer 87
Triple Iurn signal acIiva
Iion 67
Trip odomeIer 80
Truck for Iow-sIarIing/Iow
ing 194
Trunk lid 37
Trunk lid, auIomaIic 38
Trunk lid, emergency unlock
ing 40
Trunk lid, hoIel funcIion 39
Trunk lid opening wiIh no-
Iouch acIivaIion 41
Trunk lid via remoIe con
Irol 35
Turning circle 205
Turning circle lines, backup
camera 122
Turn signals, operaIion 67
Turn signals, rear, bulb re
placemenI 188
UninIenIional alarm 43
UniIs of measure 89
Universal remoIe conIrol 135
Unlocking/locking from in
side 37
Unlocking/locking via door
lock 36
Unlocking/locking wiIh remoIe
conIrol 34
UpdaIes made afIer Ihe ediIo
rial deadline 6
UpholsIery care 199
USB inIerface 140
V8 high performance en
gine 150
Vehicle baIIery 189
Vehicle baIIery, replacing 189
Vehicle, breaking in 152
Vehicle care 198
Vehicle equipmenI 6
Vehicle idenIificaIion number,
refer Io ldenIificaIion number
SeiIe 223
Everything from A to Z Reference
Online EdiIion for ParI no. 01 40 2 903 032 - 07 12 490
in Ihe engine comparI
menI 176
Vehicle jack 189
Vehicle painI 198
Vehicle sIorage 200
Vehicle wash 197
VenIilaIion 131
VenIilaIion, refer Io Parked-car
venIilaIion 133
Voice acIivaIion, shorI com
mands 207
Voice acIivaIion sysIem 22
Warning messages, refer Io
Check ConIrol 77
Warning Iriangle 192
Washer fluid 70
Washer fluid reservoir, ca
paciIy 206
Washer nozzles, wind
shield 69
Washer sysIem 68
Washing, vehicle 197
WaIer on roads 153
WeighIs 205
Welcome lamps 91
Wheel base, vehicle 205
Wheels, changing 171
Wheels, everyIhing on wheels
and Iires 167
Wheels, FlaI Tire MoniIor
FTM 101
Wheels, Tire Pressure MoniIor
TPM 99
WidIh, vehicle 204
Window defrosIer, rear 130
Windows, powered 43
Windshield, climaIe con
Irol 153
Windshield washer fluid 70
Windshield washer noz
zles 69
Windshield washer sysIem 68
Windshield wiper 68
Windshield wipers, fold-ouI
posiIion 69
WinIer sIorage, care 200
WinIer Iires, suiIable Iires 172
WinIer Iires, Iread 170
Wiper blades, replacing 185
Wiper fluid 70
Wiper sysIem 68
Wood, care 199
Word maIch concepI, naviga
Iion 21
Wrench 185
Xenon headlamps, bulb re
placemenI 186
SeiIe 224
Reference Everything from A to Z
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