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Switchmode Power Supply For Car Audio

Sergio Snchez Foreword %his contri&uted project is ! resu$t o' consider!&$e co$$!&or!tion &etween Sergio !nd m(se$', !nd shou$d not &e seen !s necess!ri$( ! comp$ete project in itse$', &ut ! stepping stone to underst!nding switching power supp$ies, how the( wor), !nd wh!t (ou c!n do with them. *e w!rned + there is consider!&$e ris). *ec!use o' the e,treme$( high current !-!i$!&$e 'rom ! c!r &!tter(, ! tin( mist!)e m!( e!si$( $e!d to c!t!strophic '!i$ure. .$$ e$ectronic components !re s!id to cont!in smo)e /wire cont!ins !n enormous !mount0, !nd ! s$ip o' the so$dering iron c!n $i&er!te !n un&e$ie-!&$e 1u!ntit(. Serious$( though, the ris) o' se-ere &urns !nd the possi&i$it( o' c!using ! 'ire in (our c!r !re -er( re!$, !nd shou$d not &e underestim!ted. 200. 'rom ! c!r &!tter( c!n do ! -!st !mount o' d!m!ge in ! 'ew mi$$iseconds + shou$d the 'use not &$ow /(ou will use ! 'use, won3t (ou40, then the d!m!ge c!n &e e,tensi-e. .t -!rious points in Sergio3s p!rt o' the !rtic$e, 5 h!-e !dded some o' m( own in'orm!tion. %his is shown in indented sm!$$ 'ont te,t.
Please see the special note at the end of this article for important information about the project.

oreno !nd "od #$$iott

Introduction %he di''icu$ties o' inst!$$ing !n 65+75 s(stem in ! c!r !re m!n(, !$though there is no dou&t th!t the most import!nt is the $imit!tion o' the -ehic$e supp$( -o$t!ge. .s most re!ders !$re!d( )now, the nomin!$ -o$t!ge o' ! c!r &!tter( is 128, re!ching !&out 12.88 when ch!rging /i.e., engine running0. %he m!,imum " S. !udio power 'rom ! gi-en -o$t!ge 8 is somewh!t $ess th!n: 9m!, : / 8 / / 2 , 200 /"

;<= where "> is the spe!)er nomin!$ imped!nce. %hus, 'or ! 12.88 s(stem, this power is $imited to !&out ?@ on ! 4 Ahm $o!d. Bote th!t the $ower the resist!nce o' the spe!)er, the higher the m!,imum power /this is the re!son most !udio spe!)ers h!-e ! 4 Ahm nomin!$ imped!nce inste!d o' the more common 8 Ahm in home s(stems0.
%his m!( &e simp$i'ied to some e,tent ... 9 : /8 / 202 / "> !nd ! t(pic!$ c!$cu$!tion &!sed on ! 12.88 supp$( gi-es 9 : /12.8 / 202 / 4 9 : 4.?2 / 4 : C.29 @!tts %his !$$ows 'or st!nd!rd $osses, !nd is !ccept!&$( !ccur!te !t this -o$t!ge + the on$( re!$ w!( to )now is to me!sure the !mp, since the $osses -!r( depending on the topo$og( o' the output st!ge in p!rticu$!r.

9ower output c!n &e incre!sed &( ! '!ctor o' ne!r$( 4 &( using &ridging techni1ues, e,p$!ined in more det!i$ in #S9 project 14, so we c!n o&t!in up to !&out 24@ on ! 4 Ahm spe!)er. %his c!n &e enough 'or the midr!nge !nd high 're1uencies, &ut is o&-ious$( -er( $imited 'or ! su&woo'er !pp$ic!tion, 'or e,!mp$e. /mor!$: distrust o' D4 , 4C@D he!d units is we$$ !d-ised, 'or the( cert!in$( !ren3t t!$)ing !&out " S power0. So, wh!t c!n &e done to incre!se !-!i$!&$e !udio power4 %he !nswer is ! simp$e deri-!tion o' the !&o-e 'ormu$! + either decre!se $o!d imped!nce or incre!se supp$( -o$t!ge. %he $ower the imped!nce, the more current is needed, m!)ing the construction o' $ow imped!nce output st!ges more di''icu$t /there !re some other pr!ctic!$ $imits0, so $et3s incre!se supp$( -o$t!ge. Switch Mode Power Supply Basics %he -!st m!jorit( o' high+powered !udio !mp$i'iers use S 9S /Switch ode 9ower Supp$ies0 to gener!te higher -o$t!ges 'rom the !-!i$!&$e 12 /12.80 -o$ts. .n e,tensi-e theoretic!$ e,p$!n!tion on how these things wor) is &e(ond the scope o' this !rtic$e, &ut these !re some 'und!ment!$ ide!s (ou shou$d )now !&out switch mode power supp$ies /S 9S0 'or c!r !mps:

%he EF -o$t!ge !t the &!tter( h!s to &e switched in some 'orm to gener!te !n .F w!-e'orm suit!&$e 'or ! tr!ns'ormer. .s (ou !$re!d( )now, ! tr!ns'ormer &!sic!$$( con-erts the .F -o$t!ge in its Dprim!r(D to ! sc!$ed -ersion o' it in its Dsecond!r(D, the sc!$e '!ctor &eing the turns r!tio o' the prim!r( to the second!r( . /.g!in, t!)e this !s !n e,treme simp$i'ic!tion0. . tr!ns'ormer doesn3t !$$ow EF -o$t!ges to p!ss, !nd there is e$ectric!$ /g!$-!nic0 iso$!tion &etween &oth windings. %he .F w!-e'orm is usu!$$( ! s1u!re w!-e th!t is re$!ti-e$( e!s( !nd e''icient to gener!te. %he 're1uencies usu!$$( '!$$ &etween 2C)6z !nd 100)6z or more, thus !$$owing sm!$$er tr!ns'ormers th!n the used in m!in !pp$i!nces /its construction is !$so di''erent, their cores !re not $!min!ted, &ut m!de 'rom 'errites or Diron powderD0. %he switching e$ements h!-e to &e c!p!&$e o' high currents !nd must !$so &e '!st !nd h!-e $ow switching $osses. Gsu!$$(, power AS7#%s or high speed &ipo$!r tr!nsistors !re used /some S 9S designs use SF"s &ut these !re in the minorit(0. Ance this w!-e'orm is stepped+up &( the tr!ns'ormer, it h!s to &e recti'ied !g!in !nd 'i$tered &!c) to EF, since th!t is wh!t we w!nt. 7or !udio !pp$ic!tions, we usu!$$( need ! s(mmetric!$ supp$(, H/+2C8, 'or e,!mp$e. %he recti'ic!tion is done with ! diode &ridge, !s it wou$d &e using ! con-ention!$ tr!ns'ormer !t C0 or ?0 6z. Bote th!t 'or the 're1uencies we !re t!$)ing !&out, '!st or u$tr!+'!st diodes !re needed. 5' we need ! regu$!ted power supp$(, some )ind o' 'eed&!c) must &e pro-ided 'rom the output r!i$s to ! contro$$er th!t c!n ch!nge some p!r!meters o' the .F w!-e'orm !t the prim!r( o' the tr!ns'ormer. %his is norm!$$( !ccomp$ished with 9@ /pu$se width modu$!tion0. @e wi$$ e,p$!in this $!ter, in the Dregu$!tionD p!r!gr!ph. .$w!(s )eep in mind th!t no energ( is cre!ted ;<= gi-en ! /tot!$0 r!i$s to &!tter( -o$t!ges r!tio, the current dr!wn 'rom the output wi$$ &e /!t $e!st0 &e mu$tip$ied !t the 128 input &( the s!me r!tio, thus the tot!$ power st!(s the s!me /!ssuming 100I e''icienc(, !nd th!t is ne-er the c!se0. . generic tr!ns'ormer Dtr!ns'ormsD the -o$t!ge &( ! '!ctor o' %r, current &( ! '!ctor o' 1/%r, !nd imped!nce !t the second!r( &( ! '!ctor o' 1/s1r/%r0, %r &eing the turns r!tio. 5mped!nce is o' $itt$e import!nce in this conte,t. . we$$ &ui$t S 9S c!n re!ch 90I e''icienc(. So, i' (ou e,pect to produce H/+2C8 !t ?. /per r!i$0 supp$( /this supposes 2C,? H 2C,?:2?0@0 then &e prep!red to dr!w more th!n 20. 'rom the &!tter(J 7ortun!te$(, when t!$)ing !&out !udio !mps reproducing music, power re1uirements !re !$w!(s much $ower th!n with pure sine w!-es.

.t this point, the re!der shou$d re!$ise the m!gnitude o' the currents in-o$-ed in ! high power S 9S 'or ! c!r !mp$i'ier, !nd th!t e,treme c!ution shou$d &e t!)en especi!$$( when connecting Dthe cre!tureD to the c!r e$ectric!$ s(stem. The system

%he present project descri&es the construction o' ! '$e,i&$e S 9S c!p!&$e o' de$i-ering powers in the order o' 2C0@ continuous$(, depending on the tr!ns'ormer used. %he output -o$t!ge depends m!in$( on the turns r!tio o' the prim!r( !nd second!r( windings, &ut m!( &e !djusted to ! somewh!t $ower -!$ue using regu$!tion. %his shou$d &e enough to power ! 200@ su&woo'er !mp$i'ier p$us perh!ps 2 stereo !mps 'or the mids !nd highs. 5t is p!rt o' ! comp$ete c!r !mp th!t 5 h!-e &ui$t, with ? power st!ges &!sed on B!tion!$3s > 288? A-erture .mp$i'ier. %he( c!n &e com&ined into one K2C0@/4 Ahm su&woo'er ch!nne$ p$us 2 , ?C@/4 Ahm midHhigh ch!nne$s, !$tern!ti-e$( into 2 , 120@/4 Ahm H 2 , ?C@ or e-en to 'orm ! mu$tich!nne$ ? , ?C@/4 Ahm !mp$i'ier, so it is !n e,treme$( '$e,i&$e !nd high+powered s(stem without renouncing sound 1u!$it(. %he p!r!$$e$ &ridging techni1ues needed to do this wi$$ &e possi&$( descri&ed in !nother project. Construction of the SMPS %he comp$ete schem!tic o' the S 9S is shown &e$ow.
ote! This is Ser"io#s ori"inal $ersion of the supply% the one shown in Fi"ure & is li'ely to be the most commonly used% as it is somewhat simpler% but has $irtually identical performance. (esp)

Fi"ure * + Switchmode Controller Schematic

%here !re three m!in &$oc)s descri&ed &e$ow ... . + Switching AS7#%s !nd tr!ns'ormer * + "ecti'ic!tion !nd 'i$tering F + Fontro$ circuitr(

A + Switchin" M,SF-Ts and Transformer %he se$ected switching topo$og( is c!$$ed ! Dpush+pu$$D con-erter, &ec!use the tr!ns'ormer h!s ! dou&$e prim!r( /or ! Dcentre+t!ppedD one, i' (our pre'er0. %he centre t!p is perm!nent$( connected to the c!r &!tter( /-i! !n >F 'i$ter to !-oid cre!ting pe!)s in the &!tter( $ines, which cou$d !''ect other e$ectronic e1uipment in the c!r0. %he two ends o' the prim!r( !re connected to ! p!ir o' p!r!$$e$ed AS7#%s e!ch th!t tie them to ground in e!ch conduction c(c$e /8gs o' the corresponding AS7#% high0. %hese AS7#%s shou$d &e '!st, !&$e to withst!nd high currents /in e,cess o' 20. e!ch i' possi&$e0 !nd h!-e the $owest possi&$e "ds/on0. %he proposed An+Semiconductor;<Ls %9MCB0? c!n withst!nd !nd h!s ! "ds/on0 &e$ow 10 mi$$iohm. %his is import!nt, &ec!use the $ower this resist!nce is, the $ess power the( !re going to dissip!te when switching with ! s1u!re w!-e'orm. .nother !$tern!ti-es !re %9?0B0?, or the more popu$!r *GN11 !nd 5"7C40. .$though the schem!tics show ! pre-ious &ipo$!r push+pu$$ st!ge, (ou c!n !$so connect the g!te resistor direct$( to the output o' the contro$$ing 5F, $e!-ing out the tr!nsistors, !s the SO2C2C is c!p!&$e to dri-e up to C00 m. /theoretic!$$(0, more th!n enough to switch the AS7#%s '!st. B + .ectification and Filterin" 5' one $oo)s to the second!r( side o' the S 9S, it resem&$es e,!ct$( the scheme o' ! t(pic!$ m!ins 9SG, with one 'und!ment!$ di''erence + the switching diodes h!-e to &e 7.S% or G>%".7.S%, i' (ou use ! st!nd!rd diode &ridge the s(stem wi$$ simp$( &$ow up /!nd this c!n &e -er( impressi-e, &e$ie-e meJ0 .$though ! diode &ridge is represented, it c!n &e m!de with discrete diodes !s we$$. Gse high current /10 . minimum !nd ! suit!&$e -o$t!ge r!ting0 diodes. 5 recommend using 4 , %A220 dou&$e diodes th!t c!n &e p!r!$$e$ed to 'orm ! sing$e one in e!ch p!c)!ge. Pou m!( &e surprised th!t the c!p!citors !ren3t too &ig. %his is due to the high switching 're1uenc(. 5t is import!nt th!t the( !re good 1u!$it( ones !nd must &e r!ted 'or 10C degrees oper!tion. "ipp$e current r!ting !nd $ow #S" /e1ui-!$ent series resist!nce0 is -er( import!nt 'or !n( switching supp$(. 5n m( opinion, C000u7 per r!i$ is enough. C + Control Circuitry %he contro$$er 5F is !n SO2C2C. 5t comprises !$$ the necess!r( su&s(stems to gener!te ! 'i,ed 're1uenc(, comp!re with ! re'erence to modu$!te its pu$se width !nd dri-e two outputs without o-er$!pping. 5t wor)s 'rom 8 to 2C8 !nd 'i$tering in the supp$( is recommended, !s shown. .s st!ted !&o-e, (ou c!n connect the outputs direct$( to the g!te resistors o' the AS7#%s i' (ou don3t w!nt to inc$ude the &ipo$!r st!ges. %he resistor "% !nd c!p!citor F% 'i, the osci$$!tion 're1uenc(. #,periment!tion showed me th!t !&out 2C)6z produces good resu$ts with m( tr!ns'ormer. .nother c!p!citor, Fss 'i,es the Ds$ow st!rtD time + when (ou turn on the s(stem, the pu$se width incre!ses 'rom 0 up to the ste!d( -!$ue, thus $imiting the DinrushD current, ! -er( good 'e!ture to !-oid DthumpsD in the spe!)er !nd protect the e$ectric!$ inst!$$!tion. 5t h!s !$so ! shutdown pin th!t !$$ows contro$ o' the S 9S 'rom !n e,tern!$ sign!$ /"# A%# 'rom the he!d unit, 'or e,!mp$e0. 5n this project, $!(out is critic!$, incorrect tr!c) widths or e,cessi-e$( $ong tr!ces c!n h!-e high induct!nces !nd produce pe!)s th!t c!n m!)e the AS7#%s &$ow up. #S9 wi$$ pro&!&$( o''er ! suit!&$e 9F* $!(out i' there is enough interest in it. Transformer Construction /etails %his is the most critic!$ p!rt o' the design, !nd (ou h!-e two options, &u(ing ! commerci!$ unit with the re1uired power r!ting !nd turns r!tio /h!rd to 'ind, on$( ! sing$e supp$ier 'ound !t the time o' writing0, or wind (our own. 5' (ou choose to wind (our own tr!ns'ormer /!s i' (ou h!-e much choice0, (ou h!-e to decide which sh!pe o' core to use. %he pre'erred m!teri!$ is 'errite, which h!s high perme!&i$it( /!&i$it( to DconductD m!gnetic

'$u,0 or iron powder, which h!s ! $ower perme!&i$it(, &ut is $ess $i)e$( to s!tur!te. ost commerci!$ tr!ns'ormers use 'errite, !nd iron powder is gener!$$( the &est m!teri!$ 'or 'i$ter cho)es /inductors0 th!t c!rr( su&st!nti!$ EF. 7or e,!mp$e, with ! st!nd!rd #%E29 core (ou cou$d theoretic!$$( &ui$d ! K 2C0@ supp$(. @inding this t(pe o' cores is not -er( di''icu$t, &ut (ou wi$$ h!-e to 'o$$ow some guide$ines 5 pro-ide &e$ow in order to h!-e good resu$ts. .nother possi&i$it( is using ! toroid. Pou c!n e,tr!ct it 'rom ! *5O power inductor. .s ! guide, ! 4cm di!meter toroid with ! section o' !&out 1cm2 c!n &e used 'or ! K 2C0@ S 9S. @inding is ! $itt$e &it more comp$ic!ted th!n with #%E cores &ut with ! $itt$e pr!ctice is not too di''icu$t either.

Toroidal cores

-T/+type cores

Toroid from IT0 122 inductor 34ilco Corp5. 3.emo$e the thic' wire before windin"6 !+5

%hese !re ! 'ew gener!$ winding guide$ines 'or !$$ t(pes o' cores:

Pou GS% use en!me$$ed copper wire 'or !$$ the windings. Qeep !$so in mind th!t when wor)ing with high 're1uencies, the e''ecti-e section o' the wire is much sm!$$er th!n the ph(sic!$ one, due to the Ds)inD e''ect /the current concentr!tes on$( in the outer p!rt o' the wire0. .s high currents !re in-o$-ed here, the section o' the wire is -er( import!nt, /i' (ou don3t w!nt the en!me$ to 'use due to the he!ting produced &( the resisti-e $osses o' the wire !nd short !$$ the windings0. . good pr!ctice is to use se-er!$ thinner wires in p!r!$$e$ r!ther th!n ! sing$e thic) one. %his !$so e!ses winding. 7or e,!mp$e, si, 0.4mm di!meter wires c!n 'orm ! suit!&$e prim!r( 'or ! 200@ supp$(. %he s!me !pp$ies to the second!r(, !$though the current is reduced so (ou c!n use $ess wires /2 or 4, 'or e,!mp$e0. 7rom now on, 5 wi$$ re'er to e!ch composite wire !s DwindingD, !nd to e!ch thin wire !s DwireD. %he wires must &e tight$( wound. Pou must wind the prim!r( 'irst, tr(ing to co-er !$$ the sur'!ce o' the core, !nd then the second!r( o-er it in the opposite direction, to m!,imise inter+winding coup$ing. . good st!rting point is using 4 turns 'or e!ch prim!r( /th!t is, 4 turns, centre t!p !nd !nother 4 turns 5B %6# S. # E5"#F%5AB0. %o c!$cu$!te the num&er o' turns o' the second!r( winding, mu$tip$( &( the turns r!tio. 7or e,!mp$e, i' (ou w!nt to &ui$d ! H/+208 supp$(, the turns r!tio is 20/12.8:2.2 !ppro,, so wind 2.2 , 4 : 8.8 turns /&etter 9 turns, to o-ercome the diode $osses0 'or e!ch second!r( /th!t is, !g!in, 9 turns, centre t!p !nd !nother 9 turns 5B %6# S. # E5"#F%5AB0. %o st!rt winding, t!)e the num&er o' thin wires (ou h!-e decided to use /?, 'or e,!mp$e0 in the prim!r(, !$$ together. >e!-e !&out 2 or 4 cm out o' the core to e!se connection to the &o!rd !nd st!rt winding. @hen (ou h!-e wound 4 FA 9>#%# turns, go out the core !nd cut !t 2 or 4 cm. Bow (ou h!-e the 'irst prim!r(. %hen st!rt !g!in 5B %6# S. # E5"#F%5AB winding the other 4 turns !nd !t the end $e!-e !nother 2 or 4 cm 'or connection. %wist together the thin wires o' e!ch winding !t the ends, to e!se so$dering.

%he -!rnish o' the wire is intended to pro-ide e$ectric!$ iso$!tion, so (ou h!-e to remo-e it !t the ends to m!)e the connections to the &o!rd. *e sure to remo-e !&out 1cm to the end in .>> the wires (ou use. Pou c!n do th!t using ! speci!$ so$-ent or with s!ndp!per !nd ! $ot o' p!tience *#7A"# winding.

%he 'o$$owing !re photos o' two mode$s o' tr!ns'ormers. %he $e't one is ! toroid!$ 5 wound m(se$' using the core 'rom ! &ig inductor 'rom @i$co Forpor!tion /5%>+C010, !nd the right one is ! commerci!$ unit 'rom ! GS m!nu'!cturer /2,2:1, 2C0@0. *oth wor)ed simi$!r$(.

0eft + 7ome Made Transformer.

Commercial Transformer + .i"ht

,ther remar's

%he re$!( !$$ows disconnecting o' the power supp$( with the "# A%# /or D#$ectric!$ .ntenn!D 'rom the he!d unit. 9ower consumption when o'' is then on$( the g!te currents o' the AS7#%s /. 'ew n.0 !nd the &!se current o' the tr!nsistor th!t contro$s the re$!( /! 'ew u.0. Bothing to worr( !&out, cert!in$(. Fonnect ! &ig cho)e in series with the supp$(, !s this wi$$ e$imin!te the switching noise th!t cou$d inter'ere with other e$ectric!$ e1uipment. Pou c!n use the toroid th!t 'i$ters the HC8 output o' ! o$d 9F supp$(. /see 'igure &e$ow0

My system#s input cho'e% obtained from an old PC power supply.

.$$ the wiring, especi!$$( the prim!r( side must &e he!-( g!uged, in order to minimise $osses !nd !-oid o-er+he!ting o' the conductors. %he 9F* tr!c)s shou$d &e thic) enough, !s short !s possi&$e, !nd rein'orced with ! generous tin $!(er !nd possi&$( with so$dered wire. 9ut two 'uses in the r!i$s outputs, !s the( c!n s!-e (ou ! $ot o' he!d!ches when (ou short them to ground, etc. 5 used two st!nd!rd ?.2. 'uses.

ount the recti'ier diodes !nd the AS7#%s on ! decent he!tsin), !nd )eep in mind th!t the( must &e e$ectric!$$( iso$!ted. 7o$$ow the usu!$ he!tsin) mounting recommend!tions /therm!$ gre!se, etc.0. %A220 p!c)!ges !re e!s( to h!nd$e.

/etail of the M,SF-T arran"ement

Bote the insu$!tion p!d /one 'or !$$0 !nd the thic) supp$( wires. 5ndi-idu!$ insu$!tion p!ds m!( &e used with no $oss o' per'orm!nce. Gse o' ! c$!mping &!r wi$$ gi-e impro-ed therm!$ conduction to the he!tsin) &r!c)et, &ut do not o-er tighten, or the &r!c)et wi$$ &end. Tests %his project h!nd$es 1uite $!rge powers, so it is we$$ worth the p!in o' step+&(+step testing &e'ore (ou regret &$owing !$$ (our wor) up in ! microsecond. 7or the tests, use ! &ig 128 to 12.88 power supp$(, with current $imiting i' possi&$e !nd c!p!&$e o' de$i-ering !t $e!st 10 to 20 !mperes /see project MM0. 5' (ou don3t h!-e th!t, ! 9F computer 9SG wi$$ wor) /!$though (ou won3t get more th!n 80+90@, &ut it is enough 'or testing purposes !nd !$most indestructi&$e0. Eon3t connect the S 9S to ! c!r &!tter( the 'irst time (ou test it /it c!n &e re!$$( d!ngerousJ0. . 10. 'use in series with the 128 supp$( is !$so ! good ide!. /Pou don3t )now to wh!t e,tentJ R+0 %he c!&$es 'rom the supp$( to the !mp shou$d &e !s short !s possi&$e !nd he!-( g!uged, to minimise $osses. 7irst time 5 tested the !mp 5 h!d ! 1 -o$t o' di''erence 'rom one side to the c!&$e to the other in on$( 1.C metres: the c!&$e itse$' w!s dissip!ting more th!n 1C@JJJ. So, when c!$cu$!ting e''icienc(, !$w!(s me!sure input -o$t!ge just !t the input o' the S 9S to !ccount 'or this.

7irst o' !$$, with on$( the SO2C2C chip !nd its !ssoci!ted components /no AS7#%s0, chec) th!t (ou h!-e ! -er( c$e!n 128 s1u!re w!-e in e!ch output /180S out o' ph!se !nd the( do not o-er$!p #8#"0. Fhec) !$so th!t when (ou turn+on the power, it st!rts 'rom 0I to C0I dut( c(c$e in !&out ! second or two. Ance (ou h!-e this, (ou c!n mount the AS7#%s. Eo it on ! he!tsin), &ut &e !w!re th!t the t!&s !re connected to the Er!in, so pro-ide insu$!tion /mic! H p$!stic w!shers, the usu!$ stu''0. %hen so$der the tr!ns'ormer !nd w!tch the prim!r( w!-e'orm with !n osci$$oscope /use ! 10:1 pro&e just in c!se (ou h!-e $!rge spi)es in order to !-oid d!m!ging the instrument0. Pou shou$d h!-e ! s1u!re w!-e o' !&out 2C+2?8 pe!) to pe!) !nd the sm!$$est pe!)s /o-ershoot0 !s possi&$e. 5t the( !re higher th!n 208 /'rom ground0, (ou m!( tr( to re+wind the tr!ns'ormer to impro-e coup$ing. Pou c!n !$so reduce the o-ershoots using the snu&&er networ) shown in the schem!tic, !$though the(

wi$$ dissip!te ! &it o' power /use 2@ resistors !nd 1008 c!p!citors0, so mount them on$( i' necess!r(. Ance (ou h!-e ! c$e!n w!-e'orm, (ou c!n so$der the recti'ier !nd output c!p!citors !nd see wh!t (ou h!-e in the positi-e !nd neg!ti-e r!i$s. Pou shou$d h!-e the s!me -o$t!ge in &oth, !nd it shou$d &e simi$!r to wh!t (ou c!$cu$!ted. Bow tr( to $o!d it with power resistors. St!rt with $ow power consumption /!&out 20@0 !nd o&ser-e the mos'ets, recti'iers !nd tr!ns'ormer c!re'u$$( to see th!t the( don3t he!t up. .$so w!tch the current dr!wn 'rom the 128 supp$(. %he power /8 , 50 shou$d &e on$( ! &it higher th!n th!t !t the output $o!d. /#,pect ! 80I e''icienc( or so0. 5' e-er(thing goes we$$, incre!se the $o!d /decre!se its resist!nce -!$ue0. %he mos'ets shou$d get w!rm !'ter ! whi$e with he!-( $o!ds /!&out 100@0, !nd the e''icienc( shou$d m!int!in high /!$w!(s !&o-e MC+80I0.

@hen (ou !re comp$ete$( sure th!t e-er(thing wor)s !s e,pected, (ou c!n proceed to connect it to the c!r e$ectric!$ wiring /see Dinst!$$!tion proceduresD p!r!gr!ph0. 7irst time (ou wi$$ notice !n sp!r) due to the sudden ch!rge o' the &ig input c!p!citor, un$ess (ou connect ! resistor in series 'irst /-er( good pr!ctice0 to !$$ow it ch!rging s$ow$( !nd then remo-e it 'or norm!$ oper!tion. Installation procedures 7or (our c!r !nd own s!'et(, it is 8#"P 5 9A"%.B% th!t (ou p!( speci!$ !ttention when inst!$$ing the power supp$( /!nd !mp$i'ier0 in (our c!r. %hese !re some recommend!tions th!t e-er(one shou$d 'o$$ow c!re'u$$(:

%he supp$( GS% &e t!)en direct$( 'rom the &!tter(, not to the r!dio or other H128 c!&$es, !s (ou wi$$ just &$ow or &urn them, with the ris) o' ! 'ire in the c!r. %he supp$( wire must &e o' !de1u!te section, !&out C mm di!meter /e,c$uding the p$!stic co-er0 minimum. . 'use GS% &e connected in series with the supp$( wire, !s ne!r the &!tter( !s possi&$e, &ec!use otherwise, in c!se o' ! co$$ision, the wire c!n &e shorted to ground, which @5>> produce ! 'ire. %his is not ! jo)eJ %he &!tter( c!n produce in e,cess o' 200 . th!t c!n &urn -irtu!$$( !n(thing in ! 'r!ction o' ! second. .nother 'use shou$d &e put !t the H128 input o' the !mp$i'ier, in order to protect it 'rom o-er current. ( recommend!tion is to put ! sm!$$er -!$ue th!n the de'initi-e !nd test the !mp 'or ! 'ew d!(s to see i' it o-erhe!ts, etc. 7or e,!mp$e, ! 10+1C. 'use c!n &e suit!&$e. %he 75"S% connection (ou h!-e to m!)e to the !mp is Oround, !nd th!t must &e 'irm$( screwed to the c!r ch!ssis !s ne!r the !mp !s possi&$e with thic) wire. Botice th!t, i' (ou connected, 'or e,!mp$e, the sign!$ "F. c!&$es 'irst !nd then the H128 wire, the input c!p!citors wou$d tr( to ch!rge returning to ground -i! the !udio c!&$es, possi&$( ruining the pre!mp$i'ier o' the he!d unit.

.e"ulatin" the Power Supply %he project itse$' h!s e,ce$$ent $o!d regu$!tion, !nd the r!i$s -o$t!ge is !$most on$( determined &( the turns r!tio, &ut it h!s inherent$( zero $ine regu$!tion /&!sic!$$(, it Dsimp$(D mu$tip$ies the input -o$t!ge &( the turns r!tio0, !$though this is not ! pro&$em in ! c!r, where the &!tter( -o$t!ge rem!ins essenti!$$( const!nt. 5' the o&t!ined output -o$t!ges !re -er( high !nd (ou c!n3t /or don3t w!nt to0 modi'( the windings, (ou c!n use regu$!tion to $ower them ! &it. 7or e,!mp$e, 5 use ! 2:1 tr!ns'ormer th!t wou$d gi-e !&out H/+288 without regu$!tion th!t is un!ccept!&$e 'or m( > 288? st!ges to &e s!'e, so 5 h!-e regu$!ted to H/+2?8. %he AS7#%s wi$$ su''er more, howe-er, so regu$!te the supp$( on$( i' strict$( necess!r(. Pou c!n inst!$$ the 'eed&!c) potentiometer !nd set it in order to h!-e zero re'erence -o$t!ge to de!cti-!te regu$!tion, or incre!se its -!$ue to regu$!te to the desired -o$t!ge.

BA%#: "egu$!tion wi$$ wor) &etter with output inductors just &etween the recti'ier diodes !nd the output c!p!citors. 10 to 100 u6 with iron powder core !nd !t $e!st 8. current r!ting c!n &e !de1u!te. /5 don3t use them !nd m( supp$( wor)s re$i!&$(, !$though 5 ne-er put it to the power $imits0. Pou c!n !$so impro-e s!'et( &( p!r!$$e$ing more AS7#%s, so the current through them is sh!red. %his !$so impro-es e''icienc( ! &it, !s the tot!$ "ds/on0 is reduced. ,btainin" 89+1*: from the SMPS for Preamplifiers 5' (ou need to power op!mps 'or ! crosso-er, e1u!$iser or pre!mp$i'ier, (ou c!n o&t!in ! s(mmetric!$ H/+ 128 /'or e,!mp$e0 'rom the m!in supp$( r!i$s, simp$( with ! resistor, zener !nd c!p!citor. /see 7igure 1 o' 9roject 2M0. "emem&er to use 1 or 2@ resistors !nd zener diodes. Pou c!n o&t!in !&out 2C+C0 m. 'rom this without pro&$ems. Additional Information %he 'o$$owing m!teri!$ is 'rom #S9 + there !re some suggestions !nd !ddition!$ in'orm!tion, !s we$$ !s ! simp$i'ied -ersion o' the S 9S. .$though m( -ersion o' the switcher is simp$i'ied, this does not imp$( th!t per'orm!nce is $ower th!n Sergio3s origin!$, &ut is the resu$t o' m( own e,periments !nd tests. @e m!( &e on opposite sides o' the p$!net, &ut there w!s consider!&$e co$$!&or!tion during the de-e$opment o' the supp$(, !nd 5 h!-e &ui$t !nd tested the -ersion shown &e$ow. M,SF-Ts and Thermal .unaway 5t h!s &een c$!imed th!t AS7#%s !re immune 'rom therm!$ run!w!(, since the( h!-e ! positi-e temper!ture coe''icient 'or their DonD resist!nce. @hi$e this m!( &e p!rti!$$( true 'or ! F$!ss+.* power !mp$i'ier, it is comp$ete$( '!$se 'or ! switching supp$(. 7or e,!mp$e, ! push pu$$ S 9S using one 5"7C40 AS7#% ! side dr!ws 20. !t 'u$$ $o!d. 5' we chec) the d!t! sheet, we 'ind th!t "ds/on0 is 0.044 Ahm /44 mi$$ohms0 !t 2C degrees F, then we )now th!t it wi$$ gener!te 9:5T , " : 20Isup2R , 0.044 : 900 , 0.044 : 29 @ pe!) /per tr!nsistor0. .t C0 degrees /not uncommon in ! c!r th!t h!s &een in the sun 'or some time0, "ds/on0 wi$$ &e !&out 1.2C times the -!$ue !t 2C degrees /this is 'rom the d!t!sheet0, or 0.0CC ohms. 9ower dissip!tion wi$$ now &e 49@, so the he!tsin) h!s to dispose o' more he!t. @e c!n gu!r!ntee th!t the e,tr! he!t wi$$ c!use the he!tsin) temper!ture to rise 'urther, which wi$$ incre!se "ds/on0, !nd th!t wi$$ m!)e the he!tsin) hotter, !nd ;<= *.BO #nsuring th!t (ou use p!r!$$e$ de-ices !nd ! good he!tsin) wi$$ reduce the $i)e$ihood o' this dr!m!tic!$$(. %wo AS7#%s sh!ring the $o!d wi$$ dissip!te 1/4 the power /e!ch0 o' ! sing$e de-ice, !nd h!-e ! $ower therm!$ resist!nce to the he!tsin) !s we$$. 9:5T , " : 1CT , 0.044 : 22C , 0.044 : 9.9 @ pe!) /per tr!nsistor0 + 19.8 @ 'or &oth %he power shown per tr!nsistor is the pe!) + !ctu!$ /" S0 power /per de-ice0 is h!$' th!t c!$cu$!ted. %he total power dissip!ted &( &oth tr!nsistors /or sets o' tr!nsistors in the c!se o' p!r!$$e$ed de-ices0 is the 'u$$ -!$ue shown, since when one de-ice is DonD, the other is Do''D !nd -ice -ers!. B!tur!$$(, the m!,imum dissip!tion wi$$ on$( occur !t m!,imum /continuous0 !mp$i'ier power + the re!$ $i'e re1uirements !re usu!$$( somewh!t $ess, howe-er, it is essenti!$ th!t the design is c!p!&$e o' continuous Dworst c!seD dissip!tion to ensure !n !de1u!te s!'et( m!rgin.

5 strong$( recommend th!t (ou do the c!$cu$!tions (ourse$', !nd m!)e sure th!t (ou underst!nd the imp$ic!tions. .e"ulation Borm!$$(, one wou$d e,pect regu$!tion !s shown in 7igure 1, howe-er, using the 'eed&!c) input o' the contro$$er 5F re$ies r!ther too he!-i$( on the imped!nce o' the EF supp$( $ines. Borm!$$(, output inductors !re used /with !n !ddition!$ D'$(&!c)D diode0 to pro-ide ! pu$se width to -o$t!ge con-erter. %he m!jorit( o' commerci!$ s(stems seem to use ! non+regu$!ted con-erter, so 5 wou$d consider th!t this wi$$ &e 1uite !ccept!&$e in pr!ctice. %ests so '!r h!-e shown th!t with ! $o!d o' !&out 1C0 @!tts, the regu$!tion w!s !$most entire$( dependent on the -o$t!ge drop in the supp$( $ineJ .s we$$ !s &eing unregu$!ted, there !re ! coup$e o' other ch!nges in the circuit. "8 /100 Ahms0 is connected &etween the timing c!p!citor !nd disch!rge pins o' the contro$$er 5F. %his introduces ! Dde!d timeD where &oth outputs !re turned o'', !nd the re!son 'or this is to ensure th!t the power AS7#% p!irs c!n ne-er &e switched on !t the s!me time + shou$d this h!ppen, ! -er( $!rge current wi$$ '$ow /!$&eit 'or on$( ! microsecond or $ess0. Since 5 did not use the e,tr! switching tr!nsistors !nd used higher -!$ue g!te resistors, the de!d time is import!nt. 5 !$so incre!sed the switching 're1uenc(. .s shown, the intern!$ osci$$!tor runs !t !ppro,im!te$( C0)6z /m( protot(pe !ctu!$$( runs !t C4)6z0, where Sergio3s origin!$ w!s designed 'or 2C)6z switching. %he di''erence is determined &( the resistor on the "% pin o' the contro$$er, in m( c!se, 12). "egu$!tion wi$$ o&-ious$( m!)e the circuit much more comp$ic!ted, !nd !s st!ted !&o-e, m( -ersion is unregu$!ted. %his wi$$ m!int!in m!,imum e''icienc(, !nd !$so reduces the dependence on the output 'i$ter c!p!citors + the( !re e''ecti-e$( 'ed with !$most pure EF 'rom the recti'ier !t !$$ $o!ds, so stor!ge time is not !n issue. "e$!ti-e$( sm!$$ 'i$ter c!p!citors c!n &e used, !nd the output wi$$ sti$$ &e 1uite c$e!n. Bot surprising$(, the turns r!tio is -er( import!nt i' regu$!tion is not used. .ssume !n input -o$t!ge o' 128 to !$$ow 'or $osses. %o o&t!in H/+248, the turns r!tio is 1:2 + 'or e!ch turn on the prim!r(, there wi$$ &e 2 turns on the second!r(. %his is the s!me !s Sergio3s description, !nd the s!me ru$es !pp$(. Gn$i)e ! norm!$ m!ins tr!ns'ormer supp$ied with ! sinew!-e, the switching w!-e'orm is ! s1u!rew!-e, so the pe!) !nd " S -!$ues !re the s!me /in other words, there is no 1.414 con-ersion !s wou$d &e the c!se with ! m!ins 're1uenc( tr!ns'ormer0. %he pro&$em with this is th!t the 128 !ssumed !t 'u$$ $o!d wi$$ &e 12.88 under $ight or norm!$ $o!ding, so the -o$t!ge wi$$ &e higher th!n e,pected. Gsing the s!me tr!ns'ormer !s !&o-e /1:2 turns r!tio0 the no+$o!d output -o$t!ge wi$$ &e 2M.? -o$ts + m!)e sure th!t (ou do not e,ceed the -o$t!ge r!ting o' the !mp$i'ierJ

Fi"ure & + Simplified :ersion of Switchin" Supply

Since the tr!ns'ormer is re$!ti-e$( e!s( to wind, it is not ! di''icu$t t!s) to dism!nt$e it !nd !dd /or remo-e0 second!r( turns to get the -o$t!ge right. ( protot(pe tr!ns'ormer used CHC turns 'or the prim!r(, !nd 5 used 2 str!nds o' 0.8mm winding wire twisted together. %here is p$ent( o' room in the recommended core, so it wou$d &e e!s( to use C str!nds inste!d 'or $ower $osses. Bote th!t in the !&o-e /7ig. 90, the the he!-( $e!ds shown c!rr( su&st!nti!$ current, !nd must &e sized !ccording$(. 5 do not recommend 9F* tr!ces &e used, since the current in-o$-ed is simp$( too high. Oi-en th!t the suggested current densit( 'or 9F* tr!c)s is 4.0 . 'or ! 100 DthouD /0.1D or 2.C4 mm0 tr!c), then 'or 20. (ou need ! tr!c) 0.MCD /19 mm0 wideJ %his is di''icu$t to !ccommod!te on !n( printed &o!rd. 5 !$so e$imin!ted the re$!(, &ut !t the cost o' ! sm!$$ current when the unit is not oper!ting. %he SO2C2C h!s ! shutdown pin 'or just this purpose. . sign!$ 'rom the remote he!d !mp wi$$ turn on U1, !nd remo-e the shut down sign!$ 'rom the contro$$er. 5t &eh!-es in e,!ct$( the s!me m!nner !s i' power h!d just &een !pp$ied, !nd the unit wi$$ &ecome 'u$$( oper!tion in !&out 2 seconds or $ess. Furrent dr!in when turned o'' wi$$ &e !&out 1 to 2m. + consider!&$( $ess th!n the c$oc) in the c!r. *!tter( disch!rge wi$$ not occur !s ! resu$t o' this -er( sm!$$ current, which m!( &e ignored !s insigni'ic!nt. Construction 5 recommend th!t !n #E%29 'errite core is used. %hese !re e!s( to wind, !nd !re c!p!&$e o' !round 2C0@ output. *e!r in mind th!t this represents ! consider!&$e &!tter( current !t 'u$$ power, in the order o' 20 to 2C .mperesJ 6e!-( tr!ns'ormer windings !nd supp$( c!&$es !re essenti!$, !nd the input 'i$ter must &e c!p!&$e o' withst!nding this current without s!tur!ting the core.

%he 'ormer 'or these cores is r!ther $!rge, !nd (ou m!( decide to cut the mounting sections o'' comp$ete$(. Eo remem&er th!t the tr!ns'ormer must &e mounted somehow though, so 5 suggest th!t (ou h!-e ! p$!n. .t this st!ge, 5 !m on$( e,perimenting, !nd do not h!-e ! p$!n. 5 wi$$ pro-ide det!i$s o' the so$ution when 5 !ctu!$$( h!-e one. .$$ o' Sergio3s pre-ious comments !pp$( to this -ersion, so m!)e sure th!t (ou re!d his m!teri!$ thorough$(. 5 do not propose to co-er the s!me instructions !g!in, since Sergio h!s !$re!d( done !n e,ce$$ent jo&. Prototype Testin" 5 h!-e done some initi!$ tests, &ut h!-e not (et connected the &ridge !nd output c!p!citors. @ith wh!t w!s intended to &e 12H12 turns on the second!r(, 5 o&t!ined !n !ccept!&$( c$e!n w!-e'orm with some o-ershoot with the second!r( un$o!ded. Autput -o$t!ge w!s !&out 288 pe!), so 5 o&-ious$( h!d one more turn th!n 5 thought 5 did /input -o$t!ge w!s 148 EF0. 5 c!nnot stress high$( enough th!t the winding process is critic!$ to the success o' (our tr!ns'ormer, !nd (ou shou$d e,pect to h!-e ! coup$e o' !ttempts &e'ore (ou get it e,!ct$( right. %he sm!$$ num&er o' turns needed m!)es this much e!sier th!n wou$d otherwise &e the c!se. Euring m( testing, m( power supp$( !nd $o!d &ec!me -er( w!rm indeed, &ut the AS7#%s /5 used 5"7C40s0 rem!ined coo$, e-en though the( were mounted on ! r!ther sm!$$ he!tsin) $(ing on m( wor)&ench. %his indic!tes th!t the he!tsin)ing re1uirements !re e!si$( !chie-!&$e, &ut does not me!n th!t (ou c!n &e $!, with mounting. ( tr!ns'ormer !$so rem!ined coo$, with no sign o' the core or windings getting e-en w!rm. %his must &e considered ! design go!$. #-en the $e!d 5 used to m( $o!d &ec!me w!rm, so the power output w!s -er( re!$ indeedJ Pou will need !n osci$$oscope /or !t $e!st !ccess to one0 or the project wi$$ &e -er( much h!rder to &ui$d !nd test. . design such !s this re$ies on c!re'u$ me!surements !nd gre!t c!re to m!)e cert!in th!t it wi$$ per'orm !s e,pected. .ttempting this without !n osci$$oscope is not recommended. Please ote! %his project h!s !$re!d( cre!ted '!r more 1uestions -i! e+m!i$ th!n 5 desired or e,pected. 7or e-er(one who p$!ns on m!)ing this supp$( ... (ou !re essenti!$$( on your own. 5 c!nnot /!nd will not0 &e dr!wn into $ength( e+m!i$ e,ch!nges i' (ou c!nnot m!)e the supp$( wor). %h!t it does wor) i' &ui$t !s descri&ed is cert!in, th!t (ou wi$$ &e !&$e to !chie-e the s!me resu$ts is not. 5' (ou do not h!-e /or !t $e!st h!-e !ccess to0 !n osci$$oscope + don3t e-en thin' !&out tr(ing to m!)e the supp$(, !s it wi$$ not &e possi&$e to ensure th!t the dut( c(c$e o' the contro$$er is e,!ct$( C0I, or th!t there is no se-ere o-ershoot or ringing !t the output. 9$e!se do not not send me e+m!i$s !s)ing 'or he$p. 5 wi$$ simp$( re'er (ou to this p!r!gr!ph + 5 c!nnot di!gnose (our pro&$ems -i! m!i$, !nd wi$$ not e-en tr(. 5t is entire$( up to the constructor to determine his/ her !&i$ities &e'ore st!rting. %he construction o' !n( switching supp$( is 'r!ught with di''icu$ties, ris)s /inc$uding &ut not $imited to e$ecrocutionJ0 !nd pro&$ems th!t need to &e !ddressed. %he( !re not simp$e /despite !ppe!r!nces0 or e!s(, !nd there !re ! gre!t m!n( things th!t c!n go wrong. 5' (ou !re not 100I con'ident th!t (ou underst!nd the issues in-o$-ed, p$e!se do (ourse$' ! '!-our !nd &ui$d something e$se inste!d.

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