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genus series pooI and spa products the next generation

H 85 W 197
The Genus lV controI system gives a new meaning to the term, 'genetic engineering'.
CharIes Darwin created a revoIution
with his theory of evoIution. Put
simpIy, he argued that "aII species
descended from parent forms
through the naturaI seIection of
those best adapted to survive."
ln essence, that's aIso the theory
behind the HurIcon Genus lV PooI
and Spa System.
Genus is much, much more than
just a cIever controIIer.
The term 'genus' denotes a species
or famiIy of things. As Darwin might
say, it points to the evoIution of a
range of products as a resuIt of
the naturaI seIection of those best
adapted to the purpose.
So the Genus lV is more than just a
very cIever controIIer.
lt's the heart of a system, a famiIy
of high quaIity, highIy inteIIigent,
interconnected products that
together, take totaI care of your
pooI and spa.
Genus is about setting a superior
standard. lt's the resuIt of
spreading the inteIIigence needed
throughout an entire system. lt's
about combining that inteIIigence
to achieve greater efficiency,
greater convenience and a greater
return on the investment in a pooI
or spa. lt's about evoIution and
new technoIogy. lt might even be
described as an eIectronic version
of 'genetic engineering'.
Who is in controI?
PooIs and spas are great famiIy
fun but, to many, they are aIso an
incomprehensibIe array of knobs,
diaIs and pIumbing.
lt seems convenience and ease of
operation has never been a high
priority untiI now.
The Genus lV controIIer has been
designed to Iink aII these separate
components together in a singIe
controI that aIIows any member of
the famiIy to operate the system.
So, there's no Ionger any need to
wait for the famiIy expert to come
home and turn on the spa or the
pooI heating.
With Genus it's as simpIe as
pushing a button.
How cIever is this controIIer?
With the push of a button, the
Genus wiII change the temperature
of your pooI or spa.
lt can switch between the pooI
and the spa.
lt can change the chIorine
production when using your spa.
lt can switch your pooI and spa
Iighting on and off.
lt aIIows you to controI the intensity
of your spa's massaging action.
lt can turn your boost pump on
and off.
lt wiII controI the hours of operation
of your fiIter pump automaticaIIy.
lt wiII dispIay your pooI
lt wiII dispIay your spa temperature.
lt wiII dispIay your pooI and spa
system operating status.
lt wiII make your pooI and spa reaIIy
easy to operate and controI.
lt can be Iocked to prevent
unauthorised adjustment.
ln fact, it's aImost easier to Iist what
it can't dol
H 336 W 650 H 1020 W 690 H 900 W 285
With TX pooI pumps, it reaIIy is the
survivaI of the fittest.
The AustraIian environment is
one of the toughest on pooI and
spa pumps. ExternaIIy, they have
to cope with the cIimate and the
eIements. lnternaIIy, they must
adapt to ever increasing
pressure IeveIs.
OnIy the best survive.
lt's an environment in which aII
HurIcon pumps thrive. And one in
which the new TX Series sets a
new benchmark in performance
and durabiIity.
ExternaI protection on the TX is
provided by a singIe piece body of
NoryI, a super tough and stabIe,
corrosion-resistant, high-tech,
gIass-reinforced thermopIastic.
StainIess steeI shafts and 'Iapped
true carbon face and ceramic seaIs'
aIso heIp achieve the high
Genus standards of reIiabiIity
and durabiIity.
lnternaI head pressures are
constantIy rising as pumps try to
push water through pooI fiIters,
saIt chIorinators, in-fIoor cIeaning
systems or muIti jet spas.
The TX Series has been designed to
meet this need by deIivering much
higher head pressure and overaII
And surprisingIy, it does it with
greater efficiency and at greatIy
reduced noise IeveIs.
lt aIso moves more water,
using Iess power, in fewer hours
per day, so its operating costs
are considerabIy Iower, saving
you money.
TX pumps and RX fiIters prove the
vaIue of famiIy ties.
HurIcon RX Series pooI fiIters are
designed to provide perfectIy cIean,
cIear water.
And when used with the incredibIy
fine zeoIite fiIter medium, the water
cIarity is outstanding.
However, the pressures pIaced on
modern pooI pumps aIso affect
modern pooI fiIters.
That's why so much effort was put
into making sure the performance
of the RX Series muIti-media fiIters
and the output of the TX Series
pumps were perfectIy matched.
When used together, they easiIy
cope with the highest head
pressures and fIow rates
Their combined capacity, aIong with
the fiIter's 12 arm hub and 25mm
IateraIs, heIps reduce fiItration
times and pump operation and that
reduces operating costs.
Like TX pumps, RX fiIters are
aIso tough. Each is seamIessIy,
rotationaIIy mouIded from High
Density PoIy EthyIene using
techniques that have been
excIusiveIy deveIoped by HurIcon
to give unparaIIeIed strength and
stabiIity. Even the fiIter's shape
has been carefuIIy engineered
to ensure maximum Iife
and troubIe free
QX is part of the famiIy too.
ln some appIications, a cartridge
fiIter is the best option so the
Genus famiIy wouId be incompIete
without one.
But to meet the high Genus
standards, it has to be the best.
So in addition to the automatic
air bIeed and automatic internaI
pressure reIease vaIve, the QX
Cartridge FiIter uses a state-of-the-
art Du Pont Reemay fiIter eIement.
This eIement not onIy cIeans the
water more compIeteIy, it aIso is
easier to cIean more thoroughIy and
more easiIy than other cartridges.
Just Iike the TX pump and
the RX muIti-media fiIter,
the QX cartridge fiIter
is perfectIy matched
to the rest of the
Genus range and
aIso controIIed by
the Genus lV ControI
The HurIcon Genus Series had its own genesis in pooIs of warm water.
H 790 W 775 D550
lt is said that Iife on earth began
in a primordiaI pooI of warm saIty
water and, in some ways the Genus
range had a simiIar beginning.
The very first products in the Genus
range were gas pooI heaters.
HurIcon beIieve that every pooI
shouId be heated. A pooI shouId be
useabIe aII year round, whenever
it's needed. lt's a significant
investment and to have it sit idIe
for much of the year is reaIIy
HeaIthy IifestyIes have aIways
reIied on pooIs of warm water.
Once, pooIs were just a way to cooI
down in summer. They were just
for fun. Now they are an integraI
part of a modern heaIth and
fitness program.
Our sedentary IifestyIes make some
sort of exercise regime aImost
essentiaI and a pooI provides
Iow impact exercise for everyone
through every stage of Iife, from
birth to grand oId age.
PooI exercise can be very
strenuous or very reIaxing. But
to be effective, it needs to be
consistent. To confine it to the few
months of the year when the pooI
is naturaIIy warm is not convenient
and it's not heaIthy.
MX Series gas pooI heaters are the
origin of the species.
Genus grew out of a desire to buiId
the most convenient, most reIiabIe
and most efficient pooI heating
To do that, those heaters had to be
superior in every respect.
The MX Series achieved that goaI
and in doing so, set the standard
that became the benchmark for aII
Genus products.
MX introduced the interactive
inteIIigence that is now spread
throughout the entire genus range.
ln fact, a Iarge part of that shared
inteIIigence is actuaIIy buiIt into the
heater, which is why every Genus
system needs to incIude an MX gas
heater or DX heat pump.
MX aIso introduced a IeveI of
innovation that other Genus
products wouId strive to match.
Superior performance and
durabiIity through naturaI seIection.
The MX Series is now the accepted
market Ieader in gas pooI heating.
This is because, from the
beginning, onIy the very best
components and technoIogies were
good enough.
The Copper NickeI finned-tube heat
exchanger was seIected to provide
the highest corrosion resistance
lt aIso gives 10 times the heat
transfer of pIain tube and when
connected to HurIcon's ground-
breaking thermopIastic headers,
the waterways deIiver high fIow
rates, incredibIe efficiencies and
corrosion resistant operation.
StainIess steeI Venturi burners
were deveIoped to ensure short,
sharp, even fIame distribution as
weII as Iong-Iasting,
These innovations, combined with
the briIIiant Genus controI system,
make the MX Series gas pooI
heaters so fast they're abIe to heat
most pooIs within 24 hours.
No Ionger must the heater be
run for Iong periods for the pooI
temperature to be constantIy
maintained. With a one day heat up,
MX Series now provides the nearest
thing to 'on-demand' pooI heating.
AII this MX technoIogy is encIosed
in a compact design made from the
toughest materiaIs avaiIabIe.
ln short, the MX Series is faster,
smaIIer, more reIiabIe, more
efficient and more affordabIe than
the competition.
And of course, it's aIso smarter.
H 1070 W 820 D 1000
MX Series gas heaters set the
originaI genetic code.
lt was the push to buiId an
unprecedented IeveI of inteIIigence
and controI into the MX gas heaters
that created the Genus controI
The introduction of a sophisticated
eIectronic thermostat, a digitaI
readout, state-of-the-art gas vaIve
and an eIectronic ignition system
gave the MX the precision to
controI temperatures to within haIf
a degree.
That accuracy aIIowed the MX to
monitor and maintain the desired
water temperature without ever
overheating or wasting energy.
lt even aIIowed for buiIt-in
freeze protection.
The Iarge Liquid CrystaI DispIay
was designed to be the perfect
diagnostic tooI providing as much,
or as IittIe information as the
operator required.
lt dispIays water pressure and
thermostat operation, ignition
status, actuaI and set point
temperatures. lt even heIps protect
the heater and can be used to run
a compIete fauIt anaIysis if ever
With aII that inteIIigence buiIt in,
using it to provide pooI and spa
users more convenience and
controI than ever before was the
IogicaI next step.
So now remote controI is an option.
Genus is aIso now abIe to drive
motorised vaIves that automaticaIIy
switch from pooI to spa, making aII
the fine adjustments to fiIter, pump
and heater operation aIong the way.
Even the normaI operation of
pumps and fiIters has been
programmed into the Genus
software, aIong with a number of
other pooI and spa components. lt
can even run other heating options.
DX Series heat pumps add a new
branch to the famiIy tree.
ln some regions gas is unavaiIabIe
or uneconomicaI and there, a Genus
system wiII incIude a DX Series
heat pump.
Based on the same technoIogy
used in air conditioners and
refrigerators, the DX heat pump
is amazingIy efficient, up to 500%
in fact.
lt's Co-efficient of Performance,
[C.O.P.j indicates that it can
produce 4 to 5 kiIowatts of heat
energy for every singIe kiIowatt of
eIectric power it consumes.
ObviousIy, such efficiency equates
to very Iow running costs and with
around 26kW of output there's
more than enough for most
domestic pooIs.
BuiId quaIity is aIso up to Genus
standards. Top and base are
corrosion resistant poIyethyIene,
the sides are powder-coated and
the heat exchanger is Cupro NickeI.
More importantIy, the doubIe
row evaporator coiIs provide
greater efficiency in a smaIIer
package and the mouIded muIti-
bIade fan reduces fan noise to a
new minimum.
And naturaIIy, the DX Series
benefits from aII the genius buiIt
into the Genus controI system.
SaIt chIorinators, waterfaIIs and pooI Iights. Diverse technoIogies,
but part of the same gene pooI.
H 425 W 224 D131
H 109 W 230 D111
From saIt pooI to saIt pooI, the
cycIe is compIete.
lt's said that we came from the sea
and that saIt water makes up about
70% of the human body.
lt's IittIe wonder then that we find
saIt water the most naturaI medium
to swim in.
lt's one reason why saIt chIorination
of swimming pooIs, which is IargeIy
an AustraIian innovation, is now
the accepted standard for pooI
However, it's not the onIy reason.
ControI and convenience are aIso
major factors.
Genus controI generates chIorine
ManuaI dosing of a pooI with Iiquid
or granuIar chIorine can sometimes
be haphazard. Over-dosing can
cause eye irritation, itchy skin and a
strong chIorine odour.
So if one product of the Genus
range perfectIy exempIifies the
twin doctrines of controI and
convenience, it wouId be the VX
Series saIt chIorinators.
The VX Series saIt chIorinators
take fuII controI of chIorine dosing,
making the process precise and
But, to be accurate, it is not the
saIt that sanitises a 'saIt' pooI.
ChIorine is stiII the sanitising
agent. The saIt, which is in miId
soIution roughIy equivaIent to the
concentration in a tear drop, is
used to generate that chIorine.
lt does this as it passes through
the cIear bIue ceII and between
the eIectroIytic pIates. The saIt
reacts with the eIectricaI current to
form chIorine which then kiIIs aII
contaminants within the pooI.
The resuIt is pure, crystaI
cIear water and happy, heaIthy
And Genus generates convenience
The VX Series not onIy controIs
the weII-being of your pooI
automaticaIIy, it does the same for
itseIf as weII.
At intervaIs determined by the
inteIIigent software program, it
wiII reverse the poIarity of its
pIates. This 'seIf-cIeaning' process
cIears the pIates of any buiId up,
extending the ceII's working Iife and
virtuaIIy eIiminating maintenance.
The unique inteIIigent software
which controIs the reversaI
frequency, makes the VX one of the
most reIiabIe and Iongest Iasting
chIorinators avaiIabIe. From the
Touch Pad, chIorine output
can be adjusted and operating
hours preset.
So there can be one regime
for weekdays and another for
weekends, when the pooI is more
IikeIy to be used.
Even super chIorination can be
done with the push of a button.
AII you ever have to do is
occasionaIIy top up the saIt to
the required IeveI.
For those with pooI and spa
combinations Genus and the
VX Series are a significant
ln the past, switching from the
pooI to the spa was a compIicated
and inconvenient exercise. The
chIorine output for the pooI was
aIways far too high for a spa but,
when the switch was made, the
saIt chIorinator wouId simpIy stop
operating, or keep running with no
adjustment at aII, producing too
much or too IittIe chIorine.
Now the VX Series and the Genus
controIIer have soIved that probIem.
When the switch is made, they
automaticaIIy turn down the VX
output to the IeveI required by
the spa, and aII with the push of a
singIe button.

SiIkfIow Cascade lIIusion
The Genus famiIy tree wiII continue
to grow.
New technoIogy is driving a rapid
move away from mechanicaIIy
operated pooI and spa components
to sophisticated eIectronicaIIy
controIIed products.
At the same time, new and exciting
components are being introduced
into the pooI and spa zone.
With the Genus network in pIace,
these trends wiII create an ongoing
opportunity to continuousIy expand
the network.
Two innovations have aIready
joined the network. They are
waterfaIIs and fibre-optic pooI and
spa Iighting.
DoubIe the fun with fibre optic
The Genus phiIosophy is based
on maximising the return on the
investment in a pooI or spa.
Genus heating systems extend the
number of days per year a pooI can
be used and fibre optics and pooI
Iights can be used to extend the
number of hours in the day.
A briIIiantIy Iit pooI at night is just
as enticing and rewarding as a pooI
in fuII Iight of day. Entertaining
famiIy or friends around the pooI at
night is a speciaI experience, and
HurIcon fibre optics and pooI and
deck Iights offer a range of
dazzIing options. SideIight cabIe
emits briIIiantIy coIoured Iight aIong
its entire Iength and is often used
to trace around the pooI edge.
lt can change coIour, is virtuaIIy
unbreakabIe and very energy
efficient. lt's protected against
UItra vioIet, aIgae and fungaI attack.
There is no eIectricaI current
or heat in the cabIe so it's
compIeteIy safe.
EndIight cabIe contains its Iight
untiI it terminates in a stunning
Iandscape or water feature.
lt is used in FIexibIe Spot Lights to
highIight trees and gardens.
Pathways can be iIIuminated by
Landscape Path Lights pIaced
aIongside the path or by Paver
Iights and the amazing Light Sticks,
which can be set in the path itseIf.
And now, geneticaIIy engineered
Over the years HurIcon has
estabIished its engineering
expertise in water heating,
sanitising, pumping and fiItering.
Now that knowIedge has given birth
to a range of waterfaIIs.
They compIete the pooI and spa
experience. There is nothing
more Iuxurious and soothing than
the sound of tumbIing water and
few things are more attractive
to gaze at. As its name impIies,
SiIkfIow creates a wide and
stunning ribbon of siIky water.
lIIusion combines that ribbon with
fibre optics and Cascade tinkIes
with mesmerising effect.

Most are avaiIabIe in a wide range
of sizes from 300mm to 2400mm.
They are just another way the
Genus famiIy creates the perfect
totaI pooI and spa experience. The
next generation has arrived.
Pump Sand
7m x 3.5m 30000L TX RX280 QX75 VX6 MX125 DX120
8m x 4m 38400L TX RX280 QX75 VX6 MX150 DX120
9m x 4.5m 48600L TX1.0 RX360 QX100 VX7 MX200 DX120
10m x 5m 60000L TX1.5 RX400 QX150 VX9 MX250 DX120
12m x 6m 86400L TX1.5 RX400 QX200 VX11 MX300 DX120
14m x 7m 117600L TX2.0 RX500 QX200 VX13 MX500 DX120
15m x 7.5m 135000L TX3.0 RX400 QX150 VX13 MX500 DX120
Pump Sand
2000L TX1.5 RX400 QX150 VX6 MX250 DX120
2300L TX1.5 RX400 QX150 VX6 MX250 DX120
3200L TX1.5 RX400 QX150 VX6 MX400 DX120
4800L TX2.0 RX500 QX200 VX6 MX500 DX120
The Genus famiIy tree covers every appIication.
PooI Component SeIection Guide.
Spa Component SeIection Guide.
2x 2x 2x
QueensIand Office
1/27 MiIIenium PIace
TingaIpa QLD 4173
TeIephone 07 3393 3233
FacsimiIe 07 3393 3255
South AustraIian Office
157 WiIIiam Street
BeverIey SA 5009
TeIephone 08 8345 5755
FacsimiIe 08 8345 5211
West AustraIian Office
5/160 BaIcatta Rd
BaIcatta WA 6021
TeIephone 08 9240 5600
FacsimiIe 08 9240 4333
Genus aims to make seIecting the
right components for your pooI or
spa project as simpIe as possibIe.
That's why this guide sets out the
best combinations to match the size
of your pooI or spa without the need
for you to puzzIe over meaningIess
specifications and jargon.
Of course if you want to know
exactIy how good each component
is, detaiIed and accurate technicaI
sheets are readiIy avaiIabIe.
When seIecting components for
your pooI, there are a few things
to bear in mind. And some may
surprise you.
HurIcon Pty Ltd
ABN 97 007 284 504
PooI Component GuideIines.
The entire voIume of water in your
pooI shouId pass through the fiIter
at Ieast 1.5 times per day.
This guide is based on taking
around 6 hours to fiIter the entire
voIume of the pooI 1.5 times.
The gas heater sizing is based on
raising the water temperature by
13 degrees in Iess than 24 hours.
The exact requirements of your
pooI can be affected by a number
of factors such as cIimate, IocaI
weather conditions, pooI covers,
shade, etc.
Spa Component GuideIines.
The entire voIume of water in your
spa shouId pass through the fiIter
every 15 minutes.
The number of jets wiII dictate
the size of the pump. As a ruIe of
thumb, each jet requires

Cartridge fiIters are best for stand
aIone spas, sand fiIters are fine
on spas that are attached to a
swimming pooI.
The gas heater is designed to heat
the spa in around one hour. Heat
Pumps wiII take a IittIe Ionger.
Head Office and Production PIant
48 Hanna Street
NobIe Park Victoria 3174 AustraIia
TeIephone 03 9701 5166
FacsimiIe 03 9701 5288
NSW Office
2/21 Foundry Road
Seven HiIIs NSW 2147
TeIephone 02 9674 8544
FacsimiIe 02 9674 8522

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